daycare file is decompiled

This commit is contained in:
DizzyEggg 2017-11-15 20:08:31 +01:00
parent 1e79d53d2f
commit 616edd6c3f
9 changed files with 428 additions and 991 deletions

View File

@ -1,961 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/"
.include "constants/"
.syntax unified
thumb_func_start sub_8070BD0
sub_8070BD0: @ 8070BD0
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r1, =0x00003030
adds r0, r1
bl _DoEggActions_CheckHatch
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070BD0
thumb_func_start sub_8070BF0
sub_8070BF0: @ 8070BF0
push {lr}
movs r1, 0x8C
lsls r1, 1
adds r0, r1
ldr r0, [r0]
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070C00
movs r0, 0x1
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070BF0
thumb_func_start sub_8070C04
sub_8070C04: @ 8070C04
push {r4,lr}
sub sp, 0xC
adds r4, r0, 0
movs r1, 0xB
bl GetBoxMonData
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070C2E
ldr r1, =gStringVar1
adds r0, r4, 0
bl GetBoxMonNick
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0x7
mov r2, sp
bl GetBoxMonData
ldr r0, =gStringVar3
mov r1, sp
bl StringCopy
adds r4, 0x8C
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0xB
bl GetBoxMonData
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070C44
ldr r1, =gStringVar2
adds r0, r4, 0
bl GetBoxMonNick
add sp, 0xC
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8070C04
thumb_func_start sub_8070C58
sub_8070C58: @ 8070C58
push {r4,r5,lr}
bl GetCursorSelectionMonId
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
movs r5, 0x64
muls r0, r5
ldr r4, =gPlayerParty
adds r0, r4
ldr r1, =gStringVar1
bl GetBoxMonNick
bl GetCursorSelectionMonId
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
muls r0, r5
adds r0, r4
movs r1, 0xB
bl GetBoxMonData
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r0, 16
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070C58
thumb_func_start sp0B5_daycare
sp0B5_daycare: @ 8070C94
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r1, =0x00003030
adds r0, r1
bl sub_8070C04
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sp0B5_daycare
thumb_func_start sp0B6_daycare
sp0B6_daycare: @ 8070CB0
push {r4,lr}
ldr r4, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r4]
ldr r1, =0x00003030
adds r0, r1
bl sub_8070BF0
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070CD0
movs r0, 0x1
b _08070CF2
ldr r0, [r4]
ldr r1, =0x00003030
adds r0, r1
bl CountPokemonInDaycare
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
bne _08070CEC
movs r0, 0
b _08070CF2
adds r0, 0x1
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
pop {r4}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sp0B6_daycare
thumb_func_start sub_8070CF8
sub_8070CF8: @ 8070CF8
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r1, =0x00003030
adds r0, r1
bl CountPokemonInDaycare
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
bne _08070D10
movs r0, 0
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070CF8
thumb_func_start sub_8070D1C
sub_8070D1C: @ 8070D1C
push {r4-r6,lr}
adds r5, r1, 0
movs r4, 0
adds r1, r0, 0
movs r3, 0
ldrh r0, [r1]
adds r2, r5, 0
ldrh r6, [r2]
cmp r0, r6
bne _08070D34
movs r0, 0x1
b _08070D46
adds r2, 0x2
adds r3, 0x1
cmp r3, 0x1
ble _08070D2A
adds r1, 0x2
adds r4, 0x1
cmp r4, 0x1
ble _08070D24
movs r0, 0
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070D1C
thumb_func_start GetDaycareCompatibilityScore
GetDaycareCompatibilityScore: @ 8070D4C
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7, r10
mov r6, r9
mov r5, r8
push {r5-r7}
sub sp, 0x30
str r0, [sp, 0x1C]
movs r7, 0
mov r0, sp
adds r0, 0x8
str r0, [sp, 0x20]
add r1, sp, 0xC
mov r9, r1
mov r2, sp
adds r2, 0x14
str r2, [sp, 0x24]
subs r0, 0x6
ldr r1, =gBaseStats
mov r10, r1
ldr r5, [sp, 0x20]
mov r8, r0
mov r6, sp
str r2, [sp, 0x28]
mov r2, r9
