mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 23:17:47 +01:00
Rename GF Gname, Rfu, finish bulk of Union Room, more link doc
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
// The number of possible group leaders visible in the Union Room.
// Note that this is different than the number of people actively
// connected as children via the Wireless Adapter, which cannot
// exceed RFU_CHILD_MAX (4), for a total of 5 including the player.
@ -13,8 +17,8 @@
#define ACTIVITY_WONDER_CARD_DUP 6 // Duplicates of later WONDER constants
@ -32,9 +36,8 @@
// Duplicate IDs?
@ -46,15 +49,6 @@
#define IN_UNION_ROOM (1 << 6)
// Used in UR_AddTextPrinterParameterized
#define UR_COLOR_GRN_DN6_LTB 5
#define UR_COLOR_DN5_DN6_LTB 6
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
#define RFU_SERIAL_A 0x0002
#define RFU_SERIAL_B 0x7F7D
#define RFU_SERIAL_C 0x0000
#define RFU_SERIAL_GAME 0x0002 // Serial number for Pokémon game (FRLG or Emerald)
#define RFU_SERIAL_WONDER_DISTRIBUTOR 0x7F7D // Serial number for distributing Wonder Cards / News
#define RFU_SERIAL_UNKNOWN 0x0000 // Unreferenced acceptable serial number. Gamecube?
@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ enum {
// RfuTgtData.gname is read as these structs.
struct GFtgtGnameSub
struct RfuGameCompatibilityData
u16 language:4;
u16 hasNews:1;
@ -79,24 +78,41 @@ struct GFtgtGnameSub
u16 hasNationalDex:1;
u16 gameClear:1;
u16 version:4;
u16 unused:2;
u8 playerTrainerId[2];
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) GFtgtGname
// This struct is sent via the Wireless Adapter as the game name or "gname" data.
// Gname is only applicable during Wireless Single Game Pak Multiplay, when the
// adapter needs this data for connection. Per the RFU manual, during "normal"
// wireless play (the kind the Pokémon games use) the gname data can be used for
// anything the developers want. This struct is what GF decided to use it for.
// It can be up to 13 bytes in size (RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH).
// The player's name is sent separately as the username ("uname"), and does not
// use a struct (gHostRfuUsername).
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) RfuGameData
struct GFtgtGnameSub unk_00;
u8 child_sprite_gender[RFU_CHILD_MAX]; // u8 sprite_idx:3;
// u8 gender:1;
// u8 unk_4:3
// u8 active:1
u16 species:10;
u16 type:6;
struct RfuGameCompatibilityData compatibility;
u8 partnerInfo[RFU_CHILD_MAX];
u16 tradeSpecies:10;
u16 tradeType:6;
u8 activity:7;
u8 started:1;
u8 startedActivity:1;
u8 playerGender:1;
u8 level:7;
u8 tradeLevel:7;
u8 padding;
}; // size: RFU_GNAME_SIZE
// Constants for getting/setting information in 'partnerInfo' of RfuGameData.
// This data is used to determine what the link partners look like from
// the host's perspective.
// Bits 0-2 are a shortened trainerId
// Bit 3 is the player's gender
// Bits 4-6 are unknown/unused
// Bit 7 is an 'active' flag
#define PINFO_TID_MASK 0x7
#define PINFO_ACTIVE_FLAG (1 << 7)
struct RfuBlockSend
@ -136,7 +152,8 @@ struct RfuBackupQueue
/* 0x1e */ vu8 count;
struct GFRfuManager
// Stores data needed for the RFU on GF's end
struct RfuManager
/* 0x000 */ void (*callback)(void);
/* 0x004 */ u16 state;
@ -151,7 +168,7 @@ struct GFRfuManager
/* 0x014 */ u8 childRecvBuffer[RFU_CHILD_MAX][CHILD_DATA_LENGTH];
/* 0x04c */ u8 childSendBuffer[CHILD_DATA_LENGTH];
/* 0x05a */ u8 blockRequestType;
/* 0x05b */ u8 unk_5b;
/* 0x05b */ u8 blockSendAttempts;
/* 0x05c */ bool8 blockReceived[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS];
/* 0x061 */ bool8 numBlocksReceived[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS];
/* 0x066 */ u8 idleTaskId;
@ -170,9 +187,9 @@ struct GFRfuManager
/* 0x100 */ u16 allReadyNum;
/* 0x102 */ u8 unk_102;
/* 0x103 */ u8 filler_103[7];
/* 0x10A */ struct GFtgtGname unk_10A;
/* 0x10A */ struct RfuGameData parent;
u8 filler_;
u8 playerName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 parentName[RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH];
/* 0x124 */ struct RfuRecvQueue recvQueue;
/* 0x9e8 */ struct RfuSendQueue sendQueue;
/* 0xc1c */ struct RfuBackupQueue backupQueue;
@ -180,7 +197,7 @@ struct GFRfuManager
/* 0xc3d */ u8 unk_c3d;
/* 0xc3e */ vu8 childSlot;
/* 0xc3f */ u8 unk_c3f[70];
/* 0xc85 */ u8 unk_c85;
/* 0xc85 */ u8 leaveGroupStatus;
/* 0xc86 */ u8 recvStatus;
/* 0xc87 */ u8 recvCmds[5][7][2];
/* 0xccd */ u8 parentId;
@ -198,18 +215,18 @@ struct GFRfuManager
/* 0xce2 */ u8 unk_ce2;
/* 0xce2 */ u8 disconnectSlots;
/* 0xce4 */ u8 disconnectMode;
/* 0xce5 */ u8 unk_ce5;
/* 0xce5 */ u8 unk_ce6;
/* 0xce5 */ u8 nextChildBits;
/* 0xce5 */ u8 newChildQueue;
/* 0xce7 */ u8 acceptSlot_flag;
/* 0xce8 */ bool8 unk_ce8;
/* 0xce9 */ u8 unk_ce9;
/* 0xce9 */ u8 incomingChild;
/* 0xcea */ u8 unk_cea[4];
/* 0xcee */ u8 unk_cee[4];
}; // size = 0xcf4
extern struct GFtgtGname gHostRFUtgtGnameBuffer;
extern u8 gHostRFUtgtUnameBuffer[];
extern struct GFRfuManager Rfu;
extern struct RfuGameData gHostRfuGameData;
extern u8 gHostRfuUsername[];
extern struct RfuManager gRfu;
extern u8 gWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteId;
void WipeTrainerNameRecords(void);
@ -241,13 +258,13 @@ u32 GetRfuRecvQueueLength(void);
void RfuVSync(void);
void RfuSetIgnoreError(bool32 enable);
u8 RfuGetStatus(void);
struct GFtgtGname *GetHostRFUtgtGname(void);
void UpdateGameData_GroupLockedIn(u8 started);
struct RfuGameData *GetHostRfuGameData(void);
void UpdateGameData_GroupLockedIn(u8 startedActivity);
void GetLinkmanErrorParams(u32 msg);
void RfuSetStatus(u8 status, u16 msg);
u8 Rfu_SetLinkRecovery(bool32 enable);
void LinkRfu3_SetGnameUnameFromStaticBuffers(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2);
void SetHostRFUtgtGname(u8 activity, u32 child_sprite_genders, bool32 started);
void CopyHostRfuGameDataAndUsername(struct RfuGameData *buff1, u8 *buff2);
void SetHostRfuGameData(u8 activity, u32 partnerInfo, bool32 startedActivity);
void InitializeRfuLinkManager_LinkLeader(u32 a0);
bool32 IsRfuCommunicatingWithAllChildren(void);
void LinkRfu_StopManagerAndFinalizeSlots(void);
@ -264,22 +281,22 @@ void SendLeaveGroupNotice(void);
void RecordMixTrainerNames(void);
void LinkRfu_CreateConnectionAsParent(void);
void LinkRfu_StopManagerBeforeEnteringChat(void);
void UpdateGameData_SetActivity(u8 activity, u32 flags, bool32 started);
void UpdateGameData_SetActivity(u8 activity, u32 flags, bool32 startedActivity);
void CreateTask_RfuReconnectWithParent(const u8 *src, u16 trainerId);
void SetGnameBufferWonderFlags(bool32 hasNews, bool32 hasCard);
void ClearAndInitHostRFUtgtGname(void);
void SetHostRfuWonderFlags(bool32 hasNews, bool32 hasCard);
void ResetHostRfuGameData(void);
void SetTradeBoardRegisteredMonInfo(u32 type, u32 species, u32 level);
void InitializeRfuLinkManager_EnterUnionRoom(void);
void sub_8012188(const u8 *name, struct GFtgtGname *structPtr, u8 a2);
void TryConnectToUnionRoomParent(const u8 *name, struct RfuGameData *structPtr, u8 a2);
bool32 IsUnionRoomListenTaskActive(void);
void Rfu_SendPacket(void *data);
bool32 PlayerHasMetTrainerBefore(u16 id, u8 *name);
void Rfu_DisconnectPlayerById(u32 playerIdx);
u8 GetLinkPlayerInfoFlags(s32 playerId);
void sub_800EF7C(void);
bool8 LinkRfu_GetNameIfCompatible(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2, u8 idx);
bool8 LinkRfu_GetNameIfSerial7F7D(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2, u8 idx);
s32 sub_800E87C(u8 idx);
bool8 Rfu_GetCompatiblePlayerData(struct RfuGameData *player, u8 *username, u8 idx);
bool8 Rfu_GetWonderDistributorPlayerData(struct RfuGameData *player, u8 *username, u8 idx);
s32 Rfu_GetIndexOfNewestChild(u8 bits);
void CreateTask_RfuIdle(void);
void DestroyTask_RfuIdle(void);
void ClearRecvCommands(void);
@ -298,7 +315,7 @@ bool8 RfuRecvQueue_Dequeue(struct RfuRecvQueue *queue, u8 *dest);
bool8 RfuSendQueue_Dequeue(struct RfuSendQueue *queue, u8 *dest);
void RfuBackupQueue_Enqueue(struct RfuBackupQueue *queue, const u8 *q2);
bool8 RfuBackupQueue_Dequeue(struct RfuBackupQueue *queue, u8 *q2);
void InitHostRFUtgtGname(struct GFtgtGname *data, u8 activity, bool32 started, s32 child_sprite_genders);
void InitHostRfuGameData(struct RfuGameData *data, u8 activity, bool32 startedActivity, s32 partnerInfo);
void CreateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(u8 x, u8 y);
void DestroyWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(void);
void LoadWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteGfx(void);
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ extern const struct WindowTemplate gTradeEvolutionSceneYesNoWindowTemplate;
s32 GetGameProgressForLinkTrade(void);
void CB2_StartCreateTradeMenu(void);
void CB2_LinkTrade(void);
int CanRegisterMonForTradingBoard(struct GFtgtGnameSub a0, u16, u16, u8);
int GetUnionRoomTradeMessageId(struct GFtgtGnameSub a0, struct GFtgtGnameSub a1, u16 a2, u16 a3, u8 a4, u16 a5, u8 a6);
int CanRegisterMonForTradingBoard(struct RfuGameCompatibilityData a0, u16, u16, u8);
int GetUnionRoomTradeMessageId(struct RfuGameCompatibilityData a0, struct RfuGameCompatibilityData a1, u16 a2, u16 a3, u8 a4, u16 a5, u8 a6);
int CanSpinTradeMon(struct Pokemon*, u16);
void InitTradeSequenceBgGpuRegs(void);
void LinkTradeDrawWindow(void);
@ -5,23 +5,30 @@
#include "link.h"
#include "constants/union_room.h"
// Exported type declarations
// In the Union Room the player is only ever connected to ≤ 4 other players.
// However, there can be up to MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS (8) object events to
// represent leaders of recently discovered link groups, and each of those groups
// may have up to MAX_RFU_PLAYERS (5) players in it including the leader.
// These players are represented on-screen by NPC sprites drawn around the leader.
// Thus there can be 40 sprites of other players on-screen, in 8 groups of 5.
struct WirelessGnameUnamePair
// The maximum number of recently connected players that can be tracked.
// Note that this is significantly less than NUM_UNION_ROOM_SPRITES, i.e. not
// every player that can be shown in the Union Room can be tracked at once.
// Information such as a group member's gender can instead be read from partnerInfo
// of the leader's RfuGameData by tracking at least all of the group leaders.
