This commit is contained in:
golem galvanize 2018-01-30 16:33:20 -05:00
commit 231b69451b
41 changed files with 8356 additions and 14369 deletions

View File

@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ LDFLAGS = -Map ../../$(MAP)
OBJCOPY := $(DEVKITARM)/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy
LIBGCC := tools/agbcc/lib/libgcc.a
LIBC := tools/agbcc/lib/libc.a
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
LIB := ../../tools/agbcc/lib/libgcc.a ../../tools/agbcc/lib/libc.a
LIB := -L ../../tools/agbcc/lib -lgcc -lc
SHA1 := sha1sum -c
@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ $(OBJ_DIR)/ld_script.ld: ld_script.txt $(OBJ_DIR)/sym_bss.ld $(OBJ_DIR)/sym_comm
cd $(OBJ_DIR) && sed -f ../../ld_script.sed ../../$< | sed "s#tools/#../../tools/#g" > ld_script.ld
$(ELF): $(OBJ_DIR)/ld_script.ld $(OBJS)
cd $(OBJ_DIR) && $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T ld_script.ld -o ../../$@ $(OBJS_REL) ../../$(LIBGCC) ../../$(LIBC)
cd $(OBJ_DIR) && $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T ld_script.ld -o ../../$@ $(OBJS_REL) $(LIB)
$(ROM): $(ELF)
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary --gap-fill 0xFF --pad-to 0x9000000 $< $@

View File

@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@ _080B32E0:
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r1, =gLinkType
ldr r2, =0x00002211
adds r0, r2, 0
@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ _080B33E8:
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =gLinkType
ldr r2, =0x00002211
adds r1, r2, 0
@ -2399,7 +2399,7 @@ _080B382E:
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
bl sub_8009FAC
b _080B3864
@ -2470,7 +2470,7 @@ _080B38C6:
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
bl Rfu_set_zero
b _080B38FC

View File

@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ sub_811A7E4: @ 811A7E4
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
b _0811A840
ldr r0, =gPaletteFade

View File

@ -1625,8 +1625,8 @@ _080ABCBC:
thumb_func_end sub_80ABC7C
thumb_func_start fade_screen
fade_screen: @ 80ABCD0
thumb_func_start FadeScreen
FadeScreen: @ 80ABCD0
push {r4,r5,lr}
sub sp, 0x4
lsls r0, 24
@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@ _080ABDE4:
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end fade_screen
thumb_func_end FadeScreen
thumb_func_start sub_80ABDFC
sub_80ABDFC: @ 80ABDFC
@ -2472,15 +2472,15 @@ _080AC3B6:
bx r0
thumb_func_end play_some_sound
thumb_func_start sub_80AC3BC
sub_80AC3BC: @ 80AC3BC
thumb_func_start IsWeatherChangeComplete
IsWeatherChangeComplete: @ 80AC3BC
ldr r0, =gUnknown_02038454
ldr r1, =0x000006d3
adds r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r0]
bx lr
thumb_func_end sub_80AC3BC
thumb_func_end IsWeatherChangeComplete
thumb_func_start sub_80AC3D0
sub_80AC3D0: @ 80AC3D0
@ -7537,8 +7537,8 @@ GetSav1Weather: @ 80AEDAC
thumb_func_end GetSav1Weather
thumb_func_start sub_80AEDBC
sub_80AEDBC: @ 80AEDBC
thumb_func_start SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader
SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader: @ 80AEDBC
push {r4,r5,lr}
ldr r4, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r4]
@ -7559,7 +7559,7 @@ sub_80AEDBC: @ 80AEDBC
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80AEDBC
thumb_func_end SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader
thumb_func_start sub_80AEDF0
sub_80AEDF0: @ 80AEDF0
@ -7872,13 +7872,13 @@ _080AF06A:
bl palette_bg_faded_fill_black
movs r0, 0
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
b _080AF084
bl palette_bg_faded_fill_white
movs r0, 0x2
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
@ -7891,7 +7891,7 @@ sub_80AF08C: @ 80AF08C
bl palette_bg_faded_fill_white
movs r0, 0x2
movs r1, 0x8
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80AF08C
@ -7902,7 +7902,7 @@ pal_fill_black: @ 80AF0A0
bl palette_bg_faded_fill_black
movs r0, 0
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end pal_fill_black
@ -7928,12 +7928,12 @@ sub_80AF0B4: @ 80AF0B4
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
b _080AF0EC
movs r0, 0x3
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
@ -8761,7 +8761,7 @@ sub_80AF79C: @ 80AF79C
bl music_something
movs r0, 0x3
movs r1, 0x8
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
bl play_some_sound
ldr r0, =gFieldCallback
ldr r1, =sub_80AF3B0
@ -8990,7 +8990,7 @@ _080AF99A:
bl sub_8009FAC
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
bl music_something
movs r0, 0x9
bl PlaySE

View File

@ -21684,7 +21684,7 @@ _080148CC:
bne _080149B2
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
movs r0, 0x2
strh r0, [r7]
b _080149B2

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/"
.include "constants/"
.syntax unified
.align 2, 0 @ Don't pad with nop.

View File

@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ _080850C8:
adds r1, r5, 0
bl TryUpdateRandomTrainerRematches
bl DoTimeBasedEvents
bl sub_80AEDBC
bl SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader
bl sub_8085B2C
bl update_sav1_flash_used_on_map
bl Overworld_ClearSavedMusic
@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ _080851A2:
beq _080851EE
bl DoTimeBasedEvents
bl sub_80AEDBC
bl SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader
bl sub_8085B2C
cmp r5, 0
beq _08085200

View File

@ -17171,7 +17171,7 @@ sub_81B9404: @ 81B9404
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =sub_81B9424
movs r1, 0xA
bl CreateTask
@ -17247,7 +17247,7 @@ sub_81B94B0: @ 81B94B0
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =sub_81B94D0
movs r1, 0xA
bl CreateTask
@ -17297,7 +17297,7 @@ sub_81B951C: @ 81B951C
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =sub_81B953C
movs r1, 0xA
bl CreateTask
@ -17418,7 +17418,7 @@ sub_81B9620: @ 81B9620
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =sub_81B9640
movs r1, 0xA
bl CreateTask

View File

@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ sub_816B2C8: @ 816B2C8
str r0, [r1]
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r0}
bx r0
@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ sub_816B878: @ 816B878
lsrs r4, 24
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r1, =gTasks
lsls r0, r4, 2
adds r0, r4
@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ sub_816BABC: @ 816BABC
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =gTasks
lsls r1, r4, 2
adds r1, r4

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ _080C7428:
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
movs r0, 0x4
strh r0, [r5, 0x8]
b _080C756A

View File

@ -2049,7 +2049,7 @@ sub_81C4F24: @ 81C4F24
bl ScriptContext2_Enable
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
ldr r0, =sub_81C4F44
movs r1, 0xA
bl CreateTask

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ sub_81C72A4: @ 81C72A4
bl SetMainCallback2
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r0}
bx r0

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ HandleShopMenuBuy: @ 80DFBD0
str r0, [r1]
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ HandleShopMenuSell: @ 80DFC0C
str r0, [r1]
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0

View File

@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ _0809FB34:
beq _0809FBA0
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl fade_screen
bl FadeScreen
b _0809FBA0

