mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:28:59 +01:00
4 digit hp in battle
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ void DestoryHealthboxSprite(u8 healthboxSpriteId);
void DummyBattleInterfaceFunc(u8 healthboxSpriteId, bool8 isDoubleBattleBankOnly);
void UpdateOamPriorityInAllHealthboxes(u8 priority, bool32 hideHpBoxes);
void InitBattlerHealthboxCoords(u8 battler);
void UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent);
void UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(u32 healthboxSpriteId, u32 maxOrCurrent, s16 currHp, s16 maxHp);
void SwapHpBarsWithHpText(void);
void ChangeMegaTriggerSprite(u8 spriteId, u8 animId);
void CreateMegaTriggerSprite(u8 battlerId, u8 palId);
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ static void HandleInputChooseAction(void)
switch (gActionSelectionCursor[gActiveBattler])
case 0: // Top left
@ -614,17 +614,17 @@ static void HandleInputChooseMove(void)
moveTarget = GetBattlerMoveTargetType(gActiveBattler, moveInfo->moves[gMoveSelectionCursor[gActiveBattler]]);
if (gBattleStruct->zmove.viewing)
u16 chosenMove = moveInfo->moves[gMoveSelectionCursor[gActiveBattler]];
QueueZMove(gActiveBattler, chosenMove);
gBattleStruct->zmove.viewing = FALSE;
if (gBattleMoves[moveInfo->moves[gMoveSelectionCursor[gActiveBattler]]].split != SPLIT_STATUS)
moveTarget = MOVE_TARGET_SELECTED; //damaging z moves always have selected target
if (moveTarget & MOVE_TARGET_USER)
gMultiUsePlayerCursor = gActiveBattler;
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ static void HandleInputChooseMove(void)
u32 i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < gBattlersCount; i++)
canSelectTarget = 3;
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ static void HandleInputChooseMove(void)
switch (canSelectTarget)
case 0:
@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ static void CompleteOnHealthbarDone(void)
if (hpValue != -1)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(gHealthboxSpriteIds[gActiveBattler], hpValue, HP_CURRENT);
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(gHealthboxSpriteIds[gActiveBattler], HP_CURRENT, hpValue, gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].maxHP);
@ -2858,7 +2858,7 @@ static void PlayerHandleChooseMove(void)
struct ChooseMoveStruct *moveInfo = (struct ChooseMoveStruct *)(&gBattleResources->bufferA[gActiveBattler][4]);
gBattleStruct->mega.playerSelect = FALSE;
if (!IsMegaTriggerSpriteActive())
@ -2867,7 +2867,7 @@ static void PlayerHandleChooseMove(void)
CreateMegaTriggerSprite(gActiveBattler, 0);
if (!IsZMoveTriggerSpriteActive())
gBattleStruct->zmove.triggerSpriteId = 0xFF;
GetUsableZMoves(gActiveBattler, moveInfo->moves);
gBattleStruct->zmove.viable = IsZMoveUsable(gActiveBattler, gMoveSelectionCursor[gActiveBattler]);
CreateZMoveTriggerSprite(gActiveBattler, gBattleStruct->zmove.viable);
@ -2952,7 +2952,7 @@ static void PlayerHandleHealthBarUpdate(void)
u32 maxHP = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[gActiveBattler]], MON_DATA_MAX_HP);
SetBattleBarStruct(gActiveBattler, gHealthboxSpriteIds[gActiveBattler], maxHP, 0, hpVal);
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(gHealthboxSpriteIds[gActiveBattler], 0, HP_CURRENT);
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(gHealthboxSpriteIds[gActiveBattler], HP_CURRENT, 0, maxHP);
gBattlerControllerFuncs[gActiveBattler] = CompleteOnHealthbarDone;
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static const u8 *GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(u8);
static u8 *AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(const u8 *, u32, u32, u32, u32 *);
static void RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(u32 windowId);
static void UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(u8, s16, u8);
static void UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(u32 healthboxSpriteId, u32 maxOrCurrent, s16 currHp, s16 maxHp);
static void UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(u8);
static void TextIntoHealthboxObject(void *, u8 *, s32);
@ -1116,175 +1116,148 @@ static void UpdateLvlInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, u8 lvl)
void UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent)
static void PrintHpOnHealthbox(u32 spriteId, s16 currHp, s16 maxHp, u32 bgColor, u32 rightTile, u32 leftTile)
u32 windowId, spriteTileNum;
u8 *windowTileData;
u8 text[32];
void *objVram;
u32 windowId, tilesCount, x, healthboxTileNum;
u8 text[28], *txtPtr;
void *objVram = (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0) + gSprites[spriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP;
if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER && !IsDoubleBattle())
spriteTileNum = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP;
if (maxOrCurrent != HP_CURRENT) // singles, max
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 0, 5, 2, &windowId);
objVram = (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0);
objVram += spriteTileNum + 0xB40;
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData, 2);
else // singles, current
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
text[3] = CHAR_SLASH;
text[4] = EOS;
windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 4, 5, 2, &windowId);
objVram = (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0);
objVram += spriteTileNum + 0x3E0;
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData, 1);
objVram = (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0);
objVram += spriteTileNum + 0xB00;
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData + 0x20, 2);
// To fit 4 digit HP values we need to modify a bit the way hp is printed on Healthbox.
