mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 23:17:47 +01:00
Begin librfu decompilation
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ IntrMain: @ 8000248
strh r0, [r3, OFFSET_REG_IF - 0x200]
bic r2, r2, r0
ldr r0, =gUnknown_03007868
ldr r0, =gRfuState
ldr r0, [r0]
ldrb r0, [r0, 0xA]
mov r1, 0x8
@ -4,348 +4,6 @@
thumb_func_start STWI_init_all
STWI_init_all: @ 82E2A18
push {r4,lr}
adds r3, r0, 0
lsls r2, 24
lsrs r2, 24
cmp r2, 0x1
bne _082E2A54
adds r2, r3, 0
adds r2, 0xE8
str r2, [r1]
ldr r1, _082E2A40
ldr r0, _082E2A44
str r0, [r1]
str r2, [r1, 0x4]
ldr r0, _082E2A48
str r0, [r1, 0x8]
ldr r0, [r1, 0x8]
ldr r1, _082E2A4C
ldr r2, _082E2A50
adds r0, r3, r2
b _082E2A5E
.align 2, 0
_082E2A40: .4byte 0x040000d4
_082E2A44: .4byte IntrSIO32
_082E2A48: .4byte 0x800004b0
_082E2A4C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2A50: .4byte 0x00000a48
ldr r0, _082E2AD8
str r0, [r1]
ldr r1, _082E2ADC
adds r0, r3, 0
adds r0, 0xE8
str r0, [r1]
adds r2, r1, 0
ldr r1, [r2]
str r3, [r1, 0x28]
adds r0, r3, 0
adds r0, 0x74
str r0, [r1, 0x24]
ldrb r0, [r1, 0x14]
movs r4, 0
movs r0, 0x1
strb r0, [r1, 0x14]
ldr r0, [r2]
str r4, [r0]
strb r4, [r0, 0x4]
ldr r0, [r2]
strb r4, [r0, 0x5]
ldr r0, [r2]
strb r4, [r0, 0x7]
ldr r0, [r2]
strb r4, [r0, 0x8]
ldr r0, [r2]
strb r4, [r0, 0x9]
ldr r0, [r2]
str r4, [r0, 0xC]
ldrb r1, [r0, 0x10]
strb r4, [r0, 0x10]
ldr r0, [r2]
ldrh r1, [r0, 0x12]
movs r1, 0
strh r4, [r0, 0x12]
strb r1, [r0, 0x15]
ldr r0, [r2]
adds r0, 0x2C
ldrb r2, [r0]
strb r1, [r0]
ldr r1, _082E2AE0
movs r2, 0x80
lsls r2, 1
adds r0, r2, 0
strh r0, [r1]
subs r1, 0xC
ldr r2, _082E2AE4
adds r0, r2, 0
strh r0, [r1]
bl STWI_init_Callback_M
bl STWI_init_Callback_S
ldr r3, _082E2AE8
ldrh r2, [r3]
strh r4, [r3]
ldr r4, _082E2AEC
ldrh r0, [r4]
movs r1, 0x80
orrs r0, r1
strh r0, [r4]
strh r2, [r3]
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2AD8: .4byte IntrSIO32
_082E2ADC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2AE0: .4byte 0x04000134
_082E2AE4: .4byte 0x00005003
_082E2AE8: .4byte 0x04000208
_082E2AEC: .4byte 0x04000200
thumb_func_end STWI_init_all
thumb_func_start STWI_init_timer
STWI_init_timer: @ 82E2AF0
push {r4,r5,lr}
ldr r2, _082E2B1C
str r2, [r0]
ldr r5, _082E2B20
ldr r0, [r5]
movs r4, 0
strb r1, [r0, 0xA]
ldr r3, _082E2B24
ldrh r2, [r3]
strh r4, [r3]
ldr r4, _082E2B28
ldr r1, [r5]
movs r0, 0x8
ldrb r1, [r1, 0xA]
lsls r0, r1
ldrh r1, [r4]
orrs r0, r1
strh r0, [r4]
strh r2, [r3]
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2B1C: .4byte STWI_intr_timer
_082E2B20: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2B24: .4byte 0x04000208
_082E2B28: .4byte 0x04000200
thumb_func_end STWI_init_timer
thumb_func_start AgbRFU_SoftReset
AgbRFU_SoftReset: @ 82E2B2C
push {r4,r5,lr}
ldr r5, _082E2BC4
movs r1, 0x80
lsls r1, 8
adds r0, r1, 0
strh r0, [r5]
ldr r2, _082E2BC8
adds r0, r2, 0
strh r0, [r5]
ldr r1, _082E2BCC
ldr r0, [r1]
ldrb r0, [r0, 0xA]
lsls r0, 2
ldr r3, _082E2BD0
adds r2, r0, r3
ldr r4, _082E2BD4
adds r3, r0, r4
movs r0, 0
strh r0, [r3]
strh r0, [r2]
movs r0, 0x83
strh r0, [r3]
ldrh r0, [r2]
adds r4, r1, 0
cmp r0, 0x11
bhi _082E2B6C
ldr r0, _082E2BD8
adds r1, r0, 0
strh r1, [r5]
ldrh r0, [r2]
cmp r0, 0x11
bls _082E2B64
movs r0, 0x3
strh r0, [r3]
ldr r1, _082E2BC4
ldr r2, _082E2BC8
adds r0, r2, 0
strh r0, [r1]
subs r1, 0xC
ldr r3, _082E2BDC
adds r0, r3, 0
strh r0, [r1]
ldr r0, [r4]
movs r2, 0
str r2, [r0]
strb r2, [r0, 0x4]
ldr r0, [r4]
strb r2, [r0, 0x5]
ldr r0, [r4]
strb r2, [r0, 0x6]
ldr r0, [r4]
strb r2, [r0, 0x7]
ldr r0, [r4]
strb r2, [r0, 0x8]
ldr r0, [r4]
strb r2, [r0, 0x9]
ldr r0, [r4]
str r2, [r0, 0xC]
ldrb r1, [r0, 0x10]
strb r2, [r0, 0x10]
ldr r1, [r4]
ldrh r0, [r1, 0x12]
movs r3, 0
strh r2, [r1, 0x12]
ldrb r0, [r1, 0x14]
movs r0, 0x1
strb r0, [r1, 0x14]
ldr r0, [r4]
strb r3, [r0, 0x15]
ldr r0, [r4]
adds r0, 0x2C
ldrb r1, [r0]
strb r3, [r0]
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2BC4: .4byte 0x04000134
