// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "pica.h" #include "vertex_shader.h" #include "debug_utils/debug_utils.h" #include <core/mem_map.h> #include <common/file_util.h> namespace Pica { namespace VertexShader { static struct { Math::Vec4<float24> f[96]; } shader_uniforms; // TODO: Not sure where the shader binary and swizzle patterns are supposed to be loaded to! // For now, we just keep these local arrays around. static u32 shader_memory[1024]; static u32 swizzle_data[1024]; void SubmitShaderMemoryChange(u32 addr, u32 value) { shader_memory[addr] = value; } void SubmitSwizzleDataChange(u32 addr, u32 value) { swizzle_data[addr] = value; } Math::Vec4<float24>& GetFloatUniform(u32 index) { return shader_uniforms.f[index]; } struct VertexShaderState { u32* program_counter; const float24* input_register_table[16]; float24* output_register_table[7*4]; Math::Vec4<float24> temporary_registers[16]; bool status_registers[2]; enum { INVALID_ADDRESS = 0xFFFFFFFF }; u32 call_stack[8]; // TODO: What is the maximal call stack depth? u32* call_stack_pointer; struct { u32 max_offset; // maximum program counter ever reached u32 max_opdesc_id; // maximum swizzle pattern index ever used } debug; }; static void ProcessShaderCode(VertexShaderState& state) { while (true) { bool increment_pc = true; bool exit_loop = false; const Instruction& instr = *(const Instruction*)state.program_counter; state.debug.max_offset = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_offset, 1 + (state.program_counter - shader_memory)); const float24* src1_ = (instr.common.src1 < 0x10) ? state.input_register_table[instr.common.src1.GetIndex()] : (instr.common.src1 < 0x20) ? &state.temporary_registers[instr.common.src1.GetIndex()].x : (instr.common.src1 < 0x80) ? &shader_uniforms.f[instr.common.src1.GetIndex()].x : nullptr; const float24* src2_ = (instr.common.src2 < 0x10) ? state.input_register_table[instr.common.src2.GetIndex()] : &state.temporary_registers[instr.common.src2.GetIndex()].x; float24* dest = (instr.common.dest < 0x08) ? state.output_register_table[4*instr.common.dest.GetIndex()] : (instr.common.dest < 0x10) ? nullptr : (instr.common.dest < 0x20) ? &state.temporary_registers[instr.common.dest.GetIndex()][0] : nullptr; const SwizzlePattern& swizzle = *(SwizzlePattern*)&swizzle_data[instr.common.operand_desc_id]; const bool negate_src1 = (swizzle.negate != 0); float24 src1[4] = { src1_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc1(0)], src1_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc1(1)], src1_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc1(2)], src1_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc1(3)], }; if (negate_src1) { src1[0] = src1[0] * float24::FromFloat32(-1); src1[1] = src1[1] * float24::FromFloat32(-1); src1[2] = src1[2] * float24::FromFloat32(-1); src1[3] = src1[3] * float24::FromFloat32(-1); } const float24 src2[4] = { src2_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc2(0)], src2_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc2(1)], src2_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc2(2)], src2_[(int)swizzle.GetSelectorSrc2(3)], }; switch (instr.opcode) { case Instruction::OpCode::ADD: { state.debug.max_opdesc_id = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_opdesc_id, 1+instr.common.operand_desc_id); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(i)) continue; dest[i] = src1[i] + src2[i]; } break; } case Instruction::OpCode::MUL: { state.debug.max_opdesc_id = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_opdesc_id, 1+instr.common.operand_desc_id); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(i)) continue; dest[i] = src1[i] * src2[i]; } break; } case Instruction::OpCode::DP3: case Instruction::OpCode::DP4: { state.debug.max_opdesc_id = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_opdesc_id, 1+instr.common.operand_desc_id); float24 dot = float24::FromFloat32(0.f); int num_components = (instr.opcode == Instruction::OpCode::DP3) ? 3 : 4; for (int i = 0; i < num_components; ++i) dot = dot + src1[i] * src2[i]; for (int i = 0; i < num_components; ++i) { if (!swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(i)) continue; dest[i] = dot; } break; } // Reciprocal case Instruction::OpCode::RCP: { state.debug.max_opdesc_id = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_opdesc_id, 1+instr.common.operand_desc_id); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(i)) continue; // TODO: Be stable against division by zero! // TODO: I think this might be wrong... we should only use one component here dest[i] = float24::FromFloat32(1.0 / src1[i].ToFloat32()); } break; } // Reciprocal Square Root case Instruction::OpCode::RSQ: { state.debug.max_opdesc_id = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_opdesc_id, 1+instr.common.operand_desc_id); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(i)) continue; // TODO: Be stable against division by zero! // TODO: I think