From 1bc38feca51d237d556b94525235411b303345a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eduardo Quezada Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:01:19 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed indentation for various files. --- src/battle_script_commands.c | 512 ++++++------- src/battle_util.c | 168 ++-- src/data/text/move_descriptions.h | 1186 ++++++++++++++--------------- 3 files changed, 933 insertions(+), 933 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/battle_script_commands.c b/src/battle_script_commands.c index 28f38b9e6..933d01ed4 100644 --- a/src/battle_script_commands.c +++ b/src/battle_script_commands.c @@ -337,262 +337,262 @@ static void Cmd_metalburstdamagecalculator(void); void (* const gBattleScriptingCommandsTable[])(void) = { - Cmd_attackcanceler, // 0x0 - Cmd_accuracycheck, // 0x1 - Cmd_attackstring, // 0x2 - Cmd_ppreduce, // 0x3 - Cmd_critcalc, // 0x4 - Cmd_damagecalc, // 0x5 - Cmd_typecalc, // 0x6 - Cmd_adjustdamage, // 0x7 - Cmd_multihitresultmessage, // 0x8 - Cmd_attackanimation, // 0x9 - Cmd_waitanimation, // 0xA - Cmd_healthbarupdate, // 0xB - Cmd_datahpupdate, // 0xC - Cmd_critmessage, // 0xD - Cmd_effectivenesssound, // 0xE - Cmd_resultmessage, // 0xF - Cmd_printstring, // 0x10 - Cmd_printselectionstring, // 0x11 - Cmd_waitmessage, // 0x12 - Cmd_printfromtable, // 0x13 - Cmd_printselectionstringfromtable, // 0x14 - Cmd_seteffectwithchance, // 0x15 - Cmd_seteffectprimary, // 0x16 - Cmd_seteffectsecondary, // 0x17 - Cmd_clearstatusfromeffect, // 0x18 - Cmd_tryfaintmon, // 0x19 - Cmd_dofaintanimation, // 0x1A - Cmd_cleareffectsonfaint, // 0x1B - Cmd_jumpifstatus, // 0x1C - Cmd_jumpifstatus2, // 0x1D - Cmd_jumpifability, // 0x1E - Cmd_jumpifsideaffecting, // 0x1F - Cmd_jumpifstat, // 0x20 - Cmd_jumpifstatus3condition, // 0x21 - Cmd_jumpbasedontype, // 0x22 - Cmd_getexp, // 0x23 - atk24, // 0x24 - Cmd_movevaluescleanup, // 0x25 - Cmd_setmultihit, // 0x26 - Cmd_decrementmultihit, // 0x27 - Cmd_goto, // 0x28 - Cmd_jumpifbyte, // 0x29 - Cmd_jumpifhalfword, // 0x2A - Cmd_jumpifword, // 0x2B - Cmd_jumpifarrayequal, // 0x2C - Cmd_jumpifarraynotequal, // 0x2D - Cmd_setbyte, // 0x2E - Cmd_addbyte, // 0x2F - Cmd_subbyte, // 0x30 - Cmd_copyarray, // 0x31 - Cmd_copyarraywithindex, // 0x32 - Cmd_orbyte, // 0x33 - Cmd_orhalfword, // 0x34 - Cmd_orword, // 0x35 - Cmd_bicbyte, // 0x36 - Cmd_bichalfword, // 0x37 - Cmd_bicword, // 0x38 - Cmd_pause, // 0x39 - Cmd_waitstate, // 0x3A - Cmd_update, // 0x3B - Cmd_return, // 0x3C - Cmd_end, // 0x3D - Cmd_end2, // 0x3E - Cmd_end3, // 0x3F - Cmd_jumpifaffectedbyprotect, // 0x40 - Cmd_call, // 0x41 - Cmd_setroost, // 0x42 - Cmd_jumpifabilitypresent, // 0x43 - Cmd_endselectionscript, // 0x44 - Cmd_playanimation, // 0x45 - Cmd_playanimation2, // 0x46 - Cmd_setgraphicalstatchangevalues, // 0x47 - Cmd_playstatchangeanimation, // 0x48 - Cmd_moveend, // 0x49 - Cmd_sethealblock, // 0x4A - Cmd_returnatktoball, // 0x4B - Cmd_getswitchedmondata, // 0x4C - Cmd_switchindataupdate, // 0x4D - Cmd_switchinanim, // 0x4E - Cmd_jumpifcantswitch, // 0x4F - Cmd_openpartyscreen, // 0x50 - Cmd_switchhandleorder, // 0x51 - Cmd_switchineffects, // 0x52 - Cmd_trainerslidein, // 0x53 - Cmd_playse, // 0x54 - Cmd_fanfare, // 0x55 - Cmd_playfaintcry, // 0x56 - atk57, // 0x57 - Cmd_returntoball, // 0x58 - Cmd_handlelearnnewmove, // 0x59 - Cmd_yesnoboxlearnmove, // 0x5A - Cmd_yesnoboxstoplearningmove, // 0x5B - Cmd_hitanimation, // 0x5C - Cmd_getmoneyreward, // 0x5D - atk5E, // 0x5E - Cmd_swapattackerwithtarget, // 0x5F - Cmd_incrementgamestat, // 0x60 - Cmd_drawpartystatussummary, // 0x61 - Cmd_hidepartystatussummary, // 0x62 - Cmd_jumptocalledmove, // 0x63 - Cmd_statusanimation, // 0x64 - Cmd_status2animation, // 0x65 - Cmd_chosenstatusanimation, // 0x66 - Cmd_yesnobox, // 0x67 - Cmd_cancelallactions, // 0x68 - Cmd_setgravity, // 0x69 - Cmd_removeitem, // 0x6A - Cmd_atknameinbuff1, // 0x6B - Cmd_drawlvlupbox, // 0x6C - Cmd_resetsentmonsvalue, // 0x6D - Cmd_setatktoplayer0, // 0x6E - Cmd_makevisible, // 0x6F - Cmd_recordability, // 0x70 - Cmd_buffermovetolearn, // 0x71 - Cmd_jumpifplayerran, // 0x72 - Cmd_hpthresholds, // 0x73 - Cmd_hpthresholds2, // 0x74 - Cmd_useitemonopponent, // 0x75 - Cmd_various, // 0x76 - Cmd_setprotectlike, // 0x77 - Cmd_faintifabilitynotdamp, // 0x78 - Cmd_setatkhptozero, // 0x79 - Cmd_jumpifnexttargetvalid, // 0x7A - Cmd_tryhealhalfhealth, // 0x7B - Cmd_trymirrormove, // 0x7C - Cmd_setrain, // 0x7D - Cmd_setreflect, // 0x7E - Cmd_setseeded, // 0x7F - Cmd_manipulatedamage, // 0x80 - Cmd_trysetrest, // 0x81 - Cmd_jumpifnotfirstturn, // 0x82 - Cmd_setmiracleeye, // 0x83 - Cmd_jumpifcantmakeasleep, // 0x84 - Cmd_stockpile, // 0x85 - Cmd_stockpiletobasedamage, // 0x86 - Cmd_stockpiletohpheal, // 0x87 - Cmd_setdrainedhp, // 0x88 - Cmd_statbuffchange, // 0x89 - Cmd_normalisebuffs, // 0x8A - Cmd_setbide, // 0x8B - Cmd_confuseifrepeatingattackends, // 0x8C - Cmd_setmultihitcounter, // 0x8D - Cmd_initmultihitstring, // 0x8E - Cmd_forcerandomswitch, // 0x8F - Cmd_tryconversiontypechange, // 0x90 - Cmd_givepaydaymoney, // 0x91 - Cmd_setlightscreen, // 0x92 - Cmd_tryKO, // 0x93 - Cmd_damagetohalftargethp, // 0x94 - Cmd_setsandstorm, // 0x95 - Cmd_weatherdamage, // 0x96 - Cmd_tryinfatuating, // 0x97 - Cmd_updatestatusicon, // 0x98 - Cmd_setmist, // 0x99 - Cmd_setfocusenergy, // 0x9A - Cmd_transformdataexecution, // 0x9B - Cmd_setsubstitute, // 0x9C - Cmd_mimicattackcopy, // 0x9D - Cmd_metronome, // 0x9E - Cmd_dmgtolevel, // 0x9F - Cmd_psywavedamageeffect, // 0xA0 - Cmd_counterdamagecalculator, // 0xA1 - Cmd_mirrorcoatdamagecalculator, // 0xA2 - Cmd_disablelastusedattack, // 0xA3 - Cmd_trysetencore, // 0xA4 - Cmd_painsplitdmgcalc, // 0xA5 - Cmd_settypetorandomresistance, // 0xA6 - Cmd_setalwayshitflag, // 0xA7 - Cmd_copymovepermanently, // 0xA8 - Cmd_trychoosesleeptalkmove, // 0xA9 - Cmd_setdestinybond, // 0xAA - Cmd_trysetdestinybondtohappen, // 0xAB - Cmd_settailwind, // 0xAC - Cmd_tryspiteppreduce, // 0xAD - Cmd_healpartystatus, // 0xAE - Cmd_cursetarget, // 0xAF - Cmd_trysetspikes, // 0xB0 - Cmd_setforesight, // 0xB1 - Cmd_trysetperishsong, // 0xB2 - Cmd_handlerollout, // 0xB3 - Cmd_jumpifconfusedandstatmaxed, // 0xB4 - Cmd_handlefurycutter, // 0xB5 - Cmd_setembargo, // 0xB6 - Cmd_presentdamagecalculation, // 0xB7 - Cmd_setsafeguard, // 0xB8 - Cmd_magnitudedamagecalculation, // 0xB9 - Cmd_jumpifnopursuitswitchdmg, // 0xBA - Cmd_setsunny, // 0xBB - Cmd_maxattackhalvehp, // 0xBC - Cmd_copyfoestats, // 0xBD - Cmd_rapidspinfree, // 0xBE - Cmd_setdefensecurlbit, // 0xBF - Cmd_recoverbasedonsunlight, // 0xC0 - Cmd_setstickyweb, // 0xC1 - Cmd_selectfirstvalidtarget, // 0xC2 - Cmd_trysetfutureattack, // 0xC3 - Cmd_trydobeatup, // 0xC4 - Cmd_setsemiinvulnerablebit, // 0xC5 - Cmd_clearsemiinvulnerablebit, // 0xC6 - Cmd_setminimize, // 0xC7 - Cmd_sethail, // 0xC8 - Cmd_jumpifattackandspecialattackcannotfall, // 0xC9 - Cmd_setforcedtarget, // 0xCA - Cmd_setcharge, // 0xCB - Cmd_callterrainattack, // 0xCC - Cmd_cureifburnedparalysedorpoisoned, // 0xCD - Cmd_settorment, // 0xCE - Cmd_jumpifnodamage, // 0xCF - Cmd_settaunt, // 0xD0 - Cmd_trysethelpinghand, // 0xD1 - Cmd_tryswapitems, // 0xD2 - Cmd_trycopyability, // 0xD3 - Cmd_trywish, // 0xD4 - Cmd_settoxicspikes, // 0xD5 - Cmd_setgastroacid, // 0xD6 - Cmd_setyawn, // 0xD7 - Cmd_setdamagetohealthdifference, // 0xD8 - Cmd_setroom, // 0xD9 - Cmd_tryswapabilities, // 0xDA - Cmd_tryimprison, // 0xDB - Cmd_setstealthrock, // 0xDC - Cmd_setuserstatus3, // 0xDD - Cmd_assistattackselect, // 0xDE - Cmd_trysetmagiccoat, // 0xDF - Cmd_trysetsnatch, // 0xE0 - Cmd_trygetintimidatetarget, // 0xE1 - Cmd_switchoutabilities, // 0xE2 - Cmd_jumpifhasnohp, // 0xE3 - Cmd_getsecretpowereffect, // 0xE4 - Cmd_pickup, // 0xE5 - Cmd_docastformchangeanimation, // 0xE6 - Cmd_trycastformdatachange, // 0xE7 - Cmd_settypebasedhalvers, // 0xE8 - Cmd_jumpifsubstituteblocks, // 0xE9 - Cmd_tryrecycleitem, // 0xEA - Cmd_settypetoterrain, // 0xEB - Cmd_pursuitrelated, // 0xEC - Cmd_snatchsetbattlers, // 0xED - Cmd_removelightscreenreflect, // 0xEE - Cmd_handleballthrow, // 0xEF - Cmd_givecaughtmon, // 0xF0 - Cmd_trysetcaughtmondexflags, // 0xF1 - Cmd_displaydexinfo, // 0xF2 - Cmd_trygivecaughtmonnick, // 0xF3 - Cmd_subattackerhpbydmg, // 0xF4 - Cmd_removeattackerstatus1, // 0xF5 - Cmd_finishaction, // 0xF6 - Cmd_finishturn, // 0xF7 - Cmd_trainerslideout, // 0xF8 - Cmd_settelekinesis, // 0xF9 - Cmd_swapstatstages, // 0xFA - Cmd_averagestats, // 0xFB - Cmd_jumpifoppositegenders, // 0xFC - Cmd_trygetbaddreamstarget, // 0xFD - Cmd_tryworryseed, // 0xFE - Cmd_metalburstdamagecalculator, // 0xFF + Cmd_attackcanceler, // 0x0 + Cmd_accuracycheck, // 0x1 + Cmd_attackstring, // 0x2 + Cmd_ppreduce, // 0x3 + Cmd_critcalc, // 0x4 + Cmd_damagecalc, // 0x5 + Cmd_typecalc, // 0x6 + Cmd_adjustdamage, // 0x7 + Cmd_multihitresultmessage, // 0x8 + Cmd_attackanimation, // 0x9 + Cmd_waitanimation, // 0xA + Cmd_healthbarupdate, // 0xB + Cmd_datahpupdate, // 0xC + Cmd_critmessage, // 0xD + Cmd_effectivenesssound, // 0xE + Cmd_resultmessage, // 0xF + Cmd_printstring, // 0x10 + Cmd_printselectionstring, // 0x11 + Cmd_waitmessage, // 0x12 + Cmd_printfromtable, // 0x13 + Cmd_printselectionstringfromtable, // 0x14 + Cmd_seteffectwithchance, // 0x15 + Cmd_seteffectprimary, // 0x16 + Cmd_seteffectsecondary, // 0x17 + Cmd_clearstatusfromeffect, // 0x18 + Cmd_tryfaintmon, // 0x19 + Cmd_dofaintanimation, // 0x1A + Cmd_cleareffectsonfaint, // 0x1B + Cmd_jumpifstatus, // 0x1C + Cmd_jumpifstatus2, // 