#include "global.h" #include "battle_anim.h" #include "berry.h" #include "berry_powder.h" #include "bg.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "dynamic_placeholder_text_util.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "item_icon.h" #include "item_menu.h" #include "link.h" #include "link_rfu.h" #include "main.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "math_util.h" #include "menu.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" #include "minigame_countdown.h" #include "random.h" #include "digit_obj_util.h" #include "save.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" #include "script.h" #include "sound.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "task.h" #include "text.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "trig.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #define MAX_TIME (10 * 60 * 60) // Timer can go up to 9:59:59 #define TAG_CRUSHER_BASE 1 #define PALTAG_EFFECT 2 // The next two gfx tags share this pal tag #define GFXTAG_IMPACT 2 #define GFXTAG_SPARKLE 3 #define TAG_TIMER_DIGITS 4 #define TAG_PLAYER1_BERRY 5 #define TAG_PLAYER2_BERRY 6 #define TAG_PLAYER3_BERRY 7 #define TAG_PLAYER4_BERRY 8 #define TAG_PLAYER5_BERRY 9 #define TAG_COUNTDOWN 0x1000 #define CRUSHER_START_Y (-104) enum { RUN_CMD, SCHEDULE_CMD, }; // IDs for the main berry crush game functions enum { CMD_NONE, CMD_FADE, CMD_WAIT_FADE, CMD_PRINT_MSG, CMD_SHOW_GAME, CMD_HIDE_GAME, CMD_READY_BEGIN, CMD_ASK_PICK_BERRY, CMD_PICK_BERRY, CMD_WAIT_BERRIES, CMD_DROP_BERRIES, CMD_DROP_LID, CMD_COUNTDOWN, CMD_PLAY_GAME_LEADER, CMD_PLAY_GAME_MEMBER, CMD_FINISH_GAME, CMD_TIMES_UP, CMD_CALC_RESULTS, CMD_SHOW_RESULTS, CMD_SAVE, CMD_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN, CMD_COMM_PLAY_AGAIN, CMD_PLAY_AGAIN_YES, CMD_PLAY_AGAIN_NO, CMD_CLOSE_LINK, CMD_QUIT, }; enum { MSG_PICK_BERRY, MSG_WAIT_PICK, MSG_POWDER, MSG_SAVING, MSG_PLAY_AGAIN, MSG_NO_BERRIES, MSG_DROPPED, MSG_TIMES_UP, MSG_COMM_STANDBY, }; #define F_MSG_CLEAR (1 << 0) #define F_MSG_EXPAND (1 << 1) // Main states for the game. Many are assigned but never checked enum { STATE_INIT = 1, STATE_RESET, STATE_PICK_BERRY, STATE_DROP_BERRIES, STATE_DROP_LID, STATE_COUNTDOWN, STATE_PLAYING, STATE_FINISHED, STATE_TIMES_UP, STATE_10, // Unused STATE_RESULTS_PRESSES, STATE_RESULTS_RANDOM, STATE_RESULTS_CRUSHING, STATE_14, // Unused STATE_PLAY_AGAIN, }; #define RESULTS_STATE_START STATE_RESULTS_PRESSES #define RESULTS_STATE_END STATE_RESULTS_CRUSHING // IDs for each results page that shows in succession at the game's end. // Only 3 pages are shown for a given game. Presses and Crushing are always shown 1st and 3rd. // The 2nd page is random, and can be rankings for either Neatness, Cooperative, or Power. enum { RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES, RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM, RESULTS_PAGE_CRUSHING, NUM_RESULTS_PAGES, }; // Random pages, see above // "Neatness" is how many of the player's inputs were at a regular interval // "Cooperative" is how often the player pressed A at the same time as others // "Power" is how much of the time the player spent pressing A enum { RESULTS_PAGE_NEATNESS, RESULTS_PAGE_COOPERATIVE, RESULTS_PAGE_POWER, NUM_RANDOM_RESULTS_PAGES }; #define PLAY_AGAIN_YES 0 #define PLAY_AGAIN_NO 1 #define PLAY_AGAIN_NO_BERRIES 3 enum { COLORID_GRAY, COLORID_BLACK, COLORID_LIGHT_GRAY, COLORID_BLUE, COLORID_GREEN, COLORID_RED, }; // Flags for the inputFlags field // Field is 16 bits; 3 bits for each player, last bit is unused // The first two bits are interchangeable // Needlessly complicated system, the inputState field is sufficient by itself #define F_INPUT_HIT_A (1 << 0) #define F_INPUT_HIT_B (1 << 1) #define F_INPUT_HIT_SYNC (1 << 2) // Input at same time as another player #define INPUT_FLAGS_PER_PLAYER 3 #define INPUT_FLAG_MASK ((1 << INPUT_FLAGS_PER_PLAYER) - 1) // Values for the inputState field enum { INPUT_STATE_NONE, INPUT_STATE_HIT, // Hit the crusher INPUT_STATE_HIT_SYNC, // Hit the crusher at same time as another player }; // No reason for this to be 2 // Simply a flag for whether a given player has sent their data this round // Data is only sent if the player is the leader or if they pressed A #define SEND_GAME_STATE 2 struct BerryCrushGame_Player { u8 name[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1 + 4]; u16 berryId; u16 inputTime; u16 neatInputStreak; u16 timeSincePrevInput; u16 maxNeatInputStreak; u16 numAPresses; u16 numSyncedAPresses; u16 timePressingA; u8 inputFlags; u8 inputState; }; // This data is set locally and sent to the other players struct BerryCrushGame_LocalState { u16 sendFlag; bool8 endGame:1; bool8 bigSparkle:1; bool8 pushedAButton:1; u8 playerPressedAFlags:5; // 1 bit for each player s8 vibration; u16 depth; u16 timer; u16 inputFlags; u16 sparkleAmount; }; // This data is read from another player's local state above by casting the recvCmd buffer // It is identical with exception to the addition of rfuCmd struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState { u16 rfuCmd; u16 sendFlag; bool8 endGame:1; bool8 bigSparkle:1; bool8 pushedAButton:1; u8 playerPressedAFlags:5; s8 vibration; u16 depth; u16 timer; u16 inputFlags; u16 sparkleAmount; }; struct BerryCrushGame_Results { u32 powder; u16 time; u16 targetPressesPerSec; // Never read u16 silkiness; u16 totalAPresses; u16 stats[2][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; u8 playerIdsRanked[2][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS + 3]; }; // playerIdsRanked above has 3 additional elements after the players. // Only 1 of these 2*3 is ever used, and it stores the id for which // random results page to show. Its define below is for readability. #define randomPageId playerIdsRanked[0][7] // Holds position data for various player-associated graphics struct BerryCrushPlayerCoords { u8 playerId; u8 windowGfxX; u8 windowGfxY; s16 impactXOffset; s16 impactYOffset; s16 berryXOffset; s16 berryXDest; }; struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx { u8 counter; u8 vibrationIdx; u8 numVibrations; bool8 vibrating; s16 minutes; s16 secondsInt; s16 secondsFrac; const struct BerryCrushPlayerCoords *playerCoords[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; struct Sprite *coreSprite; struct Sprite *impactSprites[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; struct Sprite *berrySprites[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; struct Sprite *sparkleSprites[11]; struct Sprite *timerSprites[2]; u8 resultsState; u8 unused; u8 resultsWindowId; u8 nameWindowIds[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; u16 bgBuffers[4][0x800]; }; struct BerryCrushGame { MainCallback exitCallback; u32 (*cmdCallback)(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); u8 localId; u8 playerCount; u8 taskId; u8 textSpeed; u8 cmdState; u8 unused; // Never read u8 nextCmd; u8 afterPalFadeCmd; u16 cmdTimer; u16 gameState; u16 playAgainState; u16 pressingSpeed; s16 targetAPresses; s16 totalAPresses; s32 powder; s32 targetDepth; u8 newDepth; bool8 noRoomForPowder:1; // Never read bool8 newRecord:1; bool8 playedSound:1; bool8 endGame:1; bool8 bigSparkle:1; u8 sparkleAmount:3; u16 leaderTimer; u16 timer; s16 depth; s16 vibration; s16 bigSparkleCounter; s16 numBigSparkles; s16 numBigSparkleChecks; s16 sparkleCounter; u8 commandArgs[12]; u16 sendCmd[6]; u16 recvCmd[7]; struct BerryCrushGame_LocalState localState; struct BerryCrushGame_Results results; struct BerryCrushGame_Player players[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx gfx; }; static void VBlankCB(void); static void MainCB(void); static void MainTask(u8); static void SetNamesAndTextSpeed(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void RunOrScheduleCommand(u16, u8, u8 *); static void SetPaletteFadeArgs(u8 *, bool8, u32, s8, u8, u8, u16); static s32 UpdateGame(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void CreatePlayerNameWindows(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void DrawPlayerNameWindows(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void CopyPlayerNameWindowGfxToBg(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void CreateGameSprites(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void DestroyGameSprites(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void PrintTimer(struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *, u16); static void SpriteCB_Sparkle_Init(struct Sprite *); static void HideTimer(struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *); static void ResetGame(struct BerryCrushGame *); static void SetPrintMessageArgs(u8 *, u8, u8, u16, u8); static void SpriteCB_Impact(struct Sprite *); static u32 Cmd_BeginNormalPaletteFade(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_WaitPaletteFade(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_PrintMessage(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_ShowGameDisplay(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_HideGameDisplay(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_SignalReadyToBegin(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_AskPickBerry(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_GoToBerryPouch(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_WaitForOthersToPickBerries(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_DropBerriesIntoCrusher(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_DropLid(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_Countdown(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_PlayGame_Leader(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_PlayGame_Member(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_FinishGame(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_HandleTimeUp(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_TabulateResults(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_ShowResults(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_SaveGame(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_AskPlayAgain(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_CommunicatePlayAgainResponses(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_PlayAgain(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_StopGame(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_CloseLink(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static u32 Cmd_Quit(struct BerryCrushGame *, u8 *); static EWRAM_DATA struct BerryCrushGame *sGame = NULL; static const u8 sBitTable[] = { 1 << 0, 1 << 1, 1 << 2, 1 << 3, 1 << 4, 1 << 5, 1 << 6, 1 << 7 }; // Additional A presses are counted depending on the number of players // The bonus of 5 is unobtainable static const u8 sSyncPressBonus[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 }; ALIGNED(4) static const s8 sIntroOutroVibrationData[][7] = { { 4, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0}, { 4, 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0}, { 4, 2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0}, { 6, 3, 1, -1, -3, -1, 0}, { 6, 4, 1, -2, -4, -2, 0}, }; ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sVibrationData[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][4] = { {3, 2, 1, 0}, {3, 3, 1, 0}, {3, 3, 2, 0}, {3, 4, 2, 0}, {3, 5, 3, 0}, }; static const u8 *const sMessages[] = { [MSG_PICK_BERRY] = gText_ReadyPickBerry, [MSG_WAIT_PICK] = gText_WaitForAllChooseBerry, [MSG_POWDER] = gText_EndedWithXUnitsPowder, [MSG_SAVING] = gText_RecordingGameResults, [MSG_PLAY_AGAIN] = gText_PlayBerryCrushAgain, [MSG_NO_BERRIES] = gText_YouHaveNoBerries, [MSG_DROPPED] = gText_MemberDroppedOut, [MSG_TIMES_UP] = gText_TimesUpNoGoodPowder, [MSG_COMM_STANDBY] = gText_CommunicationStandby2, }; static const struct BgTemplate sBgTemplates[4] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 15, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0, }, { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 