// 6 chars can fit on the right healthbox, the rest goes to the left one
txtPtr = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, currHp, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 4);
*txtPtr++ = CHAR_SLASH;
txtPtr = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(txtPtr, maxHp, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 4);
// Print last 6 chars on the right window
windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(txtPtr - 6, 0, 5, bgColor, &windowId);
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram + rightTile, windowTileData, 4);
// Print the rest of the chars on the left window
txtPtr[-6] = EOS;
// if max hp is 3 digits print on block closer to the right window, if 4 digits print further from the right window
if (maxHp >= 1000)
x = 9, tilesCount = 3;
x = 6, tilesCount = 2, leftTile += 0x20;
windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, x, 5, bgColor, &windowId);
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram + leftTile, windowTileData, tilesCount);
// Note: this is only possible to trigger via debug, it was an unused GF function.
static void UpdateOpponentHpTextDoubles(u32 healthboxSpriteId, u32 barSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent)
u8 text[32], *txtPtr;
u32 i, var;
u32 battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler;
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible
u8 battler;
memcpy(text, sEmptyWhiteText_TransparentHighlight, sizeof(sEmptyWhiteText_TransparentHighlight));
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
var = 0;
var = 4;
memcpy(text, sEmptyWhiteText_GrayHighlight, sizeof(sEmptyWhiteText_GrayHighlight));
battler = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler;
if (IsDoubleBattle() == TRUE)
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(healthboxSpriteId, value, maxOrCurrent);
else if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battler].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible
u32 var;
u8 i;
txtPtr = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
if (!maxOrCurrent)
StringCopy(txtPtr, gText_Slash);
RenderTextHandleBold(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, FONT_BOLD, text);
if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[6]) == B_SIDE_PLAYER)
for (i = var; i < var + 3; i++)
if (i < 3)
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
var = 29;
var = 89;
CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[((i - var) * 64) + 32],
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + 32 * (1 + gSprites[barSpriteId].oam.tileNum + i)),
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
var = 21;
var = 49;
CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[((i - var) * 64) + 32],
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x20) + 32 * (i + gSprites[barSpriteId].oam.tileNum)),
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, value, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 3);
RenderTextHandleBold(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, FONT_BOLD, text);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[i * 64 + 32],
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + TILE_SIZE_4BPP * (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + var + i)),
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + ((gSprites[barSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 4) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP)),
CpuFill32(0, (void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[barSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP)), 0x20);
static void UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(u8 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent)
// Same with this one.