str r2, [sp, 0x2C]
movs r0, 0x8C
adds r4, r7, 0
muls r4, r0
ldr r0, [sp, 0x1C]
adds r4, r0, r4
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0xB
bl GetBoxMonData
strh r0, [r5]
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0x1
bl GetBoxMonData
ldr r1, [sp, 0x2C]
stm r1!, {r0}
str r1, [sp, 0x2C]
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0
bl GetBoxMonData
adds r1, r0, 0
ldrh r0, [r5]
bl GetGenderFromSpeciesAndPersonality
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
ldr r2, [sp, 0x28]
stm r2!, {r0}
str r2, [sp, 0x28]
ldrh r1, [r5]
lsls r0, r1, 3
subs r0, r1
lsls r0, 2
add r0, r10
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x14]
strh r0, [r6]
ldrh r1, [r5]
lsls r0, r1, 3
subs r0, r1
lsls r0, 2
add r0, r10
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x15]
mov r1, r8
strh r0, [r1]
adds r5, 0x2
movs r2, 0x4
add r8, r2
adds r6, 0x4
adds r7, 0x1
cmp r7, 0x1
bls _08070D7E
mov r0, sp
ldrh r1, [r0]
cmp r1, 0xF
beq _08070DFC
ldrh r0, [r0, 0x4]
cmp r0, 0xF
beq _08070DFC
cmp r1, 0xD
bne _08070E04
cmp r0, 0xD
bne _08070E08
movs r0, 0
b _08070E5C
cmp r0, 0xD
bne _08070E14
ldr r1, [sp, 0xC]
mov r2, r9
ldr r0, [r2, 0x4]
cmp r1, r0
beq _08070E56
b _08070E5A
ldr r0, [sp, 0x14]
ldr r2, [sp, 0x24]
ldr r1, [r2, 0x4]
cmp r0, r1
beq _08070DFC
cmp r0, 0xFF
beq _08070DFC
cmp r1, 0xFF
beq _08070DFC
add r1, sp, 0x4
mov r0, sp
bl sub_8070D1C
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070DFC
ldr r0, [sp, 0x20]
ldrh r1, [r0, 0x2]
ldrh r0, [r0]
cmp r0, r1
bne _08070E4C
ldr r1, [sp, 0xC]
mov r2, r9
ldr r0, [r2, 0x4]
cmp r1, r0
beq _08070E5A
movs r0, 0x46
b _08070E5C
ldr r1, [sp, 0xC]
mov r2, r9
ldr r0, [r2, 0x4]
cmp r1, r0
bne _08070E5A
movs r0, 0x14
b _08070E5C
movs r0, 0x32
add sp, 0x30
pop {r3-r5}
mov r8, r3
mov r9, r4
mov r10, r5
pop {r4-r7}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end GetDaycareCompatibilityScore
thumb_func_start daycare_relationship_score_from_savegame
daycare_relationship_score_from_savegame: @ 8070E6C
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r1, =0x00003030
adds r0, r1
bl GetDaycareCompatibilityScore
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end daycare_relationship_score_from_savegame
thumb_func_start sp0B9_daycare_relationship_comment
sp0B9_daycare_relationship_comment: @ 8070E8C
push {lr}
bl daycare_relationship_score_from_savegame
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
adds r2, r0, 0
movs r1, 0
cmp r0, 0
bne _08070EA0
movs r1, 0x3
cmp r0, 0x14
bne _08070EA6
movs r1, 0x2
cmp r0, 0x32
bne _08070EAC
movs r1, 0x1
cmp r2, 0x46
bne _08070EB2
movs r1, 0
ldr r0, =gStringVar4
ldr r2, =gUnknown_0832B6F8
lsls r1, 2
adds r1, r2
ldr r1, [r1]
bl StringCopy
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sp0B9_daycare_relationship_comment
thumb_func_start sub_8070ECC
sub_8070ECC: @ 8070ECC
push {r4,r5,lr}
sub sp, 0x4
adds r4, r0, 0
lsls r1, 24
lsrs r5, r1, 24
mov r2, sp
mov r1, sp
movs r0, 0
strb r0, [r1, 0x1]
strb r0, [r2]
movs r3, 0
ldrb r0, [r4]
cmp r0, 0xFF
beq _08070F10
adds r1, r4, r3
ldrb r0, [r1]
cmp r0, 0xB5
bne _08070EF6
ldrb r0, [r2]
adds r0, 0x1
strb r0, [r2]
ldrb r0, [r1]
cmp r0, 0xB6
bne _08070F02
ldrb r0, [r2, 0x1]
adds r0, 0x1
strb r0, [r2, 0x1]
adds r0, r3, 0x1
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r3, r0, 24
adds r0, r4, r3
ldrb r0, [r0]
cmp r0, 0xFF
bne _08070EE8
cmp r5, 0
bne _08070F24
mov r0, sp
ldrb r0, [r0]
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070F24
mov r0, sp
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x1]
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070F38
cmp r5, 0xFE
bne _08070F3C
mov r0, sp
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x1]
cmp r0, 0
beq _08070F3C
mov r0, sp
ldrb r0, [r0]
cmp r0, 0
bne _08070F3C
movs r0, 0x1
b _08070F3E
movs r0, 0
add sp, 0x4
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070ECC
