diff --git a/include/malloc.h b/include/alloc.h similarity index 85% rename from include/malloc.h rename to include/alloc.h index c215f56c0..f2dcf6d46 100644 --- a/include/malloc.h +++ b/include/alloc.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -#ifndef GUARD_MALLOC_H -#define GUARD_MALLOC_H +#ifndef GUARD_ALLOC_H +#define GUARD_ALLOC_H #define HEAP_SIZE 0x1C000 #define malloc Alloc @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ void *AllocZeroed(u32 size); void Free(void *pointer); void InitHeap(void *pointer, u32 size); -#endif // GUARD_MALLOC_H +#endif // GUARD_ALLOC_H diff --git a/include/constants/battle_string_ids.h b/include/constants/battle_string_ids.h index db9ed59bd..9e0d8e0be 100644 --- a/include/constants/battle_string_ids.h +++ b/include/constants/battle_string_ids.h @@ -5,382 +5,382 @@ #define BATTLESTRINGS_ID_ADDER 12 // all battlestrings have its ID + 12, because first 5 are reserved -#define STRINGID_INTROMSG 0 +#define STRINGID_INTROMSG 0 #define STRINGID_INTROSENDOUT 1 -#define STRINGID_RETURNMON 2 +#define STRINGID_RETURNMON 2 #define STRINGID_SWITCHINMON 3 -#define STRINGID_USEDMOVE 4 -#define STRINGID_BATTLEEND 5 +#define STRINGID_USEDMOVE 4 +#define STRINGID_BATTLEEND 5 // todo: make some of those names less vague: attacker/target vs pkmn, etc. -#define STRINGID_TRAINER1LOSETEXT 12 -#define STRINGID_PKMNGAINEDEXP 13 -#define STRINGID_PKMNGREWTOLV 14 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLEARNEDMOVE 15 -#define STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE1 16 -#define STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE2 17 -#define STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE3 18 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFORGOTMOVE 19 -#define STRINGID_STOPLEARNINGMOVE 20 -#define STRINGID_DIDNOTLEARNMOVE 21 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLEARNEDMOVE2 22 -#define STRINGID_ATTACKMISSED 23 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDITSELF 24 -#define STRINGID_STATSWONTINCREASE2 25 -#define STRINGID_AVOIDEDDAMAGE 26 -#define STRINGID_ITDOESNTAFFECT 27 -#define STRINGID_ATTACKERFAINTED 28 -#define STRINGID_TARGETFAINTED 29 -#define STRINGID_PLAYERGOTMONEY 30 -#define STRINGID_PLAYERWHITEOUT 31 -#define STRINGID_PLAYERWHITEOUT2 32 -#define STRINGID_PREVENTSESCAPE 33 -#define STRINGID_HITXTIMES 34 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLASLEEP 35 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMADESLEEP 36 -#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYASLEEP 37 -#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYASLEEP2 38 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASNTAFFECTED 39 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASPOISONED 40 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPOISONEDBY 41 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYPOISON 42 -#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYPOISONED 43 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBADLYPOISONED 44 -#define STRINGID_PKMNENERGYDRAINED 45 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASBURNED 46 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBURNEDBY 47 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYBURN 48 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASFROZEN 49 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFROZENBY 50 -#define STRINGID_PKMNISFROZEN 51 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTED 52 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTED2 53 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTEDBY 54 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASPARALYZED 55 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASPARALYZEDBY 56 -#define STRINGID_PKMNISPARALYZED 57 -#define STRINGID_PKMNISALREADYPARALYZED 58 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHEALEDPARALYSIS 59 -#define STRINGID_PKMNDREAMEATEN 60 -#define STRINGID_STATSWONTINCREASE 61 -#define STRINGID_STATSWONTDECREASE 62 -#define STRINGID_TEAMSTOPPEDWORKING 63 -#define STRINGID_FOESTOPPEDWORKING 64 -#define STRINGID_PKMNISCONFUSED 65 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHEALEDCONFUSION 66 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASCONFUSED 67 -#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYCONFUSED 68 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLINLOVE 69 -#define STRINGID_PKMNINLOVE 70 -#define STRINGID_PKMNIMMOBILIZEDBYLOVE 71 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBLOWNAWAY 72 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCHANGEDTYPE 73 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFLINCHED 74 -#define STRINGID_PKMNREGAINEDHEALTH 75 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHPFULL 76 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPDEF 77 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDDEF 78 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCOVEREDBYVEIL 79 -#define STRINGID_PKMNUSEDSAFEGUARD 80 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSAFEGUARDEXPIRED 81 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWENTTOSLEEP 82 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSLEPTHEALTHY 83 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWHIPPEDWHIRLWIND 84 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKSUNLIGHT 85 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLOWEREDHEAD 86 -#define STRINGID_PKMNISGLOWING 87 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEWHIGH 88 -#define STRINGID_PKMNDUGHOLE 89 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSQUEEZEDBYBIND 90 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRAPPEDINVORTEX 91 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWRAPPEDBY 92 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCLAMPED 93 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBY 94 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFREEDFROM 95 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCRASHED 96 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSHROUDEDINMIST 97 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDBYMIST 98 -#define STRINGID_PKMNGETTINGPUMPED 99 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHITWITHRECOIL 100 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDITSELF2 101 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBUFFETEDBYSANDSTORM 102 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPELTEDBYHAIL 103 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSEEDED 104 -#define STRINGID_PKMNEVADEDATTACK 105 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSAPPEDBYLEECHSEED 106 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFASTASLEEP 107 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWOKEUP 108 -#define STRINGID_PKMNUPROARKEPTAWAKE 109 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWOKEUPINUPROAR 110 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCAUSEDUPROAR 111 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMAKINGUPROAR 112 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCALMEDDOWN 113 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTSLEEPINUPROAR 114 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSTOCKPILED 115 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTSTOCKPILE 116 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTSLEEPINUPROAR2 117 -#define STRINGID_UPROARKEPTPKMNAWAKE 118 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSTAYEDAWAKEUSING 119 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSTORINGENERGY 120 -#define STRINGID_PKMNUNLEASHEDENERGY 121 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFATIGUECONFUSION 122 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPICKEDUPITEM 123 -#define STRINGID_PKMNUNAFFECTED 124 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFORMEDINTO 125 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMADESUBSTITUTE 126 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHASSUBSTITUTE 127 -#define STRINGID_SUBSTITUTEDAMAGED 128 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSUBSTITUTEFADED 129 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMUSTRECHARGE 130 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAGEBUILDING 131 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEWASDISABLED 132 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEISDISABLED 133 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEDISABLEDNOMORE 134 -#define STRINGID_PKMNGOTENCORE 135 -#define STRINGID_PKMNENCOREENDED 136 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKAIM 137 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSKETCHEDMOVE 138 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRYINGTOTAKEFOE 139 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKFOE 140 -#define STRINGID_PKMNREDUCEDPP 141 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSTOLEITEM 142 -#define STRINGID_TARGETCANTESCAPENOW 143 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLINTONIGHTMARE 144 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLOCKEDINNIGHTMARE 145 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLAIDCURSE 146 -#define STRINGID_PKMNAFFLICTEDBYCURSE 147 -#define STRINGID_SPIKESSCATTERED 148 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYSPIKES 149 -#define STRINGID_PKMNIDENTIFIED 150 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPERISHCOUNTFELL 151 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBRACEDITSELF 152 -#define STRINGID_PKMNENDUREDHIT 153 -#define STRINGID_MAGNITUDESTRENGTH 154 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCUTHPMAXEDATTACK 155 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCOPIEDSTATCHANGES 156 -#define STRINGID_PKMNGOTFREE 157 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSHEDLEECHSEED 158 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBLEWAWAYSPIKES 159 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEDFROMBATTLE 160 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFORESAWATTACK 161 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKATTACK 162 -#define STRINGID_PKMNATTACK 163 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCENTERATTENTION 164 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCHARGINGPOWER 165 -#define STRINGID_NATUREPOWERTURNEDINTO 166 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSTATUSNORMAL 167 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHASNOMOVESLEFT 168 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSUBJECTEDTOTORMENT 169 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVETORMENT 170 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTIGHTENINGFOCUS 171 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLFORTAUNT 172 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVETAUNT 173 -#define STRINGID_PKMNREADYTOHELP 174 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSWITCHEDITEMS 175 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCOPIEDFOE 176 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMADEWISH 177 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWISHCAMETRUE 178 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPLANTEDROOTS 179 -#define STRINGID_PKMNABSORBEDNUTRIENTS 180 -#define STRINGID_PKMNANCHOREDITSELF 181 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASMADEDROWSY 182 -#define STRINGID_PKMNKNOCKEDOFF 183 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSWAPPEDABILITIES 184 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSEALEDOPPONENTMOVE 185 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVESEALED 186 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWANTSGRUDGE 187 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLOSTPPGRUDGE 188 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSHROUDEDITSELF 189 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEBOUNCED 190 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWAITSFORTARGET 191 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSNATCHEDMOVE 192 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMADEITRAIN 193 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPEED 194 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDBY 195 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSUSAGE 196 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRESTOREDHPUSING 197 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCHANGEDTYPEWITH 198 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSPARALYSISWITH 199 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSROMANCEWITH 200 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSPOISONINGWITH 201 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSCONFUSIONWITH 202 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDFIREPOWERWITH 203 -#define STRINGID_PKMNANCHORSITSELFWITH 204 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCUTSATTACKWITH 205 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSSTATLOSSWITH 206 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTSWITH 207 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRACED 208 -#define STRINGID_STATSHARPLY 209 -#define STRINGID_STATROSE 210 -#define STRINGID_STATHARSHLY 211 -#define STRINGID_STATFELL 212 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED 213 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED2 214 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED3 215 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED4 216 -#define STRINGID_CRITICALHIT 217 -#define STRINGID_ONEHITKO 218 -#define STRINGID_123POOF 219 -#define STRINGID_ANDELLIPSIS 220 -#define STRINGID_NOTVERYEFFECTIVE 221 -#define STRINGID_SUPEREFFECTIVE 222 -#define STRINGID_GOTAWAYSAFELY 223 -#define STRINGID_WILDPKMNFLED 224 -#define STRINGID_NORUNNINGFROMTRAINERS 225 -#define STRINGID_CANTESCAPE 226 -#define STRINGID_DONTLEAVEBIRCH 227 -#define STRINGID_BUTNOTHINGHAPPENED 228 -#define STRINGID_BUTITFAILED 229 -#define STRINGID_ITHURTCONFUSION 230 -#define STRINGID_MIRRORMOVEFAILED 231 -#define STRINGID_STARTEDTORAIN 232 -#define STRINGID_DOWNPOURSTARTED 233 -#define STRINGID_RAINCONTINUES 234 -#define STRINGID_DOWNPOURCONTINUES 235 -#define STRINGID_RAINSTOPPED 236 -#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMBREWED 237 -#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMRAGES 238 -#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMSUBSIDED 239 -#define STRINGID_SUNLIGHTGOTBRIGHT 240 -#define STRINGID_SUNLIGHTSTRONG 241 -#define STRINGID_SUNLIGHTFADED 242 -#define STRINGID_STARTEDHAIL 243 -#define STRINGID_HAILCONTINUES 244 -#define STRINGID_HAILSTOPPED 245 -#define STRINGID_FAILEDTOSPITUP 246 -#define STRINGID_FAILEDTOSWALLOW 247 -#define STRINGID_WINDBECAMEHEATWAVE 248 -#define STRINGID_STATCHANGESGONE 249 -#define STRINGID_COINSSCATTERED 250 -#define STRINGID_TOOWEAKFORSUBSTITUTE 251 -#define STRINGID_SHAREDPAIN 252 -#define STRINGID_BELLCHIMED 253 -#define STRINGID_FAINTINTHREE 254 -#define STRINGID_NOPPLEFT 255 -#define STRINGID_BUTNOPPLEFT 256 -#define STRINGID_PLAYERUSEDITEM 257 -#define STRINGID_WALLYUSEDITEM 258 -#define STRINGID_TRAINERBLOCKEDBALL 259 -#define STRINGID_DONTBEATHIEF 260 -#define STRINGID_ITDODGEDBALL 261 -#define STRINGID_YOUMISSEDPKMN 262 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBROKEFREE 263 -#define STRINGID_ITAPPEAREDCAUGHT 264 -#define STRINGID_AARGHALMOSTHADIT 265 -#define STRINGID_SHOOTSOCLOSE 266 -#define STRINGID_GOTCHAPKMNCAUGHT 267 -#define STRINGID_GOTCHAPKMNCAUGHT2 268 -#define STRINGID_GIVENICKNAMECAPTURED 269 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSENTTOPC 270 -#define STRINGID_PKMNDATAADDEDTODEX 271 -#define STRINGID_ITISRAINING 272 -#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMISRAGING 273 -#define STRINGID_CANTESCAPE2 274 -#define STRINGID_PKMNIGNORESASLEEP 275 -#define STRINGID_PKMNIGNOREDORDERS 276 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBEGANTONAP 277 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLOAFING 278 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWONTOBEY 279 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTURNEDAWAY 280 -#define STRINGID_PKMNPRETENDNOTNOTICE 281 -#define STRINGID_ENEMYABOUTTOSWITCHPKMN 282 -#define STRINGID_CREPTCLOSER 283 -#define STRINGID_CANTGETCLOSER 284 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWATCHINGCAREFULLY 285 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCURIOUSABOUTX 286 -#define STRINGID_PKMNENTHRALLEDBYX 287 -#define STRINGID_PKMNIGNOREDX 288 -#define STRINGID_THREWPOKEBLOCKATPKMN 289 -#define STRINGID_OUTOFSAFARIBALLS 290 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPARALYSIS 291 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPOISON 292 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMHEALEDBURN 293 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMDEFROSTEDIT 294 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMWOKEIT 295 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMSNAPPEDOUT 296 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPROBLEM 297 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDHEALTH 298 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDPP 299 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDSTATUS 300 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDHPALITTLE 301 -#define STRINGID_ITEMALLOWSONLYYMOVE 302 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHUNGONWITHX 303 -#define STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING3 304 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSBURNS 305 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXBLOCKSY 306 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXRESTOREDHPALITTLE2 307 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXWHIPPEDUPSANDSTORM 308 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSYLOSS 309 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXINFATUATEDY 310 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEYINEFFECTIVE 311 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXCUREDYPROBLEM 312 -#define STRINGID_ITSUCKEDLIQUIDOOZE 313 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFORMED 314 -#define STRINGID_ELECTRICITYWEAKENED 315 -#define STRINGID_FIREWEAKENED 316 -#define STRINGID_PKMNHIDUNDERWATER 317 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSPRANGUP 318 -#define STRINGID_HMMOVESCANTBEFORGOTTEN 319 -#define STRINGID_XFOUNDONEY 320 -#define STRINGID_PLAYERDEFEATEDTRAINER1 321 -#define STRINGID_SOOTHINGAROMA 322 -#define STRINGID_ITEMSCANTBEUSEDNOW 323 -#define STRINGID_FORXCOMMAYZ 324 -#define STRINGID_USINGXTHEYOFZN 325 -#define STRINGID_PKMNUSEDXTOGETPUMPED 326 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEYUSELESS 327 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRAPPEDBYSANDTOMB 328 -#define STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING4 329 -#define STRINGID_ABOOSTED 330 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXINTENSIFIEDSUN 331 -#define STRINGID_PKMNMAKESGROUNDMISS 332 -#define STRINGID_YOUTHROWABALLNOWRIGHT 333 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXTOOKATTACK 334 -#define STRINGID_PKMNCHOSEXASDESTINY 335 -#define STRINGID_PKMNLOSTFOCUS 336 -#define STRINGID_USENEXTPKMN 337 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEDUSINGITS 338 -#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEDUSING 339 -#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDRAGGEDOUT 340 -#define STRINGID_PREVENTEDFROMWORKING 341 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMNORMALIZEDSTATUS 342 -#define STRINGID_TRAINER1USEDITEM 343 -#define STRINGID_BOXISFULL 344 -#define STRINGID_PKMNAVOIDEDATTACK 345 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEITINEFFECTIVE 346 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSFLINCHING 347 -#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYHASBURN 348 -#define STRINGID_STATSWONTDECREASE2 349 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXBLOCKSY2 350 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXWOREOFF 351 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDDEFALITTLE 352 -#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPDEFALITTLE 353 -#define STRINGID_THEWALLSHATTERED 354 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSYSZ 355 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXCUREDITSYPROBLEM 356 -#define STRINGID_ATTACKERCANTESCAPE 357 -#define STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDX 358 -#define STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDX2 359 -#define STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDXYOBTAINEDZ 360 -#define STRINGID_BUTNOEFFECT 361 -#define STRINGID_PKMNSXHADNOEFFECTONY 362 -#define STRINGID_TWOENEMIESDEFEATED 363 -#define STRINGID_TRAINER2LOSETEXT 364 -#define STRINGID_PKMNINCAPABLEOFPOWER 365 -#define STRINGID_GLINTAPPEARSINEYE 366 -#define STRINGID_PKMNGETTINGINTOPOSITION 367 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBEGANGROWLINGDEEPLY 368 -#define STRINGID_PKMNEAGERFORMORE 369 -#define STRINGID_DEFEATEDOPPONENTBYREFEREE 370 -#define STRINGID_LOSTTOOPPONENTBYREFEREE 371 -#define STRINGID_TIEDOPPONENTBYREFEREE 372 -#define STRINGID_QUESTIONFORFEITMATCH 373 -#define STRINGID_FORFEITEDMATCH 374 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFERREDSOMEONESPC 375 -#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFERREDLANETTESPC 376 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBOXSOMEONESPCFULL 377 -#define STRINGID_PKMNBOXLANETTESPCFULL 378 -#define STRINGID_TRAINER1WINTEXT 379 -#define STRINGID_TRAINER2WINTEXT 380 +#define STRINGID_TRAINER1LOSETEXT 12 +#define STRINGID_PKMNGAINEDEXP 13 +#define STRINGID_PKMNGREWTOLV 14 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLEARNEDMOVE 15 +#define STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE1 16 +#define STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE2 17 +#define STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE3 18 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFORGOTMOVE 19 +#define STRINGID_STOPLEARNINGMOVE 20 +#define STRINGID_DIDNOTLEARNMOVE 21 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLEARNEDMOVE2 22 +#define STRINGID_ATTACKMISSED 23 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDITSELF 24 +#define STRINGID_STATSWONTINCREASE2 25 +#define STRINGID_AVOIDEDDAMAGE 26 +#define STRINGID_ITDOESNTAFFECT 27 +#define STRINGID_ATTACKERFAINTED 28 +#define STRINGID_TARGETFAINTED 29 +#define STRINGID_PLAYERGOTMONEY 30 +#define STRINGID_PLAYERWHITEOUT 31 +#define STRINGID_PLAYERWHITEOUT2 32 +#define STRINGID_PREVENTSESCAPE 33 +#define STRINGID_HITXTIMES 34 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLASLEEP 35 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMADESLEEP 36 +#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYASLEEP 37 +#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYASLEEP2 38 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASNTAFFECTED 39 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASPOISONED 40 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPOISONEDBY 41 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYPOISON 42 +#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYPOISONED 43 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBADLYPOISONED 44 +#define STRINGID_PKMNENERGYDRAINED 45 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASBURNED 46 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBURNEDBY 47 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYBURN 48 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASFROZEN 49 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFROZENBY 50 +#define STRINGID_PKMNISFROZEN 51 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTED 52 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTED2 53 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTEDBY 54 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASPARALYZED 55 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASPARALYZEDBY 56 +#define STRINGID_PKMNISPARALYZED 57 +#define STRINGID_PKMNISALREADYPARALYZED 58 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHEALEDPARALYSIS 59 +#define STRINGID_PKMNDREAMEATEN 60 +#define STRINGID_STATSWONTINCREASE 61 +#define STRINGID_STATSWONTDECREASE 62 +#define STRINGID_TEAMSTOPPEDWORKING 63 +#define STRINGID_FOESTOPPEDWORKING 64 +#define STRINGID_PKMNISCONFUSED 65 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHEALEDCONFUSION 66 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASCONFUSED 67 +#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYCONFUSED 68 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLINLOVE 69 +#define STRINGID_PKMNINLOVE 70 +#define STRINGID_PKMNIMMOBILIZEDBYLOVE 71 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBLOWNAWAY 72 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCHANGEDTYPE 73 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFLINCHED 74 +#define STRINGID_PKMNREGAINEDHEALTH 75 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHPFULL 76 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPDEF 77 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDDEF 78 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCOVEREDBYVEIL 79 +#define STRINGID_PKMNUSEDSAFEGUARD 80 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSAFEGUARDEXPIRED 81 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWENTTOSLEEP 82 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSLEPTHEALTHY 83 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWHIPPEDWHIRLWIND 84 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKSUNLIGHT 85 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLOWEREDHEAD 86 +#define STRINGID_PKMNISGLOWING 87 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEWHIGH 88 +#define STRINGID_PKMNDUGHOLE 89 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSQUEEZEDBYBIND 90 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRAPPEDINVORTEX 91 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWRAPPEDBY 92 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCLAMPED 93 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBY 94 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFREEDFROM 95 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCRASHED 96 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSHROUDEDINMIST 97 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDBYMIST 98 +#define STRINGID_PKMNGETTINGPUMPED 99 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHITWITHRECOIL 100 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDITSELF2 101 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBUFFETEDBYSANDSTORM 102 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPELTEDBYHAIL 103 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSEEDED 104 +#define STRINGID_PKMNEVADEDATTACK 105 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSAPPEDBYLEECHSEED 106 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFASTASLEEP 107 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWOKEUP 108 +#define STRINGID_PKMNUPROARKEPTAWAKE 109 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWOKEUPINUPROAR 110 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCAUSEDUPROAR 111 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMAKINGUPROAR 112 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCALMEDDOWN 113 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTSLEEPINUPROAR 114 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSTOCKPILED 115 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTSTOCKPILE 116 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTSLEEPINUPROAR2 117 +#define STRINGID_UPROARKEPTPKMNAWAKE 118 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSTAYEDAWAKEUSING 119 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSTORINGENERGY 120 +#define STRINGID_PKMNUNLEASHEDENERGY 121 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFATIGUECONFUSION 122 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPICKEDUPITEM 123 +#define STRINGID_PKMNUNAFFECTED 124 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFORMEDINTO 125 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMADESUBSTITUTE 126 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHASSUBSTITUTE 127 +#define STRINGID_SUBSTITUTEDAMAGED 128 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSUBSTITUTEFADED 129 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMUSTRECHARGE 130 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAGEBUILDING 131 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEWASDISABLED 132 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEISDISABLED 133 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEDISABLEDNOMORE 134 +#define STRINGID_PKMNGOTENCORE 135 +#define STRINGID_PKMNENCOREENDED 136 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKAIM 137 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSKETCHEDMOVE 138 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRYINGTOTAKEFOE 139 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKFOE 140 +#define STRINGID_PKMNREDUCEDPP 141 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSTOLEITEM 142 +#define STRINGID_TARGETCANTESCAPENOW 143 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLINTONIGHTMARE 144 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLOCKEDINNIGHTMARE 145 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLAIDCURSE 146 +#define STRINGID_PKMNAFFLICTEDBYCURSE 147 +#define STRINGID_SPIKESSCATTERED 148 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYSPIKES 149 +#define STRINGID_PKMNIDENTIFIED 150 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPERISHCOUNTFELL 151 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBRACEDITSELF 152 +#define STRINGID_PKMNENDUREDHIT 153 +#define STRINGID_MAGNITUDESTRENGTH 154 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCUTHPMAXEDATTACK 155 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCOPIEDSTATCHANGES 156 +#define STRINGID_PKMNGOTFREE 157 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSHEDLEECHSEED 158 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBLEWAWAYSPIKES 159 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEDFROMBATTLE 160 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFORESAWATTACK 161 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTOOKATTACK 162 +#define STRINGID_PKMNATTACK 163 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCENTERATTENTION 164 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCHARGINGPOWER 165 +#define STRINGID_NATUREPOWERTURNEDINTO 166 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSTATUSNORMAL 167 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHASNOMOVESLEFT 168 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSUBJECTEDTOTORMENT 169 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVETORMENT 170 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTIGHTENINGFOCUS 171 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFELLFORTAUNT 172 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVETAUNT 173 +#define STRINGID_PKMNREADYTOHELP 174 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSWITCHEDITEMS 175 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCOPIEDFOE 176 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMADEWISH 177 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWISHCAMETRUE 178 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPLANTEDROOTS 179 +#define STRINGID_PKMNABSORBEDNUTRIENTS 180 +#define STRINGID_PKMNANCHOREDITSELF 181 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASMADEDROWSY 182 +#define STRINGID_PKMNKNOCKEDOFF 183 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSWAPPEDABILITIES 184 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSEALEDOPPONENTMOVE 185 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVESEALED 186 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWANTSGRUDGE 187 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLOSTPPGRUDGE 188 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSHROUDEDITSELF 189 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMOVEBOUNCED 190 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWAITSFORTARGET 191 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSNATCHEDMOVE 192 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMADEITRAIN 193 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPEED 194 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDBY 195 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSUSAGE 196 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRESTOREDHPUSING 197 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCHANGEDTYPEWITH 198 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSPARALYSISWITH 199 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSROMANCEWITH 200 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSPOISONINGWITH 201 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSCONFUSIONWITH 202 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDFIREPOWERWITH 203 +#define STRINGID_PKMNANCHORSITSELFWITH 204 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCUTSATTACKWITH 205 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSSTATLOSSWITH 206 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHURTSWITH 207 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRACED 208 +#define STRINGID_STATSHARPLY 209 +#define STRINGID_STATROSE 210 +#define STRINGID_STATHARSHLY 211 +#define STRINGID_STATFELL 212 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED 213 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED2 214 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED3 215 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED4 216 +#define STRINGID_CRITICALHIT 217 +#define STRINGID_ONEHITKO 218 +#define STRINGID_123POOF 219 +#define STRINGID_ANDELLIPSIS 220 +#define STRINGID_NOTVERYEFFECTIVE 221 +#define STRINGID_SUPEREFFECTIVE 222 +#define STRINGID_GOTAWAYSAFELY 223 +#define STRINGID_WILDPKMNFLED 224 +#define STRINGID_NORUNNINGFROMTRAINERS 225 +#define STRINGID_CANTESCAPE 226 +#define STRINGID_DONTLEAVEBIRCH 227 +#define STRINGID_BUTNOTHINGHAPPENED 228 +#define STRINGID_BUTITFAILED 229 +#define STRINGID_ITHURTCONFUSION 230 +#define STRINGID_MIRRORMOVEFAILED 231 +#define STRINGID_STARTEDTORAIN 232 +#define STRINGID_DOWNPOURSTARTED 233 +#define STRINGID_RAINCONTINUES 234 +#define STRINGID_DOWNPOURCONTINUES 235 +#define STRINGID_RAINSTOPPED 236 +#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMBREWED 237 +#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMRAGES 238 +#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMSUBSIDED 239 +#define STRINGID_SUNLIGHTGOTBRIGHT 240 +#define STRINGID_SUNLIGHTSTRONG 241 +#define STRINGID_SUNLIGHTFADED 242 +#define STRINGID_STARTEDHAIL 243 +#define STRINGID_HAILCONTINUES 244 +#define STRINGID_HAILSTOPPED 245 +#define STRINGID_FAILEDTOSPITUP 246 +#define STRINGID_FAILEDTOSWALLOW 247 +#define STRINGID_WINDBECAMEHEATWAVE 248 +#define STRINGID_STATCHANGESGONE 249 +#define STRINGID_COINSSCATTERED 250 +#define STRINGID_TOOWEAKFORSUBSTITUTE 251 +#define STRINGID_SHAREDPAIN 252 +#define STRINGID_BELLCHIMED 253 +#define STRINGID_FAINTINTHREE 254 +#define STRINGID_NOPPLEFT 255 +#define STRINGID_BUTNOPPLEFT 256 +#define STRINGID_PLAYERUSEDITEM 257 +#define STRINGID_WALLYUSEDITEM 258 +#define STRINGID_TRAINERBLOCKEDBALL 259 +#define STRINGID_DONTBEATHIEF 260 +#define STRINGID_ITDODGEDBALL 261 +#define STRINGID_YOUMISSEDPKMN 262 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBROKEFREE 263 +#define STRINGID_ITAPPEAREDCAUGHT 264 +#define STRINGID_AARGHALMOSTHADIT 265 +#define STRINGID_SHOOTSOCLOSE 266 +#define STRINGID_GOTCHAPKMNCAUGHT 267 +#define STRINGID_GOTCHAPKMNCAUGHT2 268 +#define STRINGID_GIVENICKNAMECAPTURED 269 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSENTTOPC 270 +#define STRINGID_PKMNDATAADDEDTODEX 271 +#define STRINGID_ITISRAINING 272 +#define STRINGID_SANDSTORMISRAGING 273 +#define STRINGID_CANTESCAPE2 274 +#define STRINGID_PKMNIGNORESASLEEP 275 +#define STRINGID_PKMNIGNOREDORDERS 276 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBEGANTONAP 277 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLOAFING 278 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWONTOBEY 279 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTURNEDAWAY 280 +#define STRINGID_PKMNPRETENDNOTNOTICE 281 +#define STRINGID_ENEMYABOUTTOSWITCHPKMN 282 +#define STRINGID_CREPTCLOSER 283 +#define STRINGID_CANTGETCLOSER 284 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWATCHINGCAREFULLY 285 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCURIOUSABOUTX 286 +#define STRINGID_PKMNENTHRALLEDBYX 287 +#define STRINGID_PKMNIGNOREDX 288 +#define STRINGID_THREWPOKEBLOCKATPKMN 289 +#define STRINGID_OUTOFSAFARIBALLS 290 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPARALYSIS 291 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPOISON 292 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMHEALEDBURN 293 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMDEFROSTEDIT 294 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMWOKEIT 295 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMSNAPPEDOUT 296 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPROBLEM 297 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDHEALTH 298 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDPP 299 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDSTATUS 300 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDHPALITTLE 301 +#define STRINGID_ITEMALLOWSONLYYMOVE 302 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHUNGONWITHX 303 +#define STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING3 304 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSBURNS 305 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXBLOCKSY 306 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXRESTOREDHPALITTLE2 307 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXWHIPPEDUPSANDSTORM 308 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSYLOSS 309 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXINFATUATEDY 310 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEYINEFFECTIVE 311 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXCUREDYPROBLEM 312 +#define STRINGID_ITSUCKEDLIQUIDOOZE 313 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFORMED 314 +#define STRINGID_ELECTRICITYWEAKENED 315 +#define STRINGID_FIREWEAKENED 316 +#define STRINGID_PKMNHIDUNDERWATER 317 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSPRANGUP 318 +#define STRINGID_HMMOVESCANTBEFORGOTTEN 319 +#define STRINGID_XFOUNDONEY 320 +#define STRINGID_PLAYERDEFEATEDTRAINER1 321 +#define STRINGID_SOOTHINGAROMA 322 +#define STRINGID_ITEMSCANTBEUSEDNOW 323 +#define STRINGID_FORXCOMMAYZ 324 +#define STRINGID_USINGXTHEYOFZN 325 +#define STRINGID_PKMNUSEDXTOGETPUMPED 326 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEYUSELESS 327 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRAPPEDBYSANDTOMB 328 +#define STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING4 329 +#define STRINGID_ABOOSTED 330 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXINTENSIFIEDSUN 331 +#define STRINGID_PKMNMAKESGROUNDMISS 332 +#define STRINGID_YOUTHROWABALLNOWRIGHT 333 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXTOOKATTACK 334 +#define STRINGID_PKMNCHOSEXASDESTINY 335 +#define STRINGID_PKMNLOSTFOCUS 336 +#define STRINGID_USENEXTPKMN 337 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEDUSINGITS 338 +#define STRINGID_PKMNFLEDUSING 339 +#define STRINGID_PKMNWASDRAGGEDOUT 340 +#define STRINGID_PREVENTEDFROMWORKING 341 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSITEMNORMALIZEDSTATUS 342 +#define STRINGID_TRAINER1USEDITEM 343 +#define STRINGID_BOXISFULL 344 +#define STRINGID_PKMNAVOIDEDATTACK 345 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEITINEFFECTIVE 346 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSFLINCHING 347 +#define STRINGID_PKMNALREADYHASBURN 348 +#define STRINGID_STATSWONTDECREASE2 349 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXBLOCKSY2 350 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXWOREOFF 351 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDDEFALITTLE 352 +#define STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPDEFALITTLE 353 +#define STRINGID_THEWALLSHATTERED 354 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSYSZ 355 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXCUREDITSYPROBLEM 356 +#define STRINGID_ATTACKERCANTESCAPE 357 +#define STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDX 358 +#define STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDX2 359 +#define STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDXYOBTAINEDZ 360 +#define STRINGID_BUTNOEFFECT 361 +#define STRINGID_PKMNSXHADNOEFFECTONY 362 +#define STRINGID_TWOENEMIESDEFEATED 363 +#define STRINGID_TRAINER2LOSETEXT 364 +#define STRINGID_PKMNINCAPABLEOFPOWER 365 +#define STRINGID_GLINTAPPEARSINEYE 366 +#define STRINGID_PKMNGETTINGINTOPOSITION 367 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBEGANGROWLINGDEEPLY 368 +#define STRINGID_PKMNEAGERFORMORE 369 +#define STRINGID_DEFEATEDOPPONENTBYREFEREE 370 +#define STRINGID_LOSTTOOPPONENTBYREFEREE 371 +#define STRINGID_TIEDOPPONENTBYREFEREE 372 +#define STRINGID_QUESTIONFORFEITMATCH 373 +#define STRINGID_FORFEITEDMATCH 374 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFERREDSOMEONESPC 375 +#define STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFERREDLANETTESPC 376 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBOXSOMEONESPCFULL 377 +#define STRINGID_PKMNBOXLANETTESPCFULL 378 +#define STRINGID_TRAINER1WINTEXT 379 +#define STRINGID_TRAINER2WINTEXT 380 #endif // GUARD_CONSTANTS_BATTLE_STRING_IDS_H diff --git a/include/gba/isagbprint.h b/include/gba/isagbprint.h index c5eb456c3..1be3852e3 100644 --- a/include/gba/isagbprint.h +++ b/include/gba/isagbprint.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ #define AGBPrintInit() #define AGBPutc(cChr) #define AGBPrint(pBuf) -#define AGBPrintf(pBuf, ...) +#define AGBPrintf(pBuf, ...) #define AGBPrintFlush1Block() #define AGBPrintFlush() #define AGBAssert(pFile, nLine, pExpression, nStopProgram) @@ -21,30 +21,30 @@ void AGBAssert(const char *pFile, int nLine, const char *pExpression, int nStopP #undef AGB_ASSERT #ifdef NDEBUG -#define AGB_ASSERT(exp) +#define AGB_ASSERT(exp) #else -#define AGB_ASSERT(exp) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #exp, 1); +#define AGB_ASSERT(exp) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #exp, 1); #endif #undef AGB_WARNING #ifdef NDEBUG -#define AGB_WARNING(exp) +#define AGB_WARNING(exp) #else -#define AGB_WARNING(exp) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #exp, 0); +#define AGB_WARNING(exp) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #exp, 0); #endif // for matching purposes #ifdef NDEBUG -#define AGB_ASSERT_EX(exp, file, line) +#define AGB_ASSERT_EX(exp, file, line) #else -#define AGB_ASSERT_EX(exp, file, line) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(file, line, #exp, 1); +#define AGB_ASSERT_EX(exp, file, line) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(file, line, #exp, 1); #endif #ifdef NDEBUG -#define AGB_WARNING_EX(exp, file, line) +#define AGB_WARNING_EX(exp, file, line) #else -#define AGB_WARNING_EX(exp, file, line) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(file, line, #exp, 0); +#define AGB_WARNING_EX(exp, file, line) (exp) ? ((void*)0) : AGBAssert(file, line, #exp, 0); #endif #endif // GUARD_GBA_ISAGBPRINT_H diff --git a/include/global.fieldmap.h b/include/global.fieldmap.h index 1f14880f0..5ed9b250a 100644 --- a/include/global.fieldmap.h +++ b/include/global.fieldmap.h @@ -294,10 +294,10 @@ struct PlayerAvatar /*0x09*/ u8 newDirBackup; // during bike movement, the new direction as opposed to player's direction is backed up here. /*0x0A*/ u8 bikeFrameCounter; // on the mach bike, when this value is 1, the bike is moving but not accelerating yet for 1 tile. on the acro bike, this acts as a timer for acro bike. /*0x0B*/ u8 bikeSpeed; - // acro bike only + // acro bike only /*0x0C*/ u32 directionHistory; // up/down/left/right history is stored in each nybble, but using the field directions and not the io inputs. /*0x10*/ u32 abStartSelectHistory; // same as above but for A + B + start + select only - // these two are timer history arrays which [0] is the active timer for acro bike. every element is backed up to the next element upon update. + // these two are timer history arrays which [0] is the active timer for acro bike. every element is backed up to the next element upon update. /*0x14*/ u8 dirTimerHistory[8]; /*0x1C*/ u8 abStartSelectTimerHistory[8]; }; diff --git a/include/graphics.h b/include/graphics.h index f51d7fa47..b51926b8d 100644 --- a/include/graphics.h +++ b/include/graphics.h @@ -3360,7 +3360,7 @@ extern const u32 gRaySceneHushBg_Gfx[]; extern const u32 gRaySceneHushRing_Gfx[]; // Pokeballs -extern const u32 gItemIcon_MasterBall[]; +extern const u32 gItemIcon_MasterBall[]; extern const u32 gItemIconPalette_MasterBall[]; extern const u32 gItemIcon_UltraBall[]; extern const u32 gItemIconPalette_UltraBall[]; diff --git a/include/pokemon_summary_screen.h b/include/pokemon_summary_screen.h index a8eee9c18..5dc37c70d 100755 --- a/include/pokemon_summary_screen.h +++ b/include/pokemon_summary_screen.h @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ enum PokemonSummaryScreenMode enum PokemonSummaryScreenPage { - PSS_PAGE_INFO, - PSS_PAGE_SKILLS, - PSS_PAGE_BATTLE_MOVES, - PSS_PAGE_CONTEST_MOVES, + PSS_PAGE_INFO, + PSS_PAGE_SKILLS, + PSS_PAGE_BATTLE_MOVES, + PSS_PAGE_CONTEST_MOVES, }; #endif // GUARD_POKEMON_SUMMARY_SCREEN_H diff --git a/include/save.h b/include/save.h index b151f1064..42ce8b3f3 100644 --- a/include/save.h +++ b/include/save.h @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ struct UnkSaveSection struct SaveSectionOffsets { - u16 toAdd; - u16 size; + u16 toAdd; + u16 size; }; // Emerald changes this definition to be the sectors per slot. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ enum SAVE_NORMAL, SAVE_LINK, //EREADER_SAVE, // deprecated in Emerald - SAVE_LINK2, // unknown 2nd link save + SAVE_LINK2, // unknown 2nd link save SAVE_HALL_OF_FAME, SAVE_OVERWRITE_DIFFERENT_FILE, SAVE_HALL_OF_FAME_ERASE_BEFORE // unused diff --git a/include/shop.h b/include/shop.h index 7f2d877dc..1e4ffdb5c 100644 --- a/include/shop.h +++ b/include/shop.h @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ enum X_COORD, Y_COORD, ANIM_NUM, - LAYER_TYPE + LAYER_TYPE }; struct MartInfo @@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ struct MartInfo struct ShopData { - /*0x0000*/ u16 tilemapBuffers[4][0x400]; - /*0x2000*/ u32 totalCost; - /*0x2004*/ u16 itemsShowed; - /*0x2006*/ u16 selectedRow; - /*0x2008*/ u16 scrollOffset; - /*0x200A*/ u8 maxQuantity; - /*0x200B*/ u8 scrollIndicatorsTaskId; - /*0x200C*/ u8 iconSlot; - /*0x200D*/ u8 itemSpriteIds[2]; - /*0x2010*/ s16 viewportObjects[16][5]; + /*0x0000*/ u16 tilemapBuffers[4][0x400]; + /*0x2000*/ u32 totalCost; + /*0x2004*/ u16 itemsShowed; + /*0x2006*/ u16 selectedRow; + /*0x2008*/ u16 scrollOffset; + /*0x200A*/ u8 maxQuantity; + /*0x200B*/ u8 scrollIndicatorsTaskId; + /*0x200C*/ u8 iconSlot; + /*0x200D*/ u8 itemSpriteIds[2]; + /*0x2010*/ s16 viewportObjects[16][5]; }; void CreatePokemartMenu(const u16 *); diff --git a/ld_script.txt b/ld_script.txt index ce19c25e0..8a50d087c 100644 --- a/ld_script.txt +++ b/ld_script.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ SECTIONS { { asm/crt0.o(.text); src/main.o(.text); - src/malloc.o(.text); + src/alloc.o(.text); src/dma3_manager.o(.text); src/gpu_regs.o(.text); src/bg.o(.text); diff --git a/src/alloc.c b/src/alloc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2944bc1c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/alloc.c @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +#include "global.h" + +static void *sHeapStart; +static u32 sHeapSize; +static u32 malloc_c_unused_0300000c; // needed to align dma3_manager.o(.bss) + +#define MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID 0xA3A3 + +struct MemBlock { + // Whether this block is currently allocated. + bool16 flag; + + // Magic number used for error checking. Should equal MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID. + u16 magic; + + // Size of the block (not including this header struct). + u32 size; + + // Previous block pointer. Equals sHeapStart if this is the first block. + struct MemBlock *prev; + + // Next block pointer. Equals sHeapStart if this is the last block. + struct MemBlock *next; + + // Data in the memory block. (Arrays of length 0 are a GNU extension.) + u8 data[0]; +}; + +void PutMemBlockHeader(void *block, struct MemBlock *prev, struct MemBlock *next, u32 size) +{ + struct MemBlock *header = (struct MemBlock *)block; + + header->flag = FALSE; + header->magic = MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID; + header->size = size; + header->prev = prev; + header->next = next; +} + +void PutFirstMemBlockHeader(void *block, u32 size) +{ + PutMemBlockHeader(block, (struct MemBlock *)block, (struct MemBlock *)block, size - sizeof(struct MemBlock)); +} + +void *AllocInternal(void *heapStart, u32 size) +{ + struct MemBlock *pos = (struct MemBlock *)heapStart; + struct MemBlock *head = pos; + struct MemBlock *splitBlock; + u32 foundBlockSize; + + // Alignment + if (size & 3) + size = 4 * ((size / 4) + 1); + + for (;;) { + // Loop through the blocks looking for unused block that's big enough. + + if (!pos->flag) { + foundBlockSize = pos->size; + + if (foundBlockSize >= size) { + if (foundBlockSize - size < 2 * sizeof(struct MemBlock)) { + // The block isn't much bigger than the requested size, + // so just use it. + pos->flag = TRUE; + } else { + // The block is significantly bigger than the requested + // size, so split the rest into a separate block. + foundBlockSize -= sizeof(struct MemBlock); + foundBlockSize -= size; + + splitBlock = (struct MemBlock *)(pos->data + size); + + pos->flag = TRUE; + pos->size = size; + + PutMemBlockHeader(splitBlock, pos, pos->next, foundBlockSize); + + pos->next = splitBlock; + + if (splitBlock->next != head) + splitBlock->next->prev = splitBlock; + } + + return pos->data; + } + } + + if (pos->next == head) + return NULL; + + pos = pos->next; + } +} + +void FreeInternal(void *heapStart, void *pointer) +{ + if (pointer) { + struct MemBlock *head = (struct MemBlock *)heapStart; + struct MemBlock *block = (struct MemBlock *)((u8 *)pointer - sizeof(struct MemBlock)); + block->flag = FALSE; + + // If the freed block isn't the last one, merge with the next block + // if it's not in use. + if (block->next != head) { + if (!block->next->flag) { + block->size += sizeof(struct MemBlock) + block->next->size; + block->next->magic = 0; + block->next = block->next->next; + if (block->next != head) + block->next->prev = block; + } + } + + // If the freed block isn't the first one, merge with the previous block + // if it's not in use. + if (block != head) { + if (!block->prev->flag) { + block->prev->next = block->next; + + if (block->next != head) + block->next->prev = block->prev; + + block->magic = 0; + block->prev->size += sizeof(struct MemBlock) + block->size; + } + } + } +} + +void *AllocZeroedInternal(void *heapStart, u32 size) +{ + void *mem = AllocInternal(heapStart, size); + + if (mem != NULL) { + if (size & 3) + size = 4 * ((size / 4) + 1); + + CpuFill32(0, mem, size); + } + + return mem; +} + +bool32 CheckMemBlockInternal(void *heapStart, void *pointer) +{ + struct MemBlock *head = (struct MemBlock *)heapStart; + struct MemBlock *block = (struct MemBlock *)((u8 *)pointer - sizeof(struct MemBlock)); + + if (block->magic != MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID) + return FALSE; + + if (block->next->magic != MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID) + return FALSE; + + if (block->next != head && block->next->prev != block) + return FALSE; + + if (block->prev->magic != MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID) + return FALSE; + + if (block->prev != head && block->prev->next != block) + return FALSE; + + if (block->next != head && block->next != (struct MemBlock *)(block->data + block->size)) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +void InitHeap(void *heapStart, u32 heapSize) +{ + sHeapStart = heapStart; + sHeapSize = heapSize; + PutFirstMemBlockHeader(heapStart, heapSize); +} + +void *Alloc(u32 size) +{ + AllocInternal(sHeapStart, size); +} + +void *AllocZeroed(u32 size) +{ + AllocZeroedInternal(sHeapStart, size); +} + +void Free(void *pointer) +{ + FreeInternal(sHeapStart, pointer); +} + +bool32 CheckMemBlock(void *pointer) +{ + return CheckMemBlockInternal(sHeapStart, pointer); +} + +bool32 CheckHeap() +{ + struct MemBlock *pos = (struct MemBlock *)sHeapStart; + + do { + if (!CheckMemBlockInternal(sHeapStart, pos->data)) + return FALSE; + pos = pos->next; + } while (pos != (struct MemBlock *)sHeapStart); + + return TRUE; +} diff --git a/src/apprentice.c b/src/apprentice.c index 499f85094..ec8fea27b 100644 --- a/src/apprentice.c +++ b/src/apprentice.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #include "item.h" #include "item_menu.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "new_game.h" #include "party_menu.h" @@ -2047,172 +2047,172 @@ NAKED static void sub_81A1224(void) { asm_unified("\n\ - push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r9\n\ - mov r6, r8\n\ - push {r6,r7}\n\ - ldr r1, =gSaveBlock2Ptr\n\ - ldr r3, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r3, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - adds r7, r1, 0\n\ - cmp r0, 0x2\n\ - bhi _081A1242\n\ - b _081A1362\n\ + push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ + mov r7, r9\n\ + mov r6, r8\n\ + push {r6,r7}\n\ + ldr r1, =gSaveBlock2Ptr\n\ + ldr r3, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r3, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + adds r7, r1, 0\n\ + cmp r0, 0x2\n\ + bhi _081A1242\n\ + b _081A1362\n\ _081A1242:\n\ - movs r5, 0\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - adds r0, r3, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB8\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 30\n\ - ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_0x8005\n\ - mov r12, r1\n\ - ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_Result\n\ - mov r8, r1\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _081A127C\n\ - adds r3, r7, 0\n\ + movs r5, 0\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + adds r0, r3, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB8\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 30\n\ + ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_0x8005\n\ + mov r12, r1\n\ + ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_Result\n\ + mov r8, r1\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _081A127C\n\ + adds r3, r7, 0\n\ _081A125C:\n\ - adds r0, r5, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 24\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r2, 0x8\n\ - bhi _081A127C\n\ - ldr r0, [r3]\n\ - lsls r1, r2, 2\n\ - adds r0, r1\n\ - adds r0, 0xB8\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 30\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _081A125C\n\ + adds r0, r5, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 24\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r2, 0x8\n\ + bhi _081A127C\n\ + ldr r0, [r3]\n\ + lsls r1, r2, 2\n\ + adds r0, r1\n\ + adds r0, 0xB8\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 30\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _081A125C\n\ _081A127C:\n\ - movs r4, 0\n\ - cmp r4, r5\n\ - bcs _081A1322\n\ - ldr r0, [r7]\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - subs r0, 0x3\n\ - cmp r4, r0\n\ - bge _081A1322\n\ - adds r6, r7, 0\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ + movs r4, 0\n\ + cmp r4, r5\n\ + bcs _081A1322\n\ + ldr r0, [r7]\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + subs r0, 0x3\n\ + cmp r4, r0\n\ + bge _081A1322\n\ + adds r6, r7, 0\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ _081A1296:\n\ - ldr r3, [r6]\n\ - lsls r0, r4, 2\n\ - adds r2, r3, r0\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB8\n\ - ldrb r1, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 30\n\ - lsrs r0, 30\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1\n\ - bne _081A1308\n\ - lsrs r0, r1, 6\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _081A1308\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xBA\n\ - ldrh r0, [r0]\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - ldrh r2, [r2]\n\ - cmp r0, r2\n\ - bne _081A1308\n\ - adds r0, r3, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - subs r0, 0x3\n\ - lsls r0, 2\n\ - adds r0, r3, r0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB8\n\ - ldrb r2, [r0]\n\ - movs r1, 0x3F\n\ - ands r1, r2\n\ - strb r1, [r0]\n\ - ldr r1, [r6]\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - subs r0, 0x3\n\ - lsls r0, 2\n\ - adds r1, r0\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ - adds r1, 0xBA\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - strh r1, [r0]\n\ - b _081A1362\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldr r3, [r6]\n\ + lsls r0, r4, 2\n\ + adds r2, r3, r0\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB8\n\ + ldrb r1, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 30\n\ + lsrs r0, 30\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1\n\ + bne _081A1308\n\ + lsrs r0, r1, 6\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _081A1308\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xBA\n\ + ldrh r0, [r0]\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + ldrh r2, [r2]\n\ + cmp r0, r2\n\ + bne _081A1308\n\ + adds r0, r3, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + subs r0, 0x3\n\ + lsls r0, 2\n\ + adds r0, r3, r0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB8\n\ + ldrb r2, [r0]\n\ + movs r1, 0x3F\n\ + ands r1, r2\n\ + strb r1, [r0]\n\ + ldr r1, [r6]\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + subs r0, 0x3\n\ + lsls r0, 2\n\ + adds r1, r0\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ + adds r1, 0xBA\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + strh r1, [r0]\n\ + b _081A1362\n\ + .pool\n\ _081A1308:\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r4, r5\n\ - bcs _081A1322\n\ - ldr r0, [r6]\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - subs r0, 0x3\n\ - cmp r4, r0\n\ - blt _081A1296\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r4, r5\n\ + bcs _081A1322\n\ + ldr r0, [r6]\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + subs r0, 0x3\n\ + cmp r4, r0\n\ + blt _081A1296\n\ _081A1322:\n\ - ldr r2, [r7]\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - subs r0, 0x3\n\ - lsls r0, 2\n\ - adds r2, r0\n\ - adds r2, 0xB8\n\ - ldrb r1, [r2]\n\ - movs r0, 0x3F\n\ - ands r0, r1\n\ - movs r1, 0x40\n\ - orrs r0, r1\n\ - strb r0, [r2]\n\ - ldr r1, [r7]\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, 26\n\ - lsrs r0, 28\n\ - subs r0, 0x3\n\ - lsls r0, 2\n\ - adds r1, r0\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ - adds r1, 0xBA\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ + ldr r2, [r7]\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + subs r0, 0x3\n\ + lsls r0, 2\n\ + adds r2, r0\n\ + adds r2, 0xB8\n\ + ldrb r1, [r2]\n\ + movs r0, 0x3F\n\ + ands r0, r1\n\ + movs r1, 0x40\n\ + orrs r0, r1\n\ + strb r0, [r2]\n\ + ldr r1, [r7]\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, 26\n\ + lsrs r0, 28\n\ + subs r0, 0x3\n\ + lsls r0, 2\n\ + adds r1, r0\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ + adds r1, 0xBA\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ _081A1362:\n\ - pop {r3,r4}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ + pop {r3,r4}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ "); } #endif // NONMATCHING diff --git a/src/battle_ai_script_commands.c b/src/battle_ai_script_commands.c index 3e7064eb5..a88189870 100644 --- a/src/battle_ai_script_commands.c +++ b/src/battle_ai_script_commands.c @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ static u8 ChooseMoveOrAction_Doubles(void) { if (i == sBattler_AI || gBattleMons[i].hp == 0) { - actionOrMoveIndex[i] = -1; + actionOrMoveIndex[i] = 0xFF; bestMovePointsForTarget[i] = -1; } else diff --git a/src/battle_anim.c b/src/battle_anim.c index e8720fcfb..95c6f7b3c 100644 --- a/src/battle_anim.c +++ b/src/battle_anim.c @@ -1386,54 +1386,54 @@ const struct BattleAnimBackground gBattleAnimBackgroundTable[] = static void (* const sScriptCmdTable[])(void) = { - ScriptCmd_loadspritegfx, - ScriptCmd_unloadspritegfx, - ScriptCmd_createsprite, - ScriptCmd_createvisualtask, - ScriptCmd_delay, - ScriptCmd_waitforvisualfinish, - ScriptCmd_hang1, - ScriptCmd_hang2, - ScriptCmd_end, - ScriptCmd_playse, - ScriptCmd_monbg, - ScriptCmd_clearmonbg, - ScriptCmd_setalpha, - ScriptCmd_blendoff, - ScriptCmd_call, - ScriptCmd_return, - ScriptCmd_setarg, - ScriptCmd_choosetwoturnanim, - ScriptCmd_jumpifmoveturn, - ScriptCmd_goto, - ScriptCmd_fadetobg, - ScriptCmd_restorebg, - ScriptCmd_waitbgfadeout, - ScriptCmd_waitbgfadein, - ScriptCmd_changebg, - ScriptCmd_playsewithpan, - ScriptCmd_setpan, - ScriptCmd_panse_1B, - ScriptCmd_loopsewithpan, - ScriptCmd_waitplaysewithpan, - ScriptCmd_setbldcnt, - ScriptCmd_createsoundtask, - ScriptCmd_waitsound, - ScriptCmd_jumpargeq, - ScriptCmd_monbg_22, - ScriptCmd_clearmonbg_23, - ScriptCmd_jumpifcontest, - ScriptCmd_fadetobgfromset, - ScriptCmd_panse_26, - ScriptCmd_panse_27, - ScriptCmd_monbgprio_28, - ScriptCmd_monbgprio_29, - ScriptCmd_monbgprio_2A, - ScriptCmd_invisible, - ScriptCmd_visible, - ScriptCmd_doublebattle_2D, - ScriptCmd_doublebattle_2E, - ScriptCmd_stopsound + ScriptCmd_loadspritegfx, + ScriptCmd_unloadspritegfx, + ScriptCmd_createsprite, + ScriptCmd_createvisualtask, + ScriptCmd_delay, + ScriptCmd_waitforvisualfinish, + ScriptCmd_hang1, + ScriptCmd_hang2, + ScriptCmd_end, + ScriptCmd_playse, + ScriptCmd_monbg, + ScriptCmd_clearmonbg, + ScriptCmd_setalpha, + ScriptCmd_blendoff, + ScriptCmd_call, + ScriptCmd_return, + ScriptCmd_setarg, + ScriptCmd_choosetwoturnanim, + ScriptCmd_jumpifmoveturn, + ScriptCmd_goto, + ScriptCmd_fadetobg, + ScriptCmd_restorebg, + ScriptCmd_waitbgfadeout, + ScriptCmd_waitbgfadein, + ScriptCmd_changebg, + ScriptCmd_playsewithpan, + ScriptCmd_setpan, + ScriptCmd_panse_1B, + ScriptCmd_loopsewithpan, + ScriptCmd_waitplaysewithpan, + ScriptCmd_setbldcnt, + ScriptCmd_createsoundtask, + ScriptCmd_waitsound, + ScriptCmd_jumpargeq, + ScriptCmd_monbg_22, + ScriptCmd_clearmonbg_23, + ScriptCmd_jumpifcontest, + ScriptCmd_fadetobgfromset, + ScriptCmd_panse_26, + ScriptCmd_panse_27, + ScriptCmd_monbgprio_28, + ScriptCmd_monbgprio_29, + ScriptCmd_monbgprio_2A, + ScriptCmd_invisible, + ScriptCmd_visible, + ScriptCmd_doublebattle_2D, + ScriptCmd_doublebattle_2E, + ScriptCmd_stopsound }; // code diff --git a/src/battle_anim_80A5C6C.c b/src/battle_anim_80A5C6C.c index 2ac6cca90..8ba1a8222 100644 --- a/src/battle_anim_80A5C6C.c +++ b/src/battle_anim_80A5C6C.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #include "decompress.h" #include "dma3.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pokemon_icon.h" #include "sprite.h" diff --git a/src/battle_anim_sound_tasks.c b/src/battle_anim_sound_tasks.c index 07fb604b8..e5f0cd165 100644 --- a/src/battle_anim_sound_tasks.c +++ b/src/battle_anim_sound_tasks.c @@ -389,50 +389,50 @@ void sub_8159308(u8 taskId) NAKED void sub_8159308(u8 taskId) { - asm_unified(" push {r4,r5,lr}\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - adds r5, r0, 0\n\ - ldr r1, =gTasks\n\ - lsls r0, r5, 2\n\ - adds r0, r5\n\ - lsls r0, 3\n\ - adds r4, r0, r1\n\ - ldrh r2, [r4, 0xE]\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ - adds r1, r0, 0x1\n\ - strh r1, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - movs r3, 0x12\n\ - ldrsh r1, [r4, r3]\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bne _08159342\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - strh r0, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ - ldrh r1, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ - adds r0, r2, r1\n\ - strh r0, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ - movs r2, 0x1E\n\ - ldrsh r0, [r4, r2]\n\ - bl KeepPanInRange\n\ - strh r0, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ + asm_unified(" push {r4,r5,lr}\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + adds r5, r0, 0\n\ + ldr r1, =gTasks\n\ + lsls r0, r5, 2\n\ + adds r0, r5\n\ + lsls r0, 3\n\ + adds r4, r0, r1\n\ + ldrh r2, [r4, 0xE]\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ + adds r1, r0, 0x1\n\ + strh r1, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + movs r3, 0x12\n\ + ldrsh r1, [r4, r3]\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bne _08159342\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + strh r0, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ + ldrh r1, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ + adds r0, r2, r1\n\ + strh r0, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ + movs r2, 0x1E\n\ + ldrsh r0, [r4, r2]\n\ + bl KeepPanInRange\n\ + strh r0, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ _08159342:\n\ - ldr r1, =gUnknown_02038440\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - movs r3, 0x1E\n\ - ldrsh r1, [r4, r3]\n\ - movs r2, 0xC\n\ - ldrsh r0, [r4, r2]\n\ - cmp r1, r0\n\ - bne _0815935A\n\ - adds r0, r5, 0\n\ - bl DestroyAnimVisualTask\n\ + ldr r1, =gUnknown_02038440\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4, 0x1E]\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + movs r3, 0x1E\n\ + ldrsh r1, [r4, r3]\n\ + movs r2, 0xC\n\ + ldrsh r0, [r4, r2]\n\ + cmp r1, r0\n\ + bne _0815935A\n\ + adds r0, r5, 0\n\ + bl DestroyAnimVisualTask\n\ _0815935A:\n\ - pop {r4,r5}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool"); + pop {r4,r5}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool"); } #endif diff --git a/src/battle_anim_utility_funcs.c b/src/battle_anim_utility_funcs.c index 6dfebe77f..c3d0fe90f 100644 --- a/src/battle_anim_utility_funcs.c +++ b/src/battle_anim_utility_funcs.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include "contest.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "sound.h" #include "sprite.h" diff --git a/src/battle_dome.c b/src/battle_dome.c index 0f5721fb9..29b41c5db 100644 --- a/src/battle_dome.c +++ b/src/battle_dome.c @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include "event_data.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "util.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "random.h" #include "task.h" @@ -256,361 +256,361 @@ static EWRAM_DATA u8 *sTilemapBuffer = NULL; // Const rom data. static const u8 sMovePointsForDomeTrainers[MOVES_COUNT][DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT] = { - [MOVE_NONE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_POUND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_KARATE_CHOP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DOUBLE_SLAP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_COMET_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MEGA_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_PAY_DAY] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_ICE_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SCRATCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_VICE_GRIP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GUILLOTINE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_RAZOR_WIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GUST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WING_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WHIRLWIND] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FLY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SLAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_VINE_WHIP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_STOMP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_DOUBLE_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MEGA_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_JUMP_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROLLING_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SAND_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HEADBUTT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_HORN_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FURY_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HORN_DRILL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_TACKLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BODY_SLAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_WRAP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_TAKE_DOWN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_THRASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TAIL_WHIP] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_POISON_STING] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_TWINEEDLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_PIN_MISSILE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LEER] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BITE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_GROWL] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROAR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SING] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SUPERSONIC] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SONIC_BOOM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DISABLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ACID] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_EMBER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_FLAMETHROWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_MIST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WATER_GUN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SURF] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ICE_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BLIZZARD] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_PSYBEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_AURORA_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_HYPER_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_PECK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DRILL_PECK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SUBMISSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LOW_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_COUNTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_STRENGTH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ABSORB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LEECH_SEED] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GROWTH] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_RAZOR_LEAF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_POISON_POWDER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_STUN_SPORE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SLEEP_POWDER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_PETAL_DANCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_STRING_SHOT] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DRAGON_RAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FIRE_SPIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_THUNDER_SHOCK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_THUNDERBOLT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_THUNDER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_ROCK_THROW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_EARTHQUAKE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FISSURE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_DIG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TOXIC] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_CONFUSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_PSYCHIC] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_HYPNOSIS] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MEDITATE] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_AGILITY] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_RAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TELEPORT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MIMIC] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SCREECH] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_RECOVER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HARDEN] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MINIMIZE] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SMOKESCREEN] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WITHDRAW] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BARRIER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HAZE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_REFLECT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BIDE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_METRONOME] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_EGG_BOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SMOG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SLUDGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BONE_CLUB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_FIRE_BLAST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_WATERFALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CLAMP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SWIFT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SKULL_BASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SPIKE_CANNON] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CONSTRICT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_AMNESIA] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_KINESIS] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SOFT_BOILED] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HI_JUMP_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GLARE] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DREAM_EATER] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_POISON_GAS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BARRAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LEECH_LIFE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LOVELY_KISS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SKY_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_TRANSFORM] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BUBBLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SPORE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FLASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_PSYWAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SPLASH] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ACID_ARMOR] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CRABHAMMER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_EXPLOSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_FURY_SWIPES] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BONEMERANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_REST] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_HYPER_FANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SHARPEN] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CONVERSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TRI_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SUPER_FANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SLASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SUBSTITUTE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_STRUGGLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SKETCH] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_THIEF] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SPIDER_WEB] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MIND_READER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_NIGHTMARE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FLAME_WHEEL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SNORE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_CURSE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FLAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CONVERSION_2] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_AEROBLAST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_COTTON_SPORE] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_REVERSAL] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SPITE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_POWDER_SNOW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_PROTECT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MACH_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SCARY_FACE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SWEET_KISS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BELLY_DRUM] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_MUD_SLAP] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_OCTAZOOKA] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SPIKES] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ZAP_CANNON] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_FORESIGHT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DESTINY_BOND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_PERISH_SONG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_ICY_WIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_DETECT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_BONE_RUSH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LOCK_ON] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_OUTRAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SANDSTORM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_ENDURE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CHARM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROLLOUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FALSE_SWIPE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SWAGGER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_MILK_DRINK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SPARK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_FURY_CUTTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_STEEL_WING] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_MEAN_LOOK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_ATTRACT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SLEEP_TALK] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HEAL_BELL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_RETURN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_PRESENT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FRUSTRATION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SAFEGUARD] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_PAIN_SPLIT] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SACRED_FIRE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_MAGNITUDE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DYNAMIC_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_MEGAHORN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BATON_PASS] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ENCORE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_PURSUIT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_RAPID_SPIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SWEET_SCENT] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_IRON_TAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_METAL_CLAW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_VITAL_THROW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MORNING_SUN] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SYNTHESIS] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_MOONLIGHT] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CROSS_CHOP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_TWISTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_RAIN_DANCE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SUNNY_DAY] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_CRUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_MIRROR_COAT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_PSYCH_UP] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_EXTREME_SPEED] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_SHADOW_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROCK_SMASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_WHIRLPOOL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BEAT_UP] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FAKE_OUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_UPROAR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_STOCKPILE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SPIT_UP] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SWALLOW] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HEAT_WAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_HAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TORMENT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FLATTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WILL_O_WISP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MEMENTO] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FACADE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SMELLING_SALT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FOLLOW_ME] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_NATURE_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CHARGE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TAUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HELPING_HAND] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TRICK] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROLE_PLAY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WISH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ASSIST] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_INGRAIN] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SUPERPOWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_MAGIC_COAT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_RECYCLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_REVENGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BRICK_BREAK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_YAWN] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_KNOCK_OFF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_ENDEAVOR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_ERUPTION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SKILL_SWAP] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_IMPRISON] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_REFRESH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GRUDGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SNATCH] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SECRET_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_DIVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ARM_THRUST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CAMOUFLAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TAIL_GLOW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LUSTER_PURGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_MIST_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_FEATHER_DANCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TEETER_DANCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BLAZE_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_MUD_SPORT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ICE_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_NEEDLE_ARM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SLACK_OFF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_HYPER_VOICE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_POISON_FANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_CRUSH_CLAW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BLAST_BURN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_HYDRO_CANNON] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_METEOR_MASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_ASTONISH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_WEATHER_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_AROMATHERAPY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_FAKE_TEARS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_AIR_CUTTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_OVERHEAT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROCK_TOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SILVER_WIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_METAL_SOUND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_TICKLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_COSMIC_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WATER_SPOUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_SIGNAL_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_EXTRASENSORY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SAND_TOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_SHEER_COLD] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_MUDDY_WATER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_BULLET_SEED] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_AERIAL_ACE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ICICLE_SPEAR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BLOCK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_HOWL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_FRENZY_PLANT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_BULK_UP] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_BOUNCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, - [MOVE_MUD_SHOT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_POISON_TAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_COVET] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WATER_SPORT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_CALM_MIND] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_LEAF_BLADE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_ROCK_BLAST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, - [MOVE_WATER_PULSE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, - [MOVE_DOOM_DESIRE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, - [MOVE_PSYCHO_BOOST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_NONE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_POUND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_KARATE_CHOP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DOUBLE_SLAP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_COMET_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MEGA_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_PAY_DAY] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_ICE_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SCRATCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_VICE_GRIP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GUILLOTINE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_RAZOR_WIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GUST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WING_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WHIRLWIND] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FLY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SLAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_VINE_WHIP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_STOMP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_DOUBLE_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MEGA_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_JUMP_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROLLING_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SAND_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HEADBUTT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_HORN_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FURY_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HORN_DRILL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_TACKLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BODY_SLAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_WRAP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_TAKE_DOWN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_THRASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TAIL_WHIP] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_POISON_STING] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_TWINEEDLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_PIN_MISSILE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LEER] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BITE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_GROWL] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROAR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SING] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SUPERSONIC] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SONIC_BOOM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DISABLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ACID] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_EMBER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_FLAMETHROWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_MIST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WATER_GUN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SURF] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ICE_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BLIZZARD] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_PSYBEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_AURORA_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_HYPER_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_PECK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DRILL_PECK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SUBMISSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LOW_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_COUNTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_STRENGTH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ABSORB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LEECH_SEED] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GROWTH] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_RAZOR_LEAF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_POISON_POWDER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_STUN_SPORE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SLEEP_POWDER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_PETAL_DANCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_STRING_SHOT] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DRAGON_RAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FIRE_SPIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_THUNDER_SHOCK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_THUNDERBOLT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_THUNDER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_ROCK_THROW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_EARTHQUAKE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FISSURE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_DIG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TOXIC] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_CONFUSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_PSYCHIC] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_HYPNOSIS] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MEDITATE] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_AGILITY] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_RAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TELEPORT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MIMIC] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SCREECH] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_RECOVER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HARDEN] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MINIMIZE] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SMOKESCREEN] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WITHDRAW] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BARRIER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HAZE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_REFLECT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BIDE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_METRONOME] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_EGG_BOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SMOG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SLUDGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BONE_CLUB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_FIRE_BLAST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_WATERFALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CLAMP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SWIFT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SKULL_BASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SPIKE_CANNON] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CONSTRICT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_AMNESIA] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_KINESIS] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SOFT_BOILED] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HI_JUMP_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GLARE] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DREAM_EATER] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_POISON_GAS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BARRAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LEECH_LIFE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LOVELY_KISS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SKY_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_TRANSFORM] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BUBBLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SPORE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FLASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_PSYWAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SPLASH] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ACID_ARMOR] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CRABHAMMER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_EXPLOSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_FURY_SWIPES] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BONEMERANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_REST] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_HYPER_FANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SHARPEN] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CONVERSION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TRI_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SUPER_FANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SLASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SUBSTITUTE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_STRUGGLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SKETCH] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_THIEF] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SPIDER_WEB] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MIND_READER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_NIGHTMARE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FLAME_WHEEL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SNORE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_CURSE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FLAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CONVERSION_2] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_AEROBLAST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_COTTON_SPORE] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_REVERSAL] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SPITE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_POWDER_SNOW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_PROTECT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MACH_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SCARY_FACE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SWEET_KISS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BELLY_DRUM] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_MUD_SLAP] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_OCTAZOOKA] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SPIKES] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ZAP_CANNON] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_FORESIGHT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DESTINY_BOND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_PERISH_SONG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_ICY_WIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_DETECT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_BONE_RUSH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LOCK_ON] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_OUTRAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SANDSTORM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_ENDURE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CHARM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROLLOUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FALSE_SWIPE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SWAGGER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_MILK_DRINK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SPARK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_FURY_CUTTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_STEEL_WING] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_MEAN_LOOK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_ATTRACT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SLEEP_TALK] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HEAL_BELL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_RETURN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_PRESENT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FRUSTRATION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SAFEGUARD] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_PAIN_SPLIT] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SACRED_FIRE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_MAGNITUDE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DYNAMIC_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_MEGAHORN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BATON_PASS] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ENCORE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_PURSUIT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_RAPID_SPIN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SWEET_SCENT] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_IRON_TAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_METAL_CLAW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_VITAL_THROW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MORNING_SUN] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SYNTHESIS] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_MOONLIGHT] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CROSS_CHOP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_TWISTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_RAIN_DANCE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SUNNY_DAY] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_CRUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_MIRROR_COAT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_PSYCH_UP] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_EXTREME_SPEED] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_SHADOW_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROCK_SMASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_WHIRLPOOL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BEAT_UP] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FAKE_OUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_UPROAR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_STOCKPILE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SPIT_UP] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SWALLOW] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HEAT_WAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_HAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TORMENT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FLATTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WILL_O_WISP] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MEMENTO] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FACADE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SMELLING_SALT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FOLLOW_ME] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_NATURE_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CHARGE] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TAUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HELPING_HAND] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TRICK] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROLE_PLAY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WISH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ASSIST] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_INGRAIN] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SUPERPOWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_MAGIC_COAT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_RECYCLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_REVENGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BRICK_BREAK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_YAWN] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_KNOCK_OFF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_ENDEAVOR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_ERUPTION] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SKILL_SWAP] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_IMPRISON] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_REFRESH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GRUDGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SNATCH] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SECRET_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_DIVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ARM_THRUST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CAMOUFLAGE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TAIL_GLOW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LUSTER_PURGE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_MIST_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_FEATHER_DANCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TEETER_DANCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BLAZE_KICK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_MUD_SPORT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ICE_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_NEEDLE_ARM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SLACK_OFF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_HYPER_VOICE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_POISON_FANG] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_CRUSH_CLAW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BLAST_BURN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_HYDRO_CANNON] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_METEOR_MASH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_ASTONISH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_WEATHER_BALL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_AROMATHERAPY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_FAKE_TEARS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_AIR_CUTTER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_OVERHEAT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROCK_TOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SILVER_WIND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_METAL_SOUND] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_TICKLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_COSMIC_POWER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WATER_SPOUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_SIGNAL_BEAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_EXTRASENSORY] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SAND_TOMB] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_SHEER_COLD] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_MUDDY_WATER] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_BULLET_SEED] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_AERIAL_ACE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ICICLE_SPEAR] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BLOCK] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_HOWL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_FRENZY_PLANT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_BULK_UP] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_BOUNCE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, + [MOVE_MUD_SHOT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_POISON_TAIL] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_COVET] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WATER_SPORT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_CALM_MIND] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_LEAF_BLADE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_ROCK_BLAST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + [MOVE_WATER_PULSE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, + [MOVE_DOOM_DESIRE] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, + [MOVE_PSYCHO_BOOST] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, }; static const u8 gUnknown_0860C988[][DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT] = @@ -3148,239 +3148,239 @@ NAKED static s32 GetTypeEffectivenessPoints(s32 move, s32 species, s32 arg2) { asm_unified("\n\ - push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x8\n\ - adds r3, r0, 0\n\ - adds r4, r1, 0\n\ - str r2, [sp]\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - movs r2, 0x14\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - beq _0818FFF0\n\ - ldr r0, =0x0000ffff\n\ - cmp r3, r0\n\ - beq _0818FFF0\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleMoves\n\ - lsls r1, r3, 1\n\ - adds r1, r3\n\ - lsls r1, 2\n\ - adds r3, r1, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r3, 0x1]\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _0818FFFC\n\ + push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x8\n\ + adds r3, r0, 0\n\ + adds r4, r1, 0\n\ + str r2, [sp]\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + movs r2, 0x14\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + beq _0818FFF0\n\ + ldr r0, =0x0000ffff\n\ + cmp r3, r0\n\ + beq _0818FFF0\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleMoves\n\ + lsls r1, r3, 1\n\ + adds r1, r3\n\ + lsls r1, 2\n\ + adds r3, r1, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r3, 0x1]\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _0818FFFC\n\ _0818FFF0:\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - b _08190156\n\ - .pool\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + b _08190156\n\ + .pool\n\ _0818FFFC:\n\ - ldr r1, =gBaseStats\n\ - lsls r0, r4, 3\n\ - subs r0, r4\n\ - lsls r0, 2\n\ - adds r0, r1\n\ - ldrb r1, [r0, 0x6]\n\ - mov r10, r1\n\ - ldrb r1, [r0, 0x7]\n\ - mov r9, r1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0, 0x16]\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - ldrb r3, [r3, 0x2]\n\ - str r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1A\n\ - bne _0819002C\n\ - cmp r3, 0x4\n\ - bne _0819002C\n\ - ldr r0, [sp]\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1\n\ - bne _081900AA\n\ - movs r2, 0x8\n\ - b _081900A4\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldr r1, =gBaseStats\n\ + lsls r0, r4, 3\n\ + subs r0, r4\n\ + lsls r0, 2\n\ + adds r0, r1\n\ + ldrb r1, [r0, 0x6]\n\ + mov r10, r1\n\ + ldrb r1, [r0, 0x7]\n\ + mov r9, r1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0, 0x16]\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + ldrb r3, [r3, 0x2]\n\ + str r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1A\n\ + bne _0819002C\n\ + cmp r3, 0x4\n\ + bne _0819002C\n\ + ldr r0, [sp]\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1\n\ + bne _081900AA\n\ + movs r2, 0x8\n\ + b _081900A4\n\ + .pool\n\ _0819002C:\n\ - ldr r0, =gTypeEffectiveness\n\ - adds r1, r6, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r1]\n\ - ldr r7, =gTypeEffectiveness\n\ - cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ - beq _081900A4\n\ - adds r4, r1, 0\n\ + ldr r0, =gTypeEffectiveness\n\ + adds r1, r6, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r1]\n\ + ldr r7, =gTypeEffectiveness\n\ + cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ + beq _081900A4\n\ + adds r4, r1, 0\n\ _0819003A:\n\ - ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ - cmp r0, 0xFE\n\ - beq _08190096\n\ - ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bne _08190096\n\ - ldrb r0, [r4, 0x1]\n\ - adds r5, r6, 0x1\n\ - cmp r0, r10\n\ - bne _0819006C\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0x2\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - cmp r0, 0x19\n\ - bne _0819005E\n\ - ldrb r0, [r4, 0x2]\n\ - cmp r0, 0x28\n\ - bne _0819006C\n\ + ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ + cmp r0, 0xFE\n\ + beq _08190096\n\ + ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bne _08190096\n\ + ldrb r0, [r4, 0x1]\n\ + adds r5, r6, 0x1\n\ + cmp r0, r10\n\ + bne _0819006C\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0x2\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + cmp r0, 0x19\n\ + bne _0819005E\n\ + ldrb r0, [r4, 0x2]\n\ + cmp r0, 0x28\n\ + bne _0819006C\n\ _0819005E:\n\ - adds r0, r1, r7\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - muls r0, r2\n\ - movs r1, 0xA\n\ - bl __divsi3\n\ - adds r2, r0, 0\n\ + adds r0, r1, r7\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + muls r0, r2\n\ + movs r1, 0xA\n\ + bl __divsi3\n\ + adds r2, r0, 0\n\ _0819006C:\n\ - adds r0, r5, r7\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - cmp r0, r9\n\ - bne _08190096\n\ - cmp r10, r9\n\ - beq _08190096\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0x2\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - cmp r0, 0x19\n\ - bne _08190088\n\ - adds r0, r1, r7\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - cmp r0, 0x28\n\ - bne _08190096\n\ + adds r0, r5, r7\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + cmp r0, r9\n\ + bne _08190096\n\ + cmp r10, r9\n\ + beq _08190096\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0x2\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + cmp r0, 0x19\n\ + bne _08190088\n\ + adds r0, r1, r7\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + cmp r0, 0x28\n\ + bne _08190096\n\ _08190088:\n\ - adds r0, r1, r7\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - muls r0, r2\n\ - movs r1, 0xA\n\ - bl __divsi3\n\ - adds r2, r0, 0\n\ + adds r0, r1, r7\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + muls r0, r2\n\ + movs r1, 0xA\n\ + bl __divsi3\n\ + adds r2, r0, 0\n\ _08190096:\n\ - adds r4, 0x3\n\ - adds r6, 0x3\n\ - ldr r1, =gTypeEffectiveness\n\ - adds r0, r6, r1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ - bne _0819003A\n\ + adds r4, 0x3\n\ + adds r6, 0x3\n\ + ldr r1, =gTypeEffectiveness\n\ + adds r0, r6, r1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ + bne _0819003A\n\ _081900A4:\n\ - ldr r0, [sp]\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1\n\ - beq _081900E0\n\ + ldr r0, [sp]\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1\n\ + beq _081900E0\n\ _081900AA:\n\ - ldr r1, [sp]\n\ - cmp r1, 0x1\n\ - bgt _081900BC\n\ - cmp r1, 0\n\ - beq _081900C4\n\ - b _08190154\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldr r1, [sp]\n\ + cmp r1, 0x1\n\ + bgt _081900BC\n\ + cmp r1, 0\n\ + beq _081900C4\n\ + b _08190154\n\ + .pool\n\ _081900BC:\n\ - ldr r0, [sp]\n\ - cmp r0, 0x2\n\ - beq _08190114\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + ldr r0, [sp]\n\ + cmp r0, 0x2\n\ + beq _08190114\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _081900C4:\n\ - cmp r2, 0xA\n\ - beq _08190146\n\ - cmp r2, 0xA\n\ - ble _08190146\n\ - cmp r2, 0x28\n\ - beq _0819014A\n\ - cmp r2, 0x28\n\ - bgt _081900DA\n\ - cmp r2, 0x14\n\ - beq _08190104\n\ - b _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0xA\n\ + beq _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0xA\n\ + ble _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0x28\n\ + beq _0819014A\n\ + cmp r2, 0x28\n\ + bgt _081900DA\n\ + cmp r2, 0x14\n\ + beq _08190104\n\ + b _08190146\n\ _081900DA:\n\ - cmp r2, 0x50\n\ - bne _08190146\n\ - b _08190100\n\ + cmp r2, 0x50\n\ + bne _08190146\n\ + b _08190100\n\ _081900E0:\n\ - cmp r2, 0xA\n\ - beq _08190104\n\ - cmp r2, 0xA\n\ - bgt _081900F2\n\ - cmp r2, 0\n\ - beq _08190100\n\ - cmp r2, 0x5\n\ - beq _0819014A\n\ - b _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0xA\n\ + beq _08190104\n\ + cmp r2, 0xA\n\ + bgt _081900F2\n\ + cmp r2, 0\n\ + beq _08190100\n\ + cmp r2, 0x5\n\ + beq _0819014A\n\ + b _08190146\n\ _081900F2:\n\ - cmp r2, 0x28\n\ - beq _08190108\n\ - cmp r2, 0x28\n\ - ble _08190146\n\ - cmp r2, 0x50\n\ - beq _0819010E\n\ - b _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0x28\n\ + beq _08190108\n\ + cmp r2, 0x28\n\ + ble _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0x50\n\ + beq _0819010E\n\ + b _08190146\n\ _08190100:\n\ - movs r2, 0x8\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x8\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _08190104:\n\ - movs r2, 0x2\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x2\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _08190108:\n\ - movs r2, 0x2\n\ - negs r2, r2\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x2\n\ + negs r2, r2\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _0819010E:\n\ - movs r2, 0x4\n\ - negs r2, r2\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x4\n\ + negs r2, r2\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _08190114:\n\ - cmp r2, 0xA\n\ - beq _08190146\n\ - cmp r2, 0xA\n\ - bgt _08190126\n\ - cmp r2, 0\n\ - beq _0819013A\n\ - cmp r2, 0x5\n\ - beq _08190140\n\ - b _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0xA\n\ + beq _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0xA\n\ + bgt _08190126\n\ + cmp r2, 0\n\ + beq _0819013A\n\ + cmp r2, 0x5\n\ + beq _08190140\n\ + b _08190146\n\ _08190126:\n\ - cmp r2, 0x28\n\ - beq _0819014E\n\ - cmp r2, 0x28\n\ - bgt _08190134\n\ - cmp r2, 0x14\n\ - beq _0819014A\n\ - b _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0x28\n\ + beq _0819014E\n\ + cmp r2, 0x28\n\ + bgt _08190134\n\ + cmp r2, 0x14\n\ + beq _0819014A\n\ + b _08190146\n\ _08190134:\n\ - cmp r2, 0x50\n\ - beq _08190152\n\ - b _08190146\n\ + cmp r2, 0x50\n\ + beq _08190152\n\ + b _08190146\n\ _0819013A:\n\ - movs r2, 0x10\n\ - negs r2, r2\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x10\n\ + negs r2, r2\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _08190140:\n\ - movs r2, 0x8\n\ - negs r2, r2\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x8\n\ + negs r2, r2\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _08190146:\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _0819014A:\n\ - movs r2, 0x4\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0x4\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _0819014E:\n\ - movs r2, 0xC\n\ - b _08190154\n\ + movs r2, 0xC\n\ + b _08190154\n\ _08190152:\n\ - movs r2, 0x14\n\ + movs r2, 0x14\n\ _08190154:\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0\n\ _08190156:\n\ - add sp, 0x8\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r1}\n\ - bx r1\n\ + add sp, 0x8\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r1}\n\ + bx r1\n\ "); } #endif // NONMATCHING @@ -6204,58 +6204,58 @@ static void sub_8194F58(void) monLevel = 50; for (i = 0; i < DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT; i++) - { - monTypesBits = 0; - statSums[i] = 0; - ivs = GetDomeTrainerMonIvs(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeTrainers[i].trainerId); - for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) - { - CalcDomeMonStats(gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].species, - monLevel, ivs, - gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].evSpread, - gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].nature, - statValues); + { + monTypesBits = 0; + statSums[i] = 0; + ivs = GetDomeTrainerMonIvs(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeTrainers[i].trainerId); + for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) + { + CalcDomeMonStats(gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].species, + monLevel, ivs, + gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].evSpread, + gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].nature, + statValues); - statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_ATK]; - statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_DEF]; - statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_SPATK]; - statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_SPDEF]; - statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_SPEED]; - statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_HP]; - monTypesBits |= gBitTable[gBaseStats[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].species].type1]; - monTypesBits |= gBitTable[gBaseStats[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].species].type2]; - } + statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_ATK]; + statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_DEF]; + statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_SPATK]; + statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_SPDEF]; + statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_SPEED]; + statSums[i] += statValues[STAT_HP]; + monTypesBits |= gBitTable[gBaseStats[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].species].type1]; + monTypesBits |= gBitTable[gBaseStats[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeMonIds[i][j]].species].type2]; + } - // Because GF hates temporary vars, trainerId acts like monTypesCount here. - for (trainerId = 0, j = 0; j < 32; j++) - { - if (monTypesBits & 1) - trainerId++; - monTypesBits >>= 1; - } - statSums[i] += (trainerId * monLevel) / 20; - } + // Because GF hates temporary vars, trainerId acts like monTypesCount here. + for (trainerId = 0, j = 0; j < 32; j++) + { + if (monTypesBits & 1) + trainerId++; + monTypesBits >>= 1; + } + statSums[i] += (trainerId * monLevel) / 20; + } - for (i = 0; i < DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT - 1; i++) - { - for (j = i + 1; j < DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT; j++) - { - if (statSums[i] < statSums[j]) - { - SwapDomeTrainers(i, j, statSums); - } - else if (statSums[i] == statSums[j]) - { + for (i = 0; i < DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT - 1; i++) + { + for (j = i + 1; j < DOME_TOURNAMENT_TRAINERS_COUNT; j++) + { + if (statSums[i] < statSums[j]) + { + SwapDomeTrainers(i, j, statSums); + } + else if (statSums[i] == statSums[j]) + { if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeTrainers[i].trainerId > gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.domeTrainers[j].trainerId) SwapDomeTrainers(i, j, statSums); - } - } - } + } + } + } - Free(statSums); - Free(statValues); + Free(statSums); + Free(statValues); - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) DecideRoundWinners(i); gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode = lvlMode; diff --git a/src/battle_factory_screen.c b/src/battle_factory_screen.c index 42a9b579c..60b233daf 100644 --- a/src/battle_factory_screen.c +++ b/src/battle_factory_screen.c @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ #include "palette.h" #include "task.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "string_util.h" diff --git a/src/battle_gfx_sfx_util.c b/src/battle_gfx_sfx_util.c index 6f9d2db80..8d7ed2dce 100644 --- a/src/battle_gfx_sfx_util.c +++ b/src/battle_gfx_sfx_util.c @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #include "constants/battle_anim.h" #include "battle_interface.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "random.h" #include "util.h" diff --git a/src/battle_interface.c b/src/battle_interface.c index c7eb11293..9fd8e116a 100644 --- a/src/battle_interface.c +++ b/src/battle_interface.c @@ -543,11 +543,11 @@ enum static const u16 sStatusIconColors[] = { - RGB(24, 12, 24), // PAL_STATUS_PSN - RGB(23, 23, 3), // PAL_STATUS_PAR - RGB(20, 20, 17), // PAL_STATUS_SLP - RGB(17, 22, 28), // PAL_STATUS_FRZ - RGB(28, 14, 10) // PAL_STATUS_BRN + [PAL_STATUS_PSN] = RGB(24, 12, 24), + [PAL_STATUS_PAR] = RGB(23, 23, 3), + [PAL_STATUS_SLP] = RGB(20, 20, 17), + [PAL_STATUS_FRZ] = RGB(17, 22, 28), + [PAL_STATUS_BRN] = RGB(28, 14, 10), }; static const struct WindowTemplate sHealthboxWindowTemplate = {0, 0, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0}; // width = 8, height = 2 @@ -647,225 +647,225 @@ NAKED static void sub_8072308(s16 arg0, u16 *arg1, u8 arg2) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ - push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x4\n\ - adds r7, r1, 0\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ - lsls r2, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, 24\n\ - mov r10, r2\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ + push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x4\n\ + adds r7, r1, 0\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ + lsls r2, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, 24\n\ + mov r10, r2\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ _08072324:\n\ - lsls r0, r3, 24\n\ - asrs r0, 24\n\ - mov r3, sp\n\ - adds r1, r3, r0\n\ - strb r2, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r3, r0, 24\n\ - asrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0x3\n\ - ble _08072324\n\ - movs r3, 0x3\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - negs r0, r0\n\ - mov r9, r0\n\ - mov r8, sp\n\ + lsls r0, r3, 24\n\ + asrs r0, 24\n\ + mov r3, sp\n\ + adds r1, r3, r0\n\ + strb r2, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r3, r0, 24\n\ + asrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0x3\n\ + ble _08072324\n\ + movs r3, 0x3\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + negs r0, r0\n\ + mov r9, r0\n\ + mov r8, sp\n\ _08072344:\n\ - lsls r0, r5, 16\n\ - asrs r6, r0, 16\n\ - cmp r6, 0\n\ - ble _08072372\n\ - lsls r4, r3, 24\n\ - asrs r4, 24\n\ - mov r1, sp\n\ - adds r5, r1, r4\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0xA\n\ - bl __modsi3\n\ - strb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0xA\n\ - bl __divsi3\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ - subs r4, 0x1\n\ - lsls r4, 24\n\ - lsrs r3, r4, 24\n\ - b _08072344\n\ + lsls r0, r5, 16\n\ + asrs r6, r0, 16\n\ + cmp r6, 0\n\ + ble _08072372\n\ + lsls r4, r3, 24\n\ + asrs r4, 24\n\ + mov r1, sp\n\ + adds r5, r1, r4\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0xA\n\ + bl __modsi3\n\ + strb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0xA\n\ + bl __divsi3\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ + subs r4, 0x1\n\ + lsls r4, 24\n\ + lsrs r3, r4, 24\n\ + b _08072344\n\ _08072372:\n\ - lsls r1, r3, 24\n\ - asrs r0, r1, 24\n\ - cmp r0, r9\n\ - ble _08072396\n\ - movs r4, 0xFF\n\ - movs r3, 0x1\n\ - negs r3, r3\n\ + lsls r1, r3, 24\n\ + asrs r0, r1, 24\n\ + cmp r0, r9\n\ + ble _08072396\n\ + movs r4, 0xFF\n\ + movs r3, 0x1\n\ + negs r3, r3\n\ _08072380:\n\ - asrs r2, r1, 24\n\ - mov r5, sp\n\ - adds r1, r5, r2\n\ - ldrb r0, [r1]\n\ - orrs r0, r4\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - subs r2, 0x1\n\ - lsls r1, r2, 24\n\ - asrs r0, r1, 24\n\ - cmp r0, r3\n\ - bgt _08072380\n\ + asrs r2, r1, 24\n\ + mov r5, sp\n\ + adds r1, r5, r2\n\ + ldrb r0, [r1]\n\ + orrs r0, r4\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + subs r2, 0x1\n\ + lsls r1, r2, 24\n\ + asrs r0, r1, 24\n\ + cmp r0, r3\n\ + bgt _08072380\n\ _08072396:\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - ldrb r0, [r1, 0x3]\n\ - cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ - bne _080723A2\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - strb r0, [r1, 0x3]\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + ldrb r0, [r1, 0x3]\n\ + cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ + bne _080723A2\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + strb r0, [r1, 0x3]\n\ _080723A2:\n\ - mov r2, r10\n\ - cmp r2, 0\n\ - bne _08072432\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0\n\ - movs r6, 0xFC\n\ - lsls r6, 8\n\ - movs r5, 0x1E\n\ - mov r12, r5\n\ + mov r2, r10\n\ + cmp r2, 0\n\ + bne _08072432\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0\n\ + movs r6, 0xFC\n\ + lsls r6, 8\n\ + movs r5, 0x1E\n\ + mov r12, r5\n\ _080723B4:\n\ - lsls r1, 24\n\ - asrs r2, r1, 24\n\ - mov r0, sp\n\ - adds r5, r0, r2\n\ - ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ - mov r8, r1\n\ - cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ - bne _080723EA\n\ - lsls r1, r2, 1\n\ - adds r1, r7\n\ - ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0\n\ - ands r0, r2\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - orrs r0, r2\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - lsls r3, 24\n\ - asrs r1, r3, 23\n\ - adds r1, r7\n\ - adds r1, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0\n\ - ands r0, r2\n\ - mov r5, r12\n\ - orrs r0, r5\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - b _0807241A\n\ + lsls r1, 24\n\ + asrs r2, r1, 24\n\ + mov r0, sp\n\ + adds r5, r0, r2\n\ + ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ + mov r8, r1\n\ + cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ + bne _080723EA\n\ + lsls r1, r2, 1\n\ + adds r1, r7\n\ + ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0\n\ + ands r0, r2\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + orrs r0, r2\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + lsls r3, 24\n\ + asrs r1, r3, 23\n\ + adds r1, r7\n\ + adds r1, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0\n\ + ands r0, r2\n\ + mov r5, r12\n\ + orrs r0, r5\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + b _0807241A\n\ _080723EA:\n\ - lsls r2, 1\n\ - adds r2, r7\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - ands r1, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r0, 0x14\n\ - orrs r1, r0\n\ - strh r1, [r2]\n\ - lsls r4, r3, 24\n\ - asrs r3, r4, 24\n\ - lsls r2, r3, 1\n\ - adds r2, r7\n\ - adds r2, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - ands r1, r0\n\ - mov r5, sp\n\ - adds r0, r5, r3\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - adds r0, 0x34\n\ - orrs r1, r0\n\ - strh r1, [r2]\n\ - adds r3, r4, 0\n\ + lsls r2, 1\n\ + adds r2, r7\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + ands r1, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r0, 0x14\n\ + orrs r1, r0\n\ + strh r1, [r2]\n\ + lsls r4, r3, 24\n\ + asrs r3, r4, 24\n\ + lsls r2, r3, 1\n\ + adds r2, r7\n\ + adds r2, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + ands r1, r0\n\ + mov r5, sp\n\ + adds r0, r5, r3\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + adds r0, 0x34\n\ + orrs r1, r0\n\ + strh r1, [r2]\n\ + adds r3, r4, 0\n\ _0807241A:\n\ - movs r0, 0x80\n\ - lsls r0, 17\n\ - add r0, r8\n\ - lsrs r1, r0, 24\n\ - movs r2, 0x80\n\ - lsls r2, 17\n\ - adds r0, r3, r2\n\ - lsrs r3, r0, 24\n\ - asrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0x3\n\ - ble _080723B4\n\ - b _08072496\n\ + movs r0, 0x80\n\ + lsls r0, 17\n\ + add r0, r8\n\ + lsrs r1, r0, 24\n\ + movs r2, 0x80\n\ + lsls r2, 17\n\ + adds r0, r3, r2\n\ + lsrs r3, r0, 24\n\ + asrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0x3\n\ + ble _080723B4\n\ + b _08072496\n\ _08072432:\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - movs r4, 0xFC\n\ - lsls r4, 8\n\ - movs r6, 0x1E\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + movs r4, 0xFC\n\ + lsls r4, 8\n\ + movs r6, 0x1E\n\ _0807243A:\n\ - lsls r1, r3, 24\n\ - asrs r2, r1, 24\n\ - mov r3, sp\n\ - adds r5, r3, r2\n\ - ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r3, r1, 0\n\ - cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ - bne _08072466\n\ - lsls r1, r2, 1\n\ - adds r1, r7\n\ - ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0\n\ - ands r0, r2\n\ - orrs r0, r6\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r1, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0\n\ - ands r0, r2\n\ - orrs r0, r6\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - b _08072488\n\ + lsls r1, r3, 24\n\ + asrs r2, r1, 24\n\ + mov r3, sp\n\ + adds r5, r3, r2\n\ + ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r3, r1, 0\n\ + cmp r0, 0xFF\n\ + bne _08072466\n\ + lsls r1, r2, 1\n\ + adds r1, r7\n\ + ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0\n\ + ands r0, r2\n\ + orrs r0, r6\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r1, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r2, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0\n\ + ands r0, r2\n\ + orrs r0, r6\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + b _08072488\n\ _08072466:\n\ - lsls r2, 1\n\ - adds r2, r7\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ - adds r1, r4, 0\n\ - ands r1, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r0, 0x14\n\ - orrs r1, r0\n\ - strh r1, [r2]\n\ - adds r2, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ - adds r1, r4, 0\n\ - ands r1, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r0, 0x34\n\ - orrs r1, r0\n\ - strh r1, [r2]\n\ + lsls r2, 1\n\ + adds r2, r7\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ + adds r1, r4, 0\n\ + ands r1, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r0, 0x14\n\ + orrs r1, r0\n\ + strh r1, [r2]\n\ + adds r2, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2]\n\ + adds r1, r4, 0\n\ + ands r1, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r0, 0x34\n\ + orrs r1, r0\n\ + strh r1, [r2]\n\ _08072488:\n\ - movs r5, 0x80\n\ - lsls r5, 17\n\ - adds r0, r3, r5\n\ - lsrs r3, r0, 24\n\ - asrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0x3\n\ - ble _0807243A\n\ + movs r5, 0x80\n\ + lsls r5, 17\n\ + adds r0, r3, r5\n\ + lsrs r3, r0, 24\n\ + asrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0x3\n\ + ble _0807243A\n\ _08072496:\n\ - add sp, 0x4\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ + add sp, 0x4\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ .syntax divided"); } diff --git a/src/battle_main.c b/src/battle_main.c index 6d9d90356..9b7f58023 100644 --- a/src/battle_main.c +++ b/src/battle_main.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ #include "link_rfu.h" #include "load_save.