// Copyright 2018 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include "citra_qt/camera/still_image_camera.h" namespace Camera { StillImageCamera::StillImageCamera(QImage image_, const Service::CAM::Flip& flip) : QtCameraInterface(flip), image(std::move(image_)) {} StillImageCamera::~StillImageCamera() { StillImageCameraFactory::last_path.clear(); } void StillImageCamera::StartCapture() {} void StillImageCamera::StopCapture() {} QImage StillImageCamera::QtReceiveFrame() { return image; } bool StillImageCamera::IsPreviewAvailable() { return !image.isNull(); } std::string StillImageCameraFactory::last_path; const std::string StillImageCameraFactory::GetFilePath() const { if (!last_path.empty()) { return last_path; } QList types = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); QStringList temp_filters; for (QByteArray type : types) { temp_filters << QStringLiteral("*.%1").arg(QString::fromUtf8(type)); } QString filter = QObject::tr("Supported image files (%1)").arg(temp_filters.join(QLatin1Char{' '})); last_path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, QObject::tr("Open File"), QStringLiteral("."), filter) .toStdString(); return last_path; } std::unique_ptr StillImageCameraFactory::Create(const std::string& config, const Service::CAM::Flip& flip) { std::string real_config = config; if (config.empty()) { // call GetFilePath() in UI thread (note: StillImageCameraFactory itself is initialized in // UI thread, so we can just pass in "this" here) if (thread() == QThread::currentThread()) { real_config = GetFilePath(); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "GetFilePath", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection, Q_RETURN_ARG(std::string, real_config)); } } QImage image(QString::fromStdString(real_config)); if (image.isNull()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "Couldn't load image \"{}\"", real_config.c_str()); } return std::make_unique(image, flip); } } // namespace Camera