static void UpdateOpponentHpTextSingles(u32 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u32 maxOrCurrent)
u32 windowId, spriteTileNum;
u8 *windowTileData;
u8 text[32];
void *objVram;
u32 var, i;
u32 battler = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler;
memcpy(text, sEmptyWhiteText_GrayHighlight, sizeof(sEmptyWhiteText_GrayHighlight));
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battler].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
var = 21;
var = 49;
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, value, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 3);
RenderTextHandleBold(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, FONT_BOLD, text);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[i * 64 + 32],
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + TILE_SIZE_4BPP * (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + var + i)),
void UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(u32 healthboxSpriteId, u32 maxOrCurrent, s16 currHp, s16 maxHp)
if (IsDoubleBattle())
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(healthboxSpriteId, maxOrCurrent, currHp, maxHp);
else // Single Battle
if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) // Player
PrintHpOnHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, currHp, maxHp, 2, 0xB00, 0x3A0);
else // Opponent
UpdateOpponentHpTextSingles(healthboxSpriteId, currHp, HP_CURRENT);
UpdateOpponentHpTextSingles(healthboxSpriteId, maxHp, HP_MAX);
static void UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(u32 healthboxSpriteId, u32 maxOrCurrent, s16 currHp, s16 maxHp)
u32 barSpriteId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[5];
if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER)
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[6]].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible
spriteTileNum = gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[5]].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP;
objVram = (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0) + spriteTileNum;
if (maxOrCurrent != HP_CURRENT) // doubles, max hp
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 0, 5, 0, &windowId);
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject((void *)(OBJ_VRAM0) + spriteTileNum + 0xC0, windowTileData, 2);
PrintHpOnHealthbox(barSpriteId, currHp, maxHp, 0, 0x80, 0x20);
// Clears the end of the healthbar gfx.
(void *)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x680) + (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP),
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
text[3] = CHAR_SLASH;
text[4] = EOS;
windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 4, 5, 0, &windowId);
FillHealthboxObject(objVram, 0, 3); // Erases HP bar leftover.
HpTextIntoHealthboxObject((void *)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x60) + spriteTileNum, windowTileData, 3);
// Erases HP bar leftover.
FillHealthboxObject((void *)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[barSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 0, 2);
else // Opponent
u8 battlerId;
memcpy(text, sEmptyWhiteText_TransparentHighlight, sizeof(sEmptyWhiteText_TransparentHighlight));
battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler;
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible
u8 var = 4;
u8 r7;
u8 *txtPtr;
u8 i;
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
var = 0;
r7 = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[5];
txtPtr = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
if (!maxOrCurrent)
StringCopy(txtPtr, gText_Slash);
RenderTextHandleBold(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, FONT_BOLD, text);
for (i = var; i < var + 3; i++)
if (i < 3)
CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[((i - var) * 64) + 32],
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + 32 * (1 + gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum + i)),
CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[((i - var) * 64) + 32],
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x20) + 32 * (i + gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum)),
if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT)
(void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + ((gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum + 4) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP)),
CpuFill32(0, (void *)((OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP)), 0x20);
if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) // Impossible to reach part, because the battlerId is from the opponent's side.
(void *)(OBJ_VRAM0) + ((gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 52) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP),
UpdateOpponentHpTextDoubles(healthboxSpriteId, barSpriteId, maxHp, HP_MAX);
UpdateOpponentHpTextDoubles(healthboxSpriteId, barSpriteId, currHp, HP_CURRENT);
@ -1355,8 +1328,7 @@ static void PrintSafariMonInfo(u8 healthboxSpriteId, struct Pokemon *mon)
void SwapHpBarsWithHpText(void)
s32 i;
u8 healthBarSpriteId;
u32 healthBarSpriteId, i;
for (i = 0; i < gBattlersCount; i++)
@ -1364,6 +1336,8 @@ void SwapHpBarsWithHpText(void)
&& GetBattlerSide(i) != B_SIDE_OPPONENT
&& (IsDoubleBattle() || GetBattlerSide(i) != B_SIDE_PLAYER))
s32 currHp = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_HP);
s32 maxHp = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_MAX_HP);
bool8 noBars;
gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[i].hpNumbersNoBars ^= 1;
@ -1380,8 +1354,7 @@ void SwapHpBarsWithHpText(void)
healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId;
CpuFill32(0, (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0 + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 0x100);
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT);
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX);
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], HP_BOTH, currHp, maxHp);
else // text to bars
@ -1404,8 +1377,7 @@ void SwapHpBarsWithHpText(void)
healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId;