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "palette.h" #include "party_menu.h" @@ -507,35 +507,35 @@ const struct TrainerMoney gTrainerMoneyTable[] = static void (* const sTurnActionsFuncsTable[])(void) = { - HandleAction_UseMove, // B_ACTION_USE_MOVE - HandleAction_UseItem, // B_ACTION_USE_ITEM - HandleAction_Switch, // B_ACTION_SWITCH - HandleAction_Run, // B_ACTION_RUN - HandleAction_WatchesCarefully, // B_ACTION_SAFARI_WATCH_CAREFULLY - HandleAction_SafariZoneBallThrow, // B_ACTION_SAFARI_BALL - HandleAction_ThrowPokeblock, // B_ACTION_SAFARI_POKEBLOCK - HandleAction_GoNear, // B_ACTION_SAFARI_GO_NEAR - HandleAction_SafariZoneRun, // B_ACTION_SAFARI_RUN - HandleAction_WallyBallThrow, // B_ACTION_WALLY_THROW - HandleAction_RunBattleScript, // B_ACTION_EXEC_SCRIPT - HandleAction_Action11, // not sure about this one - HandleAction_ActionFinished, // B_ACTION_FINISHED - HandleAction_NothingIsFainted, // B_ACTION_NOTHING_FAINTED + [B_ACTION_USE_MOVE] = HandleAction_UseMove, + [B_ACTION_USE_ITEM] = HandleAction_UseItem, + [B_ACTION_SWITCH] = HandleAction_Switch, + [B_ACTION_RUN] = HandleAction_Run, + [B_ACTION_SAFARI_WATCH_CAREFULLY] = HandleAction_WatchesCarefully, + [B_ACTION_SAFARI_BALL] = HandleAction_SafariZoneBallThrow, + [B_ACTION_SAFARI_POKEBLOCK] = HandleAction_ThrowPokeblock, + [B_ACTION_SAFARI_GO_NEAR] = HandleAction_GoNear, + [B_ACTION_SAFARI_RUN] = HandleAction_SafariZoneRun, + [B_ACTION_WALLY_THROW] = HandleAction_WallyBallThrow, + [B_ACTION_EXEC_SCRIPT] = HandleAction_RunBattleScript, + [11] = HandleAction_Action11, // not sure about this one + [B_ACTION_FINISHED] = HandleAction_ActionFinished, + [B_ACTION_NOTHING_FAINTED] = HandleAction_NothingIsFainted, }; static void (* const sEndTurnFuncsTable[])(void) = { - HandleEndTurn_ContinueBattle, // battle outcome 0 - HandleEndTurn_BattleWon, // B_OUTCOME_WON - HandleEndTurn_BattleLost, // B_OUTCOME_LOST - HandleEndTurn_BattleLost, // B_OUTCOME_DREW - HandleEndTurn_RanFromBattle, // B_OUTCOME_RAN - HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, // B_OUTCOME_PLAYER_TELEPORTED - HandleEndTurn_MonFled, // B_OUTCOME_MON_FLED - HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, // B_OUTCOME_CAUGHT - HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, // B_OUTCOME_NO_SAFARI_BALLS - HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, // B_OUTCOME_FORFEITED - HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, // B_OUTCOME_MON_TELEPORTED + [0] = HandleEndTurn_ContinueBattle, //B_OUTCOME_NONE? + [B_OUTCOME_WON] = HandleEndTurn_BattleWon, + [B_OUTCOME_LOST] = HandleEndTurn_BattleLost, + [B_OUTCOME_DREW] = HandleEndTurn_BattleLost, + [B_OUTCOME_RAN] = HandleEndTurn_RanFromBattle, + [B_OUTCOME_PLAYER_TELEPORTED] = HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, + [B_OUTCOME_MON_FLED] = HandleEndTurn_MonFled, + [B_OUTCOME_CAUGHT] = HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, + [B_OUTCOME_NO_SAFARI_BALLS] = HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, + [B_OUTCOME_FORFEITED] = HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, + [B_OUTCOME_MON_TELEPORTED] = HandleEndTurn_FinishBattle, }; const u8 gStatusConditionString_PoisonJpn[8] = _("どく$$$$$"); @@ -3610,85 +3610,85 @@ NAKED static void BattleIntroOpponent1SendsOutMonAnimation(void) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ - push {r4-r6,lr}\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ - ldr r2, [r0]\n\ - movs r0, 0x80\n\ - lsls r0, 17\n\ - ands r0, r2\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0803B298\n\ - movs r0, 0x80\n\ - lsls r0, 18\n\ - ands r0, r2\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0803B298\n\ - movs r1, 0x80\n\ - lsls r1, 24\n\ - ands r1, r2\n\ - negs r0, r1\n\ - orrs r0, r1\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 31\n\ - b _0803B29A\n\ - .pool\n\ + push {r4-r6,lr}\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ + ldr r2, [r0]\n\ + movs r0, 0x80\n\ + lsls r0, 17\n\ + ands r0, r2\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0803B298\n\ + movs r0, 0x80\n\ + lsls r0, 18\n\ + ands r0, r2\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0803B298\n\ + movs r1, 0x80\n\ + lsls r1, 24\n\ + ands r1, r2\n\ + negs r0, r1\n\ + orrs r0, r1\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 31\n\ + b _0803B29A\n\ + .pool\n\ _0803B288:\n\ - ldr r1, =gBattleMainFunc\n\ - ldr r0, =BattleIntroOpponent2SendsOutMonAnimation\n\ - b _0803B2F0\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldr r1, =gBattleMainFunc\n\ + ldr r0, =BattleIntroOpponent2SendsOutMonAnimation\n\ + b _0803B2F0\n\ + .pool\n\ _0803B298:\n\ - movs r5, 0x1\n\ + movs r5, 0x1\n\ _0803B29A:\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleControllerExecFlags\n\ - ldr r2, [r0]\n\ - cmp r2, 0\n\ - bne _0803B2F2\n\ - ldr r0, =gActiveBattler\n\ - strb r2, [r0]\n\ - ldr r1, =gBattlersCount\n\ - adds r4, r0, 0\n\ - ldrb r1, [r1]\n\ - cmp r2, r1\n\ - bcs _0803B2EC\n\ - adds r6, r4, 0\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleControllerExecFlags\n\ + ldr r2, [r0]\n\ + cmp r2, 0\n\ + bne _0803B2F2\n\ + ldr r0, =gActiveBattler\n\ + strb r2, [r0]\n\ + ldr r1, =gBattlersCount\n\ + adds r4, r0, 0\n\ + ldrb r1, [r1]\n\ + cmp r2, r1\n\ + bcs _0803B2EC\n\ + adds r6, r4, 0\n\ _0803B2B2:\n\ - ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ - bl GetBattlerPosition\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, r5\n\ - bne _0803B2D8\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - bl BtlController_EmitIntroTrainerBallThrow\n\ - ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ - bl MarkBattlerForControllerExec\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ - ldr r0, [r0]\n\ - ldr r1, =0x00008040\n\ - ands r0, r1\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _0803B288\n\ + ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ + bl GetBattlerPosition\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, r5\n\ + bne _0803B2D8\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + bl BtlController_EmitIntroTrainerBallThrow\n\ + ldrb r0, [r4]\n\ + bl MarkBattlerForControllerExec\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ + ldr r0, [r0]\n\ + ldr r1, =0x00008040\n\ + ands r0, r1\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _0803B288\n\ _0803B2D8:\n\ - ldrb r0, [r6]\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - strb r0, [r6]\n\ - ldr r1, =gBattlersCount\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - ldr r4, =gActiveBattler\n\ - ldrb r1, [r1]\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bcc _0803B2B2\n\ + ldrb r0, [r6]\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + strb r0, [r6]\n\ + ldr r1, =gBattlersCount\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + ldr r4, =gActiveBattler\n\ + ldrb r1, [r1]\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bcc _0803B2B2\n\ _0803B2EC:\n\ - ldr r1, =gBattleMainFunc\n\ - ldr r0, =BattleIntroRecordMonsToDex\n\ + ldr r1, =gBattleMainFunc\n\ + ldr r0, =BattleIntroRecordMonsToDex\n\ _0803B2F0:\n\ - str r0, [r1]\n\ + str r0, [r1]\n\ _0803B2F2:\n\ - pop {r4-r6}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool\n\ + pop {r4-r6}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool\n\ .syntax divided"); } #endif // NONMATCHING @@ -4591,10 +4591,10 @@ static void sub_803CDF8(void) void SwapTurnOrder(u8 id1, u8 id2) { - u32 temp; + u32 temp; - SWAP(gActionsByTurnOrder[id1], gActionsByTurnOrder[id2], temp); - SWAP(gBattlerByTurnOrder[id1], gBattlerByTurnOrder[id2], temp); + SWAP(gActionsByTurnOrder[id1], gActionsByTurnOrder[id2], temp); + SWAP(gBattlerByTurnOrder[id1], gBattlerByTurnOrder[id2], temp); } u8 GetWhoStrikesFirst(u8 battler1, u8 battler2, bool8 ignoreChosenMoves) @@ -5594,7 +5594,7 @@ bool8 TryRunFromBattle(u8 battler) if (holdEffect == HOLD_EFFECT_CAN_ALWAYS_RUN) { - gLastUsedItem = gBattleMons[battler].item ; + gLastUsedItem = gBattleMons[battler].item; gProtectStructs[battler].fleeFlag = 1; effect++; } diff --git a/src/battle_message.c b/src/battle_message.c index 7f54fc26a..75f9b1da8 100644 --- a/src/battle_message.c +++ b/src/battle_message.c @@ -521,375 +521,375 @@ static const u8 sText_Trainer2LoseText[]; const u8 * const gBattleStringsTable[BATTLESTRINGS_COUNT] = { - sText_Trainer1LoseText, // 12 - sText_PkmnGainedEXP, // 13 - sText_PkmnGrewToLv, // 14 - sText_PkmnLearnedMove, // 15 - sText_TryToLearnMove1, // 16 - sText_TryToLearnMove2, // 17 - sText_TryToLearnMove3, // 18 - sText_PkmnForgotMove, // 19 - sText_StopLearningMove, // 20 - sText_DidNotLearnMove, // 21 - sText_PkmnLearnedMove2, // 22 - sText_AttackMissed, // 23 - sText_PkmnProtectedItself, // 24 - sText_StatsWontIncrease2, // 25 - sText_AvoidedDamage, // 26 - sText_ItDoesntAffect, // 27 - sText_AttackerFainted, // 28 - sText_TargetFainted, // 29 - sText_PlayerGotMoney, // 30 - sText_PlayerWhiteout, // 31 - sText_PlayerWhiteout2, // 32 - sText_PreventsEscape, // 33 - sText_HitXTimes, // 34 - sText_PkmnFellAsleep, // 35 - sText_PkmnMadeSleep, // 36 - sText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep, // 37 - sText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep2, // 38 - sText_PkmnWasntAffected, // 39 - sText_PkmnWasPoisoned, // 40 - sText_PkmnPoisonedBy, // 41 - sText_PkmnHurtByPoison, // 42 - sText_PkmnAlreadyPoisoned, // 43 - sText_PkmnBadlyPoisoned, // 44 - sText_PkmnEnergyDrained, // 45 - sText_PkmnWasBurned, // 46 - sText_PkmnBurnedBy, // 47 - sText_PkmnHurtByBurn, // 48 - sText_PkmnWasFrozen, // 49 - sText_PkmnFrozenBy, // 50 - sText_PkmnIsFrozen, // 51 - sText_PkmnWasDefrosted, // 52 - sText_PkmnWasDefrosted2, // 53 - sText_PkmnWasDefrostedBy, // 54 - sText_PkmnWasParalyzed, // 55 - sText_PkmnWasParalyzedBy, // 56 - sText_PkmnIsParalyzed, // 57 - sText_PkmnIsAlreadyParalyzed, // 58 - sText_PkmnHealedParalysis, // 59 - sText_PkmnDreamEaten, // 60 - sText_StatsWontIncrease, // 61 - sText_StatsWontDecrease, // 62 - sText_TeamStoppedWorking, // 63 - sText_FoeStoppedWorking, // 64 - sText_PkmnIsConfused, // 65 - sText_PkmnHealedConfusion, // 66 - sText_PkmnWasConfused, // 67 - sText_PkmnAlreadyConfused, // 68 - sText_PkmnFellInLove, // 69 - sText_PkmnInLove, // 70 - sText_PkmnImmobilizedByLove, // 71 - sText_PkmnBlownAway, // 72 - sText_PkmnChangedType, // 73 - sText_PkmnFlinched, // 74 - sText_PkmnRegainedHealth, // 75 - sText_PkmnHPFull, // 76 - sText_PkmnRaisedSpDef, // 77 - sText_PkmnRaisedDef, // 78 - sText_PkmnCoveredByVeil, // 79 - sText_PkmnUsedSafeguard, // 80 - sText_PkmnSafeguardExpired, // 81 - sText_PkmnWentToSleep, // 82 - sText_PkmnSleptHealthy, // 83 - sText_PkmnWhippedWhirlwind, // 84 - sText_PkmnTookSunlight, // 85 - sText_PkmnLoweredHead, // 86 - sText_PkmnIsGlowing, // 87 - sText_PkmnFlewHigh, // 88 - sText_PkmnDugHole, // 89 - sText_PkmnSqueezedByBind, // 90 - sText_PkmnTrappedInVortex, // 91 - sText_PkmnWrappedBy, // 92 - sText_PkmnClamped, // 93 - sText_PkmnHurtBy, // 94 - sText_PkmnFreedFrom, // 95 - sText_PkmnCrashed, // 96 - gText_PkmnShroudedInMist, // 97 - sText_PkmnProtectedByMist, // 98 - gText_PkmnGettingPumped, // 99 - sText_PkmnHitWithRecoil, // 100 - sText_PkmnProtectedItself2, // 101 - sText_PkmnBuffetedBySandstorm, // 102 - sText_PkmnPeltedByHail, // 103 - sText_PkmnSeeded, // 104 - sText_PkmnEvadedAttack, // 105 - sText_PkmnSappedByLeechSeed, // 106 - sText_PkmnFastAsleep, // 107 - sText_PkmnWokeUp, // 108 - sText_PkmnUproarKeptAwake, // 109 - sText_PkmnWokeUpInUproar, // 110 - sText_PkmnCausedUproar, // 111 - sText_PkmnMakingUproar, // 112 - sText_PkmnCalmedDown, // 113 - sText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar, // 114 - sText_PkmnStockpiled, // 115 - sText_PkmnCantStockpile, // 116 - sText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar2, // 117 - sText_UproarKeptPkmnAwake, // 118 - sText_PkmnStayedAwakeUsing, // 119 - sText_PkmnStoringEnergy, // 120 - sText_PkmnUnleashedEnergy, // 121 - sText_PkmnFatigueConfusion, // 122 - sText_PkmnPickedUpItem, // 123 - sText_PkmnUnaffected, // 124 - sText_PkmnTransformedInto, // 125 - sText_PkmnMadeSubstitute, // 126 - sText_PkmnHasSubstitute, // 127 - sText_SubstituteDamaged, // 128 - sText_PkmnSubstituteFaded, // 129 - sText_PkmnMustRecharge, // 130 - sText_PkmnRageBuilding, // 131 - sText_PkmnMoveWasDisabled, // 132 - sText_PkmnMoveIsDisabled, // 133 - sText_PkmnMoveDisabledNoMore, // 134 - sText_PkmnGotEncore, // 135 - sText_PkmnEncoreEnded, // 136 - sText_PkmnTookAim, // 137 - sText_PkmnSketchedMove, // 138 - sText_PkmnTryingToTakeFoe, // 139 - sText_PkmnTookFoe, // 140 - sText_PkmnReducedPP, // 141 - sText_PkmnStoleItem, // 142 - sText_TargetCantEscapeNow, // 143 - sText_PkmnFellIntoNightmare, // 144 - sText_PkmnLockedInNightmare, // 145 - sText_PkmnLaidCurse, // 146 - sText_PkmnAfflictedByCurse, // 147 - sText_SpikesScattered, // 148 - sText_PkmnHurtBySpikes, // 149 - sText_PkmnIdentified, // 150 - sText_PkmnPerishCountFell, // 151 - sText_PkmnBracedItself, // 152 - sText_PkmnEnduredHit, // 153 - sText_MagnitudeStrength, // 154 - sText_PkmnCutHPMaxedAttack, // 155 - sText_PkmnCopiedStatChanges, // 156 - sText_PkmnGotFree, // 157 - sText_PkmnShedLeechSeed, // 158 - sText_PkmnBlewAwaySpikes, // 159 - sText_PkmnFledFromBattle, // 160 - sText_PkmnForesawAttack, // 161 - sText_PkmnTookAttack, // 162 - sText_PkmnAttack, // 163 - sText_PkmnCenterAttention, // 164 - sText_PkmnChargingPower, // 165 - sText_NaturePowerTurnedInto, // 166 - sText_PkmnStatusNormal, // 167 - sText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft, // 168 - sText_PkmnSubjectedToTorment, // 169 - sText_PkmnCantUseMoveTorment, // 170 - sText_PkmnTighteningFocus, // 171 - sText_PkmnFellForTaunt, // 172 - sText_PkmnCantUseMoveTaunt, // 173 - sText_PkmnReadyToHelp, // 174 - sText_PkmnSwitchedItems, // 175 - sText_PkmnCopiedFoe, // 176 - sText_PkmnMadeWish, // 177 - sText_PkmnWishCameTrue, // 178 - sText_PkmnPlantedRoots, // 179 - sText_PkmnAbsorbedNutrients, // 180 - sText_PkmnAnchoredItself, // 181 - sText_PkmnWasMadeDrowsy, // 182 - sText_PkmnKnockedOff, // 183 - sText_PkmnSwappedAbilities, // 184 - sText_PkmnSealedOpponentMove, // 185 - sText_PkmnCantUseMoveSealed, // 186 - sText_PkmnWantsGrudge, // 187 - sText_PkmnLostPPGrudge, // 188 - sText_PkmnShroudedItself, // 189 - sText_PkmnMoveBounced, // 190 - sText_PkmnWaitsForTarget, // 191 - sText_PkmnSnatchedMove, // 192 - sText_PkmnMadeItRain, // 193 - sText_PkmnRaisedSpeed, // 194 - sText_PkmnProtectedBy, // 195 - sText_PkmnPreventsUsage, // 196 - sText_PkmnRestoredHPUsing, // 197 - sText_PkmnChangedTypeWith, // 198 - sText_PkmnPreventsParalysisWith, // 199 - sText_PkmnPreventsRomanceWith, // 200 - sText_PkmnPreventsPoisoningWith, // 201 - sText_PkmnPreventsConfusionWith, // 202 - sText_PkmnRaisedFirePowerWith, // 203 - sText_PkmnAnchorsItselfWith, // 204 - sText_PkmnCutsAttackWith, // 205 - sText_PkmnPreventsStatLossWith, // 206 - sText_PkmnHurtsWith, // 207 - sText_PkmnTraced, // 208 - sText_StatSharply, // 209 - gText_StatRose, // 210 - sText_StatHarshly, // 211 - sText_StatFell, // 212 - sText_PkmnsStatChanged, // 213 - gText_PkmnsStatChanged2, // 214 - sText_PkmnsStatChanged3, // 215 - sText_PkmnsStatChanged4, // 216 - sText_CriticalHit, // 217 - sText_OneHitKO, // 218 - sText_123Poof, // 219 - sText_AndEllipsis, // 220 - sText_NotVeryEffective, // 221 - sText_SuperEffective, // 222 - sText_GotAwaySafely, // 223 - sText_WildPkmnFled, // 224 - sText_NoRunningFromTrainers, // 225 - sText_CantEscape, // 226 - sText_DontLeaveBirch, // 227 - sText_ButNothingHappened, // 228 - sText_ButItFailed, // 229 - sText_ItHurtConfusion, // 230 - sText_MirrorMoveFailed, // 231 - sText_StartedToRain, // 232 - sText_DownpourStarted, // 233 - sText_RainContinues, // 234 - sText_DownpourContinues, // 235 - sText_RainStopped, // 236 - sText_SandstormBrewed, // 237 - sText_SandstormRages, // 238 - sText_SandstormSubsided, // 239 - sText_SunlightGotBright, // 240 - sText_SunlightStrong, // 241 - sText_SunlightFaded, // 242 - sText_StartedHail, // 243 - sText_HailContinues, // 244 - sText_HailStopped, // 245 - sText_FailedToSpitUp, // 246 - sText_FailedToSwallow, // 247 - sText_WindBecameHeatWave, // 248 - sText_StatChangesGone, // 249 - sText_CoinsScattered, // 250 - sText_TooWeakForSubstitute, // 251 - sText_SharedPain, // 252 - sText_BellChimed, // 253 - sText_FaintInThree, // 254 - sText_NoPPLeft, // 255 - sText_ButNoPPLeft, // 256 - sText_PlayerUsedItem, // 257 - sText_WallyUsedItem, // 258 - sText_TrainerBlockedBall, // 259 - sText_DontBeAThief, // 260 - sText_ItDodgedBall, // 261 - sText_YouMissedPkmn, // 262 - sText_PkmnBrokeFree, // 263 - sText_ItAppearedCaught, // 264 - sText_AarghAlmostHadIt, // 265 - sText_ShootSoClose, // 266 - sText_GotchaPkmnCaught, // 267 - sText_GotchaPkmnCaught2, // 268 - sText_GiveNicknameCaptured, // 269 - sText_PkmnSentToPC, // 270 - sText_PkmnDataAddedToDex, // 271 - sText_ItIsRaining, // 272 - sText_SandstormIsRaging, // 273 - sText_CantEscape2, // 274 - sText_PkmnIgnoresAsleep, // 275 - sText_PkmnIgnoredOrders, // 276 - sText_PkmnBeganToNap, // 277 - sText_PkmnLoafing, // 278 - sText_PkmnWontObey, // 279 - sText_PkmnTurnedAway, // 280 - sText_PkmnPretendNotNotice, // 281 - sText_EnemyAboutToSwitchPkmn, // 282 - sText_CreptCloser, // 283 - sText_CantGetCloser, // 284 - sText_PkmnWatchingCarefully, // 285 - sText_PkmnCuriousAboutX, // 286 - sText_PkmnEnthralledByX, // 287 - sText_PkmnIgnoredX, // 288 - sText_ThrewPokeblockAtPkmn, // 289 - sText_OutOfSafariBalls, // 290 - sText_PkmnsItemCuredParalysis, // 291 - sText_PkmnsItemCuredPoison, // 292 - sText_PkmnsItemHealedBurn, // 293 - sText_PkmnsItemDefrostedIt, // 294 - sText_PkmnsItemWokeIt, // 295 - sText_PkmnsItemSnappedOut, // 296 - sText_PkmnsItemCuredProblem, // 297 - sText_PkmnsItemRestoredHealth, // 298 - sText_PkmnsItemRestoredPP, // 299 - sText_PkmnsItemRestoredStatus, // 300 - sText_PkmnsItemRestoredHPALittle, // 301 - sText_ItemAllowsOnlyYMove, // 302 - sText_PkmnHungOnWithX, // 303 - gText_EmptyString3, // 304 - sText_PkmnsXPreventsBurns, // 305 - sText_PkmnsXBlocksY, // 306 - sText_PkmnsXRestoredHPALittle2, // 307 - sText_PkmnsXWhippedUpSandstorm, // 308 - sText_PkmnsXPreventsYLoss, // 309 - sText_PkmnsXInfatuatedY, // 310 - sText_PkmnsXMadeYIneffective, // 311 - sText_PkmnsXCuredYProblem, // 312 - sText_ItSuckedLiquidOoze, // 313 - sText_PkmnTransformed, // 314 - sText_ElectricityWeakened, // 315 - sText_FireWeakened, // 316 - sText_PkmnHidUnderwater, // 317 - sText_PkmnSprangUp, // 318 - sText_HMMovesCantBeForgotten, // 319 - sText_XFoundOneY, // 320 - sText_PlayerDefeatedLinkTrainerTrainer1, // 321 - sText_SoothingAroma, // 322 - sText_ItemsCantBeUsedNow, // 323 - sText_ForXCommaYZ, // 324 - sText_UsingXTheYOfZN, // 325 - sText_PkmnUsedXToGetPumped, // 326 - sText_PkmnsXMadeYUseless, // 327 - sText_PkmnTrappedBySandTomb, // 328 - sText_EmptyString4, // 329 - sText_ABoosted, // 330 - sText_PkmnsXIntensifiedSun, // 331 - sText_PkmnMakesGroundMiss, // 332 - sText_YouThrowABallNowRight, // 333 - sText_PkmnsXTookAttack, // 334 - sText_PkmnChoseXAsDestiny, // 335 - sText_PkmnLostFocus, // 336 - sText_UseNextPkmn, // 337 - sText_PkmnFledUsingIts, // 338 - sText_PkmnFledUsing, // 339 - sText_PkmnWasDraggedOut, // 340 - sText_PreventedFromWorking, // 341 - sText_PkmnsItemNormalizedStatus, // 342 - sText_Trainer1UsedItem, // 343 - sText_BoxIsFull, // 344 - sText_PkmnAvoidedAttack, // 345 - sText_PkmnsXMadeItIneffective, // 346 - sText_PkmnsXPreventsFlinching, // 347 - sText_PkmnAlreadyHasBurn, // 348 - sText_StatsWontDecrease2, // 349 - sText_PkmnsXBlocksY2, // 350 - sText_PkmnsXWoreOff, // 351 - sText_PkmnRaisedDefALittle, // 352 - sText_PkmnRaisedSpDefALittle, // 353 - sText_TheWallShattered, // 354 - sText_PkmnsXPreventsYsZ, // 355 - sText_PkmnsXCuredItsYProblem, // 356 - sText_AttackerCantEscape, // 357 - sText_PkmnObtainedX, // 358 - sText_PkmnObtainedX2, // 359 - sText_PkmnObtainedXYObtainedZ, // 360 - sText_ButNoEffect, // 361 - sText_PkmnsXHadNoEffectOnY, // 362 - sText_TwoInGameTrainersDefeated, // 363 - sText_Trainer2LoseText, // 364 - sText_PkmnIncapableOfPower, // 365 - sText_GlintAppearsInEye, // 366 - sText_PkmnGettingIntoPosition, // 367 - sText_PkmnBeganGrowlingDeeply, // 368 - sText_PkmnEagerForMore, // 369 - sText_DefeatedOpponentByReferee, // 370 - sText_LostToOpponentByReferee, // 371 - sText_TiedOpponentByReferee, // 372 - sText_QuestionForfeitMatch, // 373 - sText_ForfeitedMatch, // 374 - gText_PkmnTransferredSomeonesPC, // 375 - gText_PkmnTransferredLanettesPC, // 376 - gText_PkmnBoxSomeonesPCFull, // 377 - gText_PkmnBoxLanettesPCFull, // 378 - sText_Trainer1WinText, // 379 - sText_Trainer2WinText, // 380 + [STRINGID_TRAINER1LOSETEXT - 12] = sText_Trainer1LoseText, + [STRINGID_PKMNGAINEDEXP - 12] = sText_PkmnGainedEXP, + [STRINGID_PKMNGREWTOLV - 12] = sText_PkmnGrewToLv, + [STRINGID_PKMNLEARNEDMOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnLearnedMove, + [STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE1 - 12] = sText_TryToLearnMove1, + [STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE2 - 12] = sText_TryToLearnMove2, + [STRINGID_TRYTOLEARNMOVE3 - 12] = sText_TryToLearnMove3, + [STRINGID_PKMNFORGOTMOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnForgotMove, + [STRINGID_STOPLEARNINGMOVE - 12] = sText_StopLearningMove, + [STRINGID_DIDNOTLEARNMOVE - 12] = sText_DidNotLearnMove, + [STRINGID_PKMNLEARNEDMOVE2 - 12] = sText_PkmnLearnedMove2, + [STRINGID_ATTACKMISSED - 12] = sText_AttackMissed, + [STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDITSELF - 12] = sText_PkmnProtectedItself, + [STRINGID_STATSWONTINCREASE2 - 12] = sText_StatsWontIncrease2, + [STRINGID_AVOIDEDDAMAGE - 12] = sText_AvoidedDamage, + [STRINGID_ITDOESNTAFFECT - 12] = sText_ItDoesntAffect, + [STRINGID_ATTACKERFAINTED - 12] = sText_AttackerFainted, + [STRINGID_TARGETFAINTED - 12] = sText_TargetFainted, + [STRINGID_PLAYERGOTMONEY - 12] = sText_PlayerGotMoney, + [STRINGID_PLAYERWHITEOUT - 12] = sText_PlayerWhiteout, + [STRINGID_PLAYERWHITEOUT2 - 12] = sText_PlayerWhiteout2, + [STRINGID_PREVENTSESCAPE - 12] = sText_PreventsEscape, + [STRINGID_HITXTIMES - 12] = sText_HitXTimes, + [STRINGID_PKMNFELLASLEEP - 12] = sText_PkmnFellAsleep, + [STRINGID_PKMNMADESLEEP - 12] = sText_PkmnMadeSleep, + [STRINGID_PKMNALREADYASLEEP - 12] = sText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep, + [STRINGID_PKMNALREADYASLEEP2 - 12] = sText_PkmnAlreadyAsleep2, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASNTAFFECTED - 12] = sText_PkmnWasntAffected, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASPOISONED - 12] = sText_PkmnWasPoisoned, + [STRINGID_PKMNPOISONEDBY - 12] = sText_PkmnPoisonedBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYPOISON - 12] = sText_PkmnHurtByPoison, + [STRINGID_PKMNALREADYPOISONED - 12] = sText_PkmnAlreadyPoisoned, + [STRINGID_PKMNBADLYPOISONED - 12] = sText_PkmnBadlyPoisoned, + [STRINGID_PKMNENERGYDRAINED - 12] = sText_PkmnEnergyDrained, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASBURNED - 12] = sText_PkmnWasBurned, + [STRINGID_PKMNBURNEDBY - 12] = sText_PkmnBurnedBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYBURN - 12] = sText_PkmnHurtByBurn, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASFROZEN - 12] = sText_PkmnWasFrozen, + [STRINGID_PKMNFROZENBY - 12] = sText_PkmnFrozenBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNISFROZEN - 12] = sText_PkmnIsFrozen, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTED - 12] = sText_PkmnWasDefrosted, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTED2 - 12] = sText_PkmnWasDefrosted2, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASDEFROSTEDBY - 12] = sText_PkmnWasDefrostedBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASPARALYZED - 12] = sText_PkmnWasParalyzed, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASPARALYZEDBY - 12] = sText_PkmnWasParalyzedBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNISPARALYZED - 12] = sText_PkmnIsParalyzed, + [STRINGID_PKMNISALREADYPARALYZED - 12] = sText_PkmnIsAlreadyParalyzed, + [STRINGID_PKMNHEALEDPARALYSIS - 12] = sText_PkmnHealedParalysis, + [STRINGID_PKMNDREAMEATEN - 12] = sText_PkmnDreamEaten, + [STRINGID_STATSWONTINCREASE - 12] = sText_StatsWontIncrease, + [STRINGID_STATSWONTDECREASE - 12] = sText_StatsWontDecrease, + [STRINGID_TEAMSTOPPEDWORKING - 12] = sText_TeamStoppedWorking, + [STRINGID_FOESTOPPEDWORKING - 12] = sText_FoeStoppedWorking, + [STRINGID_PKMNISCONFUSED - 12] = sText_PkmnIsConfused, + [STRINGID_PKMNHEALEDCONFUSION - 12] = sText_PkmnHealedConfusion, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASCONFUSED - 12] = sText_PkmnWasConfused, + [STRINGID_PKMNALREADYCONFUSED - 12] = sText_PkmnAlreadyConfused, + [STRINGID_PKMNFELLINLOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnFellInLove, + [STRINGID_PKMNINLOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnInLove, + [STRINGID_PKMNIMMOBILIZEDBYLOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnImmobilizedByLove, + [STRINGID_PKMNBLOWNAWAY - 12] = sText_PkmnBlownAway, + [STRINGID_PKMNCHANGEDTYPE - 12] = sText_PkmnChangedType, + [STRINGID_PKMNFLINCHED - 12] = sText_PkmnFlinched, + [STRINGID_PKMNREGAINEDHEALTH - 12] = sText_PkmnRegainedHealth, + [STRINGID_PKMNHPFULL - 12] = sText_PkmnHPFull, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPDEF - 12] = sText_PkmnRaisedSpDef, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDDEF - 12] = sText_PkmnRaisedDef, + [STRINGID_PKMNCOVEREDBYVEIL - 12] = sText_PkmnCoveredByVeil, + [STRINGID_PKMNUSEDSAFEGUARD - 12] = sText_PkmnUsedSafeguard, + [STRINGID_PKMNSAFEGUARDEXPIRED - 12] = sText_PkmnSafeguardExpired, + [STRINGID_PKMNWENTTOSLEEP - 12] = sText_PkmnWentToSleep, + [STRINGID_PKMNSLEPTHEALTHY - 12] = sText_PkmnSleptHealthy, + [STRINGID_PKMNWHIPPEDWHIRLWIND - 12] = sText_PkmnWhippedWhirlwind, + [STRINGID_PKMNTOOKSUNLIGHT - 12] = sText_PkmnTookSunlight, + [STRINGID_PKMNLOWEREDHEAD - 12] = sText_PkmnLoweredHead, + [STRINGID_PKMNISGLOWING - 12] = sText_PkmnIsGlowing, + [STRINGID_PKMNFLEWHIGH - 12] = sText_PkmnFlewHigh, + [STRINGID_PKMNDUGHOLE - 12] = sText_PkmnDugHole, + [STRINGID_PKMNSQUEEZEDBYBIND - 12] = sText_PkmnSqueezedByBind, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRAPPEDINVORTEX - 12] = sText_PkmnTrappedInVortex, + [STRINGID_PKMNWRAPPEDBY - 12] = sText_PkmnWrappedBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNCLAMPED - 12] = sText_PkmnClamped, + [STRINGID_PKMNHURTBY - 12] = sText_PkmnHurtBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNFREEDFROM - 12] = sText_PkmnFreedFrom, + [STRINGID_PKMNCRASHED - 12] = sText_PkmnCrashed, + [STRINGID_PKMNSHROUDEDINMIST - 12] = gText_PkmnShroudedInMist, + [STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDBYMIST - 12] = sText_PkmnProtectedByMist, + [STRINGID_PKMNGETTINGPUMPED - 12] = gText_PkmnGettingPumped, + [STRINGID_PKMNHITWITHRECOIL - 12] = sText_PkmnHitWithRecoil, + [STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDITSELF2 - 12] = sText_PkmnProtectedItself2, + [STRINGID_PKMNBUFFETEDBYSANDSTORM - 12] = sText_PkmnBuffetedBySandstorm, + [STRINGID_PKMNPELTEDBYHAIL - 12] = sText_PkmnPeltedByHail, + [STRINGID_PKMNSEEDED - 12] = sText_PkmnSeeded, + [STRINGID_PKMNEVADEDATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnEvadedAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNSAPPEDBYLEECHSEED - 12] = sText_PkmnSappedByLeechSeed, + [STRINGID_PKMNFASTASLEEP - 12] = sText_PkmnFastAsleep, + [STRINGID_PKMNWOKEUP - 12] = sText_PkmnWokeUp, + [STRINGID_PKMNUPROARKEPTAWAKE - 12] = sText_PkmnUproarKeptAwake, + [STRINGID_PKMNWOKEUPINUPROAR - 12] = sText_PkmnWokeUpInUproar, + [STRINGID_PKMNCAUSEDUPROAR - 12] = sText_PkmnCausedUproar, + [STRINGID_PKMNMAKINGUPROAR - 12] = sText_PkmnMakingUproar, + [STRINGID_PKMNCALMEDDOWN - 12] = sText_PkmnCalmedDown, + [STRINGID_PKMNCANTSLEEPINUPROAR - 12] = sText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar, + [STRINGID_PKMNSTOCKPILED - 12] = sText_PkmnStockpiled, + [STRINGID_PKMNCANTSTOCKPILE - 12] = sText_PkmnCantStockpile, + [STRINGID_PKMNCANTSLEEPINUPROAR2 - 12] = sText_PkmnCantSleepInUproar2, + [STRINGID_UPROARKEPTPKMNAWAKE - 12] = sText_UproarKeptPkmnAwake, + [STRINGID_PKMNSTAYEDAWAKEUSING - 12] = sText_PkmnStayedAwakeUsing, + [STRINGID_PKMNSTORINGENERGY - 12] = sText_PkmnStoringEnergy, + [STRINGID_PKMNUNLEASHEDENERGY - 12] = sText_PkmnUnleashedEnergy, + [STRINGID_PKMNFATIGUECONFUSION - 12] = sText_PkmnFatigueConfusion, + [STRINGID_PKMNPICKEDUPITEM - 12] = sText_PkmnPickedUpItem, + [STRINGID_PKMNUNAFFECTED - 12] = sText_PkmnUnaffected, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFORMEDINTO - 12] = sText_PkmnTransformedInto, + [STRINGID_PKMNMADESUBSTITUTE - 12] = sText_PkmnMadeSubstitute, + [STRINGID_PKMNHASSUBSTITUTE - 12] = sText_PkmnHasSubstitute, + [STRINGID_SUBSTITUTEDAMAGED - 12] = sText_SubstituteDamaged, + [STRINGID_PKMNSUBSTITUTEFADED - 12] = sText_PkmnSubstituteFaded, + [STRINGID_PKMNMUSTRECHARGE - 12] = sText_PkmnMustRecharge, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAGEBUILDING - 12] = sText_PkmnRageBuilding, + [STRINGID_PKMNMOVEWASDISABLED - 12] = sText_PkmnMoveWasDisabled, + [STRINGID_PKMNMOVEISDISABLED - 12] = sText_PkmnMoveIsDisabled, + [STRINGID_PKMNMOVEDISABLEDNOMORE - 12] = sText_PkmnMoveDisabledNoMore, + [STRINGID_PKMNGOTENCORE - 12] = sText_PkmnGotEncore, + [STRINGID_PKMNENCOREENDED - 12] = sText_PkmnEncoreEnded, + [STRINGID_PKMNTOOKAIM - 12] = sText_PkmnTookAim, + [STRINGID_PKMNSKETCHEDMOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnSketchedMove, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRYINGTOTAKEFOE - 12] = sText_PkmnTryingToTakeFoe, + [STRINGID_PKMNTOOKFOE - 12] = sText_PkmnTookFoe, + [STRINGID_PKMNREDUCEDPP - 12] = sText_PkmnReducedPP, + [STRINGID_PKMNSTOLEITEM - 12] = sText_PkmnStoleItem, + [STRINGID_TARGETCANTESCAPENOW - 12] = sText_TargetCantEscapeNow, + [STRINGID_PKMNFELLINTONIGHTMARE - 12] = sText_PkmnFellIntoNightmare, + [STRINGID_PKMNLOCKEDINNIGHTMARE - 12] = sText_PkmnLockedInNightmare, + [STRINGID_PKMNLAIDCURSE - 12] = sText_PkmnLaidCurse, + [STRINGID_PKMNAFFLICTEDBYCURSE - 12] = sText_PkmnAfflictedByCurse, + [STRINGID_SPIKESSCATTERED - 12] = sText_SpikesScattered, + [STRINGID_PKMNHURTBYSPIKES - 12] = sText_PkmnHurtBySpikes, + [STRINGID_PKMNIDENTIFIED - 12] = sText_PkmnIdentified, + [STRINGID_PKMNPERISHCOUNTFELL - 12] = sText_PkmnPerishCountFell, + [STRINGID_PKMNBRACEDITSELF - 12] = sText_PkmnBracedItself, + [STRINGID_PKMNENDUREDHIT - 12] = sText_PkmnEnduredHit, + [STRINGID_MAGNITUDESTRENGTH - 12] = sText_MagnitudeStrength, + [STRINGID_PKMNCUTHPMAXEDATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnCutHPMaxedAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNCOPIEDSTATCHANGES - 12] = sText_PkmnCopiedStatChanges, + [STRINGID_PKMNGOTFREE - 12] = sText_PkmnGotFree, + [STRINGID_PKMNSHEDLEECHSEED - 12] = sText_PkmnShedLeechSeed, + [STRINGID_PKMNBLEWAWAYSPIKES - 12] = sText_PkmnBlewAwaySpikes, + [STRINGID_PKMNFLEDFROMBATTLE - 12] = sText_PkmnFledFromBattle, + [STRINGID_PKMNFORESAWATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnForesawAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNTOOKATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnTookAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNCENTERATTENTION - 12] = sText_PkmnCenterAttention, + [STRINGID_PKMNCHARGINGPOWER - 12] = sText_PkmnChargingPower, + [STRINGID_NATUREPOWERTURNEDINTO - 12] = sText_NaturePowerTurnedInto, + [STRINGID_PKMNSTATUSNORMAL - 12] = sText_PkmnStatusNormal, + [STRINGID_PKMNHASNOMOVESLEFT - 12] = sText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft, + [STRINGID_PKMNSUBJECTEDTOTORMENT - 12] = sText_PkmnSubjectedToTorment, + [STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVETORMENT - 12] = sText_PkmnCantUseMoveTorment, + [STRINGID_PKMNTIGHTENINGFOCUS - 12] = sText_PkmnTighteningFocus, + [STRINGID_PKMNFELLFORTAUNT - 12] = sText_PkmnFellForTaunt, + [STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVETAUNT - 12] = sText_PkmnCantUseMoveTaunt, + [STRINGID_PKMNREADYTOHELP - 12] = sText_PkmnReadyToHelp, + [STRINGID_PKMNSWITCHEDITEMS - 12] = sText_PkmnSwitchedItems, + [STRINGID_PKMNCOPIEDFOE - 12] = sText_PkmnCopiedFoe, + [STRINGID_PKMNMADEWISH - 12] = sText_PkmnMadeWish, + [STRINGID_PKMNWISHCAMETRUE - 12] = sText_PkmnWishCameTrue, + [STRINGID_PKMNPLANTEDROOTS - 12] = sText_PkmnPlantedRoots, + [STRINGID_PKMNABSORBEDNUTRIENTS - 12] = sText_PkmnAbsorbedNutrients, + [STRINGID_PKMNANCHOREDITSELF - 12] = sText_PkmnAnchoredItself, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASMADEDROWSY - 12] = sText_PkmnWasMadeDrowsy, + [STRINGID_PKMNKNOCKEDOFF - 12] = sText_PkmnKnockedOff, + [STRINGID_PKMNSWAPPEDABILITIES - 12] = sText_PkmnSwappedAbilities, + [STRINGID_PKMNSEALEDOPPONENTMOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnSealedOpponentMove, + [STRINGID_PKMNCANTUSEMOVESEALED - 12] = sText_PkmnCantUseMoveSealed, + [STRINGID_PKMNWANTSGRUDGE - 12] = sText_PkmnWantsGrudge, + [STRINGID_PKMNLOSTPPGRUDGE - 12] = sText_PkmnLostPPGrudge, + [STRINGID_PKMNSHROUDEDITSELF - 12] = sText_PkmnShroudedItself, + [STRINGID_PKMNMOVEBOUNCED - 12] = sText_PkmnMoveBounced, + [STRINGID_PKMNWAITSFORTARGET - 12] = sText_PkmnWaitsForTarget, + [STRINGID_PKMNSNATCHEDMOVE - 12] = sText_PkmnSnatchedMove, + [STRINGID_PKMNMADEITRAIN - 12] = sText_PkmnMadeItRain, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPEED - 12] = sText_PkmnRaisedSpeed, + [STRINGID_PKMNPROTECTEDBY - 12] = sText_PkmnProtectedBy, + [STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSUSAGE - 12] = sText_PkmnPreventsUsage, + [STRINGID_PKMNRESTOREDHPUSING - 12] = sText_PkmnRestoredHPUsing, + [STRINGID_PKMNCHANGEDTYPEWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnChangedTypeWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSPARALYSISWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnPreventsParalysisWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSROMANCEWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnPreventsRomanceWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSPOISONINGWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnPreventsPoisoningWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSCONFUSIONWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnPreventsConfusionWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDFIREPOWERWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnRaisedFirePowerWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNANCHORSITSELFWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnAnchorsItselfWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNCUTSATTACKWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnCutsAttackWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNPREVENTSSTATLOSSWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnPreventsStatLossWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNHURTSWITH - 12] = sText_PkmnHurtsWith, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRACED - 12] = sText_PkmnTraced, + [STRINGID_STATSHARPLY - 12] = sText_StatSharply, + [STRINGID_STATROSE - 12] = gText_StatRose, + [STRINGID_STATHARSHLY - 12] = sText_StatHarshly, + [STRINGID_STATFELL - 12] = sText_StatFell, + [STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED - 12] = sText_PkmnsStatChanged, + [STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED2 - 12] = gText_PkmnsStatChanged2, + [STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED3 - 12] = sText_PkmnsStatChanged3, + [STRINGID_PKMNSSTATCHANGED4 - 12] = sText_PkmnsStatChanged4, + [STRINGID_CRITICALHIT - 12] = sText_CriticalHit, + [STRINGID_ONEHITKO - 12] = sText_OneHitKO, + [STRINGID_123POOF - 12] = sText_123Poof, + [STRINGID_ANDELLIPSIS - 12] = sText_AndEllipsis, + [STRINGID_NOTVERYEFFECTIVE - 12] = sText_NotVeryEffective, + [STRINGID_SUPEREFFECTIVE - 12] = sText_SuperEffective, + [STRINGID_GOTAWAYSAFELY - 12] = sText_GotAwaySafely, + [STRINGID_WILDPKMNFLED - 12] = sText_WildPkmnFled, + [STRINGID_NORUNNINGFROMTRAINERS - 12] = sText_NoRunningFromTrainers, + [STRINGID_CANTESCAPE - 12] = sText_CantEscape, + [STRINGID_DONTLEAVEBIRCH - 12] = sText_DontLeaveBirch, + [STRINGID_BUTNOTHINGHAPPENED - 12] = sText_ButNothingHappened, + [STRINGID_BUTITFAILED - 12] = sText_ButItFailed, + [STRINGID_ITHURTCONFUSION - 12] = sText_ItHurtConfusion, + [STRINGID_MIRRORMOVEFAILED - 12] = sText_MirrorMoveFailed, + [STRINGID_STARTEDTORAIN - 12] = sText_StartedToRain, + [STRINGID_DOWNPOURSTARTED - 12] = sText_DownpourStarted, + [STRINGID_RAINCONTINUES - 12] = sText_RainContinues, + [STRINGID_DOWNPOURCONTINUES - 12] = sText_DownpourContinues, + [STRINGID_RAINSTOPPED - 12] = sText_RainStopped, + [STRINGID_SANDSTORMBREWED - 12] = sText_SandstormBrewed, + [STRINGID_SANDSTORMRAGES - 12] = sText_SandstormRages, + [STRINGID_SANDSTORMSUBSIDED - 12] = sText_SandstormSubsided, + [STRINGID_SUNLIGHTGOTBRIGHT - 12] = sText_SunlightGotBright, + [STRINGID_SUNLIGHTSTRONG - 12] = sText_SunlightStrong, + [STRINGID_SUNLIGHTFADED - 12] = sText_SunlightFaded, + [STRINGID_STARTEDHAIL - 12] = sText_StartedHail, + [STRINGID_HAILCONTINUES - 12] = sText_HailContinues, + [STRINGID_HAILSTOPPED - 12] = sText_HailStopped, + [STRINGID_FAILEDTOSPITUP - 12] = sText_FailedToSpitUp, + [STRINGID_FAILEDTOSWALLOW - 12] = sText_FailedToSwallow, + [STRINGID_WINDBECAMEHEATWAVE - 12] = sText_WindBecameHeatWave, + [STRINGID_STATCHANGESGONE - 12] = sText_StatChangesGone, + [STRINGID_COINSSCATTERED - 12] = sText_CoinsScattered, + [STRINGID_TOOWEAKFORSUBSTITUTE - 12] = sText_TooWeakForSubstitute, + [STRINGID_SHAREDPAIN - 12] = sText_SharedPain, + [STRINGID_BELLCHIMED - 12] = sText_BellChimed, + [STRINGID_FAINTINTHREE - 12] = sText_FaintInThree, + [STRINGID_NOPPLEFT - 12] = sText_NoPPLeft, + [STRINGID_BUTNOPPLEFT - 12] = sText_ButNoPPLeft, + [STRINGID_PLAYERUSEDITEM - 12] = sText_PlayerUsedItem, + [STRINGID_WALLYUSEDITEM - 12] = sText_WallyUsedItem, + [STRINGID_TRAINERBLOCKEDBALL - 12] = sText_TrainerBlockedBall, + [STRINGID_DONTBEATHIEF - 12] = sText_DontBeAThief, + [STRINGID_ITDODGEDBALL - 12] = sText_ItDodgedBall, + [STRINGID_YOUMISSEDPKMN - 12] = sText_YouMissedPkmn, + [STRINGID_PKMNBROKEFREE - 12] = sText_PkmnBrokeFree, + [STRINGID_ITAPPEAREDCAUGHT - 12] = sText_ItAppearedCaught, + [STRINGID_AARGHALMOSTHADIT - 12] = sText_AarghAlmostHadIt, + [STRINGID_SHOOTSOCLOSE - 12] = sText_ShootSoClose, + [STRINGID_GOTCHAPKMNCAUGHT - 12] = sText_GotchaPkmnCaught, + [STRINGID_GOTCHAPKMNCAUGHT2 - 12] = sText_GotchaPkmnCaught2, + [STRINGID_GIVENICKNAMECAPTURED - 12] = sText_GiveNicknameCaptured, + [STRINGID_PKMNSENTTOPC - 12] = sText_PkmnSentToPC, + [STRINGID_PKMNDATAADDEDTODEX - 12] = sText_PkmnDataAddedToDex, + [STRINGID_ITISRAINING - 12] = sText_ItIsRaining, + [STRINGID_SANDSTORMISRAGING - 12] = sText_SandstormIsRaging, + [STRINGID_CANTESCAPE2 - 12] = sText_CantEscape2, + [STRINGID_PKMNIGNORESASLEEP - 12] = sText_PkmnIgnoresAsleep, + [STRINGID_PKMNIGNOREDORDERS - 12] = sText_PkmnIgnoredOrders, + [STRINGID_PKMNBEGANTONAP - 12] = sText_PkmnBeganToNap, + [STRINGID_PKMNLOAFING - 12] = sText_PkmnLoafing, + [STRINGID_PKMNWONTOBEY - 12] = sText_PkmnWontObey, + [STRINGID_PKMNTURNEDAWAY - 12] = sText_PkmnTurnedAway, + [STRINGID_PKMNPRETENDNOTNOTICE - 12] = sText_PkmnPretendNotNotice, + [STRINGID_ENEMYABOUTTOSWITCHPKMN - 12] = sText_EnemyAboutToSwitchPkmn, + [STRINGID_CREPTCLOSER - 12] = sText_CreptCloser, + [STRINGID_CANTGETCLOSER - 12] = sText_CantGetCloser, + [STRINGID_PKMNWATCHINGCAREFULLY - 12] = sText_PkmnWatchingCarefully, + [STRINGID_PKMNCURIOUSABOUTX - 12] = sText_PkmnCuriousAboutX, + [STRINGID_PKMNENTHRALLEDBYX - 12] = sText_PkmnEnthralledByX, + [STRINGID_PKMNIGNOREDX - 12] = sText_PkmnIgnoredX, + [STRINGID_THREWPOKEBLOCKATPKMN - 12] = sText_ThrewPokeblockAtPkmn, + [STRINGID_OUTOFSAFARIBALLS - 12] = sText_OutOfSafariBalls, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPARALYSIS - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemCuredParalysis, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPOISON - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemCuredPoison, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMHEALEDBURN - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemHealedBurn, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMDEFROSTEDIT - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemDefrostedIt, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMWOKEIT - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemWokeIt, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMSNAPPEDOUT - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemSnappedOut, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMCUREDPROBLEM - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemCuredProblem, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDHEALTH - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemRestoredHealth, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDPP - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemRestoredPP, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDSTATUS - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemRestoredStatus, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMRESTOREDHPALITTLE - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemRestoredHPALittle, + [STRINGID_ITEMALLOWSONLYYMOVE - 12] = sText_ItemAllowsOnlyYMove, + [STRINGID_PKMNHUNGONWITHX - 12] = sText_PkmnHungOnWithX, + [STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING3 - 12] = gText_EmptyString3, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSBURNS - 12] = sText_PkmnsXPreventsBurns, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXBLOCKSY - 12] = sText_PkmnsXBlocksY, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXRESTOREDHPALITTLE2 - 12] = sText_PkmnsXRestoredHPALittle2, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXWHIPPEDUPSANDSTORM - 12] = sText_PkmnsXWhippedUpSandstorm, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSYLOSS - 12] = sText_PkmnsXPreventsYLoss, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXINFATUATEDY - 12] = sText_PkmnsXInfatuatedY, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEYINEFFECTIVE - 12] = sText_PkmnsXMadeYIneffective, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXCUREDYPROBLEM - 12] = sText_PkmnsXCuredYProblem, + [STRINGID_ITSUCKEDLIQUIDOOZE - 12] = sText_ItSuckedLiquidOoze, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFORMED - 12] = sText_PkmnTransformed, + [STRINGID_ELECTRICITYWEAKENED - 12] = sText_ElectricityWeakened, + [STRINGID_FIREWEAKENED - 12] = sText_FireWeakened, + [STRINGID_PKMNHIDUNDERWATER - 12] = sText_PkmnHidUnderwater, + [STRINGID_PKMNSPRANGUP - 12] = sText_PkmnSprangUp, + [STRINGID_HMMOVESCANTBEFORGOTTEN - 12] = sText_HMMovesCantBeForgotten, + [STRINGID_XFOUNDONEY - 12] = sText_XFoundOneY, + [STRINGID_PLAYERDEFEATEDTRAINER1 - 12] = sText_PlayerDefeatedLinkTrainerTrainer1, + [STRINGID_SOOTHINGAROMA - 12] = sText_SoothingAroma, + [STRINGID_ITEMSCANTBEUSEDNOW - 12] = sText_ItemsCantBeUsedNow, + [STRINGID_FORXCOMMAYZ - 12] = sText_ForXCommaYZ, + [STRINGID_USINGXTHEYOFZN - 12] = sText_UsingXTheYOfZN, + [STRINGID_PKMNUSEDXTOGETPUMPED - 12] = sText_PkmnUsedXToGetPumped, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEYUSELESS - 12] = sText_PkmnsXMadeYUseless, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRAPPEDBYSANDTOMB - 12] = sText_PkmnTrappedBySandTomb, + [STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING4 - 12] = sText_EmptyString4, + [STRINGID_ABOOSTED - 12] = sText_ABoosted, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXINTENSIFIEDSUN - 12] = sText_PkmnsXIntensifiedSun, + [STRINGID_PKMNMAKESGROUNDMISS - 12] = sText_PkmnMakesGroundMiss, + [STRINGID_YOUTHROWABALLNOWRIGHT - 12] = sText_YouThrowABallNowRight, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXTOOKATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnsXTookAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNCHOSEXASDESTINY - 12] = sText_PkmnChoseXAsDestiny, + [STRINGID_PKMNLOSTFOCUS - 12] = sText_PkmnLostFocus, + [STRINGID_USENEXTPKMN - 12] = sText_UseNextPkmn, + [STRINGID_PKMNFLEDUSINGITS - 12] = sText_PkmnFledUsingIts, + [STRINGID_PKMNFLEDUSING - 12] = sText_PkmnFledUsing, + [STRINGID_PKMNWASDRAGGEDOUT - 12] = sText_PkmnWasDraggedOut, + [STRINGID_PREVENTEDFROMWORKING - 12] = sText_PreventedFromWorking, + [STRINGID_PKMNSITEMNORMALIZEDSTATUS - 12] = sText_PkmnsItemNormalizedStatus, + [STRINGID_TRAINER1USEDITEM - 12] = sText_Trainer1UsedItem, + [STRINGID_BOXISFULL - 12] = sText_BoxIsFull, + [STRINGID_PKMNAVOIDEDATTACK - 12] = sText_PkmnAvoidedAttack, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXMADEITINEFFECTIVE - 12] = sText_PkmnsXMadeItIneffective, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSFLINCHING - 12] = sText_PkmnsXPreventsFlinching, + [STRINGID_PKMNALREADYHASBURN - 12] = sText_PkmnAlreadyHasBurn, + [STRINGID_STATSWONTDECREASE2 - 12] = sText_StatsWontDecrease2, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXBLOCKSY2 - 12] = sText_PkmnsXBlocksY2, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXWOREOFF - 12] = sText_PkmnsXWoreOff, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDDEFALITTLE - 12] = sText_PkmnRaisedDefALittle, + [STRINGID_PKMNRAISEDSPDEFALITTLE - 12] = sText_PkmnRaisedSpDefALittle, + [STRINGID_THEWALLSHATTERED - 12] = sText_TheWallShattered, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXPREVENTSYSZ - 12] = sText_PkmnsXPreventsYsZ, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXCUREDITSYPROBLEM - 12] = sText_PkmnsXCuredItsYProblem, + [STRINGID_ATTACKERCANTESCAPE - 12] = sText_AttackerCantEscape, + [STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDX - 12] = sText_PkmnObtainedX, + [STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDX2 - 12] = sText_PkmnObtainedX2, + [STRINGID_PKMNOBTAINEDXYOBTAINEDZ - 12] = sText_PkmnObtainedXYObtainedZ, + [STRINGID_BUTNOEFFECT - 12] = sText_ButNoEffect, + [STRINGID_PKMNSXHADNOEFFECTONY - 12] = sText_PkmnsXHadNoEffectOnY, + [STRINGID_TWOENEMIESDEFEATED - 12] = sText_TwoInGameTrainersDefeated, + [STRINGID_TRAINER2LOSETEXT - 12] = sText_Trainer2LoseText, + [STRINGID_PKMNINCAPABLEOFPOWER - 12] = sText_PkmnIncapableOfPower, + [STRINGID_GLINTAPPEARSINEYE - 12] = sText_GlintAppearsInEye, + [STRINGID_PKMNGETTINGINTOPOSITION - 12] = sText_PkmnGettingIntoPosition, + [STRINGID_PKMNBEGANGROWLINGDEEPLY - 12] = sText_PkmnBeganGrowlingDeeply, + [STRINGID_PKMNEAGERFORMORE - 12] = sText_PkmnEagerForMore, + [STRINGID_DEFEATEDOPPONENTBYREFEREE - 12] = sText_DefeatedOpponentByReferee, + [STRINGID_LOSTTOOPPONENTBYREFEREE - 12] = sText_LostToOpponentByReferee, + [STRINGID_TIEDOPPONENTBYREFEREE - 12] = sText_TiedOpponentByReferee, + [STRINGID_QUESTIONFORFEITMATCH - 12] = sText_QuestionForfeitMatch, + [STRINGID_FORFEITEDMATCH - 12] = sText_ForfeitedMatch, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFERREDSOMEONESPC - 12] = gText_PkmnTransferredSomeonesPC, + [STRINGID_PKMNTRANSFERREDLANETTESPC - 12] = gText_PkmnTransferredLanettesPC, + [STRINGID_PKMNBOXSOMEONESPCFULL - 12] = gText_PkmnBoxSomeonesPCFull, + [STRINGID_PKMNBOXLANETTESPCFULL - 12] = gText_PkmnBoxLanettesPCFull, + [STRINGID_TRAINER1WINTEXT - 12] = sText_Trainer1WinText, + [STRINGID_TRAINER2WINTEXT - 12] = sText_Trainer2WinText, }; const u16 gMissStringIds[] = @@ -1299,14 +1299,14 @@ static const u8 sText_RefCommenceBattle[] = _("REFEREE: {B_PLAYER_MON1_NAME} VS const u8 * const gRefereeStringsTable[] = { sText_RefIfNothingIsDecided, - sText_RefThatsIt, - sText_RefJudgeMind, - sText_RefJudgeSkill, - sText_RefJudgeBody, - sText_RefJudgement1, - sText_RefJudgement2, - sText_RefJudgement3, - sText_RefCommenceBattle, + sText_RefThatsIt, + sText_RefJudgeMind, + sText_RefJudgeSkill, + sText_RefJudgeBody, + sText_RefJudgement1, + sText_RefJudgement2, + sText_RefJudgement3, + sText_RefCommenceBattle, }; static const u8 sText_QuestionForfeitMatch[] = _("Would you like to forfeit the match\nand quit now?"); @@ -1368,574 +1368,574 @@ static const u8 sDummyWeirdStatusString[] = {EOS, EOS, EOS, EOS, EOS, EOS, EOS, static const struct BattleWindowText sTextOnWindowsInfo_Normal[] = { // The corresponding WindowTemplate is gStandardBattleWindowTemplates[] within src/battle_bg.c - { // 0 Standard battle message - .fillValue = 0xFF, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 1, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 15, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, - { // 1 "What will (pokemon) do?" - .fillValue = 0xFF, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 15, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, - { // 2 "Fight/Pokemon/Bag/Run" - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 3 Top left move - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 4 Top right move - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 5 Bottom left move - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 6 Bottom right move - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 7 "PP" - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 12, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 11, - }, - { // 8 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 9 PP remaining - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 2, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 12, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 11, - }, - { // 10 "type" - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 11 "switch which?" - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 12 "gText_BattleYesNoChoice" - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 13 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 14 - .fillValue = 0x0, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 32, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 0, - .shadowColor = 2, - }, - { // 15 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 16 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 17 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 18 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 19 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 20 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 21 - .fillValue = 0x0, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 0, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, - { // 22 - .fillValue = 0x0, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 0, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, - { // 23 - .fillValue = 0x0, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 0, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, + { // 0 Standard battle message + .fillValue = 0xFF, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 1, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 15, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, + { // 1 "What will (pokemon) do?" + .fillValue = 0xFF, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 15, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, + { // 2 "Fight/Pokemon/Bag/Run" + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 3 Top left move + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 4 Top right move + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 5 Bottom left move + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 6 Bottom right move + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 7 "PP" + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 12, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 11, + }, + { // 8 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 9 PP remaining + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 2, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 12, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 11, + }, + { // 10 "type" + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 11 "switch which?" + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 12 "gText_BattleYesNoChoice" + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 13 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 14 + .fillValue = 0x0, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 32, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 0, + .shadowColor = 2, + }, + { // 15 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 16 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 17 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 18 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 19 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 20 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 21 + .fillValue = 0x0, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 0, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, + { // 22 + .fillValue = 0x0, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 0, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, + { // 23 + .fillValue = 0x0, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 0, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, }; static const struct BattleWindowText sTextOnWindowsInfo_Arena[] = { - { // 0 - .fillValue = 0xFF, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 1, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 15, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, - { // 1 - .fillValue = 0xFF, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 15, - .shadowColor = 6, - }, - { // 2 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 3 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 4 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 5 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 6 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 7 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 12, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 11, - }, - { // 8 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 9 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 2, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 12, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 11, - }, - { // 10 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 11 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 7, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 12 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 13 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 14 - .fillValue = 0x0, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 32, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 0, - .shadowColor = 2, - }, - { // 15 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 1, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 16 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 17 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 18 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 19 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 20 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 21 - .fillValue = 0xEE, - .fontId = 1, - .x = -1, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 0, - .fgColor = 13, - .bgColor = 14, - .shadowColor = 15, - }, - { // 22 - .fillValue = 0x11, - .fontId = 1, - .x = 0, - .y = 1, - .letterSpacing = 0, - .lineSpacing = 0, - .speed = 1, - .fgColor = 2, - .bgColor = 1, - .shadowColor = 3, - }, + { // 0 + .fillValue = 0xFF, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 1, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 15, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, + { // 1 + .fillValue = 0xFF, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 15, + .shadowColor = 6, + }, + { // 2 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 3 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 4 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 5 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 6 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 7 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 12, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 11, + }, + { // 8 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 9 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 2, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 12, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 11, + }, + { // 10 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 11 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 7, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 12 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 13 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 14 + .fillValue = 0x0, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 32, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 0, + .shadowColor = 2, + }, + { // 15 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 1, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 16 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 17 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 18 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 19 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 20 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 21 + .fillValue = 0xEE, + .fontId = 1, + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 0, + .fgColor = 13, + .bgColor = 14, + .shadowColor = 15, + }, + { // 22 + .fillValue = 0x11, + .fontId = 1, + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + .letterSpacing = 0, + .lineSpacing = 0, + .speed = 1, + .fgColor = 2, + .bgColor = 1, + .shadowColor = 3, + }, }; static const struct BattleWindowText *const sBattleTextOnWindowsInfo[] = diff --git a/src/battle_pike.c b/src/battle_pike.c index 38d3e7d4a..d86677e48 100644 --- a/src/battle_pike.c +++ b/src/battle_pike.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #include "task.h" #include "battle_tower.h" #include "party_menu.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "script.h" #include "battle_setup.h" diff --git a/src/battle_pyramid.c b/src/battle_pyramid.c index 23343ba20..6cc09d713 100644 --- a/src/battle_pyramid.c +++ b/src/battle_pyramid.c @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ #include "main.h" #include "load_save.h" #include "script.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "event_scripts.h" #include "constants/battle_frontier.h" @@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ static u16 sub_81A9F90(u8 count) do { trainerId = sub_8162548(challengeNum + 1, battleNum); - for (i = 0 ; i < count; i++) + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.field_CB4[i] == trainerId) break; @@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ static u16 sub_81A9F90(u8 count) do { trainerId = sub_8162548(challengeNum, battleNum); - for (i = 0 ; i < count; i++) + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.field_CB4[i] == trainerId) break; diff --git a/src/battle_pyramid_bag.c b/src/battle_pyramid_bag.c index 2225a3e55..8a6348522 100644 --- a/src/battle_pyramid_bag.c +++ b/src/battle_pyramid_bag.c @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ #include "list_menu.h" #include "mail.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "overworld.h" diff --git a/src/battle_records.c b/src/battle_records.c index f64b5f494..f9c40d8de 100644 --- a/src/battle_records.c +++ b/src/battle_records.c @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ #include "international_string_util.h" #include "sound.h" #include "constants/songs.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "constants/game_stat.h" diff --git a/src/battle_script_commands.c b/src/battle_script_commands.c index e627f9d67..475b16c98 100644 --- a/src/battle_script_commands.c +++ b/src/battle_script_commands.c @@ -677,45 +677,45 @@ static const u32 sStatusFlagsForMoveEffects[] = static const u8* const sMoveEffectBS_Ptrs[] = { - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // 0 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SLEEP - BattleScript_MoveEffectPoison, // MOVE_EFFECT_POISON - BattleScript_MoveEffectBurn, // MOVE_EFFECT_BURN - BattleScript_MoveEffectFreeze, // MOVE_EFFECT_FREEZE - BattleScript_MoveEffectParalysis, // MOVE_EFFECT_PARALYSIS - BattleScript_MoveEffectToxic, // MOVE_EFFECT_TOXIC - BattleScript_MoveEffectConfusion, // MOVE_EFFECT_CONFUSION - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_FLINCH - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_TRI_ATTACK - BattleScript_MoveEffectUproar, // MOVE_EFFECT_UPROAR - BattleScript_MoveEffectPayDay, // MOVE_EFFECT_PAYDAY - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_CHARGING - BattleScript_MoveEffectWrap, // MOVE_EFFECT_WRAP - BattleScript_MoveEffectRecoil, // MOVE_EFFECT_RECOIL_25 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_ATK_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_DEF_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SPD_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SP_ATK_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SP_DEF_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_ACC_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_EVS_PLUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_ATK_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_DEF_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SPD_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SP_ATK_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_SP_DEF_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_ACC_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_EVS_MINUS_1 - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_RECHARGE - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_RAGE - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_STEAL_ITEM - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_PREVENT_ESCAPE - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_NIGHTMARE - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_ALL_STATS_UP - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_RAPIDSPIN - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_REMOVE_PARALYSIS - BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, // MOVE_EFFECT_ATK_DEF_DOWN - BattleScript_MoveEffectRecoil, // MOVE_EFFECT_RECOIL_33 + [0] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SLEEP] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_POISON] = BattleScript_MoveEffectPoison, + [MOVE_EFFECT_BURN] = BattleScript_MoveEffectBurn, + [MOVE_EFFECT_FREEZE] = BattleScript_MoveEffectFreeze, + [MOVE_EFFECT_PARALYSIS] = BattleScript_MoveEffectParalysis, + [MOVE_EFFECT_TOXIC] = BattleScript_MoveEffectToxic, + [MOVE_EFFECT_CONFUSION] = BattleScript_MoveEffectConfusion, + [MOVE_EFFECT_FLINCH] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_TRI_ATTACK] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_UPROAR] = BattleScript_MoveEffectUproar, + [MOVE_EFFECT_PAYDAY] = BattleScript_MoveEffectPayDay, + [MOVE_EFFECT_CHARGING] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_WRAP] = BattleScript_MoveEffectWrap, + [MOVE_EFFECT_RECOIL_25] = BattleScript_MoveEffectRecoil, + [MOVE_EFFECT_ATK_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_DEF_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SPD_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SP_ATK_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SP_DEF_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_ACC_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_EVS_PLUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_ATK_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_DEF_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SPD_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SP_ATK_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_SP_DEF_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_ACC_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_EVS_MINUS_1] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_RECHARGE] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_RAGE] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_STEAL_ITEM] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_PREVENT_ESCAPE] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_NIGHTMARE] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_ALL_STATS_UP] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_RAPIDSPIN] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_REMOVE_PARALYSIS] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_ATK_DEF_DOWN] = BattleScript_MoveEffectSleep, + [MOVE_EFFECT_RECOIL_33] = BattleScript_MoveEffectRecoil, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sUnusedWinTemplate = {0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F}; @@ -768,26 +768,26 @@ static const u16 sProtectSuccessRates[] = {USHRT_MAX, USHRT_MAX / 2, USHRT_MAX / static const u16 sMovesForbiddenToCopy[] = { - MOVE_METRONOME, - MOVE_STRUGGLE, - MOVE_SKETCH, - MOVE_MIMIC, - MIMIC_FORBIDDEN_END, - MOVE_COUNTER, - MOVE_MIRROR_COAT, - MOVE_PROTECT, - MOVE_DETECT, - MOVE_ENDURE, - MOVE_DESTINY_BOND, - MOVE_SLEEP_TALK, - MOVE_THIEF, - MOVE_FOLLOW_ME, - MOVE_SNATCH, - MOVE_HELPING_HAND, - MOVE_COVET, - MOVE_TRICK, - MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, - METRONOME_FORBIDDEN_END + MOVE_METRONOME, + MOVE_STRUGGLE, + MOVE_SKETCH, + MOVE_MIMIC, + MIMIC_FORBIDDEN_END, + MOVE_COUNTER, + MOVE_MIRROR_COAT, + MOVE_PROTECT, + MOVE_DETECT, + MOVE_ENDURE, + MOVE_DESTINY_BOND, + MOVE_SLEEP_TALK, + MOVE_THIEF, + MOVE_FOLLOW_ME, + MOVE_SNATCH, + MOVE_HELPING_HAND, + MOVE_COVET, + MOVE_TRICK, + MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, + METRONOME_FORBIDDEN_END }; static const u8 sFlailHpScaleToPowerTable[] = @@ -828,38 +828,38 @@ static const u16 sWeightToDamageTable[] = static const u16 sPickupItems[] = { ITEM_POTION, - ITEM_ANTIDOTE, - ITEM_SUPER_POTION, - ITEM_GREAT_BALL, - ITEM_REPEL, - ITEM_ESCAPE_ROPE, - ITEM_X_ATTACK, - ITEM_FULL_HEAL, - ITEM_ULTRA_BALL, - ITEM_HYPER_POTION, - ITEM_RARE_CANDY, - ITEM_PROTEIN, - ITEM_REVIVE, - ITEM_HP_UP, - ITEM_FULL_RESTORE, - ITEM_MAX_REVIVE, - ITEM_PP_UP, - ITEM_MAX_ELIXIR, + ITEM_ANTIDOTE, + ITEM_SUPER_POTION, + ITEM_GREAT_BALL, + ITEM_REPEL, + ITEM_ESCAPE_ROPE, + ITEM_X_ATTACK, + ITEM_FULL_HEAL, + ITEM_ULTRA_BALL, + ITEM_HYPER_POTION, + ITEM_RARE_CANDY, + ITEM_PROTEIN, + ITEM_REVIVE, + ITEM_HP_UP, + ITEM_FULL_RESTORE, + ITEM_MAX_REVIVE, + ITEM_PP_UP, + ITEM_MAX_ELIXIR, }; static const u16 sRarePickupItems[] = { ITEM_HYPER_POTION, - ITEM_NUGGET, - ITEM_KINGS_ROCK, - ITEM_FULL_RESTORE, - ITEM_ETHER, - ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - ITEM_TM44_REST, - ITEM_ELIXIR, - ITEM_TM01_FOCUS_PUNCH, - ITEM_LEFTOVERS, - ITEM_TM26_EARTHQUAKE, + ITEM_NUGGET, + ITEM_KINGS_ROCK, + ITEM_FULL_RESTORE, + ITEM_ETHER, + ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + ITEM_TM44_REST, + ITEM_ELIXIR, + ITEM_TM01_FOCUS_PUNCH, + ITEM_LEFTOVERS, + ITEM_TM26_EARTHQUAKE, }; static const u8 sPickupProbabilities[] = @@ -917,10 +917,10 @@ const ALIGNED(4) u8 gUnknown_0831C494[][4] = static const u8 sUnknown_0831C4F8[] = { - 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, - 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, - 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, - 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 + 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, + 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x01, + 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, + 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; static void atk00_attackcanceler(void) @@ -3403,8 +3403,8 @@ static void atk23_getexp(void) PREPARE_MON_NICK_WITH_PREFIX_BUFFER(gBattleTextBuff1, gBattleStruct->expGetterBattlerId, gBattleStruct->expGetterMonId) - // buffer 'gained' or 'gained a boosted' - PREPARE_STRING_BUFFER(gBattleTextBuff2, i) + // buffer 'gained' or 'gained a boosted' + PREPARE_STRING_BUFFER(gBattleTextBuff2, i) PREPARE_WORD_NUMBER_BUFFER(gBattleTextBuff3, 5, gBattleMoveDamage) @@ -4490,24 +4490,24 @@ static void atk48_playstatchangeanimation(void) enum { - ATK49_RAGE, - ATK49_DEFROST, - ATK49_SYNCHRONIZE_TARGET, - ATK49_MOVE_END_ABILITIES, - ATK49_STATUS_IMMUNITY_ABILITIES, - ATK49_SYNCHRONIZE_ATTACKER, - ATK49_CHOICE_MOVE, - ATK49_CHANGED_ITEMS, - ATK49_ATTACKER_INVISIBLE, - ATK49_ATTACKER_VISIBLE, - ATK49_TARGET_VISIBLE, - ATK49_ITEM_EFFECTS_ALL, - ATK49_KINGSROCK_SHELLBELL, - ATK49_SUBSTITUTE, - ATK49_UPDATE_LAST_MOVES, - ATK49_MIRROR_MOVE, - ATK49_NEXT_TARGET, - ATK49_COUNT, + ATK49_RAGE, + ATK49_DEFROST, + ATK49_SYNCHRONIZE_TARGET, + ATK49_MOVE_END_ABILITIES, + ATK49_STATUS_IMMUNITY_ABILITIES, + ATK49_SYNCHRONIZE_ATTACKER, + ATK49_CHOICE_MOVE, + ATK49_CHANGED_ITEMS, + ATK49_ATTACKER_INVISIBLE, + ATK49_ATTACKER_VISIBLE, + ATK49_TARGET_VISIBLE, + ATK49_ITEM_EFFECTS_ALL, + ATK49_KINGSROCK_SHELLBELL, + ATK49_SUBSTITUTE, + ATK49_UPDATE_LAST_MOVES, + ATK49_MIRROR_MOVE, + ATK49_NEXT_TARGET, + ATK49_COUNT, }; static void atk49_moveend(void) @@ -5560,7 +5560,7 @@ static void atk52_switchineffects(void) gDisableStructs[gActiveBattler].truantUnknownBit = 0; if (!AbilityBattleEffects(ABILITYEFFECT_ON_SWITCHIN, gActiveBattler, 0, 0, 0) - && !ItemBattleEffects(ITEMEFFECT_ON_SWITCH_IN, gActiveBattler, FALSE)) + && !ItemBattleEffects(ITEMEFFECT_ON_SWITCH_IN, gActiveBattler, FALSE)) { gSideStatuses[GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler)] &= ~(SIDE_STATUS_SPIKES_DAMAGED); diff --git a/src/battle_transition.c b/src/battle_transition.c index aa8877148..37a8cd63f 100644 --- a/src/battle_transition.c +++ b/src/battle_transition.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #include "field_effect.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" #include "random.h" @@ -612,32 +612,32 @@ static const s16 gUnknown_085C8CF2[] = {4, 517, -1}; static const s16 *const gUnknown_085C8CF8[] = { - gUnknown_085C8C90, - gUnknown_085C8CA4, - gUnknown_085C8C98, - gUnknown_085C8C9E, - gUnknown_085C8CEA, - gUnknown_085C8CE4, - gUnknown_085C8CF2, - gUnknown_085C8CDE + gUnknown_085C8C90, + gUnknown_085C8CA4, + gUnknown_085C8C98, + gUnknown_085C8C9E, + gUnknown_085C8CEA, + gUnknown_085C8CE4, + gUnknown_085C8CF2, + gUnknown_085C8CDE }; static const s16 *const gUnknown_085C8D18[] = { - gUnknown_085C8CBC, - gUnknown_085C8CB0, - gUnknown_085C8CB6, - gUnknown_085C8CAA, - gUnknown_085C8CCA, - gUnknown_085C8CD8, - gUnknown_085C8CC4, - gUnknown_085C8CD2 + gUnknown_085C8CBC, + gUnknown_085C8CB0, + gUnknown_085C8CB6, + gUnknown_085C8CAA, + gUnknown_085C8CCA, + gUnknown_085C8CD8, + gUnknown_085C8CC4, + gUnknown_085C8CD2 }; static const s16 *const *const gUnknown_085C8D38[] = { - gUnknown_085C8CF8, - gUnknown_085C8D18 + gUnknown_085C8CF8, + gUnknown_085C8D18 }; static const TransitionStateFunc sPhase2_Groudon_Funcs[] = diff --git a/src/battle_tv.c b/src/battle_tv.c index 535046fd1..487b6baac 100644 --- a/src/battle_tv.c +++ b/src/battle_tv.c @@ -815,324 +815,324 @@ void TryPutLinkBattleTvShowOnAir(void) { asm_unified( "push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x20\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - str r0, [sp]\n\ - movs r1, 0\n\ - str r1, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - str r2, [sp, 0x8]\n\ - ldr r3, =0x00007fff\n\ - str r3, [sp, 0xC]\n\ - movs r4, 0\n\ - str r4, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - movs r7, 0\n\ - str r7, [sp, 0x14]\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleStruct\n\ - ldr r1, [r0]\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xB3\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0817E42A\n\ - b _0817E670\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x20\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + str r0, [sp]\n\ + movs r1, 0\n\ + str r1, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + str r2, [sp, 0x8]\n\ + ldr r3, =0x00007fff\n\ + str r3, [sp, 0xC]\n\ + movs r4, 0\n\ + str r4, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + movs r7, 0\n\ + str r7, [sp, 0x14]\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleStruct\n\ + ldr r1, [r0]\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xB3\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0817E42A\n\ + b _0817E670\n\ _0817E42A:\n\ - movs r2, 0xD2\n\ - lsls r2, 1\n\ - adds r2, r1\n\ - mov r10, r2\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ + movs r2, 0xD2\n\ + lsls r2, 1\n\ + adds r2, r1\n\ + mov r10, r2\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ _0817E434:\n\ - movs r0, 0x64\n\ - adds r4, r6, 0\n\ - muls r4, r0\n\ - ldr r0, =gPlayerParty\n\ - adds r0, r4, r0\n\ - movs r1, 0xB\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0817E454\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ + movs r0, 0x64\n\ + adds r4, r6, 0\n\ + muls r4, r0\n\ + ldr r0, =gPlayerParty\n\ + adds r0, r4, r0\n\ + movs r1, 0xB\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0817E454\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ _0817E454:\n\ - ldr r5, =gEnemyParty\n\ - adds r0, r4, r5\n\ - movs r1, 0xB\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0817E46A\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r7, r0, 24\n\ + ldr r5, =gEnemyParty\n\ + adds r0, r4, r5\n\ + movs r1, 0xB\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0817E46A\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r7, r0, 24\n\ _0817E46A:\n\ - adds r6, 0x1\n\ - cmp r6, 0x5\n\ - ble _0817E434\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ - ldr r0, [r0]\n\ - movs r1, 0x2\n\ - ands r0, r1\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _0817E47E\n\ - b _0817E670\n\ + adds r6, 0x1\n\ + cmp r6, 0x5\n\ + ble _0817E434\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ + ldr r0, [r0]\n\ + movs r1, 0x2\n\ + ands r0, r1\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _0817E47E\n\ + b _0817E670\n\ _0817E47E:\n\ - cmp r8, r7\n\ - beq _0817E484\n\ - b _0817E670\n\ + cmp r8, r7\n\ + beq _0817E484\n\ + b _0817E670\n\ _0817E484:\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - lsls r3, r6, 1\n\ - str r3, [sp, 0x18]\n\ - movs r4, 0x64\n\ - mov r8, r4\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + lsls r3, r6, 1\n\ + str r3, [sp, 0x18]\n\ + movs r4, 0x64\n\ + mov r8, r4\n\ _0817E48E:\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - muls r1, r6\n\ - ldr r0, =gPlayerParty\n\ - adds r4, r1, r0\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0xB\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r7, r0, 16\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ - mov r9, r0\n\ - cmp r7, 0\n\ - beq _0817E4EE\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0x2D\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _0817E4EE\n\ - movs r4, 0\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 3\n\ - mov r2, r10\n\ - adds r1, r0, r2\n\ - movs r3, 0x3\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + muls r1, r6\n\ + ldr r0, =gPlayerParty\n\ + adds r4, r1, r0\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0xB\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r7, r0, 16\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ + mov r9, r0\n\ + cmp r7, 0\n\ + beq _0817E4EE\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0x2D\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _0817E4EE\n\ + movs r4, 0\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 3\n\ + mov r2, r10\n\ + adds r1, r0, r2\n\ + movs r3, 0x3\n\ _0817E4C4:\n\ - lsls r0, r4, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - ldrh r4, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r4\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r4, r0, 16\n\ - adds r1, 0x2\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _0817E4C4\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, 0x8]\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 16\n\ - lsls r1, r4, 16\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bge _0817E4EE\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - str r0, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - lsrs r1, 16\n\ - str r1, [sp, 0x8]\n\ - str r7, [sp]\n\ + lsls r0, r4, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + ldrh r4, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r4\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r4, r0, 16\n\ + adds r1, 0x2\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _0817E4C4\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, 0x8]\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 16\n\ + lsls r1, r4, 16\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bge _0817E4EE\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + str r0, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + lsrs r1, 16\n\ + str r1, [sp, 0x8]\n\ + str r7, [sp]\n\ _0817E4EE:\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - muls r0, r6\n\ - ldr r2, =gEnemyParty\n\ - adds r4, r0, r2\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0xB\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r7, r0, 16\n\ - ldr r3, [sp, 0x8]\n\ - lsls r3, 16\n\ - str r3, [sp, 0x1C]\n\ - cmp r7, 0\n\ - beq _0817E5A0\n\ - adds r0, r4, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0x2D\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _0817E5A0\n\ - movs r4, 0\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, 0xC]\n\ - lsls r2, r0, 16\n\ - movs r3, 0x1\n\ - lsls r1, r3, 1\n\ - adds r1, 0x1\n\ - lsls r1, 4\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 3\n\ - adds r0, r1\n\ - mov r3, r10\n\ - adds r1, r0, r3\n\ - movs r3, 0x3\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + muls r0, r6\n\ + ldr r2, =gEnemyParty\n\ + adds r4, r0, r2\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0xB\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r7, r0, 16\n\ + ldr r3, [sp, 0x8]\n\ + lsls r3, 16\n\ + str r3, [sp, 0x1C]\n\ + cmp r7, 0\n\ + beq _0817E5A0\n\ + adds r0, r4, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0x2D\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _0817E5A0\n\ + movs r4, 0\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, 0xC]\n\ + lsls r2, r0, 16\n\ + movs r3, 0x1\n\ + lsls r1, r3, 1\n\ + adds r1, 0x1\n\ + lsls r1, 4\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 3\n\ + adds r0, r1\n\ + mov r3, r10\n\ + adds r1, r0, r3\n\ + movs r3, 0x3\n\ _0817E534:\n\ - lsls r0, r4, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - ldrh r4, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r4\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r4, r0, 16\n\ - adds r1, 0x2\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _0817E534\n\ - asrs r1, r2, 16\n\ - lsls r5, r4, 16\n\ - asrs r0, r5, 16\n\ - cmp r1, r0\n\ - bne _0817E590\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - muls r0, r6\n\ - ldr r1, =gEnemyParty\n\ - adds r0, r1\n\ - movs r1, 0x19\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - adds r4, r0, 0\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, 0x14]\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - muls r0, r2\n\ - ldr r3, =gEnemyParty\n\ - adds r0, r3\n\ - movs r1, 0x19\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - cmp r4, r0\n\ - bls _0817E5A0\n\ - b _0817E594\n\ - .pool\n\ + lsls r0, r4, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + ldrh r4, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r4\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r4, r0, 16\n\ + adds r1, 0x2\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _0817E534\n\ + asrs r1, r2, 16\n\ + lsls r5, r4, 16\n\ + asrs r0, r5, 16\n\ + cmp r1, r0\n\ + bne _0817E590\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + muls r0, r6\n\ + ldr r1, =gEnemyParty\n\ + adds r0, r1\n\ + movs r1, 0x19\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + adds r4, r0, 0\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, 0x14]\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + muls r0, r2\n\ + ldr r3, =gEnemyParty\n\ + adds r0, r3\n\ + movs r1, 0x19\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + cmp r4, r0\n\ + bls _0817E5A0\n\ + b _0817E594\n\ + .pool\n\ _0817E590:\n\ - cmp r1, r0\n\ - ble _0817E5A0\n\ + cmp r1, r0\n\ + ble _0817E5A0\n\ _0817E594:\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - str r0, [sp, 0x14]\n\ - lsrs r5, 16\n\ - str r5, [sp, 0xC]\n\ - str r7, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + str r0, [sp, 0x14]\n\ + lsrs r5, 16\n\ + str r5, [sp, 0xC]\n\ + str r7, [sp, 0x4]\n\ _0817E5A0:\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - cmp r6, 0x5\n\ - bgt _0817E5A8\n\ - b _0817E48E\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + cmp r6, 0x5\n\ + bgt _0817E5A8\n\ + b _0817E48E\n\ _0817E5A8:\n\ - movs r4, 0\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - ldr r5, =gPlayerParty\n\ - ldr r7, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - lsls r0, r7, 3\n\ - mov r1, r10\n\ - adds r2, r0, r1\n\ + movs r4, 0\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + ldr r5, =gPlayerParty\n\ + ldr r7, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + lsls r0, r7, 3\n\ + mov r1, r10\n\ + adds r2, r0, r1\n\ _0817E5B8:\n\ - lsls r0, r4, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - movs r7, 0\n\ - ldrsh r1, [r2, r7]\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bge _0817E5C8\n\ - ldrh r4, [r2]\n\ - adds r6, r3, 0\n\ + lsls r0, r4, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + movs r7, 0\n\ + ldrsh r1, [r2, r7]\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bge _0817E5C8\n\ + ldrh r4, [r2]\n\ + adds r6, r3, 0\n\ _0817E5C8:\n\ - adds r2, 0x2\n\ - adds r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0x3\n\ - ble _0817E5B8\n\ - movs r0, 0x64\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - muls r0, r1\n\ - adds r0, r5\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - adds r1, 0xD\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - bl GetMonData\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r4, r0, 16\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, 0x1C]\n\ - cmp r2, 0\n\ - beq _0817E670\n\ - cmp r4, 0\n\ - beq _0817E670\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ - ldr r0, [r0]\n\ - movs r1, 0x40\n\ - ands r0, r1\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0817E65C\n\ - ldr r3, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - cmp r3, 0x2\n\ - bhi _0817E620\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleScripting\n\ - adds r0, 0x25\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - bl GetLinkTrainerFlankId\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0817E630\n\ - b _0817E670\n\ - .pool\n\ + adds r2, 0x2\n\ + adds r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0x3\n\ + ble _0817E5B8\n\ + movs r0, 0x64\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + muls r0, r1\n\ + adds r0, r5\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + adds r1, 0xD\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + bl GetMonData\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r4, r0, 16\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, 0x1C]\n\ + cmp r2, 0\n\ + beq _0817E670\n\ + cmp r4, 0\n\ + beq _0817E670\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleTypeFlags\n\ + ldr r0, [r0]\n\ + movs r1, 0x40\n\ + ands r0, r1\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0817E65C\n\ + ldr r3, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + cmp r3, 0x2\n\ + bhi _0817E620\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleScripting\n\ + adds r0, 0x25\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + bl GetLinkTrainerFlankId\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0817E630\n\ + b _0817E670\n\ + .pool\n\ _0817E620:\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleScripting\n\ - adds r0, 0x25\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ - bl GetLinkTrainerFlankId\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _0817E670\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleScripting\n\ + adds r0, 0x25\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ + bl GetLinkTrainerFlankId\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _0817E670\n\ _0817E630:\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - ldr r7, [sp, 0x14]\n\ - cmp r7, 0x2\n\ - bls _0817E63A\n\ - movs r3, 0x1\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + ldr r7, [sp, 0x14]\n\ + cmp r7, 0x2\n\ + bls _0817E63A\n\ + movs r3, 0x1\n\ _0817E63A:\n\ - lsls r0, r3, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - ldr r1, =gBattleScripting\n\ - adds r1, 0x25\n\ - ldrb r1, [r1]\n\ - bl sub_806EF84\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - adds r1, r4, 0\n\ - ldr r2, [sp]\n\ - ldr r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - bl PutBattleUpdateOnTheAir\n\ - b _0817E670\n\ - .pool\n\ + lsls r0, r3, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + ldr r1, =gBattleScripting\n\ + adds r1, 0x25\n\ + ldrb r1, [r1]\n\ + bl sub_806EF84\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + adds r1, r4, 0\n\ + ldr r2, [sp]\n\ + ldr r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + bl PutBattleUpdateOnTheAir\n\ + b _0817E670\n\ + .pool\n\ _0817E65C:\n\ - ldr r0, =gBattleScripting\n\ - adds r0, 0x25\n\ - ldrb r1, [r0]\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - eors r0, r1\n\ - adds r1, r4, 0\n\ - ldr r2, [sp]\n\ - ldr r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - bl PutBattleUpdateOnTheAir\n\ + ldr r0, =gBattleScripting\n\ + adds r0, 0x25\n\ + ldrb r1, [r0]\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + eors r0, r1\n\ + adds r1, r4, 0\n\ + ldr r2, [sp]\n\ + ldr r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + bl PutBattleUpdateOnTheAir\n\ _0817E670:\n\ - add sp, 0x20\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool"); + add sp, 0x20\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool"); } #endif diff --git a/src/battle_util2.c b/src/battle_util2.c index 5881abf25..a9891814c 100644 --- a/src/battle_util2.c +++ b/src/battle_util2.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battle_controllers.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "constants/abilities.h" diff --git a/src/berry_blender.c b/src/berry_blender.c index 121831e1b..1ffdb1c38 100644 --- a/src/berry_blender.c +++ b/src/berry_blender.c @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ #include "bg.h" #include "palette.h" #include "decompress.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "text.h" #include "text_window.h" diff --git a/src/berry_fix_program.c b/src/berry_fix_program.c index a90906d05..d87509e10 100644 --- a/src/berry_fix_program.c +++ b/src/berry_fix_program.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "multiboot.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "main.h" diff --git a/src/berry_tag_screen.c b/src/berry_tag_screen.c index 39927ab99..22f99a426 100644 --- a/src/berry_tag_screen.c +++ b/src/berry_tag_screen.c @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "bg.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" diff --git a/src/contest.c b/src/contest.c index 0c3a041b0..0c4397f30 100644 --- a/src/contest.c +++ b/src/contest.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "bg.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/event_objects.h" #include "constants/moves.h" diff --git a/src/credits.c b/src/credits.c index df17ec70b..02b01c072 100644 --- a/src/credits.c +++ b/src/credits.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include "main.h" #include "task.h" #include "bg.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "window.h" #include "text.h" #include "menu.h" diff --git a/src/data/contest_moves.h b/src/data/contest_moves.h index ae560c833..5460ac806 100644 --- a/src/data/contest_moves.h +++ b/src/data/contest_moves.h @@ -1,2889 +1,3129 @@ const struct ContestMove gContestMoves[MOVES_COUNT] = { - [MOVE_NONE] = {0}, - - [MOVE_POUND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_POUND, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_KARATE_CHOP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_DOUBLE_SLAP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_POUND}, - }, - - [MOVE_COMET_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEGA_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, - }, - - [MOVE_PAY_DAY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_FIRE_PUNCH, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, COMBO_STARTER_THUNDER_PUNCH, COMBO_STARTER_ICE_PUNCH}, - }, - - [MOVE_ICE_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_ICE_PUNCH, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_THUNDER_PUNCH, COMBO_STARTER_FIRE_PUNCH}, - }, - - [MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_THUNDER_PUNCH, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE, COMBO_STARTER_FIRE_PUNCH, COMBO_STARTER_ICE_PUNCH}, - }, - - [MOVE_SCRATCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SCRATCH, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, - }, - - [MOVE_VICE_GRIP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_VICE_GRIP, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_GUILLOTINE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_VICE_GRIP}, - }, - - [MOVE_RAZOR_WIND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CUT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_GUST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WING_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WHIRLWIND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FLY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BIND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_VICE_GRIP}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_POUND}, - }, - - [MOVE_VINE_WHIP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_STOMP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0,{0, COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, - }, - - [MOVE_DOUBLE_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEGA_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, - }, - - [MOVE_JUMP_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROLLING_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SAND_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SAND_ATTACK, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SLAP, COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, - }, - - [MOVE_HEADBUTT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_HORN_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HORN_ATTACK, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, - }, - - [MOVE_FURY_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HORN_ATTACK, COMBO_STARTER_PECK}, - }, - - [MOVE_HORN_DRILL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HORN_ATTACK}, - }, - - [MOVE_TACKLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DEFENSE_CURL, COMBO_STARTER_LEER, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, - }, - - [MOVE_BODY_SLAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WRAP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TAKE_DOWN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, - }, - - [MOVE_THRASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, - }, - - [MOVE_TAIL_WHIP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, - }, - - [MOVE_POISON_STING] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TWINEEDLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PIN_MISSILE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_LEER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_LEER, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, - }, - - [MOVE_BITE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER, COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, - }, - - [MOVE_GROWL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROAR] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SING] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SING, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SUPERSONIC] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SONIC_BOOM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DISABLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ACID] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_EMBER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_FLAMETHROWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_MIST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WATER_GUN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT, COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT}, - }, - - [MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SURF] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SURF, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_DIVE}, - }, - - [MOVE_ICE_BEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BLIZZARD] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_POWDER_SNOW, COMBO_STARTER_HAIL}, - }, - - [MOVE_PSYBEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_AURORA_BEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_HYPER_BEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PECK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_PECK, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DRILL_PECK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PECK}, - }, - - [MOVE_SUBMISSION] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, - }, - - [MOVE_LOW_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_COUNTER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT}, - }, - - [MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, - }, - - [MOVE_STRENGTH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ABSORB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_LEECH_SEED] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_GROWTH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_RAZOR_LEAF] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_POISON_POWDER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT}, - }, - - [MOVE_STUN_SPORE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLEEP_POWDER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT}, - }, - - [MOVE_PETAL_DANCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_STRING_SHOT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_STRING_SHOT, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DRAGON_RAGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_FIRE_SPIN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_THUNDER_SHOCK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_THUNDERBOLT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_THUNDER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE, COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROCK_THROW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_ROCK_THROW, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_EARTHQUAKE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_EARTHQUAKE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FISSURE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_EARTHQUAKE}, - }, - - [MOVE_DIG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TOXIC] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CONFUSION] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_PSYCHIC] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_HYPNOSIS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HYPNOSIS, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEDITATE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_AGILITY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM}, - }, - - [MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM}, - }, - - [MOVE_RAGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_RAGE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TELEPORT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM, COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION}, - }, - - [MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MIMIC] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SCREECH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_RECOVER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_HARDEN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MINIMIZE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SMOKESCREEN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SMOG}, - }, - - [MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WITHDRAW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DEFENSE_CURL, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BARRIER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_HAZE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_REFLECT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BIDE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_METRONOME] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_EGG_BOMB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SOFT_BOILED}, - }, - - [MOVE_LICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SMOG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SMOG, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLUDGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE_BOMB}, - }, - - [MOVE_BONE_CLUB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BONE_CLUB, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_BONEMERANG, COMBO_STARTER_BONE_RUSH}, - }, - - [MOVE_FIRE_BLAST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_WATERFALL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_CLAMP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SWIFT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SKULL_BASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPIKE_CANNON] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CONSTRICT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_AMNESIA] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_KINESIS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION}, - }, - - [MOVE_SOFT_BOILED] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SOFT_BOILED, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_HI_JUMP_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, - }, - - [MOVE_GLARE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, - }, - - [MOVE_DREAM_EATER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HYPNOSIS, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_POISON_GAS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BARRAGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_LEECH_LIFE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_LOVELY_KISS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SKY_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TRANSFORM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BUBBLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPORE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FLASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PSYWAVE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPLASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ACID_ARMOR] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CRABHAMMER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_EXPLOSION] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FURY_SWIPES] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SCRATCH}, - }, - - [MOVE_BONEMERANG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BONEMERANG, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_BONE_CLUB, COMBO_STARTER_BONE_RUSH}, - }, - - [MOVE_REST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_REST, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_BELLY_DRUM, COMBO_STARTER_CHARM, COMBO_STARTER_YAWN}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ROCK_THROW}, - }, - - [MOVE_HYPER_FANG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SHARPEN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CONVERSION] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TRI_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, - }, - - [MOVE_SUPER_FANG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SCRATCH}, - }, - - [MOVE_SUBSTITUTE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_STRUGGLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SKETCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_THIEF] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPIDER_WEB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_STRING_SHOT}, - }, - - [MOVE_MIND_READER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_NIGHTMARE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HYPNOSIS}, - }, - - [MOVE_FLAME_WHEEL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_SNORE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_REST}, - }, - - [MOVE_CURSE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CURSE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FLAIL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, - }, - - [MOVE_CONVERSION_2] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_AEROBLAST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_COTTON_SPORE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_REVERSAL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPITE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CURSE}, - }, - - [MOVE_POWDER_SNOW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_POWDER_SNOW, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HAIL}, - }, - - [MOVE_PROTECT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, - }, - - [MOVE_MACH_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SCARY_FACE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, - }, - - [MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT, COMBO_STARTER_LEER, COMBO_STARTER_POUND}, - }, - - [MOVE_SWEET_KISS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, - }, - - [MOVE_BELLY_DRUM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BELLY_DRUM, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE_BOMB, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_MUD_SLAP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SLAP, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SAND_ATTACK, COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT, COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, - }, - - [MOVE_OCTAZOOKA] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPIKES] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ZAP_CANNON] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, - }, - - [MOVE_FORESIGHT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DESTINY_BOND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MEAN_LOOK, COMBO_STARTER_CURSE, COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, - }, - - [MOVE_PERISH_SONG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MEAN_LOOK, COMBO_STARTER_SING}, - }, - - [MOVE_ICY_WIND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DETECT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT}, - }, - - [MOVE_BONE_RUSH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BONE_RUSH, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_BONE_CLUB, COMBO_STARTER_BONEMERANG}, - }, - - [MOVE_LOCK_ON] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_OUTRAGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SANDSTORM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_ENDURE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CHARM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CHARM, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROLLOUT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DEFENSE_CURL, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, - }, - - [MOVE_FALSE_SWIPE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SWAGGER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MILK_DRINK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPARK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_FURY_CUTTER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_STEEL_WING] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEAN_LOOK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MEAN_LOOK, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CURSE}, - }, - - [MOVE_ATTRACT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLEEP_TALK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_REST}, - }, - - [MOVE_HEAL_BELL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_RETURN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE_IN_ANY_CONTEST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PRESENT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FRUSTRATION] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE_IN_ANY_CONTEST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SAFEGUARD] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PAIN_SPLIT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SACRED_FIRE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_MAGNITUDE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DYNAMIC_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEGAHORN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_BATON_PASS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ENCORE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PURSUIT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_RAPID_SPIN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SWEET_SCENT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_IRON_TAIL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_METAL_CLAW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_METAL_SOUND}, - }, - - [MOVE_VITAL_THROW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, - }, - - [MOVE_MORNING_SUN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_SYNTHESIS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_MOONLIGHT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CROSS_CHOP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_TWISTER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_RAIN_DANCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SUNNY_DAY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CRUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, - }, - - [MOVE_MIRROR_COAT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT}, - }, - - [MOVE_PSYCH_UP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_EXTREME_SPEED] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SHADOW_BALL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROCK_SMASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WITH_GOOD_CONDITION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WHIRLPOOL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_BEAT_UP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FAKE_OUT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_UPROAR] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_STOCKPILE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_STOCKPILE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SPIT_UP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_STOCKPILE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SWALLOW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_STOCKPILE}, - }, - - [MOVE_HEAT_WAVE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_HAIL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HAIL, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TORMENT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FLATTER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, - }, - - [MOVE_WILL_O_WISP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_MEMENTO] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FACADE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_SMELLING_SALT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FOLLOW_ME] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_NATURE_POWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CHARGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TAUNT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_HELPING_HAND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TRICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROLE_PLAY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WISH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ASSIST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_INGRAIN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SUPERPOWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, - }, - - [MOVE_MAGIC_COAT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_RECYCLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_REVENGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BRICK_BREAK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_YAWN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_YAWN, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_KNOCK_OFF] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, - }, - - [MOVE_ENDEAVOR] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, - }, - - [MOVE_ERUPTION] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE, COMBO_STARTER_EARTHQUAKE, COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_SKILL_SWAP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_IMPRISON] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_REFRESH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT, COMBO_STARTER_SING}, - }, - - [MOVE_GRUDGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CURSE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SNATCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SECRET_POWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WITH_GOOD_CONDITION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DIVE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DIVE, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SURF}, - }, - - [MOVE_ARM_THRUST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, - }, - - [MOVE_CAMOUFLAGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TAIL_GLOW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_LUSTER_PURGE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_MIST_BALL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, - - [MOVE_FEATHER_DANCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TEETER_DANCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BLAZE_KICK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_MUD_SPORT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SLAP, COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT}, - }, - - [MOVE_ICE_BALL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_NEEDLE_ARM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SLACK_OFF] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_YAWN}, - }, - - [MOVE_HYPER_VOICE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_POISON_FANG] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_CRUSH_CLAW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_BLAST_BURN] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_HYDRO_CANNON] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_METEOR_MASH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ASTONISH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WEATHER_BALL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, COMBO_STARTER_HAIL, COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, - }, - - [MOVE_AROMATHERAPY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_FAKE_TEARS] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_AIR_CUTTER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_OVERHEAT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, - }, - - [MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROCK_TOMB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ROCK_THROW}, - }, - - [MOVE_SILVER_WIND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_METAL_SOUND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_METAL_SOUND, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_TICKLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_COSMIC_POWER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_WATER_SPOUT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_SIGNAL_BEAM] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_EXTRASENSORY] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, - }, - - [MOVE_SAND_TOMB] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, - }, - - [MOVE_SHEER_COLD] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MUDDY_WATER] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_BULLET_SEED] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_AERIAL_ACE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_ICICLE_SPEAR] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BLOCK] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_HOWL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_FRENZY_PLANT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_BULK_UP] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_BOUNCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_MUD_SHOT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_POISON_TAIL] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_COVET] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, - }, - - [MOVE_WATER_SPORT] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT}, - }, - - [MOVE_CALM_MIND] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_LEAF_BLADE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH}, - }, - - [MOVE_ROCK_BLAST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, - }, - - [MOVE_WATER_PULSE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, - }, - - [MOVE_DOOM_DESIRE] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {0}, - }, - - [MOVE_PSYCHO_BOOST] = - { - .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, - .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, - .comboStarterId = 0, - .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, - }, + [MOVE_NONE] = {0}, + + [MOVE_POUND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_POUND, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_KARATE_CHOP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_DOUBLE_SLAP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_POUND}, + }, + + [MOVE_COMET_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEGA_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, + }, + + [MOVE_PAY_DAY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_FIRE_PUNCH, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, COMBO_STARTER_THUNDER_PUNCH, COMBO_STARTER_ICE_PUNCH}, + }, + + [MOVE_ICE_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_ICE_PUNCH, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_THUNDER_PUNCH, COMBO_STARTER_FIRE_PUNCH}, + }, + + [MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_THUNDER_PUNCH, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE, COMBO_STARTER_FIRE_PUNCH, COMBO_STARTER_ICE_PUNCH}, + }, + + [MOVE_SCRATCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SCRATCH, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, + }, + + [MOVE_VICE_GRIP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_VICE_GRIP, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_GUILLOTINE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_VICE_GRIP}, + }, + + [MOVE_RAZOR_WIND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CUT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_GUST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WING_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WHIRLWIND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FLY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BIND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_VICE_GRIP}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_POUND}, + }, + + [MOVE_VINE_WHIP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_STOMP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0,{0, COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, + }, + + [MOVE_DOUBLE_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEGA_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, + }, + + [MOVE_JUMP_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROLLING_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SAND_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SAND_ATTACK, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SLAP, COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, + }, + + [MOVE_HEADBUTT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_HORN_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HORN_ATTACK, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, + }, + + [MOVE_FURY_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HORN_ATTACK, COMBO_STARTER_PECK}, + }, + + [MOVE_HORN_DRILL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HORN_ATTACK}, + }, + + [MOVE_TACKLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DEFENSE_CURL, COMBO_STARTER_LEER, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, + }, + + [MOVE_BODY_SLAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WRAP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TAKE_DOWN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, + }, + + [MOVE_THRASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, + }, + + [MOVE_TAIL_WHIP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, + }, + + [MOVE_POISON_STING] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TWINEEDLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PIN_MISSILE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_LEER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_LEER, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, + }, + + [MOVE_BITE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER, COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, + }, + + [MOVE_GROWL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROAR] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SING] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SING, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SUPERSONIC] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SONIC_BOOM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DISABLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ACID] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_EMBER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_FLAMETHROWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_MIST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WATER_GUN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT, COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT}, + }, + + [MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SURF] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SURF, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_DIVE}, + }, + + [MOVE_ICE_BEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BLIZZARD] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_POWDER_SNOW, COMBO_STARTER_HAIL}, + }, + + [MOVE_PSYBEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_AURORA_BEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_HYPER_BEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PECK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_PECK, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DRILL_PECK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PECK}, + }, + + [MOVE_SUBMISSION] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, + }, + + [MOVE_LOW_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_COUNTER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT}, + }, + + [MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, + }, + + [MOVE_STRENGTH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ABSORB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_LEECH_SEED] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_GROWTH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_RAZOR_LEAF] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_POISON_POWDER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT}, + }, + + [MOVE_STUN_SPORE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLEEP_POWDER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT}, + }, + + [MOVE_PETAL_DANCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_STRING_SHOT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_STRING_SHOT, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DRAGON_RAGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_FIRE_SPIN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_THUNDER_SHOCK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_THUNDERBOLT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_THUNDER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE, COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROCK_THROW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_ROCK_THROW, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_EARTHQUAKE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_EARTHQUAKE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FISSURE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_EARTHQUAKE}, + }, + + [MOVE_DIG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TOXIC] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CONFUSION] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_PSYCHIC] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_HYPNOSIS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HYPNOSIS, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEDITATE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_AGILITY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM}, + }, + + [MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM}, + }, + + [MOVE_RAGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_RAGE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TELEPORT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM, COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION}, + }, + + [MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MIMIC] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SCREECH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DOUBLE_TEAM, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_RECOVER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_HARDEN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MINIMIZE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SMOKESCREEN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SMOG}, + }, + + [MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WITHDRAW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DEFENSE_CURL, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BARRIER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_HAZE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_REFLECT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BIDE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_METRONOME] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_EGG_BOMB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SOFT_BOILED}, + }, + + [MOVE_LICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SMOG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SMOG, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLUDGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE_BOMB}, + }, + + [MOVE_BONE_CLUB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BONE_CLUB, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_BONEMERANG, COMBO_STARTER_BONE_RUSH}, + }, + + [MOVE_FIRE_BLAST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_WATERFALL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_CLAMP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SWIFT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SKULL_BASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPIKE_CANNON] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CONSTRICT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_AMNESIA] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_KINESIS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION}, + }, + + [MOVE_SOFT_BOILED] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SOFT_BOILED, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_HI_JUMP_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, + }, + + [MOVE_GLARE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, + }, + + [MOVE_DREAM_EATER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HYPNOSIS, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_POISON_GAS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BARRAGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_LEECH_LIFE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_LOVELY_KISS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SKY_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TRANSFORM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BUBBLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPORE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FLASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PSYWAVE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPLASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ACID_ARMOR] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CRABHAMMER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_EXPLOSION] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FURY_SWIPES] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SCRATCH}, + }, + + [MOVE_BONEMERANG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BONEMERANG, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_BONE_CLUB, COMBO_STARTER_BONE_RUSH}, + }, + + [MOVE_REST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_REST, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_BELLY_DRUM, COMBO_STARTER_CHARM, COMBO_STARTER_YAWN}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ROCK_THROW}, + }, + + [MOVE_HYPER_FANG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SHARPEN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CONVERSION] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TRI_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, + }, + + [MOVE_SUPER_FANG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SCRATCH}, + }, + + [MOVE_SUBSTITUTE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_STRUGGLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SKETCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_THIEF] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPIDER_WEB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_STRING_SHOT}, + }, + + [MOVE_MIND_READER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_NIGHTMARE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HYPNOSIS}, + }, + + [MOVE_FLAME_WHEEL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_SNORE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_REST}, + }, + + [MOVE_CURSE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CURSE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FLAIL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, + }, + + [MOVE_CONVERSION_2] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_AEROBLAST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_COTTON_SPORE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_REVERSAL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPITE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CURSE}, + }, + + [MOVE_POWDER_SNOW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_POWDER_SNOW, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HAIL}, + }, + + [MOVE_PROTECT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, + }, + + [MOVE_MACH_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SCARY_FACE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_LEER}, + }, + + [MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT, COMBO_STARTER_LEER, COMBO_STARTER_POUND}, + }, + + [MOVE_SWEET_KISS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, + }, + + [MOVE_BELLY_DRUM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BELLY_DRUM, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE_BOMB, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SLUDGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_MUD_SLAP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SLAP, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SAND_ATTACK, COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT, COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, + }, + + [MOVE_OCTAZOOKA] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPIKES] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ZAP_CANNON] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, + }, + + [MOVE_FORESIGHT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DESTINY_BOND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MEAN_LOOK, COMBO_STARTER_CURSE, COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, + }, + + [MOVE_PERISH_SONG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MEAN_LOOK, COMBO_STARTER_SING}, + }, + + [MOVE_ICY_WIND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DETECT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT}, + }, + + [MOVE_BONE_RUSH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_BONE_RUSH, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_BONE_CLUB, COMBO_STARTER_BONEMERANG}, + }, + + [MOVE_LOCK_ON] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_OUTRAGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SANDSTORM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_ENDURE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CHARM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CHARM, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROLLOUT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DEFENSE_CURL, COMBO_STARTER_HARDEN}, + }, + + [MOVE_FALSE_SWIPE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SWAGGER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MILK_DRINK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPARK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_FURY_CUTTER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_STEEL_WING] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEAN_LOOK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MEAN_LOOK, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CURSE}, + }, + + [MOVE_ATTRACT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLEEP_TALK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_REST}, + }, + + [MOVE_HEAL_BELL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_RETURN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE_IN_ANY_CONTEST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PRESENT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FRUSTRATION] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE_IN_ANY_CONTEST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SAFEGUARD] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PAIN_SPLIT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SACRED_FIRE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_MAGNITUDE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DYNAMIC_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_MIND_READER}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEGAHORN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_BATON_PASS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ENCORE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PURSUIT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_RAPID_SPIN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SWEET_SCENT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SWEET_SCENT, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_IRON_TAIL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_METAL_CLAW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_METAL_SOUND}, + }, + + [MOVE_VITAL_THROW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, + }, + + [MOVE_MORNING_SUN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_SYNTHESIS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_MOONLIGHT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CROSS_CHOP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_TWISTER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_RAIN_DANCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SUNNY_DAY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CRUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SCARY_FACE}, + }, + + [MOVE_MIRROR_COAT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT}, + }, + + [MOVE_PSYCH_UP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_EXTREME_SPEED] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SHADOW_BALL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_PSYCHIC, COMBO_STARTER_KINESIS, COMBO_STARTER_CONFUSION, COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROCK_SMASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WITH_GOOD_CONDITION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WHIRLPOOL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_BEAT_UP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FAKE_OUT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_UPROAR] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_STOCKPILE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_STOCKPILE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SPIT_UP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_STOCKPILE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SWALLOW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_STOCKPILE}, + }, + + [MOVE_HEAT_WAVE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_HAIL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_HAIL, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TORMENT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FLATTER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARM}, + }, + + [MOVE_WILL_O_WISP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_MEMENTO] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FACADE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_SMELLING_SALT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FOLLOW_ME] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_NATURE_POWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CHARGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TAUNT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_TAUNT, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_HELPING_HAND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TRICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROLE_PLAY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WISH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ASSIST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_INGRAIN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SUPERPOWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_LOCK_ON}, + }, + + [MOVE_MAGIC_COAT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_RECYCLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_REVENGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BRICK_BREAK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_YAWN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_YAWN, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_KNOCK_OFF] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, + }, + + [MOVE_ENDEAVOR] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE}, + }, + + [MOVE_ERUPTION] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ENDURE, COMBO_STARTER_EARTHQUAKE, COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_SKILL_SWAP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_IMPRISON] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_REFRESH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT, COMBO_STARTER_SING}, + }, + + [MOVE_GRUDGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CURSE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SNATCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SECRET_POWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WITH_GOOD_CONDITION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DIVE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DIVE, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SURF}, + }, + + [MOVE_ARM_THRUST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY, COMBO_STARTER_FAKE_OUT}, + }, + + [MOVE_CAMOUFLAGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TAIL_GLOW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_LUSTER_PURGE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_MIST_BALL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, + + [MOVE_FEATHER_DANCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TEETER_DANCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BLAZE_KICK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_MUD_SPORT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SLAP, COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT}, + }, + + [MOVE_ICE_BALL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_NEEDLE_ARM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SLACK_OFF] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_YAWN}, + }, + + [MOVE_HYPER_VOICE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_POISON_FANG] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_CRUSH_CLAW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SWORDS_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_BLAST_BURN] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_HYDRO_CANNON] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_METEOR_MASH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ASTONISH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WEATHER_BALL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY, COMBO_STARTER_HAIL, COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, + }, + + [MOVE_AROMATHERAPY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_FAKE_TEARS] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_AIR_CUTTER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_OVERHEAT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SUNNY_DAY}, + }, + + [MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROCK_TOMB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_ROCK_THROW}, + }, + + [MOVE_SILVER_WIND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_METAL_SOUND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_METAL_SOUND, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_TICKLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_COSMIC_POWER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_WATER_SPOUT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_SIGNAL_BEAM] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_EXTRASENSORY] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_FOCUS_ENERGY}, + }, + + [MOVE_SAND_TOMB] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_SANDSTORM}, + }, + + [MOVE_SHEER_COLD] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MUDDY_WATER] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_BULLET_SEED] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_AERIAL_ACE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_ICICLE_SPEAR] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BLOCK] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_HOWL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_FRENZY_PLANT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_BULK_UP] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_BOUNCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_MUD_SHOT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_POISON_TAIL] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_COVET] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_GROWTH}, + }, + + [MOVE_WATER_SPORT] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_CUTE, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_WATER_SPORT, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE, COMBO_STARTER_MUD_SPORT}, + }, + + [MOVE_CALM_MIND] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_LEAF_BLADE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_DANCE, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_RAGE, COMBO_STARTER_DRAGON_BREATH}, + }, + + [MOVE_ROCK_BLAST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_TOUGH, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CHARGE}, + }, + + [MOVE_WATER_PULSE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_BEAUTY, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_RAIN_DANCE}, + }, + + [MOVE_DOOM_DESIRE] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_COOL, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {0}, + }, + + [MOVE_PSYCHO_BOOST] = + { + .effect = CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED, + .contestCategory = CONTEST_CATEGORY_SMART, + .comboStarterId = 0, + .comboMoves = {COMBO_STARTER_CALM_MIND}, + }, }; const struct ContestEffect gContestEffects[] = { - {0, 40, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING - {0, 60, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED - {0, 80, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES - {0, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING - {1, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE - {1, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE - {1, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_SLIGHTLY - {1, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_LESS_EASILY_STARTLED - {2, 30, 20}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_FRONT_MON - {3, 30, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_SLIGHTLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS - {2, 20, 30}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON - {3, 20, 20}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS - {2, 10, 40}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON - {3, 10, 30}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS - {2, 30, 20}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON_2 - {3, 30, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS_2 - {4, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION - {3, 40, 40}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_COOL_APPEAL - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_BEAUTY_APPEAL - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_CUTE_APPEAL - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SMART_APPEAL - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_TOUGH_APPEAL - {4, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MON_NERVOUS - {4, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS - {4, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS - {3, 30, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLES_MONS_IN_GOOD_CONDITION - {5, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST - {5, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING - {5, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE - {5, 20, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_DIFF_TYPE - {5, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WITH_GOOD_CONDITION - {6, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER - {6, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER - {6, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_SCRAMBLING_TURN_ORDER_EASIER - {6, 30, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE_IN_ANY_CONTEST - {3, 20, 10}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS - {5, 10, 0}, // CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED - {4, 30, 0} // CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE + [CONTEST_EFFECT_HIGHLY_APPEALING] = + { + .effectType = 0, + .appeal = 40, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_MORE_EASILY_STARTLED] = + { + .effectType = 0, + .appeal = 60, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_GREAT_APPEAL_BUT_NO_MORE_MOVES] = + { + .effectType = 0, + .appeal = 80, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_REPETITION_NOT_BORING] = + { + .effectType = 0, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_ONCE] = + { + .effectType = 1, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE] = + { + .effectType = 1, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_AVOID_STARTLE_SLIGHTLY] = + { + .effectType = 1, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_USER_LESS_EASILY_STARTLED] = + { + .effectType = 1, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_FRONT_MON] = + { + .effectType = 2, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 20, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_SLIGHTLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON] = + { + .effectType = 2, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 30, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 20, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_FRONT_MON] = + { + .effectType = 2, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 40, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_PREV_MONS] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 30, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MON_2] = + { + .effectType = 2, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 20, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_PREV_MONS_2] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_SHIFT_JUDGE_ATTENTION] = + { + .effectType = 4, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MON_WITH_JUDGES_ATTENTION] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_JAMS_OTHERS_BUT_MISS_ONE_TURN] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 40, + .jam = 40, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SAME_TYPE_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_COOL_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_BEAUTY_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_CUTE_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_SMART_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_STARTLE_MONS_TOUGH_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MON_NERVOUS] = + { + .effectType = 4, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_FOLLOWING_MONS_NERVOUS] = + { + .effectType = 4, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_WORSEN_CONDITION_OF_PREV_MONS] = + { + .effectType = 4, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLES_MONS_IN_GOOD_CONDITION] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_FIRST] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_LAST] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONES] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_APPEAL_AS_GOOD_AS_PREV_ONE] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_LATER] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_QUALITY_DEPENDS_ON_TIMING] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_SAME_TYPE] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_IF_DIFF_TYPE] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_AFFECTED_BY_PREV_APPEAL] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_IMPROVE_CONDITION_PREVENT_NERVOUSNESS] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WITH_GOOD_CONDITION] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_EARLIER] = + { + .effectType = 6, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_NEXT_APPEAL_LATER] = + { + .effectType = 6, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_MAKE_SCRAMBLING_TURN_ORDER_EASIER] = + { + .effectType = 6, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_SCRAMBLE_NEXT_TURN_ORDER] = + { + .effectType = 6, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE_IN_ANY_CONTEST] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BADLY_STARTLE_MONS_WITH_GOOD_APPEALS] = + { + .effectType = 3, + .appeal = 20, + .jam = 10, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_BETTER_WHEN_AUDIENCE_EXCITED] = + { + .effectType = 5, + .appeal = 10, + .jam = 0, + }, + [CONTEST_EFFECT_DONT_EXCITE_AUDIENCE] = + { + .effectType = 4, + .appeal = 30, + .jam = 0, + }, }; // A lookup table with TRUE for each combo starter ID and FALSE for ID 0, diff --git a/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h b/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h index f57e294c3..2f504737a 100755 --- a/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h +++ b/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h @@ -247,253 +247,253 @@ const struct EventObjectGraphicsInfo gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMauvilleOldM const struct EventObjectGraphicsInfo *const gEventObjectGraphicsInfoPointers[] = { - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanNormal, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanMachBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanSurfing, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanFieldMove, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_QuintyPlump, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_NinjaBoy, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Twin, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Boy1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Girl1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Boy2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Girl2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LittleBoy, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LittleGirl, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Boy3, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Girl3, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RichBoy, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_FatMan, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PokefanF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ExpertM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ExpertF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman3, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PokefanM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman4, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Cook, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LinkReceptionist, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_OldMan, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_OldWoman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Camper, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Picnicker, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man3, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman5, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Youngster, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BugCatcher, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PsychicM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SchoolKidM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Maniac, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_HexManiac, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Rayquaza1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SwimmerM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SwimmerF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BlackBelt, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Beauty, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Scientist1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Lass, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Gentleman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Sailor, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Fisherman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RunningTriathleteM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RunningTriathleteF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TuberF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TuberM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Hiker, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CyclingTriathleteM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CyclingTriathleteF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Nurse, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ItemBall, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BerryTree, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BerryTreeEarlyStages, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BerryTreeLateStages, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanAcroBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ProfBirch, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man4, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man5, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ReporterM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ReporterF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Bard, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Anabel, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Tucker, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Greta, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Spenser, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Noland, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Lucy, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedNatuDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMagnemiteDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedSquirtleDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedWooperDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedPikachuDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedPorygon2Doll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CuttableTree, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MartEmployee, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RooftopSaleWoman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Teala, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BreakableRock, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PushableBoulder, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MrBrineysBoat, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayNormal, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayMachBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayAcroBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MaySurfing, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayFieldMove, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Truck, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_VigorothCarryingBox, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_VigorothFacingAway, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BirchsBag, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_EnemyZigzagoon, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Artist, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanNormal, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanMachBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanAcroBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanSurfing, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanFieldMove, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayNormal, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayMachBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayAcroBike, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMaySurfing, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayFieldMove, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Cameraman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanUnderwater, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayUnderwater, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MovingBox, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CableCar, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Scientist2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DevonEmployee, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_AquaMemberM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_AquaMemberF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MagmaMemberM, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MagmaMemberF, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Sidney, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Phoebe, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Glacia, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Drake, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Roxanne, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Brawly, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wattson, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Flannery, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Norman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Winona, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Liza, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Tate, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wallace, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Steven, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wally, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RubySapphireLittleBoy, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanFishing, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayFishing, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_HotSpringsOldWoman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SSTidal, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SubmarineShadow, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PichuDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PikachuDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MarillDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TogepiDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CyndaquilDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ChikoritaDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TotodileDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_JigglypuffDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MeowthDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ClefairyDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DittoDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SmoochumDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TreeckoDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TorchicDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MudkipDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DuskullDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_WynautDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BaltoyDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_KecleonDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_AzurillDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SkittyDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SwabluDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_GulpinDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LotadDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SeedotDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PikaCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RoundCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_KissCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ZigzagCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SpinCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DiamondCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BallCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_GrassCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_FireCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_WaterCushion, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigSnorlaxDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRhydonDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigLaprasDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigVenusaurDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigCharizardDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigBlastoiseDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigWailmerDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRegirockDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRegiceDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRegisteelDoll, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Latias, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Latios, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_GameboyKid, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ContestJudge, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanWatering, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayWatering, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanDecorating, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayDecorating, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Archie, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Maxie, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kyogre1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Groudon1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Fossil, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Regirock, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Regice, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Registeel, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Skitty, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kecleon1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kyogre2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Groudon2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Rayquaza2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Zigzagoon, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Pikachu, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Azumarill, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wingull, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kecleon2, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TuberMSwimming, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Azurill, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Mom, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LinkBrendan, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LinkMay, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Juan, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Scott, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Poochyena, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kyogre3, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Groudon3, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MysteryEventDeliveryman, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Statue, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kirlia, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Dusclops, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnionRoomAttendant, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Sudowoodo, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Mew, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Red, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Leaf, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Deoxys, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BirthIslandStone, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Brandon, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RubySapphireBrendan, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RubySapphireMay, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Lugia, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_HoOh, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanNormal, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanMachBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanSurfing, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanFieldMove, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_QuintyPlump, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_NinjaBoy, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Twin, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Boy1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Girl1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Boy2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Girl2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LittleBoy, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LittleGirl, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Boy3, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Girl3, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RichBoy, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_FatMan, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PokefanF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ExpertM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ExpertF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman3, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PokefanM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman4, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Cook, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LinkReceptionist, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_OldMan, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_OldWoman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Camper, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Picnicker, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man3, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Woman5, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Youngster, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BugCatcher, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PsychicM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SchoolKidM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Maniac, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_HexManiac, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Rayquaza1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SwimmerM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SwimmerF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BlackBelt, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Beauty, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Scientist1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Lass, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Gentleman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Sailor, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Fisherman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RunningTriathleteM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RunningTriathleteF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TuberF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TuberM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Hiker, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CyclingTriathleteM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CyclingTriathleteF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Nurse, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ItemBall, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BerryTree, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BerryTreeEarlyStages, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BerryTreeLateStages, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanAcroBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ProfBirch, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man4, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Man5, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ReporterM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ReporterF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Bard, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Anabel, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Tucker, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Greta, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Spenser, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Noland, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Lucy, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedNatuDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMagnemiteDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedSquirtleDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedWooperDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedPikachuDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedPorygon2Doll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CuttableTree, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MartEmployee, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RooftopSaleWoman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Teala, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BreakableRock, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PushableBoulder, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MrBrineysBoat, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayNormal, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayMachBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayAcroBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MaySurfing, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayFieldMove, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Truck, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_VigorothCarryingBox, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_VigorothFacingAway, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BirchsBag, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_EnemyZigzagoon, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Artist, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanNormal, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanMachBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanAcroBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanSurfing, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalBrendanFieldMove, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayNormal, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayMachBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayAcroBike, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMaySurfing, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RivalMayFieldMove, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Cameraman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanUnderwater, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayUnderwater, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MovingBox, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CableCar, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Scientist2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DevonEmployee, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_AquaMemberM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_AquaMemberF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MagmaMemberM, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MagmaMemberF, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Sidney, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Phoebe, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Glacia, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Drake, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Roxanne, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Brawly, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wattson, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Flannery, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Norman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Winona, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Liza, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Tate, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wallace, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Steven, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wally, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RubySapphireLittleBoy, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanFishing, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayFishing, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_HotSpringsOldWoman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SSTidal, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SubmarineShadow, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PichuDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PikachuDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MarillDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TogepiDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_CyndaquilDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ChikoritaDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TotodileDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_JigglypuffDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MeowthDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ClefairyDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DittoDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SmoochumDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TreeckoDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TorchicDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MudkipDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DuskullDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_WynautDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BaltoyDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_KecleonDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_AzurillDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SkittyDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SwabluDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_GulpinDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LotadDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SeedotDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_PikaCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RoundCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_KissCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ZigzagCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_SpinCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_DiamondCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BallCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_GrassCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_FireCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_WaterCushion, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigSnorlaxDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRhydonDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigLaprasDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigVenusaurDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigCharizardDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigBlastoiseDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigWailmerDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRegirockDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRegiceDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BigRegisteelDoll, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Latias, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Latios, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_GameboyKid, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_ContestJudge, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanWatering, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayWatering, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BrendanDecorating, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MayDecorating, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Archie, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Maxie, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kyogre1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Groudon1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Fossil, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Regirock, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Regice, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Registeel, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Skitty, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kecleon1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kyogre2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Groudon2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Rayquaza2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Zigzagoon, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Pikachu, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Azumarill, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Wingull, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kecleon2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_TuberMSwimming, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Azurill, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Mom, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LinkBrendan, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_LinkMay, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Juan, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Scott, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Poochyena, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kyogre3, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Groudon3, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_MysteryEventDeliveryman, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Statue, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Kirlia, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Dusclops, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnionRoomAttendant, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Sudowoodo, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Mew, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Red, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Leaf, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Deoxys, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_BirthIslandStone, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Brandon, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RubySapphireBrendan, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_RubySapphireMay, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Lugia, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_HoOh, }; const struct EventObjectGraphicsInfo *const gMauvilleOldManGraphicsInfoPointers[] = { - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Bard, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Hipster, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Trader, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Storyteller, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Giddy, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMauvilleOldMan1, - &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMauvilleOldMan2, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Bard, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Hipster, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Trader, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Storyteller, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_Giddy, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMauvilleOldMan1, + &gEventObjectGraphicsInfo_UnusedMauvilleOldMan2, }; diff --git a/src/data/field_event_obj/movement_action_func_tables.h b/src/data/field_event_obj/movement_action_func_tables.h index fb9f4b2cd..712988f5e 100755 --- a/src/data/field_event_obj/movement_action_func_tables.h +++ b/src/data/field_event_obj/movement_action_func_tables.h @@ -422,1092 +422,1092 @@ u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FlyUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *); u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FlyDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *); u8 (*const *const gMovementActionFuncs[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - gMovementActionFuncs_FaceDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_FaceUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_FaceLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_FaceRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Down, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Up, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Left, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Right, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_Delay1, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_1 - gMovementActionFuncs_Delay2, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_2 - gMovementActionFuncs_Delay4, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_4 - gMovementActionFuncs_Delay8, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_8 - gMovementActionFuncs_Delay16, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_16 - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_SlideDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_SlideUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_SlideLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_SlideRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_StartAnimInDirection, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_START_ANIM_IN_DIRECTION - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_FacePlayer, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_PLAYER - gMovementActionFuncs_FaceAwayPlayer, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_AWAY_PLAYER - gMovementActionFuncs_LockFacingDirection, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_LOCK_FACING_DIRECTION - gMovementActionFuncs_UnlockFacingDirection, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_UNLOCK_FACING_DIRECTION - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceDownUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_DOWN_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceUpDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_UP_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceLeftRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_LEFT_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceRightLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_RIGHT_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_FaceOriginalDirection, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_ORIGINAL_DIRECTION - gMovementActionFuncs_NurseJoyBowDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_NURSE_JOY_BOW_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_EnableJumpLandingGroundEffect, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ENABLE_JUMP_LANDING_GROUND_EFFECT - gMovementActionFuncs_DisableJumpLandingGroundEffect, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DISABLE_JUMP_LANDING_GROUND_EFFECT - gMovementActionFuncs_DisableAnimation, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DISABLE_ANIMATION - gMovementActionFuncs_RestoreAnimation, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_RESTORE_ANIMATION - gMovementActionFuncs_SetInvisible, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SET_INVISIBLE - gMovementActionFuncs_SetVisible, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SET_VISIBLE - gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteExclamationMark, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_EMOTE_EXCLAMATION_MARK - gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteQuestionMark, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_EMOTE_QUESTION_MARK - gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteHeart, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_EMOTE_HEART - gMovementActionFuncs_RevealTrainer, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_REVEAL_TRAINER - gMovementActionFuncs_RockSmashBreak, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ROCK_SMASH_BREAK - gMovementActionFuncs_CutTree, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_CUT_TREE - gMovementActionFuncs_SetFixedPriority, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_SET_FIXED_PRIORITY - gMovementActionFuncs_ClearFixedPriority, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_CLEAR_FIXED_PRIORITY - gMovementActionFuncs_InitAffineAnim, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_INIT_AFFINE_ANIM - gMovementActionFuncs_ClearAffineAnim, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_CLEAR_AFFINE_ANIM - gMovementActionFuncs_Unknown1, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_UNKNOWN1 - gMovementActionFuncs_Unknown2, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_UNKNOWN2 - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkDownStartAffine, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_DOWN_START_AFFINE - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkDownAffine, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_DOWN_AFFINE - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_DOWN - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_UP_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_UP_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_DOWN_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_DOWN_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_UP_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_UP_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_DOWN_LEFT - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_DOWN_RIGHT - gMovementActionFuncs_StoreAndLockAnim, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_STORE_AND_LOCK_ANIM - gMovementActionFuncs_FreeAndUnlockAnim, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FREE_AND_UNLOCK_ANIM - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkLeftAffine, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_LEFT_AFFINE - gMovementActionFuncs_WalkRightAffine, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_RIGHT_AFFINE - gMovementActionFuncs_Levitate, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_LEVITATE - gMovementActionFuncs_StopLevitate, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_STOP_LEVITATE - gMovementActionFuncs_DestroyExtraTaskIfAtTop, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_DESTROY_EXTRA_TASK_IF_AT_TOP - gMovementActionFuncs_Figure8, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FIGURE_8 - gMovementActionFuncs_FlyUp, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FLY_UP - gMovementActionFuncs_FlyDown, // MOVEMENT_ACTION_FLY_DOWN + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_FaceDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_FaceUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_FaceLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_FaceRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Down, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Up, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Left, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_2_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Right, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_1] = gMovementActionFuncs_Delay1, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_2] = gMovementActionFuncs_Delay2, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_4] = gMovementActionFuncs_Delay4, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_8] = gMovementActionFuncs_Delay8, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DELAY_16] = gMovementActionFuncs_Delay16, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FAST_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_SLOW_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_NORMAL_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FAST_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_IN_PLACE_FASTEST_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_RIDE_WATER_CURRENT_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_FASTEST_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_SlideDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_SlideUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_SlideLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_SlideRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_PLAYER_RUN_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_START_ANIM_IN_DIRECTION] = gMovementActionFuncs_StartAnimInDirection, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_SPECIAL_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_PLAYER] = gMovementActionFuncs_FacePlayer, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_AWAY_PLAYER] = gMovementActionFuncs_FaceAwayPlayer, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_LOCK_FACING_DIRECTION] = gMovementActionFuncs_LockFacingDirection, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_UNLOCK_FACING_DIRECTION] = gMovementActionFuncs_UnlockFacingDirection, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_DOWN_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceDownUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_UP_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceUpDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_LEFT_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceLeftRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_JUMP_IN_PLACE_RIGHT_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceRightLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_ORIGINAL_DIRECTION] = gMovementActionFuncs_FaceOriginalDirection, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_NURSE_JOY_BOW_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_NurseJoyBowDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ENABLE_JUMP_LANDING_GROUND_EFFECT] = gMovementActionFuncs_EnableJumpLandingGroundEffect, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DISABLE_JUMP_LANDING_GROUND_EFFECT] = gMovementActionFuncs_DisableJumpLandingGroundEffect, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DISABLE_ANIMATION] = gMovementActionFuncs_DisableAnimation, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_RESTORE_ANIMATION] = gMovementActionFuncs_RestoreAnimation, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SET_INVISIBLE] = gMovementActionFuncs_SetInvisible, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SET_VISIBLE] = gMovementActionFuncs_SetVisible, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_EMOTE_EXCLAMATION_MARK] = gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteExclamationMark, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_EMOTE_QUESTION_MARK] = gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteQuestionMark, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_EMOTE_HEART] = gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteHeart, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_REVEAL_TRAINER] = gMovementActionFuncs_RevealTrainer, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ROCK_SMASH_BREAK] = gMovementActionFuncs_RockSmashBreak, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_CUT_TREE] = gMovementActionFuncs_CutTree, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_SET_FIXED_PRIORITY] = gMovementActionFuncs_SetFixedPriority, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_CLEAR_FIXED_PRIORITY] = gMovementActionFuncs_ClearFixedPriority, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_INIT_AFFINE_ANIM] = gMovementActionFuncs_InitAffineAnim, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_CLEAR_AFFINE_ANIM] = gMovementActionFuncs_ClearAffineAnim, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_UNKNOWN1] = gMovementActionFuncs_Unknown1, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_UNKNOWN2] = gMovementActionFuncs_Unknown2, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_DOWN_START_AFFINE] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkDownStartAffine, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_DOWN_AFFINE] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkDownAffine, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_FACE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_FACE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_FACE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_HOP_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_JUMP_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_POP_WHEELIE_MOVE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_WHEELIE_MOVE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_ACRO_END_WHEELIE_MOVE_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_UP_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_UP_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_DOWN_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_NORMAL_DIAGONAL_DOWN_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_UP_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_UP_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_DOWN_LEFT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_SLOW_DIAGONAL_DOWN_RIGHT] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_STORE_AND_LOCK_ANIM] = gMovementActionFuncs_StoreAndLockAnim, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FREE_AND_UNLOCK_ANIM] = gMovementActionFuncs_FreeAndUnlockAnim, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_LEFT_AFFINE] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkLeftAffine, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_WALK_RIGHT_AFFINE] = gMovementActionFuncs_WalkRightAffine, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_LEVITATE] = gMovementActionFuncs_Levitate, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_STOP_LEVITATE] = gMovementActionFuncs_StopLevitate, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_DESTROY_EXTRA_TASK_IF_AT_TOP] = gMovementActionFuncs_DestroyExtraTaskIfAtTop, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FIGURE_8] = gMovementActionFuncs_Figure8, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FLY_UP] = gMovementActionFuncs_FlyUp, + [MOVEMENT_ACTION_FLY_DOWN] = gMovementActionFuncs_FlyDown, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FaceDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FaceDown_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FaceDown_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FaceUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FaceUp_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FaceUp_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FaceLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FaceLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FaceLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FaceRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FaceRight_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FaceRight_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gUnknown_0850DEE8[])(u8) = { - GetMoveDirectionAnimNum, - GetMoveDirectionFastAnimNum, - GetMoveDirectionFastAnimNum, - GetMoveDirectionFasterAnimNum, - GetMoveDirectionFastestAnimNum, + GetMoveDirectionAnimNum, + GetMoveDirectionFastAnimNum, + GetMoveDirectionFastAnimNum, + GetMoveDirectionFasterAnimNum, + GetMoveDirectionFastestAnimNum, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalUpRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDiagonalDownRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkSlowRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkSlowRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkSlowRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkSlowRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkSlowRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalUpRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDiagonalDownRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkNormalRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkNormalRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkNormalRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkNormalRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkNormalRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; const s16 gUnknown_0850DFBC[] = {0, 1, 1}; const s16 gUnknown_0850DFC2[] = {0, 0, 1}; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Down[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Jump2Down_Step0, - MovementAction_Jump2Down_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_Jump2Down_Step0, + MovementAction_Jump2Down_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Up[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Jump2Up_Step0, - MovementAction_Jump2Up_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_Jump2Up_Step0, + MovementAction_Jump2Up_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Left[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Jump2Left_Step0, - MovementAction_Jump2Left_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_Jump2Left_Step0, + MovementAction_Jump2Left_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Jump2Right[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Jump2Right_Step0, - MovementAction_Jump2Right_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_Jump2Right_Step0, + MovementAction_Jump2Right_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Delay1[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Delay1_Step0, - MovementAction_Delay_Step1, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Delay1_Step0, + MovementAction_Delay_Step1, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Delay2[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Delay2_Step0, - MovementAction_Delay_Step1, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Delay2_Step0, + MovementAction_Delay_Step1, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Delay4[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Delay4_Step0, - MovementAction_Delay_Step1, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Delay4_Step0, + MovementAction_Delay_Step1, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Delay8[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Delay8_Step0, - MovementAction_Delay_Step1, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Delay8_Step0, + MovementAction_Delay_Step1, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Delay16[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Delay16_Step0, - MovementAction_Delay_Step1, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Delay16_Step0, + MovementAction_Delay_Step1, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceSlowRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlowRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceSlow_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceNormalRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceNormalRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkInPlaceFastestRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkInPlaceFastestRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentDown_Step0, - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentDown_Step0, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentUp_Step0, - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentUp_Step0, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RideWaterCurrentRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentRight_Step0, - MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentRight_Step0, + MovementAction_RideWaterCurrentRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastestDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastestDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastestDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastestDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastestUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastestUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastestUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastestUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastestLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastestLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastestLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastestLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkFastestRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkFastestRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkFastestRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkFastestRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkFastestRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SlideDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SlideDown_Step0, - MovementAction_SlideDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_SlideDown_Step0, + MovementAction_SlideDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SlideUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SlideUp_Step0, - MovementAction_SlideUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_SlideUp_Step0, + MovementAction_SlideUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SlideLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SlideLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_SlideLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_SlideLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_SlideLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SlideRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SlideRight_Step0, - MovementAction_SlideRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_SlideRight_Step0, + MovementAction_SlideRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_PlayerRunDown_Step0, - MovementAction_PlayerRunDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PlayerRunDown_Step0, + MovementAction_PlayerRunDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_PlayerRunUp_Step0, - MovementAction_PlayerRunUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PlayerRunUp_Step0, + MovementAction_PlayerRunUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_PlayerRunLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_PlayerRunLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PlayerRunLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_PlayerRunLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_PlayerRunRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_PlayerRunRight_Step0, - MovementAction_PlayerRunRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PlayerRunRight_Step0, + MovementAction_PlayerRunRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_StartAnimInDirection[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_StartAnimInDirection_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_StartAnimInDirection_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpSpecialDown_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpSpecialDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialDown_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpSpecialUp_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpSpecialUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialUp_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpSpecialLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpSpecialLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpSpecialRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpSpecialRight_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpSpecialRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialRight_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpSpecialRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FacePlayer[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FacePlayer_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FacePlayer_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FaceAwayPlayer[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FaceAwayPlayer_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FaceAwayPlayer_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_LockFacingDirection[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_LockFacingDirection_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_LockFacingDirection_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_UnlockFacingDirection[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_UnlockFacingDirection_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_UnlockFacingDirection_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpDown_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpDown_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpUp_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpUp_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpRight_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpRight_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDown_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDown_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUp_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUp_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRight_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRight_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceDownUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDownUp_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDownUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDownUp_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceDownUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceUpDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUpDown_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUpDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUpDown_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceUpDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceLeftRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeftRight_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeftRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeftRight_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceLeftRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_JumpInPlaceRightLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRightLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRightLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRightLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_JumpInPlaceRightLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_FaceOriginalDirection[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_FaceOriginalDirection_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_FaceOriginalDirection_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_NurseJoyBowDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_NurseJoyBowDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_NurseJoyBowDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_EnableJumpLandingGroundEffect[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_EnableJumpLandingGroundEffect_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_EnableJumpLandingGroundEffect_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_DisableJumpLandingGroundEffect[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_DisableJumpLandingGroundEffect_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_DisableJumpLandingGroundEffect_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_DisableAnimation[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_DisableAnimation_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_DisableAnimation_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RestoreAnimation[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RestoreAnimation_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_RestoreAnimation_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SetInvisible[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SetInvisible_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_SetInvisible_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SetVisible[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SetVisible_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_SetVisible_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteExclamationMark[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_EmoteExclamationMark_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_EmoteExclamationMark_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteQuestionMark[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_EmoteQuestionMark_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_EmoteQuestionMark_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_EmoteHeart[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_EmoteHeart_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_EmoteHeart_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RevealTrainer[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RevealTrainer_Step0, - MovementAction_RevealTrainer_Step1, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_RevealTrainer_Step0, + MovementAction_RevealTrainer_Step1, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_RockSmashBreak[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_RockSmashBreak_Step0, - MovementAction_RockSmashBreak_Step1, - MovementAction_RockSmashBreak_Step2, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_RockSmashBreak_Step0, + MovementAction_RockSmashBreak_Step1, + MovementAction_RockSmashBreak_Step2, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_CutTree[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_CutTree_Step0, - MovementAction_CutTree_Step1, - MovementAction_CutTree_Step2, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_CutTree_Step0, + MovementAction_CutTree_Step1, + MovementAction_CutTree_Step2, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_SetFixedPriority[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_SetFixedPriority_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_SetFixedPriority_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_ClearFixedPriority[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_ClearFixedPriority_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_ClearFixedPriority_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_InitAffineAnim[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_InitAffineAnim_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_InitAffineAnim_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_ClearAffineAnim[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_ClearAffineAnim_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_ClearAffineAnim_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Unknown1[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Unknown1_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Unknown1_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Unknown2[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Unknown2_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Unknown2_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkDownStartAffine[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkDownStartAffine_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkDownStartAffine_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkDownStartAffine_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkDownStartAffine_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkDownAffine[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkDownAffine_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkDownAffine_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkDownAffine_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkDownAffine_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkLeftAffine[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkLeftAffine_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkLeftAffine_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkLeftAffine_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkLeftAffine_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_WalkRightAffine[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_WalkRightAffine_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkRightAffine_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_WalkRightAffine_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkRightAffine_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceDown_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceDown_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceUp_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceUp_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieFaceRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceRight_Step0, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieFaceRight_Step0, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieFaceRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieFaceRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroUnusedAcroActionDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroUnusedAcroActionUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroUnusedAcroActionLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroUnusedAcroActionRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_UnusedAcroActionRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WaitSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Figure8[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Figure8_Step0, - MovementAction_Figure8_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_Figure8_Step0, + MovementAction_Figure8_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopFaceRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopDown_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopDown_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopUp_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopUp_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieHopRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopRight_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopRight_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieHopRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpDown_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpDown_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpUp_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpUp_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieJumpRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpRight_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpRight_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieJumpRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceDown_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceDown_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceUp_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceUp_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieInPlaceRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceRight_Step0, - MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieInPlaceRight_Step0, + MovementAction_WalkInPlace_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroPopWheelieMoveRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveDown_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveDown_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveUp_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveUp_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroWheelieMoveRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveRight_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveRight_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroWheelieMoveRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveDown_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveUp_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveLeft_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight_Step0, - MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight_Step1, - MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight_Step0, + MovementAction_AcroEndWheelieMoveRight_Step1, + MovementAction_PauseSpriteAnim, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_Levitate[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_Levitate_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_Levitate_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_StopLevitate[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_StopLevitate_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_StopLevitate_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; u8 (*const gMovementActionFuncs_DestroyExtraTaskIfAtTop[])(struct EventObject *, struct Sprite *) = { - MovementAction_DestroyExtraTaskIfAtTop_Step0, - MovementAction_Finish, + MovementAction_DestroyExtraTaskIfAtTop_Step0, + MovementAction_Finish, }; diff --git a/src/data/graphics/items.h b/src/data/graphics/items.h index 0f91c2250..26da9061d 100644 --- a/src/data/graphics/items.h +++ b/src/data/graphics/items.h @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ const u32 gItemIconPalette_GreenShard[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icon_palett const u32 gItemIcon_HPUp[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icons/hp_up.4bpp.lz"); const u32 gItemIconPalette_HPUp[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icon_palettes/hp_up.gbapal.lz"); -const u32 gItemIcon_Vitamin[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icons/vitamin.4bpp.lz"); +const u32 gItemIcon_Vitamin[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icons/vitamin.4bpp.lz"); const u32 gItemIconPalette_Protein[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icon_palettes/protein.gbapal.lz"); const u32 gItemIconPalette_Iron[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icon_palettes/iron.gbapal.lz"); const u32 gItemIconPalette_Carbos[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/items/icon_palettes/carbos.gbapal.lz"); diff --git a/src/data/item_icon_table.h b/src/data/item_icon_table.h index f55a8468e..c36969ab5 100644 --- a/src/data/item_icon_table.h +++ b/src/data/item_icon_table.h @@ -311,64 +311,64 @@ const u32 *const gItemIconTable[][2] = [ITEM_CLAW_FOSSIL] = {gItemIcon_ClawFossil, gItemIconPalette_HoennFossil}, [ITEM_DEVON_SCOPE] = {gItemIcon_DevonScope, gItemIconPalette_DevonScope}, // TMs / HMs - [ITEM_TM01] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, // TM01 - [ITEM_TM02] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DragonTMHM}, // TM02 - [ITEM_TM03] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, // TM03 - [ITEM_TM04] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, // TM04 - [ITEM_TM05] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM05 - [ITEM_TM06] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PoisonTMHM}, // TM06 - [ITEM_TM07] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM}, // TM07 - [ITEM_TM08] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, // TM08 - [ITEM_TM09] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM}, // TM09 - [ITEM_TM10] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM10 - [ITEM_TM11] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, // TM11 - [ITEM_TM12] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, // TM12 - [ITEM_TM13] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM}, // TM13 - [ITEM_TM14] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM}, // TM14 - [ITEM_TM15] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM15 - [ITEM_TM16] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, // TM16 - [ITEM_TM17] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM17 - [ITEM_TM18] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, // TM18 - [ITEM_TM19] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM}, // TM19 - [ITEM_TM20] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM20 - [ITEM_TM21] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM21 - [ITEM_TM22] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM}, // TM22 - [ITEM_TM23] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_SteelTMHM}, // TM23 - [ITEM_TM24] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM}, // TM24 - [ITEM_TM25] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM}, // TM25 - [ITEM_TM26] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GroundTMHM}, // TM26 - [ITEM_TM27] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM27 - [ITEM_TM28] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GroundTMHM}, // TM28 - [ITEM_TM29] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, // TM29 - [ITEM_TM30] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GhostTMHM}, // TM30 - [ITEM_TM31] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, // TM31 - [ITEM_TM32] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM32 - [ITEM_TM33] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, // TM33 - [ITEM_TM34] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM}, // TM34 - [ITEM_TM35] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, // TM35 - [ITEM_TM36] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PoisonTMHM}, // TM36 - [ITEM_TM37] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_RockTMHM}, // TM37 - [ITEM_TM38] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, // TM38 - [ITEM_TM39] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_RockTMHM}, // TM39 - [ITEM_TM40] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FlyingTMHM}, // TM40 - [ITEM_TM41] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, // TM41 - [ITEM_TM42] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM42 - [ITEM_TM43] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM43 - [ITEM_TM44] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, // TM44 - [ITEM_TM45] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // TM45 - [ITEM_TM46] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, // TM46 - [ITEM_TM47] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_SteelTMHM}, // TM47 - [ITEM_TM48] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, // TM48 - [ITEM_TM49] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, // TM49 - [ITEM_TM50] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, // TM50 - [ITEM_HM01] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // HM01 - [ITEM_HM02] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_FlyingTMHM}, // HM02 - [ITEM_HM03] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, // HM03 - [ITEM_HM04] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // HM04 - [ITEM_HM05] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, // HM05 - [ITEM_HM06] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, // HM06 - [ITEM_HM07] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, // HM07 - [ITEM_HM08] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, // HM08 + [ITEM_TM01] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM02] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DragonTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM03] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM04] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM05] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM06] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PoisonTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM07] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM08] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM09] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM10] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM11] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM12] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM13] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM14] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_IceTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM15] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM16] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM17] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM18] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM19] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM20] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM21] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM22] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GrassTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM23] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_SteelTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM24] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM25] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM26] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GroundTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM27] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM28] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GroundTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM29] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM30] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_GhostTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM31] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM32] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM33] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM34] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_ElectricTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM35] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM36] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PoisonTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM37] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_RockTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM38] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM39] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_RockTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM40] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FlyingTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM41] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM42] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM43] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM44] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM45] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM46] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM47] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_SteelTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM48] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_PsychicTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM49] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_DarkTMHM}, + [ITEM_TM50] = {gItemIcon_TM, gItemIconPalette_FireTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM01] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM02] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_FlyingTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM03] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM04] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM05] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_NormalTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM06] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_FightingTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM07] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, + [ITEM_HM08] = {gItemIcon_HM, gItemIconPalette_WaterTMHM}, // ???????? [ITEM_15B] = {gItemIcon_QuestionMark, gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark}, [ITEM_15C] = {gItemIcon_QuestionMark, gItemIconPalette_QuestionMark}, diff --git a/src/data/pokemon/cry_ids.h b/src/data/pokemon/cry_ids.h index 0c7dd8dad..e53ffd2a8 100644 --- a/src/data/pokemon/cry_ids.h +++ b/src/data/pokemon/cry_ids.h @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ const u16 gSpeciesIdToCryId[] = { - 273, // TREECKO - 274, // GROVYLE - 275, // SCEPTILE - 270, // TORCHIC - 271, // COMBUSKEN - 272, // BLAZIKEN - 276, // MUDKIP - 277, // MARSHTOMP - 278, // SWAMPERT - 359, // POOCHYENA - 360, // MIGHTYENA - 378, // ZIGZAGOON - 375, // LINOONE - 290, // WURMPLE - 291, // SILCOON - 292, // BEAUTIFLY - 293, // CASCOON - 294, // DUSTOX - 283, // LOTAD - 284, // LOMBRE - 285, // LUDICOLO - 286, // SEEDOT - 287, // NUZLEAF - 288, // SHIFTRY - 301, // NINCADA - 302, // NINJASK - 303, // SHEDINJA - 266, // TAILLOW - 267, // SWELLOW - 374, // SHROOMISH - 373, // BRELOOM - 269, // SPINDA - 280, // WINGULL - 279, // PELIPPER - 310, // SURSKIT - 311, // MASQUERAIN - 377, // WAILMER - 381, // WAILORD - 312, // SKITTY - 313, // DELCATTY - 251, // KECLEON - 329, // BALTOY - 330, // CLAYDOL - 306, // NOSEPASS - 253, // TORKOAL - 362, // SABLEYE - 318, // BARBOACH - 319, // WHISCASH - 368, // LUVDISC - 320, // CORPHISH - 321, // CRAWDAUNT - 333, // FEEBAS - 334, // MILOTIC - 289, // CARVANHA - 260, // SHARPEDO - 324, // TRAPINCH - 325, // VIBRAVA - 326, // FLYGON - 304, // MAKUHITA - 305, // HARIYAMA - 254, // ELECTRIKE - 255, // MANECTRIC - 316, // NUMEL - 317, // CAMERUPT - 338, // SPHEAL - 339, // SEALEO - 340, // WALREIN - 327, // CACNEA - 328, // CACTURNE - 383, // SNORUNT - 307, // GLALIE - 331, // LUNATONE - 332, // SOLROCK - 262, // AZURILL - 322, // SPOINK - 323, // GRUMPIG - 308, // PLUSLE - 309, // MINUN - 363, // MAWILE - 336, // MEDITITE - 337, // MEDICHAM - 263, // SWABLU - 264, // ALTARIA - 258, // WYNAUT - 256, // DUSKULL - 361, // DUSCLOPS - 252, // ROSELIA - 298, // SLAKOTH - 299, // VIGOROTH - 300, // SLAKING - 314, // GULPIN - 315, // SWALOT - 376, // TROPIUS - 382, // WHISMUR - 380, // LOUDRED - 379, // EXPLOUD - 341, // CLAMPERL - 342, // HUNTAIL - 343, // GOREBYSS - 335, // ABSOL - 282, // SHUPPET - 281, // BANETTE - 259, // SEVIPER - 261, // ZANGOOSE - 367, // RELICANTH - 364, // ARON - 365, // LAIRON - 366, // AGGRON - 356, // CASTFORM - 357, // VOLBEAT - 358, // ILLUMISE - 344, // LILEEP - 345, // CRADILY - 346, // ANORITH - 347, // ARMALDO - 295, // RALTS - 296, // KIRLIA - 297, // GARDEVOIR - 351, // BAGON - 352, // SHELGON - 372, // SALAMENCE - 348, // BELDUM - 349, // METANG - 350, // METAGROSS - 353, // REGIROCK - 354, // REGICE - 355, // REGISTEEL - 370, // KYOGRE - 369, // GROUDON - 371, // RAYQUAZA - 257, // LATIAS - 384, // LATIOS - 385, // JIRACHI - 386, // DEOXYS - 387 // CHIMECHO + [SPECIES_TREECKO - 277] = 273, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE - 277] = 274, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE - 277] = 275, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC - 277] = 270, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - 277] = 271, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - 277] = 272, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP - 277] = 276, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - 277] = 277, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT - 277] = 278, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA - 277] = 359, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - 277] = 360, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - 277] = 378, + [SPECIES_LINOONE - 277] = 375, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE - 277] = 290, + [SPECIES_SILCOON - 277] = 291, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - 277] = 292, + [SPECIES_CASCOON - 277] = 293, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX - 277] = 294, + [SPECIES_LOTAD - 277] = 283, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE - 277] = 284, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO - 277] = 285, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT - 277] = 286, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF - 277] = 287, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY - 277] = 288, + [SPECIES_NINCADA - 277] = 301, + [SPECIES_NINJASK - 277] = 302, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA - 277] = 303, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW - 277] = 266, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW - 277] = 267, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH - 277] = 374, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM - 277] = 373, + [SPECIES_SPINDA - 277] = 269, + [SPECIES_WINGULL - 277] = 280, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER - 277] = 279, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT - 277] = 310, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - 277] = 311, + [SPECIES_WAILMER - 277] = 377, + [SPECIES_WAILORD - 277] = 381, + [SPECIES_SKITTY - 277] = 312, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY - 277] = 313, + [SPECIES_KECLEON - 277] = 251, + [SPECIES_BALTOY - 277] = 329, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL - 277] = 330, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS - 277] = 306, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL - 277] = 253, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE - 277] = 362, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH - 277] = 318, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH - 277] = 319, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC - 277] = 368, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH - 277] = 320, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - 277] = 321, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS - 277] = 333, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC - 277] = 334, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA - 277] = 289, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO - 277] = 260, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH - 277] = 324, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA - 277] = 325, + [SPECIES_FLYGON - 277] = 326, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA - 277] = 304, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA - 277] = 305, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - 277] = 254, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC - 277] = 255, + [SPECIES_NUMEL - 277] = 316, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT - 277] = 317, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL - 277] = 338, + [SPECIES_SEALEO - 277] = 339, + [SPECIES_WALREIN - 277] = 340, + [SPECIES_CACNEA - 277] = 327, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE - 277] = 328, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT - 277] = 383, + [SPECIES_GLALIE - 277] = 307, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE - 277] = 331, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK - 277] = 332, + [SPECIES_AZURILL - 277] = 262, + [SPECIES_SPOINK - 277] = 322, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG - 277] = 323, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE - 277] = 308, + [SPECIES_MINUN - 277] = 309, + [SPECIES_MAWILE - 277] = 363, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE - 277] = 336, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM - 277] = 337, + [SPECIES_SWABLU - 277] = 263, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA - 277] = 264, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT - 277] = 258, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL - 277] = 256, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - 277] = 361, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA - 277] = 252, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH - 277] = 298, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH - 277] = 299, + [SPECIES_SLAKING - 277] = 300, + [SPECIES_GULPIN - 277] = 314, + [SPECIES_SWALOT - 277] = 315, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS - 277] = 376, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR - 277] = 382, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED - 277] = 380, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD - 277] = 379, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL - 277] = 341, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL - 277] = 342, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS - 277] = 343, + [SPECIES_ABSOL - 277] = 335, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET - 277] = 282, + [SPECIES_BANETTE - 277] = 281, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER - 277] = 259, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - 277] = 261, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH - 277] = 367, + [SPECIES_ARON - 277] = 364, + [SPECIES_LAIRON - 277] = 365, + [SPECIES_AGGRON - 277] = 366, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM - 277] = 356, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT - 277] = 357, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE - 277] = 358, + [SPECIES_LILEEP - 277] = 344, + [SPECIES_CRADILY - 277] = 345, + [SPECIES_ANORITH - 277] = 346, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO - 277] = 347, + [SPECIES_RALTS - 277] = 295, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA - 277] = 296, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - 277] = 297, + [SPECIES_BAGON - 277] = 351, + [SPECIES_SHELGON - 277] = 352, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE - 277] = 372, + [SPECIES_BELDUM - 277] = 348, + [SPECIES_METANG - 277] = 349, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS - 277] = 350, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK - 277] = 353, + [SPECIES_REGICE - 277] = 354, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL - 277] = 355, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE - 277] = 370, + [SPECIES_GROUDON - 277] = 369, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 277] = 371, + [SPECIES_LATIAS - 277] = 257, + [SPECIES_LATIOS - 277] = 384, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI - 277] = 385, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS - 277] = 386, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO - 277] = 387, }; diff --git a/src/data/pokemon_graphics/back_pic_coordinates.h b/src/data/pokemon_graphics/back_pic_coordinates.h index ab64c6f20..cdb28f8c3 100644 --- a/src/data/pokemon_graphics/back_pic_coordinates.h +++ b/src/data/pokemon_graphics/back_pic_coordinates.h @@ -1,444 +1,2206 @@ +#include "constants/species.h" + const struct MonCoords gMonBackPicCoords[] = { - [SPECIES_NONE] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = {0x64, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_IVYSAUR] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_VENUSAUR] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_CHARMANDER] = {0x65, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_CHARMELEON] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_CHARIZARD] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE] = {0x65, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_WARTORTLE] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_BLASTOISE] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_CATERPIE] = {0x55, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_METAPOD] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_WEEDLE] = {0x56, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_KAKUNA] = {0x46, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_BEEDRILL] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_PIDGEY] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO] = {0x85, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_PIDGEOT] = {0x78, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_RATTATA] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_RATICATE] = {0x75, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_SPEAROW] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_FEAROW] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_EKANS] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_ARBOK] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_PIKACHU] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_RAICHU] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SANDSHREW] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_SANDSLASH] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F] = {0x55, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_NIDORINA] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M] = {0x56, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_NIDORINO] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_NIDOKING] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_CLEFABLE] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_VULPIX] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_NINETALES] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_ZUBAT] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_GOLBAT] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_ODDISH] = {0x56, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_GLOOM] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_VILEPLUME] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_PARAS] = {0x63, 0x14}, - [SPECIES_PARASECT] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_VENONAT] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_VENOMOTH] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_DIGLETT] = {0x54, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_DUGTRIO] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_MEOWTH] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_PERSIAN] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_PSYDUCK] = {0x67, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_GOLDUCK] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_MANKEY] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_GROWLITHE] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_ARCANINE] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_POLIWAG] = {0x74, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_POLIWRATH] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_ABRA] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_KADABRA] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM] = {0x67, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_MACHOP] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_MACHOKE] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_MACHAMP] = {0x67, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_TENTACOOL] = {0x56, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_GEODUDE] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_GRAVELER] = {0x75, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_GOLEM] = {0x84, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_PONYTA] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_RAPIDASH] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_SLOWBRO] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE] = {0x43, 0x14}, - [SPECIES_MAGNETON] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_FARFETCHD] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_DODUO] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_DODRIO] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_SEEL] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_DEWGONG] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_GRIMER] = {0x75, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_MUK] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_SHELLDER] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_CLOYSTER] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_GASTLY] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_HAUNTER] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_GENGAR] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_ONIX] = {0x78, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_DROWZEE] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_HYPNO] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_KRABBY] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_KINGLER] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_VOLTORB] = {0x55, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_ELECTRODE] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_CUBONE] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_MAROWAK] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_HITMONLEE] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_LICKITUNG] = {0x65, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_KOFFING] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_WEEZING] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_RHYHORN] = {0x85, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_RHYDON] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_CHANSEY] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_TANGELA] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_HORSEA] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_SEADRA] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_GOLDEEN] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SEAKING] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_STARYU] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_STARMIE] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_MR_MIME] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_SCYTHER] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_JYNX] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MAGMAR] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_PINSIR] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_TAUROS] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_MAGIKARP] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_GYARADOS] = {0x78, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_LAPRAS] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_DITTO] = {0x54, 0x11}, - [SPECIES_EEVEE] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_VAPOREON] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_JOLTEON] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_FLAREON] = {0x67, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_PORYGON] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_OMANYTE] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_OMASTAR] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_KABUTO] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_KABUTOPS] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_AERODACTYL] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SNORLAX] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_ARTICUNO] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_ZAPDOS] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_MOLTRES] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_DRATINI] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR] = {0x78, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_DRAGONITE] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_MEWTWO] = {0x78, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_MEW] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_CHIKORITA] = {0x56, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_BAYLEEF] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MEGANIUM] = {0x78, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_QUILAVA] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_TOTODILE] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_CROCONAW] = {0x67, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_FERALIGATR] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_SENTRET] = {0x67, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_FURRET] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_NOCTOWL] = {0x68, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_LEDYBA] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_LEDIAN] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_SPINARAK] = {0x73, 0x15}, - [SPECIES_ARIADOS] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_CROBAT] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_CHINCHOU] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_LANTURN] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_PICHU] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_CLEFFA] = {0x65, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_TOGEPI] = {0x54, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_TOGETIC] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_NATU] = {0x54, 0x11}, - [SPECIES_XATU] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MAREEP] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_FLAAFFY] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_AMPHAROS] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_MARILL] = {0x75, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_AZUMARILL] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_POLITOED] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_HOPPIP] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_AIPOM] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_SUNKERN] = {0x56, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_SUNFLORA] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_YANMA] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_WOOPER] = {0x85, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_ESPEON] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_UMBREON] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_MURKROW] = {0x66, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_SLOWKING] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN] = {0x36, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET] = {0x75, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_PINECO] = {0x65, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_FORRETRESS] = {0x84, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE] = {0x85, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_GLIGAR] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_STEELIX] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_SNUBBULL] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_GRANBULL] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_QWILFISH] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_SCIZOR] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_SHUCKLE] = {0x56, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_HERACROSS] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_SNEASEL] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_URSARING] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_SLUGMA] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MAGCARGO] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_SWINUB] = {0x63, 0x15}, - [SPECIES_PILOSWINE] = {0x75, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_CORSOLA] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_REMORAID] = {0x75, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_OCTILLERY] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_DELIBIRD] = {0x67, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_MANTINE] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_SKARMORY] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR] = {0x55, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_KINGDRA] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_PHANPY] = {0x65, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_DONPHAN] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_PORYGON2] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_STANTLER] = {0x78, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_SMEARGLE] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_TYROGUE] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_HITMONTOP] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM] = {0x56, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_ELEKID] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MAGBY] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_MILTANK] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_BLISSEY] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_RAIKOU] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_ENTEI] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_SUICUNE] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_LARVITAR] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_PUPITAR] = {0x67, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_TYRANITAR] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_LUGIA] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_HO_OH] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_CELEBI] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_TREECKO] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_GROVYLE] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SCEPTILE] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_TORCHIC] = {0x67, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_MUDKIP] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_SWAMPERT] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_POOCHYENA] = {0x76, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_LINOONE] = {0x85, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_WURMPLE] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_SILCOON] = {0x83, 0x15}, - [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_CASCOON] = {0x73, 0x14}, - [SPECIES_DUSTOX] = {0x83, 0x14}, - [SPECIES_LOTAD] = {0x75, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_LOMBRE] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_LUDICOLO] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_SEEDOT] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_NUZLEAF] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_SHIFTRY] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_NINCADA] = {0x83, 0x14}, - [SPECIES_NINJASK] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SHEDINJA] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_TAILLOW] = {0x64, 0x11}, - [SPECIES_SWELLOW] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SHROOMISH] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_BRELOOM] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_SPINDA] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_WINGULL] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_PELIPPER] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_SURSKIT] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN] = {0x88, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_WAILMER] = {0x83, 0x15}, - [SPECIES_WAILORD] = {0x83, 0x16}, - [SPECIES_SKITTY] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_DELCATTY] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_KECLEON] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_BALTOY] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_CLAYDOL] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_NOSEPASS] = {0x85, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_TORKOAL] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_SABLEYE] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_BARBOACH] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_WHISCASH] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_LUVDISC] = {0x46, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_CORPHISH] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_FEEBAS] = {0x67, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_MILOTIC] = {0x68, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_CARVANHA] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_SHARPEDO] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_TRAPINCH] = {0x75, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_VIBRAVA] = {0x74, 0x11}, - [SPECIES_FLYGON] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_MAKUHITA] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_HARIYAMA] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE] = {0x84, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_MANECTRIC] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_NUMEL] = {0x86, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_CAMERUPT] = {0x84, 0x13}, - [SPECIES_SPHEAL] = {0x64, 0x12}, - [SPECIES_SEALEO] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_WALREIN] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_CACNEA] = {0x85, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_CACTURNE] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_SNORUNT] = {0x76, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_GLALIE] = {0x85, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_LUNATONE] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_SOLROCK] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_AZURILL] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_SPOINK] = {0x56, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_GRUMPIG] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_PLUSLE] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MINUN] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_MAWILE] = {0x87, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_MEDITITE] = {0x76, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_MEDICHAM] = {0x68, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_SWABLU] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_ALTARIA] = {0x87, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_WYNAUT] = {0x77, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_DUSKULL] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_ROSELIA] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SLAKOTH] = {0x85, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_VIGOROTH] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_SLAKING] = {0x86, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_GULPIN] = {0x66, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_SWALOT] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_TROPIUS] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_WHISMUR] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_LOUDRED] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_EXPLOUD] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_CLAMPERL] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_HUNTAIL] = {0x68, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_GOREBYSS] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_ABSOL] = {0x78, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_SHUPPET] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_BANETTE] = {0x65, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_SEVIPER] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE] = {0x88, 0x01}, - [SPECIES_RELICANTH] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_ARON] = {0x54, 0x11}, - [SPECIES_LAIRON] = {0x84, 0x11}, - [SPECIES_AGGRON] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_CASTFORM] = {0x45, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_VOLBEAT] = {0x76, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_ILLUMISE] = {0x67, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_LILEEP] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_CRADILY] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_ANORITH] = {0x83, 0x17}, - [SPECIES_ARMALDO] = {0x77, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_RALTS] = {0x45, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_KIRLIA] = {0x57, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR] = {0x77, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_BAGON] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_SHELGON] = {0x85, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_SALAMENCE] = {0x77, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_BELDUM] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_METANG] = {0x84, 0x10}, - [SPECIES_METAGROSS] = {0x83, 0x14}, - [SPECIES_REGIROCK] = {0x86, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_REGICE] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_REGISTEEL] = {0x85, 0x0e}, - [SPECIES_KYOGRE] = {0x84, 0x13}, - [SPECIES_GROUDON] = {0x87, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA] = {0x78, 0x00}, - [SPECIES_LATIAS] = {0x88, 0x02}, - [SPECIES_LATIOS] = {0x88, 0x03}, - [SPECIES_JIRACHI] = {0x87, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_DEOXYS] = {0x86, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_CHIMECHO] = {0x47, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_EGG] = {0x36, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_B] = {0x56, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_C] = {0x67, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_D] = {0x56, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_E] = {0x56, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_F] = {0x66, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_G] = {0x57, 0x05}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_H] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_I] = {0x37, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_J] = {0x46, 0x09}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_K] = {0x57, 0x07}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_L] = {0x46, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_M] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_N] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_O] = {0x66, 0x08}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_P] = {0x46, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_Q] = {0x55, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_R] = {0x45, 0x0c}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_S] = {0x57, 0x04}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_T] = {0x45, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_U] = {0x65, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_V] = {0x56, 0x0b}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_W] = {0x55, 0x0d}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_X] = {0x55, 0x0f}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_Y] = {0x46, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_Z] = {0x46, 0x0a}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_EMARK] = {0x37, 0x06}, - [SPECIES_UNOWN_QMARK] = {0x47, 0x06}, + [SPECIES_NONE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = + { + .coords = 0x64, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_IVYSAUR] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_VENUSAUR] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_CHARMANDER] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_CHARMELEON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_CHARIZARD] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_WARTORTLE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_BLASTOISE] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_CATERPIE] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_METAPOD] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_WEEDLE] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_KAKUNA] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_BEEDRILL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_PIDGEY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOT] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_RATTATA] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_RATICATE] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_SPEAROW] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_FEAROW] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_EKANS] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_ARBOK] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_PIKACHU] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_RAICHU] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SANDSHREW] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_SANDSLASH] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORINA] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORINO] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDOKING] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_CLEFABLE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_VULPIX] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NINETALES] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ZUBAT] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLBAT] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_ODDISH] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_GLOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_VILEPLUME] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_PARAS] = + { + .coords = 0x63, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_PARASECT] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_VENONAT] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_VENOMOTH] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_DIGLETT] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_DUGTRIO] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MEOWTH] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_PERSIAN] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_PSYDUCK] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLDUCK] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_MANKEY] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_GROWLITHE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ARCANINE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_POLIWAG] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_POLIWRATH] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_ABRA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_KADABRA] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_MACHOP] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MACHOKE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_MACHAMP] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_TENTACOOL] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_GEODUDE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_GRAVELER] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLEM] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_PONYTA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_RAPIDASH] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_SLOWBRO] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE] = + { + .coords = 0x43, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGNETON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_FARFETCHD] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DODUO] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_DODRIO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SEEL] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DEWGONG] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_GRIMER] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MUK] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_SHELLDER] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_CLOYSTER] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GASTLY] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_HAUNTER] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_GENGAR] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_ONIX] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_DROWZEE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_HYPNO] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_KRABBY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_KINGLER] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_VOLTORB] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_ELECTRODE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_CUBONE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_MAROWAK] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_HITMONLEE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_LICKITUNG] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_KOFFING] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_WEEZING] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_RHYHORN] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_RHYDON] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_CHANSEY] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_TANGELA] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_HORSEA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SEADRA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLDEEN] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SEAKING] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_STARYU] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_STARMIE] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_MR_MIME] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_SCYTHER] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_JYNX] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGMAR] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_PINSIR] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_TAUROS] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGIKARP] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_GYARADOS] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_LAPRAS] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_DITTO] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_EEVEE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_VAPOREON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_JOLTEON] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_FLAREON] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_PORYGON] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_OMANYTE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_OMASTAR] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_KABUTO] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_KABUTOPS] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_AERODACTYL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SNORLAX] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_ARTICUNO] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_ZAPDOS] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MOLTRES] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_DRATINI] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_DRAGONITE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_MEW] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_CHIKORITA] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_BAYLEEF] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MEGANIUM] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_QUILAVA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_TOTODILE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_CROCONAW] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_FERALIGATR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SENTRET] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_FURRET] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_NOCTOWL] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_LEDYBA] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_LEDIAN] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_SPINARAK] = + { + .coords = 0x73, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_ARIADOS] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_CROBAT] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_CHINCHOU] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_LANTURN] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_PICHU] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_CLEFFA] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_TOGEPI] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_TOGETIC] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_NATU] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_XATU] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MAREEP] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_FLAAFFY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_AMPHAROS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MARILL] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_AZUMARILL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_POLITOED] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_HOPPIP] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_AIPOM] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SUNKERN] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SUNFLORA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_YANMA] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_WOOPER] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ESPEON] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_UMBREON] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_MURKROW] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SLOWKING] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN] = + { + .coords = 0x36, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_PINECO] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_FORRETRESS] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_GLIGAR] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_STEELIX] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SNUBBULL] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_GRANBULL] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_QWILFISH] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_SCIZOR] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SHUCKLE] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_HERACROSS] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SNEASEL] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_URSARING] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_SLUGMA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGCARGO] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SWINUB] = + { + .coords = 0x63, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_PILOSWINE] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_CORSOLA] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_REMORAID] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_OCTILLERY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DELIBIRD] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_MANTINE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_SKARMORY] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_KINGDRA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_PHANPY] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_DONPHAN] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_PORYGON2] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_STANTLER] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_SMEARGLE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_TYROGUE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_HITMONTOP] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_ELEKID] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGBY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MILTANK] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_BLISSEY] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_RAIKOU] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_ENTEI] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_SUICUNE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_LARVITAR] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_PUPITAR] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_TYRANITAR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_LUGIA] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_HO_OH] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_CELEBI] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_TREECKO] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_LINOONE] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SILCOON] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CASCOON] = + { + .coords = 0x73, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_LOTAD] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_NINCADA] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_NINJASK] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW] = + { + .coords = 0x64, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SPINDA] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_WINGULL] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_WAILMER] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_WAILORD] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x16, + }, + [SPECIES_SKITTY] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_KECLEON] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_BALTOY] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_FLYGON] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_NUMEL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL] = + { + .coords = 0x64, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_SEALEO] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_WALREIN] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_CACNEA] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_GLALIE] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_AZURILL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SPOINK] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MINUN] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MAWILE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_SWABLU] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SLAKING] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_GULPIN] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SWALOT] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_ABSOL] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_BANETTE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_ARON] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_LAIRON] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_AGGRON] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_LILEEP] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_CRADILY] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_ANORITH] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x17, + }, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_RALTS] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_BAGON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SHELGON] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_BELDUM] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_METANG] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS] = + { + .coords = 0x83, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_REGICE] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_GROUDON] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_LATIAS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_LATIOS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO] = + { + .coords = 0x47, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_EGG] = + { + .coords = 0x36, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_B] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_C] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_D] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_E] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_F] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_G] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_H] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_I] = + { + .coords = 0x37, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_J] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_K] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_L] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_M] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_N] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_O] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_P] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Q] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_R] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_S] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_T] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_U] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_V] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_W] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_X] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Y] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Z] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_EMARK] = + { + .coords = 0x37, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_QMARK] = + { + .coords = 0x47, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, }; diff --git a/src/data/pokemon_graphics/enemy_mon_elevation.h b/src/data/pokemon_graphics/enemy_mon_elevation.h index 80e2a415a..c8f079a5c 100644 --- a/src/data/pokemon_graphics/enemy_mon_elevation.h +++ b/src/data/pokemon_graphics/enemy_mon_elevation.h @@ -1,417 +1,419 @@ +#include "constants/species.h" + // This determines how much higher above the usual position the enemy Pokémon // is during battle. Species that float or fly have nonzero values. const u8 gEnemyMonElevation[] = { - 0, // 0 - 0, // SPECIES_BULBASAUR - 0, // SPECIES_IVYSAUR - 0, // SPECIES_VENUSAUR - 0, // SPECIES_CHARMANDER - 0, // SPECIES_CHARMELEON - 0, // SPECIES_CHARIZARD - 0, // SPECIES_SQUIRTLE - 0, // SPECIES_WARTORTLE - 0, // SPECIES_BLASTOISE - 0, // SPECIES_CATERPIE - 0, // SPECIES_METAPOD - 8, // SPECIES_BUTTERFREE - 0, // SPECIES_WEEDLE - 0, // SPECIES_KAKUNA - 8, // SPECIES_BEEDRILL - 16, // SPECIES_PIDGEY - 0, // SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO - 4, // SPECIES_PIDGEOT - 0, // SPECIES_RATTATA - 0, // SPECIES_RATICATE - 0, // SPECIES_SPEAROW - 6, // SPECIES_FEAROW - 0, // SPECIES_EKANS - 0, // SPECIES_ARBOK - 0, // SPECIES_PIKACHU - 0, // SPECIES_RAICHU - 0, // SPECIES_SANDSHREW - 0, // SPECIES_SANDSLASH - 0, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_F - 0, // SPECIES_NIDORINA - 0, // SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN - 0, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_M - 0, // SPECIES_NIDORINO - 0, // SPECIES_NIDOKING - 0, // SPECIES_CLEFAIRY - 0, // SPECIES_CLEFABLE - 0, // SPECIES_VULPIX - 0, // SPECIES_NINETALES - 0, // SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF - 0, // SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF - 8, // SPECIES_ZUBAT - 8, // SPECIES_GOLBAT - 0, // SPECIES_ODDISH - 0, // SPECIES_GLOOM - 0, // SPECIES_VILEPLUME - 0, // SPECIES_PARAS - 0, // SPECIES_PARASECT - 0, // SPECIES_VENONAT - 8, // SPECIES_VENOMOTH - 0, // SPECIES_DIGLETT - 0, // SPECIES_DUGTRIO - 0, // SPECIES_MEOWTH - 0, // SPECIES_PERSIAN - 0, // SPECIES_PSYDUCK - 0, // SPECIES_GOLDUCK - 0, // SPECIES_MANKEY - 0, // SPECIES_PRIMEAPE - 0, // SPECIES_GROWLITHE - 0, // SPECIES_ARCANINE - 0, // SPECIES_POLIWAG - 0, // SPECIES_POLIWHIRL - 0, // SPECIES_POLIWRATH - 0, // SPECIES_ABRA - 0, // SPECIES_KADABRA - 0, // SPECIES_ALAKAZAM - 0, // SPECIES_MACHOP - 0, // SPECIES_MACHOKE - 0, // SPECIES_MACHAMP - 0, // SPECIES_BELLSPROUT - 0, // SPECIES_WEEPINBELL - 0, // SPECIES_VICTREEBEL - 0, // SPECIES_TENTACOOL - 0, // SPECIES_TENTACRUEL - 16, // SPECIES_GEODUDE - 0, // SPECIES_GRAVELER - 0, // SPECIES_GOLEM - 0, // SPECIES_PONYTA - 0, // SPECIES_RAPIDASH - 0, // SPECIES_SLOWPOKE - 0, // SPECIES_SLOWBRO - 16, // SPECIES_MAGNEMITE - 8, // SPECIES_MAGNETON - 0, // SPECIES_FARFETCHD - 0, // SPECIES_DODUO - 0, // SPECIES_DODRIO - 0, // SPECIES_SEEL - 0, // SPECIES_DEWGONG - 0, // SPECIES_GRIMER - 0, // SPECIES_MUK - 0, // SPECIES_SHELLDER - 0, // SPECIES_CLOYSTER - 4, // SPECIES_GASTLY - 4, // SPECIES_HAUNTER - 0, // SPECIES_GENGAR - 0, // SPECIES_ONIX - 0, // SPECIES_DROWZEE - 0, // SPECIES_HYPNO - 0, // SPECIES_KRABBY - 0, // SPECIES_KINGLER - 10, // SPECIES_VOLTORB - 12, // SPECIES_ELECTRODE - 0, // SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE - 0, // SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR - 0, // SPECIES_CUBONE - 0, // SPECIES_MAROWAK - 0, // SPECIES_HITMONLEE - 0, // SPECIES_HITMONCHAN - 0, // SPECIES_LICKITUNG - 8, // SPECIES_KOFFING - 6, // SPECIES_WEEZING - 0, // SPECIES_RHYHORN - 0, // SPECIES_RHYDON - 0, // SPECIES_CHANSEY - 0, // SPECIES_TANGELA - 0, // SPECIES_KANGASKHAN - 0, // SPECIES_HORSEA - 0, // SPECIES_SEADRA - 0, // SPECIES_GOLDEEN - 0, // SPECIES_SEAKING - 0, // SPECIES_STARYU - 0, // SPECIES_STARMIE - 0, // SPECIES_MR_MIME - 0, // SPECIES_SCYTHER - 0, // SPECIES_JYNX - 0, // SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ - 0, // SPECIES_MAGMAR - 0, // SPECIES_PINSIR - 0, // SPECIES_TAUROS - 0, // SPECIES_MAGIKARP - 0, // SPECIES_GYARADOS - 0, // SPECIES_LAPRAS - 0, // SPECIES_DITTO - 0, // SPECIES_EEVEE - 0, // SPECIES_VAPOREON - 0, // SPECIES_JOLTEON - 0, // SPECIES_FLAREON - 0, // SPECIES_PORYGON - 0, // SPECIES_OMANYTE - 0, // SPECIES_OMASTAR - 0, // SPECIES_KABUTO - 0, // SPECIES_KABUTOPS - 7, // SPECIES_AERODACTYL - 0, // SPECIES_SNORLAX - 6, // SPECIES_ARTICUNO - 8, // SPECIES_ZAPDOS - 5, // SPECIES_MOLTRES - 0, // SPECIES_DRATINI - 0, // SPECIES_DRAGONAIR - 6, // SPECIES_DRAGONITE - 0, // SPECIES_MEWTWO - 8, // SPECIES_MEW - 0, // SPECIES_CHIKORITA - 0, // SPECIES_BAYLEEF - 0, // SPECIES_MEGANIUM - 0, // SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL - 0, // SPECIES_QUILAVA - 0, // SPECIES_TYPHLOSION - 0, // SPECIES_TOTODILE - 0, // SPECIES_CROCONAW - 0, // SPECIES_FERALIGATR - 0, // SPECIES_SENTRET - 0, // SPECIES_FURRET - 0, // SPECIES_HOOTHOOT - 0, // SPECIES_NOCTOWL - 0, // SPECIES_LEDYBA - 8, // SPECIES_LEDIAN - 0, // SPECIES_SPINARAK - 0, // SPECIES_ARIADOS - 6, // SPECIES_CROBAT - 0, // SPECIES_CHINCHOU - 0, // SPECIES_LANTURN - 0, // SPECIES_PICHU - 0, // SPECIES_CLEFFA - 0, // SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF - 0, // SPECIES_TOGEPI - 0, // SPECIES_TOGETIC - 0, // SPECIES_NATU - 0, // SPECIES_XATU - 0, // SPECIES_MAREEP - 0, // SPECIES_FLAAFFY - 0, // SPECIES_AMPHAROS - 0, // SPECIES_BELLOSSOM - 0, // SPECIES_MARILL - 0, // SPECIES_AZUMARILL - 0, // SPECIES_SUDOWOODO - 0, // SPECIES_POLITOED - 11, // SPECIES_HOPPIP - 12, // SPECIES_SKIPLOOM - 9, // SPECIES_JUMPLUFF - 0, // SPECIES_AIPOM - 0, // SPECIES_SUNKERN - 0, // SPECIES_SUNFLORA - 8, // SPECIES_YANMA - 0, // SPECIES_WOOPER - 0, // SPECIES_QUAGSIRE - 0, // SPECIES_ESPEON - 0, // SPECIES_UMBREON - 0, // SPECIES_MURKROW - 0, // SPECIES_SLOWKING - 8, // SPECIES_MISDREAVUS - 8, // SPECIES_UNOWN - 0, // SPECIES_WOBBUFFET - 0, // SPECIES_GIRAFARIG - 0, // SPECIES_PINECO - 0, // SPECIES_FORRETRESS - 0, // SPECIES_DUNSPARCE - 6, // SPECIES_GLIGAR - 0, // SPECIES_STEELIX - 0, // SPECIES_SNUBBULL - 0, // SPECIES_GRANBULL - 0, // SPECIES_QWILFISH - 0, // SPECIES_SCIZOR - 0, // SPECIES_SHUCKLE - 0, // SPECIES_HERACROSS - 0, // SPECIES_SNEASEL - 0, // SPECIES_TEDDIURSA - 0, // SPECIES_URSARING - 0, // SPECIES_SLUGMA - 0, // SPECIES_MAGCARGO - 0, // SPECIES_SWINUB - 0, // SPECIES_PILOSWINE - 0, // SPECIES_CORSOLA - 0, // SPECIES_REMORAID - 0, // SPECIES_OCTILLERY - 0, // SPECIES_DELIBIRD - 0, // SPECIES_MANTINE - 0, // SPECIES_SKARMORY - 0, // SPECIES_HOUNDOUR - 0, // SPECIES_HOUNDOOM - 0, // SPECIES_KINGDRA - 0, // SPECIES_PHANPY - 0, // SPECIES_DONPHAN - 0, // SPECIES_PORYGON2 - 0, // SPECIES_STANTLER - 0, // SPECIES_SMEARGLE - 0, // SPECIES_TYROGUE - 0, // SPECIES_HITMONTOP - 0, // SPECIES_SMOOCHUM - 0, // SPECIES_ELEKID - 0, // SPECIES_MAGBY - 0, // SPECIES_MILTANK - 0, // SPECIES_BLISSEY - 0, // SPECIES_RAIKOU - 0, // SPECIES_ENTEI - 0, // SPECIES_SUICUNE - 0, // SPECIES_LARVITAR - 0, // SPECIES_PUPITAR - 0, // SPECIES_TYRANITAR - 6, // SPECIES_LUGIA - 6, // SPECIES_HO_OH - 15, // SPECIES_CELEBI - 0, // 252 - 0, // 253 - 0, // 254 - 0, // 255 - 0, // 256 - 0, // 257 - 0, // 258 - 0, // 259 - 0, // 260 - 0, // 261 - 0, // 262 - 0, // 263 - 0, // 264 - 0, // 265 - 0, // 266 - 0, // 267 - 0, // 268 - 0, // 269 - 0, // 270 - 0, // 271 - 0, // 272 - 0, // 273 - 0, // 274 - 0, // 275 - 0, // 276 - 0, // SPECIES_TREECKO - 0, // SPECIES_GROVYLE - 0, // SPECIES_SCEPTILE - 0, // SPECIES_TORCHIC - 0, // SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - 0, // SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - 0, // SPECIES_MUDKIP - 0, // SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - 0, // SPECIES_SWAMPERT - 0, // SPECIES_POOCHYENA - 0, // SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - 0, // SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - 0, // SPECIES_LINOONE - 0, // SPECIES_WURMPLE - 0, // SPECIES_SILCOON - 8, // SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - 0, // SPECIES_CASCOON - 10, // SPECIES_DUSTOX - 0, // SPECIES_LOTAD - 0, // SPECIES_LOMBRE - 0, // SPECIES_LUDICOLO - 0, // SPECIES_SEEDOT - 0, // SPECIES_NUZLEAF - 0, // SPECIES_SHIFTRY - 0, // SPECIES_NINCADA - 10, // SPECIES_NINJASK - 8, // SPECIES_SHEDINJA - 0, // SPECIES_TAILLOW - 0, // SPECIES_SWELLOW - 0, // SPECIES_SHROOMISH - 0, // SPECIES_BRELOOM - 0, // SPECIES_SPINDA - 16, // SPECIES_WINGULL - 8, // SPECIES_PELIPPER - 0, // SPECIES_SURSKIT - 10, // SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - 0, // SPECIES_WAILMER - 0, // SPECIES_WAILORD - 0, // SPECIES_SKITTY - 0, // SPECIES_DELCATTY - 0, // SPECIES_KECLEON - 4, // SPECIES_BALTOY - 10, // SPECIES_CLAYDOL - 0, // SPECIES_NOSEPASS - 0, // SPECIES_TORKOAL - 0, // SPECIES_SABLEYE - 0, // SPECIES_BARBOACH - 0, // SPECIES_WHISCASH - 0, // SPECIES_LUVDISC - 0, // SPECIES_CORPHISH - 0, // SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - 0, // SPECIES_FEEBAS - 0, // SPECIES_MILOTIC - 0, // SPECIES_CARVANHA - 0, // SPECIES_SHARPEDO - 0, // SPECIES_TRAPINCH - 0, // SPECIES_VIBRAVA - 7, // SPECIES_FLYGON - 0, // SPECIES_MAKUHITA - 0, // SPECIES_HARIYAMA - 0, // SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - 0, // SPECIES_MANECTRIC - 0, // SPECIES_NUMEL - 0, // SPECIES_CAMERUPT - 0, // SPECIES_SPHEAL - 0, // SPECIES_SEALEO - 0, // SPECIES_WALREIN - 0, // SPECIES_CACNEA - 0, // SPECIES_CACTURNE - 0, // SPECIES_SNORUNT - 12, // SPECIES_GLALIE - 13, // SPECIES_LUNATONE - 4, // SPECIES_SOLROCK - 0, // SPECIES_AZURILL - 0, // SPECIES_SPOINK - 0, // SPECIES_GRUMPIG - 0, // SPECIES_PLUSLE - 0, // SPECIES_MINUN - 0, // SPECIES_MAWILE - 0, // SPECIES_MEDITITE - 0, // SPECIES_MEDICHAM - 12, // SPECIES_SWABLU - 8, // SPECIES_ALTARIA - 0, // SPECIES_WYNAUT - 9, // SPECIES_DUSKULL - 0, // SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - 0, // SPECIES_ROSELIA - 0, // SPECIES_SLAKOTH - 0, // SPECIES_VIGOROTH - 0, // SPECIES_SLAKING - 0, // SPECIES_GULPIN - 0, // SPECIES_SWALOT - 0, // SPECIES_TROPIUS - 0, // SPECIES_WHISMUR - 0, // SPECIES_LOUDRED - 0, // SPECIES_EXPLOUD - 0, // SPECIES_CLAMPERL - 0, // SPECIES_HUNTAIL - 0, // SPECIES_GOREBYSS - 0, // SPECIES_ABSOL - 12, // SPECIES_SHUPPET - 8, // SPECIES_BANETTE - 0, // SPECIES_SEVIPER - 0, // SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - 0, // SPECIES_RELICANTH - 0, // SPECIES_ARON - 0, // SPECIES_LAIRON - 0, // SPECIES_AGGRON - 16, // SPECIES_CASTFORM - 0, // SPECIES_VOLBEAT - 0, // SPECIES_ILLUMISE - 0, // SPECIES_LILEEP - 0, // SPECIES_CRADILY - 0, // SPECIES_ANORITH - 0, // SPECIES_ARMALDO - 0, // SPECIES_RALTS - 0, // SPECIES_KIRLIA - 0, // SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - 0, // SPECIES_BAGON - 0, // SPECIES_SHELGON - 0, // SPECIES_SALAMENCE - 8, // SPECIES_BELDUM - 0, // SPECIES_METANG - 0, // SPECIES_METAGROSS - 0, // SPECIES_REGIROCK - 0, // SPECIES_REGICE - 0, // SPECIES_REGISTEEL - 0, // SPECIES_KYOGRE - 0, // SPECIES_GROUDON - 6, // SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 6, // SPECIES_LATIAS - 6, // SPECIES_LATIOS - 12, // SPECIES_JIRACHI - 8, // SPECIES_DEOXYS - 12, // SPECIES_CHIMECHO + [SPECIES_NONE] = 0, + [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_IVYSAUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_VENUSAUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHARMANDER] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHARMELEON] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHARIZARD] = 0, + [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_WARTORTLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_BLASTOISE] = 0, + [SPECIES_CATERPIE] = 0, + [SPECIES_METAPOD] = 0, + [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE] = 8, + [SPECIES_WEEDLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_KAKUNA] = 0, + [SPECIES_BEEDRILL] = 8, + [SPECIES_PIDGEY] = 16, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO] = 0, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOT] = 4, + [SPECIES_RATTATA] = 0, + [SPECIES_RATICATE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SPEAROW] = 0, + [SPECIES_FEAROW] = 6, + [SPECIES_EKANS] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARBOK] = 0, + [SPECIES_PIKACHU] = 0, + [SPECIES_RAICHU] = 0, + [SPECIES_SANDSHREW] = 0, + [SPECIES_SANDSLASH] = 0, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F] = 0, + [SPECIES_NIDORINA] = 0, + [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M] = 0, + [SPECIES_NIDORINO] = 0, + [SPECIES_NIDOKING] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLEFABLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_VULPIX] = 0, + [SPECIES_NINETALES] = 0, + [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF] = 0, + [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF] = 0, + [SPECIES_ZUBAT] = 8, + [SPECIES_GOLBAT] = 8, + [SPECIES_ODDISH] = 0, + [SPECIES_GLOOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_VILEPLUME] = 0, + [SPECIES_PARAS] = 0, + [SPECIES_PARASECT] = 0, + [SPECIES_VENONAT] = 0, + [SPECIES_VENOMOTH] = 8, + [SPECIES_DIGLETT] = 0, + [SPECIES_DUGTRIO] = 0, + [SPECIES_MEOWTH] = 0, + [SPECIES_PERSIAN] = 0, + [SPECIES_PSYDUCK] = 0, + [SPECIES_GOLDUCK] = 0, + [SPECIES_MANKEY] = 0, + [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE] = 0, + [SPECIES_GROWLITHE] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARCANINE] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLIWAG] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLIWRATH] = 0, + [SPECIES_ABRA] = 0, + [SPECIES_KADABRA] = 0, + [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM] = 0, + [SPECIES_MACHOP] = 0, + [SPECIES_MACHOKE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MACHAMP] = 0, + [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT] = 0, + [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL] = 0, + [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_TENTACOOL] = 0, + [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_GEODUDE] = 16, + [SPECIES_GRAVELER] = 0, + [SPECIES_GOLEM] = 0, + [SPECIES_PONYTA] = 0, + [SPECIES_RAPIDASH] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLOWBRO] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE] = 16, + [SPECIES_MAGNETON] = 8, + [SPECIES_FARFETCHD] = 0, + [SPECIES_DODUO] = 0, + [SPECIES_DODRIO] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_DEWGONG] = 0, + [SPECIES_GRIMER] = 0, + [SPECIES_MUK] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHELLDER] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLOYSTER] = 0, + [SPECIES_GASTLY] = 4, + [SPECIES_HAUNTER] = 4, + [SPECIES_GENGAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_ONIX] = 0, + [SPECIES_DROWZEE] = 0, + [SPECIES_HYPNO] = 0, + [SPECIES_KRABBY] = 0, + [SPECIES_KINGLER] = 0, + [SPECIES_VOLTORB] = 10, + [SPECIES_ELECTRODE] = 12, + [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE] = 0, + [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR] = 0, + [SPECIES_CUBONE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAROWAK] = 0, + [SPECIES_HITMONLEE] = 0, + [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN] = 0, + [SPECIES_LICKITUNG] = 0, + [SPECIES_KOFFING] = 8, + [SPECIES_WEEZING] = 6, + [SPECIES_RHYHORN] = 0, + [SPECIES_RHYDON] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHANSEY] = 0, + [SPECIES_TANGELA] = 0, + [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN] = 0, + [SPECIES_HORSEA] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEADRA] = 0, + [SPECIES_GOLDEEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEAKING] = 0, + [SPECIES_STARYU] = 0, + [SPECIES_STARMIE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MR_MIME] = 0, + [SPECIES_SCYTHER] = 0, + [SPECIES_JYNX] = 0, + [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGMAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_PINSIR] = 0, + [SPECIES_TAUROS] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGIKARP] = 0, + [SPECIES_GYARADOS] = 0, + [SPECIES_LAPRAS] = 0, + [SPECIES_DITTO] = 0, + [SPECIES_EEVEE] = 0, + [SPECIES_VAPOREON] = 0, + [SPECIES_JOLTEON] = 0, + [SPECIES_FLAREON] = 0, + [SPECIES_PORYGON] = 0, + [SPECIES_OMANYTE] = 0, + [SPECIES_OMASTAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_KABUTO] = 0, + [SPECIES_KABUTOPS] = 0, + [SPECIES_AERODACTYL] = 7, + [SPECIES_SNORLAX] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARTICUNO] = 6, + [SPECIES_ZAPDOS] = 8, + [SPECIES_MOLTRES] = 5, + [SPECIES_DRATINI] = 0, + [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR] = 0, + [SPECIES_DRAGONITE] = 6, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO] = 0, + [SPECIES_MEW] = 8, + [SPECIES_CHIKORITA] = 0, + [SPECIES_BAYLEEF] = 0, + [SPECIES_MEGANIUM] = 0, + [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL] = 0, + [SPECIES_QUILAVA] = 0, + [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION] = 0, + [SPECIES_TOTODILE] = 0, + [SPECIES_CROCONAW] = 0, + [SPECIES_FERALIGATR] = 0, + [SPECIES_SENTRET] = 0, + [SPECIES_FURRET] = 0, + [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT] = 0, + [SPECIES_NOCTOWL] = 0, + [SPECIES_LEDYBA] = 0, + [SPECIES_LEDIAN] = 8, + [SPECIES_SPINARAK] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARIADOS] = 0, + [SPECIES_CROBAT] = 6, + [SPECIES_CHINCHOU] = 0, + [SPECIES_LANTURN] = 0, + [SPECIES_PICHU] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLEFFA] = 0, + [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF] = 0, + [SPECIES_TOGEPI] = 0, + [SPECIES_TOGETIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_NATU] = 0, + [SPECIES_XATU] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAREEP] = 0, + [SPECIES_FLAAFFY] = 0, + [SPECIES_AMPHAROS] = 0, + [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_MARILL] = 0, + [SPECIES_AZUMARILL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLITOED] = 0, + [SPECIES_HOPPIP] = 11, + [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM] = 12, + [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF] = 9, + [SPECIES_AIPOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_SUNKERN] = 0, + [SPECIES_SUNFLORA] = 0, + [SPECIES_YANMA] = 8, + [SPECIES_WOOPER] = 0, + [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE] = 0, + [SPECIES_ESPEON] = 0, + [SPECIES_UMBREON] = 0, + [SPECIES_MURKROW] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLOWKING] = 0, + [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS] = 8, + [SPECIES_UNOWN] = 8, + [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET] = 0, + [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG] = 0, + [SPECIES_PINECO] = 0, + [SPECIES_FORRETRESS] = 0, + [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE] = 0, + [SPECIES_GLIGAR] = 6, + [SPECIES_STEELIX] = 0, + [SPECIES_SNUBBULL] = 0, + [SPECIES_GRANBULL] = 0, + [SPECIES_QWILFISH] = 0, + [SPECIES_SCIZOR] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHUCKLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_HERACROSS] = 0, + [SPECIES_SNEASEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA] = 0, + [SPECIES_URSARING] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLUGMA] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGCARGO] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWINUB] = 0, + [SPECIES_PILOSWINE] = 0, + [SPECIES_CORSOLA] = 0, + [SPECIES_REMORAID] = 0, + [SPECIES_OCTILLERY] = 0, + [SPECIES_DELIBIRD] = 0, + [SPECIES_MANTINE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SKARMORY] = 0, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_KINGDRA] = 0, + [SPECIES_PHANPY] = 0, + [SPECIES_DONPHAN] = 0, + [SPECIES_PORYGON2] = 0, + [SPECIES_STANTLER] = 0, + [SPECIES_SMEARGLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_TYROGUE] = 0, + [SPECIES_HITMONTOP] = 0, + [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM] = 0, + [SPECIES_ELEKID] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGBY] = 0, + [SPECIES_MILTANK] = 0, + [SPECIES_BLISSEY] = 0, + [SPECIES_RAIKOU] = 0, + [SPECIES_ENTEI] = 0, + [SPECIES_SUICUNE] = 0, + [SPECIES_LARVITAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_PUPITAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_TYRANITAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_LUGIA] = 6, + [SPECIES_HO_OH] = 6, + [SPECIES_CELEBI] = 15, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z] = 0, + [SPECIES_TREECKO] = 0, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE] = 0, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP] = 0, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT] = 0, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA] = 0, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA] = 0, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON] = 0, + [SPECIES_LINOONE] = 0, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SILCOON] = 0, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY] = 8, + [SPECIES_CASCOON] = 0, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX] = 10, + [SPECIES_LOTAD] = 0, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE] = 0, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT] = 0, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY] = 0, + [SPECIES_NINCADA] = 0, + [SPECIES_NINJASK] = 10, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA] = 8, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH] = 0, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_SPINDA] = 0, + [SPECIES_WINGULL] = 16, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER] = 8, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT] = 0, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN] = 10, + [SPECIES_WAILMER] = 0, + [SPECIES_WAILORD] = 0, + [SPECIES_SKITTY] = 0, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY] = 0, + [SPECIES_KECLEON] = 0, + [SPECIES_BALTOY] = 4, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL] = 10, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS] = 0, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE] = 0, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH] = 0, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH] = 0, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC] = 0, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH] = 0, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT] = 0, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS] = 0, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO] = 0, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH] = 0, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA] = 0, + [SPECIES_FLYGON] = 7, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA] = 0, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA] = 0, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_NUMEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT] = 0, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEALEO] = 0, + [SPECIES_WALREIN] = 0, + [SPECIES_CACNEA] = 0, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT] = 0, + [SPECIES_GLALIE] = 12, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE] = 13, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK] = 4, + [SPECIES_AZURILL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SPOINK] = 0, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG] = 0, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MINUN] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAWILE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWABLU] = 12, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA] = 8, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT] = 0, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL] = 9, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS] = 0, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH] = 0, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLAKING] = 0, + [SPECIES_GULPIN] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWALOT] = 0, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS] = 0, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED] = 0, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL] = 0, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL] = 0, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS] = 0, + [SPECIES_ABSOL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET] = 12, + [SPECIES_BANETTE] = 8, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER] = 0, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE] = 0, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARON] = 0, + [SPECIES_LAIRON] = 0, + [SPECIES_AGGRON] = 0, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM] = 16, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT] = 0, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE] = 0, + [SPECIES_LILEEP] = 0, + [SPECIES_CRADILY] = 0, + [SPECIES_ANORITH] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO] = 0, + [SPECIES_RALTS] = 0, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA] = 0, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR] = 0, + [SPECIES_BAGON] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHELGON] = 0, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE] = 0, + [SPECIES_BELDUM] = 8, + [SPECIES_METANG] = 0, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS] = 0, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK] = 0, + [SPECIES_REGICE] = 0, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE] = 0, + [SPECIES_GROUDON] = 0, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA] = 6, + [SPECIES_LATIAS] = 6, + [SPECIES_LATIOS] = 6, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI] = 12, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS] = 8, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO] = 12, }; diff --git a/src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_coordinates.h b/src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_coordinates.h index 923df2cde..a01f0360f 100644 --- a/src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_coordinates.h +++ b/src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_coordinates.h @@ -1,443 +1,2205 @@ +#include "constants/species.h" + const struct MonCoords gMonFrontPicCoords[] = { - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_NONE - {0x45, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_BULBASAUR - {0x56, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_IVYSAUR - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_VENUSAUR - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_CHARMANDER - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_CHARMELEON - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_CHARIZARD - {0x65, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_SQUIRTLE - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_WARTORTLE - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_BLASTOISE - {0x45, 0x10}, // SPECIES_CATERPIE - {0x54, 0x14}, // SPECIES_METAPOD - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_BUTTERFREE - {0x54, 0x12}, // SPECIES_WEEDLE - {0x45, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_KAKUNA - {0x86, 0x09}, // SPECIES_BEEDRILL - {0x65, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_PIDGEY - {0x67, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_PIDGEOT - {0x44, 0x10}, // SPECIES_RATTATA - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_RATICATE - {0x45, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_SPEAROW - {0x78, 0x00}, // SPECIES_FEAROW - {0x65, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_EKANS - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_ARBOK - {0x67, 0x09}, // SPECIES_PIKACHU - {0x67, 0x04}, // SPECIES_RAICHU - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_SANDSHREW - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_SANDSLASH - {0x45, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_F - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_NIDORINA - {0x78, 0x03}, // SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_M - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_NIDORINO - {0x78, 0x02}, // SPECIES_NIDOKING - {0x55, 0x10}, // SPECIES_CLEFAIRY - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_CLEFABLE - {0x65, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_VULPIX - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_NINETALES - {0x45, 0x10}, // SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF - {0x67, 0x08}, // SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_ZUBAT - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_GOLBAT - {0x45, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_ODDISH - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_GLOOM - {0x77, 0x06}, // SPECIES_VILEPLUME - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_PARAS - {0x86, 0x08}, // SPECIES_PARASECT - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_VENONAT - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_VENOMOTH - {0x54, 0x12}, // SPECIES_DIGLETT - {0x75, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_DUGTRIO - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_MEOWTH - {0x77, 0x07}, // SPECIES_PERSIAN - {0x56, 0x09}, // SPECIES_PSYDUCK - {0x78, 0x02}, // SPECIES_GOLDUCK - {0x65, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_MANKEY - {0x77, 0x07}, // SPECIES_PRIMEAPE - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_GROWLITHE - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_ARCANINE - {0x74, 0x13}, // SPECIES_POLIWAG - {0x76, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_POLIWHIRL - {0x76, 0x08}, // SPECIES_POLIWRATH - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_ABRA - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_KADABRA - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_ALAKAZAM - {0x56, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_MACHOP - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_MACHOKE - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_MACHAMP - {0x65, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_BELLSPROUT - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_WEEPINBELL - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_VICTREEBEL - {0x46, 0x09}, // SPECIES_TENTACOOL - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_TENTACRUEL - {0x54, 0x12}, // SPECIES_GEODUDE - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_GRAVELER - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_GOLEM - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_PONYTA - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_RAPIDASH - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_SLOWPOKE - {0x86, 0x08}, // SPECIES_SLOWBRO - {0x43, 0x15}, // SPECIES_MAGNEMITE - {0x76, 0x08}, // SPECIES_MAGNETON - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_FARFETCHD - {0x57, 0x05}, // SPECIES_DODUO - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_DODRIO - {0x76, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_SEEL - {0x87, 0x07}, // SPECIES_DEWGONG - {0x65, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_GRIMER - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_MUK - {0x55, 0x10}, // SPECIES_SHELLDER - {0x87, 0x05}, // SPECIES_CLOYSTER - {0x77, 0x06}, // SPECIES_GASTLY - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_HAUNTER - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_GENGAR - {0x78, 0x02}, // SPECIES_ONIX - {0x77, 0x07}, // SPECIES_DROWZEE - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_HYPNO - {0x65, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_KRABBY - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_KINGLER - {0x44, 0x13}, // SPECIES_VOLTORB - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_ELECTRODE - {0x87, 0x07}, // SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_CUBONE - {0x76, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_MAROWAK - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_HITMONLEE - {0x67, 0x04}, // SPECIES_HITMONCHAN - {0x86, 0x08}, // SPECIES_LICKITUNG - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_KOFFING - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_WEEZING - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_RHYHORN - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_RHYDON - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_CHANSEY - {0x67, 0x07}, // SPECIES_TANGELA - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_KANGASKHAN - {0x45, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_HORSEA - {0x67, 0x07}, // SPECIES_SEADRA - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_GOLDEEN - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_SEAKING - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_STARYU - {0x77, 0x06}, // SPECIES_STARMIE - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_MR_MIME - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_SCYTHER - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_JYNX - {0x78, 0x02}, // SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_MAGMAR - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_PINSIR - {0x78, 0x00}, // SPECIES_TAUROS - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_MAGIKARP - {0x88, 0x08}, // SPECIES_GYARADOS - {0x85, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_LAPRAS - {0x54, 0x11}, // SPECIES_DITTO - {0x56, 0x09}, // SPECIES_EEVEE - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_VAPOREON - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_JOLTEON - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_FLAREON - {0x55, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_PORYGON - {0x45, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_OMANYTE - {0x67, 0x07}, // SPECIES_OMASTAR - {0x54, 0x11}, // SPECIES_KABUTO - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_KABUTOPS - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_AERODACTYL - {0x87, 0x05}, // SPECIES_SNORLAX - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_ARTICUNO - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_ZAPDOS - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_MOLTRES - {0x75, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_DRATINI - {0x87, 0x06}, // SPECIES_DRAGONAIR - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_DRAGONITE - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_MEWTWO - {0x55, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_MEW - {0x75, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_CHIKORITA - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_BAYLEEF - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_MEGANIUM - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL - {0x76, 0x08}, // SPECIES_QUILAVA - {0x78, 0x00}, // SPECIES_TYPHLOSION - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_TOTODILE - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_CROCONAW - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_FERALIGATR - {0x47, 0x04}, // SPECIES_SENTRET - {0x67, 0x07}, // SPECIES_FURRET - {0x55, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_HOOTHOOT - {0x58, 0x03}, // SPECIES_NOCTOWL - {0x56, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_LEDYBA - {0x67, 0x04}, // SPECIES_LEDIAN - {0x54, 0x13}, // SPECIES_SPINARAK - {0x87, 0x05}, // SPECIES_ARIADOS - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_CROBAT - {0x75, 0x10}, // SPECIES_CHINCHOU - {0x87, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_LANTURN - {0x45, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_PICHU - {0x44, 0x14}, // SPECIES_CLEFFA - {0x44, 0x12}, // SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF - {0x34, 0x14}, // SPECIES_TOGEPI - {0x46, 0x09}, // SPECIES_TOGETIC - {0x44, 0x14}, // SPECIES_NATU - {0x47, 0x07}, // SPECIES_XATU - {0x55, 0x10}, // SPECIES_MAREEP - {0x56, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_FLAAFFY - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_AMPHAROS - {0x45, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_BELLOSSOM - {0x65, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_MARILL - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_AZUMARILL - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_SUDOWOODO - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_POLITOED - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_HOPPIP - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_SKIPLOOM - {0x77, 0x07}, // SPECIES_JUMPLUFF - {0x58, 0x03}, // SPECIES_AIPOM - {0x44, 0x10}, // SPECIES_SUNKERN - {0x56, 0x08}, // SPECIES_SUNFLORA - {0x86, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_YANMA - {0x54, 0x10}, // SPECIES_WOOPER - {0x77, 0x07}, // SPECIES_QUAGSIRE - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_ESPEON - {0x67, 0x08}, // SPECIES_UMBREON - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_MURKROW - {0x58, 0x01}, // SPECIES_SLOWKING - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_MISDREAVUS - {0x35, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_UNOWN - {0x77, 0x06}, // SPECIES_WOBBUFFET - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_GIRAFARIG - {0x56, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_PINECO - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_FORRETRESS - {0x74, 0x11}, // SPECIES_DUNSPARCE - {0x78, 0x03}, // SPECIES_GLIGAR - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_STEELIX - {0x55, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_SNUBBULL - {0x57, 0x06}, // SPECIES_GRANBULL - {0x56, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_QWILFISH - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_SCIZOR - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_SHUCKLE - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_HERACROSS - {0x67, 0x05}, // SPECIES_SNEASEL - {0x45, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_TEDDIURSA - {0x78, 0x01}, // SPECIES_URSARING - {0x45, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_SLUGMA - {0x57, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_MAGCARGO - {0x43, 0x14}, // SPECIES_SWINUB - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_PILOSWINE - {0x65, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_CORSOLA - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_REMORAID - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_OCTILLERY - {0x56, 0x08}, // SPECIES_DELIBIRD - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_MANTINE - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_SKARMORY - {0x56, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_HOUNDOUR - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_HOUNDOOM - {0x78, 0x04}, // SPECIES_KINGDRA - {0x54, 0x10}, // SPECIES_PHANPY - {0x86, 0x08}, // SPECIES_DONPHAN - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_PORYGON2 - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_STANTLER - {0x77, 0x06}, // SPECIES_SMEARGLE - {0x46, 0x09}, // SPECIES_TYROGUE - {0x67, 0x05}, // SPECIES_HITMONTOP - {0x35, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_SMOOCHUM - {0x76, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_ELEKID - {0x45, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_MAGBY - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_MILTANK - {0x77, 0x06}, // SPECIES_BLISSEY - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_RAIKOU - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_ENTEI - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_SUICUNE - {0x46, 0x09}, // SPECIES_LARVITAR - {0x56, 0x09}, // SPECIES_PUPITAR - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_TYRANITAR - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_LUGIA - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_HO_OH - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_CELEBI - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_TREECKO - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_GROVYLE - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_SCEPTILE - {0x56, 0x08}, // SPECIES_TORCHIC - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - {0x56, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_MUDKIP - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_SWAMPERT - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_POOCHYENA - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - {0x85, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - {0x78, 0x03}, // SPECIES_LINOONE - {0x45, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_WURMPLE - {0x75, 0x11}, // SPECIES_SILCOON - {0x86, 0x09}, // SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - {0x74, 0x10}, // SPECIES_CASCOON - {0x86, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_DUSTOX - {0x65, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_LOTAD - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_LOMBRE - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_LUDICOLO - {0x46, 0x10}, // SPECIES_SEEDOT - {0x56, 0x08}, // SPECIES_NUZLEAF - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_SHIFTRY - {0x74, 0x12}, // SPECIES_NINCADA - {0x86, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_NINJASK - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_SHEDINJA - {0x64, 0x10}, // SPECIES_TAILLOW - {0x87, 0x06}, // SPECIES_SWELLOW - {0x54, 0x10}, // SPECIES_SHROOMISH - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_BRELOOM - {0x68, 0x08}, // SPECIES_SPINDA - {0x84, 0x18}, // SPECIES_WINGULL - {0x77, 0x04}, // SPECIES_PELIPPER - {0x65, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_SURSKIT - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - {0x75, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_WAILMER - {0x87, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_WAILORD - {0x66, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_SKITTY - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_DELCATTY - {0x67, 0x07}, // SPECIES_KECLEON - {0x55, 0x10}, // SPECIES_BALTOY - {0x78, 0x06}, // SPECIES_CLAYDOL - {0x56, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_NOSEPASS - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_TORKOAL - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_SABLEYE - {0x46, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_BARBOACH - {0x76, 0x09}, // SPECIES_WHISCASH - {0x46, 0x18}, // SPECIES_LUVDISC - {0x66, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_CORPHISH - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - {0x46, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_FEEBAS - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_MILOTIC - {0x67, 0x06}, // SPECIES_CARVANHA - {0x78, 0x03}, // SPECIES_SHARPEDO - {0x54, 0x10}, // SPECIES_TRAPINCH - {0x86, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_VIBRAVA - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_FLYGON - {0x65, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_MAKUHITA - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_HARIYAMA - {0x64, 0x12}, // SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - {0x67, 0x04}, // SPECIES_MANECTRIC - {0x65, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_NUMEL - {0x87, 0x09}, // SPECIES_CAMERUPT - {0x65, 0x10}, // SPECIES_SPHEAL - {0x86, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_SEALEO - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_WALREIN - {0x74, 0x10}, // SPECIES_CACNEA - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_CACTURNE - {0x56, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_SNORUNT - {0x76, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_GLALIE - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_LUNATONE - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_SOLROCK - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_AZURILL - {0x46, 0x09}, // SPECIES_SPOINK - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_GRUMPIG - {0x56, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_PLUSLE - {0x66, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_MINUN - {0x76, 0x08}, // SPECIES_MAWILE - {0x65, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_MEDITITE - {0x68, 0x01}, // SPECIES_MEDICHAM - {0x76, 0x11}, // SPECIES_SWABLU - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_ALTARIA - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_WYNAUT - {0x66, 0x0a}, // SPECIES_DUSKULL - {0x77, 0x05}, // SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - {0x76, 0x08}, // SPECIES_ROSELIA - {0x74, 0x12}, // SPECIES_SLAKOTH - {0x78, 0x00}, // SPECIES_VIGOROTH - {0x86, 0x08}, // SPECIES_SLAKING - {0x55, 0x12}, // SPECIES_GULPIN - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_SWALOT - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_TROPIUS - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_WHISMUR - {0x78, 0x03}, // SPECIES_LOUDRED - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_EXPLOUD - {0x55, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_CLAMPERL - {0x78, 0x03}, // SPECIES_HUNTAIL - {0x86, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_GOREBYSS - {0x68, 0x00}, // SPECIES_ABSOL - {0x56, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_SHUPPET - {0x55, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_BANETTE - {0x77, 0x08}, // SPECIES_SEVIPER - {0x87, 0x05}, // SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - {0x77, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_RELICANTH - {0x43, 0x14}, // SPECIES_ARON - {0x75, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_LAIRON - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_AGGRON - {0x34, 0x11}, // SPECIES_CASTFORM - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_VOLBEAT - {0x56, 0x08}, // SPECIES_ILLUMISE - {0x67, 0x07}, // SPECIES_LILEEP - {0x78, 0x00}, // SPECIES_CRADILY - {0x66, 0x08}, // SPECIES_ANORITH - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_ARMALDO - {0x35, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_RALTS - {0x47, 0x06}, // SPECIES_KIRLIA - {0x78, 0x01}, // SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - {0x56, 0x0b}, // SPECIES_BAGON - {0x66, 0x09}, // SPECIES_SHELGON - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_SALAMENCE - {0x55, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_BELDUM - {0x87, 0x07}, // SPECIES_METANG - {0x87, 0x06}, // SPECIES_METAGROSS - {0x78, 0x04}, // SPECIES_REGIROCK - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_REGICE - {0x88, 0x03}, // SPECIES_REGISTEEL - {0x87, 0x04}, // SPECIES_KYOGRE - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_GROUDON - {0x88, 0x00}, // SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_LATIAS - {0x88, 0x02}, // SPECIES_LATIOS - {0x66, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_JIRACHI - {0x88, 0x01}, // SPECIES_DEOXYS - {0x37, 0x06}, // SPECIES_CHIMECHO - {0x33, 0x14}, // SPECIES_EGG - {0x34, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_B - {0x44, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_C - {0x44, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_D - {0x44, 0x11}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_E - {0x44, 0x11}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_F - {0x35, 0x0e}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_G - {0x44, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_H - {0x34, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_I - {0x34, 0x11}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_J - {0x44, 0x11}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_K - {0x34, 0x13}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_L - {0x44, 0x13}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_M - {0x43, 0x14}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_N - {0x44, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_O - {0x34, 0x13}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_P - {0x43, 0x15}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_Q - {0x34, 0x13}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_R - {0x45, 0x0c}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_S - {0x34, 0x12}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_T - {0x44, 0x12}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_U - {0x44, 0x12}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_V - {0x44, 0x13}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_W - {0x33, 0x15}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_X - {0x34, 0x11}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_Y - {0x34, 0x10}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_Z - {0x35, 0x0f}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_EMARK - {0x35, 0x0d}, // SPECIES_UNOWN_QMARK + [SPECIES_NONE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_IVYSAUR] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_VENUSAUR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_CHARMANDER] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_CHARMELEON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_CHARIZARD] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_WARTORTLE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_BLASTOISE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CATERPIE] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_METAPOD] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_WEEDLE] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_KAKUNA] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_BEEDRILL] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_PIDGEY] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOT] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_RATTATA] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_RATICATE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SPEAROW] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_FEAROW] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_EKANS] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_ARBOK] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_PIKACHU] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_RAICHU] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SANDSHREW] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_SANDSLASH] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORINA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDORINO] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NIDOKING] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_CLEFABLE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_VULPIX] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_NINETALES] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ZUBAT] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLBAT] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_ODDISH] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_GLOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_VILEPLUME] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_PARAS] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_PARASECT] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_VENONAT] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_VENOMOTH] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_DIGLETT] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_DUGTRIO] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_MEOWTH] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_PERSIAN] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_PSYDUCK] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLDUCK] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_MANKEY] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_GROWLITHE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_ARCANINE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_POLIWAG] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_POLIWRATH] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ABRA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_KADABRA] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_MACHOP] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_MACHOKE] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_MACHAMP] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_TENTACOOL] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_GEODUDE] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_GRAVELER] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLEM] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_PONYTA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_RAPIDASH] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SLOWBRO] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE] = + { + .coords = 0x43, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGNETON] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_FARFETCHD] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_DODUO] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_DODRIO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SEEL] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DEWGONG] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_GRIMER] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MUK] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SHELLDER] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_CLOYSTER] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_GASTLY] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_HAUNTER] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_GENGAR] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_ONIX] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_DROWZEE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_HYPNO] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_KRABBY] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_KINGLER] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_VOLTORB] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_ELECTRODE] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CUBONE] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_MAROWAK] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_HITMONLEE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_LICKITUNG] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_KOFFING] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_WEEZING] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_RHYHORN] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_RHYDON] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_CHANSEY] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_TANGELA] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_HORSEA] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_SEADRA] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_GOLDEEN] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SEAKING] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_STARYU] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_STARMIE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_MR_MIME] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SCYTHER] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_JYNX] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGMAR] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_PINSIR] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_TAUROS] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGIKARP] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GYARADOS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_LAPRAS] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_DITTO] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_EEVEE] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_VAPOREON] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_JOLTEON] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_FLAREON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_PORYGON] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_OMANYTE] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_OMASTAR] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_KABUTO] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_KABUTOPS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_AERODACTYL] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SNORLAX] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_ARTICUNO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_ZAPDOS] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_MOLTRES] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_DRATINI] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_DRAGONITE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_MEW] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_CHIKORITA] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_BAYLEEF] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_MEGANIUM] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_QUILAVA] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_TOTODILE] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_CROCONAW] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_FERALIGATR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SENTRET] = + { + .coords = 0x47, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_FURRET] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_NOCTOWL] = + { + .coords = 0x58, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_LEDYBA] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_LEDIAN] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SPINARAK] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_ARIADOS] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_CROBAT] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CHINCHOU] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_LANTURN] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_PICHU] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_CLEFFA] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_TOGEPI] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_TOGETIC] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_NATU] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_XATU] = + { + .coords = 0x47, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_MAREEP] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_FLAAFFY] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_AMPHAROS] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_MARILL] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_AZUMARILL] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_POLITOED] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_HOPPIP] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_AIPOM] = + { + .coords = 0x58, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_SUNKERN] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_SUNFLORA] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_YANMA] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_WOOPER] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_ESPEON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_UMBREON] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MURKROW] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SLOWKING] = + { + .coords = 0x58, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN] = + { + .coords = 0x35, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_PINECO] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_FORRETRESS] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_GLIGAR] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_STEELIX] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SNUBBULL] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_GRANBULL] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_QWILFISH] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SCIZOR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SHUCKLE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_HERACROSS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_SNEASEL] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_URSARING] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SLUGMA] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGCARGO] = + { + .coords = 0x57, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_SWINUB] = + { + .coords = 0x43, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_PILOSWINE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_CORSOLA] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_REMORAID] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_OCTILLERY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DELIBIRD] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MANTINE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SKARMORY] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_KINGDRA] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_PHANPY] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_DONPHAN] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_PORYGON2] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_STANTLER] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SMEARGLE] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_TYROGUE] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_HITMONTOP] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM] = + { + .coords = 0x35, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_ELEKID] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_MAGBY] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_MILTANK] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_BLISSEY] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_RAIKOU] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_ENTEI] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SUICUNE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_LARVITAR] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_PUPITAR] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_TYRANITAR] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_LUGIA] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_HO_OH] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CELEBI] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_TREECKO] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON] = + { + .coords = 0x85, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_LINOONE] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_SILCOON] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_CASCOON] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_LOTAD] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_NINCADA] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_NINJASK] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW] = + { + .coords = 0x64, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SPINDA] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_WINGULL] = + { + .coords = 0x84, + .y_offset = 0x18, + }, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_WAILMER] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_WAILORD] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_SKITTY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_KECLEON] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_BALTOY] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x18, + }, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH] = + { + .coords = 0x54, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_FLYGON] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE] = + { + .coords = 0x64, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_NUMEL] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_SEALEO] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_WALREIN] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_CACNEA] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_GLALIE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_AZURILL] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_SPOINK] = + { + .coords = 0x46, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_MINUN] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MAWILE] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE] = + { + .coords = 0x65, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_SWABLU] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0a, + }, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA] = + { + .coords = 0x76, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH] = + { + .coords = 0x74, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SLAKING] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_GULPIN] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_SWALOT] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS] = + { + .coords = 0x86, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_ABSOL] = + { + .coords = 0x68, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_BANETTE] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x05, + }, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH] = + { + .coords = 0x77, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_ARON] = + { + .coords = 0x43, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_LAIRON] = + { + .coords = 0x75, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_AGGRON] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_LILEEP] = + { + .coords = 0x67, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_CRADILY] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_ANORITH] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x08, + }, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_RALTS] = + { + .coords = 0x35, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA] = + { + .coords = 0x47, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_BAGON] = + { + .coords = 0x56, + .y_offset = 0x0b, + }, + [SPECIES_SHELGON] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x09, + }, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_BELDUM] = + { + .coords = 0x55, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_METANG] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x07, + }, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK] = + { + .coords = 0x78, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_REGICE] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x03, + }, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE] = + { + .coords = 0x87, + .y_offset = 0x04, + }, + [SPECIES_GROUDON] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x00, + }, + [SPECIES_LATIAS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_LATIOS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x02, + }, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI] = + { + .coords = 0x66, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS] = + { + .coords = 0x88, + .y_offset = 0x01, + }, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO] = + { + .coords = 0x37, + .y_offset = 0x06, + }, + [SPECIES_EGG] = + { + .coords = 0x33, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_B] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_C] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_D] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_E] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_F] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_G] = + { + .coords = 0x35, + .y_offset = 0x0e, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_H] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_I] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_J] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_K] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_L] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_M] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_N] = + { + .coords = 0x43, + .y_offset = 0x14, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_O] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_P] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Q] = + { + .coords = 0x43, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_R] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_S] = + { + .coords = 0x45, + .y_offset = 0x0c, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_T] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_U] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_V] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x12, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_W] = + { + .coords = 0x44, + .y_offset = 0x13, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_X] = + { + .coords = 0x33, + .y_offset = 0x15, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Y] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x11, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Z] = + { + .coords = 0x34, + .y_offset = 0x10, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_EMARK] = + { + .coords = 0x35, + .y_offset = 0x0f, + }, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_QMARK] = + { + .coords = 0x35, + .y_offset = 0x0d, + }, }; diff --git a/src/data/text/item_descriptions.h b/src/data/text/item_descriptions.h index 1812a1d74..1f048e440 100644 --- a/src/data/text/item_descriptions.h +++ b/src/data/text/item_descriptions.h @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const u8 gPokeBallItemDescription[] = _("A tool used for\ncatching wild\nPOKéMO const u8 gSafariBallItemDescription[] = _("A special BALL that\nis used only in the\nSAFARI ZONE."); const u8 gNetBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nwell on WATER- and\nBUG-type POKéMON."); const u8 gDiveBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on POKéMON\non the ocean floor."); -const u8 gNestBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on weaker\nPOKéMON."); +const u8 gNestBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on weaker\nPOKéMON."); const u8 gRepeatBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on POKéMON\ncaught before."); const u8 gTimerBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that gains\npower in battles\ntaking many turns."); const u8 gLuxuryBallItemDescription[] = _("A cozy BALL that\nmakes POKéMON\nmore friendly."); diff --git a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h index fd497a889..34880f16d 100644 --- a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h +++ b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h @@ -1,1421 +1,1421 @@ static const u8 sNullDescription[] = _( - ""); + ""); static const u8 sPoundDescription[] = _( - "Pounds the foe with\n" - "forelegs or tail."); + "Pounds the foe with\n" + "forelegs or tail."); static const u8 sKarateChopDescription[] = _( - "A chopping attack with a\n" - "high critical-hit ratio."); + "A chopping attack with a\n" + "high critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sDoubleSlapDescription[] = _( - "Repeatedly slaps the foe\n" - "2 to 5 times."); + "Repeatedly slaps the foe\n" + "2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sCometPunchDescription[] = _( - "Repeatedly punches the foe\n" - "2 to 5 times."); + "Repeatedly punches the foe\n" + "2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sMegaPunchDescription[] = _( - "A strong punch thrown with\n" - "incredible power."); + "A strong punch thrown with\n" + "incredible power."); static const u8 sPayDayDescription[] = _( - "Throws coins at the foe.\n" - "Money is recovered after."); + "Throws coins at the foe.\n" + "Money is recovered after."); static const u8 sFirePunchDescription[] = _( - "A fiery punch that may burn\n" - "the foe."); + "A fiery punch that may burn\n" + "the foe."); static const u8 sIcePunchDescription[] = _( - "An icy punch that may\n" - "freeze the foe."); + "An icy punch that may\n" + "freeze the foe."); static const u8 sThunderPunchDescription[] = _( - "An electrified punch that\n" - "may paralyze the foe."); + "An electrified punch that\n" + "may paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sScratchDescription[] = _( - "Scratches the foe with\n" - "sharp claws."); + "Scratches the foe with\n" + "sharp claws."); static const u8 sViceGripDescription[] = _( - "Grips the foe with large and\n" - "powerful pincers."); + "Grips the foe with large and\n" + "powerful pincers."); static const u8 sGuillotineDescription[] = _( - "A powerful pincer attack\n" - "that may cause fainting."); + "A powerful pincer attack\n" + "that may cause fainting."); static const u8 sRazorWindDescription[] = _( - "A 2-turn move that strikes\n" - "the foe on the 2nd turn."); + "A 2-turn move that strikes\n" + "the foe on the 2nd turn."); static const u8 sSwordsDanceDescription[] = _( - "A fighting dance that\n" - "sharply raises ATTACK."); + "A fighting dance that\n" + "sharply raises ATTACK."); static const u8 sCutDescription[] = _( - "Cuts the foe with sharp\n" - "scythes, claws, etc."); + "Cuts the foe with sharp\n" + "scythes, claws, etc."); static const u8 sGustDescription[] = _( - "Strikes the foe with a gust\n" - "of wind whipped up by wings."); + "Strikes the foe with a gust\n" + "of wind whipped up by wings."); static const u8 sWingAttackDescription[] = _( - "Strikes the foe with wings\n" - "spread wide."); + "Strikes the foe with wings\n" + "spread wide."); static const u8 sWhirlwindDescription[] = _( - "Blows away the foe with\n" - "wind and ends the battle."); + "Blows away the foe with\n" + "wind and ends the battle."); static const u8 sFlyDescription[] = _( - "Flies up on the first turn,\n" - "then strikes the next turn."); + "Flies up on the first turn,\n" + "then strikes the next turn."); static const u8 sBindDescription[] = _( - "Binds and squeezes the foe\n" - "for 2 to 5 turns."); + "Binds and squeezes the foe\n" + "for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sSlamDescription[] = _( - "Slams the foe with a long\n" - "tail, vine, etc."); + "Slams the foe with a long\n" + "tail, vine, etc."); static const u8 sVineWhipDescription[] = _( - "Strikes the foe with\n" - "slender, whiplike vines."); + "Strikes the foe with\n" + "slender, whiplike vines."); static const u8 sStompDescription[] = _( - "Stomps the enemy with a big\n" - "foot. May cause flinching."); + "Stomps the enemy with a big\n" + "foot. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sDoubleKickDescription[] = _( - "A double-kicking attack\n" - "that strikes the foe twice."); + "A double-kicking attack\n" + "that strikes the foe twice."); static const u8 sMegaKickDescription[] = _( - "An extremely powerful kick\n" - "with intense force."); + "An extremely powerful kick\n" + "with intense force."); static const u8 sJumpKickDescription[] = _( - "A strong jumping kick. May\n" - "miss and hurt the kicker."); + "A strong jumping kick. May\n" + "miss and hurt the kicker."); static const u8 sRollingKickDescription[] = _( - "A fast kick delivered from\n" - "a rapid spin."); + "A fast kick delivered from\n" + "a rapid spin."); static const u8 sSandAttackDescription[] = _( - "Reduces the foe's accuracy\n" - "by hurling sand in its face."); + "Reduces the foe's accuracy\n" + "by hurling sand in its face."); static const u8 sHeadbuttDescription[] = _( - "A ramming attack that may\n" - "cause flinching."); + "A ramming attack that may\n" + "cause flinching."); static const u8 sHornAttackDescription[] = _( - "Jabs the foe with sharp\n" - "horns."); + "Jabs the foe with sharp\n" + "horns."); static const u8 sFuryAttackDescription[] = _( - "Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times\n" - "with sharp horns, etc."); + "Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times\n" + "with sharp horns, etc."); static const u8 sHornDrillDescription[] = _( - "A one-hit KO attack that\n" - "uses a horn like a drill."); + "A one-hit KO attack that\n" + "uses a horn like a drill."); static const u8 sTackleDescription[] = _( - "Charges the foe with a full-\n" - "body tackle."); + "Charges the foe with a full-\n" + "body tackle."); static const u8 sBodySlamDescription[] = _( - "A full-body slam that may\n" - "cause paralysis."); + "A full-body slam that may\n" + "cause paralysis."); static const u8 sWrapDescription[] = _( - "Wraps and squeezes the foe\n" - "2 to 5 times with vines, etc."); + "Wraps and squeezes the foe\n" + "2 to 5 times with vines, etc."); static const u8 sTakeDownDescription[] = _( - "A reckless charge attack\n" - "that also hurts the user."); + "A reckless charge attack\n" + "that also hurts the user."); static const u8 sThrashDescription[] = _( - "A rampage of 2 to 3 turns\n" - "that confuses the user."); + "A rampage of 2 to 3 turns\n" + "that confuses the user."); static const u8 sDoubleEdgeDescription[] = _( - "A life-risking tackle that\n" - "also hurts the user."); + "A life-risking tackle that\n" + "also hurts the user."); static const u8 sTailWhipDescription[] = _( - "Wags the tail to lower the\n" - "foe's DEFENSE."); + "Wags the tail to lower the\n" + "foe's DEFENSE."); static const u8 sPoisonStingDescription[] = _( - "A toxic attack with barbs,\n" - "etc., that may poison."); + "A toxic attack with barbs,\n" + "etc., that may poison."); static const u8 sTwineedleDescription[] = _( - "Stingers on the forelegs\n" - "jab the foe twice."); + "Stingers on the forelegs\n" + "jab the foe twice."); static const u8 sPinMissileDescription[] = _( - "Sharp pins are fired to\n" - "strike 2 to 5 times."); + "Sharp pins are fired to\n" + "strike 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sLeerDescription[] = _( - "Frightens the foe with a\n" - "leer to lower DEFENSE."); + "Frightens the foe with a\n" + "leer to lower DEFENSE."); static const u8 sBiteDescription[] = _( - "Bites with vicious fangs.\n" - "May cause flinching."); + "Bites with vicious fangs.\n" + "May cause flinching."); static const u8 sGrowlDescription[] = _( - "Growls cutely to reduce the\n" - "foe's ATTACK."); + "Growls cutely to reduce the\n" + "foe's ATTACK."); static const u8 sRoarDescription[] = _( - "Makes the foe flee to end\n" - "the battle."); + "Makes the foe flee to end\n" + "the battle."); static const u8 sSingDescription[] = _( - "A soothing song lulls the\n" - "foe into a deep slumber."); + "A soothing song lulls the\n" + "foe into a deep slumber."); static const u8 sSupersonicDescription[] = _( - "Emits bizarre sound waves\n" - "that may confuse the foe."); + "Emits bizarre sound waves\n" + "that may confuse the foe."); static const u8 sSonicBoomDescription[] = _( - "Launches shock waves that\n" - "always inflict 20 HP damage."); + "Launches shock waves that\n" + "always inflict 20 HP damage."); static const u8 sDisableDescription[] = _( - "Psychically disables one of\n" - "the foe's moves."); + "Psychically disables one of\n" + "the foe's moves."); static const u8 sAcidDescription[] = _( - "Sprays a hide-melting acid.\n" - "May lower DEFENSE."); + "Sprays a hide-melting acid.\n" + "May lower DEFENSE."); static const u8 sEmberDescription[] = _( - "A weak fire attack that may\n" - "inflict a burn."); + "A weak fire attack that may\n" + "inflict a burn."); static const u8 sFlamethrowerDescription[] = _( - "A powerful fire attack that\n" - "may inflict a burn."); + "A powerful fire attack that\n" + "may inflict a burn."); static const u8 sMistDescription[] = _( - "Creates a mist that stops\n" - "reduction of abilities."); + "Creates a mist that stops\n" + "reduction of abilities."); static const u8 sWaterGunDescription[] = _( - "Squirts water to attack\n" - "the foe."); + "Squirts water to attack\n" + "the foe."); static const u8 sHydroPumpDescription[] = _( - "Blasts water at high power\n" - "to strike the foe."); + "Blasts water at high power\n" + "to strike the foe."); static const u8 sSurfDescription[] = _( - "Creates a huge wave, then\n" - "crashes it down on the foe."); + "Creates a huge wave, then\n" + "crashes it down on the foe."); static const u8 sIceBeamDescription[] = _( - "Blasts the foe with an icy\n" - "beam that may freeze it."); + "Blasts the foe with an icy\n" + "beam that may freeze it."); static const u8 sBlizzardDescription[] = _( - "Hits the foe with an icy\n" - "storm that may freeze it."); + "Hits the foe with an icy\n" + "storm that may freeze it."); static const u8 sPsybeamDescription[] = _( - "Fires a peculiar ray that\n" - "may confuse the foe."); + "Fires a peculiar ray that\n" + "may confuse the foe."); static const u8 sBubbleBeamDescription[] = _( - "Forcefully sprays bubbles\n" - "that may lower SPEED."); + "Forcefully sprays bubbles\n" + "that may lower SPEED."); static const u8 sAuroraBeamDescription[] = _( - "Fires a rainbow-colored\n" - "beam that may lower ATTACK."); + "Fires a rainbow-colored\n" + "beam that may lower ATTACK."); static const u8 sHyperBeamDescription[] = _( - "Powerful, but leaves the\n" - "user immobile the next turn."); + "Powerful, but leaves the\n" + "user immobile the next turn."); static const u8 sPeckDescription[] = _( - "Attacks the foe with a\n" - "jabbing beak, etc."); + "Attacks the foe with a\n" + "jabbing beak, etc."); static const u8 sDrillPeckDescription[] = _( - "A corkscrewing attack with\n" - "the beak acting as a drill."); + "A corkscrewing attack with\n" + "the beak acting as a drill."); static const u8 sSubmissionDescription[] = _( - "A reckless body slam that\n" - "also hurts the user."); + "A reckless body slam that\n" + "also hurts the user."); static const u8 sLowKickDescription[] = _( - "A kick that inflicts more\n" - "damage on heavier foes."); + "A kick that inflicts more\n" + "damage on heavier foes."); static const u8 sCounterDescription[] = _( - "Retaliates any physical hit\n" - "with double the power."); + "Retaliates any physical hit\n" + "with double the power."); static const u8 sSeismicTossDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts damage identical\n" - "to the user's level."); + "Inflicts damage identical\n" + "to the user's level."); static const u8 sStrengthDescription[] = _( - "Builds enormous power,\n" - "then slams the foe."); + "Builds enormous power,\n" + "then slams the foe."); static const u8 sAbsorbDescription[] = _( - "An attack that absorbs\n" - "half the damage inflicted."); + "An attack that absorbs\n" + "half the damage inflicted."); static const u8 sMegaDrainDescription[] = _( - "An attack that absorbs\n" - "half the damage inflicted."); + "An attack that absorbs\n" + "half the damage inflicted."); static const u8 sLeechSeedDescription[] = _( - "Plants a seed on the foe to\n" - "steal HP on every turn."); + "Plants a seed on the foe to\n" + "steal HP on every turn."); static const u8 sGrowthDescription[] = _( - "Forces the body to grow\n" - "and heightens SP. ATK."); + "Forces the body to grow\n" + "and heightens SP. ATK."); static const u8 sRazorLeafDescription[] = _( - "Cuts the enemy with leaves.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Cuts the enemy with leaves.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sSolarBeamDescription[] = _( - "Absorbs light in one turn,\n" - "then attacks next turn."); + "Absorbs light in one turn,\n" + "then attacks next turn."); static const u8 sPoisonPowderDescription[] = _( - "Scatters a toxic powder\n" - "that may poison the foe."); + "Scatters a toxic powder\n" + "that may poison the foe."); static const u8 sStunSporeDescription[] = _( - "Scatters a powder that may\n" - "paralyze the foe."); + "Scatters a powder that may\n" + "paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sSleepPowderDescription[] = _( - "Scatters a powder that may\n" - "cause the foe to sleep."); + "Scatters a powder that may\n" + "cause the foe to sleep."); static const u8 sPetalDanceDescription[] = _( - "A rampage of 2 to 3 turns\n" - "that confuses the user."); + "A rampage of 2 to 3 turns\n" + "that confuses the user."); static const u8 sStringShotDescription[] = _( - "Binds the foe with string\n" - "to reduce its SPEED."); + "Binds the foe with string\n" + "to reduce its SPEED."); static const u8 sDragonRageDescription[] = _( - "Launches shock waves that\n" - "always inflict 40 HP damage."); + "Launches shock waves that\n" + "always inflict 40 HP damage."); static const u8 sFireSpinDescription[] = _( - "Traps the foe in a ring of\n" - "fire for 2 to 5 turns."); + "Traps the foe in a ring of\n" + "fire for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sThunderShockDescription[] = _( - "An electrical attack that\n" - "may paralyze the foe."); + "An electrical attack that\n" + "may paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sThunderboltDescription[] = _( - "A strong electrical attack\n" - "that may paralyze the foe."); + "A strong electrical attack\n" + "that may paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sThunderWaveDescription[] = _( - "A weak jolt of electricity\n" - "that paralyzes the foe."); + "A weak jolt of electricity\n" + "that paralyzes the foe."); static const u8 sThunderDescription[] = _( - "A lightning attack that may\n" - "cause paralysis."); + "A lightning attack that may\n" + "cause paralysis."); static const u8 sRockThrowDescription[] = _( - "Throws small rocks to\n" - "strike the foe."); + "Throws small rocks to\n" + "strike the foe."); static const u8 sEarthquakeDescription[] = _( - "A powerful quake, but has\n" - "no effect on flying foes."); + "A powerful quake, but has\n" + "no effect on flying foes."); static const u8 sFissureDescription[] = _( - "A one-hit KO move that\n" - "drops the foe in a fissure."); + "A one-hit KO move that\n" + "drops the foe in a fissure."); static const u8 sDigDescription[] = _( - "Digs underground the first\n" - "turn and strikes next turn."); + "Digs underground the first\n" + "turn and strikes next turn."); static const u8 sToxicDescription[] = _( - "Poisons the foe with an\n" - "intensifying toxin."); + "Poisons the foe with an\n" + "intensifying toxin."); static const u8 sConfusionDescription[] = _( - "A psychic attack that may\n" - "cause confusion."); + "A psychic attack that may\n" + "cause confusion."); static const u8 sPsychicDescription[] = _( - "A powerful psychic attack\n" - "that may lower SP. DEF."); + "A powerful psychic attack\n" + "that may lower SP. DEF."); static const u8 sHypnosisDescription[] = _( - "A hypnotizing move that\n" - "may induce sleep."); + "A hypnotizing move that\n" + "may induce sleep."); static const u8 sMeditateDescription[] = _( - "Meditates in a peaceful\n" - "fashion to raise ATTACK."); + "Meditates in a peaceful\n" + "fashion to raise ATTACK."); static const u8 sAgilityDescription[] = _( - "Relaxes the body to sharply\n" - "boost SPEED."); + "Relaxes the body to sharply\n" + "boost SPEED."); static const u8 sQuickAttackDescription[] = _( - "An extremely fast attack\n" - "that always strikes first."); + "An extremely fast attack\n" + "that always strikes first."); static const u8 sRageDescription[] = _( - "Raises the user's ATTACK\n" - "every time it is hit."); + "Raises the user's ATTACK\n" + "every time it is hit."); static const u8 sTeleportDescription[] = _( - "A psychic move for fleeing\n" - "from battle instantly."); + "A psychic move for fleeing\n" + "from battle instantly."); static const u8 sNightShadeDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts damage identical\n" - "to the user's level."); + "Inflicts damage identical\n" + "to the user's level."); static const u8 sMimicDescription[] = _( - "Copies a move used by the\n" - "foe during one battle."); + "Copies a move used by the\n" + "foe during one battle."); static const u8 sScreechDescription[] = _( - "Emits a screech to sharply\n" - "reduce the foe's DEFENSE."); + "Emits a screech to sharply\n" + "reduce the foe's DEFENSE."); static const u8 sDoubleTeamDescription[] = _( - "Creates illusory copies to\n" - "raise evasiveness."); + "Creates illusory copies to\n" + "raise evasiveness."); static const u8 sRecoverDescription[] = _( - "Recovers up to half the\n" - "user's maximum HP."); + "Recovers up to half the\n" + "user's maximum HP."); static const u8 sHardenDescription[] = _( - "Stiffens the body's \n" - "muscles to raise DEFENSE."); + "Stiffens the body's \n" + "muscles to raise DEFENSE."); static const u8 sMinimizeDescription[] = _( - "Minimizes the user's size\n" - "to raise evasiveness."); + "Minimizes the user's size\n" + "to raise evasiveness."); static const u8 sSmokescreenDescription[] = _( - "Lowers the foe's accuracy\n" - "using smoke, ink, etc."); + "Lowers the foe's accuracy\n" + "using smoke, ink, etc."); static const u8 sConfuseRayDescription[] = _( - "A sinister ray that\n" - "confuses the foe."); + "A sinister ray that\n" + "confuses the foe."); static const u8 sWithdrawDescription[] = _( - "Withdraws the body into its\n" - "hard shell to raise DEFENSE."); + "Withdraws the body into its\n" + "hard shell to raise DEFENSE."); static const u8 sDefenseCurlDescription[] = _( - "Curls up to conceal weak\n" - "spots and raise DEFENSE."); + "Curls up to conceal weak\n" + "spots and raise DEFENSE."); static const u8 sBarrierDescription[] = _( - "Creates a barrier that\n" - "sharply raises DEFENSE."); + "Creates a barrier that\n" + "sharply raises DEFENSE."); static const u8 sLightScreenDescription[] = _( - "Creates a wall of light that\n" - "lowers SP. ATK damage."); + "Creates a wall of light that\n" + "lowers SP. ATK damage."); static const u8 sHazeDescription[] = _( - "Creates a black haze that\n" - "eliminates all stat changes."); + "Creates a black haze that\n" + "eliminates all stat changes."); static const u8 sReflectDescription[] = _( - "Creates a wall of light that\n" - "weakens physical attacks."); + "Creates a wall of light that\n" + "weakens physical attacks."); static const u8 sFocusEnergyDescription[] = _( - "Focuses power to raise the\n" - "critical-hit ratio."); + "Focuses power to raise the\n" + "critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sBideDescription[] = _( - "Endures attack for 2\n" - "turns to retaliate double."); + "Endures attack for 2\n" + "turns to retaliate double."); static const u8 sMetronomeDescription[] = _( - "Waggles a finger to use any\n" - "POKéMON move at random."); + "Waggles a finger to use any\n" + "POKéMON move at random."); static const u8 sMirrorMoveDescription[] = _( - "Counters the foe's attack\n" - "with the same move."); + "Counters the foe's attack\n" + "with the same move."); static const u8 sSelfDestructDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts severe damage but\n" - "makes the user faint."); + "Inflicts severe damage but\n" + "makes the user faint."); static const u8 sEggBombDescription[] = _( - "An egg is forcibly hurled at\n" - "the foe."); + "An egg is forcibly hurled at\n" + "the foe."); static const u8 sLickDescription[] = _( - "Licks with a long tongue to\n" - "injure. May also paralyze."); + "Licks with a long tongue to\n" + "injure. May also paralyze."); static const u8 sSmogDescription[] = _( - "An exhaust-gas attack\n" - "that may also poison."); + "An exhaust-gas attack\n" + "that may also poison."); static const u8 sSludgeDescription[] = _( - "Sludge is hurled to inflict\n" - "damage. May also poison."); + "Sludge is hurled to inflict\n" + "damage. May also poison."); static const u8 sBoneClubDescription[] = _( - "Clubs the foe with a bone.\n" - "May cause flinching."); + "Clubs the foe with a bone.\n" + "May cause flinching."); static const u8 sFireBlastDescription[] = _( - "Incinerates everything it\n" - "strikes. May cause a burn."); + "Incinerates everything it\n" + "strikes. May cause a burn."); static const u8 sWaterfallDescription[] = _( - "Charges the foe with speed\n" - "to climb waterfalls."); + "Charges the foe with speed\n" + "to climb waterfalls."); static const u8 sClampDescription[] = _( - "Traps and squeezes the\n" - "foe for 2 to 5 turns."); + "Traps and squeezes the\n" + "foe for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sSwiftDescription[] = _( - "Sprays star-shaped rays\n" - "that never miss."); + "Sprays star-shaped rays\n" + "that never miss."); static const u8 sSkullBashDescription[] = _( - "Tucks in the head, then\n" - "attacks on the next turn."); + "Tucks in the head, then\n" + "attacks on the next turn."); static const u8 sSpikeCannonDescription[] = _( - "Launches sharp spikes that\n" - "strike 2 to 5 times."); + "Launches sharp spikes that\n" + "strike 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sConstrictDescription[] = _( - "Constricts to inflict pain.\n" - "May lower SPEED."); + "Constricts to inflict pain.\n" + "May lower SPEED."); static const u8 sAmnesiaDescription[] = _( - "Forgets about something\n" - "and sharply raises SP. DEF."); + "Forgets about something\n" + "and sharply raises SP. DEF."); static const u8 sKinesisDescription[] = _( - "Distracts the foe.\n" - "May lower accuracy."); + "Distracts the foe.\n" + "May lower accuracy."); static const u8 sSoftBoiledDescription[] = _( - "Recovers up to half the\n" - "user's maximum HP."); + "Recovers up to half the\n" + "user's maximum HP."); static const u8 sHiJumpKickDescription[] = _( - "A jumping knee kick. If it\n" - "misses, the user is hurt."); + "A jumping knee kick. If it\n" + "misses, the user is hurt."); static const u8 sGlareDescription[] = _( - "Intimidates and frightens\n" - "the foe into paralysis."); + "Intimidates and frightens\n" + "the foe into paralysis."); static const u8 sDreamEaterDescription[] = _( - "Takes one half the damage\n" - "inflicted on a sleeping foe."); + "Takes one half the damage\n" + "inflicted on a sleeping foe."); static const u8 sPoisonGasDescription[] = _( - "Envelops the foe in a toxic\n" - "gas that may poison."); + "Envelops the foe in a toxic\n" + "gas that may poison."); static const u8 sBarrageDescription[] = _( - "Hurls round objects at the\n" - "foe 2 to 5 times."); + "Hurls round objects at the\n" + "foe 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sLeechLifeDescription[] = _( - "An attack that steals half\n" - "the damage inflicted."); + "An attack that steals half\n" + "the damage inflicted."); static const u8 sLovelyKissDescription[] = _( - "Demands a kiss with a scary\n" - "face that induces sleep."); + "Demands a kiss with a scary\n" + "face that induces sleep."); static const u8 sSkyAttackDescription[] = _( - "Searches out weak spots,\n" - "then strikes the next turn."); + "Searches out weak spots,\n" + "then strikes the next turn."); static const u8 sTransformDescription[] = _( - "Alters the user's cells to\n" - "become a copy of the foe."); + "Alters the user's cells to\n" + "become a copy of the foe."); static const u8 sBubbleDescription[] = _( - "An attack using bubbles.\n" - "May lower the foe's SPEED."); + "An attack using bubbles.\n" + "May lower the foe's SPEED."); static const u8 sDizzyPunchDescription[] = _( - "A rhythmic punch that may\n" - "confuse the foe."); + "A rhythmic punch that may\n" + "confuse the foe."); static const u8 sSporeDescription[] = _( - "Scatters a cloud of spores\n" - "that always induce sleep."); + "Scatters a cloud of spores\n" + "that always induce sleep."); static const u8 sFlashDescription[] = _( - "Looses a powerful blast of\n" - "light that cuts accuracy."); + "Looses a powerful blast of\n" + "light that cuts accuracy."); static const u8 sPsywaveDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a psychic\n" - "wave of varying intensity."); + "Attacks with a psychic\n" + "wave of varying intensity."); static const u8 sSplashDescription[] = _( - "It's just a splash...\n" - "Has no effect whatsoever."); + "It's just a splash...\n" + "Has no effect whatsoever."); static const u8 sAcidArmorDescription[] = _( - "Liquifies the user's body\n" - "to sharply raise DEFENSE."); + "Liquifies the user's body\n" + "to sharply raise DEFENSE."); static const u8 sCrabhammerDescription[] = _( - "Hammers with a pincer. Has a\n" - "high critical-hit ratio."); + "Hammers with a pincer. Has a\n" + "high critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sExplosionDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts severe damage but\n" - "makes the user faint."); + "Inflicts severe damage but\n" + "makes the user faint."); static const u8 sFurySwipesDescription[] = _( - "Rakes the foe with sharp\n" - "claws, etc., 2 to 5 times."); + "Rakes the foe with sharp\n" + "claws, etc., 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sBonemerangDescription[] = _( - "Throws a bone boomerang\n" - "that strikes twice."); + "Throws a bone boomerang\n" + "that strikes twice."); static const u8 sRestDescription[] = _( - "The user sleeps for 2 turns,\n" - "restoring HP and status."); + "The user sleeps for 2 turns,\n" + "restoring HP and status."); static const u8 sRockSlideDescription[] = _( - "Large boulders are hurled.\n" - "May cause flinching."); + "Large boulders are hurled.\n" + "May cause flinching."); static const u8 sHyperFangDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with sharp fangs.\n" - "May cause flinching."); + "Attacks with sharp fangs.\n" + "May cause flinching."); static const u8 sSharpenDescription[] = _( - "Reduces the polygon count\n" - "and raises ATTACK."); + "Reduces the polygon count\n" + "and raises ATTACK."); static const u8 sConversionDescription[] = _( - "Changes the user's type\n" - "into a known move's type."); + "Changes the user's type\n" + "into a known move's type."); static const u8 sTriAttackDescription[] = _( - "Fires three types of beams\n" - "at the same time."); + "Fires three types of beams\n" + "at the same time."); static const u8 sSuperFangDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with sharp fangs\n" - "and cuts half the foe's HP."); + "Attacks with sharp fangs\n" + "and cuts half the foe's HP."); static const u8 sSlashDescription[] = _( - "Slashes with claws, etc. Has\n" - "a high critical-hit ratio."); + "Slashes with claws, etc. Has\n" + "a high critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sSubstituteDescription[] = _( - "Creates a decoy using 1/4\n" - "of the user's maximum HP."); + "Creates a decoy using 1/4\n" + "of the user's maximum HP."); static const u8 sStruggleDescription[] = _( - "Used only if all PP are gone.\n" - "Also hurts the user a little."); + "Used only if all PP are gone.\n" + "Also hurts the user a little."); static const u8 sSketchDescription[] = _( - "Copies the foe's last move\n" - "permanently."); + "Copies the foe's last move\n" + "permanently."); static const u8 sTripleKickDescription[] = _( - "Kicks the foe 3 times in a\n" - "row with rising intensity."); + "Kicks the foe 3 times in a\n" + "row with rising intensity."); static const u8 sThiefDescription[] = _( - "While attacking, it may\n" - "steal the foe's held item."); + "While attacking, it may\n" + "steal the foe's held item."); static const u8 sSpiderWebDescription[] = _( - "Ensnares the foe to stop it\n" - "from fleeing or switching."); + "Ensnares the foe to stop it\n" + "from fleeing or switching."); static const u8 sMindReaderDescription[] = _( - "Senses the foe's action to\n" - "ensure the next move's hit."); + "Senses the foe's action to\n" + "ensure the next move's hit."); static const u8 sNightmareDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts 1/4 damage on a\n" - "sleeping foe every turn."); + "Inflicts 1/4 damage on a\n" + "sleeping foe every turn."); static const u8 sFlameWheelDescription[] = _( - "A fiery charge attack that\n" - "may inflict a burn."); + "A fiery charge attack that\n" + "may inflict a burn."); static const u8 sSnoreDescription[] = _( - "A loud attack that can be\n" - "used only while asleep."); + "A loud attack that can be\n" + "used only while asleep."); static const u8 sCurseDescription[] = _( - "A move that functions\n" - "differently for GHOSTS."); + "A move that functions\n" + "differently for GHOSTS."); static const u8 sFlailDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts more damage when\n" - "the user's HP is down."); + "Inflicts more damage when\n" + "the user's HP is down."); static const u8 sConversion2Description[] = _( - "Makes the user resistant\n" - "to the last attack's type."); + "Makes the user resistant\n" + "to the last attack's type."); static const u8 sAeroblastDescription[] = _( - "Launches a vacuumed blast.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Launches a vacuumed blast.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sCottonSporeDescription[] = _( - "Spores cling to the foe,\n" - "sharply reducing SPEED."); + "Spores cling to the foe,\n" + "sharply reducing SPEED."); static const u8 sReversalDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts more damage when\n" - "the user's HP is down."); + "Inflicts more damage when\n" + "the user's HP is down."); static const u8 sSpiteDescription[] = _( - "Spitefully cuts the PP\n" - "of the foe's last move."); + "Spitefully cuts the PP\n" + "of the foe's last move."); static const u8 sPowderSnowDescription[] = _( - "Blasts the foe with a snowy\n" - "gust. May cause freezing."); + "Blasts the foe with a snowy\n" + "gust. May cause freezing."); static const u8 sProtectDescription[] = _( - "Evades attack, but may fail\n" - "if used in succession."); + "Evades attack, but may fail\n" + "if used in succession."); static const u8 sMachPunchDescription[] = _( - "A punch is thrown at wicked\n" - "speed to strike first."); + "A punch is thrown at wicked\n" + "speed to strike first."); static const u8 sScaryFaceDescription[] = _( - "Frightens with a scary face\n" - "to sharply reduce SPEED."); + "Frightens with a scary face\n" + "to sharply reduce SPEED."); static const u8 sFaintAttackDescription[] = _( - "Draws the foe close, then\n" - "strikes without fail."); + "Draws the foe close, then\n" + "strikes without fail."); static const u8 sSweetKissDescription[] = _( - "Demands a kiss with a cute\n" - "look. May cause confusion."); + "Demands a kiss with a cute\n" + "look. May cause confusion."); static const u8 sBellyDrumDescription[] = _( - "Maximizes ATTACK while\n" - "sacrificing HP."); + "Maximizes ATTACK while\n" + "sacrificing HP."); static const u8 sSludgeBombDescription[] = _( - "Sludge is hurled to inflict\n" - "damage. May also poison."); + "Sludge is hurled to inflict\n" + "damage. May also poison."); static const u8 sMudSlapDescription[] = _( - "Hurls mud in the foe's face\n" - "to reduce its accuracy."); + "Hurls mud in the foe's face\n" + "to reduce its accuracy."); static const u8 sOctazookaDescription[] = _( - "Fires a lump of ink to\n" - "damage and cut accuracy."); + "Fires a lump of ink to\n" + "damage and cut accuracy."); static const u8 sSpikesDescription[] = _( - "Sets spikes that hurt a \n" - "foe switching in."); + "Sets spikes that hurt a \n" + "foe switching in."); static const u8 sZapCannonDescription[] = _( - "Powerful and sure to cause\n" - "paralysis, but inaccurate."); + "Powerful and sure to cause\n" + "paralysis, but inaccurate."); static const u8 sForesightDescription[] = _( - "Negates the foe's efforts\n" - "to heighten evasiveness."); + "Negates the foe's efforts\n" + "to heighten evasiveness."); static const u8 sDestinyBondDescription[] = _( - "If the user faints, the foe\n" - "is also made to faint."); + "If the user faints, the foe\n" + "is also made to faint."); static const u8 sPerishSongDescription[] = _( - "Any POKéMON hearing this\n" - "song faints in 3 turns."); + "Any POKéMON hearing this\n" + "song faints in 3 turns."); static const u8 sIcyWindDescription[] = _( - "A chilling attack that\n" - "lowers the foe's SPEED."); + "A chilling attack that\n" + "lowers the foe's SPEED."); static const u8 sDetectDescription[] = _( - "Evades attack, but may fail\n" - "if used in succession."); + "Evades attack, but may fail\n" + "if used in succession."); static const u8 sBoneRushDescription[] = _( - "Strikes the foe with a bone\n" - "in hand 2 to 5 times."); + "Strikes the foe with a bone\n" + "in hand 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sLockOnDescription[] = _( - "Locks on to the foe to\n" - "ensure the next move hits."); + "Locks on to the foe to\n" + "ensure the next move hits."); static const u8 sOutrageDescription[] = _( - "A rampage of 2 to 3 turns\n" - "that confuses the user."); + "A rampage of 2 to 3 turns\n" + "that confuses the user."); static const u8 sSandstormDescription[] = _( - "Causes a sandstorm that\n" - "rages for several turns."); + "Causes a sandstorm that\n" + "rages for several turns."); static const u8 sGigaDrainDescription[] = _( - "An attack that steals half\n" - "the damage inflicted."); + "An attack that steals half\n" + "the damage inflicted."); static const u8 sEndureDescription[] = _( - "Endures any attack for\n" - "1 turn, leaving at least 1HP."); + "Endures any attack for\n" + "1 turn, leaving at least 1HP."); static const u8 sCharmDescription[] = _( - "Charms the foe and sharply\n" - "reduces its ATTACK."); + "Charms the foe and sharply\n" + "reduces its ATTACK."); static const u8 sRolloutDescription[] = _( - "An attack lasting 5 turns\n" - "with rising intensity."); + "An attack lasting 5 turns\n" + "with rising intensity."); static const u8 sFalseSwipeDescription[] = _( - "An attack that leaves the\n" - "foe with at least 1 HP."); + "An attack that leaves the\n" + "foe with at least 1 HP."); static const u8 sSwaggerDescription[] = _( - "Confuses the foe, but also\n" - "sharply raises ATTACK."); + "Confuses the foe, but also\n" + "sharply raises ATTACK."); static const u8 sMilkDrinkDescription[] = _( - "Recovers up to half the\n" - "user's maximum HP."); + "Recovers up to half the\n" + "user's maximum HP."); static const u8 sSparkDescription[] = _( - "An electrified tackle that\n" - "may paralyze the foe."); + "An electrified tackle that\n" + "may paralyze the foe."); static const u8 sFuryCutterDescription[] = _( - "An attack that intensifies\n" - "on each successive hit."); + "An attack that intensifies\n" + "on each successive hit."); static const u8 sSteelWingDescription[] = _( - "Strikes the foe with hard\n" - "wings spread wide."); + "Strikes the foe with hard\n" + "wings spread wide."); static const u8 sMeanLookDescription[] = _( - "Fixes the foe with a mean\n" - "look that prevents escape."); + "Fixes the foe with a mean\n" + "look that prevents escape."); static const u8 sAttractDescription[] = _( - "Makes the opposite gender\n" - "less likely to attack."); + "Makes the opposite gender\n" + "less likely to attack."); static const u8 sSleepTalkDescription[] = _( - "Uses an available move\n" - "randomly while asleep."); + "Uses an available move\n" + "randomly while asleep."); static const u8 sHealBellDescription[] = _( - "Chimes soothingly to heal\n" - "all status abnormalities."); + "Chimes soothingly to heal\n" + "all status abnormalities."); static const u8 sReturnDescription[] = _( - "An attack that increases\n" - "in power with friendship."); + "An attack that increases\n" + "in power with friendship."); static const u8 sPresentDescription[] = _( - "A gift in the form of a\n" - "bomb. May restore HP."); + "A gift in the form of a\n" + "bomb. May restore HP."); static const u8 sFrustrationDescription[] = _( - "An attack that is stronger\n" - "if the TRAINER is disliked."); + "An attack that is stronger\n" + "if the TRAINER is disliked."); static const u8 sSafeguardDescription[] = _( - "A mystical force prevents\n" - "all status problems."); + "A mystical force prevents\n" + "all status problems."); static const u8 sPainSplitDescription[] = _( - "Adds the user and foe's HP,\n" - "then shares them equally."); + "Adds the user and foe's HP,\n" + "then shares them equally."); static const u8 sSacredFireDescription[] = _( - "A mystical fire attack that\n" - "may inflict a burn."); + "A mystical fire attack that\n" + "may inflict a burn."); static const u8 sMagnitudeDescription[] = _( - "A ground-shaking attack\n" - "of random intensity."); + "A ground-shaking attack\n" + "of random intensity."); static const u8 sDynamicPunchDescription[] = _( - "Powerful and sure to cause\n" - "confusion, but inaccurate."); + "Powerful and sure to cause\n" + "confusion, but inaccurate."); static const u8 sMegahornDescription[] = _( - "A brutal ramming attack\n" - "using out-thrust horns."); + "A brutal ramming attack\n" + "using out-thrust horns."); static const u8 sDragonBreathDescription[] = _( - "Strikes the foe with an\n" - "incredible blast of breath."); + "Strikes the foe with an\n" + "incredible blast of breath."); static const u8 sBatonPassDescription[] = _( - "Switches out the user while\n" - "keeping effects in play."); + "Switches out the user while\n" + "keeping effects in play."); static const u8 sEncoreDescription[] = _( - "Makes the foe repeat its\n" - "last move over 2 to 6 turns."); + "Makes the foe repeat its\n" + "last move over 2 to 6 turns."); static const u8 sPursuitDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts bad damage if used\n" - "on a foe switching out."); + "Inflicts bad damage if used\n" + "on a foe switching out."); static const u8 sRapidSpinDescription[] = _( - "Spins the body at high\n" - "speed to strike the foe."); + "Spins the body at high\n" + "speed to strike the foe."); static const u8 sSweetScentDescription[] = _( - "Allures the foe to reduce\n" - "evasiveness."); + "Allures the foe to reduce\n" + "evasiveness."); static const u8 sIronTailDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a rock-hard\n" - "tail. May lower DEFENSE."); + "Attacks with a rock-hard\n" + "tail. May lower DEFENSE."); static const u8 sMetalClawDescription[] = _( - "A claw attack that may\n" - "raise the user's ATTACK."); + "A claw attack that may\n" + "raise the user's ATTACK."); static const u8 sVitalThrowDescription[] = _( - "Makes the user's move last,\n" - "but it never misses."); + "Makes the user's move last,\n" + "but it never misses."); static const u8 sMorningSunDescription[] = _( - "Restores HP. The amount\n" - "varies with the weather."); + "Restores HP. The amount\n" + "varies with the weather."); static const u8 sSynthesisDescription[] = _( - "Restores HP. The amount\n" - "varies with the weather."); + "Restores HP. The amount\n" + "varies with the weather."); static const u8 sMoonlightDescription[] = _( - "Restores HP. The amount\n" - "varies with the weather."); + "Restores HP. The amount\n" + "varies with the weather."); static const u8 sHiddenPowerDescription[] = _( - "The effectiveness varies\n" - "with the user."); + "The effectiveness varies\n" + "with the user."); static const u8 sCrossChopDescription[] = _( - "A double-chopping attack.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "A double-chopping attack.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sTwisterDescription[] = _( - "Whips up a vicious twister\n" - "to tear at the foe."); + "Whips up a vicious twister\n" + "to tear at the foe."); static const u8 sRainDanceDescription[] = _( - "Boosts the power of WATER-\n" - "type moves for 5 turns."); + "Boosts the power of WATER-\n" + "type moves for 5 turns."); static const u8 sSunnyDayDescription[] = _( - "Boosts the power of FIRE-\n" - "type moves for 5 turns."); + "Boosts the power of FIRE-\n" + "type moves for 5 turns."); static const u8 sCrunchDescription[] = _( - "Crunches with sharp fangs.\n" - "May lower SP. DEF."); + "Crunches with sharp fangs.\n" + "May lower SP. DEF."); static const u8 sMirrorCoatDescription[] = _( - "Counters the foe's special\n" - "attack at double the power."); + "Counters the foe's special\n" + "attack at double the power."); static const u8 sPsychUpDescription[] = _( - "Copies the foe's effect(s)\n" - "and gives to the user."); + "Copies the foe's effect(s)\n" + "and gives to the user."); static const u8 sExtremeSpeedDescription[] = _( - "An extremely fast and\n" - "powerful attack."); + "An extremely fast and\n" + "powerful attack."); static const u8 sAncientPowerDescription[] = _( - "An attack that may raise\n" - "all stats."); + "An attack that may raise\n" + "all stats."); static const u8 sShadowBallDescription[] = _( - "Hurls a black blob that may\n" - "lower the foe's SP. DEF."); + "Hurls a black blob that may\n" + "lower the foe's SP. DEF."); static const u8 sFutureSightDescription[] = _( - "Heightens inner power to\n" - "strike 2 turns later."); + "Heightens inner power to\n" + "strike 2 turns later."); static const u8 sRockSmashDescription[] = _( - "A rock-crushing attack\n" - "that may lower DEFENSE."); + "A rock-crushing attack\n" + "that may lower DEFENSE."); static const u8 sWhirlpoolDescription[] = _( - "Traps and hurts the foe in\n" - "a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns."); + "Traps and hurts the foe in\n" + "a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sBeatUpDescription[] = _( - "Summons party POKéMON to\n" - "join in the attack."); + "Summons party POKéMON to\n" + "join in the attack."); static const u8 sFakeOutDescription[] = _( - "A 1st-turn, 1st-strike move\n" - "that causes flinching."); + "A 1st-turn, 1st-strike move\n" + "that causes flinching."); static const u8 sUproarDescription[] = _( - "Causes an uproar for 2 to 5\n" - "turns and prevents sleep."); + "Causes an uproar for 2 to 5\n" + "turns and prevents sleep."); static const u8 sStockpileDescription[] = _( - "Charges up power for up to\n" - "3 turns."); + "Charges up power for up to\n" + "3 turns."); static const u8 sSpitUpDescription[] = _( - "Releases stockpiled power\n" - "(the more the better)."); + "Releases stockpiled power\n" + "(the more the better)."); static const u8 sSwallowDescription[] = _( - "Absorbs stockpiled power\n" - "and restores HP."); + "Absorbs stockpiled power\n" + "and restores HP."); static const u8 sHeatWaveDescription[] = _( - "Exhales a hot breath on the\n" - "foe. May inflict a burn."); + "Exhales a hot breath on the\n" + "foe. May inflict a burn."); static const u8 sHailDescription[] = _( - "Summons a hailstorm that\n" - "strikes every turn."); + "Summons a hailstorm that\n" + "strikes every turn."); static const u8 sTormentDescription[] = _( - "Torments the foe and stops\n" - "successive use of a move."); + "Torments the foe and stops\n" + "successive use of a move."); static const u8 sFlatterDescription[] = _( - "Confuses the foe, but\n" - "raises its SP. ATK."); + "Confuses the foe, but\n" + "raises its SP. ATK."); static const u8 sWillOWispDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts a burn on the foe\n" - "with intense fire."); + "Inflicts a burn on the foe\n" + "with intense fire."); static const u8 sMementoDescription[] = _( - "The user faints and lowers\n" - "the foe's abilities."); + "The user faints and lowers\n" + "the foe's abilities."); static const u8 sFacadeDescription[] = _( - "Boosts ATTACK when burned,\n" - "paralyzed, or poisoned."); + "Boosts ATTACK when burned,\n" + "paralyzed, or poisoned."); static const u8 sFocusPunchDescription[] = _( - "A powerful loyalty attack.\n" - "The user flinches if hit."); + "A powerful loyalty attack.\n" + "The user flinches if hit."); static const u8 sSmellingSaltDescription[] = _( - "Powerful against paralyzed\n" - "foes, but also heals them."); + "Powerful against paralyzed\n" + "foes, but also heals them."); static const u8 sFollowMeDescription[] = _( - "Draws attention to make\n" - "foes attack only the user."); + "Draws attention to make\n" + "foes attack only the user."); static const u8 sNaturePowerDescription[] = _( - "The type of attack varies\n" - "depending on the location."); + "The type of attack varies\n" + "depending on the location."); static const u8 sChargeDescription[] = _( - "Charges power to boost the\n" - "electric move used next."); + "Charges power to boost the\n" + "electric move used next."); static const u8 sTauntDescription[] = _( - "Taunts the foe into only\n" - "using attack moves."); + "Taunts the foe into only\n" + "using attack moves."); static const u8 sHelpingHandDescription[] = _( - "Boosts the power of the\n" - "recipient's moves."); + "Boosts the power of the\n" + "recipient's moves."); static const u8 sTrickDescription[] = _( - "Tricks the foe into trading\n" - "held items."); + "Tricks the foe into trading\n" + "held items."); static const u8 sRolePlayDescription[] = _( - "Mimics the target and\n" - "copies its special ability."); + "Mimics the target and\n" + "copies its special ability."); static const u8 sWishDescription[] = _( - "A wish that restores HP.\n" - "It takes time to work."); + "A wish that restores HP.\n" + "It takes time to work."); static const u8 sAssistDescription[] = _( - "Attacks randomly with one\n" - "of the partner's moves."); + "Attacks randomly with one\n" + "of the partner's moves."); static const u8 sIngrainDescription[] = _( - "Lays roots that restore HP.\n" - "The user can't switch out."); + "Lays roots that restore HP.\n" + "The user can't switch out."); static const u8 sSuperpowerDescription[] = _( - "Boosts strength sharply,\n" - "but lowers abilities."); + "Boosts strength sharply,\n" + "but lowers abilities."); static const u8 sMagicCoatDescription[] = _( - "Reflects special effects\n" - "back to the attacker."); + "Reflects special effects\n" + "back to the attacker."); static const u8 sRecycleDescription[] = _( - "Recycles a used item for\n" - "one more use."); + "Recycles a used item for\n" + "one more use."); static const u8 sRevengeDescription[] = _( - "An attack that gains power\n" - "if injured by the foe."); + "An attack that gains power\n" + "if injured by the foe."); static const u8 sBrickBreakDescription[] = _( - "Destroys barriers such as\n" - "REFLECT and causes damage."); + "Destroys barriers such as\n" + "REFLECT and causes damage."); static const u8 sYawnDescription[] = _( - "Lulls the foe into yawning,\n" - "then sleeping next turn."); + "Lulls the foe into yawning,\n" + "then sleeping next turn."); static const u8 sKnockOffDescription[] = _( - "Knocks down the foe's held\n" - "item to prevent its use."); + "Knocks down the foe's held\n" + "item to prevent its use."); static const u8 sEndeavorDescription[] = _( - "Gains power if the user's HP\n" - "is lower than the foe's HP."); + "Gains power if the user's HP\n" + "is lower than the foe's HP."); static const u8 sEruptionDescription[] = _( - "The higher the user's HP,\n" - "the more damage caused."); + "The higher the user's HP,\n" + "the more damage caused."); static const u8 sSkillSwapDescription[] = _( - "The user swaps special\n" - "abilities with the target."); + "The user swaps special\n" + "abilities with the target."); static const u8 sImprisonDescription[] = _( - "Prevents foes from using\n" - "moves known by the user."); + "Prevents foes from using\n" + "moves known by the user."); static const u8 sRefreshDescription[] = _( - "Heals poisoning, paralysis,\n" - "or a burn."); + "Heals poisoning, paralysis,\n" + "or a burn."); static const u8 sGrudgeDescription[] = _( - "If the user faints, deletes\n" - "all PP of foe's last move."); + "If the user faints, deletes\n" + "all PP of foe's last move."); static const u8 sSnatchDescription[] = _( - "Steals the effects of the\n" - "move the target uses next."); + "Steals the effects of the\n" + "move the target uses next."); static const u8 sSecretPowerDescription[] = _( - "An attack with effects\n" - "that vary by location."); + "An attack with effects\n" + "that vary by location."); static const u8 sDiveDescription[] = _( - "Dives underwater the first\n" - "turn and strikes next turn."); + "Dives underwater the first\n" + "turn and strikes next turn."); static const u8 sArmThrustDescription[] = _( - "Straight-arm punches that\n" - "strike the foe 2 to 5 times."); + "Straight-arm punches that\n" + "strike the foe 2 to 5 times."); static const u8 sCamouflageDescription[] = _( - "Alters the POKéMON's type\n" - "depending on the location."); + "Alters the POKéMON's type\n" + "depending on the location."); static const u8 sTailGlowDescription[] = _( - "Flashes a light that sharply\n" - "raises SP. ATK."); + "Flashes a light that sharply\n" + "raises SP. ATK."); static const u8 sLusterPurgeDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a burst of\n" - "light. May lower SP. DEF."); + "Attacks with a burst of\n" + "light. May lower SP. DEF."); static const u8 sMistBallDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a flurry of\n" - "down. May lower SP. ATK."); + "Attacks with a flurry of\n" + "down. May lower SP. ATK."); static const u8 sFeatherDanceDescription[] = _( - "Envelops the foe with down\n" - "to sharply reduce ATTACK."); + "Envelops the foe with down\n" + "to sharply reduce ATTACK."); static const u8 sTeeterDanceDescription[] = _( - "Confuses all POKéMON on\n" - "the scene."); + "Confuses all POKéMON on\n" + "the scene."); static const u8 sBlazeKickDescription[] = _( - "A kick with a high critical-\n" - "hit ratio. May cause a burn."); + "A kick with a high critical-\n" + "hit ratio. May cause a burn."); static const u8 sMudSportDescription[] = _( - "Covers the user in mud to\n" - "raise electrical resistance."); + "Covers the user in mud to\n" + "raise electrical resistance."); static const u8 sIceBallDescription[] = _( - "A 5-turn attack that gains\n" - "power on successive hits."); + "A 5-turn attack that gains\n" + "power on successive hits."); static const u8 sNeedleArmDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with thorny arms.\n" - "May cause flinching."); + "Attacks with thorny arms.\n" + "May cause flinching."); static const u8 sSlackOffDescription[] = _( - "Slacks off and restores\n" - "half the maximum HP."); + "Slacks off and restores\n" + "half the maximum HP."); static const u8 sHyperVoiceDescription[] = _( - "A loud attack that uses\n" - "sound waves to injure."); + "A loud attack that uses\n" + "sound waves to injure."); static const u8 sPoisonFangDescription[] = _( - "A sharp-fanged attack.\n" - "May badly poison the foe."); + "A sharp-fanged attack.