This is impossible

This commit is contained in:
DizzyEggg 2018-08-19 17:13:05 +02:00
parent fb19a8fc59
commit 239c56496b
3 changed files with 413 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ _08192598:
ldr r3, [sp, 0x24]
cmp r3, r0
bne _081925AC
bl sub_8195910
bl GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId
b _081925B2
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ _08192784:
ldr r1, [sp, 0x24]
cmp r1, r0
bne _08192798
bl sub_8195924
bl GetDomeBrainTrainerClass
b _0819279E
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ _08192800:
bne _08192824
ldr r4, =gStringVar2
adds r0, r4, 0
bl sub_8195938
bl CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
adds r0, r5, 0
adds r1, r4, 0
bl StringAppend
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ _08192824:
ldr r4, =gStringVar2
ldr r1, [sp, 0x24]
adds r0, r4, 0
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
adds r0, r5, 0
adds r1, r4, 0
bl StringAppend
@ -1296,13 +1296,13 @@ _08192F9C:
cmp r0, r9
bne _08192FB0
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
bl sub_8195938
bl CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
b _08192FB8
lsrs r1, 22
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
movs r2, 0x1
add r8, r2
@ -1442,13 +1442,13 @@ _081930E0:
cmp r1, r0
bne _081930F8
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
bl sub_8195938
bl CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
b _08193100
lsrs r1, 22
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
mov r0, r8
cmp r0, 0x2
@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ _081932D4:
ldr r0, =0x000003fe
cmp r1, r0
bne _081932E4
bl sub_8195910
bl GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId
b _081932EC
@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ _08193388:
ldr r0, =0x000003fe
cmp r1, r0
bne _081933A4
bl sub_8195910
bl GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
ldr r2, [sp, 0x7C]
@ -2207,14 +2207,14 @@ _0819375C:
cmp r1, r0
bne _08193774
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
bl sub_8195938
bl CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
b _0819377E
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
lsls r1, 16
lsrs r1, 16
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
add r0, sp, 0xC
movs r4, 0x2
@ -2262,14 +2262,14 @@ _081937E4:
cmp r1, r0
bne _081937F8
adds r0, r5, 0
bl sub_8195938
bl CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
b _08193802
lsls r1, 16
lsrs r1, 16
adds r0, r5, 0
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
ldr r0, =gStringVar1
str r0, [sp, 0xC]
@ -3800,7 +3800,7 @@ _0819456C:
lsls r1, 22
lsrs r1, 22
ldr r0, =gDisplayedStringBattle
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
mov r2, r10
cmp r2, 0x1
bne _081945C4
@ -4342,7 +4342,7 @@ _08194A1C:
lsls r1, 22
lsrs r1, 22
mov r0, r9
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
mov r0, r8
ldr r2, [r0]
adds r0, r2, r5
@ -4895,7 +4895,7 @@ _08194F2A:
ldrh r1, [r1]
lsls r1, 22
lsrs r1, 22
bl sub_8195898
bl CopyDomeOpponentName
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
@ -6041,8 +6041,8 @@ _0819587E:
thumb_func_end sub_8195438
thumb_func_start sub_8195898
sub_8195898: @ 8195898
thumb_func_start CopyDomeOpponentName
CopyDomeOpponentName: @ 8195898
push {r4-r6,lr}
adds r6, r0, 0
lsls r1, 16
@ -6053,7 +6053,7 @@ sub_8195898: @ 8195898
cmp r5, r0
bne _081958B8
adds r0, r6, 0
bl sub_8195938
bl CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
b _08195902
@ -6099,30 +6099,30 @@ _08195902:
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8195898
thumb_func_end CopyDomeOpponentName
thumb_func_start sub_8195910
sub_8195910: @ 8195910
thumb_func_start GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId
GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId: @ 8195910
ldr r0, =gTrainers
ldr r1, =0x00007df3
adds r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r0]
bx lr
thumb_func_end sub_8195910
thumb_func_end GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId
thumb_func_start sub_8195924
sub_8195924: @ 8195924
thumb_func_start GetDomeBrainTrainerClass
GetDomeBrainTrainerClass: @ 8195924
ldr r0, =gTrainers
ldr r1, =0x00007df1
adds r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r0]
bx lr
thumb_func_end sub_8195924
thumb_func_end GetDomeBrainTrainerClass
thumb_func_start sub_8195938