0x1D + Cmd_jumpifability, // 0x1E + Cmd_jumpifsideaffecting, // 0x1F + Cmd_jumpifstat, // 0x20 + Cmd_jumpifstatus3condition, // 0x21 + Cmd_jumpbasedontype, // 0x22 + Cmd_getexp, // 0x23 + atk24, // 0x24 + Cmd_movevaluescleanup, // 0x25 + Cmd_setmultihit, // 0x26 + Cmd_decrementmultihit, // 0x27 + Cmd_goto, // 0x28 + Cmd_jumpifbyte, // 0x29 + Cmd_jumpifhalfword, // 0x2A + Cmd_jumpifword, // 0x2B + Cmd_jumpifarrayequal, // 0x2C + Cmd_jumpifarraynotequal, // 0x2D + Cmd_setbyte, // 0x2E + Cmd_addbyte, // 0x2F + Cmd_subbyte, // 0x30 + Cmd_copyarray, // 0x31 + Cmd_copyarraywithindex, // 0x32 + Cmd_orbyte, // 0x33 + Cmd_orhalfword, // 0x34 + Cmd_orword, // 0x35 + Cmd_bicbyte, // 0x36 + Cmd_bichalfword, // 0x37 + Cmd_bicword, // 0x38 + Cmd_pause, // 0x39 + Cmd_waitstate, // 0x3A + Cmd_update, // 0x3B + Cmd_return, // 0x3C + Cmd_end, // 0x3D + Cmd_end2, // 0x3E + Cmd_end3, // 0x3F + Cmd_jumpifaffectedbyprotect, // 0x40 + Cmd_call, // 0x41 + Cmd_setroost, // 0x42 + Cmd_jumpifabilitypresent, // 0x43 + Cmd_endselectionscript, // 0x44 + Cmd_playanimation, // 0x45 + Cmd_playanimation2, // 0x46 + Cmd_setgraphicalstatchangevalues, // 0x47 + Cmd_playstatchangeanimation, // 0x48 + Cmd_moveend, // 0x49 + Cmd_sethealblock, // 0x4A + Cmd_returnatktoball, // 0x4B + Cmd_getswitchedmondata, // 0x4C + Cmd_switchindataupdate, // 0x4D + Cmd_switchinanim, // 0x4E + Cmd_jumpifcantswitch, // 0x4F + Cmd_openpartyscreen, // 0x50 + Cmd_switchhandleorder, // 0x51 + Cmd_switchineffects, // 0x52 + Cmd_trainerslidein, // 0x53 + Cmd_playse, // 0x54 + Cmd_fanfare, // 0x55 + Cmd_playfaintcry, // 0x56 + atk57, // 0x57 + Cmd_returntoball, // 0x58 + Cmd_handlelearnnewmove, // 0x59 + Cmd_yesnoboxlearnmove, // 0x5A + Cmd_yesnoboxstoplearningmove, // 0x5B + Cmd_hitanimation, // 0x5C + Cmd_getmoneyreward, // 0x5D + atk5E, // 0x5E + Cmd_swapattackerwithtarget, // 0x5F + Cmd_incrementgamestat, // 0x60 + Cmd_drawpartystatussummary, // 0x61 + Cmd_hidepartystatussummary, // 0x62 + Cmd_jumptocalledmove, // 0x63 + Cmd_statusanimation, // 0x64 + Cmd_status2animation, // 0x65 + Cmd_chosenstatusanimation, // 0x66 + Cmd_yesnobox, // 0x67 + Cmd_cancelallactions, // 0x68 + Cmd_setgravity, // 0x69 + Cmd_removeitem, // 0x6A + Cmd_atknameinbuff1, // 0x6B + Cmd_drawlvlupbox, // 0x6C + Cmd_resetsentmonsvalue, // 0x6D + Cmd_setatktoplayer0, // 0x6E + Cmd_makevisible, // 0x6F + Cmd_recordability, // 0x70 + Cmd_buffermovetolearn, // 0x71 + Cmd_jumpifplayerran, // 0x72 + Cmd_hpthresholds, // 0x73 + Cmd_hpthresholds2, // 0x74 + Cmd_useitemonopponent, // 0x75 + Cmd_various, // 0x76 + Cmd_setprotectlike, // 0x77 + Cmd_faintifabilitynotdamp, // 0x78 + Cmd_setatkhptozero, // 0x79 + Cmd_jumpifnexttargetvalid, // 0x7A + Cmd_tryhealhalfhealth, // 0x7B + Cmd_trymirrormove, // 0x7C + Cmd_setrain, // 0x7D + Cmd_setreflect, // 0x7E + Cmd_setseeded, // 0x7F + Cmd_manipulatedamage, // 0x80 + Cmd_trysetrest, // 0x81 + Cmd_jumpifnotfirstturn, // 0x82 + Cmd_setmiracleeye, // 0x83 + Cmd_jumpifcantmakeasleep, // 0x84 + Cmd_stockpile, // 0x85 + Cmd_stockpiletobasedamage, // 0x86 + Cmd_stockpiletohpheal, // 0x87 + Cmd_setdrainedhp, // 0x88 + Cmd_statbuffchange, // 0x89 + Cmd_normalisebuffs, // 0x8A + Cmd_setbide, // 0x8B + Cmd_confuseifrepeatingattackends, // 0x8C + Cmd_setmultihitcounter, // 0x8D + Cmd_initmultihitstring, // 0x8E + Cmd_forcerandomswitch, // 0x8F + Cmd_tryconversiontypechange, // 0x90 + Cmd_givepaydaymoney, // 0x91 + Cmd_setlightscreen, // 0x92 + Cmd_tryKO, // 0x93 + Cmd_damagetohalftargethp, // 0x94 + Cmd_setsandstorm, // 0x95 + Cmd_weatherdamage, // 0x96 + Cmd_tryinfatuating, // 0x97 + Cmd_updatestatusicon, // 0x98 + Cmd_setmist, // 0x99 + Cmd_setfocusenergy, // 0x9A + Cmd_transformdataexecution, // 0x9B + Cmd_setsubstitute, // 0x9C + Cmd_mimicattackcopy, // 0x9D + Cmd_metronome, // 0x9E + Cmd_dmgtolevel, // 0x9F + Cmd_psywavedamageeffect, // 0xA0 + Cmd_counterdamagecalculator, // 0xA1 + Cmd_mirrorcoatdamagecalculator, // 0xA2 + Cmd_disablelastusedattack, // 0xA3 + Cmd_trysetencore, // 0xA4 + Cmd_painsplitdmgcalc, // 0xA5 + Cmd_settypetorandomresistance, // 0xA6 + Cmd_setalwayshitflag, // 0xA7 + Cmd_copymovepermanently, // 0xA8 + Cmd_trychoosesleeptalkmove, // 0xA9 + Cmd_setdestinybond, // 0xAA + Cmd_trysetdestinybondtohappen, // 0xAB + Cmd_settailwind, // 0xAC + Cmd_tryspiteppreduce, // 0xAD + Cmd_healpartystatus, // 0xAE + Cmd_cursetarget, // 0xAF + Cmd_trysetspikes, // 0xB0 + Cmd_setforesight, // 0xB1 + Cmd_trysetperishsong, // 0xB2 + Cmd_handlerollout, // 0xB3 + Cmd_jumpifconfusedandstatmaxed, // 0xB4 + Cmd_handlefurycutter, // 0xB5 + Cmd_setembargo, // 0xB6 + Cmd_presentdamagecalculation, // 0xB7 + Cmd_setsafeguard, // 0xB8 + Cmd_magnitudedamagecalculation, // 0xB9 + Cmd_jumpifnopursuitswitchdmg, // 0xBA + Cmd_setsunny, // 0xBB + Cmd_maxattackhalvehp, // 0xBC + Cmd_copyfoestats, // 0xBD + Cmd_rapidspinfree, // 0xBE + Cmd_setdefensecurlbit, // 0xBF + Cmd_recoverbasedonsunlight, // 0xC0 + Cmd_setstickyweb, // 0xC1 + Cmd_selectfirstvalidtarget, // 0xC2 + Cmd_trysetfutureattack, // 0xC3 + Cmd_trydobeatup, // 0xC4 + Cmd_setsemiinvulnerablebit, // 0xC5 + Cmd_clearsemiinvulnerablebit, // 0xC6 + Cmd_setminimize, // 0xC7 + Cmd_sethail, // 0xC8 + Cmd_jumpifattackandspecialattackcannotfall, // 0xC9 + Cmd_setforcedtarget, // 0xCA + Cmd_setcharge, // 0xCB + Cmd_callterrainattack, // 0xCC + Cmd_cureifburnedparalysedorpoisoned, // 0xCD + Cmd_settorment, // 0xCE + Cmd_jumpifnodamage, // 0xCF + Cmd_settaunt, // 0xD0 + Cmd_trysethelpinghand, // 0xD1 + Cmd_tryswapitems, // 0xD2 + Cmd_trycopyability, // 0xD3 + Cmd_trywish, // 0xD4 + Cmd_settoxicspikes, // 0xD5 + Cmd_setgastroacid, // 0xD6 + Cmd_setyawn, // 0xD7 + Cmd_setdamagetohealthdifference, // 0xD8 + Cmd_setroom, // 0xD9 + Cmd_tryswapabilities, // 0xDA + Cmd_tryimprison, // 0xDB + Cmd_setstealthrock, // 0xDC + Cmd_setuserstatus3, // 0xDD + Cmd_assistattackselect, // 0xDE + Cmd_trysetmagiccoat, // 0xDF + Cmd_trysetsnatch, // 0xE0 + Cmd_trygetintimidatetarget, // 0xE1 + Cmd_switchoutabilities, // 0xE2 + Cmd_jumpifhasnohp, // 0xE3 + Cmd_getsecretpowereffect, // 0xE4 + Cmd_pickup, // 0xE5 + Cmd_docastformchangeanimation, // 0xE6 + Cmd_trycastformdatachange, // 0xE7 + Cmd_settypebasedhalvers, // 0xE8 + Cmd_jumpifsubstituteblocks, // 0xE9 + Cmd_tryrecycleitem, // 0xEA + Cmd_settypetoterrain, // 0xEB + Cmd_pursuitrelated, // 0xEC + Cmd_snatchsetbattlers, // 0xED + Cmd_removelightscreenreflect, // 0xEE + Cmd_handleballthrow, // 0xEF + Cmd_givecaughtmon, // 0xF0 + Cmd_trysetcaughtmondexflags, // 0xF1 + Cmd_displaydexinfo, // 0xF2 + Cmd_trygivecaughtmonnick, // 0xF3 + Cmd_subattackerhpbydmg, // 0xF4 + Cmd_removeattackerstatus1, // 0xF5 + Cmd_finishaction, // 0xF6 + Cmd_finishturn, // 0xF7 + Cmd_trainerslideout, // 0xF8 + Cmd_settelekinesis, // 0xF9 + Cmd_swapstatstages, // 0xFA + Cmd_averagestats, // 0xFB + Cmd_jumpifoppositegenders, // 0xFC + Cmd_trygetbaddreamstarget, // 0xFD + Cmd_tryworryseed, // 0xFE + Cmd_metalburstdamagecalculator, // 0xFF }; struct StatFractions diff --git a/src/battle_util.c b/src/battle_util.c index c31c2c9d9..0c12318d5 100644 --- a/src/battle_util.c +++ b/src/battle_util.c @@ -908,25 +908,25 @@ static const u16 sPercentToModifier[] = static const u16 sTypeEffectivenessTable[NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES][NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES] = { // normal fight flying poison ground rock bug ghost steel mystery fire water grass electric psychic ice dragon dark fairy - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // normal - {X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(0.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5)}, // fight - {X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // flying - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0)}, // poison - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // ground - {X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // rock - {X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5)}, // bug - {X(0.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0)}, // ghost - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0)}, // steel - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // mystery - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // fire - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // water - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // grass - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // electric - {X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(1.0)}, // psychic - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // ice - {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.0)}, // dragon - {X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5)}, // dark - {X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(2.0), X(1.0)}, // fairy + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // normal + {X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(0.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5)}, // fight + {X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // flying + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0)}, // poison + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // ground + {X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // rock + {X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5)}, // bug + {X(0.