This commit is contained in:
YamaArashi 2015-11-22 15:29:11 -08:00
parent a14b654374
commit 3e95160b25
1285 changed files with 26580 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ SHA1 := sha1sum -c
.PHONY: rom tools gbagfx scaninc clean compare
gfx := tools/gbagfx/gbagfx
1bpp := $(gfx) 1bpp
4bpp := $(gfx) 4bpp
8bpp := $(gfx) 8bpp
gbapal := $(gfx) gbapal
lz := $(gfx) lz
1bpp := @$(gfx) 1bpp
4bpp := @$(gfx) 4bpp
8bpp := @$(gfx) 8bpp
gbapal := @$(gfx) gbapal
lz := @$(gfx) lz
scaninc := tools/scaninc/scaninc
objs = asm/emerald.o
@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ include
%.png: ;
%.pal: ;
%.1bpp: %.png ; @$(1bpp) $<
%.4bpp: %.png ; @$(4bpp) $<
%.8bpp: %.png ; @$(8bpp) $<
%.gbapal: %.pal ; @$(gbapal) $<
%.lz: % ; @$(lz) $<
%.1bpp: %.png ; $(1bpp) $<
%.4bpp: %.png ; $(4bpp) $<
%.8bpp: %.png ; $(8bpp) $<
%.gbapal: %.pal ; $(gbapal) $<
%.lz: % ; $(lz) $<
%.o: %.s $$($$@_deps)
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<

View File

@ -570606,7 +570606,7 @@ sub_8129068: ; 8129068
push {lr}
adds r2, r0, 0
lsls r1, 16
ldr r0, =gUnknown_083DFC74
ldr r0, =gTilesetPointer_SecretBase
ldr r0, [r0]
lsrs r1, 11
ldr r0, [r0, 0x8]
@ -570634,7 +570634,7 @@ sub_8129088: ; 8129088
ldr r0, =0x000003ff
ands r2, r0
ldr r0, =gUnknown_083DFC74
ldr r0, =gTilesetPointer_SecretBase
ldr r0, [r0]
lsls r1, r2, 5
ldr r0, [r0, 0x4]
@ -570797,7 +570797,7 @@ sub_81291A4: ; 81291A4
thumb_func_start sub_81291CC
sub_81291CC: ; 81291CC
lsls r0, 16
ldr r1, =gUnknown_083DFC78
ldr r1, =gTilesetPointer_SecretBaseRedCave
ldr r1, [r1]
ldr r1, [r1, 0xC]
lsrs r0, 15
@ -571015,7 +571015,7 @@ gpu_pal_decompress_alloc_tag_and_upload: ; 8129334
bl sub_81291A4
ldr r1, =0x00000884
adds r0, r5, r1
ldr r1, =gUnknown_083DFC78
ldr r1, =gTilesetPointer_SecretBaseRedCave
ldr r2, [r1]
ldr r1, [r5]
ldr r1, [r1, 0x1C]
@ -571196,7 +571196,7 @@ sub_81294C0: ; 81294C0
bl sub_81291A4
ldr r0, =0x00000884
adds r5, r6, r0
ldr r0, =gUnknown_083DFC78
ldr r0, =gTilesetPointer_SecretBaseRedCave
ldr r1, [r0]
ldr r0, [r6]
ldr r0, [r0, 0x1C]

View File

@ -2268,13 +2268,19 @@ gUnknown_08339DD4: ; 8339DD4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x339dd4, 0x2c
gUnknown_08339E00: ; 8339E00
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x339e00, 0xa5e74
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x339e00, 0x8
gUnknown_083DFC74: ; 83DFC74
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3dfc74, 0x4
; 8339E08
.include "data/graphics/tilesets/tileset_graphics.s"
gUnknown_083DFC78: ; 83DFC78
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3dfc78, 0xa215c
; 83960F0
.include "data/graphics/tilesets/metatiles.s"
; 83DF704
.include "data/graphics/tilesets/tilesets.s"
; 83DFE14
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3dfe14, 0xa1fc0
gUnknown_08481DD4: ; 8481DD4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x481dd4, 0x47a4
@ -13158,7 +13164,35 @@ gUnknown_08DD4BF0: ; 8DD4BF0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0xdd4bf0, 0x5c
gUnknown_08DD4C4C: ; 8DD4C4C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0xdd4c4c, 0x26b4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0xdd4c4c, 0x1c4
.align 2, 0
gTilesetPalettes_General: ; 8DD4E10
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/00.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/01.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/02.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/03.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/04.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/05.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/06.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/07.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/08.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/09.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/10.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/11.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/12.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/13.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/14.gbapal"
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/palettes/15.gbapal"
.align 2, 0
gTilesetTiles_General: ; 8DD5010
.incbin "data/graphics/tilesets/primary/general/tiles.4bpp.lz"
; 8DD72E0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0xdd72e0, 0x20
gUnknown_08DD7300: ; 8DD7300
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0xdd7300, 0x60

