mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 06:28:37 +01:00
some contest text
This commit is contained in:
@ -415904,7 +415904,7 @@ prints_contest_move_description: ; 80DB370
movs r0, 0xA
movs r1, 0
bl Window_FastFillPixels
ldr r1, =gUnknown_08587C50
ldr r1, =gContestEffectDescriptionPointers
ldr r0, =gContestMoves
adds r0, r7, r0
ldrb r0, [r0]
@ -435940,7 +435940,7 @@ sub_80E5414: ; 80E5414
cmp r4, r1
bne @080E5470
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0858CE8C
ldr r0, =gComboStarterLut
adds r0, r4, r0
ldrb r0, [r0]
b @080E5472
@ -436944,7 +436944,7 @@ sub_80E5AD4: ; 80E5AD4
ldr r1, =gContestMoves
adds r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x2]
ldr r2, =gUnknown_0858CE8C
ldr r2, =gComboStarterLut
adds r0, r2
ldrb r1, [r0]
lsls r0, r1, 2
@ -872808,7 +872808,7 @@ sub_81C3E2C: ; 81C3E2C
bl sub_81C2D2C
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
ldr r3, =gUnknown_08587C50
ldr r3, =gContestEffectDescriptionPointers
ldr r2, =gContestMoves
lsls r1, r4, 3
adds r1, r2
@ -872873,7 +872873,7 @@ sub_81C3E9C: ; 81C3E9C
.align 2, 0
ldr r2, =gUnknown_08587C50
ldr r2, =gContestEffectDescriptionPointers
ldr r1, =gContestMoves
lsls r0, r6, 3
adds r0, r1
@ -903170,7 +903170,7 @@ sub_81D2ACC: ; 81D2ACC
lsls r4, 3
ldr r0, =gContestMoves
adds r4, r0
ldr r1, =gUnknown_08587D48
ldr r1, =gContestMoveTypeTextPointers
ldrb r0, [r4, 0x1]
lsls r0, 29
lsrs r0, 27
@ -903185,7 +903185,7 @@ sub_81D2ACC: ; 81D2ACC
adds r2, r5, 0
movs r3, 0x4
bl Print
ldr r1, =gUnknown_08587C50
ldr r1, =gContestEffectDescriptionPointers
ldrb r0, [r4]
lsls r0, 2
adds r0, r1
@ -334,7 +334,10 @@ gUnknown_082780F2: ; 82780F2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x2780f2, 0x3f
gUnknown_08278131: ; 8278131
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x278131, 0x53d6
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x278131, 0x4a51
; 827CB82
.include "data/text/contest_text.s"
gUnknown_0827D507: ; 827D507
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x27d507, 0x2a
@ -4178,11 +4178,11 @@ gUnknown_08587C18: ; 8587C18
gUnknown_08587C30: ; 8587C30
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x587c30, 0x20
gUnknown_08587C50: ; 8587C50
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x587c50, 0xf8
; 8587C50
.include "data/text/contest_text_pointers.s"
gUnknown_08587D48: ; 8587D48
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x587d48, 0x48
; 8587D5C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x587d5c, 0x34
gUnknown_08587D90: ; 8587D90
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x587d90, 0x80
@ -4484,8 +4484,15 @@ gUnknown_0858C2AC: ; 858C2AC
gUnknown_0858CDCC: ; 858CDCC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x58cdcc, 0xc0
gUnknown_0858CE8C: ; 858CE8C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x58ce8c, 0x40
; A look-up table with a 1 for each combo starter ID and a 0 for ID 0,
; which means "not a combo starter move".
