// Copyright 2018 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <array> #include "audio_core/lle/lle.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/bit_field.h" #include "common/swap.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/core_timing.h" #include "core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.h" #include "teakra/teakra.h" namespace AudioCore { enum class SegmentType : u8 { ProgramA = 0, ProgramB = 1, Data = 2, }; class Dsp1 { public: Dsp1(const std::vector<u8>& raw); struct Header { std::array<u8, 0x100> signature; std::array<u8, 4> magic; u32_le binary_size; u16_le memory_layout; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(3); SegmentType special_segment_type; u8 num_segments; union { BitField<0, 1, u8> recv_data_on_start; BitField<1, 1, u8> load_special_segment; }; u32_le special_segment_address; u32_le special_segment_size; u64_le zero; struct Segment { u32_le offset; u32_le address; u32_le size; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(3); SegmentType memory_type; std::array<u8, 0x20> sha256; }; std::array<Segment, 10> segments; }; static_assert(sizeof(Header) == 0x300); struct Segment { std::vector<u8> data; SegmentType memory_type; u32 target; }; std::vector<Segment> segments; bool recv_data_on_start; }; Dsp1::Dsp1(const std::vector<u8>& raw) { Header header; std::memcpy(&header, raw.data(), sizeof(header)); recv_data_on_start = header.recv_data_on_start != 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < header.num_segments; ++i) { Segment segment; segment.data = std::vector<u8>(raw.begin() + header.segments[i].offset, raw.begin() + header.segments[i].offset + header.segments[i].size); segment.memory_type = header.segments[i].memory_type; segment.target = header.segments[i].address; segments.push_back(segment); } } struct PipeStatus { u16_le waddress; u16_le bsize; u16_le read_bptr; u16_le write_bptr; u8 slot_index; u8 flags; }; static_assert(sizeof(PipeStatus) == 10); enum class PipeDirection : u8 { DSPtoCPU = 0, CPUtoDSP = 1, }; static u8 PipeIndexToSlotIndex(u8 pipe_index, PipeDirection direction) { return (pipe_index << 1) + (u8)direction; } struct DspLle::Impl final { Impl() { teakra_slice_event = Core::System::GetInstance().CoreTiming().RegisterEvent( "DSP slice", [this](u64, int late) { TeakraSliceEvent(static_cast<u64>(late)); }); } Teakra::Teakra teakra; u16 pipe_base_waddr = 0; bool semaphore_signaled = false; bool data_signaled = false; Core::TimingEventType* teakra_slice_event; bool loaded = false; static constexpr unsigned TeakraSlice = 20000; void RunTeakraSlice() { teakra.Run(TeakraSlice); } void TeakraSliceEvent(u64 late) { RunTeakraSlice(); u64 next = TeakraSlice * 2; // DSP runs at clock rate half of the CPU rate if (next < late) next = 0; else next -= late; Core::System::GetInstance().CoreTiming().ScheduleEvent(next, teakra_slice_event, 0); } u8* GetDspDataPointer(u32 baddr) { auto& memory = teakra.GetDspMemory(); return &memory[0x40000 + baddr]; } PipeStatus GetPipeStatus(u8 pipe_index, PipeDirection direction) { u8 slot_index = PipeIndexToSlotIndex(pipe_index, direction); PipeStatus pipe_status; std::memcpy(&pipe_status, GetDspDataPointer(pipe_base_waddr * 2 + slot_index * sizeof(PipeStatus)), sizeof(PipeStatus)); ASSERT(pipe_status.slot_index == slot_index); return pipe_status; } void UpdatePipeStatus(const PipeStatus& pipe_status) { u8 slot_index = pipe_status.slot_index; u8* status_address = GetDspDataPointer(pipe_base_waddr * 2 + slot_index * sizeof(PipeStatus)); if (slot_index % 2 == 0) { std::memcpy(status_address + 4, &pipe_status.read_bptr, sizeof(u16)); } else { std::memcpy(status_address + 6, &pipe_status.write_bptr, sizeof(u16)); } } void WritePipe(u8 