thumb_func_start sub_8070F48
sub_8070F48: @ 8070F48
push {r4,lr}
adds r4, r0, 0
lsls r1, 24
lsrs r1, 24
cmp r1, 0
bne _08070F68
movs r1, 0
bl sub_8070ECC
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
bne _08070F84
ldr r1, =gUnknown_0832DAC7
b _08070F86
cmp r1, 0xFE
bne _08070F84
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0xFE
bl sub_8070ECC
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
bne _08070F84
ldr r1, =gUnknown_0832DAC9
b _08070F86
ldr r1, =gUnknown_0832DACB
adds r0, r4, 0
bl StringAppend
pop {r4}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070F48
thumb_func_start sub_8070F98
sub_8070F98: @ 8070F98
push {r4,lr}
adds r4, r0, 0
adds r0, r1, 0
bl GetBoxMonGender
adds r1, r0, 0
lsls r1, 24
lsrs r1, 24
adds r0, r4, 0
bl sub_8070F48
pop {r4}
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_8070F98
thumb_func_start sub_8070FB4
sub_8070FB4: @ 8070FB4
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7, r9
mov r6, r8
push {r6,r7}
sub sp, 0x28
mov r8, r0
adds r7, r1, 0
movs r0, 0xFF
strb r0, [r7]
movs r6, 0
add r0, sp, 0x14
mov r9, r0
movs r0, 0x8C
adds r4, r6, 0
muls r4, r0
add r4, r8
lsls r0, r6, 2
adds r0, r6
lsls r0, 2
mov r1, sp
adds r5, r1, r0
adds r0, r4, 0
adds r1, r5, 0
bl GetBoxMonNick
adds r0, r5, 0
adds r1, r4, 0
bl sub_8070F98
adds r0, r6, 0x1
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r6, r0, 24
cmp r6, 0x1
bls _08070FCC
adds r0, r7, 0
mov r1, sp
bl StringCopy
ldr r4, =gText_NewLine2
adds r0, r7, 0
adds r1, r4, 0
bl StringAppend
adds r0, r7, 0
mov r1, r9
bl StringAppend
adds r0, r7, 0
adds r1, r4, 0
bl StringAppend
ldr r1, =gText_Exit4
adds r0, r7, 0
bl StringAppend
add sp, 0x28
pop {r3,r4}
mov r8, r3
mov r9, r4
pop {r4-r7}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8070FB4
thumb_func_start sub_8071038
sub_8071038: @ 8071038
push {r4-r6,lr}
sub sp, 0x14
adds r6, r0, 0
adds r4, r1, 0
movs r0, 0xFF
strb r0, [r4]
movs r5, 0
adds r0, r4, 0
ldr r1, =gText_Lv
bl StringAppend
movs r0, 0x8C
adds r2, r5, 0
muls r2, r0
adds r0, r6, r2
adds r1, r6, 0
adds r1, 0x88
adds r1, r2
ldr r1, [r1]
bl GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps
adds r1, r0, 0
lsls r1, 24
lsrs r1, 24
mov r0, sp
movs r2, 0
movs r3, 0x3
bl ConvertIntToDecimalStringN
adds r0, r4, 0
mov r1, sp
bl StringAppend
adds r0, r4, 0
ldr r1, =gText_NewLine2
bl StringAppend
adds r0, r5, 0x1
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r5, r0, 24
cmp r5, 0x1
bls _08071046
add sp, 0x14
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8071038
thumb_func_start sub_807109C
sub_807109C: @ 807109C
push {r4-r6,lr}
sub sp, 0x10
str r1, [sp]
mov r1, sp
movs r5, 0
strb r0, [r1, 0x4]
mov r0, sp
movs r6, 0x1
movs r4, 0x1
strb r4, [r0, 0x5]
strb r2, [r0, 0x6]
strb r3, [r0, 0x7]
strb r2, [r0, 0x8]
strb r3, [r0, 0x9]
mov r3, sp
ldrb r1, [r3, 0xC]
movs r2, 0x10
negs r2, r2
adds r0, r2, 0
ands r0, r1
strb r0, [r3, 0xC]
ldr r3, =gTextFlags
ldrb r1, [r3]
movs r0, 0x3
negs r0, r0
ands r0, r1
strb r0, [r3]
mov r0, sp
strb r5, [r0, 0xA]
strb r4, [r0, 0xB]
mov r3, sp
ldrb r1, [r3, 0xC]
movs r4, 0xF
adds r0, r4, 0
ands r0, r1
movs r1, 0x20
orrs r0, r1
strb r0, [r3, 0xC]
mov r1, sp
ldrb r0, [r1, 0xD]
ands r2, r0
orrs r2, r6
strb r2, [r1, 0xD]
ands r2, r4
movs r0, 0x30
orrs r2, r0
strb r2, [r1, 0xD]
mov r0, sp
movs r1, 0xFF
movs r2, 0
bl AddTextPrinter
add sp, 0x10
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_807109C
thumb_func_start sub_8071110
sub_8071110: @ 8071110
push {r4-r6,lr}
sub sp, 0x14
adds r5, r0, 0
adds r4, r1, 0
adds r6, r3, 0
lsls r4, 24
lsrs r4, 24
movs r0, 0x8C
muls r0, r2
adds r5, r0
adds r0, r5, 0
mov r1, sp
bl GetBoxMonNick
mov r0, sp
adds r1, r5, 0
bl sub_8070F98
adds r0, r4, 0
mov r1, sp
movs r2, 0x8
adds r3, r6, 0
bl sub_807109C
add sp, 0x14
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8071110
