diff --git a/data/text/contest_strings.inc b/data/text/contest_strings.inc index e57e76a52..23de25af6 100644 --- a/data/text/contest_strings.inc +++ b/data/text/contest_strings.inc @@ -4,145 +4,190 @@ gText_HighlyAppealingMove:: .string "A highly appealing move.$" gText_UserMoreEasilyStartled:: - .string "After this move, the user is\nmore easily startled.$" + .string "After this move, the user is\n" + .string "more easily startled.$" gText_GreatAppealButNoMoreToEnd:: - .string "Makes a great appeal, but\nallows no more to the end.$" + .string "Makes a great appeal, but\n" + .string "allows no more to the end.$" gText_UsedRepeatedlyWithoutBoringJudge:: .string "Can be repeatedly used\nwithout boring the JUDGE.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthersOnce:: - .string "Can avoid being startled\nby others once.$" + .string "Can avoid being startled\n" + .string "by others once.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthers:: - .string "Can avoid being startled\nby others.$" + .string "Can avoid being startled\n" + .string "by others.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthersLittle:: - .string "Can avoid being startled\nby others a little.$" + .string "Can avoid being startled\n" + .string "by others a little.$" gText_UserLessLikelyStartled:: - .string "After this move, the user is\nless likely to be startled.$" + .string "After this move, the user is\n" + .string "less likely to be startled.$" gText_SlightlyStartleFrontMon:: - .string "Slightly startles the\nPOKéMON in front.$" + .string "Slightly startles the\n" + .string "POKéMON in front.$" gText_SlightlyStartleAppealed:: - .string "Slightly startles those\nthat have made appeals.$" + .string "Slightly startles those\n" + .string "that have made appeals.$" gText_StartleAppealedBeforeUser:: - .string "Startles the POKéMON that\nappealed before the user.$" + .string "Startles the POKéMON that\n" + .string "appealed before the user.$" gText_StartleAllAppealed:: - .string "Startles all POKéMON that\nhave done their appeals.$" + .string "Startles all POKéMON that\n" + .string "have done their appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleFrontMon:: - .string "Badly startles the\nPOKéMON in front.$" + .string "Badly startles the\n" + .string "POKéMON in front.$" gText_BadlyStartleAppealed:: - .string "Badly startles those that\nhave made appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles those that\n" + .string "have made appeals.$" gText_StartleAppealedBeforeUser2:: - .string "Startles the POKéMON that\nappealed before the user.$" + .string "Startles the POKéMON that\n" + .string "appealed before the user.$" gText_StartleAllAppealed2:: - .string "Startles all POKéMON that\nhave done their appeals.$" + .string "Startles all POKéMON that\n" + .string "have done their appeals.$" gText_ShiftJudgesAttentionFromOthers:: - .string "Shifts the JUDGE's\nattention from others.$" + .string "Shifts the JUDGE's\n" + .string "attention from others.$" gText_StartleMonHasJudgesAttention:: - .string "Startles the POKéMON that\nhas the JUDGE's attention.$" + .string "Startles the POKéMON that\n" + .string "has the JUDGE's attention.$" gText_JamOthersMissesTurn:: - .string "Jams the others, and misses\none turn of appeals.$" + .string "Jams the others, and misses\n" + .string "one turn of appeals.$" gText_StartleMonsMadeSameTypeAppeal:: - .string "Startles POKéMON that\nmade a same-type appeal.$" + .string "Startles POKéMON that\n" + .string "made a same-type appeal.$" gText_BadlyStartleCoolAppeals:: - .string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made COOL appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" + .string "that made COOL appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleBeautyAppeals:: - .string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made BEAUTY appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" + .string "that made BEAUTY appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleCuteAppeals:: - .string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made CUTE appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" + .string "that made CUTE appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleSmartAppeals:: - .string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made SMART appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" + .string "that made SMART appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleToughAppeals:: - .string "Badly startles POKéMON\nthat made TOUGH appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" + .string "that made TOUGH appeals.