mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:24:11 +01:00
clean up slot machine more
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ struct SlotMachineEwramStruct
/*0x18*/ s16 currReel;
/*0x1A*/ s16 reelIncrement; // speed of reel
/*0x1C*/ s16 reelPixelOffsets[3];
/*0x22*/ u16 stopReelPixelOffset[3];
/*0x28*/ s16 reelPositions[3];
/*0x22*/ u16 reelPixelOffsetsWhileStopping[3];
/*0x28*/ s16 reelTagOffsets[3];
/*0x2E*/ s16 reelExtraTurns[3];
/*0x34*/ s16 biasTagFinalPositions[3];
/*0x3A*/ u8 reelTasks[3];
/*0x34*/ s16 biasTagLocation[3];
/*0x3A*/ u8 slotReelTasks[3];
/*0x3D*/ u8 unkTaskPointer3D;
/*0x3E*/ u8 unkTaskPointer3E;
/*0x3F*/ u8 reelTimeSprite3F;
@ -180,20 +180,20 @@ struct UnkStruct1
/*static */void AwardPayout(void);
/*static */void RunAwardPayoutActions(u8 taskId);
/*static */bool8 IsFinalTask_RunAwardPayoutActions(void);
/*static */bool8 AwardPayoutAction1(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 AwardPayoutAction0(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 AwardPayoutAction_GivePayoutToPlayer(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 AwardPayoutAction_FreeTask(struct Task *task);
/*static */u8 GetNearbyTag(u8 x, s16 y);
/*static */void GameplayTask_StopReel(void);
/*static */u8 GetNearbyTag_Quantized(u8 x, s16 y);
/*static */void GameplayTask_StopSlotReel(void);
/*static */void ReelTasks_SetUnkTaskData(u8 a0);
/*static */void sub_8102E1C(u8 a0);
/*static */bool8 IsReelMoving(u8 a0);
/*static */void RunReelActions(u8 taskId);
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_StayStill(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_Spin(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_DecideWhereToStop(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_TurnToSelectedTag(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_OscillatingStop(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 IsSlotReelMoving(u8 a0);
/*static */void RunSlotReelActions(u8 taskId);
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_StayStill(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_Spin(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_DecideWhereToStop(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_MoveToStop(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_OscillatingStop(struct Task *task);
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel1(void);
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel1_Bet1(u8 a0, u8 a1);
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel1_Bet2or3(u8 a0, u8 a1);
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ extern const u8 LuckyFlagsTable_NotTop3[][6];
extern const u8 ReelTimeProbabilityTable_UnluckyGame[][17];
extern const u8 ReelTimeProbabilityTable_LuckyGame[][17];
extern const u8 sSym2Match[];
extern const u8 gUnknown_083ECCF1[];
extern const u8 ReelTimeTags[];
extern const u8 sReelSymbols[][REEL_NUM_TAGS];
extern const u16 *const gUnknown_083EDD08[];
extern const u16 *const gUnknown_083EDD1C[];
@ -490,18 +490,18 @@ bool8 (*const SlotActions[])(struct Task *task) =
bool8 (*const AwardPayoutActions[])(struct Task *task) =
bool8 (*const ReelActions[])(struct Task *task) =
bool8 (*const SlotReelActions[])(struct Task *task) =
// returns True if a match with the biasTag is possible in that reel
@ -858,9 +858,9 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
// for each reel...