thumb_func_start sub_8071148
sub_8071148: @ 8071148
push {r4-r6,lr}
mov r6, r8
push {r6}
sub sp, 0x14
adds r4, r0, 0
adds r5, r1, 0
adds r6, r2, 0
mov r8, r3
lsls r5, 24
lsrs r5, 24
ldr r1, =gText_Lv
mov r0, sp
bl StringCopy
movs r0, 0x8C
adds r1, r6, 0
muls r1, r0
adds r0, r4, r1
adds r4, 0x88
adds r4, r1
ldr r1, [r4]
bl GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps
adds r1, r0, 0
lsls r1, 24
lsrs r1, 24
add r4, sp, 0xC
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r2, 0
movs r3, 0x3
bl ConvertIntToDecimalStringN
mov r0, sp
adds r1, r4, 0
bl StringAppend
movs r0, 0x1
mov r1, sp
movs r2, 0x70
bl GetStringRightAlignXOffset
adds r2, r0, 0
adds r0, r5, 0
mov r1, sp
mov r3, r8
bl sub_807109C
add sp, 0x14
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8071148
thumb_func_start sub_80711B8
sub_80711B8: @ 80711B8
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7, r8
push {r7}
adds r6, r1, 0
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r7, r0, 24
lsls r2, 24
lsrs r5, r2, 24
cmp r6, 0x1
bhi _080711F0
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
mov r8, r0
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r4, =0x00003030
adds r0, r4
adds r1, r7, 0
adds r2, r6, 0
adds r3, r5, 0
bl sub_8071110
mov r1, r8
ldr r0, [r1]
adds r0, r4
adds r1, r7, 0
adds r2, r6, 0
adds r3, r5, 0
bl sub_8071148
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r7}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80711B8
thumb_func_start c3_080469FC
c3_080469FC: @ 8071204
push {r4,r5,lr}
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
adds r5, r0, 0
ldr r1, =gTasks
lsls r0, r5, 2
adds r0, r5
lsls r0, 3
adds r4, r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r4, 0x8]
bl ListMenuHandleInput
adds r1, r0, 0
ldr r0, =gMain
ldrh r2, [r0, 0x2E]
movs r0, 0x1
ands r0, r2
cmp r0, 0
beq _08071284
cmp r1, 0x1
bls _0807123C
cmp r1, 0x5
beq _08071248
b _0807124E
ldr r0, =gSpecialVar_Result
strh r1, [r0]
b _0807124E
ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_Result
movs r0, 0x2
strh r0, [r1]
ldr r0, =gTasks
lsls r4, r5, 2
adds r4, r5
lsls r4, 3
adds r4, r0
ldrb r0, [r4, 0x8]
movs r1, 0
movs r2, 0
bl sub_81AE6C8
ldrb r0, [r4, 0xA]
movs r1, 0x1
bl sub_819746C
ldrb r0, [r4, 0xA]
bl RemoveWindow
adds r0, r5, 0
bl DestroyTask
bl EnableBothScriptContexts
b _080712B4
movs r1, 0x2
adds r0, r1, 0
ands r0, r2
cmp r0, 0
beq _080712B4
ldr r0, =gSpecialVar_Result
strh r1, [r0]
ldrb r0, [r4, 0x8]
movs r1, 0
movs r2, 0
bl sub_81AE6C8
ldrb r0, [r4, 0xA]
movs r1, 0x1
bl sub_819746C
ldrb r0, [r4, 0xA]
bl RemoveWindow
adds r0, r5, 0
bl DestroyTask
bl EnableBothScriptContexts
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end c3_080469FC
thumb_func_start sub_80712C0
sub_80712C0: @ 80712C0
push {r4,r5,lr}
sub sp, 0x18
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0832B6C0
bl AddWindow
adds r4, r0, 0
lsls r4, 24
lsrs r4, 24
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0
bl sub_81973FC
mov r1, sp
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0832B6E0
ldm r0!, {r2,r3,r5}
stm r1!, {r2,r3,r5}
ldm r0!, {r2,r3,r5}
stm r1!, {r2,r3,r5}
mov r0, sp
strb r4, [r0, 0x10]
movs r1, 0
movs r2, 0
bl ListMenuInit
adds r5, r0, 0
lsls r5, 24
lsrs r5, 24
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0x3
bl CopyWindowToVram
ldr r0, =c3_080469FC
movs r1, 0x3
bl CreateTask
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
ldr r2, =gTasks
lsls r1, r0, 2
adds r1, r0
lsls r1, 3
adds r1, r2
strh r5, [r1, 0x8]
strh r4, [r1, 0xA]
add sp, 0x18
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80712C0
thumb_func_start sub_8071330
sub_8071330: @ 8071330
push {lr}
bl sub_81B9328
ldr r1, =gMain
ldr r0, =c2_exit_to_overworld_2_switch
str r0, [r1, 0x8]
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8071330
.align 2, 0 @ Don't pad with nop.