View File

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/"
.include "constants/"
.syntax unified
thumb_func_start GetMirageRnd
GetMirageRnd: @ 8137890
push {r4,lr}
ldr r0, =0x00004024
bl VarGet
adds r4, r0, 0
lsls r4, 16
lsrs r4, 16
ldr r0, =0x00004025
bl VarGet
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r0, 16
lsls r4, 16
orrs r4, r0
adds r0, r4, 0
pop {r4}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end GetMirageRnd
thumb_func_start SetMirageRnd
SetMirageRnd: @ 81378BC
push {r4,lr}
adds r4, r0, 0
ldr r0, =0x00004024
lsrs r1, r4, 16
bl VarSet
ldr r0, =0x00004025
lsls r4, 16
lsrs r4, 16
adds r1, r4, 0
bl VarSet
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end SetMirageRnd
thumb_func_start InitMirageRnd
InitMirageRnd: @ 81378E4
push {r4,lr}
bl Random
adds r4, r0, 0
bl Random
lsls r4, 16
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r0, 16
orrs r4, r0
adds r0, r4, 0
bl SetMirageRnd
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end InitMirageRnd
thumb_func_start UpdateMirageRnd
UpdateMirageRnd: @ 8137904
push {r4,lr}
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r4, r0, 16
bl GetMirageRnd
adds r1, r0, 0
cmp r4, 0
beq _08137928
ldr r3, =0x41c64e6d
ldr r2, =0x00003039
adds r0, r1, 0
muls r0, r3
adds r1, r0, r2
subs r0, r4, 0x1
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r4, r0, 16
cmp r4, 0
bne _08137918
adds r0, r1, 0
bl SetMirageRnd
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end UpdateMirageRnd
thumb_func_start IsMirageIslandPresent
IsMirageIslandPresent: @ 813793C
push {r4-r6,lr}
bl GetMirageRnd
lsrs r6, r0, 16
movs r5, 0
movs r0, 0x64
adds r1, r5, 0
muls r1, r0
ldr r0, =gPlayerParty
adds r4, r1, r0
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0xB
bl GetMonData
cmp r0, 0
beq _08137978
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0
bl GetMonData
ldr r1, =0x0000ffff
ands r1, r0
cmp r1, r6
bne _08137978
movs r0, 0x1
b _08137980
adds r5, 0x1
cmp r5, 0x5
ble _08137946
movs r0, 0
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end IsMirageIslandPresent
thumb_func_start UpdateShoalTideFlag
UpdateShoalTideFlag: @ 8137988
push {lr}
bl get_map_light_from_warp0
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
bl is_light_level_1_2_3_5_or_6
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
beq _081379CE
bl RtcCalcLocalTime
ldr r1, =gUnknown_085B2B44
ldr r0, =gLocalTime
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x2]
lsls r0, 24
asrs r0, 24
adds r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r0]
cmp r0, 0
beq _081379C8
ldr r0, =0x0000089a
bl FlagSet
b _081379CE
ldr r0, =0x0000089a
bl FlagClear
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end UpdateShoalTideFlag
thumb_func_start Task_WaitWeather
Task_WaitWeather: @ 81379D8
push {r4,lr}
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r4, r0, 24
bl sub_80AC3BC
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
beq _081379F2
bl EnableBothScriptContexts
adds r0, r4, 0
bl DestroyTask
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end Task_WaitWeather
thumb_func_start WaitWeather
WaitWeather: @ 81379F8
push {lr}
ldr r0, =Task_WaitWeather
movs r1, 0x50
bl CreateTask
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end WaitWeather
thumb_func_start InitBirchState
InitBirchState: @ 8137A0C
push {lr}
ldr r0, =0x00004049
bl GetVarPointer
movs r1, 0
strh r1, [r0]
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end InitBirchState
thumb_func_start UpdateBirchState
UpdateBirchState: @ 8137A20
push {r4,r5,lr}
adds r4, r0, 0
lsls r4, 16
lsrs r4, 16
ldr r0, =0x00004049
bl GetVarPointer
adds r5, r0, 0
ldrh r0, [r5]
adds r4, r0
strh r4, [r5]
ldrh r0, [r5]
movs r1, 0x7
bl __umodsi3
strh r0, [r5]
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end UpdateBirchState