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
sSlotMachine->stopReelPixelOffset[i] = 0;
sSlotMachine->reelPositions[i] = sInitialReelPositions[i][sSlotMachine->luckyGame] % REEL_NUM_TAGS;
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[i] = 0x1f8 - sSlotMachine->reelPositions[i] * 24;
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsetsWhileStopping[i] = 0;
sSlotMachine->reelTagOffsets[i] = sInitialReelPositions[i][sSlotMachine->luckyGame] % REEL_NUM_TAGS;
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[i] = 0x1f8 - sSlotMachine->reelTagOffsets[i] * 24;
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[i] %= 0x1f8; // 0x1f8 is 540
@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
/*static */void SlotMachineSetupGameplayTasks(void)
@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
/*static */bool8 SlotAction_WaitForAllReelsToStop(struct Task *task)
if (!IsReelMoving(sSlotMachine->currReel))
if (!IsSlotReelMoving(sSlotMachine->currReel))
sSlotMachine->slotActionPtr = 12;
@ -1571,9 +1571,9 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
u8 c1, c2, c3, match;
c1 = GetNearbyTag(0, 2);
c2 = GetNearbyTag(1, 2);
c3 = GetNearbyTag(2, 2);
c1 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(0, 2);
c2 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(1, 2);
c3 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(2, 2);
match = GetMatchFromSymbolsInRow(c1, c2, c3);
@ -1587,9 +1587,9 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
u8 c1, c2, c3, match;
c1 = GetNearbyTag(0, 1);
c2 = GetNearbyTag(1, 1);
c3 = GetNearbyTag(2, 1);
c1 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(0, 1);
c2 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(1, 1);
c3 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(2, 1);
match = GetMatchFromSymbolsInRow(c1, c2, c3);
@ -1599,9 +1599,9 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
sSlotMachine->matchedSymbols |= sSlotMatchFlags[match];
c1 = GetNearbyTag(0, 3);
c2 = GetNearbyTag(1, 3);
c3 = GetNearbyTag(2, 3);
c1 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(0, 3);
c2 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(1, 3);
c3 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(2, 3);
match = GetMatchFromSymbolsInRow(c1, c2, c3);
@ -1617,9 +1617,9 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
u8 c1, c2, c3, match;
c1 = GetNearbyTag(0, 1);
c2 = GetNearbyTag(1, 2);
c3 = GetNearbyTag(2, 3);
c1 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(0, 1);
c2 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(1, 2);
c3 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(2, 3);
match = GetMatchFromSymbolsInRow(c1, c2, c3);
@ -1630,9 +1630,9 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
c1 = GetNearbyTag(0, 3);
c2 = GetNearbyTag(1, 2);
c3 = GetNearbyTag(2, 1);
c1 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(0, 3);
c2 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(1, 2);
c3 = GetNearbyTag_Quantized(2, 1);
match = GetMatchFromSymbolsInRow(c1, c2, c3);
@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
/*static */bool8 AwardPayoutAction1(struct Task *task)
/*static */bool8 AwardPayoutAction0(struct Task *task)
if (sub_8103E38())
@ -1724,130 +1724,130 @@ void PlaySlotMachine(u8 slotMachineIndex, MainCallback CB2_ReturnToFieldContinue
return FALSE;
/*static */u8 GetNearbyTag(u8 reelIndex, s16 posOffset)
Returns the tag that is posOffset below the tag at the top of reelIndex's tape
/*static */u8 GetNearbyTag_Quantized(u8 reelIndex, s16 posOffset)
Returns the tag that is posOffset below the tag at the top of reelIndex's tape
s16 tagIndex = (sSlotMachine->reelPositions[reelIndex] + posOffset) % REEL_NUM_TAGS;
s16 tagIndex = (sSlotMachine->reelTagOffsets[reelIndex] + posOffset) % REEL_NUM_TAGS;
if (tagIndex < 0)
tagIndex += REEL_NUM_TAGS;
return sReelSymbols[reelIndex][tagIndex];
// TODO: find out how rounding works
/*static */u8 GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(u8 reelIndex, s16 posOffset)
Calculates GetNearbyTag_Quantized as if the reel was snapped downwards into place
/*static */u8 GetNearbyTag(u8 reelIndex, s16 posOffset)
s16 tagOffset = 0;
s16 result = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] % 24;
if (result != 0)
tagOffset = -1; // tag will be posOffset - 1
return GetNearbyTag(reelIndex, posOffset + tagOffset);
tagOffset = -1;
return GetNearbyTag_Quantized(reelIndex, posOffset + tagOffset);
// TODO: make sure this is actually what's happening