struct RfuPlayerData
struct GFtgtGname gname;
u8 ALIGNED(4) playerName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
struct RfuGameData data;
struct UnkStruct_x1C
struct RfuPlayer
struct WirelessGnameUnamePair gname_uname;
u8 active:1;
struct UnkStruct_x20
struct WirelessGnameUnamePair gname_uname;
struct RfuPlayerData rfu;
u16 timeoutCounter;
u8 groupScheduledAnim:2;
bool8 useRedText:1; // Never set
@ -29,26 +36,27 @@ struct UnkStruct_x20
u8 filler[3];
struct UnkStruct_Main0
struct RfuPlayerList
struct UnkStruct_x20 arr[MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS];
struct RfuPlayer players[MAX_RFU_PLAYER_LIST_SIZE];
struct UnkStruct_Main4
struct RfuIncomingPlayer
struct UnkStruct_x1C arr[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS];
struct RfuPlayerData rfu;
bool8 active:1;
struct UnkStruct_Main8
struct RfuIncomingPlayerList
struct UnkStruct_x20 arr[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS];
struct RfuIncomingPlayer players[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS];
struct WirelessLink_Leader
struct UnkStruct_Main0 *field_0;
struct UnkStruct_Main4 *field_4;
struct UnkStruct_Main8 *field_8;
struct RfuPlayerList *playerList;
struct RfuIncomingPlayerList *incomingPlayerList;
struct RfuPlayerList *playerListBackup;
u8 state;
u8 textState;
u8 delayTimerAfterOk;
@ -57,8 +65,8 @@ struct WirelessLink_Leader
u8 nPlayerModeWindowId;
u8 listTaskId;
u8 playerCount;
u16 field_14;
u8 field_16;
u16 yesNoWindowId;
u8 unused;
u8 listenTaskId;
u8 activity;
u8 joinRequestAnswer;
@ -67,20 +75,20 @@ struct WirelessLink_Leader
struct WirelessLink_Group
struct UnkStruct_Main0 *field_0;
struct UnkStruct_Main4 *field_4;
struct RfuPlayerList *playerList;
struct RfuIncomingPlayerList *incomingPlayerList;
u8 state;
u8 textState;
u8 field_A;
u8 delayTimerAfterOk; // Unused
u8 listWindowId;
u8 bButtonCancelWindowId;
u8 playerNameAndIdWindowId;
u8 listTaskId;
u8 leaderId;
u8 field_10;
u8 unused;
u8 listenTaskId;
u8 isWonderNews;
u8 field_13;
bool8 isWonderNews;
bool8 showListMenu; // Never set
u8 refreshTimer;
u8 delayBeforePrint;
@ -95,10 +103,10 @@ struct UnionRoomObject
struct WirelessLink_URoom
struct UnkStruct_Main0 *field_0;
struct UnkStruct_Main4 *field_4;
struct UnkStruct_Main0 *field_8;
struct UnkStruct_Main4 *field_C;
struct RfuPlayerList *playerList;
struct RfuIncomingPlayerList *incomingChildList;
struct RfuPlayerList *spawnPlayer;
struct RfuIncomingPlayerList *incomingParentList;
u16 unknown; // Never read
u16 field_12;
u8 state;
@ -107,56 +115,42 @@ struct WirelessLink_URoom
u8 filler[4];
u8 topListMenuWindowId;
u8 topListMenuId;
u8 tradeBoardSelectWindowId;
u8 tradeBoardDetailsWindowId;
u8 tradeBoardMainWindowId;
u8 tradeBoardHeaderWindowId;
u8 unused1;
u8 searchTaskId;
u8 spriteIds[40];
u8 unused2;
u8 tradeBoardListMenuId;
u16 playerSendBuffer[6];
u8 activityRequestStrbufs[4][16];
u16 partnerYesNoResponse;
u16 recvActivityRequest[3];
struct UnionRoomObject objects[MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS];
struct UnionRoomObject objects[MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS];
u8 trainerCardStrBuffer[12][15];
u8 trainerCardColorStrBuffer[48];
u8 trainerCardMsgStrBuffer[200];
union WirelessLink_Main
struct WirelessLink_Leader *leader;
struct WirelessLink_Group *group;
struct WirelessLink_URoom *uRoom;
struct UnionRoomTrade
u16 state;
u16 type;
u32 playerPersonality;
u8 offerPlayerId;
u8 filler1;
u16 playerSpecies;
u16 playerLevel;
u16 species;
u16 level;
u16 filler2;
u32 personality;
// Exported RAM declarations
extern u8 gPlayerCurrActivity;
extern union WirelessLink_Main gUnknown_02022C30;
extern struct GFtgtGnameSub gPartnerTgtGnameSub;
extern struct RfuGameCompatibilityData gRfuPartnerCompatibilityData;
extern u16 gUnionRoomOfferedSpecies;
extern u8 gUnionRoomRequestedMonType;
// Exported ROM declarations
u8 CreateTask_CreateTradeMenu(void);
void SetUsingUnionRoomStartMenu(void);
void MEvent_CreateTask_CardOrNewsWithFriend(u32 arg0);
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
u8 InitUnionRoomPlayerObjects(struct UnionRoomObject *players);
void DestroyUnionRoomPlayerObjects(void);
void CreateGroupMemberSpritesInvisible(u8 *spriteIds, s32 playerIdx);
void DestroyGroupMemberSprites(u8 *spriteIds);
void CreateUnionRoomPlayerSprites(u8 *spriteIds, s32 playerIdx);
void DestroyUnionRoomPlayerSprites(u8 *spriteIds);
void SetTilesAroundUnionRoomPlayersPassable(void);
void ScheduleUnionRoomPlayerRefresh(struct WirelessLink_URoom *uroom);
void HandleUnionRoomPlayerRefresh(struct WirelessLink_URoom *uroom);
bool32 TryInteractWithUnionRoomMember(struct UnkStruct_Main0 *main0, s16 *directionPtr, s16 *playerIdxPtr, u8 *spriteIds);
void UpdateUnionRoomMemberFacing(u32 currDirection, u32 playerIdx, struct UnkStruct_Main0 *main0);
bool32 TryInteractWithUnionRoomMember(struct RfuPlayerList *main0, s16 *directionPtr, s16 *playerIdxPtr, u8 *spriteIds);
void UpdateUnionRoomMemberFacing(u32 currDirection, u32 playerIdx, struct RfuPlayerList *main0);
@ -984,12 +984,12 @@ static u32 QuitBerryCrush(MainCallback exitCallback)
return 0;
#define ERROR_EXIT(exitCallback) \
{ \
SetMainCallback2(exitCallback); \
Rfu.unk_10 = 0; \
Rfu.unk_12 = 0; \
Rfu.errorState = RFU_ERROR_STATE_1; \
#define ERROR_EXIT(exitCallback) \
{ \
SetMainCallback2(exitCallback); \
gRfu.unk_10 = 0; \
gRfu.unk_12 = 0; \
gRfu.errorState = RFU_ERROR_STATE_1; \
void StartBerryCrush(MainCallback exitCallback)
@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
// const rom data
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_EmptyString[] = _("");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Colon[] = _(":");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ID[] = _("{ID}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PleaseStartOver[] = _("Please start over from the beginning.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WirelessSearchCanceled[] = _("The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION\nSYSTEM search has been canceled.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingCommunucation2[] = _("Awaiting communication\nfrom another player."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingCommunication[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}! Awaiting\ncommunication from another player.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingLinkPressStart[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}! Awaiting link!\nPress START when everyone's ready.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_SingleBattle[] = _("シングルバトルを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_DoubleBattle[] = _("ダブルバトルを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_MultiBattle[] = _("マルチバトルを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_TradePokemon[] = _("ポケモンこうかんを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_Chat[] = _("チャットを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_DistWonderCard[] = _("ふしぎなカードをくばる");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_DistWonderNews[] = _("ふしぎなニュースをくばる");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_DistMysteryEvent[] = _("ふしぎなできごとを かいさいする"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_HoldPokemonJump[] = _("なわとびを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_HoldBerryCrush[] = _("きのみマッシャーを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_HoldBerryPicking[] = _("きのみどりを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_HoldSpinTrade[] = _("ぐるぐるこうかんを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_HoldSpinShop[] = _("ぐるぐるショップを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Colon[] = _(":");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ID[] = _("{ID}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PleaseStartOver[] = _("Please start over from the beginning.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WirelessSearchCanceled[] = _("The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION\nSYSTEM search has been canceled.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingCommunucation2[] = _("Awaiting communication\nfrom another player."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingCommunication[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}! Awaiting\ncommunication from another player.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingLinkPressStart[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}! Awaiting link!\nPress START when everyone's ready.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_SingleBattle[] = _("シングルバトルを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_DoubleBattle[] = _("ダブルバトルを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_MultiBattle[] = _("マルチバトルを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_TradePokemon[] = _("ポケモンこうかんを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_Chat[] = _("チャットを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_DistWonderCard[] = _("ふしぎなカードをくばる");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_DistWonderNews[] = _("ふしぎなニュースをくばる");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_DistMysteryEvent[] = _("ふしぎなできごとを かいさいする"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_HoldPokemonJump[] = _("なわとびを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_HoldBerryCrush[] = _("きのみマッシャーを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_HoldBerryPicking[] = _("きのみどりを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_HoldSpinTrade[] = _("ぐるぐるこうかんを かいさいする");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_HoldSpinShop[] = _("ぐるぐるショップを かいさいする");
// Unused
const u8 *const sJPLinkGroupActionTexts[] = {
static const u8 *const sJPLinkGroupActionTexts[] = {
@ -40,14 +38,14 @@ const u8 *const sJPLinkGroupActionTexts[] = {
const u8 sText_1PlayerNeeded[] = _("1 player\nneeded.");
const u8 sText_2PlayersNeeded[] = _("2 players\nneeded.");
const u8 sText_3PlayersNeeded[] = _("3 players\nneeded.");
const u8 sText_4PlayersNeeded[] = _("4 players\nneeded.");
const u8 sText_2PlayerMode[] = _("2-PLAYER\nMODE");
const u8 sText_3PlayerMode[] = _("3-PLAYER\nMODE");
const u8 sText_4PlayerMode[] = _("4-PLAYER\nMODE");
const u8 sText_5PlayerMode[] = _("5-PLAYER\nMODE");
static const u8 sText_1PlayerNeeded[] = _("1 player\nneeded.");
static const u8 sText_2PlayersNeeded[] = _("2 players\nneeded.");
static const u8 sText_3PlayersNeeded[] = _("3 players\nneeded.");
static const u8 sText_4PlayersNeeded[] = _("4 players\nneeded.");
static const u8 sText_2PlayerMode[] = _("2-PLAYER\nMODE");
static const u8 sText_3PlayerMode[] = _("3-PLAYER\nMODE");
static const u8 sText_4PlayerMode[] = _("4-PLAYER\nMODE");
static const u8 sText_5PlayerMode[] = _("5-PLAYER\nMODE");
static const u8 *const sPlayersNeededOrModeTexts[][5] = {
// 2 players required
@ -87,38 +85,38 @@ static const u8 *const sPlayersNeededOrModeTexts[][5] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BButtonCancel[] = _("{B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sJPText_SearchingForParticipants[] = _("ため\nさんかしゃ ぼしゅうちゅう です!"); // Unused, may have been cut off
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouForXAccept[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} contacted you for\n{STR_VAR_1}. Accept?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouShareX[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} contacted you.\nWill you share {STR_VAR_1}?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouAddToMembers[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} contacted you.\nAdd to the members?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AreTheseMembersOK[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}!\nAre these members OK?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CancelModeWithTheseMembers[] = _("Cancel {STR_VAR_1} MODE\nwith these members?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AnOKWasSentToPlayer[] = _("An “OK” was sent\nto {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_OtherTrainerUnavailableNow[] = _("The other TRAINER doesn't appear\nto be available now…\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CantTransmitTrainerTooFar[] = _("You can't transmit with a TRAINER\nwho is too far away.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TrainersNotReadyYet[] = _("The other TRAINER(S) is/are not\nready yet.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BButtonCancel[] = _("{B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sJPText_SearchingForParticipants[] = _("ため\nさんかしゃ ぼしゅうちゅう です!"); // Unused, may have been cut off
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouForXAccept[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} contacted you for\n{STR_VAR_1}. Accept?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouShareX[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} contacted you.\nWill you share {STR_VAR_1}?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerContactedYouAddToMembers[] = _("{STR_VAR_2} contacted you.\nAdd to the members?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AreTheseMembersOK[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}!\nAre these members OK?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CancelModeWithTheseMembers[] = _("Cancel {STR_VAR_1} MODE\nwith these members?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AnOKWasSentToPlayer[] = _("An “OK” was sent\nto {STR_VAR_1}.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_OtherTrainerUnavailableNow[] = _("The other TRAINER doesn't appear\nto be available now…\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CantTransmitTrainerTooFar[] = _("You can't transmit with a TRAINER\nwho is too far away.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TrainersNotReadyYet[] = _("The other TRAINER(S) is/are not\nready yet.\p");
static const u8 *const sCantTransmitToTrainerTexts[] = {
[UR_TRADE_PLAYER_NOT_READY - 1] = sText_CantTransmitTrainerTooFar,
[UR_TRADE_PARTNER_NOT_READY - 1] = sText_TrainersNotReadyYet
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ModeWithTheseMembersWillBeCanceled[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1} MODE with\nthese members will be canceled.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_MemberNoLongerAvailable[] = _("There is a member who can no\nlonger remain available.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ModeWithTheseMembersWillBeCanceled[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1} MODE with\nthese members will be canceled.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_MemberNoLongerAvailable[] = _("There is a member who can no\nlonger remain available.\p");
static const u8 *const sPlayerUnavailableTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TrainerAppearsUnavailable[] = _("The other TRAINER appears\nunavailable…\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerSentBackOK[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} sent back an “OK”!");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerOKdRegistration[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} OK'd your registration as\na member.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerRepliedNo[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} replied, “No…”\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingOtherMembers[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}!\nAwaiting other members!");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_QuitBeingMember[] = _("Quit being a member?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_StoppedBeingMember[] = _("You stopped being a member.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TrainerAppearsUnavailable[] = _("The other TRAINER appears\nunavailable…\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerSentBackOK[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} sent back an “OK”!");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerOKdRegistration[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} OK'd your registration as\na member.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerRepliedNo[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} replied, “No…”\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingOtherMembers[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}!\nAwaiting other members!");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_QuitBeingMember[] = _("Quit being a member?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_StoppedBeingMember[] = _("You stopped being a member.\p");
static const u8 *const sPlayerDisconnectedTexts[] = {
@ -133,12 +131,12 @@ static const u8 *const sPlayerDisconnectedTexts[] = {
[RFU_STATUS_LEAVE_GROUP] = sText_StoppedBeingMember
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WirelessLinkEstablished[] = _("The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION\nSYSTEM link has been established.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WirelessLinkDropped[] = _("The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION\nSYSTEM link has been dropped…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_LinkWithFriendDropped[] = _("The link with your friend has been\ndropped…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerRepliedNo2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} replied, “No…”");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WirelessLinkEstablished[] = _("The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION\nSYSTEM link has been established.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WirelessLinkDropped[] = _("The WIRELESS COMMUNICATION\nSYSTEM link has been dropped…");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_LinkWithFriendDropped[] = _("The link with your friend has been\ndropped…");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerRepliedNo2[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} replied, “No…”");
const u8 *const sLinkDroppedTexts[] = {
static const u8 *const sLinkDroppedTexts[] = {
[RFU_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR] = sText_LinkWithFriendDropped,
[RFU_STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR] = sText_LinkWithFriendDropped,
@ -151,8 +149,8 @@ const u8 *const sLinkDroppedTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoYouWantXMode[] = _("Do you want the {STR_VAR_2}\nMODE?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoYouWantXMode2[] = _("Do you want the {STR_VAR_2}\nMODE?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoYouWantXMode[] = _("Do you want the {STR_VAR_2}\nMODE?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoYouWantXMode2[] = _("Do you want the {STR_VAR_2}\nMODE?");
// Unused
static const u8 *const sDoYouWantModeTexts[] = {
