Decompiled sub_81C7990

This commit is contained in:
Phlosioneer 2019-02-14 11:55:58 -05:00
parent f95eebf47a
commit d41c597f90
2 changed files with 5 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -5,28 +5,6 @@
.text .text
thumb_func_start sub_81C7990
sub_81C7990: @ 81C7990
push {lr}
sub sp, 0x4
adds r3, r0, 0
lsls r1, 16
lsrs r1, 16
mov r0, sp
strh r1, [r0]
lsls r3, 5
ldr r0, =gPlttBufferFaded + 0x200
adds r3, r0
ldr r2, =0x01000010
mov r0, sp
adds r1, r3, 0
bl CpuSet
add sp, 0x4
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_81C7990
thumb_func_start sub_81C79BC thumb_func_start sub_81C79BC
sub_81C79BC: @ 81C79BC sub_81C79BC: @ 81C79BC
push {r4-r7,lr} push {r4-r7,lr}

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@ -622,4 +622,8 @@ void sub_81C795C(struct PaletteDescriptor *palettes) {
CopyPaletteIntoBufferUnfaded(current->palette, index, 0x20); CopyPaletteIntoBufferUnfaded(current->palette, index, 0x20);
} }
} }
} }
void sub_81C7990(u32 a0, u16 a1) {
CpuFill16(a1, gPlttBufferFaded + 0x100 + (a0 * 16), 16 * sizeof(u16));