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0)}, // ghost + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0)}, // steel + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // mystery + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // fire + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // water + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // grass + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // electric + {X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.0), X(1.0)}, // psychic + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0)}, // ice + {X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.0)}, // dragon + {X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(0.5)}, // dark + {X(1.0), X(2.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(0.5), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(1.0), X(2.0), X(2.0), X(1.0)}, // fairy }; static const u16 sInverseTypeEffectivenessTable[NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES][NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES] = @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ static bool32 IsBelchPreventingMove(u32 battler, u32 move) u8 TrySetCantSelectMoveBattleScript(void) { u32 limitations = 0; - u8 moveId = gBattleResources->bufferB[gActiveBattler][2] & ~(RET_MEGA_EVOLUTION); + u8 moveId = gBattleResources->bufferB[gActiveBattler][2] & ~(RET_MEGA_EVOLUTION); u32 move = gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].moves[moveId]; u32 holdEffect = GetBattlerHoldEffect(gActiveBattler, TRUE); u16 *choicedMove = &gBattleStruct->choicedMove[gActiveBattler]; @@ -1586,32 +1586,32 @@ u8 GetImprisonedMovesCount(u8 battlerId, u16 move) enum { - ENDTURN_ORDER, - ENDTURN_REFLECT, - ENDTURN_LIGHT_SCREEN, - ENDTURN_AURORA_VEIL, - ENDTURN_MIST, - ENDTURN_LUCKY_CHANT, - ENDTURN_SAFEGUARD, - ENDTURN_TAILWIND, - ENDTURN_WISH, - ENDTURN_RAIN, - ENDTURN_SANDSTORM, - ENDTURN_SUN, - ENDTURN_HAIL, - ENDTURN_GRAVITY, - ENDTURN_WATER_SPORT, - ENDTURN_MUD_SPORT, - ENDTURN_TRICK_ROOM, - ENDTURN_WONDER_ROOM, - ENDTURN_MAGIC_ROOM, - ENDTURN_ELECTRIC_TERRAIN, - ENDTURN_MISTY_TERRAIN, - ENDTURN_GRASSY_TERRAIN, - ENDTURN_PSYCHIC_TERRAIN, - ENDTURN_ION_DELUGE, - ENDTURN_FAIRY_LOCK, - ENDTURN_FIELD_COUNT, + ENDTURN_ORDER, + ENDTURN_REFLECT, + ENDTURN_LIGHT_SCREEN, + ENDTURN_AURORA_VEIL, + ENDTURN_MIST, + ENDTURN_LUCKY_CHANT, + ENDTURN_SAFEGUARD, + ENDTURN_TAILWIND, + ENDTURN_WISH, + ENDTURN_RAIN, + ENDTURN_SANDSTORM, + ENDTURN_SUN, + ENDTURN_HAIL, + ENDTURN_GRAVITY, + ENDTURN_WATER_SPORT, + ENDTURN_MUD_SPORT, + ENDTURN_TRICK_ROOM, + ENDTURN_WONDER_ROOM, + ENDTURN_MAGIC_ROOM, + ENDTURN_ELECTRIC_TERRAIN, + ENDTURN_MISTY_TERRAIN, + ENDTURN_GRASSY_TERRAIN, + ENDTURN_PSYCHIC_TERRAIN, + ENDTURN_ION_DELUGE, + ENDTURN_FAIRY_LOCK, + ENDTURN_FIELD_COUNT, }; u8 DoFieldEndTurnEffects(void) @@ -2048,36 +2048,36 @@ enum ENDTURN_INGRAIN, ENDTURN_AQUA_RING, ENDTURN_ABILITIES, - ENDTURN_ITEMS1, - ENDTURN_LEECH_SEED, - ENDTURN_POISON, - ENDTURN_BAD_POISON, - ENDTURN_BURN, - ENDTURN_NIGHTMARES, - ENDTURN_CURSE, - ENDTURN_WRAP, - ENDTURN_UPROAR, - ENDTURN_THRASH, - ENDTURN_FLINCH, - ENDTURN_DISABLE, - ENDTURN_ENCORE, - ENDTURN_MAGNET_RISE, - ENDTURN_TELEKINESIS, - ENDTURN_HEALBLOCK, - ENDTURN_EMBARGO, - ENDTURN_LOCK_ON, - ENDTURN_CHARGE, - ENDTURN_LASER_FOCUS, - ENDTURN_TAUNT, - ENDTURN_YAWN, - ENDTURN_ITEMS2, - ENDTURN_ORBS, - ENDTURN_ROOST, - ENDTURN_ELECTRIFY, - ENDTURN_POWDER, - ENDTURN_THROAT_CHOP, - ENDTURN_SLOW_START, - ENDTURN_BATTLER_COUNT + ENDTURN_ITEMS1, + ENDTURN_LEECH_SEED, + ENDTURN_POISON, + ENDTURN_BAD_POISON, + ENDTURN_BURN, + ENDTURN_NIGHTMARES, + ENDTURN_CURSE, + ENDTURN_WRAP, + ENDTURN_UPROAR, + ENDTURN_THRASH, + ENDTURN_FLINCH, + ENDTURN_DISABLE, + ENDTURN_ENCORE, + ENDTURN_MAGNET_RISE, + ENDTURN_TELEKINESIS, + ENDTURN_HEALBLOCK, + ENDTURN_EMBARGO, + ENDTURN_LOCK_ON, + ENDTURN_CHARGE, + ENDTURN_LASER_FOCUS, + ENDTURN_TAUNT, + ENDTURN_YAWN, + ENDTURN_ITEMS2, + ENDTURN_ORBS, + ENDTURN_ROOST, + ENDTURN_ELECTRIFY, + ENDTURN_POWDER, + ENDTURN_THROAT_CHOP, + ENDTURN_SLOW_START, + ENDTURN_BATTLER_COUNT }; // Ingrain, Leech Seed, Strength Sap and Aqua Ring @@ -4546,7 +4546,7 @@ u8 AbilityBattleEffects(u8 caseID, u8 battler, u8 ability, u8 special, u16 moveA // Set bit and save Dancer mon's original target gSpecialStatuses[battler].dancerUsedMove = 1; gSpecialStatuses[battler].dancerOriginalTarget = *(gBattleStruct->moveTarget + battler) | 0x4; - gBattleStruct->atkCancellerTracker = 0; + gBattleStruct->atkCancellerTracker = 0; gBattlerAttacker = gBattlerAbility = battler; gCalledMove = gCurrentMove; @@ -4797,8 +4797,8 @@ u32 GetBattlerAbility(u8 battlerId) && gActionsByTurnOrder[gBattlerByTurnOrder[gBattlerAttacker]] == B_ACTION_USE_MOVE && gCurrentTurnActionNumber < gBattlersCount) return ABILITY_NONE; - else - return gBattleMons[battlerId].ability; + else + return gBattleMons[battlerId].ability; } u32 IsAbilityOnSide(u32 battlerId, u32 ability) @@ -6096,8 +6096,8 @@ bool32 IsMoveMakingContact(u16 move, u8 battlerAtk) return FALSE; else if (GetBattlerHoldEffect(battlerAtk, TRUE) == HOLD_EFFECT_PROTECTIVE_PADS) return FALSE; - else - return TRUE; + else + return TRUE; } bool32 IsBattlerGrounded(u8 battlerId) @@ -6123,7 +6123,7 @@ bool32 IsBattlerGrounded(u8 battlerId) return FALSE; else - return TRUE; + return TRUE; } bool32 IsBattlerAlive(u8 battlerId) @@ -6134,8 +6134,8 @@ bool32 IsBattlerAlive(u8 battlerId) return FALSE; else if (gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[battlerId]) return FALSE; - else - return TRUE; + else + return TRUE; } u8 GetBattleMonMoveSlot(struct BattlePokemon *battleMon, u16 move) diff --git a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h index 573c8785f..44f61ffe0 100644 --- a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h +++ b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h @@ -1422,360 +1422,360 @@ static const u8 sROOSTDescription[] = _( "half of its max HP."); static const u8 sGRAVITYDescription[] = _( - "Gravity is intensified\n" - "negating levitation."); + "Gravity is intensified\n" + "negating levitation."); static const u8 sMIRACLE_EYEDescription[] = _( - "Makes GHOSTS and evasive\n" - "foes easier to hit."); + "Makes GHOSTS and evasive\n" + "foes easier to hit."); static const u8 sWAKE_UP_SLAPDescription[] = _( - "Powerful against sleeping\n" - "foes, but also heals them."); + "Powerful against sleeping\n" + "foes, but also heals them."); static const u8 sHAMMER_ARMDescription[] = _( - "A swinging fist attack\n" - "that also lowers Speed."); + "A swinging fist attack\n" + "that also lowers Speed."); static const u8 sGYRO_BALLDescription[] = _( - "A high-speed spin that does\n" - "more damage to faster foes."); + "A high-speed spin that does\n" + "more damage to faster foes."); static const u8 sHEALING_WISHDescription[] = _( - "The user faints to heal up\n" - "the recipient."); + "The user faints to heal up\n" + "the recipient."); static const u8 sBRINEDescription[] = _( - "Does double damage to foes\n" - "with half HP."); + "Does double damage to foes\n" + "with half HP."); static const u8 sNATURAL_GIFTDescription[] = _( - "The effectiveness varies\n" - "with the held Berry."); + "The effectiveness varies\n" + "with the held Berry."); static const u8 sFEINTDescription[] = _( - "An attack that hits foes\n" - "using moves like Protect."); + "An attack that hits foes\n" + "using moves like Protect."); static const u8 sPLUCKDescription[] = _( - "Eats the foe's held Berry\n" - "gaining its effect."); + "Eats the foe's held Berry\n" + "gaining its effect."); static const u8 sTAILWINDDescription[] = _( - "Whips up a turbulent breeze\n" - "that raises Speed."); + "Whips up a turbulent breeze\n" + "that raises Speed."); static const u8 sACUPRESSUREDescription[] = _( - "The user sharply raises\n" - "one of its stats."); + "The user sharply raises\n" + "one of its stats."); static const u8 sMETAL_BURSTDescription[] = _( - "Retaliates any hit with\n" - "greater power."); + "Retaliates any hit with\n" + "greater power."); static const u8 sU_TURNDescription[] = _( - "Does damage then switches\n" - "out the user."); + "Does damage then switches\n" + "out the user."); static const u8 sCLOSE_COMBATDescription[] = _( - "A strong attack but lowers\n" - "the defensive stats."); + "A strong attack but lowers\n" + "the defensive stats."); static const u8 sPAYBACKDescription[] = _( - "An attack that gains power\n" - "if the user moves last."); + "An attack that gains power\n" + "if the user moves last."); static const u8 sASSURANCEDescription[] = _( - "An attack that gains power\n" - "if the foe has been hurt."); + "An attack that gains power\n" + "if the foe has been hurt."); static const u8 sEMBARGODescription[] = _( - "Prevents the foe from\n" - "using any items."); + "Prevents the foe from\n" + "using any items."); static const u8 sFLINGDescription[] = _( - "The effectiveness varies\n" - "with the held item."); + "The effectiveness varies\n" + "with the held item."); static const u8 sPSYCHO_SHIFTDescription[] = _( - "Transfers status problems\n" - "to the foe."); + "Transfers status problems\n" + "to the foe."); static const u8 sTRUMP_CARDDescription[] = _( - "The less PP the move has\n" - "the more damage it does."); + "The less PP the move has\n" + "the more damage it does."); static const u8 sHEAL_BLOCKDescription[] = _( - "Prevents the foe from\n" - "recovering any HP."); + "Prevents the foe from\n" + "recovering any HP."); static const u8 sWRING_OUTDescription[] = _( - "The higher the foe's HP\n" - "the more damage caused."); + "The higher the foe's HP\n" + "the more damage caused."); static const u8 sPOWER_TRICKDescription[] = _( - "The user swaps