_082E2BC8: .4byte 0x000080a0
_082E2BCC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2BD0: .4byte 0x04000100
_082E2BD4: .4byte 0x04000102
_082E2BD8: .4byte 0x000080a2
_082E2BDC: .4byte 0x00005003
thumb_func_end AgbRFU_SoftReset
thumb_func_start STWI_set_MS_mode
STWI_set_MS_mode: @ 82E2BE0
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
ldr r1, _082E2BF0
ldr r1, [r1]
ldrb r2, [r1, 0x14]
strb r0, [r1, 0x14]
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E2BF0: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
thumb_func_end STWI_set_MS_mode
thumb_func_start STWI_read_status
STWI_read_status: @ 82E2BF4
push {lr}
lsls r0, 24
lsrs r0, 24
adds r1, r0, 0
cmp r0, 0x1
beq _082E2C20
cmp r0, 0x1
bgt _082E2C0A
cmp r0, 0
beq _082E2C14
b _082E2C48
cmp r1, 0x2
beq _082E2C2C
cmp r1, 0x3
beq _082E2C3C
b _082E2C48
ldr r0, _082E2C1C
ldr r0, [r0]
ldrh r0, [r0, 0x12]
b _082E2C4A
.align 2, 0
_082E2C1C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
ldr r0, _082E2C28
ldr r0, [r0]
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x14]
b _082E2C4A
.align 2, 0
_082E2C28: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
ldr r0, _082E2C38
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r0, [r0]
lsls r0, 16
lsrs r0, 16
b _082E2C4A
.align 2, 0
_082E2C38: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
ldr r0, _082E2C44
ldr r0, [r0]
ldrb r0, [r0, 0x6]
b _082E2C4A
.align 2, 0
_082E2C44: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
ldr r0, _082E2C50
pop {r1}
bx r1
.align 2, 0
_082E2C50: .4byte 0x0000ffff
thumb_func_end STWI_read_status
thumb_func_start STWI_init_Callback_M
STWI_init_Callback_M: @ 82E2C54
push {lr}
movs r0, 0
bl STWI_set_Callback_M
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end STWI_init_Callback_M
thumb_func_start STWI_init_Callback_S
STWI_init_Callback_S: @ 82E2C60
push {lr}
movs r0, 0
bl STWI_set_Callback_S
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end STWI_init_Callback_S
thumb_func_start STWI_set_Callback_M
STWI_set_Callback_M: @ 82E2C6C
ldr r1, _082E2C74
ldr r1, [r1]
str r0, [r1, 0x18]
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E2C74: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
thumb_func_end STWI_set_Callback_M
thumb_func_start STWI_set_Callback_S
STWI_set_Callback_S: @ 82E2C78
ldr r1, _082E2C80
ldr r1, [r1]
str r0, [r1, 0x1C]
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E2C80: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
thumb_func_end STWI_set_Callback_S
thumb_func_start STWI_set_Callback_ID
STWI_set_Callback_ID: @ 82E2C84
ldr r1, _082E2C8C
ldr r1, [r1]
str r0, [r1, 0x20]
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E2C8C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
thumb_func_end STWI_set_Callback_ID
thumb_func_start STWI_poll_CommandEnd
STWI_poll_CommandEnd: @ 82E2C90
push {lr}
@ -368,7 +26,7 @@ _082E2CAA:
pop {r1}
bx r1
.align 2, 0
_082E2CB4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2CB4: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_poll_CommandEnd
thumb_func_start STWI_send_ResetREQ
@ -388,7 +46,7 @@ _082E2CD2:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2CD8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2CD8: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_ResetREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_LinkStatusREQ
@ -408,7 +66,7 @@ _082E2CF6:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2CFC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2CFC: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_LinkStatusREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_VersionStatusREQ
@ -428,7 +86,7 @@ _082E2D1A:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2D20: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2D20: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_VersionStatusREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SystemStatusREQ
