#define MAX_SPRITES 64

struct SpriteSheet
    const u8 *data;  // Raw uncompressed pixel data
    u16 size;
    u16 tag;

struct CompressedSpriteSheet
    const u8 *data;  // LZ77 compressed pixel data
    u16 size;        // Uncompressed size of pixel data
    u16 tag;

struct SpriteFrameImage
    const u8 *data;
    u16 size;

#define obj_frame_tiles(ptr) {.data = (u8 *)ptr, .size = sizeof ptr}

#define overworld_frame(ptr, width, height, frame) {.data = (u8 *)ptr + (width * height * frame * 64)/2, .size = (width * height * 64)/2}

struct SpritePalette
    const u16 *data;  // Raw uncompressed palette data
    u16 tag;

struct CompressedSpritePalette
    const u8 *data;  // LZ77 compressed palette data
    u16 tag;

struct AnimFrameCmd
    // If the sprite has an array of images, this is the array index.
    // If the sprite has a sheet, this is the tile offset.
    u32 imageValue:16;

    u32 duration:6;
    u32 hFlip:1;
    u32 vFlip:1;

struct AnimLoopCmd
    u32 type:16;
    u32 count:6;

struct AnimJumpCmd
    u32 type:16;
    u32 target:6;

// The first halfword of this union specifies the type of command.
// If it -2, then it is a jump command. If it is -1, then it is the end of the script.
// Otherwise, it is the imageValue for a frame command.
union AnimCmd
    s16 type;
    struct AnimFrameCmd frame;
    struct AnimLoopCmd loop;
    struct AnimJumpCmd jump;

#define ANIMCMD_FRAME(...) \
    {.frame = {__VA_ARGS__}}
#define ANIMCMD_LOOP(_count) \
    {.loop = {.type = -3, .count = _count}}
#define ANIMCMD_JUMP(_target) \
    {.jump = {.type = -2, .target = _target}}
#define ANIMCMD_END \
    {.type = -1}

struct AffineAnimFrameCmd
    s16 xScale;
    s16 yScale;
    u8 rotation;
    u8 duration;

struct AffineAnimLoopCmd
    s16 type;
    s16 count;

struct AffineAnimJumpCmd
    s16 type;
    u16 target;

union AffineAnimCmd
    s16 type;
    struct AffineAnimFrameCmd frame;
    struct AffineAnimLoopCmd loop;
    struct AffineAnimJumpCmd jump;


#define AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(_xScale, _yScale, _rotation, _duration) \
    {.frame = {.xScale = _xScale, .yScale = _yScale, .rotation = _rotation, .duration = _duration}}
#define AFFINEANIMCMD_LOOP(_count) \
    {.loop = {.type = AFFINEANIMCMDTYPE_LOOP, .count = _count}}
#define AFFINEANIMCMD_JUMP(_target) \
    {.jump = {.type = AFFINEANIMCMDTYPE_JUMP, .target = _target}}

struct AffineAnimState
    u8 animNum;
    u8 animCmdIndex;
    u8 delayCounter;
    u8 loopCounter;
    s16 xScale;
    s16 yScale;
    u16 rotation;

    SUBSPRITES_IGNORE_PRIORITY, // on but priority is ignored

struct Subsprite
    s8 x; // was u16 in R/S
    s8 y; // was u16 in R/S
    u16 shape:2;
    u16 size:2;
    u16 tileOffset:10;
    u16 priority:2;

struct SubspriteTable
    u8 subspriteCount;
    const struct Subsprite *subsprites;

struct Sprite;

typedef void (*SpriteCallback)(struct Sprite *);

struct SpriteTemplate
    u16 tileTag;
    u16 paletteTag;
    const struct OamData *oam;
    const union AnimCmd *const *anims;
    const struct SpriteFrameImage *images;
    const union AffineAnimCmd *const *affineAnims;
    SpriteCallback callback;

struct Sprite
    /*0x00*/ struct OamData oam;
    /*0x08*/ const union AnimCmd *const *anims;
    /*0x0C*/ const struct SpriteFrameImage *images;
    /*0x10*/ const union AffineAnimCmd *const *affineAnims;
    /*0x14*/ const struct SpriteTemplate *template;
    /*0x18*/ const struct SubspriteTable *subspriteTables;
    /*0x1C*/ SpriteCallback callback;

    /*0x20*/ struct Coords16 pos1;
    /*0x24*/ struct Coords16 pos2;
    /*0x28*/ s8 centerToCornerVecX;
    /*0x29*/ s8 centerToCornerVecY;

    /*0x2A*/ u8 animNum;
    /*0x2B*/ u8 animCmdIndex;
    /*0x2C*/ u8 animDelayCounter:6;
             bool8 animPaused:1;
             bool8 affineAnimPaused:1;
    /*0x2D*/ u8 animLoopCounter;

    // general purpose data fields
    /*0x2E*/ s16 data[8];

