#ifndef GUARD_MENU_SPECIALIZED_H #define GUARD_MENU_SPECIALIZED_H #include "sprite.h" #include "player_pc.h" #include "list_menu.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "constants/berry.h" // Window IDs for the Player PC Mailbox enum { MAILBOXWIN_TITLE, MAILBOXWIN_LIST, MAILBOXWIN_OPTIONS, MAILBOXWIN_COUNT }; // Window IDs for the move relearner enum { RELEARNERWIN_DESC_BATTLE, RELEARNERWIN_DESC_CONTEST, RELEARNERWIN_MOVE_LIST, RELEARNERWIN_MSG, RELEARNERWIN_YESNO, }; enum { TAG_CONDITION_MON = 100, TAG_CONDITION_BALL, TAG_CONDITION_CANCEL, TAG_CONDITION_BALL_PLACEHOLDER, TAG_CONDITION_SPARKLE, TAG_CONDITION_MON_MARKINGS, TAG_CONDITION_MARKINGS_MENU, TAG_CONDITION_MARKINGS_MENU_2, // Used implicitly by CreateMonMarkingsMenuSprites }; enum { CONDITION_ICON_SELECTED, CONDITION_ICON_UNSELECTED, }; #define MAX_CONDITION_SPARKLES 10 // The number of extra sparkles shown on a Pokémon's condition screen. // All Pokémon start with 1, so the max here is MAX_CONDITION_SPARKLES - 1 #define GET_NUM_CONDITION_SPARKLES(sheen)((sheen) != MAX_SHEEN) ? (sheen) / ((u32)MAX_SHEEN / (MAX_CONDITION_SPARKLES - 1) + 1) : MAX_CONDITION_SPARKLES - 1; #define CONDITION_GRAPH_TOP_Y 56 #define CONDITION_GRAPH_BOTTOM_Y 121 #define CONDITION_GRAPH_HEIGHT (CONDITION_GRAPH_BOTTOM_Y - CONDITION_GRAPH_TOP_Y + 1) #define CONDITION_GRAPH_CENTER_X 155 #define CONDITION_GRAPH_CENTER_Y ((CONDITION_GRAPH_BOTTOM_Y + CONDITION_GRAPH_TOP_Y) / 2 + 3) #define CONDITION_GRAPH_UPDATE_STEPS 10 #define CONDITION_GRAPH_LOAD_MAX 4 // Equivalent to flavor and contest values, but in a different order. enum { CONDITION_COOL, CONDITION_TOUGH, CONDITION_SMART, CONDITION_CUTE, CONDITION_BEAUTY, CONDITION_COUNT }; // Yet another order. This one is the same (by coincidence) as the contest categories enum { GRAPH_COOL, GRAPH_BEAUTY, GRAPH_CUTE, GRAPH_SMART, GRAPH_TOUGH, }; struct ConditionGraph { /*0x000*/ u8 conditions[CONDITION_GRAPH_LOAD_MAX][CONDITION_COUNT]; /*0x014*/ struct UCoords16 savedPositions[CONDITION_GRAPH_LOAD_MAX][CONDITION_COUNT]; /*0x064*/ struct UCoords16 newPositions[CONDITION_GRAPH_UPDATE_STEPS][CONDITION_COUNT]; /*0x12C*/ struct UCoords16 curPositions[CONDITION_COUNT]; /*0x140*/ u16 scanlineRight[CONDITION_GRAPH_HEIGHT][2]; /*0x248*/ u16 scanlineLeft[CONDITION_GRAPH_HEIGHT][2]; /*0x350*/ u16 bottom; /*0x352*/ u16 updateCounter; /*0x354*/ bool8 needsDraw; /*0x355*/ u8 scanlineResetState; }; // Mailbox menu bool8 MailboxMenu_Alloc(u8 count); u8 MailboxMenu_AddWindow(u8 windowIdx); u8 MailboxMenu_CreateList(struct PlayerPCItemPageStruct *page); void MailboxMenu_AddScrollArrows(struct PlayerPCItemPageStruct *page); void MailboxMenu_Free(void); void MailboxMenu_RemoveWindow(u8 windowIdx); // Condition graph void ConditionGraph_Init(struct ConditionGraph *graph); void ConditionGraph_InitWindow(u8 bg); void ConditionGraph_InitResetScanline(struct ConditionGraph *graph); bool8 ConditionGraph_ResetScanline(struct ConditionGraph *graph); void ConditionGraph_Draw(struct ConditionGraph *graph); bool8 ConditionGraph_TryUpdate(struct ConditionGraph *graph); void ConditionGraph_Update(struct ConditionGraph *graph); void ConditionGraph_CalcPositions(u8 *conditions, struct UCoords16 *positions); void ConditionGraph_SetNewPositions(struct ConditionGraph *graph, struct UCoords16 *old, struct UCoords16 *new); // Condition menu bool8 ConditionMenu_UpdateMonEnter(struct ConditionGraph *graph, s16 *x); bool8 ConditionMenu_UpdateMonExit(struct ConditionGraph *graph, s16 *x); bool8 MoveConditionMonOnscreen(s16 *x); bool8 MoveConditionMonOffscreen(s16 *x); void GetConditionMenuMonNameAndLocString(u8 *locationDst, u8 *nameDst, u16 boxId, u16 monId, u16 partyId, u16 numMons, bool8 excludesCancel); void GetConditionMenuMonConditions(struct ConditionGraph *graph, u8 *sheen, u16 boxId, u16 monId, u16 partyId, u16 id, u16 numMons, bool8 excludesCancel); void GetConditionMenuMonGfx(void *tilesDst, void *palDst, u16 boxId, u16 monId, u16 partyId, u16 numMons, bool8 excludesCancel); void LoadConditionMonPicTemplate(struct SpriteSheet *sheet, struct SpriteTemplate *template, struct SpritePalette *pal); void LoadConditionSelectionIcons(struct SpriteSheet *sheets, struct SpriteTemplate * template, struct SpritePalette *pals); s32 GetBoxOrPartyMonData(u16 boxId, u16 monId, s32 request, u8 *dst); // Condition sparkles void LoadConditionSparkle(struct SpriteSheet *sheet, struct SpritePalette *pal); void ResetConditionSparkleSprites(struct Sprite **sprites); void CreateConditionSparkleSprites(struct Sprite **sprites, u8 monSpriteId, u8 count); void DestroyConditionSparkleSprites(struct Sprite **sprites); void FreeConditionSparkles(struct Sprite **sprites); // Move relearner void MoveRelearnerPrintMessage(u8 *str); bool16 MoveRelearnerRunTextPrinters(void); void MoveRelearnerCreateYesNoMenu(void); u8 LoadMoveRelearnerMovesList(const struct ListMenuItem *items, u16 numChoices); void InitMoveRelearnerWindows(bool8 useContestWindow); // Level up window void DrawLevelUpWindowPg1(u16 windowId, u16 *statsBefore, u16 *statsAfter, u8 bgClr, u8 fgClr, u8 shadowClr); void DrawLevelUpWindowPg2(u16 windowId, u16 *currStats, u8 bgClr, u8 fgClr, u8 shadowClr); void GetMonLevelUpWindowStats(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 *currStats); #endif // GUARD_MENU_SPECIALIZED_H