2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
// const rom data
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) static const u8 sText_EmptyString [ ] = _ ( " " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Colon [ ] = _ ( " : " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ID [ ] = _ ( " {ID} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PleaseStartOver [ ] = _ ( " Please start over from the beginning. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WirelessSearchCanceled [ ] = _ ( " The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION \n SYSTEM search has been canceled. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingCommunucation2 [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting communication \n from another player. " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingCommunication [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}! Awaiting \n communication from another player. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingLinkPressStart [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}! Awaiting link! \n Press START when everyone's ready. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_SingleBattle [ ] = _ ( " シングルバトルを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_DoubleBattle [ ] = _ ( " ダブルバトルを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_MultiBattle [ ] = _ ( " マルチバトルを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_TradePokemon [ ] = _ ( " ポケモンこうかんを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_Chat [ ] = _ ( " チャットを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_DistWonderCard [ ] = _ ( " ふしぎなカードをくばる " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_DistWonderNews [ ] = _ ( " ふしぎなニュースをくばる " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_DistMysteryEvent [ ] = _ ( " ふしぎなできごとを かいさいする " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_HoldPokemonJump [ ] = _ ( " なわとびを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_HoldBerryCrush [ ] = _ ( " きのみマッシャーを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_HoldBerryPicking [ ] = _ ( " きのみどりを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_HoldSpinTrade [ ] = _ ( " ぐるぐるこうかんを かいさいする " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_HoldSpinShop [ ] = _ ( " ぐるぐるショップを かいさいする " ) ;
// Unused
const u8 * const sJPLinkGroupActionTexts [ ] = {
sJPText_SingleBattle ,
sJPText_DoubleBattle ,
sJPText_MultiBattle ,
sJPText_TradePokemon ,
sJPText_Chat ,
sJPText_DistWonderCard ,
sJPText_DistWonderNews ,
sJPText_DistWonderCard ,
sJPText_HoldPokemonJump ,
sJPText_HoldBerryCrush ,
sJPText_HoldBerryPicking ,
sJPText_HoldBerryPicking ,
sJPText_HoldSpinTrade ,
} ;
const u8 sText_1PlayerNeeded [ ] = _ ( " 1 player \n needed. " ) ;
const u8 sText_2PlayersNeeded [ ] = _ ( " 2 players \n needed. " ) ;
const u8 sText_3PlayersNeeded [ ] = _ ( " 3 players \n needed. " ) ;
const u8 sText_4PlayersNeeded [ ] = _ ( " 4 players \n needed. " ) ;
const u8 sText_2PlayerMode [ ] = _ ( " 2-PLAYER \n MODE " ) ;
const u8 sText_3PlayerMode [ ] = _ ( " 3-PLAYER \n MODE " ) ;
const u8 sText_4PlayerMode [ ] = _ ( " 4-PLAYER \n MODE " ) ;
const u8 sText_5PlayerMode [ ] = _ ( " 5-PLAYER \n MODE " ) ;
static const u8 * const sPlayersNeededOrModeTexts [ ] [ 5 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_1PlayerNeeded ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_3PlayersNeeded ,
sText_2PlayersNeeded ,
sText_1PlayerNeeded ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_1PlayerNeeded ,
sText_2PlayerMode ,
sText_3PlayerMode ,
sText_4PlayerMode ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_2PlayersNeeded ,
sText_1PlayerNeeded ,
sText_3PlayerMode ,
sText_4PlayerMode ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_1PlayerNeeded ,
sText_2PlayerMode ,
sText_3PlayerMode ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BButtonCancel [ ] = _ ( " {B_BUTTON}CANCEL " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sJPText_InvitationSentToPlayer [ ] = _ ( " ため \n さんかしゃ ぼしゅうちゅう です! " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouForXAccept [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_2} contacted you for \n {STR_VAR_1}. Accept? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouShareX [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_2} contacted you. \n Will you share {STR_VAR_1}? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouAddToMembers [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_2} contacted you. \n Add to the members? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AreTheseMembersOK [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}! \n Are these members OK? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CancelModeWithTheseMembers [ ] = _ ( " Cancel {STR_VAR_1} MODE \n with these members? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AnOKWasSentToPlayer [ ] = _ ( " An “OK” was sent \n to {STR_VAR_1}. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_OtherTrainerUnavailableNow [ ] = _ ( " The other TRAINER doesn't appear \n to be available now… \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CantTransmitTrainerTooFar [ ] = _ ( " You can't transmit with a TRAINER \n who is too far away. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TrainersNotReadyYet [ ] = _ ( " The other TRAINER(S) is/are not \n ready yet. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sCantTransmitToTrainerTexts [ ] = {
sText_CantTransmitTrainerTooFar ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ModeWithTheseMembersWillBeCanceled [ ] = _ ( " The {STR_VAR_1} MODE with \n these members will be canceled.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_MemberNoLongerAvailable [ ] = _ ( " There is a member who can no \n longer remain available. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sPlayerUnavailableTexts [ ] = {
sText_OtherTrainerUnavailableNow ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TrainerAppearsUnavailable [ ] = _ ( " The other TRAINER appears \n unavailable… \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerSentBackOK [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} sent back an “OK”! " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerOKdRegistration [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} OK'd your registration as \n a member. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerRepliedNo [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} replied, “No…” \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingOtherMembers [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}! \n Awaiting other members! " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_QuitBeingMember [ ] = _ ( " Quit being a member? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_StoppedBeingMember [ ] = _ ( " You stopped being a member. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sPlayerDisconnectedTexts [ ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_MemberNoLongerAvailable ,
