Removed unecessary B_LEEK_ALWAYS_CRIT config

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Eduardo Quezada D'Ottone 2022-05-07 10:56:31 -04:00
parent 89816b62ba
commit 096fe3c11d
2 changed files with 2 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
// Calculation settings
#define B_CRIT_CHANCE GEN_7 // Chances of a critical hit landing. See CalcCritChanceStage.
#define B_CRIT_CHANCE GEN_7 // Chances of a critical hit landing. See CalcCritChanceStage. Gen6+ chances guarantee that Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd always get critical hits while holding a Leek and using high-crit ratio moves.
#define B_CRIT_MULTIPLIER GEN_7 // In Gen6+, critical hits multiply damage by 1.5 instead of 2.
#define B_PARALYSIS_SPEED GEN_7 // In Gen7+, Speed is decreased by 50% instead of 75%.
#define B_CONFUSION_SELF_DMG_CHANCE GEN_7 // In Gen7+, confusion has a 33.3% of self-damage, instead of 50%.
@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
#define B_HEAVY_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_7 // In Gen7+, Heavy Ball's ranges change. See Cmd_handleballthrow.
#define B_DREAM_BALL_MODIFIER GEN_8 // In Gen8, Dream Ball's catch multiplier is x4 when the target is asleep or has the ability Comatose.
#define B_SERENE_GRACE_BOOST GEN_7 // In Gen5+, Serene Grace boosts the added flinch chance of King's Rock and Razor Fang.
#define B_LEEK_ALWAYS_CRIT GEN_7 // In Gen6+, if a Farfetch'd or Sirfetch'd holding a Leek use a move with increased Critical Hit ratio, it will always result in a Critical Hit.
// Flag settings
// To use the following features in scripting, replace the 0s with the flag ID you're assigning it to.

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@ -1878,11 +1878,7 @@ s32 CalcCritChanceStage(u8 battlerAtk, u8 battlerDef, u32 move, bool32 recordAbi
else if (gStatuses3[battlerAtk] & STATUS3_LASER_FOCUS
|| gBattleMoves[move].effect == EFFECT_ALWAYS_CRIT
|| (abilityAtk == ABILITY_MERCILESS && gBattleMons[battlerDef].status1 & STATUS1_PSN_ANY)
|| ((gBattleMoves[gCurrentMove].flags & FLAG_HIGH_CRIT) && BENEFITS_FROM_LEEK(battlerAtk, holdEffectAtk))
critChance = -2;