gComboStarterLut: ; 858CE8C
.byte 0
.rept 62
.byte 1
.align 2, 0
gUnknown_0858CECC: ; 858CECC
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x58cecc, 0xc0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
; contest move effect descriptions
gContestEffect00hDescription: ; 827CB82
.charmapstr "A highly appealing move.$"
gContestEffect01hDescription: ; 827CB9B
.charmapstr "After this move, the user is{next}more easily startled.$"
gContestEffect02hDescription: ; 827CBCE
.charmapstr "Makes a great appeal, but{next}allows no more to the end.$"
gContestEffect03hDescription: ; 827CC03
.charmapstr "Can be repeatedly used{next}without boring the JUDGE.$"
gContestEffect04hDescription: ; 827CC34
.charmapstr "Can avoid being startled{next}by others once.$"
gContestEffect05hDescription: ; 827CC5D
.charmapstr "Can avoid being startled{next}by others.$"
gContestEffect06hDescription: ; 827CC81
.charmapstr "Can avoid being startled{next}by others a little.$"
gContestEffect07hDescription: ; 827CCAE
.charmapstr "After this move, the user is{next}less likely to be startled.$"
gContestEffect08hDescription: ; 827CCE7
.charmapstr "Slightly startles the{next}POKéMON in front.$"
gContestEffect09hDescription: ; 827CD0F
.charmapstr "Slightly startles those{next}that have made appeals.$"
gContestEffect0AhDescription: ; 827CD3F
.charmapstr "Startles the POKéMON that{next}appealed before the user.$"
gContestEffect0BhDescription: ; 827CD73
.charmapstr "Startles all POKéMON that{next}have done their appeals.$"
gContestEffect0ChDescription: ; 827CDA6
.charmapstr "Badly startles the{next}POKéMON in front.$"
gContestEffect0DhDescription: ; 827CDCB
.charmapstr "Badly startles those that{next}have made appeals.$"
gContestEffect0EhDescription: ; 827CDF8
.charmapstr "Startles the POKéMON that{next}appealed before the user.$"
gContestEffect0FhDescription: ; 827CE2C
.charmapstr "Startles all POKéMON that{next}have done their appeals.$"
gContestEffect10hDescription: ; 827CE5F
.charmapstr "Shifts the JUDGE’s{next}attention from others.$"
gContestEffect11hDescription: ; 827CE89
.charmapstr "Startles the POKéMON that{next}has the JUDGE’s attention.$"
gContestEffect12hDescription: ; 827CEBE
.charmapstr "Jams the others, and misses{next}one turn of appeals.$"
gContestEffect13hDescription: ; 827CEEF
.charmapstr "Startles POKéMON that{next}made a same-type appeal.$"
gContestEffect14hDescription: ; 827CF1E
.charmapstr "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made COOL appeals.$"
gContestEffect15hDescription: ; 827CF4D
.charmapstr "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made BEAUTY appeals.$"
gContestEffect16hDescription: ; 827CF7E
.charmapstr "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made CUTE appeals.$"
gContestEffect17hDescription: ; 827CFAD
.charmapstr "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made SMART appeals.$"
gContestEffect18hDescription: ; 827CFDD
.charmapstr "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made TOUGH appeals.$"
gContestEffect19hDescription: ; 827D00D
.charmapstr "Makes one POKéMON after{next}the user nervous.$"
gContestEffect1AhDescription: ; 827D037
.charmapstr "Makes all POKéMON after{next}the user nervous.$"
gContestEffect1BhDescription: ; 827D061
.charmapstr "Worsens the condition of{next}those that made appeals.$"
gContestEffect1ChDescription: ; 827D093
.charmapstr "Badly startles POKéMON in{next}good condition.$"
gContestEffect1DhDescription: ; 827D0BD
.charmapstr "The appeal works great if{next}performed first.$"
gContestEffect1EhDescription: ; 827D0E8
.charmapstr "The appeal works great if{next}performed last.$"
gContestEffect1FhDescription: ; 827D112
.charmapstr "Makes the appeal as good{next}as those before it.$"
gContestEffect20hDescription: ; 827D13F
.charmapstr "Makes the appeal as good{next}as the one before it.$"
gContestEffect21hDescription: ; 827D16E
.charmapstr "The appeal works better{next}the later it is performed.$"
gContestEffect22hDescription: ; 827D1A1
.charmapstr "The appeal’s quality varies{next}depending on its timing.$"
gContestEffect23hDescription: ; 827D1D6
.charmapstr "Works well if it’s the same{next}type as the one before.$"
gContestEffect24hDescription: ; 827D20A
.charmapstr "Works well if different in{next}type than the one before.$"
gContestEffect25hDescription: ; 827D23F
.charmapstr "Affected by how well the{next}appeal in front goes.$"
gContestEffect26hDescription: ; 827D26E
.charmapstr "Ups the user’s condition.{next}Helps prevent nervousness.$"
gContestEffect27hDescription: ; 827D2A3
.charmapstr "The appeal works well if the{next}user’s condition is good.$"
gContestEffect28hDescription: ; 827D2DA
.charmapstr "The next appeal can be{next}made earlier next turn.$"
gContestEffect29hDescription: ; 827D309
.charmapstr "The next appeal can be{next}made later next turn.$"
gContestEffect2AhDescription: ; 827D336
.charmapstr "Makes the next turn’s order{next}more easily scrambled.$"
gContestEffect2BhDescription: ; 827D369
.charmapstr "Scrambles the order of{next}appeals on the next turn.$"
gContestEffect2ChDescription: ; 827D39A
.charmapstr "An appeal that excites the{next}audience in any CONTEST.$"
gContestEffect2DhDescription: ; 827D3CE
.charmapstr "Badly startles all POKéMON{next}that made good appeals.$"
gContestEffect2EhDescription: ; 827D401
.charmapstr "The appeal works best the{next}more the crowd is excited.$"