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "constants/rgb.h"
#include "constants/songs.h"
.include "asm/macros/"
.include "include/constants/battle_anim.h"
.include "include/constants/songs.h"
.section script_data, "aw", %progbits
@ -684,7 +685,7 @@ Move_FLAME_WHEEL:
createsprite gUnknown_0857FE70, 0x2, 0, 24, 0, 0, 6
delay 0x4
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x2, 1, 5, 0, 8, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x3, 1, 31, 12, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x3, 1, RGB_RED, 12, 1, 1
playsewithpan SE_W172B, +63
call AnimScript_82D2D18
delay 0x7
@ -789,7 +790,7 @@ Move_DOUBLE_EDGE:
waitplaysewithpan SE_W207, -64, 0x8
createvisualtask sub_80D5830, 0x2, 0, 18, 6, 2, 4
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 16, 16, 0x7FFF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 16, 16, RGB_WHITE
createsprite gUnknown_0857FE70, 0x2, 0, 20, 0, 0, 4
delay 0x3
@ -801,7 +802,7 @@ Move_DOUBLE_EDGE:
createvisualtask sub_80D6134, 0x2, 8, -256, 1, 0
createvisualtask sub_80D5484, 0x2, 0, 4, 0, 12, 1
createvisualtask sub_80D5484, 0x2, 1, 4, 0, 12, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 16, 0, 0x7FFF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 16, 0, RGB_WHITE
createvisualtask sub_80D6134, 0x2, 8, -256, 0, 1
createvisualtask sub_80D6134, 0x2, 8, -256, 1, 1
@ -942,7 +943,7 @@ Move_MEGA_PUNCH:
loadspritegfx 0x279F
delay 0x2
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
setalpha 0x80C
playsewithpan SE_W025, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08595F48, 0x3, 0, 0, 0, 50
@ -990,7 +991,7 @@ Move_MEGA_KICK:
loadspritegfx 0x279F
delay 0x2
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
setalpha 0x80C
playsewithpan SE_W025, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08595F48, 0x3, 0, 0, 1, 50
@ -1232,7 +1233,7 @@ Move_HIDDEN_POWER:
createvisualtask sub_80D6064, 0x5, -7, -7, 11, 0, 0
delay 0x1E
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, 20479, 12, 5, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, RGB(31, 31, 19), 12, 5, 1
delay 0x4
createvisualtask sub_80D6064, 0x5, -7, -7, 11, 0, 0
playsewithpan SE_W179, -64
@ -1705,7 +1706,7 @@ Move_PROTECT:
loadspritegfx 0x2757
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 9, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 9, RGB_BLACK
createvisualtask sub_8116620, 0xA, 2, 1, 0, 9, 0x7FFF
delay 0x12
@ -1713,7 +1714,7 @@ Move_DETECT:
createsprite gUnknown_0853EE84, 0xD, 20, -20
delay 0xA
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 9, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 9, 0, RGB_BLACK
createvisualtask sub_8116620, 0xA, 2, 2, 9, 0, 0x7FFF
@ -2118,12 +2119,12 @@ Move_MEAN_LOOK:
loadspritegfx 0x27CB
playsewithpan SE_W060, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
loopsewithpan SE_W109, +63, 0xF, 0x4
waitplaysewithpan SE_W043, +63, 0x55
createsprite gUnknown_085CE104, 0x2
delay 0x78
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 16, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK
delay 0x1E
@ -2792,7 +2793,7 @@ Move_RAGE:
loadspritegfx 0x2767
setalpha 0x80C
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x3, 0, 31, 10, 0, 2
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x3, 0, RGB_RED, 10, 0, 2
createsprite gUnknown_0859368C, 0x2, 0, -20, -28
playsewithpan SE_W207B, -64
delay 0x14
@ -3068,7 +3069,7 @@ Move_SUPER_FANG:
playsewithpan SE_W082, -64
createvisualtask sub_80D5484, 0x2, 0, 3, 0, 48, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 0, 1247, 12, 4, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 0, RGB(31, 6, 1), 12, 4, 1
delay 0x14
createsprite gUnknown_0857FE28, 0x2, 4, 4
@ -3137,7 +3138,7 @@ Move_NIGHTMARE:
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 0, 0x7FFF, 10, 2, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 0, RGB_WHITE, 10, 2, 1
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x2, 0, 3, 0, 32, 1
playsewithpan SE_W171, +63
@ -3220,7 +3221,7 @@ Move_FORESIGHT:
delay 0x18
playsewithpan SE_W166, +63
delay 0xA
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 1, 0x7FFF, 12, 2, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 1, RGB_WHITE, 12, 2, 1
playsewithpan SE_W197, +63
@ -3418,7 +3419,7 @@ Move_MOONLIGHT:
loadspritegfx 0x27D3
loadspritegfx 0x272F
setalpha 0x1000
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
createsprite gUnknown_08592EBC, 0x2, 120, 56
createvisualtask sub_80A7A74, 0x3, 0, 16, 16, 0, 1
@ -3517,7 +3518,7 @@ Move_UPROAR:
loadspritegfx 0x2815
createvisualtask sub_8116848, 0x5, 10261, 0, 6, 6, 31
createvisualtask sub_8116848, 0x5, 10261, 0, 6, 6, RGB_RED
createvisualtask sub_8110BCC, 0x5, 1
createvisualtask sub_810A060, 0x6, 6, 31
panse_1B SE_W257, -64, +63, +2, 0x0
@ -3555,7 +3556,7 @@ Move_TORMENT:
loadspritegfx 0x27E1
createvisualtask sub_815AFF0, 0x2
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 1, 31, 10, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 1, RGB_RED, 10, 1, 1
createsprite gUnknown_0859368C, 0x82, 1, -20, -28
playsewithpan SE_W207B, +63
delay 0x14
@ -3625,7 +3626,7 @@ Move_CHARGE:
loadspritegfx 0x27E5
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, RGB_BLACK
createvisualtask sub_810AAFC, 0x2, 0, 60, 2, 12
playsewithpan SE_W268, -64
@ -3649,7 +3650,7 @@ Move_CHARGE:
createsprite gUnknown_0859598C, 0x2, 0, -16, -16
playsewithpan SE_W085B, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 4, 4, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 4, 4, 0, RGB_BLACK
clearmonbg ANIM_ATTACKER
@ -3688,7 +3689,7 @@ Move_HELPING_HAND:
delay 0x14
playsewithpan SE_W227, 0
createvisualtask sub_80D52D0, 0x2, 2, 3, 0, 10, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 2, 1023, 12, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x2, 2, RGB_YELLOW, 12, 1, 1
@ -3750,7 +3751,7 @@ Move_RECYCLE:
createsprite gUnknown_085CE9B0, 0x2
loopsewithpan SE_W036, -64, 0x18, 0x3
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, 0x7FFF, 12, 2, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, RGB_WHITE, 12, 2, 1
playsewithpan SE_W036, -64
@ -3780,13 +3781,13 @@ AnimScript_82CE0A7:
playsewithpan SE_W233, +63
delay 0x14
createvisualtask sub_80D5C50, 0x2, 0, -24, 0, 24, 10, 24, 3
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 6, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 6, RGB_BLACK
delay 0x25
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x3, 0, 0, 1, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08595E98, 0x4, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0
playsewithpan SE_W233B, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 6, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 6, 0, RGB_BLACK
clearmonbg ANIM_TARGET
@ -3807,7 +3808,7 @@ AnimScript_82CE154:
playsewithpan SE_W233, +63
delay 0x14
createvisualtask sub_80D5C50, 0x2, 0, -24, 0, 24, 10, 24, 3
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 6, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 6, RGB_BLACK
delay 0x25
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x3, 0, 0, 1, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08595E98, 0x4, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0
@ -3819,7 +3820,7 @@ AnimScript_82CE154:
createsprite gUnknown_08595FA8, 0x2, 1, 3, 8, 12
playsewithpan SE_W280, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 6, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 6, 0, RGB_BLACK
clearmonbg ANIM_TARGET
@ -3845,7 +3846,7 @@ Move_ENDEAVOR:
loadspritegfx 0x2797
createvisualtask sub_815DCA4, 0x2, 0, 2
loopsewithpan SE_W039, -64, 0x18, 0x2
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, 703, 12, 1, 2
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, RGB(31, 21, 0), 12, 1, 2
delay 0x6
createvisualtask sub_80D6388, 0x5, 0, 1, 8, 1, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x82, 12, -12, 1, 2
@ -3858,7 +3859,7 @@ Move_ENDEAVOR:
loadspritegfx 0x27D9
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 2, 0, 4, 31
