2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_MapScripts:: @ 826C860
.byte 0
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26C861:: @ 826C861
compare_var_to_value VAR_0x40AE, 0
goto_eq Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26C873
goto Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26A3DB
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26C873:: @ 826C873
setvar VAR_0x40AE, 1
goto Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26A3E5
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26C87E:: @ 826C87E
trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CORA, 0, Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C92D, Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C96E
msgbox Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C9A2, 6
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26C895:: @ 826C895
trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_YUJI, 0, Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C9E4, Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CA20
msgbox Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CA53, 6
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_26C8AC:: @ 826C8AC
trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_PAULA, 0, Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CA9C, Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CACB
msgbox Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CAD1, 6
2017-11-10 01:36:41 -06:00
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C8C3: @ 826C8C3
.string "{PLAYER} wrote down the secret code\n"
.string "on the door.\p"
.string "“TRICK MASTER is cool.”\n"
.string "… … … … … … … …\p"
.string "The lock clicked open!$"
2017-11-09 19:21:31 -06:00
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C92D: @ 826C92D
.string "It’s too much bother to think this out.\n"
.string "I only wanted to battle!$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C96E: @ 826C96E
.string "Even though I lost, I still like battling\n"
.string "the best!$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C9A2: @ 826C9A2
.string "Wouldn’t you agree? You would go\n"
.string "anywhere if TRAINERS were there.$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26C9E4: @ 826C9E4
.string "Heh! Boulders like this, I can brush\n"
.string "aside with one finger!$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CA20: @ 826CA20
.string "I can push boulders, but I can’t solve\n"
.string "the puzzle…$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CA53: @ 826CA53
.string "It’s not good enough to be brawny…\n"
.string "You have to use your head. Be brainy!$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CA9C: @ 826CA9C
.string "The TRICK HOUSE is getting trickier,\n"
.string "isn’t it?$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CACB: @ 826CACB
.string "Aaak!$"
Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_Text_26CAD1: @ 826CAD1
.string "Has anyone made it to the end?$"