/*static */u8 GetNthNextReelTimePosition(s16 n)
/*static */u8 GetNearbyReelTimeTag(s16 n)
s16 newPosition = (sSlotMachine->reelTimePosition + n) % 6;
if (newPosition < 0)
newPosition += 6;
return gUnknown_083ECCF1[newPosition];
return ReelTimeTags[newPosition];
/*static */void IncrementReelPixelOffset(u8 reelIndex, s16 value)
/*static */void AdvanceSlotReel(u8 reelIndex, s16 value)
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] += value;
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] %= 504;
sSlotMachine->reelPositions[reelIndex] = REEL_NUM_TAGS - sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] / 24;
sSlotMachine->reelTagOffsets[reelIndex] = REEL_NUM_TAGS - sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] / 24;
// TODO: make sure that's actually what's happening
s16 AdvanceReelNextTag(u8 reelIndex, s16 reelIncrement)
s16 AdvanceSlotReelToNextTag(u8 reelIndex, s16 value)
s16 value = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] % 24;
if (value != 0)
s16 offset = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] % 24;
if (offset != 0)
if (value < reelIncrement)
reelIncrement = value;
IncrementReelPixelOffset(reelIndex, reelIncrement);
value = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] % 24;
if (offset < value)
value = offset;
AdvanceSlotReel(reelIndex, value);
offset = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[reelIndex] % 24;
return value;
return offset;
/*static */void IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(s16 value)
/*static */void AdvanceReeltimeReel(s16 value)
sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset += value;
sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset %= 120;
sSlotMachine->reelTimePosition = 6 - sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset / 20;
s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
s16 AdvanceReeltimeReelToNextTag(s16 value)
s16 value = sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset % 20;
if (value != 0)
s16 offset = sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset % 20;
if (offset != 0)
if (value < reelIncrement)
reelIncrement = value;
value = sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset % 20;
if (offset < value)
value = offset;
offset = sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset % 20;
return value;
return offset;
/*static */void GameplayTask_StopReel(void)
/*static */void GameplayTask_StopSlotReel(void)
u8 i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
u8 taskId = CreateTask(RunReelActions, 2);
u8 taskId = CreateTask(RunSlotReelActions, 2);
gTasks[taskId].data[15] = i;
sSlotMachine->reelTasks[i] = taskId;
sSlotMachine->slotReelTasks[i] = taskId;
/*static */void ReelTasks_SetUnkTaskData(u8 reelIndex)
gTasks[sSlotMachine->reelTasks[reelIndex]].data[0] = 1;
gTasks[sSlotMachine->reelTasks[reelIndex]].data[14] = 1;
gTasks[sSlotMachine->slotReelTasks[reelIndex]].data[0] = 1;
gTasks[sSlotMachine->slotReelTasks[reelIndex]].data[14] = 1;
/*static */void sub_8102E1C(u8 reelIndex)
gTasks[sSlotMachine->reelTasks[reelIndex]].data[0] = 2;
gTasks[sSlotMachine->slotReelTasks[reelIndex]].data[0] = 2;
/*static */bool8 IsReelMoving(u8 reelIndex)
/*static */bool8 IsSlotReelMoving(u8 reelIndex)
return gTasks[sSlotMachine->reelTasks[reelIndex]].data[14];
return gTasks[sSlotMachine->slotReelTasks[reelIndex]].data[14];
/*static */void RunReelActions(u8 taskId)
/*static */void RunSlotReelActions(u8 taskId)
while (ReelActions[gTasks[taskId].data[0]](gTasks + taskId))
while (SlotReelActions[gTasks[taskId].data[0]](gTasks + taskId))
// task->data[1] reel turns
// task->data[15] reelIndex
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_StayStill(struct Task *task)
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_StayStill(struct Task *task)
return FALSE;
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_Spin(struct Task *task)
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_Spin(struct Task *task)
IncrementReelPixelOffset(task->data[15], sSlotMachine->reelIncrement);
AdvanceSlotReel(task->data[15], sSlotMachine->reelIncrement);
return FALSE;
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_DecideWhereToStop(struct Task *task)
// As in previous generations, the slot machine often doesn't stop exactly when you press stop
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_DecideWhereToStop(struct Task *task)
// initialize data for that reel --> these will be changed if biasTags can be lined up