@ -448,7 +106,7 @@ _082E2D3E:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2D44: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2D44: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SystemStatusREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SlotStatusREQ
@ -468,7 +126,7 @@ _082E2D62:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2D68: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2D68: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SlotStatusREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_ConfigStatusREQ
@ -488,7 +146,7 @@ _082E2D86:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2D8C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2D8C: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_ConfigStatusREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_GameConfigREQ
@ -536,7 +194,7 @@ _082E2DDC:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2DE4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2DE4: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_GameConfigREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SystemConfigREQ
@ -571,7 +229,7 @@ _082E2E1E:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2E24: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2E24: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SystemConfigREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SC_StartREQ
@ -591,7 +249,7 @@ _082E2E42:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2E48: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2E48: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SC_StartREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SC_PollingREQ
@ -611,7 +269,7 @@ _082E2E66:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2E6C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2E6C: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SC_PollingREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SC_EndREQ
@ -631,7 +289,7 @@ _082E2E8A:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2E90: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2E90: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SC_EndREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SP_StartREQ
@ -651,7 +309,7 @@ _082E2EAE:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2EB4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2EB4: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SP_StartREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SP_PollingREQ
@ -671,7 +329,7 @@ _082E2ED2:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2ED8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2ED8: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SP_PollingREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_SP_EndREQ
@ -691,7 +349,7 @@ _082E2EF6:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2EFC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2EFC: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_SP_EndREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_CP_StartREQ
@ -717,7 +375,7 @@ _082E2F24:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2F2C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2F2C: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_CP_StartREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_CP_PollingREQ
@ -737,7 +395,7 @@ _082E2F4A:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2F50: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2F50: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_CP_PollingREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_CP_EndREQ
@ -757,7 +415,7 @@ _082E2F6E:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2F74: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2F74: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_CP_EndREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_DataTxREQ