sText_TrainerAppearsUnavailable ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_PlayerRepliedNo ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WirelessLinkEstablished [ ] = _ ( " The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION \n SYSTEM link has been established. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WirelessLinkDropped [ ] = _ ( " The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION \n SYSTEM link has been dropped… " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_LinkWithFriendDropped [ ] = _ ( " The link with your friend has been \n dropped… " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerRepliedNo2 [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} replied, “No…” " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sLinkDroppedTexts [ ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_LinkWithFriendDropped ,
sText_LinkWithFriendDropped ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_PlayerRepliedNo2 ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoYouWantXMode [ ] = _ ( " Do you want the {STR_VAR_2} \n MODE? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoYouWantXMode2 [ ] = _ ( " Do you want the {STR_VAR_2} \n MODE? " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
// Unused
static const u8 * const sDoYouWantModeTexts [ ] = {
sText_DoYouWantXMode ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CommunicatingPleaseWait [ ] = _ ( " Communicating… \n Please wait. " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingPlayersResponseAboutTrade [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting {STR_VAR_1}'s response about \n the trade… " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Communicating [ ] = _ ( " Communicating{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}. \n {PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CommunicatingWithPlayer [ ] = _ ( " Communicating with {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}. \n {PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PleaseWaitAWhile [ ] = _ ( " Please wait a while{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}. \n {PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}. " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sCommunicatingWaitTexts [ ] = {
sText_Communicating ,
sText_CommunicatingWithPlayer ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingMale [ ] = _ ( " Hiya! Is there something that you \n wanted to do? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingFemale [ ] = _ ( " Hello! \n Would you like to do something? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingAgainMale [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}: Hiya, we meet again! \n What are you up for this time? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingAgainFemale [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}: Oh! {PLAYER}, hello! \n Would you like to do something? " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sHiDoSomethingTexts [ ] [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_HiDoSomethingMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_HiDoSomethingAgainMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoSomethingMale [ ] = _ ( " Want to do something? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoSomethingFemale [ ] = _ ( " Would you like to do something? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoSomethingAgainMale [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}: What would you like to \n do now? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoSomethingAgainFemale [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}: Want to do anything else? " ) ; // Unused
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
// Unused
static const u8 * const sDoSomethingTexts [ ] [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_DoSomethingMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_DoSomethingAgainMale ,
sText_DoSomethingAgainMale // was probably supposed to be sText_DoSomethingAgainFemale
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_SomebodyHasContactedYou [ ] = _ ( " Somebody has contacted you.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerHasContactedYou [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} has contacted you.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sPlayerContactedYouTexts [ ] = {
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
sText_SomebodyHasContactedYou ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting a response from \n the other TRAINER… " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromPlayer [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting a response from \n {STR_VAR_1}… " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sAwaitingResponseTexts [ ] = {
sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCard [ ] = _ ( " The other TRAINER showed \n you their TRAINER CARD. \ pWould you like to show your \n TRAINER CARD? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleChallenge [ ] = _ ( " The other TRAINER challenges you \n to battle. \ pWill you accept the battle \n challenge? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChatInvitation [ ] = _ ( " The other TRAINER invites you \n to chat. \ pWill you accept the chat \n invitation? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_OfferToTradeMon [ ] = _ ( " There is an offer to trade your \n registered Lv. {SPECIAL_F7 0x00} {SPECIAL_F7 0x01} \ pin exchange for a \n Lv. {SPECIAL_F7 0x02} {SPECIAL_F7 0x03}. \ pWill you accept this trade \n offer? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_OfferToTradeEgg [ ] = _ ( " There is an offer to trade your \n registered EGG. \ lWill you accept this trade offer? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChatDropped [ ] = _ ( " The chat has been dropped. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_OfferDeclined1 [ ] = _ ( " You declined the offer. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_OfferDeclined2 [ ] = _ ( " You declined the offer. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChatEnded [ ] = _ ( " The chat was ended. \ p " ) ;