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[task->data[15]] = 0;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[task->data[15]] = 0;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[task->data[15]] = 0;
if (sSlotMachine->fairRollsLeft == 0 && (sSlotMachine->luckyFlags == 0 || sSlotMachine->luckySpinsLeft == 0 || !DecideReelTurns_BiasTag[task->data[15]]()))
@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
// go to next tag and then do any additional turns
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_TurnToSelectedTag(struct Task *task)
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_MoveToStop(struct Task *task)
u16 reelStopShocks[ARRAY_COUNT(ReelStopShocks)];
s16 reelPixelPos;
@ -1868,11 +1868,11 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
memcpy(reelStopShocks, ReelStopShocks, sizeof(ReelStopShocks));
reelPixelPos = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[task->data[15]] % 24;
if (reelPixelPos != 0)
reelPixelPos = AdvanceReelNextTag(task->data[15], sSlotMachine->reelIncrement);
reelPixelPos = AdvanceSlotReelToNextTag(task->data[15], sSlotMachine->reelIncrement);
else if (sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[task->data[15]])
IncrementReelPixelOffset(task->data[15], sSlotMachine->reelIncrement);
AdvanceSlotReel(task->data[15], sSlotMachine->reelIncrement);
reelPixelPos = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[task->data[15]] % 24;
if (reelPixelPos == 0 && sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[task->data[15]] == 0)
@ -1885,9 +1885,9 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
// make selected tag oscillate before it becomes still
/*static */bool8 ReelAction_OscillatingStop(struct Task *task)
/*static */bool8 SlotReelAction_OscillatingStop(struct Task *task)
sSlotMachine->stopReelPixelOffset[task->data[15]] = task->data[1];
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsetsWhileStopping[task->data[15]] = task->data[1];
task->data[1] = -task->data[1];
if ((task->data[2] & 0x3) == 0)
@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
task->data[0] = 0;
task->data[14] = 0;
sSlotMachine->stopReelPixelOffset[task->data[15]] = 0;
sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsetsWhileStopping[task->data[15]] = 0;
return FALSE;
@ -1913,9 +1913,9 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
return DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel1_Bets[sSlotMachine->bet - 1](tag1, tag2);
/*static */bool8 IsTag1orTag2AtPosInReel1(s16 pos, u8 tag1, u8 tag2)
/*static */bool8 AreTagsAtPosition_Reel1(s16 pos, u8 tag1, u8 tag2)
u8 tag = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, pos);
u8 tag = GetNearbyTag(0, pos);
if (tag == tag1 || tag == tag2)
sSlotMachine->biasTag = tag;
@ -1926,13 +1926,13 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
/*static */bool8 AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(s16 offsetFromCenter)
if (GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 1 - offsetFromCenter) == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_CHERRY || GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 2 - offsetFromCenter) == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_CHERRY || GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 3 - offsetFromCenter) == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_CHERRY)
if (GetNearbyTag(0, 1 - offsetFromCenter) == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_CHERRY || GetNearbyTag(0, 2 - offsetFromCenter) == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_CHERRY || GetNearbyTag(0, 3 - offsetFromCenter) == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_CHERRY)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/*static */bool8 LuckyFlags_BiasCherryOr7s(void)
/*static */bool8 IsBiasTowardsCherryOr7s(void)
if (sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0xc2) // if any of bits 6, 7, or 1 are set
return TRUE;
@ -1946,10 +1946,10 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// if a lucky tag appears in the center row within the next 5 turns
if (IsTag1orTag2AtPosInReel1(2 - i, tag1, tag2))
// if a lucky tag appears in the center row within 4 turns
if (AreTagsAtPosition_Reel1(2 - i, tag1, tag2))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = i;
return TRUE;
@ -1960,16 +1960,15 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel1_Bet2or3(u8 tag1, u8 tag2)
s16 i;
bool8 areLuckyBitsSet = LuckyFlags_BiasCherryOr7s();
// if lucky numbers or no cherries are currently on screen in reel 1...