@ -796,7 +454,7 @@ _082E2FB6:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E2FBC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E2FBC: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_DataTxREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_DataTxAndChangeREQ
@ -835,7 +493,7 @@ _082E2FFE:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E3004: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3004: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_DataTxAndChangeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_DataRxREQ
@ -855,7 +513,7 @@ _082E3022:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E3028: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3028: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_DataRxREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_MS_ChangeREQ
@ -875,7 +533,7 @@ _082E3046:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E304C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E304C: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_MS_ChangeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_DataReadyAndChangeREQ
@ -897,7 +555,7 @@ STWI_send_DataReadyAndChangeREQ: @ 82E3050
strb r3, [r0, 0x4]
b _082E3092
.align 2, 0
_082E3074: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3074: .4byte gRfuState
ldr r2, _082E309C
ldr r1, [r2]
@ -919,7 +577,7 @@ _082E3096:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E309C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E309C: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_DataReadyAndChangeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_DisconnectedAndChangeREQ
@ -954,7 +612,7 @@ _082E30D6:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E30DC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E30DC: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_DisconnectedAndChangeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_ResumeRetransmitAndChangeREQ
@ -974,7 +632,7 @@ _082E30FA:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E3100: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3100: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_ResumeRetransmitAndChangeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_DisconnectREQ
@ -1000,7 +658,7 @@ _082E3128:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E3130: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3130: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_DisconnectREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_TestModeREQ
@ -1030,7 +688,7 @@ _082E3160:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E3168: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3168: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_TestModeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_CPR_StartREQ
@ -1063,7 +721,7 @@ _082E319E:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E31A4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E31A4: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_CPR_StartREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_CPR_PollingREQ
@ -1083,7 +741,7 @@ _082E31C2:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E31C8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E31C8: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_CPR_PollingREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_CPR_EndREQ
@ -1103,7 +761,7 @@ _082E31E6:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E31EC: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E31EC: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_CPR_EndREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_send_StopModeREQ
@ -1123,7 +781,7 @@ _082E320A:
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_082E3210: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3210: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end STWI_send_StopModeREQ
thumb_func_start STWI_intr_timer
