2. Once the packages have finished installing, download the devkitPro pacman package [here](https://github.com/devkitPro/pacman/releases). The file to download is `devkitpro-pacman.amd64.deb`.
3. WSL has its own file system that's not accessible from Windows, but Windows files *are* accessible from WSL. To install the devkitPro package, you'll need to change to the **current working directory** where the package file was saved.
For example, if the package file was saved to **C:\Users\\_\<user>_\Downloads** (the Downloads location for most users), enter this command, where *\<user>* is your **Windows** username:
The last command will ask for the selection of packages to install. Just press Enter to install all of them, followed by entering Y to proceed with the installation.
> Note: `devkitpro-pacman.amd64.deb` is the expected filename of the devkitPro package downloaded (for the first command). If the downloaded package filename differs, then use that filename instead.
5. Run the following command to set devkitPro related environment variables (alternatively, close and re-open WSL):