sub_8195938: @ 8195938
thumb_func_start CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
CopyDomeBrainTrainerName: @ 8195938
push {r4,lr}
adds r3, r0, 0
movs r2, 0
@ -6142,7 +6142,7 @@ _08195940:
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8195938
thumb_func_end CopyDomeBrainTrainerName
thumb_func_start sub_8195960
sub_8195960: @ 8195960

View File

@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ extern const u8 gStatStageRatios[][2];
extern const u16 gUnknown_08329D54[];
extern const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_08329D98[];
extern const struct CompressedSpritePalette gMonPaletteTable[];
extern const s8 gNatureStatTable[][5];
void ZeroBoxMonData(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon);
void ZeroMonData(struct Pokemon *mon);

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#include "menu.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "pokemon_icon.h"
#include "data2.h"
#include "international_string_util.h"
#include "trainer_pokemon_sprites.h"
#include "constants/species.h"
#include "constants/moves.h"
@ -54,12 +56,16 @@ extern u32 sub_81A39C4(void);
extern u16 sub_8162548(u8, u8);
extern u16 RandomizeFacilityTrainerMonId(u16);
extern u8 GetFrontierEnemyMonLevel(void);
extern void sub_8195898(u8 *dst, u16 trainerId);
extern void CopyDomeOpponentName(u8 *dst, u16 trainerId);
extern u16 sub_81A5060(u8, u8);
extern u8 sub_81A50F0(u8, u8);
extern u8 sub_81A50B0(u8);
extern void sub_8162614(u16, u8);
extern void sub_81A4C30(void);
extern bool8 sub_81A3610(void);
extern u16 sub_81A4FF0(u8);
extern u8 GetFrontierTrainerFrontSpriteId(u16);
extern u8 GetFrontierOpponentClass(u16);
extern u8 gUnknown_0203CEF8[];
extern u32 gUnknown_0203CD70;
@ -90,8 +96,17 @@ extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D080[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D15C[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D1A0[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D19C[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D349[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D1C0[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D343[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D340[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D346[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860B358[][16];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860C988[31][16];
extern const u8 gUnknown_0860D3F1[][2];
extern const u8 *const gBattleDomePotentialPointers[];
extern const u8 *const gBattleDomeOpponentStylePointers[];
extern const u8 *const gBattleDomeOpponentStatsPointers[];
// gfx
extern const u8 gUnknown_08D83D50[];
@ -102,6 +117,9 @@ extern const u8 gUnknown_08D85358[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_08D85600[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_08D854C8[];
// text
extern const u8 gTrainerClassNames[][0xD];
// This file's functions.
u8 GetDomeTrainerMonIvs(u16 trainerId);
void SwapDomeTrainers(s32 id1, s32 id2, u16 *statsArray);
@ -120,9 +138,13 @@ void sub_8194220(u8 taskId);
void sub_8194B54(void);
void sub_8194B70(void);
void sub_819314C(u8, u8);
void sub_81924E0(u8, u8);
void sub_81924E0(u8, u8 trainerTournamentId);
u8 sub_819221C(u8 taskId);
s32 sub_8192F08(u8, u8*);
u8 GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId(void);
u8 GetDomeBrainTrainerClass(void);
void CopyDomeBrainTrainerName(u8 *dst);
void CopyDomeOpponentName(u8 *dst, u16 trainerId);
// code
void sub_818E9AC(void)
@ -549,7 +571,7 @@ void sub_818F9B0(void)
void sub_818F9E0(void)
StringCopy(gStringVar1, gRoundsStringTable[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.field_CB2]);
sub_8195898(gStringVar2, gTrainerBattleOpponent_A);
CopyDomeOpponentName(gStringVar2, gTrainerBattleOpponent_A);
void sub_818FA20(void)
@ -2444,9 +2466,363 @@ u8 sub_819221C(u8 taskId)
return retVal;
void sub_81924E0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1)
void sub_81924E0(u8 arg0, u8 trainerTournamentId)
s32 i, j, k;
s16 *allocatedArray;
struct TextSubPrinter textPrinter;
s32 trainerId;
s32 windowId;
s32 x, y;
u8 palSlot;
u8 nature;
j = 0;
windowId = 0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
palSlot = 0;
allocatedArray = AllocZeroed(sizeof(s16) * 18);
trainerId = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeTrainers[trainerTournamentId].trainerId;