@ -160,11 +158,14 @@ static const u8 *const sDoYouWantModeTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CommunicatingPleaseWait[] = _("Communicating…\nPlease wait."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingPlayersResponseAboutTrade[] = _("Awaiting {STR_VAR_1}'s response about\nthe trade…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Communicating[] = _("Communicating{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.\n{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CommunicatingWithPlayer[] = _("Communicating with {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.\n{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PleaseWaitAWhile[] = _("Please wait a while{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.\n{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CommunicatingPleaseWait[] = _("Communicating…\nPlease wait."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingPlayersResponseAboutTrade[] = _("Awaiting {STR_VAR_1}'s response about\nthe trade…");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Communicating[] = _("Communicating{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.\n"
"{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CommunicatingWithPlayer[] = _("Communicating with {STR_VAR_1}{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.\n"
"{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PleaseWaitAWhile[] = _("Please wait a while{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.\n"
"{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.{PAUSE 15}.");
static const u8 *const sCommunicatingWaitTexts[] = {
@ -172,10 +173,10 @@ static const u8 *const sCommunicatingWaitTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingMale[] = _("Hiya! Is there something that you\nwanted to do?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingFemale[] = _("Hello!\nWould you like to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingAgainMale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Hiya, we meet again!\nWhat are you up for this time?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingAgainFemale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Oh! {PLAYER}, hello!\nWould you like to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingMale[] = _("Hiya! Is there something that you\nwanted to do?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingFemale[] = _("Hello!\nWould you like to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingAgainMale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Hiya, we meet again!\nWhat are you up for this time?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_HiDoSomethingAgainFemale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Oh! {PLAYER}, hello!\nWould you like to do something?");
static const u8 *const sHiDoSomethingTexts[][GENDER_COUNT] = {
@ -187,10 +188,10 @@ static const u8 *const sHiDoSomethingTexts[][GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoSomethingMale[] = _("Want to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoSomethingFemale[] = _("Would you like to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoSomethingAgainMale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: What would you like to\ndo now?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoSomethingAgainFemale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Want to do anything else?"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoSomethingMale[] = _("Want to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoSomethingFemale[] = _("Would you like to do something?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoSomethingAgainMale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: What would you like to\ndo now?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoSomethingAgainFemale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Want to do anything else?"); // Unused
// Unused
static const u8 *const sDoSomethingTexts[][GENDER_COUNT] = {
@ -203,31 +204,31 @@ static const u8 *const sDoSomethingTexts[][GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_SomebodyHasContactedYou[] = _("Somebody has contacted you.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerHasContactedYou[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} has contacted you.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_SomebodyHasContactedYou[] = _("Somebody has contacted you.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerHasContactedYou[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} has contacted you.{PAUSE 60}");
static const u8 *const sPlayerContactedYouTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer[] = _("Awaiting a response from\nthe other TRAINER…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromPlayer[] = _("Awaiting a response from\n{STR_VAR_1}…");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer[] = _("Awaiting a response from\nthe other TRAINER…");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromPlayer[] = _("Awaiting a response from\n{STR_VAR_1}…");
static const u8 *const sAwaitingResponseTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCard[] = _("The other TRAINER showed\nyou their TRAINER CARD.\pWould you like to show your\nTRAINER CARD?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleChallenge[] = _("The other TRAINER challenges you\nto battle.\pWill you accept the battle\nchallenge?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChatInvitation[] = _("The other TRAINER invites you\nto chat.\pWill you accept the chat\ninvitation?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_OfferToTradeMon[] = _("There is an offer to trade your\nregistered Lv. {DYNAMIC 0} {DYNAMIC 1}\pin exchange for a\nLv. {DYNAMIC 2} {DYNAMIC 3}.\pWill you accept this trade\noffer?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_OfferToTradeEgg[] = _("There is an offer to trade your\nregistered EGG.\lWill you accept this trade offer?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChatDropped[] = _("The chat has been dropped.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_OfferDeclined1[] = _("You declined the offer.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_OfferDeclined2[] = _("You declined the offer.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChatEnded[] = _("The chat was ended.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCard[] = _("The other TRAINER showed\nyou their TRAINER CARD.\pWould you like to show your\nTRAINER CARD?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleChallenge[] = _("The other TRAINER challenges you\nto battle.\pWill you accept the battle\nchallenge?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChatInvitation[] = _("The other TRAINER invites you\nto chat.\pWill you accept the chat\ninvitation?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_OfferToTradeMon[] = _("There is an offer to trade your\nregistered Lv. {DYNAMIC 0} {DYNAMIC 1}\pin exchange for a\nLv. {DYNAMIC 2} {DYNAMIC 3}.\pWill you accept this trade\noffer?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_OfferToTradeEgg[] = _("There is an offer to trade your\nregistered EGG.\lWill you accept this trade offer?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChatDropped[] = _("The chat has been dropped.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_OfferDeclined1[] = _("You declined the offer.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_OfferDeclined2[] = _("You declined the offer.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChatEnded[] = _("The chat was ended.\p");
// Unused
static const u8 *const sInvitationTexts[] = {
@ -237,10 +238,10 @@ static const u8 *const sInvitationTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_JoinChatMale[] = _("Oh, hey! We're in a chat right now.\nWant to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerJoinChatMale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Hey, {PLAYER}!\nWe're having a chat right now.\lWant to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_JoinChatFemale[] = _("Oh, hi! We're having a chat now.\nWould you like to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerJoinChatFemale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Oh, hi, {PLAYER}!\nWe're having a chat now.\lWould you like to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_JoinChatMale[] = _("Oh, hey! We're in a chat right now.\nWant to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerJoinChatMale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Hey, {PLAYER}!\nWe're having a chat right now.\lWant to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_JoinChatFemale[] = _("Oh, hi! We're having a chat now.\nWould you like to join us?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerJoinChatFemale[] = _("{STR_VAR_1}: Oh, hi, {PLAYER}!\nWe're having a chat now.\lWould you like to join us?");
static const u8 *const sJoinChatTexts[][GENDER_COUNT] = {
@ -252,13 +253,13 @@ static const u8 *const sJoinChatTexts[][GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TrainerAppearsBusy[] = _("……\nThe TRAINER appears to be busy…\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WaitForBattleMale[] = _("A battle, huh?\nAll right, just give me some time.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WaitForChatMale[] = _("You want to chat, huh?\nSure, just wait a little.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardMale[] = _("Sure thing! As my “Greetings,”\nhere's my TRAINER CARD.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WaitForBattleFemale[] = _("A battle? Of course, but I need\ntime to get ready.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WaitForChatFemale[] = _("Did you want to chat?\nOkay, but please wait a moment.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardFemale[] = _("As my introduction, I'll show you\nmy TRAINER CARD.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TrainerAppearsBusy[] = _("……\nThe TRAINER appears to be busy…\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WaitForBattleMale[] = _("A battle, huh?\nAll right, just give me some time.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WaitForChatMale[] = _("You want to chat, huh?\nSure, just wait a little.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardMale[] = _("Sure thing! As my “Greetings,”\nhere's my TRAINER CARD.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WaitForBattleFemale[] = _("A battle? Of course, but I need\ntime to get ready.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WaitForChatFemale[] = _("Did you want to chat?\nOkay, but please wait a moment.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardFemale[] = _("As my introduction, I'll show you\nmy TRAINER CARD.");
static const u8 *const sText_WaitOrShowCardTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
@ -274,14 +275,14 @@ static const u8 *const sText_WaitOrShowCardTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WaitForChatMale2[] = _("You want to chat, huh?\nSure, just wait a little."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingBattleMale[] = _("Thanks for waiting!\nLet's get our battle started!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingChatMale[] = _("All right!\nLet's chat!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingBattleFemale[] = _("Sorry I made you wait!\nLet's get started!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoneWaitingChatFemale[] = _("Sorry I made you wait!\nLet's chat.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TradeWillBeStarted[] = _("The trade will be started.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleWillBeStarted[] = _("The battle will be started.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_EnteringChat[] = _("Entering the chat…{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WaitForChatMale2[] = _("You want to chat, huh?\nSure, just wait a little."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoneWaitingBattleMale[] = _("Thanks for waiting!\nLet's get our battle started!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoneWaitingChatMale[] = _("All right!\nLet's chat!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoneWaitingBattleFemale[] = _("Sorry I made you wait!\nLet's get started!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoneWaitingChatFemale[] = _("Sorry I made you wait!\nLet's chat.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TradeWillBeStarted[] = _("The trade will be started.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleWillBeStarted[] = _("The battle will be started.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_EnteringChat[] = _("Entering the chat…{PAUSE 60}");
static const u8 *const sStartActivityTexts[][GENDER_COUNT][3] = {
@ -307,36 +308,36 @@ static const u8 *const sStartActivityTexts[][GENDER_COUNT][3] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleDeclinedMale[] = _("Sorry! My POKéMON don't seem to\nbe feeling too well right now.\lLet me battle you another time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleDeclinedFemale[] = _("I'm terribly sorry, but my POKéMON\naren't feeling well…\pLet's battle another time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleDeclinedMale[] = _("Sorry! My POKéMON don't seem to\nbe feeling too well right now.\lLet me battle you another time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleDeclinedFemale[] = _("I'm terribly sorry, but my POKéMON\naren't feeling well…\pLet's battle another time.\p");
const u8 *const sBattleDeclinedTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
static const u8 *const sBattleDeclinedTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedMale[] = _("Huh? My TRAINER CARD…\nWhere'd it go now?\lSorry! I'll show you another time!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedFemale[] = _("Oh? Now where did I put my\nTRAINER CARD?…\lSorry! I'll show you later!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedMale[] = _("Huh? My TRAINER CARD…\nWhere'd it go now?\lSorry! I'll show you another time!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowTrainerCardDeclinedFemale[] = _("Oh? Now where did I put my\nTRAINER CARD?…\lSorry! I'll show you later!\p");
const u8 *const sShowTrainerCardDeclinedTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
static const u8 *const sShowTrainerCardDeclinedTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingMale[] = _("If you want to do something with\nme, just give me a shout!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingFemale[] = _("If you want to do something with\nme, don't be shy.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingMale[] = _("If you want to do something with\nme, just give me a shout!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_IfYouWantToDoSomethingFemale[] = _("If you want to do something with\nme, don't be shy.\p");
const u8 *const sIfYouWantToDoSomethingTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
static const u8 *const sIfYouWantToDoSomethingTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TrainerBattleBusy[] = _("Whoops! Sorry, but I have to do\nsomething else.\lAnother time, okay?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NeedTwoMonsOfLevel30OrLower1[] = _("If you want to battle, you need\ntwo POKéMON that are below\lLv. 30.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NeedTwoMonsOfLevel30OrLower2[] = _("For a battle, you need two\nPOKéMON that are below Lv. 30.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TrainerBattleBusy[] = _("Whoops! Sorry, but I have to do\nsomething else.\lAnother time, okay?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NeedTwoMonsOfLevel30OrLower1[] = _("If you want to battle, you need\ntwo POKéMON that are below\lLv. 30.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NeedTwoMonsOfLevel30OrLower2[] = _("For a battle, you need two\nPOKéMON that are below Lv. 30.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DeclineChatMale[] = _("Oh, all right.\nCome see me anytime, okay?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 stext_DeclineChatFemale[] = _("Oh…\nPlease come by anytime.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DeclineChatMale[] = _("Oh, all right.\nCome see me anytime, okay?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 stext_DeclineChatFemale[] = _("Oh…\nPlease come by anytime.\p");
// Response from partner when player declines chat
static const u8 *const sDeclineChatTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
@ -344,8 +345,8 @@ static const u8 *const sDeclineChatTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChatDeclinedMale[] = _("Oh, sorry!\nI just can't right this instant.\lLet's chat another time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChatDeclinedFemale[] = _("Oh, I'm sorry.\nI have too much to do right now.\lLet's chat some other time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChatDeclinedMale[] = _("Oh, sorry!\nI just can't right this instant.\lLet's chat another time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChatDeclinedFemale[] = _("Oh, I'm sorry.\nI have too much to do right now.\lLet's chat some other time.\p");
// Response from partner when they decline chat
static const u8 *const sChatDeclinedTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
@ -353,16 +354,16 @@ static const u8 *const sChatDeclinedTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_YoureToughMale[] = _("Whoa!\nI can tell you're pretty tough!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_UsedGoodMoveMale[] = _("You used that move?\nThat's good strategy!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleSurpriseMale[] = _("Way to go!\nThat was an eye-opener!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_SwitchedMonsMale[] = _("Oh! How could you use that\nPOKéMON in that situation?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_YoureToughFemale[] = _("That POKéMON…\nIt's been raised really well!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_UsedGoodMoveFemale[] = _("That's it!\nThis is the right move now!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleSurpriseFemale[] = _("That's awesome!\nYou can battle that way?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_SwitchedMonsFemale[] = _("You have exquisite timing for\nswitching POKéMON!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_YoureToughMale[] = _("Whoa!\nI can tell you're pretty tough!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_UsedGoodMoveMale[] = _("You used that move?\nThat's good strategy!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleSurpriseMale[] = _("Way to go!\nThat was an eye-opener!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_SwitchedMonsMale[] = _("Oh! How could you use that\nPOKéMON in that situation?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_YoureToughFemale[] = _("That POKéMON…\nIt's been raised really well!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_UsedGoodMoveFemale[] = _("That's it!\nThis is the right move now!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleSurpriseFemale[] = _("That's awesome!\nYou can battle that way?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_SwitchedMonsFemale[] = _("You have exquisite timing for\nswitching POKéMON!\p");
const u8 *const sBattleReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
static const u8 *const sBattleReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
