diff --git a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h index cf968471a..313eef48c 100644 --- a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h +++ b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h @@ -1417,10 +1417,18 @@ static const u8 sPsychoBoostDescription[] = _( "Allows a full-power attack,\n" "but sharply lowers SP. ATK."); +static const u8 sROOSTDescription[] = _( + "Restores the user's HP by\n" + "half of its max HP."); + static const u8 sGRAVITYDescription[] = _( "Gravity is intensified\n" "negating levitation."); +static const u8 sMIRACLE_EYEDescription[] = _( + "Makes GHOSTS and evasive\n" + "foes easier to hit."); + static const u8 sWAKE_UP_SLAPDescription[] = _( "Powerful against sleeping\n" "foes, but also heals them."); @@ -1521,6 +1529,10 @@ static const u8 sME_FIRSTDescription[] = _( "Executes the foe's attack\n" "with greater power."); +static const u8 sCOPYCATDescription[] = _( + "The user mimics the last\n" + "move used by a foe."); + static const u8 sPOWER_SWAPDescription[] = _( "Swaps changes to Attack\n" "and Sp. Atk with the foe."); @@ -1585,6 +1597,10 @@ static const u8 sDARK_PULSEDescription[] = _( "Attacks with a horrible\n" "aura. May cause flinching."); +static const u8 sNIGHT_SLASHDescription[] = _( + "Hits as soon as possible.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); + static const u8 sAQUA_TAILDescription[] = _( "The user swings its tail\n" "like a wave to attack."); @@ -1645,10 +1661,18 @@ static const u8 sNASTY_PLOTDescription[] = _( "Thinks bad thoughts to\n" "sharply boost Sp. Atk."); +static const u8 sBULLET_PUNCHDescription[] = _( + "Punches as fast as a bul-\n" + "let. It always hits first."); + static const u8 sICE_SHARDDescription[] = _( "Hurls a chunk of ice that\n" "always strike first."); +static const u8 sSHADOW_CLAWDescription[] = _( + "Strikes with a shadow claw.\n" + "High critical-hit ratio."); + static const u8 sTHUNDER_FANGDescription[] = _( "May cause flinching or\n" "leave the foe paralyzed."); @@ -1673,6 +1697,10 @@ static const u8 sPSYCHO_CUTDescription[] = _( "Tears with psychic blades.\n" "High critical-hit ratio."); +static const u8 sZEN_HEADBUTTDescription[] = _( + "Hits with a strong head-\n" + "butt. May cause flinching."); + static const u8 sMIRROR_SHOTDescription[] = _( "Emits a flash of energy to\n" "damage and cut accuracy."); @@ -1693,10 +1721,22 @@ static const u8 sTRICK_ROOMDescription[] = _( "Slower POKéMON get to move\n" "first for 5 turns."); +static const u8 sDRACO_METEORDescription[] = _( + "Casts comets onto the foe.\n" + "Harshly lowers the Sp. Atk."); + +static const u8 sDISCHARGEDescription[] = _( + "Zaps the foes with electri-\n" + "city. May paralyze them."); + static const u8 sPOWER_WHIPDescription[] = _( "Violently lashes the foe\n" "with vines or tentacles."); +static const u8 sCROSS_POISONDescription[] = _( + "A slash that may poison a\n" + "foe and do critical damage."); + static const u8 sGUNK_SHOTDescription[] = _( "Shoots filthy garbage at\n" "the foe. May also poison."); @@ -1737,6 +1777,14 @@ static const u8 sCHARGE_BEAMDescription[] = _( "Fires a beam of electricity.\n" "May raise Sp. Atk."); +static const u8 sWOOD_HAMMERDescription[] = _( + "Slams the body into a foe\n" + "The user gets hurt too."); + +static const u8 sAQUA_JETDescription[] = _( + "Strikes first by dashing\n" + "at the foe at a high speed."); + static const u8 sATTACK_ORDERDescription[] = _( "Underlings pummel the foe.