PacifidlogTown_MapScripts:: @ 81EBAB1 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, PacifidlogTown_OnTransition map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_RESUME, PacifidlogTown_OnResume .byte 0 PacifidlogTown_OnTransition: @ 81EBABC setflag FLAG_VISITED_PACIFIDLOG_TOWN end PacifidlogTown_OnResume: @ 81EBAC0 setstepcallback STEP_CB_PACIFIDLOG_BRIDGE end PacifidlogTown_EventScript_NinjaBoy:: @ 81EBAC3 msgbox PacifidlogTown_Text_NeatHousesOnWater, MSGBOX_NPC end PacifidlogTown_EventScript_Girl:: @ 81EBACC msgbox PacifidlogTown_Text_FastRunningCurrent, MSGBOX_NPC end PacifidlogTown_EventScript_Fisherman:: @ 81EBAD5 msgbox PacifidlogTown_Text_SkyPillarTooScary, MSGBOX_NPC end PacifidlogTown_EventScript_TownSign:: @ 81EBADE msgbox PacifidlogTown_Text_TownSign, MSGBOX_SIGN end PacifidlogTown_Text_FastRunningCurrent: @ 81EBAE7 .string "The sea between PACIFIDLOG and\n" .string "SLATEPORT has a fast-running tide.\p" .string "If you decide to SURF, you could end\n" .string "up swept away somewhere else.$" PacifidlogTown_Text_NeatHousesOnWater: @ 81EBB6C .string "See, isn't it neat?\n" .string "These houses are on water!\p" .string "I was born here!$" PacifidlogTown_Text_SkyPillarTooScary: @ 81EBBAC .string "The SKY PILLAR?\p" .string "…Oh, you must mean that tall, tall\n" .string "tower a little further out.\p" .string "If you asked me, I wouldn't climb it.\n" .string "It's too scary to get up that high.\p" .string "Life at sea level in PACIFIDLOG,\n" .string "that suits me fine.$" PacifidlogTown_Text_TownSign: @ 81EBC7A .string "PACIFIDLOG TOWN\p" .string "“Where the morning sun smiles upon\n" .string "the waters.”$"