diff --git a/data/text/contest_strings.inc b/data/text/contest_strings.inc index 23de25af6..948c19922 100644 --- a/data/text/contest_strings.inc +++ b/data/text/contest_strings.inc @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ gText_GreatAppealButNoMoreToEnd:: .string "allows no more to the end.$" gText_UsedRepeatedlyWithoutBoringJudge:: - .string "Can be repeatedly used\nwithout boring the JUDGE.$" + .string "Can be repeatedly used\n" + .string "without boring the JUDGE.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthersOnce:: .string "Can avoid being startled\n" @@ -135,7 +136,8 @@ gText_AppealBetterLaterItsPerformed:: .string "the later it is performed.$" gText_AppealVariesDependingOnTiming:: - .string "The appeal's quality varies\ndepending on its timing.$" + .string "The appeal's quality varies\n" + .string "depending on its timing.$" gText_WorksWellIfSameTypeAsBefore:: .string "Works well if it's the same\n"