2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScripts:: @ 826ACAF
map_script 5, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript1_26ACC4
map_script 3, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript1_26ACD0
map_script 2, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript2_26ACF5
map_script 4, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript2_26ACDE
.byte 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript1_26ACC4: @ 826ACC4
2018-05-19 18:02:43 +02:00
compare VAR_TEMP_1, 1
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AD0D
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript1_26ACD0: @ 826ACD0
2018-05-19 18:02:43 +02:00
setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 0
setvar VAR_TEMP_2, 0
2017-12-28 02:09:11 -06:00
special SetTrickHouseEndRoomFlag
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript2_26ACDE: @ 826ACDE
2018-05-19 18:02:43 +02:00
map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_2, 0, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ACE8
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.2byte 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ACE8:: @ 826ACE8
addobject 1
2018-06-14 22:00:09 -05:00
showobjectat 1, MAP_ROUTE110_TRICK_HOUSE_END
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
turnobject 1, 4
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_MapScript2_26ACF5: @ 826ACF5
2018-05-19 18:02:43 +02:00
map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_1, 0, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ACFF
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.2byte 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ACFF:: @ 826ACFF
2018-05-19 18:02:43 +02:00
setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 1
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AD0D
special DrawWholeMapView
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AD0D:: @ 826AD0D
setmetatile 10, 1, 539, 1
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AD17:: @ 826AD17
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B08D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2018-05-19 18:02:43 +02:00
setvar VAR_TEMP_2, 1
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
switch VAR_0x4044
case 0, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AD84
case 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ADC0
case 2, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ADFC
case 3, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AE38
case 4, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AE74
case 5, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AEB0
case 6, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AEEC
case 7, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AF28
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AD84:: @ 826AD84
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B0BC, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_RARE_CANDY
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ADC0:: @ 826ADC0
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B13B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_TIMER_BALL
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26ADFC:: @ 826ADFC
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B1AD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_HARD_STONE
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AE38:: @ 826AE38
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B223, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_SMOKE_BALL
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AE74:: @ 826AE74
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B293, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_TM12
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AEB0:: @ 826AEB0
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B315, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_MAGNET
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AEEC:: @ 826AEEC
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B365, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
giveitem_std ITEM_PP_MAX
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AF28:: @ 826AF28
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B3AB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_FACING, 1
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B015
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_FACING, 2
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B020
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_FACING, 3
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B02B
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_FACING, 4
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B036
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
delay 30
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B3FA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_27259E
waitmovement 0
delay 30
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B485, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 0
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFA5
2017-12-21 13:47:52 -06:00
compare VAR_RESULT, 0
2018-12-21 21:32:45 -05:00
call_if_eq Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B002
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B69A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF
2017-12-28 02:09:11 -06:00
special ResetTrickHouseEndRoomFlag
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFA5:: @ 826AFA5
multichoice 0, 0, 88, 1
case 0, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFBF
goto Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFC7
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFBF:: @ 826AFBF
givedecoration_std 31
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFC7:: @ 826AFC7
givedecoration_std 32
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFCF:: @ 826AFCF
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_269E36
waitmovement 0
playse SE_W153
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_269E3F
waitmovement 0
removeobject 1
addvar VAR_0x4044, 1
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26AFEF:: @ 826AFEF
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_27205E
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B760, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 1
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B002:: @ 826B002
call Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_272071
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B615, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
setvar VAR_0x40C1, 1
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B015:: @ 826B015
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_2725AA
waitmovement 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B020:: @ 826B020
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_2725A6
waitmovement 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B02B:: @ 826B02B
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_2725A4
waitmovement 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B036:: @ 826B036
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_2725A8
waitmovement 0
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_EventScript_26B041:: @ 826B041
turnobject 1, 3
playse SE_PIN
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_272598
waitmovement 0
delay 20
applymovement 1, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_26B08B
waitmovement 0
playse SE_W153
2018-12-19 14:08:01 -05:00
applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_2725AA
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
waitmovement 0
2018-12-02 03:37:46 -05:00
msgbox Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B8BD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
2018-12-19 14:08:01 -05:00
applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_26B089
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
waitmovement 0
delay 4
turnobject 1, 4
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_26B089: @ 826B089
2018-06-13 18:19:19 -05:00
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Movement_26B08B: @ 826B08B
2018-06-13 18:19:19 -05:00
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B08D: @ 826B08D
.string "Aak!\n"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You've made it to me?\l"
.string "Hmmm… You're sharp!$"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B0BC: @ 826B0BC
.string "It took me all night to plant all those\n"
.string "trees…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're almost my equal in greatness by\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "one, two, three, four, five, six places!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B13B: @ 826B13B
.string "It took me all night to make the maze…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're almost my equal in greatness by\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "one, two, three, four, five places!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B1AD: @ 826B1AD
.string "It took me all night to prepare\n"
.string "the wall panels…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're almost my equal in greatness by\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "one, two, three, four places!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B223: @ 826B223
.string "It took me all night to shove in those\n"
.string "boulders…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're almost my equal in greatness by\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "one, two, three places!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B293: @ 826B293
.string "It took me all night to make MECHADOLLS\n"
.string "and another to think up the quiz…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're almost my equal in greatness by\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "one, two places!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B315: @ 826B315
.string "It took me all night to install\n"
.string "the doors…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're almost my equal in greatness!$"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B365: @ 826B365
.string "It took me all night setting up arrows…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're my equal in greatness!$"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B3AB: @ 826B3AB
.string "It took me all night polishing floors…\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "You're above me in greatness!\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "Possibly…$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B3FA: @ 826B3FA
.string "Wh-what should I do?\n"
.string "My fountain of ideas for tricks has\l"
.string "run dry…\p"
.string "Perhaps it is time I toured the country\n"
.string "on a quest to devise new tricks…$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B485: @ 826B485
.string "I hate to admit defeat, but you have\n"
.string "bested me!\p"
.string "Still, you must have been reeled in by\n"
.string "my charisma for you to visit me again\l"
.string "and again. Yes, you must have!\p"
.string "But that has nothing to do with my\n"
.string "losing!\p"
.string "In recognition of the friendship\n"
.string "between you, the driven, and the genius\l"
.string "that is myself, I demand that you take\l"
.string "this keepsake!\p"
.string "Actually there are two--\n"
.string "a RED TENT and a BLUE TENT.\l"
.string "Which do you prefer?$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B615: @ 826B615
.string "What? No room in your PC?\n"
.string "What am I to make of that?\p"
.string "I wish I could say that, but I am much\n"
.string "too kind and caring, so come back later!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B69A: @ 826B69A
.string "… … … … … …\p"
.string "I am leaving on a journey of discovery.\n"
.string "A quest in search of new tricks.\p"
.string "I wish that you will one day visit and\n"
.string "entertain me again.\p"
.string "And now, farewell!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B73D: @ 826B73D
.string "Fine!\n"
.string "You have earned this reward!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B760: @ 826B760
.string "What? Have you no room for this?\n"
.string "What manner of items do you carry?\p"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "But fine, since you've reached me,\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "your reward will be with me till later.$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B7EF: @ 826B7EF
.string "Scrub that smug smirk from your face!\n"
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "It's much too early to think you've won!\p"
.string "I'll make new tricks to stump you, I will.\n"
.string "You may mock me only when you're done.\p"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "Come back for the next exciting\n"
.string "installment!$"
Route110_TrickHouseEnd_Text_26B8BD: @ 826B8BD
2018-12-07 10:41:08 -05:00
.string "Now, now! You're ignoring me now?\n"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
.string "Now that, I consider heartbreaking!$"