TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScripts:: @ 82680AC map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_RESUME, TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_2680D0 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_RETURN_TO_FIELD, TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_26811B map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, TrainerHill_Entrance_OnTransition map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_LOAD, TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_268128 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_FRAME_TABLE, TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript2_26813E .byte 0 TrainerHill_Entrance_OnTransition: @ 82680C6 setflag FLAG_LANDMARK_TRAINER_HILL getplayerxy VAR_TEMP_D, VAR_RESULT end TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_2680CF: @ 82680CF end TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_2680D0: @ 82680D0 setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_RESUME_TIMER special CallTrainerHillFunction setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 0 setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_9 special CallTrainerHillFunction compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2680FF setobjectxy EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, 9, 6 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_26837F end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2680FF:: @ 82680FF setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_16 special CallTrainerHillFunction compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26811A applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_26837F end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26811A:: @ 826811A end TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_26811B: @ 826811B addobject 2 addobject 1 addobject 5 addobject 4 end TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript1_268128: @ 8268128 compare VAR_TEMP_D, 17 call_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268134 end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268134:: @ 8268134 setmetatile 17, 10, METATILE_TrainerHill_GreenFloorTile, 0 return TrainerHill_Entrance_MapScript2_26813E: @ 826813E map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_0, 0, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268182 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_D, 17, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268160 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_5, 1, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268229 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_1, 1, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2C83DF .2byte 0 TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268160:: @ 8268160 lockall applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268385 waitmovement 0 setmetatile 17, 10, METATILE_TrainerHill_CounterDoor, 1 special DrawWholeMapView playse SE_TK_KASYA waitse setvar VAR_TEMP_D, 0 releaseall end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268182:: @ 8268182 setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 1 setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_GET_CHALLENGE_STATUS special CallTrainerHillFunction switch VAR_RESULT case TRAINER_HILL_PLAYER_STATUS_LOST, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681B5 case TRAINER_HILL_PLAYER_STATUS_ECARD_SCANNED, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681CA case TRAINER_HILL_PLAYER_STATUS_NORMAL, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681EE TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681B5:: @ 82681B5 lockall applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_26837F msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268689, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681DA TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681CA:: @ 82681CA lockall applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_26837F msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268712, MSGBOX_DEFAULT TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681DA:: @ 82681DA closemessage applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268381 waitmovement 0 setvar VAR_TRAINER_HILL_IS_ACTIVE, 0 special HealPlayerParty releaseall TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681EE:: @ 82681EE end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681EF:: @ 82681EF setvar VAR_0x800B, 2 call TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_27191E waitmessage waitbuttonpress release end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2681FD:: @ 82681FD lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_10 special CallTrainerHillFunction compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26821F msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2686F4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268227 TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26821F:: @ 826821F msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2687AC, MSGBOX_DEFAULT TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268227:: @ 8268227 release end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268229:: @ 8268229 lockall applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_26837F goto_if_unset FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26836A msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2684C6, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_13 special CallTrainerHillFunction compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26832E setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_8 special CallTrainerHillFunction compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268275 msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268564, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26827D TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268275:: @ 8268275 msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26859E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26827D:: @ 826827D message TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2685F8 waitmessage multichoice 15, 6, MULTI_YESNOINFO, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2682C8 case 1, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268314 case 2, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2682BA case MULTI_B_PRESSED, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268314 end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2682BA:: @ 82682BA msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2687C3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26827D end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2682C8:: @ 82682C8 multichoice 13, 2, MULTI_TAG_MATCH_TYPE, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 4, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268314 case MULTI_B_PRESSED, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268314 setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_SET_TAG copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_RESULT special CallTrainerHillFunction setvar VAR_TRAINER_HILL_IS_ACTIVE, 1 setvar VAR_TEMP_5, 0 special HealPlayerParty msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26862A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_START special CallTrainerHillFunction releaseall end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268314:: @ 8268314 setvar VAR_TEMP_5, 0 msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26866F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268381 waitmovement 0 releaseall end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26832E:: @ 826832E msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26851C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_14 special CallTrainerHillFunction setvar VAR_TEMP_5, 1 call Common_EventScript_SaveGame compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26835C setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_14 special CallTrainerHillFunction return TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26835C:: @ 826835C setvar VAR_0x8004, TRAINER_HILL_FUNC_15 special CallTrainerHillFunction goto TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268314 end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_26836A:: @ 826836A msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268430, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268381 waitmovement 0 releaseall end TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_26837F: @ 826837F face_right step_end TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268381: @ 8268381 walk_down step_end TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268383: @ 8268383 face_up step_end TrainerHill_Entrance_Movement_268385: @ 8268385 walk_down walk_down step_end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268388:: @ 8268388 lockall fadescreen 1 special ShowTrainerHillRecords waitstate releaseall end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268391:: @ 8268391 goto_if_unset FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2683A3 msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268D5A, MSGBOX_NPC end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2683A3:: @ 82683A3 msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268DDA, MSGBOX_NPC end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2683AC:: @ 82683AC goto_if_unset FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2683BE msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268E6A, MSGBOX_NPC end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2683BE:: @ 82683BE msgbox TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268EDC, MSGBOX_NPC end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_2683C7:: @ 82683C7 lock faceplayer message gUnknown_08272A21 waitmessage goto_if_set FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR, TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268402 pokemart TrainerHill_Entrance_Pokemart_2683E8 msgbox gUnknown_08272A3F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end .align 2 TrainerHill_Entrance_Pokemart_2683E8: @ 82683E8 .2byte ITEM_SUPER_POTION .2byte ITEM_ANTIDOTE .2byte ITEM_PARALYZE_HEAL .2byte ITEM_AWAKENING .2byte ITEM_X_SPEED .2byte ITEM_X_SPECIAL .2byte ITEM_X_ATTACK .2byte ITEM_X_DEFEND .2byte ITEM_DIRE_HIT .2byte ITEM_GUARD_SPEC .2byte ITEM_X_ACCURACY .2byte ITEM_NONE release end TrainerHill_Entrance_EventScript_268402:: @ 8268402 pokemart TrainerHill_Entrance_Pokemart_268414 msgbox gUnknown_08272A3F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end .align 2 TrainerHill_Entrance_Pokemart_268414: @ 8268414 .2byte ITEM_HYPER_POTION .2byte ITEM_MAX_POTION .2byte ITEM_FULL_RESTORE .2byte ITEM_FULL_HEAL .2byte ITEM_REVIVE .2byte ITEM_X_SPEED .2byte ITEM_X_SPECIAL .2byte ITEM_X_ATTACK .2byte ITEM_X_DEFEND .2byte ITEM_DIRE_HIT .2byte ITEM_GUARD_SPEC .2byte ITEM_X_ACCURACY .2byte ITEM_NONE release end TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268430: @ 8268430 .string "This is the TRAINER HILL where\n" .string "you may enjoy tag battles with many\l" .string "TRAINERS.\p" .string "Unfortunately, we're still getting\n" .string "things ready. Please come back later!