\n" "High critical-hit ratio."); @@ -1745,6 +1793,10 @@ static const u8 sDEFEND_ORDERDescription[] = _( "Raises Defense and Sp. Def\n" "with a living shield."); +static const u8 sHEAL_ORDERDescription[] = _( + "The user's underlings show\n" + "up to heal half its max HP."); + static const u8 sHEAD_SMASHDescription[] = _( "A life-risking headbutt that\n" "seriously hurts the user."); @@ -1805,6 +1857,10 @@ static const u8 sPSYSHOCKDescription[] = _( "Attacks with a psychic wave\n" "that does physical damage."); +static const u8 sTAIL_SLAPDescription[] = _( + "Strikes the foe with its\n" + "tail 2 to 5 times."); + static const u8 sVENOSHOCKDescription[] = _( "Does double damage if the\n" "foe is poisoned."); @@ -2009,6 +2065,10 @@ static const u8 sELECTROWEBDescription[] = _( "Snares the foe with an\n" "electric net. Lowers Speed."); +static const u8 sWILD_CHARGEDescription[] = _( + "An electrical tackle that\n" + "also hurts the user."); + static const u8 sDRILL_RUNDescription[] = _( "Spins its body like a drill.\n" "High critical-hit ratio."); @@ -2065,6 +2125,10 @@ static const u8 sSECRET_SWORDDescription[] = _( "Cuts with a long horn that\n" "does physical damage."); +static const u8 sGLACIATEDescription[] = _( + "Blows very cold air at the\n" + "foe. It lowers their Speed."); + static const u8 sBOLT_STRIKEDescription[] = _( "Strikes with a great amount\n" "of lightning. May paralyze."); @@ -2141,6 +2205,10 @@ static const u8 sION_DELUGEDescription[] = _( "Electrifies Normal-type\n" "moves with charged atoms."); +static const u8 sPARABOLIC_CHARGEDescription[] = _( + "Damages adjacent Pokémon and\n" + "heals up by half of it."); + static const u8 sFORESTS_CURSEDescription[] = _( "Puts a curse on the foe\n" "making the foe Grass-type."); @@ -2313,6 +2381,10 @@ static const u8 sTHOUSAND_WAVESDescription[] = _( "Those hit by the wave can\n" "no longer escape."); +static const u8 sLANDS_WRATHDescription[] = _( + "Gathers the energy of the\n" + "land to attack every foe."); + static const u8 sLIGHT_OF_RUINDescription[] = _( "Fires a great beam of light\n" "that also hurts the user."); @@ -2329,6 +2401,10 @@ static const u8 sLAVA_PLUMEDescription[] = _( "Scarlet flames torch\n" "everything around the user."); +static const u8 sLEAF_STORMDescription[] = _( + "Whips up a storm of leaves.\n" + "Harshly lowers the Sp. Atk."); + static const u8 sSHORE_UPDescription[] = _( "Restores the user's HP.\n" "More HP in a sandstorm."); @@ -2898,9 +2974,9 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_WATER_PULSE - 1] = sWaterPulseDescription, [MOVE_DOOM_DESIRE - 1] = sDoomDesireDescription, [MOVE_PSYCHO_BOOST - 1] = sPsychoBoostDescription, - [MOVE_ROOST - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_ROOST - 1] = sROOSTDescription, [MOVE_GRAVITY - 1] = sGRAVITYDescription, - [MOVE_MIRACLE_EYE - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_MIRACLE_EYE - 1] = sMIRACLE_EYEDescription, [MOVE_WAKE_UP_SLAP - 1] = sWAKE_UP_SLAPDescription, [MOVE_HAMMER_ARM - 1] = sHAMMER_ARMDescription, [MOVE_GYRO_BALL - 1] = sGYRO_BALLDescription, @@ -2926,7 +3002,7 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_GASTRO_ACID - 1] = sGASTRO_ACIDDescription, [MOVE_LUCKY_CHANT - 1] = sLUCKY_CHANTDescription, [MOVE_ME_FIRST - 1] = sME_FIRSTDescription, - [MOVE_COPYCAT - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_COPYCAT - 1] = sCOPYCATDescription, [MOVE_POWER_SWAP - 1] = sPOWER_SWAPDescription, [MOVE_GUARD_SWAP - 1] = sGUARD_SWAPDescription, [MOVE_PUNISHMENT - 1] = sPUNISHMENTDescription, @@ -2943,7 +3019,7 