    /*0x3E*/ bool16 inUse:1;               //1
             bool16 coordOffsetEnabled:1;  //2
             bool16 invisible:1;           //4
             bool16 flags_3:1;             //8
             bool16 flags_4:1;             //0x10
             bool16 flags_5:1;             //0x20
             bool16 flags_6:1;             //0x40
             bool16 flags_7:1;             //0x80
    /*0x3F*/ bool16 hFlip:1;               //1
             bool16 vFlip:1;               //2
             bool16 animBeginning:1;       //4
             bool16 affineAnimBeginning:1; //8
             bool16 animEnded:1;           //0x10
             bool16 affineAnimEnded:1;     //0x20
             bool16 usingSheet:1;          //0x40
             bool16 flags_f:1;             //0x80

    /*0x40*/ u16 sheetTileStart;

    /*0x42*/ u8 subspriteTableNum:6;
             u8 subspriteMode:2;

    /*0x43*/ u8 subpriority;

struct OamMatrix
    s16 a;
    s16 b;
    s16 c;
    s16 d;

extern const struct OamData gDummyOamData;
extern const union AnimCmd *const gDummySpriteAnimTable[];
extern const union AffineAnimCmd *const gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable[];
extern const struct SpriteTemplate gDummySpriteTemplate;
extern s16 gSpriteCoordOffsetX;
extern s16 gSpriteCoordOffsetY;

extern struct Sprite gSprites[];
extern struct OamMatrix gOamMatrices[];

void ResetSpriteData(void);
void AnimateSprites(void);
void BuildOamBuffer(void);
u8 CreateSprite(const struct SpriteTemplate *template, s16 x, s16 y, u8 subpriority);
u8 CreateSpriteAtEnd(const struct SpriteTemplate *template, s16 x, s16 y, u8 subpriority);
u8 CreateInvisibleSprite(void (*callback)(struct Sprite *));
u8 CreateSpriteAndAnimate(const struct SpriteTemplate *template, s16 x, s16 y, u8 subpriority);
void DestroySprite(struct Sprite *sprite);
void ResetOamRange(u8 a, u8 b);
void LoadOam(void);
void SetOamMatrix(u8 matrixNum, u16 a, u16 b, u16 c, u16 d);
void CalcCenterToCornerVec(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 shape, u8 size, u8 affineMode);
void SpriteCallbackDummy(struct Sprite *sprite);
void ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(void);
void RequestSpriteCopy(const u8 *src, u8 *dest, u16 size);
void FreeSpriteTiles(struct Sprite *sprite);
void FreeSpritePalette(struct Sprite *sprite);
void FreeSpriteOamMatrix(struct Sprite *sprite);
void DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(struct Sprite *sprite);
void sub_800142C(u32 a1, u32 a2, u16 *a3, u16 a4, u32 a5);
void AnimateSprite(struct Sprite *sprite);
void StartSpriteAnim(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
void StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
void SeekSpriteAnim(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animCmdIndex);
void StartSpriteAffineAnim(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
void StartSpriteAffineAnimIfDifferent(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
void ChangeSpriteAffineAnim(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
void ChangeSpriteAffineAnimIfDifferent(struct Sprite *sprite, u8 animNum);
void SetSpriteSheetFrameTileNum(struct Sprite *sprite);
u8 AllocOamMatrix(void);
void FreeOamMatrix(u8 matrixNum);
void InitSpriteAffineAnim(struct Sprite *sprite);
void SetOamMatrixRotationScaling(u8 matrixNum, s16 xScale, s16 yScale, u16 rotation);
u16 LoadSpriteSheet(const struct SpriteSheet *sheet);
void LoadSpriteSheets(const struct SpriteSheet *sheets);
u16 AllocTilesForSpriteSheet(struct SpriteSheet *sheet);
void AllocTilesForSpriteSheets(struct SpriteSheet *sheets);
void LoadTilesForSpriteSheet(const struct SpriteSheet *sheet);
void LoadTilesForSpriteSheets(struct SpriteSheet *sheets);
void FreeSpriteTilesByTag(u16 tag);
void FreeSpriteTileRanges(void);
u16 GetSpriteTileStartByTag(u16 tag);
u16 GetSpriteTileTagByTileStart(u16 start);
void RequestSpriteSheetCopy(const struct SpriteSheet *sheet);
u16 LoadSpriteSheetDeferred(const struct SpriteSheet *sheet);
void FreeAllSpritePalettes(void);
u8 LoadSpritePalette(const struct SpritePalette *palette);
void LoadSpritePalettes(const struct SpritePalette *palettes);
u8 AllocSpritePalette(u16 tag);
u8 IndexOfSpritePaletteTag(u16 tag);
u16 GetSpritePaletteTagByPaletteNum(u8 paletteNum);
void FreeSpritePaletteByTag(u16 tag);
void SetSubspriteTables(struct Sprite *sprite, const struct SubspriteTable *subspriteTables);
bool8 AddSpriteToOamBuffer(struct Sprite *object, u8 *oamIndex);
bool8 AddSubspritesToOamBuffer(struct Sprite *sprite, struct OamData *destOam, u8 *oamIndex);
void CopyToSprites(u8 *src);
void CopyFromSprites(u8 *dest);
u8 SpriteTileAllocBitmapOp(u16 bit, u8 op);
void ClearSpriteCopyRequests(void);
void ResetAffineAnimData(void);