// Unused
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sInvitationTexts [ ] = {
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
sText_ShowTrainerCard ,
sText_BattleChallenge ,
sText_ChatInvitation ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_JoinChatMale [ ] = _ ( " Oh, hey! We're in a chat right now. \n Want to join us? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerJoinChatMale [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}: Hey, {PLAYER}! \n We're having a chat right now. \ lWant to join us? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_JoinChatFemale [ ] = _ ( " Oh, hi! We're having a chat now. \n Would you like to join us? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerJoinChatFemale [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1}: Oh, hi, {PLAYER}! \n We're having a chat now. \ lWould you like to join us? " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sJoinChatTexts [ ] [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
sText_JoinChatMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
sText_PlayerJoinChatMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TrainerAppearsBusy [ ] = _ ( " …… \n The TRAINER appears to be busy… \ p " ) ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WaitForBattleMale [ ] = _ ( " A battle, huh? \n All right, just give me some time. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WaitForChatMale [ ] = _ ( " You want to chat, huh? \n Sure, just wait a little. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardMale [ ] = _ ( " Sure thing! As my “Greetings,” \n here's my TRAINER CARD. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WaitForBattleFemale [ ] = _ ( " A battle? Of course, but I need \n time to get ready. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WaitForChatFemale [ ] = _ ( " Did you want to chat? \n Okay, but please wait a moment. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardFemale [ ] = _ ( " As my introduction, I'll show you \n my TRAINER CARD. " ) ;
const u8 * const sText_WaitOrShowCardTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] [ 4 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_WaitForBattleMale ,
sText_WaitForChatMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_WaitForBattleFemale ,
sText_WaitForChatFemale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WaitForChatMale2 [ ] = _ ( " You want to chat, huh? \n Sure, just wait a little. " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingBattleMale [ ] = _ ( " Thanks for waiting! \n Let's get our battle started!{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingChatMale [ ] = _ ( " All right! \n Let's chat!{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingBattleFemale [ ] = _ ( " Sorry I made you wait! \n Let's get started!{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingChatFemale [ ] = _ ( " Sorry I made you wait! \n Let's chat.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TradeWillBeStarted [ ] = _ ( " The trade will be started.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleWillBeStarted [ ] = _ ( " The battle will be started.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_EnteringChat [ ] = _ ( " Entering the chat…{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sStartActivityTexts [ ] [ GENDER_COUNT ] [ 3 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_BattleWillBeStarted ,
sText_EnteringChat ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_BattleWillBeStarted ,
sText_EnteringChat ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_DoneWaitingBattleMale ,
sText_DoneWaitingChatMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} , {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_DoneWaitingBattleFemale ,
sText_DoneWaitingChatFemale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleDeclinedMale [ ] = _ ( " Sorry! My POKéMON don't seem to \n be feeling too well right now. \ lLet me battle you another time. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleDeclinedFemale [ ] = _ ( " I'm terribly sorry, but my POKéMON \n aren't feeling well… \ pLet's battle another time. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sBattleDeclinedTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
sText_BattleDeclinedMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedMale [ ] = _ ( " Huh? My TRAINER CARD… \n Where'd it go now? \ lSorry! I'll show you another time! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedFemale [ ] = _ ( " Oh? Now where did I put my \n TRAINER CARD?… \ lSorry! I'll show you later! \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sShowTrainerCardDeclinedTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingMale [ ] = _ ( " If you want to do something with \n me, just give me a shout! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingFemale [ ] = _ ( " If you want to do something with \n me, don't be shy. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sIfYouWantToDoSomethingTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TrainerBattleBusy [ ] = _ ( " Whoops! Sorry, but I have to do \n something else. \ lAnother time, okay? \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NeedTwoMonsOfLevel30OrLower1 [ ] = _ ( " If you want to battle, you need \n two POKéMON that are below \ lLv. 30. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NeedTwoMonsOfLevel30OrLower2 [ ] = _ ( " For a battle, you need two \n POKéMON that are below Lv. 30. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DeclineBattleMale [ ] = _ ( " Oh, all right. \n Come see me anytime, okay? \ p " ) ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 stext_DeclineBattleFemale [ ] = _ ( " Oh… \n Please come by anytime. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
static const u8 * const sDeclineBattleTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
sText_DeclineBattleMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChatDeclinedMale [ ] = _ ( " Oh, sorry! \n I just can't right this instant. \ lLet's chat another time. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChatDeclinedFemale [ ] = _ ( " Oh, I'm sorry. \n I have too much to do right now. \ lLet's chat some other time. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sChatDeclinedTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
