// This is a test program for running code on the Wii DSP, with full control over input // and automatic compare with output. VERY useful for figuring out what those little // ops actually do. // It's very unpolished though // Use Dolphin's dsptool to generate a new dsp_code.h. // Originally written by FIRES? #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "network.h" #include "dsp.h" #include "asm.h" #include "processor.h" #include "irq.h" #include "dsp.h" // This is where the DSP binary is. #include "dsp_code.h" // DSPCR bits #define DSPCR_DSPRESET 0x0800 // Reset DSP #define DSPCR_ARDMA 0x0200 // ARAM dma in progress, if set #define DSPCR_DSPINTMSK 0x0100 // * interrupt mask (RW) #define DSPCR_DSPINT 0x0080 // * interrupt active (RWC) #define DSPCR_ARINTMSK 0x0040 #define DSPCR_ARINT 0x0020 #define DSPCR_AIINTMSK 0x0010 #define DSPCR_AIINT 0x0008 #define DSPCR_HALT 0x0004 // halt DSP #define DSPCR_PIINT 0x0002 // assert DSP PI interrupt #define DSPCR_RES 0x0001 // reset DSP u16 dspbuffer[16 * 1024] __attribute__ ((aligned (0x4000))); // #define ENABLE_OUT #undef ENABLE_OUT static void *xfb = NULL; void (*reload)() = (void(*)())0x80001800; GXRModeObj *rmode; static vu16* const _dspReg = (u16*)0xCC005000; u16 *dspbufP; u16 *dspbufC; u32 *dspbufU; u16 opcode[4] = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, }; u16 dspreg_in[32] = { 0x0410, 0x0510, 0x0610, 0x0710, 0x0810, 0x0910, 0x0a10, 0x0b10, 0x0411, 0x0522, 0x0633, 0x0744, 0x0855, 0x0966, 0x0a77, 0x0b88, 0x0014, 0xfff5, 0x00ff, 0x2200, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x8000, 0x000C, 0x0007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, }; /// ax_h_1 ax_h_1 /* ttt u16 dspreg_in[32] = { 0x0e4c, 0x03c0, 0x0bd9, 0x06a3, 0x0c06, 0x0240, 0x0010, 0x0ecc, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0322, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x1b41, 0x0000, 0x0040, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x96cc, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3fc0, 0x96cc, 0x0000, 0x0000, }; */ // if i set bit 0x4000 of SR my tests crashes :( /* // zelda 0x00da u16 dspreg_in[32] = { 0x0a50, 0x0ca2, 0x04f8, 0x0ab0, 0x8039, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x03d1, 0x0000, 0x0418, 0x0002, // r08 must have a value ... no idea why 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x1804, 0xdb70, 0x4ddb, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xde6d, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x004e, };*/ u16 dspreg_out[1000][32]; u16 dsp_steps = 0; u16 show_step = 0; #include "mem_dump.h" // #include "dsp_test.cpp" u32 padding[1024]; s32 cursor_x = 1; s32 cursor_y = 1; s32 old_cur_x; s32 old_cur_y; s32 small_cursor_x; u32 ui_mode; #define UIM_SEL 1 #define UIM_EDIT_REG 2 #define UIM_EDIT_BIN 4 PADStatus gpad; PADStatus opad; u16 *reg_value; void ds_text_out(int xpos, int ypos, const char *str); void ds_set_colour(int f, int b); void ds_init(void *framebuffer,int xstart,int ystart,int xres,int yres,int stride); void ds_underline(int xpos, int ypos, int len, int col); void ds_printf(int x, int y, const char *fmt, ...); void ds_clear(void); volatile int regs_refreshed = false; static void my__dsp_handler(u32 nIrq,void *pCtx) { // volatile u32 mail; _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT))|DSPCR_DSPINT; /* while(!DSP_CheckMailFrom()); mail = DSP_ReadMailFrom(); if (mail == 0x8888beef) { DSP_SendMailTo((u32)dspbuf | 0x80000000); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); regs_refreshed = false; return; } else if (mail == 0x8888beeb) { regs_refreshed = true; return; } */ // printf("Mail: %08x\n", mail); } const int r_off_x = 2; const int r_off_y = 2; vu16 val_x = 0x1234; void print_regs(u16 _step) { int i, j; for(j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) { for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { int reg = j * 8 + i; ds_set_colour(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); ds_printf(0 + j * 8, i + 2, "%02x_", reg); ds_set_colour(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); if (_step == 0) ds_printf(3 + j * 8, i + 2, "%04x", dspreg_in[reg]); else ds_printf(3 + j * 8, i + 2, "%04x", dspreg_out[_step-1][reg]); } } // for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { ds_set_colour(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); ds_printf(4, 11, "%03i / %03i", _step+1, dsp_steps); /* ds_set_colour(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); int j; for(j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j++) ds_printf(10 + j, i + 11, "%d", (opcode[i] >> (15 - j)) & 0x1);*/ } for(j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) { for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { char tmpbuf1[20]; int reg = j * 8 + i; sprintf(tmpbuf1, "%02x_", reg); ds_set_colour(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); ds_text_out(33 + j * 8, i + 2, tmpbuf1); sprintf(tmpbuf1, "%04x", dspreg_out[_step][reg]); bool Red = true; if (_step == 0) Red = dspreg_in[reg] != dspreg_out[_step][reg]; else Red = dspreg_out[_step-1][reg] != dspreg_out[_step][reg]; if (Red) ds_set_colour(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); else ds_set_colour(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); ds_text_out(36 + j * 8, i + 2, tmpbuf1); } } //ds_printf(4, 15, "DMA: %04x %04x %04x", _dspReg[16], _dspReg[17], _dspReg[18]); ds_printf(4, 15, "DICR: %04x ",val_x); ds_printf(4, 25, " "); static int count = 0; int x, y; y = 16; x = 0; if (count > 2) ds_clear(); count = 0; ds_set_colour(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); for (i = 0x0; i < 0xf70 ; i++) { if (dspbufC[i] != mem_dump[i]) { ds_printf(x, y, "%04x=%04x", i, dspbufC[i]); count++; x+=10; if (x >= 60) { x=0 ; y++;}; } } ds_printf(4, 25, "%08x", count); } void hide_cursor(void) { if (old_cur_y < 8) { ds_underline(old_cur_x * 8 + 3, old_cur_y + 2, 4, COLOR_BLACK); } else { if (old_cur_x == 0) ds_underline(4, cursor_y + 3, 4, COLOR_BLACK); else ds_underline(10, cursor_y + 3, 16, COLOR_BLACK); } } void show_cursor(void) { if (ui_mode == UIM_SEL) { if (cursor_y < 8) { ds_underline(cursor_x * 8 + 3, cursor_y + 2, 4, COLOR_WHITE); } else { if (cursor_x == 0) ds_underline(4, cursor_y + 3, 4, COLOR_WHITE); else ds_underline(10, cursor_y + 3, 16, COLOR_WHITE); } } else { if (cursor_y < 8) { ds_underline(cursor_x * 8 + 3 + small_cursor_x, cursor_y + 2, 1, COLOR_WHITE); } else { if (cursor_x == 0) ds_underline(4 + small_cursor_x, cursor_y + 3, 1, COLOR_WHITE); else ds_underline(10 + small_cursor_x, cursor_y + 3, 1, COLOR_WHITE); } } old_cur_x = cursor_x; old_cur_y = cursor_y; } void check_pad(void) { PADStatus pads[4]; PAD_Read(pads); if (opad.button == pads[0].button) { gpad.button = 0; return; } opad.button = gpad.button = pads[0].button; return; } void ui_pad_sel(void) { if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) { cursor_x++; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) { cursor_x--; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { cursor_y--; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { cursor_y++; if (cursor_y == 8) cursor_x = 0; } if (cursor_y < 0) { cursor_y = 11; cursor_x = 0; } else if (cursor_y > 11) cursor_y = 0; if (cursor_y < 8) cursor_x &= 0x3; else cursor_x &= 0x1; if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_A) { if (cursor_y < 8) { ui_mode = UIM_EDIT_REG; reg_value = &dspreg_in[cursor_y + cursor_x * 8]; } else { if (cursor_x == 0) ui_mode = UIM_EDIT_REG; else ui_mode = UIM_EDIT_BIN; reg_value = &opcode[cursor_y-8]; } } } void ui_pad_edit_bin(void) { u8 pos; if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) { small_cursor_x++; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) { small_cursor_x--; } small_cursor_x &= 0xf; if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { pos = 0xf - small_cursor_x; *reg_value |= 1 << pos; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { pos = 0xf - small_cursor_x; *reg_value &= ~(1 << pos); } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_A) { ui_mode = UIM_SEL; } } void ui_pad_edit_reg(void) { if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) { small_cursor_x++; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) { small_cursor_x--; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { *reg_value += 0x1 << (4 * (3 - small_cursor_x)); } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { *reg_value -= 0x1 << (4 * (3 - small_cursor_x)); } small_cursor_x &= 0x3; if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_A) { ui_mode = UIM_SEL; } if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_X) *reg_value = 0; if (gpad.button & PAD_BUTTON_Y) *reg_value = 0xffff; } void init_video(void) { VIDEO_Init(); switch(VIDEO_GetCurrentTvMode()) { case VI_NTSC: rmode = &TVNtsc480IntDf; break; case VI_PAL: rmode = &TVPal528IntDf; break; case VI_MPAL: rmode = &TVMpal480IntDf; break; default: rmode = &TVNtsc480IntDf; break; } PAD_Init(); //xfb = MEM_K0_TO_K1(SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(rmode)); xfb = SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(rmode); VIDEO_Configure(rmode); VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer(xfb); VIDEO_SetBlack(FALSE); VIDEO_Flush(); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); //if(rmode->viTVMode&VI_NON_INTERLACE) VIDEO_WaitVSync(); //VIDEO_SetPreRetraceCallback(ScanPads); } void