DewfordTown_House1_MapScripts:: .byte 0 DewfordTown_House1_EventScript_Man:: msgbox DewfordTown_House1_Text_LotToBeSaidForLivingOnIsland, MSGBOX_NPC end DewfordTown_House1_EventScript_Woman:: msgbox DewfordTown_House1_Text_LifeGoesSlowlyOnIsland, MSGBOX_NPC end DewfordTown_House1_EventScript_Zigzagoon:: lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox DewfordTown_House1_Text_Zigzagoon, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitmoncry release end DewfordTown_House1_Text_LotToBeSaidForLivingOnIsland: .string "There's a lot to be said for living on\n" .string "a small island like this in harmony with\l" .string "POKéMON and the family.$" DewfordTown_House1_Text_LifeGoesSlowlyOnIsland: .string "I left the major port of SLATEPORT\n" .string "CITY when I married my husband here.\p" .string "Life goes by slowly on this little\n" .string "island. But being surrounded by the\l" .string "beautiful sea--that's happiness, too.$" DewfordTown_House1_Text_Zigzagoon: .string "ZIGZAGOON: Guguuh!$"