View File

@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_General: ; 83960F0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3960f0, 0x2000
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_General: ; 83980F0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3980f0, 0x400
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Petalburg: ; 83984F0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3984f0, 0x900
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Petalburg: ; 8398DF0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x398df0, 0x120
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Rustboro: ; 8398F10
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x398f10, 0x15e0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Rustboro: ; 839A4F0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39a4f0, 0x2bc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Dewford: ; 839A7AC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39a7ac, 0x17b0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Dewford: ; 839BF5C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39bf5c, 0x2f6
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Slateport: ; 839C252
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39c252, 0x1960
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Slateport: ; 839DBB2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39dbb2, 0x32c
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Mauville: ; 839DEDE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39dede, 0x1fe0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Mauville: ; 839FEBE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x39febe, 0x3fc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Lavaridge: ; 83A02BA
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a02ba, 0x1b90
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Lavaridge: ; 83A1E4A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a1e4a, 0x372
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Fallarbor: ; 83A21BC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a21bc, 0x16f0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Fallarbor: ; 83A38AC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a38ac, 0x2de
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Fortree: ; 83A3B8A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a3b8a, 0x1180
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Fortree: ; 83A4D0A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a4d0a, 0x230
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Lilycove: ; 83A4F3A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a4f3a, 0x15f0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Lilycove: ; 83A652A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a652a, 0x2be
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Mossdeep: ; 83A67E8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a67e8, 0x1c60
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Mossdeep: ; 83A8448
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a8448, 0x38c
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_EverGrande: ; 83A87D4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a87d4, 0xa80
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_EverGrande: ; 83A9254
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a9254, 0x150
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Pacifidlog: ; 83A93A4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3a93a4, 0xcb0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Pacifidlog: ; 83AA054
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3aa054, 0x196
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Sootopolis: ; 83AA1EA
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3aa1ea, 0xfe0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Sootopolis: ; 83AB1CA
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ab1ca, 0x1fc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleFrontierOutsideWest: ; 83AB3C6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ab3c6, 0x1fe0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleFrontierOutsideWest: ; 83AD3A6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ad3a6, 0x3fc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleFrontierOutsideEast: ; 83AD7A2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ad7a2, 0x1fe0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleFrontierOutsideEast: ; 83AF782
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3af782, 0x3fc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_InsideBuilding: ; 83AFB7E
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3afb7e, 0x80
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_InsideBuilding: ; 83AFBFE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3afbfe, 0x10
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Shop: ; 83AFC0E
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3afc0e, 0x1210
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Shop: ; 83B0E1E
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b0e1e, 0x242
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_PokemonCenter: ; 83B1060
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b1060, 0xe80
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_PokemonCenter: ; 83B1EE0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b1ee0, 0x1d0
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Cave: ; 83B20B0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b20b0, 0x19e0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Cave: ; 83B3A90
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b3a90, 0x33c
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_PokemonSchool: ; 83B3DCC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b3dcc, 0x3a0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_PokemonSchool: ; 83B416C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b416c, 0x74
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_PokemonFanClub: ; 83B41E0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b41e0, 0x680
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_PokemonFanClub: ; 83B4860
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b4860, 0xd0
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Unused1: ; 83B4930
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b4930, 0x20
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Unused1: ; 83B4950
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b4950, 0x4
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_MeteorFalls: ; 83B4954
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b4954, 0x9f0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MeteorFalls: ; 83B5344
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b5344, 0x13e
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_OceanicMuseum: ; 83B5482
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b5482, 0x7a0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_OceanicMuseum: ; 83B5C22
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b5c22, 0xf4
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_CableClub: ; 83B5D16
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b5d16, 0x1000
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_CableClub: ; 83B6D16
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b6d16, 0x200
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_SeashoreHouse: ; 83B6F16
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b6f16, 0x380
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_SeashoreHouse: ; 83B7296
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b7296, 0x70
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_PrettyPetalFlowerShop: ; 83B7306
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b7306, 0x480
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_PrettyPetalFlowerShop: ; 83B7786
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b7786, 0x90
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_PokemonDayCare: ; 83B7816
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b7816, 0x440
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_PokemonDayCare: ; 83B7C56
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b7c56, 0x88
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Facility: ; 83B7CDE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b7cde, 0x1ff0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Facility: ; 83B9CCE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3b9cce, 0x3fe
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BikeShop: ; 83BA0CC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ba0cc, 0xf80
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BikeShop: ; 83BB04C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bb04c, 0x1f0
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_RusturfTunnel: ; 83BB23C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bb23c, 0x530
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_RusturfTunnel: ; 83BB76C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bb76c, 0xa6
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_SecretBaseSecondary: ; 83BB812
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bb812, 0x1440
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_SecretBaseSecondary: ; 83BCC52
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bcc52, 0x288
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_InsideOfTruck: ; 83BCEDA
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bceda, 0x260
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_InsideOfTruck: ; 83BD13A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bd13a, 0x4c
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Contest: ; 83BD186
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bd186, 0xe90
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Contest: ; 83BE016
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3be016, 0x1d2