its Attack\n" - "and Defense stats."); + "The user swaps its Attack\n" + "and Defense stats."); static const u8 sGASTRO_ACIDDescription[] = _( - "Stomach acid suppresses\n" - "the foe's ability."); + "Stomach acid suppresses\n" + "the foe's ability."); static const u8 sLUCKY_CHANTDescription[] = _( - "Prevents the foe from\n" - "landing critical hits."); + "Prevents the foe from\n" + "landing critical hits."); static const u8 sME_FIRSTDescription[] = _( - "Executes the foe's attack\n" - "with greater power."); + "Executes the foe's attack\n" + "with greater power."); static const u8 sCOPYCATDescription[] = _( - "The user mimics the last\n" - "move used by a foe."); + "The user mimics the last\n" + "move used by a foe."); static const u8 sPOWER_SWAPDescription[] = _( - "Swaps changes to Attack\n" - "and Sp. Atk with the foe."); + "Swaps changes to Attack\n" + "and Sp. Atk with the foe."); static const u8 sGUARD_SWAPDescription[] = _( - "Swaps changes to Defense\n" - "and Sp. Def with the foe."); + "Swaps changes to Defense\n" + "and Sp. Def with the foe."); static const u8 sPUNISHMENTDescription[] = _( - "Does more damage if the\n" - "foe has powered up."); + "Does more damage if the\n" + "foe has powered up."); static const u8 sLAST_RESORTDescription[] = _( - "Can only be used if every\n" - "other move has been used."); + "Can only be used if every\n" + "other move has been used."); static const u8 sWORRY_SEEDDescription[] = _( - "Plants a seed on the foe\n" - "giving it Insomnia."); + "Plants a seed on the foe\n" + "giving it Insomnia."); static const u8 sSUCKER_PUNCHDescription[] = _( - "Strikes first if the foe\n" - "is preparing an attack."); + "Strikes first if the foe\n" + "is preparing an attack."); static const u8 sTOXIC_SPIKESDescription[] = _( - "Sets spikes that poison a\n" - "foe switching in."); + "Sets spikes that poison a\n" + "foe switching in."); static const u8 sHEART_SWAPDescription[] = _( - "Swaps any stat changes\n" - "with the foe."); + "Swaps any stat changes\n" + "with the foe."); static const u8 sAQUA_RINGDescription[] = _( - "Forms a veil of water\n" - "that restores HP."); + "Forms a veil of water\n" + "that restores HP."); static const u8 sMAGNET_RISEDescription[] = _( - "The user levitates with\n" - "electromagnetism."); + "The user levitates with\n" + "electromagnetism."); static const u8 sFLARE_BLITZDescription[] = _( - "A charge that may burn the\n" - "foe. Also hurts the user."); + "A charge that may burn the\n" + "foe. Also hurts the user."); static const u8 sFORCE_PALMDescription[] = _( - "A shock wave attack that\n" - "may paralyze the foe."); + "A shock wave attack that\n" + "may paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sAURA_SPHEREDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with an aura blast\n" - "that cannot be evaded."); + "Attacks with an aura blast\n" + "that cannot be evaded."); static const u8 sROCK_POLISHDescription[] = _( - "Polishes the body to\n" - "sharply raise Speed."); + "Polishes the body to\n" + "sharply raise Speed."); static const u8 sPOISON_JABDescription[] = _( - "A stabbing attack that\n" - "may poison the foe."); + "A stabbing attack that\n" + "may poison the foe."); static const u8 sDARK_PULSEDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a horrible\n" - "aura. May cause flinching."); + "Attacks with a horrible\n" + "aura. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sNIGHT_SLASHDescription[] = _( - "Hits as soon as possible.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Hits as soon as possible.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sAQUA_TAILDescription[] = _( - "The user swings its tail\n" - "like a wave to attack."); + "The user swings its tail\n" + "like a wave to attack."); static const u8 sSEED_BOMBDescription[] = _( - "A barrage of hard seeds\n" - "is fired at the foe."); + "A barrage of hard seeds\n" + "is fired at the foe."); static const u8 sAIR_SLASHDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a blade of\n" - "air. May cause flinching."); + "Attacks with a blade of\n" + "air. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sX_SCISSORDescription[] = _( - "Slashes the foe with crossed\n" - "scythes, claws, etc."); + "Slashes the foe with crossed\n" + "scythes, claws, etc."); static const u8 sBUG_BUZZDescription[] = _( - "A damaging sound wave that\n" - "may lower Sp. Def."); + "A damaging sound wave that\n" + "may lower Sp. Def."); static const u8 sDRAGON_PULSEDescription[] = _( - "Generates a shock wave to\n" - "damage the foe."); + "Generates a shock wave to\n" + "damage the foe."); static const u8 sDRAGON_RUSHDescription[] = _( - "Tackles the foe with menace.\n" - "May cause flinching."); + "Tackles the foe with menace.\n" + "May cause flinching."); static const u8 sPOWER_GEMDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with rays of light\n" - "that sparkle like diamonds."); + "Attacks with rays of light\n" + "that sparkle like diamonds."); static const u8 sVACUUM_WAVEDescription[] = _( - "Whirls its fists to send\n" - "a wave that strikes first."); + "Whirls its fists to send\n" + "a wave that strikes first."); static const u8 sFOCUS_BLASTDescription[] = _( - "Attacks at full power.\n" - "May lower Sp. Def."); + "Attacks at full power.\n" + "May lower Sp. Def."); static const u8 sENERGY_BALLDescription[] = _( - "Draws power from nature to\n" - "attack. May lower Sp. Def."); + "Draws power from nature to\n" + "attack. May lower Sp. Def."); static const u8 sBRAVE_BIRDDescription[] = _( - "A low altitude charge that\n" - "also hurts the user."); + "A low altitude charge that\n" + "also hurts the user."); static const u8 sEARTH_POWERDescription[] = _( - "Makes the ground erupt with\n" - "power. May lower Sp. Def."); + "Makes the ground erupt with\n" + "power. May lower Sp. Def."); static const u8 sSWITCHEROODescription[] = _( - "Swaps items with the foe\n" - "faster than the eye can see."); + "Swaps items with the foe\n" + "faster than the eye can see."); static const u8 sNASTY_PLOTDescription[] = _( - "Thinks bad thoughts to\n" - "sharply boost Sp. Atk."); + "Thinks bad thoughts to\n" + "sharply boost Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sBULLET_PUNCHDescription[] = _( - "Punches as fast as a bul-\n" - "let. It always hits first."); + "Punches as fast as a bul-\n" + "let. It always hits first."); static const u8 sICE_SHARDDescription[] = _( - "Hurls a chunk of ice that\n" - "always strike first."); + "Hurls a chunk of ice that\n" + "always strike first."); static const u8 sSHADOW_CLAWDescription[] = _( - "Strikes with a shadow claw.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Strikes with a shadow claw.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sTHUNDER_FANGDescription[] = _( - "May cause flinching or\n" - "leave the foe paralyzed."); + "May cause flinching or\n" + "leave the foe paralyzed."); static const u8 sICE_FANGDescription[] = _( - "May cause flinching or\n" - "leave the foe frozen."); + "May cause flinching or\n" + "leave the foe frozen."); static const u8 sFIRE_FANGDescription[] = _( - "May cause flinching or\n" - "leave the foe with a burn."); + "May cause flinching or\n" + "leave the foe with a burn."); static const u8 sSHADOW_SNEAKDescription[] = _( - "Extends the user's shadow\n" - "to strike first."); + "Extends the user's shadow\n" + "to strike first."); static const u8 sMUD_BOMBDescription[] = _( - "Throws a blob of mud to\n" - "damage and cut accuracy."); + "Throws a blob of mud to\n" + "damage and cut accuracy."); static const u8 sPSYCHO_CUTDescription[] = _( - "Tears with psychic blades.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Tears with psychic blades.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sZEN_HEADBUTTDescription[] = _( - "Hits with a strong head-\n" - "butt. May cause flinching."); + "Hits with a strong head-\n" + "butt. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sMIRROR_SHOTDescription[] = _( - "Emits a flash of energy to\n" - "damage and cut accuracy."); + "Emits a flash of energy to\n" + "damage and cut accuracy."); static const u8 sFLASH_CANNONDescription[] = _( - "Releases a blast of light\n" - "that may lower Sp. Def."); + "Releases a blast of light\n" + "that may lower Sp. Def."); static const u8 sROCK_CLIMBDescription[] = _( - "A charging attack that may\n" - "confuse the foe."); + "A charging attack that may\n" + "confuse the foe."); static const u8 sDEFOGDescription[] = _( - "Removes obstacles and\n" - "lowers evasion."); + "Removes obstacles and\n" + "lowers evasion."); static const u8 sTRICK_ROOMDescription[] = _( - "Slower POKéMON get to move\n" - "first for 5 turns."); + "Slower POKéMON get to move\n" + "first for 5 turns."); static const u8 sDRACO_METEORDescription[] = _( - "Casts comets onto the foe.\n" - "Harshly lowers the Sp. Atk."); + "Casts comets onto the foe.\n" + "Harshly lowers the Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sDISCHARGEDescription[] = _( - "Zaps the foes with electri-\n" - "city. May paralyze them."); + "Zaps the foes with electri-\n" + "city. May paralyze them."); static const u8 sPOWER_WHIPDescription[] = _( - "Violently lashes the foe\n" - "with vines or tentacles."); + "Violently lashes the foe\n" + "with vines or tentacles."); static const u8 sCROSS_POISONDescription[] = _( - "A slash that may poison a\n" - "foe and do critical damage."); + "A slash that may poison a\n" + "foe and do critical damage."); static const u8 sGUNK_SHOTDescription[] = _( - "Shoots filthy garbage at\n" - "the foe. May also poison."); + "Shoots filthy garbage at\n" + "the foe. May also poison."); static const u8 sIRON_HEADDescription[] = _( - "Slams the foe with a hard\n" - "head. May cause flinching."); + "Slams the foe with a hard\n" + "head. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sMAGNET_BOMBDescription[] = _( - "Launches a magnet that\n" - "strikes without fail."); + "Launches a magnet that\n" + "strikes without fail."); static const u8 sSTONE_EDGEDescription[] = _( - "Stabs the foe with stones.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Stabs the foe with stones.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sCAPTIVATEDescription[] = _( - "Makes the opposite gender\n" - "sharply reduce its Sp. Atk."); + "Makes the opposite gender\n" + "sharply reduce its Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sSTEALTH_ROCKDescription[] = _( - "Sets floating stones that\n" - "hurt a foe switching in."); + "Sets floating stones that\n" + "hurt a foe switching in."); static const u8 sGRASS_KNOTDescription[] = _( - "A snare attack that does\n" - "more damage to heavier foes."); + "A snare attack that does\n" + "more damage to heavier foes."); static const u8 sCHATTERDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a sound wave\n" - "that causes confusion."); + "Attacks with a sound wave\n" + "that causes confusion."); static const u8 sJUDGMENTDescription[] = _( - "The type varies with the\n" - "kind of Plate held."); + "The type varies with the\n" + "kind of Plate held."); static const u8 sCHARGE_BEAMDescription[] = _( - "Fires a beam of electricity.\n" - "May raise Sp. Atk."); + "Fires a beam of electricity.\n" + "May raise Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sWOOD_HAMMERDescription[] = _( "Slams the body into a foe\n" @@ -1786,840 +1786,840 @@ static const u8 sAQUA_JETDescription[] = _( "at the foe at a high speed."); static const u8 sATTACK_ORDERDescription[] = _( - "Underlings pummel the foe.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Underlings pummel the foe.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sDEFEND_ORDERDescription[] = _( - "Raises Defense and Sp. Def\n" - "with a living shield."); + "Raises Defense and Sp. Def\n" + "with a living shield."); static const u8 sHEAL_ORDERDescription[] = _( - "The user's underlings show\n" - "up to heal half its max HP."); + "The user's underlings show\n" + "up to heal half its max HP."); static const u8 sHEAD_SMASHDescription[] = _( - "A life-risking headbutt that\n" - "seriously hurts the user."); + "A life-risking headbutt that\n" + "seriously hurts the user."); static const u8 sDOUBLE_HITDescription[] = _( - "Slams the foe with a tail\n" - "etc. Strikes twice."); + "Slams the foe with a tail\n" + "etc. Strikes twice."); static const u8 sROAR_OF_TIMEDescription[] = _( - "Powerful, but leaves the\n" - "user immobile the next turn."); + "Powerful, but leaves the\n" + "user immobile the next turn."); static const u8 sSPACIAL_RENDDescription[] = _( - "Tears the foe, and space.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Tears the foe, and space.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sMAGMA_STORMDescription[] = _( - "Traps the foe in a vortex\n" - "of fire for 2 to 5 turns."); + "Traps the foe in a vortex\n" + "of fire for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sDARK_VOIDDescription[] = _( - "Drags the foe into total\n" - "darkness, inducing Sleep."); + "Drags the foe into total\n" + "darkness, inducing Sleep."); static const u8 sSEED_FLAREDescription[] = _( - "Generates a shock wave that\n" - "sharply reduces Sp. Def."); + "Generates a shock wave that\n" + "sharply reduces Sp. Def."); static const u8 sOMINOUS_WINDDescription[] = _( - "A repulsive attack that may\n" - "raise all stats."); + "A repulsive attack that may\n" + "raise all stats."); static const u8 sSHADOW_FORCEDescription[] = _( - "Vanishes on the first turn\n" - "then strikes the next turn."); + "Vanishes on the first turn\n" + "then strikes the next turn."); static const u8 sHONE_CLAWSDescription[] = _( - "Sharpens its claws to raise\n" - "Attack and Accuracy."); + "Sharpens its claws to raise\n" + "Attack and Accuracy."); static const u8 sWIDE_GUARDDescription[] = _( - "Evades wide-ranging attacks\n" - "for one turn."); + "Evades wide-ranging attacks\n" + "for one turn."); static const u8 sGUARD_SPLITDescription[] = _( - "Averages changes to Defense\n" - "and Sp. Def with the foe."); + "Averages changes to Defense\n" + "and Sp. Def with the foe."); static const u8 sPOWER_SPLITDescription[] = _( - "Averages changes to Attack\n" - "and Sp. Atk with the foe."); + "Averages changes to Attack\n" + "and Sp. Atk with the foe."); static const u8 sWONDER_ROOMDescription[] = _( - "Defense and Sp. Def stats\n" - "are swapped for 5 turns."); + "Defense and Sp. Def stats\n" + "are swapped for 5 turns."); static const u8 sPSYSHOCKDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a psychic wave\n" - "that does physical damage."); + "Attacks with a psychic wave\n" + "that does physical damage."); static const u8 sTAIL_SLAPDescription[] = _( "Strikes the foe with its\n" "tail 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sVENOSHOCKDescription[] = _( - "Does double damage if the\n" - "foe is poisoned."); + "Does double damage if the\n" + "foe is poisoned."); static const u8 sAUTOTOMIZEDescription[] = _( - "Sheds additional weight to\n" - "sharply boost Speed."); + "Sheds additional weight to\n" + "sharply boost Speed."); static const u8 sRAGE_POWDERDescription[] = _( - "Scatters powder to make\n" - "foes attack only the user."); + "Scatters powder to make\n" + "foes attack only the user."); static const u8 sTELEKINESISDescription[] = _( - "Makes the foe float. It is\n" - "easier to hit for 3 turns."); + "Makes the foe float. It is\n" + "easier to hit for 3 turns."); static const u8 sMAGIC_ROOMDescription[] = _( - "Hold items lose their\n" - "effects for 5 turns."); + "Hold items lose their\n" + "effects for 5 turns."); static const u8 sSMACK_DOWNDescription[] = _( - "Throws a rock to knock the\n" - "foe down to the ground."); + "Throws a rock to knock the\n" + "foe down to the ground."); static const u8 sSTORM_THROWDescription[] = _( - "This attack always results\n" - "in a critical hit."); + "This attack always results\n" + "in a critical hit."); static const u8 sFLAME_BURSTDescription[] = _( - "A bursting flame that does\n" - "damage to all foes."); + "A bursting flame that does\n" + "damage to all foes."); static const u8 sSLUDGE_WAVEDescription[] = _( - "Swamps the foe with a wave\n" - "of sludge. May also poison."); + "Swamps the foe with a wave\n" + "of sludge. May also poison."); static const u8 sQUIVER_DANCEDescription[] = _( - "Dances to raise Sp. Atk\n" - "Sp. Def and Speed."); + "Dances to raise Sp. Atk\n" + "Sp. Def and Speed."); static const u8 sHEAVY_SLAMDescription[] = _( - "Does more damage if the\n" - "user outweighs the foe."); + "Does more damage if the\n" + "user outweighs the foe."); static const u8 sSYNCHRONOISEDescription[] = _( - "An odd shock wave that only\n" - "damages same-type foes."); + "An odd shock wave that only\n" + "damages same-type foes."); static const u8 sELECTRO_BALLDescription[] = _( - "Hurls an orb that does more\n" - "damage to slower foes."); + "Hurls an orb that does more\n" + "damage to slower foes."); static const u8 sSOAKDescription[] = _( - "Sprays water at the foe\n" - "making it Water-type."); + "Sprays water at the foe\n" + "making it Water-type."); static const u8 sFLAME_CHARGEDescription[] = _( - "Attacks in a cloak of\n" - "flames. Raises Speed."); + "Attacks in a cloak of\n" + "flames. Raises Speed."); static const u8 sCOILDescription[] = _( - "Coils up to raise Attack\n" - "Defense and Accuracy."); + "Coils up to raise Attack\n" + "Defense and Accuracy."); static const u8 sLOW_SWEEPDescription[] = _( - "Attacks the foe's legs\n" - "lowering its Speed."); + "Attacks the foe's legs\n" + "lowering its Speed."); static const u8 sACID_SPRAYDescription[] = _( - "Sprays a hide-melting acid.\n" - "Sharply reduces Sp. Def."); + "Sprays a hide-melting acid.\n" + "Sharply reduces Sp. Def."); static const u8 sFOUL_PLAYDescription[] = _( - "The higher the foe's Attack\n" - "the more damage caused."); + "The higher the foe's Attack\n" + "the more damage caused."); static const u8 sSIMPLE_BEAMDescription[] = _( - "A beam that changes the\n" - "foe's ability to Simple."); + "A beam that changes the\n" + "foe's ability to Simple."); static const u8 sENTRAINMENTDescription[] = _( - "Makes the foe mimic the\n" - "user, gaining its ability."); + "Makes the foe mimic the\n" + "user, gaining its ability."); static const u8 sAFTER_YOUDescription[] = _( - "Helps out the foe, letting\n" - "it move next."); + "Helps out the foe, letting\n" + "it move next."); static const u8 sROUNDDescription[] = _( - "A song that inflicts damage.\n" - "Others can join in too."); + "A song that inflicts damage.