@ -377,16 +378,16 @@ const u8 *const sBattleReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_LearnedSomethingMale[] = _("Oh, I see!\nThis is educational!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ThatsFunnyMale[] = _("Don't say anything funny anymore!\nI'm sore from laughing!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RandomChatMale1[] = _("Oh?\nSomething like that happened.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RandomChatMale2[] = _("Hmhm… What?\nSo is this what you're saying?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_LearnedSomethingFemale[] = _("Is that right?\nI didn't know that.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ThatsFunnyFemale[] = _("Ahaha!\nWhat is that about?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RandomChatFemale1[] = _("Yes, that's exactly it!\nThat's what I meant.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RandomChatFemale2[] = _("In other words…\nYes! That's right!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_LearnedSomethingMale[] = _("Oh, I see!\nThis is educational!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ThatsFunnyMale[] = _("Don't say anything funny anymore!\nI'm sore from laughing!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RandomChatMale1[] = _("Oh?\nSomething like that happened.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RandomChatMale2[] = _("Hmhm… What?\nSo is this what you're saying?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_LearnedSomethingFemale[] = _("Is that right?\nI didn't know that.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ThatsFunnyFemale[] = _("Ahaha!\nWhat is that about?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RandomChatFemale1[] = _("Yes, that's exactly it!\nThat's what I meant.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RandomChatFemale2[] = _("In other words…\nYes! That's right!\p");
const u8 *const sChatReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
static const u8 *const sChatReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
@ -401,12 +402,12 @@ const u8 *const sChatReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale1[] = _("I'm just showing my TRAINER CARD\nas my way of greeting.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale2[] = _("I hope I get to know you better!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale1[] = _("We're showing each other our\nTRAINER CARDS to get acquainted.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale2[] = _("Glad to meet you.\nPlease don't be a stranger!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale1[] = _("I'm just showing my TRAINER CARD\nas my way of greeting.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardMale2[] = _("I hope I get to know you better!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale1[] = _("We're showing each other our\nTRAINER CARDS to get acquainted.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ShowedTrainerCardFemale2[] = _("Glad to meet you.\nPlease don't be a stranger!\p");
const u8 *const sTrainerCardReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][2] = {
static const u8 *const sTrainerCardReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][2] = {
@ -417,12 +418,12 @@ const u8 *const sTrainerCardReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][2] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_MaleTraded1[] = _("Yeahah!\nI really wanted this POKéMON!\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_MaleTraded2[] = _("Finally, a trade got me that\nPOKéMON I'd wanted a long time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_FemaleTraded1[] = _("I'm trading POKéMON right now.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_FemaleTraded2[] = _("I finally got that POKéMON I\nwanted in a trade!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_MaleTraded1[] = _("Yeahah!\nI really wanted this POKéMON!\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_MaleTraded2[] = _("Finally, a trade got me that\nPOKéMON I'd wanted a long time.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_FemaleTraded1[] = _("I'm trading POKéMON right now.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_FemaleTraded2[] = _("I finally got that POKéMON I\nwanted in a trade!\p");
const u8 *const sTradeReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
static const u8 *const sTradeReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
@ -433,57 +434,66 @@ const u8 *const sTradeReactionTexts[GENDER_COUNT][4] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_XCheckedTradingBoard[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} checked the\nTRADING BOARD.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RegisterMonAtTradingBoard[] = _("Welcome to the TRADING BOARD.\pYou may register your POKéMON\nand offer it up for a trade.\pWould you like to register one of\nyour POKéMON?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TradingBoardInfo[] = _("This TRADING BOARD is used for\noffering a POKéMON for a trade.\pAll you need to do is register a\nPOKéMON for a trade.\pAnother TRAINER may offer a party\nPOKéMON in return for the trade.\pWe hope you will register POKéMON\nand trade them with many, many\lother TRAINERS.\pWould you like to register one of\nyour POKéMON?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ThankYouForRegistering[] = _("We have registered your POKéMON for\ntrade on the TRADING BOARD.\pThank you for using this service!\p"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NobodyHasRegistered[] = _("Nobody has registered any POKéMON\nfor trade on the TRADING BOARD.\p\n"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseRequestedMonType[] = _("Please choose the type of POKéMON\nthat you would like in the trade.\n");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WhichMonWillYouOffer[] = _("Which of your party POKéMON will\nyou offer in trade?\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RegistrationCanceled[] = _("Registration has been canceled.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RegistraionCompleted[] = _("Registration has been completed.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TradeCanceled[] = _("The trade has been canceled.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CancelRegistrationOfMon[] = _("Cancel the registration of your\nLv. {STR_VAR_2} {STR_VAR_1}?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CancelRegistrationOfEgg[] = _("Cancel the registration of your\nEGG?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RegistrationCanceled2[] = _("The registration has been canceled.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TradeTrainersWillBeListed[] = _("TRAINERS wishing to make a trade\nwill be listed."); // unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith2[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER with whom\nyou would like to trade POKéMON."); // unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AskTrainerToMakeTrade[] = _("Would you like to ask {STR_VAR_1} to\nmake a trade?");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer2[] = _("Awaiting a response from\nthe other TRAINER…"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NotRegisteredAMonForTrade[] = _("You have not registered a POKéMON\nfor trading.\p"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DontHaveTypeTrainerWants[] = _("You don't have a {STR_VAR_2}-type\nPOKéMON that {STR_VAR_1} wants.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DontHaveEggTrainerWants[] = _("You don't have an EGG that\n{STR_VAR_1} wants.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerCantTradeForYourMon[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} can't make a trade for\nyour POKéMON right now.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CantTradeForPartnersMon[] = _("You can't make a trade for\n{STR_VAR_1}'s POKéMON right now.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_XCheckedTradingBoard[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} checked the\nTRADING BOARD.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RegisterMonAtTradingBoard[] = _("Welcome to the TRADING BOARD.\pYou may register your POKéMON\nand offer it up for a trade.\pWould you like to register one of\nyour POKéMON?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TradingBoardInfo[] = _("This TRADING BOARD is used for\n"
"offering a POKéMON for a trade.\p"
"All you need to do is register a\n"
"POKéMON for a trade.\p"
"Another TRAINER may offer a party\n"
"POKéMON in return for the trade.\p"
"We hope you will register POKéMON\n"
"and trade them with many, many\l"
"other TRAINERS.\p"
"Would you like to register one of\nyour POKéMON?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ThankYouForRegistering[] = _("We have registered your POKéMON for\ntrade on the TRADING BOARD.\pThank you for using this service!\p"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NobodyHasRegistered[] = _("Nobody has registered any POKéMON\nfor trade on the TRADING BOARD.\p\n"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseRequestedMonType[] = _("Please choose the type of POKéMON\nthat you would like in the trade.\n");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WhichMonWillYouOffer[] = _("Which of your party POKéMON will\nyou offer in trade?\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RegistrationCanceled[] = _("Registration has been canceled.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RegistraionCompleted[] = _("Registration has been completed.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TradeCanceled[] = _("The trade has been canceled.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CancelRegistrationOfMon[] = _("Cancel the registration of your\nLv. {STR_VAR_2} {STR_VAR_1}?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CancelRegistrationOfEgg[] = _("Cancel the registration of your\nEGG?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RegistrationCanceled2[] = _("The registration has been canceled.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TradeTrainersWillBeListed[] = _("TRAINERS wishing to make a trade\nwill be listed."); // unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith2[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER with whom\nyou would like to trade POKéMON."); // unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AskTrainerToMakeTrade[] = _("Would you like to ask {STR_VAR_1} to\nmake a trade?");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromTrainer2[] = _("Awaiting a response from\nthe other TRAINER…"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NotRegisteredAMonForTrade[] = _("You have not registered a POKéMON\nfor trading.\p"); // unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DontHaveTypeTrainerWants[] = _("You don't have a {STR_VAR_2}-type\nPOKéMON that {STR_VAR_1} wants.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DontHaveEggTrainerWants[] = _("You don't have an EGG that\n{STR_VAR_1} wants.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerCantTradeForYourMon[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} can't make a trade for\nyour POKéMON right now.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CantTradeForPartnersMon[] = _("You can't make a trade for\n{STR_VAR_1}'s POKéMON right now.\p");
// Unused
const u8 *const sCantTradeMonTexts[] = {
static const u8 *const sCantTradeMonTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TradeOfferRejected[] = _("Your trade offer was rejected.\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_EggTrade[] = _("EGG TRADE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseJoinCancel[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}CHOOSE {A_BUTTON}JOIN {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainer[] = _("Please choose a TRAINER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerSingleBattle[] = _("Please choose a TRAINER for\na SINGLE BATTLE.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerDoubleBattle[] = _("Please choose a TRAINER for\na DOUBLE BATTLE.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderMultiBattle[] = _("Please choose the LEADER\nfor a MULTI BATTLE.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER to\ntrade with.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderCards[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER who is\nsharing WONDER CARDS.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderNews[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER who is\nsharing WONDER NEWS.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderPokemonJump[] = _("Jump with mini POKéMON!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryCrush[] = _("BERRY CRUSH!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryPicking[] = _("DODRIO BERRY-PICKING!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryBlender[] = _("BERRY BLENDER!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderRecordCorner[] = _("RECORD CORNER!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderCoolContest[] = _("COOLNESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBeautyContest[] = _("BEAUTY CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderCuteContest[] = _("CUTENESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderSmartContest[] = _("SMARTNESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderToughContest[] = _("TOUGHNESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerLv50[] = _("BATTLE TOWER LEVEL 50!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerOpenLv[] = _("BATTLE TOWER OPEN LEVEL!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TradeOfferRejected[] = _("Your trade offer was rejected.\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_EggTrade[] = _("EGG TRADE");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseJoinCancel[] = _("{DPAD_UPDOWN}CHOOSE {A_BUTTON}JOIN {B_BUTTON}CANCEL");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainer[] = _("Please choose a TRAINER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerSingleBattle[] = _("Please choose a TRAINER for\na SINGLE BATTLE.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerDoubleBattle[] = _("Please choose a TRAINER for\na DOUBLE BATTLE.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderMultiBattle[] = _("Please choose the LEADER\nfor a MULTI BATTLE.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToTradeWith[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER to\ntrade with.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderCards[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER who is\nsharing WONDER CARDS.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseTrainerToShareWonderNews[] = _("Please choose the TRAINER who is\nsharing WONDER NEWS.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderPokemonJump[] = _("Jump with mini POKéMON!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryCrush[] = _("BERRY CRUSH!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryPicking[] = _("DODRIO BERRY-PICKING!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBerryBlender[] = _("BERRY BLENDER!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderRecordCorner[] = _("RECORD CORNER!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderCoolContest[] = _("COOLNESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBeautyContest[] = _("BEAUTY CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderCuteContest[] = _("CUTENESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderSmartContest[] = _("SMARTNESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderToughContest[] = _("TOUGHNESS CONTEST!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerLv50[] = _("BATTLE TOWER LEVEL 50!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerOpenLv[] = _("BATTLE TOWER OPEN LEVEL!\nPlease choose the LEADER.");
static const u8 *const sChooseTrainerTexts[NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES] =
@ -511,53 +521,53 @@ static const u8 *const sChooseTrainerTexts[NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES] =
[LINK_GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_OPEN] = sText_ChooseLeaderBattleTowerOpenLv
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_SearchingForWirelessSystemWait[] = _("Searching for a WIRELESS\nCOMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Wait...");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_MustHaveTwoMonsForDoubleBattle[] = _("For a DOUBLE BATTLE, you must have\nat least two POKéMON.\p"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingPlayersResponse[] = _("Awaiting {STR_VAR_1}'s response…");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PlayerHasBeenAskedToRegisterYouPleaseWait[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} has been asked to register\nyou as a member. Please wait.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromWirelessSystem[] = _("Awaiting a response from the\nWIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PleaseWaitForOtherTrainersToGather[] = _("Please wait for other TRAINERS to\ngather and get ready."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NoCardsSharedRightNow[] = _("No CARDS appear to be shared \nright now.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NoNewsSharedRightNow[] = _("No NEWS appears to be shared\nright now.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_SearchingForWirelessSystemWait[] = _("Searching for a WIRELESS\nCOMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Wait...");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_MustHaveTwoMonsForDoubleBattle[] = _("For a DOUBLE BATTLE, you must have\nat least two POKéMON.\p"); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingPlayersResponse[] = _("Awaiting {STR_VAR_1}'s response…");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PlayerHasBeenAskedToRegisterYouPleaseWait[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} has been asked to register\nyou as a member. Please wait.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_AwaitingResponseFromWirelessSystem[] = _("Awaiting a response from the\nWIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PleaseWaitForOtherTrainersToGather[] = _("Please wait for other TRAINERS to\ngather and get ready."); // Unused
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NoCardsSharedRightNow[] = _("No CARDS appear to be shared \nright now.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NoNewsSharedRightNow[] = _("No NEWS appears to be shared\nright now.");
const u8 *const sNoWonderSharedTexts[] = {