\n" + "May badly poison the foe."); static const u8 sCrushClawDescription[] = _( - "Tears at the foe with sharp\n" - "claws. May lower DEFENSE."); + "Tears at the foe with sharp\n" + "claws. May lower DEFENSE."); static const u8 sBlastBurnDescription[] = _( - "Powerful, but leaves the\n" - "user immobile the next turn."); + "Powerful, but leaves the\n" + "user immobile the next turn."); static const u8 sHydroCannonDescription[] = _( - "Powerful, but leaves the\n" - "user immobile the next turn."); + "Powerful, but leaves the\n" + "user immobile the next turn."); static const u8 sMeteorMashDescription[] = _( - "Fires a meteor-like punch.\n" - "May raise ATTACK."); + "Fires a meteor-like punch.\n" + "May raise ATTACK."); static const u8 sAstonishDescription[] = _( - "An attack that may shock\n" - "the foe into flinching."); + "An attack that may shock\n" + "the foe into flinching."); static const u8 sWeatherBallDescription[] = _( - "The move's type and power\n" - "change with the weather."); + "The move's type and power\n" + "change with the weather."); static const u8 sAromatherapyDescription[] = _( - "Heals all status problems\n" - "with a soothing scent."); + "Heals all status problems\n" + "with a soothing scent."); static const u8 sFakeTearsDescription[] = _( - "Feigns crying to sharply\n" - "lower the foe's SP. DEF."); + "Feigns crying to sharply\n" + "lower the foe's SP. DEF."); static const u8 sAirCutterDescription[] = _( - "Hacks with razorlike wind.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Hacks with razorlike wind.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sOverheatDescription[] = _( - "Allows a full-power attack,\n" - "but sharply lowers SP. ATK."); + "Allows a full-power attack,\n" + "but sharply lowers SP. ATK."); static const u8 sOdorSleuthDescription[] = _( - "Negates the foe's efforts\n" - "to heighten evasiveness."); + "Negates the foe's efforts\n" + "to heighten evasiveness."); static const u8 sRockTombDescription[] = _( - "Stops the foe from moving\n" - "with rocks and cuts SPEED."); + "Stops the foe from moving\n" + "with rocks and cuts SPEED."); static const u8 sSilverWindDescription[] = _( - "A powdery attack that may\n" - "raise abilities."); + "A powdery attack that may\n" + "raise abilities."); static const u8 sMetalSoundDescription[] = _( - "Emits a horrible screech\n" - "that sharply lowers SP. DEF."); + "Emits a horrible screech\n" + "that sharply lowers SP. DEF."); static const u8 sGrassWhistleDescription[] = _( - "Lulls the foe into sleep\n" - "with a pleasant melody."); + "Lulls the foe into sleep\n" + "with a pleasant melody."); static const u8 sTickleDescription[] = _( - "Makes the foe laugh to\n" - "lower ATTACK and DEFENSE."); + "Makes the foe laugh to\n" + "lower ATTACK and DEFENSE."); static const u8 sCosmicPowerDescription[] = _( - "Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF\n" - "with a mystic power."); + "Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF\n" + "with a mystic power."); static const u8 sWaterSpoutDescription[] = _( - "Inflicts more damage if the\n" - "user's HP is high."); + "Inflicts more damage if the\n" + "user's HP is high."); static const u8 sSignalBeamDescription[] = _( - "A strange beam attack that\n" - "may confuse the foe."); + "A strange beam attack that\n" + "may confuse the foe."); static const u8 sShadowPunchDescription[] = _( - "An unavoidable punch that\n" - "is thrown from shadows."); + "An unavoidable punch that\n" + "is thrown from shadows."); static const u8 sExtrasensoryDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a peculiar\n" - "power. May cause flinching."); + "Attacks with a peculiar\n" + "power. May cause flinching."); static const u8 sSkyUppercutDescription[] = _( - "An uppercut thrown as if\n" - "leaping into the sky."); + "An uppercut thrown as if\n" + "leaping into the sky."); static const u8 sSandTombDescription[] = _( - "Traps and hurts the foe in\n" - "quicksand for 2 to 5 turns."); + "Traps and hurts the foe in\n" + "quicksand for 2 to 5 turns."); static const u8 sSheerColdDescription[] = _( - "A chilling attack that\n" - "causes fainting if it hits."); + "A chilling attack that\n" + "causes fainting if it hits."); static const u8 sMuddyWaterDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with muddy water.\n" - "May lower accuracy."); + "Attacks with muddy water.\n" + "May lower accuracy."); static const u8 sBulletSeedDescription[] = _( - "Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row\n" - "to strike the foe."); + "Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row\n" + "to strike the foe."); static const u8 sAerialAceDescription[] = _( - "An extremely speedy and\n" - "unavoidable attack."); + "An extremely speedy and\n" + "unavoidable attack."); static const u8 sIcicleSpearDescription[] = _( - "Attacks the foe by firing\n" - "2 to 5 icicles in a row."); + "Attacks the foe by firing\n" + "2 to 5 icicles in a row."); static const u8 sIronDefenseDescription[] = _( - "Hardens the body's surface\n" - "to sharply raise DEFENSE."); + "Hardens the body's surface\n" + "to sharply raise DEFENSE."); static const u8 sBlockDescription[] = _( - "Blocks the foe's way to\n" - "prevent escape."); + "Blocks the foe's way to\n" + "prevent escape."); static const u8 sHowlDescription[] = _( - "Howls to raise the spirit\n" - "and boosts ATTACK."); + "Howls to raise the spirit\n" + "and boosts ATTACK."); static const u8 sDragonClawDescription[] = _( - "Slashes the foe with sharp\n" - "claws."); + "Slashes the foe with sharp\n" + "claws."); static const u8 sFrenzyPlantDescription[] = _( - "Powerful, but leaves the\n" - "user immobile the next turn."); + "Powerful, but leaves the\n" + "user immobile the next turn."); static const u8 sBulkUpDescription[] = _( - "Bulks up the body to boost\n" - "both ATTACK and DEFENSE."); + "Bulks up the body to boost\n" + "both ATTACK and DEFENSE."); static const u8 sBounceDescription[] = _( - "Bounces up, then down the\n" - "next turn. May paralyze."); + "Bounces up, then down the\n" + "next turn. May paralyze."); static const u8 sMudShotDescription[] = _( - "Hurls mud at the foe and\n" - "reduces SPEED."); + "Hurls mud at the foe and\n" + "reduces SPEED."); static const u8 sPoisonTailDescription[] = _( - "Has a high critical-hit\n" - "ratio. May also poison."); + "Has a high critical-hit\n" + "ratio. May also poison."); static const u8 sCovetDescription[] = _( - "Cutely begs to obtain an\n" - "item held by the foe."); + "Cutely begs to obtain an\n" + "item held by the foe."); static const u8 sVoltTackleDescription[] = _( - "A life-risking tackle that\n" - "slightly hurts the user."); + "A life-risking tackle that\n" + "slightly hurts the user."); static const u8 sMagicalLeafDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with a strange leaf\n" - "that cannot be evaded."); + "Attacks with a strange leaf\n" + "that cannot be evaded."); static const u8 sWaterSportDescription[] = _( - "The user becomes soaked to\n" - "raise resistance to fire."); + "The user becomes soaked to\n" + "raise resistance to fire."); static const u8 sCalmMindDescription[] = _( - "Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF\n" - "by focusing the mind."); + "Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF\n" + "by focusing the mind."); static const u8 sLeafBladeDescription[] = _( - "Slashes with a sharp leaf.\n" - "High critical-hit ratio."); + "Slashes with a sharp leaf.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); static const u8 sDragonDanceDescription[] = _( - "A mystical dance that ups\n" - "ATTACK and SPEED."); + "A mystical dance that ups\n" + "ATTACK and SPEED."); static const u8 sRockBlastDescription[] = _( - "Hurls boulders at the foe\n" - "2 to 5 times in a row."); + "Hurls boulders at the foe\n" + "2 to 5 times in a row."); static const u8 sShockWaveDescription[] = _( - "A fast and unavoidable\n" - "electric attack."); + "A fast and unavoidable\n" + "electric attack."); static const u8 sWaterPulseDescription[] = _( - "Attacks with ultrasonic\n" - "waves. May confuse the foe."); + "Attacks with ultrasonic\n" + "waves. May confuse the foe."); static const u8 sDoomDesireDescription[] = _( - "Summons strong sunlight to\n" - "attack 2 turns later."); + "Summons strong sunlight to\n" + "attack 2 turns later."); static const u8 sPsychoBoostDescription[] = _( - "Allows a full-power attack,\n" - "but sharply lowers SP. ATK."); + "Allows a full-power attack,\n" + "but sharply lowers SP. ATK."); // MOVE_NONE is ignored in this table. Make sure to always subtract 1 before getting the right pointer. const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = diff --git a/src/data/trainer_parties.h b/src/data/trainer_parties.h index 20a6ec75d..b4438e5b3 100644 --- a/src/data/trainer_parties.h +++ b/src/data/trainer_parties.h @@ -1,12436 +1,12436 @@ const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sawyer1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt5[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt6[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt7[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gabrielle1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt8[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Marcel[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alberto[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ed[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt9[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Declan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt10[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt11[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt12[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt13[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt14[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt15[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt16[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt17[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt18[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt19[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt20[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt21[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt22[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fredrick[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Matt[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GOLBAT, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GOLBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Zander[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelly1[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelly2[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Archie[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_CROBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_CROBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Leah[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Daisy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rose1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Felix[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Violet[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rose2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rose3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rose4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rose5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Dusty1[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Chip[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - .moves = MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SANDSTORM, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + .moves = MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SANDSTORM, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Foster[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Dusty2[] = { - { - .iv = 60, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 60, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Dusty3[] = { - { - .iv = 70, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 70, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Dusty4[] = { - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Dusty5[] = { - { - .iv = 90, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING - } + { + .iv = 90, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_GabbyAndTy1[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_GabbyAndTy2[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_GabbyAndTy3[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_GabbyAndTy4[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_GabbyAndTy5[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_GabbyAndTy6[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_SONIC_BOOM, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_METAL_SOUND, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, - .moves = MOVE_ASTONISH, MOVE_STOMP, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_HYPER_VOICE - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_SONIC_BOOM, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_METAL_SOUND, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, + .moves = MOVE_ASTONISH, MOVE_STOMP, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_HYPER_VOICE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lola1[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Austina[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gwen[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lola2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lola3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lola4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lola5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Ricky1[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Simon[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Charlie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Ricky2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Ricky3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Ricky4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Ricky5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_PIN_MISSILE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_SURF + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Randall[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_AGILITY, MOVE_WING_ATTACK, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_AGILITY, MOVE_WING_ATTACK, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Parker[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_George[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKOTH, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SLACK_OFF, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKOTH, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SLACK_OFF, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Berke[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Braxton[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_WING_ATTACK, MOVE_ENDEAVOR - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_TRAPINCH, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_DIG, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_SAND_TOMB - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_WHIRLPOOL, MOVE_ASTONISH, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SONIC_BOOM - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - .moves = MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_SWAGGER - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_WING_ATTACK, MOVE_ENDEAVOR + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_TRAPINCH, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_DIG, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_SAND_TOMB + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_WHIRLPOOL, MOVE_ASTONISH, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SONIC_BOOM + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + .moves = MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_SWAGGER + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Vincent[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Leroy[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_MAWILE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_MAWILE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wilton1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edgar[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CACTURNE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CACTURNE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Albert[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MUK, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MUK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Samuel[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_MAWILE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_MAWILE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Vito[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Owen[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_WAILORD, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_WAILORD, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wilton2[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wilton3[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wilton4[] = { - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wilton5[] = { - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Warren[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Mary[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Alexia[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jody[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wendy[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MAWILE, - .moves = MOVE_BATON_PASS, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_BITE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE, MOVE_LEECH_SEED - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .moves = MOVE_FLY, MOVE_WATER_GUN, MOVE_MIST, MOVE_PROTECT - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MAWILE, + .moves = MOVE_BATON_PASS, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_BITE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE, MOVE_LEECH_SEED + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .moves = MOVE_FLY, MOVE_WATER_GUN, MOVE_MIST, MOVE_PROTECT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Keira[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brooke1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jennifer[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hope[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shannon[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Michelle[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Caroline[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Julie[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_NINETALES, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_NINETALES, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brooke2[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brooke3[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brooke4[] = { - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brooke5[] = { - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Patricia[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kindra[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SHUPPET, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SHUPPET, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tammy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SHUPPET, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SHUPPET, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Valerie1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tasha[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SHUPPET, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SHUPPET, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Valerie2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Valerie3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Valerie4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Valerie5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_GRUMPIG, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_GRUMPIG, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cindy1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 7, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 7, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Daphne[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, - .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SWEET_KISS, MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, - .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, + .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SWEET_KISS, MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, + .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt23[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Cindy2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brianna[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Naomi[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cindy3[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cindy4[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cindy5[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Cindy6[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, - .moves = MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, + .moves = MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Melissa[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sheila[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shirley[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jessica1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Connie[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bridget[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Olivia[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_CLAMPERL, - .moves = MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE, MOVE_WHIRLPOOL, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_CORPHISH, - .moves = MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_CRABHAMMER, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - .moves = MOVE_UPROAR, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_CLAMPERL, + .moves = MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE, MOVE_WHIRLPOOL, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_CORPHISH, + .moves = MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_CRABHAMMER, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + .moves = MOVE_UPROAR, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tiffany[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jessica2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jessica3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jessica4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jessica5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + .moves = MOVE_BIND, MOVE_LICK, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_TAIL, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_CRUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Winston1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 7, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 7, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Mollie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Garret[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Winston2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Winston3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Winston4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Winston5[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, - .moves = MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET, + .moves = MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Steve1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Thalia1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Mark[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_RHYHORN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_RHYHORN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt24[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Steve2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Steve3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_RHYHORN, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_RHYHORN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Steve4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_RHYHORN, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_RHYHORN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Steve5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_AGGRON, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_RHYDON, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_AGGRON, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_RHYDON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Luis[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dominik[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Douglas[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Darrin[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tony1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jerome[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Matthew[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_David[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Spencer[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Roland[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nolen[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Stan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Barry[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dean[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rodney[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Richard[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Herman[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Santiago[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gilbert[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Franklin[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kevin[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jack[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dudley[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Chad[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tony2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tony3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tony4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tony5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Takao[] = { - { - .iv = 127, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 127, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hitoshi[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kiyo[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Koichi[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nob1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nob2[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nob3[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nob4[] = { - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nob5[] = { - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - .heldItem = ITEM_BLACK_BELT - } + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + .heldItem = ITEM_BLACK_BELT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Yuji[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Daisuke[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Atsushi[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Kirk[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_LEER - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - .moves = MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_LEER + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + .moves = MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt25[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt26[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shawn[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fernando1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dalton1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dalton2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dalton3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dalton4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dalton5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cole[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jeff[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Axle[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jace[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Keegan[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bernie1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bernie2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bernie3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bernie4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bernie5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Drew[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SLASH - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SLASH + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Beau[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - .moves = MOVE_RAPID_SPIN, MOVE_MUD_SLAP, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_SCRATCH, MOVE_DIG - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - .moves = MOVE_RAPID_SPIN, MOVE_MUD_SLAP, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + .moves = MOVE_RAPID_SPIN, MOVE_MUD_SLAP, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_SCRATCH, MOVE_DIG + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + .moves = MOVE_RAPID_SPIN, MOVE_MUD_SLAP, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Larry[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shane[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Justin[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ethan1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Autumn[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Travis[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ethan2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ethan3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ethan4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ethan5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brent[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Donald[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_SILCOON, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_SILCOON, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Taylor[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_CASCOON, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_CASCOON, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jeffrey1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Derek[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jeffrey2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jeffrey3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MASQUERAIN, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MASQUERAIN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jeffrey4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MASQUERAIN, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MASQUERAIN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jeffrey5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_MASQUERAIN, - .heldItem = ITEM_SILVER_POWDER - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_MASQUERAIN, + .heldItem = ITEM_SILVER_POWDER + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Edward[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_ABRA, - .moves = MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_ABRA, + .moves = MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Preston[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Virgil[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Blake[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_GIRAFARIG, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_GIRAFARIG, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_William[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Joshua[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cameron1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cameron2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cameron3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cameron4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cameron5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_ALAKAZAM, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_ALAKAZAM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jaclyn[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_ABRA, - .moves = MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_ABRA, + .moves = MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hannah[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Samantha[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maura[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kayla[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alexis[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jacki1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jacki2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jacki3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jacki4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jacki5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_ALAKAZAM, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_ALAKAZAM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Walter1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Micah[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Thomas[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Walter2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Walter3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_ROAR - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_ROAR + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Walter4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Walter5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDUCK, - .moves = MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_DISABLE, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_PSYCH_UP - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_ROAR - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDUCK, + .moves = MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_DISABLE, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_PSYCH_UP + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH, MOVE_ROAR + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Sidney[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_CRUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TORMENT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_SWAGGER, MOVE_EXTRASENSORY - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_CACTURNE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_NEEDLE_ARM, MOVE_COTTON_SPORE - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_STRENGTH, MOVE_FACADE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_ABSOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_SLASH - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_CRUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TORMENT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_SWAGGER, MOVE_EXTRASENSORY + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_CACTURNE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_NEEDLE_ARM, MOVE_COTTON_SPORE + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_STRENGTH, MOVE_FACADE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_ABSOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_SLASH + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Phoebe[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_DUSCLOPS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CURSE, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_GRUDGE, MOVE_WILL_O_WISP, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_FACADE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_DUSCLOPS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_DUSCLOPS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CURSE, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_GRUDGE, MOVE_WILL_O_WISP, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_FACADE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_DUSCLOPS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Glacia[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_ICE_BALL - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_GLALIE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_CRUNCH, MOVE_ICY_WIND, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_BLIZZARD - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_GLALIE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SHEER_COLD - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_ICE_BALL + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_GLALIE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_CRUNCH, MOVE_ICY_WIND, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_BLIZZARD + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_GLALIE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SHEER_COLD + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Drake[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_SHELGON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 54, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SMOKESCREEN, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_BODY_SLAM - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_FLYGON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_CRUNCH, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_SALAMENCE, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_CRUNCH - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_SHELGON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 54, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SMOKESCREEN, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_BODY_SLAM + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_FLYGON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_CRUNCH, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_SALAMENCE, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_CRUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Roxanne1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_ROCK_THROW, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_ROCK_THROW, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BLOCK, MOVE_HARDEN, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_ROCK_THROW, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_ROCK_THROW, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BLOCK, MOVE_HARDEN, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Brawly1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_LOW_KICK, MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_VITAL_THROW, MOVE_REVERSAL, MOVE_BULK_UP - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_LOW_KICK, MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_VITAL_THROW, MOVE_REVERSAL, MOVE_BULK_UP + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wattson1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_LEER, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_HOWL - }, - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SONIC_BOOM - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_HOWL - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_LEER, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_HOWL + }, + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SONIC_BOOM + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_HOWL + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Flannery1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SMOG, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_ATTRACT - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_ATTRACT - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SMOG, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_ATTRACT + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_ATTRACT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Norman1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_ENCORE - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HEADBUTT - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_ENCORE + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HEADBUTT + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Winona1[] = { - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_SYNTHESIS - }, - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_GUN, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_FURY_ATTACK, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - } + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_SYNTHESIS + }, + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_GUN, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_FURY_ATTACK, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_TateAndLiza1[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Juan1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SWEET_KISS, MOVE_FLAIL - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_AURORA_BEAM, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_CRABHAMMER, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_LEER - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SWEET_KISS, MOVE_FLAIL + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SEALEO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_AURORA_BEAM, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_CRABHAMMER, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_LEER + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jerry1[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ted[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Paul[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_ODDISH, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_ODDISH, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jerry2[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jerry3[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jerry4[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jerry5[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Karen1[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Georgia[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Karen2[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Karen3[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Karen4[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Karen5[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_KateAndJoy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_TEETER_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_SLACK_OFF, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_TEETER_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_SLACK_OFF, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AnnaAndMeg1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AnnaAndMeg2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AnnaAndMeg3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AnnaAndMeg4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AnnaAndMeg5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .moves = MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_ODOR_SLEUTH + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Victor[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Miguel1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Colton[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Miguel2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Miguel3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Miguel4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Miguel5[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Victoria[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Vanessa[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_PIKACHU, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_PIKACHU, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bethany[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_AZURILL, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabel1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabel2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabel3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabel4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabel5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Timothy1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Timothy2[] = { - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_KNOCK_OFF, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG - } + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_KNOCK_OFF, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Timothy3[] = { - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_KNOCK_OFF, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG - } + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_KNOCK_OFF, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Timothy4[] = { - { - .iv = 230, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG - } + { + .iv = 230, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Timothy5[] = { - { - .iv = 240, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG - } + { + .iv = 240, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_ARM_THRUST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DIG + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Vicky[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - .moves = MOVE_HI_JUMP_KICK, MOVE_MEDITATE, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_DETECT - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + .moves = MOVE_HI_JUMP_KICK, MOVE_MEDITATE, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_DETECT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelby1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelby2[] = { - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelby3[] = { - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelby4[] = { - { - .iv = 230, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 230, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 230, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 230, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shelby5[] = { - { - .iv = 240, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 240, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 240, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 240, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Calvin1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Billy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 7, - .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 7, + .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Josh[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tommy[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Joey[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Ben[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_GULPIN, - .moves = MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_POUND - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .moves = MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_GULPIN, + .moves = MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_POUND + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Quincy[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_DUSCLOPS, - .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_WILL_O_WISP, MOVE_TOXIC - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .moves = MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_DUSCLOPS, + .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_WILL_O_WISP, MOVE_TOXIC + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Katelynn[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, - .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_BRICK_BREAK - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, + .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_BRICK_BREAK + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jaylen[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_TRAPINCH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_TRAPINCH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dillon[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Calvin2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Calvin3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Calvin4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Calvin5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Eddie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Allen[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 4, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 3, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 4, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 3, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Timmy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wallace[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 57, - .species = SPECIES_WAILORD, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_SPOUT, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_BLIZZARD - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_SURF - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_MILOTIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_RECOVER, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_TOXIC - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 57, + .species = SPECIES_WAILORD, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_SPOUT, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_BLIZZARD + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_SURF + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_MILOTIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_RECOVER, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_TOXIC + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andrew[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ivan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 7, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 7, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Claude[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_BARBOACH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_BARBOACH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Elliot1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 7, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 7, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ned[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dale[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nolan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_BARBOACH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_BARBOACH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Barny[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wade[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Carter[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Elliot2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Elliot3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Elliot4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - }, - { - .iv = 31, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + }, + { + .iv = 31, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Elliot5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ronald[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jacob[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Anthony[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Benjamin1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Benjamin2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Benjamin3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Benjamin4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Benjamin5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Abigail1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jasmine[] = { - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - } + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Abigail2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Abigail3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Abigail4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Abigail5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dylan1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dylan2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dylan3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dylan4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dylan5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maria1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maria2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maria3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maria4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maria5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Camden[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Demetrius[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaiah1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pablo1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Chase[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaiah2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaiah3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaiah4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaiah5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isobel[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Donny[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 160, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 160, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Talia[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Katelyn1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Allison[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 240, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 240, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Katelyn2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Katelyn3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Katelyn4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Katelyn5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nicolas1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nicolas2[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nicolas3[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nicolas4[] = { - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_BAGON, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_BAGON, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nicolas5[] = { - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_SHELGON, - .heldItem = ITEM_DRAGON_FANG - } + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_SHELGON, + .heldItem = ITEM_DRAGON_FANG + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Aaron[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_BAGON, - .moves = MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_EMBER - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_BAGON, + .moves = MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_EMBER + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Perry[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hugh[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Phil[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jared[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Humberto[] = { - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - } + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Presley[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edwardo[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Colin[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Robert1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Benny[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Chester[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Robert2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Robert3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Robert4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Robert5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alex[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Beck[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Yasu[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Takashi[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Dianne[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jani[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Lao1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SMOG, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SMOG, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SMOG, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SMOG, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lung[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Lao2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Lao3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Lao4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Lao5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_WEEZING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SMOKE_BALL, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_WEEZING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SMOKE_BALL, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jocelyn[] = { - { - .iv = 127, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 127, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Laura[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cyndy1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cora[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Paula[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cyndy2[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cyndy3[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cyndy4[] = { - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cyndy5[] = { - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Madeline1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - .moves = MOVE_EMBER, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + .moves = MOVE_EMBER, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Clarissa[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Angelica[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_CASTFORM, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WEATHER_BALL, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_WATER_PULSE - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_CASTFORM, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WEATHER_BALL, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_WATER_PULSE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Madeline2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - .moves = MOVE_EMBER, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + .moves = MOVE_EMBER, MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Madeline3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - .moves = MOVE_EMBER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + .moves = MOVE_EMBER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Madeline4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Madeline5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Beverly[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Imani[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kyla[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Denise[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Beth[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tara[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Missy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alice[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jenny1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grace[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tanya[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sharon[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nikki[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brenda[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Katie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Susie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kara[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dana[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sienna[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Debra[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Linda[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SEADRA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SEADRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kaylee[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Laurel[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Carlee[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jenny2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jenny3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jenny4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jenny5[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Heidi[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SLASH - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - .moves = MOVE_RAPID_SPIN, MOVE_MUD_SLAP, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + .moves = MOVE_DIG, MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SLASH + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + .moves = MOVE_RAPID_SPIN, MOVE_MUD_SLAP, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Becky[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_DIG - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_POISON_STING, MOVE_SLASH, MOVE_DIG + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Carol[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nancy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Martha[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Diana1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_ODDISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_ODDISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Cedric[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, - .moves = MOVE_DESTINY_BOND, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_MIRROR_COAT - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, + .moves = MOVE_DESTINY_BOND, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_MIRROR_COAT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Irene[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Diana2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Diana3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Diana4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Diana5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_VILEPLUME, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_VILEPLUME, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_AmyAndLiv1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_AmyAndLiv2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_GinaAndMia1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_MiuAndYuki[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_AmyAndLiv3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_GinaAndMia2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, - .moves = MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE, MOVE_DISABLE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - .moves = MOVE_ABSORB, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_DUSKULL, + .moves = MOVE_NIGHT_SHADE, MOVE_DISABLE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + .moves = MOVE_ABSORB, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_AmyAndLiv4[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AmyAndLiv5[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .moves = MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_HELPING_HAND - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .moves = MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_HELPING_HAND - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .moves = MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_HELPING_HAND + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .moves = MOVE_SPARK, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_HELPING_HAND + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_AmyAndLiv6[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_HELPING_HAND - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_HELPING_HAND - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_HELPING_HAND + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_HELPING_HAND + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Huey[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edmond[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ernest1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dwayne[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Phillip[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Leonard[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Duncan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ernest2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ernest3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ernest4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ernest5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Eli[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Annika[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_FEEBAS, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_RETURN, MOVE_ATTRACT - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_FEEBAS, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_RETURN, MOVE_ATTRACT - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_FEEBAS, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_RETURN, MOVE_ATTRACT + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_FEEBAS, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_RETURN, MOVE_ATTRACT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jazmyn[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_ABSOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_ABSOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Jonas[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Kayley[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_CASTFORM, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_WEATHER_BALL, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_CASTFORM, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_WEATHER_BALL, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Auron[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kelvin[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Marley[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Reyna[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hudson[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Conor[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edwin1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hector[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_ZANGOOSE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SEVIPER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tabitha1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_GOLBAT, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_GOLBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edwin2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edwin3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edwin4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Edwin5[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wally1[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan2[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan3[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan5[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan6[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan7[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan8[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan9[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May2[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May3[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May5[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May6[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May7[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May8[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May9[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaac1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_WHISMUR, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Davis[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_PINSIR, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_PINSIR, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Mitchell[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - .moves = MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_PSYCHIC - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - .moves = MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + .moves = MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_PSYCHIC + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + .moves = MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaac2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaac3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaac4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isaac5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_LAIRON, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lydia1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 11, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 11, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Halle[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_ABSOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SABLEYE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_ABSOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Garrison[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lydia2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lydia3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lydia4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lydia5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SEAKING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jackson1[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lorenzo[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sebastian[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_CACTURNE, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_CACTURNE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jackson2[] = { - { - .iv = 60, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 60, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jackson3[] = { - { - .iv = 70, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 70, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jackson4[] = { - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jackson5[] = { - { - .iv = 90, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - }, - { - .iv = 90, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 90, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + }, + { + .iv = 90, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Catherine1[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jenna[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sophia[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Catherine2[] = { - { - .iv = 60, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 60, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 60, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 60, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Catherine3[] = { - { - .iv = 70, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 70, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 70, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 70, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Catherine4[] = { - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 80, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 80, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Catherine5[] = { - { - .iv = 90, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_BELLOSSOM, - }, - { - .iv = 90, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 90, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_BELLOSSOM, + }, + { + .iv = 90, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Julio[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 21, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 21, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt27[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_GOLBAT, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_GOLBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt28[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt29[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt30[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Marc[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brenden[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lilith[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cristian[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sylvia[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Leonardo[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Athena[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_THIEF, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_THIEF, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Harrison[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt31[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Clarence[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Terry[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_GIRAFARIG, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_GIRAFARIG, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nate[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kathleen[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Clifford[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_GIRAFARIG, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_GIRAFARIG, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Nicholas[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt32[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt33[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt34[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt35[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt36[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Macey[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_NATU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_NATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan10[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan11[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Paxton[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabella[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt37[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tabitha2[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jonathan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan12[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May10[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_TREECKO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maxie1[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_CROBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_CROBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maxie2[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tiana[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 4, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 4, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 4, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 4, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Haley1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Janice[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Vivi[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Haley2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Haley3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Haley4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Haley5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_BRELOOM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sally[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_ODDISH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_ODDISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Robin[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andrea[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Crissy[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rick[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 4, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 4, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 4, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 4, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lyle[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 3, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 3, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 3, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 3, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 3, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 3, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 3, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 3, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jose[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_WURMPLE, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Doug[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Greg[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kent[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_James1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 6, - .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 6, + .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_James2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_James3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_James4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_James5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SURSKIT, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brice[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Trent1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lenny[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lucas1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Clark[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Eric[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Lucas2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - .moves = MOVE_SPLASH, MOVE_WATER_GUN, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + .moves = MOVE_SPLASH, MOVE_WATER_GUN, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Mike1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .moves = MOVE_GUST, MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 10, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_SCARY_FACE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .moves = MOVE_GUST, MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 10, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_SCARY_FACE, MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Mike2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Trent2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Trent3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Trent4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Trent5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_DezAndLuke[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LeaAndJed[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_KiraAndDan1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_KiraAndDan2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_KiraAndDan3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_KiraAndDan4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_KiraAndDan5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Johanna[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Gerald[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_BIND - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_KECLEON, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK, MOVE_BIND + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Vivian[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - .moves = MOVE_BIDE, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_MEDITATE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + .moves = MOVE_BIDE, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_MEDITATE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Danielle[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - .moves = MOVE_BIDE, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + .moves = MOVE_BIDE, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_CONFUSION, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Hideo[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Keigo[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FURY_CUTTER, MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + .moves = MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FURY_CUTTER, MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Riley[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, - .moves = MOVE_LEECH_LIFE, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_MIND_READER, MOVE_DIG - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, - .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NINCADA, + .moves = MOVE_LEECH_LIFE, MOVE_FURY_SWIPES, MOVE_MIND_READER, MOVE_DIG + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_KOFFING, + .moves = MOVE_TACKLE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SLUDGE, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Flint[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ashley[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wally2[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 16, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 16, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wally3[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wally4[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wally5[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 54, - .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 54, + .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wally6[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH - }, - { - .iv = 250, - .lvl = 57, - .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_FAINT_ATTACK + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_MAGICAL_LEAF, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_TOXIC + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_TRI_ATTACK, MOVE_SCREECH + }, + { + .iv = 250, + .lvl = 57, + .species = SPECIES_GARDEVOIR, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan13[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan14[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan15[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May11[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GROVYLE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May12[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_COMBUSKEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May13[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MARSHTOMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jonah[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Henry[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Roger[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_GYARADOS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alexa[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_GLOOM, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Ruben[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Koji1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wayne[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Aidan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Reed[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SPHEAL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tisha[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_ToriAndTia[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_KimAndIris[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, - .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_FURY_ATTACK, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_REST, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_SWABLU, + .moves = MOVE_SING, MOVE_FURY_ATTACK, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_REST, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_TyraAndIvy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - .moves = MOVE_GROWTH, MOVE_STUN_SPORE, MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_LEECH_SEED - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - .moves = MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_ROCK_THROW - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + .moves = MOVE_GROWTH, MOVE_STUN_SPORE, MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_LEECH_SEED + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + .moves = MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_ROCK_THROW + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_MelAndPaul[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - .moves = MOVE_GUST, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - .moves = MOVE_GUST, MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_STUN_SPORE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + .moves = MOVE_GUST, MOVE_PSYBEAM, MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + .moves = MOVE_GUST, MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_STUN_SPORE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_JohnAndJay1[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_JohnAndJay2[] = { - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 210, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM - } + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 210, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_JohnAndJay3[] = { - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 220, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM - } + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 220, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_JohnAndJay4[] = { - { - .iv = 230, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 230, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM - } + { + .iv = 230, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 230, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_JohnAndJay5[] = { - { - .iv = 240, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 240, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM - } + { + .iv = 240, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 240, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, MOVE_REST, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_ReliAndIan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_AZUMARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LilaAndRoy1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LilaAndRoy2[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_CHINCHOU, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LilaAndRoy3[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LilaAndRoy4[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LilaAndRoy5[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_LANTURN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_SHARPEDO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_LisaAndRay[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 27, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 27, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Chris[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 20, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_FEEBAS, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 23, - .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 20, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_FEEBAS, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 23, + .species = SPECIES_CARVANHA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dawson[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sarah[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NUGGET + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Darian[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 9, - .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 9, + .species = SPECIES_MAGIKARP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hailey[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Chandler[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 12, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 12, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kaleb[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_MINUN, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, - .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_MINUN, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_PLUSLE, + .heldItem = ITEM_ORAN_BERRY + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Joseph[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alyssa[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNEMITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Marcos[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_VOLTORB, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rhett[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tyron[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Celina[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bianca[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Hayden[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sophie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Coby[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lawrence[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Wyatt[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Angelina[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kai[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_BARBOACH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_BARBOACH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Charlotte[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 19, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 19, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Deandre[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ARON, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 14, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ARON, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 14, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt38[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt39[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt40[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt41[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt42[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt43[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt44[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt45[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt46[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt47[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt48[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt49[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt50[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt51[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt52[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Grunt53[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_BALTOY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tabitha3[] = { - { - .iv = 75, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 75, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 75, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 75, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - } + { + .iv = 75, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 75, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 75, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_ZUBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 75, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Darcy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Maxie3[] = { - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CROBAT, - }, - { - .iv = 150, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - } + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CROBAT, + }, + { + .iv = 150, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pete[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Isabelle[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andres1[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Josue[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Camron[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cory1[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Carolina[] = { - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 24, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 24, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Elijah[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Celia[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bryan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Branden[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 22, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 22, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Bryant[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Shayla[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Kyra[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_DODRIO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Jaiden[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GULPIN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NINJASK, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GULPIN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alix[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_KIRLIA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Helene[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Marlene[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 18, - .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 18, + .species = SPECIES_SPOINK, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Devan[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Johnson[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 8, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 8, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Melina[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_DODUO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_DODUO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brandi[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_RALTS, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_RALTS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Aisha[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Makayla[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_ROSELIA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fabian[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Dayton[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SLUGMA, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Rachel[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GOLDEEN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Leonel[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Callie[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cale[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_DUSTOX, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Myles[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pat[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_MARILL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 25, - .species = SPECIES_GULPIN, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_POOCHYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SHROOMISH, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_MARILL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 25, + .species = SPECIES_GULPIN, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cristin1[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 29, - .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 29, + .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May14[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_TORCHIC, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May15[] = { - { - .iv = 25, - .lvl = 13, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - }, - { - .iv = 50, - .lvl = 15, - .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, - } + { + .iv = 25, + .lvl = 13, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + }, + { + .iv = 50, + .lvl = 15, + .species = SPECIES_MUDKIP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Roxanne2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_EXPLOSION - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_KABUTO, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_ONIX, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_EXPLOSION + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_KABUTO, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_ONIX, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Roxanne3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_OMANYTE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SURF - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_EXPLOSION - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_KABUTOPS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_ONIX, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_OMANYTE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SURF + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_MAGNITUDE, MOVE_EXPLOSION + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_KABUTOPS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_ONIX, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Roxanne4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_OMASTAR, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SURF - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_KABUTOPS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_ONIX, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_OMASTAR, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SURF + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_KABUTOPS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_ONIX, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Roxanne5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_AERODACTYL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_OMASTAR, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SURF - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_KABUTOPS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_STEELIX, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_AERODACTYL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_OMASTAR, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_SURF + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_KABUTOPS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_SURF, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_STEELIX, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_IRON_TAIL, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Brawly2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MEDITITE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Brawly3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Brawly4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONCHAN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_ICE_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_PSYCHIC - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONCHAN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_ICE_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_KARATE_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_PSYCHIC + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Brawly5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONLEE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_MEGA_KICK, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONCHAN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_ICE_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_CROSS_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_PSYCHIC - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONLEE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_MEGA_KICK, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONCHAN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SKY_UPPERCUT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, MOVE_ICE_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_CROSS_CHOP, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BULK_UP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_MEDICHAM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_PSYCHIC + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_HITMONTOP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PURSUIT, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_TRIPLE_KICK + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wattson2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MAREEP, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MAREEP, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wattson3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_PIKACHU, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SLAM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_FLAAFFY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_PIKACHU, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SLAM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_FLAAFFY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wattson4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 44, - .species = SPECIES_RAICHU, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SLAM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_AMPHAROS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 44, + .species = SPECIES_RAICHU, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SLAM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_AMPHAROS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Wattson5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SWIFT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_RAICHU, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SLAM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_AMPHAROS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SWIFT, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_RAICHU, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_SLAM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_AMPHAROS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRODE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROLLOUT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_MAGNETON, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BITE, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_PROTECT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Flannery2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_PONYTA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_PONYTA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Flannery3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_GROWLITHE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HELPING_HAND, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_PONYTA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_GROWLITHE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HELPING_HAND, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_PONYTA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Flannery4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_HOUNDOUR, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_GROWLITHE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HELPING_HAND, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_ROAR - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_RAPIDASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_HOUNDOUR, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_GROWLITHE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HELPING_HAND, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_ROAR + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_RAPIDASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Flannery5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_ARCANINE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HELPING_HAND, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_ROAR - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_HOUNDOOM, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_RAPIDASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, - .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, - .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_ARCANINE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HELPING_HAND, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_ROAR + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_MAGCARGO, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_HOUNDOOM, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_ROAR, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_RAPIDASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_BOUNCE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ATTRACT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_TORKOAL, + .heldItem = ITEM_WHITE_HERB, + .moves = MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_ATTRACT + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Norman2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_CHANSEY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 42, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_CHANSEY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 42, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Norman3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 47, - .species = SPECIES_CHANSEY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_KANGASKHAN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_REVERSAL - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 47, + .species = SPECIES_CHANSEY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_KANGASKHAN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_REVERSAL + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Norman4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 52, - .species = SPECIES_BLISSEY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_KANGASKHAN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_REVERSAL - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 52, + .species = SPECIES_BLISSEY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_KANGASKHAN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_REVERSAL + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Norman5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 57, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 57, - .species = SPECIES_BLISSEY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_KANGASKHAN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_REVERSAL - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 57, - .species = SPECIES_TAUROS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 60, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 57, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_BLIZZARD, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 57, + .species = SPECIES_BLISSEY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_SING, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_KANGASKHAN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_FAKE_OUT, MOVE_DIZZY_PUNCH, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_REVERSAL + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 57, + .species = SPECIES_TAUROS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TAKE_DOWN, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_FIRE_BLAST, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_HYPNOSIS + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 60, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Winona2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_DRATINI, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_DRATINI, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Winona3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_HOOTHOOT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_DREAM_EATER - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 45, - .species = SPECIES_DRAGONAIR, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_HOOTHOOT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_DREAM_EATER + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 45, + .species = SPECIES_DRAGONAIR, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Winona4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_NOCTOWL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_DREAM_EATER - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_DRAGONAIR, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_NOCTOWL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_DREAM_EATER + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_DRAGONAIR, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Winona5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_NOCTOWL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_DREAM_EATER - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 54, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_DRAGONITE, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 60, - .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SKY_ATTACK, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_NOCTOWL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_DREAM_EATER + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 54, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SURF, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_DRAGONITE, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WHIRLWIND, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 60, + .species = SPECIES_ALTARIA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SKY_ATTACK, MOVE_REST, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_TateAndLiza2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_SLOWPOKE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 49, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_SLOWPOKE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 49, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_TateAndLiza3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_DROWZEE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_DREAM_EATER, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_SLOWPOKE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 54, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 54, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 55, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_DROWZEE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_DREAM_EATER, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_SLOWPOKE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 54, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 54, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 55, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_TateAndLiza4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_HYPNO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_DREAM_EATER, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 59, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_SLOWPOKE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 59, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 60, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 60, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_HYPNO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_DREAM_EATER, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 59, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_SLOWPOKE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 59, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 60, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 60, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_TateAndLiza5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 63, - .species = SPECIES_HYPNO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_DREAM_EATER, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 64, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 63, - .species = SPECIES_SLOWKING, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 64, - .species = SPECIES_XATU, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 65, - .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 65, - .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 63, + .species = SPECIES_HYPNO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_DREAM_EATER, MOVE_HEADBUTT, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 64, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 63, + .species = SPECIES_SLOWKING, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_PROTECT + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 64, + .species = SPECIES_XATU, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 65, + .species = SPECIES_LUNATONE, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_REST, MOVE_CALM_MIND + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 65, + .species = SPECIES_SOLROCK, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_FLAMETHROWER + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Juan2[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_POLIWAG, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 46, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 48, - .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_CRABHAMMER, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_POLIWAG, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 46, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 48, + .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_CRABHAMMER, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Juan3[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 50, - .species = SPECIES_POLIWHIRL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 51, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 53, - .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 50, + .species = SPECIES_POLIWHIRL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 51, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 53, + .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Juan4[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_LAPRAS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 56, - .species = SPECIES_POLIWHIRL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 58, - .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 61, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_LAPRAS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 56, + .species = SPECIES_POLIWHIRL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_ICE_BEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 58, + .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 61, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Juan5[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 61, - .species = SPECIES_LAPRAS, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 63, - .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 61, - .species = SPECIES_POLITOED, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_PERISH_SONG - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 63, - .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_SHEER_COLD - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 63, - .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 66, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 61, + .species = SPECIES_LAPRAS, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 63, + .species = SPECIES_WHISCASH, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_FISSURE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 61, + .species = SPECIES_POLITOED, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP, MOVE_PERISH_SONG + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 63, + .species = SPECIES_WALREIN, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_BODY_SLAM, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_SHEER_COLD + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 63, + .species = SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_REST, MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 66, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + .heldItem = ITEM_CHESTO_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_ICE_BEAM, MOVE_REST + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Angelo[] = { - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_NONE - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 17, - .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_NONE - } + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_ILLUMISE, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_NONE + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 17, + .species = SPECIES_VOLBEAT, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_NONE + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Darius[] = { - { - .iv = 200, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, - } + { + .iv = 200, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_TROPIUS, + } }; const struct TrainerMonItemCustomMoves gTrainerParty_Steven[] = { - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 77, - .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 75, - .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 76, - .species = SPECIES_AGGRON, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 76, - .species = SPECIES_CRADILY, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_INGRAIN, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 76, - .species = SPECIES_ARMALDO, - .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, - .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SLASH - }, - { - .iv = 255, - .lvl = 78, - .species = SPECIES_METAGROSS, - .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, - .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_METEOR_MASH, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL - } + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 77, + .species = SPECIES_SKARMORY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_STEEL_WING + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 75, + .species = SPECIES_CLAYDOL, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 76, + .species = SPECIES_AGGRON, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_THUNDER, MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 76, + .species = SPECIES_CRADILY, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_INGRAIN, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 76, + .species = SPECIES_ARMALDO, + .heldItem = ITEM_NONE, + .moves = MOVE_WATER_PULSE, MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER, MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, MOVE_SLASH + }, + { + .iv = 255, + .lvl = 78, + .species = SPECIES_METAGROSS, + .heldItem = ITEM_SITRUS_BERRY, + .moves = MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, MOVE_PSYCHIC, MOVE_METEOR_MASH, MOVE_SHADOW_BALL + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Anabel[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Tucker[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Spenser[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Greta[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Noland[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Lucy[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brandon[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BELDUM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andres2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andres3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andres4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSHREW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Andres5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_NOSEPASS, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_SANDSLASH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cory2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cory3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 32, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 32, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACOOL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cory4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cory5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_TENTACRUEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pablo2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pablo3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_WINGULL, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pablo4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_STARYU, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_STARYU, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Pablo5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_PELIPPER, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_STARMIE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Koji2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Koji3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MAKUHITA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Koji4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Koji5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 43, - .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_HARIYAMA, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 43, + .species = SPECIES_MACHAMP, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cristin2[] = { - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 110, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, - } + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 110, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cristin3[] = { - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 120, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, - } + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 120, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cristin4[] = { - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - }, - { - .iv = 130, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - }, - { - .iv = 100, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, - } + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + }, + { + .iv = 130, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + }, + { + .iv = 100, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_VIGOROTH, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Cristin5[] = { - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, - }, - { - .iv = 140, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, - } + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_SPINDA, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, + }, + { + .iv = 140, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_SLAKING, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fernando2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fernando3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_ELECTRIKE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fernando4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 39, - .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 39, + .species = SPECIES_LOUDRED, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Fernando5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_MANECTRIC, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_EXPLOUD, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sawyer2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 26, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_GEODUDE, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 26, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sawyer3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 28, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 28, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sawyer4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 30, - .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOP, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_NUMEL, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 30, + .species = SPECIES_GRAVELER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Sawyer5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MACHOKE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_CAMERUPT, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_GOLEM, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gabrielle2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 31, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_LOTAD, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_SEEDOT, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 31, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gabrielle3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 33, - .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_SKITTY, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 33, + .species = SPECIES_TAILLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gabrielle4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 35, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_LOMBRE, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_NUZLEAF, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 35, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Gabrielle5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 37, - .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_DELCATTY, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_MIGHTYENA, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_LINOONE, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_LUDICOLO, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_SHIFTRY, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 37, + .species = SPECIES_SWELLOW, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Thalia2[] = { - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 10, - .lvl = 34, - .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, - } + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 10, + .lvl = 34, + .species = SPECIES_HORSEA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Thalia3[] = { - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 20, - .lvl = 36, - .species = SPECIES_SEADRA, - } + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 20, + .lvl = 36, + .species = SPECIES_SEADRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Thalia4[] = { - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, - }, - { - .iv = 30, - .lvl = 38, - .species = SPECIES_SEADRA, - } + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_WAILMER, + }, + { + .iv = 30, + .lvl = 38, + .species = SPECIES_SEADRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Thalia5[] = { - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_WAILORD, - }, - { - .iv = 40, - .lvl = 40, - .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, - } + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_LUVDISC, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_WAILORD, + }, + { + .iv = 40, + .lvl = 40, + .species = SPECIES_KINGDRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Mariela[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_CHIMECHO, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_CHIMECHO, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Alvaro[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, - }, - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_BANETTE, + }, + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_KADABRA, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Everett[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 41, - .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 41, + .species = SPECIES_WOBBUFFET, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Red[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_CHARMANDER, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_CHARMANDER, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Leaf[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_BULBASAUR, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_BULBASAUR, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_Brendan16[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_GROUDON, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_GROUDON, + } }; const struct TrainerMonNoItemDefaultMoves gTrainerParty_May16[] = { - { - .iv = 0, - .lvl = 5, - .species = SPECIES_KYOGRE, - } + { + .iv = 0, + .lvl = 5, + .species = SPECIES_KYOGRE, + } }; diff --git a/src/data2b.c b/src/data2b.c index 022903375..bb1baa266 100644 --- a/src/data2b.c +++ b/src/data2b.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "data2.h" #include "graphics.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "constants/species.h" const u16 gUnknown_082FF1D8[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/link/minigame_digits.gbapal"); diff --git a/src/daycare.c b/src/daycare.c index 21678adc0..131540f6e 100644 --- a/src/daycare.c +++ b/src/daycare.c @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ static void RemoveIVIndexFromList(u8 *ivs, u8 selectedIv) s32 i, j; u8 temp[NUM_STATS]; - ivs[selectedIv] = 0xff; + ivs[selectedIv] = 0xFF; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) { temp[i] = ivs[i]; @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ static void RemoveIVIndexFromList(u8 *ivs, u8 selectedIv) j = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) { - if (temp[i] != 0xff) + if (temp[i] != 0xFF) ivs[j++] = temp[i]; } } @@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ static void BuildEggMoveset(struct Pokemon *egg, struct BoxPokemon *father, stru { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] == sHatchedEggEggMoves[j]) { - if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]) == 0xffff) + if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]) == 0xFFFF) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]); break; } @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ static void BuildEggMoveset(struct Pokemon *egg, struct BoxPokemon *father, stru { if (sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i] == ItemIdToBattleMoveId(ITEM_TM01_FOCUS_PUNCH + j) && CanMonLearnTMHM(egg, j)) { - if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]) == 0xffff) + if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]) == 0xFFFF) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFatherMoves[i]); } } @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ static void BuildEggMoveset(struct Pokemon *egg, struct BoxPokemon *father, stru { if (sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves[j] != MOVE_NONE && sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i] == sHatchedEggLevelUpMoves[j]) { - if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i]) == 0xffff) + if (GiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i]) == 0xFFFF) DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(egg, sHatchedEggFinalMoves[i]); break; } diff --git a/src/decompress.c b/src/decompress.c index da1df436b..24d23209f 100644 --- a/src/decompress.c +++ b/src/decompress.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "decompress.h" #include "constants/species.h" #include "text.