\n" + "Others can join in too."); static const u8 sECHOED_VOICEDescription[] = _( - "Does more damage every turn\n" - "it is used."); + "Does more damage every turn\n" + "it is used."); static const u8 sCHIP_AWAYDescription[] = _( - "Strikes through the foe's\n" - "stat changes."); + "Strikes through the foe's\n" + "stat changes."); static const u8 sCLEAR_SMOGDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with white haze that\n" - "eliminates all stat changes."); + "Attacks with white haze that\n" + "eliminates all stat changes."); static const u8 sSTORED_POWERDescription[] = _( - "The higher the user's stats\n" - "the more damage caused."); + "The higher the user's stats\n" + "the more damage caused."); static const u8 sQUICK_GUARDDescription[] = _( - "Evades priority attacks\n" - "for one turn."); + "Evades priority attacks\n" + "for one turn."); static const u8 sALLY_SWITCHDescription[] = _( - "The user switches places\n" - "with its partner."); + "The user switches places\n" + "with its partner."); static const u8 sSCALDDescription[] = _( - "Shoots boiling water at the\n" - "foe. May inflict a burn."); + "Shoots boiling water at the\n" + "foe. May inflict a burn."); static const u8 sSHELL_SMASHDescription[] = _( - "Raises offensive stats, but\n" - "lowers defensive stats."); + "Raises offensive stats, but\n" + "lowers defensive stats."); static const u8 sHEAL_PULSEDescription[] = _( - "Recovers up to half the\n" - "target's maximum HP."); + "Recovers up to half the\n" + "target's maximum HP."); static const u8 sHEXDescription[] = _( - "Does double damage if the\n" - "foe has a status problem."); + "Does double damage if the\n" + "foe has a status problem."); static const u8 sSKY_DROPDescription[] = _( - "Takes the foe into the sky\n" - "then drops it the next turn."); + "Takes the foe into the sky\n" + "then drops it the next turn."); static const u8 sSHIFT_GEARDescription[] = _( - "Rotates its gears to raise\n" - "Attack and Speed."); + "Rotates its gears to raise\n" + "Attack and Speed."); static const u8 sCIRCLE_THROWDescription[] = _( - "Knocks the foe away to end\n" - "the battle."); + "Knocks the foe away to end\n" + "the battle."); static const u8 sINCINERATEDescription[] = _( - "Burns up Berries and Gems\n" - "preventing their use."); + "Burns up Berries and Gems\n" + "preventing their use."); static const u8 sQUASHDescription[] = _( - "Suppresses the foe, making\n" - "it move last."); + "Suppresses the foe, making\n" + "it move last."); static const u8 sACROBATICSDescription[] = _( - "Does double damage if the\n" - "user has no item."); + "Does double damage if the\n" + "user has no item."); static const u8 sREFLECT_TYPEDescription[] = _( - "The user reflects the foe's\n" - "type, copying it."); + "The user reflects the foe's\n" + "type, copying it."); static const u8 sRETALIATEDescription[] = _( - "An attack that does more\n" - "damage if an ally fainted."); + "An attack that does more\n" + "damage if an ally fainted."); static const u8 sFINAL_GAMBITDescription[] = _( - "The user faints to damage\n" - "the foe equal to its HP."); + "The user faints to damage\n" + "the foe equal to its HP."); static const u8 sBESTOWDescription[] = _( - "The user gives its held\n" - "item to the foe."); + "The user gives its held\n" + "item to the foe."); static const u8 sINFERNODescription[] = _( - "Powerful and sure to inflict\n" - "a burn, but inaccurate."); + "Powerful and sure to inflict\n" + "a burn, but inaccurate."); static const u8 sWATER_PLEDGEDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a column of\n" - "water. May make a rainbow."); + "Attacks with a column of\n" + "water. May make a rainbow."); static const u8 sFIRE_PLEDGEDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a column of\n" - "fire. May burn the grass."); + "Attacks with a column of\n" + "fire. May burn the grass."); static const u8 sGRASS_PLEDGEDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a column of\n" - "grass. May create a swamp."); + "Attacks with a column of\n" + "grass. May create a swamp."); static const u8 sSTRUGGLE_BUGDescription[] = _( - "Resisting, the user attacks\n" - "the foe. Lowers Sp. Atk."); + "Resisting, the user attacks\n" + "the foe. Lowers Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sBULLDOZEDescription[] = _( - "Stomps down on the ground.\n" - "Lowers Speed."); + "Stomps down on the ground.\n" + "Lowers Speed."); static const u8 sWORK_UPDescription[] = _( - "The user is roused.\n" - "Ups Attack and Sp. Atk."); + "The user is roused.\n" + "Ups Attack and Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sELECTROWEBDescription[] = _( - "Snares the foe with an\n" - "electric net. Lowers Speed."); + "Snares the foe with an\n" + "electric net. Lowers Speed."); static const u8 sWILD_CHARGEDescription[] = _( "An electrical tackle that\n" "also hurts the user."); static const u8 sDRILL_RUNDescription[] = _( - "Spins its body like a drill.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Spins its body like a drill.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sDUAL_CHOPDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with brutal hits\n" - "that strike twice."); + "Attacks with brutal hits\n" + "that strike twice."); static const u8 sHEART_STAMPDescription[] = _( - "A sudden blow after a cute\n" - "act. May cause flinching."); + "A sudden blow after a cute\n" + "act. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sRAZOR_SHELLDescription[] = _( - "Tears at the foe with sharp\n" - "shells. May lower Defense."); + "Tears at the foe with sharp\n" + "shells. May lower Defense."); static const u8 sLEAF_TORNADODescription[] = _( - "Circles the foe with leaves\n" - "to damage and cut accuracy."); + "Circles the foe with leaves\n" + "to damage and cut accuracy."); static const u8 sSTEAMROLLERDescription[] = _( - "Crushes the foe with its\n" - "body. May cause flinching."); + "Crushes the foe with its\n" + "body. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sCOTTON_GUARDDescription[] = _( - "Wraps its body in cotton.\n" - "Drastically raises Defense."); + "Wraps its body in cotton.\n" + "Drastically raises Defense."); static const u8 sNIGHT_DAZEDescription[] = _( - "Looses a pitch-black shock\n" - "wave. May lower accuracy."); + "Looses a pitch-black shock\n" + "wave. May lower accuracy."); static const u8 sHURRICANEDescription[] = _( - "Traps the foe in a fierce\n" - "wind. May cause confusion."); + "Traps the foe in a fierce\n" + "wind. May cause confusion."); static const u8 sHEAD_CHARGEDescription[] = _( - "A charge using guard hair.\n" - "It hurts the user a little."); + "A charge using guard hair.\n" + "It hurts the user a little."); static const u8 sGEAR_GRINDDescription[] = _( - "Throws two steel gears\n" - "that strike twice."); + "Throws two steel gears\n" + "that strike twice."); static const u8 sTECHNO_BLASTDescription[] = _( - "The type varies with the\n" - "kind of Drive held."); + "The type varies with the\n" + "kind of Drive held."); static const u8 sRELIC_SONGDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with an ancient\n" - "song. May induce sleep."); + "Attacks with an ancient\n" + "song. May induce sleep."); static const u8 sSECRET_SWORDDescription[] = _( - "Cuts with a long horn that\n" - "does physical damage."); + "Cuts with a long horn that\n" + "does physical damage."); static const u8 sGLACIATEDescription[] = _( - "Blows very cold air at the\n" - "foe. It lowers their Speed."); + "Blows very cold air at the\n" + "foe. It lowers their Speed."); static const u8 sBOLT_STRIKEDescription[] = _( - "Strikes with a great amount\n" - "of lightning. May paralyze."); + "Strikes with a great amount\n" + "of lightning. May paralyze."); static const u8 sBLUE_FLAREDescription[] = _( - "Engulfs the foe in a blue\n" - "flame. May inflict a burn."); + "Engulfs the foe in a blue\n" + "flame. May inflict a burn."); static const u8 sFIERY_DANCEDescription[] = _( - "Dances cloaked in flames.\n" - "May raise Sp. Atk."); + "Dances cloaked in flames.\n" + "May raise Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sFREEZE_SHOCKDescription[] = _( - "A powerful 2-turn move that\n" - "may paralyze the foe."); + "A powerful 2-turn move that\n" + "may paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sICE_BURNDescription[] = _( - "A powerful 2-turn move that\n" - "may inflict a burn."); + "A powerful 2-turn move that\n" + "may inflict a burn."); static const u8 sSNARLDescription[] = _( - "Yells and rants at the foe\n" - "lowering its Sp. Atk."); + "Yells and rants at the foe\n" + "lowering its Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sICICLE_CRASHDescription[] = _( - "Drops large icicles on the\n" - "foe. May cause flinching."); + "Drops large icicles on the\n" + "foe. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sV_CREATEDescription[] = _( - "Very powerful, but lowers\n" - "Defense, Sp. Def and Speed."); + "Very powerful, but lowers\n" + "Defense, Sp. Def and Speed."); static const u8 sFUSION_FLAREDescription[] = _( - "Summons a fireball. Works\n" - "well with a thunderbolt."); + "Summons a fireball. Works\n" + "well with a thunderbolt."); static const u8 sFUSION_BOLTDescription[] = _( - "Summons a thunderbolt.\n" - "Works well with a fireball."); + "Summons a thunderbolt.\n" + "Works well with a fireball."); static const u8 sFLYING_PRESSDescription[] = _( - "This attack does FightingDash\n" - "and Flying-type damage."); + "This attack does FightingDash\n" + "and Flying-type damage."); static const u8 sMAT_BLOCKDescription[] = _( - "Evades damaging moves\n" - "for one turn."); + "Evades damaging moves\n" + "for one turn."); static const u8 sBELCHDescription[] = _( - "Lets out a loud belch.\n" - "Must eat a Berry to use it."); + "Lets out a loud belch.