mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 23:17:47 +01:00
decompile money
This commit is contained in:
@ -6237,7 +6237,7 @@ bag_menu_AddMoney_window: @ 81AE268
adds r0, r4, 0
movs r1, 0x1
movs r2, 0xE
bl set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box
bl PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBoxWithBorder
movs r0, 0x13
movs r1, 0xB
bl AddMoneyLabelObject
@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/macros.inc"
.include "constants/constants.inc"
.syntax unified
thumb_func_start sub_80E51B0
sub_80E51B0: @ 80E51B0
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r0]
movs r1, 0x92
lsls r1, 3
adds r0, r1
ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_0x8005
ldrh r1, [r1]
bl IsEnoughMoney
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
pop {r1}
bx r1
thumb_func_end sub_80E51B0
thumb_func_start sub_80E51D4
sub_80E51D4: @ 80E51D4
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr
ldr r0, [r0]
movs r1, 0x92
lsls r1, 3
adds r0, r1
ldr r1, =gSpecialVar_0x8005
ldrh r1, [r1]
bl SubtractMoney
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80E51D4
thumb_func_start PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox
@ void PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox(u8 windowId, int amount, s8 a3)
PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox: @ 80E51F4
push {lr}
sub sp, 0x4
adds r3, r1, 0
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
lsls r2, 24
lsrs r2, 24
str r2, [sp]
movs r1, 0x26
movs r2, 0x1
bl PrintMoneyAmount
add sp, 0x4
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox
thumb_func_start PrintMoneyAmount
@ void PrintMoneyAmount(u8 windowId, char x, char y, int amount, u8 a5)
PrintMoneyAmount: @ 80E5214
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7, r8
push {r7}
sub sp, 0xC
ldr r4, [sp, 0x24]
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r7, r0, 24
lsls r1, 24
lsrs r1, 24
mov r8, r1
lsls r2, 24
lsrs r6, r2, 24
lsls r4, 24
lsrs r5, r4, 24
ldr r4, =gStringVar1
adds r0, r4, 0
adds r1, r3, 0
movs r2, 0
movs r3, 0x6
bl ConvertIntToDecimalStringN
adds r0, r4, 0
bl StringLength
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r0, 16
movs r1, 0x6
subs r1, r0
ldr r2, =gStringVar4
adds r0, r1, 0
subs r1, 0x1
cmp r0, 0
ble _080E5264
movs r3, 0x77
strb r3, [r2]
adds r2, 0x1
adds r0, r1, 0
subs r1, 0x1
cmp r0, 0
bgt _080E5258
ldr r1, =gText_PokedollarVar1
adds r0, r2, 0
bl StringExpandPlaceholders
ldr r2, =gStringVar4
str r6, [sp]
str r5, [sp, 0x4]
movs r0, 0
str r0, [sp, 0x8]
adds r0, r7, 0
movs r1, 0x1
mov r3, r8
bl PrintTextOnWindow
add sp, 0xC
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r7}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end PrintMoneyAmount
thumb_func_start set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box
@ void set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box(u8 windowId, u16 tileStart, u8 palette, int amount)
set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box: @ 80E5298
push {r4-r6,lr}
mov r6, r8
push {r6}
adds r6, r0, 0
adds r4, r1, 0
adds r5, r2, 0
mov r8, r3
lsls r6, 24
lsrs r6, 24
lsls r4, 16
lsrs r4, 16
lsls r5, 24
lsrs r5, 24
adds r0, r6, 0
movs r1, 0
adds r2, r4, 0
adds r3, r5, 0
bl SetWindowBorderStyle
adds r0, r6, 0
mov r1, r8
movs r2, 0
bl PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box
thumb_func_start sub_80E52D4
sub_80E52D4: @ 80E52D4
push {lr}
adds r1, r0, 0
ldr r0, =gUnknown_02039F98
ldrb r0, [r0]
movs r2, 0
bl PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80E52D4
thumb_func_start sub_80E52EC
@ void sub_80E52EC(int money, int x, int y)
sub_80E52EC: @ 80E52EC
push {r4-r6,lr}
