// // Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Ryujinx // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // using System; using System.Diagnostics; using static Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Common.BehaviourParameter; namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server { /// <summary> /// Behaviour context. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This handles features based on the audio renderer revision provided by the user.</remarks> public class BehaviourContext { /// <summary> /// The base magic of the Audio Renderer revision. /// </summary> public const int BaseRevisionMagic = ('R' << 0) | ('E' << 8) | ('V' << 16) | ('0' << 24); /// <summary> /// REV1: first revision. /// </summary> public const int Revision1 = 1 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV2: Added support for splitter and fix GC-ADPCM context not being provided to the DSP. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 2.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision2 = 2 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV3: Incremented the max pre-delay from 150 to 350 for the reverb command and removed the (unused) codec system. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 3.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision3 = 3 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV4: Added USB audio device support and incremented the rendering limit percent to 75%. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 4.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision4 = 4 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV5: <see cref="Parameter.VoiceInParameter.DecodingBehaviour"/>, <see cref="Parameter.VoiceInParameter.FlushWaveBufferCount"/> were added to voice. /// A new performance frame format (version 2) was added with support for more information about DSP timing. /// <see cref="Parameter.RendererInfoOutStatus"/> was added to supply the count of update done sent to the DSP. /// A new version of the command estimator was added to address timing changes caused by the voice changes. /// Additionally, the rendering limit percent was incremented to 80%. /// /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 6.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision5 = 5 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV6: This fixed a bug in the biquad filter command not clearing up <see cref="Dsp.State.BiquadFilterState"/> with <see cref="Effect.UsageState.New"/> usage state. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 6.1.0</remarks> public const int Revision6 = 6 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV7: Client side (finally) doesn't send all the mix client state to the server and can do partial updates. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 8.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision7 = 7 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV8: /// Wavebuffer was changed to support more control over loop (you can now specify where to start and end a loop, and how many times to loop). /// <see cref="Parameter.VoiceInParameter.SrcQuality"/> was added (see <see cref="Parameter.VoiceInParameter.SampleRateConversionQuality"/> for more info). /// Final leftovers of the codec system were removed. /// <see cref="Common.SampleFormat.PcmFloat"/> support was added. /// A new version of the command estimator was added to address timing changes caused by the voice and command changes. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 9.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision8 = 8 << 24; /// <summary> /// REV9: /// EffectInfo parameters were revisited with a new revision (version 2) allowing more data control between the client and server. /// A new effect was added: Limiter. This effect is effectively implemented with a DRC while providing statistics on the processing on <see cref="Parameter.EffectOutStatusVersion2"/>. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This was added in system update 12.0.0</remarks> public const int Revision9 = 9 << 24; /// <summary> /// Last revision supported by the implementation. /// </summary> public const int LastRevision = Revision9; /// <summary> /// Target revision magic supported by the implementation. /// </summary> public const int ProcessRevision = BaseRevisionMagic + LastRevision; /// <summary> /// Get the revision number from the revision magic. /// </summary> /// <param name="revision">The revision magic.</param> /// <returns>The revision number.</returns> public static int GetRevisionNumber(int revision) => (revision - BaseRevisionMagic) >> 24; /// <summary> /// Current active revision. /// </summary> public int UserRevision { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Error storage. /// </summary> private ErrorInfo[] _errorInfos; /// <summary> /// Current position in the <see cref="_errorInfos"/> array. /// </summary> private uint _errorIndex; /// <summary> /// Current flags of the <see cref="BehaviourContext"/>. /// </summary> private ulong _flags; /// <summary> /// Create a new instance of <see cref="BehaviourContext"/>. /// </summary> public BehaviourContext() { UserRevision = 0; _errorInfos = new ErrorInfo[Constants.MaxErrorInfos]; _errorIndex = 0; } /// <summary> /// Set the active revision. /// </summary> /// <param name="userRevision">The active revision.</param> public void SetUserRevision(int userRevision) { UserRevision = userRevision; } /// <summary> /// Update flags of the <see cref="BehaviourContext"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">The new flags.</param> public void UpdateFlags(ulong flags) { _flags = flags; } /// <summary> /// Check if a given revision is valid/supported. /// </summary> /// <param name="revision">The revision magic to check.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the given revision is valid/supported</returns> public static bool CheckValidRevision(int revision) { return GetRevisionNumber(revision) <= GetRevisionNumber(ProcessRevision); } /// <summary> /// Check if the given revision is greater than or equal the supported revision. /// </summary> /// <param name="revision">The revision magic to check.</param> /// <param name="supportedRevision">The revision magic of the supported revision.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the given revision is greater than or equal the supported revision.