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_LilycoveMuseum: ; 83BE1E8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3be1e8, 0x8f0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_LilycoveMuseum: ; 83BEAD8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bead8, 0x11e
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BrendansMaysHouse: ; 83BEBF6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bebf6, 0xc40
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BrendansMaysHouse: ; 83BF836
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bf836, 0x188
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Lab: ; 83BF9BE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3bf9be, 0x9e0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Lab: ; 83C039E
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c039e, 0x13c
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Underwater: ; 83C04DA
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c04da, 0xec0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Underwater: ; 83C139A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c139a, 0x1d8
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_GenericBuilding: ; 83C1572
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c1572, 0x2000
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_GenericBuilding: ; 83C3572
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c3572, 0x400
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_MauvilleGameCorner: ; 83C3972
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c3972, 0x600
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MauvilleGameCorner: ; 83C3F72
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c3f72, 0xc0
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_Unused2: ; 83C4032
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c4032, 0x3a0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_Unused2: ; 83C43D2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c43d2, 0x74
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_RustboroGym: ; 83C4446
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c4446, 0x380
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_RustboroGym: ; 83C47C6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c47c6, 0x70
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_DewfordGym: ; 83C4836
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c4836, 0x450
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_DewfordGym: ; 83C4C86
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c4c86, 0x8a
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_MauvilleGym: ; 83C4D10
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c4d10, 0x750
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MauvilleGym: ; 83C5460
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c5460, 0xea
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_LavaridgeGym: ; 83C554A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c554a, 0x3d0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_LavaridgeGym: ; 83C591A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c591a, 0x7a
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_PetalburgGym: ; 83C5994
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c5994, 0xe00
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_PetalburgGym: ; 83C6794
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c6794, 0x1c0
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_FortreeGym: ; 83C6954
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c6954, 0x500
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_FortreeGym: ; 83C6E54
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c6e54, 0xa0
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_MossdeepGym: ; 83C6EF4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c6ef4, 0x750
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MossdeepGym: ; 83C7644
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c7644, 0xea
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_SootopolisGym: ; 83C772E
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c772e, 0x7a0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_SootopolisGym: ; 83C7ECE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c7ece, 0xf4
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_TrickHousePuzzle: ; 83C7FC2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c7fc2, 0xbd0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_TrickHousePuzzle: ; 83C8B92
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c8b92, 0x17a
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_InsideShip: ; 83C8D0C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c8d0c, 0xfc0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_InsideShip: ; 83C9CCC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c9ccc, 0x1f8
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_SecretBasePrimary: ; 83C9EC4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c9ec4, 0x20
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_SecretBasePrimary: ; 83C9EE4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c9ee4, 0x4
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_EliteFour: ; 83C9EE8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3c9ee8, 0x14c0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_EliteFour: ; 83CB3A8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3cb3a8, 0x298
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleFrontier: ; 83CB640
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3cb640, 0x1fd0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleFrontier: ; 83CD610
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3cd610, 0x3fa
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattlePalace: ; 83CDA0A
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3cda0a, 0xae0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattlePalace: ; 83CE4EA
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ce4ea, 0x15c
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleDome: ; 83CE646
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ce646, 0x1ab0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleDome: ; 83D00F6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d00f6, 0x356
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleFactory: ; 83D044C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d044c, 0x1620
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleFactory: ; 83D1A6C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d1a6c, 0x2c4
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattlePike: ; 83D1D30
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d1d30, 0x15b0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattlePike: ; 83D32E0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d32e0, 0x2b6
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleArena: ; 83D3596
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d3596, 0xb10
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleArena: ; 83D40A6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d40a6, 0x162
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattlePyramid: ; 83D4208
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d4208, 0xdd0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattlePyramid: ; 83D4FD8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d4fd8, 0x1ba
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_MirageTower: ; 83D5192
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d5192, 0x19e0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MirageTower: ; 83D6B72
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d6b72, 0x33c
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gMetatiles_MossdeepGameCorner: ; 83D6EAE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d6eae, 0x350
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MossdeepGameCorner: ; 83D71FE
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d71fe, 0x6a
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gMetatiles_IslandHabor: ; 83D7268
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d7268, 0x1d60
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_IslandHabor: ; 83D8FC8
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d8fc8, 0x3ac
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_TrainerHill: ; 83D9374
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3d9374, 0x1e60
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_TrainerHill: ; 83DB1D4
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3db1d4, 0x3cc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_NavelRock: ; 83DB5A0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3db5a0, 0x1c30
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_NavelRock: ; 83DD1D0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3dd1d0, 0x386
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleFrontierRankingHall: ; 83DD556
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3dd556, 0x5e0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleFrontierRankingHall: ; 83DDB36
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ddb36, 0xbc
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_BattleTent: ; 83DDBF2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3ddbf2, 0x10d0
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_BattleTent: ; 83DECC2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3decc2, 0x21a
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_MysteryEventsHouse: ; 83DEEDC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3deedc, 0x430
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_MysteryEventsHouse: ; 83DF30C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3df30c, 0x86
.align 1, 0
gMetatiles_UnionRoom: ; 83DF392
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3df392, 0x310
.align 1, 0
gMetatileAttributes_UnionRoom: ; 83DF6A2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x3df6a2, 0x62