13, .screenSize = 2, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0, }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 12, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0, }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 11, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0, }, }; static const u8 sTextColorTable[][3] = { [COLORID_GRAY] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY}, [COLORID_BLACK] = {TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY}, [COLORID_LIGHT_GRAY] = {TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_RED}, [COLORID_BLUE] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_BLUE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}, [COLORID_GREEN] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_GREEN, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN}, [COLORID_RED] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_RED, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_RED}, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_Rankings = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 3, .tilemapTop = 4, .width = 24, .height = 13, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 1 }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplates_PlayerNames[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS + 1] = { { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 0, .width = 9, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 1005 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 3, .width = 9, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 987 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 6, .width = 9, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 969 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 21, .tilemapTop = 3, .width = 9, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 951 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 21, .tilemapTop = 6, .width = 9, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 933 }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplates_Results[] = { [STATE_RESULTS_PRESSES - RESULTS_STATE_START] = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 5, .tilemapTop = 2, .width = 20, .height = 16, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 1 }, [STATE_RESULTS_RANDOM - RESULTS_STATE_START] = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 5, .tilemapTop = 2, .width = 20, .height = 16, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 1 }, [STATE_RESULTS_CRUSHING - RESULTS_STATE_START] = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 4, .tilemapTop = 2, .width = 22, .height = 16, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 1 }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE, }; // The height of the results window depending on the number of players // 2 players, 3 players, 4 players, or 5 players static const u8 sResultsWindowHeights[][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS - 1] = { {6, 8, 9, 11}, // "Presses" and "Neatness/Cooperative/Power" pages {12, 14, 15, 16}, // "Crushing" page }; static const u32 sPressingSpeedConversionTable[] = { 50000000, // 50 25000000, // 25 12500000, // 12.5 6250000, // 6.25 3125000, // 3.125 1562500, // 1.5625 781250, // 0.78125 390625 // 0.390625 }; static const u16 sCrusherBase_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/berry_crush/crusher_base.gbapal"); static const u16 sEffects_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/berry_crush/effects.gbapal"); static const u16 sTimerDigits_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/berry_crush/timer_digits.gbapal"); static const u32 sCrusherBase_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/berry_crush/crusher_base.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sImpact_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/berry_crush/impact.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sSparkle_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/berry_crush/sparkle.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sTimerDigits_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/berry_crush/timer_digits.4bpp.lz"); static const u8 sCrusherTop_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/berry_crush/crusher_top.bin.lz"); static const u8 sContainerCap_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/berry_crush/container_cap.bin.lz"); static const u8 sBg_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/berry_crush/bg.bin.lz"); // Takes the number of players - 2 and a player id and returns the // index into sPlayerCoords where that player should be seated static const u8 sPlayerIdToPosId[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS - 1][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { {1, 3}, {0, 1, 3}, {1, 3, 2, 4}, {0, 1, 3, 2, 4}, }; static const struct BerryCrushPlayerCoords sPlayerCoords[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { { .playerId = 0, .windowGfxX = 0, .windowGfxY = 0, .impactXOffset = 0, .impactYOffset = -16, .berryXOffset = 0, .berryXDest = 0, }, { .playerId = 1, .windowGfxX = 0, .windowGfxY = 3, .impactXOffset = -28, .impactYOffset = -4, .berryXOffset = -24, .berryXDest = 16, }, { .playerId = 2, .windowGfxX = 0, .windowGfxY = 6, .impactXOffset = -16, .impactYOffset = 20, .berryXOffset = -8, .berryXDest = 16, }, { .playerId = 3, .windowGfxX = 20, .windowGfxY = 3, .impactXOffset = 28, .impactYOffset = -4, .berryXOffset = 32, .berryXDest = -8, }, { .playerId = 4, .windowGfxX = 20, .windowGfxY = 6, .impactXOffset = 16, .impactYOffset = 20, .berryXOffset = 16, .berryXDest = -8, } }; static const s8 sImpactCoords[][2] = { { 0, 0}, {-1, 0}, { 1, 1}, }; static const s8 sSparkleCoords[][2] = { { 0, 0}, {-16, -4}, { 16, -4}, { -8, -2}, { 8, -2}, {-24, -8}, { 24, -8}, {-32, -12}, { 32, -12}, {-40, -16}, { 40, -16}, }; static const u16 sPlayerBerrySpriteTags[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { TAG_PLAYER1_BERRY, TAG_PLAYER2_BERRY, TAG_PLAYER3_BERRY, TAG_PLAYER4_BERRY, TAG_PLAYER5_BERRY }; // sTimerDigits_Gfx is part of this array but is (apparently) uncompressed // It gets cast to raw uncompressed data when used in sDigitObjTemplates static const struct CompressedSpriteSheet sSpriteSheets[] = { { .data = sCrusherBase_Gfx, .size = 0x800, .tag = TAG_CRUSHER_BASE }, { .data = sImpact_Gfx, .size = 0xE00, .tag = GFXTAG_IMPACT }, { .data = sSparkle_Gfx, .size = 0x700, .tag = GFXTAG_SPARKLE }, { .data = sTimerDigits_Gfx, .size = 0x2C0, .tag = TAG_TIMER_DIGITS }, {} }; static const struct SpritePalette sSpritePals[] = { { .data = sCrusherBase_Pal, .tag = TAG_CRUSHER_BASE }, { .data = sEffects_Pal, .tag = PALTAG_EFFECT }, // For the impact and sparkle effects { .data = sTimerDigits_Pal, .tag = TAG_TIMER_DIGITS }, {} }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_CrusherBase[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Impact_Small[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(32, 4), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Impact_Big[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(48, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(80, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(96, 2), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Sparkle_Small[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(8, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(12, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 2), ANIMCMD_FRAME(20, 2), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Sparkle_Big[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(24, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(28, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(32, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(36, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(40, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(44, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(48, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(52, 4), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Timer[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(20, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_PlayerBerry[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sAffineAnim_PlayerBerry_0[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 256, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 0, 2, 1), AFFINEANIMCMD_JUMP(1) }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sAffineAnim_PlayerBerry_1[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 256, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 0, -2, 1), AFFINEANIMCMD_JUMP(1) }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_CrusherBase[] = { sAnim_CrusherBase }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Impact[] = { sAnim_Impact_Small, sAnim_Impact_Big, }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Sparkle[] = { sAnim_Sparkle_Small, sAnim_Sparkle_Big, }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Timer[] = { sAnim_Timer }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_PlayerBerry[] = { sAnim_PlayerBerry }; static const union AffineAnimCmd *const sAffineAnims_PlayerBerry[] = { sAffineAnim_PlayerBerry_0, sAffineAnim_PlayerBerry_1, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_CrusherBase = { .tileTag = TAG_CRUSHER_BASE, .paletteTag = TAG_CRUSHER_BASE, .oam = &gOamData_AffineOff_ObjNormal_64x64, .anims = sAnims_CrusherBase, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_Impact = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_IMPACT, .paletteTag = PALTAG_EFFECT, .oam = &gOamData_AffineOff_ObjNormal_32x32, .anims = sAnims_Impact, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_Impact }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_Sparkle = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_SPARKLE, .paletteTag = PALTAG_EFFECT, .oam = &gOamData_AffineOff_ObjNormal_16x16, .anims = sAnims_Sparkle, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_Timer = { .tileTag = TAG_TIMER_DIGITS, .paletteTag = TAG_TIMER_DIGITS, .oam = &gOamData_AffineOff_ObjNormal_8x16, .anims = sAnims_Timer, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_PlayerBerry = { .tileTag = TAG_PLAYER1_BERRY, .paletteTag = TAG_PLAYER1_BERRY, .oam = &gOamData_AffineDouble_ObjNormal_32x32, .anims = sAnims_PlayerBerry, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = sAffineAnims_PlayerBerry, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }; static const struct DigitObjUtilTemplate sDigitObjTemplates[] = { { // Minutes .strConvMode = 1, .shape = 2, .size = 0, .priority = 0, .oamCount = 2, .xDelta = 8, .x = 156, .y = 0, .spriteSheet = (void *) &sSpriteSheets[3], .spritePal = &sSpritePals[2], }, { // Seconds .strConvMode = 0, .shape = 2, .size = 0, .priority = 0, .oamCount = 2, .xDelta = 8, .x = 180, .y = 0, .spriteSheet = (void *) &sSpriteSheets[3], .spritePal = &sSpritePals[2], }, { // 1/60ths of a second .strConvMode = 0, .shape = 2, .size = 0, .priority = 0, .oamCount = 2, .xDelta = 8, .x = 204, .y = 0, .spriteSheet = (void *) &sSpriteSheets[3], .spritePal = &sSpritePals[2], } }; static const u8 *const sResultsTexts[] = { [RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES] = gText_SpaceTimes2, // " times" [RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM] = gText_XDotY, // "##.