if (areLuckyBitsSet || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(0))
bool8 biased = IsBiasTowardsCherryOr7s();
if (biased || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(0))
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
//...and if a bias tag is currently on the screen
if (IsTag1orTag2AtPosInReel1(i, tag1, tag2))
// if a bias tag is currently on the screen
if (AreTagsAtPosition_Reel1(i, tag1, tag2))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] = i;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] = i;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = 0;
return TRUE;
@ -1977,29 +1976,29 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
bool8 areLuckyBitsSetCopy = areLuckyBitsSet; // redundant
// if lucky numbers or if in the next 4 turns there is a screen with no cherries...
if (areLuckyBitsSetCopy || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(i))
bool8 biasedCopy = biased; // redundant
// if biased or if in the next 4 turns there is a screen with no cherries...
if (biasedCopy || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(i))
//...and if a bias tag is in top row of that screen
if (IsTag1orTag2AtPosInReel1(1 - i, tag1, tag2))
if (AreTagsAtPosition_Reel1(1 - i, tag1, tag2))
//...and if it only took 1 turn and the lucky tag could also be the bottom row of a screen with no cherries...
if (i == 1 && (areLuckyBitsSetCopy || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(3)))
if (i == 1 && (biasedCopy || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(3)))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] = 3; // maybe how many paths to check
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = 3; // maybe upper limit of turns to advance
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] = 3;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = 3;
return TRUE;
//...or if it isn't the last turn and the lucky tag could be in the center row of a screen with no cherries...
if (i < 4 && (areLuckyBitsSetCopy || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(i + 1)))
if (i < 4 && (biasedCopy || !AreCherriesOnScreen_Reel1(i + 1)))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = i + 1;
return TRUE;
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] = 1;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] = 1;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = i;
return TRUE;
@ -2016,14 +2015,14 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel2_Bet1or2(void)
s16 i;
s16 reel1BiasTagFinalPos = sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0];
s16 biasTagLocation_Reel1 = sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0];
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// if biasTag appears in the same row within 5 turns
if (GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, reel1BiasTagFinalPos - i) == sSlotMachine->biasTag)
// if biasTag appears in the same row within 4 turns
if (GetNearbyTag(1, biasTagLocation_Reel1 - i) == sSlotMachine->biasTag)
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = reel1BiasTagFinalPos;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = biasTagLocation_Reel1;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = i;
return TRUE;
@ -2034,18 +2033,18 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel2_Bet3(void)
s16 i;
// if biasTag appears in the same row within 5 turns...
// if biasTag appears in the same row within 4 turns...