static const u8 *const sNoWonderSharedTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Battle[] = _("BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Chat2[] = _("CHAT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Greetings[] = _("GREETINGS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Exit[] = _("EXIT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Exit2[] = _("EXIT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Info[] = _("INFO");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_NameWantedOfferLv[] = _("NAME{CLEAR_TO 0x3C}WANTED{CLEAR_TO 0x6E}OFFER{CLEAR_TO 0xC6}LV.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_SingleBattle[] = _("SINGLE BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_DoubleBattle[] = _("DOUBLE BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_MultiBattle[] = _("MULTI BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PokemonTrades[] = _("POKéMON TRADES");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Chat[] = _("CHAT");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Cards[] = _("CARDS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WonderCards[] = _("WONDER CARDS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_WonderNews[] = _("WONDER NEWS");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_PokemonJump[] = _("POKéMON JUMP");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BerryCrush[] = _("BERRY CRUSH");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BerryPicking[] = _("BERRY-PICKING");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_Search[] = _("SEARCH");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BerryBlender[] = _("BERRY BLENDER");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_RecordCorner[] = _("RECORD CORNER");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CoolContest[] = _("COOL CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BeautyContest[] = _("BEAUTY CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_CuteContest[] = _("CUTE CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_SmartContest[] = _("SMART CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ToughContest[] = _("TOUGH CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleTowerLv50[] = _("BATTLE TOWER LV. 50");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_BattleTowerOpenLv[] = _("BATTLE TOWER OPEN LEVEL");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ItsNormalCard[] = _("It's a NORMAL CARD.");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ItsBronzeCard[] = _("It's a BRONZE CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ItsCopperCard[] = _("It's a COPPER CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ItsSilverCard[] = _("It's a SILVER CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_ItsGoldCard[] = _("It's a GOLD CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Battle[] = _("BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Chat2[] = _("CHAT");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Greetings[] = _("GREETINGS");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Exit[] = _("EXIT");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Exit2[] = _("EXIT");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Info[] = _("INFO");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_NameWantedOfferLv[] = _("NAME{CLEAR_TO 60}WANTED{CLEAR_TO 110}OFFER{CLEAR_TO 198}LV.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_SingleBattle[] = _("SINGLE BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_DoubleBattle[] = _("DOUBLE BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_MultiBattle[] = _("MULTI BATTLE");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PokemonTrades[] = _("POKéMON TRADES");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Chat[] = _("CHAT");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Cards[] = _("CARDS");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WonderCards[] = _("WONDER CARDS");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_WonderNews[] = _("WONDER NEWS");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_PokemonJump[] = _("POKéMON JUMP");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BerryCrush[] = _("BERRY CRUSH");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BerryPicking[] = _("BERRY-PICKING");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_Search[] = _("SEARCH");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BerryBlender[] = _("BERRY BLENDER");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_RecordCorner[] = _("RECORD CORNER");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CoolContest[] = _("COOL CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BeautyContest[] = _("BEAUTY CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_CuteContest[] = _("CUTE CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_SmartContest[] = _("SMART CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ToughContest[] = _("TOUGH CONTEST");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleTowerLv50[] = _("BATTLE TOWER LV. 50");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_BattleTowerOpenLv[] = _("BATTLE TOWER OPEN LEVEL");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ItsNormalCard[] = _("It's a NORMAL CARD.");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ItsBronzeCard[] = _("It's a BRONZE CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ItsCopperCard[] = _("It's a COPPER CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ItsSilverCard[] = _("It's a SILVER CARD!");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_ItsGoldCard[] = _("It's a GOLD CARD!");
static const u8 *const sCardColorTexts[] = {
@ -567,17 +577,17 @@ static const u8 *const sCardColorTexts[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TrainerCardInfoPage1[] = _("This is {DYNAMIC 0} {DYNAMIC 1}'s\nTRAINER CARD…\l{DYNAMIC 2}\pPOKéDEX: {DYNAMIC 3}\nTIME: {DYNAMIC 4}:{DYNAMIC 5}\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_TrainerCardInfoPage2[] = _("BATTLES: WINS: {DYNAMIC 0} LOSSES: {DYNAMIC 2}\nTRADES: {DYNAMIC 3}\p“{DYNAMIC 4} {DYNAMIC 5}\n{DYNAMIC 6} {DYNAMIC 7}”\p");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_GladToMeetYouMale[] = _("{DYNAMIC 1}: Glad to have met you!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_GladToMeetYouFemale[] = _("{DYNAMIC 1}: Glad to meet you!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TrainerCardInfoPage1[] = _("This is {DYNAMIC 0} {DYNAMIC 1}'s\nTRAINER CARD…\l{DYNAMIC 2}\pPOKéDEX: {DYNAMIC 3}\nTIME: {DYNAMIC 4}:{DYNAMIC 5}\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_TrainerCardInfoPage2[] = _("BATTLES: WINS: {DYNAMIC 0} LOSSES: {DYNAMIC 2}\nTRADES: {DYNAMIC 3}\p“{DYNAMIC 4} {DYNAMIC 5}\n{DYNAMIC 6} {DYNAMIC 7}”\p");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_GladToMeetYouMale[] = _("{DYNAMIC 1}: Glad to have met you!{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_GladToMeetYouFemale[] = _("{DYNAMIC 1}: Glad to meet you!{PAUSE 60}");
const u8 *const sGladToMeetYouTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
static const u8 *const sGladToMeetYouTexts[GENDER_COUNT] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sText_FinishedCheckingPlayersTrainerCard[] = _("Finished checking {DYNAMIC 1}'s\nTRAINER CARD.{PAUSE 60}");
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sText_FinishedCheckingPlayersTrainerCard[] = _("Finished checking {DYNAMIC 1}'s\nTRAINER CARD.{PAUSE 60}");
static const u8 *const sLinkGroupActivityNameTexts[] = {
[ACTIVITY_NONE] = sText_EmptyString,
@ -586,8 +596,8 @@ static const u8 *const sLinkGroupActivityNameTexts[] = {
[ACTIVITY_BATTLE_MULTI] = sText_MultiBattle,
[ACTIVITY_TRADE] = sText_PokemonTrades,
[ACTIVITY_CHAT] = sText_Chat,
[ACTIVITY_WONDER_CARD] = sText_WonderCards,
[ACTIVITY_WONDER_NEWS] = sText_WonderNews,
[ACTIVITY_CARD] = sText_Cards,
[ACTIVITY_POKEMON_JUMP] = sText_PokemonJump,
[ACTIVITY_BERRY_CRUSH] = sText_BerryCrush,
@ -601,8 +611,8 @@ static const u8 *const sLinkGroupActivityNameTexts[] = {
[ACTIVITY_DECLINE] = sText_EmptyString,
[ACTIVITY_NPCTALK] = sText_EmptyString,
[ACTIVITY_PLYRTALK] = sText_EmptyString,
[ACTIVITY_WONDER_CARD2] = sText_WonderCards,
[ACTIVITY_WONDER_NEWS2] = sText_WonderNews,
[ACTIVITY_WONDER_CARD] = sText_WonderCards,
[ACTIVITY_WONDER_NEWS] = sText_WonderNews,
[ACTIVITY_CONTEST_COOL] = sText_CoolContest,
[ACTIVITY_CONTEST_BEAUTY] = sText_BeautyContest,
[ACTIVITY_CONTEST_CUTE] = sText_CuteContest,
@ -612,12 +622,12 @@ static const u8 *const sLinkGroupActivityNameTexts[] = {
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_BButtonCancel = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x00,
.tilemapTop = 0x00,
.width = 0x1E,
.height = 0x02,
.paletteNum = 0x0F,
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 0,
.tilemapTop = 0,
.width = 30,
.height = 2,
.paletteNum = 15,
.baseBlock = 0x0008
@ -712,27 +722,27 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sListMenuTemplate_PossibleGroupMembers = {
.cursorKind = 1
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F0174 = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x01,
.tilemapTop = 0x03,
.width = 0x11,
.height = 0x0a,
.paletteNum = 0x0f,
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_GroupList = {
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 1,
.tilemapTop = 3,
.width = 17,
.height = 10,
.paletteNum = 15,
.baseBlock = 0x0044
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F017C = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x14,
.tilemapTop = 0x03,
.width = 0x07,
.height = 0x04,
.paletteNum = 0x0f,
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_PlayerNameAndId = {
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 20,
.tilemapTop = 3,
.width = 7,
.height = 4,
.paletteNum = 15,
.baseBlock = 0x00ee
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0184[] = {
static const struct ListMenuItem sUnionRoomGroupsMenuItems[] = {
{ sText_EmptyString, 0 },
{ sText_EmptyString, 1 },
{ sText_EmptyString, 2 },
@ -752,10 +762,10 @@ const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0184[] = {
static const struct ListMenuTemplate sListMenuTemplate_UnionRoomGroups = {
.items = gUnknown_082F0184,
.items = sUnionRoomGroupsMenuItems,
.moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc,
.itemPrintFunc = ListMenuItemPrintFunc_UnionRoomGroups,
.totalItems = ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_082F0184),
.totalItems = ARRAY_COUNT(sUnionRoomGroupsMenuItems),
.maxShowed = 5,
.windowId = 0,
.header_X = 0,
@ -773,27 +783,27 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sListMenuTemplate_UnionRoomGroups = {
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_InviteToActivity = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x14,
.tilemapTop = 0x05,
.width = 0x10,
.height = 0x08,
.paletteNum = 0x0f,
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 20,
.tilemapTop = 5,
.width = 16,
.height = 8,
.paletteNum = 15,
.baseBlock = 0x0001
const struct ListMenuItem gUnknown_082F0224[] = {
{ sText_Greetings, 0x208 },
{ sText_Battle, 0x241 },
{ sText_Chat2, 0x245 },
{ sText_Exit, 0x040 }
static const struct ListMenuItem sInviteToActivityMenuItems[] = {
{ sText_Greetings, ACTIVITY_CARD | LINK_GROUP_CAPACITY(0, 2)},
static const struct ListMenuTemplate sListMenuTemplate_InviteToActivity = {
.items = gUnknown_082F0224,
.items = sInviteToActivityMenuItems,
.moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc,
.itemPrintFunc = NULL,
.totalItems = ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_082F0224),
.totalItems = ARRAY_COUNT(sInviteToActivityMenuItems),
.maxShowed = 4,
.windowId = 0,
.header_X = 0,
@ -811,12 +821,12 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sListMenuTemplate_InviteToActivity = {
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_RegisterForTrade = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x12,
.tilemapTop = 0x07,
.width = 0x10,
.height = 0x06,
.paletteNum = 0x0f,
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 18,
.tilemapTop = 7,
.width = 16,
.height = 6,
.paletteNum = 15,
.baseBlock = 0x0001
@ -847,13 +857,13 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sListMenuTemplate_RegisterForTrade = {
.cursorKind = 0
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F0294 = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x14,
.tilemapTop = 0x01,
.width = 0x10,
.height = 0x0c,
.paletteNum = 0x0f,
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_TradingBoardRequestType = {
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 20,
.tilemapTop = 1,
.width = 16,
.height = 12,
.paletteNum = 15,
.baseBlock = 0x0001
@ -899,23 +909,23 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sMenuTemplate_TradingBoardRequestType = {
.cursorKind = 0
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_TradingBoard = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x01,
.tilemapTop = 0x01,
.width = 0x1c,
.height = 0x02,
.paletteNum = 0x0d,
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_TradingBoardHeader = {
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 1,
.tilemapTop = 1,
.width = 28,
.height = 2,
.paletteNum = 13,
.baseBlock = 0x0001
const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_082F034C = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x01,
.tilemapTop = 0x05,
.width = 0x1c,
.height = 0x0c,
.paletteNum = 0x0d,
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_TradingBoardMain = {
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 1,
.tilemapTop = 5,
.width = 28,
.height = 12,
.paletteNum = 13,
.baseBlock = 0x0039
@ -953,13 +963,14 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sTradeBoardListMenuTemplate = {
.cursorKind = 0
const struct WindowTemplate UnrefWindowTemplate_082F03B4 = {
.bg = 0x00,
.tilemapLeft = 0x01,
.tilemapTop = 0x05,
.width = 0x1c,
.height = 0x0c,
.paletteNum = 0x0d,
// Unused
static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_Unused = {
.bg = 0,
.tilemapLeft = 1,
.tilemapTop = 5,
.width = 28,
.height = 12,
.paletteNum = 13,
.baseBlock = 0x0039
@ -983,7 +994,7 @@ static const struct ListMenuItem sEmptyListMenuItems[] = {
// Unused
static const struct ListMenuTemplate sUnknownListMenuTemplate = {
static const struct ListMenuTemplate sEmptyListMenuTemplate = {
.items = sEmptyListMenuItems,
.moveCursorFunc = ListMenuDefaultCursorMoveFunc,
.itemPrintFunc = ItemPrintFunc_EmptyList,
@ -1004,18 +1015,18 @@ static const struct ListMenuTemplate sUnknownListMenuTemplate = {
.cursorKind = 0
const struct WirelessGnameUnamePair sWirelessGnameUnamePair_Dummy = {0};
static const struct RfuPlayerData sUnionRoomPlayer_DummyRfu = {0};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_SingleBattle[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_SINGLE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_DoubleBattle[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_DOUBLE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_MultiBattle[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_MULTI, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Trade[] = {ACTIVITY_TRADE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_PokemonJump[] = {ACTIVITY_POKEMON_JUMP, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BerryCrush[] = {ACTIVITY_BERRY_CRUSH, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BerryPicking[] = {ACTIVITY_BERRY_PICK, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_WonderCard[] = {ACTIVITY_WONDER_CARD2, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_WonderNews[] = {ACTIVITY_WONDER_NEWS2, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Resume[] = {
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_SingleBattle[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_SINGLE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_DoubleBattle[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_DOUBLE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_MultiBattle[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_MULTI, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Trade[] = {ACTIVITY_TRADE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_PokemonJump[] = {ACTIVITY_POKEMON_JUMP, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BerryCrush[] = {ACTIVITY_BERRY_CRUSH, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BerryPicking[] = {ACTIVITY_BERRY_PICK, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_WonderCard[] = {ACTIVITY_WONDER_CARD, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_WonderNews[] = {ACTIVITY_WONDER_NEWS, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Resume[] = {
@ -1027,8 +1038,8 @@ ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Resume[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Init[] = {ACTIVITY_SEARCH, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Unk11[] = {
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Init[] = {ACTIVITY_SEARCH, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Unk11[] = {
@ -1036,22 +1047,22 @@ ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_Unk11[] = {
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_RecordCorner[] = {ACTIVITY_RECORD_CORNER, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BerryBlender[] = {ACTIVITY_BERRY_BLENDER, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_CoolContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_COOL, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BeautyContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_BEAUTY, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_CuteContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_CUTE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_SmartContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_SMART, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_ToughContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_TOUGH, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BattleTower[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_TOWER, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BattleTowerOpen[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_TOWER_OPEN, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_RecordCorner[] = {ACTIVITY_RECORD_CORNER, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BerryBlender[] = {ACTIVITY_BERRY_BLENDER, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_CoolContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_COOL, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BeautyContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_BEAUTY, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_CuteContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_CUTE, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_SmartContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_SMART, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_ToughContest[] = {ACTIVITY_CONTEST_TOUGH, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BattleTower[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_TOWER, 0xff};
ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sAcceptedActivityIds_BattleTowerOpen[] = {ACTIVITY_BATTLE_TOWER_OPEN, 0xff};
const u8 *const sAcceptedActivityIds[NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES] = {
static const u8 *const sAcceptedActivityIds[NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES] = {
[LINK_GROUP_SINGLE_BATTLE] = sAcceptedActivityIds_SingleBattle,
[LINK_GROUP_DOUBLE_BATTLE] = sAcceptedActivityIds_DoubleBattle,
[LINK_GROUP_MULTI_BATTLE] = sAcceptedActivityIds_MultiBattle,
@ -1085,8 +1096,8 @@ static const u8 sLinkGroupToURoomActivity[NUM_LINK_GROUP_TYPES + 2] =
@ -1138,22 +1138,22 @@ u8 player_get_pos_including_state_based_drift(s16 *x, s16 *y)
switch (object->movementActionId)
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include "librfu.h"
// If expanding the length of the player name and wireless link functionality is
// desired, ensure that the name string is limited in size when it's copied from the
// saveblock to any Rfu-related fields (e.g. in SetHostRfuUsername).
// If wireless link functionality is not desired ignore or delete this warning.
#warning "The Wireless Adapter hardware expects a username of no more than 8 bytes."