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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189 205 230
156 180 222
131 131 139
98 98 123
65 74 106
189 189 131
115 189 246
98 172 238
115 189 246
98 164 222
82 139 197
74 115 172
115 197 164

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
24 41 82
255 255 255
222 230 238
189 205 230
156 180 222
131 131 139
98 98 123
65 74 106
41 49 90
115 189 246
98 172 238
255 189 131
238 148 115
222 106 98
205 65 82
115 197 164

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
24 41 82
180 255 131
131 197 98
57 139 49
57 82 0
222 148 115
106 90 90
164 98 90
65 57 49
255 197 148
222 106 98
205 65 82
164 213 197
115 197 164
65 180 131
24 164 106

View File

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65 180 131
164 213 197
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222 180 164
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156 115 115
131 90 90
98 65 82
115 197 164

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
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255 0 255
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65 90 189
57 82 156
41 65 139
172 197 230
139 164 222
106 131 213
82 106 213
115 197 164

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
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131 131 139
98 98 123
65 74 106
41 49 90
115 189 246
98 172 238
238 230 164
222 205 131
213 180 106
205 156 82
115 197 164

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
115 197 164
255 213 180
255 197 148
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57 74 123
41 57 98
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16 32 57
222 230 238
255 197 90
189 156 90
255 98 90
197 65 65
255 255 255
0 0 0

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.4 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
98 98 123
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255 255 255
123 123 98
148 148 131
180 180 164
230 230 213
213 213 180
98 156 139
123 180 189
172 205 197
222 213 82
255 0 255
139 148 82