if (arg0 & 1)
j = 8, windowId = 9, palSlot = 2;
if (arg0 & 2)
x = 256;
if (arg0 & 4)
y = 160;
if (arg0 & 8)
x = -256;
if (arg0 & 0x10)
y = -160;
if (trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[j] = CreateTrainerPicSprite(PlayerGenderToFrontTrainerPicId(gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerGender), TRUE, x + 48, y + 64, palSlot + 12, 0xFFFF);
else if (trainerId == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN)
gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[j] = CreateTrainerPicSprite(GetDomeBrainTrainerPicId(), TRUE, x + 48, y + 64, palSlot + 12, 0xFFFF);
gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[j] = CreateTrainerPicSprite(GetFrontierTrainerFrontSpriteId(trainerId), TRUE, x + 48, y + 64, palSlot + 12, 0xFFFF);
if (arg0 & 0x1E)
gSprites[gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[j]].invisible = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[i + 2 + j] = CreateMonIcon(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i],
x | gUnknown_0860D340[i],
y + gUnknown_0860D343[i],
0, 0, TRUE);
else if (trainerId == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN)
gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[i + 2 + j] = CreateMonIcon(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i],
x | gUnknown_0860D340[i],
y + gUnknown_0860D343[i],
0, 0, TRUE);
gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[i + 2 + j] = CreateMonIcon(gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]].species,
x | gUnknown_0860D340[i],
y + gUnknown_0860D343[i],
0, 0, TRUE);
gSprites[gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[i + 2 + j]].oam.priority = 0;
if (arg0 & 0x1E)
gSprites[gUnknown_0203CD78->arr[i + 2 + j]].invisible = 1;
textPrinter.fontId = 2;
textPrinter.x = 0;
textPrinter.y = 0;
textPrinter.currentX = 0;
textPrinter.currentY = 0;
textPrinter.letterSpacing = 2;
textPrinter.lineSpacing = 0;
textPrinter.fontColor_l = 0;
textPrinter.fgColor = 14;
textPrinter.bgColor = 0;
textPrinter.shadowColor = 13;
i = 0;
if (trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
else if (trainerId == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN)
j = GetDomeBrainTrainerClass();
j = GetFrontierOpponentClass(trainerId);
for (;gTrainerClassNames[j][i] != EOS; i++)
gStringVar1[i] = gTrainerClassNames[j][i];
gStringVar1[i] = CHAR_SPACE;
gStringVar1[i + 1] = EOS;
if (trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
StringAppend(gStringVar1, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName);
else if (trainerId == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN)
StringAppend(gStringVar1, gStringVar2);
CopyDomeOpponentName(gStringVar2, trainerId);
StringAppend(gStringVar1, gStringVar2);
textPrinter.currentX = GetStringCenterAlignXOffsetWithLetterSpacing(textPrinter.fontId, gStringVar1, 0xD0, textPrinter.letterSpacing);
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gStringVar1;
textPrinter.windowId = windowId;
CopyWindowToVram(windowId, 3);
AddTextPrinter(&textPrinter, 0, NULL);
textPrinter.letterSpacing = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
textPrinter.currentY = gUnknown_0860D346[i];
if (trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gSpeciesNames[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]];
else if (trainerId == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN)
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gSpeciesNames[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]];
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gSpeciesNames[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]].species];
textPrinter.windowId = windowId + i + 1;
if (i == 1)
textPrinter.currentX = 7;
textPrinter.currentX = 0;
j = i + 1;
PutWindowTilemap(windowId + j);
CopyWindowToVram(windowId + j, 3);
AddTextPrinter(&textPrinter, 0, NULL);
PutWindowTilemap(windowId + 4);
CopyWindowToVram(windowId + 4, 3);
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gBattleDomePotentialPointers[16];
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gBattleDomePotentialPointers[trainerTournamentId];
textPrinter.fontId = 1;
textPrinter.windowId = windowId + 4;
textPrinter.currentX = 0;
textPrinter.y = 4;
textPrinter.currentY = 4;
AddTextPrinter(&textPrinter, 0, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