my_send_task(void *addr, u16 iram_addr, u16 len, u16 start) { while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0x80F3A001); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo((u32)addr); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0x80F3C002); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(iram_addr); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0x80F3A002); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(len); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0x80F3B002); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0x80F3D001); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(start); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); } int main() { int i, j; u32 mail; u32 level; { vu16 *dicr = ((vu16 *)0xcc002002); *dicr = 0x100; *dicr = 0x002; // *dicr = 0x000; // *dicr = 0x001; val_x = *dicr; } init_video(); //console_init(xfb,20,64,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->xfbHeight,rmode->fbWidth*2); ds_init(xfb,20,64,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->xfbHeight,rmode->fbWidth*2); ui_mode = UIM_SEL; dspbufP = (u16 *)MEM_VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(dspbuffer); dspbufC = dspbuffer; dspbufU = (u32 *)(MEM_K0_TO_K1(dspbuffer)); DCInvalidateRange(dspbuffer, 0x2000); for(j = 0 ; j < 0x800 ; j++) dspbufU[j] = 0xffffffff; _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT|DSPCR_DSPINT))|DSPCR_DSPRESET; _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_HALT|DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT|DSPCR_DSPINT)); _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); IRQ_Request(IRQ_DSP_DSP, my__dsp_handler,NULL); _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); #if ENABLE_OUT if_config("", "", "", false); //printf("Network Intitalized\n"); #endif WPAD_Init(); while(1) { if (DSP_CheckMailFrom()) { mail = DSP_ReadMailFrom(); ds_printf(2, 1, "Mail: %08x", mail); if (mail == 0x8071feed) { int n; for (n = 0 ; n < 32 ; n++) dspbufC[0x00 + n] = dspreg_in[n]; DCFlushRange(dspbufC, 0x2000); /* for (n = 0 ; n < 600 ; n++) { if (((u16*)dsp_test)[n] == 0x1234) { ((u16*)dsp_test)[n+0] = opcode[0]; ((u16*)dsp_test)[n+1] = opcode[1]; ((u16*)dsp_test)[n+2] = opcode[2]; ((u16*)dsp_test)[n+3] = opcode[3]; break; } } */ DCFlushRange((void *)dsp_code, 0x1000); my_send_task((void *)MEM_VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(dsp_code), 0, 4000, 0x10); ((u16*)dsp_code)[n] = 0x1234; // wtf? } else if (mail == 0x8888dead) { u16* tmpBuf = (u16 *)MEM_VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(mem_dump); while (DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo((u32)tmpBuf); while (DSP_CheckMailTo()); regs_refreshed = false; } else if (mail == 0x8888beef) { while (DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo((u32)dspbufP); while (DSP_CheckMailTo()); regs_refreshed = false; } else if (mail == 0x8888feeb) { DCInvalidateRange(dspbufC, 0x2000); for(i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) dspreg_out[dsp_steps][i] = dspbufC[0xf80 + i]; regs_refreshed = true; dsp_steps++; while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); DSP_SendMailTo(0x8000DEAD); while(DSP_CheckMailTo()); // dump_to_pc(); } } VIDEO_WaitVSync(); WPAD_ScanPads(); if (WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME) exit(0); //ds_clear(); //if (regs_refreshed) { print_regs(show_step); //regs_refreshed = false; } hide_cursor(); switch(ui_mode) { case UIM_SEL: ui_pad_sel(); show_cursor(); break; case UIM_EDIT_REG: ui_pad_edit_reg(); show_cursor(); break; case UIM_EDIT_BIN: ui_pad_edit_bin(); show_cursor(); break; default: break; } DCFlushRange(xfb, 0x200000); if (WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) & WPAD_BUTTON_B) { DCInvalidateRange(dspbufC, 0x2000); int n; for(n = 0 ; n < 0x2000 ; n++) { // dspbufU[n/2] = 0; dspbufC[n] = 0; } DCFlushRange(dspbufC, 0x2000); _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT|DSPCR_DSPINT))|DSPCR_DSPRESET; _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_HALT|DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT|DSPCR_DSPINT)); _dspReg[5] |= DSPCR_RES; while(_dspReg[5]&DSPCR_RES); _dspReg[9] = 0x63; } if (WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) & WPAD_BUTTON_2) { vu16 *dicr = ((vu16 *)0xcc002002); *dicr = 0x001; val_x = *dicr; } if (WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) & WPAD_BUTTON_A) { show_step++; if (show_step >= dsp_steps) show_step = 0; } }; // Reset the DSP _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT|DSPCR_DSPINT))|DSPCR_DSPRESET; _dspReg[5] = (_dspReg[5]&~(DSPCR_HALT|DSPCR_AIINT|DSPCR_ARINT|DSPCR_DSPINT)); reload(); // Exit exit(0); return 0; }