##", for Neatness, Cooperation, or Power value [RESULTS_PAGE_CRUSHING] = gText_Var1Berry, [RESULTS_PAGE_NEATNESS + NUM_RESULTS_PAGES] = gText_NeatnessRankings, [RESULTS_PAGE_COOPERATIVE + NUM_RESULTS_PAGES] = gText_CoopRankings, [RESULTS_PAGE_POWER + NUM_RESULTS_PAGES] = gText_PressingPowerRankings, }; static u32 (*const sBerryCrushCommands[])(struct BerryCrushGame * game, u8 * data) = { [CMD_NONE] = NULL, [CMD_FADE] = Cmd_BeginNormalPaletteFade, [CMD_WAIT_FADE] = Cmd_WaitPaletteFade, [CMD_PRINT_MSG] = Cmd_PrintMessage, [CMD_SHOW_GAME] = Cmd_ShowGameDisplay, [CMD_HIDE_GAME] = Cmd_HideGameDisplay, [CMD_READY_BEGIN] = Cmd_SignalReadyToBegin, [CMD_ASK_PICK_BERRY] = Cmd_AskPickBerry, [CMD_PICK_BERRY] = Cmd_GoToBerryPouch, [CMD_WAIT_BERRIES] = Cmd_WaitForOthersToPickBerries, [CMD_DROP_BERRIES] = Cmd_DropBerriesIntoCrusher, [CMD_DROP_LID] = Cmd_DropLid, [CMD_COUNTDOWN] = Cmd_Countdown, [CMD_PLAY_GAME_LEADER] = Cmd_PlayGame_Leader, [CMD_PLAY_GAME_MEMBER] = Cmd_PlayGame_Member, [CMD_FINISH_GAME] = Cmd_FinishGame, [CMD_TIMES_UP] = Cmd_HandleTimeUp, [CMD_CALC_RESULTS] = Cmd_TabulateResults, [CMD_SHOW_RESULTS] = Cmd_ShowResults, [CMD_SAVE] = Cmd_SaveGame, [CMD_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN] = Cmd_AskPlayAgain, [CMD_COMM_PLAY_AGAIN] = Cmd_CommunicatePlayAgainResponses, [CMD_PLAY_AGAIN_YES] = Cmd_PlayAgain, [CMD_PLAY_AGAIN_NO] = Cmd_StopGame, [CMD_CLOSE_LINK] = Cmd_CloseLink, [CMD_QUIT] = Cmd_Quit, }; // Per group size, the number of A presses required to increase the number of sparkles. static const u8 sSparkleThresholds[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS - 1][4] = { {2, 4, 6, 7}, // 2 players {3, 5, 8, 11}, // 3 players {3, 7, 11, 15}, // 4 players {4, 8, 12, 17}, // 5 players }; // Per group size, the number of A presses required to get big sparkles static const u8 sBigSparkleThresholds[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS - 1] = {5, 7, 9, 12}; static const u8 sReceivedPlayerBitmasks[] = {0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1F}; static struct BerryCrushGame * GetBerryCrushGame(void) { return sGame; } static u32 QuitBerryCrush(MainCallback exitCallback) { if (!sGame) return 2; if (!exitCallback) exitCallback = sGame->exitCallback; DestroyTask(sGame->taskId); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sGame); SetMainCallback2(exitCallback); if (exitCallback == CB2_ReturnToField) { gTextFlags.autoScroll = TRUE; PlayNewMapMusic(MUS_POKE_CENTER); SetMainCallback1(CB1_Overworld); } return 0; } #define ERROR_EXIT(exitCallback) \ { \ SetMainCallback2(exitCallback); \ gRfu.errorParam0 = 0; \ gRfu.errorParam1 = 0; \ gRfu.errorState = RFU_ERROR_STATE_OCCURRED; \ } void StartBerryCrush(MainCallback exitCallback) { u8 playerCount = 0; u8 multiplayerId; if (!gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers || gWirelessCommType == 0) { // Link disconnected ERROR_EXIT(exitCallback); return; } playerCount = GetLinkPlayerCount(); multiplayerId = GetMultiplayerId(); if (playerCount < 2 || multiplayerId >= playerCount) { // Too few players, or invalid id ERROR_EXIT(exitCallback); return; } sGame = AllocZeroed(sizeof(*sGame)); if (!sGame) { // Alloc failed ERROR_EXIT(exitCallback); return; } sGame->exitCallback = exitCallback; sGame->localId = multiplayerId; sGame->playerCount = playerCount; SetNamesAndTextSpeed(sGame); sGame->gameState = STATE_INIT; sGame->nextCmd = CMD_FADE; sGame->afterPalFadeCmd = CMD_READY_BEGIN; SetPaletteFadeArgs(sGame->commandArgs, TRUE, PALETTES_ALL, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_SHOW_GAME, 1, sGame->commandArgs); SetMainCallback2(MainCB); sGame->taskId = CreateTask(MainTask, 8); gTextFlags.autoScroll = FALSE; } static void GetBerryFromBag(void) { if (gSpecialVar_ItemId < FIRST_BERRY_INDEX || gSpecialVar_ItemId > LAST_BERRY_INDEX + 1) gSpecialVar_ItemId = FIRST_BERRY_INDEX; else RemoveBagItem(gSpecialVar_ItemId, 1); sGame->players[sGame->localId].berryId = gSpecialVar_ItemId - FIRST_BERRY_INDEX; sGame->nextCmd = CMD_FADE; sGame->afterPalFadeCmd = CMD_WAIT_BERRIES; SetPaletteFadeArgs(sGame->commandArgs, FALSE, PALETTES_ALL, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_SHOW_GAME, 1, sGame->commandArgs); sGame->taskId = CreateTask(MainTask, 8); SetMainCallback2(MainCB); } static void ChooseBerry(void) { DestroyTask(sGame->taskId); ChooseBerryForMachine(GetBerryFromBag); } static void BerryCrush_SetVBlankCB(void) { SetVBlankCallback(VBlankCB); } static void BerryCrush_InitVBlankCB(void) { SetVBlankCallback(NULL); } static void SaveResults(void) { u32 time, presses; // Calculate pressing speed ((time / 60) / presses) time = sGame->results.time; time = Q_24_8(time); time = MathUtil_Div32(time, Q_24_8(60)); presses = sGame->results.totalAPresses; presses = Q_24_8(presses); presses = MathUtil_Div32(presses, time) & 0xFFFF; sGame->pressingSpeed = presses; switch (sGame->playerCount) { case 2: if (sGame->pressingSpeed > gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[0]) { // New 2-player record sGame->newRecord = TRUE; gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[0] = sGame->pressingSpeed; } break; case 3: if (sGame->pressingSpeed > gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[1]) { // New 3-player record sGame->newRecord = TRUE; gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[1] = sGame->pressingSpeed; } break; case 4: if (sGame->pressingSpeed > gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[2]) { // New 4-player record sGame->newRecord = TRUE; gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[2] = sGame->pressingSpeed; } break; case 5: if (sGame->pressingSpeed > gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[3]) { // New 5-player record sGame->newRecord = TRUE; gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[3] = sGame->pressingSpeed; } break; } sGame->powder = sGame->results.powder; if (GiveBerryPowder(sGame->powder)) return; sGame->noRoomForPowder = TRUE; } static void VBlankCB(void) { TransferPlttBuffer(); LoadOam(); ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(); } static void MainCB(void) { RunTasks(); RunTextPrinters(); AnimateSprites(); BuildOamBuffer(); } static void MainTask(u8 taskId) { if (sGame->cmdCallback) sGame->cmdCallback(sGame, sGame->commandArgs); UpdateGame(sGame); } static void SetNamesAndTextSpeed(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) StringCopy(game->players[i].name, gLinkPlayers[i].name); for (; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) { memset(game->players[i].name, 1, PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH); game->players[i].name[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = EOS; } switch (gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsTextSpeed) { case OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_SLOW: game->textSpeed = 8; break; case OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_MID: game->textSpeed = 4; break; case OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_FAST: game->textSpeed = 1; break; } } static s32 ShowGameDisplay(void) { struct BerryCrushGame *game = GetBerryCrushGame(); if (!game) return -1; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: SetVBlankCallback(NULL); SetHBlankCallback(NULL); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); ScanlineEffect_Stop(); ResetTempTileDataBuffers(); break; case 1: CpuFill16(0, (void *)OAM, OAM_SIZE); gReservedSpritePaletteCount = 0; DigitObjUtil_Init(3); break; case 2: ResetPaletteFade(); ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); break; case 3: ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sBgTemplates, ARRAY_COUNT(sBgTemplates)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(1, game->gfx.bgBuffers[0]); SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, game->gfx.bgBuffers[2]); SetBgTilemapBuffer(3, game->gfx.bgBuffers[3]); ChangeBgX(0, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(0, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgX(2, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(2, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgX(3, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(3, 0, BG_COORD_SET); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); break; case 4: FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(1, 0, 0, 0, 32, 64); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(2, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(3, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); break; case 5: CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); DecompressAndCopyTileDataToVram(1, gBerryCrush_Crusher_Gfx, 0, 0, 0); break; case 6: if (FreeTempTileDataBuffersIfPossible()) return 0; InitStandardTextBoxWindows(); InitTextBoxGfxAndPrinters(); CreatePlayerNameWindows(game); DrawPlayerNameWindows(game); gPaletteFade.bufferTransferDisabled = TRUE; break; case 7: LoadPalette(gBerryCrush_Crusher_Pal, 0, 0x180); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(1, sCrusherTop_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(2, sContainerCap_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, sBg_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyPlayerNameWindowGfxToBg(game); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); break; case 8: LoadWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteGfx(); CreateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(0, 0); CreateGameSprites(game); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, -gSpriteCoordOffsetY); ChangeBgX(1, 0, BG_COORD_SET); ChangeBgY(1, 0, BG_COORD_SET); break; case 9: gPaletteFade.bufferTransferDisabled = FALSE; BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 16, RGB_BLACK); ShowBg(0); ShowBg(1); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); SetGpuRegBits(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_ON | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP); BerryCrush_SetVBlankCB(); game->cmdState = 0; return 1; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static s32 HideGameDisplay(void) { struct BerryCrushGame *game = GetBerryCrushGame(); if (!game) return -1; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 1: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; // fall through // This will call BeginNormalPaletteFade() twice. #ifdef BUGFIX break; #endif case 2: BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); UpdatePaletteFade(); break; case 3: if (UpdatePaletteFade()) return 0; break; case 4: FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(1, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(2, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(3, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); break; case 5: FreeAllWindowBuffers(); HideBg(0); UnsetBgTilemapBuffer(0); HideBg(1); UnsetBgTilemapBuffer(1); HideBg(2); UnsetBgTilemapBuffer(2); HideBg(3); UnsetBgTilemapBuffer(3); ClearGpuRegBits(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_ON | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP); break; case 6: DestroyWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(); DestroyGameSprites(game); DigitObjUtil_Free(); break; case 7: game->cmdState = 0; return 1; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } // Handles the crusher vibration and the timer static s32 UpdateGame(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { gSpriteCoordOffsetY = game->depth + game->vibration; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, -gSpriteCoordOffsetY); if (game->gameState == STATE_PLAYING) PrintTimer(&game->gfx, game->timer); return 0; } static void ResetCrusherPos(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { game->depth = CRUSHER_START_Y; game->vibration = 0; gSpriteCoordOffsetX = 0; gSpriteCoordOffsetY = CRUSHER_START_Y; } // Sprite data for berry sprites. Identical to fields for sparkle sprites #define sX data[0] #define sYSpeed data[1] #define sYAccel data[2] #define sXSpeed data[3] #define sSinIdx data[4] #define sSinSpeed data[5] #define sAmplitude data[6] // The last element (data[7]) is a bitfield. // The first 15 bits are the y coord to stop at. // The last bit is a flag for whether or not to move horizontally too #define sBitfield data[7] #define MASK_TARGET_Y 0x7FFF #define F_MOVE_HORIZ 0x8000 static void CreateBerrySprites(struct BerryCrushGame *game, struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx) { u8 i; u8 spriteId; s16 distance, var1; s16 *data; s32 amplitude; s16 speed; u32 var2; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { spriteId = AddCustomItemIconSprite( &sSpriteTemplate_PlayerBerry, sPlayerBerrySpriteTags[i], sPlayerBerrySpriteTags[i], game->players[i].berryId + FIRST_BERRY_INDEX); gfx->berrySprites[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; gfx->berrySprites[i]->oam.priority = 3; gfx->berrySprites[i]->affineAnimPaused = TRUE; gfx->berrySprites[i]->x = gfx->playerCoords[i]->berryXOffset + 120; gfx->berrySprites[i]->y = -16; data = gfx->berrySprites[i]->data; speed = 512; sYSpeed = speed; sYAccel = 32; sBitfield = 112; // Setting bits in MASK_TARGET_Y distance = gfx->playerCoords[i]->berryXDest - gfx->playerCoords[i]->berryXOffset; amplitude = distance; if (distance < 0) amplitude += 3; sAmplitude = amplitude >> 2; distance *= 128; var2 = speed + 32; var2 = var2 / 2; var1 = MathUtil_Div16Shift(7, Q_8_8(63.5), var2); sX = (u16)gfx->berrySprites[i]->x * 128; sXSpeed = MathUtil_Div16Shift(7, distance, var1); var1 = MathUtil_Mul16Shift(7, var1, 85); sSinIdx = 0; sSinSpeed = MathUtil_Div16Shift(7, Q_8_8(63.5), var1); sBitfield |= F_MOVE_HORIZ; if (gfx->playerCoords[i]->berryXOffset < 0) StartSpriteAffineAnim(gfx->berrySprites[i], 1); } } static void SpriteCB_DropBerryIntoCrusher(struct Sprite *sprite) { s16 *data = sprite->data; sYSpeed += sYAccel; sprite->y2 += sYSpeed >> 8; if (sBitfield & F_MOVE_HORIZ) { sprite->sX += sXSpeed; sSinIdx += sSinSpeed; sprite->x2 = Sin(sSinIdx >> 7, sAmplitude); if ((sBitfield & F_MOVE_HORIZ) && (sSinIdx >> 7) > 126) { sprite->x2 = 0; sBitfield &= MASK_TARGET_Y; } } sprite->x = sX >> 7; if (sprite->y + sprite->y2 >= (sBitfield & MASK_TARGET_Y)) { sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; FreeSpriteOamMatrix(sprite); DestroySprite(sprite); } } #undef sX #undef sYSpeed #undef sYAccel #undef sXSpeed #undef sSinIdx #undef sSinSpeed #undef sAmplitude #undef sBitfield #undef MASK_TARGET_Y #undef F_MOVE_HORIZ static void BerryCrushFreeBerrySpriteGfx(struct BerryCrushGame *game, struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { FreeSpritePaletteByTag(sPlayerBerrySpriteTags[i]); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(sPlayerBerrySpriteTags[i]); } } static void UpdateInputEffects(struct BerryCrushGame *game, struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx) { u8 numPlayersPressed; struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState *linkState; u8 i; u16 temp1, xModifier; numPlayersPressed = 0; linkState = (struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState *)game->recvCmd; // Read inputs and update impact effects for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { #define flags temp1 flags = linkState->inputFlags >> (i * INPUT_FLAGS_PER_PLAYER); flags &= INPUT_FLAG_MASK; if (flags) { numPlayersPressed++; if (flags & F_INPUT_HIT_SYNC) StartSpriteAnim(gfx->impactSprites[i], 1); // Big impact sprite else StartSpriteAnim(gfx->impactSprites[i], 0); // Small impact sprite gfx->impactSprites[i]->invisible = FALSE; gfx->impactSprites[i]->animPaused = FALSE; gfx->impactSprites[i]->x2 = sImpactCoords[(flags % (ARRAY_COUNT(sImpactCoords) + 1)) - 1][0]; gfx->impactSprites[i]->y2 = sImpactCoords[(flags % (ARRAY_COUNT(sImpactCoords) + 1)) - 1][1]; } #undef flags } if (numPlayersPressed == 0) { game->playedSound = FALSE; } else { // Update sparkle effect #define yModifier temp1 yModifier = (u8)(game->timer % 3); xModifier = yModifier; for (i = 0; i < linkState->sparkleAmount * 2 + 3; i++) { if (gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->invisible) { gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->callback = SpriteCB_Sparkle_Init; gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->x = sSparkleCoords[i][0] + 120; gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->y = sSparkleCoords[i][1] + 136 - (yModifier * 4); gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->x2 = sSparkleCoords[i][0] + (sSparkleCoords[i][0] / (xModifier * 4)); gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->y2 = sSparkleCoords[i][1]; if (linkState->bigSparkle) StartSpriteAnim(gfx->sparkleSprites[i], 1); else StartSpriteAnim(gfx->sparkleSprites[i], 0); yModifier++; if (yModifier > 3) yModifier = 0; } } #undef yModifier if (game->playedSound) { game->playedSound = FALSE; } else { if (numPlayersPressed == 1) PlaySE(SE_MUD_BALL); else PlaySE(SE_BREAKABLE_DOOR); game->playedSound = TRUE; } } } static bool32 AreEffectsFinished(struct BerryCrushGame *game, struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx) { u8 i; // Are any impact sprites active for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { if (!gfx->impactSprites[i]->invisible) return FALSE; } // Are any sparkle sprites active for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gfx->sparkleSprites); i++) { if (!gfx->sparkleSprites[i]->invisible) return FALSE; } if (game->vibration != 0) game->vibration = 0; return TRUE; } static void FramesToMinSec(struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx, u16 frames) { u8 i = 0; u32 fractionalFrames = 0; s16 r3 = 0; gfx->minutes = frames / (60 * 60); gfx->secondsInt = (frames % (60 * 60)) / 60; r3 = MathUtil_Mul16(Q_8_8(frames % 60), 4); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((r3 >> (7 - i)) & 1) fractionalFrames += sPressingSpeedConversionTable[i]; } gfx->secondsFrac = fractionalFrames / 1000000; } static void PrintTextCentered(u8 windowId, u8 left, u8 colorId, const u8 *string) { left = (left * 4) - (GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, string, -1) / 2u); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(windowId, FONT_SHORT, left, 0, sTextColorTable[colorId], 0, string); } static void PrintResultsText(struct BerryCrushGame * game, u8 page, u8 sp14, u8 baseY) { u8 i, j; u8 playerId = 0; u8 ranking = 0; s32 x; u8 stat; struct BerryCrushGame_Results * results = &game->results; u32 xOffset; s32 y; baseY -= 16; if (page == RESULTS_PAGE_CRUSHING) baseY -= 42; y = baseY - 14 * game->playerCount; if (y > 0) y = y / 2 + 16; else y = 16; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; y += 14, i++) { DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_Reset(); switch (page) { case RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES: playerId = results->playerIdsRanked[page][i]; if (i != 0 && results->stats[page][i] != results->stats[page][i - 1]) ranking = i; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar4, results->stats[page][i], STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 4); StringAppend(gStringVar4, sResultsTexts[page]); break; case RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM: playerId = results->playerIdsRanked[page][i]; if (i != 0 && results->stats[page][i] != results->stats[page][i - 1]) ranking = i; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, results->stats[page][i] >> 4, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); xOffset = 0; stat = results->stats[page][i] & 15; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) if ((stat >> (3 - j)) & 1) xOffset += sPressingSpeedConversionTable[j]; stat = xOffset / 1000000u; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, stat, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 2); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, sResultsTexts[page]); break; case RESULTS_PAGE_CRUSHING: playerId = i; ranking = i; j = game->players[i].berryId; if (j >= LAST_BERRY_INDEX - FIRST_BERRY_INDEX + 2) j = 0; StringCopy(gStringVar1, gBerries[j].name); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, sResultsTexts[page]); break; } x = GetStringRightAlignXOffset(FONT_SHORT, gStringVar4, sp14 - 4); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); if (playerId == game->localId) StringCopy(gStringVar3, gText_1DotBlueF700); else StringCopy(gStringVar3, gText_1DotF700); gStringVar3[0] = ranking + CHAR_1; DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_SetPlaceholderPtr(0, game->players[playerId].name); DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_ExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gStringVar3); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, 4, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); } } static void PrintCrushingResults(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i = 0; u8 x = 0; u32 pressingSpeedFrac = 0; struct BerryCrushGame_Results *results = &game->results; u8 y = GetWindowAttribute(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, WINDOW_HEIGHT) * 8 - 42; FramesToMinSec(&game->gfx, results->time); // Print time text AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_TimeColon); // Print seconds text x = 176 - (u8)GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gText_SpaceSec, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_SpaceSec); // Print seconds value ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, game->gfx.secondsInt, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 2); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, game->gfx.secondsFrac, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 2); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_XDotY2); x -= GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gStringVar4, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); // Print minutes text x -= GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gText_SpaceMin, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_SpaceMin); // Print minutes value ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, game->gfx.minutes, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 1); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_StrVar1); x -= GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gStringVar4, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); // Print pressing speed text y += 14; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, 0, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_PressingSpeed); x = 176 - (u8)GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gText_TimesPerSec, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_TimesPerSec); // Print pressing speed value for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (((u8)game->pressingSpeed >> (7 - i)) & 1) pressingSpeedFrac += *(i + sPressingSpeedConversionTable); // It's accessed in a different way here for unknown reason ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, game->pressingSpeed >> 8, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, pressingSpeedFrac / 1000000, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 2); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_XDotY3); x -= GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gStringVar4, -1); if (game->newRecord) AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_RED], 0, gStringVar4); else AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); // Print silkiness text y += 14; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, 0, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_Silkiness); // Print silkiness value ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, results->silkiness, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_Var1Percent); x = 176 - (u8)GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, gStringVar4, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, FONT_SHORT, x, y, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); } static bool32 OpenResultsWindow(struct BerryCrushGame *game, struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx) { u8 playerCountIdx; struct WindowTemplate template; switch (gfx->resultsState) { case 0: playerCountIdx = game->playerCount - 2; HideTimer(gfx); memcpy(&template, &sWindowTemplates_Results[game->gameState - RESULTS_STATE_START], sizeof(struct