if (DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel2_Bet1or2())
//...and if the biasTag is not in row 2 of reel 1 and if it requires between either 2 or 3 turns to line up the biasTag in row 2...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] != 2 && sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] > 1 && sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] != 4)
//...and if the biasTag is not in middle row of reel 1 and if biasTag appears in middle row of reel 2 in 2 or 3 turns...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] != 2 && sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] > 1 && sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] != 4)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//...and if the bias tag will appear in the center row within 5 turns
if (GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, 2 - i) == sSlotMachine->biasTag)
//...and if the bias tag will appear in the middle row within 4 turns
if (GetNearbyTag(1, 2 - i) == sSlotMachine->biasTag)
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = i;
@ -2053,15 +2052,15 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
return TRUE;
// else if the biasTag is not in row 2 of reel 1...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] != 2)
// else if the biasTag is not in middle row of reel 1...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] != 2)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//...and if the biasTag will appear in the center row of reel 2 within 5 turns
if (GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, 2 - i) == sSlotMachine->biasTag)
//...and if the biasTag will appear in the center row of reel 2 within 4 turns
if (GetNearbyTag(1, 2 - i) == sSlotMachine->biasTag)
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = i;
return TRUE;
@ -2089,14 +2088,14 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
/*static */bool8 DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel3_Bet1or2(u8 biasTag)
s16 i;
s16 reel2BiasTagPos = sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1];
s16 biasTagLocation_Reel2 = sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1];
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// if the biasTag appears in the same row as in reel 2 within 5 turns
if (GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, reel2BiasTagPos - i) == biasTag)
// if the biasTag appears in the same row as in reel 2 within 4 turns
if (GetNearbyTag(2, biasTagLocation_Reel2 - i) == biasTag)
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[2] = reel2BiasTagPos;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[2] = biasTagLocation_Reel2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2] = i;
return TRUE;
@ -2109,21 +2108,21 @@ s16 AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(s16 reelIncrement)
s16 i;
s16 biasTagFinalPos;
// if the final position of the biasTag matches in reel 1 and reel 2...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1])
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1])
//...then try to line it up in reel 3
return DecideReelTurns_BiasTag_Reel3_Bet1or2(biasTag);
// else place it in the row opposite reel 1's
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == 1)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == 1)
biasTagFinalPos = 3;
biasTagFinalPos = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// if in the biasTag lands in that position within the next 5 turns
if (GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, biasTagFinalPos - i) == biasTag)
// if the biasTag lands in that position within 4 turns
if (GetNearbyTag(2, biasTagFinalPos - i) == biasTag)
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2] = i;
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[2] = biasTagFinalPos;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[2] = biasTagFinalPos;
return TRUE;
@ -2142,7 +2141,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0] = i;
/*static */bool8 IsBiasTag7AndIfSoChangeColor(u8 *biasTagPtr)
/*static */bool8 IsBiasTag7AndIfSoSColor(u8 *biasTagPtr)
if (*biasTagPtr == SLOT_MACHINE_TAG_7_RED)
@ -2165,21 +2164,21 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
// only does stuff if the biasTag is one of the 7's, plus other conditions
/*static */void DecideReelTurns_NoBiasTag_Reel2_Bet1(void)
// if reel 1 has a biasTag and bit 7 is set in luckyFlags...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] != 0 && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
// if biasTag is in reel 1 and bit 7 is set in luckyFlags...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] != 0 && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
u8 biasTag = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
u8 biasTag = GetNearbyTag(0, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
//...and if biasTag is one of the 7's...
if (IsBiasTag7AndIfSoChangeColor(&biasTag))
//...swap the color of the 7...
if (IsBiasTag7AndIfSoSColor(&biasTag))
//...swap color of biasTag...
s16 i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//...and if the biasTag appears in the next 5 turns
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, 2 - i))
//...and if the biasTag appears within 4 turns
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag(1, 2 - i))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = i;
@ -2191,20 +2190,20 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
/*static */void DecideReelTurns_NoBiasTag_Reel2_Bet2(void)
// if reel 1 has a biasTag and bit 7 is set in luckyFlags...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] != 0 && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] != 0 && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
u8 biasTag = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
u8 biasTag = GetNearbyTag(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
//...and if biasTag is one of the 7's...
if (IsBiasTag7AndIfSoChangeColor(&biasTag))
//...swap the color of the 7...
if (IsBiasTag7AndIfSoSColor(&biasTag))
//...swap color of biasTag...
s16 i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//...and if in the next 5 turns the biasTag appears in reel 2
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] - i))
//...and if the biasTag appears in same row in reel 2 within 4 turns
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] - i))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0];
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0];
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = i;
@ -2218,46 +2217,46 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
s16 i;
s16 j;
// if reel 1 has a biasTag and bit 7 is set in luckyFlags...
