#include "global.h" #include "battle_main.h" #include "bg.h" #include "data.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "main.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pokedex.h" #include "pokedex_area_screen.h" #include "pokedex_cry_screen.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" #include "sound.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "task.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "trainer_pokemon_sprites.h" #include "trig.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "constants/species.h" enum { PAGE_MAIN, PAGE_INFO, PAGE_SEARCH, PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS, PAGE_UNK, PAGE_AREA, PAGE_CRY, PAGE_SIZE }; enum { AREA_SCREEN, CRY_SCREEN, SIZE_SCREEN, CANCEL_SCREEN, SCREEN_COUNT }; enum { SEARCH_NAME, SEARCH_COLOR, SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT, SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT, SEARCH_ORDER, SEARCH_MODE, SEARCH_OK, SEARCH_COUNT }; enum { SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH, SEARCH_TOPBAR_SHIFT, SEARCH_TOPBAR_CANCEL, SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT }; enum { ORDER_NUMERICAL, ORDER_ALPHABETICAL, ORDER_HEAVIEST, ORDER_LIGHTEST, ORDER_TALLEST, ORDER_SMALLEST }; enum { NAME_ABC = 1, NAME_DEF, NAME_GHI, NAME_JKL, NAME_MNO, NAME_PQR, NAME_STU, NAME_VWX, NAME_YZ, }; // For scrolling search parameter #define MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_ON_SCREEN 6 #define MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS (MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_ON_SCREEN - 1) #define MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN 4 #define LIST_SCROLL_STEP 16 #define POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP 64 #define POKEBALL_ROTATION_BOTTOM (POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP - 16) // EWRAM static EWRAM_DATA struct PokedexView *sPokedexView = NULL; static EWRAM_DATA u16 sLastSelectedPokemon = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u8 sPokeBallRotation = 0; static EWRAM_DATA struct PokedexListItem *sPokedexListItem = NULL; // IWRAM common // This is written to, but never read. u8 gUnusedPokedexU8; void (*gPokedexVBlankCB)(void); struct SearchOptionText { const u8 *description; const u8 *title; }; struct SearchOption { const struct SearchOptionText *texts; u8 taskDataCursorPos; u8 taskDataScrollOffset; u16 numOptions; }; struct SearchMenuTopBarItem { const u8 *description; u8 highlightX; u8 highlightY; u8 highlightWidth; }; struct SearchMenuItem { const u8 *description; u8 titleBgX; u8 titleBgY; u8 titleBgWidth; u8 selectionBgX; u8 selectionBgY; u8 selectionBgWidth; }; extern struct MusicPlayerInfo gMPlayInfo_BGM; struct PokedexListItem { u16 dexNum; u16 seen:1; u16 owned:1; }; struct PokedexView { struct PokedexListItem pokedexList[NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT + 1]; u16 pokemonListCount; u16 selectedPokemon; u16 selectedPokemonBackup; u16 dexMode; u16 dexModeBackup; u16 dexOrder; u16 dexOrderBackup; u16 seenCount; u16 ownCount; u16 monSpriteIds[MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN]; u16 selectedMonSpriteId; s16 pokeBallRotationStep; s16 pokeBallRotationBackup; u8 pokeBallRotation; u8 initialVOffset; u8 scrollTimer; u8 scrollDirection; s16 listVOffset; s16 listMovingVOffset; s16 scrollMonIncrement; s16 maxScrollTimer; u16 scrollSpeed; u16 unkArr1[4]; // Cleared, never read u8 filler[8]; u8 currentPage; u8 currentPageBackup; bool8 isSearchResults:1; u8 selectedScreen; u8 screenSwitchState; u8 menuIsOpen; u16 menuCursorPos; s16 menuY; //Menu Y position (inverted because we use REG_BG0VOFS for this) u8 unkArr2[8]; // Cleared, never read u8 unkArr3[8]; // Cleared, never read }; // this file's functions static void CB2_Pokedex(void); static void Task_OpenPokedexMainPage(u8); static void Task_HandlePokedexInput(u8); static void Task_WaitForScroll(u8); static void Task_HandlePokedexStartMenuInput(u8); static void Task_OpenInfoScreenAfterMonMovement(u8); static void Task_WaitForExitInfoScreen(u8); static void Task_WaitForExitSearch(u8); static void Task_ClosePokedex(u8); static void Task_OpenSearchResults(u8); static void Task_HandleSearchResultsInput(u8); static void Task_WaitForSearchResultsScroll(u8); static void Task_HandleSearchResultsStartMenuInput(u8); static void Task_OpenSearchResultsInfoScreenAfterMonMovement(u8); static void Task_WaitForExitSearchResultsInfoScreen(u8); static void Task_ReturnToPokedexFromSearchResults(u8); static void Task_ClosePokedexFromSearchResultsStartMenu(u8); static bool8 LoadPokedexListPage(u8); static void LoadPokedexBgPalette(bool8); static void FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(void); static void CreatePokedexList(u8, u8); static void CreateMonDexNum(u16, u8, u8, u16); static void CreateCaughtBall(u16, u8, u8, u16); static u8 CreateMonName(u16, u8, u8); static void ClearMonListEntry(u8 x, u8 y, u16 unused); static void CreateMonSpritesAtPos(u16, u16); static bool8 UpdateDexListScroll(u8, u8, u8); static u16 TryDoPokedexScroll(u16, u16); static void UpdateSelectedMonSpriteId(void); static bool8 TryDoInfoScreenScroll(void); static u8 ClearMonSprites(void); static u16 GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(u16); static u32 CreatePokedexMonSprite(u16, s16, s16); static void CreateInterfaceSprites(u8); static void SpriteCB_MoveMonForInfoScreen(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_Scrollbar(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_ScrollArrow(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_DexListInterfaceText(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_RotatingPokeBall(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_SeenOwnInfo(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_DexListStartMenuCursor(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite(struct Sprite *sprite); static u8 LoadInfoScreen(struct PokedexListItem*, u8 monSpriteId); static bool8 IsInfoScreenScrolling(u8); static u8 sub_80BE9F8(struct PokedexListItem*, u8); static void Task_LoadInfoScreen(u8); static void Task_HandleInfoScreenInput(u8); static void Task_SwitchScreensFromInfoScreen(u8); static void Task_LoadInfoScreenWaitForFade(u8); static void Task_ExitInfoScreen(u8); static void Task_LoadAreaScreen(u8); static void Task_WaitForAreaScreenInput(u8 taskId); static void Task_SwitchScreensFromAreaScreen(u8); static void Task_LoadCryScreen(u8); static void Task_HandleCryScreenInput(u8); static void Task_SwitchScreensFromCryScreen(u8); static void LoadPlayArrowPalette(bool8); static void Task_LoadSizeScreen(u8); static void Task_HandleSizeScreenInput(u8); static void Task_SwitchScreensFromSizeScreen(u8); static void LoadScreenSelectBarMain(u16); static void LoadScreenSelectBarSubmenu(u16); static void HighlightScreenSelectBarItem(u8, u16); static void HighlightSubmenuScreenSelectBarItem(u8, u16); static void Task_DisplayCaughtMonDexPage(u8); static void Task_HandleCaughtMonPageInput(u8); static void Task_ExitCaughtMonPage(u8); static void SpriteCB_SlideCaughtMonToCenter(struct Sprite *sprite); static void PrintMonInfo(u32 num, u32, u32 owned, u32 newEntry); static void PrintMonHeight(u16 height, u8 left, u8 top); static void PrintMonWeight(u16 weight, u8 left, u8 top); static void ResetOtherVideoRegisters(u16); static u8 PrintCryScreenSpeciesName(u8, u16, u8, u8); static void PrintFootprint(u8 windowId, u16 dexNum); static u16 CreateSizeScreenTrainerPic(u16, s16, s16, s8); static u16 GetNextPosition(u8, u16, u16, u16); static u8 LoadSearchMenu(void); static void Task_LoadSearchMenu(u8); static void Task_SwitchToSearchMenuTopBar(u8); static void Task_HandleSearchTopBarInput(u8); static void Task_SwitchToSearchMenu(u8); static void Task_HandleSearchMenuInput(u8); static void Task_StartPokedexSearch(u8); static void Task_WaitAndCompleteSearch(u8); static void Task_SearchCompleteWaitForInput(u8); static void Task_SelectSearchMenuItem(u8); static void Task_HandleSearchParameterInput(u8); static void Task_ExitSearch(u8); static void Task_ExitSearchWaitForFade(u8); static void HighlightSelectedSearchTopBarItem(u8); static void HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(u8, u8); static void PrintSelectedSearchParameters(u8); static void DrawOrEraseSearchParameterBox(bool8); static void PrintSearchParameterText(u8); static u8 GetSearchModeSelection(u8 taskId, u8 option); static void SetDefaultSearchModeAndOrder(u8); static void CreateSearchParameterScrollArrows(u8); static void EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(const u8*); static void EraseSelectorArrow(u32); static void PrintSelectorArrow(u32); static void PrintSearchParameterTitle(u32, const u8*); static void ClearSearchParameterBoxText(void); // const rom data #include "data/pokemon/pokedex_orders.h" static const struct OamData sOamData_ScrollBar = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(8x8), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(8x8), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_ScrollArrow = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(16x8), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(16x8), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_InterfaceText = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x16), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_RotatingPokeBall = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_WINDOW, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x32), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x32), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_SeenOwnText = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(64x32), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(64x32), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_Dex8x16 = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(8x16), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(8x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_ScrollBar[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(3, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_ScrollArrow[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(1, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_RotatingPokeBall[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_StartButton[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(48, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_SearchText[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(40, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_SelectButton[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(32, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_MenuText[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(56, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_SeenText[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_OwnText[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(96, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennText[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(160, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalText[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(168, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit0[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit1[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(130, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit2[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(132, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit3[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(134, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit4[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(136, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit5[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(138, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit6[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(140, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit7[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(142, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit8[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(144, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit9[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(146, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit0[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(176, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit1[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(178, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit2[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(180, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit3[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(182, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit4[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(184, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit5[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(186, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit6[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(188, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit7[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(190, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit8[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(192, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit9[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(194, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_DexListStartMenuCursor[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 30), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_ScrollBar[] = { sSpriteAnim_ScrollBar }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_ScrollArrow[] = { sSpriteAnim_ScrollArrow }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_RotatingPokeBall[] = { sSpriteAnim_RotatingPokeBall }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_InterfaceText[] = { sSpriteAnim_StartButton, sSpriteAnim_SearchText, sSpriteAnim_SelectButton, sSpriteAnim_MenuText }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_SeenOwnText[] = { sSpriteAnim_SeenText, sSpriteAnim_OwnText }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_HoennNationalText[] = { sSpriteAnim_HoennText, sSpriteAnim_NationalText }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_HoennSeenOwnNumber[] = { sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit0, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit1, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit2, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit3, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit4, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit5, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit6, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit7, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit8, sSpriteAnim_HoennSeenOwnDigit9 }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_NationalSeenOwnNumber[] = { sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit0, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit1, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit2, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit3, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit4, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit5, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit6, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit7, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit8, sSpriteAnim_NationalSeenOwnDigit9 }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_DexListStartMenuCursor[] = { sSpriteAnim_DexListStartMenuCursor }; #define TAG_DEX_INTERFACE 4096 // Tile and pal tag used for all interface sprites. static const struct SpriteTemplate sScrollBarSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_ScrollBar, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_ScrollBar, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_Scrollbar, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sScrollArrowSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_ScrollArrow, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_ScrollArrow, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_ScrollArrow, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sInterfaceTextSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_InterfaceText, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_InterfaceText, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_DexListInterfaceText, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sRotatingPokeBallSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_RotatingPokeBall, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_RotatingPokeBall, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_RotatingPokeBall, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSeenOwnTextSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_SeenOwnText, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_SeenOwnText, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_SeenOwnInfo, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sHoennNationalTextSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_InterfaceText, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_HoennNationalText, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_SeenOwnInfo, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_Dex8x16, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_HoennSeenOwnNumber, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_SeenOwnInfo, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_Dex8x16, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_NationalSeenOwnNumber, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_SeenOwnInfo, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sDexListStartMenuCursorSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .paletteTag = TAG_DEX_INTERFACE, .oam = &sOamData_Dex8x16, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_DexListStartMenuCursor, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_DexListStartMenuCursor, }; static const struct CompressedSpriteSheet sInterfaceSpriteSheet[] = { {gPokedexInterface_Gfx, 0x2000, TAG_DEX_INTERFACE}, {0} }; static const struct SpritePalette sInterfaceSpritePalette[] = { {gPokedexBgHoenn_Pal, TAG_DEX_INTERFACE}, {0} }; // By scroll speed. Last element of each unused static const u8 sScrollMonIncrements[] = {4, 8, 16, 32, 32}; static const u8 sScrollTimers[] = {8, 4, 2, 1, 1}; static const struct BgTemplate