sText_ChatDeclinedMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_YoureToughMale [ ] = _ ( " Whoa! \n I can tell you're pretty tough! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_UsedGoodMoveMale [ ] = _ ( " You used that move? \n That's good strategy! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleSurpriseMale [ ] = _ ( " Way to go! \n That was an eye-opener! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_SwitchedMonsMale [ ] = _ ( " Oh! How could you use that \n POKéMON in that situation? \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_YoureToughFemale [ ] = _ ( " That POKéMON… \n It's been raised really well! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_UsedGoodMoveFemale [ ] = _ ( " That's it! \n This is the right move now! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleSurpriseFemale [ ] = _ ( " That's awesome! \n You can battle that way? \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_SwitchedMonsFemale [ ] = _ ( " You have exquisite timing for \n switching POKéMON! \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sBattleReactionTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] [ 4 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_YoureToughMale ,
sText_UsedGoodMoveMale ,
sText_BattleSurpriseMale ,
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
} ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_YoureToughFemale ,
sText_UsedGoodMoveFemale ,
sText_BattleSurpriseFemale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_LearnedSomethingMale [ ] = _ ( " Oh, I see! \n This is educational! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ThatsFunnyMale [ ] = _ ( " Don't say anything funny anymore! \n I'm sore from laughing! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RandomChatMale1 [ ] = _ ( " Oh? \n Something like that happened. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RandomChatMale2 [ ] = _ ( " Hmhm… What? \n So is this what you're saying? \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_LearnedSomethingFemale [ ] = _ ( " Is that right? \n I didn't know that. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ThatsFunnyFemale [ ] = _ ( " Ahaha! \n What is that about? \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RandomChatFemale1 [ ] = _ ( " Yes, that's exactly it! \n That's what I meant. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RandomChatFemale2 [ ] = _ ( " In other words… \n Yes! That's right! \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sChatReactionTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] [ 4 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_LearnedSomethingMale ,
sText_ThatsFunnyMale ,
sText_RandomChatMale1 ,
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
} ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_LearnedSomethingFemale ,
sText_ThatsFunnyFemale ,
sText_RandomChatFemale1 ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale1 [ ] = _ ( " I'm just showing my TRAINER CARD \n as my way of greeting. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale2 [ ] = _ ( " I hope I get to know you better! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale1 [ ] = _ ( " We're showing each other our \n TRAINER CARDS to get acquainted. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale2 [ ] = _ ( " Glad to meet you. \n Please don't be a stranger! \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sTrainerCardReactionTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] [ 2 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale1 ,
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
} ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale1 ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_MaleTraded1 [ ] = _ ( " Yeahah! \n I really wanted this POKéMON! \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_MaleTraded2 [ ] = _ ( " Finally, a trade got me that \n POKéMON I'd wanted a long time. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_FemaleTraded1 [ ] = _ ( " I'm trading POKéMON right now. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_FemaleTraded2 [ ] = _ ( " I finally got that POKéMON I \n wanted in a trade! \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sTradeReactionTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] [ 4 ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
sText_MaleTraded1 ,
} ,
sText_FemaleTraded1 ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_XCheckedTradingBoard [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} checked the \n TRADING BOARD. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RegisterMonAtTradingBoard [ ] = _ ( " Welcome to the TRADING BOARD. \ pYou may register your POKéMON \n and offer it up for a trade. \ pWould you like to register one of \n your POKéMON? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TradingBoardInfo [ ] = _ ( " This TRADING BOARD is used for \n offering a POKéMON for a trade. \ pAll you need to do is register a \n POKéMON for a trade. \ pAnother TRAINER may offer a party \n POKéMON in return for the trade. \ pWe hope you will register POKéMON \n and trade them with many, many \ lother TRAINERS. \ pWould you like to register one of \n your POKéMON? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ThankYouForRegistering [ ] = _ ( " We have registered your POKéMON for \n trade on the TRADING BOARD. \ pThank you for using this service! \ p " ) ; // unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NobodyHasRegistered [ ] = _ ( " Nobody has registered any POKéMON \n for trade on the TRADING BOARD. \ p \n " ) ; // unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseRequestedMonType [ ] = _ ( " Please choose the type of POKéMON \n that you would like in the trade. \n " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WhichMonWillYouOffer [ ] = _ ( " Which of your party POKéMON will \n you offer in trade? \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RegistrationCanceled [ ] = _ ( " Registration has been canceled. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RegistraionCompleted [ ] = _ ( " Registration has been completed. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TradeCanceled [ ] = _ ( " The trade has been canceled. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CancelRegistrationOfMon [ ] = _ ( " Cancel the registration of your \n Lv. {STR_VAR_2} {STR_VAR_1}? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CancelRegistrationOfEgg [ ] = _ ( " Cancel the registration of your \n EGG? " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RegistrationCanceled2 [ ] = _ ( " The registration has been canceled. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TradeTrainersWillBeListed [ ] = _ ( " TRAINERS wishing to make a trade \n will be listed. " ) ; // unused