struct LLSFStruct
u8 frameSize;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ enum {
@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ struct RfuUnusedQueue
EWRAM_DATA u8 gWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteId = 0;
static u8 sUnknown_03000D74;
static u8 sSequenceArrayValOffset;
static const u16 sWirelessLinkIconPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/interface/wireless_link_icon.gbapal");
static const u32 sWirelessLinkIconPic[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/interface/wireless_link_icon.4bpp.lz");
@ -290,16 +293,16 @@ static const union AnimCmd *const sWirelessStatusIndicatorAnims[] = {
static const struct CompressedSpriteSheet sWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteSheet = {
sWirelessLinkIconPic, 0x0380, 0xD431
sWirelessLinkIconPic, 0x0380, TAG_GFX_STATUS_INDICATOR
static const struct SpritePalette sWirelessStatusIndicatorSpritePalette = {
sWirelessLinkIconPalette, 0xD432
sWirelessLinkIconPalette, TAG_PAL_STATUS_INDICATOR
static const struct SpriteTemplate sWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteTemplate = {
.tileTag = 0xD431,
.paletteTag = 0xD432,
.oam = &sWirelessStatusIndicatorOamData,
.anims = sWirelessStatusIndicatorAnims,
.images = NULL,
@ -333,9 +336,7 @@ void RfuSendQueue_Reset(struct RfuSendQueue *queue)
for (i = 0; i < SEND_QUEUE_NUM_SLOTS; i++)
for (j = 0; j < SEND_QUEUE_SLOT_LENGTH; j++)
queue->slots[i][j] = 0;
queue->sendSlot = 0;
queue->recvSlot = 0;
@ -351,9 +352,7 @@ static void RfuUnusedQueue_Reset(struct RfuUnusedQueue *queue)
for (i = 0; i < UNUSED_QUEUE_NUM_SLOTS; i++)
for (j = 0; j < UNUSED_QUEUE_SLOT_LENGTH; j++)
queue->slots[i][j] = 0;
queue->sendSlot = 0;
queue->recvSlot = 0;
@ -555,46 +554,57 @@ static bool8 RfuUnusedQueue_Dequeue(struct RfuUnusedQueue *queue, u8 *dest)
// Unused
static void sub_800DBF8(u8 *q1, u8 mode)
// Populates an array with a sequence of numbers (which numbers depends on the mode)
// and sets the final element to the total of the other elements
#define SEQ_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE 200
static void PopulateArrayWithSequence(u8 *arr, u8 mode)
s32 i;
u8 rval;
u16 r5 = 0;
u16 total = 0;
switch (mode)
case 0:
for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
// Populate with numbers 1-200
// Total will be 20100
for (i = 0; i < SEQ_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE; i++)
q1[i] = i + 1;
r5 += i + 1;
arr[i] = i + 1;
total += i + 1;
*((u16 *)(q1 + i)) = r5;
*((u16 *)(arr + i)) = total;
case 1:
// Populate with numbers 1-100
// Total will be 5050
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
q1[i] = i + 1;
r5 += i + 1;
arr[i] = i + 1;
total += i + 1;
*((u16 *)(q1 + 200)) = r5;
*((u16 *)(arr + SEQ_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE)) = total;
case 2:
for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
// Populate with random numbers 0-255
// Total will be a number 0-51000
for (i = 0; i < SEQ_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE; i++)
rval = Random();
q1[i] = rval;
r5 += rval;
arr[i] = rval;
total += rval;
*((u16 *)(q1 + i)) = r5;
*((u16 *)(arr + i)) = total;
case 3:
for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
// Populate with numbers 1-200 + sSequenceArrayValOffset
// Total will be a number 20100-51000
for (i = 0; i < SEQ_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE; i++)
q1[i] = i + 1 + sUnknown_03000D74;
r5 += (i + 1 + sUnknown_03000D74) & 0xFF;
arr[i] = i + 1 + sSequenceArrayValOffset;
total += (i + 1 + sSequenceArrayValOffset) & 0xFF;
*((u16 *)(q1 + i)) = r5;
*((u16 *)(arr + i)) = total;
@ -606,9 +616,7 @@ static void PkmnStrToASCII(u8 *asciiStr, const u8 *pkmnStr)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; pkmnStr[i] != EOS; i++)
asciiStr[i] = sWireless_RSEtoASCIITable[pkmnStr[i]];
asciiStr[i] = 0;
@ -617,9 +625,7 @@ static void ASCIIToPkmnStr(u8 *pkmnStr, const u8 *asciiStr)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; asciiStr[i] != 0; i++)
pkmnStr[i] = sWireless_ASCIItoRSETable[asciiStr[i]];
pkmnStr[i] = EOS;
@ -655,33 +661,32 @@ static u8 GetConnectedChildStrength(u8 maxFlags)
return 0;
void InitHostRFUtgtGname(struct GFtgtGname *data, u8 activity, bool32 started, s32 child_sprite_genders)
void InitHostRfuGameData(struct RfuGameData *data, u8 activity, bool32 startedActivity, s32 partnerInfo)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
data->unk_00.playerTrainerId[i] = gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId[i];
for (i = 0; i < (s32)ARRAY_COUNT(data->compatibility.playerTrainerId); i++)
data->compatibility.playerTrainerId[i] = gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId[i];
for (i = 0; i < RFU_CHILD_MAX; i++)
data->child_sprite_gender[i] = child_sprite_genders;
child_sprite_genders >>= 8;
data->partnerInfo[i] = partnerInfo;
partnerInfo >>= 8; // Each element is 1 byte
data->playerGender = gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerGender;
data->activity = activity;
data->started = started;
data->unk_00.language = GAME_LANGUAGE;
data->unk_00.version = GAME_VERSION;
data->unk_00.hasNews = FALSE;
data->unk_00.hasCard = FALSE;
data->unk_00.unknown = FALSE;
data->unk_00.isChampion = FlagGet(FLAG_IS_CHAMPION);
data->unk_00.hasNationalDex = IsNationalPokedexEnabled();
data->unk_00.gameClear = FlagGet(FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR);
data->startedActivity = startedActivity;
data->compatibility.language = GAME_LANGUAGE;
data->compatibility.version = GAME_VERSION;
data->compatibility.hasNews = FALSE;
data->compatibility.hasCard = FALSE;
data->compatibility.unknown = FALSE;
data->compatibility.isChampion = FlagGet(FLAG_IS_CHAMPION);
data->compatibility.hasNationalDex = IsNationalPokedexEnabled();
data->compatibility.gameClear = FlagGet(FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR);
bool8 LinkRfu_GetNameIfCompatible(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2, u8 idx)
bool8 Rfu_GetCompatiblePlayerData(struct RfuGameData *gameData, u8 *username, u8 idx)
bool8 retVal;
@ -690,13 +695,13 @@ bool8 LinkRfu_GetNameIfCompatible(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2, u8 idx)
retVal = TRUE;
if (IsRfuSerialNumberValid(gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].serialNo) && ((gRfuLinkStatus->getNameFlag >> idx) & 1))
memcpy(buff1, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].gname, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(buff2, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].uname, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memcpy(gameData, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].gname, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(username, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].uname, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(buff1, 0, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(buff2, 0, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memset(gameData, 0, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(username, 0, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
@ -704,39 +709,39 @@ bool8 LinkRfu_GetNameIfCompatible(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2, u8 idx)
retVal = FALSE;
if (IsRfuSerialNumberValid(gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].serialNo))
memcpy(buff1, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].gname, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(buff2, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].uname, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memcpy(gameData, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].gname, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(username, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].uname, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(buff1, 0, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(buff2, 0, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memset(gameData, 0, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(username, 0, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
return retVal;
bool8 LinkRfu_GetNameIfSerial7F7D(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2, u8 idx)
bool8 Rfu_GetWonderDistributorPlayerData(struct RfuGameData *gameData, u8 *username, u8 idx)
bool8 retVal = FALSE;
if (gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].serialNo == RFU_SERIAL_B)
if (gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].serialNo == RFU_SERIAL_WONDER_DISTRIBUTOR)
memcpy(buff1, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].gname, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(buff2, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].uname, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memcpy(gameData, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].gname, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(username, gRfuLinkStatus->partner[idx].uname, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
retVal = TRUE;
memset(buff1, 0, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(buff2, 0, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memset(gameData, 0, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(username, 0, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
return retVal;
void LinkRfu3_SetGnameUnameFromStaticBuffers(struct GFtgtGname *buff1, u8 *buff2)
void CopyHostRfuGameDataAndUsername(struct RfuGameData *gameData, u8 *username)
memcpy(buff1, &gHostRFUtgtGnameBuffer, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(buff2, gHostRFUtgtUnameBuffer, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
memcpy(gameData, &gHostRfuGameData, RFU_GAME_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(username, gHostRfuUsername, RFU_USER_NAME_LENGTH);
#define sNextAnimNum data[0]
@ -754,8 +759,8 @@ void CreateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(u8 x, u8 y)
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
x = 0xE7;
y = 0x08;
x = 231;
y = 8;
if (gRfuLinkStatus->parentChild == MODE_PARENT)
@ -788,9 +793,7 @@ void DestroyWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(void)
void LoadWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteGfx(void)
if (GetSpriteTileStartByTag(sWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteSheet.tag) == 0xFFFF)
gWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteId = SPRITE_NONE;
@ -802,9 +805,7 @@ static u8 GetParentSignalStrength(void)
for (i = 0; i < RFU_CHILD_MAX; i++)
if (flags & 1)
return gRfuLinkStatus->strength[i];
flags >>= 1;
return 0;
@ -827,40 +828,33 @@ void UpdateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(void)
struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[gWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteId];
u8 signalStrength = RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL4_MAX;
u8 i = 0;
// Get weakest signal strength
if (gRfuLinkStatus->parentChild == MODE_PARENT)
for (i = 0; i < GetLinkPlayerCount() - 1; i++)
if (signalStrength >= GetConnectedChildStrength(i + 1))
signalStrength = GetConnectedChildStrength(i + 1);
signalStrength = GetParentSignalStrength();
// Set signal strength sprite anim number
if (IsRfuRecoveringFromLinkLoss() == TRUE)
else if (signalStrength <= RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL1_MAX)
else if (signalStrength >= RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL2_MIN && signalStrength <= RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL2_MAX)
sprite->sNextAnimNum = WIRELESS_STATUS_ANIM_1_BAR;
else if (signalStrength >= RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL3_MIN && signalStrength <= RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL3_MAX)
sprite->sNextAnimNum = WIRELESS_STATUS_ANIM_2_BARS;
else if (signalStrength >= RFU_LINK_ICON_LEVEL4_MIN)
sprite->sNextAnimNum = WIRELESS_STATUS_ANIM_3_BARS;
if (sprite->sNextAnimNum != sprite->sSavedAnimNum)
SetWirelessStatusIndicatorAnim(sprite, sprite->sNextAnimNum);
@ -871,9 +865,7 @@ void UpdateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(void)
sprite->sFrameDelay = 0;
if (sprite->anims[sprite->sCurrAnimNum][sprite->sFrameIdx].type == -2)
sprite->sFrameIdx = 0;
@ -884,11 +876,9 @@ void UpdateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(void)
gMain.oamBuffer[125].y = sprite->pos1.y + sprite->centerToCornerVecY;
gMain.oamBuffer[125].paletteNum = sprite->oam.paletteNum;
gMain.oamBuffer[125].tileNum = sprite->sTileStart + sprite->anims[sprite->sCurrAnimNum][sprite->sFrameIdx].frame.imageValue;
CpuCopy16(gMain.oamBuffer + 125, (struct OamData *)OAM + 125, sizeof(struct OamData));
CpuCopy16(&gMain.oamBuffer[125], (struct OamData *)OAM + 125, sizeof(struct OamData));
if (RfuGetStatus() == RFU_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR)
@ -926,7 +916,7 @@ void RecordMixTrainerNames(void)
s32 i;
s32 j;
s32 nextSpace;
s32 connectedTrainerRecordIndices[5];
s32 connectedTrainerRecordIndices[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS];
struct TrainerNameRecord *newRecords = calloc(ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords), sizeof(struct TrainerNameRecord));
// Check if we already have a record saved for connected trainers.
@ -936,9 +926,7 @@ void RecordMixTrainerNames(void)
for (j = 0; j < (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords); j++)
if ((u16)gLinkPlayers[i].trainerId == gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[j].trainerId && StringCompare(gLinkPlayers[i].name, gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[j].trainerName) == 0)
connectedTrainerRecordIndices[i] = j;
@ -952,9 +940,7 @@ void RecordMixTrainerNames(void)
// If we already had a record for this trainer, wipe it so that the next step doesn't duplicate it.
if (connectedTrainerRecordIndices[i] >= 0)
memset(gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[connectedTrainerRecordIndices[i]].trainerName, 0, 8);
memset(gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[connectedTrainerRecordIndices[i]].trainerName, 0, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
@ -967,9 +953,7 @@ void RecordMixTrainerNames(void)
CopyTrainerRecord(&newRecords[nextSpace], gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[i].trainerId, gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[i].trainerName);
if (++nextSpace >= (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords))
@ -1001,6 +985,6 @@ void WipeTrainerNameRecords(void)
for (i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords); i++)
gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[i].trainerId = 0;
CpuFill16(0, gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[i].trainerName, 8);
CpuFill16(0, gSaveBlock1Ptr->trainerNameRecords[i].trainerName, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
@ -510,13 +510,9 @@ void MG_DrawCheckerboardPattern(u32 bg)
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if ((i & 1) != (j & 1))
FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, 1, j, i + 2, 1, 1, 0x11);
FillBgTilemapBufferRect(bg, 2, j, i + 2, 1, 1, 0x11);
@ -593,10 +589,8 @@ bool32 unref_HideDownArrowAndWaitButton(u8 * textState)
case 0:
case 1:
@ -609,9 +603,8 @@ bool32 unref_HideDownArrowAndWaitButton(u8 * textState)
static bool32 PrintStringAndWait2Seconds(u8 * counter, const u8 * str)
if (*counter == 0)
if (++(*counter) > 120)
*counter = 0;
@ -632,27 +625,20 @@ static u32 MysteryGift_HandleThreeOptionMenu(u8 * unused0, u16 * unused1, u8 whi
s32 response;
if (whichMenu == 0)
listMenuTemplate.items = sListMenuItems_CardsOrNews;
listMenuTemplate.items = sListMenuItems_WirelessOrFriend;
width = Intl_GetListMenuWidth(&listMenuTemplate);
if (width & 1)
windowTemplate.width = width;
if (width < 30)
windowTemplate.tilemapLeft = (30 - width) / 2;
windowTemplate.tilemapLeft = 0;
response = DoMysteryGiftListMenu(&windowTemplate, &listMenuTemplate, 1, 0x00A, 0xE0);
if (response != -1)
@ -672,13 +658,9 @@ s8 mevent_message_print_and_prompt_yes_no(u8 * textState, u16 * windowId, bool8
case 0:
StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, str);
if (yesNoBoxPlacement == 0)
*windowId = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplate_PromptYesOrNo_Width28);
*windowId = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplate_PromptYesOrNo_Width20);
FillWindowPixelBuffer(*windowId, 0x11);
AddTextPrinterParameterized4(*windowId, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, sMG_Ereader_TextColor_2, 0, gStringVar4);
DrawTextBorderOuter(*windowId, 0x001, 0x0F);
@ -689,19 +671,15 @@ s8 mevent_message_print_and_prompt_yes_no(u8 * textState, u16 * windowId, bool8
case 1:
windowTemplate = sWindowTemplate_YesNoBox;
if (yesNoBoxPlacement == 0)
windowTemplate.tilemapTop = 9;
windowTemplate.tilemapTop = 15;
CreateYesNoMenu(&windowTemplate, 10, 14, 0);
case 2:
input = Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose();
if (input == -1 || input == 0 || input == 1)
if (input == MENU_B_PRESSED || input == 0 || input == 1)
*textState = 0;
@ -711,16 +689,16 @@ s8 mevent_message_print_and_prompt_yes_no(u8 * textState, u16 * windowId, bool8
return input;
case 0xFF:
case (u8)MENU_B_PRESSED:
*textState = 0;
CopyWindowToVram(*windowId, 1);
return -1;
return -2;
static s32 HandleMysteryGiftListMenu(u8 * textState, u16 * windowId, bool32 cannotToss, bool32 cannotSend)
@ -1237,21 +1215,21 @@ void task00_mystery_gift(u8 taskId)
case 0:
if (data->source == 1)
else if (data->source == 0)
case 1:
if (data->source == 1)
else if (data->source == 0)
@ -1594,10 +1572,10 @@ void task00_mystery_gift(u8 taskId)
switch (data->IsCardOrNews)
case 0:
case 1:
data->source = 1;
@ -2898,7 +2898,7 @@ bool32 IsSendingKeysOverCable(void)
static u32 GetLinkSendQueueLength(void)
if (gWirelessCommType != 0)
return Rfu.sendQueue.count;
return gRfu.sendQueue.count;
return gLink.sendQueue.count;
@ -3522,7 +3522,7 @@ static void CursorCb_Register(u8 taskId)
u16 species = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gPartyMenu.slotId], MON_DATA_SPECIES);
u8 isEventLegal = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gPartyMenu.slotId], MON_DATA_EVENT_LEGAL);
switch (CanRegisterMonForTradingBoard(*(struct GFtgtGnameSub *)GetHostRFUtgtGname(), species2, species, isEventLegal))
switch (CanRegisterMonForTradingBoard(*(struct RfuGameCompatibilityData *)GetHostRfuGameData(), species2, species, isEventLegal))
StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_PkmnCantBeTradedNow);
@ -3548,7 +3548,7 @@ static void CursorCb_Trade1(u8 taskId)
u16 species2 = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gPartyMenu.slotId], MON_DATA_SPECIES2);
u16 species = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gPartyMenu.slotId], MON_DATA_SPECIES);
u8 isEventLegal = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gPartyMenu.slotId], MON_DATA_EVENT_LEGAL);
u32 stringId = GetUnionRoomTradeMessageId(*(struct GFtgtGnameSub *)GetHostRFUtgtGname(), gPartnerTgtGnameSub, species2, gUnionRoomOfferedSpecies, gUnionRoomRequestedMonType, species, isEventLegal);
u32 stringId = GetUnionRoomTradeMessageId(*(struct RfuGameCompatibilityData *)GetHostRfuGameData(), gRfuPartnerCompatibilityData, species2, gUnionRoomOfferedSpecies, gUnionRoomRequestedMonType, species, isEventLegal);
if (stringId != UR_TRADE_MSG_NONE)
@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@ static int GetPlayersAtJumpPeak(void)
static bool32 AreLinkQueuesEmpty(void)
return !Rfu.recvQueue.count && !Rfu.sendQueue.count;
return !gRfu.recvQueue.count && !gRfu.sendQueue.count;
static int GetNumPlayersForBonus(u8 *arg0)
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static bool32 IsLinkTradeTaskFinished(void)
if (gPlayerCurrActivity == ACTIVITY_29)
if (gRfuSlotStatusNI[sub_800E87C(lman.acceptSlot_flag)]->send.state == 0)
if (gRfuSlotStatusNI[Rfu_GetIndexOfNewestChild(lman.acceptSlot_flag)]->send.state == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
@ -2438,80 +2438,70 @@ static bool32 IsDeoxysOrMewUntradable(u16 species, bool8 isEventLegal)
return FALSE;
int GetUnionRoomTradeMessageId(struct GFtgtGnameSub rfuPlayer, struct GFtgtGnameSub rfuPartner, u16 playerSpecies2, u16 partnerSpecies, u8 requestedType, u16 playerSpecies, u8 isEventLegal)
int GetUnionRoomTradeMessageId(struct RfuGameCompatibilityData player, struct RfuGameCompatibilityData partner, u16 playerSpecies2, u16 partnerSpecies, u8 requestedType, u16 playerSpecies, u8 isEventLegal)
bool8 playerHasNationalDex = rfuPlayer.hasNationalDex;
bool8 playerIsChampion = rfuPlayer.isChampion;
bool8 partnerHasNationalDex = rfuPartner.hasNationalDex;
bool8 partnerIsChampion = rfuPartner.isChampion;
u8 r1 = rfuPartner.version;
bool8 playerHasNationalDex = player.hasNationalDex;
bool8 playerIsChampion = player.isChampion;
bool8 partnerHasNationalDex = partner.hasNationalDex;
bool8 partnerIsChampion = partner.isChampion;
u8 partnerVersion = partner.version;
// If partner is not using Emerald, both players must be champion
if (partnerVersion != VERSION_EMERALD)
if (!playerIsChampion)
else if (!partnerIsChampion)
// Cannot trade illegitimate Deoxys/Mew
if (IsDeoxysOrMewUntradable(playerSpecies, isEventLegal))
if (partnerSpecies == SPECIES_EGG)
// If partner is trading an Egg then the player must also be trading an Egg
if (playerSpecies2 != partnerSpecies)
if (gBaseStats[playerSpecies2].type1 != requestedType && gBaseStats[playerSpecies2].type2 != requestedType)
// Player's Pokémon must be of the type the partner requested
if (gBaseStats[playerSpecies2].type1 != requestedType
&& gBaseStats[playerSpecies2].type2 != requestedType)
// If the player is trading an Egg then the partner must also be trading an Egg
// Odd that this wasn't checked earlier, as by this point we know either the partner doesn't have an Egg or that both do.