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2684C6: @ 82684C6 .string "Welcome!\p" .string "This is the TRAINER HILL where\n" .string "you may enjoy tag battles with many\l" .string "TRAINERS!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26851C: @ 826851C .string "Is this your first visit here?\p" .string "Before you enter, please save\n" .string "your game.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268564: @ 8268564 .string "Let's see…\n" .string "The TRAINERS here now are…\p" .string "Up to floor no. {STR_VAR_1}.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26859E: @ 826859E .string "Let's see…\n" .string "The TRAINERS here now are…\p" .string "There appear to be TRAINERS gathered\n" .string "in every room.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2685F8: @ 82685F8 .string "Would you like to challenge the\n" .string "waiting TRAINERS?$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26862A: @ 826862A .string "I will time your progress.\n" .string "Best of luck!\p" .string "On your marks…\p" .string "Get set…\p" .string "Go!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26866F: @ 826866F .string "Please do visit us again!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268689: @ 8268689 .string "That was too bad.\p" .string "I think you put in a tremendous\n" .string "effort in your battling.\p" .string "Please come back and try again!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2686F4: @ 82686F4 .string "I hope you give it your best.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268712: @ 8268712 .string "When the TRAINERS switch places,\n" .string "the movement can be hectic.\p" .string "To avoid the stampede, we moved\n" .string "the reception counter here.\p" .string "I'm sorry for the inconvenience.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2687AC: @ 82687AC .string "Thank you for playing!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_2687C3: @ 82687C3 .string "Here at the TRAINER HILL, we conduct\n" .string "an event called the Time Attack.\p" .string "It is a race that measures how long\n" .string "you take to reach our owner on\l" .string "the rooftop from this counter.\p" .string "The fastest times are posted on\n" .string "the Time Board--try competing with\l" .string "your friends.\p" .string "In TRAINER battles along the way,\n" .string "neither Exp. Points nor money will\l" .string "be awarded.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_26890D: @ 826890D .string "Oh, I'm sorry, but you appear to have\n" .string "only one POKéMON with you.\p" .string "You will need at least two POKéMON\n" .string "to enter this event.$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268986: @ 8268986 .string "Hm! Hm!\p" .string "You finally came!\n" .string "Yes, you have arrived!\p" .string "Wait! Don't say it!\n" .string "I know why you came all the way\l" .string "here by yourself!\p" .string "You wanted to see me, the owner\n" .string "of the TRAINER HILL, because…\p" .string "You want to form a tag team with me!\n" .string "Wa-hoo!\p" .string "…Uh?\n" .string "That's not it?\p" .string "Anyway, I watched you on your way up.\n" .string "Marvelous battling! Bravo, indeed!$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268AC5: @ 8268AC5 .string "For a marvelous someone like you,\n" .string "I have the most marvelous gift!$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268B07: @ 8268B07 .string "Oh, no, full up with things!\n" .string "You'll be back later for this!$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268B43: @ 8268B43 .string "Oh, hold on here! Did you possibly get\n" .string "here marvelously quickly?\p" .string "How splendid! You needn't have\n" .string "hurried so to see me!\p" .string "That is so delightful. I'll have the Time\n" .string "Board at the reception updated!$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268C03: @ 8268C03 .string "But, oh…\n" .string "You weren't very quick getting here.$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268C31: @ 8268C31 .string "Perhaps it would please me more if you\n" .string "arrived zippier next time.\p" .string "Then, I should be pleased to form\n" .string "a tag team with you!\p" .string "Until we meet again, amigo!$" TrainerHill_Roof_Text_268CC6: @ 8268CC6 .string "I had the TRAINER HILL built for but\n" .string "one reason and one only!\p" .string "To find the most suitable partner\n" .string "with whom I may form a tag team!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268D47: @ 8268D47 .string "{STR_VAR_1} min. {STR_VAR_2}.{STR_VAR_3} sec.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268D5A: @ 8268D5A .string "Who knows what sort of TRAINERS\n" .string "and POKéMON combos are ahead?\p" .string "All I know is that I'll knock aside\n" .string "anyone that stands in my way!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268DDA: @ 8268DDA .string "I heard tough TRAINERS come to this\n" .string "TRAINER HILL from all over.\p" .string "I can't wait to test the waters!\p" .string "I'll knock aside anyone that stands\n" .string "in my way!$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268E6A: @ 8268E6A .string "Do you see the Time Board over there?\p" .string "My friends and I are trying to see who\n" .string "can reach the top in the least time.$" TrainerHill_Entrance_Text_268EDC: @ 8268EDC .string "Do you know when they're opening\n" .string "this place up?\p" .string "I'm waiting here to be the first\n" .string "challenger ever!$" TrainerHill_Elevator_Text_268F3E: @ 8268F3E .string "Would you like to return to\n" .string "the reception counter?$"