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] != 0 && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] != 0 && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
//...and if biasTag appeared in the center row of reel 1
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == 2)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == 2)
u8 biasTag = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
u8 biasTag = GetNearbyTag(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
//...and if biasTag is one of the 7's...
if (IsBiasTag7AndIfSoChangeColor(&biasTag))
if (IsBiasTag7AndIfSoSColor(&biasTag))
//...swap the color of the 7...
j = 2;
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == 3)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == 3)
j = 3;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, j--)
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, j))
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag(1, j))
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = j;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = j;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = 0;
for (j = 1; j < 5; j++)
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] - j))
if (biasTag == GetNearbyTag(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] - j))
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == 1)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == 1)
if (j < 3)
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = j + 1;
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 1;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 1;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = j;
@ -2265,12 +2264,12 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
if (j < 3)
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 3;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 3;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = j;
sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] = 2;
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1] = j - 1;
@ -2319,14 +2318,14 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
/*static */void sub_8103830(void)
s16 i = 0;
u8 r5 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
u8 r1 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
u8 r5 = GetNearbyTag(0, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
u8 r1 = GetNearbyTag(1, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
if (r5 == r1)
while (1)
u8 r0;
if (!(r5 == (r0 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, 2 - i)) || (r5 == 0 && r0 == 1) || (r5 == 1 && r0 == 0)))
if (!(r5 == (r0 = GetNearbyTag(2, 2 - i)) || (r5 == 0 && r0 == 1) || (r5 == 1 && r0 == 0)))
@ -2337,7 +2336,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (r5 == GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, 2 - i))
if (r5 == GetNearbyTag(2, 2 - i))
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2] = i;
@ -2347,7 +2346,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
i = 0;
while (1)
if (r5 != GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, 2 - i))
if (r5 != GetNearbyTag(2, 2 - i))
@ -2363,15 +2362,15 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
u8 r6;
u8 r4;
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] != 0 && sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] != 0 && sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
r7 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r7 = GetNearbyTag(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
if (sub_8103764(r7, r6))
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
r4 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] - i);
r4 = GetNearbyTag(2, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] - i);
if (r7 == r4)
sp0 = i;
@ -2385,9 +2384,9 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
s16 r8;
for (i = 1, r8 = 0; i < 4; i++)
r7 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, i - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, i - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r4 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, i - sp0);
r7 = GetNearbyTag(0, i - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag(1, i - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r4 = GetNearbyTag(2, i - sp0);
if (!sub_81037BC(r7, r6, r4) && (!sub_810378C(r7, r6, r4) || !(sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)))
@ -2410,18 +2409,18 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
s16 i;
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] != 0 && sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] != sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] != 0 && sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] != sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80)
r6 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r5 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[1] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag(0, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r5 = GetNearbyTag(1, sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[1] - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
if (sub_8103764(r6, r5))
r8 = 1;
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagFinalPositions[0] == 1)
if (sSlotMachine->biasTagLocation[0] == 1)
r8 = 3;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