sPokedex_BgTemplate[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 12, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 13, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 14, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 15, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0 } }; static const struct WindowTemplate sPokemonList_WindowTemplate[] = { { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 0, .width = 32, .height = 32, .paletteNum = 0, .baseBlock = 1, }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; static const u8 sText_No000[] = _("{NO}000"); static const u8 sCaughtBall_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokedex/caught_ball.4bpp"); static const u8 sText_TenDashes[] = _("----------"); ALIGNED(4) static const u8 gExpandedPlaceholder_PokedexDescription[] = _(""); #include "data/pokemon/pokedex_text.h" #include "data/pokemon/pokedex_entries.h" static const u16 sSizeScreenSilhouette_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokedex/size_silhouette.gbapal"); static const struct BgTemplate sInfoScreen_BgTemplate[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 12, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 13, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 14, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 15, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 } }; #define WIN_INFO 0 #define WIN_FOOTPRINT 1 #define WIN_CRY_WAVE 2 #define WIN_VU_METER 3 static const struct WindowTemplate sInfoScreen_WindowTemplates[] = { [WIN_INFO] = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 0, .width = 32, .height = 20, .paletteNum = 0, .baseBlock = 1, }, [WIN_FOOTPRINT] = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 25, .tilemapTop = 8, .width = 2, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 641, }, [WIN_CRY_WAVE] = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 12, .width = 32, .height = 7, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 645, }, [WIN_VU_METER] = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 18, .tilemapTop = 3, .width = 10, .height = 8, .paletteNum = 9, .baseBlock = 869, }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; static const struct BgTemplate sNewEntryInfoScreen_BgTemplate[] = { { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 14, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 1, .mapBaseIndex = 15, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0 }, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sNewEntryInfoScreen_WindowTemplates[] = { [WIN_INFO] = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 0, .width = 32, .height = 20, .paletteNum = 0, .baseBlock = 1, }, [WIN_FOOTPRINT] = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 25, .tilemapTop = 8, .width = 2, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 641, }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; static const u8 sText_TenDashes2[] = _("----------"); #include "data/pokemon_graphics/footprint_table.h" // First character in range followed by number of characters in range for upper and lowercase static const u8 sLetterSearchRanges[][4] = { {}, // Name not specified, shouldn't be reached [NAME_ABC] = {CHAR_A, 3, CHAR_a, 3}, [NAME_DEF] = {CHAR_D, 3, CHAR_d, 3}, [NAME_GHI] = {CHAR_G, 3, CHAR_g, 3}, [NAME_JKL] = {CHAR_J, 3, CHAR_j, 3}, [NAME_MNO] = {CHAR_M, 3, CHAR_m, 3}, [NAME_PQR] = {CHAR_P, 3, CHAR_p, 3}, [NAME_STU] = {CHAR_S, 3, CHAR_s, 3}, [NAME_VWX] = {CHAR_V, 3, CHAR_v, 3}, [NAME_YZ] = {CHAR_Y, 2, CHAR_y, 2}, }; #define LETTER_IN_RANGE_UPPER(letter, range) \ ((letter) >= sLetterSearchRanges[range][0] \ && (letter) < sLetterSearchRanges[range][0] + sLetterSearchRanges[range][1]) \ #define LETTER_IN_RANGE_LOWER(letter, range) \ ((letter) >= sLetterSearchRanges[range][2] \ && (letter) < sLetterSearchRanges[range][2] + sLetterSearchRanges[range][3]) \ static const struct SearchMenuTopBarItem sSearchMenuTopBarItems[SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT] = { [SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH] = { .description = gText_SearchForPkmnBasedOnParameters, .highlightX = 0, .highlightY = 0, .highlightWidth = 5, }, [SEARCH_TOPBAR_SHIFT] = { .description = gText_SwitchPokedexListings, .highlightX = 6, .highlightY = 0, .highlightWidth = 5, }, [SEARCH_TOPBAR_CANCEL] = { .description = gText_ReturnToPokedex, .highlightX = 12, .highlightY = 0, .highlightWidth = 5, }, }; static const struct SearchMenuItem sSearchMenuItems[SEARCH_COUNT] = { [SEARCH_NAME] = { .description = gText_ListByFirstLetter, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 2, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 5, .selectionBgY = 2, .selectionBgWidth = 12, }, [SEARCH_COLOR] = { .description = gText_ListByBodyColor, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 4, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 5, .selectionBgY = 4, .selectionBgWidth = 12, }, [SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT] = { .description = gText_ListByType, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 6, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 5, .selectionBgY = 6, .selectionBgWidth = 6, }, [SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT] = { .description = gText_ListByType, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 6, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 11, .selectionBgY = 6, .selectionBgWidth = 6, }, [SEARCH_ORDER] = { .description = gText_SelectPokedexListingMode, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 8, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 5, .selectionBgY = 8, .selectionBgWidth = 12, }, [SEARCH_MODE] = { .description = gText_SelectPokedexMode, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 10, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 5, .selectionBgY = 10, .selectionBgWidth = 12, }, [SEARCH_OK] = { .description = gText_ExecuteSearchSwitch, .titleBgX = 0, .titleBgY = 12, .titleBgWidth = 5, .selectionBgX = 0, .selectionBgY = 0, .selectionBgWidth = 0, }, }; // Left, Right, Up, Down static const u8 sSearchMovementMap_SearchNatDex[SEARCH_COUNT][4] = { [SEARCH_NAME] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_COLOR }, [SEARCH_COLOR] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_NAME, SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT }, [SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT] = { 0xFF, SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT, SEARCH_COLOR, SEARCH_ORDER }, [SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT] = { SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT, 0xFF, SEARCH_COLOR, SEARCH_ORDER }, [SEARCH_ORDER] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT, SEARCH_MODE }, [SEARCH_MODE] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_ORDER, SEARCH_OK }, [SEARCH_OK] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_MODE, 0xFF }, }; // Left, Right, Up, Down static const u8 sSearchMovementMap_ShiftNatDex[SEARCH_COUNT][4] = { [SEARCH_NAME] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_COLOR] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_ORDER] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_MODE }, [SEARCH_MODE] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_ORDER, SEARCH_OK }, [SEARCH_OK] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_MODE, 0xFF }, }; // Left, Right, Up, Down static const u8 sSearchMovementMap_SearchHoennDex[SEARCH_COUNT][4] = { [SEARCH_NAME] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_COLOR }, [SEARCH_COLOR] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_NAME, SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT }, [SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT] = { 0xFF, SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT, SEARCH_COLOR, SEARCH_ORDER }, [SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT] = { SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT, 0xFF, SEARCH_COLOR, SEARCH_ORDER }, [SEARCH_ORDER] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT, SEARCH_OK }, [SEARCH_MODE] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_OK] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_ORDER, 0xFF }, }; // Left, Right, Up, Down static const u8 sSearchMovementMap_ShiftHoennDex[SEARCH_COUNT][4] = { [SEARCH_NAME] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_COLOR] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_ORDER] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_OK }, [SEARCH_MODE] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, [SEARCH_OK] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, SEARCH_ORDER, 0xFF }, }; static const struct SearchOptionText sDexModeOptions[] = { [DEX_MODE_HOENN] = {gText_DexHoennDescription, gText_DexHoennTitle}, [DEX_MODE_NATIONAL] = {gText_DexNatDescription, gText_DexNatTitle}, {}, }; static const struct SearchOptionText sDexOrderOptions[] = { [ORDER_NUMERICAL] = {gText_DexSortNumericalDescription, gText_DexSortNumericalTitle}, [ORDER_ALPHABETICAL] = {gText_DexSortAtoZDescription, gText_DexSortAtoZTitle}, [ORDER_HEAVIEST] = {gText_DexSortHeaviestDescription, gText_DexSortHeaviestTitle}, [ORDER_LIGHTEST] = {gText_DexSortLightestDescription, gText_DexSortLightestTitle}, [ORDER_TALLEST] = {gText_DexSortTallestDescription, gText_DexSortTallestTitle}, [ORDER_SMALLEST] = {gText_DexSortSmallestDescription, gText_DexSortSmallestTitle}, {}, }; static