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "pokemon.h" EWRAM_DATA ALIGNED(4) u8 gDecompressionBuffer[0x4000] = {0}; @@ -122,346 +122,346 @@ void sub_803471C() { asm(".syntax unified\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x24\n\ - mov r9, r0\n\ - str r1, [sp]\n\ - str r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - adds r5, r3, 0\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - ands r0, r1\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _0803473C\n\ - b _080348D4\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x24\n\ + mov r9, r0\n\ + str r1, [sp]\n\ + str r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + adds r5, r3, 0\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + ands r0, r1\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _0803473C\n\ + b _080348D4\n\ _0803473C:\n\ - asrs r0, r1, 1\n\ - adds r0, 0x4\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - str r0, [sp, 0x8]\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - ldr r2, [sp]\n\ - cmp r0, r2\n\ - blt _08034750\n\ - b _08034964\n\ + asrs r0, r1, 1\n\ + adds r0, 0x4\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + str r0, [sp, 0x8]\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + ldr r2, [sp]\n\ + cmp r0, r2\n\ + blt _08034750\n\ + b _08034964\n\ _08034750:\n\ - movs r4, 0x8\n\ - subs r1, r4, r1\n\ - str r1, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + movs r4, 0x8\n\ + subs r1, r4, r1\n\ + str r1, [sp, 0x10]\n\ _08034756:\n\ - movs r7, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - str r0, [sp, 0x14]\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - cmp r7, r0\n\ - bge _080347D2\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, 0x8]\n\ - lsls r1, 8\n\ - str r1, [sp, 0x18]\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - mov r10, r2\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ - movs r4, 0x8\n\ - subs r0, r4, r0\n\ - str r0, [sp, 0xC]\n\ + movs r7, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + str r0, [sp, 0x14]\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + cmp r7, r0\n\ + bge _080347D2\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, 0x8]\n\ + lsls r1, 8\n\ + str r1, [sp, 0x18]\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + mov r10, r2\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ + movs r4, 0x8\n\ + subs r0, r4, r0\n\ + str r0, [sp, 0xC]\n\ _08034774:\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - asrs r0, r7, 1\n\ - adds r1, r7, 0\n\ - movs r2, 0x1\n\ - ands r1, r2\n\ - str r1, [sp, 0x20]\n\ - lsls r0, 8\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - mov r12, r5\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + asrs r0, r7, 1\n\ + adds r1, r7, 0\n\ + movs r2, 0x1\n\ + ands r1, r2\n\ + str r1, [sp, 0x20]\n\ + lsls r0, 8\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + mov r12, r5\n\ _08034786:\n\ - lsls r1, r3, 5\n\ - ldr r4, [sp, 0x18]\n\ - adds r0, r5, r4\n\ - adds r0, r1\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - adds r2, r0, r1\n\ - mov r1, r12\n\ - add r1, r8\n\ - movs r6, 0xF\n\ + lsls r1, r3, 5\n\ + ldr r4, [sp, 0x18]\n\ + adds r0, r5, r4\n\ + adds r0, r1\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + adds r2, r0, r1\n\ + mov r1, r12\n\ + add r1, r8\n\ + movs r6, 0xF\n\ _08034798:\n\ - ldr r4, [sp, 0x20]\n\ - cmp r4, 0\n\ - bne _080347A8\n\ - strb r4, [r1]\n\ - add r4, sp, 0x20\n\ - ldrb r4, [r4]\n\ - strb r4, [r2, 0x10]\n\ - b _080347B6\n\ + ldr r4, [sp, 0x20]\n\ + cmp r4, 0\n\ + bne _080347A8\n\ + strb r4, [r1]\n\ + add r4, sp, 0x20\n\ + ldrb r4, [r4]\n\ + strb r4, [r2, 0x10]\n\ + b _080347B6\n\ _080347A8:\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - strb r0, [r1, 0x10]\n\ - movs r4, 0x80\n\ - lsls r4, 1\n\ - adds r4, r2, r4\n\ - str r4, [sp, 0x1C]\n\ - strb r0, [r4]\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + strb r0, [r1, 0x10]\n\ + movs r4, 0x80\n\ + lsls r4, 1\n\ + adds r4, r2, r4\n\ + str r4, [sp, 0x1C]\n\ + strb r0, [r4]\n\ _080347B6:\n\ - adds r2, 0x1\n\ - adds r1, 0x1\n\ - subs r6, 0x1\n\ - cmp r6, 0\n\ - bge _08034798\n\ - movs r0, 0x20\n\ - add r12, r0\n\ - adds r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0x7\n\ - ble _08034786\n\ - adds r7, 0x1\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, 0xC]\n\ - cmp r7, r1\n\ - blt _08034774\n\ + adds r2, 0x1\n\ + adds r1, 0x1\n\ + subs r6, 0x1\n\ + cmp r6, 0\n\ + bge _08034798\n\ + movs r0, 0x20\n\ + add r12, r0\n\ + adds r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0x7\n\ + ble _08034786\n\ + adds r7, 0x1\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, 0xC]\n\ + cmp r7, r1\n\ + blt _08034774\n\ _080347D2:\n\ - movs r7, 0\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ + movs r7, 0\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ _080347D6:\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - adds r4, r7, 0x1\n\ - mov r8, r4\n\ - lsls r4, r7, 5\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + adds r4, r7, 0x1\n\ + mov r8, r4\n\ + lsls r4, r7, 5\n\ _080347DE:\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ - mov r10, r0\n\ - lsls r1, r6, 8\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0\n\ - adds r0, 0xC0\n\ - adds r0, r5, r0\n\ - adds r0, r4\n\ - adds r1, r5, r1\n\ - adds r1, r4\n\ - movs r3, 0x1F\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ + mov r10, r0\n\ + lsls r1, r6, 8\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0\n\ + adds r0, 0xC0\n\ + adds r0, r5, r0\n\ + adds r0, r4\n\ + adds r1, r5, r1\n\ + adds r1, r4\n\ + movs r3, 0x1F\n\ _080347F2:\n\ - strb r2, [r1]\n\ - strb r2, [r0]\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - adds r1, 0x1\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _080347F2\n\ - mov r6, r10\n\ - cmp r6, 0x7\n\ - ble _080347DE\n\ - mov r7, r8\n\ - cmp r7, 0x1\n\ - ble _080347D6\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - cmp r1, 0x5\n\ - bne _08034818\n\ - movs r2, 0x90\n\ - lsls r2, 1\n\ - adds r5, r2\n\ + strb r2, [r1]\n\ + strb r2, [r0]\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + adds r1, 0x1\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _080347F2\n\ + mov r6, r10\n\ + cmp r6, 0x7\n\ + ble _080347DE\n\ + mov r7, r8\n\ + cmp r7, 0x1\n\ + ble _080347D6\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + cmp r1, 0x5\n\ + bne _08034818\n\ + movs r2, 0x90\n\ + lsls r2, 1\n\ + adds r5, r2\n\ _08034818:\n\ - movs r7, 0\n\ - cmp r7, r9\n\ - bge _080348AE\n\ + movs r7, 0\n\ + cmp r7, r9\n\ + bge _080348AE\n\ _0803481E:\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - adds r7, 0x1\n\ - mov r8, r7\n\ - cmp r3, r9\n\ - bge _0803488E\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + adds r7, 0x1\n\ + mov r8, r7\n\ + cmp r3, r9\n\ + bge _0803488E\n\ _08034828:\n\ - adds r3, 0x1\n\ - mov r10, r3\n\ - ldr r4, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - adds r4, 0x20\n\ - adds r7, r5, 0\n\ - adds r7, 0x20\n\ - movs r0, 0x12\n\ - adds r0, r5\n\ - mov r12, r0\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - adds r3, r5, 0\n\ - movs r6, 0x3\n\ + adds r3, 0x1\n\ + mov r10, r3\n\ + ldr r4, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + adds r4, 0x20\n\ + adds r7, r5, 0\n\ + adds r7, 0x20\n\ + movs r0, 0x12\n\ + adds r0, r5\n\ + mov r12, r0\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + adds r3, r5, 0\n\ + movs r6, 0x3\n\ _08034840:\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2]\n\ - mov r1, r12\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x1]\n\ - strb r0, [r1, 0x1]\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x2]\n\ - strb r0, [r1, 0x1E]\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x3]\n\ - strb r0, [r1, 0x1F]\n\ - movs r0, 0x81\n\ - lsls r0, 1\n\ - adds r1, r3, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x10]\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - ldr r0, =0x00000103\n\ - adds r1, r3, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x11]\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - movs r0, 0x90\n\ - lsls r0, 1\n\ - adds r1, r3, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x12]\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - ldr r0, =0x00000121\n\ - adds r1, r3, r0\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2, 0x13]\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - movs r1, 0x4\n\ - add r12, r1\n\ - adds r2, 0x4\n\ - adds r3, 0x4\n\ - subs r6, 0x1\n\ - cmp r6, 0\n\ - bge _08034840\n\ - str r4, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - adds r5, r7, 0\n\ - mov r3, r10\n\ - cmp r3, r9\n\ - blt _08034828\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2]\n\ + mov r1, r12\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x1]\n\ + strb r0, [r1, 0x1]\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x2]\n\ + strb r0, [r1, 0x1E]\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x3]\n\ + strb r0, [r1, 0x1F]\n\ + movs r0, 0x81\n\ + lsls r0, 1\n\ + adds r1, r3, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x10]\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + ldr r0, =0x00000103\n\ + adds r1, r3, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x11]\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + movs r0, 0x90\n\ + lsls r0, 1\n\ + adds r1, r3, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x12]\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + ldr r0, =0x00000121\n\ + adds r1, r3, r0\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2, 0x13]\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + movs r1, 0x4\n\ + add r12, r1\n\ + adds r2, 0x4\n\ + adds r3, 0x4\n\ + subs r6, 0x1\n\ + cmp r6, 0\n\ + bge _08034840\n\ + str r4, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + adds r5, r7, 0\n\ + mov r3, r10\n\ + cmp r3, r9\n\ + blt _08034828\n\ _0803488E:\n\ - mov r2, r9\n\ - cmp r2, 0x7\n\ - bne _080348A0\n\ - adds r5, 0x20\n\ - b _080348A8\n\ - .pool\n\ + mov r2, r9\n\ + cmp r2, 0x7\n\ + bne _080348A0\n\ + adds r5, 0x20\n\ + b _080348A8\n\ + .pool\n\ _080348A0:\n\ - mov r4, r9\n\ - cmp r4, 0x5\n\ - bne _080348A8\n\ - adds r5, 0x60\n\ + mov r4, r9\n\ + cmp r4, 0x5\n\ + bne _080348A8\n\ + adds r5, 0x60\n\ _080348A8:\n\ - mov r7, r8\n\ - cmp r7, r9\n\ - blt _0803481E\n\ + mov r7, r8\n\ + cmp r7, r9\n\ + blt _0803481E\n\ _080348AE:\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ - cmp r0, 0x7\n\ - bne _080348BC\n\ - movs r1, 0x80\n\ - lsls r1, 1\n\ - adds r5, r1\n\ - b _080348C8\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ + cmp r0, 0x7\n\ + bne _080348BC\n\ + movs r1, 0x80\n\ + lsls r1, 1\n\ + adds r5, r1\n\ + b _080348C8\n\ _080348BC:\n\ - mov r2, r9\n\ - cmp r2, 0x5\n\ - bne _080348C8\n\ - movs r4, 0xF0\n\ - lsls r4, 1\n\ - adds r5, r4\n\ + mov r2, r9\n\ + cmp r2, 0x5\n\ + bne _080348C8\n\ + movs r4, 0xF0\n\ + lsls r4, 1\n\ + adds r5, r4\n\ _080348C8:\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, 0x14]\n\ - ldr r1, [sp]\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bge _080348D2\n\ - b _08034756\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, 0x14]\n\ + ldr r1, [sp]\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bge _080348D2\n\ + b _08034756\n\ _080348D2:\n\ - b _08034964\n\ + b _08034964\n\ _080348D4:\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - ldr r2, [sp]\n\ - cmp r6, r2\n\ - bge _08034964\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + ldr r2, [sp]\n\ + cmp r6, r2\n\ + bge _08034964\n\ _080348DC:\n\ - adds r6, 0x1\n\ - mov r10, r6\n\ - mov r4, r9\n\ - cmp r4, 0x6\n\ - bne _080348F4\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - movs r3, 0xFF\n\ + adds r6, 0x1\n\ + mov r10, r6\n\ + mov r4, r9\n\ + cmp r4, 0x6\n\ + bne _080348F4\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + movs r3, 0xFF\n\ _080348EA:\n\ - strb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r5, 0x1\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _080348EA\n\ + strb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r5, 0x1\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _080348EA\n\ _080348F4:\n\ - movs r7, 0\n\ - cmp r7, r9\n\ - bge _08034948\n\ + movs r7, 0\n\ + cmp r7, r9\n\ + bge _08034948\n\ _080348FA:\n\ - adds r7, 0x1\n\ - mov r8, r7\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 5\n\ - cmp r1, 0x6\n\ - bne _08034914\n\ - movs r1, 0\n\ - movs r3, 0x1F\n\ + adds r7, 0x1\n\ + mov r8, r7\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 5\n\ + cmp r1, 0x6\n\ + bne _08034914\n\ + movs r1, 0\n\ + movs r3, 0x1F\n\ _0803490A:\n\ - strb r1, [r5]\n\ - adds r5, 0x1\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _0803490A\n\ + strb r1, [r5]\n\ + adds r5, 0x1\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _0803490A\n\ _08034914:\n\ - adds r1, r0, 0\n\ - cmp r1, 0\n\ - ble _0803492E\n\ - adds r3, r1, 0\n\ + adds r1, r0, 0\n\ + cmp r1, 0\n\ + ble _0803492E\n\ + adds r3, r1, 0\n\ _0803491C:\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - ldrb r0, [r2]\n\ - strb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r2, 0x1\n\ - str r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - adds r5, 0x1\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bne _0803491C\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + ldrb r0, [r2]\n\ + strb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r2, 0x1\n\ + str r2, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + adds r5, 0x1\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bne _0803491C\n\ _0803492E:\n\ - mov r4, r9\n\ - cmp r4, 0x6\n\ - bne _08034942\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - movs r3, 0x1F\n\ + mov r4, r9\n\ + cmp r4, 0x6\n\ + bne _08034942\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + movs r3, 0x1F\n\ _08034938:\n\ - strb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r5, 0x1\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _08034938\n\ + strb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r5, 0x1\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _08034938\n\ _08034942:\n\ - mov r7, r8\n\ - cmp r7, r9\n\ - blt _080348FA\n\ + mov r7, r8\n\ + cmp r7, r9\n\ + blt _080348FA\n\ _08034948:\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ - cmp r0, 0x6\n\ - bne _0803495C\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - movs r3, 0xFF\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ + cmp r0, 0x6\n\ + bne _0803495C\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + movs r3, 0xFF\n\ _08034952:\n\ - strb r0, [r5]\n\ - adds r5, 0x1\n\ - subs r3, 0x1\n\ - cmp r3, 0\n\ - bge _08034952\n\ + strb r0, [r5]\n\ + adds r5, 0x1\n\ + subs r3, 0x1\n\ + cmp r3, 0\n\ + bge _08034952\n\ _0803495C:\n\ - mov r6, r10\n\ - ldr r1, [sp]\n\ - cmp r6, r1\n\ - blt _080348DC\n\ + mov r6, r10\n\ + ldr r1, [sp]\n\ + cmp r6, r1\n\ + blt _080348DC\n\ _08034964:\n\ - add sp, 0x24\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ + add sp, 0x24\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ .syntax divided"); } u32 GetDecompressedDataSize(const u32 *ptr) { - const u8 *ptr8 = (const u8 *)ptr; + const u8 *ptr8 = (const u8 *)ptr; return (ptr8[3] << 16) | (ptr8[2] << 8) | (ptr8[1]); } diff --git a/src/decoration.c b/src/decoration.c index 4e3e0a2d3..dd691721a 100644 --- a/src/decoration.c +++ b/src/decoration.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "constants/decorations.h" #include "decompress.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "text.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "international_string_util.h" @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ const struct SpriteFrameImage sDecorSelectorSpriteFrameImages = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate sDecorSelectorSpriteTemplate = { - 0xffff, + 0xFFFF, OVERWORLD_PLACE_DECOR_SELECTOR_PAL_TAG, &sDecorSelectorOam, sDecorSelectorAnims, diff --git a/src/dewford_trend.c b/src/dewford_trend.c index 3050ebecf..cad5ef9c2 100644 --- a/src/dewford_trend.c +++ b/src/dewford_trend.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include "easy_chat.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "link.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "random.h" #include "text.h" #include "tv.h" diff --git a/src/diploma.c b/src/diploma.c index f8556eb7d..b3d5a48fa 100644 --- a/src/diploma.c +++ b/src/diploma.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" #include "task.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "bg.h" #include "window.h" diff --git a/src/easy_chat.c b/src/easy_chat.c index e4233fb7f..25ef069e4 100644 --- a/src/easy_chat.c +++ b/src/easy_chat.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Includes #include "global.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "sound.h" #include "overworld.h" diff --git a/src/egg_hatch.c b/src/egg_hatch.c index a8238253e..ed25a2c68 100644 --- a/src/egg_hatch.c +++ b/src/egg_hatch.c @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ #include "menu.h" #include "trig.h" #include "random.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "dma3.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "bg.h" diff --git a/src/event_object_movement.c b/src/event_object_movement.c index e509c7738..ef125e564 100644 --- a/src/event_object_movement.c +++ b/src/event_object_movement.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #include "field_effect_helpers.h" #include "field_player_avatar.h" #include "fieldmap.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "mauville_old_man.h" #include "metatile_behavior.h" #include "overworld.h" @@ -142,255 +142,255 @@ void (*const gCameraObjectFuncs[])(struct Sprite *) = { // movement type callbacks static void (*const sMovementTypeCallbacks[])(struct Sprite *) = { - MovementType_None, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_NONE - MovementType_LookAround, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_LOOK_AROUND - MovementType_WanderAround, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_AROUND - MovementType_WanderUpAndDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_UP_AND_DOWN - MovementType_WanderUpAndDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_DOWN_AND_UP - MovementType_WanderLeftAndRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_WanderLeftAndRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT - MovementType_FaceDirection, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP - MovementType_FaceDirection, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN - MovementType_FaceDirection, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT - MovementType_FaceDirection, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT - MovementType_Player, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_PLAYER - MovementType_BerryTreeGrowth, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_BERRY_TREE_GROWTH - MovementType_FaceDownAndUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_UP - MovementType_FaceLeftAndRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_FaceUpAndLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_LEFT - MovementType_FaceUpAndRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_FaceDownAndLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_LEFT - MovementType_FaceDownAndRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_FaceDownUpAndLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_LEFT - MovementType_FaceDownUpAndRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_FaceUpRightAndLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_FaceDownRightAndLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_RotateCounterclockwise, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - MovementType_RotateClockwise, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE - MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_UP_AND_DOWN - MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_DOWN_AND_UP - MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_RIGHT_AND_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceUpRightLeftDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSequenceRightLeftDownUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN_UP - MovementType_WalkSequenceDownUpRightLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_RIGHT_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftDownUpRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_UP_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkSequenceUpLeftRightDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftRightDownUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN_UP - MovementType_WalkSequenceDownUpLeftRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_LEFT_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkSequenceRightDownUpLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_UP_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftUpDownRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_DOWN_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkSequenceUpDownRightLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceRightLeftUpDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_UP_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSequenceDownRightLeftUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT_UP - MovementType_WalkSequenceRightUpDownLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_DOWN_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceUpDownLeftRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftRightUpDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_UP_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSequenceDownLeftRightUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_UP - MovementType_WalkSequenceUpLeftDownRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkSequenceDownRightUpLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_UP_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftDownRightUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT_UP - MovementType_WalkSequenceRightUpLeftDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_LEFT_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSequenceUpRightDownLeft, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSequenceDownLeftUpRight, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_UP_RIGHT - MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftUpRightDown, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_RIGHT_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSequenceRightDownLeftUp, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT_UP - MovementType_CopyPlayer, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER - MovementType_CopyPlayer, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE - MovementType_CopyPlayer, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - MovementType_CopyPlayer, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE - MovementType_TreeDisguise, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE - MovementType_MountainDisguise, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE - MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_IN_GRASS - MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE_IN_GRASS - MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS - MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS - MovementType_Hidden, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN - MovementType_WalkInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_DOWN - MovementType_WalkInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_UP - MovementType_WalkInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_LEFT - MovementType_WalkInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - MovementType_JogInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_DOWN - MovementType_JogInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_UP - MovementType_JogInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_LEFT - MovementType_JogInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - MovementType_RunInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_DOWN - MovementType_RunInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_UP - MovementType_RunInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_LEFT - MovementType_RunInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - MovementType_Invisible, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_INVISIBLE - MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_DOWN - MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_UP - MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_LEFT - MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_RIGHT + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_NONE] = MovementType_None, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_LOOK_AROUND] = MovementType_LookAround, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_AROUND] = MovementType_WanderAround, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_UP_AND_DOWN] = MovementType_WanderUpAndDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_DOWN_AND_UP] = MovementType_WanderUpAndDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_WanderLeftAndRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT] = MovementType_WanderLeftAndRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP] = MovementType_FaceDirection, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN] = MovementType_FaceDirection, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT] = MovementType_FaceDirection, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceDirection, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_PLAYER] = MovementType_Player, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_BERRY_TREE_GROWTH] = MovementType_BerryTreeGrowth, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_UP] = MovementType_FaceDownAndUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceLeftAndRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_LEFT] = MovementType_FaceUpAndLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceUpAndRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_LEFT] = MovementType_FaceDownAndLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceDownAndRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_LEFT] = MovementType_FaceDownUpAndLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceDownUpAndRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceUpRightAndLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_FaceDownRightAndLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE] = MovementType_RotateCounterclockwise, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE] = MovementType_RotateClockwise, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_UP_AND_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_DOWN_AND_UP] = MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_RIGHT_AND_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkBackAndForth, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSequenceUpRightLeftDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN_UP] = MovementType_WalkSequenceRightLeftDownUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_RIGHT_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceDownUpRightLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_UP_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftDownUpRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSequenceUpLeftRightDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN_UP] = MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftRightDownUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_LEFT_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceDownUpLeftRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_UP_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceRightDownUpLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_DOWN_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftUpDownRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceUpDownRightLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_UP_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSequenceRightLeftUpDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT_UP] = MovementType_WalkSequenceDownRightLeftUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_DOWN_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceRightUpDownLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceUpDownLeftRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_UP_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftRightUpDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_UP] = MovementType_WalkSequenceDownLeftRightUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceUpLeftDownRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_UP_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceDownRightUpLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT_UP] = MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftDownRightUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_LEFT_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSequenceRightUpLeftDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceUpRightDownLeft, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_UP_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSequenceDownLeftUpRight, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_RIGHT_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSequenceLeftUpRightDown, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT_UP] = MovementType_WalkSequenceRightDownLeftUp, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER] = MovementType_CopyPlayer, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE] = MovementType_CopyPlayer, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE] = MovementType_CopyPlayer, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE] = MovementType_CopyPlayer, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE] = MovementType_TreeDisguise, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE] = MovementType_MountainDisguise, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_IN_GRASS] = MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE_IN_GRASS] = MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS] = MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS] = MovementType_CopyPlayerInGrass, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN] = MovementType_Hidden, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_UP] = MovementType_WalkInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = MovementType_JogInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_UP] = MovementType_JogInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = MovementType_JogInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = MovementType_JogInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = MovementType_RunInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_UP] = MovementType_RunInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = MovementType_RunInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = MovementType_RunInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_INVISIBLE] = MovementType_Invisible, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_UP] = MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = MovementType_WalkSlowlyInPlace, }; const u8 gRangedMovementTypes[] = { - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_NONE - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_LOOK_AROUND - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_AROUND - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_UP_AND_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_DOWN_AND_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_PLAYER - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_BERRY_TREE_GROWTH - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_UP - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_UP_AND_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_DOWN_AND_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_RIGHT_AND_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_RIGHT_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_UP_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_LEFT_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_UP_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_DOWN_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_UP_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_DOWN_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_UP_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_UP_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_LEFT_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_UP_RIGHT - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_RIGHT_DOWN - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT_UP - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_IN_GRASS - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE_IN_GRASS - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS - 1, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_DOWN - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_UP - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_DOWN - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_UP - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_DOWN - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_UP - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_INVISIBLE - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_DOWN - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_UP - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_LEFT - 0, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_RIGHT + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_NONE] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_LOOK_AROUND] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_AROUND] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_UP_AND_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_DOWN_AND_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_PLAYER] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_BERRY_TREE_GROWTH] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_UP] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_UP_AND_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_DOWN_AND_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_RIGHT_AND_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_RIGHT_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_UP_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_LEFT_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_UP_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_DOWN_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_UP_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_DOWN_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_UP_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_UP_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_LEFT_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_UP_RIGHT] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_RIGHT_DOWN] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT_UP] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_IN_GRASS] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE_IN_GRASS] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS] = 1, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_UP] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_UP] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_UP] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_INVISIBLE] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_UP] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = 0, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = 0, }; const u8 gInitialMovementTypeFacingDirections[] = { - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_NONE - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_LOOK_AROUND - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_AROUND - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_UP_AND_DOWN - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_DOWN_AND_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_PLAYER - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_BERRY_TREE_GROWTH - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_LEFT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_LEFT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_LEFT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_RIGHT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_UP_AND_DOWN - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_DOWN_AND_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_LEFT_AND_RIGHT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_RIGHT_AND_LEFT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN_UP - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_RIGHT_LEFT - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_UP_RIGHT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN_UP - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_LEFT_RIGHT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_UP_LEFT - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_DOWN_RIGHT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_UP_DOWN - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT_UP - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_DOWN_LEFT - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_UP_DOWN - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_UP - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_UP_LEFT - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT_UP - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_LEFT_DOWN - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_UP_RIGHT - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_RIGHT_DOWN - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT_UP - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_IN_GRASS - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE_IN_GRASS - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_DOWN - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_LEFT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_DOWN - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_LEFT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_DOWN - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_LEFT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_RIGHT - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_INVISIBLE - DIR_SOUTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_DOWN - DIR_NORTH, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_UP - DIR_WEST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_LEFT - DIR_EAST, // MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_RIGHT + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_NONE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_LOOK_AROUND] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_AROUND] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_UP_AND_DOWN] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_DOWN_AND_UP] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WANDER_RIGHT_AND_LEFT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_PLAYER] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_BERRY_TREE_GROWTH] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_UP] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_LEFT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_LEFT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_LEFT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_UP_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_UP_AND_DOWN] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_DOWN_AND_UP] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_LEFT_AND_RIGHT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_RIGHT_AND_LEFT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_DOWN_UP] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_RIGHT_LEFT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_UP_RIGHT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_DOWN_UP] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_UP_LEFT_RIGHT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_UP_LEFT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_DOWN_RIGHT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_LEFT_UP_DOWN] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_LEFT_UP] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_DOWN_LEFT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_RIGHT_UP_DOWN] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_UP] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_RIGHT_UP_LEFT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT_UP] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_UP_LEFT_DOWN] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_DOWN_LEFT_UP_RIGHT] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_LEFT_UP_RIGHT_DOWN] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SEQUENCE_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT_UP] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_IN_GRASS] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_OPPOSITE_IN_GRASS] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_COUNTERCLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_COPY_PLAYER_CLOCKWISE_IN_GRASS] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_UP] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_UP] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_JOG_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_UP] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_RUN_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = DIR_EAST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_INVISIBLE] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_DOWN] = DIR_SOUTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_UP] = DIR_NORTH, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_LEFT] = DIR_WEST, + [MOVEMENT_TYPE_WALK_SLOWLY_IN_PLACE_RIGHT] = DIR_EAST, }; #define EVENT_OBJ_PAL_TAG_0 0x1103 @@ -668,181 +668,181 @@ const s16 gMovementDelaysShort[] = {32, 48, 64, 80}; #include "data/field_event_obj/movement_type_func_tables.h" const u8 gFaceDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 0, // DIR_NONE - 0, // DIR_SOUTH - 1, // DIR_NORTH - 2, // DIR_WEST - 3, // DIR_EAST - 0, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 0, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 1, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 1, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 0, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 0, + [DIR_NORTH] = 1, + [DIR_WEST] = 2, + [DIR_EAST] = 3, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 0, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 0, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 1, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 1, }; const u8 gMoveDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 4, // DIR_NONE - 4, // DIR_SOUTH - 5, // DIR_NORTH - 6, // DIR_WEST - 7, // DIR_EAST - 4, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 4, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 5, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 5, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 4, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 4, + [DIR_NORTH] = 5, + [DIR_WEST] = 6, + [DIR_EAST] = 7, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 4, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 4, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 5, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 5, }; const u8 gMoveDirectionFastAnimNums[] = { - 8, // DIR_NONE - 8, // DIR_SOUTH - 9, // DIR_NORTH - 10, // DIR_WEST - 11, // DIR_EAST - 8, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 8, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 9, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 9, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 8, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 8, + [DIR_NORTH] = 9, + [DIR_WEST] = 10, + [DIR_EAST] = 11, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 8, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 8, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 9, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 9, }; const u8 gMoveDirectionFasterAnimNums[] = { - 12, // DIR_NONE - 12, // DIR_SOUTH - 13, // DIR_NORTH - 14, // DIR_WEST - 15, // DIR_EAST - 12, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 12, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 13, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 13, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 12, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 12, + [DIR_NORTH] = 13, + [DIR_WEST] = 14, + [DIR_EAST] = 15, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 12, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 12, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 13, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 13, }; const u8 gMoveDirectionFastestAnimNums[] = { - 16, // DIR_NONE - 16, // DIR_SOUTH - 17, // DIR_NORTH - 18, // DIR_WEST - 19, // DIR_EAST - 16, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 16, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 17, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 17, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 16, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 16, + [DIR_NORTH] = 17, + [DIR_WEST] = 18, + [DIR_EAST] = 19, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 16, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 16, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 17, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 17, }; const u8 gJumpSpecialDirectionAnimNums[] = { // used for jumping onto surf mon - 20, // DIR_NONE - 20, // DIR_SOUTH - 21, // DIR_NORTH - 22, // DIR_WEST - 23, // DIR_EAST - 20, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 20, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 21, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 21, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 20, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 20, + [DIR_NORTH] = 21, + [DIR_WEST] = 22, + [DIR_EAST] = 23, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 20, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 20, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 21, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 21, }; const u8 gAcroWheelieDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 20, // DIR_NONE - 20, // DIR_SOUTH - 21, // DIR_NORTH - 22, // DIR_WEST - 23, // DIR_EAST - 20, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 20, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 21, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 21, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 20, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 20, + [DIR_NORTH] = 21, + [DIR_WEST] = 22, + [DIR_EAST] = 23, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 20, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 20, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 21, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 21, }; const u8 gUnrefAnimNums_08375633[] = { - 24, // DIR_NONE - 24, // DIR_SOUTH - 25, // DIR_NORTH - 26, // DIR_WEST - 27, // DIR_EAST - 24, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 24, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 25, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 25, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 24, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 24, + [DIR_NORTH] = 25, + [DIR_WEST] = 26, + [DIR_EAST] = 27, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 24, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 24, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 25, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 25, }; const u8 gAcroEndWheelieDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 28, // DIR_NONE - 28, // DIR_SOUTH - 29, // DIR_NORTH - 30, // DIR_WEST - 31, // DIR_EAST - 28, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 28, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 29, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 29, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 28, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 28, + [DIR_NORTH] = 29, + [DIR_WEST] = 30, + [DIR_EAST] = 31, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 28, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 28, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 29, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 29, }; const u8 gAcroUnusedActionDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 32, // DIR_NONE - 32, // DIR_SOUTH - 33, // DIR_NORTH - 34, // DIR_WEST - 35, // DIR_EAST - 32, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 32, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 33, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 33, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 32, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 32, + [DIR_NORTH] = 33, + [DIR_WEST] = 34, + [DIR_EAST] = 35, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 32, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 32, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 33, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 33, }; const u8 gAcroWheeliePedalDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 36, // DIR_NONE - 36, // DIR_SOUTH - 37, // DIR_NORTH - 38, // DIR_WEST - 39, // DIR_EAST - 36, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 36, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 37, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 37, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 36, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 36, + [DIR_NORTH] = 37, + [DIR_WEST] = 38, + [DIR_EAST] = 39, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 36, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 36, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 37, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 37, }; const u8 gFishingDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 0, // DIR_NONE - 0, // DIR_SOUTH - 1, // DIR_NORTH - 2, // DIR_WEST - 3, // DIR_EAST - 0, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 0, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 1, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 1, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 0, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 0, + [DIR_NORTH] = 1, + [DIR_WEST] = 2, + [DIR_EAST] = 3, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 0, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 0, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 1, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 1, }; const u8 gFishingNoCatchDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 4, // DIR_NONE - 4, // DIR_SOUTH - 5, // DIR_NORTH - 6, // DIR_WEST - 7, // DIR_EAST - 4, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 4, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 5, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 5, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 4, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 4, + [DIR_NORTH] = 5, + [DIR_WEST] = 6, + [DIR_EAST] = 7, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 4, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 4, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 5, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 5, }; const u8 gFishingBiteDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 8, // DIR_NONE - 8, // DIR_SOUTH - 9, // DIR_NORTH - 10, // DIR_WEST - 11, // DIR_EAST - 8, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 8, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 9, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 9, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 8, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 8, + [DIR_NORTH] = 9, + [DIR_WEST] = 10, + [DIR_EAST] = 11, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 8, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 8, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 9, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 9, }; const u8 gRunningDirectionAnimNums[] = { - 20, // DIR_NONE - 20, // DIR_SOUTH - 21, // DIR_NORTH - 22, // DIR_WEST - 23, // DIR_EAST - 20, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - 20, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - 21, // DIR_NORTHWEST - 21, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = 20, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 20, + [DIR_NORTH] = 21, + [DIR_WEST] = 22, + [DIR_EAST] = 23, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 20, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 20, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 21, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 21, }; const u8 gTrainerFacingDirectionMovementTypes[] = { - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, // DIR_NONE - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, // DIR_SOUTH - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP, // DIR_NORTH - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT, // DIR_WEST - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT, // DIR_EAST - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP, // DIR_NORTHWEST - MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, + [DIR_SOUTH] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, + [DIR_NORTH] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP, + [DIR_WEST] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_LEFT, + [DIR_EAST] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_RIGHT, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_UP, }; bool8 (*const gOppositeDirectionBlockedMetatileFuncs[])(u8) = { diff --git a/src/evolution_scene.c b/src/evolution_scene.c index 0d2072a15..1070c69e9 100644 --- a/src/evolution_scene.c +++ b/src/evolution_scene.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "evolution_scene.h" #include "evolution_graphics.h" #include "sprite.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "task.h" #include "palette.h" #include "main.h" diff --git a/src/field_effect.c b/src/field_effect.c index 58f4f03df..1442c611a 100644 --- a/src/field_effect.c +++ b/src/field_effect.c @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ const union AnimCmd *const gNewGameBirchImageAnimTable[] = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate gNewGameBirchObjectTemplate = { - .tileTag = 0xffff, + .tileTag = 0xFFFF, .paletteTag = 4102, .oam = &gNewGameBirchOamAttributes, .anims = gNewGameBirchImageAnimTable, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ const union AnimCmd *const gSpriteAnimTable_855C300[] = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C304 = { - .tileTag = 0xffff, + .tileTag = 0xFFFF, .paletteTag = 4103, .oam = &gOamData_855C218, .anims = gSpriteAnimTable_855C2F8, @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C304 = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C31C = { - .tileTag = 0xffff, + .tileTag = 0xFFFF, .paletteTag = 4100, .oam = &gOamData_855C220, .anims = gSpriteAnimTable_855C2F8, @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C31C = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C334 = { - .tileTag = 0xffff, + .tileTag = 0xFFFF, .paletteTag = 4112, .oam = &gOamData_855C220, .anims = gSpriteAnimTable_855C300, @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C334 = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_855C34C = { - .tileTag = 0xffff, + .tileTag = 0xFFFF, .paletteTag = 4112, .oam = &gOamData_855C26C, .anims = gSpriteAnimTable_855C300, @@ -3591,7 +3591,7 @@ const union AnimCmd *const gSpriteAnimTable_855C5DC[] = { }; const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_0855C5EC = { - .tileTag = 0xffff, + .tileTag = 0xFFFF, .paletteTag = 4378, .oam = &gOamData_855C218, .anims = gSpriteAnimTable_855C5DC, diff --git a/src/field_effect_helpers.c b/src/field_effect_helpers.c index a68a72c76..3046eccd5 100755 --- a/src/field_effect_helpers.c +++ b/src/field_effect_helpers.c @@ -1007,15 +1007,15 @@ void UpdateSurfBlobFieldEffect(struct Sprite *sprite) static void SynchroniseSurfAnim(struct EventObject *eventObject, struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 surfBlobDirectionAnims[] = { - 0, // DIR_NONE - 0, // DIR_SOUTH - 1, // DIR_NORTH - 2, // DIR_WEST - 3, // DIR_EAST - 0, - 0, - 1, - 1, + [DIR_NONE] = 0, + [DIR_SOUTH] = 0, + [DIR_NORTH] = 1, + [DIR_WEST] = 2, + [DIR_EAST] = 3, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = 0, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = 0, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = 1, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = 1, }; if (sub_8155640(sprite) == 0) diff --git a/src/field_region_map.c b/src/field_region_map.c index 40f48e668..d49ce3a4e 100644 --- a/src/field_region_map.c +++ b/src/field_region_map.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "palette.h" #include "region_map.h" diff --git a/src/field_specials.c b/src/field_specials.c index 0842555b9..3a50e272e 100644 --- a/src/field_specials.c +++ b/src/field_specials.c @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ #include "link.h" #include "list_menu.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "match_call.h" #include "menu.h" #include "overworld.h" @@ -1691,22 +1691,22 @@ const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_085B2BAC = { }; const u8 *const gElevatorFloorsTable[] = { - gText_B4F, - gText_B3F, - gText_B2F, - gText_B1F, - gText_1F, - gText_2F, - gText_3F, - gText_4F, - gText_5F, - gText_6F, - gText_7F, - gText_8F, - gText_9F, - gText_10F, - gText_11F, - gText_Rooftop + gText_B4F, + gText_B3F, + gText_B2F, + gText_B1F, + gText_1F, + gText_2F, + gText_3F, + gText_4F, + gText_5F, + gText_6F, + gText_7F, + gText_8F, + gText_9F, + gText_10F, + gText_11F, + gText_Rooftop }; const u16 gUnknown_085B2BF4[][3] = @@ -1957,7 +1957,7 @@ void sub_8139D98(void) bool32 warp0_in_pokecenter(void) { - static const u16 gUnknown_085B2C2A[] = { 0x0202, 0x0301, 0x0405, 0x0504, 0x0604, 0x0700, 0x0804, 0x090b, 0x0a05, 0x0b05, 0x0c02, 0x0d06, 0x0e03, 0x0f02, 0x100c, 0x100a, 0x1a35, 0x193c, 0xffff }; + static const u16 gUnknown_085B2C2A[] = { 0x0202, 0x0301, 0x0405, 0x0504, 0x0604, 0x0700, 0x0804, 0x090b, 0x0a05, 0x0b05, 0x0c02, 0x0d06, 0x0e03, 0x0f02, 0x100c, 0x100a, 0x1a35, 0x193c, 0xFFFF }; int i; u16 map = (gLastUsedWarp.mapGroup << 8) + gLastUsedWarp.mapNum; @@ -2946,10 +2946,10 @@ void sub_813AA44(void) static void sub_813AA60(u16 a0, u16 a1) { - static const u16 gUnknown_085B312C[] = { 0x004b, 0x0067, 0x0057, 0x004f, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0xffff }; - static const u16 gUnknown_085B3142[] = { 0x0071, 0x006f, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0xffff }; - static const u16 gUnknown_085B314E[] = { 0x0040, 0x0043, 0x0041, 0x0046, 0x0042, 0x003f, 0xffff }; - static const u16 gUnknown_085B315C[] = { 0x00c8, 0x00b4, 0x00b7, 0x00b9, 0x00b3, 0x00ba, 0x00bb, 0x00c4, 0x00c6, 0xffff }; + static const u16 gUnknown_085B312C[] = { 0x004b, 0x0067, 0x0057, 0x004f, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0xFFFF }; + static const u16 gUnknown_085B3142[] = { 0x0071, 0x006f, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0xFFFF }; + static const u16 gUnknown_085B314E[] = { 0x0040, 0x0043, 0x0041, 0x0046, 0x0042, 0x003f, 0xFFFF }; + static const u16 gUnknown_085B315C[] = { 0x00c8, 0x00b4, 0x00b7, 0x00b9, 0x00b3, 0x00ba, 0x00bb, 0x00c4, 0x00c6, 0xFFFF }; static const u8 *const gUnknown_085B3170[] = { BattleFrontier_BattlePointExchangeServiceCorner_Text_2601AA, @@ -3841,7 +3841,7 @@ bool32 sub_813B9C0(void) MAP_TRADE_CENTER, MAP_RECORD_CORNER, MAP_DOUBLE_BATTLE_COLOSSEUM, - 0xffff + 0xFFFF }; int i; diff --git a/src/fieldmap.c b/src/fieldmap.c index 0d8a706b1..7e1fc03eb 100644 --- a/src/fieldmap.c +++ b/src/fieldmap.c @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ u16 GetBehaviorByMetatileId(u16 metatile) } else { - return 0xff; + return 0xFF; } } diff --git a/src/fldeff_cut.c b/src/fldeff_cut.c index 230a95e0b..6a310efd2 100644 --- a/src/fldeff_cut.c +++ b/src/fldeff_cut.c @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #include "field_player_avatar.h" #include "fieldmap.h" #include "fldeff_cut.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "metatile_behavior.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "party_menu.h" diff --git a/src/fldeff_groundshake.c b/src/fldeff_groundshake.c index 73d72c8b6..866606a06 100644 --- a/src/fldeff_groundshake.c +++ b/src/fldeff_groundshake.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "event_data.h" #include "event_object_movement.h" #include "field_camera.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "random.h" #include "roulette_util.h" #include "script.h" diff --git a/src/fossil_specials.c b/src/fossil_specials.c index 8164a3a78..dfdb999a9 100644 --- a/src/fossil_specials.c +++ b/src/fossil_specials.c @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include "fieldmap.h" #include "global.fieldmap.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "random.h" #include "script.h" @@ -458,104 +458,104 @@ static void sub_81BF2B8(u8* a, u16 b, u8 c, u8 d, u8 e) { asm_unified("\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x8\n\ - str r0, [sp]\n\ - mov r10, r1\n\ - adds r6, r2, 0\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, 0x28]\n\ - mov r9, r0\n\ - lsls r1, 16\n\ - lsrs r1, 16\n\ - mov r10, r1\n\ - lsls r6, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, 24\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - lsrs r7, r0, 24\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - lsls r1, 24\n\ - lsrs r1, 24\n\ - mov r9, r1\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - adds r1, r7, 0\n\ - bl __divsi3\n\ - adds r5, r0, 0\n\ - lsls r5, 24\n\ - lsrs r4, r5, 24\n\ - ldr r3, =gUnknown_030012A8\n\ - strh r4, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - adds r1, r7, 0\n\ - str r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - bl __modsi3\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ - ldr r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ - strh r2, [r3, 0x2]\n\ - movs r1, 0x7\n\ - ands r4, r1\n\ - ands r2, r1\n\ - strh r4, [r3, 0x4]\n\ - strh r2, [r3, 0x6]\n\ - lsrs r0, 27\n\ - lsrs r5, 27\n\ - strh r0, [r3, 0x8]\n\ - strh r5, [r3, 0xA]\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - lsrs r1, 27\n\ - lsls r1, 6\n\ - mov r8, r1\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - muls r1, r5\n\ - lsls r0, 6\n\ - adds r1, r0\n\ - lsls r1, 16\n\ - lsrs r1, 16\n\ - strh r1, [r3, 0xC]\n\ - lsls r4, 3\n\ - adds r4, r2\n\ - adds r1, r4\n\ - lsls r4, r1, 16\n\ - lsrs r4, 17\n\ - strh r1, [r3, 0xE]\n\ - movs r1, 0x1\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - ands r1, r0\n\ - movs r2, 0x1\n\ - eors r1, r2\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 2\n\ - lsls r6, r0\n\ - eors r1, r2\n\ - lsls r1, 2\n\ - movs r0, 0xF\n\ - lsls r0, r1\n\ - orrs r6, r0\n\ - lsls r6, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, 24\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - lsls r1, 5\n\ - mov r9, r1\n\ - add r9, r4\n\ - ldr r1, [sp]\n\ - add r1, r9\n\ - ldrb r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r6, r0\n\ - strb r6, [r1]\n\ - add sp, 0x8\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x8\n\ + str r0, [sp]\n\ + mov r10, r1\n\ + adds r6, r2, 0\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, 0x28]\n\ + mov r9, r0\n\ + lsls r1, 16\n\ + lsrs r1, 16\n\ + mov r10, r1\n\ + lsls r6, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, 24\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + lsrs r7, r0, 24\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + lsls r1, 24\n\ + lsrs r1, 24\n\ + mov r9, r1\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + adds r1, r7, 0\n\ + bl __divsi3\n\ + adds r5, r0, 0\n\ + lsls r5, 24\n\ + lsrs r4, r5, 24\n\ + ldr r3, =gUnknown_030012A8\n\ + strh r4, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + adds r1, r7, 0\n\ + str r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + bl __modsi3\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ + ldr r3, [sp, 0x4]\n\ + strh r2, [r3, 0x2]\n\ + movs r1, 0x7\n\ + ands r4, r1\n\ + ands r2, r1\n\ + strh r4, [r3, 0x4]\n\ + strh r2, [r3, 0x6]\n\ + lsrs r0, 27\n\ + lsrs r5, 27\n\ + strh r0, [r3, 0x8]\n\ + strh r5, [r3, 0xA]\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + lsrs r1, 27\n\ + lsls r1, 6\n\ + mov r8, r1\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + muls r1, r5\n\ + lsls r0, 6\n\ + adds r1, r0\n\ + lsls r1, 16\n\ + lsrs r1, 16\n\ + strh r1, [r3, 0xC]\n\ + lsls r4, 3\n\ + adds r4, r2\n\ + adds r1, r4\n\ + lsls r4, r1, 16\n\ + lsrs r4, 17\n\ + strh r1, [r3, 0xE]\n\ + movs r1, 0x1\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + ands r1, r0\n\ + movs r2, 0x1\n\ + eors r1, r2\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 2\n\ + lsls r6, r0\n\ + eors r1, r2\n\ + lsls r1, 2\n\ + movs r0, 0xF\n\ + lsls r0, r1\n\ + orrs r6, r0\n\ + lsls r6, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, 24\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + lsls r1, 5\n\ + mov r9, r1\n\ + add r9, r4\n\ + ldr r1, [sp]\n\ + add r1, r9\n\ + ldrb r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r6, r0\n\ + strb r6, [r1]\n\ + add sp, 0x8\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool\n\ "); } #endif // NONMATCHING diff --git a/src/frontier_util.c b/src/frontier_util.c index 5af7b3db7..528cce699 100644 --- a/src/frontier_util.c +++ b/src/frontier_util.c @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ #include "data2.h" #include "record_mixing.h" #include "strings.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "save.h" #include "load_save.h" #include "battle_dome.h" diff --git a/src/gpu_regs.c b/src/gpu_regs.c index 805f23b48..2d48b304a 100644 --- a/src/gpu_regs.c +++ b/src/gpu_regs.c @@ -20,166 +20,166 @@ static void UpdateRegDispstatIntrBits(u16 regIE); void InitGpuRegManager(void) { - s32 i; + s32 i; - for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE; i++) + for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE; i++) { - sGpuRegBuffer[i] = 0; - sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = EMPTY_SLOT; - } + sGpuRegBuffer[i] = 0; + sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = EMPTY_SLOT; + } - sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; - sShouldSyncRegIE = FALSE; - sRegIE = 0; + sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; + sShouldSyncRegIE = FALSE; + sRegIE = 0; } static void CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(u8 regOffset) { - if (regOffset == REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT) + if (regOffset == REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT) { - REG_DISPSTAT &= ~(DISPSTAT_HBLANK_INTR | DISPSTAT_VBLANK_INTR); - REG_DISPSTAT |= GPU_REG_BUF(REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT); - } - else + REG_DISPSTAT &= ~(DISPSTAT_HBLANK_INTR | DISPSTAT_VBLANK_INTR); + REG_DISPSTAT |= GPU_REG_BUF(REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT); + } + else { - GPU_REG(regOffset) = GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); - } + GPU_REG(regOffset) = GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); + } } void CopyBufferedValuesToGpuRegs(void) { - if (!sGpuRegBufferLocked) + if (!sGpuRegBufferLocked) { - s32 i; + s32 i; - for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE; i++) + for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE; i++) { - u8 regOffset = sGpuRegWaitingList[i]; - if (regOffset == EMPTY_SLOT) - return; - CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(regOffset); - sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = EMPTY_SLOT; - } - } + u8 regOffset = sGpuRegWaitingList[i]; + if (regOffset == EMPTY_SLOT) + return; + CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(regOffset); + sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = EMPTY_SLOT; + } + } } void SetGpuReg(u8 regOffset, u16 value) { - if (regOffset < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE) - { - u16 vcount; + if (regOffset < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE) + { + u16 vcount; - GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset) = value; - vcount = REG_VCOUNT & 0xFF; + GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset) = value; + vcount = REG_VCOUNT & 0xFF; - if ((vcount >= 161 && vcount <= 225) - || (REG_DISPCNT & DISPCNT_FORCED_BLANK)) { - CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(regOffset); - } else { - s32 i; + if ((vcount >= 161 && vcount <= 225) + || (REG_DISPCNT & DISPCNT_FORCED_BLANK)) { + CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(regOffset); + } else { + s32 i; - sGpuRegBufferLocked = TRUE; + sGpuRegBufferLocked = TRUE; - for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE && sGpuRegWaitingList[i] != EMPTY_SLOT; i++) { - if (sGpuRegWaitingList[i] == regOffset) { - sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; - return; - } - } + for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE && sGpuRegWaitingList[i] != EMPTY_SLOT; i++) { + if (sGpuRegWaitingList[i] == regOffset) { + sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; + return; + } + } - sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = regOffset; - sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; - } - } + sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = regOffset; + sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; + } + } } void SetGpuReg_ForcedBlank(u8 regOffset, u16 value) { - if (regOffset < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE) - { - GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset) = value; + if (regOffset < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE) + { + GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset) = value; - if (REG_DISPCNT & DISPCNT_FORCED_BLANK) { - CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(regOffset); - } else { - s32 i; + if (REG_DISPCNT & DISPCNT_FORCED_BLANK) { + CopyBufferedValueToGpuReg(regOffset); + } else { + s32 i; - sGpuRegBufferLocked = TRUE; + sGpuRegBufferLocked = TRUE; - for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE && sGpuRegWaitingList[i] != EMPTY_SLOT; i++) { - if (sGpuRegWaitingList[i] == regOffset) { - sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; - return; - } - } + for (i = 0; i < GPU_REG_BUF_SIZE && sGpuRegWaitingList[i] != EMPTY_SLOT; i++) { + if (sGpuRegWaitingList[i] == regOffset) { + sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; + return; + } + } - sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = regOffset; - sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; - } - } + sGpuRegWaitingList[i] = regOffset; + sGpuRegBufferLocked = FALSE; + } + } } u16 GetGpuReg(u8 regOffset) { - if (regOffset == REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT) - return REG_DISPSTAT; + if (regOffset == REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT) + return REG_DISPSTAT; - if (regOffset == REG_OFFSET_VCOUNT) - return REG_VCOUNT; + if (regOffset == REG_OFFSET_VCOUNT) + return REG_VCOUNT; - return GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); + return GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); } void SetGpuRegBits(u8 regOffset, u16 mask) { - u16 regValue = GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); - SetGpuReg(regOffset, regValue | mask); + u16 regValue = GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); + SetGpuReg(regOffset, regValue | mask); } void ClearGpuRegBits(u8 regOffset, u16 mask) { - u16 regValue = GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); - SetGpuReg(regOffset, regValue & ~mask); + u16 regValue = GPU_REG_BUF(regOffset); + SetGpuReg(regOffset, regValue & ~mask); } static void SyncRegIE(void) { - if (sShouldSyncRegIE) { - u16 temp = REG_IME; - REG_IME = 0; - REG_IE = sRegIE; - REG_IME = temp; - sShouldSyncRegIE = FALSE; - } + if (sShouldSyncRegIE) { + u16 temp = REG_IME; + REG_IME = 0; + REG_IE = sRegIE; + REG_IME = temp; + sShouldSyncRegIE = FALSE; + } } void EnableInterrupts(u16 mask) { - sRegIE |= mask; - sShouldSyncRegIE = TRUE; - SyncRegIE(); - UpdateRegDispstatIntrBits(sRegIE); + sRegIE |= mask; + sShouldSyncRegIE = TRUE; + SyncRegIE(); + UpdateRegDispstatIntrBits(sRegIE); } void DisableInterrupts(u16 mask) { - sRegIE &= ~mask; - sShouldSyncRegIE = TRUE; - SyncRegIE(); - UpdateRegDispstatIntrBits(sRegIE); + sRegIE &= ~mask; + sShouldSyncRegIE = TRUE; + SyncRegIE(); + UpdateRegDispstatIntrBits(sRegIE); } static void UpdateRegDispstatIntrBits(u16 regIE) { - u16 oldValue = GetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT) & (DISPSTAT_HBLANK_INTR | DISPSTAT_VBLANK_INTR); - u16 newValue = 0; + u16 oldValue = GetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT) & (DISPSTAT_HBLANK_INTR | DISPSTAT_VBLANK_INTR); + u16 newValue = 0; - if (regIE & INTR_FLAG_VBLANK) - newValue |= DISPSTAT_VBLANK_INTR; + if (regIE & INTR_FLAG_VBLANK) + newValue |= DISPSTAT_VBLANK_INTR; - if (regIE & INTR_FLAG_HBLANK) - newValue |= DISPSTAT_HBLANK_INTR; + if (regIE & INTR_FLAG_HBLANK) + newValue |= DISPSTAT_HBLANK_INTR; - if (oldValue != newValue) - SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT, newValue); + if (oldValue != newValue) + SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPSTAT, newValue); } diff --git a/src/hall_of_fame.c b/src/hall_of_fame.c index 315990256..ad5673036 100644 --- a/src/hall_of_fame.c +++ b/src/hall_of_fame.c @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #include "pokemon.h" #include "text.h" #include "text_window.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "main.h" diff --git a/src/intro.c b/src/intro.c index 5a0e13869..94692e6ec 100644 --- a/src/intro.c +++ b/src/intro.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ #include "task.h" #include "title_screen.h" #include "libgcnmultiboot.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "link.h" #include "multiboot_pokemon_colosseum.h" @@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ static const u32 gIntro3MiscTiles[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/intro/intro3_misc.4bp static const u16 gIntro1FlygonPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/intro/intro1_flygon.gbapal"); static const u32 gIntro1EonTiles_Unused[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/intro/intro1_eon.4bpp.lz"); static const u8 sUnknownBytes[] = { - 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x0D, + 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x02, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x21, 0x02, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, - 0x11, 0x12, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x00 + 0x11, 0x12, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x00 }; static const struct CompressedSpriteSheet gUnknown_085E4A74[] = { diff --git a/src/item.c b/src/item.c index 6d2dbd561..6a1f1955a 100644 --- a/src/item.c +++ b/src/item.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ #include "string_util.h" #include "text.h" #include "event_data.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "secret_base.h" #include "item_menu.h" #include "strings.h" @@ -244,152 +244,152 @@ NAKED bool8 CheckBagHasSpace(u16 itemId, u16 count) { asm_unified("push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x4\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r0, 16\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - lsls r1, 16\n\ - lsrs r5, r1, 16\n\ - bl ItemId_GetPocket\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - beq _080D6906\n\ - bl InBattlePyramid\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _080D6838\n\ - ldr r0, =0x00004004\n\ - bl FlagGet\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1\n\ - bne _080D684C\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x4\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r0, 16\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + lsls r1, 16\n\ + lsrs r5, r1, 16\n\ + bl ItemId_GetPocket\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + beq _080D6906\n\ + bl InBattlePyramid\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _080D6838\n\ + ldr r0, =0x00004004\n\ + bl FlagGet\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1\n\ + bne _080D684C\n\ _080D6838:\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - adds r1, r5, 0\n\ - bl CheckPyramidBagHasSpace\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - b _080D6916\n\ - .pool\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + adds r1, r5, 0\n\ + bl CheckPyramidBagHasSpace\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + b _080D6916\n\ + .pool\n\ _080D684C:\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - bl ItemId_GetPocket\n\ - subs r0, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ - ldr r7, =0x000003e7\n\ - cmp r2, 0x3\n\ - beq _080D6860\n\ - movs r7, 0x63\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + bl ItemId_GetPocket\n\ + subs r0, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ + ldr r7, =0x000003e7\n\ + cmp r2, 0x3\n\ + beq _080D6860\n\ + movs r7, 0x63\n\ _080D6860:\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - ldr r1, =gBagPockets\n\ - lsls r4, r2, 3\n\ - adds r0, r4, r1\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ - cmp r6, r0\n\ - bcs _080D68BC\n\ - subs r0, r2, 0x2\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - mov r10, r0\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + ldr r1, =gBagPockets\n\ + lsls r4, r2, 3\n\ + adds r0, r4, r1\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ + cmp r6, r0\n\ + bcs _080D68BC\n\ + subs r0, r2, 0x2\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + mov r10, r0\n\ _080D6878:\n\ - adds r0, r4, r1\n\ - ldr r1, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 2\n\ - adds r1, r0, r1\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - cmp r0, r8\n\ - bne _080D68AC\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0x2\n\ - str r2, [sp]\n\ - bl GetBagItemQuantity\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r1, r0, 16\n\ - adds r0, r1, r5\n\ - ldr r2, [sp]\n\ - cmp r0, r7\n\ - ble _080D6914\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1\n\ - bls _080D6906\n\ - subs r0, r7, r1\n\ - subs r0, r5, r0\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ - cmp r5, 0\n\ - beq _080D6914\n\ + adds r0, r4, r1\n\ + ldr r1, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 2\n\ + adds r1, r0, r1\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + cmp r0, r8\n\ + bne _080D68AC\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0x2\n\ + str r2, [sp]\n\ + bl GetBagItemQuantity\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r1, r0, 16\n\ + adds r0, r1, r5\n\ + ldr r2, [sp]\n\ + cmp r0, r7\n\ + ble _080D6914\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1\n\ + bls _080D6906\n\ + subs r0, r7, r1\n\ + subs r0, r5, r0\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ + cmp r5, 0\n\ + beq _080D6914\n\ _080D68AC:\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - ldr r1, =gBagPockets\n\ - adds r0, r4, r1\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ - cmp r6, r0\n\ - bcc _080D6878\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + ldr r1, =gBagPockets\n\ + adds r0, r4, r1\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ + cmp r6, r0\n\ + bcc _080D6878\n\ _080D68BC:\n\ - cmp r5, 0\n\ - beq _080D6914\n\ - movs r6, 0\n\ - ldr r3, =gBagPockets\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - adds r0, r1, r3\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ - cmp r6, r0\n\ - bcs _080D6902\n\ - adds r4, r3, 0\n\ - subs r0, r2, 0x2\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r5, 0\n\ + beq _080D6914\n\ + movs r6, 0\n\ + ldr r3, =gBagPockets\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + adds r0, r1, r3\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ + cmp r6, r0\n\ + bcs _080D6902\n\ + adds r4, r3, 0\n\ + subs r0, r2, 0x2\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ _080D68D6:\n\ - adds r0, r1, r4\n\ - ldr r1, [r0]\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 2\n\ - adds r0, r1\n\ - ldrh r0, [r0]\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - bne _080D68F2\n\ - cmp r5, r7\n\ - bls _080D6914\n\ - cmp r2, 0x1\n\ - bls _080D6906\n\ - subs r0, r5, r7\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ + adds r0, r1, r4\n\ + ldr r1, [r0]\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 2\n\ + adds r0, r1\n\ + ldrh r0, [r0]\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + bne _080D68F2\n\ + cmp r5, r7\n\ + bls _080D6914\n\ + cmp r2, 0x1\n\ + bls _080D6906\n\ + subs r0, r5, r7\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 16\n\ _080D68F2:\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - mov r1, r9\n\ - adds r0, r1, r3\n\ - ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ - cmp r6, r0\n\ - bcc _080D68D6\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + mov r1, r9\n\ + adds r0, r1, r3\n\ + ldrb r0, [r0, 0x4]\n\ + cmp r6, r0\n\ + bcc _080D68D6\n\ _080D6902:\n\ - cmp r5, 0\n\ - beq _080D6914\n\ + cmp r5, 0\n\ + beq _080D6914\n\ _080D6906:\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - b _080D6916\n\ - .pool\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + b _080D6916\n\ + .pool\n\ _080D6914:\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ _080D6916:\n\ - add sp, 0x4\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r1}\n\ - bx r1"); + add sp, 0x4\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r1}\n\ + bx r1"); } #endif // NONMATCHING diff --git a/src/item_icon.c b/src/item_icon.c index 41c6589f5..d037782bd 100644 --- a/src/item_icon.c +++ b/src/item_icon.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "decompress.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "item_icon.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "constants/items.h" diff --git a/src/item_menu.c b/src/item_menu.c index 1744a1bfa..2c75a80f2 100755 --- a/src/item_menu.c +++ b/src/item_menu.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ #include "link.h" #include "mail.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "map_name_popup.h" #include "menu.h" #include "money.h" diff --git a/src/landmark.c b/src/landmark.c index ab4add509..52d52500a 100644 --- a/src/landmark.c +++ b/src/landmark.c @@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ static const struct Landmark *const Landmarks_MtChimney_2[] = static const struct LandmarkList gLandmarkLists[] = { - {MAPSEC_ROUTE_103, 2, Landmarks_Route103_2}, - {MAPSEC_ROUTE_104, 0, Landmarks_Route104_0}, + {MAPSEC_ROUTE_103, 2, Landmarks_Route103_2}, + {MAPSEC_ROUTE_104, 0, Landmarks_Route104_0}, {MAPSEC_ROUTE_104, 1, Landmarks_Route104_1}, {MAPSEC_ROUTE_105, 0, Landmarks_Route105_0}, {MAPSEC_ROUTE_106, 1, Landmarks_Route106_1}, diff --git a/src/learn_move.c b/src/learn_move.c index 38e081a38..4db83861e 100644 --- a/src/learn_move.c +++ b/src/learn_move.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "learn_move.h" #include "list_menu.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "overworld.h" diff --git a/src/link.c b/src/link.c index 687a6c07b..79df699ef 100644 --- a/src/link.c +++ b/src/link.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ // Includes #include "global.h" #include "m4a.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "reset_save_heap.h" #include "save.h" #include "bg.h" diff --git a/src/link_rfu.c b/src/link_rfu.c index 308ad615c..2c6e22475 100644 --- a/src/link_rfu.c +++ b/src/link_rfu.c @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ #include "global.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "battle.h" #include "berry_blender.h" #include "decompress.h" @@ -7,7 +8,6 @@ #include "librfu.h" #include "link.h" #include "link_rfu.h" -#include "malloc.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "random.h" #include "palette.h" @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ const struct { { gBlockSendBuffer, 40 } }; const u16 gUnknown_082ED6E0[] = { - 0x0002, 0x7f7d, 0x0000, 0xffff + 0x0002, 0x7f7d, 0x0000, 0xFFFF }; const char sUnref_082ED6E8[][15] = { @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ static u8 sub_800D294(void) for (i = 0; i < gUnknown_03007890->unk_08; i++) { - for (ptr = gUnknown_03004140.unk_20; *ptr != 0xffff; ptr++) + for (ptr = gUnknown_03004140.unk_20; *ptr != 0xFFFF; ptr++) { if (gUnknown_03007890->unk_14[i].unk_04 == *ptr) { @@ -3077,7 +3077,7 @@ bool32 sub_800F1E0(void) { if (gUnknown_03005000.unk_14[i][1]) { - if (gUnknown_03005000.unk_cee[i] != 0xff && (gUnknown_03005000.unk_14[i][0] >> 5) != ((gUnknown_03005000.unk_cee[i] + 1) & 7)) + if (gUnknown_03005000.unk_cee[i] != 0xFF && (gUnknown_03005000.unk_14[i][0] >> 5) != ((gUnknown_03005000.unk_cee[i] + 1) & 7)) { if (++gUnknown_03005000.unk_cea[i] > 4) sub_8011170(0x8100); @@ -3778,7 +3778,7 @@ bool32 sub_8010454(u32 a0) s32 i; for (i = 0; gUnknown_082ED6E0[i] != a0; i++) { - if (gUnknown_082ED6E0[i] == 0xffff) + if (gUnknown_082ED6E0[i] == 0xFFFF) return FALSE; } return TRUE; @@ -3906,7 +3906,7 @@ void sub_80106D4(void) u32 sub_8010714(u16 a0, const u8 *a1) { u8 r0 = sub_8011CE4(a1, a0); - if (r0 == 0xff) + if (r0 == 0xFF) return 2; if (gUnknown_03007880[r0]->unk_0 == 0) return 1; diff --git a/src/list_menu.c b/src/list_menu.c index 6907a75a3..caf4b798d 100644 --- a/src/list_menu.c +++ b/src/list_menu.c @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include "trig.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "palette.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "strings.h" #include "sound.h" #include "constants/songs.h" @@ -953,52 +953,52 @@ void ListMenuSetUnkIndicatorsStructField(u8 taskId, u8 field, s32 value) case 0: case 1: data->field_4 = (void*)(value); - break; + break; case 2: data->field_C = value; - break; + break; case 3: data->field_E = value; - break; + break; case 4: data->field_10 = value; - break; + break; case 5: data->field_11 = value; - break; + break; case 6: data->field_12 = value; - break; + break; case 7: data->field_13 = value; - break; + break; case 8: data->field_14_0 = value; - break; + break; case 9: data->field_14_1 = value; - break; + break; case 10: data->field_15_0 = value; - break; + break; case 11: data->field_15_1 = value; - break; + break; case 12: data->field_16_0 = value; - break; + break; case 13: data->field_16_1 = value; - break; + break; case 14: data->field_16_2 = value; - break; + break; case 15: data->field_17_0 = value; - break; + break; case 16: data->field_17_1 = value; - break; + break; } } diff --git a/src/load_save.c b/src/load_save.c index 960a98981..8ecf89959 100644 --- a/src/load_save.c +++ b/src/load_save.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ #include "main.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "random.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "item.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "decoration_inventory.h" diff --git a/src/mail.c b/src/mail.c index 513900746..7b096ed00 100644 --- a/src/mail.c +++ b/src/mail.c @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ #include "bg.h" #include "pokemon_icon.h" #include "constants/species.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "easy_chat.h" extern const u16 gMailPalette_Orange[]; diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c index d069ab3bc..c4962286c 100644 --- a/src/main.c +++ b/src/main.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include "global.h" #include "crt0.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "link.h" #include "link_rfu.h" #include "librfu.h" diff --git a/src/main_menu.c b/src/main_menu.c index ee777d106..e11f783eb 100644 --- a/src/main_menu.c +++ b/src/main_menu.c @@ -335,25 +335,25 @@ static const struct MenuAction sMenuActions_Gender[] = { static const u8 *const gMalePresetNames[] = { gText_DefaultNameStu, - gText_DefaultNameMilton, - gText_DefaultNameTom, - gText_DefaultNameKenny, - gText_DefaultNameReid, - gText_DefaultNameJude, - gText_DefaultNameJaxson, - gText_DefaultNameEaston, - gText_DefaultNameWalker, - gText_DefaultNameTeru, - gText_DefaultNameJohnny, - gText_DefaultNameBrett, - gText_DefaultNameSeth, - gText_DefaultNameTerry, - gText_DefaultNameCasey, - gText_DefaultNameDarren, - gText_DefaultNameLandon, - gText_DefaultNameCollin, - gText_DefaultNameStanley, - gText_DefaultNameQuincy + gText_DefaultNameMilton, + gText_DefaultNameTom, + gText_DefaultNameKenny, + gText_DefaultNameReid, + gText_DefaultNameJude, + gText_DefaultNameJaxson, + gText_DefaultNameEaston, + gText_DefaultNameWalker, + gText_DefaultNameTeru, + gText_DefaultNameJohnny, + gText_DefaultNameBrett, + gText_DefaultNameSeth, + gText_DefaultNameTerry, + gText_DefaultNameCasey, + gText_DefaultNameDarren, + gText_DefaultNameLandon, + gText_DefaultNameCollin, + gText_DefaultNameStanley, + gText_DefaultNameQuincy }; static const u8 *const gFemalePresetNames[] = { diff --git a/src/malloc.c b/src/malloc.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1d64351c3..000000000 --- a/src/malloc.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -#include "global.h" - -static void *sHeapStart; -static u32 sHeapSize; -static u32 malloc_c_unused_0300000c; // needed to align dma3_manager.o(.bss) - -#define MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID 0xA3A3 - -struct MemBlock { - // Whether this block is currently allocated. - bool16 flag; - - // Magic number used for error checking. Should equal MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID. - u16 magic; - - // Size of the block (not including this header struct). - u32 size; - - // Previous block pointer. Equals sHeapStart if this is the first block. - struct MemBlock *prev; - - // Next block pointer. Equals sHeapStart if this is the last block. - struct MemBlock *next; - - // Data in the memory block. (Arrays of length 0 are a GNU extension.) - u8 data[0]; -}; - -void PutMemBlockHeader(void *block, struct MemBlock *prev, struct MemBlock *next, u32 size) -{ - struct MemBlock *header = (struct MemBlock *)block; - - header->flag = FALSE; - header->magic = MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID; - header->size = size; - header->prev = prev; - header->next = next; -} - -void PutFirstMemBlockHeader(void *block, u32 size) -{ - PutMemBlockHeader(block, (struct MemBlock *)block, (struct MemBlock *)block, size - sizeof(struct MemBlock)); -} - -void *AllocInternal(void *heapStart, u32 size) -{ - struct MemBlock *pos = (struct MemBlock *)heapStart; - struct MemBlock *head = pos; - struct MemBlock *splitBlock; - u32 foundBlockSize; - - // Alignment - if (size & 3) - size = 4 * ((size / 4) + 1); - - for (;;) { - // Loop through the blocks looking for unused block that's big enough. - - if (!pos->flag) { - foundBlockSize = pos->size; - - if (foundBlockSize >= size) { - if (foundBlockSize - size < 2 * sizeof(struct MemBlock)) { - // The block isn't much bigger than the requested size, - // so just use it. - pos->flag = TRUE; - } else { - // The block is significantly bigger than the requested - // size, so split the rest into a separate block. - foundBlockSize -= sizeof(struct MemBlock); - foundBlockSize -= size; - - splitBlock = (struct MemBlock *)(pos->data + size); - - pos->flag = TRUE; - pos->size = size; - - PutMemBlockHeader(splitBlock, pos, pos->next, foundBlockSize); - - pos->next = splitBlock; - - if (splitBlock->next != head) - splitBlock->next->prev = splitBlock; - } - - return pos->data; - } - } - - if (pos->next == head) - return NULL; - - pos = pos->next; - } -} - -void FreeInternal(void *heapStart, void *pointer) -{ - if (pointer) { - struct MemBlock *head = (struct MemBlock *)heapStart; - struct MemBlock *block = (struct MemBlock *)((u8 *)pointer - sizeof(struct MemBlock)); - block->flag = FALSE; - - // If the freed block isn't the last one, merge with the next block - // if it's not in use. - if (block->next != head) { - if (!block->next->flag) { - block->size += sizeof(struct MemBlock) + block->next->size; - block->next->magic = 0; - block->next = block->next->next; - if (block->next != head) - block->next->prev = block; - } - } - - // If the freed block isn't the first one, merge with the previous block - // if it's not in use. - if (block != head) { - if (!block->prev->flag) { - block->prev->next = block->next; - - if (block->next != head) - block->next->prev = block->prev; - - block->magic = 0; - block->prev->size += sizeof(struct MemBlock) + block->size; - } - } - } -} - -void *AllocZeroedInternal(void *heapStart, u32 size) -{ - void *mem = AllocInternal(heapStart, size); - - if (mem != NULL) { - if (size & 3) - size = 4 * ((size / 4) + 1); - - CpuFill32(0, mem, size); - } - - return mem; -} - -bool32 CheckMemBlockInternal(void *heapStart, void *pointer) -{ - struct MemBlock *head = (struct MemBlock *)heapStart; - struct MemBlock *block = (struct MemBlock *)((u8 *)pointer - sizeof(struct MemBlock)); - - if (block->magic != MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID) - return FALSE; - - if (block->next->magic != MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID) - return FALSE; - - if (block->next != head && block->next->prev != block) - return FALSE; - - if (block->prev->magic != MALLOC_SYSTEM_ID) - return FALSE; - - if (block->prev != head && block->prev->next != block) - return FALSE; - - if (block->next != head && block->next != (struct MemBlock *)(block->data + block->size)) - return FALSE; - - return TRUE; -} - -void InitHeap(void *heapStart, u32 heapSize) -{ - sHeapStart = heapStart; - sHeapSize = heapSize; - PutFirstMemBlockHeader(heapStart, heapSize); -} - -void *Alloc(u32 size) -{ - AllocInternal(sHeapStart, size); -} - -void *AllocZeroed(u32 size) -{ - AllocZeroedInternal(sHeapStart, size); -} - -void Free(void *pointer) -{ - FreeInternal(sHeapStart, pointer); -} - -bool32 CheckMemBlock(void *pointer) -{ - return CheckMemBlockInternal(sHeapStart, pointer); -} - -bool32 CheckHeap() -{ - struct MemBlock *pos = (struct MemBlock *)sHeapStart; - - do { - if (!CheckMemBlockInternal(sHeapStart, pos->data)) - return FALSE; - pos = pos->next; - } while (pos != (struct MemBlock *)sHeapStart); - - return TRUE; -} diff --git a/src/menu.c b/src/menu.c index dde0e0a1a..61096138a 100644 --- a/src/menu.c +++ b/src/menu.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #include "main.h" #include "sound.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "task.h" #include "dma3.h" #include "string_util.h" @@ -2096,253 +2096,253 @@ void sub_819A080(struct UnkStruct_819A080 *a0, struct UnkStruct_819A080 *a1, u16 NAKED void sub_819A080(struct UnkStruct_819A080 *a0, struct UnkStruct_819A080 *a1, u16 a2, u16 a3, u16 a4, u16 a5, u16 a6, u16 a7) { - asm("push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, #0x28\n\ - str r0, [sp]\n\ - str r1, [sp, #0x4]\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, #0x48]\n\ - ldr r4, [sp, #0x4C]\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, #0x50]\n\ - ldr r5, [sp, #0x54]\n\ - lsl r2, #16\n\ - lsr r2, #16\n\ - str r2, [sp, #0x8]\n\ - lsl r3, #16\n\ - lsr r3, #16\n\ - lsl r0, #16\n\ - lsr r0, #16\n\ - str r0, [sp, #0xC]\n\ - lsl r4, #16\n\ - lsr r4, #16\n\ - lsl r1, #16\n\ - lsr r1, #16\n\ - lsl r5, #16\n\ - lsr r5, #16\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x4]\n\ - ldrh r0, [r2, #0x4]\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0xC]\n\ - sub r0, r2\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x8]\n\ - add r2, r1, r2\n\ - str r2, [sp, #0x10]\n\ - cmp r0, r1\n\ - bge _0819A0CC\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, #0x8]\n\ - add r0, r1\n\ - str r0, [sp, #0x10]\n\ + asm("push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, #0x28\n\ + str r0, [sp]\n\ + str r1, [sp, #0x4]\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, #0x48]\n\ + ldr r4, [sp, #0x4C]\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, #0x50]\n\ + ldr r5, [sp, #0x54]\n\ + lsl r2, #16\n\ + lsr r2, #16\n\ + str r2, [sp, #0x8]\n\ + lsl r3, #16\n\ + lsr r3, #16\n\ + lsl r0, #16\n\ + lsr r0, #16\n\ + str r0, [sp, #0xC]\n\ + lsl r4, #16\n\ + lsr r4, #16\n\ + lsl r1, #16\n\ + lsr r1, #16\n\ + lsl r5, #16\n\ + lsr r5, #16\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x4]\n\ + ldrh r0, [r2, #0x4]\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0xC]\n\ + sub r0, r2\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x8]\n\ + add r2, r1, r2\n\ + str r2, [sp, #0x10]\n\ + cmp r0, r1\n\ + bge _0819A0CC\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, #0x8]\n\ + add r0, r1\n\ + str r0, [sp, #0x10]\n\ _0819A0CC:\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x4]\n\ - ldrh r1, [r2, #0x6]\n\ - sub r0, r1, r4\n\ - cmp r0, r5\n\ - bge _0819A0DE\n\ - add r0, r3, r1\n\ - sub r0, r4\n\ - str r0, [sp, #0x14]\n\ - b _0819A0E2\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x4]\n\ + ldrh r1, [r2, #0x6]\n\ + sub r0, r1, r4\n\ + cmp r0, r5\n\ + bge _0819A0DE\n\ + add r0, r3, r1\n\ + sub r0, r4\n\ + str r0, [sp, #0x14]\n\ + b _0819A0E2\n\ _0819A0DE:\n\ - add r5, r3, r5\n\ - str r5, [sp, #0x14]\n\ + add r5, r3, r5\n\ + str r5, [sp, #0x14]\n\ _0819A0E2:\n\ - ldr r0, [sp]\n\ - ldrh r1, [r0, #0x4]\n\ - mov r2, #0x7\n\ - add r0, r1, #0\n\ - and r0, r2\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - asr r1, #3\n\ - str r1, [sp, #0x18]\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, #0x4]\n\ - ldrh r1, [r0, #0x4]\n\ - add r0, r1, #0\n\ - and r0, r2\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - asr r1, #3\n\ - str r1, [sp, #0x1C]\n\ - mov r12, r3\n\ - mov r8, r4\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, #0x14]\n\ - cmp r12, r1\n\ - blt _0819A10C\n\ - b _0819A24A\n\ + ldr r0, [sp]\n\ + ldrh r1, [r0, #0x4]\n\ + mov r2, #0x7\n\ + add r0, r1, #0\n\ + and r0, r2\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + asr r1, #3\n\ + str r1, [sp, #0x18]\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, #0x4]\n\ + ldrh r1, [r0, #0x4]\n\ + add r0, r1, #0\n\ + and r0, r2\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + asr r1, #3\n\ + str r1, [sp, #0x1C]\n\ + mov r12, r3\n\ + mov r8, r4\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, #0x14]\n\ + cmp r12, r1\n\ + blt _0819A10C\n\ + b _0819A24A\n\ _0819A10C:\n\ - ldr r5, [sp, #0x8]\n\ - ldr r6, [sp, #0xC]\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - add r2, #0x1\n\ - str r2, [sp, #0x20]\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - add r0, #0x1\n\ - str r0, [sp, #0x24]\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, #0x10]\n\ - cmp r5, r1\n\ - blt _0819A124\n\ - b _0819A23A\n\ + ldr r5, [sp, #0x8]\n\ + ldr r6, [sp, #0xC]\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + add r2, #0x1\n\ + str r2, [sp, #0x20]\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + add r0, #0x1\n\ + str r0, [sp, #0x24]\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, #0x10]\n\ + cmp r5, r1\n\ + blt _0819A124\n\ + b _0819A23A\n\ _0819A124:\n\ - mov r7, #0x1\n\ - mov r2, #0xF0\n\ - mov r10, r2\n\ - mov r0, #0xF\n\ - mov r9, r0\n\ + mov r7, #0x1\n\ + mov r2, #0xF0\n\ + mov r10, r2\n\ + mov r0, #0xF\n\ + mov r9, r0\n\ _0819A12E:\n\ - asr r0, r5, #1\n\ - mov r1, #0x3\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - ldr r2, [sp]\n\ - ldr r1, [r2]\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - asr r0, r5, #3\n\ - lsl r0, #5\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - asr r0, r2, #3\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x18]\n\ - mul r0, r2\n\ - lsl r0, #5\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - mov r2, r12\n\ - lsl r0, r2, #29\n\ - lsr r0, #27\n\ - add r3, r1, r0\n\ - asr r0, r6, #1\n\ - mov r1, #0x3\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x4]\n\ - ldr r1, [r2]\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - asr r0, r6, #3\n\ - lsl r0, #5\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - mov r2, r8\n\ - asr r0, r2, #3\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x1C]\n\ - mul r0, r2\n\ - lsl r0, #5\n\ - add r1, r0\n\ - mov r2, r8\n\ - lsl r0, r2, #29\n\ - lsr r0, #27\n\ - add r4, r1, r0\n\ - add r0, r4, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A1DA\n\ - sub r4, #0x1\n\ - add r0, r6, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A1B2\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ - ldr r2, =0x00000fff\n\ - and r2, r0\n\ - add r0, r5, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A1A8\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - lsl r0, #8\n\ - b _0819A22A\n\ - .pool\n\ + asr r0, r5, #1\n\ + mov r1, #0x3\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + ldr r2, [sp]\n\ + ldr r1, [r2]\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + asr r0, r5, #3\n\ + lsl r0, #5\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + asr r0, r2, #3\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x18]\n\ + mul r0, r2\n\ + lsl r0, #5\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + mov r2, r12\n\ + lsl r0, r2, #29\n\ + lsr r0, #27\n\ + add r3, r1, r0\n\ + asr r0, r6, #1\n\ + mov r1, #0x3\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x4]\n\ + ldr r1, [r2]\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + asr r0, r6, #3\n\ + lsl r0, #5\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + mov r2, r8\n\ + asr r0, r2, #3\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x1C]\n\ + mul r0, r2\n\ + lsl r0, #5\n\ + add r1, r0\n\ + mov r2, r8\n\ + lsl r0, r2, #29\n\ + lsr r0, #27\n\ + add r4, r1, r0\n\ + add r0, r4, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A1DA\n\ + sub r4, #0x1\n\ + add r0, r6, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A1B2\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ + ldr r2, =0x00000fff\n\ + and r2, r0\n\ + add r0, r5, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A1A8\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + lsl r0, #8\n\ + b _0819A22A\n\ + .pool\n\ _0819A1A8:\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - lsl r0, #12\n\ - b _0819A22A\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + lsl r0, #12\n\ + b _0819A22A\n\ _0819A1B2:\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ - ldr r2, =0x0000f0ff\n\ - and r2, r0\n\ - add r0, r5, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A1D0\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - lsl r0, #4\n\ - b _0819A22A\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ + ldr r2, =0x0000f0ff\n\ + and r2, r0\n\ + add r0, r5, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A1D0\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + lsl r0, #4\n\ + b _0819A22A\n\ + .pool\n\ _0819A1D0:\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - lsl r0, #8\n\ - b _0819A22A\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + lsl r0, #8\n\ + b _0819A22A\n\ _0819A1DA:\n\ - add r0, r6, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A206\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ - ldr r2, =0x0000ff0f\n\ - and r2, r0\n\ - add r0, r5, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A1FC\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - b _0819A228\n\ - .pool\n\ + add r0, r6, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A206\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ + ldr r2, =0x0000ff0f\n\ + and r2, r0\n\ + add r0, r5, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A1FC\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + b _0819A228\n\ + .pool\n\ _0819A1FC:\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - lsl r0, #4\n\ - b _0819A22A\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + lsl r0, #4\n\ + b _0819A22A\n\ _0819A206:\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ - ldr r2, =0x0000fff0\n\ - and r2, r0\n\ - add r0, r5, #0\n\ - and r0, r7\n\ - cmp r0, #0\n\ - beq _0819A224\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r10\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ - lsr r0, #4\n\ - b _0819A22A\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4]\n\ + ldr r2, =0x0000fff0\n\ + and r2, r0\n\ + add r0, r5, #0\n\ + and r0, r7\n\ + cmp r0, #0\n\ + beq _0819A224\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r10\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ + lsr r0, #4\n\ + b _0819A22A\n\ + .pool\n\ _0819A224:\n\ - ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ - mov r0, r9\n\ + ldrb r1, [r3]\n\ + mov r0, r9\n\ _0819A228:\n\ - and r0, r1\n\ + and r0, r1\n\ _0819A22A:\n\ - orr r2, r0\n\ - strh r2, [r4]\n\ - add r5, #0x1\n\ - add r6, #0x1\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, #0x10]\n\ - cmp r5, r0\n\ - bge _0819A23A\n\ - b _0819A12E\n\ + orr r2, r0\n\ + strh r2, [r4]\n\ + add r5, #0x1\n\ + add r6, #0x1\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, #0x10]\n\ + cmp r5, r0\n\ + bge _0819A23A\n\ + b _0819A12E\n\ _0819A23A:\n\ - ldr r1, [sp, #0x20]\n\ - mov r12, r1\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, #0x24]\n\ - mov r8, r2\n\ - ldr r0, [sp, #0x14]\n\ - cmp r12, r0\n\ - bge _0819A24A\n\ - b _0819A10C\n\ + ldr r1, [sp, #0x20]\n\ + mov r12, r1\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, #0x24]\n\ + mov r8, r2\n\ + ldr r0, [sp, #0x14]\n\ + cmp r12, r0\n\ + bge _0819A24A\n\ + b _0819A10C\n\ _0819A24A:\n\ - add sp, #0x28\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n"); + add sp, #0x28\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n"); } #endif diff --git a/src/metatile_behavior.c b/src/metatile_behavior.c index 2bae89ecf..8a2c3ad91 100644 --- a/src/metatile_behavior.c +++ b/src/metatile_behavior.c @@ -10,246 +10,246 @@ // wonder what the third flag is supposed to do static const u8 sTileBitAttributes[] = { - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_NORMAL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_WALL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_TALL_GRASS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_LONG_GRASS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_04 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_UNUSED_05 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_DEEP_SAND - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SHORT_GRASS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_UNUSED_CAVE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_LONG_GRASS_SOUTH_EDGE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_NO_RUNNING - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_INDOOR_ENCOUNTER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_MOUNTAIN_TOP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_BATTLE_PYRAMID_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_MOSSDEEP_GYM_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_MT_PYRE_HOLE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), // MB_POND_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), // MB_SEMI_DEEP_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), // MB_DEEP_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_WATERFALL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_SOOTOPOLIS_DEEP_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), // MB_OCEAN_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PUDDLE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SHALLOW_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_SOOTOPOLIS_DEEP_WATER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_NO_SURFACING - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_SOOTOPOLIS_DEEP_WATER_2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_STAIRS_OUTSIDE_ABANDONED_SHIP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SHOAL_CAVE_ENTRANCE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_1D - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_1E - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_1F - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ICE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SAND - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), // MB_SEAWEED - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_23 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_ASHGRASS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), // MB_FOOTPRINTS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_THIN_ICE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_CRACKED_ICE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_HOT_SPRINGS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_LAVARIDGE_GYM_B1F_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), // MB_SEAWEED_NO_SURFACING - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_REFLECTION_UNDER_BRIDGE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_2C - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_2D - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_2E - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_2F - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_EAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_WEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_NORTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_NORTHEAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_NORTHWEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTHEAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTHWEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_EAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_WEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_NORTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_SOUTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_NORTHEAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_NORTHWEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_SOUTHEAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_JUMP_SOUTHWEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WALK_EAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WALK_WEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WALK_NORTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WALK_SOUTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SLIDE_EAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SLIDE_WEST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SLIDE_NORTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SLIDE_SOUTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_TRICK_HOUSE_PUZZLE_8_FLOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_49 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_4A - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_4B - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_4C - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_4D - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_4E - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_4F - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_EASTWARD_CURRENT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_WESTWARD_CURRENT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_NORTHWARD_CURRENT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_SOUTHWARD_CURRENT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_54 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_55 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_56 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_57 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_58 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_59 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_5A - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_5B - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_5C - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_5D - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_5E - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_5F - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_NON_ANIMATED_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_LADDER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_EAST_ARROW_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WEST_ARROW_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_NORTH_ARROW_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SOUTH_ARROW_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_CRACKED_FLOOR_HOLE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_AQUA_HIDEOUT_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_LAVARIDGE_GYM_1F_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ANIMATED_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UP_ESCALATOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_DOWN_ESCALATOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_WATER_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_WATER_SOUTH_ARROW_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_DEEP_SOUTH_WARP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_6F - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WARP_OR_BRIDGE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_71 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_1 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PACIFIDLOG_VERTICAL_LOG_1 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PACIFIDLOG_VERTICAL_LOG_2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PACIFIDLOG_HORIZONTAL_LOG_1 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PACIFIDLOG_HORIZONTAL_LOG_2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_FORTREE_BRIDGE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_79 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE120_SOUTH_BRIDGE_1 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE120_SOUTH_BRIDGE_2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_3 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_4 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_7E - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROUTE110_BRIDGE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_COUNTER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_81 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_82 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_CABLE_BOX_RESULTS_1 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_REGION_MAP - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_TELEVISION - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_POKEBLOCK_FEEDER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_88 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SLOT_MACHINE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ROULETTE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_CLOSED_SOOTOPOLIS_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_TRICK_HOUSE_PUZZLE_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PETALBURG_GYM_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_RUNNING_SHOES_INSTRUCTION - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_QUESTIONNAIRE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_RED_CAVE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_RED_CAVE_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BROWN_CAVE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BROWN_CAVE_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_YELLOW_CAVE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_YELLOW_CAVE_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_LEFT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_LEFT_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_SHRUB - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_SHRUB_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BLUE_CAVE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BLUE_CAVE_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_RIGHT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_RIGHT_OPEN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_9E - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_9F - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_BERRY_TREE_SOIL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A1 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A3 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A4 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A5 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A6 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A7 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A8 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_A9 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_AA - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_AB - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_AC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_AD - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_AE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_AF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_PC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_REGISTER_PC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_UNUSED - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_BLOCK_DECORATION - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_DECORATION - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_LARGE_MAT_EDGE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_B6 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_NORTH_WALL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_BALLOON - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_IMPASSABLE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_GLITTER_MAT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_JUMP_MAT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SPIN_MAT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SOUND_MAT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_BREAKABLE_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_SAND_ORNAMENT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTH_AND_NORTH - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_IMPASSABLE_WEST_AND_EAST - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_HOLE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_LARGE_MAT_CENTER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_TV_SHIELD - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PLAYER_ROOM_PC_ON - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_C6 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SECRET_BASE_POSTER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_C8 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_C9 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_CA - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_CB - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_CC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_CD - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_CE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_CF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_MUDDY_SLOPE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_BUMPY_SLOPE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_CRACKED_FLOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ISOLATED_VERTICAL_RAIL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_ISOLATED_HORIZONTAL_RAIL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_VERTICAL_RAIL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_HORIZONTAL_RAIL - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_D7 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_D8 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_D9 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_DA - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_DB - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_DC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_DD - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_DE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_DF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_PICTURE_BOOK_SHELF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_BOOKSHELF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_POKEMON_CENTER_BOOKSHELF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_VASE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_TRASH_CAN - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_SHOP_SHELF - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_BLUEPRINT - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_CABLE_BOX_RESULTS_2 - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_WIRELESS_BOX_RESULTS - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_TRAINER_HILL_TIMER - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNKNOWN_CLOSED_DOOR - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_EB - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_EC - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_ED - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_EE - TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), // MB_UNUSED_EF + [MB_NORMAL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_WALL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_TALL_GRASS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_LONG_GRASS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_UNUSED_04] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_05] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_DEEP_SAND] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_SHORT_GRASS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CAVE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_LONG_GRASS_SOUTH_EDGE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_NO_RUNNING] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_INDOOR_ENCOUNTER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_MOUNTAIN_TOP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_BATTLE_PYRAMID_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_MOSSDEEP_GYM_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_MT_PYRE_HOLE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_POND_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), + [MB_SEMI_DEEP_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), + [MB_DEEP_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), + [MB_WATERFALL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_SOOTOPOLIS_DEEP_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_OCEAN_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), + [MB_PUDDLE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SHALLOW_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_SOOTOPOLIS_DEEP_WATER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_NO_SURFACING] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_SOOTOPOLIS_DEEP_WATER_2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_STAIRS_OUTSIDE_ABANDONED_SHIP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SHOAL_CAVE_ENTRANCE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_1D] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_1E] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_1F] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ICE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SAND] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SEAWEED] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), + [MB_UNUSED_23] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ASHGRASS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_FOOTPRINTS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), + [MB_THIN_ICE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_CRACKED_ICE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_HOT_SPRINGS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_LAVARIDGE_GYM_B1F_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SEAWEED_NO_SURFACING] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), + [MB_REFLECTION_UNDER_BRIDGE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_2C] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_2D] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_2E] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_2F] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_EAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_WEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_NORTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_NORTHEAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_NORTHWEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTHEAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTHWEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_EAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_WEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_NORTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_SOUTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_NORTHEAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_NORTHWEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_SOUTHEAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_JUMP_SOUTHWEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WALK_EAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WALK_WEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WALK_NORTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WALK_SOUTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SLIDE_EAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SLIDE_WEST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SLIDE_NORTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SLIDE_SOUTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_TRICK_HOUSE_PUZZLE_8_FLOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_49] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_4A] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_4B] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_4C] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_4D] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_4E] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_4F] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_EASTWARD_CURRENT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_WESTWARD_CURRENT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_NORTHWARD_CURRENT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_SOUTHWARD_CURRENT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_54] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_55] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_56] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_57] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_58] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_59] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_5A] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_5B] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_5C] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_5D] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_5E] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_5F] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_NON_ANIMATED_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_LADDER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_EAST_ARROW_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WEST_ARROW_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_NORTH_ARROW_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SOUTH_ARROW_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_CRACKED_FLOOR_HOLE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_AQUA_HIDEOUT_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_LAVARIDGE_GYM_1F_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ANIMATED_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UP_ESCALATOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_DOWN_ESCALATOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WATER_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_WATER_SOUTH_ARROW_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_DEEP_SOUTH_WARP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_6F] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), + [MB_WARP_OR_BRIDGE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_71] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_1] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PACIFIDLOG_VERTICAL_LOG_1] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PACIFIDLOG_VERTICAL_LOG_2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PACIFIDLOG_HORIZONTAL_LOG_1] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PACIFIDLOG_HORIZONTAL_LOG_2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_FORTREE_BRIDGE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_79] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE120_SOUTH_BRIDGE_1] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE120_SOUTH_BRIDGE_2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_3] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE120_NORTH_BRIDGE_4] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_7E] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROUTE110_BRIDGE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_COUNTER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_81] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_82] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_CABLE_BOX_RESULTS_1] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_REGION_MAP] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_TELEVISION] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_POKEBLOCK_FEEDER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_88] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SLOT_MACHINE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ROULETTE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_CLOSED_SOOTOPOLIS_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_TRICK_HOUSE_PUZZLE_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PETALBURG_GYM_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_RUNNING_SHOES_INSTRUCTION] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_QUESTIONNAIRE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_RED_CAVE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_RED_CAVE_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BROWN_CAVE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BROWN_CAVE_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_YELLOW_CAVE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_YELLOW_CAVE_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_LEFT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_LEFT_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_SHRUB] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_SHRUB_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BLUE_CAVE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_BLUE_CAVE_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_RIGHT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPOT_TREE_RIGHT_OPEN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_9E] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_9F] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_BERRY_TREE_SOIL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A1] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A3] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A4] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A5] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A6] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A7] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A8] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_A9] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_AA] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_AB] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_AC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_AD] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_AE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_AF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_PC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_REGISTER_PC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_UNUSED] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_BLOCK_DECORATION] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_DECORATION] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_LARGE_MAT_EDGE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_B6] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_NORTH_WALL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_BALLOON] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_IMPASSABLE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_GLITTER_MAT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_JUMP_MAT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SPIN_MAT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SOUND_MAT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_BREAKABLE_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_SAND_ORNAMENT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_SOUTH_AND_NORTH] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_IMPASSABLE_WEST_AND_EAST] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_HOLE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_LARGE_MAT_CENTER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_TV_SHIELD] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PLAYER_ROOM_PC_ON] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_C6] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SECRET_BASE_POSTER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_C8] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_C9] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CA] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CB] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CD] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_CF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_MUDDY_SLOPE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_BUMPY_SLOPE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_CRACKED_FLOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ISOLATED_VERTICAL_RAIL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_ISOLATED_HORIZONTAL_RAIL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_VERTICAL_RAIL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_HORIZONTAL_RAIL] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_D7] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_D8] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_D9] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_DA] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_DB] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_DC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_DD] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_DE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_DF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_PICTURE_BOOK_SHELF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_BOOKSHELF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_POKEMON_CENTER_BOOKSHELF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_VASE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_TRASH_CAN] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_SHOP_SHELF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_BLUEPRINT] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_CABLE_BOX_RESULTS_2] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_WIRELESS_BOX_RESULTS] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_TRAINER_HILL_TIMER] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNKNOWN_CLOSED_DOOR] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_EB] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_EC] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_ED] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_EE] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), + [MB_UNUSED_EF] = TILE_ATTRIBUTES(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), }; bool8 MetatileBehavior_IsATile(u8 metatileBehavior) diff --git a/src/mossdeep_gym.c b/src/mossdeep_gym.c index cd377ad83..07920fe4c 100644 --- a/src/mossdeep_gym.c +++ b/src/mossdeep_gym.