MtChimney_MapScripts:: @ 822EDC1 map_script 5, MtChimney_MapScript1_22EDD2 map_script 3, MtChimney_MapScript1_22EDCC .byte 0 MtChimney_MapScript1_22EDCC: @ 822EDCC setvar VAR_0x40BD, 1 end MtChimney_MapScript1_22EDD2: @ 822EDD2 setstepcallback 1 end MtChimney_EventScript_22EDD5:: @ 822EDD5 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x0DB call_if 0, MtChimney_EventScript_22EDF9 checkflag FLAG_0x0DB call_if 1, MtChimney_EventScript_22EE02 closemessage applymovement 1, MtChimney_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 setflag FLAG_0x0DB release end MtChimney_EventScript_22EDF9:: @ 822EDF9 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FAD2, 4 return MtChimney_EventScript_22EE02:: @ 822EE02 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FBC7, 4 return MtChimney_EventScript_22EE0B:: @ 822EE0B lockall playbgm MUS_MGM0, 0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F26A, 4 applymovement 2, MtChimney_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 2, MtChimney_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, MtChimney_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F32E, 4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAXIE_2, 0, MtChimney_Text_22F5CF msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F5F7, 4 closemessage delay 30 fadescreen 1 removeobject 2 removeobject 29 removeobject 3 removeobject 22 setflag FLAG_0x39F fadescreen 0 setobjectxyperm 1, 10, 12 addobject 1 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, MtChimney_EventScript_22EEC7 compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, MtChimney_EventScript_22EED2 applymovement 255, MtChimney_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FC3D, 4 closemessage compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, MtChimney_EventScript_22EEDD compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, MtChimney_EventScript_22EEE8 removeobject 1 setflag FLAG_0x39E setflag FLAG_0x08B clearflag FLAG_0x3A0 setflag FLAG_0x3AE clearflag FLAG_0x3E2 releaseall end MtChimney_EventScript_22EEC7:: @ 822EEC7 applymovement 1, MtChimney_Movement_22EF83 waitmovement 0 return MtChimney_EventScript_22EED2:: @ 822EED2 applymovement 1, MtChimney_Movement_22EF94 waitmovement 0 return MtChimney_EventScript_22EEDD:: @ 822EEDD applymovement 1, MtChimney_Movement_22EF8B waitmovement 0 return MtChimney_EventScript_22EEE8:: @ 822EEE8 applymovement 1, MtChimney_Movement_22EF9C waitmovement 0 return MtChimney_EventScript_22EEF3:: @ 822EEF3 lock faceplayer showmoneybox 0, 0, 0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FE04, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22EF69 checkmoney 0xc8, 0 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22EF76 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FE4D, 4 checkitemspace ITEM_LAVA_COOKIE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, MtChimney_EventScript_22EF5E giveitem_std ITEM_LAVA_COOKIE compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22EF51 hidemoneybox nop nop release end MtChimney_EventScript_22EF51:: @ 822EF51 msgbox gUnknown_08272AD0, 4 hidemoneybox nop nop release end MtChimney_EventScript_22EF5E:: @ 822EF5E takemoney 0xc8, 0 updatemoneybox 0, 0 nop return MtChimney_EventScript_22EF69:: @ 822EF69 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FE9B, 4 hidemoneybox nop nop release end MtChimney_EventScript_22EF76:: @ 822EF76 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FE5E, 4 hidemoneybox nop nop release end MtChimney_Movement_22EF83: @ 822EF83 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_right step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EF8B: @ 822EF8B step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EF94: @ 822EF94 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_right step_right step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EF9C: @ 822EF9C step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EFA6: @ 822EFA6 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EFB8: @ 822EFB8 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EFC1: @ 822EFC1 step_right step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EFD0: @ 822EFD0 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_15 step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EFE9: @ 822EFE9 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22EFF4: @ 822EFF4 step_14 step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F004: @ 822F004 step_14 step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F015: @ 822F015 step_14 step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_25 step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F01D: @ 822F01D step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F02B: @ 822F02B step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F02D: @ 822F02D step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F035: @ 822F035 step_14 step_14 step_27 step_14 