$" gText_MakeMonAfterUserNervous:: - .string "Makes one POKéMON after\nthe user nervous.$" + .string "Makes one POKéMON after\n" + .string "the user nervous.$" gText_MakeAllMonsAfterUserNervous:: - .string "Makes all POKéMON after\nthe user nervous.$" + .string "Makes all POKéMON after\n" + .string "the user nervous.$" gText_WorsenConditionOfThoseMadeAppeals:: - .string "Worsens the condition of\nthose that made appeals.$" + .string "Worsens the condition of\n" + .string "those that made appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleMonsGoodCondition:: - .string "Badly startles POKéMON in\ngood condition.$" + .string "Badly startles POKéMON in\n" + .string "good condition.$" gText_AppealGreatIfPerformedFirst:: - .string "The appeal works great if\nperformed first.$" + .string "The appeal works great if\n" + .string "performed first.$" gText_AppealGreatIfPerformedLast:: - .string "The appeal works great if\nperformed last.$" + .string "The appeal works great if\n" + .string "performed last.$" gText_AppealAsGoodAsThoseBeforeIt:: - .string "Makes the appeal as good\nas those before it.$" + .string "Makes the appeal as good\n" + .string "as those before it.$" gText_AppealAsGoodAsOneBeforeIt:: - .string "Makes the appeal as good\nas the one before it.$" + .string "Makes the appeal as good\n" + .string "as the one before it.$" gText_AppealBetterLaterItsPerformed:: - .string "The appeal works better\nthe later it is performed.$" + .string "The appeal works better\n" + .string "the later it is performed.$" gText_AppealVariesDependingOnTiming:: .string "The appeal's quality varies\ndepending on its timing.$" gText_WorksWellIfSameTypeAsBefore:: - .string "Works well if it's the same\ntype as the one before.$" + .string "Works well if it's the same\n" + .string "type as the one before.$" gText_WorksWellIfDifferentTypeAsBefore:: - .string "Works well if different in\ntype than the one before.$" + .string "Works well if different in\n" + .string "type than the one before.$" gText_AffectedByAppealInFront:: - .string "Affected by how well the\nappeal in front goes.$" + .string "Affected by how well the\n" + .string "appeal in front goes.$" gText_UpsConditionHelpsPreventNervousness:: - .string "Ups the user's condition.\nHelps prevent nervousness.$" + .string "Ups the user's condition.\n" + .string "Helps prevent nervousness.$" gText_AppealWorksWellIfConditionGood:: - .string "The appeal works well if the\nuser's condition is good.$" + .string "The appeal works well if the\n" + .string "user's condition is good.$" gText_NextAppealMadeEarlier:: - .string "The next appeal can be\nmade earlier next turn.$" + .string "The next appeal can be\n" + .string "made earlier next turn.$" gText_NextAppealMadeLater:: - .string "The next appeal can be\nmade later next turn.$" + .string "The next appeal can be\n" + .string "made later next turn.$" gText_TurnOrderMoreEasilyScrambled:: - .string "Makes the next turn's order\nmore easily scrambled.$" + .string "Makes the next turn's order\n" + .string "more easily scrambled.$" gText_ScrambleOrderOfNextAppeals:: - .string "Scrambles the order of\nappeals on the next turn.$" + .string "Scrambles the order of\n" + .string "appeals on the next turn.$" gText_AppealExcitesAudienceInAnyContest:: - .string "An appeal that excites the\naudience in any CONTEST.$" + .string "An appeal that excites the\n" + .string "audience in any CONTEST.$" gText_BadlyStartlesMonsGoodAppeals:: - .string "Badly startles all POKéMON\nthat made good appeals.$" + .string "Badly startles all POKéMON\n" + .string "that made good appeals.$" gText_AppealBestMoreCrowdExcited:: - .string "The appeal works best the\nmore the crowd is excited.$" + .string "The appeal works best the\n" + .string "more the crowd is excited.$" gText_TemporarilyStopCrowdExcited:: - .string "Temporarily stops the\ncrowd from growing excited.$" + .string "Temporarily stops the\n" + .string "crowd from growing excited.$" @ Unused move names