\n" + "Must eat a Berry to use it."); static const u8 sROTOTILLERDescription[] = _( - "Ups the Attack and Sp. Atk\n" - "of Grass-type POKéMON."); + "Ups the Attack and Sp. Atk\n" + "of Grass-type POKéMON."); static const u8 sSTICKY_WEBDescription[] = _( - "Weaves a sticky net that\n" - "slows foes switching in."); + "Weaves a sticky net that\n" + "slows foes switching in."); static const u8 sFELL_STINGERDescription[] = _( - "If it knocks out a foe\n" - "the Attack stat is raised."); + "If it knocks out a foe\n" + "the Attack stat is raised."); static const u8 sTRICK_OR_TREATDescription[] = _( - "Goes trick-or-treating\n" - "making the foe Ghost-type."); + "Goes trick-or-treating\n" + "making the foe Ghost-type."); static const u8 sNOBLE_ROARDescription[] = _( - "Intimidates the foe, to cut\n" - "Attack and Sp. Atk."); + "Intimidates the foe, to cut\n" + "Attack and Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sION_DELUGEDescription[] = _( - "Electrifies Normal-type\n" - "moves with charged atoms."); + "Electrifies Normal-type\n" + "moves with charged atoms."); static const u8 sPARABOLIC_CHARGEDescription[] = _( - "Damages adjacent Pokémon and\n" - "heals up by half of it."); + "Damages adjacent Pokémon and\n" + "heals up by half of it."); static const u8 sFORESTS_CURSEDescription[] = _( - "Puts a curse on the foe\n" - "making the foe Grass-type."); + "Puts a curse on the foe\n" + "making the foe Grass-type."); static const u8 sPETAL_BLIZZARDDescription[] = _( - "Stirs up a violent storm\n" - "of petals to attack."); + "Stirs up a violent storm\n" + "of petals to attack."); static const u8 sFREEZE_DRYDescription[] = _( - "Super effective on WaterDash\n" - "types. May cause freezing."); + "Super effective on WaterDash\n" + "types. May cause freezing."); static const u8 sDISARMING_VOICEDescription[] = _( - "Lets out a charming cry\n" - "that cannot be evaded."); + "Lets out a charming cry\n" + "that cannot be evaded."); static const u8 sPARTING_SHOTDescription[] = _( - "Lowers the foe's Attack and\n" - "Sp. Atk, then switches out."); + "Lowers the foe's Attack and\n" + "Sp. Atk, then switches out."); static const u8 sTOPSY_TURVYDescription[] = _( - "Swaps all stat changes that\n" - "affect the target."); + "Swaps all stat changes that\n" + "affect the target."); static const u8 sDRAINING_KISSDescription[] = _( - "An attack that absorbs over\n" - "half the damage inflicted."); + "An attack that absorbs over\n" + "half the damage inflicted."); static const u8 sCRAFTY_SHIELDDescription[] = _( - "Evades status moves for\n" - "one turn."); + "Evades status moves for\n" + "one turn."); static const u8 sFLOWER_SHIELDDescription[] = _( - "Raises the Defense of\n" - "Grass-type POKéMON."); + "Raises the Defense of\n" + "Grass-type POKéMON."); static const u8 sGRASSY_TERRAINDescription[] = _( - "The ground turns to grass\n" - "for 5 turns. Restores HP."); + "The ground turns to grass\n" + "for 5 turns. Restores HP."); static const u8 sMISTY_TERRAINDescription[] = _( - "Covers the ground with mist\n" - "for 5 turns. Blocks status."); + "Covers the ground with mist\n" + "for 5 turns. Blocks status."); static const u8 sELECTRIFYDescription[] = _( - "Electrifies the foe, making\n" - "its next move Electric-type."); + "Electrifies the foe, making\n" + "its next move Electric-type."); static const u8 sPLAY_ROUGHDescription[] = _( - "Plays rough with the foe.\n" - "May lower Attack."); + "Plays rough with the foe.\n" + "May lower Attack."); static const u8 sFAIRY_WINDDescription[] = _( - "Stirs up a fairy wind to\n" - "strike the foe."); + "Stirs up a fairy wind to\n" + "strike the foe."); static const u8 sMOONBLASTDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with the power of\n" - "the moon. May lower Sp. Atk."); + "Attacks with the power of\n" + "the moon. May lower Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sBOOMBURSTDescription[] = _( - "Attacks everything with a\n" - "destructive sound wave."); + "Attacks everything with a\n" + "destructive sound wave."); static const u8 sFAIRY_LOCKDescription[] = _( - "Locks down the battlefield\n" - "preventing escape next turn."); + "Locks down the battlefield\n" + "preventing escape next turn."); static const u8 sKINGS_SHIELDDescription[] = _( - "Evades damage, and sharply\n" - "reduces Attack if struck."); + "Evades damage, and sharply\n" + "reduces Attack if struck."); static const u8 sPLAY_NICEDescription[] = _( - "Befriend the foe, lowering\n" - "its Attack without fail."); + "Befriend the foe, lowering\n" + "its Attack without fail."); static const u8 sCONFIDEDescription[] = _( - "Shares a secret with the\n" - "foe, lowering Sp. Atk."); + "Shares a secret with the\n" + "foe, lowering Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sDIAMOND_STORMDescription[] = _( - "Whips up a storm of\n" - "diamonds. May up Defense."); + "Whips up a storm of\n" + "diamonds. May up Defense."); static const u8 sSTEAM_ERUPTIONDescription[] = _( - "Immerses the foe in heated\n" - "steam. May inflict a burn."); + "Immerses the foe in heated\n" + "steam. May inflict a burn."); static const u8 sHYPERSPACE_HOLEDescription[] = _( - "Uses a warp hole to attack.\n" - "Can't be evaded."); + "Uses a warp hole to attack.\n" + "Can't be evaded."); static const u8 sWATER_SHURIKENDescription[] = _( - "Throws 2 to 5 stars that\n" - "are sure to strike first."); + "Throws 2 to 5 stars that\n" + "are sure to strike first."); static const u8 sMYSTICAL_FIREDescription[] = _( - "Breathes a special, hot\n" - "fire. May lower Sp. Atk."); + "Breathes a special, hot\n" + "fire. May lower Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sSPIKY_SHIELDDescription[] = _( - "Evades attack, and damages\n" - "the foe if struck."); + "Evades attack, and damages\n" + "the foe if struck."); static const u8 sAROMATIC_MISTDescription[] = _( - "Raises the Sp. Def of a\n" - "partner POKéMON."); + "Raises the Sp. Def of a\n" + "partner POKéMON."); static const u8 sEERIE_IMPULSEDescription[] = _( - "Exposes the foe to a pulse\n" - "that sharply cuts Sp. Atk."); + "Exposes the foe to a pulse\n" + "that sharply cuts Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sVENOM_DRENCHDescription[] = _( - "Lowers the Attack, Sp. Atk\n" - "and Speed of a poisoned foe."); + "Lowers the Attack, Sp. Atk\n" + "and Speed of a poisoned foe."); static const u8 sPOWDERDescription[] = _( - "Damages the foe if it uses\n" - "a Fire-type move."); + "Damages the foe if it uses\n" + "a Fire-type move."); static const u8 sGEOMANCYDescription[] = _( - "Raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and\n" - "Speed on the 2nd turn."); + "Raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and\n" + "Speed on the 2nd turn."); static const u8 sMAGNETIC_FLUXDescription[] = _( - "Boosts the defenses of\n" - "those with Plus or Minus."); + "Boosts the defenses of\n" + "those with Plus or Minus."); static const u8 sHAPPY_HOURDescription[] = _( - "Doubles the amount of\n" - "Prize Money received."); + "Doubles the amount of\n" + "Prize Money received."); static const u8 sELECTRIC_TERRAINDescription[] = _( - "Electrifies the ground for\n" - "5 turns. Prevents sleep."); + "Electrifies the ground for\n" + "5 turns. Prevents sleep."); static const u8 sDAZZLING_GLEAMDescription[] = _( - "Damages foes by emitting\n" - "a bright flash."); + "Damages foes by emitting\n" + "a bright flash."); static const u8 sCELEBRATEDescription[] = _( - "Congratulates you on your\n" - "special day."); + "Congratulates you on your\n" + "special day."); static const u8 sHOLD_HANDSDescription[] = _( - "The user and ally hold hands\n" - "making them happy."); + "The user and ally hold hands\n" + "making them happy."); static const u8 sBABYDOLL_EYESDescription[] = _( - "Lowers the foe's Attack\n" - "before it can move."); + "Lowers the foe's Attack\n" + "before it can move."); static const u8 sNUZZLEDescription[] = _( - "Rubs its cheecks against\n" - "the foe, paralyzing it."); + "Rubs its cheecks against\n" + "the foe, paralyzing it."); static const u8 sINFESTATIONDescription[] = _( - "The foe is infested and\n" - "attacked for 2 to 5 turns."); + "The foe is infested and\n" + "attacked for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sPOWER_UP_PUNCHDescription[] = _( - "A hard punch that raises\n" - "the user's Attack."); + "A hard punch that raises\n" + "the user's Attack."); static const u8 sTHOUSAND_ARROWSDescription[] = _( - "Can hit Flying foes, then\n" - "knocks them to the ground."); + "Can hit Flying foes, then\n" + "knocks them to the ground."); static const u8 sTHOUSAND_WAVESDescription[] = _( - "Those hit by the wave can\n" - "no longer escape."); + "Those hit by the wave can\n" + "no longer escape."); static const u8 sLANDS_WRATHDescription[] = _( - "Gathers the energy of the\n" - "land to attack every foe."); + "Gathers the energy of the\n" + "land to attack every foe."); static const u8 sLIGHT_OF_RUINDescription[] = _( - "Fires a great beam of light\n" - "that also hurts the user."); + "Fires a great beam of light\n" + "that also hurts the user."); static const u8 sORIGIN_PULSEDescription[] = _( - "Beams of glowing blue light\n" - "blast both foes."); + "Beams of glowing blue light\n" + "blast both foes."); static const u8 sPRECIPICE_BLADESDescription[] = _( - "Fearsome blades of stone\n" - "attack both foes."); + "Fearsome blades of stone\n" + "attack both foes."); static const u8 sLAVA_PLUMEDescription[] = _( - "Scarlet flames torch\n" - "everything around the user."); + "Scarlet flames torch\n" + "everything around the user."); static const u8 sLEAF_STORMDescription[] = _( - "Whips up a storm of leaves.\n" - "Harshly lowers the Sp. Atk."); + "Whips up a storm of leaves.