mov r6, r8
push {r6}
sub sp, 0x18
mov r8, r0
adds r4, r1, 0
adds r3, r2, 0
lsls r4, 24
lsls r3, 24
lsrs r6, r4, 24
movs r0, 0x80
lsls r0, 17
adds r4, r0
lsrs r4, 24
lsrs r5, r3, 24
adds r3, r0
lsrs r3, 24
movs r0, 0xA
str r0, [sp]
movs r0, 0x2
str r0, [sp, 0x4]
movs r0, 0xF
str r0, [sp, 0x8]
movs r0, 0x8
str r0, [sp, 0xC]
add r0, sp, 0x10
movs r1, 0
adds r2, r4, 0
bl SetWindowTemplateFields
ldr r4, =gUnknown_02039F98
add r0, sp, 0x10
bl AddWindow
strb r0, [r4]
ldrb r0, [r4]
movs r1, 0
bl FillWindowPixelBuffer
ldrb r0, [r4]
bl PutWindowTilemap
ldrb r0, [r4]
movs r1, 0x1
bl CopyWindowToVram
ldrb r0, [r4]
movs r1, 0x85
lsls r1, 2
movs r2, 0xE
mov r3, r8
bl set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box
lsls r6, 19
movs r0, 0x98
lsls r0, 13
adds r6, r0
lsrs r6, 16
lsls r5, 19
movs r0, 0xB0
lsls r0, 12
adds r5, r0
lsrs r5, 16
adds r0, r6, 0
adds r1, r5, 0
bl AddMoneyLabelObject
add sp, 0x18
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r6}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80E52EC
thumb_func_start sub_80E5384
sub_80E5384: @ 80E5384
push {r4,lr}
bl RemoveMoneyLabelObject
ldr r4, =gUnknown_02039F98
ldrb r0, [r4]
movs r1, 0
bl sub_8198070
ldrb r0, [r4]
movs r1, 0x2
bl CopyWindowToVram
ldrb r0, [r4]
bl RemoveWindow
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80E5384
thumb_func_start AddMoneyLabelObject
AddMoneyLabelObject: @ 80E53AC
push {r4,r5,lr}
adds r4, r0, 0
adds r5, r1, 0
lsls r4, 16
lsrs r4, 16
lsls r5, 16
lsrs r5, 16
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0858C2A4
bl LoadCompressedObjectPic
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0858C2AC
bl LoadCompressedObjectPalette
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0858C28C
lsls r4, 16
asrs r4, 16
lsls r5, 16
asrs r5, 16
adds r1, r4, 0
adds r2, r5, 0
movs r3, 0
bl CreateSprite
ldr r1, =gUnknown_02039F99
strb r0, [r1]
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end AddMoneyLabelObject
thumb_func_start RemoveMoneyLabelObject
RemoveMoneyLabelObject: @ 80E53F4
push {lr}
ldr r0, =gUnknown_02039F99
ldrb r1, [r0]
lsls r0, r1, 4
adds r0, r1
lsls r0, 2
ldr r1, =gSprites
adds r0, r1
bl DestroySpriteAndFreeResources
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end RemoveMoneyLabelObject
.align 2, 0 @ Don't pad with nop.
@ -4468,7 +4468,7 @@ s93_display_money: @ 809B500
bl GetMoney
adds r1, r5, 0
adds r2, r4, 0
bl sub_80E52EC
bl DrawMoneyBox
movs r0, 0
pop {r4,r5}
@ -4480,7 +4480,7 @@ _0809B530:
thumb_func_start s94_hide_money
s94_hide_money: @ 809B53C
push {lr}
bl sub_80E5384
bl HideMoneyBox
movs r0, 0
pop {r1}
bx r1
@ -4505,7 +4505,7 @@ s95_update_money: @ 809B548
lsls r1, 3
adds r0, r1
bl GetMoney
bl sub_80E52D4
bl ChangeAmountInMoneyBox
movs r0, 0
pop {r1}
@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ BuyMenuInitBgs: @ 80E036C
BuyMenuDecompressBgGraphics: @ 80E0424
push {lr}
sub sp, 0x4
ldr r1, =gUnknown_08D9AFBC
ldr r1, =gBuyMenuFrame_Gfx
movs r2, 0xE8
lsls r2, 2
ldr r3, =0x000003e3
@ -1133,11 +1133,11 @@ BuyMenuDecompressBgGraphics: @ 80E0424
str r0, [sp]
movs r0, 0x1
bl decompress_and_copy_tile_data_to_vram
ldr r0, =gUnknown_08D9B0F0
ldr r0, =gBuyMenuFrame_Tilemap
ldr r1, =gUnknown_02039F70
ldr r1, [r1]
bl LZDecompressWram
ldr r0, =gUnknown_08D9B0C8
ldr r0, =gMenuMoneyPal
movs r1, 0xC0
movs r2, 0x20
bl LoadCompressedPalette
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ BuyMenuDrawGraphics: @ 80E0524
movs r0, 0
movs r1, 0x1
movs r2, 0xD
bl set_window_border_style_and_print_money_box
bl PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBoxWithBorder
movs r0, 0
bl schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram
movs r0, 0x1
@ -512,14 +512,17 @@ gUnknown_08D9AE04:: @ 8D9AE04
gUnknown_08D9AF44:: @ 8D9AF44
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9af44, 0x78
gUnknown_08D9AFBC:: @ 8D9AFBC
gBuyMenuFrame_Gfx:: @ 8D9AFBC
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9afbc, 0x10c
gUnknown_08D9B0C8:: @ 8D9B0C8
gMenuMoneyPal:: @ 8D9B0C8
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9b0c8, 0x28
gUnknown_08D9B0F0:: @ 8D9B0F0
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9b0f0, 0x1c4
gBuyMenuFrame_Tilemap:: @ 8D9B0F0
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9b0f0, 0x140
gMenuMoneyGfx:: @ 8D9B230
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9b230, 0x84
gUnknown_08D9B2B4:: @ 8D9B2B4
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0xd9b2b4, 0x1bc
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
.include "asm/macros.inc"
.include "constants/constants.inc"
.section .rodata
gUnknown_0858C28C:: @ 858C28C
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x58c28c, 0x18
gUnknown_0858C2A4:: @ 858C2A4
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x58c2a4, 0x8
gUnknown_0858C2AC:: @ 858C2AC
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x58c2ac, 0x8
@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ gUnknown_0858C1C8:: @ 858C1C8
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x58c1c8, 0x68
gUnknown_0858C230:: @ 858C230
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x58c230, 0x5c
.incbin "baserom.gba", 0x58c230, 0x48
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#ifndef GUARD_MENU_H
#define GUARD_MENU_H
#include "text.h"
#include "window.h"
struct MenuAction
@ -16,5 +16,8 @@ struct MenuAction2
void box_print(u8, u8, u8, u8, const void *, s8, const u8 *);
void sub_8198070(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram);
void SetWindowTemplateFields(struct WindowTemplate* template, u8 priority, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 palNum, u16 baseBlock);
void SetWindowBorderStyle(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, u16 tileStart, u8 palette);
#endif // GUARD_MENU_H
@ -6,5 +6,15 @@ void SetMoney(u32* moneyPtr, u32 newValue);
bool8 IsEnoughMoney(u32* moneyPtr, u32 cost);
void AddMoney(u32* moneyPtr, u32 toAdd);
void SubtractMoney(u32* moneyPtr, u32 toSub);
bool8 IsEnoughForCostInVar0x8005(void);
void SubtractMoneyFromVar0x8005(void);
void PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox(u8 windowId, int amount, u8 speed);
void PrintMoneyAmount(u8 windowId, u8 x, u8 y, int amount, u8 speed);
void PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBoxWithBorder(u8 windowId, u16 tileStart, u8 pallete, int amount);
void ChangeAmountInMoneyBox(int amount);
void DrawMoneyBox(int amount, u8 x, u8 y);
void HideMoneyBox(void);
void AddMoneyLabelObject(u16 x, u16 y);
void RemoveMoneyLabelObject(void);
#endif // GUARD_MONEY_H
@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ SECTIONS {
@ -386,7 +385,7 @@ SECTIONS {
@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
#include "window.h"
#include "text_window.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "menu.h"
#define MAX_COINS 9999
EWRAM_DATA u8 sCoinsWindowId = 0;
extern s32 GetStringRightAlignXOffset(u8 fontId, u8 *str, s32 totalWidth);
extern void SetWindowTemplateFields(struct WindowTemplate* template, u8 priority, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 palNum, u16 baseBlock);
extern void SetWindowBorderStyle(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, s16 tileStart, s8 palette);
extern void sub_819746C(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram);
