2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_MapScripts:: @ 823A1B2
.byte 0
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_EventScript_23A1B3:: @ 823A1B3
2018-12-02 13:54:48 -05:00
trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_46, MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A1E1, MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A229
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A246, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_EventScript_23A1CA:: @ 823A1CA
2018-12-02 13:54:48 -05:00
trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_53, MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A293, MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A353
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A37C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A1E1: @ 823A1E1
.string "What did I do to deserve this guard\n"
.string "posting?\p"
.string "My left ear is burning up!$"
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A229: @ 823A229
.string "I’m getting heat exhaustion…$"
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A246: @ 823A246
.string "Do you think it’s odd that we’re wearing\n"
.string "hoods in this magma-filled volcano?$"
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A293: @ 823A293
.string "We joined so we can help our leader\n"
.string "achieve his fantastic vision.\p"
.string "I don’t care if you’re with TEAM AQUA\n"
.string "or if you’re just some kid passing by.\p"
.string "No one interferes with us and gets\n"
.string "away with it!$"
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A353: @ 823A353
.string "Oh, no!\n"
.string "You’re not to be trusted at all!$"
MagmaHideout_3F_1R_Text_23A37C: @ 823A37C
.string "Listen to me.\n"
.string "TEAM MAGMA is right!\p"
.string "Don’t listen to TEAM AQUA.\n"
.string "Don’t believe their lies!$"