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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246 139 98
255 205 139
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 0 255
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255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
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156 180 222
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98 98 123
65 74 106
41 49 90
131 197 246
106 180 222
238 230 164
222 205 131
213 180 106
205 156 82
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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222 148 115
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57 74 123
41 57 98
24 41 82
16 32 57
222 230 238
255 197 90
189 156 90
255 98 90
197 65 65
255 255 255
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
82 180 82
238 115 106
197 65 65
106 123 180
172 222 90
131 90 164
255 213 32
255 189 90
156 197 246
255 180 213
213 139 172
213 197 82
82 82 82
115 115 115
189 189 197
238 238 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
82 180 82
230 123 131
189 74 82
156 41 49
189 222 255
255 197 246
230 156 205
213 115 164
123 164 123
82 115 82
213 197 139
148 131 65
82 82 82
115 115 115
189 189 197
238 238 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
82 180 82
238 238 98
205 205 82
156 156 49
189 222 255
180 197 255
148 164 213
115 131 180
148 148 156
222 180 115
180 139 65
148 106 41
82 82 82
115 115 115
189 189 197
238 238 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
82 180 82
156 197 246
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65 115 172
189 222 255
255 180 82
230 139 49
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205 148 255
57 57 57
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98 98 98
82 82 82
115 115 115
189 189 197
238 238 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
82 180 82
213 197 139
180 164 98
148 131 65
123 98 32
255 213 90
106 189 255
255 123 172
164 222 115
131 172 82
139 189 139
98 148 98
82 82 82
115 115 115
189 189 197
238 238 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
131 82 65
90 82 65
205 197 164
172 164 131
148 139 106
115 106 82
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
82 82 82
115 115 115
213 213 156
255 246 139
255 255 255

View File

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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.2 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
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156 197 74
106 164 41
255 180 115
213 131 82
172 82 49
238 230 164
222 205 131
213 180 106
205 156 82
255 222 131

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
189 148 49
156 115 90
197 238 148
156 197 74
106 164 41
115 222 255
0 180 255
0 115 255
0 82 222
0 57 180
255 0 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
222 213 230
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90 106 180
115 139 197
172 82 49
205 115 82
139 255 255
255 115 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
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189 148 49
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90 106 180
255 205 139
230 172 90
230 148 65
180 98 24
255 0 255
255 0 255
255 0 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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213 180 106
164 131 74
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View File

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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255 255 255
222 213 230
123 172 139
139 205 172
156 238 205
139 156 180
156 180 197
172 205 213
189 41 16
222 74 32
255 98 49
255 222 131

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
205 148 8
82 82 106
115 115 131
156 156 164
189 189 197
255 255 255
115 131 98
90 82 82
205 222 197
82 131 156
115 164 197
164 205 222
131 106 82
255 123 32
156 139 106
255 222 131

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
131 131 106
123 172 139
139 205 172
156 238 205
139 156 180
156 180 197
172 205 213
172 164 156
197 189 156
222 213 148
255 238 148

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
189 148 49
156 115 90
197 238 148
156 197 74
106 164 41
255 123 98
246 8 8
180 189 255
123 148 255
222 213 82
213 222 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 255 0
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
115 115 131
205 57 16
255 98 49
0 115 255
255 0 255
82 255 255
255 255 172
255 213 115
213 180 106
164 131 74
222 213 230

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
222 213 230
255 255 156
0 189 139
156 238 205
115 115 131
90 106 180
115 139 197
189 41 16
222 74 32
255 98 49
255 222 131

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.1 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
205 180 41
255 230 41
255 238 148
131 131 82
172 172 139
213 213 197
172 205 213
189 41 16
222 74 32
255 98 49
255 222 131

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
222 213 230
255 255 156
0 238 139
0 189 139
115 115 131
90 106 180
115 139 197
189 41 16
222 74 32
255 98 49
255 222 131

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
189 148 49
156 115 90
197 238 148
156 197 74
106 164 41
115 222 255
0 180 255
0 115 255
0 82 222
0 57 180
255 0 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
255 0 255
82 82 106
148 148 164
205 189 197
255 255 255
222 213 230
189 172 180
255 0 255
255 0 255
115 115 131
90 106 180
115 139 197
172 82 49
205 115 82
139 255 255
255 115 0

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More