\n" + "Harshly lowers the Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sSHORE_UPDescription[] = _( - "Restores the user's HP.\n" - "More HP in a sandstorm."); + "Restores the user's HP.\n" + "More HP in a sandstorm."); static const u8 sFIRST_IMPRESSIONDescription[] = _( - "Hits hard and first.\n" - "Only works first turn."); + "Hits hard and first.\n" + "Only works first turn."); static const u8 sBANEFUL_BUNKERDescription[] = _( - "Protects user and poisons\n" - "foes on contact."); + "Protects user and poisons\n" + "foes on contact."); static const u8 sSPIRIT_SHACKLEDescription[] = _( - "After being hit, foes can\n" - "no longer escape."); + "After being hit, foes can\n" + "no longer escape."); static const u8 sDARKEST_LARIATDescription[] = _( - "Swings the arms to strike\n" - "It ignores stat changes."); + "Swings the arms to strike\n" + "It ignores stat changes."); static const u8 sSPARKLING_ARIADescription[] = _( - "Sings with bubbles. Cures\n" - "burns on contact."); + "Sings with bubbles. Cures\n" + "burns on contact."); static const u8 sICE_HAMMERDescription[] = _( - "Swings the fist to strike.\n" - "Lowers the user's SPEED."); + "Swings the fist to strike.\n" + "Lowers the user's SPEED."); static const u8 sFLORAL_HEALINGDescription[] = _( - "Restores an ally's HP.\n" - "Heals more on grass."); + "Restores an ally's HP.\n" + "Heals more on grass."); static const u8 sHIGH_HORSEPOWERDescription[] = _( - "Slams hard into the foe with\n" - "its entire body."); + "Slams hard into the foe with\n" + "its entire body."); static const u8 sSTRENGTH_SAPDescription[] = _( - "Saps the foe's Attack to\n" - "heal HP, then drops Attack."); + "Saps the foe's Attack to\n" + "heal HP, then drops Attack."); static const u8 sSOLAR_BLADEDescription[] = _( - "Charges first turn, then\n" - "chops with a blade of light."); + "Charges first turn, then\n" + "chops with a blade of light."); static const u8 sLEAFAGEDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a flurry of\n" - "small leaves."); + "Attacks with a flurry of\n" + "small leaves."); static const u8 sSPOTLIGHTDescription[] = _( - "Makes the foe attack the\n" - "spotlighted POKéMON."); + "Makes the foe attack the\n" + "spotlighted POKéMON."); static const u8 sTOXIC_THREADDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a thread that\n" - "poisons and drops Speed."); + "Attacks with a thread that\n" + "poisons and drops Speed."); static const u8 sLASER_FOCUSDescription[] = _( - "Guarantees the next move\n" - "will be a critical hit."); + "Guarantees the next move\n" + "will be a critical hit."); static const u8 sGEAR_UPDescription[] = _( - "Boosts the attacks of\n" - "those with Plus or Minus."); + "Boosts the attacks of\n" + "those with Plus or Minus."); static const u8 sTHROAT_CHOPDescription[] = _( - "Chops the throat to disable\n" - "sound moves for a while."); + "Chops the throat to disable\n" + "sound moves for a while."); static const u8 sPOLLEN_PUFFDescription[] = _( - "Explodes on foes, but\n" - "restores ally's HP."); + "Explodes on foes, but\n" + "restores ally's HP."); static const u8 sANCHOR_SHOTDescription[] = _( - "Strangles the foe with a\n" - "chain. The foe can't flinch."); + "Strangles the foe with a\n" + "chain. The foe can't flinch."); static const u8 sPSYCHIC_TERRAINDescription[] = _( - "The ground turns weird for\n" - "5 turns. Blocks priority."); + "The ground turns weird for\n" + "5 turns. Blocks priority."); static const u8 sLUNGEDescription[] = _( - "Lunges at the foe to lower\n" - "its Attack stat."); + "Lunges at the foe to lower\n" + "its Attack stat."); static const u8 sFIRE_LASHDescription[] = _( - "Whips the foe with fire\n" - "lowering its Defense."); + "Whips the foe with fire\n" + "lowering its Defense."); static const u8 sPOWER_TRIPDescription[] = _( - "It hits harder the more\n" - "stat boosts the user has."); + "It hits harder the more\n" + "stat boosts the user has."); static const u8 sBURN_UPDescription[] = _( - "Burns out the user fully\n" - "removing the Fire type."); + "Burns out the user fully\n" + "removing the Fire type."); static const u8 sSPEED_SWAPDescription[] = _( - "Swaps user's Speed with\n" - "the target's."); + "Swaps user's Speed with\n" + "the target's."); static const u8 sSMART_STRIKEDescription[] = _( - "Hits with an accurate\n" - "horn that never misses."); + "Hits with an accurate\n" + "horn that never misses."); static const u8 sPURIFYDescription[] = _( - "Cures the foe's status\n" - "to restore HP."); + "Cures the foe's status\n" + "to restore HP."); static const u8 sREVELATION_DANCEDescription[] = _( - "Dances with mystical power.\n" - "Matches user's first type."); + "Dances with mystical power.\n" + "Matches user's first type."); static const u8 sCORE_ENFORCERDescription[] = _( - "Hits with a ray that\n" - "nullifies the foe's ability."); + "Hits with a ray that\n" + "nullifies the foe's ability."); static const u8 sTROP_KICKDescription[] = _( - "An intense kick from the\n" - "tropics. Lowers Attack."); + "An intense kick from the\n" + "tropics. Lowers Attack."); static const u8 sINSTRUCTDescription[] = _( - "Orders the target to use\n" - "its last move again."); + "Orders the target to use\n" + "its last move again."); static const u8 sBEAK_BLASTDescription[] = _( - "Heats up beak to attack.\n" - "Burns foe on contact."); + "Heats up beak to attack.\n" + "Burns foe on contact."); static const u8 sCLANGING_SCALESDescription[] = _( - "Makes a big noise with\n" - "its scales. Drops Defense."); + "Makes a big noise with\n" + "its scales. Drops Defense."); static const u8 sDRAGON_HAMMERDescription[] = _( - "Swings its whole body\n" - "like a hammer to damage."); + "Swings its whole body\n" + "like a hammer to damage."); static const u8 sBRUTAL_SWINGDescription[] = _( - "Violently swings around\n" - "to hurt everyone nearby."); + "Violently swings around\n" + "to hurt everyone nearby."); static const u8 sAURORA_VEILDescription[] = _( - "Weakens all attacks, but\n" - "only usable with hail."); + "Weakens all attacks, but\n" + "only usable with hail."); static const u8 sSHELL_TRAPDescription[] = _( - "Sets a shell trap that\n" - "damages on contact."); + "Sets a shell trap that\n" + "damages on contact."); static const u8 sFLEUR_CANNONDescription[] = _( - "A strong ray that harshly\n" - "lowers Sp. Attack."); + "A strong ray that harshly\n" + "lowers Sp. Attack."); static const u8 sPSYCHIC_FANGSDescription[] = _( - "Chomps with psychic fangs.\n" - "Destroys any barriers."); + "Chomps with psychic fangs.\n" + "Destroys any barriers."); static const u8 sSTOMPING_TANTRUMDescription[] = _( - "Stomps around angrily.\n" - "Stronger after a failure."); + "Stomps around angrily.\n" + "Stronger after a failure."); static const u8 sSHADOW_BONEDescription[] = _( - "Strikes with a haunted\n" - "bone. Might drop Defense."); + "Strikes with a haunted\n" + "bone. Might drop Defense."); static const u8 sACCELEROCKDescription[] = _( - "Hits with a high-speed\n" - "rock that always goes first."); + "Hits with a high-speed\n" + "rock that always goes first."); static const u8 sLIQUIDATIONDescription[] = _( - "Slams the foe with water.\n" - "Can lower Defense."); + "Slams the foe with water.\n" + "Can lower Defense."); static const u8 sPRISMATIC_LASERDescription[] = _( - "A high power laser that\n" - "forces recharge next turn."); + "A high power laser that\n" + "forces recharge next turn."); static const u8 sSPECTRAL_THIEFDescription[] = _( - "Steals the target's stat\n" - "boosts, then attacks."); + "Steals the target's stat\n" + "boosts, then attacks."); static const u8 sSUNSTEEL_STRIKEDescription[] = _( - "A sun-fueled strike that\n" - "ignores abilities."); + "A sun-fueled strike that\n" + "ignores abilities."); static const u8 sMOONGEIST_BEAMDescription[] = _( - "A moon-powered beam that\n" - "ignores abilities."); + "A moon-powered beam that\n" + "ignores abilities."); static const u8 sTEARFUL_LOOKDescription[] = _( - "The user tears up, dropping\n" - "Attack and Sp. Attack."); + "The user tears up, dropping\n" + "Attack and Sp. Attack."); static const u8 sZING_ZAPDescription[] = _( - "An electrified impact that\n" - "can cause flinching."); + "An electrified impact that\n" + "can cause flinching."); static const u8 sNATURES_MADNESSDescription[] = _( - "Halves the foe's HP with\n" - "the power of nature."); + "Halves the foe's HP with\n" + "the power of nature."); static const u8 sMULTI_ATTACKDescription[] = _( - "An attack that changes\n" - "with Memories."); + "An attack that changes\n" + "with Memories."); static const u8 sMIND_BLOWNDescription[] = _( - "It explodes the user's head\n" - "to damage everything around."); + "It explodes the user's head\n" + "to damage everything around."); static const u8 sPLASMA_FISTSDescription[] = _( - "Hits with electrical fists.\n" - "Normal moves become Electric."); + "Hits with electrical fists.\n" + "Normal moves become Electric."); static const u8 sPHOTON_GEYSERDescription[] = _( - "The foe's highest offensive\n" - "determines its category."); + "The foe's highest offensive\n" + "determines its category."); static const u8 sDOUBLE_IRON_BASHDescription[] = _( "The user spins and hits with\n" @@ -2767,7 +2767,7 @@ static const u8 sSTEEL_BEAMDescription[] = _( "its body. It hurts the user."); static const u8 sNotDoneYetDescription[] = _( - "Not done yet."); + "Not done yet."); // MOVE_NONE is ignored in this table. Make sure to always subtract 1 before getting the right pointer.