MossdeepCity_Gym_MapScripts:: @ 8220800 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_LOAD, MossdeepCity_Gym_OnLoad .byte 0 MossdeepCity_Gym_OnLoad: @ 8220806 goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_1, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_22083D goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220815 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220815:: @ 8220815 goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_2, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220855 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220824 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220824:: @ 8220824 goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_3, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_22086D goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220833 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220833:: @ 8220833 goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_4, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220885 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_22083D:: @ 822083D setmetatile 5, 5, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Top, 0 setmetatile 2, 7, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220815 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220855:: @ 8220855 setmetatile 8, 14, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Top, 0 setmetatile 8, 10, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220824 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_22086D:: @ 822086D setmetatile 15, 17, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Base, 0 setmetatile 17, 15, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220833 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220885:: @ 8220885 setmetatile 1, 23, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Wall_LeftCorner, 0 setmetatile 5, 24, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_TateAndLiza:: @ 8220898 trainerbattle_double TRAINER_TATE_AND_LIZA_1, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaDefeat, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaNeedTwoMons, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_TateAndLizaDefeated, NO_MUSIC specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, TRUE goto_if_eq MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_TateAndLizaRematch goto_if_unset FLAG_RECEIVED_TM04, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GiveCalmMind2 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPostBattle, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_TateAndLizaDefeated:: @ 82208D1 message MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_ReceivedMindBadge waitmessage call Common_EventScript_PlayGymBadgeFanfare msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_ExplainMindBadgeTakeThis, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_DEFEATED_MOSSDEEP_GYM setflag FLAG_BADGE07_GET setflag FLAG_HIDE_AQUA_HIDEOUT_GRUNTS clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_CITY_STERNS_SHIPYARD_MR_BRINEY clearflag FLAG_UNKNOWN_0x393 setvar VAR_0x8008, 7 call Common_EventScript_SetGymTrainers clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_CITY_HARBOR_PATRONS clearflag FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_TEAM_MAGMA clearflag FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_SPACE_CENTER_1F_TEAM_MAGMA clearflag FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_SPACE_CENTER_2F_TEAM_MAGMA clearflag FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_SPACE_CENTER_2F_STEVEN setvar VAR_MOSSDEEP_CITY_STATE, 1 setflag FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_SPACE_CENTER_1F_STEVEN setvar VAR_MOSSDEEP_SPACE_CENTER_STATE_2, 1 call MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GiveCalmMind closemessage delay 30 playfanfare MUS_ME_TORE_EYE msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_RegisteredTateAndLiza, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitfanfare closemessage delay 30 setflag FLAG_ENABLE_TATE_AND_LIZA_MATCH_CALL release end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GiveCalmMind2:: @ 8220937 giveitem_std ITEM_TM04 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_ShowBagIsFull msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221A40, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM04 release end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GiveCalmMind:: @ 822095B giveitem_std ITEM_TM04 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_BagIsFull msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221A40, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM04 return MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_TateAndLizaRematch:: @ 822097E trainerbattle_rematch_double TRAINER_TATE_AND_LIZA_1, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPreRematch, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaRematchDefeat, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaRematchNeedTwoMons msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPostRematch, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220999:: @ 8220999 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_1, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_2209D0 setflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_1 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 5, 5, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Top, 0 setmetatile 2, 7, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed:: @ 82209C8 special DrawWholeMapView playse SE_TK_KASYA releaseall end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_2209D0:: @ 82209D0 clearflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_1 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 5, 5, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Base, 0 setmetatile 2, 7, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty0, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_2209F5:: @ 82209F5 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_2, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220A24 setflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_2 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 8, 14, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Top, 0 setmetatile 8, 10, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220A24:: @ 8220A24 clearflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_2 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 8, 14, METATILE_MossdeepGym_OuterWall_RightCorner, 0 setmetatile 8, 10, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty0, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220A49:: @ 8220A49 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_3, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220A78 setflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_3 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 15, 17, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Base, 0 setmetatile 17, 15, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220A78:: @ 8220A78 clearflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_3 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 15, 17, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Top, 0 setmetatile 17, 15, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty0, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220A9D:: @ 8220A9D lockall goto_if_set FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_4, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220ACC setflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_4 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 1, 23, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Wall_LeftCorner, 0 setmetatile 5, 24, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty1, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220ACC:: @ 8220ACC clearflag FLAG_MOSSDEEP_GYM_SWITCH_4 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 1, 23, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Obelisk_Top, 0 setmetatile 5, 24, METATILE_MossdeepGym_Empty0, 1 goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_DrawMapAfterSwitchUsed end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220AF1:: @ 8220AF1 lockall warp7 MAP_MOSSDEEP_CITY_GYM, 255, 7, 30 waitstate releaseall end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Preston:: @ 8220AFD trainerbattle_single TRAINER_PRESTON, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_PrestonPreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_PrestonDefeat msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_PrestonPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Virgil:: @ 8220B14 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_VIRGIL, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_VirgilPreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_VirgilDefeat msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_VirgilPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Blake:: @ 8220B2B trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BLAKE, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_BlakePreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_BlakeDefeat msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_BlakePostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Hannah:: @ 8220B42 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_HANNAH, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_HannahPreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_HannahDefeat msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_HannahPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Samantha:: @ 8220B59 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_SAMANTHA, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_SamanthaPreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_SamanthaDefeat msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_SamanthaPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Maura:: @ 8220B70 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_MAURA, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_MauraPreBattle, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_MauraDefeat msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_MauraPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Sylvia:: @ 8220B87 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_SYLVIA, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2213C2, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2213F4 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221412, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Nate:: @ 8220B9E trainerbattle_single TRAINER_NATE, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221460, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2214A7 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2214D3, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Macey:: @ 8220BB5 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_MACEY, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22161B, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221658 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221680, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Clifford:: @ 8220BCC trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CLIFFORD, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22157C, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2215B8 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2215E2, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Nicholas:: @ 8220BE3 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_NICHOLAS, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2216EE, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22172D msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22173A, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_Kathleen:: @ 8220BFA trainerbattle_single TRAINER_KATHLEEN, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221507, MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22153B msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221545, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymGuide:: @ 8220C11 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_DEFEATED_MOSSDEEP_GYM, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220C26 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_GymGuideAdvice, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220C26:: @ 8220C26 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_220E2A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MossdeepCity_Gym_Movement_Delay32: @ 8220C30 delay_16 delay_16 step_end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_LeftGymStatue:: @ 8220C33 