if (playerSpecies2 == SPECIES_EGG && playerSpecies2 != partnerSpecies)
// If the player doesn't have the National Dex then Eggs and non-Hoenn Pokémon can't be traded
if (!playerHasNationalDex)
if (playerSpecies2 == SPECIES_EGG)
if (!IsSpeciesInHoennDex(playerSpecies2))
if (!IsSpeciesInHoennDex(partnerSpecies))
// If the partner doesn't have the National Dex then the player's offer has to be a Hoenn Pokémon
if (!partnerHasNationalDex && !IsSpeciesInHoennDex(playerSpecies2))
// Trade is allowed
int CanRegisterMonForTradingBoard(struct GFtgtGnameSub rfuPlayer, u16 species2, u16 species, u8 isEventLegal)
int CanRegisterMonForTradingBoard(struct RfuGameCompatibilityData player, u16 species2, u16 species, u8 isEventLegal)
bool8 hasNationalDex = rfuPlayer.hasNationalDex;
bool8 hasNationalDex = player.hasNationalDex;
if (IsDeoxysOrMewUntradable(species, isEventLegal))
@ -2541,9 +2531,7 @@ int CanSpinTradeMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 monIdx)
speciesArray[i] = GetMonData(&mon[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2);
if (speciesArray[i] == SPECIES_EGG)
speciesArray[i] = SPECIES_NONE;
versions = 0;
@ -2553,13 +2541,9 @@ int CanSpinTradeMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 monIdx)
version = gLinkPlayers[i].version & 0xFF;
if (version == VERSION_FIRE_RED ||
versions = 0;
versions |= 1;
for (i = 0; i < GetLinkPlayerCount(); i++)
@ -2590,9 +2574,7 @@ int CanSpinTradeMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 monIdx)
for (i = 0; i < gPlayerPartyCount; i++)
if (monIdx != i)
numMonsLeft += speciesArray[i];
if (!numMonsLeft)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -9,8 +9,12 @@
#include "constants/event_objects.h"
#include "constants/event_object_movement.h"
#define UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, facingDir)(5 * playerIdx + facingDir)
// Each parent player can lead a group of up to MAX_RFU_PLAYERS (including themselves).
// Multiply the leader's id by MAX_RFU_PLAYERS and add the member's id (0 if the leader) to
// get the sprite index of that player.
#define UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(leaderId, memberId)(MAX_RFU_PLAYERS * leaderId + memberId)
static EWRAM_DATA struct UnionRoomObject * sUnionObjWork = NULL;
static EWRAM_DATA u32 sUnionObjRefreshTimer = 0;
@ -19,7 +23,8 @@ static u8 CreateTask_AnimateUnionRoomPlayers(void);
static u32 IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(u32, u32);
static void SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(s32, s32, u8);
static const u8 sUnionRoomObjGfxIds[GENDER_COUNT][MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS + 2] = {
// + 2 is just to match, those elements are empty and never read
static const u8 sUnionRoomObjGfxIds[GENDER_COUNT][MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS + 2] = {
[MALE] = {
@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ static const u8 sUnionRoomObjGfxIds[GENDER_COUNT][MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS + 2] =
static const s16 sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS][2] = {
static const s16 sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS][2] = {
{ 4, 6},
{13, 8},
{10, 6},
@ -53,12 +58,16 @@ static const s16 sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS][2] = {
{ 7, 8}
static const s8 sFacingDirectionOffsets[][2] = {
[DIR_NONE] = { 0, 0},
[DIR_SOUTH] = { 1, 0},
[DIR_NORTH] = { 0, -1},
[DIR_WEST] = {-1, 0},
[DIR_EAST] = { 0, 1}
// If there's a group of players interacting in the Union Room, the group
// leader will be at one of the positions above and each member in the group
// will be at one of the offsets from that position below. The leader will
// be at the first offset (0,0), as they're at the center.
static const s8 sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][2] = {
{ 0, 0}, // Center
{ 1, 0}, // Left
{ 0, -1}, // Top
{-1, 0}, // Right
{ 0, 1} // Bottom
static const u8 sOppositeFacingDirection[] = {
@ -69,12 +78,14 @@ static const u8 sOppositeFacingDirection[] = {
static const u8 sNextFacingDirection[] = {
// Compare to sUnionRoomGroupOffsets, the direction each group member
// needs to be facing in order to face the group leader in the center.
static const u8 sMemberFacingDirections[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = {
DIR_SOUTH, // Leader, but never read
static const u8 sUnionRoomLocalIds[] = {
@ -118,21 +129,22 @@ static bool32 IsPlayerStandingStill(void)
return FALSE;
// Gender and trainer id are used to determine which sprite a player appears as
static u8 GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId(u32 gender, u32 id)
return sUnionRoomObjGfxIds[gender][id % MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS];
return sUnionRoomObjGfxIds[gender][id % MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS];
static void GetUnionRoomPlayerFacingCoords(u32 playerIdx, u32 direction, s32 * x, s32 * y)
static void GetUnionRoomPlayerCoords(u32 leaderId, u32 memberId, s32 * x, s32 * y)
*x = sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[playerIdx][0] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][0] + 7;
*y = sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[playerIdx][1] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][1] + 7;
*x = sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[leaderId][0] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][0] + 7;
*y = sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[leaderId][1] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][1] + 7;
static bool32 IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(u32 playerIdx, u32 direction, s32 x, s32 y)
static bool32 IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(u32 leaderId, u32 memberId, s32 x, s32 y)
if ((sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[playerIdx][0] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][0] + 7 == x)
&& (sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[playerIdx][1] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][1] + 7 == y))
if ((sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[leaderId][0] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][0] + 7 == x)
&& (sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[leaderId][1] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][1] + 7 == y))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
@ -153,62 +165,50 @@ static void ShowUnionRoomPlayer(u32 player_idx)
FlagClear(FLAG_HIDE_UNION_ROOM_PLAYER_1 + player_idx);
static void SetUnionRoomPlayerGfx(u32 playerIdx, u32 gfxId)
static void SetUnionRoomPlayerGfx(u32 leaderId, u32 gfxId)
VarSet(VAR_OBJ_GFX_ID_0 + playerIdx, gfxId);
VarSet(VAR_OBJ_GFX_ID_0 + leaderId, gfxId);
static void CreateUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(u32 playerIdx)
static void CreateUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(u32 leaderId)
TrySpawnObjectEvent(sUnionRoomLocalIds[playerIdx], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup);
TrySpawnObjectEvent(sUnionRoomLocalIds[leaderId], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup);
static void RemoveUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(u32 playerIdx)
static void RemoveUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(u32 leaderId)
RemoveObjectEventByLocalIdAndMap(sUnionRoomLocalIds[playerIdx], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup);
RemoveObjectEventByLocalIdAndMap(sUnionRoomLocalIds[leaderId], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup);
static bool32 SetUnionRoomPlayerEnterExitMovement(u32 playerIdx, const u8 * movement)
static bool32 SetUnionRoomPlayerEnterExitMovement(u32 leaderId, const u8 * movement)
u8 objectId;
struct ObjectEvent * object;
if (TryGetObjectEventIdByLocalIdAndMap(sUnionRoomLocalIds[playerIdx], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, &objectId))
if (TryGetObjectEventIdByLocalIdAndMap(sUnionRoomLocalIds[leaderId], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, &objectId))
return FALSE;
object = &gObjectEvents[objectId];
if (ObjectEventIsMovementOverridden(object))
return FALSE;
if (ObjectEventSetHeldMovement(object, *movement))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static bool32 TryReleaseUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(u32 playerIdx)
static bool32 TryReleaseUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(u32 leaderId)
u8 objectId;
struct ObjectEvent * object;
if (TryGetObjectEventIdByLocalIdAndMap(sUnionRoomLocalIds[playerIdx], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, &objectId))
if (TryGetObjectEventIdByLocalIdAndMap(sUnionRoomLocalIds[leaderId], gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, &objectId))
return TRUE;
object = &gObjectEvents[objectId];
if (!ObjectEventClearHeldMovementIfFinished(object))
return FALSE;
if (!ScriptContext2_IsEnabled())
return TRUE;
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ u8 InitUnionRoomPlayerObjects(struct UnionRoomObject * players)
sUnionObjRefreshTimer = 0;
sUnionObjWork = players;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS; i++)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS; i++)
players[i].state = 0;
players[i].gfxId = 0;
@ -228,22 +228,22 @@ u8 InitUnionRoomPlayerObjects(struct UnionRoomObject * players)
return CreateTask_AnimateUnionRoomPlayers();
static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerDespawn(s8 * state, u32 playerIdx, struct UnionRoomObject * ptr)
static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerDespawn(s8 * state, u32 leaderId, struct UnionRoomObject * object)
switch (*state)
case 0:
if (SetUnionRoomPlayerEnterExitMovement(playerIdx, sMovement_UnionPlayerExit) == TRUE)
if (SetUnionRoomPlayerEnterExitMovement(leaderId, sMovement_UnionPlayerExit) == TRUE)
case 1:
if (TryReleaseUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(playerIdx))
if (TryReleaseUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(leaderId))
*state = 0;
return TRUE;
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerDespawn(s8 * state, u32 playerIdx, struct Un
return FALSE;
static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerSpawn(s8 * state, u32 playerIdx, struct UnionRoomObject * ptr)
static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerSpawn(s8 * state, u32 leaderId, struct UnionRoomObject * object)
s16 x, y;
@ -260,32 +260,24 @@ static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerSpawn(s8 * state, u32 playerIdx, struct Unio
case 0:
if (!IsPlayerStandingStill())
PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y);
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(playerIdx, 0, x, y) == TRUE)
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(leaderId, 0, x, y) == TRUE)
player_get_pos_including_state_based_drift(&x, &y);
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(playerIdx, 0, x, y) == TRUE)
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(leaderId, 0, x, y) == TRUE)
SetUnionRoomPlayerGfx(playerIdx, ptr->gfxId);
SetUnionRoomPlayerGfx(leaderId, object->gfxId);
// fallthrough
case 3: // incorrect?