@ -1140,7 +798,7 @@ STWI_intr_timer: @ 82E3214
beq _082E3248
b _082E3270
.align 2, 0
_082E322C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E322C: .4byte gRfuState
cmp r0, 0x3
beq _082E3252
@ -1203,7 +861,7 @@ STWI_set_timer: @ 82E3278
beq _082E32BE
b _082E32FC
.align 2, 0
_082E32A8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E32A8: .4byte gRfuState
_082E32AC: .4byte 0x04000100
_082E32B0: .4byte 0x04000208
@ -1287,7 +945,7 @@ STWI_stop_timer: @ 82E3324
strh r1, [r0]
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E3344: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3344: .4byte gRfuState
_082E3348: .4byte 0x04000100
_082E334C: .4byte 0x04000102
thumb_func_end STWI_stop_timer
@ -1316,7 +974,7 @@ STWI_init: @ 82E3350
b _082E33CE
.align 2, 0
_082E337C: .4byte 0x04000208
_082E3380: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3380: .4byte gRfuState
ldr r4, _082E33B0
ldr r2, [r4]
@ -1340,7 +998,7 @@ _082E3384:
bl _call_via_r2
b _082E33CE
.align 2, 0
_082E33B0: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E33B0: .4byte gRfuState
ldrb r0, [r2, 0x14]
cmp r0, 0
@ -1450,7 +1108,7 @@ STWI_start_Command: @ 82E3428
pop {r1}
bx r1
.align 2, 0
_082E3480: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3480: .4byte gRfuState
_082E3484: .4byte 0x99660000
_082E3488: .4byte 0x04000120
_082E348C: .4byte 0x04000208
@ -1473,7 +1131,7 @@ STWI_restart_Command: @ 82E349C
bl STWI_start_Command
b _082E3512
.align 2, 0
_082E34B4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E34B4: .4byte gRfuState
ldrb r0, [r2, 0x6]
cmp r0, 0x27
@ -1553,7 +1211,7 @@ STWI_reset_ClockCounter: @ 82E351C
movs r0, 0
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E3548: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3548: .4byte gRfuState
_082E354C: .4byte 0x04000120
_082E3550: .4byte 0x00005003
thumb_func_end STWI_reset_ClockCounter
@ -1587,7 +1245,7 @@ _082E35A8:
ldmdb r11, {r11,sp,lr}
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E35B4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E35B4: .4byte gRfuState
arm_func_end IntrSIO32
arm_func_start sio32intr_clock_master
@ -1761,7 +1419,7 @@ _082E3800:
bl sub_82E3EA8
b _082E3840
.align 2, 0
_082E382C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E382C: .4byte gRfuState
add r3, r5, 0x3
strh r3, [r4]
@ -2026,7 +1684,7 @@ _082E3BE4:
bhi _082E3BE4
b _082E3C20
.align 2, 0
_082E3BF4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3BF4: .4byte gRfuState
_082E3BF8: .4byte 0x996601ee
mov r2, 0xFF00
@ -2086,7 +1744,7 @@ _082E3CA4:
ldmdb r11, {r11,sp,lr}
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E3CB8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3CB8: .4byte gRfuState
arm_func_end handshake_wait
arm_func_start STWI_set_timer_in_RAM
@ -2142,7 +1800,7 @@ _082E3D5C:
mov r3, 0x3
b _082E3D8C
.align 2, 0
_082E3D74: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3D74: .4byte gRfuState
mvn r3, 0x850
sub r3, r3, 0x2
@ -2191,7 +1849,7 @@ STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM: @ 82E3DCC
ldmdb r11, {r11,sp,lr}
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E3E18: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3E18: .4byte gRfuState
arm_func_end STWI_stop_timer_in_RAM
arm_func_start STWI_init_slave
@ -2231,7 +1889,7 @@ STWI_init_slave: @ 82E3E1C
ldmdb r11, {r11,sp,lr}
bx lr
.align 2, 0
_082E3EA4: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E3EA4: .4byte gRfuState
arm_func_end STWI_init_slave
arm_func_start sub_82E3EA8
@ -2838,7 +2496,7 @@ rfu_REQ_stopMode: @ 82E42C4
b _082E4362
.align 2, 0
_082E42E4: .4byte 0x04000208
_082E42E8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E42E8: .4byte gRfuState
bl AgbRFU_SoftReset
bl rfu_STC_clearAPIVariables
@ -2878,7 +2536,7 @@ _082E432A:
b _082E4362
.align 2, 0
_082E433C: .4byte 0x00008001
_082E4340: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E4340: .4byte gRfuState