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith2 [ ] = _ ( " Please choose the TRAINER with whom \n you would like to trade POKéMON. " ) ; // unused
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AskTrainerToMakeTrade [ ] = _ ( " Would you like to ask {STR_VAR_1} to \n make a trade? " ) ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer2 [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting a response from \n the other TRAINER… " ) ; // unused
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NotRegisteredAMonForTrade [ ] = _ ( " You have not registered a POKéMON \n for trading. \ p " ) ; // unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DontHaveTypeTrainerWants [ ] = _ ( " You don't have a {STR_VAR_2}-type \n POKéMON that {STR_VAR_1} wants. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DontHaveEggTrainerWants [ ] = _ ( " You don't have an EGG that \n {STR_VAR_1} wants. \ p " ) ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerCantTradeForYourMon [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} can't make a trade for \n your POKéMON right now. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CantTradeForPartnersMon [ ] = _ ( " You can't make a trade for \n {STR_VAR_1}'s POKéMON right now. \ p " ) ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
// Unused
const u8 * const sCantTradeMonTexts [ ] = {
sText_PlayerCantTradeForYourMon ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-10-04 23:31:25 -04:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TradeOfferRejected [ ] = _ ( " Your trade offer was rejected. \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_EggTrade [ ] = _ ( " EGG TRADE " ) ;
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseJoinCancel [ ] = _ ( " {DPAD_UPDOWN}CHOOSE {A_BUTTON}JOIN {B_BUTTON}CANCEL " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainer [ ] = _ ( " Please choose a TRAINER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerSingleBattle [ ] = _ ( " Please choose a TRAINER for \n a SINGLE BATTLE. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerDoubleBattle [ ] = _ ( " Please choose a TRAINER for \n a DOUBLE BATTLE. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderMultiBattle [ ] = _ ( " Please choose the LEADER \n for a MULTI BATTLE. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith [ ] = _ ( " Please choose the TRAINER to \n trade with. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderCards [ ] = _ ( " Please choose the TRAINER who is \n sharing WONDER CARDS. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderNews [ ] = _ ( " Please choose the TRAINER who is \n sharing WONDER NEWS. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderPokemonJump [ ] = _ ( " Jump with mini POKéMON! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryCrush [ ] = _ ( " BERRY CRUSH! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryPicking [ ] = _ ( " DODRIO BERRY-PICKING! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryBlender [ ] = _ ( " BERRY BLENDER! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderRecordCorner [ ] = _ ( " RECORD CORNER! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderCoolContest [ ] = _ ( " COOLNESS CONTEST! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBeautyContest [ ] = _ ( " BEAUTY CONTEST! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderCuteContest [ ] = _ ( " CUTENESS CONTEST! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderSmartContest [ ] = _ ( " SMARTNESS CONTEST! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderToughContest [ ] = _ ( " TOUGHNESS CONTEST! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerLv50 [ ] = _ ( " BATTLE TOWER LEVEL 50! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerOpenLv [ ] = _ ( " BATTLE TOWER OPEN LEVEL! \n Please choose the LEADER. " ) ;
static const u8 * const sChooseTrainerTexts [ NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES ] =
[ LINK_GROUP_SINGLE_BATTLE ] = sText_ChooseTrainerSingleBattle ,
[ LINK_GROUP_DOUBLE_BATTLE ] = sText_ChooseTrainerDoubleBattle ,
[ LINK_GROUP_MULTI_BATTLE ] = sText_ChooseLeaderMultiBattle ,
[ LINK_GROUP_TRADE ] = sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith ,
[ LINK_GROUP_POKEMON_JUMP ] = sText_ChooseLeaderPokemonJump ,
[ LINK_GROUP_BERRY_CRUSH ] = sText_ChooseLeaderBerryCrush ,
[ LINK_GROUP_BERRY_PICKING ] = sText_ChooseLeaderBerryPicking ,
[ LINK_GROUP_WONDER_CARD ] = sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderCards ,
[ LINK_GROUP_WONDER_NEWS ] = sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderNews ,
[ LINK_GROUP_RECORD_CORNER ] = sText_ChooseLeaderRecordCorner ,
[ LINK_GROUP_BERRY_BLENDER ] = sText_ChooseLeaderBerryBlender ,
[ LINK_GROUP_COOL_CONTEST ] = sText_ChooseLeaderCoolContest ,
[ LINK_GROUP_BEAUTY_CONTEST ] = sText_ChooseLeaderBeautyContest ,
[ LINK_GROUP_CUTE_CONTEST ] = sText_ChooseLeaderCuteContest ,
[ LINK_GROUP_SMART_CONTEST ] = sText_ChooseLeaderSmartContest ,
[ LINK_GROUP_TOUGH_CONTEST ] = sText_ChooseLeaderToughContest ,
[ LINK_GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER ] = sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerLv50 ,
[ LINK_GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_OPEN ] = sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerOpenLv
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_SearchingForWirelessSystemWait [ ] = _ ( " Searching for a WIRELESS \n COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Wait... " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_MustHaveTwoMonsForDoubleBattle [ ] = _ ( " For a DOUBLE BATTLE, you must have \n at least two POKéMON. \ p " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingPlayersResponse [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting {STR_VAR_1}'s response… " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PlayerHasBeenAskedToRegisterYouPleaseWait [ ] = _ ( " {STR_VAR_1} has been asked to register \n you as a member. Please wait. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromWirelessSystem [ ] = _ ( " Awaiting a response from the \n WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PleaseWaitForOtherTrainersToGather [ ] = _ ( " Please wait for other TRAINERS to \n gather and get ready. " ) ; // Unused
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NoCardsSharedRightNow [ ] = _ ( " No CARDS appear to be shared \n right now. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NoNewsSharedRightNow [ ] = _ ( " No NEWS appears to be shared \n right now. " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sNoWonderSharedTexts [ ] = {