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "event_object_movement.h" #include "fieldmap.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "mossdeep_gym.h" #include "script_movement.h" #include "constants/event_object_movement_constants.h" diff --git a/src/naming_screen.c b/src/naming_screen.c index 1a9a15d58..e6d146b85 100644 --- a/src/naming_screen.c +++ b/src/naming_screen.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include "global.h" #include "naming_screen.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "task.h" #include "sprite.h" diff --git a/src/new_game.c b/src/new_game.c index 18b128624..4804b28f3 100644 --- a/src/new_game.c +++ b/src/new_game.c @@ -205,14 +205,14 @@ void NewGameInitData(void) ScriptContext2_RunNewScript(EventScript_2715DE); ResetMiniGamesResults(); copy_strings_to_sav1(); - SetLilycoveLady(); - ResetAllApprenticeData(); - ClearRankingHallRecords(); - sub_8195E10(); - sub_801AFD8(); - sub_800E5AC(); - sub_81D54BC(); - ResetContestLinkResults(); + SetLilycoveLady(); + ResetAllApprenticeData(); + ClearRankingHallRecords(); + sub_8195E10(); + sub_801AFD8(); + sub_800E5AC(); + sub_81D54BC(); + ResetContestLinkResults(); } static void ResetMiniGamesResults(void) diff --git a/src/overworld.c b/src/overworld.c index 8d8675487..417c52a9e 100644 --- a/src/overworld.c +++ b/src/overworld.c @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #include "link_rfu.h" #include "load_save.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "map_name_popup.h" #include "menu.h" @@ -295,15 +295,51 @@ static const u8 sUnusedData[] = const struct UCoords32 gDirectionToVectors[] = { - { 0, 0}, // DIR_NONE - { 0, 1}, // DIR_SOUTH - { 0, -1}, // DIR_NORTH - {-1, 0}, // DIR_WEST - { 1, 0}, // DIR_EAST - {-1, 1}, // DIR_SOUTHWEST - { 1, 1}, // DIR_SOUTHEAST - {-1, -1}, // DIR_NORTHWEST - { 1, -1}, // DIR_NORTHEAST + [DIR_NONE] = + { + .x = 0, + .y = 0, + }, + [DIR_SOUTH] = + { + .x = 0, + .y = 1, + }, + [DIR_NORTH] = + { + .x = 0, + .y = -1, + }, + [DIR_WEST] = + { + .x = -1, + .y = 0, + }, + [DIR_EAST] = + { + .x = 1, + .y = 0, + }, + [DIR_SOUTHWEST] = + { + .x = -1, + .y = 1, + }, + [DIR_SOUTHEAST] = + { + .x = 1, + .y = 1, + }, + [DIR_NORTHWEST] = + { + .x = -1, + .y = -1, + }, + [DIR_NORTHEAST] = + { + .x = 1, + .y = -1, + }, }; static const struct BgTemplate gUnknown_08339DAC[] = diff --git a/src/player_pc.c b/src/player_pc.c index 864c13acd..c41dfa380 100644 --- a/src/player_pc.c +++ b/src/player_pc.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include "list_menu.h" #include "mail.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "overworld.h" diff --git a/src/pokeblock.c b/src/pokeblock.c index 01343c6eb..1418588b8 100644 --- a/src/pokeblock.c +++ b/src/pokeblock.c @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include "lilycove_lady.h" #include "list_menu.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "overworld.h" diff --git a/src/pokeblock_feed.c b/src/pokeblock_feed.c index 0a8f1b8c2..2271d7adf 100644 --- a/src/pokeblock_feed.c +++ b/src/pokeblock_feed.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "m4a.h" @@ -88,31 +88,31 @@ EWRAM_DATA static struct CompressedSpritePalette sPokeblockSpritePal = {0}; // const rom data static const u8 sNatureToMonPokeblockAnim[][2] = { - { 0, 0 }, // HARDY - { 3, 0 }, // LONELY - { 4, 1 }, // BRAVE - { 5, 0 }, // ADAMANT - { 10, 0 }, // NAUGHTY - { 13, 0 }, // BOLD - { 15, 0 }, // DOCILE - { 16, 2 }, // RELAXED - { 18, 0 }, // IMPISH - { 19, 0 }, // LAX - { 20, 0 }, // TIMID - { 25, 0 }, // HASTY - { 27, 3 }, // SERIOUS - { 28, 0 }, // JOLLY - { 29, 0 }, // NAIVE - { 33, 4 }, // MODEST - { 36, 0 }, // MILD - { 37, 0 }, // QUIET - { 39, 0 }, // BASHFUL - { 42, 0 }, // RASH - { 45, 0 }, // CALM - { 46, 5 }, // GENTLE - { 47, 6 }, // SASSY - { 48, 0 }, // CAREFUL - { 53, 0 }, // QUIRKY + [NATURE_HARDY] = { 0, 0 }, + [NATURE_LONELY] = { 3, 0 }, + [NATURE_BRAVE] = { 4, 1 }, + [NATURE_ADAMANT] = { 5, 0 }, + [NATURE_NAUGHTY] = { 10, 0 }, + [NATURE_BOLD] = { 13, 0 }, + [NATURE_DOCILE] = { 15, 0 }, + [NATURE_RELAXED] = { 16, 2 }, + [NATURE_IMPISH] = { 18, 0 }, + [NATURE_LAX] = { 19, 0 }, + [NATURE_TIMID] = { 20, 0 }, + [NATURE_HASTY] = { 25, 0 }, + [NATURE_SERIOUS] = { 27, 3 }, + [NATURE_JOLLY] = { 28, 0 }, + [NATURE_NAIVE] = { 29, 0 }, + [NATURE_MODEST] = { 33, 4 }, + [NATURE_MILD] = { 36, 0 }, + [NATURE_QUIET] = { 37, 0 }, + [NATURE_BASHFUL] = { 39, 0 }, + [NATURE_RASH] = { 42, 0 }, + [NATURE_CALM] = { 45, 0 }, + [NATURE_GENTLE] = { 46, 5 }, + [NATURE_SASSY] = { 47, 6 }, + [NATURE_CAREFUL] = { 48, 0 }, + [NATURE_QUIRKY] = { 53, 0 }, }; static const s16 sMonPokeblockAnims[][10] = diff --git a/src/pokedex.c b/src/pokedex.c index d13a87f54..e6198fd4f 100644 --- a/src/pokedex.c +++ b/src/pokedex.c @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include "graphics.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "overworld.h" @@ -3577,61 +3577,61 @@ void sub_80BFD0C(u8 a, u16 unused) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r8\n\ - push {r7}\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - bl GetBgTilemapBuffer\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0\n\ + mov r7, r8\n\ + push {r7}\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + bl GetBgTilemapBuffer\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0\n\ _080BFD22:\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 3\n\ - subs r0, r1\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r5, r0, 24\n\ - movs r3, 0x80\n\ - lsls r3, 7\n\ - cmp r1, r8\n\ - bne _080BFD38\n\ - movs r3, 0x80\n\ - lsls r3, 6\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 3\n\ + subs r0, r1\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r5, r0, 24\n\ + movs r3, 0x80\n\ + lsls r3, 7\n\ + cmp r1, r8\n\ + bne _080BFD38\n\ + movs r3, 0x80\n\ + lsls r3, 6\n\ _080BFD38:\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - adds r6, r1, 0x1\n\ - ldr r4, =0x00000fff\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + adds r6, r1, 0x1\n\ + ldr r4, =0x00000fff\n\ _080BFD3E:\n\ - adds r1, r5, r2\n\ - lsls r1, 1\n\ - adds r1, r7\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r0, r4\n\ - orrs r0, r3\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r1, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r0, r4\n\ - orrs r0, r3\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r2, 0x6\n\ - bls _080BFD3E\n\ - lsls r0, r6, 24\n\ - lsrs r1, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r1, 0x3\n\ - bls _080BFD22\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - bl CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram\n\ - pop {r3}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool\n\ + adds r1, r5, r2\n\ + lsls r1, 1\n\ + adds r1, r7\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r0, r4\n\ + orrs r0, r3\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r1, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r0, r4\n\ + orrs r0, r3\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r2, 0x6\n\ + bls _080BFD3E\n\ + lsls r0, r6, 24\n\ + lsrs r1, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r1, 0x3\n\ + bls _080BFD22\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + bl CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram\n\ + pop {r3}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool\n\ .syntax divided\n"); } #endif @@ -3667,66 +3667,66 @@ void sub_80BFD7C(u8 a, u16 b) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r8\n\ - push {r7}\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - bl GetBgTilemapBuffer\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0\n\ + mov r7, r8\n\ + push {r7}\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + bl GetBgTilemapBuffer\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0\n\ _080BFD92:\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 3\n\ - subs r0, r1\n\ - adds r0, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r1, r8\n\ - beq _080BFDA4\n\ - cmp r1, 0x3\n\ - bne _080BFDAA\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 3\n\ + subs r0, r1\n\ + adds r0, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r1, r8\n\ + beq _080BFDA4\n\ + cmp r1, 0x3\n\ + bne _080BFDAA\n\ _080BFDA4:\n\ - movs r3, 0x80\n\ - lsls r3, 6\n\ - b _080BFDAE\n\ + movs r3, 0x80\n\ + lsls r3, 6\n\ + b _080BFDAE\n\ _080BFDAA:\n\ - movs r3, 0x80\n\ - lsls r3, 7\n\ + movs r3, 0x80\n\ + lsls r3, 7\n\ _080BFDAE:\n\ - movs r2, 0\n\ - adds r5, r1, 0x1\n\ - ldr r4, =0x00000fff\n\ + movs r2, 0\n\ + adds r5, r1, 0x1\n\ + ldr r4, =0x00000fff\n\ _080BFDB4:\n\ - adds r1, r6, r2\n\ - lsls r1, 1\n\ - adds r1, r7\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r0, r4\n\ - orrs r0, r3\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r1, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r0, r4\n\ - orrs r0, r3\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r2, 0x6\n\ - bls _080BFDB4\n\ - lsls r0, r5, 24\n\ - lsrs r1, r0, 24\n\ - cmp r1, 0x3\n\ - bls _080BFD92\n\ - movs r0, 0x1\n\ - bl CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram\n\ - pop {r3}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool\n\ + adds r1, r6, r2\n\ + lsls r1, 1\n\ + adds r1, r7\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r0, r4\n\ + orrs r0, r3\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r1, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r0, r4\n\ + orrs r0, r3\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r2, 0x6\n\ + bls _080BFDB4\n\ + lsls r0, r5, 24\n\ + lsrs r1, r0, 24\n\ + cmp r1, 0x3\n\ + bls _080BFD92\n\ + movs r0, 0x1\n\ + bl CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram\n\ + pop {r3}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool\n\ .syntax divided\n"); } #endif @@ -4031,216 +4031,216 @@ void sub_80C0460(u16 weight, u8 left, u8 top) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r10\n\ - mov r6, r9\n\ - mov r5, r8\n\ - push {r5-r7}\n\ - sub sp, 0x14\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r0, 16\n\ - lsls r1, 24\n\ - lsrs r1, 24\n\ - mov r10, r1\n\ - lsls r2, 24\n\ - lsrs r2, 24\n\ - str r2, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - ldr r5, =0x000186a0\n\ - muls r0, r5\n\ - ldr r1, =0x000011b8\n\ - bl __divsi3\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0xA\n\ - bl __umodsi3\n\ - cmp r0, 0x4\n\ - bls _080C0494\n\ - adds r7, 0xA\n\ + mov r7, r10\n\ + mov r6, r9\n\ + mov r5, r8\n\ + push {r5-r7}\n\ + sub sp, 0x14\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r0, 16\n\ + lsls r1, 24\n\ + lsrs r1, 24\n\ + mov r10, r1\n\ + lsls r2, 24\n\ + lsrs r2, 24\n\ + str r2, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + ldr r5, =0x000186a0\n\ + muls r0, r5\n\ + ldr r1, =0x000011b8\n\ + bl __divsi3\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0xA\n\ + bl __umodsi3\n\ + cmp r0, 0x4\n\ + bls _080C0494\n\ + adds r7, 0xA\n\ _080C0494:\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - mov r8, r0\n\ - mov r4, sp\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - adds r1, r5, 0\n\ - bl __udivsi3\n\ - adds r0, 0xA1\n\ - strb r0, [r4]\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0xA1\n\ - bne _080C04C0\n\ - movs r6, 0x1\n\ - mov r1, sp\n\ - movs r0, 0x77\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - b _080C04C6\n\ - .pool\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + mov r8, r0\n\ + mov r4, sp\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + adds r1, r5, 0\n\ + bl __udivsi3\n\ + adds r0, 0xA1\n\ + strb r0, [r4]\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0xA1\n\ + bne _080C04C0\n\ + movs r6, 0x1\n\ + mov r1, sp\n\ + movs r0, 0x77\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + b _080C04C6\n\ + .pool\n\ _080C04C0:\n\ - movs r1, 0x1\n\ - mov r8, r1\n\ - movs r6, 0x1\n\ + movs r1, 0x1\n\ + mov r8, r1\n\ + movs r6, 0x1\n\ _080C04C6:\n\ - ldr r1, =0x000186a0\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - bl __umodsi3\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - mov r4, sp\n\ - adds r4, 0x1\n\ - ldr r1, =0x00002710\n\ - bl __udivsi3\n\ - adds r0, 0xA1\n\ - strb r0, [r4]\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0xA1\n\ - bne _080C0504\n\ - mov r2, r8\n\ - cmp r2, 0\n\ - bne _080C0504\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - add r1, sp\n\ - movs r0, 0x77\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - b _080C050E\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldr r1, =0x000186a0\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + bl __umodsi3\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + mov r4, sp\n\ + adds r4, 0x1\n\ + ldr r1, =0x00002710\n\ + bl __udivsi3\n\ + adds r0, 0xA1\n\ + strb r0, [r4]\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0xA1\n\ + bne _080C0504\n\ + mov r2, r8\n\ + cmp r2, 0\n\ + bne _080C0504\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + add r1, sp\n\ + movs r0, 0x77\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + b _080C050E\n\ + .pool\n\ _080C0504:\n\ - movs r3, 0x1\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + movs r3, 0x1\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ _080C050E:\n\ - ldr r1, =0x00002710\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - bl __umodsi3\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - mov r0, sp\n\ - adds r4, r0, r6\n\ - movs r1, 0xFA\n\ - lsls r1, 2\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - bl __udivsi3\n\ - adds r0, 0xA1\n\ - strb r0, [r4]\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - cmp r0, 0xA1\n\ - bne _080C054C\n\ - mov r1, r8\n\ - cmp r1, 0\n\ - bne _080C054C\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - add r1, sp\n\ - movs r0, 0x77\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - b _080C0552\n\ - .pool\n\ + ldr r1, =0x00002710\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + bl __umodsi3\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + mov r0, sp\n\ + adds r4, r0, r6\n\ + movs r1, 0xFA\n\ + lsls r1, 2\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + bl __udivsi3\n\ + adds r0, 0xA1\n\ + strb r0, [r4]\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + cmp r0, 0xA1\n\ + bne _080C054C\n\ + mov r1, r8\n\ + cmp r1, 0\n\ + bne _080C054C\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + add r1, sp\n\ + movs r0, 0x77\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + b _080C0552\n\ + .pool\n\ _080C054C:\n\ - adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r0, r6, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ _080C0552:\n\ - movs r1, 0xFA\n\ - lsls r1, 2\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - bl __umodsi3\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r5, r6, 0\n\ - mov r2, sp\n\ - adds r4, r2, r1\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0x64\n\ - bl __udivsi3\n\ - adds r0, 0xA1\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - mov r9, r3\n\ - strb r0, [r4]\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0x64\n\ - bl __umodsi3\n\ - adds r7, r0, 0\n\ - adds r0, r5, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - mov r2, sp\n\ - adds r0, r2, r5\n\ - movs r3, 0xAD\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r2, r8\n\ - strb r2, [r0]\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r5, r6, 0\n\ - mov r3, sp\n\ - adds r4, r3, r1\n\ - adds r0, r7, 0\n\ - movs r1, 0xA\n\ - bl __udivsi3\n\ - adds r0, 0xA1\n\ - strb r0, [r4]\n\ - adds r0, r5, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r1, r6, 0\n\ - mov r2, sp\n\ - adds r0, r2, r5\n\ - mov r3, r9\n\ - strb r3, [r0]\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r2, r6, 0\n\ - add r1, sp\n\ - movs r0, 0xE0\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r3, r6, 0\n\ - mov r0, sp\n\ - adds r1, r0, r2\n\ - movs r0, 0xD6\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r3, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - adds r2, r6, 0\n\ - mov r0, sp\n\ - adds r1, r0, r3\n\ - movs r0, 0xE7\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r0, 24\n\ - mov r3, sp\n\ - adds r1, r3, r2\n\ - mov r2, r8\n\ - strb r2, [r1]\n\ - adds r1, r3, r0\n\ - movs r0, 0xFF\n\ - strb r0, [r1]\n\ - mov r0, sp\n\ - mov r1, r10\n\ - ldr r2, [sp, 0x10]\n\ - bl sub_80BE8DC\n\ - add sp, 0x14\n\ - pop {r3-r5}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - mov r9, r4\n\ - mov r10, r5\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ + movs r1, 0xFA\n\ + lsls r1, 2\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + bl __umodsi3\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r5, r6, 0\n\ + mov r2, sp\n\ + adds r4, r2, r1\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0x64\n\ + bl __udivsi3\n\ + adds r0, 0xA1\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + mov r9, r3\n\ + strb r0, [r4]\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0x64\n\ + bl __umodsi3\n\ + adds r7, r0, 0\n\ + adds r0, r5, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + mov r2, sp\n\ + adds r0, r2, r5\n\ + movs r3, 0xAD\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r2, r8\n\ + strb r2, [r0]\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r5, r6, 0\n\ + mov r3, sp\n\ + adds r4, r3, r1\n\ + adds r0, r7, 0\n\ + movs r1, 0xA\n\ + bl __udivsi3\n\ + adds r0, 0xA1\n\ + strb r0, [r4]\n\ + adds r0, r5, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r1, r6, 0\n\ + mov r2, sp\n\ + adds r0, r2, r5\n\ + mov r3, r9\n\ + strb r3, [r0]\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r2, r6, 0\n\ + add r1, sp\n\ + movs r0, 0xE0\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r3, r6, 0\n\ + mov r0, sp\n\ + adds r1, r0, r2\n\ + movs r0, 0xD6\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r3, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + adds r2, r6, 0\n\ + mov r0, sp\n\ + adds r1, r0, r3\n\ + movs r0, 0xE7\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r2, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r0, 24\n\ + mov r3, sp\n\ + adds r1, r3, r2\n\ + mov r2, r8\n\ + strb r2, [r1]\n\ + adds r1, r3, r0\n\ + movs r0, 0xFF\n\ + strb r0, [r1]\n\ + mov r0, sp\n\ + mov r1, r10\n\ + ldr r2, [sp, 0x10]\n\ + bl sub_80BE8DC\n\ + add sp, 0x14\n\ + pop {r3-r5}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + mov r9, r4\n\ + mov r10, r5\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ .syntax divided\n"); } #endif @@ -4763,7 +4763,6 @@ int sub_80C0F30(u8 dexMode, u8 sortMode, u8 abcGroup, u8 bodyColor, u8 type1, u8 sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum = 0xFFFF; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen = FALSE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned = FALSE; - } } @@ -5234,54 +5233,54 @@ void sub_80C1D98(u8 a, u8 b, u8 c, u8 d) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ - mov r7, r8\n\ - push {r7}\n\ - adds r4, r3, 0\n\ - lsls r0, 24\n\ - lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ - lsls r1, 24\n\ - lsrs r1, 24\n\ - mov r8, r1\n\ - lsls r2, 24\n\ - lsrs r5, r2, 24\n\ - lsls r4, 24\n\ - lsrs r4, 24\n\ - movs r0, 0x3\n\ - bl GetBgTilemapBuffer\n\ - adds r2, r0, 0\n\ - movs r3, 0\n\ - cmp r3, r4\n\ - bcs _080C1DEC\n\ - lsls r0, r5, 6\n\ - adds r7, r0, r2\n\ - ldr r5, =0x00000fff\n\ - lsls r2, r6, 12\n\ + mov r7, r8\n\ + push {r7}\n\ + adds r4, r3, 0\n\ + lsls r0, 24\n\ + lsrs r6, r0, 24\n\ + lsls r1, 24\n\ + lsrs r1, 24\n\ + mov r8, r1\n\ + lsls r2, 24\n\ + lsrs r5, r2, 24\n\ + lsls r4, 24\n\ + lsrs r4, 24\n\ + movs r0, 0x3\n\ + bl GetBgTilemapBuffer\n\ + adds r2, r0, 0\n\ + movs r3, 0\n\ + cmp r3, r4\n\ + bcs _080C1DEC\n\ + lsls r0, r5, 6\n\ + adds r7, r0, r2\n\ + ldr r5, =0x00000fff\n\ + lsls r2, r6, 12\n\ _080C1DC8:\n\ - mov r0, r8\n\ - adds r1, r0, r3\n\ - lsls r1, 1\n\ - adds r1, r7\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r0, r5\n\ - orrs r0, r2\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r1, 0x40\n\ - ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ - ands r0, r5\n\ - orrs r0, r2\n\ - strh r0, [r1]\n\ - adds r0, r3, 0x1\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - lsrs r3, r0, 16\n\ - cmp r3, r4\n\ - bcc _080C1DC8\n\ + mov r0, r8\n\ + adds r1, r0, r3\n\ + lsls r1, 1\n\ + adds r1, r7\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r0, r5\n\ + orrs r0, r2\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r1, 0x40\n\ + ldrh r0, [r1]\n\ + ands r0, r5\n\ + orrs r0, r2\n\ + strh r0, [r1]\n\ + adds r0, r3, 0x1\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + lsrs r3, r0, 16\n\ + cmp r3, r4\n\ + bcc _080C1DC8\n\ _080C1DEC:\n\ - pop {r3}\n\ - mov r8, r3\n\ - pop {r4-r7}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ - .pool\n\ + pop {r3}\n\ + mov r8, r3\n\ + pop {r4-r7}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ + .pool\n\ .syntax divided\n"); } #endif diff --git a/src/pokedex_area_screen.c b/src/pokedex_area_screen.c index 843812723..30a127c71 100755 --- a/src/pokedex_area_screen.c +++ b/src/pokedex_area_screen.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" diff --git a/src/pokedex_cry_screen.c b/src/pokedex_cry_screen.c index f3eeeed07..4a9227b99 100755 --- a/src/pokedex_cry_screen.c +++ b/src/pokedex_cry_screen.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "bg.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pokedex_cry_screen.h" #include "sound.h" diff --git a/src/pokemon.c b/src/pokemon.c index f528ce331..eec995050 100644 --- a/src/pokemon.c +++ b/src/pokemon.c @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ #include "item.h" #include "link.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "pokedex.h" #include "pokeblock.h" @@ -1405,834 +1405,836 @@ const s8 gNatureStatTable[][5] = #include "data/pokemon/evolution.h" #include "data/pokemon/level_up_learnset_pointers.h" +// SPECIES_NONE are ignored in the following two tables, so decrement before accessing these arrays to get the right result + static const u8 sMonFrontAnimIdsTable[] = { - 0x06, // SPECIES_BULBASAUR - 0x17, // SPECIES_IVYSAUR - 0x2f, // SPECIES_VENUSAUR - 0x52, // SPECIES_CHARMANDER - 0x25, // SPECIES_CHARMELEON - 0x10, // SPECIES_CHARIZARD - 0x0b, // SPECIES_SQUIRTLE - 0x13, // SPECIES_WARTORTLE - 0x19, // SPECIES_BLASTOISE - 0x0b, // SPECIES_CATERPIE - 0x0b, // SPECIES_METAPOD - 0x1d, // SPECIES_BUTTERFREE - 0x46, // SPECIES_WEEDLE - 0x20, // SPECIES_KAKUNA - 0x02, // SPECIES_BEEDRILL - 0x47, // SPECIES_PIDGEY - 0x17, // SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO - 0x29, // SPECIES_PIDGEOT - 0x43, // SPECIES_RATTATA - 0x2b, // SPECIES_RATICATE - 0x18, // SPECIES_SPEAROW - 0x2b, // SPECIES_FEAROW - 0x16, // SPECIES_EKANS - 0x17, // SPECIES_ARBOK - 0x2c, // SPECIES_PIKACHU - 0x17, // SPECIES_RAICHU - 0x2d, // SPECIES_SANDSHREW - 0x17, // SPECIES_SANDSLASH - 0x00, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_F - 0x17, // SPECIES_NIDORINA - 0x0f, // SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN - 0x09, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_M - 0x13, // SPECIES_NIDORINO - 0x0f, // SPECIES_NIDOKING - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLEFAIRY - 0x4a, // SPECIES_CLEFABLE - 0x17, // SPECIES_VULPIX - 0x10, // SPECIES_NINETALES - 0x48, // SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF - 0x31, // SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF - 0x00, // SPECIES_ZUBAT - 0x1d, // SPECIES_GOLBAT - 0x00, // SPECIES_ODDISH - 0x45, // SPECIES_GLOOM - 0x49, // SPECIES_VILEPLUME - 0x46, // SPECIES_PARAS - 0x0f, // SPECIES_PARASECT - 0x06, // SPECIES_VENONAT - 0x4b, // SPECIES_VENOMOTH - 0x10, // SPECIES_DIGLETT - 0x4c, // SPECIES_DUGTRIO - 0x52, // SPECIES_MEOWTH - 0x17, // SPECIES_PERSIAN - 0x06, // SPECIES_PSYDUCK - 0x4c, // SPECIES_GOLDUCK - 0x32, // SPECIES_MANKEY - 0x48, // SPECIES_PRIMEAPE - 0x25, // SPECIES_GROWLITHE - 0x02, // SPECIES_ARCANINE - 0x00, // SPECIES_POLIWAG - 0x32, // SPECIES_POLIWHIRL - 0x19, // SPECIES_POLIWRATH - 0x31, // SPECIES_ABRA - 0x09, // SPECIES_KADABRA - 0x17, // SPECIES_ALAKAZAM - 0x00, // SPECIES_MACHOP - 0x10, // SPECIES_MACHOKE - 0x31, // SPECIES_MACHAMP - 0x17, // SPECIES_BELLSPROUT - 0x0d, // SPECIES_WEEPINBELL - 0x32, // SPECIES_VICTREEBEL - 0x00, // SPECIES_TENTACOOL - 0x00, // SPECIES_TENTACRUEL - 0x48, // SPECIES_GEODUDE - 0x48, // SPECIES_GRAVELER - 0x2f, // SPECIES_GOLEM - 0x20, // SPECIES_PONYTA - 0x11, // SPECIES_RAPIDASH - 0x45, // SPECIES_SLOWPOKE - 0x0b, // SPECIES_SLOWBRO - 0x54, // SPECIES_MAGNEMITE - 0x2c, // SPECIES_MAGNETON - 0x48, // SPECIES_FARFETCHD - 0x4c, // SPECIES_DODUO - 0x41, // SPECIES_DODRIO - 0x0b, // SPECIES_SEEL - 0x45, // SPECIES_DEWGONG - 0x46, // SPECIES_GRIMER - 0x30, // SPECIES_MUK - 0x12, // SPECIES_SHELLDER - 0x1d, // SPECIES_CLOYSTER - 0x15, // SPECIES_GASTLY - 0x35, // SPECIES_HAUNTER - 0x3a, // SPECIES_GENGAR - 0x43, // SPECIES_ONIX - 0x4f, // SPECIES_DROWZEE - 0x09, // SPECIES_HYPNO - 0x03, // SPECIES_KRABBY - 0x4b, // SPECIES_KINGLER - 0x00, // SPECIES_VOLTORB - 0x00, // SPECIES_ELECTRODE - 0x46, // SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE - 0x32, // SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR - 0x48, // SPECIES_CUBONE - 0x05, // SPECIES_MAROWAK - 0x16, // SPECIES_HITMONLEE - 0x09, // SPECIES_HITMONCHAN - 0x45, // SPECIES_LICKITUNG - 0x13, // SPECIES_KOFFING - 0x04, // SPECIES_WEEZING - 0x10, // SPECIES_RHYHORN - 0x13, // SPECIES_RHYDON - 0x45, // SPECIES_CHANSEY - 0x48, // SPECIES_TANGELA - 0x17, // SPECIES_KANGASKHAN - 0x12, // SPECIES_HORSEA - 0x04, // SPECIES_SEADRA - 0x0d, // SPECIES_GOLDEEN - 0x1c, // SPECIES_SEAKING - 0x4e, // SPECIES_STARYU - 0x12, // SPECIES_STARMIE - 0x46, // SPECIES_MR_MIME - 0x02, // SPECIES_SCYTHER - 0x17, // SPECIES_JYNX - 0x2c, // SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ - 0x0f, // SPECIES_MAGMAR - 0x09, // SPECIES_PINSIR - 0x19, // SPECIES_TAUROS - 0x05, // SPECIES_MAGIKARP - 0x48, // SPECIES_GYARADOS - 0x17, // SPECIES_LAPRAS - 0x01, // SPECIES_DITTO - 0x17, // SPECIES_EEVEE - 0x17, // SPECIES_VAPOREON - 0x00, // SPECIES_JOLTEON - 0x17, // SPECIES_FLAREON - 0x52, // SPECIES_PORYGON - 0x51, // SPECIES_OMANYTE - 0x09, // SPECIES_OMASTAR - 0x1d, // SPECIES_KABUTO - 0x0f, // SPECIES_KABUTOPS - 0x47, // SPECIES_AERODACTYL - 0x0b, // SPECIES_SNORLAX - 0x09, // SPECIES_ARTICUNO - 0x2c, // SPECIES_ZAPDOS - 0x45, // SPECIES_MOLTRES - 0x00, // SPECIES_DRATINI - 0x10, // SPECIES_DRAGONAIR - 0x47, // SPECIES_DRAGONITE - 0x09, // SPECIES_MEWTWO - 0x0d, // SPECIES_MEW - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHIKORITA - 0x00, // SPECIES_BAYLEEF - 0x17, // SPECIES_MEGANIUM - 0x52, // SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL - 0x17, // SPECIES_QUILAVA - 0x10, // SPECIES_TYPHLOSION - 0x31, // SPECIES_TOTODILE - 0x0f, // SPECIES_CROCONAW - 0x0f, // SPECIES_FERALIGATR - 0x00, // SPECIES_SENTRET - 0x32, // SPECIES_FURRET - 0x47, // SPECIES_HOOTHOOT - 0x17, // SPECIES_NOCTOWL - 0x52, // SPECIES_LEDYBA - 0x47, // SPECIES_LEDIAN - 0x4f, // SPECIES_SPINARAK - 0x0f, // SPECIES_ARIADOS - 0x00, // SPECIES_CROBAT - 0x45, // SPECIES_CHINCHOU - 0x51, // SPECIES_LANTURN - 0x1e, // SPECIES_PICHU - 0x52, // SPECIES_CLEFFA - 0x0c, // SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF - 0x0b, // SPECIES_TOGEPI - 0x00, // SPECIES_TOGETIC - 0x31, // SPECIES_NATU - 0x09, // SPECIES_XATU - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAREEP - 0x1e, // SPECIES_FLAAFFY - 0x2c, // SPECIES_AMPHAROS - 0x0b, // SPECIES_BELLOSSOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_MARILL - 0x4a, // SPECIES_AZUMARILL - 0x46, // SPECIES_SUDOWOODO - 0x32, // SPECIES_POLITOED - 0x1c, // SPECIES_HOPPIP - 0x18, // SPECIES_SKIPLOOM - 0x51, // SPECIES_JUMPLUFF - 0x32, // SPECIES_AIPOM - 0x52, // SPECIES_SUNKERN - 0x00, // SPECIES_SUNFLORA - 0x2b, // SPECIES_YANMA - 0x00, // SPECIES_WOOPER - 0x16, // SPECIES_QUAGSIRE - 0x09, // SPECIES_ESPEON - 0x10, // SPECIES_UMBREON - 0x00, // SPECIES_MURKROW - 0x13, // SPECIES_SLOWKING - 0x1c, // SPECIES_MISDREAVUS - 0x0a, // SPECIES_UNOWN - 0x30, // SPECIES_WOBBUFFET - 0x1e, // SPECIES_GIRAFARIG - 0x0b, // SPECIES_PINECO - 0x10, // SPECIES_FORRETRESS - 0x00, // SPECIES_DUNSPARCE - 0x13, // SPECIES_GLIGAR - 0x0f, // SPECIES_STEELIX - 0x17, // SPECIES_SNUBBULL - 0x10, // SPECIES_GRANBULL - 0x3a, // SPECIES_QWILFISH - 0x02, // SPECIES_SCIZOR - 0x0b, // SPECIES_SHUCKLE - 0x41, // SPECIES_HERACROSS - 0x16, // SPECIES_SNEASEL - 0x17, // SPECIES_TEDDIURSA - 0x10, // SPECIES_URSARING - 0x17, // SPECIES_SLUGMA - 0x17, // SPECIES_MAGCARGO - 0x00, // SPECIES_SWINUB - 0x0f, // SPECIES_PILOSWINE - 0x03, // SPECIES_CORSOLA - 0x52, // SPECIES_REMORAID - 0x17, // SPECIES_OCTILLERY - 0x52, // SPECIES_DELIBIRD - 0x0d, // SPECIES_MANTINE - 0x17, // SPECIES_SKARMORY - 0x17, // SPECIES_HOUNDOUR - 0x10, // SPECIES_HOUNDOOM - 0x42, // SPECIES_KINGDRA - 0x32, // SPECIES_PHANPY - 0x19, // SPECIES_DONPHAN - 0x00, // SPECIES_PORYGON2 - 0x00, // SPECIES_STANTLER - 0x31, // SPECIES_SMEARGLE - 0x16, // SPECIES_TYROGUE - 0x02, // SPECIES_HITMONTOP - 0x09, // SPECIES_SMOOCHUM - 0x2c, // SPECIES_ELEKID - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGBY - 0x45, // SPECIES_MILTANK - 0x00, // SPECIES_BLISSEY - 0x2c, // SPECIES_RAIKOU - 0x09, // SPECIES_ENTEI - 0x10, // SPECIES_SUICUNE - 0x52, // SPECIES_LARVITAR - 0x10, // SPECIES_PUPITAR - 0x0f, // SPECIES_TYRANITAR - 0x3a, // SPECIES_LUGIA - 0x09, // SPECIES_HO_OH - 0x18, // SPECIES_CELEBI - 0x00, // 252 - 0x00, // 253 - 0x00, // 254 - 0x00, // 255 - 0x00, // 256 - 0x00, // 257 - 0x00, // 258 - 0x00, // 259 - 0x00, // 260 - 0x00, // 261 - 0x00, // 262 - 0x00, // 263 - 0x00, // 264 - 0x00, // 265 - 0x00, // 266 - 0x00, // 267 - 0x00, // 268 - 0x00, // 269 - 0x00, // 270 - 0x00, // 271 - 0x00, // 272 - 0x00, // 273 - 0x00, // 274 - 0x00, // 275 - 0x00, // 276 - 0x00, // SPECIES_TREECKO - 0x17, // SPECIES_GROVYLE - 0x10, // SPECIES_SCEPTILE - 0x16, // SPECIES_TORCHIC - 0x06, // SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - 0x0f, // SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - 0x01, // SPECIES_MUDKIP - 0x04, // SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - 0x1e, // SPECIES_SWAMPERT - 0x10, // SPECIES_POOCHYENA - 0x10, // SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - 0x03, // SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - 0x09, // SPECIES_LINOONE - 0x00, // SPECIES_WURMPLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SILCOON - 0x04, // SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - 0x04, // SPECIES_CASCOON - 0x06, // SPECIES_DUSTOX - 0x00, // SPECIES_LOTAD - 0x00, // SPECIES_LOMBRE - 0x49, // SPECIES_LUDICOLO - 0x05, // SPECIES_SEEDOT - 0x00, // SPECIES_NUZLEAF - 0x02, // SPECIES_SHIFTRY - 0x00, // SPECIES_NINCADA - 0x46, // SPECIES_NINJASK - 0x1c, // SPECIES_SHEDINJA - 0x1e, // SPECIES_TAILLOW - 0x01, // SPECIES_SWELLOW - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHROOMISH - 0x00, // SPECIES_BRELOOM - 0x31, // SPECIES_SPINDA - 0x1b, // SPECIES_WINGULL - 0x1c, // SPECIES_PELIPPER - 0x00, // SPECIES_SURSKIT - 0x00, // SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - 0x01, // SPECIES_WAILMER - 0x1c, // SPECIES_WAILORD - 0x00, // SPECIES_SKITTY - 0x17, // SPECIES_DELCATTY - 0x35, // SPECIES_KECLEON - 0x1d, // SPECIES_BALTOY - 0x51, // SPECIES_CLAYDOL - 0x49, // SPECIES_NOSEPASS - 0x17, // SPECIES_TORKOAL - 0x15, // SPECIES_SABLEYE - 0x49, // SPECIES_BARBOACH - 0x49, // SPECIES_WHISCASH - 0x1d, // SPECIES_LUVDISC - 0x10, // SPECIES_CORPHISH - 0x09, // SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - 0x49, // SPECIES_FEEBAS - 0x22, // SPECIES_MILOTIC - 0x49, // SPECIES_CARVANHA - 0x56, // SPECIES_SHARPEDO - 0x10, // SPECIES_TRAPINCH - 0x0f, // SPECIES_VIBRAVA - 0x4b, // SPECIES_FLYGON - 0x0b, // SPECIES_MAKUHITA - 0x34, // SPECIES_HARIYAMA - 0x00, // SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MANECTRIC - 0x04, // SPECIES_NUMEL - 0x10, // SPECIES_CAMERUPT - 0x53, // SPECIES_SPHEAL - 0x17, // SPECIES_SEALEO - 0x0f, // SPECIES_WALREIN - 0x49, // SPECIES_CACNEA - 0x04, // SPECIES_CACTURNE - 0x45, // SPECIES_SNORUNT - 0x0a, // SPECIES_GLALIE - 0x0e, // SPECIES_LUNATONE - 0x08, // SPECIES_SOLROCK - 0x00, // SPECIES_AZURILL - 0x56, // SPECIES_SPOINK - 0x32, // SPECIES_GRUMPIG - 0x00, // SPECIES_PLUSLE - 0x01, // SPECIES_MINUN - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAWILE - 0x05, // SPECIES_MEDITITE - 0x45, // SPECIES_MEDICHAM - 0x04, // SPECIES_SWABLU - 0x16, // SPECIES_ALTARIA - 0x32, // SPECIES_WYNAUT - 0x0a, // SPECIES_DUSKULL - 0x02, // SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - 0x45, // SPECIES_ROSELIA - 0x45, // SPECIES_SLAKOTH - 0x31, // SPECIES_VIGOROTH - 0x45, // SPECIES_SLAKING - 0x00, // SPECIES_GULPIN - 0x45, // SPECIES_SWALOT - 0x10, // SPECIES_TROPIUS - 0x03, // SPECIES_WHISMUR - 0x49, // SPECIES_LOUDRED - 0x19, // SPECIES_EXPLOUD - 0x12, // SPECIES_CLAMPERL - 0x09, // SPECIES_HUNTAIL - 0x1c, // SPECIES_GOREBYSS - 0x11, // SPECIES_ABSOL - 0x1c, // SPECIES_SHUPPET - 0x0d, // SPECIES_BANETTE - 0x17, // SPECIES_SEVIPER - 0x09, // SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - 0x1a, // SPECIES_RELICANTH - 0x45, // SPECIES_ARON - 0x00, // SPECIES_LAIRON - 0x19, // SPECIES_AGGRON - 0x1d, // SPECIES_CASTFORM - 0x00, // SPECIES_VOLBEAT - 0x05, // SPECIES_ILLUMISE - 0x17, // SPECIES_LILEEP - 0x19, // SPECIES_CRADILY - 0x12, // SPECIES_ANORITH - 0x10, // SPECIES_ARMALDO - 0x45, // SPECIES_RALTS - 0x00, // SPECIES_KIRLIA - 0x00, // SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - 0x19, // SPECIES_BAGON - 0x04, // SPECIES_SHELGON - 0x0f, // SPECIES_SALAMENCE - 0x0f, // SPECIES_BELDUM - 0x04, // SPECIES_METANG - 0x10, // SPECIES_METAGROSS - 0x01, // SPECIES_REGIROCK - 0x44, // SPECIES_REGICE - 0x09, // SPECIES_REGISTEEL - 0x2d, // SPECIES_KYOGRE - 0x10, // SPECIES_GROUDON - 0x0f, // SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 0x2d, // SPECIES_LATIAS - 0x10, // SPECIES_LATIOS - 0x0d, // SPECIES_JIRACHI - 0x1b, // SPECIES_DEOXYS - 0x1d, // SPECIES_CHIMECHO + [SPECIES_BULBASAUR - 1] = 0x06, + [SPECIES_IVYSAUR - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_VENUSAUR - 1] = 0x2f, + [SPECIES_CHARMANDER - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_CHARMELEON - 1] = 0x25, + [SPECIES_CHARIZARD - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_WARTORTLE - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_BLASTOISE - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_CATERPIE - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_METAPOD - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_WEEDLE - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_KAKUNA - 1] = 0x20, + [SPECIES_BEEDRILL - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_PIDGEY - 1] = 0x47, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOT - 1] = 0x29, + [SPECIES_RATTATA - 1] = 0x43, + [SPECIES_RATICATE - 1] = 0x2b, + [SPECIES_SPEAROW - 1] = 0x18, + [SPECIES_FEAROW - 1] = 0x2b, + [SPECIES_EKANS - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_ARBOK - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_PIKACHU - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_RAICHU - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_SANDSHREW - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_SANDSLASH - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NIDORINA - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_NIDORINO - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_NIDOKING - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CLEFABLE - 1] = 0x4a, + [SPECIES_VULPIX - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_NINETALES - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_ZUBAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GOLBAT - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_ODDISH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GLOOM - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_VILEPLUME - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_PARAS - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_PARASECT - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_VENONAT - 1] = 0x06, + [SPECIES_VENOMOTH - 1] = 0x4b, + [SPECIES_DIGLETT - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_DUGTRIO - 1] = 0x4c, + [SPECIES_MEOWTH - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_PERSIAN - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_PSYDUCK - 1] = 0x06, + [SPECIES_GOLDUCK - 1] = 0x4c, + [SPECIES_MANKEY - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_GROWLITHE - 1] = 0x25, + [SPECIES_ARCANINE - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_POLIWAG - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_POLIWRATH - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_ABRA - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_KADABRA - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_MACHOP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MACHOKE - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_MACHAMP - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL - 1] = 0x0d, + [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_TENTACOOL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GEODUDE - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_GRAVELER - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_GOLEM - 1] = 0x2f, + [SPECIES_PONYTA - 1] = 0x20, + [SPECIES_RAPIDASH - 1] = 0x11, + [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_SLOWBRO - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE - 1] = 0x54, + [SPECIES_MAGNETON - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_FARFETCHD - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_DODUO - 1] = 0x4c, + [SPECIES_DODRIO - 1] = 0x41, + [SPECIES_SEEL - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_DEWGONG - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_GRIMER - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_MUK - 1] = 0x30, + [SPECIES_SHELLDER - 1] = 0x12, + [SPECIES_CLOYSTER - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_GASTLY - 1] = 0x15, + [SPECIES_HAUNTER - 1] = 0x35, + [SPECIES_GENGAR - 1] = 0x3a, + [SPECIES_ONIX - 1] = 0x43, + [SPECIES_DROWZEE - 1] = 0x4f, + [SPECIES_HYPNO - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_KRABBY - 1] = 0x03, + [SPECIES_KINGLER - 1] = 0x4b, + [SPECIES_VOLTORB - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ELECTRODE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_CUBONE - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_MAROWAK - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_HITMONLEE - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_LICKITUNG - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_KOFFING - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_WEEZING - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_RHYHORN - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_RHYDON - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_CHANSEY - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_TANGELA - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_HORSEA - 1] = 0x12, + [SPECIES_SEADRA - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_GOLDEEN - 1] = 0x0d, + [SPECIES_SEAKING - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_STARYU - 1] = 0x4e, + [SPECIES_STARMIE - 1] = 0x12, + [SPECIES_MR_MIME - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_SCYTHER - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_JYNX - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_MAGMAR - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_PINSIR - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_TAUROS - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_MAGIKARP - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_GYARADOS - 1] = 0x48, + [SPECIES_LAPRAS - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_DITTO - 1] = 0x01, + [SPECIES_EEVEE - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_VAPOREON - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_JOLTEON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FLAREON - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_PORYGON - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_OMANYTE - 1] = 0x51, + [SPECIES_OMASTAR - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_KABUTO - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_KABUTOPS - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_AERODACTYL - 1] = 0x47, + [SPECIES_SNORLAX - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_ARTICUNO - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_ZAPDOS - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_MOLTRES - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_DRATINI - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_DRAGONITE - 1] = 0x47, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_MEW - 1] = 0x0d, + [SPECIES_CHIKORITA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BAYLEEF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEGANIUM - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_QUILAVA - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_TOTODILE - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_CROCONAW - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_FERALIGATR - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_SENTRET - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FURRET - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT - 1] = 0x47, + [SPECIES_NOCTOWL - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_LEDYBA - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_LEDIAN - 1] = 0x47, + [SPECIES_SPINARAK - 1] = 0x4f, + [SPECIES_ARIADOS - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_CROBAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHINCHOU - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_LANTURN - 1] = 0x51, + [SPECIES_PICHU - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_CLEFFA - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF - 1] = 0x0c, + [SPECIES_TOGEPI - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_TOGETIC - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NATU - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_XATU - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_MAREEP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FLAAFFY - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_AMPHAROS - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_MARILL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AZUMARILL - 1] = 0x4a, + [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_POLITOED - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_HOPPIP - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM - 1] = 0x18, + [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF - 1] = 0x51, + [SPECIES_AIPOM - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_SUNKERN - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_SUNFLORA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_YANMA - 1] = 0x2b, + [SPECIES_WOOPER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_ESPEON - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_UMBREON - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_MURKROW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLOWKING - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_UNOWN - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET - 1] = 0x30, + [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_PINECO - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_FORRETRESS - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GLIGAR - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_STEELIX - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_SNUBBULL - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_GRANBULL - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_QWILFISH - 1] = 0x3a, + [SPECIES_SCIZOR - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_SHUCKLE - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_HERACROSS - 1] = 0x41, + [SPECIES_SNEASEL - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_URSARING - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_SLUGMA - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_MAGCARGO - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_SWINUB - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PILOSWINE - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_CORSOLA - 1] = 0x03, + [SPECIES_REMORAID - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_OCTILLERY - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_DELIBIRD - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_MANTINE - 1] = 0x0d, + [SPECIES_SKARMORY - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_KINGDRA - 1] = 0x42, + [SPECIES_PHANPY - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_DONPHAN - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_PORYGON2 - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_STANTLER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SMEARGLE - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_TYROGUE - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_HITMONTOP - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_ELEKID - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_MAGBY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MILTANK - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_BLISSEY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RAIKOU - 1] = 0x2c, + [SPECIES_ENTEI - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_SUICUNE - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_LARVITAR - 1] = 0x52, + [SPECIES_PUPITAR - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_TYRANITAR - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_LUGIA - 1] = 0x3a, + [SPECIES_HO_OH - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_CELEBI - 1] = 0x18, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TREECKO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - 1] = 0x06, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP - 1] = 0x01, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - 1] = 0x03, + [SPECIES_LINOONE - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SILCOON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_CASCOON - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX - 1] = 0x06, + [SPECIES_LOTAD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_NINCADA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NINJASK - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW - 1] = 0x01, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPINDA - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_WINGULL - 1] = 0x1b, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WAILMER - 1] = 0x01, + [SPECIES_WAILORD - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_SKITTY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_KECLEON - 1] = 0x35, + [SPECIES_BALTOY - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL - 1] = 0x51, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE - 1] = 0x15, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC - 1] = 0x22, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO - 1] = 0x56, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_FLYGON - 1] = 0x4b, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA - 1] = 0x0b, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA - 1] = 0x34, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NUMEL - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL - 1] = 0x53, + [SPECIES_SEALEO - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_WALREIN - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_CACNEA - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_GLALIE - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE - 1] = 0x0e, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK - 1] = 0x08, + [SPECIES_AZURILL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPOINK - 1] = 0x56, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MINUN - 1] = 0x01, + [SPECIES_MAWILE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_SWABLU - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA - 1] = 0x16, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH - 1] = 0x31, + [SPECIES_SLAKING - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_GULPIN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SWALOT - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR - 1] = 0x03, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED - 1] = 0x49, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL - 1] = 0x12, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_ABSOL - 1] = 0x11, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_BANETTE - 1] = 0x0d, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH - 1] = 0x1a, + [SPECIES_ARON - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_LAIRON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AGGRON - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM - 1] = 0x1d, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_LILEEP - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_CRADILY - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_ANORITH - 1] = 0x12, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_RALTS - 1] = 0x45, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BAGON - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_SHELGON - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_BELDUM - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_METANG - 1] = 0x04, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK - 1] = 0x01, + [SPECIES_REGICE - 1] = 0x44, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL - 1] = 0x09, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_GROUDON - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_LATIAS - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_LATIOS - 1] = 0x10, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI - 1] = 0x0d, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS - 1] = 0x1b, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO - 1] = 0x1d, }; static const u8 sMonAnimationDelayTable[] = { - 0x00, // SPECIES_BULBASAUR - 0x00, // SPECIES_IVYSAUR - 0x00, // SPECIES_VENUSAUR - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHARMANDER - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHARMELEON - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHARIZARD - 0x00, // SPECIES_SQUIRTLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_WARTORTLE - 0x32, // SPECIES_BLASTOISE - 0x00, // SPECIES_CATERPIE - 0x00, // SPECIES_METAPOD - 0x00, // SPECIES_BUTTERFREE - 0x0a, // SPECIES_WEEDLE - 0x14, // SPECIES_KAKUNA - 0x23, // SPECIES_BEEDRILL - 0x00, // SPECIES_PIDGEY - 0x19, // SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO - 0x00, // SPECIES_PIDGEOT - 0x00, // SPECIES_RATTATA - 0x00, // SPECIES_RATICATE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SPEAROW - 0x02, // SPECIES_FEAROW - 0x1e, // SPECIES_EKANS - 0x00, // SPECIES_ARBOK - 0x00, // SPECIES_PIKACHU - 0x00, // SPECIES_RAICHU - 0x00, // SPECIES_SANDSHREW - 0x00, // SPECIES_SANDSLASH - 0x1c, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_F - 0x00, // SPECIES_NIDORINA - 0x00, // SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN - 0x00, // SPECIES_NIDORAN_M - 0x00, // SPECIES_NIDORINO - 0x19, // SPECIES_NIDOKING - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLEFAIRY - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLEFABLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_VULPIX - 0x00, // SPECIES_NINETALES - 0x00, // SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF - 0x00, // SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF - 0x00, // SPECIES_ZUBAT - 0x00, // SPECIES_GOLBAT - 0x00, // SPECIES_ODDISH - 0x00, // SPECIES_GLOOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_VILEPLUME - 0x0a, // SPECIES_PARAS - 0x2d, // SPECIES_PARASECT - 0x14, // SPECIES_VENONAT - 0x00, // SPECIES_VENOMOTH - 0x19, // SPECIES_DIGLETT - 0x23, // SPECIES_DUGTRIO - 0x28, // SPECIES_MEOWTH - 0x14, // SPECIES_PERSIAN - 0x00, // SPECIES_PSYDUCK - 0x00, // SPECIES_GOLDUCK - 0x14, // SPECIES_MANKEY - 0x00, // SPECIES_PRIMEAPE - 0x1e, // SPECIES_GROWLITHE - 0x28, // SPECIES_ARCANINE - 0x00, // SPECIES_POLIWAG - 0x05, // SPECIES_POLIWHIRL - 0x00, // SPECIES_POLIWRATH - 0x00, // SPECIES_ABRA - 0x00, // SPECIES_KADABRA - 0x00, // SPECIES_ALAKAZAM - 0x00, // SPECIES_MACHOP - 0x00, // SPECIES_MACHOKE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MACHAMP - 0x00, // SPECIES_BELLSPROUT - 0x03, // SPECIES_WEEPINBELL - 0x00, // SPECIES_VICTREEBEL - 0x00, // SPECIES_TENTACOOL - 0x00, // SPECIES_TENTACRUEL - 0x00, // SPECIES_GEODUDE - 0x00, // SPECIES_GRAVELER - 0x00, // SPECIES_GOLEM - 0x00, // SPECIES_PONYTA - 0x00, // SPECIES_RAPIDASH - 0x00, // SPECIES_SLOWPOKE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SLOWBRO - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGNEMITE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGNETON - 0x00, // SPECIES_FARFETCHD - 0x00, // SPECIES_DODUO - 0x00, // SPECIES_DODRIO - 0x00, // SPECIES_SEEL - 0x00, // SPECIES_DEWGONG - 0x00, // SPECIES_GRIMER - 0x2d, // SPECIES_MUK - 0x14, // SPECIES_SHELLDER - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLOYSTER - 0x00, // SPECIES_GASTLY - 0x17, // SPECIES_HAUNTER - 0x00, // SPECIES_GENGAR - 0x00, // SPECIES_ONIX - 0x30, // SPECIES_DROWZEE - 0x28, // SPECIES_HYPNO - 0x00, // SPECIES_KRABBY - 0x00, // SPECIES_KINGLER - 0x00, // SPECIES_VOLTORB - 0x00, // SPECIES_ELECTRODE - 0x00, // SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE - 0x00, // SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR - 0x00, // SPECIES_CUBONE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAROWAK - 0x00, // SPECIES_HITMONLEE - 0x19, // SPECIES_HITMONCHAN - 0x00, // SPECIES_LICKITUNG - 0x00, // SPECIES_KOFFING - 0x00, // SPECIES_WEEZING - 0x00, // SPECIES_RHYHORN - 0x00, // SPECIES_RHYDON - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHANSEY - 0x00, // SPECIES_TANGELA - 0x00, // SPECIES_KANGASKHAN - 0x00, // SPECIES_HORSEA - 0x00, // SPECIES_SEADRA - 0x00, // SPECIES_GOLDEEN - 0x00, // SPECIES_SEAKING - 0x00, // SPECIES_STARYU - 0x00, // SPECIES_STARMIE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MR_MIME - 0x0a, // SPECIES_SCYTHER - 0x00, // SPECIES_JYNX - 0x00, // SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGMAR - 0x00, // SPECIES_PINSIR - 0x0a, // SPECIES_TAUROS - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGIKARP - 0x00, // SPECIES_GYARADOS - 0x00, // SPECIES_LAPRAS - 0x00, // SPECIES_DITTO - 0x00, // SPECIES_EEVEE - 0x00, // SPECIES_VAPOREON - 0x00, // SPECIES_JOLTEON - 0x00, // SPECIES_FLAREON - 0x00, // SPECIES_PORYGON - 0x00, // SPECIES_OMANYTE - 0x00, // SPECIES_OMASTAR - 0x00, // SPECIES_KABUTO - 0x00, // SPECIES_KABUTOPS - 0x00, // SPECIES_AERODACTYL - 0x00, // SPECIES_SNORLAX - 0x00, // SPECIES_ARTICUNO - 0x00, // SPECIES_ZAPDOS - 0x00, // SPECIES_MOLTRES - 0x00, // SPECIES_DRATINI - 0x00, // SPECIES_DRAGONAIR - 0x00, // SPECIES_DRAGONITE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MEWTWO - 0x00, // SPECIES_MEW - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHIKORITA - 0x00, // SPECIES_BAYLEEF - 0x00, // SPECIES_MEGANIUM - 0x00, // SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL - 0x00, // SPECIES_QUILAVA - 0x14, // SPECIES_TYPHLOSION - 0x00, // SPECIES_TOTODILE - 0x00, // SPECIES_CROCONAW - 0x05, // SPECIES_FERALIGATR - 0x00, // SPECIES_SENTRET - 0x00, // SPECIES_FURRET - 0x00, // SPECIES_HOOTHOOT - 0x00, // SPECIES_NOCTOWL - 0x00, // SPECIES_LEDYBA - 0x00, // SPECIES_LEDIAN - 0x00, // SPECIES_SPINARAK - 0x00, // SPECIES_ARIADOS - 0x00, // SPECIES_CROBAT - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHINCHOU - 0x00, // SPECIES_LANTURN - 0x00, // SPECIES_PICHU - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLEFFA - 0x00, // SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF - 0x00, // SPECIES_TOGEPI - 0x00, // SPECIES_TOGETIC - 0x1e, // SPECIES_NATU - 0x00, // SPECIES_XATU - 0x32, // SPECIES_MAREEP - 0x00, // SPECIES_FLAAFFY - 0x0a, // SPECIES_AMPHAROS - 0x00, // SPECIES_BELLOSSOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_MARILL - 0x00, // SPECIES_AZUMARILL - 0x00, // SPECIES_SUDOWOODO - 0x28, // SPECIES_POLITOED - 0x00, // SPECIES_HOPPIP - 0x00, // SPECIES_SKIPLOOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_JUMPLUFF - 0x00, // SPECIES_AIPOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_SUNKERN - 0x00, // SPECIES_SUNFLORA - 0x00, // SPECIES_YANMA - 0x00, // SPECIES_WOOPER - 0x00, // SPECIES_QUAGSIRE - 0x00, // SPECIES_ESPEON - 0x00, // SPECIES_UMBREON - 0x00, // SPECIES_MURKROW - 0x00, // SPECIES_SLOWKING - 0x00, // SPECIES_MISDREAVUS - 0x00, // SPECIES_UNOWN - 0x00, // SPECIES_WOBBUFFET - 0x00, // SPECIES_GIRAFARIG - 0x00, // SPECIES_PINECO - 0x00, // SPECIES_FORRETRESS - 0x0a, // SPECIES_DUNSPARCE - 0x00, // SPECIES_GLIGAR - 0x2d, // SPECIES_STEELIX - 0x00, // SPECIES_SNUBBULL - 0x00, // SPECIES_GRANBULL - 0x27, // SPECIES_QWILFISH - 0x13, // SPECIES_SCIZOR - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHUCKLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_HERACROSS - 0x00, // SPECIES_SNEASEL - 0x00, // SPECIES_TEDDIURSA - 0x00, // SPECIES_URSARING - 0x00, // SPECIES_SLUGMA - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGCARGO - 0x00, // SPECIES_SWINUB - 0x00, // SPECIES_PILOSWINE - 0x00, // SPECIES_CORSOLA - 0x00, // SPECIES_REMORAID - 0x14, // SPECIES_OCTILLERY - 0x00, // SPECIES_DELIBIRD - 0x00, // SPECIES_MANTINE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SKARMORY - 0x00, // SPECIES_HOUNDOUR - 0x00, // SPECIES_HOUNDOOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_KINGDRA - 0x00, // SPECIES_PHANPY - 0x00, // SPECIES_DONPHAN - 0x00, // SPECIES_PORYGON2 - 0x00, // SPECIES_STANTLER - 0x00, // SPECIES_SMEARGLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_TYROGUE - 0x00, // SPECIES_HITMONTOP - 0x28, // SPECIES_SMOOCHUM - 0x00, // SPECIES_ELEKID - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAGBY - 0x00, // SPECIES_MILTANK - 0x00, // SPECIES_BLISSEY - 0x00, // SPECIES_RAIKOU - 0x00, // SPECIES_ENTEI - 0x00, // SPECIES_SUICUNE - 0x00, // SPECIES_LARVITAR - 0x00, // SPECIES_PUPITAR - 0x0a, // SPECIES_TYRANITAR - 0x14, // SPECIES_LUGIA - 0x00, // SPECIES_HO_OH - 0x00, // SPECIES_CELEBI - 0x00, // 252 - 0x00, // 253 - 0x00, // 254 - 0x00, // 255 - 0x00, // 256 - 0x00, // 257 - 0x00, // 258 - 0x00, // 259 - 0x00, // 260 - 0x00, // 261 - 0x00, // 262 - 0x00, // 263 - 0x00, // 264 - 0x00, // 265 - 0x00, // 266 - 0x00, // 267 - 0x00, // 268 - 0x00, // 269 - 0x00, // 270 - 0x00, // 271 - 0x00, // 272 - 0x00, // 273 - 0x00, // 274 - 0x00, // 275 - 0x00, // 276 - 0x00, // SPECIES_TREECKO - 0x00, // SPECIES_GROVYLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SCEPTILE - 0x00, // SPECIES_TORCHIC - 0x00, // SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - 0x00, // SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - 0x00, // SPECIES_MUDKIP - 0x00, // SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - 0x00, // SPECIES_SWAMPERT - 0x00, // SPECIES_POOCHYENA - 0x00, // SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - 0x00, // SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - 0x00, // SPECIES_LINOONE - 0x00, // SPECIES_WURMPLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SILCOON - 0x00, // SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - 0x00, // SPECIES_CASCOON - 0x00, // SPECIES_DUSTOX - 0x00, // SPECIES_LOTAD - 0x00, // SPECIES_LOMBRE - 0x00, // SPECIES_LUDICOLO - 0x00, // SPECIES_SEEDOT - 0x00, // SPECIES_NUZLEAF - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHIFTRY - 0x00, // SPECIES_NINCADA - 0x00, // SPECIES_NINJASK - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHEDINJA - 0x00, // SPECIES_TAILLOW - 0x00, // SPECIES_SWELLOW - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHROOMISH - 0x00, // SPECIES_BRELOOM - 0x00, // SPECIES_SPINDA - 0x00, // SPECIES_WINGULL - 0x00, // SPECIES_PELIPPER - 0x00, // SPECIES_SURSKIT - 0x00, // SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - 0x00, // SPECIES_WAILMER - 0x0a, // SPECIES_WAILORD - 0x00, // SPECIES_SKITTY - 0x00, // SPECIES_DELCATTY - 0x1e, // SPECIES_KECLEON - 0x00, // SPECIES_BALTOY - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLAYDOL - 0x00, // SPECIES_NOSEPASS - 0x00, // SPECIES_TORKOAL - 0x00, // SPECIES_SABLEYE - 0x00, // SPECIES_BARBOACH - 0x00, // SPECIES_WHISCASH - 0x00, // SPECIES_LUVDISC - 0x00, // SPECIES_CORPHISH - 0x00, // SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - 0x00, // SPECIES_FEEBAS - 0x2d, // SPECIES_MILOTIC - 0x00, // SPECIES_CARVANHA - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHARPEDO - 0x00, // SPECIES_TRAPINCH - 0x00, // SPECIES_VIBRAVA - 0x00, // SPECIES_FLYGON - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAKUHITA - 0x00, // SPECIES_HARIYAMA - 0x00, // SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MANECTRIC - 0x00, // SPECIES_NUMEL - 0x00, // SPECIES_CAMERUPT - 0x0f, // SPECIES_SPHEAL - 0x00, // SPECIES_SEALEO - 0x00, // SPECIES_WALREIN - 0x00, // SPECIES_CACNEA - 0x00, // SPECIES_CACTURNE - 0x14, // SPECIES_SNORUNT - 0x00, // SPECIES_GLALIE - 0x00, // SPECIES_LUNATONE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SOLROCK - 0x00, // SPECIES_AZURILL - 0x00, // SPECIES_SPOINK - 0x0f, // SPECIES_GRUMPIG - 0x00, // SPECIES_PLUSLE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MINUN - 0x00, // SPECIES_MAWILE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MEDITITE - 0x00, // SPECIES_MEDICHAM - 0x00, // SPECIES_SWABLU - 0x00, // SPECIES_ALTARIA - 0x0f, // SPECIES_WYNAUT - 0x00, // SPECIES_DUSKULL - 0x1e, // SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - 0x00, // SPECIES_ROSELIA - 0x00, // SPECIES_SLAKOTH - 0x00, // SPECIES_VIGOROTH - 0x00, // SPECIES_SLAKING - 0x00, // SPECIES_GULPIN - 0x00, // SPECIES_SWALOT - 0x00, // SPECIES_TROPIUS - 0x00, // SPECIES_WHISMUR - 0x00, // SPECIES_LOUDRED - 0x00, // SPECIES_EXPLOUD - 0x00, // SPECIES_CLAMPERL - 0x00, // SPECIES_HUNTAIL - 0x00, // SPECIES_GOREBYSS - 0x2d, // SPECIES_ABSOL - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHUPPET - 0x00, // SPECIES_BANETTE - 0x00, // SPECIES_SEVIPER - 0x00, // SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - 0x00, // SPECIES_RELICANTH - 0x00, // SPECIES_ARON - 0x00, // SPECIES_LAIRON - 0x00, // SPECIES_AGGRON - 0x00, // SPECIES_CASTFORM - 0x00, // SPECIES_VOLBEAT - 0x00, // SPECIES_ILLUMISE - 0x00, // SPECIES_LILEEP - 0x00, // SPECIES_CRADILY - 0x00, // SPECIES_ANORITH - 0x00, // SPECIES_ARMALDO - 0x00, // SPECIES_RALTS - 0x00, // SPECIES_KIRLIA - 0x00, // SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - 0x00, // SPECIES_BAGON - 0x00, // SPECIES_SHELGON - 0x46, // SPECIES_SALAMENCE - 0x00, // SPECIES_BELDUM - 0x00, // SPECIES_METANG - 0x00, // SPECIES_METAGROSS - 0x00, // SPECIES_REGIROCK - 0x00, // SPECIES_REGICE - 0x00, // SPECIES_REGISTEEL - 0x3c, // SPECIES_KYOGRE - 0x00, // SPECIES_GROUDON - 0x3c, // SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 0x00, // SPECIES_LATIAS - 0x00, // SPECIES_LATIOS - 0x00, // SPECIES_JIRACHI - 0x00, // SPECIES_DEOXYS - 0x00, // SPECIES_CHIMECHO + [SPECIES_BULBASAUR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_IVYSAUR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VENUSAUR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHARMANDER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHARMELEON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHARIZARD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WARTORTLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BLASTOISE - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_CATERPIE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_METAPOD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WEEDLE - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_KAKUNA - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_BEEDRILL - 1] = 0x23, + [SPECIES_PIDGEY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RATTATA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RATICATE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPEAROW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FEAROW - 1] = 0x02, + [SPECIES_EKANS - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_ARBOK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PIKACHU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RAICHU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SANDSHREW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SANDSLASH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F - 1] = 0x1c, + [SPECIES_NIDORINA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NIDORINO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NIDOKING - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CLEFABLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VULPIX - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NINETALES - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ZUBAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GOLBAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ODDISH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GLOOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VILEPLUME - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PARAS - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_PARASECT - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_VENONAT - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_VENOMOTH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DIGLETT - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_DUGTRIO - 1] = 0x23, + [SPECIES_MEOWTH - 1] = 0x28, + [SPECIES_PERSIAN - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_PSYDUCK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GOLDUCK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MANKEY - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GROWLITHE - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_ARCANINE - 1] = 0x28, + [SPECIES_POLIWAG - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_POLIWRATH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ABRA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KADABRA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MACHOP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MACHOKE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MACHAMP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL - 1] = 0x03, + [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TENTACOOL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GEODUDE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GRAVELER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GOLEM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PONYTA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RAPIDASH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLOWBRO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAGNETON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FARFETCHD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DODUO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DODRIO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SEEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DEWGONG - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GRIMER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MUK - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_SHELLDER - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_CLOYSTER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GASTLY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HAUNTER - 1] = 0x17, + [SPECIES_GENGAR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ONIX - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DROWZEE - 1] = 0x30, + [SPECIES_HYPNO - 1] = 0x28, + [SPECIES_KRABBY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KINGLER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VOLTORB - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ELECTRODE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CUBONE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAROWAK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HITMONLEE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN - 1] = 0x19, + [SPECIES_LICKITUNG - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KOFFING - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WEEZING - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RHYHORN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RHYDON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHANSEY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TANGELA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HORSEA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SEADRA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GOLDEEN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SEAKING - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_STARYU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_STARMIE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MR_MIME - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SCYTHER - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_JYNX - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAGMAR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PINSIR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TAUROS - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_MAGIKARP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GYARADOS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LAPRAS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DITTO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_EEVEE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VAPOREON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_JOLTEON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FLAREON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PORYGON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OMANYTE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OMASTAR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KABUTO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KABUTOPS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AERODACTYL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SNORLAX - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ARTICUNO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ZAPDOS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MOLTRES - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DRATINI - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DRAGONITE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHIKORITA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BAYLEEF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEGANIUM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_QUILAVA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_TOTODILE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CROCONAW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FERALIGATR - 1] = 0x05, + [SPECIES_SENTRET - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FURRET - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NOCTOWL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LEDYBA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LEDIAN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPINARAK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ARIADOS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CROBAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHINCHOU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LANTURN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PICHU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CLEFFA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TOGEPI - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TOGETIC - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NATU - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_XATU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAREEP - 1] = 0x32, + [SPECIES_FLAAFFY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AMPHAROS - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MARILL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AZUMARILL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_POLITOED - 1] = 0x28, + [SPECIES_HOPPIP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AIPOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SUNKERN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SUNFLORA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_YANMA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WOOPER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ESPEON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_UMBREON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MURKROW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLOWKING - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_UNOWN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PINECO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FORRETRESS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_GLIGAR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_STEELIX - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_SNUBBULL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GRANBULL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_QWILFISH - 1] = 0x27, + [SPECIES_SCIZOR - 1] = 0x13, + [SPECIES_SHUCKLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HERACROSS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SNEASEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_URSARING - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLUGMA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAGCARGO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SWINUB - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PILOSWINE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CORSOLA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_REMORAID - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OCTILLERY - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_DELIBIRD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MANTINE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SKARMORY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KINGDRA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PHANPY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DONPHAN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PORYGON2 - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_STANTLER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SMEARGLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TYROGUE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HITMONTOP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM - 1] = 0x28, + [SPECIES_ELEKID - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAGBY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MILTANK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BLISSEY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RAIKOU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ENTEI - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SUICUNE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LARVITAR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PUPITAR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TYRANITAR - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_LUGIA - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_HO_OH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CELEBI - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TREECKO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LINOONE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SILCOON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CASCOON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LOTAD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NINCADA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NINJASK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPINDA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WINGULL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WAILMER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WAILORD - 1] = 0x0a, + [SPECIES_SKITTY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KECLEON - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_BALTOY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_FLYGON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_NUMEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_SEALEO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WALREIN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CACNEA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT - 1] = 0x14, + [SPECIES_GLALIE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AZURILL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SPOINK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MINUN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MAWILE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SWABLU - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT - 1] = 0x0f, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS - 1] = 0x1e, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SLAKING - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GULPIN - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SWALOT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ABSOL - 1] = 0x2d, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BANETTE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ARON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LAIRON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_AGGRON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LILEEP - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CRADILY - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ANORITH - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RALTS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_BAGON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SHELGON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE - 1] = 0x46, + [SPECIES_BELDUM - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_METANG - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_REGICE - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE - 1] = 0x3c, + [SPECIES_GROUDON - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 1] = 0x3c, + [SPECIES_LATIAS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_LATIOS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS - 1] = 0x00, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO - 1] = 0x00, }; const u8 gUnknown_08329D22[] = {0x03, 0x0c, 0x30, 0xc0}; // Masks for getting PP Up count, also PP Max values @@ -2457,13 +2459,13 @@ static const struct SpeciesItem sAlteringCaveWildMonHeldItems[] = { {SPECIES_NONE, ITEM_NONE}, {SPECIES_MAREEP, ITEM_GANLON_BERRY}, - {SPECIES_PINECO, ITEM_APICOT_BERRY}, - {SPECIES_HOUNDOUR, ITEM_BIG_MUSHROOM}, - {SPECIES_TEDDIURSA, ITEM_PETAYA_BERRY}, - {SPECIES_AIPOM, ITEM_BERRY_JUICE}, - {SPECIES_SHUCKLE, ITEM_BERRY_JUICE}, - {SPECIES_STANTLER, ITEM_PETAYA_BERRY}, - {SPECIES_SMEARGLE, ITEM_SALAC_BERRY}, + {SPECIES_PINECO, ITEM_APICOT_BERRY}, + {SPECIES_HOUNDOUR, ITEM_BIG_MUSHROOM}, + {SPECIES_TEDDIURSA, ITEM_PETAYA_BERRY}, + {SPECIES_AIPOM, ITEM_BERRY_JUICE}, + {SPECIES_SHUCKLE, ITEM_BERRY_JUICE}, + {SPECIES_STANTLER, ITEM_PETAYA_BERRY}, + {SPECIES_SMEARGLE, ITEM_SALAC_BERRY}, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_8329F20 = @@ -3286,7 +3288,7 @@ u16 GiveMoveToBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 move) if (existingMove == move) return -2; } - return -1; + return 0xFFFF; } u16 GiveMoveToBattleMon(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u16 move) @@ -3303,7 +3305,7 @@ u16 GiveMoveToBattleMon(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u16 move) } } - return -1; + return 0xFFFF; } void SetMonMoveSlot(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move, u8 slot) diff --git a/src/pokemon_animation.c b/src/pokemon_animation.c index 989bce37d..8c468d9f4 100644 --- a/src/pokemon_animation.c +++ b/src/pokemon_animation.c @@ -786,31 +786,31 @@ static const u8 sBackAnimationIds[] = static const u8 sBackAnimNatureModTable[] = { - 0x00, // NATURE_HARDY - 0x02, // NATURE_LONELY - 0x00, // NATURE_BRAVE - 0x00, // NATURE_ADAMANT - 0x00, // NATURE_NAUGHTY - 0x01, // NATURE_BOLD - 0x01, // NATURE_DOCILE - 0x01, // NATURE_RELAXED - 0x00, // NATURE_IMPISH - 0x01, // NATURE_LAX - 0x02, // NATURE_TIMID - 0x00, // NATURE_HASTY - 0x01, // NATURE_SERIOUS - 0x00, // NATURE_JOLLY - 0x00, // NATURE_NAIVE - 0x02, // NATURE_MODEST - 0x02, // NATURE_MILD - 0x02, // NATURE_QUIET - 0x02, // NATURE_BASHFUL - 0x01, // NATURE_RASH - 0x01, // NATURE_CALM - 0x02, // NATURE_GENTLE - 0x01, // NATURE_SASSY - 0x02, // NATURE_CAREFUL - 0x01, // NATURE_QUIRKY + [NATURE_HARDY] = 0x00, + [NATURE_LONELY] = 0x02, + [NATURE_BRAVE] = 0x00, + [NATURE_ADAMANT] = 0x00, + [NATURE_NAUGHTY] = 0x00, + [NATURE_BOLD] = 0x01, + [NATURE_DOCILE] = 0x01, + [NATURE_RELAXED] = 0x01, + [NATURE_IMPISH] = 0x00, + [NATURE_LAX] = 0x01, + [NATURE_TIMID] = 0x02, + [NATURE_HASTY] = 0x00, + [NATURE_SERIOUS] = 0x01, + [NATURE_JOLLY] = 0x00, + [NATURE_NAIVE] = 0x00, + [NATURE_MODEST] = 0x02, + [NATURE_MILD] = 0x02, + [NATURE_QUIET] = 0x02, + [NATURE_BASHFUL] = 0x02, + [NATURE_RASH] = 0x01, + [NATURE_CALM] = 0x01, + [NATURE_GENTLE] = 0x02, + [NATURE_SASSY] = 0x01, + [NATURE_CAREFUL] = 0x02, + [NATURE_QUIRKY] = 0x01, }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_860AD48[] = @@ -1164,67 +1164,67 @@ NAKED static void sub_817F9F4(struct Sprite *sprite) { asm(".syntax unified\n\ - push {r4,lr}\n\ - adds r4, r0, 0\n\ - movs r0, 0x32\n\ - ldrsh r1, [r4, r0]\n\ - movs r0, 0xC0\n\ - lsls r0, 1\n\ - cmp r1, r0\n\ - ble _0817FA14\n\ - ldr r0, =SpriteCB_SetDummyOnAnimEnd\n\ - str r0, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ - movs r0, 0\n\ - strh r0, [r4, 0x24]\n\ - b _0817FA5E\n\ - .pool\n\ + push {r4,lr}\n\ + adds r4, r0, 0\n\ + movs r0, 0x32\n\ + ldrsh r1, [r4, r0]\n\ + movs r0, 0xC0\n\ + lsls r0, 1\n\ + cmp r1, r0\n\ + ble _0817FA14\n\ + ldr r0, =SpriteCB_SetDummyOnAnimEnd\n\ + str r0, [r4, 0x1C]\n\ + movs r0, 0\n\ + strh r0, [r4, 0x24]\n\ + b _0817FA5E\n\ + .pool\n\ _0817FA14:\n\ - adds r0, r1, 0\n\ - cmp r1, 0\n\ - bge _0817FA1C\n\ - adds r0, 0x7F\n\ + adds r0, r1, 0\n\ + cmp r1, 0\n\ + bge _0817FA1C\n\ + adds r0, 0x7F\n\ _0817FA1C:\n\ - asrs r2, r0, 7\n\ - lsls r0, r2, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - cmp r0, 0\n\ - blt _0817FA60\n\ - cmp r0, 0x1\n\ - ble _0817FA48\n\ - cmp r0, 0x3\n\ - bgt _0817FA60\n\ - ldr r2, =0xffffff00\n\ - adds r1, r2\n\ - lsls r0, r1, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - movs r1, 0x2E\n\ - ldrsh r2, [r4, r1]\n\ - lsls r1, r2, 1\n\ - adds r1, r2\n\ - lsls r1, 16\n\ - b _0817FA56\n\ - .pool\n\ + asrs r2, r0, 7\n\ + lsls r0, r2, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + cmp r0, 0\n\ + blt _0817FA60\n\ + cmp r0, 0x1\n\ + ble _0817FA48\n\ + cmp r0, 0x3\n\ + bgt _0817FA60\n\ + ldr r2, =0xffffff00\n\ + adds r1, r2\n\ + lsls r0, r1, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + movs r1, 0x2E\n\ + ldrsh r2, [r4, r1]\n\ + lsls r1, r2, 1\n\ + adds r1, r2\n\ + lsls r1, 16\n\ + b _0817FA56\n\ + .pool\n\ _0817FA48:\n\ - lsls r0, r2, 7\n\ - subs r0, r1, r0\n\ - lsls r0, 16\n\ - asrs r0, 16\n\ - movs r2, 0x2E\n\ - ldrsh r1, [r4, r2]\n\ - lsls r1, 17\n\ + lsls r0, r2, 7\n\ + subs r0, r1, r0\n\ + lsls r0, 16\n\ + asrs r0, 16\n\ + movs r2, 0x2E\n\ + ldrsh r1, [r4, r2]\n\ + lsls r1, 17\n\ _0817FA56:\n\ - asrs r1, 16\n\ - bl Sin\n\ - negs r0, r0\n\ + asrs r1, 16\n\ + bl Sin\n\ + negs r0, r0\n\ _0817FA5E:\n\ - strh r0, [r4, 0x26]\n\ + strh r0, [r4, 0x26]\n\ _0817FA60:\n\ - ldrh r0, [r4, 0x32]\n\ - adds r0, 0xC\n\ - strh r0, [r4, 0x32]\n\ - pop {r4}\n\ - pop {r0}\n\ - bx r0\n\ + ldrh r0, [r4, 0x32]\n\ + adds r0, 0xC\n\ + strh r0, [r4, 0x32]\n\ + pop {r4}\n\ + pop {r0}\n\ + bx r0\n\ .syntax divided"); } diff --git a/src/pokemon_icon.c b/src/pokemon_icon.c index 994cc520e..c24c8a898 100644 --- a/src/pokemon_icon.c +++ b/src/pokemon_icon.c @@ -469,446 +469,446 @@ const u8 *const gMonIconTable[] = const u8 gMonIconPaletteIndices[] = { - 0, // ?????????? - 1, // Bulbasaur - 1, // Ivysaur - 1, // Venusaur - 0, // Charmander - 0, // Charmeleon - 0, // Charizard - 0, // Squirtle - 2, // Wartortle - 2, // Blastoise - 1, // Caterpie - 1, // Metapod - 0, // Butterfree - 1, // Weedle - 2, // Kakuna - 2, // Beedrill - 0, // Pidgey - 0, // Pidgeotto - 0, // Pidgeot - 2, // Rattata - 1, // Raticate - 0, // Spearow - 0, // Fearow - 2, // Ekans - 2, // Arbok - 2, // Pikachu - 0, // Raichu - 2, // Sandshrew - 2, // Sandslash - 2, // Nidoran♀ - 2, // Nidorina - 2, // Nidoqueen - 2, // Nidoran♂ - 2, // Nidorino - 2, // Nidoking - 0, // Clefairy - 0, // Clefable - 2, // Vulpix - 1, // Ninetales - 0, // Jigglypuff - 0, // Wigglytuff - 2, // Zubat - 2, // Golbat - 1, // Oddish - 0, // Gloom - 0, // Vileplume - 0, // Paras - 0, // Parasect - 0, // Venonat - 2, // Venomoth - 2, // Diglett - 2, // Dugtrio - 1, // Meowth - 1, // Persian - 1, // Psyduck - 2, // Golduck - 1, // Mankey - 2, // Primeape - 0, // Growlithe - 0, // Arcanine - 0, // Poliwag - 0, // Poliwhirl - 0, // Poliwrath - 2, // Abra - 2, // Kadabra - 2, // Alakazam - 0, // Machop - 2, // Machoke - 0, // Machamp - 1, // Bellsprout - 1, // Weepinbell - 1, // Victreebel - 2, // Tentacool - 2, // Tentacruel - 1, // Geodude - 1, // Graveler - 1, // Golem - 0, // Ponyta - 0, // Rapidash - 0, // Slowpoke - 0, // Slowbro - 0, // Magnemite - 0, // Magneton - 1, // Farfetch'd - 2, // Doduo - 2, // Dodrio - 2, // Seel - 2, // Dewgong - 2, // Grimer - 2, // Muk - 2, // Shellder - 2, // Cloyster - 2, // Gastly - 2, // Haunter - 2, // Gengar - 2, // Onix - 2, // Drowzee - 1, // Hypno - 2, // Krabby - 2, // Kingler - 0, // Voltorb - 0, // Electrode - 0, // Exeggcute - 1, // Exeggutor - 1, // Cubone - 1, // Marowak - 2, // Hitmonlee - 2, // Hitmonchan - 1, // Lickitung - 2, // Koffing - 2, // Weezing - 1, // Rhyhorn - 1, // Rhydon - 0, // Chansey - 0, // Tangela - 1, // Kangaskhan - 0, // Horsea - 0, // Seadra - 0, // Goldeen - 0, // Seaking - 2, // Staryu - 2, // Starmie - 0, // Mr. mime - 1, // Scyther - 2, // Jynx - 1, // Electabuzz - 0, // Magmar - 2, // Pinsir - 2, // Tauros - 0, // Magikarp - 0, // Gyarados - 2, // Lapras - 2, // Ditto - 2, // Eevee - 0, // Vaporeon - 0, // Jolteon - 0, // Flareon - 0, // Porygon - 0, // Omanyte - 0, // Omastar - 2, // Kabuto - 2, // Kabutops - 0, // Aerodactyl - 1, // Snorlax - 0, // Articuno - 0, // Zapdos - 0, // Moltres - 0, // Dratini - 0, // Dragonair - 2, // Dragonite - 2, // Mewtwo - 0, // Mew - 1, // Chikorita - 1, // Bayleef - 1, // Meganium - 1, // Cyndaquil - 1, // Quilava - 1, // Typhlosion - 2, // Totodile - 2, // Croconaw - 2, // Feraligatr - 2, // Sentret - 2, // Furret - 2, // Hoothoot - 2, // Noctowl - 0, // Ledyba - 0, // Ledian - 1, // Spinarak - 0, // Ariados - 2, // Crobat - 2, // Chinchou - 0, // Lanturn - 0, // Pichu - 0, // Cleffa - 1, // Igglybuff - 2, // Togepi - 2, // Togetic - 0, // Natu - 0, // Xatu - 2, // Mareep - 0, // Flaaffy - 0, // Ampharos - 1, // Bellossom - 2, // Marill - 2, // Azumarill - 1, // Sudowoodo - 1, // Politoed - 1, // Hoppip - 1, // Skiploom - 2, // Jumpluff - 2, // Aipom - 1, // Sunkern - 1, // Sunflora - 1, // Yanma - 0, // Wooper - 0, // Quagsire - 2, // Espeon - 2, // Umbreon - 2, // Murkrow - 0, // Slowking - 0, // Misdreavus - 0, // Unown A - 0, // Wobbuffet - 1, // Girafarig - 0, // Pineco - 2, // Forretress - 2, // Dunsparce - 2, // Gligar - 0, // Steelix - 0, // Snubbull - 2, // Granbull - 0, // Qwilfish - 0, // Scizor - 1, // Shuckle - 2, // Heracross - 0, // Sneasel - 0, // Teddiursa - 2, // Ursaring - 0, // Slugma - 0, // Magcargo - 2, // Swinub - 2, // Piloswine - 0, // Corsola - 0, // Remoraid - 0, // Octillery - 0, // Delibird - 2, // Mantine - 0, // Skarmory - 0, // Houndour - 0, // Houndoom - 0, // Kingdra - 0, // Phanpy - 0, // Donphan - 0, // Porygon2 - 2, // Stantler - 1, // Smeargle - 2, // Tyrogue - 2, // Hitmontop - 1, // Smoochum - 1, // Elekid - 1, // Magby - 1, // Miltank - 1, // Blissey - 0, // Raikou - 2, // Entei - 0, // Suicune - 1, // Larvitar - 0, // Pupitar - 1, // Tyranitar - 0, // Lugia - 1, // Ho-Oh - 1, // Celebi - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 0, // ? - 1, // Treecko - 0, // Grovyle - 1, // Sceptile - 0, // Torchic - 0, // Combusken - 0, // Blaziken - 0, // Mudkip - 0, // Marshtomp - 0, // Swampert - 2, // Poochyena - 2, // Mightyena - 2, // Zigzagoon - 2, // Linoone - 0, // Wurmple - 2, // Silcoon - 0, // Beautifly - 2, // Cascoon - 1, // Dustox - 1, // Lotad - 1, // Lombre - 1, // Ludicolo - 1, // Seedot - 1, // Nuzleaf - 0, // Shiftry - 1, // Nincada - 1, // Ninjask - 1, // Shedinja - 2, // Taillow - 2, // Swellow - 1, // Shroomish - 1, // Breloom - 1, // Spinda - 0, // Wingull - 0, // Pelipper - 2, // Surskit - 0, // Masquerain - 2, // Wailmer - 0, // Wailord - 0, // Skitty - 2, // Delcatty - 1, // Kecleon - 1, // Baltoy - 0, // Claydol - 0, // Nosepass - 1, // Torkoal - 2, // Sableye - 0, // Barboach - 0, // Whiscash - 0, // Luvdisc - 0, // Corphish - 0, // Crawdaunt - 2, // Feebas - 0, // Milotic - 0, // Carvanha - 0, // Sharpedo - 1, // Trapinch - 1, // Vibrava - 1, // Flygon - 2, // Makuhita - 1, // Hariyama - 1, // Electrike - 0, // Manectric - 1, // Numel - 0, // Camerupt - 2, // Spheal - 2, // Sealeo - 0, // Walrein - 1, // Cacnea - 1, // Cacturne - 2, // Snorunt - 0, // Glalie - 1, // Lunatone - 0, // Solrock - 2, // Azurill - 0, // Spoink - 2, // Grumpig - 0, // Plusle - 0, // Minun - 2, // Mawile - 0, // Meditite - 0, // Medicham - 0, // Swablu - 0, // Altaria - 0, // Wynaut - 0, // Duskull - 0, // Dusclops - 0, // Roselia - 2, // Slakoth - 2, // Vigoroth - 1, // Slaking - 1, // Gulpin - 2, // Swalot - 1, // Tropius - 0, // Whismur - 2, // Loudred - 2, // Exploud - 0, // Clamperl - 0, // Huntail - 0, // Gorebyss - 0, // Absol - 0, // Shuppet - 0, // Banette - 2, // Seviper - 0, // Zangoose - 1, // Relicanth - 2, // Aron - 2, // Lairon - 2, // Aggron - 0, // Castform - 0, // Volbeat - 2, // Illumise - 2, // Lileep - 0, // Cradily - 0, // Anorith - 0, // Armaldo - 1, // Ralts - 1, // Kirlia - 1, // Gardevoir - 2, // Bagon - 2, // Shelgon - 0, // Salamence - 0, // Beldum - 0, // Metang - 0, // Metagross - 2, // Regirock - 2, // Regice - 2, // Registeel - 2, // Kyogre - 0, // Groudon - 1, // Rayquaza - 0, // Latias - 2, // Latios - 0, // Jirachi - 0, // Deoxys - 0, // Chimecho - 1, // Egg - 0, // Unown B - 0, // Unown C - 0, // Unown D - 0, // Unown E - 0, // Unown F - 0, // Unown G - 0, // Unown H - 0, // Unown I - 0, // Unown J - 0, // Unown K - 0, // Unown L - 0, // Unown M - 0, // Unown N - 0, // Unown O - 0, // Unown P - 0, // Unown Q - 0, // Unown R - 0, // Unown S - 0, // Unown T - 0, // Unown U - 0, // Unown V - 0, // Unown W - 0, // Unown X - 0, // Unown Y - 0, // Unown Z - 0, // Unown Exclamation Mark - 0, // Unown Question Mark + [SPECIES_NONE] = 0, + [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = 1, + [SPECIES_IVYSAUR] = 1, + [SPECIES_VENUSAUR] = 1, + [SPECIES_CHARMANDER] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHARMELEON] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHARIZARD] = 0, + [SPECIES_SQUIRTLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_WARTORTLE] = 2, + [SPECIES_BLASTOISE] = 2, + [SPECIES_CATERPIE] = 1, + [SPECIES_METAPOD] = 1, + [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE] = 0, + [SPECIES_WEEDLE] = 1, + [SPECIES_KAKUNA] = 2, + [SPECIES_BEEDRILL] = 2, + [SPECIES_PIDGEY] = 0, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOTTO] = 0, + [SPECIES_PIDGEOT] = 0, + [SPECIES_RATTATA] = 2, + [SPECIES_RATICATE] = 1, + [SPECIES_SPEAROW] = 0, + [SPECIES_FEAROW] = 0, + [SPECIES_EKANS] = 2, + [SPECIES_ARBOK] = 2, + [SPECIES_PIKACHU] = 2, + [SPECIES_RAICHU] = 0, + [SPECIES_SANDSHREW] = 2, + [SPECIES_SANDSLASH] = 2, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_F] = 2, + [SPECIES_NIDORINA] = 2, + [SPECIES_NIDOQUEEN] = 2, + [SPECIES_NIDORAN_M] = 2, + [SPECIES_NIDORINO] = 2, + [SPECIES_NIDOKING] = 2, + [SPECIES_CLEFAIRY] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLEFABLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_VULPIX] = 2, + [SPECIES_NINETALES] = 1, + [SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF] = 0, + [SPECIES_WIGGLYTUFF] = 0, + [SPECIES_ZUBAT] = 2, + [SPECIES_GOLBAT] = 2, + [SPECIES_ODDISH] = 1, + [SPECIES_GLOOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_VILEPLUME] = 0, + [SPECIES_PARAS] = 0, + [SPECIES_PARASECT] = 0, + [SPECIES_VENONAT] = 0, + [SPECIES_VENOMOTH] = 2, + [SPECIES_DIGLETT] = 2, + [SPECIES_DUGTRIO] = 2, + [SPECIES_MEOWTH] = 1, + [SPECIES_PERSIAN] = 1, + [SPECIES_PSYDUCK] = 1, + [SPECIES_GOLDUCK] = 2, + [SPECIES_MANKEY] = 1, + [SPECIES_PRIMEAPE] = 2, + [SPECIES_GROWLITHE] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARCANINE] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLIWAG] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLIWHIRL] = 0, + [SPECIES_POLIWRATH] = 0, + [SPECIES_ABRA] = 2, + [SPECIES_KADABRA] = 2, + [SPECIES_ALAKAZAM] = 2, + [SPECIES_MACHOP] = 0, + [SPECIES_MACHOKE] = 2, + [SPECIES_MACHAMP] = 0, + [SPECIES_BELLSPROUT] = 1, + [SPECIES_WEEPINBELL] = 1, + [SPECIES_VICTREEBEL] = 1, + [SPECIES_TENTACOOL] = 2, + [SPECIES_TENTACRUEL] = 2, + [SPECIES_GEODUDE] = 1, + [SPECIES_GRAVELER] = 1, + [SPECIES_GOLEM] = 1, + [SPECIES_PONYTA] = 0, + [SPECIES_RAPIDASH] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLOWPOKE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLOWBRO] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGNEMITE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGNETON] = 0, + [SPECIES_FARFETCHD] = 1, + [SPECIES_DODUO] = 2, + [SPECIES_DODRIO] = 2, + [SPECIES_SEEL] = 2, + [SPECIES_DEWGONG] = 2, + [SPECIES_GRIMER] = 2, + [SPECIES_MUK] = 2, + [SPECIES_SHELLDER] = 2, + [SPECIES_CLOYSTER] = 2, + [SPECIES_GASTLY] = 2, + [SPECIES_HAUNTER] = 2, + [SPECIES_GENGAR] = 2, + [SPECIES_ONIX] = 2, + [SPECIES_DROWZEE] = 2, + [SPECIES_HYPNO] = 1, + [SPECIES_KRABBY] = 2, + [SPECIES_KINGLER] = 2, + [SPECIES_VOLTORB] = 0, + [SPECIES_ELECTRODE] = 0, + [SPECIES_EXEGGCUTE] = 0, + [SPECIES_EXEGGUTOR] = 1, + [SPECIES_CUBONE] = 1, + [SPECIES_MAROWAK] = 1, + [SPECIES_HITMONLEE] = 2, + [SPECIES_HITMONCHAN] = 2, + [SPECIES_LICKITUNG] = 1, + [SPECIES_KOFFING] = 2, + [SPECIES_WEEZING] = 2, + [SPECIES_RHYHORN] = 1, + [SPECIES_RHYDON] = 1, + [SPECIES_CHANSEY] = 0, + [SPECIES_TANGELA] = 0, + [SPECIES_KANGASKHAN] = 1, + [SPECIES_HORSEA] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEADRA] = 0, + [SPECIES_GOLDEEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEAKING] = 0, + [SPECIES_STARYU] = 2, + [SPECIES_STARMIE] = 2, + [SPECIES_MR_MIME] = 0, + [SPECIES_SCYTHER] = 1, + [SPECIES_JYNX] = 2, + [SPECIES_ELECTABUZZ] = 1, + [SPECIES_MAGMAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_PINSIR] = 2, + [SPECIES_TAUROS] = 2, + [SPECIES_MAGIKARP] = 0, + [SPECIES_GYARADOS] = 0, + [SPECIES_LAPRAS] = 2, + [SPECIES_DITTO] = 2, + [SPECIES_EEVEE] = 2, + [SPECIES_VAPOREON] = 0, + [SPECIES_JOLTEON] = 0, + [SPECIES_FLAREON] = 0, + [SPECIES_PORYGON] = 0, + [SPECIES_OMANYTE] = 0, + [SPECIES_OMASTAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_KABUTO] = 2, + [SPECIES_KABUTOPS] = 2, + [SPECIES_AERODACTYL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SNORLAX] = 1, + [SPECIES_ARTICUNO] = 0, + [SPECIES_ZAPDOS] = 0, + [SPECIES_MOLTRES] = 0, + [SPECIES_DRATINI] = 0, + [SPECIES_DRAGONAIR] = 0, + [SPECIES_DRAGONITE] = 2, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO] = 2, + [SPECIES_MEW] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHIKORITA] = 1, + [SPECIES_BAYLEEF] = 1, + [SPECIES_MEGANIUM] = 1, + [SPECIES_CYNDAQUIL] = 1, + [SPECIES_QUILAVA] = 1, + [SPECIES_TYPHLOSION] = 1, + [SPECIES_TOTODILE] = 2, + [SPECIES_CROCONAW] = 2, + [SPECIES_FERALIGATR] = 2, + [SPECIES_SENTRET] = 2, + [SPECIES_FURRET] = 2, + [SPECIES_HOOTHOOT] = 2, + [SPECIES_NOCTOWL] = 2, + [SPECIES_LEDYBA] = 0, + [SPECIES_LEDIAN] = 0, + [SPECIES_SPINARAK] = 1, + [SPECIES_ARIADOS] = 0, + [SPECIES_CROBAT] = 2, + [SPECIES_CHINCHOU] = 2, + [SPECIES_LANTURN] = 0, + [SPECIES_PICHU] = 0, + [SPECIES_CLEFFA] = 0, + [SPECIES_IGGLYBUFF] = 1, + [SPECIES_TOGEPI] = 2, + [SPECIES_TOGETIC] = 2, + [SPECIES_NATU] = 0, + [SPECIES_XATU] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAREEP] = 2, + [SPECIES_FLAAFFY] = 0, + [SPECIES_AMPHAROS] = 0, + [SPECIES_BELLOSSOM] = 1, + [SPECIES_MARILL] = 2, + [SPECIES_AZUMARILL] = 2, + [SPECIES_SUDOWOODO] = 1, + [SPECIES_POLITOED] = 1, + [SPECIES_HOPPIP] = 1, + [SPECIES_SKIPLOOM] = 1, + [SPECIES_JUMPLUFF] = 2, + [SPECIES_AIPOM] = 2, + [SPECIES_SUNKERN] = 1, + [SPECIES_SUNFLORA] = 1, + [SPECIES_YANMA] = 1, + [SPECIES_WOOPER] = 0, + [SPECIES_QUAGSIRE] = 0, + [SPECIES_ESPEON] = 2, + [SPECIES_UMBREON] = 2, + [SPECIES_MURKROW] = 2, + [SPECIES_SLOWKING] = 0, + [SPECIES_MISDREAVUS] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN] = 0, + [SPECIES_WOBBUFFET] = 0, + [SPECIES_GIRAFARIG] = 1, + [SPECIES_PINECO] = 0, + [SPECIES_FORRETRESS] = 2, + [SPECIES_DUNSPARCE] = 2, + [SPECIES_GLIGAR] = 2, + [SPECIES_STEELIX] = 0, + [SPECIES_SNUBBULL] = 0, + [SPECIES_GRANBULL] = 2, + [SPECIES_QWILFISH] = 0, + [SPECIES_SCIZOR] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHUCKLE] = 1, + [SPECIES_HERACROSS] = 2, + [SPECIES_SNEASEL] = 0, + [SPECIES_TEDDIURSA] = 0, + [SPECIES_URSARING] = 2, + [SPECIES_SLUGMA] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAGCARGO] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWINUB] = 2, + [SPECIES_PILOSWINE] = 2, + [SPECIES_CORSOLA] = 0, + [SPECIES_REMORAID] = 0, + [SPECIES_OCTILLERY] = 0, + [SPECIES_DELIBIRD] = 0, + [SPECIES_MANTINE] = 2, + [SPECIES_SKARMORY] = 0, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_HOUNDOOM] = 0, + [SPECIES_KINGDRA] = 0, + [SPECIES_PHANPY] = 0, + [SPECIES_DONPHAN] = 0, + [SPECIES_PORYGON2] = 0, + [SPECIES_STANTLER] = 2, + [SPECIES_SMEARGLE] = 1, + [SPECIES_TYROGUE] = 2, + [SPECIES_HITMONTOP] = 2, + [SPECIES_SMOOCHUM] = 1, + [SPECIES_ELEKID] = 1, + [SPECIES_MAGBY] = 1, + [SPECIES_MILTANK] = 1, + [SPECIES_BLISSEY] = 1, + [SPECIES_RAIKOU] = 0, + [SPECIES_ENTEI] = 2, + [SPECIES_SUICUNE] = 0, + [SPECIES_LARVITAR] = 1, + [SPECIES_PUPITAR] = 0, + [SPECIES_TYRANITAR] = 1, + [SPECIES_LUGIA] = 0, + [SPECIES_HO_OH] = 1, + [SPECIES_CELEBI] = 1, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_B] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_C] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_D] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_E] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_F] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_G] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_H] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_I] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_J] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_K] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_L] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_M] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_N] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_O] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_P] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Q] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_R] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_S] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_T] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_U] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_V] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_W] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_X] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Y] = 0, + [SPECIES_OLD_UNOWN_Z] = 0, + [SPECIES_TREECKO] = 1, + [SPECIES_GROVYLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SCEPTILE] = 1, + [SPECIES_TORCHIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_COMBUSKEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_BLAZIKEN] = 0, + [SPECIES_MUDKIP] = 0, + [SPECIES_MARSHTOMP] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWAMPERT] = 0, + [SPECIES_POOCHYENA] = 2, + [SPECIES_MIGHTYENA] = 2, + [SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON] = 2, + [SPECIES_LINOONE] = 2, + [SPECIES_WURMPLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SILCOON] = 2, + [SPECIES_BEAUTIFLY] = 0, + [SPECIES_CASCOON] = 2, + [SPECIES_DUSTOX] = 1, + [SPECIES_LOTAD] = 1, + [SPECIES_LOMBRE] = 1, + [SPECIES_LUDICOLO] = 1, + [SPECIES_SEEDOT] = 1, + [SPECIES_NUZLEAF] = 1, + [SPECIES_SHIFTRY] = 0, + [SPECIES_NINCADA] = 1, + [SPECIES_NINJASK] = 1, + [SPECIES_SHEDINJA] = 1, + [SPECIES_TAILLOW] = 2, + [SPECIES_SWELLOW] = 2, + [SPECIES_SHROOMISH] = 1, + [SPECIES_BRELOOM] = 1, + [SPECIES_SPINDA] = 1, + [SPECIES_WINGULL] = 0, + [SPECIES_PELIPPER] = 0, + [SPECIES_SURSKIT] = 2, + [SPECIES_MASQUERAIN] = 0, + [SPECIES_WAILMER] = 2, + [SPECIES_WAILORD] = 0, + [SPECIES_SKITTY] = 0, + [SPECIES_DELCATTY] = 2, + [SPECIES_KECLEON] = 1, + [SPECIES_BALTOY] = 1, + [SPECIES_CLAYDOL] = 0, + [SPECIES_NOSEPASS] = 0, + [SPECIES_TORKOAL] = 1, + [SPECIES_SABLEYE] = 2, + [SPECIES_BARBOACH] = 0, + [SPECIES_WHISCASH] = 0, + [SPECIES_LUVDISC] = 0, + [SPECIES_CORPHISH] = 0, + [SPECIES_CRAWDAUNT] = 0, + [SPECIES_FEEBAS] = 2, + [SPECIES_MILOTIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_CARVANHA] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHARPEDO] = 0, + [SPECIES_TRAPINCH] = 1, + [SPECIES_VIBRAVA] = 1, + [SPECIES_FLYGON] = 1, + [SPECIES_MAKUHITA] = 2, + [SPECIES_HARIYAMA] = 1, + [SPECIES_ELECTRIKE] = 1, + [SPECIES_MANECTRIC] = 0, + [SPECIES_NUMEL] = 1, + [SPECIES_CAMERUPT] = 0, + [SPECIES_SPHEAL] = 2, + [SPECIES_SEALEO] = 2, + [SPECIES_WALREIN] = 0, + [SPECIES_CACNEA] = 1, + [SPECIES_CACTURNE] = 1, + [SPECIES_SNORUNT] = 2, + [SPECIES_GLALIE] = 0, + [SPECIES_LUNATONE] = 1, + [SPECIES_SOLROCK] = 0, + [SPECIES_AZURILL] = 2, + [SPECIES_SPOINK] = 0, + [SPECIES_GRUMPIG] = 2, + [SPECIES_PLUSLE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MINUN] = 0, + [SPECIES_MAWILE] = 2, + [SPECIES_MEDITITE] = 0, + [SPECIES_MEDICHAM] = 0, + [SPECIES_SWABLU] = 0, + [SPECIES_ALTARIA] = 0, + [SPECIES_WYNAUT] = 0, + [SPECIES_DUSKULL] = 0, + [SPECIES_DUSCLOPS] = 0, + [SPECIES_ROSELIA] = 0, + [SPECIES_SLAKOTH] = 2, + [SPECIES_VIGOROTH] = 2, + [SPECIES_SLAKING] = 1, + [SPECIES_GULPIN] = 1, + [SPECIES_SWALOT] = 2, + [SPECIES_TROPIUS] = 1, + [SPECIES_WHISMUR] = 0, + [SPECIES_LOUDRED] = 2, + [SPECIES_EXPLOUD] = 2, + [SPECIES_CLAMPERL] = 0, + [SPECIES_HUNTAIL] = 0, + [SPECIES_GOREBYSS] = 0, + [SPECIES_ABSOL] = 0, + [SPECIES_SHUPPET] = 0, + [SPECIES_BANETTE] = 0, + [SPECIES_SEVIPER] = 2, + [SPECIES_ZANGOOSE] = 0, + [SPECIES_RELICANTH] = 1, + [SPECIES_ARON] = 2, + [SPECIES_LAIRON] = 2, + [SPECIES_AGGRON] = 2, + [SPECIES_CASTFORM] = 0, + [SPECIES_VOLBEAT] = 0, + [SPECIES_ILLUMISE] = 2, + [SPECIES_LILEEP] = 2, + [SPECIES_CRADILY] = 0, + [SPECIES_ANORITH] = 0, + [SPECIES_ARMALDO] = 0, + [SPECIES_RALTS] = 1, + [SPECIES_KIRLIA] = 1, + [SPECIES_GARDEVOIR] = 1, + [SPECIES_BAGON] = 2, + [SPECIES_SHELGON] = 2, + [SPECIES_SALAMENCE] = 0, + [SPECIES_BELDUM] = 0, + [SPECIES_METANG] = 0, + [SPECIES_METAGROSS] = 0, + [SPECIES_REGIROCK] = 2, + [SPECIES_REGICE] = 2, + [SPECIES_REGISTEEL] = 2, + [SPECIES_KYOGRE] = 2, + [SPECIES_GROUDON] = 0, + [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA] = 1, + [SPECIES_LATIAS] = 0, + [SPECIES_LATIOS] = 2, + [SPECIES_JIRACHI] = 0, + [SPECIES_DEOXYS] = 0, + [SPECIES_CHIMECHO] = 0, + [SPECIES_EGG] = 1, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_B] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_C] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_D] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_E] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_F] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_G] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_H] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_I] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_J] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_K] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_L] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_M] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_N] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_O] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_P] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Q] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_R] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_S] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_T] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_U] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_V] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_W] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_X] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Y] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_Z] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_EMARK] = 0, + [SPECIES_UNOWN_QMARK] = 0, }; const struct SpritePalette gMonIconPaletteTable[] = @@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ void sub_80D304C(u16 offset) if(offset <= 0xA0) { monIconPalettePtr = gMonIconPaletteTable; - for(i = 5; i >= 0 ; i--) + for(i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { LoadPalette(monIconPalettePtr->data, offset, 0x20); offset += 0x10; diff --git a/src/pokemon_summary_screen.c b/src/pokemon_summary_screen.c index f152e70a4..f1c248a1a 100644 --- a/src/pokemon_summary_screen.c +++ b/src/pokemon_summary_screen.c @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ #include "item.h" #include "link.h" #include "m4a.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "mon_markings.h" diff --git a/src/rayquaza_scene.c b/src/rayquaza_scene.c index 4783f73c0..b22e1db32 100644 --- a/src/rayquaza_scene.c +++ b/src/rayquaza_scene.c @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ #include "graphics.h" #include "bg.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" #include "menu.h" @@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ static void sub_81D9868(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum, s16 x, s16 y); // const rom data static const TaskFunc sTasksForAnimations[] = { - Task_DuoFightAnim, // RAY_ANIM_DUO_FIGHT_PRE - Task_DuoFightAnim, // RAY_ANIM_DUO_FIGHT - Task_RayTakesFlightAnim, // RAY_ANIM_TAKES_FLIGHT - Task_RayDescendsAnim, // RAY_ANIM_DESCENDS - Task_RayChargesAnim, // RAY_ANIM_CHARGES - Task_RayChasesAwayAnim, // RAY_ANIM_CHACES_AWAY - Task_EndAfterFadeScreen // RAY_ANIM_END + [RAY_ANIM_DUO_FIGHT_PRE] = Task_DuoFightAnim, + [RAY_ANIM_DUO_FIGHT] = Task_DuoFightAnim, + [RAY_ANIM_TAKES_FLIGHT] = Task_RayTakesFlightAnim, + [RAY_ANIM_DESCENDS] = Task_RayDescendsAnim, + [RAY_ANIM_CHARGES] = Task_RayChargesAnim, + [RAY_ANIM_CHACES_AWAY] = Task_RayChasesAwayAnim, + [RAY_ANIM_END] = Task_EndAfterFadeScreen, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_862A6BC = diff --git a/src/record_mixing.c b/src/record_mixing.c index a497f9cd8..d37883e4d 100644 --- a/src/record_mixing.c +++ b/src/record_mixing.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #include "global.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "random.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "text.h" diff --git a/src/recorded_battle.c b/src/recorded_battle.c index 5d79cb789..81935b7c6 100644 --- a/src/recorded_battle.c +++ b/src/recorded_battle.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #include "string_util.h" #include "palette.h" #include "save.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "util.h" #include "task.h" #include "text.h" @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ u8 RecordedBattle_GetBattlerAction(u8 battlerId) ResetPaletteFadeControl(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, 0); SetMainCallback2(CB2_QuitRecordedBattle); - return -1; + return 0xFF; } else { diff --git a/src/region_map.c b/src/region_map.c index 262a7d020..d7b53d631 100644 --- a/src/region_map.c +++ b/src/region_map.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "main.h" #include "text.h" #include "menu.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "palette.h" #include "party_menu.h" diff --git a/src/reset_save_heap.c b/src/reset_save_heap.c index 1d90448b2..d7c93a75c 100644 --- a/src/reset_save_heap.c +++ b/src/reset_save_heap.c @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #include "save.h" #include "new_game.h" #include "overworld.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" void sub_81700F8(void) { diff --git a/src/rom_8011DC0.c b/src/rom_8011DC0.c index af4e031dc..deec55c9d 100644 --- a/src/rom_8011DC0.c +++ b/src/rom_8011DC0.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #include "link.h" #include "link_rfu.h" #include "librfu.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "list_menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" diff --git a/src/rom_8034C54.c b/src/rom_8034C54.c index be6d6614a..e175ecc64 100644 --- a/src/rom_8034C54.c +++ b/src/rom_8034C54.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include "global.h" #include "rom_8034C54.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "main.h" diff --git a/src/rom_81520A8.c b/src/rom_81520A8.c index f6d14d49c..f06823594 100644 --- a/src/rom_81520A8.c +++ b/src/rom_81520A8.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include "global.h" #include "rom_81520A8.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "main.h" #include "rom_8034C54.h" diff --git a/src/rotating_gate.c b/src/rotating_gate.c index f617321af..3513f092e 100644 --- a/src/rotating_gate.c +++ b/src/rotating_gate.c @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ static s32 RotatingGate_CanRotate(u8 gateId, s32 rotationDirection) y = gRotatingGate_PuzzleConfig[gateId].y + 7; // Loop through the gate's "arms" clockwise (north, south, east, west) - for (i = GATE_ARM_NORTH ; i <= GATE_ARM_WEST; i++) + for (i = GATE_ARM_NORTH; i <= GATE_ARM_WEST; i++) { // Ensure that no part of the arm collides with the map for (j = 0; j < GATE_ARM_MAX_LENGTH; j++) diff --git a/src/scrcmd.c b/src/scrcmd.c index 579f804e2..e699bfeab 100644 --- a/src/scrcmd.c +++ b/src/scrcmd.c @@ -2237,8 +2237,8 @@ bool8 ScrCmd_warpD1(struct ScriptContext *ctx) u16 y = VarGet(ScriptReadHalfword(ctx)); Overworld_SetWarpDestination(mapGroup, mapNum, warpId, x, y); - sub_808D074(GetPlayerFacingDirection()); - sub_80B0244(); + sub_808D074(GetPlayerFacingDirection()); + sub_80B0244(); ResetInitialPlayerAvatarState(); return TRUE; } @@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@ bool8 ScrCmd_warpE0(struct ScriptContext *ctx) u16 y = VarGet(ScriptReadHalfword(ctx)); Overworld_SetWarpDestination(mapGroup, mapNum, warpId, x, y); - sub_80AF79C(); + sub_80AF79C(); ResetInitialPlayerAvatarState(); return TRUE; } diff --git a/src/secret_base.c b/src/secret_base.c index 84d70061e..9b5685d8b 100644 --- a/src/secret_base.c +++ b/src/secret_base.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "constants/bg_event_constants.h" #include "constants/decorations.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "main.h" #include "task.h" #include "palette.h" diff --git a/src/shop.c b/src/shop.c index 9b78878bd..c44cbca12 100755 --- a/src/shop.c +++ b/src/shop.c @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ #include "item_menu.h" #include "list_menu.h" #include "main.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menu_helpers.h" #include "money.h" @@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ static void CB2_InitBuyMenu(void) clear_scheduled_bg_copies_to_vram(); gShopDataPtr = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct ShopData)); gShopDataPtr->scrollIndicatorsTaskId = 0xFF; - gShopDataPtr->itemSpriteIds[0] = -1; - gShopDataPtr->itemSpriteIds[1] = -1; + gShopDataPtr->itemSpriteIds[0] = 0xFF; + gShopDataPtr->itemSpriteIds[1] = 0xFF; BuyMenuBuildListMenuTemplate(); BuyMenuInitBgs(); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(0, 0, 0, 0, 0x20, 0x20); diff --git a/src/slot_machine.c b/src/slot_machine.c index 01ef6d85c..0871506cd 100644 --- a/src/slot_machine.c +++ b/src/slot_machine.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include "util.h" #include "text.h" #include "menu.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "coins.h" @@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 arg0, MainCallback cb) /*static */bool8 sub_8102A44(void) { - if (FindTaskIdByFunc(sub_8102A64) == 0xff) + if (FindTaskIdByFunc(sub_8102A64) == 0xFF) return TRUE; else return FALSE; @@ -4201,74 +4201,74 @@ extern const u16 gSlotMachineMenu_Pal[]; /*static */void SlotMachineSetup_8_0(void) { gUnknown_0203AAF4 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AAF4[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4; - gUnknown_0203AAF4[0].size = 0x600; + gUnknown_0203AAF4[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4; + gUnknown_0203AAF4[0].size = 0x600; - gUnknown_0203AAF8 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AAF8[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x600; - gUnknown_0203AAF8[0].size = 0x200; + gUnknown_0203AAF8 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AAF8[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x600; + gUnknown_0203AAF8[0].size = 0x200; - gUnknown_0203AAFC = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AAFC[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x800; - gUnknown_0203AAFC[0].size = 0x200; + gUnknown_0203AAFC = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AAFC[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x800; + gUnknown_0203AAFC[0].size = 0x200; - gUnknown_0203AB00 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB00[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0xA00; - gUnknown_0203AB00[0].size = 0x200; + gUnknown_0203AB00 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB00[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0xA00; + gUnknown_0203AB00[0].size = 0x200; - gUnknown_0203AB04 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB04[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0xC00; - gUnknown_0203AB04[0].size = 0x300; + gUnknown_0203AB04 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB04[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0xC00; + gUnknown_0203AB04[0].size = 0x300; - gUnknown_0203AB08 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB08[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1000; - gUnknown_0203AB08[0].size = 0x400; + gUnknown_0203AB08 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB08[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1000; + gUnknown_0203AB08[0].size = 0x400; - gUnknown_0203AB0C = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB0C[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1400; - gUnknown_0203AB0C[0].size = 0x200; + gUnknown_0203AB0C = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB0C[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1400; + gUnknown_0203AB0C[0].size = 0x200; - gUnknown_0203AB10 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB10[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1600; - gUnknown_0203AB10[0].size = 0x300; + gUnknown_0203AB10 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB10[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1600; + gUnknown_0203AB10[0].size = 0x300; - gUnknown_0203AB14 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB14[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1900; - gUnknown_0203AB14[0].size = 0x300; + gUnknown_0203AB14 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB14[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1900; + gUnknown_0203AB14[0].size = 0x300; - gUnknown_0203AB18 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 2); - gUnknown_0203AB18[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1C00; - gUnknown_0203AB18[0].size = 0x200; - gUnknown_0203AB18[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1E00; - gUnknown_0203AB18[1].size = 0x200; + gUnknown_0203AB18 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 2); + gUnknown_0203AB18[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1C00; + gUnknown_0203AB18[0].size = 0x200; + gUnknown_0203AB18[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x1E00; + gUnknown_0203AB18[1].size = 0x200; - gUnknown_0203AB1C = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); - gUnknown_0203AB1C[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2000; - gUnknown_0203AB1C[0].size = 640; + gUnknown_0203AB1C = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 1); + gUnknown_0203AB1C[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2000; + gUnknown_0203AB1C[0].size = 640; - gUnknown_0203AB20 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 5); - gUnknown_0203AB20[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2280; - gUnknown_0203AB20[0].size = 0x80; - gUnknown_0203AB20[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2300; - gUnknown_0203AB20[1].size = 0x80; - gUnknown_0203AB20[2].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2380; - gUnknown_0203AB20[2].size = 0x80; - gUnknown_0203AB20[3].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2400; - gUnknown_0203AB20[3].size = 0x80; - gUnknown_0203AB20[4].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2480; - gUnknown_0203AB20[4].size = 0x80; + gUnknown_0203AB20 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 5); + gUnknown_0203AB20[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2280; + gUnknown_0203AB20[0].size = 0x80; + gUnknown_0203AB20[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2300; + gUnknown_0203AB20[1].size = 0x80; + gUnknown_0203AB20[2].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2380; + gUnknown_0203AB20[2].size = 0x80; + gUnknown_0203AB20[3].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2400; + gUnknown_0203AB20[3].size = 0x80; + gUnknown_0203AB20[4].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2480; + gUnknown_0203AB20[4].size = 0x80; - gUnknown_0203AB24 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 2); - gUnknown_0203AB24[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2600; - gUnknown_0203AB24[0].size = 0x480; - gUnknown_0203AB24[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 10880; - gUnknown_0203AB24[1].size = 0x480; + gUnknown_0203AB24 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 2); + gUnknown_0203AB24[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2600; + gUnknown_0203AB24[0].size = 0x480; + gUnknown_0203AB24[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 10880; + gUnknown_0203AB24[1].size = 0x480; - gUnknown_0203AB28 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 2); - gUnknown_0203AB28[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2F00; - gUnknown_0203AB28[0].size = 0x180; - gUnknown_0203AB28[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x3080; - gUnknown_0203AB28[1].size = 0x180; + gUnknown_0203AB28 = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct SpriteFrameImage) * 2); + gUnknown_0203AB28[0].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x2F00; + gUnknown_0203AB28[0].size = 0x180; + gUnknown_0203AB28[1].data = gUnknown_0203AAD4 + 0x3080; + gUnknown_0203AB28[1].size = 0x180; } const u8 sReelSymbols[][21] = diff --git a/src/strings.c b/src/strings.c index 3ac6fa36c..bd8c766de 100644 --- a/src/strings.c +++ b/src/strings.c @@ -255,25 +255,25 @@ const u8 gText_ThePC[] = _("the PC"); const u8 *const gReturnToXStringsTable[] = { gText_TheField, - gText_TheBattle, - gText_ThePokemonList, - gText_TheShop, - gText_TheField, - gText_TheField, - gText_ThePC, - gText_TheField, - gText_TheField, - gText_TheField, - gText_TheBattle, - gText_ThePC + gText_TheBattle, + gText_ThePokemonList, + gText_TheShop, + gText_TheField, + gText_TheField, + gText_ThePC, + gText_TheField, + gText_TheField, + gText_TheField, + gText_TheBattle, + gText_ThePC }; const u8 *const gReturnToXStringsTable2[] = { gText_TheField, - gText_TheBattle, - gText_ThePokemonList, - gText_TheField + gText_TheBattle, + gText_ThePokemonList, + gText_TheField }; const u8 gText_ReturnToVar1[] = _("Return to\n{STR_VAR_1}."); @@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ const u8 gText_KeyItemsPocket[] = _("KEY ITEMS"); const u8 *const gPocketNamesStringsTable[] = { gText_ItemsPocket, - gText_PokeBallsPocket, - gText_TMHMPocket, - gText_BerriesPocket, - gText_KeyItemsPocket + gText_PokeBallsPocket, + gText_TMHMPocket, + gText_BerriesPocket, + gText_KeyItemsPocket }; const u8 gText_UnkF908Var1Clear7Var2[] = _("{NO}{STR_VAR_1}{CLEAR 0x07}{STR_VAR_2}"); diff --git a/src/task.c b/src/task.c index f067e21b4..14b97a361 100644 --- a/src/task.c +++ b/src/task.c @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ u8 FindTaskIdByFunc(TaskFunc func) if (gTasks[i].isActive == TRUE && gTasks[i].func == func) return (u8)i; - return -1; + return 0xFF; } u8 GetTaskCount(void) diff --git a/src/title_screen.c b/src/title_screen.c index 70a1a3449..d60e3fc0b 100644 --- a/src/title_screen.c +++ b/src/title_screen.c @@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ static const u32 sTitleScreenCloudsGfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/title_screen/clo const u16 gUnknown_0853FF70[] = { - 0x0010, 0x0110, 0x0210, 0x0310, 0x0410, 0x0510, 0x0610, 0x0710, - 0x0810, 0x0910, 0x0a10, 0x0b10, 0x0c10, 0x0d10, 0x0e10, 0x0f10, - 0x100f, 0x100e, 0x100d, 0x100c, 0x100b, 0x100a, 0x1009, 0x1008, - 0x1007, 0x1006, 0x1005, 0x1004, 0x1003, 0x1002, 0x1001, 0x1000, - 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, - 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, - 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, - 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, + 0x0010, 0x0110, 0x0210, 0x0310, 0x0410, 0x0510, 0x0610, 0x0710, + 0x0810, 0x0910, 0x0a10, 0x0b10, 0x0c10, 0x0d10, 0x0e10, 0x0f10, + 0x100f, 0x100e, 0x100d, 0x100c, 0x100b, 0x100a, 0x1009, 0x1008, + 0x1007, 0x1006, 0x1005, 0x1004, 0x1003, 0x1002, 0x1001, 0x1000, + 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, + 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, + 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, + 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1000, }; static const struct OamData sVersionBannerLeftOamData = diff --git a/src/trainer_pokemon_sprites.c b/src/trainer_pokemon_sprites.c index 040310901..f5354a1e8 100644 --- a/src/trainer_pokemon_sprites.c +++ b/src/trainer_pokemon_sprites.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "window.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "constants/species.h" #include "palette.h" #include "decompress.h" diff --git a/src/trainer_see.c b/src/trainer_see.c index 244a7021c..eeebcb575 100644 --- a/src/trainer_see.c +++ b/src/trainer_see.c @@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ static u8 (*const sDirectionalApproachDistanceFuncs[])(struct EventObject *train static bool8 (*const sTrainerSeeFuncList[])(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) = { sub_80B4178, - sub_80B417C, - sub_80B41C0, - sub_80B4200, - sub_80B425C, - sub_80B4318, - sub_80B435C, - sub_80B4390, - sub_80B43AC, - sub_80B43E0, - sub_80B4438, - sub_80B44AC + sub_80B417C, + sub_80B41C0, + sub_80B4200, + sub_80B425C, + sub_80B4318, + sub_80B435C, + sub_80B4390, + sub_80B43AC, + sub_80B43E0, + sub_80B4438, + sub_80B44AC }; static bool8 (*const sTrainerSeeFuncList2[])(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) = diff --git a/src/tv.c b/src/tv.c index d3d1e797b..f77e93cb7 100644 --- a/src/tv.c +++ b/src/tv.c @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ #include "text.h" #include "script_menu.h" #include "naming_screen.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "region_map.h" #include "constants/region_map_sections.h" #include "decoration.h" @@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ void UpdateTVScreensOnMap(int width, int height) { SetTVMetatilesOnMap(width, height, 0x3); } - else if (FlagGet(FLAG_SYS_TV_START) && (FindAnyTVShowOnTheAir() != 0xff || FindAnyTVNewsOnTheAir() != 0xff || IsTVShowInSearchOfTrainersAiring())) + else if (FlagGet(FLAG_SYS_TV_START) && (FindAnyTVShowOnTheAir() != 0xFF || FindAnyTVNewsOnTheAir() != 0xFF || IsTVShowInSearchOfTrainersAiring())) { FlagClear(FLAG_SYS_TV_WATCH); SetTVMetatilesOnMap(width, height, 0x3); @@ -2742,7 +2742,7 @@ u8 FindAnyTVNewsOnTheAir(void) return i; } } - return -1; + return 0xFF; } void DoPokeNews(void) diff --git a/src/unk_pokedex_area_screen_helper.c b/src/unk_pokedex_area_screen_helper.c index 6b88069bb..67fd52cb5 100644 --- a/src/unk_pokedex_area_screen_helper.c +++ b/src/unk_pokedex_area_screen_helper.c @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include "main.h" #include "menu.h" #include "bg.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "unk_pokedex_area_screen_helper.h" diff --git a/src/use_pokeblock.c b/src/use_pokeblock.c index 72c33100f..762019ecd 100644 --- a/src/use_pokeblock.c +++ b/src/use_pokeblock.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include "global.h" #include "main.h" #include "pokeblock.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pokenav.