View File

@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ _0809CA04:
b _0809CB28
bl sub_8070BD0
bl DoEggActions_CheckHatch
lsls r0, 24
cmp r0, 0
beq _0809CA64

View File

@ -5112,7 +5112,7 @@ _08079DDE:
add r0, sp, 0xC
movs r1, 0
bl sub_8070ECC
bl NameHasGenderSymbol
lsls r0, 24
movs r2, 0x83
cmp r0, 0
@ -5122,7 +5122,7 @@ _08079DF0:
add r0, sp, 0xC
movs r1, 0xFE
bl sub_8070ECC
bl NameHasGenderSymbol
lsls r0, 24
movs r2, 0x83
cmp r0, 0

View File

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
.align 2
gUnknown_0832B6C0:: @ 832B6C0
sDaycareLevelMenuWindowTemplate:: @ 832B6C0
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32b6c0, 0x20
gUnknown_0832B6E0:: @ 832B6E0
sDaycareListMenuLevelTemplate:: @ 832B6E0
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32b6e0, 0x18
gUnknown_0832B6F8:: @ 832B6F8
sCompatibilityMessages:: @ 832B6F8
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32b6f8, 0x10
sJapaneseEggNickname:: @ 832B708

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Route117_EventScript_291C18:: @ 8291C18
special sp0B5_daycare
specialvar VAR_RESULT, sp0B6_daycare
special GetDaycareMonNicknames
specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetDaycareState
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1
goto_eq Route117_EventScript_291C4D
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Route117_EventScript_291CC8:: @ 8291CC8
Route117_EventScript_291CD1:: @ 8291CD1
special sp0B5_daycare
special GetDaycareMonNicknames
msgbox Route117_Text_292114, 4
setvar VAR_0x8004, 0
call Route117_EventScript_291CB7
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Route117_EventScript_291CD1:: @ 8291CD1
Route117_EventScript_291CE8:: @ 8291CE8
special sp0B5_daycare
special GetDaycareMonNicknames
msgbox Route117_Text_292299, 4
special sp0B9_daycare_relationship_comment
special SetDaycareCompatibilityString
special sub_8138AC0
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Route117_EventScript_291CE8:: @ 8291CE8
Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291D11:: @ 8291D11
specialvar VAR_RESULT, sp0B6_daycare
specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetDaycareState
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291E0B
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
@ -103,21 +103,21 @@ Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291D56:: @ 8291D56
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291E01
msgbox Route117_PokemonDayCare_Text_292349, 4
fadescreen 1
special sub_8071330
special ChooseSendDaycareMon
compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8004, 255
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291DCA
specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_80C70AC
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 0
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291DF7
specialvar VAR_0x8005, sub_8070C58
specialvar VAR_0x8005, GetSelectedMonNickAndSpecies
playmoncry VAR_0x8005, 0
msgbox Route117_PokemonDayCare_Text_292370, 4
special StoreSelectedPokemonInDaycare
incrementgamestat 47
specialvar VAR_RESULT, sp0B6_daycare
specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetDaycareState
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291DD4
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291E6D:: @ 8291E6D
specialvar VAR_RESULT, CalculatePlayerPartyCount
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 6
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291F3D
specialvar VAR_RESULT, sp0B6_daycare
specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetDaycareState
setvar VAR_0x8004, 0
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291EAC
special sub_80712C0
special ShowDaycareLevelMenu
copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_RESULT
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291EE2:: @ 8291EE2
playmoncry VAR_RESULT, 0
msgbox Route117_PokemonDayCare_Text_292593, 4
specialvar VAR_RESULT, sp0B6_daycare
specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetDaycareState
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291F24
goto Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291DCA
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291F5C:: @ 8291F5C
Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291F95:: @ 8291F95
special sub_80712C0
special ShowDaycareLevelMenu
compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 2
goto_eq Route117_PokemonDayCare_EventScript_291DCA