pipe_index, const std::vector<u8>& data) { PipeStatus pipe_status = GetPipeStatus(pipe_index, PipeDirection::CPUtoDSP); bool need_update = false; const u8* buffer_ptr = data.data(); u16 bsize = (u16)data.size(); while (bsize != 0) { u16 x = pipe_status.read_bptr ^ pipe_status.write_bptr; ASSERT_MSG(x != 0x8000, "Pipe is Full"); u16 write_bend; if (x > 0x8000) write_bend = pipe_status.read_bptr & 0x7FFF; else write_bend = pipe_status.bsize; u16 write_bbegin = pipe_status.write_bptr & 0x7FFF; ASSERT_MSG(write_bend > write_bbegin, "Pipe is in inconsistent state: end {:04X} <= begin {:04X}, size {:04X}", write_bend, write_bbegin, pipe_status.bsize); u16 write_bsize = std::min<u16>(bsize, write_bend - write_bbegin); std::memcpy(GetDspDataPointer(pipe_status.waddress * 2 + write_bbegin), buffer_ptr, write_bsize); buffer_ptr += write_bsize; pipe_status.write_bptr += write_bsize; bsize -= write_bsize; ASSERT_MSG((pipe_status.write_bptr & 0x7FFF) <= pipe_status.bsize, "Pipe is in inconsistent state: write > size"); if ((pipe_status.write_bptr & 0x7FFF) == pipe_status.bsize) { pipe_status.write_bptr &= 0x8000; pipe_status.write_bptr ^= 0x8000; } need_update = true; } if (need_update) { UpdatePipeStatus(pipe_status); while (!teakra.SendDataIsEmpty(2)) RunTeakraSlice(); teakra.SendData(2, pipe_status.slot_index); } } std::vector<u8> ReadPipe(u8 pipe_index, u16 bsize) { PipeStatus pipe_status = GetPipeStatus(pipe_index, PipeDirection::DSPtoCPU); bool need_update = false; std::vector<u8> data(bsize); u8* buffer_ptr = data.data(); while (bsize != 0) { u16 x = pipe_status.read_bptr ^ pipe_status.write_bptr; ASSERT_MSG(x != 0, "Pipe is empty"); u16 read_bend; if (x >= 0x8000) { read_bend = pipe_status.bsize; } else { read_bend = pipe_status.write_bptr & 0x7FFF; } u16 read_bbegin = pipe_status.read_bptr & 0x7FFF; ASSERT(read_bend > read_bbegin); u16 read_bsize = std::min<u16>(bsize, read_bend - read_bbegin); std::memcpy(buffer_ptr, GetDspDataPointer(pipe_status.waddress * 2 + read_bbegin), read_bsize); buffer_ptr += read_bsize; pipe_status.read_bptr += read_bsize; bsize -= read_bsize; ASSERT_MSG((pipe_status.read_bptr & 0x7FFF) <= pipe_status.bsize, "Pipe is in inconsistent state: read > size"); if ((pipe_status.read_bptr & 0x7FFF) == pipe_status.bsize) { pipe_status.read_bptr &= 0x8000; pipe_status.read_bptr ^= 0x8000; } need_update = true; } if (need_update) { UpdatePipeStatus(pipe_status); while (!teakra.SendDataIsEmpty(2)) RunTeakraSlice(); teakra.SendData(2, pipe_status.slot_index); } return data; } u16 GetPipeReadableSize(u8 pipe_index) { PipeStatus pipe_status = GetPipeStatus(pipe_index, PipeDirection::DSPtoCPU); u16 size = pipe_status.write_bptr - pipe_status.read_bptr; if ((pipe_status.read_bptr ^ pipe_status.write_bptr) >= 0x8000) { size += pipe_status.bsize; } return size & 0x7FFF; } void LoadComponent(const std::vector<u8>& buffer) { if (loaded) { LOG_ERROR(Audio_DSP, "Component already loaded!"); return; } teakra.Reset(); Dsp1 dsp(buffer); auto& dsp_memory = teakra.GetDspMemory(); u8* program = dsp_memory.data(); u8* data = dsp_memory.data() + 0x40000; for (const auto& segment : dsp.segments) { if (segment.memory_type == SegmentType::ProgramA || segment.memory_type == SegmentType::ProgramB) { std::memcpy(program + segment.target * 2, segment.data.data(), segment.data.size()); } else if (segment.memory_type == SegmentType::Data) { std::memcpy(data + segment.target * 2, segment.data.data(), segment.data.size()); } } // TODO: load special segment Core::System::GetInstance().CoreTiming().ScheduleEvent(TeakraSlice, teakra_slice_event, 0); // Wait for initialization if (dsp.recv_data_on_start) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { while (!teakra.RecvDataIsReady(i)) RunTeakraSlice(); ASSERT(teakra.RecvData(i) == 1); } } // Get pipe base address while (!teakra.RecvDataIsReady(2)) RunTeakraSlice(); pipe_base_waddr = teakra.RecvData(2); loaded = true; } void UnloadComponent() { if (!loaded) { LOG_ERROR(Audio_DSP, "Component not loaded!"); return; } // Send finalization signal while (!teakra.SendDataIsEmpty(2)) RunTeakraSlice(); teakra.SendData(2, 0x8000); // Wait for completion while (!teakra.RecvDataIsReady(2)) RunTeakraSlice(); teakra.RecvData(2); // discard the value Core::System::GetInstance().CoreTiming().UnscheduleEvent(teakra_slice_event, 0); loaded = false; } }; u16 DspLle::RecvData(u32 register_number) { while (!impl->teakra.RecvDataIsReady(register_number)) { impl->RunTeakraSlice(); } return impl->teakra.RecvData(static_cast<u8>(register_number)); } bool DspLle::RecvDataIsReady(u32 register_number) const { return impl->teakra.RecvDataIsReady(register_number); } void DspLle::SetSemaphore(u16 semaphore_value) { impl->teakra.SetSemaphore(semaphore_value); } std::vector<u8> DspLle::PipeRead(DspPipe pipe_number, u32 length) { return impl->ReadPipe(static_cast<u8>(pipe_number), static_cast<u16>(length)); } std::size_t DspLle::GetPipeReadableSize(DspPipe pipe_number) const { return impl->GetPipeReadableSize(static_cast<u8>(pipe_number)); } void DspLle::PipeWrite(DspPipe pipe_number, const std::vector<u8>& buffer) { impl->WritePipe(static_cast<u8>(pipe_number), buffer); } std::array<u8, Memory::DSP_RAM_SIZE>& DspLle::GetDspMemory() { return impl->teakra.GetDspMemory(); } void DspLle::SetServiceToInterrupt(std::weak_ptr<Service::DSP::DSP_DSP> dsp) { impl->teakra.SetRecvDataHandler(0, [dsp]() { if (auto locked = dsp.lock()) { locked->SignalInterrupt(Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::InterruptType::Zero, static_cast<DspPipe>(0)); } }); impl->teakra.SetRecvDataHandler(1, [dsp]() { if (auto locked = dsp.lock()) { locked->SignalInterrupt(Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::InterruptType::One, static_cast<DspPipe>(0)); } }); auto ProcessPipeEvent = [this, dsp](bool event_from_data) { if (!impl->loaded) return; auto& teakra = impl->teakra; if (event_from_data) { impl->data_signaled = true; } else { if ((teakra.GetSemaphore() & 0x8000) == 0) return; impl->semaphore_signaled = true; } if (impl->semaphore_signaled && impl->data_signaled) { impl->semaphore_signaled = impl->data_signaled = false; u16 slot = teakra.RecvData(2); u16 side = slot % 2; u16 pipe = slot / 2; ASSERT(pipe < 16); if (side != static_cast<u16>(PipeDirection::DSPtoCPU)) return; if (pipe == 0) { // pipe 0 is for debug. 3DS automatically drains this pipe and discards the data impl->ReadPipe(pipe, impl->GetPipeReadableSize(pipe)); } else { if (auto locked = dsp.lock()) { locked->SignalInterrupt(Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::InterruptType::Pipe, static_cast<DspPipe>(pipe)); } } } }; impl->teakra.SetRecvDataHandler(2, [ProcessPipeEvent]() { ProcessPipeEvent(true); }); impl->teakra.SetSemaphoreHandler([ProcessPipeEvent]() { ProcessPipeEvent(false); }); } void DspLle::LoadComponent(const std::vector<u8>& buffer) { impl->LoadComponent(buffer); } void DspLle::UnloadComponent() { impl->UnloadComponent(); } DspLle::DspLle(Memory::MemorySystem& memory) : impl(std::make_unique<Impl>()) { Teakra::AHBMCallback ahbm; ahbm.read8 = [&memory](u32 address) -> u8 { return *memory.GetFCRAMPointer(address - Memory::FCRAM_PADDR); }; ahbm.write8 = [&memory](u32 address, u8 value) { *memory.GetFCRAMPointer(address - Memory::FCRAM_PADDR) = value; }; impl->teakra.SetAHBMCallback(ahbm); impl->teakra.SetAudioCallback([this](std::array<s16, 2> sample) { OutputSample(sample); }); } DspLle::~DspLle() = default; } // namespace AudioCore