const struct SearchOptionText sDexSearchNameOptions[] = { {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchDontSpecify}, [NAME_ABC] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaABC}, [NAME_DEF] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaDEF}, [NAME_GHI] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaGHI}, [NAME_JKL] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaJKL}, [NAME_MNO] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaMNO}, [NAME_PQR] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaPQR}, [NAME_STU] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaSTU}, [NAME_VWX] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaVWX}, [NAME_YZ] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchAlphaYZ}, {}, }; static const struct SearchOptionText sDexSearchColorOptions[] = { {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchDontSpecify}, [BODY_COLOR_RED + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorRed}, [BODY_COLOR_BLUE + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorBlue}, [BODY_COLOR_YELLOW + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorYellow}, [BODY_COLOR_GREEN + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorGreen}, [BODY_COLOR_BLACK + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorBlack}, [BODY_COLOR_BROWN + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorBrown}, [BODY_COLOR_PURPLE + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorPurple}, [BODY_COLOR_GRAY + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorGray}, [BODY_COLOR_WHITE + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorWhite}, [BODY_COLOR_PINK + 1] = {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchColorPink}, {}, }; static const struct SearchOptionText sDexSearchTypeOptions[] = { {gText_DexEmptyString, gText_DexSearchTypeNone}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_NORMAL]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_FIGHTING]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_FLYING]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_POISON]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_GROUND]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_ROCK]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_BUG]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_GHOST]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_STEEL]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_FIRE]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_WATER]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_GRASS]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_ELECTRIC]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_PSYCHIC]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_ICE]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_DRAGON]}, {gText_DexEmptyString, gTypeNames[TYPE_DARK]}, {}, }; static const u8 sPokedexModes[] = {DEX_MODE_HOENN, DEX_MODE_NATIONAL}; static const u8 sOrderOptions[] = { ORDER_NUMERICAL, ORDER_ALPHABETICAL, ORDER_HEAVIEST, ORDER_LIGHTEST, ORDER_TALLEST, ORDER_SMALLEST, }; static const u8 sDexSearchTypeIds[] = { TYPE_NONE, TYPE_NORMAL, TYPE_FIGHTING, TYPE_FLYING, TYPE_POISON, TYPE_GROUND, TYPE_ROCK, TYPE_BUG, TYPE_GHOST, TYPE_STEEL, TYPE_FIRE, TYPE_WATER, TYPE_GRASS, TYPE_ELECTRIC, TYPE_PSYCHIC, TYPE_ICE, TYPE_DRAGON, TYPE_DARK, }; // Number pairs are the task data for tracking the cursor pos and scroll offset of each option list // See task data defines above Task_LoadSearchMenu static const struct SearchOption sSearchOptions[] = { [SEARCH_NAME] = {sDexSearchNameOptions, 6, 7, ARRAY_COUNT(sDexSearchNameOptions) - 1}, [SEARCH_COLOR] = {sDexSearchColorOptions, 8, 9, ARRAY_COUNT(sDexSearchColorOptions) - 1}, [SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT] = {sDexSearchTypeOptions, 10, 11, ARRAY_COUNT(sDexSearchTypeOptions) - 1}, [SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT] = {sDexSearchTypeOptions, 12, 13, ARRAY_COUNT(sDexSearchTypeOptions) - 1}, [SEARCH_ORDER] = {sDexOrderOptions, 4, 5, ARRAY_COUNT(sDexOrderOptions) - 1}, [SEARCH_MODE] = {sDexModeOptions, 2, 3, ARRAY_COUNT(sDexModeOptions) - 1}, }; static const struct BgTemplate sSearchMenu_BgTemplate[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 12, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 13, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 14, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 15, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0 } }; static const struct WindowTemplate sSearchMenu_WindowTemplate[] = { { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 0, .width = 32, .height = 20, .paletteNum = 0, .baseBlock = 0x0001, }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; // .text void ResetPokedex(void) { u16 i; sLastSelectedPokemon = 0; sPokeBallRotation = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; gUnusedPokedexU8 = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.order = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.nationalMagic = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.unknown2 = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.unownPersonality = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.spindaPersonality = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.unknown3 = 0; DisableNationalPokedex(); for (i = 0; i < DEX_FLAGS_NO; i++) { gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[i] = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[i] = 0; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen1[i] = 0; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen2[i] = 0; } } void ResetPokedexScrollPositions(void) { sLastSelectedPokemon = 0; sPokeBallRotation = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; } static void VBlankCB_Pokedex(void) { LoadOam(); ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(); TransferPlttBuffer(); } static void ResetPokedexView(struct PokedexView *pokedexView) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { pokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum = 0xFFFF; pokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen = FALSE; pokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned = FALSE; } pokedexView->pokedexList[NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT].dexNum = 0; pokedexView->pokedexList[NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT].seen = FALSE; pokedexView->pokedexList[NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT].owned = FALSE; pokedexView->pokemonListCount = 0; pokedexView->selectedPokemon = 0; pokedexView->selectedPokemonBackup = 0; pokedexView->dexMode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; pokedexView->dexModeBackup = DEX_MODE_HOENN; pokedexView->dexOrder = ORDER_NUMERICAL; pokedexView->dexOrderBackup = ORDER_NUMERICAL; pokedexView->seenCount = 0; pokedexView->ownCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) pokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] = 0xFFFF; pokedexView->pokeBallRotationStep = 0; pokedexView->pokeBallRotationBackup = 0; pokedexView->pokeBallRotation = 0; pokedexView->initialVOffset = 0; pokedexView->scrollTimer = 0; pokedexView->scrollDirection = 0; pokedexView->listVOffset = 0; pokedexView->listMovingVOffset = 0; pokedexView->scrollMonIncrement = 0; pokedexView->maxScrollTimer = 0; pokedexView->scrollSpeed = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(pokedexView->unkArr1); i++) pokedexView->unkArr1[i] = 0; pokedexView->currentPage = PAGE_MAIN; pokedexView->currentPageBackup = PAGE_MAIN; pokedexView->isSearchResults = FALSE; pokedexView->selectedScreen = AREA_SCREEN; pokedexView->screenSwitchState = 0; pokedexView->menuIsOpen = 0; pokedexView->menuCursorPos = 0; pokedexView->menuY = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(pokedexView->unkArr2); i++) pokedexView->unkArr2[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(pokedexView->unkArr3); i++) pokedexView->unkArr3[i] = 0; } void CB2_OpenPokedex(void) { u8 *addr; u32 size; switch (gMain.state) { case 0: default: SetVBlankCallback(NULL); ResetOtherVideoRegisters(0); DmaFillLarge16(3, 0, (u8 *)VRAM, VRAM_SIZE, 0x1000); DmaClear32(3, OAM, OAM_SIZE); DmaClear16(3, PLTT, PLTT_SIZE); gMain.state = 1; break; case 1: ScanlineEffect_Stop(); ResetTasks(); ResetSpriteData(); ResetPaletteFade(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); gReservedSpritePaletteCount = 8; ResetAllPicSprites(); gMain.state++; break; case 2: sPokedexView = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct PokedexView)); ResetPokedexView(sPokedexView); CreateTask(Task_OpenPokedexMainPage, 0); sPokedexView->dexMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) sPokedexView->dexMode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; sPokedexView->dexOrder = gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.order; sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = sLastSelectedPokemon; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = sPokeBallRotation; sPokedexView->selectedScreen = AREA_SCREEN; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) { sPokedexView->seenCount = GetHoennPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_SEEN); sPokedexView->ownCount = GetHoennPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_CAUGHT); } else { sPokedexView->seenCount = GetNationalPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_SEEN); sPokedexView->ownCount = GetNationalPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_CAUGHT); } sPokedexView->initialVOffset = 8; gMain.state++; break; case 3: EnableInterrupts(1); SetVBlankCallback(VBlankCB_Pokedex); SetMainCallback2(CB2_Pokedex); CreatePokedexList(sPokedexView->dexMode, sPokedexView->dexOrder); m4aMPlayVolumeControl(&gMPlayInfo_BGM, 0xFFFF, 0x80); break; } } static void CB2_Pokedex(void) { RunTasks(); AnimateSprites(); BuildOamBuffer(); UpdatePaletteFade(); } void Task_OpenPokedexMainPage(u8 taskId) { sPokedexView->isSearchResults = FALSE; if (LoadPokedexListPage(PAGE_MAIN)) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandlePokedexInput; } #define tTaskId data[0] static void Task_HandlePokedexInput(u8 taskId) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, sPokedexView->menuY); if (sPokedexView->menuY) { sPokedexView->menuY -= 8; } else { if ((gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) && sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->selectedPokemon].seen) { UpdateSelectedMonSpriteId(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(~(1 << (gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].oam.paletteNum + 16)), 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_MoveMonForInfoScreen; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenInfoScreenAfterMonMovement; PlaySE(SE_PIN); FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(); } else if (gMain.newKeys & START_BUTTON) { sPokedexView->menuY = 0; sPokedexView->menuIsOpen = TRUE; sPokedexView->menuCursorPos = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandlePokedexStartMenuInput; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } else if (gMain.newKeys & SELECT_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].tTaskId = LoadSearchMenu(); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 0; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationBackup = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation; sPokedexView->selectedPokemonBackup = sPokedexView->selectedPokemon; sPokedexView->dexModeBackup = sPokedexView->dexMode; sPokedexView->dexOrderBackup = sPokedexView->dexOrder; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForExitSearch; PlaySE(SE_PC_LOGIN); FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(); } else if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ClosePokedex; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); } else { //Handle D-pad sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = TryDoPokedexScroll(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); if (sPokedexView->scrollTimer) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForScroll; } } } static void Task_WaitForScroll(u8 taskId) { if (UpdateDexListScroll(sPokedexView->scrollDirection, sPokedexView->scrollMonIncrement, sPokedexView->maxScrollTimer)) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandlePokedexInput; } static void Task_HandlePokedexStartMenuInput(u8 taskId) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, sPokedexView->menuY); //If menu is not open, slide it up, on screen if (sPokedexView->menuY != 80) { sPokedexView->menuY += 8; } else { if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { switch (sPokedexView->menuCursorPos) { case 0: //BACK TO LIST default: gMain.newKeys |= START_BUTTON; //Exit menu break; case 1: //LIST TOP sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = 0; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; ClearMonSprites(); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); gMain.newKeys |= START_BUTTON; //Exit menu break; case 2: //LIST BOTTOM sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = sPokedexView->pokemonListCount * 16 + POKEBALL_ROTATION_BOTTOM; ClearMonSprites(); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); gMain.newKeys |= START_BUTTON; //Exit menu break; case 3: //CLOSE POKEDEX BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ClosePokedex; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); break; } } //Exit menu when Start or B is pressed if (gMain.newKeys & (START_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) { sPokedexView->menuIsOpen = FALSE; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandlePokedexInput; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } else if ((gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP) && sPokedexView->menuCursorPos != 0) { sPokedexView->menuCursorPos--; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } else if ((gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) && sPokedexView->menuCursorPos < 3) { sPokedexView->menuCursorPos++; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } } } static void Task_OpenInfoScreenAfterMonMovement(u8 taskId) { if (gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].pos1.x == 48 && gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].pos1.y == 56) { sPokedexView->currentPageBackup = sPokedexView->currentPage; gTasks[taskId].tTaskId = LoadInfoScreen(&sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->selectedPokemon], sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForExitInfoScreen; } } static void Task_WaitForExitInfoScreen(u8 taskId) { if (gTasks[gTasks[taskId].tTaskId].isActive) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage == PAGE_INFO && !IsInfoScreenScrolling(gTasks[taskId].tTaskId) && TryDoInfoScreenScroll()) sub_80BE9F8(&sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->selectedPokemon], gTasks[taskId].tTaskId); } else { sLastSelectedPokemon = sPokedexView->selectedPokemon; sPokeBallRotation = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenPokedexMainPage; } } static void Task_WaitForExitSearch(u8 taskId) { if (!gTasks[gTasks[taskId].tTaskId].isActive) { ClearMonSprites(); // Search produced results if (sPokedexView->screenSwitchState != 0) { sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = 0; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenSearchResults; } // Search didn't produce results else { sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationBackup; sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = sPokedexView->selectedPokemonBackup; sPokedexView->dexMode = sPokedexView->dexModeBackup; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) sPokedexView->dexMode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; sPokedexView->dexOrder = sPokedexView->dexOrderBackup; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenPokedexMainPage; } } } static void Task_ClosePokedex(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = sPokedexView->dexMode; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.order = sPokedexView->dexOrder; ClearMonSprites(); FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(); DestroyTask(taskId); SetMainCallback2(CB2_ReturnToFieldWithOpenMenu); m4aMPlayVolumeControl(&gMPlayInfo_BGM, 0xFFFF, 0x100); Free(sPokedexView); } } static void Task_OpenSearchResults(u8 taskId) { sPokedexView->isSearchResults = TRUE; if (LoadPokedexListPage(PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS)) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchResultsInput; } static void Task_HandleSearchResultsInput(u8 taskId) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, sPokedexView->menuY); if (sPokedexView->menuY) { sPokedexView->menuY -= 8; } else { if ((gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) && sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->selectedPokemon].seen) { u32 a; UpdateSelectedMonSpriteId(); a = (1 << (gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].oam.paletteNum + 16)); gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_MoveMonForInfoScreen; BeginNormalPaletteFade(~a, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenSearchResultsInfoScreenAfterMonMovement; PlaySE(SE_PIN); FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(); } else if (gMain.newKeys & START_BUTTON) { sPokedexView->menuY = 0; sPokedexView->menuIsOpen = TRUE; sPokedexView->menuCursorPos = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchResultsStartMenuInput; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } else if (gMain.newKeys & SELECT_BUTTON) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].tTaskId = LoadSearchMenu(); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForExitSearch; PlaySE(SE_PC_LOGIN); FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(); } else if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ReturnToPokedexFromSearchResults; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); } else { //Handle D-pad sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = TryDoPokedexScroll(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); if (sPokedexView->scrollTimer) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForSearchResultsScroll; } } } static void