View File

@ -191,15 +191,15 @@ gSpecials:: @ 81DBA64
def_special GabbyAndTyGetLastBattleTrivia
def_special GabbyAndTySetScriptVarsToFieldObjectLocalIds
def_special sub_8138B80
def_special sp0B5_daycare
def_special sp0B6_daycare
def_special GetDaycareMonNicknames
def_special GetDaycareState
def_special RejectEggFromDayCare
def_special GiveEggFromDaycare
def_special sp0B9_daycare_relationship_comment
def_special sub_8070C58
def_special SetDaycareCompatibilityString
def_special GetSelectedMonNickAndSpecies
def_special StoreSelectedPokemonInDaycare
def_special sub_8071330
def_special sub_80712C0
def_special ChooseSendDaycareMon
def_special ShowDaycareLevelMenu
def_special GetNumLevelsGainedFromDaycare
def_special GetDaycareCost
def_special TakePokemonFromDaycare

View File

@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ gUnknown_0832D2BC:: @ 832D2BC
gUnknown_0832DABC:: @ 832DABC
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32dabc, 0xb
gUnknown_0832DAC7:: @ 832DAC7
gText_MaleSymbol4:: @ 832DAC7
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32dac7, 0x2
gUnknown_0832DAC9:: @ 832DAC9
gText_FemaleSymbol4:: @ 832DAC9
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32dac9, 0x2
gUnknown_0832DACB:: @ 832DACB
gText_GenderlessSymbol:: @ 832DACB
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x32dacb, 0x7
gUnknown_0832DAD2:: @ 832DAD2