sText_NoCardsSharedRightNow ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Battle [ ] = _ ( " BATTLE " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Chat2 [ ] = _ ( " CHAT " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Greetings [ ] = _ ( " GREETINGS " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Exit [ ] = _ ( " EXIT " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Exit2 [ ] = _ ( " EXIT " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Info [ ] = _ ( " INFO " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_NameWantedOfferLv [ ] = _ ( " NAME{CLEAR_TO 0x3C}WANTED{CLEAR_TO 0x6E}OFFER{CLEAR_TO 0xC6}LV. " ) ;
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_SingleBattle [ ] = _ ( " SINGLE BATTLE " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_DoubleBattle [ ] = _ ( " DOUBLE BATTLE " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_MultiBattle [ ] = _ ( " MULTI BATTLE " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PokemonTrades [ ] = _ ( " POKéMON TRADES " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Chat [ ] = _ ( " CHAT " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Cards [ ] = _ ( " CARDS " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WonderCards [ ] = _ ( " WONDER CARDS " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_WonderNews [ ] = _ ( " WONDER NEWS " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_PokemonJump [ ] = _ ( " POKéMON JUMP " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BerryCrush [ ] = _ ( " BERRY CRUSH " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BerryPicking [ ] = _ ( " BERRY-PICKING " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_Search [ ] = _ ( " SEARCH " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BerryBlender [ ] = _ ( " BERRY BLENDER " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_RecordCorner [ ] = _ ( " RECORD CORNER " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CoolContest [ ] = _ ( " COOL CONTEST " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BeautyContest [ ] = _ ( " BEAUTY CONTEST " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_CuteContest [ ] = _ ( " CUTE CONTEST " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_SmartContest [ ] = _ ( " SMART CONTEST " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ToughContest [ ] = _ ( " TOUGH CONTEST " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleTowerLv50 [ ] = _ ( " BATTLE TOWER LV. 50 " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_BattleTowerOpenLv [ ] = _ ( " BATTLE TOWER OPEN LEVEL " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ItsNormalCard [ ] = _ ( " It's a NORMAL CARD. " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ItsBronzeCard [ ] = _ ( " It's a BRONZE CARD! " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ItsCopperCard [ ] = _ ( " It's a COPPER CARD! " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ItsSilverCard [ ] = _ ( " It's a SILVER CARD! " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_ItsGoldCard [ ] = _ ( " It's a GOLD CARD! " ) ;
static const u8 * const sCardColorTexts [ ] = {
sText_ItsNormalCard ,
sText_ItsBronzeCard ,
sText_ItsCopperCard ,
sText_ItsSilverCard ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TrainerCardInfoPage1 [ ] = _ ( " This is {SPECIAL_F7 0x00} {SPECIAL_F7 0x01}'s \n TRAINER CARD… \ l{SPECIAL_F7 0x02} \ pPOKéDEX: {SPECIAL_F7 0x03} \n TIME: {SPECIAL_F7 0x04}:{SPECIAL_F7 0x05} \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_TrainerCardInfoPage2 [ ] = _ ( " BATTLES: WINS: {SPECIAL_F7 0x00} LOSSES: {SPECIAL_F7 0x02} \n TRADES: {SPECIAL_F7 0x03} \ p“{SPECIAL_F7 0x04} {SPECIAL_F7 0x05} \n {SPECIAL_F7 0x06} {SPECIAL_F7 0x07}” \ p " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_GladToMeetYouMale [ ] = _ ( " {SPECIAL_F7 0x01}: Glad to have met you!{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_GladToMeetYouFemale [ ] = _ ( " {SPECIAL_F7 0x01}: Glad to meet you!{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sGladToMeetYouTexts [ GENDER_COUNT ] = {
sText_GladToMeetYouMale ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 sText_FinishedCheckingPlayersTrainerCard [ ] = _ ( " Finished checking {SPECIAL_F7 0x01}'s \n TRAINER CARD.{PAUSE 60} " ) ;
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
const u8 * const sLinkGroupActivityTexts [ ] = {
sText_EmptyString ,
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
sText_SingleBattle ,
sText_DoubleBattle ,
sText_MultiBattle ,
sText_PokemonTrades ,
sText_Chat ,
sText_WonderCards ,
sText_WonderNews ,
sText_Cards ,
sText_PokemonJump ,
sText_BerryCrush ,
sText_BerryPicking ,
sText_Search ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_EmptyString ,
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
sText_BattleTowerOpenLv ,
sText_RecordCorner ,
sText_BerryBlender ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
sText_EmptyString ,
sText_EmptyString ,
sText_EmptyString ,
sText_EmptyString ,
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
sText_WonderCards ,
sText_WonderNews ,
sText_CoolContest ,
sText_BeautyContest ,
sText_CuteContest ,
sText_SmartContest ,
sText_ToughContest ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F00BC = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x00 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x00 ,
. width = 0x1E ,
. height = 0x02 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0F ,
. baseBlock = 0x0008
} ;
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
const u32 gUnknown_082F00C4 [ NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
0x0201 ,
0x0202 ,
0x0403 ,
0x0204 ,
0x2509 ,
0x250a ,
0x350b ,
0x0000 ,
0x0000 ,
0x0000 ,
0x0000 ,
0x0000 ,
0x240f ,
0x2410 ,
0x0000 ,
0x2417 ,
0x2418 ,
0x2419 ,
0x241a ,
0x241b ,
0x021c ,
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F011C = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x01 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x03 ,
. width = 0x0d ,
. height = 0x08 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x0044
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F0124 = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x01 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x03 ,
. width = 0x0d ,
. height = 0x0a ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x0044
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F012C = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x10 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x03 ,