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F03F: @ 822F03F step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_27 step_14 step_down step_down step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F04A: @ 822F04A step_40 step_17 step_41 step_03 step_end MtChimney_Movement_22F04F: @ 822F04F step_left step_28 step_14 step_end MtChimney_EventScript_22F053:: @ 822F053 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FD1F, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F05C:: @ 822F05C msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FD5B, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F065:: @ 822F065 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FDA1, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F06E:: @ 822F06E trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_TABITHA_2, 0, MtChimney_Text_22F6AA, MtChimney_Text_22F72C msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F76D, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F085:: @ 822F085 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GRUNT_31, 0, MtChimney_Text_22F7A2, MtChimney_Text_22F83A msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F859, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F09C:: @ 822F09C msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F978, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0A5:: @ 822F0A5 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F9B2, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0AE:: @ 822F0AE msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F9D1, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0B7:: @ 822F0B7 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FA2F, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0C0:: @ 822F0C0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FA8B, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0C9:: @ 822F0C9 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FAA5, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0D2:: @ 822F0D2 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FACB, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0DB:: @ 822F0DB msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FDFC, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F0E4:: @ 822F0E4 lockall checkflag FLAG_0x08B goto_if 0, MtChimney_EventScript_22F137 checkflag FLAG_0x073 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22F12D msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FF12, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22F123 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FF66, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_METEORITE setflag FLAG_0x073 releaseall end MtChimney_EventScript_22F123:: @ 822F123 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FF9C, 4 releaseall end MtChimney_EventScript_22F12D:: @ 822F12D msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FFC0, 4 releaseall end MtChimney_EventScript_22F137:: @ 822F137 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FEAA, 4 releaseall end MtChimney_EventScript_22F141:: @ 822F141 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22FFFA, 3 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F14A:: @ 822F14A trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_SHELBY_1, 0, MtChimney_Text_23001D, MtChimney_Text_230076, MtChimney_EventScript_22F176 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22F195 msgbox MtChimney_Text_2300A2, 4 release end MtChimney_EventScript_22F176:: @ 822F176 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_2300E3, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 313 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 313 callstd 8 release end MtChimney_EventScript_22F195:: @ 822F195 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_SHELBY_1, 0, MtChimney_Text_230153, MtChimney_Text_2301BB msgbox MtChimney_Text_2301E7, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F1AC:: @ 822F1AC trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_MELISSA, 0, MtChimney_Text_23022A, MtChimney_Text_23026D msgbox MtChimney_Text_230292, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F1C3:: @ 822F1C3 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_SHEILA, 0, MtChimney_Text_2302BD, MtChimney_Text_230304 msgbox MtChimney_Text_23033A, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F1DA:: @ 822F1DA trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_SHIRLEY, 0, MtChimney_Text_2303DF, MtChimney_Text_230436 msgbox MtChimney_Text_230463, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F1F1:: @ 822F1F1 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GRUNT_24, 0, MtChimney_Text_22F8B6, MtChimney_Text_22F921 msgbox MtChimney_Text_22F93A, 6 end MtChimney_EventScript_22F208:: @ 822F208 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_SAWYER_1, 0, MtChimney_Text_2304B3, MtChimney_Text_2304F7, MtChimney_EventScript_22F234 