WindowTemplate)); if (game->gameState == STATE_RESULTS_CRUSHING) template.height = sResultsWindowHeights[1][playerCountIdx]; else template.height = sResultsWindowHeights[0][playerCountIdx]; gfx->resultsWindowId = AddWindow(&template); break; case 1: PutWindowTilemap(gfx->resultsWindowId); FillWindowPixelBuffer(gfx->resultsWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(0)); break; case 2: LoadUserWindowBorderGfx_(gfx->resultsWindowId, 541, 208); DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(gfx->resultsWindowId, FALSE, 541, 13); break; case 3: playerCountIdx = game->playerCount - 2; switch (game->gameState) { case STATE_RESULTS_PRESSES: PrintTextCentered(gfx->resultsWindowId, 20, COLORID_BLUE, gText_PressesRankings); PrintResultsText(game, RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES, 0xA0, 8 * sResultsWindowHeights[0][playerCountIdx]); gfx->resultsState = 5; // Skip past Crushing Results text return FALSE; case STATE_RESULTS_RANDOM: PrintTextCentered(gfx->resultsWindowId, 20, COLORID_GREEN, sResultsTexts[game->results.randomPageId + NUM_RESULTS_PAGES]); PrintResultsText(game, RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM, 0xA0, 8 * sResultsWindowHeights[0][playerCountIdx]); gfx->resultsState = 5; // Skip past Crushing Results text return FALSE; case STATE_RESULTS_CRUSHING: PrintTextCentered(gfx->resultsWindowId, 22, COLORID_BLUE, gText_CrushingResults); PrintResultsText(game, RESULTS_PAGE_CRUSHING, 0xB0, 8 * sResultsWindowHeights[1][playerCountIdx]); break; } break; case 4: PrintCrushingResults(game); break; case 5: CopyWindowToVram(gfx->resultsWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); gfx->resultsState = 0; return TRUE; } gfx->resultsState++; return FALSE; } static void CloseResultsWindow(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(game->gfx.resultsWindowId, TRUE); RemoveWindow(game->gfx.resultsWindowId); DrawPlayerNameWindows(game); } #define tState data[0] #define tWindowId data[1] #define tPressingSpeeds(i) data[2 + (i)] // data[2]-[5], for different group sizes static void Task_ShowRankings(u8 taskId) { u8 i = 0, j, xPos, yPos; u32 score = 0; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; switch (tState) { case 0: tWindowId = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplate_Rankings); PutWindowTilemap(tWindowId); FillWindowPixelBuffer(tWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(0)); LoadUserWindowBorderGfx_(tWindowId, 541, 208); DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(tWindowId, FALSE, 541, 13); break; case 1: // Print header text xPos = 96 - GetStringWidth(FONT_NORMAL, gText_BerryCrush2, -1) / 2u; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(tWindowId, FONT_NORMAL, xPos, 1, sTextColorTable[COLORID_BLUE], 0, gText_BerryCrush2); xPos = 96 - GetStringWidth(FONT_NORMAL, gText_PressingSpeedRankings, -1) / 2u; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(tWindowId, FONT_NORMAL, xPos, 17, sTextColorTable[COLORID_BLUE], 0, gText_PressingSpeedRankings); // Print pressing speed record for each group size, ranked yPos = 41; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS - 1; i++) { ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, i + 2, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 1); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_Var1Players); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(tWindowId, FONT_NORMAL, 0, yPos, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); xPos = 192 - (u8)GetStringWidth(FONT_NORMAL, gText_TimesPerSec, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(tWindowId, FONT_NORMAL, xPos, yPos, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gText_TimesPerSec); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (((tPressingSpeeds(i) & 0xFF) >> (7 - j)) & 1) score += sPressingSpeedConversionTable[j]; } ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, (u16)tPressingSpeeds(i) >> 8, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, score / 1000000, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 2); StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_XDotY3); xPos -= GetStringWidth(FONT_NORMAL, gStringVar4, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(tWindowId, FONT_NORMAL, xPos, yPos, sTextColorTable[COLORID_GRAY], 0, gStringVar4); yPos += 16; score = 0; } CopyWindowToVram(tWindowId, COPYWIN_FULL); break; case 2: if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) break; else return; case 3: ClearStdWindowAndFrameToTransparent(tWindowId, TRUE); ClearWindowTilemap(tWindowId); RemoveWindow(tWindowId); DestroyTask(taskId); ScriptContext_Enable(); UnlockPlayerFieldControls(); tState = 0; return; } tState++; } void ShowBerryCrushRankings(void) { u8 taskId; LockPlayerFieldControls(); taskId = CreateTask(Task_ShowRankings, 0); gTasks[taskId].tPressingSpeeds(0) = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[0]; gTasks[taskId].tPressingSpeeds(1) = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[1]; gTasks[taskId].tPressingSpeeds(2) = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[2]; gTasks[taskId].tPressingSpeeds(3) = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryCrush.pressingSpeeds[3]; } static void PrintTimer(struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx, u16 timer) { FramesToMinSec(gfx, timer); DigitObjUtil_PrintNumOn(0, gfx->minutes); DigitObjUtil_PrintNumOn(1, gfx->secondsInt); DigitObjUtil_PrintNumOn(2, gfx->secondsFrac); } static void HideTimer(struct BerryCrushGame_Gfx *gfx) { gfx->timerSprites[0]->invisible = TRUE; gfx->timerSprites[1]->invisible = TRUE; DigitObjUtil_HideOrShow(2, TRUE); DigitObjUtil_HideOrShow(1, TRUE); DigitObjUtil_HideOrShow(0, TRUE); } static void CreatePlayerNameWindows(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { game->gfx.playerCoords[i] = &sPlayerCoords[sPlayerIdToPosId[game->playerCount - 2][i]]; game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplates_PlayerNames[game->gfx.playerCoords[i]->playerId]); PutWindowTilemap(game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i]); FillWindowPixelBuffer(game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i], 0); } } static void DrawPlayerNameWindows(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { PutWindowTilemap(game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i]); if (i == game->localId) { // Print the player's name AddTextPrinterParameterized4( game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i], FONT_SHORT, 36 - GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, game->players[i].name, 0) / 2u, 1, 0, 0, sTextColorTable[COLORID_BLACK], 0, game->players[i].name ); } else { // Print a partner's name AddTextPrinterParameterized4( game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i], FONT_SHORT, 36 - GetStringWidth(FONT_SHORT, game->players[i].name, 0) / 2u, 1, 0, 0, sTextColorTable[COLORID_LIGHT_GRAY], 0, game->players[i].name ); } CopyWindowToVram(game->gfx.nameWindowIds[i], COPYWIN_FULL); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); } // Each player name window border uses a color that corresponds to a slot of the crusher lid static void CopyPlayerNameWindowGfxToBg(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i = 0; u8 * windowGfx; LZ77UnCompWram(gBerryCrush_TextWindows_Tilemap, gDecompressionBuffer); for (windowGfx = gDecompressionBuffer; i < game->playerCount; i++) { CopyToBgTilemapBufferRect( 3, &windowGfx[game->gfx.playerCoords[i]->playerId * 40], game->gfx.playerCoords[i]->windowGfxX, game->gfx.playerCoords[i]->windowGfxY, 10, 2 ); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } static void CreateGameSprites(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i = 0; u8 spriteId; game->depth = CRUSHER_START_Y; game->vibration = 0; gSpriteCoordOffsetX = 0; gSpriteCoordOffsetY = CRUSHER_START_Y; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sSpriteSheets) - 1; i++) LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheets[i]); LoadSpritePalettes(sSpritePals); // Create sprite for crusher base spriteId = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_CrusherBase, 120, 88, 5); game->gfx.coreSprite = &gSprites[spriteId]; game->gfx.coreSprite->oam.priority = 3; game->gfx.coreSprite->coordOffsetEnabled = TRUE; game->gfx.coreSprite->animPaused = TRUE; // Create sprites for the impact effect for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { spriteId = CreateSprite( &sSpriteTemplate_Impact, game->gfx.playerCoords[i]->impactXOffset + 120, game->gfx.playerCoords[i]->impactYOffset + 32, 0 ); game->gfx.impactSprites[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; game->gfx.impactSprites[i]->oam.priority = 1; game->gfx.impactSprites[i]->invisible = TRUE; game->gfx.impactSprites[i]->coordOffsetEnabled = TRUE; game->gfx.impactSprites[i]->animPaused = TRUE; } // Create sprites for sparkle effect for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(game->gfx.sparkleSprites); i++) { spriteId = CreateSprite( &sSpriteTemplate_Sparkle, sSparkleCoords[i][0] + 120, sSparkleCoords[i][1] + 136, 6 ); game->gfx.sparkleSprites[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; game->gfx.sparkleSprites[i]->oam.priority = 3; game->gfx.sparkleSprites[i]->invisible = TRUE; game->gfx.sparkleSprites[i]->animPaused = TRUE; game->gfx.sparkleSprites[i]->data[0] = i; } // Create sprites for timer for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(game->gfx.timerSprites); i++) { spriteId = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_Timer, 24 * i + 176, 8, 0); game->gfx.timerSprites[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; game->gfx.timerSprites[i]->oam.priority = 0; game->gfx.timerSprites[i]->invisible = FALSE; game->gfx.timerSprites[i]->animPaused = FALSE; } DigitObjUtil_CreatePrinter(0, 0, &sDigitObjTemplates[0]); DigitObjUtil_CreatePrinter(1, 0, &sDigitObjTemplates[1]); DigitObjUtil_CreatePrinter(2, 0, &sDigitObjTemplates[2]); if (game->gameState == STATE_INIT) HideTimer(&game->gfx); } static void DestroyGameSprites(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i = 0; FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_TIMER_DIGITS); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(GFXTAG_SPARKLE); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(GFXTAG_IMPACT); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_CRUSHER_BASE); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(TAG_TIMER_DIGITS); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(PALTAG_EFFECT); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(TAG_CRUSHER_BASE); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(game->gfx.timerSprites); i++) DestroySprite(game->gfx.timerSprites[i]); DigitObjUtil_DeletePrinter(2); DigitObjUtil_DeletePrinter(1); DigitObjUtil_DeletePrinter(0); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(game->gfx.sparkleSprites); i++) DestroySprite(game->gfx.sparkleSprites[i]); for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) DestroySprite(game->gfx.impactSprites[i]); if (game->gfx.coreSprite->inUse) DestroySprite(game->gfx.coreSprite); } static void SpriteCB_Impact(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->animEnded) { sprite->invisible = TRUE; sprite->animPaused = TRUE; } } static void SpriteCB_Sparkle_End(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sprite->data); i++) sprite->data[i] = 0; sprite->x2 = 0; sprite->y2 = 0; sprite->invisible = TRUE; sprite->animPaused = TRUE; sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } #define sX data[0] #define sYSpeed data[1] #define sYAccel data[2] #define sXSpeed data[3] #define sSinIdx data[4] #define sSinSpeed data[5] #define sAmplitude data[6] // The last element (data[7]) is a bitfield. // The first 15 bits are the y coord to stop at. // The last bit is a flag for whether or not to move on