gContestEffect2FhDescription: ; 827D436
.charmapstr "Temporarily stops the{next}crowd from growing excited.$"
; unused move names
gUnusedContestMoveName0: ; 827D468
.charmapstr "RAIN DANCE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName1: ; 827D473
.charmapstr "RAGE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName2: ; 827D478
.charmapstr "FOCUS ENERGY$"
gUnusedContestMoveName3: ; 827D485
.charmapstr "HYPNOSIS$"
gUnusedContestMoveName4: ; 827D48E
.charmapstr "SOFTBOILED$"
gUnusedContestMoveName5: ; 827D499
.charmapstr "HORN ATTACK$"
gUnusedContestMoveName6: ; 827D4A5
.charmapstr "SWORDS DANCE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName7: ; 827D4B2
.charmapstr "CONVERSION$"
gUnusedContestMoveName8: ; 827D4BD
.charmapstr "SUNNY DAY$"
gUnusedContestMoveName9: ; 827D4C7
.charmapstr "REST$"
gUnusedContestMoveName10: ; 827D4CC
.charmapstr "VICEGRIP$"
gUnusedContestMoveName11: ; 827D4D5
.charmapstr "DEFENSE CURL$"
gUnusedContestMoveName12: ; 827D4E2
.charmapstr "LOCK-ON$"
; contest type names
gContestMoveTypeCoolText: ; 827D4EA
.charmapstr "COOL$"
gContestMoveTypeBeautyText: ; 827D4EF
.charmapstr "BEAUTY$"
gContestMoveTypeCuteText: ; 827D4F6
.charmapstr "CUTE$"
gContestMoveTypeSmartText: ; 827D4FB
.charmapstr "SMART$"
gContestMoveTypeToughText: ; 827D501
.charmapstr "TOUGH$"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
.align 2, 0
gContestEffectDescriptionPointers: ; 8587C50
.4byte gContestEffect00hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect01hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect02hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect03hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect04hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect05hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect06hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect07hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect08hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect09hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect0AhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect0BhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect0ChDescription
.4byte gContestEffect0DhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect0EhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect0FhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect10hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect11hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect12hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect13hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect14hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect15hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect16hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect17hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect18hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect19hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect1AhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect1BhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect1ChDescription
.4byte gContestEffect1DhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect1EhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect1FhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect20hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect21hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect22hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect23hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect24hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect25hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect26hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect27hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect28hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect29hDescription
.4byte gContestEffect2AhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect2BhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect2ChDescription
.4byte gContestEffect2DhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect2EhDescription
.4byte gContestEffect2FhDescription
; 8587D10
; Unreferenced array of pointers to move names.
; All of the moves except Conversion are combo starters, so this may have
; been an early list of combo starters.
.align 2, 0
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName0
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName0
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName1
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName2
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName3
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName4
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName5
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName6
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName7
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName8
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName9
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName10
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName11
.4byte gUnusedContestMoveName12
.align 2, 0
gContestMoveTypeTextPointers: ; 8587D48
.4byte gContestMoveTypeCoolText
.4byte gContestMoveTypeBeautyText
.4byte gContestMoveTypeCuteText
.4byte gContestMoveTypeSmartText
.4byte gContestMoveTypeToughText
Reference in New Issue
Block a user