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq MtChimney_EventScript_22F253 msgbox MtChimney_Text_230519, 4 release end MtChimney_EventScript_22F234:: @ 822F234 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox MtChimney_Text_230557, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 1 callstd 8 release end MtChimney_EventScript_22F253:: @ 822F253 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_SAWYER_1, 0, MtChimney_Text_23059C, MtChimney_Text_2305E3 msgbox MtChimney_Text_230614, 6 end MtChimney_Text_22F26A: @ 822F26A .string "The power contained in the METEORITE…\p" .string "By amplifying its power with this\n" .string "machine, MT. CHIMNEY’s volcanic\l" .string "activity will instantly intensify…\p" .string "Its energy will grow deep inside\n" .string "the crater and…\l" .string "Fufufu…$" MtChimney_Text_22F32E: @ 822F32E .string "MAXIE: Hm?\n" .string "Who are you?\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "I’d heard ARCHIE bemoaning a child\n" .string "who’s been meddling in TEAM AQUA’s\l" .string "affairs.\p" .string "It must be you he meant.\p" .string "Humph! So you’re thinking of\n" .string "interfering with us, TEAM MAGMA?\p" .string "Now you listen.\n" .string "Long ago, living things used the\l" .string "land to live and grow.\p" .string "That is why land is all important!\n" .string "It is the cradle of all!\p" .string "That is why TEAM MAGMA is dedicated\n" .string "to the expansion of the land mass.\p" .string "It is for further advancement of\n" .string "humankind and POKéMON!\p" .string "And for that, we need the power of\n" .string "what sleeps within this mountain…\p" .string "Oh! There was no need for you to\n" .string "learn that much.\p" .string "But, no matter!\n" .string "I’ll teach you the consequences of\l" .string "meddling in our grand design!$" MtChimney_Text_22F5CF: @ 822F5CF .string "What?!\p" .string "I, MAXIE, was caught off guard?!$" MtChimney_Text_22F5F7: @ 822F5F7 .string "MAXIE: But, enough.\n" .string "I will back off this time.\p" .string "But don’t think that this is the last\n" .string "you’ve seen of TEAM MAGMA.\p" .string "Fufufu…\p" .string "Even without the METEORITE, if we\n" .string "obtain that ORB… Fufufu…$" MtChimney_Text_22F6AA: @ 822F6AA .string "Hehehe!\p" .string "So you’ve come all the way here!\p" .string "But you’re too late!\n" .string "I’ve already delivered the METEORITE\l" .string "from METEOR FALLS to the BOSS!$" MtChimney_Text_22F72C: @ 822F72C .string "Hehehe…\p" .string "Even though I’ve lost, if our leader\n" .string "awakens that thing…$" MtChimney_Text_22F76D: @ 822F76D .string "BOSS, hurry!\n" .string "Give it the METEORITE’s energy!\p" .string "Hehehe…$" MtChimney_Text_22F7A2: @ 822F7A2 .string "We of TEAM MAGMA are working hard for\n" .string "everyone’s sake.\p" .string "Like, if that thing’s power made more\n" .string "land, there’d be more places to live.\p" .string "Everyone’d be happy!$" MtChimney_Text_22F83A: @ 822F83A .string "Hunh?\n" .string "What do you mean I lost?$" MtChimney_Text_22F859: @ 822F859 .string "Our BOSS says, “It will make everyone\n" .string "happy.”\p" .string "But why does everyone keep getting\n" .string "in our way?$" MtChimney_Text_22F8B6: @ 822F8B6 .string "If there were more land, I’d be able\n" .string "to get a big house of my own!\p" .string "I’m going to build it on hardened lava!$" MtChimney_Text_22F921: @ 822F921 .string "My dream of a big house…$" MtChimney_Text_22F93A: @ 822F93A .string "A kid like you, you ought to be\n" .string "splashing about in the waves!$" MtChimney_Text_22F978: @ 822F978 .string "That annoying TEAM AQUA…\n" .string "They always mess with our plans!$" MtChimney_Text_22F9B2: @ 822F9B2 .string "METEORITES pack amazing power!$" MtChimney_Text_22F9D1: @ 822F9D1 .string "You’d better not mess with us!\p" .string "We’re trying to awaken that thing\n" .string "for the benefit of everyone!$" MtChimney_Text_22FA2F: @ 822FA2F .string "We’re TEAM MAGMA!\p" .string "They’re TEAM AQUA!\p" .string "It totally annoys me that they’d\n" .string "use a name like ours!$" MtChimney_Text_22FA8B: @ 822FA8B .string "Yeah!\n" .string "Douse them in fire!$" MtChimney_Text_22FAA5: @ 822FAA5 .string "We’re going to keep making more land!$" MtChimney_Text_22FACB: @ 822FACB .string "Bufoh!$" MtChimney_Text_22FAD2: @ 822FAD2 .string "ARCHIE: Grr, {PLAYER}!\n" .string "I should’ve guessed you’d show up!\p" .string "See for yourself what the fanatics\n" .string "of TEAM MAGMA are up to!\p" .string "They’re trying to inject the stolen\n" .string "METEORITE’s power into the volcano!\p" .string "Doing something like that will cause\n" .string "the volcano’s eruption!$" MtChimney_Text_22FBC7: @ 822FBC7 .string "ARCHIE: Grrr…\p" .string "I want to stop that MAXIE,\n" .string "but I can’t!\p" .string "Not when I have my hands full battling\n" .string "three opponents at once!$" MtChimney_Text_22FC3D: @ 822FC3D .string "ARCHIE: {PLAYER}!