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synced 2025-03-13 17:22:25 +01:00
Added descriptions for LA's moves
This commit is contained in:
@ -2978,6 +2978,102 @@ static const u8 sEerieSpellDescription[] = _(
"Attacks with psychic power.\n"
"Foe's last move has 3 PP cut.");
static const u8 sDireClawDescription[] = _(
"High critical hit chance. May\n"
"paralyze, poison or drowse.");
static const u8 sPsyshieldBashDescription[] = _(
"Hits a foe with psychic en-\n"
"ergy. May raise Defense.");
static const u8 sPowerShiftDescription[] = _(
"The user swaps its offensive\n"
"and defensive stats.");
static const u8 sStoneAxeDescription[] = _(
"High crit. hit chance. Leaves\n"
"Splinters that hurt the foe.");
static const u8 sSpringtideStormDescription[] = _(
"Wraps a foe in fierce winds.\n"
"Varies with the user's form.");
static const u8 sMysticalPowerDescription[] = _(
"Hurts the foe and increases\n"
"smallest of Atk. and Def.");
static const u8 sRagingFuryDescription[] = _(
"Viciously spews flames at\n"
"a foe, becoming fixated.");
static const u8 sWaveCrashDescription[] = _(
"Hurts the foe and the user,\n"
"but increases Action Speed.");
static const u8 sChloroblastDescription[] = _(
"Hurts the foe and the user,\n"
"and lowers Action Speed.");
static const u8 sMountainGaleDescription[] = _(
"The user hurls giant chunks\n"
"of ice to damage the foe.");
static const u8 sVictoryDanceDescription[] = _(
"Dances to raise offenses,\n"
"defenses, and also damage.");
static const u8 sHeadlongRushDescription[] = _(
"Charges the foe with a full-\n"
"body tackle. Lowers Defense.");
static const u8 sBarbBarrageDescription[] = _(
"Can poison on impact. Powers\n"
"up if the foe has an ailment.");
static const u8 sEsperWingDescription[] = _(
"High crit. hit chance. Raises\n"
"the user's Action Speed.");
static const u8 sBitterMaliceDescription[] = _(
"Hurts a foe, harder if it has\n"
"an ailment. Can give FrstBte.");
static const u8 sShelterDescription[] = _(
"The user hardens their skin\n"
"and obscures themself.");
static const u8 sTripleArrowsDescription[] = _(
"Shoots 3 arrows that up crit.\n"
"chance and lower foe's Defs.");
static const u8 sInfernalParadeDescription[] = _(
"Hurts a foe, harder if it has\n"
"an ailment. May leave a burn.");
static const u8 sCeaselessEdgeDescription[] = _(
"High crit. hit chance. Leaves\n"
"Splinters that hurt the foe.");
static const u8 sBleakwindStormDescription[] = _(
"Hits with brutal, cold winds.\n"
"May inflict frostbite.");
static const u8 sWildboltStormDescription[] = _(
"Hits with a brutal tempest.\n"
"May inflict paralysis.");
static const u8 sSandsearStormDescription[] = _(
"Hits with brutally hot sand.\n"
"May inflict a burn.");
static const u8 sLunarBlessingDescription[] = _(
"The user heals themself and\n"
"conceals their presence.");
static const u8 sTakeHeartDescription[] = _(
"The user raise spirit to heal\n"
"and strengthen themself.");
const u8 gNotDoneYetDescription[] = _(
"This move can't be used. Its\n"
"effect is in development.");
@ -3741,28 +3837,28 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] =
[MOVE_GLACIAL_LANCE - 1] = sGlacialLanceDescription,
[MOVE_ASTRAL_BARRAGE - 1] = sAstralBarrageDescription,
[MOVE_EERIE_SPELL - 1] = sEerieSpellDescription,
[MOVE_DIRE_CLAW - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_PSYSHIELD_BASH - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_POWER_SHIFT - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_STONE_AXE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_SPRINGTIDE_STORM - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_MYSTICAL_POWER - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_RAGING_FURY - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_WAVE_CRASH - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_CHLOROBLAST - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_MOUNTAIN_GALE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_VICTORY_DANCE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_HEADLONG_RUSH - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_BARB_BARRAGE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_ESPER_WING - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_BITTER_MALICE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_SHELTER - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_TRIPLE_ARROWS - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_INFERNAL_PARADE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_CEASELESS_EDGE - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_BLEAKWIND_STORM - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_WILDBOLT_STORM - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_SANDSEAR_STORM - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_LUNAR_BLESSING - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_TAKE_HEART - 1] = gNotDoneYetDescription,
[MOVE_DIRE_CLAW - 1] = sDireClawDescription,
[MOVE_PSYSHIELD_BASH - 1] = sPsyshieldBashDescription,
[MOVE_POWER_SHIFT - 1] = sPowerShiftDescription,
[MOVE_STONE_AXE - 1] = sStoneAxeDescription,
[MOVE_SPRINGTIDE_STORM - 1] = sSpringtideStormDescription,
[MOVE_MYSTICAL_POWER - 1] = sMysticalPowerDescription,
[MOVE_RAGING_FURY - 1] = sRagingFuryDescription,
[MOVE_WAVE_CRASH - 1] = sWaveCrashDescription,
[MOVE_CHLOROBLAST - 1] = sChloroblastDescription,
[MOVE_MOUNTAIN_GALE - 1] = sMountainGaleDescription,
[MOVE_VICTORY_DANCE - 1] = sVictoryDanceDescription,
[MOVE_HEADLONG_RUSH - 1] = sHeadlongRushDescription,
[MOVE_BARB_BARRAGE - 1] = sBarbBarrageDescription,
[MOVE_ESPER_WING - 1] = sEsperWingDescription,
[MOVE_BITTER_MALICE - 1] = sBitterMaliceDescription,
[MOVE_SHELTER - 1] = sShelterDescription,
[MOVE_TRIPLE_ARROWS - 1] = sTripleArrowsDescription,
[MOVE_INFERNAL_PARADE - 1] = sInfernalParadeDescription,
[MOVE_CEASELESS_EDGE - 1] = sCeaselessEdgeDescription,
[MOVE_BLEAKWIND_STORM - 1] = sBleakwindStormDescription,
[MOVE_WILDBOLT_STORM - 1] = sWildboltStormDescription,
[MOVE_SANDSEAR_STORM - 1] = sSandsearStormDescription,
[MOVE_LUNAR_BLESSING - 1] = sLunarBlessingDescription,
[MOVE_TAKE_HEART - 1] = sTakeHeartDescription,
Reference in New Issue
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