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" diff --git a/src/wallclock.c b/src/wallclock.c index e2e03ecba..5c8d920e7 100644 --- a/src/wallclock.c +++ b/src/wallclock.c @@ -890,13 +890,13 @@ static u16 CalcNewMinHandAngle(u16 angle, u8 direction, u8 speed) { case MVMT_BACKWARD: if (angle) - angle -= delta ; + angle -= delta; else - angle = 360 - delta ; + angle = 360 - delta; break; case MVMT_FORWARD: - if (angle < 360 - delta ) - angle += delta ; + if (angle < 360 - delta) + angle += delta; else angle = 0; break; diff --git a/src/wild_encounter.c b/src/wild_encounter.c index 9b3c70ad7..3a8adaf15 100644 --- a/src/wild_encounter.c +++ b/src/wild_encounter.c @@ -43,4554 +43,4554 @@ EWRAM_DATA static u32 sFeebasRngValue = 0; // const rom data const struct WildPokemon gRoute101_LandMons[] = { - {2, 2, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {2, 2, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {2, 2, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {2, 2, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {2, 2, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute101_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute101_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute102_LandMons[] = { - {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_LOTAD}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_LOTAD}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_RALTS}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_SEEDOT}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_LOTAD}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_LOTAD}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_RALTS}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_SEEDOT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute102_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute102_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute102_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute102_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute102_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute102_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute102_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute102_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute103_LandMons[] = { - {2, 2, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {2, 2, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {2, 2, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {2, 2, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_WINGULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute103_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute103_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute103_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute103_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute103_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute103_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute103_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute103_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute104_LandMons[] = { - {4, 4, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {4, 4, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {4, 4, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WINGULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute104_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute104_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute104_WaterMons[] = { - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute104_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute104_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute104_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute104_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute104_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute105_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute105_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute105_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute105_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute105_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute105_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute110_LandMons[] = { - {12, 12, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_GULPIN}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_MINUN}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_MINUN}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_GULPIN}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_PLUSLE}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_PLUSLE}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_GULPIN}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_MINUN}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_MINUN}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_GULPIN}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_PLUSLE}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_PLUSLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute110_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute110_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute110_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute110_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute110_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute110_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute110_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute110_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute111_LandMons[] = { - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {19, 19, SPECIES_BALTOY}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_BALTOY}, - {19, 19, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {19, 19, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_BALTOY}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_CACNEA}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_CACNEA}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_CACNEA}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {19, 19, SPECIES_BALTOY}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_BALTOY}, + {19, 19, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {19, 19, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_BALTOY}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_CACNEA}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_CACNEA}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_CACNEA}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute111_LandMonsInfo = {10, gRoute111_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute111_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute111_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute111_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute111_RockSmashMons[] = { - {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute111_RockSmashMonsInfo = {20, gRoute111_RockSmashMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute111_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute111_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute111_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute112_LandMons[] = { - {15, 15, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute112_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute112_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute113_LandMons[] = { - {15, 15, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SKARMORY}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SPINDA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SKARMORY}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SKARMORY}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SPINDA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SKARMORY}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute113_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute113_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute114_LandMons[] = { - {16, 16, SPECIES_SWABLU}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_LOTAD}, - {17, 17, SPECIES_SWABLU}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_SWABLU}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_LOTAD}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_LOMBRE}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_LOMBRE}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_LOMBRE}, - {17, 17, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {17, 17, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_NUZLEAF}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SWABLU}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_LOTAD}, + {17, 17, SPECIES_SWABLU}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_SWABLU}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_LOTAD}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_LOMBRE}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_LOMBRE}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_LOMBRE}, + {17, 17, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {17, 17, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_NUZLEAF}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute114_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute114_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute114_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute114_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute114_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute114_RockSmashMons[] = { - {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute114_RockSmashMonsInfo = {20, gRoute114_RockSmashMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute114_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute114_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute114_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute116_LandMons[] = { - {6, 6, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_NINCADA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_ABRA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_NINCADA}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_SKITTY}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_SKITTY}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_NINCADA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_ABRA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_NINCADA}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_SKITTY}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_SKITTY}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute116_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute116_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute117_LandMons[] = { - {13, 13, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_VOLBEAT}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_SEEDOT}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ILLUMISE}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_VOLBEAT}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_SEEDOT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute117_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute117_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute117_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute117_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute117_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute117_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute117_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute117_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute118_LandMons[] = { - {24, 24, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_LINOONE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_MANECTRIC}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ELECTRIKE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_LINOONE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_MANECTRIC}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute118_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute118_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute118_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute118_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute118_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute118_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute118_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute118_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute124_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute124_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute124_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute124_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute124_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute124_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gPetalburgWoods_LandMons[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SHROOMISH}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SILCOON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CASCOON}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_SHROOMISH}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SLAKOTH}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_SLAKOTH}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SHROOMISH}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SILCOON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CASCOON}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_WURMPLE}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_SHROOMISH}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SLAKOTH}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_SLAKOTH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gPetalburgWoods_LandMonsInfo = {20, gPetalburgWoods_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRusturfTunnel_LandMons[] = { - {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRusturfTunnel_LandMonsInfo = {10, gRusturfTunnel_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gGraniteCave_1F_LandMons[] = { - {7, 7, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ABRA}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ABRA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gGraniteCave_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gGraniteCave_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gGraniteCave_B1F_LandMons[] = { - {9, 9, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_ARON}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_ARON}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_ARON}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_ABRA}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ARON}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_ARON}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_ARON}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_ABRA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gGraniteCave_B1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gGraniteCave_B1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_1F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gVictoryRoad_1F_LandMons[] = { - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_ARON}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_ARON}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_ARON}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_ARON}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gVictoryRoad_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gVictoryRoad_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_South_LandMons[] = { - {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_NATU}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_DODUO}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_NATU}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_DODUO}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_South_LandMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_South_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gUnderwater2_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_CHINCHOU}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_CHINCHOU}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gUnderwater2_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gUnderwater2_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_FishingMonsInfo = {20, gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gGraniteCave_B2F_LandMons[] = { - {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_ARON}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_ARON}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_ARON}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_ABRA}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_ARON}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ARON}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_ARON}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ABRA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gGraniteCave_B2F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gGraniteCave_B2F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gGraniteCave_B2F_RockSmashMons[] = { - {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_NOSEPASS}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_NOSEPASS}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gGraniteCave_B2F_RockSmashMonsInfo = {20, gGraniteCave_B2F_RockSmashMons}; const struct WildPokemon gFieryPath_LandMons[] = { - {15, 15, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_KOFFING}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_MACHOP}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_KOFFING}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_MACHOP}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_GRIMER}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_GRIMER}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_KOFFING}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_MACHOP}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_SLUGMA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_KOFFING}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_MACHOP}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_GRIMER}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_GRIMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gFieryPath_LandMonsInfo = {10, gFieryPath_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_BAGON}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_BAGON}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_BAGON}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_BAGON}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_BAGON}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_BAGON}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_WaterMons[] = { - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gJaggedPass_LandMons[] = { - {21, 21, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_MACHOP}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SPOINK}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_MACHOP}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_SPOINK}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_MACHOP}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SPOINK}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_NUMEL}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SPOINK}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_MACHOP}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SPOINK}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_MACHOP}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_SPOINK}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_MACHOP}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SPOINK}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_NUMEL}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SPOINK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gJaggedPass_LandMonsInfo = {20, gJaggedPass_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute106_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute106_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute106_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute106_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute106_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute106_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute107_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute107_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute107_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute107_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute107_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute107_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute108_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute108_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute108_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute108_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute108_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute108_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute109_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute109_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute109_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute109_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute109_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute109_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute115_LandMons[] = { - {23, 23, SPECIES_SWABLU}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SWABLU}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SWELLOW}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SWABLU}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SWABLU}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_TAILLOW}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SWELLOW}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_JIGGLYPUFF}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute115_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute115_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute115_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute115_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute115_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute115_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute115_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute115_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gNewMauville_Inside_LandMons[] = { - {24, 24, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_MAGNETON}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_MAGNETON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gNewMauville_Inside_LandMonsInfo = {10, gNewMauville_Inside_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute119_LandMons[] = { - {25, 25, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_LINOONE}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_LINOONE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_TROPIUS}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_TROPIUS}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_TROPIUS}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_LINOONE}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_LINOONE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_TROPIUS}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_TROPIUS}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_TROPIUS}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute119_LandMonsInfo = {15, gRoute119_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute119_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute119_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute119_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute119_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_CARVANHA}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute119_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute119_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute120_LandMons[] = { - {25, 25, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_ABSOL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ABSOL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SEEDOT}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_ABSOL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ABSOL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SEEDOT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute120_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute120_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute120_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute120_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute120_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute120_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute120_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute120_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute121_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute121_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute121_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute121_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute121_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute121_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute121_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute121_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute121_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute122_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute122_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute122_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute122_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute122_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute122_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute123_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_POOCHYENA}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_MIGHTYENA}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_KECLEON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute123_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute123_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute123_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute123_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute123_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute123_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute123_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute123_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_2F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_2F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_2F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_3F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_3F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_3F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_4F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_4F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_4F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_5F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_5F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_5F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_6F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_6F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_6F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_Exterior_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_VULPIX}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_VULPIX}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_VULPIX}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_VULPIX}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_VULPIX}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_VULPIX}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_VULPIX}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_VULPIX}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_WINGULL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_Exterior_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_Exterior_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMtPyre_Summit_LandMons[] = { - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_CHIMECHO}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_CHIMECHO}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUPPET}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_DUSKULL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_CHIMECHO}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_CHIMECHO}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMtPyre_Summit_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMtPyre_Summit_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gGraniteCave_StevensRoom_LandMons[] = { - {7, 7, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ABRA}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_ARON}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ARON}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_ARON}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ARON}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ABRA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_MAKUHITA}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_ARON}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ARON}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_ARON}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ARON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gGraniteCave_StevensRoom_LandMonsInfo = {10, gGraniteCave_StevensRoom_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute125_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute125_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute125_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute125_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute125_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute125_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute126_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute126_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute126_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute126_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute126_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute126_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute127_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute127_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute127_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute127_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute127_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute127_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute128_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute128_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute128_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute128_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CORSOLA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CORSOLA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute128_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute128_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute129_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILORD}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILORD}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute129_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute129_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute129_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute129_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute129_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute130_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {45, 45, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {50, 50, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {45, 45, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {50, 50, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WYNAUT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute130_LandMonsInfo = {20, gRoute130_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute130_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute130_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute130_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute130_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute130_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute130_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute131_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute131_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute131_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute131_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute131_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute131_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute132_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute132_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute132_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute132_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_HORSEA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_HORSEA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute132_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute132_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute133_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute133_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute133_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute133_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_HORSEA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_HORSEA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute133_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute133_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute134_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute134_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gRoute134_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gRoute134_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_HORSEA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_HORSEA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gRoute134_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gRoute134_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_TENTACRUEL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_FishingMonsInfo = {20, gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room1_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room1_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room1_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room2_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room2_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room2_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room3_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room3_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room3_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room4_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room4_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room4_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room5_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room5_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room5_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room6_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room6_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room6_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room6_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room6_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room6_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room6_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room6_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gSeafloorCavern_Room6_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room7_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room7_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room7_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room7_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room7_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room7_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room7_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room7_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gSeafloorCavern_Room7_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Room8_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Room8_LandMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Room8_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gCaveOfOrigin_Entrance_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gCaveOfOrigin_Entrance_LandMonsInfo = {4, gCaveOfOrigin_Entrance_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gCaveOfOrigin_1F_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gCaveOfOrigin_1F_LandMonsInfo = {4, gCaveOfOrigin_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap1_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap1_LandMonsInfo = {4, gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap1_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap2_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap2_LandMonsInfo = {4, gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap2_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap3_LandMons[] = { - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap3_LandMonsInfo = {4, gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap3_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gNewMauville_Entrance_LandMons[] = { - {24, 24, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_VOLTORB}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_MAGNEMITE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gNewMauville_Entrance_LandMonsInfo = {10, gNewMauville_Entrance_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Southwest_LandMons[] = { - {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_NATU}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DODUO}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GIRAFARIG}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_NATU}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DODUO}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PIKACHU}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Southwest_LandMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_Southwest_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Southwest_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Southwest_WaterMonsInfo = {9, gSafariZone_Southwest_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Southwest_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 25, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SEAKING}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_SEAKING}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_SEAKING}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 25, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SEAKING}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_SEAKING}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SEAKING}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Southwest_FishingMonsInfo = {35, gSafariZone_Southwest_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_North_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_PHANPY}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_PHANPY}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_NATU}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_NATU}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_XATU}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_HERACROSS}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_XATU}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_HERACROSS}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PHANPY}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_PHANPY}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_NATU}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_NATU}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_XATU}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_HERACROSS}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_XATU}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_HERACROSS}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_North_LandMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_North_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_North_RockSmashMons[] = { - {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {10, 15, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {15, 20, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_North_RockSmashMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_North_RockSmashMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Northwest_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_RHYHORN}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_RHYHORN}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_ODDISH}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_DODUO}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GLOOM}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_DODUO}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_DODRIO}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_PINSIR}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_DODRIO}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_PINSIR}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_RHYHORN}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_RHYHORN}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_ODDISH}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_DODUO}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GLOOM}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_DODUO}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_DODRIO}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PINSIR}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_DODRIO}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_PINSIR}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Northwest_LandMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_Northwest_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Northwest_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLDUCK}, - {25, 40, SPECIES_GOLDUCK}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_PSYDUCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLDUCK}, + {25, 40, SPECIES_GOLDUCK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Northwest_WaterMonsInfo = {9, gSafariZone_Northwest_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Northwest_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 25, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SEAKING}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_SEAKING}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_SEAKING}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 25, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SEAKING}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_SEAKING}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SEAKING}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Northwest_FishingMonsInfo = {35, gSafariZone_Northwest_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gVictoryRoad_B1F_LandMons[] = { - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_MAWILE}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_MAWILE}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_HARIYAMA}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_MAWILE}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_MAWILE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gVictoryRoad_B1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gVictoryRoad_B1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gVictoryRoad_B1F_RockSmashMons[] = { - {30, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 40, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 40, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gVictoryRoad_B1F_RockSmashMonsInfo = {20, gVictoryRoad_B1F_RockSmashMons}; const struct WildPokemon gVictoryRoad_B2F_LandMons[] = { - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_MAWILE}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_LAIRON}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_MAWILE}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_MAWILE}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_LAIRON}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_MAWILE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gVictoryRoad_B2F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gVictoryRoad_B2F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gVictoryRoad_B2F_WaterMons[] = { - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gVictoryRoad_B2F_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gVictoryRoad_B2F_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gVictoryRoad_B2F_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gVictoryRoad_B2F_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gVictoryRoad_B2F_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_LandMons[] = { - {16, 16, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {17, 17, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {15, 15, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {19, 19, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {19, 19, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {17, 17, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {15, 15, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {19, 19, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {19, 19, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_WaterMons[] = { - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_WaterMons[] = { - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {25, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {5, 15, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_BARBOACH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WHISCASH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_FishingMonsInfo = {30, gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideStairsRoom_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideStairsRoom_LandMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideStairsRoom_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideLowerRoom_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideLowerRoom_LandMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideLowerRoom_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_LandMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {25, 35, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {25, 35, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_LandMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {25, 35, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {25, 35, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gLilycoveCity_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gLilycoveCity_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gLilycoveCity_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gLilycoveCity_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_STARYU}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_STARYU}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gLilycoveCity_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gLilycoveCity_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gDewfordTown_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gDewfordTown_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gDewfordTown_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gDewfordTown_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gDewfordTown_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gDewfordTown_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSlateportCity_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSlateportCity_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gSlateportCity_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSlateportCity_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSlateportCity_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gSlateportCity_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMossdeepCity_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMossdeepCity_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gMossdeepCity_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMossdeepCity_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMossdeepCity_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gMossdeepCity_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gPacifidlogTown_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gPacifidlogTown_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gPacifidlogTown_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gPacifidlogTown_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHARPEDO}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gPacifidlogTown_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gPacifidlogTown_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gEverGrandeCity_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_WINGULL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_PELIPPER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gEverGrandeCity_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gEverGrandeCity_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gEverGrandeCity_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CORSOLA}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_LUVDISC}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CORSOLA}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_WAILMER}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_WAILMER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gEverGrandeCity_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gEverGrandeCity_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gPetalburgCity_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {10, 20, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MARILL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gPetalburgCity_WaterMonsInfo = {1, gPetalburgCity_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gPetalburgCity_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, - {40, 45, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, + {40, 45, SPECIES_CORPHISH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gPetalburgCity_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gPetalburgCity_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gUnderwater1_WaterMons[] = { - {20, 30, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, - {20, 30, SPECIES_CHINCHOU}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, + {20, 30, SPECIES_CHINCHOU}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_CLAMPERL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_RELICANTH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gUnderwater1_WaterMonsInfo = {4, gUnderwater1_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gShoalCave_LowTideIceRoom_LandMons[] = { - {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SNORUNT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SNORUNT}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_SNORUNT}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SNORUNT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_SPHEAL}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SNORUNT}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_SNORUNT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gShoalCave_LowTideIceRoom_LandMonsInfo = {10, gShoalCave_LowTideIceRoom_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSkyPillar_1F_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_BANETTE}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_BANETTE}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_BANETTE}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_BANETTE}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSkyPillar_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gSkyPillar_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSootopolisCity_WaterMons[] = { - {5, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {15, 25, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {15, 25, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSootopolisCity_WaterMonsInfo = {1, gSootopolisCity_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSootopolisCity_FishingMons[] = { - {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_GYARADOS}, - {35, 45, SPECIES_GYARADOS}, - {5, 45, SPECIES_GYARADOS}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {5, 10, SPECIES_TENTACOOL}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {10, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_GYARADOS}, + {35, 45, SPECIES_GYARADOS}, + {5, 45, SPECIES_GYARADOS}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSootopolisCity_FishingMonsInfo = {10, gSootopolisCity_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSkyPillar_3F_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_BANETTE}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_BANETTE}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_BANETTE}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_BANETTE}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSkyPillar_3F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gSkyPillar_3F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSkyPillar_5F_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_BANETTE}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_BANETTE}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_ALTARIA}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_ALTARIA}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_ALTARIA}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SABLEYE}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_BANETTE}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_BANETTE}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_CLAYDOL}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_ALTARIA}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_ALTARIA}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_ALTARIA}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSkyPillar_5F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gSkyPillar_5F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Southeast_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_SUNKERN}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_SUNKERN}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_SPINARAK}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_HOOTHOOT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SNUBBULL}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_GLIGAR}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GLIGAR}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SUNKERN}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_SUNKERN}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SPINARAK}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_HOOTHOOT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SNUBBULL}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_GLIGAR}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GLIGAR}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Southeast_LandMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_Southeast_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Southeast_WaterMons[] = { - {25, 30, SPECIES_WOOPER}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_QUAGSIRE}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_WOOPER}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_MARILL}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_QUAGSIRE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Southeast_WaterMonsInfo = {9, gSafariZone_Southeast_WaterMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Southeast_FishingMons[] = { - {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_REMORAID}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, - {25, 30, SPECIES_REMORAID}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_REMORAID}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_REMORAID}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_OCTILLERY}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_MAGIKARP}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_REMORAID}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_GOLDEEN}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_REMORAID}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_REMORAID}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_REMORAID}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_OCTILLERY}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Southeast_FishingMonsInfo = {35, gSafariZone_Southeast_FishingMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Northeast_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_SUNKERN}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_LEDYBA}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_HOOTHOOT}, - {34, 34, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_MILTANK}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_MILTANK}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_SUNKERN}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_LEDYBA}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_HOOTHOOT}, + {34, 34, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_MILTANK}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_MILTANK}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Northeast_LandMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_Northeast_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gSafariZone_Northeast_RockSmashMons[] = { - {25, 30, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {20, 25, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {30, 35, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {35, 40, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {25, 30, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {20, 25, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {30, 35, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {35, 40, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gSafariZone_Northeast_RockSmashMonsInfo = {25, gSafariZone_Northeast_RockSmashMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_1F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_2F_1R_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_2F_1R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_2F_1R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_2F_2R_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_2F_2R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_2F_2R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_3F_1R_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_3F_1R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_3F_1R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_3F_2R_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_3F_2R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_3F_2R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_4F_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_4F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_4F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_3F_3R_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_3F_3R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_3F_3R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMagmaHideout_2F_3R_LandMons[] = { - {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_TORKOAL}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GEODUDE}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {30, 30, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {31, 31, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {32, 32, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GRAVELER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMagmaHideout_2F_3R_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMagmaHideout_2F_3R_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMirageTower_1F_LandMons[] = { - {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMirageTower_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMirageTower_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMirageTower_2F_LandMons[] = { - {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMirageTower_2F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMirageTower_2F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMirageTower_3F_LandMons[] = { - {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMirageTower_3F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMirageTower_3F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMirageTower_4F_LandMons[] = { - {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SANDSHREW}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_TRAPINCH}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMirageTower_4F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMirageTower_4F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gDesertUnderpass_LandMons[] = { - {38, 38, SPECIES_DITTO}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_DITTO}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, - {41, 41, SPECIES_DITTO}, - {36, 36, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_DITTO}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, - {43, 43, SPECIES_DITTO}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, - {45, 45, SPECIES_DITTO}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_DITTO}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_DITTO}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, + {41, 41, SPECIES_DITTO}, + {36, 36, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_DITTO}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_WHISMUR}, + {43, 43, SPECIES_DITTO}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_LOUDRED}, + {45, 45, SPECIES_DITTO}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gDesertUnderpass_LandMonsInfo = {10, gDesertUnderpass_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gArtisanCave_B1F_LandMons[] = { - {40, 40, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {41, 41, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {43, 43, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {45, 45, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {46, 46, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {47, 47, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {48, 48, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {49, 49, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {41, 41, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {43, 43, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {45, 45, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {46, 46, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {47, 47, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {48, 48, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {49, 49, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gArtisanCave_B1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gArtisanCave_B1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gArtisanCave_1F_LandMons[] = { - {40, 40, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {41, 41, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {42, 42, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {43, 43, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {44, 44, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {45, 45, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {46, 46, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {47, 47, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {48, 48, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {49, 49, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {41, 41, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {42, 42, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {43, 43, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {44, 44, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {45, 45, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {46, 46, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {47, 47, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {48, 48, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {49, 49, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {50, 50, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gArtisanCave_1F_LandMonsInfo = {10, gArtisanCave_1F_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave1_LandMons[] = { - {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_ZUBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave1_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave1_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave2_LandMons[] = { - {7, 7, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {7, 7, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {9, 9, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {13, 13, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {3, 3, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MAREEP}, - {11, 11, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {7, 7, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {9, 9, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {13, 13, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {3, 3, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MAREEP}, + {11, 11, SPECIES_MAREEP}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave2_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave2_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave3_LandMons[] = { - {23, 23, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {23, 23, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {25, 25, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {29, 29, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {19, 19, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {21, 21, SPECIES_PINECO}, - {27, 27, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {23, 23, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {25, 25, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {29, 29, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {19, 19, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {21, 21, SPECIES_PINECO}, + {27, 27, SPECIES_PINECO}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave3_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave3_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave4_LandMons[] = { - {16, 16, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_HOUNDOUR}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave4_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave4_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave5_LandMons[] = { - {10, 10, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {10, 10, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {12, 12, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {16, 16, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {6, 6, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {8, 8, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, - {14, 14, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {10, 10, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {12, 12, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {16, 16, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {6, 6, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {8, 8, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, + {14, 14, SPECIES_TEDDIURSA}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave5_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave5_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave6_LandMons[] = { - {22, 22, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_AIPOM}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_AIPOM}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_AIPOM}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave6_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave6_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave7_LandMons[] = { - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SHUCKLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave7_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave7_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave8_LandMons[] = { - {22, 22, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_STANTLER}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_STANTLER}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_STANTLER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave8_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave8_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gAlteringCave9_LandMons[] = { - {22, 22, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {22, 22, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {24, 24, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {28, 28, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {18, 18, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {20, 20, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, - {26, 26, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {22, 22, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {24, 24, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {28, 28, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {18, 18, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {20, 20, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, + {26, 26, SPECIES_SMEARGLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gAlteringCave9_LandMonsInfo = {7, gAlteringCave9_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemon gMeteorFalls_StevensCave_LandMons[] = { - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {33, 33, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, - {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {33, 33, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {37, 37, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {35, 35, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {39, 39, SPECIES_SOLROCK}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {38, 38, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, + {40, 40, SPECIES_GOLBAT}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gMeteorFalls_StevensCave_LandMonsInfo = {10, gMeteorFalls_StevensCave_LandMons}; const struct WildPokemonHeader gWildMonHeaders[] = { - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE101), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE101), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute101_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE102), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE102), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute102_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute102_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute102_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE103), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE103), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute103_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute103_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute103_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE104), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE104), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute104_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute104_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute104_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE105), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE105), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute105_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute105_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE110), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE110), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute110_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute110_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute110_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE111), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE111), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute111_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute111_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gRoute111_RockSmashMonsInfo, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute111_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE112), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE112), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute112_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE113), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE113), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute113_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE114), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE114), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute114_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute114_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gRoute114_RockSmashMonsInfo, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute114_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE116), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE116), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute116_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE117), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE117), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute117_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute117_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute117_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE118), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE118), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute118_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute118_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute118_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE124), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE124), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute124_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute124_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(PETALBURG_WOODS), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(PETALBURG_WOODS), - .landMonsInfo = &gPetalburgWoods_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(RUSTURF_TUNNEL), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(RUSTURF_TUNNEL), - .landMonsInfo = &gRusturfTunnel_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_B1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_B1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_B1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(VICTORY_ROAD_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(VICTORY_ROAD_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTH), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTH), - .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_South_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(UNDERWATER2), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(UNDERWATER2), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gUnderwater2_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ABANDONED_SHIP_ROOMS_B1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ABANDONED_SHIP_ROOMS_B1F), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_B2F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_B2F), - .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_B2F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_B2F_RockSmashMonsInfo, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(FIERY_PATH), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(FIERY_PATH), - .landMonsInfo = &gFieryPath_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_2R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_2R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(JAGGED_PASS), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(JAGGED_PASS), - .landMonsInfo = &gJaggedPass_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE106), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE106), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute106_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute106_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE107), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE107), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute107_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute107_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE108), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE108), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute108_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute108_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE109), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE109), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute109_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute109_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE115), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE115), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute115_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute115_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute115_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(NEW_MAUVILLE_INSIDE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(NEW_MAUVILLE_INSIDE), - .landMonsInfo = &gNewMauville_Inside_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE119), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE119), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute119_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute119_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute119_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE120), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE120), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute120_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute120_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute120_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE121), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE121), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute121_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute121_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute121_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE122), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE122), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute122_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute122_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE123), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE123), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute123_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute123_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute123_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_2F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_2F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_2F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_3F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_3F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_3F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_4F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_4F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_4F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_5F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_5F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_5F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_6F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_6F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_6F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_EXTERIOR), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_EXTERIOR), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_Exterior_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_SUMMIT), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_SUMMIT), - .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_Summit_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_STEVENS_ROOM), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_STEVENS_ROOM), - .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_StevensRoom_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE125), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE125), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute125_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute125_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE126), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE126), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute126_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute126_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE127), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE127), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute127_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute127_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE128), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE128), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute128_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute128_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE129), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE129), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute129_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute129_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE130), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE130), - .landMonsInfo = &gRoute130_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute130_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute130_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE131), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE131), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute131_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute131_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE132), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE132), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute132_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute132_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE133), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE133), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute133_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute133_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE134), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE134), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute134_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute134_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ABANDONED_SHIP_HIDDEN_FLOOR_CORRIDORS), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ABANDONED_SHIP_HIDDEN_FLOOR_CORRIDORS), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM1), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM1), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room1_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM2), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM2), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room2_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM3), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM3), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room3_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM4), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM4), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room4_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM5), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM5), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room5_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM6), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM6), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room6_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room6_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room6_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM7), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM7), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room7_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room7_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room7_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM8), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM8), - .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room8_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ENTRANCE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ENTRANCE), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_ENTRANCE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_ENTRANCE), - .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_Entrance_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP1), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP1), - .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap1_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP2), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP2), - .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap2_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP3), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP3), - .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap3_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(NEW_MAUVILLE_ENTRANCE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(NEW_MAUVILLE_ENTRANCE), - .landMonsInfo = &gNewMauville_Entrance_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHWEST), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHWEST), - .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southwest_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southwest_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southwest_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTH), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTH), - .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_North_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_North_RockSmashMonsInfo, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHWEST), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHWEST), - .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northwest_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northwest_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northwest_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(VICTORY_ROAD_B1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(VICTORY_ROAD_B1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B1F_RockSmashMonsInfo, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(VICTORY_ROAD_B2F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(VICTORY_ROAD_B2F), - .landMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B2F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B2F_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B2F_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_1F_1R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_1F_1R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_1F_2R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_1F_2R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_1R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_1R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_STAIRS_ROOM), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_STAIRS_ROOM), - .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideStairsRoom_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_LOWER_ROOM), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_LOWER_ROOM), - .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideLowerRoom_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_INNER_ROOM), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_INNER_ROOM), - .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ENTRANCE_ROOM), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ENTRANCE_ROOM), - .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(LILYCOVE_CITY), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(LILYCOVE_CITY), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gLilycoveCity_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gLilycoveCity_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(DEWFORD_TOWN), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(DEWFORD_TOWN), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gDewfordTown_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gDewfordTown_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SLATEPORT_CITY), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SLATEPORT_CITY), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSlateportCity_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSlateportCity_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MOSSDEEP_CITY), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MOSSDEEP_CITY), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gMossdeepCity_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gMossdeepCity_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(PACIFIDLOG_TOWN), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(PACIFIDLOG_TOWN), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gPacifidlogTown_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gPacifidlogTown_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(EVER_GRANDE_CITY), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(EVER_GRANDE_CITY), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gEverGrandeCity_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gEverGrandeCity_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(PETALBURG_CITY), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(PETALBURG_CITY), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gPetalburgCity_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gPetalburgCity_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(UNDERWATER1), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(UNDERWATER1), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gUnderwater1_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ICE_ROOM), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ICE_ROOM), - .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideIceRoom_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SKY_PILLAR_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SKY_PILLAR_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gSkyPillar_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SOOTOPOLIS_CITY), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SOOTOPOLIS_CITY), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSootopolisCity_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSootopolisCity_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SKY_PILLAR_3F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SKY_PILLAR_3F), - .landMonsInfo = &gSkyPillar_3F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SKY_PILLAR_5F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SKY_PILLAR_5F), - .landMonsInfo = &gSkyPillar_5F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHEAST), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHEAST), - .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southeast_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southeast_WaterMonsInfo, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southeast_FishingMonsInfo, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHEAST), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHEAST), - .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northeast_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northeast_RockSmashMonsInfo, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_1R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_1R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_2F_1R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_2R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_2R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_2F_2R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_1R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_1R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_3F_1R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_2R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_2R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_3F_2R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_4F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_4F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_4F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_3R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_3R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_3F_3R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_3R), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_3R), - .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_2F_3R_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_2F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_2F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_2F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_3F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_3F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_3F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_4F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_4F), - .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_4F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(DESERT_UNDERPASS), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(DESERT_UNDERPASS), - .landMonsInfo = &gDesertUnderpass_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ARTISAN_CAVE_B1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ARTISAN_CAVE_B1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gArtisanCave_B1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ARTISAN_CAVE_1F), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ARTISAN_CAVE_1F), - .landMonsInfo = &gArtisanCave_1F_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave1_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave2_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave3_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave4_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave5_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave6_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave7_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave8_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave9_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_STEVENS_CAVE), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_STEVENS_CAVE), - .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_StevensCave_LandMonsInfo, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(UNDEFINED), - .mapNum = MAP_NUM(UNDEFINED), - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE101), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE101), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute101_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE102), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE102), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute102_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute102_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute102_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE103), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE103), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute103_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute103_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute103_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE104), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE104), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute104_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute104_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute104_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE105), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE105), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute105_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute105_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE110), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE110), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute110_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute110_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute110_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE111), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE111), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute111_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute111_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gRoute111_RockSmashMonsInfo, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute111_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE112), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE112), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute112_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE113), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE113), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute113_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE114), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE114), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute114_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute114_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gRoute114_RockSmashMonsInfo, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute114_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE116), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE116), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute116_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE117), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE117), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute117_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute117_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute117_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE118), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE118), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute118_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute118_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute118_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE124), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE124), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute124_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute124_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(PETALBURG_WOODS), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(PETALBURG_WOODS), + .landMonsInfo = &gPetalburgWoods_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(RUSTURF_TUNNEL), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(RUSTURF_TUNNEL), + .landMonsInfo = &gRusturfTunnel_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_B1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_B1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_B1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(VICTORY_ROAD_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(VICTORY_ROAD_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTH), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTH), + .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_South_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(UNDERWATER2), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(UNDERWATER2), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gUnderwater2_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ABANDONED_SHIP_ROOMS_B1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ABANDONED_SHIP_ROOMS_B1F), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_Rooms_B1F_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_B2F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_B2F), + .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_B2F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_B2F_RockSmashMonsInfo, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(FIERY_PATH), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(FIERY_PATH), + .landMonsInfo = &gFieryPath_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_2R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_2R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_2R_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(JAGGED_PASS), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(JAGGED_PASS), + .landMonsInfo = &gJaggedPass_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE106), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE106), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute106_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute106_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE107), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE107), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute107_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute107_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE108), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE108), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute108_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute108_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE109), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE109), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute109_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute109_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE115), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE115), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute115_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute115_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute115_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(NEW_MAUVILLE_INSIDE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(NEW_MAUVILLE_INSIDE), + .landMonsInfo = &gNewMauville_Inside_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE119), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE119), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute119_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute119_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute119_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE120), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE120), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute120_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute120_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute120_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE121), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE121), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute121_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute121_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute121_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE122), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE122), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute122_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute122_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE123), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE123), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute123_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute123_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute123_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_2F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_2F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_2F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_3F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_3F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_3F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_4F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_4F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_4F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_5F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_5F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_5F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_6F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_6F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_6F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_EXTERIOR), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_EXTERIOR), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_Exterior_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MT_PYRE_SUMMIT), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MT_PYRE_SUMMIT), + .landMonsInfo = &gMtPyre_Summit_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(GRANITE_CAVE_STEVENS_ROOM), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(GRANITE_CAVE_STEVENS_ROOM), + .landMonsInfo = &gGraniteCave_StevensRoom_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE125), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE125), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute125_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute125_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE126), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE126), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute126_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute126_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE127), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE127), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute127_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute127_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE128), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE128), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute128_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute128_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE129), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE129), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute129_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute129_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE130), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE130), + .landMonsInfo = &gRoute130_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute130_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute130_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE131), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE131), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute131_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute131_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE132), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE132), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute132_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute132_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE133), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE133), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute133_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute133_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ROUTE134), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ROUTE134), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gRoute134_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gRoute134_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ABANDONED_SHIP_HIDDEN_FLOOR_CORRIDORS), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ABANDONED_SHIP_HIDDEN_FLOOR_CORRIDORS), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gAbandonedShip_HiddenFloorCorridors_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM1), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM1), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room1_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM2), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM2), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room2_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM3), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM3), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room3_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM4), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM4), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room4_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM5), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM5), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room5_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM6), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM6), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room6_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room6_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room6_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM7), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM7), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room7_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room7_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room7_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM8), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ROOM8), + .landMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Room8_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ENTRANCE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ENTRANCE), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSeafloorCavern_Entrance_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_ENTRANCE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_ENTRANCE), + .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_Entrance_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP1), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP1), + .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap1_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP2), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP2), + .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap2_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP3), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(CAVE_OF_ORIGIN_UNUSED_RUBY_SAPPHIRE_MAP3), + .landMonsInfo = &gCaveOfOrigin_UnusedRubySapphireMap3_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(NEW_MAUVILLE_ENTRANCE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(NEW_MAUVILLE_ENTRANCE), + .landMonsInfo = &gNewMauville_Entrance_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHWEST), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHWEST), + .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southwest_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southwest_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southwest_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTH), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTH), + .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_North_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_North_RockSmashMonsInfo, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHWEST), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHWEST), + .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northwest_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northwest_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northwest_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(VICTORY_ROAD_B1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(VICTORY_ROAD_B1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B1F_RockSmashMonsInfo, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(VICTORY_ROAD_B2F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(VICTORY_ROAD_B2F), + .landMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B2F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B2F_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gVictoryRoad_B2F_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_1F_1R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_1F_1R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_1R_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_1F_2R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_1F_2R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_1F_2R_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_1R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_B1F_1R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_B1F_1R_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_STAIRS_ROOM), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_STAIRS_ROOM), + .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideStairsRoom_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_LOWER_ROOM), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_LOWER_ROOM), + .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideLowerRoom_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_INNER_ROOM), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_INNER_ROOM), + .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideInnerRoom_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ENTRANCE_ROOM), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ENTRANCE_ROOM), + .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideEntranceRoom_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(LILYCOVE_CITY), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(LILYCOVE_CITY), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gLilycoveCity_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gLilycoveCity_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(DEWFORD_TOWN), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(DEWFORD_TOWN), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gDewfordTown_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gDewfordTown_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SLATEPORT_CITY), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SLATEPORT_CITY), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSlateportCity_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSlateportCity_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MOSSDEEP_CITY), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MOSSDEEP_CITY), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gMossdeepCity_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gMossdeepCity_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(PACIFIDLOG_TOWN), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(PACIFIDLOG_TOWN), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gPacifidlogTown_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gPacifidlogTown_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(EVER_GRANDE_CITY), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(EVER_GRANDE_CITY), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gEverGrandeCity_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gEverGrandeCity_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(PETALBURG_CITY), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(PETALBURG_CITY), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gPetalburgCity_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gPetalburgCity_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(UNDERWATER1), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(UNDERWATER1), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gUnderwater1_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ICE_ROOM), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SHOAL_CAVE_LOW_TIDE_ICE_ROOM), + .landMonsInfo = &gShoalCave_LowTideIceRoom_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SKY_PILLAR_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SKY_PILLAR_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gSkyPillar_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SOOTOPOLIS_CITY), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SOOTOPOLIS_CITY), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSootopolisCity_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSootopolisCity_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SKY_PILLAR_3F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SKY_PILLAR_3F), + .landMonsInfo = &gSkyPillar_3F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SKY_PILLAR_5F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SKY_PILLAR_5F), + .landMonsInfo = &gSkyPillar_5F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHEAST), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_SOUTHEAST), + .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southeast_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southeast_WaterMonsInfo, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Southeast_FishingMonsInfo, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHEAST), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(SAFARI_ZONE_NORTHEAST), + .landMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northeast_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = &gSafariZone_Northeast_RockSmashMonsInfo, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_1R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_1R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_2F_1R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_2R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_2R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_2F_2R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_1R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_1R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_3F_1R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_2R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_2R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_3F_2R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_4F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_4F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_4F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_3R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_3F_3R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_3F_3R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_3R), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MAGMA_HIDEOUT_2F_3R), + .landMonsInfo = &gMagmaHideout_2F_3R_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_2F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_2F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_2F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_3F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_3F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_3F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(MIRAGE_TOWER_4F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(MIRAGE_TOWER_4F), + .landMonsInfo = &gMirageTower_4F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(DESERT_UNDERPASS), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(DESERT_UNDERPASS), + .landMonsInfo = &gDesertUnderpass_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ARTISAN_CAVE_B1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ARTISAN_CAVE_B1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gArtisanCave_B1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ARTISAN_CAVE_1F), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ARTISAN_CAVE_1F), + .landMonsInfo = &gArtisanCave_1F_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave1_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave2_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave3_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave4_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave5_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave6_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave7_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave8_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(ALTERING_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(ALTERING_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gAlteringCave9_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(METEOR_FALLS_STEVENS_CAVE), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(METEOR_FALLS_STEVENS_CAVE), + .landMonsInfo = &gMeteorFalls_StevensCave_LandMonsInfo, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = MAP_GROUP(UNDEFINED), + .mapNum = MAP_NUM(UNDEFINED), + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, }; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_1[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BULBASAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_1Info = {4, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_1}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_2[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_IVYSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_2Info = {4, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_2}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_3[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_VENUSAUR}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_3Info = {4, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_3}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_4[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMANDER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_4Info = {4, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_4}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_5[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_5Info = {4, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_5}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_6[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_6Info = {4, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_6}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_7[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WARTORTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SQUIRTLE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARIZARD}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_CHARMELEON}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_7Info = {8, gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_7}; const struct WildPokemonHeader gBattlePyramidWildMonHeaders[] = { - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 1, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_1Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 2, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_2Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 3, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_3Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 4, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_4Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 5, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_5Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 6, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_6Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 7, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_7Info, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 255, - .mapNum = 255, - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 1, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_1Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 2, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_2Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 3, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_3Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 4, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_4Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 5, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_5Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 6, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_6Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 7, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePyramidPlaceholders_7Info, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 255, + .mapNum = 255, + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, }; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePikeMons_1[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_DUSCLOPS}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePikeMonsInfo_1 = {10, gBattlePikeMons_1}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePikeMons_2[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_ELECTRODE}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePikeMonsInfo_2 = {10, gBattlePikeMons_2}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePikeMons_3[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_BRELOOM}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePikeMonsInfo_3 = {10, gBattlePikeMons_3}; const struct WildPokemon gBattlePikeMons_4[] = { - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, - {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_WOBBUFFET}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_SEVIPER}, + {5, 5, SPECIES_MILOTIC}, }; const struct WildPokemonInfo gBattlePikeMonsInfo_4 = {10, gBattlePikeMons_4}; const struct WildPokemonHeader gBattlePikeWildMonHeaders[] = { - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 1, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_1, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 2, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_2, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 3, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_3, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 0, - .mapNum = 4, - .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_4, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, - { - .mapGroup = 255, - .mapNum = 255, - .landMonsInfo = NULL, - .waterMonsInfo = NULL, - .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, - .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, - }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 1, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_1, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 2, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_2, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 3, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_3, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 0, + .mapNum = 4, + .landMonsInfo = &gBattlePikeMonsInfo_4, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, + { + .mapGroup = 255, + .mapNum = 255, + .landMonsInfo = NULL, + .waterMonsInfo = NULL, + .rockSmashMonsInfo = NULL, + .fishingMonsInfo = NULL, + }, }; const struct WildPokemon gWildFeebasRoute119Data = {20, 25, SPECIES_FEEBAS}; const u16 gRoute119WaterTileData[] = { - 0, 0x2D, 0, - 0x2E, 0x5B, 0x83, - 0x5C, 0x8B, 0x12A, + 0, 0x2D, 0, + 0x2E, 0x5B, 0x83, + 0x5C, 0x8B, 0x12A, }; // code @@ -5079,7 +5079,7 @@ bool8 StandardWildEncounter(u16 currMetaTileBehavior, u16 previousMetaTileBehavi return FALSE; headerId = GetCurrentMapWildMonHeaderId(); - if (headerId == 0xFFFF) // invalid + if (headerId == 0xFFFF) { if (gMapHeader.mapLayoutId == 0x166) { @@ -5222,7 +5222,7 @@ bool8 SweetScentWildEncounter(void) PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); headerId = GetCurrentMapWildMonHeaderId(); - if (headerId == 0xFFFF) // invalid + if (headerId == 0xFFFF) { if (gMapHeader.mapLayoutId == 0x166) { diff --git a/src/window.c b/src/window.c index 8efd1c281..4e1a38eff 100644 --- a/src/window.c +++ b/src/window.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include "global.h" #include "window.h" -#include "malloc.h" +#include "alloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "blit.h" diff --git a/sym_bss.txt b/sym_bss.txt index a40d3751d..da8b4ae80 100644 --- a/sym_bss.txt +++ b/sym_bss.txt @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ .include "src/main.o" - .include "src/malloc.o" + .include "src/alloc.o" .include "src/dma3_manager.o" .include "src/gpu_regs.o" .include "src/bg.o" .include "src/text.o" .include "src/sprite.o" - .include "src/link.o" - .include "src/link_rfu.o" - .include "src/rom_8011DC0.o" + .include "src/link.o" + .include "src/link_rfu.o" + .include "src/rom_8011DC0.o" .include "src/rtc.o" .include "src/main_menu.o" .include "src/rom_8034C54.o" diff --git a/sym_common.txt b/sym_common.txt index 20d87f877..e8d1654c0 100644 --- a/sym_common.txt +++ b/sym_common.txt @@ -1,125 +1,125 @@ - .space 0x8 - .include "main.o" - .include "bg.o" - .include "window.o" - .include "text.o" - .include "sprite.o" - .include "link.o" - .include "link_rfu.o" - .include "rtc.o" - .include "battle_main.o" - .include "random.o" - .include "load_save.o" - .include "berry_blender.o" - .include "overworld.o" - .include "fieldmap.o" - .include "field_camera.o" - .include "field_control_avatar.o" - .include "start_menu.o" - .include "sound.o" - .include "task.o" - .include "trainer_see.o" - .include "pokedex.o" - .include "contest.o" - .include "tv.o" - .include "mauville_old_man.o" + .space 0x8 + .include "main.o" + .include "bg.o" + .include "window.o" + .include "text.o" + .include "sprite.o" + .include "link.o" + .include "link_rfu.o" + .include "rtc.o" + .include "battle_main.o" + .include "random.o" + .include "load_save.o" + .include "berry_blender.o" + .include "overworld.o" + .include "fieldmap.o" + .include "field_camera.o" + .include "field_control_avatar.o" + .include "start_menu.o" + .include "sound.o" + .include "task.o" + .include "trainer_see.o" + .include "pokedex.o" + .include "contest.o" + .include "tv.o" + .include "mauville_old_man.o" gUnknown_03006164: @ 3006164 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006168: @ 3006168 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_0300616C: @ 300616C - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006170: @ 3006170 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006174: @ 3006174 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006178: @ 3006178 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_0300617C: @ 300617C - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006180: @ 3006180 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006184: @ 3006184 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03006188: @ 3006188 - .space 0x8 + .space 0x8 gUnknown_03006190: @ 3006190 - .space 0x10 + .space 0x10 gUnknown_030061A0: @ 30061A0 - .space 0x20 + .space 0x20 gUnknown_030061C0: @ 30061C0 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_030061C4: @ 30061C4 - .space 0xC + .space 0xC - .include "field_specials.o" + .include "field_specials.o" gCB2_AfterEvolution: @ 30061E8 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gDexCryScreenState: @ 30061EC - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 - .include "save.o" - .include "battle_tower.o" - .include "intro.o" + .include "save.o" + .include "battle_tower.o" + .include "intro.o" gUnknown_030062DC: @ 30062DC - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_030062E0: @ 30062E0 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_030062E4: @ 30062E4 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 - .include "battle_factory_screen.o" - .include "apprentice.o" - - .space 0x8 - - .include "list_menu.o" + .include "battle_factory_screen.o" + .include "apprentice.o" + + .space 0x8 + + .include "list_menu.o" gUnknown_03006328: @ 3006328 - .space 0x48 + .space 0x48 gUnknown_03006370: @ 3006370 - .space 0x10 + .space 0x10 - .include "m4a_2.o" - .include "agb_flash.o" + .include "m4a_2.o" + .include "agb_flash.o" gRfuState: @ 3007868 - .space 0x8 + .space 0x8 gUnknown_03007870: @ 3007870 - .space 0x10 + .space 0x10 gUnknown_03007880: @ 3007880 - .space 0x10 + .space 0x10 gUnknown_03007890: @ 3007890 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03007894: @ 3007894 - .space 0x4 + .space 0x4 gUnknown_03007898: @ 3007898 - .space 0x8 + .space 0x8 gUnknown_030078A0: @ 30078A0 - .space 0xC + .space 0xC diff --git a/sym_ewram.txt b/sym_ewram.txt index 63e07b2fc..9d6d77a9a 100644 --- a/sym_ewram.txt +++ b/sym_ewram.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ - .include "src/decompress.o" + .include "src/decompress.o" .include "src/main.o" - .include "src/window.o" - .include "src/text.o" - .include "src/sprite.o" + .include "src/window.o" + .include "src/text.o" + .include "src/sprite.o" .include "src/string_util.o" .include "src/link.o" .include "src/link_rfu.o" @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ gUnknown_02022D00: @ 2022D00 .include "src/pokemon.o" .include "src/random.o" .include "src/daycare.o" - .include "src/load_save.o" + .include "src/load_save.o" gUnknown_02032184: @ 2032184 .space 0x4 @@ -129,40 +129,40 @@ gUnknown_0203229C: @ 203229C gUnknown_020322A0: @ 20322A0 .space 0x4 - - .include "src/berry_blender.o" - .include "src/new_game.o" + + .include "src/berry_blender.o" + .include "src/new_game.o" .include "src/overworld.o" .include "src/fieldmap.o" .include "src/field_camera.o" .include "src/field_player_avatar.o" - .include "src/event_object_movement.o" - .include "src/field_message_box.o" + .include "src/event_object_movement.o" + .include "src/field_message_box.o" - .align 2 + .align 2 gUnknown_020375C0: @ 20375C0 .space 0x4 - .include "src/scrcmd.o" - .include "src/field_control_avatar.o" - .include "src/event_data.o" - .include "src/start_menu.o" + .include "src/scrcmd.o" + .include "src/field_control_avatar.o" + .include "src/event_data.o" + .include "src/start_menu.o" .include "src/tileset_anims.o" .include "src/palette.o" - .include "src/sound.o" - .include "src/battle_anim.o" - .include "src/battle_anim_80A5C6C.o" + .include "src/sound.o" + .include "src/battle_anim.o" + .include "src/battle_anim_80A5C6C.o" .space 0xC .include "src/field_weather.o" .include "src/field_weather_effect.o" .include "src/battle_setup.o" .include "src/trainer_see.o" - .include "src/wild_encounter.o" - .include "src/field_effect.o" - .include "src/scanline_effect.o" - .include "src/option_menu.o" - .include "src/pokedex.o" + .include "src/wild_encounter.o" + .include "src/field_effect.o" + .include "src/scanline_effect.o" + .include "src/option_menu.o" + .include "src/pokedex.o" gTrainerCards: @ 2039B58 .space 0x14 @@ -267,20 +267,20 @@ gUnknown_02039F5C: @ 2039F5C gUnknown_02039F5D: @ 2039F5D .space 0x3 - .include "src/shop.o" - .include "src/fldeff_escalator.o" - .include "src/script_menu.o" - .include "src/naming_screen.o" - .include "src/money.o" - .include "src/record_mixing.o" - .include "src/secret_base.o" - .include "src/tv.o" + .include "src/shop.o" + .include "src/fldeff_escalator.o" + .include "src/script_menu.o" + .include "src/naming_screen.o" + .include "src/money.o" + .include "src/record_mixing.o" + .include "src/secret_base.o" + .include "src/tv.o" gUnknown_0203A034: @ 203A034 .space 0x4 - .include "src/rotating_gate.o" - .include "src/safari_zone.o" + .include "src/rotating_gate.o" + .include "src/safari_zone.o" gUnknown_0203A0F4: @ 203A0F4 .space 0x4 @@ -307,13 +307,13 @@ gUnknown_0203A120: @ 203A120 .include "src/mon_markings.o" .include "src/mauville_old_man.o" - .include "src/mail.o" - .include "src/menu_helpers.o" + .include "src/mail.o" + .include "src/menu_helpers.o" .include "src/region_map.o" - .include "src/decoration.o" - .include "src/slot_machine.o" - .include "src/battle_ai_script_commands.o" - + .include "src/decoration.o" + .include "src/slot_machine.o" + .include "src/battle_ai_script_commands.o" + .align 2 gPlayerFacingPosition: @ 203AB40 .space 0x8 @@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ gUnknown_0203AB8C: @ 203AB8C .space 0x4 .include "src/pokedex_cry_screen.o" - .include "src/coins.o" - .include "src/battle_transition.o" - .include "src/battle_message.o" + .include "src/coins.o" + .include "src/battle_transition.o" + .include "src/battle_message.o" gUnknown_0203ABAC: @ 203ABAC .space 0x4 @@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ gUnknown_0203ABB4: @ 203ABB4 gUnknown_0203ABB5: @ 203ABB5 .space 0x3 - .include "src/rom_81520A8.o" - .include "src/save.o" + .include "src/rom_81520A8.o" + .include "src/save.o" .include "src/mystery_event_script.o" .include "src/learn_move.o" .include "src/decoration_inventory.o" @@ -367,20 +367,20 @@ gUnknown_0203ABB5: @ 203ABB5 .include "src/player_pc.o" .include "src/intro.o" .include "src/field_region_map.o" - .include "src/hall_of_fame.o" - .include "src/credits.o" - .include "src/lottery_corner.o" - .include "src/diploma.o" - .include "src/berry_tag_screen.o" - .include "src/mystery_event_menu.o" - .include "src/save_failed_screen.o" - .include "src/braille_puzzles.o" + .include "src/hall_of_fame.o" + .include "src/credits.o" + .include "src/lottery_corner.o" + .include "src/diploma.o" + .include "src/berry_tag_screen.o" + .include "src/mystery_event_menu.o" + .include "src/save_failed_screen.o" + .include "src/braille_puzzles.o" .include "src/pokeblock_feed.o" .include "src/intro_credits_graphics.o" - .include "src/recorded_battle.o" - .include "src/trainer_pokemon_sprites.o" - .include "src/lilycove_lady.o" - .include "src/battle_dome.o" + .include "src/recorded_battle.o" + .include "src/trainer_pokemon_sprites.o" + .include "src/lilycove_lady.o" + .include "src/battle_dome.o" gUnknown_0203CD80: @ 203CD80 .space 0x8 @@ -388,13 +388,13 @@ gUnknown_0203CD80: @ 203CD80 gUnknown_0203CD88: @ 203CD88 .space 0x4 - .include "src/menu.o" - .include "src/battle_factory_screen.o" - .include "src/mossdeep_gym.o" - .include "src/item_menu.o" - .include "src/list_menu.o" - .include "src/dynamic_placeholder_text_util.o" - .include "src/item_icon.o" + .include "src/menu.o" + .include "src/battle_factory_screen.o" + .include "src/mossdeep_gym.o" + .include "src/item_menu.o" + .include "src/list_menu.o" + .include "src/dynamic_placeholder_text_util.o" + .include "src/item_icon.o" gUnknown_0203CEC4: @ 203CEC4 .space 0x4