View File

@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ SECTIONS {

View File

@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
#include "main.h"
#include "moves.h"
#include "egg_hatch.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "international_string_util.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "list_menu.h"
@ -19,6 +26,12 @@ extern u16 gMoveToLearn;
extern u8 GetCursorSelectionMonId(void);
extern u16 ItemIdToBattleMoveId(u16);
extern s32 ListMenuHandleInput(u8);
extern void sub_81AE6C8(u8, u16*, u16*);
extern void sub_819746C(u8, bool8);
extern void sub_81973FC(u8, bool8);
extern void sub_81B9328(void);
extern void c2_exit_to_overworld_2_switch(void);
// this file's functions
static void ClearDaycareMonMisc(struct DaycareMiscMon *misc);
@ -34,6 +47,9 @@ EWRAM_DATA static u16 sHatchedEggMotherMoves[4] = {0};
#include "data/pokemon/egg_moves.h"
extern const struct WindowTemplate sDaycareLevelMenuWindowTemplate;
extern const struct ListMenuTemplate sDaycareListMenuLevelTemplate;
extern const u8 *sCompatibilityMessages[];
extern const u8 sJapaneseEggNickname[];
u8 *GetMonNick(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 *dest)
@ -821,7 +837,7 @@ void GiveEggFromDaycare(void)
bool8 _DoEggActions_CheckHatch(struct DayCare *daycare)
static bool8 _DoEggActions_CheckHatch(struct DayCare *daycare)
u32 i, validEggs = 0;
@ -871,3 +887,386 @@ bool8 _DoEggActions_CheckHatch(struct DayCare *daycare)
return FALSE; // no hatching
bool8 DoEggActions_CheckHatch(void)
return _DoEggActions_CheckHatch(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare);
static bool8 IsEggPending(struct DayCare *daycare)
return (daycare->offspringPersonality != 0);
// gStringVar1 = first mon's nickname
// gStringVar2 = second mon's nickname
// gStringVar3 = first mon trainer's name
void _GetDaycareMonNicknames(struct DayCare *daycare)
u8 text[12];
if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0)
GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[0].mon, gStringVar1);
GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[0].mon, MON_DATA_OT_NAME, text);
StringCopy(gStringVar3, text);
if (GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[1].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0)
GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[1].mon, gStringVar2);
u16 GetSelectedMonNickAndSpecies(void)
GetBoxMonNick(&gPlayerParty[GetCursorSelectionMonId()].box, gStringVar1);
return GetBoxMonData(&gPlayerParty[GetCursorSelectionMonId()].box, MON_DATA_SPECIES);
void GetDaycareMonNicknames(void)
u8 GetDaycareState(void)
// The daycare can be in 4 possible states:
// 0: default state--no deposited mons, no egg
// 1: there is an egg waiting for the player to pick it up
// 2: there is a single pokemon in the daycare
// 3: there are two pokemon in the daycare, no egg
u8 numMons;
if (IsEggPending(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare))
// There is an Egg waiting for the player.
return 1;
numMons = CountPokemonInDaycare(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare);
if (numMons != 0)
return numMons + 1;
return 0;
u8 GetDaycarePokemonCount(void)
u8 ret = CountPokemonInDaycare(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare);
if (ret)
return ret;
return 0;
static bool8 EggGroupsOverlap(u16 *eggGroups1, u16 *eggGroups2)
// Determine if the two given egg group lists contain any of the
// same egg groups.
s32 i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
if (eggGroups1[i] == eggGroups2[j])
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
u8 GetDaycareCompatibilityScore(struct DayCare *daycare)
u32 i;
u16 eggGroups[2][2];
u16 species[2];
u32 trainerIds[2];
u32 genders[2];
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
u32 personality;
species[i] = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES);
trainerIds[i] = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_OT_ID);
personality = GetBoxMonData(&daycare->mons[i].mon, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY);
genders[i] = GetGenderFromSpeciesAndPersonality(species[i], personality);
eggGroups[i][0] = gBaseStats[species[i]].eggGroup1;
eggGroups[i][1] = gBaseStats[species[i]].eggGroup2;
// check unbreedable egg group
if (eggGroups[0][0] == EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED || eggGroups[1][0] == EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED)
return 0;
// two Ditto can't breed
if (eggGroups[0][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO && eggGroups[1][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO)
return 0;
// now that we checked, one ditto can breed with any other mon
if (eggGroups[0][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO || eggGroups[1][0] == EGG_GROUP_DITTO)
if (trainerIds[0] == trainerIds[1]) // same trainer
return 20;
return 50; // different trainers, more chance of poke sex
if (genders[0] == genders[1]) // no homo
return 0;
if (genders[0] == MON_GENDERLESS || genders[1] == MON_GENDERLESS)
return 0;
if (!EggGroupsOverlap(eggGroups[0], eggGroups[1])) // not compatible with each other
return 0;
if (species[0] == species[1]) // same species
if (trainerIds[0] == trainerIds[1]) // same species and trainer
return 50;
return 70; // different trainers, same species
if (trainerIds[0] != trainerIds[1]) // different trainers, different species
return 50;
return 20; // different species, same trainer
u8 GetDaycareCompatibilityScoreFromSave(void)