. width = 0x07 ,
. height = 0x04 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x00c6
} ;
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0134 [ ] = {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_EmptyString , 0 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 1 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 2 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 3 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 4 }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate gUnknown_082F015C = {
. items = gUnknown_082F0134 ,
. moveCursorFunc = NULL ,
. itemPrintFunc = sub_8013278 ,
. totalItems = 5 ,
. maxShowed = 5 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 0 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 2 ,
. fillValue = 1 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 3 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 0 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 1
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F0174 = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x01 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x03 ,
. width = 0x11 ,
. height = 0x0a ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x0044
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F017C = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x14 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x03 ,
. width = 0x07 ,
. height = 0x04 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x00ee
} ;
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0184 [ ] = {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_EmptyString , 0 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 1 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 2 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 3 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 4 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 5 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 6 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 7 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 8 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 9 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 10 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 11 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 12 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 13 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 14 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 15 }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate gUnknown_082F0204 = {
. items = gUnknown_082F0184 ,
. moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc ,
. itemPrintFunc = sub_8013DF4 ,
. totalItems = 16 ,
. maxShowed = 5 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 8 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 2 ,
. fillValue = 1 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 3 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 1 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 0
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F021C = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x14 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x05 ,
. width = 0x10 ,
. height = 0x08 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x0001
} ;
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0224 [ ] = {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_Greetings , 0x208 } ,
{ sText_Battle , 0x241 } ,
{ sText_Chat2 , 0x245 } ,
{ sText_Exit , 0x040 }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate gUnknown_082F0244 = {
. items = gUnknown_082F0224 ,
. moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc ,
. itemPrintFunc = NULL ,
. totalItems = 4 ,
. maxShowed = 4 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 8 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 2 ,
. fillValue = 1 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 3 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 0 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 0
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F025C = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x12 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x07 ,
. width = 0x10 ,
. height = 0x06 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x0001
} ;
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0264 [ ] = {
{ gText_Register , 1 } ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_Info , 2 } ,
{ sText_Exit , 3 }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate gUnknown_082F027C = {
. items = gUnknown_082F0264 ,
. moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc ,
. itemPrintFunc = NULL ,
. totalItems = 3 ,
. maxShowed = 3 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 8 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 2 ,
. fillValue = 1 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 3 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 0 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 0
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F0294 = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x14 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x01 ,
. width = 0x10 ,
. height = 0x0c ,
. paletteNum = 0x0f ,
. baseBlock = 0x0001
} ;
static const struct ListMenuItem sTradingBoardTypes [ ] = {
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_NORMAL ] , TYPE_NORMAL } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_FIRE ] , TYPE_FIRE } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_WATER ] , TYPE_WATER } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_GRASS ] , TYPE_GRASS } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_ICE ] , TYPE_ICE } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_GROUND ] , TYPE_GROUND } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_ROCK ] , TYPE_ROCK } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_FLYING ] , TYPE_FLYING } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_PSYCHIC ] , TYPE_PSYCHIC } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_POISON ] , TYPE_POISON } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_BUG ] , TYPE_BUG } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_GHOST ] , TYPE_GHOST } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_DRAGON ] , TYPE_DRAGON } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_STEEL ] , TYPE_STEEL } ,
{ gTypeNames [ TYPE_DARK ] , TYPE_DARK } ,