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_BADGE07_GET, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymStatueCertified goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymStatue end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_RightGymStatue:: @ 8220C43 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_BADGE07_GET, MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymStatueCertified goto MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymStatue end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymStatueCertified:: @ 8220C53 msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_GymStatueCertified, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_GymStatue:: @ 8220C5D msgbox MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_GymStatue, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220C67:: @ 8220C67 playse SE_MU_PACHI waitse playse SE_TU_SAA mossdeepgym3 0 mossdeepgym1 0 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym2 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym4 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220C7D:: @ 8220C7D playse SE_MU_PACHI waitse playse SE_TU_SAA mossdeepgym3 0 mossdeepgym1 1 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym2 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym4 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220C93:: @ 8220C93 playse SE_MU_PACHI waitse playse SE_TU_SAA mossdeepgym3 0 mossdeepgym1 2 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym2 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym4 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220CA9:: @ 8220CA9 playse SE_MU_PACHI waitse playse SE_TU_SAA mossdeepgym3 0 mossdeepgym1 3 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym2 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym4 end MossdeepCity_Gym_EventScript_220CBF:: @ 8220CBF playse SE_MU_PACHI waitse playse SE_TU_SAA mossdeepgym3 0 mossdeepgym1 4 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym2 waitmovement 0 mossdeepgym4 end MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_GymGuideAdvice: @ 8220CD5 .string "Yo, how's it going, CHAMPION-bound\n" .string "{PLAYER}?\p" .string "The GYM LEADERS here use\n" .string "PSYCHIC-type POKéMON.\p" .string "If you go up against them with\n" .string "FIGHTING- or POISON-type POKéMON,\l" .string "they'll inflict horrible damage!\p" .string "Plus, they'll come at you with\n" .string "outstanding combination attacks.\p" .string "If you want to win, you'll need to show\n" .string "them how tight you are with your\l" .string "POKéMON. Go for it!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_220E2A: @ 8220E2A .string "Wow, you're astounding!\n" .string "You're one great TRAINER!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_PrestonPreBattle: @ 8220E5C .string "Battles hinge on the strength of your\n" .string "spirit! The weak-spirited will never win!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_PrestonDefeat: @ 8220EAC .string "I lost!\n" .string "I must temper my spirit again!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_PrestonPostBattle: @ 8220ED3 .string "The indecisive lose.\n" .string "That's my warning to you.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_VirgilPreBattle: @ 8220F02 .string "Let me see your talent!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_VirgilDefeat: @ 8220F1A .string "You possess spectacular talent!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_VirgilPostBattle: @ 8220F3A .string "If there are prodigies in the world,\n" .string "then our GYM LEADERS are them!\p" .string "However, you may be even more talented\n" .string "than them…$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_BlakePreBattle: @ 8220FB0 .string "Fufufufu… Watch me levitate a POKé\n" .string "BALL telekinetically!\p" .string "Wrooooooooaaaar!\n" .string "… … … … … … …\p" .string "Sometimes, I'm out of sync…$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_BlakeDefeat: @ 8221024 .string "My POKéMON battling skills are out\n" .string "of sync, too!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_BlakePostBattle: @ 8221055 .string "A POKé BALL was too heavy to lift\n" .string "psychically. But this dust bunny…\p" .string "Whoooooooooooooooh!\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "No, I'm not cheating!\n" .string "I didn't blow on it! Honestly!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_HannahPreBattle: @ 82210EE .string "When you lose to me, don't be too hard\n" .string "on yourself.\p" .string "It's not that you're weak--I'm just\n" .string "too strong!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_HannahDefeat: @ 8221152 .string "You're just too strong!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_HannahPostBattle: @ 822116A .string "I'm not going to get down on myself for\n" .string "losing. I just need to train harder.\p" .string "Positive thinking--that's my strong\n" .string "point!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_SamanthaPreBattle: @ 82211E2 .string "I see it…\n" .string "I see your future…\p" .string "If you can beat me, I will tell you\n" .string "your future!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_SamanthaDefeat: @ 8221230 .string "I surrender!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_SamanthaPostBattle: @ 822123D .string "You will wage a terrifically intense\n" .string "battle with our GYM LEADERS…\p" .string "The result…\n" .string "You won't hear it from me!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_MauraPreBattle: @ 82212A6 .string "The roads you have traveled…\n" .string "What you have experienced…\p" .string "Come at me with everything you've\n" .string "learned!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_MauraDefeat: @ 8221309 .string "You've traveled a path of greatness!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_MauraPostBattle: @ 822132E .string "A bright future awaits those who have\n" .string "worked diligently.\p" .string "For those who lazed idly, there is\n" .string "only despair at the end.\p" .string "What goes around comes around…$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2213C2: @ 82213C2 .string "Even at the risk of life, I will win\n" .string "this battle!