Task_WaitForSearchResultsScroll(u8 taskId) { if (UpdateDexListScroll(sPokedexView->scrollDirection, sPokedexView->scrollMonIncrement, sPokedexView->maxScrollTimer)) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchResultsInput; } static void Task_HandleSearchResultsStartMenuInput(u8 taskId) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, sPokedexView->menuY); if (sPokedexView->menuY != 96) { sPokedexView->menuY += 8; } else { if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { switch (sPokedexView->menuCursorPos) { case 0: //BACK TO LIST default: gMain.newKeys |= START_BUTTON; break; case 1: //LIST TOP sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = 0; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; ClearMonSprites(); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); gMain.newKeys |= START_BUTTON; break; case 2: //LIST BOTTOM sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = sPokedexView->pokemonListCount * 16 + POKEBALL_ROTATION_BOTTOM; ClearMonSprites(); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); gMain.newKeys |= START_BUTTON; break; case 3: //BACK TO POKEDEX BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ReturnToPokedexFromSearchResults; PlaySE(SE_TRUCK_DOOR); break; case 4: //CLOSE POKEDEX BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ClosePokedexFromSearchResultsStartMenu; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); break; } } //Exit menu when Start or B is pressed if (gMain.newKeys & (START_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) { sPokedexView->menuIsOpen = FALSE; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchResultsInput; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } else if ((gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP) && sPokedexView->menuCursorPos) { sPokedexView->menuCursorPos--; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } else if ((gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) && sPokedexView->menuCursorPos < 4) { sPokedexView->menuCursorPos++; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); } } } static void Task_OpenSearchResultsInfoScreenAfterMonMovement(u8 taskId) { if (gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].pos1.x == 48 && gSprites[sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId].pos1.y == 56) { sPokedexView->currentPageBackup = sPokedexView->currentPage; gTasks[taskId].tTaskId = LoadInfoScreen(&sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->selectedPokemon], sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId); sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId = -1; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForExitSearchResultsInfoScreen; } } static void Task_WaitForExitSearchResultsInfoScreen(u8 taskId) { if (gTasks[gTasks[taskId].tTaskId].isActive) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage == PAGE_INFO && !IsInfoScreenScrolling(gTasks[taskId].tTaskId) && TryDoInfoScreenScroll()) sub_80BE9F8(&sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->selectedPokemon], gTasks[taskId].tTaskId); } else { gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenSearchResults; } } static void Task_ReturnToPokedexFromSearchResults(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationBackup; sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = sPokedexView->selectedPokemonBackup; sPokedexView->dexMode = sPokedexView->dexModeBackup; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) sPokedexView->dexMode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; sPokedexView->dexOrder = sPokedexView->dexOrderBackup; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_OpenPokedexMainPage; ClearMonSprites(); FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(); } } static void Task_ClosePokedexFromSearchResultsStartMenu(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationBackup; sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = sPokedexView->selectedPokemonBackup; sPokedexView->dexMode = sPokedexView->dexModeBackup; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) sPokedexView->dexMode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; sPokedexView->dexOrder = sPokedexView->dexOrderBackup; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ClosePokedex; } } #undef tTaskId // For loading main pokedex page or pokedex search results static bool8 LoadPokedexListPage(u8 page) { switch (gMain.state) { case 0: default: if (gPaletteFade.active) return 0; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); sPokedexView->currentPage = page; ResetOtherVideoRegisters(0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, sPokedexView->initialVOffset); ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sPokedex_BgTemplate, ARRAY_COUNT(sPokedex_BgTemplate)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(3, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(1, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(0, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, gPokedexMenu_Gfx, 0x2000, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(1, gPokedexList_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, gPokedexListUnderlay_Tilemap, 0, 0); if (page == PAGE_MAIN) CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(0, gPokedexStartMenuMain_Tilemap, 0, 0x280); else CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(0, gPokedexStartMenuSearchResults_Tilemap, 0, 0x280); ResetPaletteFade(); if (page == PAGE_MAIN) sPokedexView->isSearchResults = FALSE; else sPokedexView->isSearchResults = TRUE; LoadPokedexBgPalette(sPokedexView->isSearchResults); InitWindows(sPokemonList_WindowTemplate); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); PutWindowTilemap(0); CopyWindowToVram(0, 3); gMain.state = 1; break; case 1: ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); gReservedSpritePaletteCount = 8; LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(&sInterfaceSpriteSheet[0]); LoadSpritePalettes(sInterfaceSpritePalette); CreateInterfaceSprites(page); gMain.state++; break; case 2: gMain.state++; break; case 3: if (page == PAGE_MAIN) CreatePokedexList(sPokedexView->dexMode, sPokedexView->dexOrder); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(sPokedexView->selectedPokemon, 0xE); sPokedexView->menuIsOpen = FALSE; sPokedexView->menuY = 0; CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gMain.state++; break; case 4: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0x10, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetVBlankCallback(VBlankCB_Pokedex); gMain.state++; break; case 5: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_WININ, 0x3F3F); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_WINOUT, 0x1D3F); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_WIN0H, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_WIN0V, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_WIN1H, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_WIN1V, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_MODE_0 | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON | DISPCNT_OBJWIN_ON); ShowBg(0); ShowBg(1); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); gMain.state++; break; case 6: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gMain.state = 0; return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; } static void LoadPokedexBgPalette(bool8 isSearchResults) { if (isSearchResults == TRUE) LoadPalette(gPokedexSearchResults_Pal + 1, 1, 0xBE); else if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) LoadPalette(gPokedexBgHoenn_Pal + 1, 1, 0xBE); else LoadPalette(gPokedexBgNational_Pal + 1, 1, 0xBE); LoadPalette(GetOverworldTextboxPalettePtr(), 0xF0, 32); } static void FreeWindowAndBgBuffers(void) { void* tilemapBuffer; FreeAllWindowBuffers(); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(0); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(1); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(2); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(3); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); } static void CreatePokedexList(u8 dexMode, u8 order) { u16 vars[3]; //I have no idea why three regular variables are stored in an array, but whatever. #define temp_dexCount vars[0] #define temp_isHoennDex vars[1] #define temp_dexNum vars[2] s16 i; sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = 0; switch (dexMode) { default: case DEX_MODE_HOENN: temp_dexCount = HOENN_DEX_COUNT; temp_isHoennDex = TRUE; break; case DEX_MODE_NATIONAL: if (IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) { temp_dexCount = NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; temp_isHoennDex = FALSE; } else { temp_dexCount = HOENN_DEX_COUNT; temp_isHoennDex = TRUE; } break; } switch (order) { case ORDER_NUMERICAL: if (temp_isHoennDex) { for (i = 0; i < temp_dexCount; i++) { temp_dexNum = HoennToNationalOrder(i + 1); sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen = GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_SEEN); sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned = GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen) sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = i + 1; } } else { s16 r5, r10; for (i = 0, r5 = 0, r10 = 0; i < temp_dexCount; i++) { temp_dexNum = i + 1; if (GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_SEEN)) r10 = 1; if (r10) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[r5].