CpuFill32(0, (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0 + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum * 32), 0x100);
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT);
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX);
UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], HP_BOTH, currHp, maxHp);
else // text to bars
@ -2361,28 +2333,31 @@ static void UpdateLeftNoOfBallsTextOnHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId)
void UpdateHealthboxAttribute(u8 healthboxSpriteId, struct Pokemon *mon, u8 elementId)
s32 maxHp, currHp;
u8 battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler;
u32 battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler;
s32 maxHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP);
s32 currHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP);
if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER)
if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER)
u8 isDoubles;
u8 isDoubles = IsDoubleBattle();
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_LEVEL || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
UpdateLvlInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LEVEL));
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_CURRENT_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT);
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_MAX_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX);
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, HP_BOTH, currHp, maxHp);
else if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_MAX_HP)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, HP_MAX, currHp, maxHp);
else if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_CURRENT_HP)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, HP_CURRENT, currHp, maxHp);
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_HEALTH_BAR || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
maxHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP);
currHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP);
SetBattleBarStruct(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, maxHp, currHp, 0);
MoveBattleBar(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, HEALTH_BAR, 0);
isDoubles = IsDoubleBattle();
if (!isDoubles && (elementId == HEALTHBOX_EXP_BAR || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL))
u16 species;
@ -2413,15 +2388,18 @@ void UpdateHealthboxAttribute(u8 healthboxSpriteId, struct Pokemon *mon, u8 elem
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_LEVEL || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
UpdateLvlInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LEVEL));
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars && (elementId == HEALTHBOX_CURRENT_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL))
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT);
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars && (elementId == HEALTHBOX_MAX_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL))
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX);
if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars)
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, HP_BOTH, currHp, maxHp);
else if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_MAX_HP)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, HP_MAX, currHp, maxHp);
else if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_CURRENT_HP)
UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, HP_CURRENT, currHp, maxHp);
if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_HEALTH_BAR || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)
maxHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP);
currHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP);
SetBattleBarStruct(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, maxHp, currHp, 0);
MoveBattleBar(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, HEALTH_BAR, 0);
@ -3196,7 +3174,7 @@ void UpdateAbilityPopup(u8 battlerId)
u8 spriteId1 = gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][0];
u8 spriteId2 = gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][1];
u16 ability = (gBattleScripting.abilityPopupOverwrite != 0) ? gBattleScripting.abilityPopupOverwrite : gBattleMons[battlerId].ability;
ClearAbilityName(spriteId1, spriteId2);
PrintAbilityOnAbilityPopUp(ability, spriteId1, spriteId2);
RestoreOverwrittenPixels((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId1].oam.tileNum * 32));
@ -3382,7 +3360,7 @@ static void DestroyLastUsedBallGfx(struct Sprite *sprite)
static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBallWin(struct Sprite *sprite)
if (sprite->sHide)
if (sprite->x != LAST_BALL_WIN_X_0)
@ -3399,7 +3377,7 @@ static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBallWin(struct Sprite *sprite)
static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBall(struct Sprite *sprite)
if (sprite->sHide)
if (sprite->x != LAST_USED_BALL_X_0)
@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ static void DisplayPartyPokemonHPCheck(struct Pokemon *mon, struct PartyMenuBox
static void DisplayPartyPokemonHP(u16 hp, struct PartyMenuBox *menuBox)
u8 *strOut = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, hp, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
u8 *strOut = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, hp, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 4);
strOut[0] = CHAR_SLASH;
strOut[1] = EOS;
@ -2386,7 +2386,7 @@ static void DisplayPartyPokemonMaxHPCheck(struct Pokemon *mon, struct PartyMenuB
static void DisplayPartyPokemonMaxHP(u16 maxhp, struct PartyMenuBox *menuBox)
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, maxhp, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3);
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, maxhp, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 4);
StringCopy(gStringVar1, gText_Slash);
StringAppend(gStringVar1, gStringVar2);
DisplayPartyPokemonBarDetail(menuBox->windowId, gStringVar1, 0, &menuBox->infoRects->dimensions[16]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user