mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 07:27:47 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,44 +5,4 @@
thumb_func_start sub_8170428
sub_8170428: @ 8170428
push {r4,lr}
sub sp, 0xC
ldr r4, =gUnknown_0203BCD0
ldr r0, [r4]
ldrb r0, [r0, 0xA]
cmp r0, 0
beq _08170460
movs r0, 0
movs r1, 0x11
bl FillWindowPixelBuffer
ldr r2, [r4]
adds r2, 0xC
movs r0, 0x1
str r0, [sp]
movs r0, 0
str r0, [sp, 0x4]
str r0, [sp, 0x8]
movs r1, 0x1
movs r3, 0
bl PrintTextOnWindow
movs r0, 0
bl schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram
b _08170470
movs r0, 0
movs r1, 0x11
bl FillWindowPixelBuffer
movs r0, 0
movs r1, 0x3
bl CopyWindowToVram
add sp, 0xC
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_8170428
.align 2, 0 @ Don't pad with nop.
@ -219,11 +219,66 @@ enum {
struct RegionMap {
u8 unk_00;
u8 unk_01;
bool8 unk_02;
u8 unk_03;
u8 mapSecName[0x14];
u16 mapSecId;
u8 unk16;
u8 everGrandeCityArea;
u8 (*inputCallback)(void);
struct Sprite *cursorSprite;
struct Sprite *playerIconSprite;
s32 bg2x;
s32 bg2y;
u32 unk2C; //
u32 unk30; // Map rotation parameters
u32 unk34; // Likely a scrapped feature
u32 unk38; //
s32 unk3C;
s32 unk40;
s32 unk44;
s32 unk48;
s32 unk4C;
s32 unk50;
u16 cursorPosX;
u16 cursorPosY;
u16 cursorTileTag;
u16 cursorPaletteTag;
s16 scrollX;
s16 scrollY;
s16 unk60;
s16 unk62;
u16 unk64;
u16 unk66;
u16 unk68;
u16 unk6A;
u16 unk6C;
u16 unk6E;
u16 playerIconTileTag;
u16 playerIconPaletteTag;
u16 unk74;
u16 unk76;
bool8 zoomed;
u8 initStep;
s8 unk7A;
s8 cursorDeltaX;
s8 cursorDeltaY;
bool8 needUpdateVideoRegs;
bool8 blinkPlayerIcon;
bool8 playerIsInCave;
/*0x084*/ u8 filler80[0x100];
/*0x184*/ u8 cursorSmallImage[0x100];
/*0x284*/ u8 cursorLargeImage[0x600];
}; // size = 0x884
// Exported RAM declarations
// Exported ROM declarations
void GetMapName(u8 *, u16, u16);
void sub_8122CDC(void *data, u8 argument);
void sub_8122CDC(struct RegionMap *regionMap, u8 argument);
void sub_8124288(u16 x, u16 y);
void sub_81240D4(u16 x, u16 y);
u8 sub_81230AC(void);
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
EWRAM_DATA struct {
MainCallback callback;
u8 filler_004[0x4];
u8 filler_008[0x884];
u32 filler_004;
struct RegionMap regionMap;
u16 state;
} *gUnknown_0203BCD0 = NULL;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static void sub_81701C4(void);
static void sub_8170260(void);
static void sub_8170274(void);
static void sub_8170290(void);
void sub_8170428(void);
static void sub_8170428(void);
// .rodata
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void sub_8170290(void)
switch (gUnknown_0203BCD0->state)
case 0:
sub_8122CDC(gUnknown_0203BCD0->filler_008, 0);
sub_8122CDC(&gUnknown_0203BCD0->regionMap, 0);
sub_8124288(0, 0);
sub_81240D4(1, 1);
gUnknown_0203BCD0->state ++;
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void sub_8170290(void)
case 1:
SetWindowBorderStyle(1, 0, 0x27, 0xd);
offset = GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, gText_Hoenn, 0x38);
PrintTextOnWindow(1, 1, gText_Hoenn, offset, 1, 0, 0);
PrintTextOnWindow(1, 1, gText_Hoenn, offset, 1, 0, NULL);
SetWindowBorderStyle(0, 0, 0x27, 0xd);
@ -153,3 +153,18 @@ void sub_8170290(void)
static void sub_8170428(void)
if (gUnknown_0203BCD0->regionMap.unk_02)
FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, 0x11);
PrintTextOnWindow(0, 1, gUnknown_0203BCD0->regionMap.mapSecName, 0, 1, 0, NULL);
FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, 0x11);
CopyWindowToVram(0, 3);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user