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 2, 0, 4, RGB_RED
createvisualtask sub_8109460, 0x2
waitplaysewithpan SE_W153, -64, 0x3C
@ -3878,18 +3879,18 @@ Move_ERUPTION:
createvisualtask sub_81152DC, 0x5, 4, 8, 60
loopsewithpan SE_W088, +63, 0x10, 0xC
delay 0x50
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x28, 31, 4, 4, 0, 31
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x28, 31, 4, 4, 0, RGB_RED
loadspritegfx 0x280B
call AnimScript_82D7CD1
createvisualtask sub_810FBF0, 0x3, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 1, 0x7FFF, 12, 3, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 1, RGB_WHITE, 12, 3, 1
loopsewithpan SE_W179, -64, 0x18, 0x3
delay 0x10
createvisualtask sub_810FBF0, 0x3, 0
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, 0x7FFF, 12, 3, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, RGB_WHITE, 12, 3, 1
call AnimScript_82D7CDD
@ -3951,13 +3952,13 @@ Move_TAIL_GLOW:
loadspritegfx 0x27E4
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, RGB_BLACK
createsprite gUnknown_08596AC8, 0x42, 0
delay 0x12
loopsewithpan SE_W234, -64, 0x10, 0x6
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 4, 4, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 4, 4, 0, RGB_BLACK
clearmonbg ANIM_ATTACKER
delay 0x1
@ -4193,7 +4194,7 @@ Move_AROMATHERAPY:
loadspritegfx 0x27AF
loadspritegfx 0x27DB
loadspritegfx 0x2741
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 1, 0, 0, 7, RGB(13, 31, 12)
delay 0x1
delay 0x1
@ -4211,7 +4212,7 @@ Move_AROMATHERAPY:
clearmonbg ANIM_ATTACKER
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 1, 0, 7, 0, RGB(13, 31, 12)
delay 0x1
playsewithpan SE_W287, -64
createvisualtask sub_815DFCC, 0x2, 1
@ -4222,7 +4223,7 @@ Move_AROMATHERAPY:
createsprite gUnknown_08592B94, 0x10, 12, -5, 0, 0, 32, 60, 1
playsewithpan SE_REAPOKE, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 43, 3, 10, 0, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 43, 3, 10, 0, RGB(13, 31, 12)
createsprite gUnknown_08593868, 0x10, 0, 0, 0, 1
@ -4231,7 +4232,7 @@ Move_FAKE_TEARS:
loadspritegfx 0x27AB
loadspritegfx 0x27E1
loadspritegfx 0x2758
createvisualtask sub_8116848, 0x5, 10155, 0, 4, 4, 32108
createvisualtask sub_8116848, 0x5, 10155, 0, 4, 4, RGB(12, 11, 31)
createvisualtask sub_815C478, 0x5, 0, 2, 1
loopsewithpan SE_W039, -64, 0xC, 0x4
@ -4289,7 +4290,7 @@ Move_ODOR_SLEUTH:
loadspritegfx 0x2758
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, 13298
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, RGB(18, 31, 12)
createvisualtask sub_8102BE8, 0x2
@ -4320,19 +4321,19 @@ Move_GRASS_WHISTLE:
delay 0x4
createvisualtask sub_8102CA0, 0x2
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 4, 4, 0, 13298
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 4, 4, 0, RGB(18, 31, 12)
loadspritegfx 0x27EA
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
createsprite gUnknown_08593A84, 0x0, -16, -8
createsprite gUnknown_08593A84, 0x0, 16, -8
playsewithpan SE_W197, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 16, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK
delay 0x14
createvisualtask sub_80D5EB8, 0x3, 0, 6, 1280, 3, 0
@ -4384,11 +4385,11 @@ Move_EXTRASENSORY:
call AnimScript_82D7CD1
setalpha 0x80C
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, 891, 12, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, RGB(27, 27, 0), 12, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_810FE14, 0x5, 0
playsewithpan SE_W020, +63
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, 891, 12, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_80A7B98, 0x5, 0, RGB(27, 27, 0), 12, 1, 1
createvisualtask sub_810FE14, 0x5, 1
playsewithpan SE_W020, +63
@ -4607,7 +4608,7 @@ Move_SHOCK_WAVE:
loadspritegfx 0x2735
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 4, RGB_BLACK
createvisualtask sub_810AAFC, 0x2, 0, 20, 0, 2
playsewithpan SE_W268, -64
@ -4725,7 +4726,7 @@ Move_ICE_PUNCH:
loadspritegfx 0x279D
loadspritegfx 0x2797
loadspritegfx 0x279F
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 7, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 7, RGB_BLACK
createvisualtask sub_8116620, 0xA, 4, 2, 0, 9, 32588
delay 0x14
playsewithpan SE_W081, +63
@ -4750,7 +4751,7 @@ Move_ICE_PUNCH:
delay 0x5
createvisualtask sub_8116620, 0xA, 4, 2, 9, 0, 32588
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 7, 0, RGB_BLACK
@ -4829,7 +4830,7 @@ Move_THUNDER:
createvisualtask sub_8117660, 0x5, -256, 0, 1, -1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
delay 0x10
createvisualtask sub_8115F10, 0x2, 257, 257, 257
playsewithpan SE_W086, +63
@ -4873,7 +4874,7 @@ Move_THUNDER:
delay 0x2
createvisualtask sub_8115F10, 0x2, 257, 257, 257
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x82, 1, 2, 16, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x82, 1, 2, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK
@ -4887,7 +4888,7 @@ Move_THUNDER_PUNCH:
loadspritegfx 0x2735
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 16, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK
playsewithpan SE_W004, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08595E98, 0x84, 0, 0, 8, 1, 0
@ -4907,7 +4908,7 @@ Move_THUNDER_PUNCH:
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x2, 1, 0, 3, 15, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x3, 0, 0, 1, 2
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 16, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 2, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK
delay 0x14
clearmonbg ANIM_TARGET
@ -5413,7 +5414,7 @@ Move_ICE_BEAM:
monbgprio_28 ANIM_TARGET
setalpha 0x80C
loadspritegfx 0x279D
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 7, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 7, RGB_BLACK
createsoundtask sub_8158C58, 183, -64, 63, 4, 4, 0, 10
createsprite gUnknown_08595B2C, 0x2, 20, 12, 0, 12, 20
@ -5422,7 +5423,7 @@ Move_ICE_BEAM:
call AnimScript_82D07C1
call AnimScript_82D07C1
call AnimScript_82D07C1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 4, -31, 0, 7, 32384
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 4, -31, 0, 7, RGB(0, 20, 31)
createvisualtask sub_80D52D0, 0x2, 1, 2, 0, 25, 1
call AnimScript_82D07C1
call AnimScript_82D07C1
@ -5438,9 +5439,9 @@ Move_ICE_BEAM:
delay 0x14
call AnimScript_82D7720
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 4, 5, 7, 0, 32384
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 4, 5, 7, 0, RGB(0, 20, 31)
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 7, 0, RGB_BLACK
clearmonbg ANIM_TARGET
@ -5648,7 +5649,7 @@ AnimScript_82D0CB2:
loadspritegfx 0x279D
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 1, 0, 3, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 1, 0, 3, RGB_BLACK
panse_1B SE_W016, -64, +63, +2, 0x0
call AnimScript_82D0D03
@ -5660,7 +5661,7 @@ Move_POWDER_SNOW:
delay 0x14
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 1, 3, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 1, 3, 0, RGB_BLACK
@ -5778,7 +5779,7 @@ Move_ABSORB:
monbgprio_2A ANIM_TARGET
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 4, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 4, RGB(13, 31, 12)
playsewithpan SE_W071, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x2, 0, 0, 1, 2
@ -5791,7 +5792,7 @@ Move_ABSORB:
delay 0xF
call AnimScript_82D79DF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 4, 0, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 4, 0, RGB(13, 31, 12)
@ -5831,7 +5832,7 @@ Move_MEGA_DRAIN:
monbgprio_2A ANIM_TARGET
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 8, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 8, RGB(13, 31, 12)
playsewithpan SE_W071, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x2, 0, 0, 1, 1
@ -5844,7 +5845,7 @@ Move_MEGA_DRAIN:
delay 0xF
call AnimScript_82D79DF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 8, 0, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 8, 0, RGB(13, 31, 12)
@ -5892,7 +5893,7 @@ Move_GIGA_DRAIN:
monbgprio_2A ANIM_TARGET
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 12, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 12, RGB(13, 31, 12)
playsewithpan SE_W071, +63
createsprite gUnknown_08597358, 0x2, 0, 0, 1, 0
@ -5905,7 +5906,7 @@ Move_GIGA_DRAIN:
delay 0xF
call AnimScript_82D79DF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 12, 0, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 12, 0, RGB(13, 31, 12)
@ -6446,14 +6447,14 @@ Move_WHIRLPOOL:
monbgprio_28 ANIM_TARGET
setalpha 0x80C
delay 0x0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, 23968
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, RGB(0, 13, 23)
playsewithpan SE_W250, +63
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x5, 1, 0, 2, 50, 1
call AnimScript_82D1F5B
call AnimScript_82D1F5B
call AnimScript_82D1F5B
delay 0xC
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, 23968
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, RGB(0, 13, 23)
@ -7354,7 +7355,7 @@ Move_POISON_TAIL:
loadspritegfx 0x2797
loadspritegfx 0x27A6
loopsewithpan SE_W231, -64, 0x1C, 0x2
createvisualtask sub_81144F8, 0x5, 1, 1, 23768
createvisualtask sub_81144F8, 0x5, 1, 1, RGB(24, 6, 23)
setalpha 0x80C
@ -7783,7 +7784,7 @@ Move_SOFT_BOILED:
delay 0x78
delay 0x7
playsewithpan SE_W030, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 3, 10, 0, 31500
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 3, 10, 0, RGB(12, 24, 30)
createsprite gUnknown_0859381C, 0x3, 31, 16, 0, 1
delay 0x8
createsprite gUnknown_0859381C, 0x3, 31, 16, 0, 1
@ -7855,7 +7856,7 @@ Move_FAKE_OUT:
createvisualtask sub_80D52D0, 0x2, 1, 4, 0, 5, 1
createvisualtask sub_8106020, 0x3
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 3, 16, 0, 0x7FFF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 3, 16, 0, RGB_WHITE
@ -8270,7 +8271,7 @@ Move_STOCKPILE:
call AnimScript_82D4972
call AnimScript_82D4972
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 12, 0, 0x7FFF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 12, 0, RGB_WHITE
@ -8585,7 +8586,7 @@ Move_REFRESH:
call AnimScript_82D79B4
playsewithpan SE_REAPOKE, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 3, 10, 0, 31500
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 3, 10, 0, RGB(12, 24, 30)
createsprite gUnknown_0859381C, 0x3, 0, 0, 0, 0
@ -8622,7 +8623,7 @@ Move_HYPER_VOICE:
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 3, 8, 0, 1023
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 31, 3, 8, 0, RGB_YELLOW
createvisualtask sub_80D6064, 0x5, -5, -5, 5, 0, 0
createsprite gUnknown_08593880, 0x0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
createvisualtask sub_80D52D0, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 6, 1
@ -8633,14 +8634,14 @@ AnimScript_82D50FA:
loadspritegfx 0x275A
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, 563
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, RGB(19, 17, 0)
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x5, 1, 0, 2, 43, 1
playsewithpan SE_W328, +63
call AnimScript_82D51B7
call AnimScript_82D51B7
call AnimScript_82D51B7
delay 0x16
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, 563
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, RGB(19, 17, 0)
@ -9422,7 +9423,7 @@ Move_OVERHEAT:
loadspritegfx 0x2797
setalpha 0x120C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 5, 28
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 5, RGB(28, 0, 0)
createvisualtask sub_8117C44, 0x5
@ -9433,7 +9434,7 @@ Move_OVERHEAT:
playsewithpan SE_W082, -64
createvisualtask sub_8117CA0, 0x5, 1, 0
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 1, 0, 13, 28
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 1, 0, 13, RGB(28, 0, 0)
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x5, 0, 2, 0, 15, 1
playsewithpan SE_W172B, -64
@ -9479,12 +9480,12 @@ Move_OVERHEAT:
playsewithpan SE_W007, +63
createvisualtask sub_8117DD8, 0x5, 1
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, -1, 0, 13, 19026
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, -1, 0, 13, RGB(18, 18, 18)
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x5, 0, 3, 0, 15, 1
createvisualtask sub_8117D3C, 0x5, 0, 1
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 5, 0, 28
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 5, 0, RGB(28, 0, 0)
@ -9492,7 +9493,7 @@ Move_OVERHEAT:
delay 0xF
createvisualtask sub_8117D3C, 0x5, 1, 0
delay 0x1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 13, 0, 19026
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 0, 13, 0, RGB(18, 18, 18)
createvisualtask sub_8117C70, 0x5
@ -9643,7 +9644,7 @@ Move_WATER_PULSE:
monbgprio_28 ANIM_TARGET
playsewithpan SE_W145C, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 0, 7, 29472
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 0, 0, 7, RGB(0, 25, 28)
delay 0xA
createsprite gUnknown_085952F8, 0x42, 100, 100, 8, 1, 20, 40, 0
createsprite gUnknown_085952F8, 0x42, 20, 100, 16, 2, 10, 35, 1
@ -9663,7 +9664,7 @@ Move_WATER_PULSE:
delay 0xD
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x2, 1, 0, 8, 18, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 7, 0, 29472
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 7, 0, RGB(0, 25, 28)
@ -10560,13 +10561,13 @@ AnimScript_82D800E:
monbgprio_28 ANIM_TARGET
setalpha 0x80C
delay 0x0
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, 23968
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, RGB(0, 13, 23)
playsewithpan SE_W250, +63
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x5, 1, 0, 2, 30, 1
call AnimScript_82D1F5B
call AnimScript_82D1F5B
delay 0xC
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, 23968
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, RGB(0, 13, 23)
@ -10591,13 +10592,13 @@ AnimScript_82D8062:
loadspritegfx 0x275A
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, 563
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 0, 7, RGB(19, 17, 0)
createvisualtask sub_80D51AC, 0x5, 1, 0, 2, 30, 1
playsewithpan SE_W328, +63
call AnimScript_82D51B7
call AnimScript_82D51B7
delay 0x16
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, 563
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 4, 2, 7, 0, RGB(19, 17, 0)
@ -10619,7 +10620,7 @@ Anim_ItemEffect:
call AnimScript_82D79B4
playsewithpan SE_REAPOKE, -64
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 3, 7, 0, 26609
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 2, 3, 7, 0, RGB(17, 31, 25)
createsprite gUnknown_0859381C, 0x3, 0, 0, 0, 0
@ -10663,11 +10664,11 @@ Anim_SmokeBallEscape:
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 2, 7, 0, 9, 31
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 2, 7, 0, 9, RGB_RED
playsewithpan SE_W082, -64
createvisualtask sub_815DB90, 0x5, 30, 128, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 2, 4, 9, 0, 31
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x0, 2, 4, 9, 0, RGB_RED
delay 0x6
createsprite gUnknown_0857FE58, 0x0, 0, 0, 15
@ -10769,7 +10770,7 @@ Anim_FutureSightHit:
createvisualtask sub_8117F10, 0x2
loadspritegfx 0x27D6
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 3, 0, 16, 0x7FFF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 3, 0, 16, RGB_WHITE
delay 0xA
createvisualtask sub_815C0A4, 0x5
@ -10796,7 +10797,7 @@ Anim_DoomDesireHit:
playsewithpan SE_W120, +63
createsprite gUnknown_0859371C, 0x3, 16, 16, 1, 1
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 3, 16, 0, 0x7FFF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 3, 16, 0, RGB_WHITE
@ -10818,7 +10819,7 @@ Status_Ingrain:
loadspritegfx 0x272F
setalpha 0x80C
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 4, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 0, 4, RGB(13, 31, 12)
delay 0x3
call AnimScript_82D1009
@ -10826,7 +10827,7 @@ Status_Ingrain:
delay 0xF
call AnimScript_82D79DF
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 4, 0, 13293
createsprite gUnknown_08597274, 0x2, 1, 1, 4, 0, RGB(13, 31, 12)