r4 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, r8 - (sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2] + i));
r4 = GetNearbyTag(2, r8 - (sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2] + i));
if (r6 == r4)
sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2] += i;
@ -2432,18 +2431,18 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
while (1)
r6 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 1 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r5 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r4 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, 3 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag(0, 1 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r5 = GetNearbyTag(1, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r4 = GetNearbyTag(2, 3 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2]);
if (sub_81037BC(r6, r5, r4) || (sub_810378C(r6, r5, r4) && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80))
while (1)
r6 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(0, 3 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r5 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(1, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r4 = GetNearbyTag_PixelOffset(2, 1 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2]);
r6 = GetNearbyTag(0, 3 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[0]);
r5 = GetNearbyTag(1, 2 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[1]);
r4 = GetNearbyTag(2, 1 - sSlotMachine->reelExtraTurns[2]);
if (sub_81037BC(r6, r5, r4) || (sub_810378C(r6, r5, r4) && sSlotMachine->luckyFlags & 0x80))
@ -2811,12 +2810,12 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
task->data[3] = 0;
// move ReelTime reel by the value in the upper 8 bits of task->data[4]
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
/*static */void ReelTimeAction3(struct Task *task)
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
if (++task->data[5] >= 60)
@ -2836,7 +2835,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
memcpy(sp4, gUnknown_085A75C4, sizeof(gUnknown_085A75C4));
memcpy(spC, gUnknown_085A75CC, sizeof(gUnknown_085A75CC));
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
// gradually slow down the reel
task->data[4] -= 4;
r5 = 4 - (task->data[4] >> 8);
@ -2854,7 +2853,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
/*static */void ReelTimeAction5(struct Task *task)
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
if (++task->data[5] >= 80)
@ -2866,7 +2865,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
/*static */void ReelTimeAction6(struct Task *task)
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
task->data[4] = (u8)task->data[4] + 0x80;
if (++task->data[5] >= 80)
@ -2877,7 +2876,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
/*static */void ReelTimeAction7(struct Task *task)
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
task->data[4] = (u8)task->data[4] + 0x40;
if (++task->data[5] >= 40)
@ -2904,16 +2903,16 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
s16 reelTimePixelOffset = sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset % 20;
if (reelTimePixelOffset)
reelTimePixelOffset = AdvanceReelTimeNextNumber(task->data[4] >> 8);
reelTimePixelOffset = AdvanceReeltimeReelToNextTag(task->data[4] >> 8);
task->data[4] = (u8)task->data[4] + 0x40;
else if (GetNthNextReelTimePosition(1) != sSlotMachine->reelTimeDraw)
else if (GetNearbyReelTimeTag(1) != sSlotMachine->reelTimeDraw)
IncrementReelTimePixelOffset(task->data[4] >> 8);
AdvanceReeltimeReel(task->data[4] >> 8);
reelTimePixelOffset = sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset % 20;
task->data[4] = (u8)task->data[4] + 0x40;
if (reelTimePixelOffset == 0 && GetNthNextReelTimePosition(1) == sSlotMachine->reelTimeDraw)
if (reelTimePixelOffset == 0 && GetNearbyReelTimeTag(1) == sSlotMachine->reelTimeDraw)
task->data[4] = 0; // stop moving
@ -3282,14 +3281,12 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
// debug this to find out what sprite->data[0] and sprite->data[2] are holding
// I would guess this updates the sprite location in the reel
/*static */void sub_8104F18(struct Sprite *sprite)
sprite->data[2] = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsets[sprite->data[0]] + sprite->data[1];
sprite->data[2] %= 120;
sprite->pos1.y = sSlotMachine->stopReelPixelOffset[sprite->data[0]] + 28 + sprite->data[2];
sprite->sheetTileStart = GetSpriteTileStartByTag(GetNearbyTag(sprite->data[0], sprite->data[2] / 24));
sprite->pos1.y = sSlotMachine->reelPixelOffsetsWhileStopping[sprite->data[0]] + 28 + sprite->data[2];
sprite->sheetTileStart = GetSpriteTileStartByTag(GetNearbyTag_Quantized(sprite->data[0], sprite->data[2] / 24));
@ -3457,7 +3454,7 @@ Advance until there are no cherries on screen in reel 1
s16 r0 = (u16)(sSlotMachine->reelTimePixelOffset + sprite->data[7]);
r0 %= 40;
sprite->pos1.y = r0 + 59;
StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, GetNthNextReelTimePosition(r0 / 20));
StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, GetNearbyReelTimeTag(r0 / 20));
/*static */void sub_81053A0(void)
@ -4437,7 +4434,7 @@ const u8 sReelSymbols[][REEL_NUM_TAGS] =
const u8 gUnknown_083ECCF1[] = {
const u8 ReelTimeTags[] = {
1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2
Reference in New Issue
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