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_ROCK_POLISH - 1] = sROCK_POLISHDescription, [MOVE_POISON_JAB - 1] = sPOISON_JABDescription, [MOVE_DARK_PULSE - 1] = sDARK_PULSEDescription, - [MOVE_NIGHT_SLASH - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_NIGHT_SLASH - 1] = sNIGHT_SLASHDescription, [MOVE_AQUA_TAIL - 1] = sAQUA_TAILDescription, [MOVE_SEED_BOMB - 1] = sSEED_BOMBDescription, [MOVE_AIR_SLASH - 1] = sAIR_SLASHDescription, @@ -2952,38 +3028,38 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_DRAGON_PULSE - 1] = sDRAGON_PULSEDescription, [MOVE_DRAGON_RUSH - 1] = sDRAGON_RUSHDescription, [MOVE_POWER_GEM - 1] = sPOWER_GEMDescription, - [MOVE_DRAIN_PUNCH - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_DRAIN_PUNCH - 1] = sDRAINING_KISSDescription, [MOVE_VACUUM_WAVE - 1] = sVACUUM_WAVEDescription, [MOVE_FOCUS_BLAST - 1] = sFOCUS_BLASTDescription, [MOVE_ENERGY_BALL - 1] = sENERGY_BALLDescription, [MOVE_BRAVE_BIRD - 1] = sBRAVE_BIRDDescription, [MOVE_EARTH_POWER - 1] = sEARTH_POWERDescription, [MOVE_SWITCHEROO - 1] = sSWITCHEROODescription, - [MOVE_GIGA_IMPACT - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_GIGA_IMPACT - 1] = sHyperBeamDescription, [MOVE_NASTY_PLOT - 1] = sNASTY_PLOTDescription, - [MOVE_BULLET_PUNCH - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, - [MOVE_AVALANCHE - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_BULLET_PUNCH - 1] = sBULLET_PUNCHDescription, + [MOVE_AVALANCHE - 1] = sAVALANCHEDescription, [MOVE_ICE_SHARD - 1] = sICE_SHARDDescription, - [MOVE_SHADOW_CLAW - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_SHADOW_CLAW - 1] = sSHADOW_CLAWDescription, [MOVE_THUNDER_FANG - 1] = sTHUNDER_FANGDescription, [MOVE_ICE_FANG - 1] = sICE_FANGDescription, [MOVE_FIRE_FANG - 1] = sFIRE_FANGDescription, [MOVE_SHADOW_SNEAK - 1] = sSHADOW_SNEAKDescription, [MOVE_MUD_BOMB - 1] = sMUD_BOMBDescription, [MOVE_PSYCHO_CUT - 1] = sPSYCHO_CUTDescription, - [MOVE_ZEN_HEADBUTT - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_ZEN_HEADBUTT - 1] = sZEN_HEADBUTTDescription, [MOVE_MIRROR_SHOT - 1] = sMIRROR_SHOTDescription, [MOVE_FLASH_CANNON - 1] = sFLASH_CANNONDescription, [MOVE_ROCK_CLIMB - 1] = sROCK_CLIMBDescription, [MOVE_DEFOG - 1] = sDEFOGDescription, [MOVE_TRICK_ROOM - 1] = sTRICK_ROOMDescription, - [MOVE_DRACO_METEOR - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, - [MOVE_DISCHARGE - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_DRACO_METEOR - 1] = sDRACO_METEORDescription, + [MOVE_DISCHARGE - 1] = sDISCHARGEDescription, [MOVE_LAVA_PLUME - 1] = sLAVA_PLUMEDescription, - [MOVE_LEAF_STORM - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_LEAF_STORM - 1] = sLEAF_STORMDescription, [MOVE_POWER_WHIP - 1] = sPOWER_WHIPDescription, - [MOVE_ROCK_WRECKER - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, - [MOVE_CROSS_POISON - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_ROCK_WRECKER - 1] = sHyperBeamDescription, + [MOVE_CROSS_POISON - 1] = sCROSS_POISONDescription, [MOVE_GUNK_SHOT - 1] = sGUNK_SHOTDescription, [MOVE_IRON_HEAD - 1] = sIRON_HEADDescription, [MOVE_MAGNET_BOMB - 1] = sMAGNET_BOMBDescription, @@ -2995,11 +3071,11 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_JUDGMENT - 1] = sJUDGMENTDescription, [MOVE_BUG_BITE - 1] = sPLUCKDescription, [MOVE_CHARGE_BEAM - 1] = sCHARGE_BEAMDescription, - [MOVE_WOOD_HAMMER - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, - [MOVE_AQUA_JET - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_WOOD_HAMMER - 1] = sWOOD_HAMMERDescription, + [MOVE_AQUA_JET - 1] = sAQUA_JETDescription, [MOVE_ATTACK_ORDER - 1] = sATTACK_ORDERDescription, [MOVE_DEFEND_ORDER - 1] = sDEFEND_ORDERDescription, - [MOVE_HEAL_ORDER - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_HEAL_ORDER - 1] = sHEAL_ORDERDescription, [MOVE_HEAD_SMASH - 1] = sHEAD_SMASHDescription, [MOVE_DOUBLE_HIT - 1] = sDOUBLE_HITDescription, [MOVE_ROAR_OF_TIME - 1] = sROAR_OF_TIMEDescription, @@ -3071,11 +3147,11 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_DRAGON_TAIL - 1] = sCIRCLE_THROWDescription, [MOVE_WORK_UP - 1] = sWORK_UPDescription, [MOVE_ELECTROWEB - 1] = sELECTROWEBDescription, - [MOVE_WILD_CHARGE - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_WILD_CHARGE - 1] = sWILD_CHARGEDescription, [MOVE_DRILL_RUN - 1] = sDRILL_RUNDescription, [MOVE_DUAL_CHOP - 1] = sDUAL_CHOPDescription, [MOVE_HEART_STAMP - 1] = sHEART_STAMPDescription, - [MOVE_HORN_LEECH - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_HORN_LEECH - 1] = sMegaDrainDescription, [MOVE_SACRED_SWORD - 1] = sCHIP_AWAYDescription, [MOVE_RAZOR_SHELL - 1] = sRAZOR_SHELLDescription, [MOVE_HEAT_CRASH - 1] = sHEAVY_SLAMDescription, @@ -3084,15 +3160,15 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_COTTON_GUARD - 1] = sCOTTON_GUARDDescription, [MOVE_NIGHT_DAZE - 1] = sNIGHT_DAZEDescription, [MOVE_PSYSTRIKE - 1] = sPSYSHOCKDescription, - [MOVE_TAIL_SLAP - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_TAIL_SLAP - 1] = sTAIL_SLAPDescription, [MOVE_HURRICANE - 1] = sHURRICANEDescription, [MOVE_HEAD_CHARGE - 1] = sHEAD_CHARGEDescription, [MOVE_GEAR_GRIND - 1] = sGEAR_GRINDDescription, - [MOVE_SEARING_SHOT - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_SEARING_SHOT - 1] = sLAVA_PLUMEDescription, [MOVE_TECHNO_BLAST - 1] = sTECHNO_BLASTDescription, [MOVE_RELIC_SONG - 1] = sRELIC_SONGDescription, [MOVE_SECRET_SWORD - 1] = sSECRET_SWORDDescription, - [MOVE_GLACIATE - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_GLACIATE - 1] = sGLACIATEDescription, [MOVE_BOLT_STRIKE - 1] = sBOLT_STRIKEDescription, [MOVE_BLUE_FLARE - 1] = sBLUE_FLAREDescription, [MOVE_FIERY_DANCE - 1] = sFIERY_DANCEDescription, @@ -3113,7 +3189,7 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_TRICK_OR_TREAT - 1] = sTRICK_OR_TREATDescription, [MOVE_NOBLE_ROAR - 1] = sNOBLE_ROARDescription, [MOVE_ION_DELUGE - 1] = sION_DELUGEDescription, - [MOVE_PARABOLIC_CHARGE - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_PARABOLIC_CHARGE - 1] = sPARABOLIC_CHARGEDescription, [MOVE_FORESTS_CURSE - 1] = sFORESTS_CURSEDescription, [MOVE_PETAL_BLIZZARD - 1] = sPETAL_BLIZZARDDescription, [MOVE_FREEZE_DRY - 1] = sFREEZE_DRYDescription, @@ -3153,13 +3229,13 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_HOLD_HANDS - 1] = sHOLD_HANDSDescription, [MOVE_BABY_DOLL_EYES - 1] = sBABYDOLL_EYESDescription, [MOVE_NUZZLE - 1] = sNUZZLEDescription, - [MOVE_HOLD_BACK - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_HOLD_BACK - 1] = sFalseSwipeDescription, [MOVE_INFESTATION - 1] = sINFESTATIONDescription, [MOVE_POWER_UP_PUNCH - 1] = sPOWER_UP_PUNCHDescription, [MOVE_OBLIVION_WING - 1] = sDRAINING_KISSDescription, [MOVE_THOUSAND_ARROWS - 1] = sTHOUSAND_ARROWSDescription, [MOVE_THOUSAND_WAVES - 1] = sTHOUSAND_WAVESDescription, - [MOVE_LANDS_WRATH - 1] = sNotDoneYetDescription, + [MOVE_LANDS_WRATH - 1] = sLANDS_WRATHDescription, [MOVE_LIGHT_OF_RUIN - 1] = sLIGHT_OF_RUINDescription, [MOVE_ORIGIN_PULSE - 1] = sORIGIN_PULSEDescription, [MOVE_PRECIPICE_BLADES - 1] = sPRECIPICE_BLADESDescription,