View File

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/"
.include "constants/"
.section .rodata
gUnknown_0860A8C8:: @ 860A8C8
.byte 0x00, 0x13, 0x02, 0x08, 0x12, 0x15, 0x17, 0x12, 0x12, 0x19, 0x02, 0x13, 0x11, 0x02, 0x13, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x0f, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x16, 0x16, 0x12, 0x10, 0x12, 0x15, 0x09
.byte 0x12, 0x15, 0x09, 0x13, 0x13, 0x10, 0x01, 0x13, 0x06, 0x11, 0x09, 0x02, 0x02, 0x14, 0x02, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x09, 0x09, 0x10, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x14, 0x10, 0x10, 0x15, 0x15, 0x12, 0x09, 0x0e, 0x14
.byte 0x14, 0x0d, 0x15, 0x09, 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x08, 0x17, 0x15, 0x02, 0x13, 0x0f, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x13, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x13, 0x0f, 0x01, 0x01, 0x14, 0x09
.byte 0x13, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x15, 0x15, 0x02, 0x10, 0x15, 0x10, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x12, 0x0b, 0x12, 0x13, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x13, 0x19, 0x14, 0x0f, 0x13, 0x16, 0x17, 0x0e
.byte 0x0e, 0x10, 0x09, 0x19, 0x05, 0x12, 0x19, 0x16, 0x17, 0x01, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x15, 0x15, 0x13, 0x19, 0x16, 0x17, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x0d, 0x12, 0x12, 0x02, 0x09, 0x12, 0x15, 0x17, 0x15, 0x15
.byte 0x09, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x0f, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x0a, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x16, 0x12, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x12, 0x13, 0x16, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x02, 0x10, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x10, 0x13
.byte 0x02, 0x11, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x14, 0x14, 0x12, 0x13, 0x01, 0x14, 0x0b, 0x14, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x05, 0x09, 0x15, 0x09, 0x0d, 0x15, 0x13, 0x15, 0x0f, 0x13, 0x09, 0x17, 0x17, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x02, 0x02
.byte 0x05, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x15, 0x09, 0x09, 0x19, 0x15, 0x0e, 0x01, 0x13, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x02, 0x08, 0x17, 0x02, 0x13, 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x0e, 0x19, 0x17, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x15, 0x09, 0x12, 0x10, 0x17, 0x02, 0x12, 0x19, 0x12, 0x08
.byte 0x0f, 0x15, 0x0b, 0x08, 0x11, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x10, 0x10, 0x13, 0x09, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x01, 0x14, 0x12, 0x15, 0x13, 0x15, 0x07, 0x11, 0x11, 0x03, 0x11, 0x19, 0x19, 0x13, 0x12, 0x01, 0x13, 0x14
.byte 0x0e, 0x17, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x09, 0x04, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x03, 0x19, 0x04, 0x15, 0x13, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x15, 0x09, 0x0e, 0x17, 0x13, 0x09, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x0f, 0x13, 0x13, 0x10, 0x10
.byte 0x14, 0x12, 0x12, 0x09, 0x14, 0x14, 0x11, 0x11, 0x12, 0x01, 0x01, 0x18, 0x02, 0x10, 0x08, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0e, 0x13, 0x09, 0x0d, 0x13, 0x11, 0x11, 0x14, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x15, 0x02, 0x15, 0x09
.byte 0x0e, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x09, 0x09, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x19, 0x17, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x11, 0x14, 0x11
gUnknown_0860AA64:: @ 860AA64
.byte 0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff
gUnknown_0860AA80:: @ 860AA80
.byte 0x06, 0x1e, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0x06, 0x1e, 0xff, 0x00
.align 2
gUnknown_0860AA88:: @ 860AA88
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_00
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_01
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_02
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_03
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_04
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_05
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_06
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_07
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_08
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_09
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_0A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_0B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_0C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_0D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_0E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_0F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_10
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_11
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_12
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_13
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_14
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_15
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_16
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_17
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_18
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_19
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_1A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_1B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_1C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_1D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_1E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_1F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_20
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_21
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_22
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_23
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_24
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_25
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_26
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_27
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_28
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_29
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_2A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_2B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_2C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_2D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_2E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_2F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_30
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_31
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_32
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_33
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_34
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_35
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_36
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_37
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_38
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_39
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_3A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_3B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_3C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_3D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_3E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_3F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_40
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_41
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_42
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_43
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_44
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_45
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_46
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_47
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_48
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_49
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_4A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_4B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_4C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_4D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_4E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_4F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_50
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_51
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_52
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_53
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_54
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_55
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_56
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_57
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_58
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_59
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_5A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_5B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_5C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_5D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_5E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_5F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_60
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_61
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_62
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_63
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_64
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_65
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_66
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_67
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_68
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_69
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_6A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_6B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_6C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_6D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_6E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_6F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_70
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_71
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_72
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_73
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_74
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_75
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_76
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_77
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_78
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_79
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_7A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_7B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_7C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_7D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_7E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_7F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_80
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_81
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_82
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_83
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_84
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_85
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_86
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_87
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_88
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_89
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_8A
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_8B
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_8C
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_8D
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_8E
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_8F
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_90
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_91
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_92
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_93
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_94
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_95
.4byte pokemonanimfunc_96
gUnknown_0860ACE4:: @ 860ACE4
.byte 0x60, 0x5f, 0x02, 0x5e, 0x03, 0x46, 0x6d, 0x3e, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x3f, 0x71, 0x13, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0x3a, 0x64, 0x14, 0x4f, 0x5d, 0x0f, 0x4c, 0x61, 0x57, 0x58, 0x67, 0x66, 0x59, 0x74, 0x73
.byte 0x5a, 0x75, 0x76, 0x5b, 0x77, 0x78, 0x65, 0x63, 0x5c, 0x62, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x68, 0x7b, 0x7a, 0x79, 0x7e, 0x7d, 0x7c, 0x81, 0x80, 0x7f, 0x84, 0x82, 0x83, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b
.byte 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96
gUnknown_0860AD2F:: @ 860AD2F
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01
.align 2
gSpriteAffineAnim_860AD48:: @ 860AD48
obj_rot_scal_anim_frame 0x100, 0x100, 0, 0
.align 2
gSpriteAffineAnim_860AD58:: @ 860AD58
obj_rot_scal_anim_frame -0x100, 0x100, 0, 0
.align 2
gSpriteAffineAnimTable_860AD68:: @ 860AD68
.4byte gSpriteAffineAnim_860AD48
.4byte gSpriteAffineAnim_860AD58
gUnknown_0860AD70:: @ 860AD70
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x06, 0xfe, 0x02, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x06, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x06, 0xfe, 0x02, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x06, 0xff, 0xff, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
gUnknown_0860AD8E:: @ 860AD8E
.byte 0x00, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xf8, 0x0c, 0xf8, 0x08, 0x0c, 0x08, 0xf8, 0x0c, 0xf8, 0x08, 0x0c, 0x08, 0xf8, 0x0c, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x08, 0xf8, 0x18, 0xf8, 0x08
.byte 0x18, 0x08, 0xf8, 0x18, 0xf8, 0x08, 0x18, 0x08, 0xf8, 0x18, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
gUnknown_0860ADBE:: @ 860ADBE
.byte 0x01, 0x01, 0x0c, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x01, 0xff, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
gUnknown_0860ADCC:: @ 860ADCC
.byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
gUnknown_0860AE1C:: @ 860AE1C
.byte 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
gUnknown_0860AE54:: @ 860AE54
.byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
.align 2
gUnknown_0860AE7C:: @ 860AE7C
.4byte gUnknown_0860ADCC
.4byte gUnknown_0860AE1C
.4byte gUnknown_0860AE54
.align 1
gUnknown_0860AE88:: @ 860AE88
.2byte 0x001f, 0x03e0, 0x7c00, 0x0000

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/"
.include "constants/"
.section .rodata
gUnknown_085B2B44:: @ 85B2B44
.byte 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
// Exported type declarations
void BlendPalette(u16 palOffset, u16 numEntries, u8 coeff, u16 blendColor);
// Exported RAM declarations
// Exported ROM declarations
void BlendPalette(u16, u16, u8, u16);

include/constants/rgb.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef GUARD_RGB_H
#define GUARD_RGB_H
#define RGB(r, g, b) ((r) | ((g) << 5) | ((b) << 10))
#define RGB_BLACK RGB(0, 0, 0)
#define RGB_WHITE RGB(31, 31, 31)
#define RGB_RED RGB(31, 0, 0)
#define RGB_GREEN RGB(0, 31, 0)
#define RGB_BLUE RGB(0, 0, 31)
#define RGB_YELLOW RGB(31, 31, 0)
#define RGB_MAGENTA RGB(31, 0, 31)
#define RGB_CYAN RGB(0, 31, 31)
#endif // GUARD_RGB_H

View File

@ -1,12 +1,175 @@
void fade_screen(u8, s8);
#include "sprite.h"
// Controls how the weather should be changing the screen palettes.
enum {
struct Weather
struct Sprite *rainSprites[24];
struct Sprite *snowflakeSprites[101];
struct Sprite *cloudSprites[3];
} s1;
u8 filler0[0xA0];
struct Sprite *fog1Sprites[20];
struct Sprite *ashSprites[20];
struct Sprite *fog2Sprites[20];
struct Sprite *sandstormSprites1[20];
struct Sprite *sandstormSprites2[5];
} s2;
} sprites;
u8 gammaShifts[19][32];
u8 altGammaShifts[19][32];
s8 gammaIndex;
s8 gammaTargetIndex;
u8 gammaStepDelay;
u8 gammaStepFrameCounter;
u16 fadeDestColor;
u8 palProcessingState;
u8 fadeScreenCounter;
bool8 readyForInit;
u8 taskId;
u8 unknown_6CA;
u8 unknown_6CB;
u16 initStep;
u16 finishStep;
u8 currWeather;
u8 nextWeather;
u8 weatherGfxLoaded;
bool8 weatherChangeComplete;
u8 weatherPicSpritePalIndex;
u8 altGammaSpritePalIndex;
u16 unknown_6D6;
u8 unknown_6D8;
u8 unknown_6D9;
u8 rainSpriteCount;
u8 unknown_6DB;
u8 unknown_6DC;
u8 rainStrength;
/*0x6DE*/ u8 cloudSpritesCreated;
u8 filler_6DF[1];
u16 unknown_6E0;
u16 unknown_6E2;
u8 snowflakeSpriteCount;
u8 unknown_6E5;
u16 unknown_6E6;
u16 thunderCounter;
u8 unknown_6EA;
u8 unknown_6EB;
u8 unknown_6EC;
u8 unknown_6ED;
u16 fog1ScrollPosX;
u16 unknown_6F0;
u16 unknown_6F2;
u8 lightenedFogSpritePals[6];
u8 lightenedFogSpritePalsCount;
u8 fog1SpritesCreated;
u16 unknown_6FC;
u16 unknown_6FE;
u8 ashSpritesCreated;
u8 filler_701[3];
u32 unknown_704;
u32 unknown_708;
u8 filler_70C[2];
u16 unknown_70E;
u16 unknown_710;
u16 unknown_712;
u16 unknown_714;
u8 sandstormSprites1Created;
u8 sandstormSprites2Created;
u16 unknown_718;
u16 unknown_71A;
u16 unknown_71C;
u16 unknown_71E;
u16 unknown_720;
u16 unknown_722;
u8 fog2SpritesCreated;
u8 filler_725[1];
u16 unknown_726;
u16 unknown_728;
u16 unknown_72A;
u16 unknown_72C;
u8 unknown_72E;
u8 filler_72F;
u16 currBlendEVA;
u16 currBlendEVB;
u16 targetBlendEVA;
u16 targetBlendEVB;
u8 blendUpdateCounter;
u8 blendFrameCounter;
u8 blendDelay;
u8 filler_73B[0x3C-0x3B];
s16 unknown_73C;
s16 unknown_73E;
s16 unknown_740;
s16 unknown_742;
u8 filler_744[0xD-4];
s8 loadDroughtPalsIndex;
u8 loadDroughtPalsOffset;
void StartWeather(void);
void ChangeWeather(u8 weather);
void sub_807C988(u8 effect);
void sub_807C9B4(u8 effect);
void Task_WeatherInit(u8);
void Task_WeatherMain(u8);
void sub_807CAE8(void);
void nullsub_38(void);
void SetWeatherScreenFadeOut(void);
void FadeScreen(u8, s8);
// ...
void UpdateSpritePaletteWithWeather(u8 tag);
void ApplyWeatherGammaShiftToPal(u8);
// ...
void Weather_SetBlendCoeffs(u8, u8);
// ...
void PlayRainSoundEffect(void);
// ...
void SetSav1Weather(u32);
u8 GetSav1Weather(void);
void sub_80AEDBC(void);
void SetSav1WeatherFromCurrMapHeader(void);
// ...
void DoCurrentWeather(void);
void sub_8080750();
bool8 IsWeatherNotFadingIn(void);
bool8 IsWeatherChangeComplete(void);
void SetWeather(u32);
void UpdateWeatherPerDay(u16);
void PreservePaletteInWeather(u8 index);
void ResetPreservedPalettesInWeather(void);
extern void ResetDroughtWeatherPaletteLoading(void);
void ResetDroughtWeatherPaletteLoading(void);
bool8 LoadDroughtWeatherPalettes(void);
u8 GetCurrentWeather(void);
void LoadCustomWeatherSpritePalette(const u16 *palette);
extern struct Weather gWeather;
extern struct Weather *const gWeatherPtr;