the x too #define sBitfield data[7] #define MASK_TARGET_Y 0x7FFF #define F_MOVE_HORIZ 0x8000 static void SpriteCB_Sparkle(struct Sprite *sprite) { s16 *data = sprite->data; sYSpeed += sYAccel; sprite->y2 += sYSpeed >> 8; if (sBitfield & F_MOVE_HORIZ) { sprite->sX += sXSpeed; sSinIdx += sSinSpeed; sprite->x2 = Sin(sSinIdx >> 7, sAmplitude); if (sBitfield & F_MOVE_HORIZ && sSinIdx >> 7 > 126) { sprite->x2 = 0; sBitfield &= MASK_TARGET_Y; } } sprite->x = sX >> 7; if (sprite->y + sprite->y2 > (sBitfield & MASK_TARGET_Y)) sprite->callback = SpriteCB_Sparkle_End; } static void SpriteCB_Sparkle_Init(struct Sprite *sprite) { s16 *data = sprite->data; s16 xMult, xDiv; s32 var; u32 zero = 0; var = 640; sYSpeed = var; sYAccel = 32; sBitfield = 168; // Setting bits in MASK_TARGET_Y xMult = sprite->x2 * 128; xDiv = MathUtil_Div16Shift(7, (168 - sprite->y) << 7, (var + 32) >> 1); sprite->sX = sprite->x << 7; sXSpeed = MathUtil_Div16Shift(7, xMult, xDiv); var = MathUtil_Mul16Shift(7, xDiv, 85); sSinIdx = zero; sSinSpeed = MathUtil_Div16Shift(7, Q_8_8(63.5), var); sAmplitude = sprite->x2 / 4; sBitfield |= F_MOVE_HORIZ; sprite->y2 = zero; sprite->x2 = zero; sprite->callback = SpriteCB_Sparkle; sprite->animPaused = FALSE; sprite->invisible = FALSE; } #undef sX #undef sYSpeed #undef sYAccel #undef sXSpeed #undef sSinIdx #undef sSinSpeed #undef sAmplitude #undef sBitfield #undef MASK_TARGET_Y #undef F_MOVE_HORIZ static void RunOrScheduleCommand(u16 cmdId, u8 mode, u8 *args) { struct BerryCrushGame *game = GetBerryCrushGame(); if (cmdId >= ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryCrushCommands)) cmdId = CMD_NONE; switch (mode) { case RUN_CMD: if (cmdId != CMD_NONE) sBerryCrushCommands[cmdId](game, args); if (game->nextCmd >= ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryCrushCommands)) game->nextCmd = CMD_NONE; game->cmdCallback = sBerryCrushCommands[game->nextCmd]; break; case SCHEDULE_CMD: game->cmdCallback = sBerryCrushCommands[cmdId]; break; } } static u32 Cmd_BeginNormalPaletteFade(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { // args points to packed values: // bytes 0-3: selectedPals (bitfield) // byte 4: delay // byte 5: startY // byte 6: stopY // bytes 7-8: fade color // byte 9: if TRUE, communicate on fade complete u16 color; u32 selectedPals[2]; selectedPals[0] = (u32)args[0]; selectedPals[1] = (u32)args[1]; selectedPals[1] <<= 8; selectedPals[0] |= selectedPals[1]; selectedPals[1] = (u32)args[2]; selectedPals[1] <<= 16; selectedPals[0] |= selectedPals[1]; selectedPals[1] = (u32)args[3]; selectedPals[1] <<= 24; selectedPals[0] |= selectedPals[1]; args[0] = args[9]; color = args[8]; color <<= 8; color |= args[7]; gPaletteFade.bufferTransferDisabled = FALSE; BeginNormalPaletteFade(selectedPals[0], args[4], args[5], args[6], color); UpdatePaletteFade(); game->nextCmd = CMD_WAIT_FADE; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_WaitPaletteFade(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: if (UpdatePaletteFade()) return 0; if(args[0] != 0) game->cmdState++; else game->cmdState = 3; return 0; case 1: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); game->cmdState++; return 0; case 2: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { game->cmdState++; return 0; } return 0; case 3: RunOrScheduleCommand(game->afterPalFadeCmd, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 0; return 0; default: game->cmdState++; return 0; } } static u32 Cmd_PrintMessage(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { u16 keys = args[3]; keys <<= 8; keys |= args[2]; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: DrawDialogueFrame(0, FALSE); if (args[1] & F_MSG_EXPAND) { StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, sMessages[args[0]]); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, gStringVar4, game->textSpeed, 0, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY); } else { AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, sMessages[args[0]], game->textSpeed, 0, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY); } CopyWindowToVram(0, COPYWIN_FULL); break; case 1: if (!IsTextPrinterActive(0)) { // If no wait keys are given, skip // waiting state below if (keys == 0) game->cmdState++; break; } return 0; case 2: if (!JOY_NEW(keys)) return 0; break; case 3: if (args[1] & F_MSG_CLEAR) ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(0, TRUE); RunOrScheduleCommand(game->nextCmd, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = args[4]; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_ShowGameDisplay(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { if (ShowGameDisplay()) RunOrScheduleCommand(game->nextCmd, RUN_CMD, game->commandArgs); return 0; } static u32 Cmd_HideGameDisplay(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { if (HideGameDisplay()) RunOrScheduleCommand(game->nextCmd, RUN_CMD, game->commandArgs); return 0; } static u32 Cmd_SignalReadyToBegin(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 1: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { PlayNewMapMusic(MUS_RG_GAME_CORNER); RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_ASK_PICK_BERRY, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_PICK_BERRY; game->cmdState = 0; } return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_AskPickBerry(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { default: game->cmdState++; break; case 0: ResetGame(game); SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_PICK_BERRY, F_MSG_CLEAR, 0, 1); game->nextCmd = CMD_ASK_PICK_BERRY; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); break; case 1: game->nextCmd = CMD_PICK_BERRY; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_HIDE_GAME, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 2; break; } return 0; } static u32 Cmd_GoToBerryPouch(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { game->cmdCallback = NULL; SetMainCallback2(ChooseBerry); return 0; } static u32 Cmd_WaitForOthersToPickBerries(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { u8 i; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_WAIT_PICK, 0, 0, 1); game->nextCmd = CMD_WAIT_BERRIES; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); return 0; case 1: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 2: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; // Send player's chosen berry to partners memset(game->sendCmd, 0, sizeof(game->sendCmd)); game->sendCmd[0] = game->players[game->localId].berryId; SendBlock(0, game->sendCmd, 2); break; case 3: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; game->cmdTimer = 0; break; case 4: // Wait for partners responses if (GetBlockReceivedStatus() != sReceivedPlayerBitmasks[game->playerCount - 2]) return 0; // Read partners chosen berries for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { game->players[i].berryId = gBlockRecvBuffer[i][0]; if (game->players[i].berryId > LAST_BERRY_INDEX + 1) game->players[i].berryId = 0; game->targetAPresses += gBerryCrush_BerryData[game->players[i].berryId].difficulty; game->powder += gBerryCrush_BerryData[game->players[i].berryId].powder; } game->cmdTimer = 0; ResetBlockReceivedFlags(); game->targetDepth = MathUtil_Div32(Q_24_8(game->targetAPresses), Q_24_8(32)); break; case 5: ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(0, TRUE); RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_DROP_BERRIES, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_DROP_BERRIES; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_DropBerriesIntoCrusher(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: CreateBerrySprites(game, &game->gfx); Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 1: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; game->gfx.counter = 0; game->gfx.vibrationIdx = 0; game->gfx.numVibrations = 0; game->gfx.vibrating = FALSE; break; case 2: game->gfx.berrySprites[game->gfx.counter]->callback = SpriteCB_DropBerryIntoCrusher; game->gfx.berrySprites[game->gfx.counter]->affineAnimPaused = FALSE; PlaySE(SE_BALL_THROW); break; case 3: if (game->gfx.berrySprites[game->gfx.counter]->callback == SpriteCB_DropBerryIntoCrusher) return 0; game->gfx.berrySprites[game->gfx.counter] = NULL; game->gfx.counter++; Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 4: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; if (game->gfx.counter < game->playerCount) { game->cmdState = 2; return 0; } game->gfx.counter = 0; break; case 5: BerryCrushFreeBerrySpriteGfx(game, &game->gfx); Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 6: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; PlaySE(SE_FALL); RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_DROP_LID, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_DROP_LID; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_DropLid(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: game->depth += 4; if (game->depth < 0) return 0; game->depth = 0; game->gfx.vibrationIdx = 4; game->gfx.counter = 0; game->gfx.numVibrations = sIntroOutroVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][0]; PlaySE(SE_M_STRENGTH); break; case 1: game->vibration = sIntroOutroVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][game->gfx.counter]; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, -game->vibration); game->gfx.counter++; if (game->gfx.counter < game->gfx.numVibrations) return 0; if (game->gfx.vibrationIdx == 0) break; game->gfx.vibrationIdx--; game->gfx.numVibrations = sIntroOutroVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][0]; game->gfx.counter = 0; return 0; case 2: game->vibration = 0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 3: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_COUNTDOWN, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_COUNTDOWN; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_Countdown(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 1: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; StartMinigameCountdown(TAG_COUNTDOWN, TAG_COUNTDOWN, 120, 80, 0); break; case 2: if (IsMinigameCountdownRunning()) return 0; // fallthrough case 0: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 3: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; game->gfx.counter = 0; game->gfx.vibrationIdx = 0; game->gfx.numVibrations = 0; game->gfx.vibrating = FALSE; game->cmdTimer = 0; if (game->localId == 0) RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PLAY_GAME_LEADER, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); else RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PLAY_GAME_MEMBER, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_PLAYING; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } // Receive and process data from all players // Only used by the link leader static void HandlePartnerInput(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 numPlayersPressed = 0; u8 i = 0; u16 timeDiff; s32 temp = 0; struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState *linkState; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { linkState = (struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState *)gRecvCmds[i]; // Skip player if we have not received a packet from them if ((linkState->rfuCmd & RFUCMD_MASK) != RFUCMD_SEND_PACKET) continue; if (linkState->sendFlag != SEND_GAME_STATE) continue; if (linkState->pushedAButton) { game->localState.playerPressedAFlags |= sBitTable[i]; game->players[i].inputState = INPUT_STATE_HIT; game->players[i].numAPresses++; numPlayersPressed++; timeDiff = game->timer - game->players[i].inputTime; // If the interval between inputs is regular, the input is considered "neat" // This counts toward the player's neatness score if (timeDiff >= game->players[i].timeSincePrevInput - 1 && timeDiff <= game->players[i].timeSincePrevInput + 1) { // On neat input streak game->players[i].neatInputStreak++; game->players[i].timeSincePrevInput = timeDiff; if (game->players[i].neatInputStreak > game->players[i].maxNeatInputStreak) game->players[i].maxNeatInputStreak = game->players[i].neatInputStreak; } else { // End neat input streak game->players[i].neatInputStreak = 0; game->players[i].timeSincePrevInput = timeDiff; } game->players[i].inputTime = game->timer; game->players[i].inputFlags++; if (game->players[i].inputFlags > F_INPUT_HIT_B) game->players[i].inputFlags = 0; } else { game->players[i].inputState = INPUT_STATE_NONE; } } if (numPlayersPressed > 1) { // For each player that pressed A, flag their input as synchronous // This is used to change their impact sprite to a big impact for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { if (game->players[i].inputState == INPUT_STATE_NONE) continue; game->players[i].inputState |= INPUT_STATE_HIT_SYNC; game->players[i].numSyncedAPresses++; } } if (numPlayersPressed == 0) return; game->bigSparkleCounter += numPlayersPressed; numPlayersPressed += sSyncPressBonus[numPlayersPressed - 1]; game->sparkleCounter += numPlayersPressed; game->totalAPresses += numPlayersPressed; if (game->targetAPresses - game->totalAPresses > 0) { temp = (s32)game->totalAPresses; temp = Q_24_8(temp); temp = MathUtil_Div32(temp, game->targetDepth); temp = Q_24_8_TO_INT(temp); game->newDepth = (u8)temp; return; } // Target number of A presses has been reached, game is complete game->newDepth = 32; game->localState.endGame = TRUE; } // Updates the crusher, input flags, and timer to send to group members // Only used by the link leader static void UpdateLeaderGameState(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 numPlayersPressed = 0; u16 flags = 0; u16 temp = 0; u8 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { if (game->players[i].inputState != INPUT_STATE_NONE) { numPlayersPressed++; flags = game->players[i].inputFlags + F_INPUT_HIT_A; if (game->players[i].inputState & INPUT_STATE_HIT_SYNC) flags |= F_INPUT_HIT_SYNC; flags <<= INPUT_FLAGS_PER_PLAYER * i; game->localState.inputFlags |= flags; } } temp = (u16)game->newDepth; game->localState.depth = temp; if (numPlayersPressed == 0) { if (game->gfx.vibrating) game->gfx.counter++; } else if (game->gfx.vibrating) { if (numPlayersPressed != game->gfx.vibrationIdx) { game->gfx.vibrationIdx = numPlayersPressed - 1; game->gfx.numVibrations = sVibrationData[numPlayersPressed - 1][0]; } else { game->gfx.counter++; } } else { game->gfx.counter = 0; game->gfx.vibrationIdx = numPlayersPressed - 1; game->gfx.numVibrations = sVibrationData[numPlayersPressed - 1][0]; game->gfx.vibrating = TRUE; } if (game->gfx.vibrating) { if (game->gfx.counter >= game->gfx.numVibrations) { game->gfx.counter = 0; game->gfx.vibrationIdx = 0; game->gfx.numVibrations = 0; game->gfx.vibrating = FALSE; temp = 0; } else { temp = sVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][game->gfx.counter + 1]; } game->localState.vibration = (u8)temp; } else { game->localState.vibration = 0; } game->localState.timer = game->leaderTimer; } // Checks for input and sends data to group members static void HandlePlayerInput(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) game->localState.pushedAButton = TRUE; if (JOY_HELD(A_BUTTON)) { if (game->players[game->localId].timePressingA < game->timer) game->players[game->localId].timePressingA++; } // Only send data to other players if you are the leader or you pressed A if (game->localId != 0 && !game->localState.pushedAButton) return; game->localState.sendFlag = SEND_GAME_STATE; // Every 30 frames, check whether the sparkles produced should be big, // depending on how many A presses there were in that time if (game->timer % 30 == 0) { if (game->bigSparkleCounter > sBigSparkleThresholds[game->playerCount - 2]) { game->numBigSparkles++; game->bigSparkle = TRUE; } else { game->bigSparkle = FALSE; } game->bigSparkleCounter = 0; game->numBigSparkleChecks++; } // Every 15 frames, update the amount of sparkles that should be produced, // depending on how many A presses there were in that time (including the bonus) if (game->timer % 15 == 0) { // BUG: The wrong field is used twice below // As a result, only a sparkleAmount of 0, 1, or 4 is attainable #ifdef BUGFIX #define field sparkleAmount #else #define field sparkleCounter #endif if (game->sparkleCounter < sSparkleThresholds[game->playerCount - 2][0]) game->sparkleAmount = 0; else if (game->sparkleCounter < sSparkleThresholds[game->playerCount - 2][1]) game->sparkleAmount = 1; else if (game->sparkleCounter < sSparkleThresholds[game->playerCount - 2][2]) game->field = 2; else if (game->sparkleCounter < sSparkleThresholds[game->playerCount - 2][3]) game->field = 3; else game->sparkleAmount = 4; game->sparkleCounter = 0; #undef field } else { game->cmdTimer++; if (game->cmdTimer > 60) { if (game->cmdTimer > 70) { ClearRecvCommands(); game->cmdTimer = 0; } else if (game->localState.playerPressedAFlags == 0) { ClearRecvCommands(); game->cmdTimer = 0; } } } if (game->timer >= MAX_TIME) game->localState.endGame = TRUE; game->localState.bigSparkle = game->bigSparkle; game->localState.sparkleAmount = game->sparkleAmount; memcpy(game->sendCmd, &game->localState, sizeof(game->sendCmd)); Rfu_SendPacket(game->sendCmd); } static void RecvLinkData(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i = 0; struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState *linkState = NULL; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) game->players[i].inputState = INPUT_STATE_NONE; if ((gRecvCmds[0][0] & RFUCMD_MASK) != RFUCMD_SEND_PACKET) { game->playedSound = FALSE; return; } if (gRecvCmds[0][1] != 2) { game->playedSound = FALSE; return; } memcpy(game->recvCmd, gRecvCmds[0], sizeof(game->recvCmd)); linkState = (struct BerryCrushGame_LinkState *)&game->recvCmd; game->depth = linkState->depth; game->vibration = (s16)linkState->vibration; game->timer = linkState->timer; UpdateInputEffects(game, &(game->gfx)); if (linkState->endGame) game->endGame = TRUE; } static u32 Cmd_PlayGame_Leader(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { memset(&game->localState, 0, sizeof(game->localState)); memset(&game->recvCmd, 0, sizeof(game->recvCmd)); RecvLinkData(game); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, -game->vibration); if (game->endGame) { if (game->timer >= MAX_TIME) { game->timer = MAX_TIME; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_TIMES_UP, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); } else { RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_FINISH_GAME, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); } game->cmdTimer = 0; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } else { game->leaderTimer++; HandlePartnerInput(game); UpdateLeaderGameState(game); HandlePlayerInput(game); return 0; } } static u32 Cmd_PlayGame_Member(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { memset(&game->localState, 0, sizeof(game->localState)); memset(&game->recvCmd, 0, sizeof(game->recvCmd)); RecvLinkData(game); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, -game->vibration); if (game->endGame) { if (game->timer >= MAX_TIME) { game->timer = MAX_TIME; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_TIMES_UP, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); } else { RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_FINISH_GAME, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); } game->cmdTimer = 0; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } else { HandlePlayerInput(game); return 0; } } // Game was 'won', crusher was pushed down fully before time was up static u32 Cmd_FinishGame(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: game->gameState = STATE_FINISHED; PlaySE(SE_M_STRENGTH); BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 8, RGB(31, 31, 0)); game->gfx.counter = 2; break; case 1: if (--game->gfx.counter != (u8)-1) return 0; BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 0, RGB(31, 31, 0)); game->gfx.vibrationIdx = 4; game->gfx.counter = 0; game->gfx.numVibrations = sIntroOutroVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][0]; break; case 2: game->vibration = sIntroOutroVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][game->gfx.counter]; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, -game->vibration); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, -game->vibration); if (++game->gfx.counter < game->gfx.numVibrations) return 0; if (game->gfx.vibrationIdx != 0) { game->gfx.vibrationIdx--; game->gfx.numVibrations = sIntroOutroVibrationData[game->gfx.vibrationIdx][0]; game->gfx.counter = 0; return 0; } break; case 3: game->vibration = 0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); break; case 4: if (!AreEffectsFinished(game, &game->gfx)) return 0; Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); game->cmdTimer = 0; break; case 5: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_CALC_RESULTS, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdTimer = 0; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_HandleTimeUp(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: game->gameState = STATE_TIMES_UP; PlaySE(SE_FAILURE); BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 8, RGB(31, 0, 0)); game->gfx.counter = 4; break; case 1: if (--game->gfx.counter != (u8)-1) return 0; BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 0, RGB(31, 0, 0)); game->gfx.counter = 0; break; case 2: if (!AreEffectsFinished(game, &game->gfx)) return 0; Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); game->cmdTimer = 0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); break; case 3: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, game->powder, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 6); SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_TIMES_UP, F_MSG_CLEAR, 0, 0); game->nextCmd = CMD_SAVE; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdTimer = 0; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_TabulateResults(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { u8 i, j, tempPlayerId; s32 temp1, temp2; u16 tempStat; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: memset(game->sendCmd, 0, 2 * sizeof(u16)); if (game->players[game->localId].timePressingA > game->timer) game->players[game->localId].timePressingA = game->timer; game->sendCmd[0] = game->players[game->localId].timePressingA; SendBlock(0, game->sendCmd, 2); break; case 1: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; game->cmdTimer = 0; break; case 2: if (GetBlockReceivedStatus() != sReceivedPlayerBitmasks[game->playerCount - 2]) return 0; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) game->players[i].timePressingA = gBlockRecvBuffer[i][0]; game->cmdTimer = 0; game->sendCmd[0] = 0; ResetBlockReceivedFlags(); // If player is not leader, skip the steps // where the results are calculated and sent. // Group members just read the results sent // to them by the leader. if (game->localId == 0) game->cmdState = 3; else game->cmdState = 6; return 0; case 3: memset(&game->results, 0, sizeof(game->results)); game->results.time = game->timer; game->results.targetPressesPerSec = game->targetAPresses / (game->timer / 60); // Calculate silkiness // Silkiness is the percentage of times big sparkles were produced when possible, // which itself depends on the number of A presses every 30 frames temp1 = MathUtil_Mul32(Q_24_8(game->numBigSparkles), Q_24_8(50)); temp1 = MathUtil_Div32(temp1, Q_24_8(game->numBigSparkleChecks)) + Q_24_8(50); temp1 = Q_24_8_TO_INT(temp1); game->results.silkiness = temp1 & 0x7F; // Calculate amount of powder temp1 = Q_24_8(temp1); temp1 = MathUtil_Div32(temp1, Q_24_8(100)); temp2 = Q_24_8(game->powder * game->playerCount); temp2 = MathUtil_Mul32(temp2, temp1); game->results.powder = Q_24_8_TO_INT(temp2); // Choose random second results page