allocatedArray[k] += gUnknown_0860B358[sub_81A5060(i, j)][k];
else if (trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
allocatedArray[k] += gUnknown_0860B358[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.field_EFC[i].moves[j]][k];
allocatedArray[k] += gUnknown_0860B358[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]].moves[j]][k];
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_0860C988); i++)
s32 r4 = 0;
for (k = 0, j = 0; j < DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT; j++)
if (gUnknown_0860C988[i][j] != 0)
if (allocatedArray[j] != 0 && allocatedArray[j] >= gUnknown_0860C988[i][j])
if (r4 == k)
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gBattleDomeOpponentStylePointers[i];
textPrinter.y = 20;
textPrinter.currentY = 20;
AddTextPrinter(&textPrinter, 0, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
allocatedArray[i] = 0;
if (trainerId == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN || trainerId == TRAINER_PLAYER)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
allocatedArray[j] = sub_81A50F0(i, j);
allocatedArray[j] = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.field_EFC[i].evs[j];
allocatedArray[6] += allocatedArray[0];
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
nature = sub_81A50B0(i);
nature = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.field_EFC[i].nature;
if (gNatureStatTable[nature][j] > 0)
allocatedArray[j + 7] += (allocatedArray[j + 1] * 110) / 100;
else if (gNatureStatTable[nature][j] < 0)
allocatedArray[j + 7] += (allocatedArray[j + 1] * 90) / 100;
allocatedArray[j + 13]++;
allocatedArray[j + 7] += allocatedArray[j + 1];
for (j = 0, i = 0; i < 6; i++)
j += allocatedArray[6 + i];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
allocatedArray[i] = (allocatedArray[6 + i] * 100) / j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
s32 evBits = gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]].evSpread;
for (k = 0, j = 0; j < 6; j++)
allocatedArray[j] = 0;
if (evBits & 1)
evBits >>= 1;
k = 510 / k;
evBits = gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]].evSpread;
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
if (evBits & 1)
allocatedArray[j] = k;
evBits >>= 1;
allocatedArray[6] += allocatedArray[0];
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
nature = gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonId[trainerTournamentId][i]].nature;
if (gNatureStatTable[nature][j] > 0)
allocatedArray[j + 7] += (allocatedArray[j + 1] * 110) / 100;
else if (gNatureStatTable[nature][j] < 0)
allocatedArray[j + 7] += (allocatedArray[j + 1] * 90) / 100;
allocatedArray[j + 13]++;
allocatedArray[j + 7] += allocatedArray[j + 1];
for (j = 0, i = 0; i < 6; i++)
j += allocatedArray[i + 6];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
allocatedArray[i] = (allocatedArray[6 + i] * 100) / j;
for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; k < 6; k++)
if (allocatedArray[k] > 29)
if (i == 2)
if (allocatedArray[6] < allocatedArray[k])
s16 var_24 = allocatedArray[7];
if (allocatedArray[7] < allocatedArray[k])
if (allocatedArray[6] < allocatedArray[7])
allocatedArray[6] = var_24;
allocatedArray[7] = k;
allocatedArray[7] = k;
allocatedArray[6] = var_24;
allocatedArray[7] = k;
if (allocatedArray[7] < allocatedArray[k])
allocatedArray[7] = k;
allocatedArray[i + 7] = k;
if (allocatedArray[k] == 0)
if (j == 2)
if (allocatedArray[k + 12] >= 2
|| ((allocatedArray[k + 12] == 1 && (allocatedArray[12 + allocatedArray[8]] != 0 || allocatedArray[12 + allocatedArray[9]] == 0))
allocatedArray[8] = allocatedArray[9];
allocatedArray[9] = k;
else if (allocatedArray[k + 12] == 1 && allocatedArray[12 + allocatedArray[8]] == 0)
allocatedArray[8] = allocatedArray[9];
allocatedArray[9] = k;
else if (allocatedArray[k + 12] == 1 && allocatedArray[12 + allocatedArray[9]] == 0)
allocatedArray[9] = k;
allocatedArray[j + 8] = k;
if (i == 2)
i = gUnknown_0860D349[allocatedArray[6]] + (allocatedArray[7] - (allocatedArray[6] + 1));
else if (i == 1)
i = allocatedArray[6] + 15;
else if (j == 2)
i = gUnknown_0860D349[allocatedArray[8]] + (allocatedArray[9] - (allocatedArray[8] + 1)) + 21;
else if (j == 1)
i = allocatedArray[8] + 36;
i = 42;
textPrinter.current_text_offset = gBattleDomeOpponentStatsPointers[i];
textPrinter.y = 36;
textPrinter.currentY = 36;
AddTextPrinter(&textPrinter, 0, NULL);