Decompiled sub_81C72BC

This commit is contained in:
Phlosioneer 2019-02-12 02:23:08 -05:00
parent 9bda2297e3
commit d52cbe6bcb
2 changed files with 33 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -5,51 +5,6 @@
thumb_func_start sub_81C72BC
sub_81C72BC: @ 81C72BC
push {r4,lr}
bl UpdatePaletteFade
ldr r0, =gPaletteFade
ldrb r1, [r0, 0x7]
movs r0, 0x80
ands r0, r1
cmp r0, 0
bne _081C7320
ldr r4, =gUnknown_0203CF40
movs r0, 0x5C
bl Alloc
str r0, [r4]
cmp r0, 0
bne _081C72F0
ldr r0, =CB2_ReturnToFieldContinueScriptPlayMapMusic
bl SetMainCallback2
b _081C7320
bl sub_81C7360
ldr r1, [r4]
movs r0, 0x1
strh r0, [r1, 0x8]
bl ResetTasks
bl ResetSpriteData
bl FreeAllSpritePalettes
movs r0, 0
bl SetVBlankCallback
ldr r0, =sub_81C742C
movs r1, 0
bl CreateTask
ldr r0, =sub_81C7400
bl SetMainCallback2
ldr r0, =sub_81C7418
bl SetVBlankCallback
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_81C72BC
thumb_func_start sub_81C7334
sub_81C7334: @ 81C7334
push {r4,lr}

View File

@ -4,55 +4,28 @@
#include "main.h"
#include "overworld.h"
#include "field_weather.h"
#include "palette.h"
// Can confirm the size is correct on line 287 of the generated pokenav_main.s
// file. The expected size is 0x5C.
struct UnknownStruct_0203CF40 {
u8 data1[8];
u16 field_0;
u8 data[0x52];
thumb_func_start CB2_PokeNav
CB2_PokeNav: @ 81C7250
push {r4,lr}
ldr r4, =gUnknown_0203CF40
movs r0, 0x5C
bl Alloc
str r0, [r4]
cmp r0, 0
bne _081C7270
ldr r0, =CB2_ReturnToFieldWithOpenMenu
bl SetMainCallback2
b _081C7292
bl sub_81C7360
bl ResetTasks
movs r0, 0
bl SetVBlankCallback
ldr r0, =sub_81C742C
movs r1, 0
bl CreateTask
ldr r0, =sub_81C7400
bl SetMainCallback2
ldr r0, =sub_81C7418
bl SetVBlankCallback
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end CB2_PokeNav
extern struct UnknownStruct_0203CF40 *gUnknown_0203CF40;
extern u8 gUnknown_0203CF3C;
extern u8* gUnknown_0203CF40;
extern void sub_81C7360(void);
extern void sub_81C742C(u8 taskId);
extern void sub_81C7400(void);
extern void sub_81C7418(void);
extern u8 gUnknown_0203CF3C;
extern void sub_81C7170(u8 a0);
extern void sub_81C71E4(u8 a0);
void sub_81C72BC(void);
u32 sub_81C7078(u32 (*a0)(u32), u32 a1)
u16 taskId;
@ -162,7 +135,7 @@ void sub_81C71E4(u8 taskId) {
void CB2_PokeNav(void)
gUnknown_0203CF40 = Alloc(0x5C);
gUnknown_0203CF40 = Alloc(sizeof(struct UnknownStruct_0203CF40));
if (gUnknown_0203CF40 == NULL) {
} else {
@ -175,24 +148,27 @@ void CB2_PokeNav(void)
thumb_func_start sub_81C72A4
sub_81C72A4: @ 81C72A4
push {lr}
ldr r0, =sub_81C72BC
bl SetMainCallback2
movs r0, 0x1
movs r1, 0
bl FadeScreen
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_81C72A4
extern void sub_81C72BC(void);
void sub_81C72A4() {
FadeScreen(1, 0);
void sub_81C72BC() {
if (! {
gUnknown_0203CF40 = Alloc(sizeof(struct UnknownStruct_0203CF40));
if (gUnknown_0203CF40 == NULL) {
} else {
gUnknown_0203CF40->field_0 = 1;
CreateTask(sub_81C742C, 0);