this might be wrong... we should only use one component here dest[i] = float24::FromFloat32(1.0 / sqrt(src1[i].ToFloat32())); } break; } case Instruction::OpCode::MOV: { state.debug.max_opdesc_id = std::max<u32>(state.debug.max_opdesc_id, 1+instr.common.operand_desc_id); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(i)) continue; dest[i] = src1[i]; } break; } case Instruction::OpCode::RET: if (*state.call_stack_pointer == VertexShaderState::INVALID_ADDRESS) { exit_loop = true; } else { // Jump back to call stack position, invalidate call stack entry, move up call stack pointer state.program_counter = &shader_memory[*state.call_stack_pointer]; *state.call_stack_pointer-- = VertexShaderState::INVALID_ADDRESS; } break; case Instruction::OpCode::CALL: increment_pc = false; _dbg_assert_(GPU, state.call_stack_pointer - state.call_stack < sizeof(state.call_stack)); *++state.call_stack_pointer = state.program_counter - shader_memory; // TODO: Does this offset refer to the beginning of shader memory? state.program_counter = &shader_memory[instr.flow_control.offset_words]; break; case Instruction::OpCode::FLS: // TODO: Do whatever needs to be done here? break; default: ERROR_LOG(GPU, "Unhandled instruction: 0x%02x (%s): 0x%08x", (int)instr.opcode.Value(), instr.GetOpCodeName().c_str(), instr.hex); break; } if (increment_pc) ++state.program_counter; if (exit_loop) break; } } OutputVertex RunShader(const InputVertex& input, int num_attributes) { VertexShaderState state; const u32* main = &shader_memory[registers.vs_main_offset]; state.program_counter = (u32*)main; state.debug.max_offset = 0; state.debug.max_opdesc_id = 0; // Setup input register table const auto& attribute_register_map = registers.vs_input_register_map; float24 dummy_register; std::fill(&state.input_register_table[0], &state.input_register_table[16], &dummy_register); if(num_attributes > 0) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute0_register] = &input.attr[0].x; if(num_attributes > 1) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute1_register] = &input.attr[1].x; if(num_attributes > 2) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute2_register] = &input.attr[2].x; if(num_attributes > 3) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute3_register] = &input.attr[3].x; if(num_attributes > 4) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute4_register] = &input.attr[4].x; if(num_attributes > 5) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute5_register] = &input.attr[5].x; if(num_attributes > 6) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute6_register] = &input.attr[6].x; if(num_attributes > 7) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute7_register] = &input.attr[7].x; if(num_attributes > 8) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute8_register] = &input.attr[8].x; if(num_attributes > 9) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute9_register] = &input.attr[9].x; if(num_attributes > 10) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute10_register] = &input.attr[10].x; if(num_attributes > 11) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute11_register] = &input.attr[11].x; if(num_attributes > 12) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute12_register] = &input.attr[12].x; if(num_attributes > 13) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute13_register] = &input.attr[13].x; if(num_attributes > 14) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute14_register] = &input.attr[14].x; if(num_attributes > 15) state.input_register_table[attribute_register_map.attribute15_register] = &input.attr[15].x; // Setup output register table OutputVertex ret; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { const auto& output_register_map = registers.vs_output_attributes[i]; u32 semantics[4] = { output_register_map.map_x, output_register_map.map_y, output_register_map.map_z, output_register_map.map_w }; for (int comp = 0; comp < 4; ++comp) state.output_register_table[4*i+comp] = ((float24*)&ret) + semantics[comp]; } state.status_registers[0] = false; state.status_registers[1] = false; std::fill(state.call_stack, state.call_stack + sizeof(state.call_stack) / sizeof(state.call_stack[0]), VertexShaderState::INVALID_ADDRESS); state.call_stack_pointer = &state.call_stack[0]; ProcessShaderCode(state); DebugUtils::DumpShader(shader_memory, state.debug.max_offset, swizzle_data, state.debug.max_opdesc_id, registers.vs_main_offset, registers.vs_output_attributes); DEBUG_LOG(GPU, "Output vertex: pos (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f), col(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f), tc0(%.2f, %.2f)", ret.pos.x.ToFloat32(), ret.pos.y.ToFloat32(), ret.pos.z.ToFloat32(), ret.pos.w.ToFloat32(), ret.color.x.ToFloat32(), ret.color.y.ToFloat32(), ret.color.z.ToFloat32(), ret.color.w.ToFloat32(), ret.tc0.u().ToFloat32(), ret.tc0.v().ToFloat32()); return ret; } } // namespace } // namespace