if (SetUnionRoomPlayerEnterExitMovement(playerIdx, sMovement_UnionPlayerEnter) == TRUE)
if (SetUnionRoomPlayerEnterExitMovement(leaderId, sMovement_UnionPlayerEnter) == TRUE)
case 2:
if (TryReleaseUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(playerIdx))
if (TryReleaseUnionRoomPlayerObjectEvent(leaderId))
*state = 0;
return TRUE;
@ -295,38 +287,38 @@ static bool32 AnimateUnionRoomPlayerSpawn(s8 * state, u32 playerIdx, struct Unio
return FALSE;
static bool32 SpawnGroupLeader(u32 playerIdx, u32 gender, u32 id)
static bool32 SpawnGroupLeader(u32 leaderId, u32 gender, u32 id)
struct UnionRoomObject * ptr = &sUnionObjWork[playerIdx];
ptr->schedAnim = UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN;
ptr->gfxId = GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId(gender, id);
struct UnionRoomObject * object = &sUnionObjWork[leaderId];
object->schedAnim = UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN;
object->gfxId = GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId(gender, id);
if (ptr->state == 0)
if (object->state == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static bool32 DespawnGroupLeader(u32 playerIdx)
static bool32 DespawnGroupLeader(u32 leaderId)
struct UnionRoomObject * ptr = &sUnionObjWork[playerIdx];
ptr->schedAnim = UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT;
struct UnionRoomObject * object = &sUnionObjWork[leaderId];
object->schedAnim = UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT;
if (ptr->state == 1)
if (object->state == 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void AnimateUnionRoomPlayer(u32 playerIdx, struct UnionRoomObject * ptr)
static void AnimateUnionRoomPlayer(u32 leaderId, struct UnionRoomObject * object)
switch (ptr->state)
switch (object->state)
case 0:
if (ptr->schedAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
if (object->schedAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
ptr->state = 2;
ptr->animState = 0;
object->state = 2;
object->animState = 0;
@ -334,23 +326,23 @@ static void AnimateUnionRoomPlayer(u32 playerIdx, struct UnionRoomObject * ptr)
// fallthrough
case 2:
if (!IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(playerIdx, 0) && ptr->schedAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT)
if (!IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(leaderId, 0) && object->schedAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT)
ptr->state = 0;
ptr->animState = 0;
object->state = 0;
object->animState = 0;
else if (AnimateUnionRoomPlayerSpawn(&ptr->animState, playerIdx, ptr) == TRUE)
else if (AnimateUnionRoomPlayerSpawn(&object->animState, leaderId, object) == TRUE)
ptr->state = 1;
object->state = 1;
case 1:
if (ptr->schedAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT)
if (object->schedAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT)
ptr->state = 3;
ptr->animState = 0;
object->state = 3;
object->animState = 0;
@ -358,19 +350,17 @@ static void AnimateUnionRoomPlayer(u32 playerIdx, struct UnionRoomObject * ptr)
// fallthrough
case 3:
if (AnimateUnionRoomPlayerDespawn(&ptr->animState, playerIdx, ptr) == 1)
ptr->state = 0;
if (AnimateUnionRoomPlayerDespawn(&object->animState, leaderId, object) == 1)
object->state = 0;
ptr->schedAnim = UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_NONE;
object->schedAnim = UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_NONE;
static void Task_AnimateUnionRoomPlayers(u8 taskId)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS; i++)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS; i++)
AnimateUnionRoomPlayer(i, &sUnionObjWork[i]);
@ -386,15 +376,13 @@ static void DestroyTask_AnimateUnionRoomPlayers(void)
u8 taskId = FindTaskIdByFunc(Task_AnimateUnionRoomPlayers);
if (taskId < NUM_TASKS)
void DestroyUnionRoomPlayerObjects(void)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS; i++)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS; i++)
if (!IsUnionRoomPlayerHidden(i))
@ -406,120 +394,119 @@ void DestroyUnionRoomPlayerObjects(void)
void CreateGroupMemberSpritesInvisible(u8 * spriteIds, s32 playerIdx)
void CreateUnionRoomPlayerSprites(u8 * spriteIds, s32 leaderId)
s32 direction;
for (direction = DIR_NONE; direction <= DIR_EAST; direction++)
s32 memberId;
for (memberId = 0; memberId < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; memberId++)
s32 id = UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, direction);
s32 id = UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(leaderId, memberId);
spriteIds[id] = CreateObjectSprite(OBJ_EVENT_GFX_MAN_4,
sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[playerIdx][0] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][0],
sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[playerIdx][1] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][1],
sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[leaderId][0] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][0],
sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[leaderId][1] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][1],
3, 1);
SetObjectEventSpriteInvisibility(id - UR_SPRITE_START_ID, TRUE);
void DestroyGroupMemberSprites(u8 * spriteIds)
void DestroyUnionRoomPlayerSprites(u8 * spriteIds)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_UNION_ROOM_SPRITES; i++)
// Clear the impassable metatiles around the group leaders that get set
// to prevent the player from walking through the group member sprites.
void SetTilesAroundUnionRoomPlayersPassable(void)
s32 i, direction, x, y;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS; i++)
s32 i, memberId, x, y;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS; i++)
for (direction = DIR_NONE; direction <= DIR_EAST; direction++)
for (memberId = 0; memberId < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; memberId++)
GetUnionRoomPlayerFacingCoords(i, direction, &x, &y);
GetUnionRoomPlayerCoords(i, memberId, &x, &y);
MapGridSetMetatileImpassabilityAt(x, y, FALSE);
static u8 GetNewFacingDirectionForUnionRoomPlayer(u32 direction, u32 playerIdx, struct GFtgtGname * gname)
static u8 GetNewFacingDirectionForUnionRoomPlayer(u32 memberId, u32 leaderId, struct RfuGameData * gameData)
if (direction != DIR_NONE)
return sNextFacingDirection[direction];
else if (gname->activity == (ACTIVITY_CHAT | IN_UNION_ROOM))
if (memberId) // If not leader
return sMemberFacingDirections[memberId];
else if (gameData->activity == (ACTIVITY_CHAT | IN_UNION_ROOM))
return DIR_SOUTH;
return DIR_EAST;
static bool32 IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(u32 playerIdx, u32 direction)
static bool32 IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(u32 leaderId, u32 memberId)
return IsObjectEventSpriteInvisible(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, direction) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID);
return IsObjectEventSpriteInvisible(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(leaderId, memberId) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID);
static void SpawnGroupMember(u32 playerIdx, u32 direction, u8 graphicsId, struct GFtgtGname * gname)
static void SpawnGroupMember(u32 leaderId, u32 memberId, u8 graphicsId, struct RfuGameData * gameData)
s32 x, y;
s32 id = UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, direction);
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(playerIdx, direction) == TRUE)
s32 id = UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(leaderId, memberId);
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerInvisible(leaderId, memberId) == TRUE)
SetObjectEventSpriteInvisibility(id - UR_SPRITE_START_ID, FALSE);
SetObjectEventSpriteGraphics(id - UR_SPRITE_START_ID, graphicsId);
SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(direction, playerIdx, GetNewFacingDirectionForUnionRoomPlayer(direction, playerIdx, gname));
GetUnionRoomPlayerFacingCoords(playerIdx, direction, &x, &y);
SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(memberId, leaderId, GetNewFacingDirectionForUnionRoomPlayer(memberId, leaderId, gameData));
GetUnionRoomPlayerCoords(leaderId, memberId, &x, &y);
MapGridSetMetatileImpassabilityAt(x, y, TRUE);
static void DespawnGroupMember(u32 playerIdx, u32 direction)
static void DespawnGroupMember(u32 leaderId, u32 memberId)
s32 x, y;
SetObjectEventSpriteAnim(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, direction) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID, UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT);
GetUnionRoomPlayerFacingCoords(playerIdx, direction, &x, &y);
GetUnionRoomPlayerCoords(leaderId, memberId, &x, &y);
MapGridSetMetatileImpassabilityAt(x, y, FALSE);
static void AssembleGroup(u32 playerIdx, struct GFtgtGname * gname)
static void AssembleGroup(u32 leaderId, struct RfuGameData * gameData)
s16 x, y, x2, y2;
s32 i;
PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y);
player_get_pos_including_state_based_drift(&x2, &y2);
if (IsObjectEventSpriteInvisible(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, 0) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID) == TRUE)
if (IsObjectEventSpriteInvisible(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(leaderId, 0) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID) == TRUE)
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(playerIdx, 0, x, y) == TRUE || IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(playerIdx, 0, x2, y2) == TRUE)
if (IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(leaderId, 0, x, y) == TRUE || IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(leaderId, 0, x2, y2) == TRUE)
SpawnGroupMember(playerIdx, 0, GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId(gname->playerGender, gname->unk_00.playerTrainerId[0]), gname);
SpawnGroupMember(leaderId, 0, GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId(gameData->playerGender, gameData->compatibility.playerTrainerId[0]), gameData);
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
for (i = 1; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++)
if (gname->child_sprite_gender[i - 1] == 0)
if (gameData->partnerInfo[i - 1] == 0)
DespawnGroupMember(playerIdx, i);
DespawnGroupMember(leaderId, i);
else if (IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(playerIdx, i, x, y) == FALSE && IsUnionRoomPlayerFacingTileAt(playerIdx, i, x2, y2) == FALSE)
else if (IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(leaderId, i, x, y) == FALSE && IsUnionRoomPlayerAt(leaderId, i, x2, y2) == FALSE)
SpawnGroupMember(playerIdx, i, GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId((gname->child_sprite_gender[i - 1] >> 3) & 1, gname->child_sprite_gender[i - 1] & 7), gname);
SpawnGroupMember(leaderId, i, GetUnionRoomPlayerGraphicsId((gameData->partnerInfo[i - 1] >> PINFO_GENDER_SHIFT) & 1,
gameData->partnerInfo[i - 1] & PINFO_TID_MASK),
static void SpawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(u32 playerIdx, struct GFtgtGname * gname)
static void SpawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(u32 leaderId, struct RfuGameData * gameData)
u32 i;
switch (gname->activity)
switch (gameData->activity)
SpawnGroupLeader(playerIdx, gname->playerGender, gname->unk_00.playerTrainerId[0]);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
DespawnGroupMember(playerIdx, i);
SpawnGroupLeader(leaderId, gameData->playerGender, gameData->compatibility.playerTrainerId[0]);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++)
DespawnGroupMember(leaderId, i);
@ -528,37 +515,31 @@ static void SpawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(u32 playerIdx, struct GFtgtGname * gname)
AssembleGroup(playerIdx, gname);
AssembleGroup(leaderId, gameData);
static void DespawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(u32 r5, struct GFtgtGname *gname)
static void DespawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(u32 leaderId, struct RfuGameData *gameData)
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
DespawnGroupMember(r5, i);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++)
DespawnGroupMember(leaderId, i);
static void UpdateUnionRoomPlayerSprites(struct WirelessLink_URoom *uroom)
s32 i;
struct UnkStruct_x20 * r4;
struct RfuPlayer * leaders;
sUnionObjRefreshTimer = 0;
for (i = 0, r4 = uroom->field_0->arr; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS; i++)
for (i = 0, leaders = uroom->playerList->players; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS; i++)
if (r4[i].groupScheduledAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
SpawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(i, &r4[i].gname_uname.gname);
else if (r4[i].groupScheduledAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT)
DespawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(i, &r4[i].gname_uname.gname);
if (leaders[i].groupScheduledAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
SpawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(i, &leaders[i].rfu.data);
else if (leaders[i].groupScheduledAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_OUT)
DespawnGroupLeaderAndMembers(i, &leaders[i].rfu.data);
@ -570,64 +551,56 @@ void ScheduleUnionRoomPlayerRefresh(struct WirelessLink_URoom *uroom)
void HandleUnionRoomPlayerRefresh(struct WirelessLink_URoom *uroom)
if (++sUnionObjRefreshTimer > 300)
bool32 TryInteractWithUnionRoomMember(struct UnkStruct_Main0 *main0, s16 *directionPtr, s16 *playerIdxPtr, u8 *spriteIds)
bool32 TryInteractWithUnionRoomMember(struct RfuPlayerList *list, s16 *memberIdPtr, s16 *leaderIdPtr, u8 *spriteIds)
s16 x, y;
s32 i, direction;
struct UnkStruct_x20 * r4;
s32 i, memberId;
struct RfuPlayer * leaders;
if (!IsPlayerStandingStill())
return FALSE;
GetXYCoordsOneStepInFrontOfPlayer(&x, &y);
for (i = 0, r4 = main0->arr; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_PLAYERS; i++)
for (i = 0, leaders = list->players; i < MAX_UNION_ROOM_LEADERS; i++)
for (direction = DIR_NONE; direction <= DIR_EAST; direction++)
for (memberId = 0; memberId < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; memberId++)
s32 id = UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(i, direction);
if (x != sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[i][0] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][0] + 7)
s32 id = UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(i, memberId);
// Is the player in front of a group member position?
if (x != sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[i][0] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][0] + 7)
if (y != sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[i][1] + sFacingDirectionOffsets[direction][1] + 7)
if (y != sUnionRoomPlayerCoords[i][1] + sUnionRoomGroupOffsets[memberId][1] + 7)
// Has a group member spawned at this position?
if (IsObjectEventSpriteInvisible(id - UR_SPRITE_START_ID))
if (IsObjectEventSpriteAnimating(id - UR_SPRITE_START_ID))
if (r4[i].groupScheduledAnim != UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
if (leaders[i].groupScheduledAnim != UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
// Face player
SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(direction, i, sOppositeFacingDirection[GetPlayerFacingDirection()]);
*directionPtr = direction;
*playerIdxPtr = i;
// Interaction attempt successful, face player
SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(memberId, i, sOppositeFacingDirection[GetPlayerFacingDirection()]);
*memberIdPtr = memberId;
*leaderIdPtr = i;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(s32 currDirection, s32 playerIdx, u8 newDirection)
static void SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(s32 memberId, s32 leaderId, u8 newDirection)
TurnObjectEventSprite(5 * playerIdx - UR_SPRITE_START_ID + currDirection, newDirection);
TurnObjectEventSprite(MAX_RFU_PLAYERS * leaderId - UR_SPRITE_START_ID + memberId, newDirection);
// should be line below, but order is swapped here
// TurnObjectEventSprite(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(playerIdx, currDirection) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID, newDirection);
// TurnObjectEventSprite(UR_PLAYER_SPRITE_ID(leaderId, memberId) - UR_SPRITE_START_ID, newDirection);
void UpdateUnionRoomMemberFacing(u32 currDirection, u32 playerIdx, struct UnkStruct_Main0 *main0)
void UpdateUnionRoomMemberFacing(u32 memberId, u32 leaderId, struct RfuPlayerList *list)
return SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(currDirection, playerIdx, GetNewFacingDirectionForUnionRoomPlayer(currDirection, playerIdx, &main0->arr[playerIdx].gname_uname.gname));
return SetUnionRoomObjectFacingDirection(memberId, leaderId, GetNewFacingDirectionForUnionRoomPlayer(memberId, leaderId, &list->players[leaderId].rfu.data));
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ static const u8 sActivityGroupInfo[][3] = {
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ static const u8 sActivityGroupInfo[][3] = {
@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ static void WCSS_AddTextPrinterParameterized(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, const u8 *
AddTextPrinterParameterized4(windowId, fontId, x, y, 0, 0, color, -1, str);
static u32 CountPlayersInGroupAndGetActivity(struct UnkStruct_x20 * unk20, u32 * groupCounts)
static u32 CountPlayersInGroupAndGetActivity(struct RfuPlayer * player, u32 * groupCounts)
int i, j, k;
u32 activity = unk20->gname_uname.gname.activity;
u32 activity = player->rfu.data.activity;
#define group_activity(i) (sActivityGroupInfo[(i)][0])
#define group_type(i) (sActivityGroupInfo[(i)][1])
@ -358,15 +358,13 @@ static u32 CountPlayersInGroupAndGetActivity(struct UnkStruct_x20 * unk20, u32 *
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sActivityGroupInfo); i++)
if (activity == group_activity(i) && unk20->groupScheduledAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
if (activity == group_activity(i) && player->groupScheduledAnim == UNION_ROOM_SPAWN_IN)
if (group_players(i) == 0)
k = 0;
for (j = 0; j < RFU_CHILD_MAX; j++)
if (unk20->gname_uname.gname.child_sprite_gender[j] != 0) k++;
if (player->rfu.data.partnerInfo[j] != 0) k++;
groupCounts[group_type(i)] += k;
@ -398,12 +396,12 @@ static bool32 UpdateCommunicationCounts(u32 * groupCounts, u32 * prevGroupCounts
bool32 activitiesChanged = FALSE;
u32 groupCountBuffer[NUM_GROUPTYPES] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
struct UnkStruct_x20 ** data = (void *)gTasks[taskId].data;
struct RfuPlayer ** players = (void *)gTasks[taskId].data;
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASK_DATA; i++)
u32 activity = CountPlayersInGroupAndGetActivity(&(*data)[i], groupCountBuffer);
u32 activity = CountPlayersInGroupAndGetActivity(&(*players)[i], groupCountBuffer);
if (activity != activities[i])
activities[i] = activity;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user