</returns> public static bool CheckFeatureSupported(int revision, int supportedRevision) { int revA = GetRevisionNumber(revision); int revB = GetRevisionNumber(supportedRevision); if (revA > LastRevision) { revA = 1; } if (revB > LastRevision) { revB = 1; } return revA >= revB; } /// <summary> /// Check if the memory pool mapping bypass flag is active. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the memory pool mapping bypass flag is active.</returns> public bool IsMemoryPoolForceMappingEnabled() { return (_flags & 1) != 0; } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should fix the GC-ADPCM context not being provided to the DSP. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if if the audio renderer should fix it.</returns> public bool IsAdpcmLoopContextBugFixed() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision2); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should accept splitters. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should accept splitters.</returns> public bool IsSplitterSupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision2); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should use a max pre-delay of 350 instead of 150. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the max pre-delay must be 350.</returns> public bool IsLongSizePreDelaySupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision3); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should expose USB audio device. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should expose USB audio device.</returns> public bool IsAudioUsbDeviceOutputSupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision4); } /// <summary> /// Get the percentage allocated to the audio renderer on the DSP for processing. /// </summary> /// <returns>The percentage allocated to the audio renderer on the DSP for processing.</returns> public float GetAudioRendererProcessingTimeLimit() { if (CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5)) { return 0.80f; } else if (CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision4)) { return 0.75f; } return 0.70f; } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio render should support voice flushing. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio render should support voice flushing.</returns> public bool IsFlushVoiceWaveBuffersSupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should trust the user destination count in <see cref="Splitter.SplitterState.Update(Splitter.SplitterContext, ref Parameter.SplitterInParameter, ReadOnlySpan{byte})"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should trust the user destination count.</returns> public bool IsSplitterBugFixed() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should supply the elapsed frame count to the user when updating. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should supply the elapsed frame count to the user when updating.</returns> public bool IsElapsedFrameCountSupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5); } /// <summary> /// Get the performance metric data format version. /// </summary> /// <returns>The performance metric data format version.</returns> public uint GetPerformanceMetricsDataFormat() { if (CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5)) { return 2; } else { return 1; } } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should support <see cref="Parameter.VoiceInParameter.DecodingBehaviour"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should support <see cref="Parameter.VoiceInParameter.DecodingBehaviour"/>.</returns> public bool IsDecodingBehaviourFlagSupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should fix the biquad filter command not clearing up <see cref="Dsp.State.BiquadFilterState"/> with <see cref="Effect.UsageState.New"/> usage state. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the biquad filter state should be cleared.</returns> public bool IsBiquadFilterEffectStateClearBugFixed() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision6); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should accept partial mix updates. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should accept partial mix updates.</returns> public bool IsMixInParameterDirtyOnlyUpdateSupported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision7); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should use the new wavebuffer format. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should use the new wavebuffer format.</returns> public bool IsWaveBufferVersion2Supported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision8); } /// <summary> /// Check if the audio renderer should use the new effect info format. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the audio renderer should use the new effect info format.</returns> public bool IsEffectInfoVersion2Supported() { return CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision9); } /// <summary> /// Get the version of the <see cref="ICommandProcessingTimeEstimator"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>The version of the <see cref="ICommandProcessingTimeEstimator"/>.</returns> public int GetCommandProcessingTimeEstimatorVersion() { if (CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision8)) { return 3; } if (CheckFeatureSupported(UserRevision, BaseRevisionMagic + Revision5)) { return 2; } return 1; } /// <summary> /// Append a new <see cref="ErrorInfo"/> to the error array. /// </summary> /// <param name="errorInfo">The new <see cref="ErrorInfo"/> to add.</param> public void AppendError(ref ErrorInfo errorInfo) { Debug.Assert(errorInfo.ErrorCode == ResultCode.Success); if (_errorIndex <= Constants.MaxErrorInfos - 1) { _errorInfos[_errorIndex++] = errorInfo; } } /// <summary> /// Copy the internal <see cref="ErrorInfo"/> array to the given <see cref="Span{ErrorInfo}"/> and output the count copied. /// </summary> /// <param name="errorInfos">The output <see cref="Span{ErrorInfo}"/>.</param> /// <param name="errorCount">The output error count containing the count of <see cref="ErrorInfo"/> copied.</param> public void CopyErrorInfo(Span<ErrorInfo> errorInfos, out uint errorCount) { if (errorInfos.Length != Constants.MaxErrorInfos) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid size of errorInfos span!"); } errorCount = Math.Min(_errorIndex, Constants.MaxErrorInfos); for (int i = 0; i < Constants.MaxErrorInfos; i++) { if (i < errorCount) { errorInfos[i] = _errorInfos[i]; } else { errorInfos[i] = new ErrorInfo { ErrorCode = 0, ExtraErrorInfo = 0 }; } } } /// <summary> /// Clear the <see cref="ErrorInfo"/> array. /// </summary> public void ClearError() { _errorIndex = 0; } } }