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2213F4: @ 82213F4 .string "What you do…\n" .string "It horrifies me…$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221412: @ 8221412 .string "How dare you beat me…\p" .string "It won't be my fault if something\n" .string "horrible befalls you…$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221460: @ 8221460 .string "Hohoho.\p" .string "You need me to show you how tenacious\n" .string "the PSYCHIC type can be.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2214A7: @ 82214A7 .string "Oh! My, my!\n" .string "Your battle style is fantastic!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2214D3: @ 82214D3 .string "I… I don't let defeat rattle m-me,\n" .string "however b-badly.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221507: @ 8221507 .string "Let me show you a perfectly awful,\n" .string "horrifying time!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22153B: @ 822153B .string "N-nooooo!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221545: @ 8221545 .string "Your vitality is contagious!\n" .string "Get away from me quickly!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22157C: @ 822157C .string "I may be past my prime, but I suggest\n" .string "you not patronize me.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2215B8: @ 82215B8 .string "Ah, you overflow with the power\n" .string "of youth!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2215E2: @ 82215E2 .string "It seems that I could not overcome\n" .string "your youthful energy.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22161B: @ 822161B .string "You're not getting through to the end!\n" .string "Not if I can help it!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221658: @ 8221658 .string "How could you be so ludicrously\n" .string "strong?$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221680: @ 8221680 .string "Humph! You may be strong, but you're\n" .string "not suitable for the PSYCHIC type!\p" .string "The way you battle is somehow brutal!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_2216EE: @ 82216EE .string "Wroooar! Have a taste of my super\n" .string "POKéMON hard-battling power!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22172D: @ 822172D .string "Oh!\n" .string "Done in!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_22173A: @ 822173A .string "All right! I think I'll develop a special\n" .string "invincible POKéMON power next.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPreBattle: @ 8221783 .string "TATE: Hehehe… Were you surprised?\p" .string "LIZA: Fufufu… Were you surprised?\p" .string "TATE: That there are two GYM LEADERS?\n" .string "LIZA: That there are two GYM LEADERS?\p" .string "TATE: We're twins!\n" .string "LIZA: We're twins!\p" .string "TATE: We don't need to talk because…\n" .string "LIZA: We can each determine what…\p" .string "TATE: The other is thinking…\n" .string "LIZA: All in our minds!\p" .string "TATE: This combination of ours…\n" .string "LIZA: Can you beat it?$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaDefeat: @ 82218EC .string "TATE: What?! Our combination…\n" .string "LIZA: Was shattered!\p" .string "TATE: It can't be helped. You've won…\n" .string "LIZA: So, in recognition, take this.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_ReceivedMindBadge: @ 822196A .string "{PLAYER} received the MIND BADGE\n" .string "from TATE and LIZA.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_ExplainMindBadgeTakeThis: @ 8221999 .string "TATE: The MIND BADGE enhances the\n" .string "SP. ATK and SP. DEF of POKéMON.\p" .string "LIZA: It also lets you use the HM move\n" .string "DIVE outside of battle.\p" .string "TATE: You should also take this, too.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_221A40: @ 8221A40 .string "TATE: That TM04 contains…\n" .string "LIZA: CALM MIND!\p" .string "TATE: It raises SP. ATK and…\n" .string "LIZA: It raises SP. DEF!\p" .string "TATE: It's a move that's perfect…\n" .string "LIZA: For PSYCHIC POKéMON!\p" .string "… … … … … …$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_RegisteredTateAndLiza: @ 8221AEA .string "Registered GYM LEADERS TATE & LIZA\n" .string "in the POKéNAV.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPostBattle: @ 8221B1D .string "TATE: Looks like the bond between you\n" .string "and your POKéMON is far stronger than\l" .string "the bond that we share as twins.\p" .string "LIZA: You will become even stronger!\n" .string "We've battled you, so we know.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaNeedTwoMons: @ 8221BCE .string "TATE: Hehehe… Were you surprised?\p" .string "LIZA: That there are two GYM LEADERS?\p" .string "TATE: Oops, you have only one…\n" .string "LIZA: POKéMON that can battle.\p" .string "TATE: We can't battle that way!\p" .string "LIZA: If you want to challenge us,\n" .string "bring some more POKéMON.$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_GymStatue: @ 8221CB0 .string "MOSSDEEP CITY POKéMON GYM$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_GymStatueCertified: @ 8221CCA .string "MOSSDEEP CITY POKéMON GYM\p" .string "LIZA AND TATE'S CERTIFIED TRAINERS:\n" .string "{PLAYER}$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPreRematch: @ 8221D0B .string "TATE: POKéMON…\n" .string "LIZA: POKéMON…\p" .string "TATE: By changing the party's mix…\n" .string "LIZA: The battle style changes.\p" .string "TATE: But me…\n" .string "LIZA: But me…\p" .string "TATE: I'll always be with LIZA!\n" .string "LIZA: I'll always be with TATE!\p" .string "TATE: Our combination…\n" .string "LIZA: We'll show you again and again!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaRematchDefeat: @ 8221E05 .string "TATE: You and your POKéMON…\n" .string "LIZA: It's as if you were siblings!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaPostRematch: @ 8221E45 .string "TATE: You can knock us down,\n" .string "but we'll never stay down!\p" .string "LIZA: Because the two of us,\n" .string "we always support each other!$" MossdeepCity_Gym_Text_TateAndLizaRematchNeedTwoMons: @ 8221EB8 .string "TATE: You're back again…\n" .string "LIZA: You're back again…\p" .string "TATE: To give us a rematch.\n" .string "LIZA: To give us a rematch.\p" .string "TATE: But…\n" .string "LIZA: For our match…\p" .string "TATE: You brought just one POKéMON!\n" .string "LIZA: You brought just one POKéMON!\p" .string "TATE: We need you to bring at least…\n" .string "LIZA: Two POKéMON when you come back.$"