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_Exit , NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate sMenuTemplate_TradingBoardRequestType = {
. items = sTradingBoardTypes ,
. moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc ,
. itemPrintFunc = NULL ,
. totalItems = NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES ,
. maxShowed = 6 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 8 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 2 ,
. fillValue = 1 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 3 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 0 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 0
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F0344 = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x01 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x01 ,
. width = 0x1c ,
. height = 0x02 ,
. paletteNum = 0x0d ,
. baseBlock = 0x0001
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F034C = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x01 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x05 ,
. width = 0x1c ,
. height = 0x0c ,
. paletteNum = 0x0d ,
. baseBlock = 0x0039
} ;
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0354 [ ] = {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_EmptyString , - 3 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 0 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 1 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 2 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 3 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 4 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 5 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 6 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 7 } ,
{ sText_Exit2 , 8 }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate gUnknown_082F03A4 = {
. items = gUnknown_082F0354 ,
. moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc ,
. itemPrintFunc = sub_8017BE8 ,
. totalItems = 10 ,
. maxShowed = 6 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 8 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 14 ,
. fillValue = 15 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 13 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 0 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 0
} ;
const struct WindowTemplate UnrefWindowTemplate_082F03B4 = {
. bg = 0x00 ,
. tilemapLeft = 0x01 ,
. tilemapTop = 0x05 ,
. width = 0x1c ,
. height = 0x0c ,
. paletteNum = 0x0d ,
. baseBlock = 0x0039
} ;
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F03C4 [ ] = {
2019-12-10 13:48:20 -05:00
{ sText_EmptyString , 0 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 1 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 2 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 3 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 4 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 5 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 6 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 7 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 8 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 9 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 10 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 11 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 12 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 13 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 14 } ,
{ sText_EmptyString , 15 }
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;
const struct ListMenuTemplate UnrefListMenuTemplate_082F0444 = {
. items = gUnknown_082F03C4 ,
. moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc ,
. itemPrintFunc = nullsub_14 ,
. totalItems = 16 ,
. maxShowed = 4 ,
. windowId = 0 ,
. header_X = 0 ,
. item_X = 8 ,
. cursor_X = 0 ,
. upText_Y = 1 ,
. cursorPal = 2 ,
. fillValue = 1 ,
. cursorShadowPal = 3 ,
. lettersSpacing = 0 ,
. itemVerticalPadding = 0 ,
. scrollMultiple = 1 ,
. fontId = 1 ,
. cursorKind = 0
} ;
const struct UnkStruct_Shared gUnknown_082F045C = { 0 } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0474 [ ] = { 0x01 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0478 [ ] = { 0x02 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F047C [ ] = { 0x03 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0480 [ ] = { 0x04 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0484 [ ] = { 0x09 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0488 [ ] = { 0x0a , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F048C [ ] = { 0x0b , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0490 [ ] = { 0x15 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0494 [ ] = { 0x16 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F0498 [ ] = { 0x40 , 0x41 , 0x44 , 0x45 , 0x48 , 0x51 , 0x52 , 0x53 , 0x54 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04A4 [ ] = { 0x0c , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04A8 [ ] = { 0x01 , 0x02 , 0x03 , 0x04 , 0x09 , 0x0a , 0x0b , 0x15 , 0x16 , 0x0d , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04B4 [ ] = { 0x0f , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04B8 [ ] = { 0x10 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04BC [ ] = { 0x17 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04C0 [ ] = { 0x18 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04C4 [ ] = { 0x19 , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04C8 [ ] = { 0x1a , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04CC [ ] = { 0x1b , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04D0 [ ] = { 0x1c , 0xff } ;
ALIGNED ( 4 ) const u8 gUnknown_082F04D4 [ ] = { 0x0e , 0xff } ;
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
const u8 * const gUnknown_082F04D8 [ NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES ] = {
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
gUnknown_082F0474 ,
gUnknown_082F0478 ,
gUnknown_082F047C ,
gUnknown_082F0480 ,
gUnknown_082F0484 ,
gUnknown_082F0488 ,
gUnknown_082F048C ,
gUnknown_082F0490 ,
gUnknown_082F0494 ,
gUnknown_082F0498 ,
gUnknown_082F04A4 ,
gUnknown_082F04A8 ,
gUnknown_082F04B4 ,
gUnknown_082F04B8 ,
gUnknown_082F04BC ,
gUnknown_082F04C0 ,
gUnknown_082F04C4 ,
gUnknown_082F04C8 ,
gUnknown_082F04CC ,
gUnknown_082F04D0 ,
} ;
2019-11-10 21:54:00 -05:00
// Link group type to ID for gUnknown_02022C2C
const u8 gUnknown_082F0530 [ NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES + 2 ] =
0x01 ,
0x02 ,
0x03 ,
0x04 ,
0x09 ,
0x0a ,
0x0b ,
0x15 ,
0x16 ,
0x00 ,
0x00 ,
0x00 ,
0x0f ,
0x10 ,
0x00 ,
0x17 ,
0x18 ,
0x19 ,
0x1a ,
0x1b ,
0x1c ,
2019-10-04 17:24:03 -04:00
} ;