\n" .string "Thank you!\p" .string "With your help, we thwarted TEAM\n" .string "MAGMA’s destructive plan!\p" .string "But… You…\n" .string "Whose side are you on?\p" .string "Ah, it doesn’t matter.\p" .string "We will remain vigilant and keep up\n" .string "our pursuit of TEAM MAGMA.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, we shall meet again!$" MtChimney_Text_22FD1F: @ 822FD1F .string "Darn… TEAM MAGMA outnumbers us!\n" .string "We can’t keep up with them!$" MtChimney_Text_22FD5B: @ 822FD5B .string "If they expand the land, there’ll be\n" .string "less habitats for WATER POKéMON!$" MtChimney_Text_22FDA1: @ 822FDA1 .string "We’re TEAM AQUA!\p" .string "They’re TEAM MAGMA!\p" .string "It burns me up that they’d use such\n" .string "a confusing name!$" MtChimney_Text_22FDFC: @ 822FDFC .string "Bushaa!$" MtChimney_Text_22FE04: @ 822FE04 .string "LAVA COOKIES are MT. CHIMNEY’s local\n" .string "specialty.\p" .string "Try one. It’s just ¥200.$" MtChimney_Text_22FE4D: @ 822FE4D .string "Thank you, dear!$" MtChimney_Text_22FE5E: @ 822FE5E .string "Oh, dear. You can’t buy a thing if\n" .string "you’ve not got the money.$" MtChimney_Text_22FE9B: @ 822FE9B .string "Oh, fine then.$" MtChimney_Text_22FEAA: @ 822FEAA .string "A METEORITE is fitted on a mysterious\n" .string "machine…\p" .string "The machine seems to be storing\n" .string "energy in the METEORITE.$" MtChimney_Text_22FF12: @ 822FF12 .string "A METEORITE is fitted on a mysterious\n" .string "machine…\p" .string "Do you want to remove the METEORITE?$" MtChimney_Text_22FF66: @ 822FF66 .string "{PLAYER} removed the METEORITE from\n" .string "the mysterious machine.$" MtChimney_Text_22FF9C: @ 822FF9C .string "{PLAYER} left the METEORITE where\n" .string "it was.$" MtChimney_Text_22FFC0: @ 822FFC0 .string "This mysterious machine…\n" .string "It makes no response whatsoever.$" MtChimney_Text_22FFFA: @ 822FFFA .string "{0x7A} JAGGED PATH\n" .string "LAVARIDGE TOWN AHEAD$" MtChimney_Text_23001D: @ 823001D .string "I’ve been to the hot springs and\n" .string "refreshed my tired bones.\l" .string "Right now I’m feeling strong!$" MtChimney_Text_230076: @ 8230076 .string "Oh, my goodness.\n" .string "Now, aren’t you something!$" MtChimney_Text_2300A2: @ 82300A2 .string "Well, well, I’ve lost. I can’t call\n" .string "myself an EXPERT now, can I?$" MtChimney_Text_2300E3: @ 82300E3 .string "Thank you, child. It was fun, as if\n" .string "I were battling my own grandchild.\p" .string "Please, come see me again for\n" .string "a rematch.$" MtChimney_Text_230153: @ 8230153 .string "If you can mesh your heart with those\n" .string "of your POKéMON, why, you should be\l" .string "able to achieve great things.$" MtChimney_Text_2301BB: @ 82301BB .string "Oh, my goodness.\n" .string "Now, aren’t you something!$" MtChimney_Text_2301E7: @ 82301E7 .string "Perhaps your heart has become one\n" .string "with the hearts of your POKéMON.$" MtChimney_Text_23022A: @ 823022A .string "I’ve got the fire in me, baby.\n" .string "I can’t stand it! I have to battle!$" MtChimney_Text_23026D: @ 823026D .string "Ooh, that was a scorching-hot match!$" MtChimney_Text_230292: @ 8230292 .string "The heat of MT. CHIMNEY warms\n" .string "me up, baby!$" MtChimney_Text_2302BD: @ 82302BD .string "I’ve finally made it to MT. CHIMNEY.\n" .string "I want to make my POKéMON battle!$" MtChimney_Text_230304: @ 8230304 .string "The way you battle…\n" .string "It’s like a MT. CHIMNEY eruption!$" MtChimney_Text_23033A: @ 823033A .string "Like I said, I’ve finally made it to\n" .string "MT. CHIMNEY. It would be a shame if\l" .string "I only do a little sightseeing…\p" .string "I want to get in some battles and buy\n" .string "COOKIES as souvenirs.$" MtChimney_Text_2303DF: @ 82303DF .string "Since I bathed in the hot springs,\n" .string "I’ve been feeling great!\l" .string "I’m sure I’m going to win!$" MtChimney_Text_230436: @ 8230436 .string "Yowch!\n" .string "I’m getting a chill out of the water.$" MtChimney_Text_230463: @ 8230463 .string "I’ll have to take another dip in the\n" .string "hot springs. Want to join me?\p" .string "Just joking!$" MtChimney_Text_2304B3: @ 82304B3 .string "This is one fine mountain! Plenty of\n" .string "hot people around for company!$" MtChimney_Text_2304F7: @ 82304F7 .string "Oh, you’re a real firebrand, too!$" MtChimney_Text_230519: @ 8230519 .string "I think I need a dip in LAVARIDGE\n" .string "HOT SPRING with the locals!$" MtChimney_Text_230557: @ 8230557 .string "I like little fireballs like you.\n" .string "Let me register you in my POKéNAV.$" MtChimney_Text_23059C: @ 823059C .string "I’m happily surrounded by hot people\n" .string "around these parts. I won’t lose!$" MtChimney_Text_2305E3: @ 82305E3 .string "Gosh, you’re still the same\n" .string "firebrand as before!$" MtChimney_Text_230614: @ 8230614 .string "Actually, it really is hot here.\n" .string "I’m overdressed for these parts.$"