return GetDaycareCompatibilityScore(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare);
void SetDaycareCompatibilityString(void)
u8 whichString;
u8 relationshipScore;
relationshipScore = GetDaycareCompatibilityScoreFromSave();
whichString = 0;
if (relationshipScore == 0)
whichString = 3;
if (relationshipScore == 20)
whichString = 2;
if (relationshipScore == 50)
whichString = 1;
if (relationshipScore == 70)
whichString = 0;
StringCopy(gStringVar4, sCompatibilityMessages[whichString]);
bool8 NameHasGenderSymbol(const u8 *name, u8 genderRatio)
u8 i;
u8 symbolsCount[2]; // male, female
symbolsCount[0] = symbolsCount[1] = 0;
for (i = 0; name[i] != EOS; i++)
if (name[i] == CHAR_MALE)
if (name[i] == CHAR_FEMALE)
if (genderRatio == MON_MALE && symbolsCount[0] != 0 && symbolsCount[1] == 0)
return TRUE;
if (genderRatio == MON_FEMALE && symbolsCount[1] != 0 && symbolsCount[0] == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
extern const u8 gText_MaleSymbol4[];
extern const u8 gText_FemaleSymbol4[];
extern const u8 gText_GenderlessSymbol[];
extern const u8 gText_NewLine2[];
extern const u8 gText_Exit4[];
extern const u8 gText_Lv[];
static u8 *AppendGenderSymbol(u8 *name, u8 gender)
if (gender == MON_MALE)
if (!NameHasGenderSymbol(name, MON_MALE))
return StringAppend(name, gText_MaleSymbol4);
else if (gender == MON_FEMALE)
if (!NameHasGenderSymbol(name, MON_FEMALE))
return StringAppend(name, gText_FemaleSymbol4);
return StringAppend(name, gText_GenderlessSymbol);
u8 *AppendMonGenderSymbol(u8 *name, struct BoxPokemon *boxMon)
return AppendGenderSymbol(name, GetBoxMonGender(boxMon));
static void GetDaycareLevelMenuText(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 *dest)
u8 monNames[2][20];
u8 i;
*dest = EOS;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[i].mon, monNames[i]);
AppendMonGenderSymbol(monNames[i], &daycare->mons[i].mon);
StringCopy(dest, monNames[0]);
StringAppend(dest, gText_NewLine2);
StringAppend(dest, monNames[1]);
StringAppend(dest, gText_NewLine2);
StringAppend(dest, gText_Exit4);
static void GetDaycareLevelMenuLevelText(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 *dest)
u8 i;
u8 level;
u8 text[20];
*dest = EOS;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
StringAppend(dest, gText_Lv);
level = GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps(&daycare->mons[i].mon, daycare->mons[i].steps);
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, level, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3);
StringAppend(dest, text);
StringAppend(dest, gText_NewLine2);
void DaycareAddTextPrinter(u8 windowId, const u8 *text, u32 x, u32 y)
struct TextSubPrinter printer;
printer.current_text_offset = text;
printer.windowId = windowId;
printer.fontId = 1;
printer.x = x;
printer.y = y;
printer.currentX = x;
printer.currentY = y;
printer.fontColor_l = 0;
gTextFlags.flag_1 = 0;
printer.letterSpacing = 0;
printer.lineSpacing = 1;
printer.fontColor_h = 2;
printer.bgColor = 1;
printer.shadowColor = 3;
AddTextPrinter(&printer, 0xFF, NULL);
void DaycarePrintMonNick(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 windowId, u32 daycareSlotId, u32 y)
GetBoxMonNick(&daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].mon, nick);
AppendMonGenderSymbol(nick, &daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].mon);
DaycareAddTextPrinter(windowId, nick, 8, y);
void DaycarePrintMonLvl(struct DayCare *daycare, u8 windowId, u32 daycareSlotId, u32 y)
u8 level;
u32 x;
u8 lvlText[12];
u8 intText[8];
StringCopy(lvlText, gText_Lv);
level = GetLevelAfterDaycareSteps(&daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].mon, daycare->mons[daycareSlotId].steps);
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(intText, level, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3);
StringAppend(lvlText, intText);
x = GetStringRightAlignXOffset(1, lvlText, 112);
DaycareAddTextPrinter(windowId, lvlText, x, y);
void DaycarePrintMonInfo(u8 windowId, u32 daycareSlotId, u8 y)
if (daycareSlotId < DAYCARE_MON_COUNT)
DaycarePrintMonNick(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare, windowId, daycareSlotId, y);
DaycarePrintMonLvl(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->daycare, windowId, daycareSlotId, y);
#define tMenuListTaskId data[0]
#define tWindowId data[1]
void Task_HandleDaycareLevelMenuInput(u8 taskId)
u32 var = ListMenuHandleInput(gTasks[taskId].tMenuListTaskId);
if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON)
switch (var)
case 0:
case 1:
gSpecialVar_Result = var;
case 5:
gSpecialVar_Result = 2;
sub_81AE6C8(gTasks[taskId].tMenuListTaskId, NULL, NULL);
sub_819746C(gTasks[taskId].tWindowId, TRUE);
else if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON)
gSpecialVar_Result = 2;
sub_81AE6C8(gTasks[taskId].tMenuListTaskId, NULL, NULL);
sub_819746C(gTasks[taskId].tWindowId, TRUE);
void ShowDaycareLevelMenu(void)
struct ListMenuTemplate menuTemplate;
u8 windowId;
u8 listMenuTaskId;
u8 daycareMenuTaskId;
windowId = AddWindow(&sDaycareLevelMenuWindowTemplate);
sub_81973FC(windowId, FALSE);
menuTemplate = sDaycareListMenuLevelTemplate;
menuTemplate.unk_10 = windowId;
listMenuTaskId = ListMenuInit(&menuTemplate, 0, 0);
CopyWindowToVram(windowId, 3);
daycareMenuTaskId = CreateTask(Task_HandleDaycareLevelMenuInput, 3);
gTasks[daycareMenuTaskId].tMenuListTaskId = listMenuTaskId;
gTasks[daycareMenuTaskId].tWindowId = windowId;
#undef tMenuListTaskId
#undef tWindowId
void ChooseSendDaycareMon(void)
gMain.savedCallback = c2_exit_to_overworld_2_switch;