_082E4344: .4byte 0x04000100
_082E4348: .4byte 0x0105ffff
_082E434C: .4byte rfu_CB_stopMode
@ -3156,7 +2814,7 @@ rfu_CB_configGameData: @ 82E4500
movs r0, 0x1
b _082E4552
.align 2, 0
_082E4544: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E4544: .4byte gRfuState
_082E4548: .4byte gUnknown_03007890
adds r1, r6, 0
@ -4225,7 +3883,7 @@ _082E4D18:
b _082E4D88
.align 2, 0
_082E4D20: .4byte gUnknown_03007890
_082E4D24: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E4D24: .4byte gRfuState
_082E4D28: .4byte gUnknown_03007894
_082E4D2C: .4byte gUnknown_03007898
@ -5195,7 +4853,7 @@ _082E547E:
pop {r1}
bx r1
.align 2, 0
_082E5484: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E5484: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end rfu_getMasterSlave
thumb_func_start rfu_clearAllSlot
@ -6506,7 +6164,7 @@ _082E5E12:
_082E5E34: .4byte gUnknown_03007898
_082E5E38: .4byte gUnknown_03007894
_082E5E3C: .4byte gUnknown_03007890
_082E5E40: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E5E40: .4byte gRfuState
ldr r0, _082E5E54
bl STWI_set_Callback_M
@ -8564,7 +8222,7 @@ _082E6D88:
b _082E6DD6
.align 2, 0
_082E6DB4: .4byte 0x04000200
_082E6DB8: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E6DB8: .4byte gRfuState
_082E6DBC: .4byte sub_82E6F88
_082E6DC0: .4byte 0x04000100
@ -8612,7 +8270,7 @@ _082E6E08:
.align 2, 0
_082E6E14: .4byte 0x04000208
_082E6E18: .4byte 0x04000200
_082E6E1C: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E6E1C: .4byte gRfuState
thumb_func_end sub_82E6D6C
thumb_func_start sub_82E6E20
@ -8663,7 +8321,7 @@ sub_82E6E20: @ 82E6E20
.align 2, 0
_082E6E78: .4byte 0x04000208
_082E6E7C: .4byte 0x04000200
_082E6E80: .4byte gUnknown_03007868
_082E6E80: .4byte gRfuState
_082E6E84: .4byte 0x04000134
_082E6E88: .4byte gUnknown_030078A0
_082E6E8C: .4byte 0x05000003
@ -137,6 +137,8 @@
#define REG_OFFSET_DMA3CNT_H 0xde
#define REG_OFFSET_TMCNT 0x100
#define REG_OFFSET_TMCNT_L 0x100
#define REG_OFFSET_TMCNT_H 0x102
#define REG_OFFSET_TM0CNT 0x100
#define REG_OFFSET_TM0CNT_L 0x100
#define REG_OFFSET_TM0CNT_H 0x102
@ -298,6 +300,8 @@
@ -458,6 +462,8 @@
#define REG_DMA3CNT_H (*(vu16 *)REG_ADDR_DMA3CNT_H)
#define REG_TMCNT(n) (*(vu16 *)(REG_ADDR_TMCNT + ((n) * 4)))
#define REG_TMCNT_L(n) (*(vu16 *)(REG_ADDR_TMCNT_L + ((n) * 4)))
#define REG_TMCNT_H(n) (*(vu16 *)(REG_ADDR_TMCNT_H + ((n) * 4)))
#define REG_TM0CNT (*(vu32 *)REG_ADDR_TM0CNT)
#define REG_TM0CNT_L (*(vu16 *)REG_ADDR_TM0CNT_L)
#define REG_TM0CNT_H (*(vu16 *)REG_ADDR_TM0CNT_H)
@ -86,4 +86,14 @@
dmaRegs[5]; \
#define IntrEnable(flags) \
{ \
u16 imeTemp; \
imeTemp = REG_IME; \
REG_IME = 0; \
REG_IE |= flags; \
REG_IME = imeTemp; \
} \
@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ SECTIONS {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "main.h"
typedef struct RfuStruct
s32 unk_0;
u8 unk_4;
u8 unk_5;
u8 unk_6;
u8 unk_7;
u8 unk_8;
u8 unk_9;
u8 timerSelect;
u8 unk_b;
u32 unk_c;
vu8 unk_10;
u8 unk_11;
vu16 unk_12;
vu8 msMode;
u8 unk_15;
u8 unk_16;
u8 unk_17;
void * callbackM;
void * callbackS;
u32 callbackID;
void * unk_24;
void * unk_28;
vu8 unk_2c;
u8 padding[3];
} RfuStruct;
typedef struct RfuIntrStruct
u8 unk28Data[0x74];
u8 unk24Data[0x74];
u8 block1[0x960];
u8 block2[0x30];
} RfuIntrStruct;
typedef struct RfuState
RfuStruct *rfuStruct;
} RfuState;
extern IntrFunc IntrSIO32();
extern struct RfuState gRfuState;
void STWI_init_Callback_M();
void STWI_init_Callback_S();
void STWI_set_Callback_M(void * callback);
void STWI_set_Callback_S(void * callback);
extern void STWI_intr_timer();
void STWI_init_all(RfuIntrStruct *interruptStruct, IntrFunc *interrupt, bool8 copyInterruptToRam)
struct RfuStruct *rfuStructTemp;
struct RfuStruct **rfuStructPtr;
u16 ime_temp;
int ret;
// If we're copying our interrupt into RAM, DMA it to block1 and use
// block2 for our RfuStruct, otherwise block1 holds the RfuStruct.
