spinda spot graphics data

This commit is contained in:
YamaArashi 2015-10-12 23:07:18 -07:00
parent f381883b5d
commit ed64ddfb34
3 changed files with 99 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -87706,7 +87706,7 @@ sub_8034654: ; 8034654
adds r1, r5, 0
adds r2, r4, 0
mov r3, r8
bl sub_806D664
bl DrawSpindaSpots
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r7}
@ -88172,7 +88172,7 @@ LZ77UnCompAnyRam: ; 8034A08
thumb_func_end LZ77UnCompAnyRam
thumb_func_start load_poke_gfx_probably
; void load_poke_gfx_probably(void **a1, void *a2, int species_num, int a4, u8 a5)
; void load_poke_gfx_probably(void **src, u8 *pixels, u32 species, u32 personality, u8 isFrontPic)
load_poke_gfx_probably: ; 8034A40
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7, r8
@ -88263,7 +88263,7 @@ load_poke_gfx_probably: ; 8034A40
adds r1, r5, 0
adds r2, r4, 0
mov r3, r8
bl sub_806D664
bl DrawSpindaSpots
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r7}
@ -88437,7 +88437,7 @@ sub_8034B7C: ; 8034B7C
adds r1, r4, 0
adds r2, r5, 0
mov r3, r8
bl sub_806D664
bl DrawSpindaSpots
pop {r3}
mov r8, r3
pop {r4-r7}
@ -194723,7 +194723,7 @@ sub_806D544: ; 806D544
lsls r3, r5, 3
adds r3, r5
lsls r3, 2
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0831E2F0
ldr r0, =gSpindaSpotGraphics
adds r4, r3, r0
ldrb r1, [r4]
adds r1, 0xF8
@ -194751,7 +194751,7 @@ sub_806D544: ; 806D544
lsls r0, r2, 1
add r0, r9
ldr r3, =gUnknown_0831E2F2
ldr r3, =gSpindaSpotGraphics + 0x2
adds r0, r3
ldrh r3, [r0]
mov r4, r12
@ -194846,8 +194846,9 @@ sub_806D544: ; 806D544
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_806D544
thumb_func_start sub_806D664
sub_806D664: ; 806D664
thumb_func_start DrawSpindaSpots
; void DrawSpindaSpots(u16 species, u32 personality, u8 *pixels, u8 isFrontPic)
DrawSpindaSpots: ; 806D664
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7, r10
mov r6, r9
@ -194870,7 +194871,7 @@ sub_806D664: ; 806D664
lsls r3, r6, 3
adds r3, r6
lsls r3, 2
ldr r0, =gUnknown_0831E2F0
ldr r0, =gSpindaSpotGraphics
adds r4, r3, r0
ldrb r1, [r4]
adds r1, 0xF8
@ -194898,7 +194899,7 @@ sub_806D664: ; 806D664
lsls r0, r2, 1
add r0, r9
ldr r3, =gUnknown_0831E2F2
ldr r3, =gSpindaSpotGraphics + 0x2
adds r0, r3
ldrh r3, [r0]
mov r4, r12
@ -194992,7 +194993,7 @@ sub_806D664: ; 806D664
pop {r4-r7}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_806D664
thumb_func_end DrawSpindaSpots
thumb_func_start sub_806D778
sub_806D778: ; 806D778

View File

@ -1636,15 +1636,14 @@ gUnknown_0831C898: ; 831C898
gUnknown_0831C89C: ; 831C89C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x31c89c, 0x10b0
; 831D94C
.include "data/pokedex_order.s"
.align 2, 0
; 831E2F0
.include "data/spinda_spot_graphics.s"
gUnknown_0831E2F0: ; 831E2F0
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x31e2f0, 0x2
gUnknown_0831E2F2: ; 831E2F2
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x31e2f2, 0x29a
; 831E380
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x31e380, 0x20c
gUnknown_0831E58C: ; 831E58C
.incbin "base_emerald.gba", 0x31e58c, 0x28c

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
.align 2, 0
gSpindaSpotGraphics: ; 831E2F0
.byte 16 ; X
.byte 7 ; Y
.2byte 0b0000000001110000
.2byte 0b0000000111111100
.2byte 0b0000001111111110
.2byte 0b0000011111111110
.2byte 0b0000011111111111
.2byte 0b0000111111111111
.2byte 0b0000111111111111
.2byte 0b0000111111111111
.2byte 0b0000011111111110
.2byte 0b0000011111111110
.2byte 0b0000001111111100
.2byte 0b0000000111100000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.byte 40 ; X
.byte 8 ; Y
.2byte 0b0000000111100000
.2byte 0b0000001111111000
.2byte 0b0000011111111100
.2byte 0b0000111111111110
.2byte 0b0000111111111110
.2byte 0b0001111111111111
.2byte 0b0001111111111111
.2byte 0b0001111111111111
.2byte 0b0000111111111110
.2byte 0b0000111111111110
.2byte 0b0000011111111100
.2byte 0b0000011111111000
.2byte 0b0000000011100000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.byte 22 ; X
.byte 25 ; Y
.2byte 0b0000000000011100
.2byte 0b0000000000111110
.2byte 0b0000000001111111
.2byte 0b0000000001111111
.2byte 0b0000000001111111
.2byte 0b0000000001111111
.2byte 0b0000000001111111
.2byte 0b0000000000111110
.2byte 0b0000000000011100
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.byte 34 ; X
.byte 26 ; Y
.2byte 0b0000000000111100
.2byte 0b0000000001111110
.2byte 0b0000000011111111
.2byte 0b0000000011111111
.2byte 0b0000000011111111
.2byte 0b0000000011111111
.2byte 0b0000000011111111
.2byte 0b0000000001111110
.2byte 0b0000000000111100
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000
.2byte 0b0000000000000000