View File

@ -60,11 +60,6 @@
#define RGB(r, g, b) ((r) | ((g) << 5) | ((b) << 10))
#define RGB_BLACK RGB(0, 0, 0)
#define RGB_WHITE RGB(31, 31, 31)
#define WIN_RANGE(a, b) (((a) << 8) | (b))

View File

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ void warp1_set_2(s8 mapGroup, s8 mapNum, s8 warpNum);
void c2_load_new_map(void);
void copy_saved_warp2_bank_and_enter_x_to_warp1(u8 unused);
void mapldr_default(void);
u8 get_map_light_from_warp0(void);
bool8 is_light_level_1_2_3_5_or_6(u8 a1);
void IncrementGameStat(u8);
u32 GetGameStat(u8);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
void LaunchAnimationTaskForFrontSprite(struct Sprite* sprite, u8 frontAnimId);
void LaunchAnimationTaskForBackSprite(struct Sprite* sprite, u8 backAnimId);
u8 GetSpeciesBackAnimSet(u16 species);
void LaunchAnimationTaskForFrontSprite(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 frontAnimId);
void StartMonSummaryAnimation(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 frontAnimId);
void LaunchAnimationTaskForBackSprite(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 backAnimSet);
void SetSpriteCB_MonAnimDummy(struct Sprite *sprite);

View File

@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ extern s16 gSpriteCoordOffsetX;
extern s16 gSpriteCoordOffsetY;
extern struct Sprite gSprites[];
extern struct OamMatrix gOamMatrices[];
void ResetSpriteData(void);
void AnimateSprites(void);

include/time_events.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
void UpdateMirageRnd(u16);
u8 IsMirageIslandPresent(void);
void UpdateBirchState(u16);

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ SECTIONS {
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ SECTIONS {
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ SECTIONS {
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ SECTIONS {

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "international_string_util.h"
#include "safari_zone.h"
#include "battle_anim.h"
#include "constants/rgb.h"
struct TestingBar
@ -555,13 +556,13 @@ enum
static const u16 sStatusIconPalettes[] =
static const u16 sStatusIconColors[] =
0x6198, // PAL_STATUS_PSN
0x4694, // PAL_STATUS_SLP
RGB(24, 12, 24), // PAL_STATUS_PSN
RGB(23, 23, 3), // PAL_STATUS_PAR
RGB(20, 20, 17), // PAL_STATUS_SLP
RGB(17, 22, 28), // PAL_STATUS_FRZ
RGB(28, 14, 10) // PAL_STATUS_BRN
static const struct WindowTemplate sHealthboxWindowTemplate = {0, 0, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0}; // width = 8, height = 2
@ -2071,7 +2072,7 @@ static void UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId)
pltAdder = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.paletteNum * 16;
pltAdder += bank + 12;
FillPalette(sStatusIconPalettes[statusPalId], pltAdder + 0x100, 2);
FillPalette(sStatusIconColors[statusPalId], pltAdder + 0x100, 2);
CpuCopy16(gPlttBufferUnfaded + 0x100 + pltAdder, (void*)(OBJ_PLTT + pltAdder * 2), 2);
CpuCopy32(statusGfxPtr, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + tileNumAdder) * 32), 96);
if (IsDoubleBattle() == TRUE || GetBankSide(bank) == SIDE_OPPONENT)

View File

@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ void SecretBasePC_PutAway(u8 taskId)
sub_8197434(0, 0);
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0;
gTasks[taskId].func = sub_8129ABC;
@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ void sub_8127F68(u8 taskId)
if (sub_8127F38() == TRUE)
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0;
gTasks[taskId].func = sub_8128060;
@ -1661,7 +1661,7 @@ void sub_8128BA0(u8 taskId)
void sub_8128BBC(u8 taskId)
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0;
gTasks[taskId].func = c1_overworld_prev_quest;
@ -2635,7 +2635,7 @@ void sub_812A1A0(u8 taskId)
void sub_812A1C0(u8 taskId)
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0;
gTasks[taskId].func = sub_81298EC;
@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@ void sub_812A210(u8 taskId)
void sub_812A22C(u8 taskId)
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0;
gTasks[taskId].func = sub_812A25C;

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ extern u8 sav1_map_get_name(void);
extern s8 ProcessMenuInputNoWrap_(void);
extern void TVShowConvertInternationalString(u8* str1, u8* str2, u8);
extern void sub_806A068(u16, u8);
extern void fade_screen(u8, u8);
extern void FadeScreen(u8, u8);
extern void overworld_free_bg_tilemaps(void);
extern void sub_80AF168(void);
extern void AllocateMonSpritesGfx(void);
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ void EggHatch(void)
CreateTask(Task_EggHatch, 10);
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
static void Task_EggHatch(u8 taskID)

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "random.h"
#include "event_data.h"
#include "overworld.h"
#include "new_menu_helpers.h"
struct HallofFameMon
@ -53,7 +54,6 @@ static EWRAM_DATA struct HofGfx *sHofGfxPtr = NULL;
extern bool8 gHasHallOfFameRecords;
extern u32 gUnknown_0203BCD4;
extern u8 gDecompressionBuffer[];
extern struct MusicPlayerInfo gMPlayInfo_BGM;
extern MainCallback gGameContinueCallback;
extern u32 gDamagedSaveSectors;
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ extern const u8 gContestConfetti_Gfx[];
extern const u8 gContestConfetti_Pal[];
extern void sub_81973C4(u8, u8);
extern u16 AddTextPrinterParameterized(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, const u8 *str, u8 speed, void ( *callback)(u16, struct TextPrinter *), u8 fgColor, u8 bgColor, u8 shadowColor);
extern void sub_8175620(void);
extern u8 TrySavingData(u8);
extern u8 sub_818D3E4(u16 species, u32 trainerId, u32 personality, u8 flags, s16 x, s16 y, u8, u16);