game->results.randomPageId = Random() % NUM_RANDOM_RESULTS_PAGES; for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) { game->results.playerIdsRanked[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][i] = i; game->results.playerIdsRanked[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][i] = i; game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][i] = game->players[i].numAPresses; game->results.totalAPresses += game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][i]; // Calculate value for random second results page switch (game->results.randomPageId) { case RESULTS_PAGE_NEATNESS: if (game->players[i].numAPresses != 0) { // Calculate percentage of inputs that were in largest "neat" streak // "Neat" inputs are those done at a regular interval temp1 = game->players[i].maxNeatInputStreak; temp1 = Q_24_8(temp1); temp1 = MathUtil_Mul32(temp1, Q_24_8(100)); temp2 = game->players[i].numAPresses; temp2 = Q_24_8(temp2); temp2 = MathUtil_Div32(temp1, temp2); } else { temp2 = 0; } break; case RESULTS_PAGE_COOPERATIVE: if (game->players[i].numAPresses != 0) { // Calculate percentage of inputs that were // done at the same time as another player temp1 = game->players[i].numSyncedAPresses; temp1 = Q_24_8(temp1); temp1 = MathUtil_Mul32(temp1, Q_24_8(100)); temp2 = game->players[i].numAPresses; temp2 = Q_24_8(temp2); temp2 = MathUtil_Div32(temp1, temp2); } else { temp2 = 0; } break; case RESULTS_PAGE_POWER: if (game->players[i].numAPresses == 0) { temp2 = 0; } else if (game->players[i].timePressingA >= game->timer) { // Spent 100% of the time pressing A temp2 = Q_24_8(100); } else { // Calculate percentage of time the // player spent pressing A temp1 = game->players[i].timePressingA; temp1 = Q_24_8(temp1); temp1 = MathUtil_Mul32(temp1, Q_24_8(100)); temp2 = game->timer; temp2 = Q_24_8(temp2); temp2 = MathUtil_Div32(temp1, temp2); } break; } temp2 >>= 4; game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][i] = temp2; } break; case 4: for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount - 1; i++) { for (j = game->playerCount - 1; j > i; j--) { // Calculate player rankings for "Number of Presses" by sorting arrays if (game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][j - 1] < game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][j]) { SWAP(game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][j], game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][j - 1], tempStat); SWAP(game->results.playerIdsRanked[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][j], game->results.playerIdsRanked[RESULTS_PAGE_PRESSES][j - 1], tempPlayerId); } // Calculate player rankings for random second results page by sorting arrays if (game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][j - 1] < game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][j]) { SWAP(game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][j], game->results.stats[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][j - 1], tempStat); SWAP(game->results.playerIdsRanked[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][j], game->results.playerIdsRanked[RESULTS_PAGE_RANDOM][j - 1], tempPlayerId); } } } SendBlock(0, &game->results, sizeof(game->results)); break; case 5: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; game->cmdTimer = 0; break; case 6: if (GetBlockReceivedStatus() != 1) return 0; // Receive results calculated by leader memset(&game->results, 0, sizeof(game->results)); memcpy(&game->results, gBlockRecvBuffer, sizeof(game->results)); ResetBlockReceivedFlags(); game->cmdTimer = 0; break; case 7: SaveResults(); RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_SHOW_RESULTS, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_RESULTS_PRESSES; game->cmdState = 0; game->newDepth = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_ShowResults(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: if (!OpenResultsWindow(game, &game->gfx)) return 0; break; case 1: CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); game->gfx.counter = 30; break; case 2: if (game->gfx.counter != 0) { game->gfx.counter--; return 0; } if (!(JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON))) return 0; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); CloseResultsWindow(game); break; case 3: // Progress through each page of the results if (game->gameState < RESULTS_STATE_END) { game->gameState++; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } break; case 4: // Print message showing how much powder was created ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, game->powder, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 6); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, GetBerryPowder(), STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 6); SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_POWDER, F_MSG_CLEAR | F_MSG_EXPAND, 0, 0); game->nextCmd = CMD_SAVE; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_SaveGame(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: if (game->timer >= MAX_TIME) HideTimer(&game->gfx); SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_COMM_STANDBY, 0, 0, 1); game->nextCmd = CMD_SAVE; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 0; // State is progressed by CMD_PRINT_MSG return 0; case 1: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 2: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; DrawDialogueFrame(0, FALSE); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, gText_SavingDontTurnOffPower, 0, 0, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY); CopyWindowToVram(0, COPYWIN_FULL); CreateTask(Task_LinkFullSave, 0); break; case 3: if (FuncIsActiveTask(Task_LinkFullSave)) return 0; break; case 4: RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_PLAY_AGAIN; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_AskPlayAgain(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { s8 input = 0; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_PLAY_AGAIN, 0, 0, 1); game->nextCmd = CMD_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 0; // State is progressed by CMD_PRINT_MSG return 0; case 1: DisplayYesNoMenuDefaultYes(); break; case 2: input = Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose(); if (input != -2) { memset(game->sendCmd, 0, sizeof(game->sendCmd)); if (input == 0) { // Selected Yes if (HasAtLeastOneBerry()) game->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_YES; else game->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_NO_BERRIES; } else { // Selected No game->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_NO; } // Close Yes/No and start communication ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(0, TRUE); SetPrintMessageArgs(args, MSG_COMM_STANDBY, 0, 0, 0); game->nextCmd = CMD_COMM_PLAY_AGAIN; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PRINT_MSG, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 0; } return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_CommunicatePlayAgainResponses(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { u8 i = 0; switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 1: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; // Send player's Yes/No response to partners game->sendCmd[0] = game->playAgainState; game->recvCmd[0] = 0; SendBlock(0, game->sendCmd, sizeof(u16)); break; case 2: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; game->cmdTimer = 0; break; case 3: // Wait for partners responses if (GetBlockReceivedStatus() != sReceivedPlayerBitmasks[game->playerCount - 2]) return 0; // Read partners responses for (i = 0; i < game->playerCount; i++) game->recvCmd[0] += gBlockRecvBuffer[i][0]; if (game->recvCmd[0] != PLAY_AGAIN_YES) RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PLAY_AGAIN_NO, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); else RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_PLAY_AGAIN_YES, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); ResetBlockReceivedFlags(); game->sendCmd[0] = 0; game->recvCmd[0] = 0; game->cmdTimer = 0; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_PlayAgain(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 1, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); UpdatePaletteFade(); break; case 1: if (UpdatePaletteFade()) return 0; break; case 2: ClearDialogWindowAndFrame(0, TRUE); ResetCrusherPos(game); BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); UpdatePaletteFade(); break; case 3: if (UpdatePaletteFade()) return 0; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_ASK_PICK_BERRY, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->gameState = STATE_PICK_BERRY; game->cmdState = 0; return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_StopGame(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: DrawDialogueFrame(0, FALSE); if (game->playAgainState == PLAY_AGAIN_NO_BERRIES) AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, sMessages[MSG_NO_BERRIES], game->textSpeed, 0, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY); else AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, FONT_NORMAL, sMessages[MSG_DROPPED], game->textSpeed, 0, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY); CopyWindowToVram(0, COPYWIN_FULL); break; case 1: if (IsTextPrinterActive(0)) return 0; game->gfx.counter = 120; break; case 2: if (game->gfx.counter != 0) game->gfx.counter--; else { RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_CLOSE_LINK, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 0; } return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_CloseLink(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { switch (game->cmdState) { case 0: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); break; case 1: if (!IsLinkTaskFinished()) return 0; SetCloseLinkCallback(); break; case 2: if (gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers) return 0; game->nextCmd = CMD_QUIT; RunOrScheduleCommand(CMD_HIDE_GAME, SCHEDULE_CMD, NULL); game->cmdState = 2; // ??? return 0; } game->cmdState++; return 0; } static u32 Cmd_Quit(struct BerryCrushGame *game, u8 *args) { QuitBerryCrush(NULL); return 0; } static void ResetGame(struct BerryCrushGame *game) { u8 i = 0; IncrementGameStat(GAME_STAT_PLAYED_BERRY_CRUSH); game->unused = 0; game->cmdTimer = 0; game->gameState = STATE_RESET; game->playAgainState = 0; game->powder = 0; game->targetAPresses = 0; game->totalAPresses = 0; game->targetDepth = 0; game->newDepth = 0; game->noRoomForPowder = FALSE; game->newRecord = FALSE; game->playedSound = FALSE; game->endGame = FALSE; game->bigSparkle = FALSE; game->sparkleAmount = 0; game->leaderTimer = 0; game->timer = 0; game->bigSparkleCounter = 0; game->numBigSparkleChecks = -1; game->numBigSparkles = 0; game->sparkleCounter = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) { game->players[i].berryId = -1; game->players[i].inputTime = 0; game->players[i].neatInputStreak = 0; game->players[i].timeSincePrevInput = 1; game->players[i].maxNeatInputStreak = 0; game->players[i].numAPresses = 0; game->players[i].numSyncedAPresses = 0; game->players[i].timePressingA = 0; game->players[i].inputFlags = 0; game->players[i].inputState = INPUT_STATE_NONE; } } static void SetPaletteFadeArgs(u8 *args, bool8 communicateAfter, u32 selectedPals, s8 delay, u8 startY, u8 targetY, u16 palette) { args[0] = ((u8 *)&selectedPals)[0]; args[1] = ((u8 *)&selectedPals)[1]; args[2] = ((u8 *)&selectedPals)[2]; args[3] = ((u8 *)&selectedPals)[3]; args[4] = delay; args[5] = startY; args[6] = targetY; args[7] = ((u8 *)&palette)[0]; args[8] = ((u8 *)&palette)[1]; args[9] = communicateAfter; } static void SetPrintMessageArgs(u8 *args, u8 msgId, u8 flags, u16 waitKeys, u8 followupState) { args[0] = msgId; args[1] = flags; args[2] = ((u8 *)&waitKeys)[0]; args[3] = ((u8 *)&waitKeys)[1]; args[4] = followupState; }