extern const u8 gText_Coins[];
@ -1,8 +1,77 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "money.h"
#include "event_data.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "decompress.h"
extern const u8 gText_PokedollarVar1[];
extern const u8 gMenuMoneyGfx[];
extern const u8 gMenuMoneyPal[];
#define MAX_MONEY 999999
EWRAM_DATA static u8 sMoneyBoxWindowId = 0;
EWRAM_DATA static u8 sMoneyLabelSpriteId = 0;
#define MONEY_LABEL_TAG 0x2722
static const struct OamData sOamData_MoneyLabel =
.y = 0,
.affineMode = 0,
.objMode = 0,
.mosaic = 0,
.bpp = 0,
.shape = 1,
.x = 0,
.matrixNum = 0,
.size = 2,
.tileNum = 0,
.priority = 0,
.paletteNum = 0,
.affineParam = 0,
static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_MoneyLabel[] =
static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_MoneyLabel[] =
static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_MoneyLabel =
.paletteTag = MONEY_LABEL_TAG,
.oam = &sOamData_MoneyLabel,
.anims = sSpriteAnimTable_MoneyLabel,
.images = NULL,
.affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable,
.callback = SpriteCallbackDummy
static const struct CompressedSpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_MoneyLabel =
.data = gMenuMoneyGfx,
.size = 256,
static const struct CompressedSpritePalette sSpritePalette_MoneyLabel =
.data = gMenuMoneyPal,
u32 GetMoney(u32* moneyPtr)
return *moneyPtr ^ gSaveBlock2Ptr->encryptionKey;
@ -53,3 +122,79 @@ void SubtractMoney(u32* moneyPtr, u32 toSub)
SetMoney(moneyPtr, toSet);
bool8 IsEnoughForCostInVar0x8005(void)
return IsEnoughMoney(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->money, gSpecialVar_0x8005);
void SubtractMoneyFromVar0x8005(void)
SubtractMoney(&gSaveBlock1Ptr->money, gSpecialVar_0x8005);
void PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox(u8 windowId, int amount, u8 speed)
PrintMoneyAmount(windowId, 0x26, 1, amount, speed);
void PrintMoneyAmount(u8 windowId, u8 x, u8 y, int amount, u8 speed)
u8 *txtPtr;
s32 strLength;
ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, amount, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 6);
strLength = 6 - StringLength(gStringVar1);
txtPtr = gStringVar4;
while (strLength-- > 0)
*(txtPtr++) = 0x77;
StringExpandPlaceholders(txtPtr, gText_PokedollarVar1);
PrintTextOnWindow(windowId, 1, gStringVar4, x, y, speed, NULL);
void PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBoxWithBorder(u8 windowId, u16 tileStart, u8 pallete, int amount)
SetWindowBorderStyle(windowId, FALSE, tileStart, pallete);
PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox(windowId, amount, 0);
void ChangeAmountInMoneyBox(int amount)
PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBox(sMoneyBoxWindowId, amount, 0);
void DrawMoneyBox(int amount, u8 x, u8 y)
struct WindowTemplate template;
SetWindowTemplateFields(&template, 0, x + 1, y + 1, 10, 2, 15, 8);
sMoneyBoxWindowId = AddWindow(&template);
FillWindowPixelBuffer(sMoneyBoxWindowId, 0);
CopyWindowToVram(sMoneyBoxWindowId, 1);
PrintMoneyAmountInMoneyBoxWithBorder(sMoneyBoxWindowId, 0x214, 14, amount);
AddMoneyLabelObject((8 * x) + 19, (8 * y) + 11);
void HideMoneyBox(void)
sub_8198070(sMoneyBoxWindowId, FALSE);
CopyWindowToVram(sMoneyBoxWindowId, 2);
void AddMoneyLabelObject(u16 x, u16 y)
sMoneyLabelSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_MoneyLabel, x, y, 0);
void RemoveMoneyLabelObject(void)
@ -1148,12 +1148,9 @@ gUnknown_02039F90: @ 2039F90
gUnknown_02039F94: @ 2039F94
.space 0x4
gUnknown_02039F98: @ 2039F98
.space 0x1
gUnknown_02039F99: @ 2039F99
.space 0x3
.include "src/money.o"
.align 2
gUnknown_02039F9C: @ 2039F9C
.space 0x78
Reference in New Issue
Block a user