// interrupt usually is a pointer to gIntrTable[1]
if (copyInterruptToRam == TRUE)
*interrupt = (IntrFunc)(&interruptStruct->block1);
DmaCopy16(3, &IntrSIO32, (void*)(&interruptStruct->block1), 0x960);
gRfuState.rfuStruct = (struct RfuStruct*)(&interruptStruct->block2);
*interrupt = (IntrFunc)&IntrSIO32;
gRfuState.rfuStruct = (struct RfuStruct*)(&interruptStruct->block1);
rfuStructPtr = (struct RfuStruct**)&gRfuState.rfuStruct;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_28 = (void*)&interruptStruct->unk28Data;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_24 = (void*)(&interruptStruct->unk24Data);
(*rfuStructPtr)->msMode = 1;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_0 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_4 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_5 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_7 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_8 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_9 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_c = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_10 = 0;
// Don't @ me
rfuStructTemp = *rfuStructPtr;
rfuStructTemp->unk_12 = 0;
rfuStructTemp->unk_15 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_2c = 0;
REG_RCNT = 0x100; //TODO: mystery bit?
void STWI_init_timer(IntrFunc *interrupt, int timerSelect)
*interrupt = &STWI_intr_timer;
gRfuState.rfuStruct->timerSelect = timerSelect;
IntrEnable(INTR_FLAG_TIMER0 << gRfuState.rfuStruct->timerSelect);
void AgbRFU_SoftReset()
struct RfuStruct **rfuStructPtr;
struct RfuStruct *rfuStructTemp;
REG_RCNT = 0x8000;
REG_RCNT = 0x80A0; // all these bits are undocumented
vu16 *timerL = ®_TMCNT_L(gRfuState.rfuStruct->timerSelect);
vu16 *timerH = ®_TMCNT_H(gRfuState.rfuStruct->timerSelect);
*timerH = 0;
*timerL = 0;
*timerH = 0x83;
while (*timerL <= 0x11)
REG_RCNT = 0x80A2;
*timerH = 3;
REG_RCNT = 0x80A0;
rfuStructPtr = (struct RfuStruct**)&gRfuState.rfuStruct;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_0 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_4 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_5 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_6 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_7 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_8 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_9 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_c = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_10 = 0;
// Yeah this is the second time, there's probably something in the struct that I'm missing
rfuStructTemp = *rfuStructPtr;
rfuStructTemp->unk_12 = 0;
rfuStructTemp->msMode = 1;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_15 = 0;
(*rfuStructPtr)->unk_2c = 0;
void STWI_set_MS_mode(u8 mode)
gRfuState.rfuStruct->msMode = mode;
u32 STWI_read_status(u8 index)
int result;
case 0:
return gRfuState.rfuStruct->unk_12;
case 1:
return gRfuState.rfuStruct->msMode;
case 2:
// something got inlined here?
//TODO: figure this one out
result = (gRfuState.rfuStruct->unk_0);
__asm__("lsl r0, r0, #16");
__asm__("lsr r0, r0, #16");
case 3:
return gRfuState.rfuStruct->unk_6;
return 0xFFFF;
return result;
void STWI_init_Callback_M()
void STWI_init_Callback_S()
void STWI_set_Callback_M(void * callback)
gRfuState.rfuStruct->callbackM = callback;
void STWI_set_Callback_S(void * callback)
gRfuState.rfuStruct->callbackS = callback;
void STWI_set_Callback_ID(u32 id)
gRfuState.rfuStruct->callbackID = id;
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ gUnknown_03006370: @ 3006370
.include "agb_flash.o"
gUnknown_03007868: @ 3007868
gRfuState: @ 3007868
.space 0x8
gUnknown_03007870: @ 3007870
Reference in New Issue
Block a user