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void Task_CallItemUseOnFieldCallback(u8 taskId)
void DisplayCannotUseItemMessage(u8 taskId, bool8 isUsingRegisteredKeyItemOnField, u8 *str)
void DisplayCannotUseItemMessage(u8 taskId, bool8 isUsingRegisteredKeyItemOnField, const u8 *str)
StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, str);
if (!isUsingRegisteredKeyItemOnField)
@ -375,9 +375,9 @@ bool8 ItemfinderCheckForHiddenItems(struct MapEvents *events, u8 taskId)
if (events->bgEvents[i].kind == 7 && !FlagGet(events->bgEvents[i].bgUnion.hiddenItem.hiddenItemId + 0x1F4))
distanceX = (u16)events -> bgEvents[i].x + 7;
distanceX = (u16)events->bgEvents[i].x + 7;
newDistanceX = distanceX - x;
distanceY = (u16)events -> bgEvents[i].y + 7;
distanceY = (u16)events->bgEvents[i].y + 7;
newDistanceY = distanceY - y;
if ((u16)(newDistanceX + 7) < 15 && (newDistanceY >= -5) && (newDistanceY < 6))
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ void ItemUseOutOfBattle_PokeblockCase(u8 taskId)
gFieldCallback = sub_80AF6D4;
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
gTasks[taskId].func = sub_80FDC00;
@ -879,9 +879,7 @@ bool8 sub_80FDE2C(void)
z = PlayerGetZCoord();
objId = GetFieldObjectIdByXYZ(x, y, z);
if (objId == 16 || gMapObjects[objId].graphicsId != 0xE4)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ -1100,7 +1098,9 @@ void ItemUseInBattle_PokeBall(u8 taskId)
else if (!InBattlePyramid())
DisplayItemMessage(taskId, 1, gText_BoxFull, bag_menu_inits_lists_menu);
DisplayItemMessageInBattlePyramid(taskId, gText_BoxFull, sub_81C6714);

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "decompress.h"
#include "gpu_regs.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "constants/rgb.h"

View File

@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ extern u8 GetFrontierOpponentClass(u16 trainerId);
extern u8 pokemon_order_func(u8 bankPartyId);
extern void GetFrontierTrainerName(u8* dest, u16 trainerId);
extern void sub_81C488C(u8);
extern void sub_817F578(struct Sprite*, u8 frontAnimId);
extern u8 GetSpeciesBackAnimId(u16 species);
static void sub_806E6CC(u8 taskId);
@ -1508,7 +1506,7 @@ static void Task_PokemonSummaryAnimateAfterDelay(u8 taskId)
if (--gTasks[taskId].data[3] == 0)
sub_817F578(READ_PTR_FROM_TASK(taskId, 0), gTasks[taskId].data[2]);
StartMonSummaryAnimation(READ_PTR_FROM_TASK(taskId, 0), gTasks[taskId].data[2]);
@ -1523,7 +1521,6 @@ void BattleAnimateFrontSprite(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species, bool8 noCry, u
extern void SpriteCallbackDummy_2(struct Sprite*);
extern void sub_817F60C(struct Sprite*);
void DoMonFrontSpriteAnimation(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species, bool8 noCry, u8 arg3)
@ -1580,11 +1577,11 @@ void PokemonSummaryDoMonAnimation(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species, bool8 oneF
gTasks[taskId].data[2] = gMonFrontAnimIdsTable[species - 1];
gTasks[taskId].data[3] = gMonAnimationDelayTable[species - 1];
sub_817F578(sprite, gMonFrontAnimIdsTable[species - 1]);
StartMonSummaryAnimation(sprite, gMonFrontAnimIdsTable[species - 1]);
@ -1603,7 +1600,7 @@ void BattleAnimateBackSprite(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species)
LaunchAnimationTaskForBackSprite(sprite, GetSpeciesBackAnimId(species));
LaunchAnimationTaskForBackSprite(sprite, GetSpeciesBackAnimSet(species));
sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy_2;

src/pokemon_animation.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ static bool8 IsPaletteNotActive(void)
bool8 ScrCmd_fadescreen(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
fade_screen(ScriptReadByte(ctx), 0);
FadeScreen(ScriptReadByte(ctx), 0);
SetupNativeScript(ctx, IsPaletteNotActive);
return TRUE;
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ bool8 ScrCmd_fadescreenspeed(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
u8 mode = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 speed = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
fade_screen(mode, speed);
FadeScreen(mode, speed);
SetupNativeScript(ctx, IsPaletteNotActive);
return TRUE;
@ -662,12 +662,12 @@ bool8 ScrCmd_fadescreenswapbuffers(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
case 1:
CpuCopy32(gPlttBufferUnfaded, gPaletteDecompressionBuffer, PLTT_DECOMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
fade_screen(mode, 0);
FadeScreen(mode, 0);
case 0:
case 2:
CpuCopy32(gPaletteDecompressionBuffer, gPlttBufferUnfaded, PLTT_DECOMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
fade_screen(mode, 0);
FadeScreen(mode, 0);
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ bool8 ScrCmd_setweather(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
bool8 ScrCmd_resetweather(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
return FALSE;

View File

@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ void sub_80E8FD0(u8 taskId)
void sub_80E9068(void)
CreateTask(sub_80E8FD0, 0);
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
saved_warp2_set(0, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, -1);
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ void sub_80E916C(u8 taskId)
void sub_80E91F8(void)
CreateTask(sub_80E916C, 0);
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
bool8 CurrentMapIsSecretBase(void)
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ void sub_80E96A4(u8 taskId)
void sub_80E9728(void)
CreateTask(sub_80E96A4, 0);
fade_screen(1, 0);
FadeScreen(1, 0);
void sub_80E9744(void)


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/time_events.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "time_events.h"
#include "event_data.h"
#include "field_weather.h"
#include "pokemon.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "overworld.h"
#include "rtc.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "task.h"
static u32 GetMirageRnd(void)
u32 hi = VarGet(VAR_MIRAGE_RND_H);
u32 lo = VarGet(VAR_MIRAGE_RND_L);
return (hi << 16) | lo;
static void SetMirageRnd(u32 rnd)
VarSet(VAR_MIRAGE_RND_H, rnd >> 16);
VarSet(VAR_MIRAGE_RND_L, rnd);
// unused
void InitMirageRnd(void)
SetMirageRnd((Random() << 16) | Random());
void UpdateMirageRnd(u16 days)
s32 rnd = GetMirageRnd();
while (days)
rnd = 1103515245 * rnd + 12345;
bool8 IsMirageIslandPresent(void)
u16 rnd = GetMirageRnd() >> 16;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++)
if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) && (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY) & 0xFFFF) == rnd)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void UpdateShoalTideFlag(void)
static const u8 tide[] =
1, // 00
1, // 01
1, // 02
0, // 03
0, // 04
0, // 05
0, // 06
0, // 07
0, // 08
1, // 09
1, // 10
1, // 11
1, // 12
1, // 13
1, // 14
0, // 15
0, // 16
0, // 17
0, // 18
0, // 19
0, // 20
1, // 21
1, // 22
1, // 23
if (is_light_level_1_2_3_5_or_6(get_map_light_from_warp0()))
if (tide[gLocalTime.hours])
static void Task_WaitWeather(u8 taskId)
if (IsWeatherChangeComplete())
void WaitWeather(void)
CreateTask(Task_WaitWeather, 80);
void InitBirchState(void)
*GetVarPointer(VAR_BIRCH_STATE) = 0;
void UpdateBirchState(u16 days)
u16 *state = GetVarPointer(VAR_BIRCH_STATE);
*state += days;
*state %= 7;

View File

@ -74,16 +74,8 @@ gUnknown_03001204: @ 3001204
.space 0x4
.include "src/battle_transition.o"
gUnknown_03001240: @ 3001240
.space 0x30
gUnknown_03001270: @ 3001270
.space 0x4
gUnknown_03001274: @ 3001274
.space 0x4
.include "src/pokemon_animation.o"
gUnknown_03001278: @ 3001278
.space 0x1