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[r5].seen = GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_SEEN); sPokedexView->pokedexList[r5].owned = GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[r5].seen) sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = r5 + 1; r5++; } } } break; case ORDER_ALPHABETICAL: for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIES - 1; i++) { temp_dexNum = gPokedexOrder_Alphabetical[i]; if (NationalToHoennOrder(temp_dexNum) <= temp_dexCount && GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_SEEN)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].seen = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].owned = GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT); sPokedexView->pokemonListCount++; } } break; case ORDER_HEAVIEST: for (i = NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; i--) { temp_dexNum = gPokedexOrder_Weight[i]; if (NationalToHoennOrder(temp_dexNum) <= temp_dexCount && GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].seen = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].owned = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokemonListCount++; } } break; case ORDER_LIGHTEST: for (i = 0; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { temp_dexNum = gPokedexOrder_Weight[i]; if (NationalToHoennOrder(temp_dexNum) <= temp_dexCount && GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].seen = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].owned = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokemonListCount++; } } break; case ORDER_TALLEST: for (i = NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; i--) { temp_dexNum = gPokedexOrder_Height[i]; if (NationalToHoennOrder(temp_dexNum) <= temp_dexCount && GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].seen = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].owned = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokemonListCount++; } } break; case ORDER_SMALLEST: for (i = 0; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { temp_dexNum = gPokedexOrder_Height[i]; if (NationalToHoennOrder(temp_dexNum) <= temp_dexCount && GetSetPokedexFlag(temp_dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].dexNum = temp_dexNum; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].seen = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[sPokedexView->pokemonListCount].owned = TRUE; sPokedexView->pokemonListCount++; } } break; } for (i = sPokedexView->pokemonListCount; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum = 0xFFFF; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen = FALSE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned = FALSE; } } static void PrintMonDexNumAndName(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, const u8* str, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 color[3]; color[0] = TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; color[1] = TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_6; color[2] = TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GREY; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(windowId, fontId, left * 8, (top * 8) + 1, 0, 0, color, -1, str); } // u16 ignored is passed but never used static void CreateMonListEntry(u8 position, u16 b, u16 ignored) { s16 entryNum; u16 i; u16 vOffset; switch (position) { case 0: // Initial default: entryNum = b - 5; for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { if (entryNum < 0 || entryNum >= NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT || sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum == 0xFFFF) { ClearMonListEntry(17, i * 2, ignored); } else { ClearMonListEntry(17, i * 2, ignored); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].seen) { CreateMonDexNum(entryNum, 0x12, i * 2, ignored); CreateCaughtBall(sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].owned, 0x11, i * 2, ignored); CreateMonName(sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum, 0x16, i * 2); } else { CreateMonDexNum(entryNum, 0x12, i * 2, ignored); CreateCaughtBall(FALSE, 0x11, i * 2, ignored); CreateMonName(0, 0x16, i * 2); } } entryNum++; } break; case 1: // Up entryNum = b - 5; if (entryNum < 0 || entryNum >= NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT || sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum == 0xFFFF) { ClearMonListEntry(17, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2, ignored); } else { ClearMonListEntry(17, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2, ignored); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].seen) { CreateMonDexNum(entryNum, 18, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2, ignored); CreateCaughtBall(sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].owned, 0x11, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2, ignored); CreateMonName(sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum, 0x16, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2); } else { CreateMonDexNum(entryNum, 18, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2, ignored); CreateCaughtBall(FALSE, 17, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2, ignored); CreateMonName(0, 0x16, sPokedexView->listVOffset * 2); } } break; case 2: // Down entryNum = b + 5; vOffset = sPokedexView->listVOffset + 10; if (vOffset >= LIST_SCROLL_STEP) vOffset -= LIST_SCROLL_STEP; if (entryNum < 0 || entryNum >= NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT || sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum == 0xFFFF) ClearMonListEntry(17, vOffset * 2, ignored); else { ClearMonListEntry(17, vOffset * 2, ignored); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].seen) { CreateMonDexNum(entryNum, 18, vOffset * 2, ignored); CreateCaughtBall(sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].owned, 0x11, vOffset * 2, ignored); CreateMonName(sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum, 0x16, vOffset * 2); } else { CreateMonDexNum(entryNum, 18, vOffset * 2, ignored); CreateCaughtBall(FALSE, 0x11, vOffset * 2, ignored); CreateMonName(0, 0x16, vOffset * 2); } } break; } CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); } static void CreateMonDexNum(u16 entryNum, u8 left, u8 top, u16 unused) { u8 text[6]; u16 dexNum; memcpy(text, sText_No000, ARRAY_COUNT(text)); dexNum = sPokedexView->pokedexList[entryNum].dexNum; if (sPokedexView->dexMode == DEX_MODE_HOENN) dexNum = NationalToHoennOrder(dexNum); text[2] = CHAR_0 + dexNum / 100; text[3] = CHAR_0 + (dexNum % 100) / 10; text[4] = CHAR_0 + (dexNum % 100) % 10; PrintMonDexNumAndName(0, 7, text, left, top); } static void CreateCaughtBall(bool16 owned, u8 x, u8 y, u16 unused) { if (owned) BlitBitmapToWindow(0, sCaughtBall_Gfx, x * 8, y * 8, 8, 16); else FillWindowPixelRect(0, PIXEL_FILL(0), x * 8, y * 8, 8, 16); } static u8 CreateMonName(u16 num, u8 left, u8 top) { const u8* str; num = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(num); if (num) str = gSpeciesNames[num]; else str = sText_TenDashes; PrintMonDexNumAndName(0, 7, str, left, top); return StringLength(str); } static void ClearMonListEntry(u8 x, u8 y, u16 unused) { FillWindowPixelRect(0, PIXEL_FILL(0), x * 8, y * 8, 0x60, 16); } // u16 ignored is passed but never used static void CreateMonSpritesAtPos(u16 selectedMon, u16 ignored) { u8 i; u16 dexNum; u8 spriteId; gPaletteFade.bufferTransferDisabled = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] = 0xFFFF; sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId = 0xFFFF; // Create top mon sprite dexNum = GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(selectedMon - 1); if (dexNum != 0xFFFF) { spriteId = CreatePokedexMonSprite(dexNum, 0x60, 0x50); gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite; gSprites[spriteId].data[5] = -32; } // Create mid mon sprite dexNum = GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(selectedMon); if (dexNum != 0xFFFF) { spriteId = CreatePokedexMonSprite(dexNum, 0x60, 0x50); gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite; gSprites[spriteId].data[5] = 0; } // Create bottom mon sprite dexNum = GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(selectedMon + 1); if (dexNum != 0xFFFF) { spriteId = CreatePokedexMonSprite(dexNum, 0x60, 0x50); gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite; gSprites[spriteId].data[5] = 32; } CreateMonListEntry(0, selectedMon, ignored); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, sPokedexView->initialVOffset); sPokedexView->listVOffset = 0; sPokedexView->listMovingVOffset = 0; gPaletteFade.bufferTransferDisabled = FALSE; } static bool8 UpdateDexListScroll(u8 direction, u8 monMoveIncrement, u8 scrollTimerMax) { u16 i; u8 step; if (sPokedexView->scrollTimer) { sPokedexView->scrollTimer--; switch (direction) { case 1: // Up for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) { if (sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] != 0xFFFF) gSprites[sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i]].data[5] += monMoveIncrement; } step = LIST_SCROLL_STEP * (scrollTimerMax - sPokedexView->scrollTimer) / scrollTimerMax; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, sPokedexView->initialVOffset + sPokedexView->listMovingVOffset * LIST_SCROLL_STEP - step); sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation -= sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationStep; break; case 2: // Down for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) { if (sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] != 0xFFFF) gSprites[sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i]].data[5] -= monMoveIncrement; } step = LIST_SCROLL_STEP * (scrollTimerMax - sPokedexView->scrollTimer) / scrollTimerMax; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, sPokedexView->initialVOffset + sPokedexView->listMovingVOffset * LIST_SCROLL_STEP + step); sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation += sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationStep; break; } return FALSE; } else { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, sPokedexView->initialVOffset + sPokedexView->listVOffset * LIST_SCROLL_STEP); return TRUE; } } static void CreateScrollingPokemonSprite(u8 direction, u16 selectedMon) { u16 dexNum; u8 spriteId; sPokedexView->listMovingVOffset = sPokedexView->listVOffset; switch (direction) { case 1: // up dexNum = GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(selectedMon - 1); if (dexNum != 0xFFFF) { spriteId = CreatePokedexMonSprite(dexNum, 0x60, 0x50); gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite; gSprites[spriteId].data[5] = -64; } if (sPokedexView->listVOffset > 0) sPokedexView->listVOffset--; else sPokedexView->listVOffset = LIST_SCROLL_STEP - 1; break; case 2: // down dexNum = GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(selectedMon + 1); if (dexNum != 0xFFFF) { spriteId = CreatePokedexMonSprite(dexNum, 0x60, 0x50); gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite; gSprites[spriteId].data[5] = 64; } if (sPokedexView->listVOffset < LIST_SCROLL_STEP - 1) sPokedexView->listVOffset++; else sPokedexView->listVOffset = 0; break; } } // u16 ignored is passed but never used static u16 TryDoPokedexScroll(u16 selectedMon, u16 ignored) { u8 scrollTimer; u8 scrollMonIncrement; u8 i; u16 startingPos; u8 scrollDir = 0; if ((gMain.heldKeys & DPAD_UP) && (selectedMon > 0)) { scrollDir = 1; selectedMon = GetNextPosition(1, selectedMon, 0, sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); CreateScrollingPokemonSprite(1, selectedMon); CreateMonListEntry(1, selectedMon, ignored); PlaySE(SE_DEX_SCROLL); } else if ((gMain.heldKeys & DPAD_DOWN) && (selectedMon < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1)) { scrollDir = 2; selectedMon = GetNextPosition(0, selectedMon, 0, sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); CreateScrollingPokemonSprite(2, selectedMon); CreateMonListEntry(2, selectedMon, ignored); PlaySE(SE_DEX_SCROLL); } else if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) && (selectedMon > 0)) { startingPos = selectedMon; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) selectedMon = GetNextPosition(1, selectedMon, 0, sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation += 16 * (selectedMon - startingPos); ClearMonSprites(); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(selectedMon, 0xE); PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); } else if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) && (selectedMon < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1)) { startingPos = selectedMon; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) selectedMon = GetNextPosition(0, selectedMon, 0, sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation += 16 * (selectedMon - startingPos); ClearMonSprites(); CreateMonSpritesAtPos(selectedMon, 0xE); PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); } if (scrollDir == 0) { // Left/right input just snaps up/down, no scrolling sPokedexView->scrollSpeed = 0; return selectedMon; } scrollMonIncrement = sScrollMonIncrements[sPokedexView->scrollSpeed / 4]; scrollTimer = sScrollTimers[sPokedexView->scrollSpeed / 4]; sPokedexView->scrollTimer = scrollTimer; sPokedexView->maxScrollTimer = scrollTimer; sPokedexView->scrollMonIncrement = scrollMonIncrement; sPokedexView->scrollDirection = scrollDir; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationStep = scrollMonIncrement / 2; UpdateDexListScroll(sPokedexView->scrollDirection, sPokedexView->scrollMonIncrement, sPokedexView->maxScrollTimer); if (sPokedexView->scrollSpeed < 12) sPokedexView->scrollSpeed++; return selectedMon; } static void UpdateSelectedMonSpriteId(void) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) { u16 spriteId = sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i]; if (gSprites[spriteId].pos2.x == 0 && gSprites[spriteId].pos2.y == 0 && spriteId != 0xFFFF) sPokedexView->selectedMonSpriteId = spriteId; } } static bool8 TryDoInfoScreenScroll(void) { u16 nextPokemon; u16 selectedPokemon = sPokedexView->selectedPokemon; if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_UP) && selectedPokemon) { nextPokemon = selectedPokemon; while (nextPokemon != 0) { nextPokemon = GetNextPosition(1, nextPokemon, 0, sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[nextPokemon].seen) { selectedPokemon = nextPokemon; break; } } if (sPokedexView->selectedPokemon == selectedPokemon) return FALSE; else { sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = selectedPokemon; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation -= 16; return TRUE; } } else if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_DOWN) && selectedPokemon < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1) { nextPokemon = selectedPokemon; while (nextPokemon < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1) { nextPokemon = GetNextPosition(0, nextPokemon, 0, sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[nextPokemon].seen) { selectedPokemon = nextPokemon; break; } } if (sPokedexView->selectedPokemon == selectedPokemon) return FALSE; else { sPokedexView->selectedPokemon = selectedPokemon; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation += 16; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static u8 ClearMonSprites(void) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) { if (sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] != 0xFFFF) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i]); sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] = 0xFFFF; } } return FALSE; } static u16 GetPokemonSpriteToDisplay(u16 species) { if (species >= NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT || sPokedexView->pokedexList[species].dexNum == 0xFFFF) return 0xFFFF; else if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[species].seen) return sPokedexView->pokedexList[species].dexNum; else return 0; } static u32 CreatePokedexMonSprite(u16 num, s16 x, s16 y) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MONS_ON_SCREEN; i++) { if (sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] == 0xFFFF) { u8 spriteId = CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(num, x, y, i); gSprites[spriteId].oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_NORMAL; gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = 3; gSprites[spriteId].data[0] = 0; gSprites[spriteId].data[1] = i; gSprites[spriteId].data[2] = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(num); sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[i] = spriteId; return spriteId; } } return 0xFFFF; } #define sIsDownArrow data[1] static void CreateInterfaceSprites(u8 page) { u8 spriteId; u16 digitNum; // Scroll arrows spriteId = CreateSprite(&sScrollArrowSpriteTemplate, 184, 4, 0); gSprites[spriteId].sIsDownArrow = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sScrollArrowSpriteTemplate, 184, 156, 0); gSprites[spriteId].sIsDownArrow = TRUE; gSprites[spriteId].vFlip = TRUE; CreateSprite(&sScrollBarSpriteTemplate, 230, 20, 0); // Start button CreateSprite(&sInterfaceTextSpriteTemplate, 16, 120, 0); // Menu text spriteId = CreateSprite(&sInterfaceTextSpriteTemplate, 48, 120, 0); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 3); // Select button spriteId = CreateSprite(&sInterfaceTextSpriteTemplate, 16, 144, 0); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 2); gSprites[spriteId].data[2] = 0x80; // Search text spriteId = CreateSprite(&sInterfaceTextSpriteTemplate, 48, 144, 0); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 1); spriteId = CreateSprite(&sRotatingPokeBallSpriteTemplate, 0, 80, 2); gSprites[spriteId].oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_NORMAL; gSprites[spriteId].oam.matrixNum = 30; gSprites[spriteId].data[0] = 30; gSprites[spriteId].data[1] = 0; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sRotatingPokeBallSpriteTemplate, 0, 80, 2); gSprites[spriteId].oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_NORMAL; gSprites[spriteId].oam.matrixNum = 31; gSprites[spriteId].data[0] = 31; gSprites[spriteId].data[1] = 128; if (page == PAGE_MAIN) { bool32 drawNextDigit; if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) { // Seen text CreateSprite(&sSeenOwnTextSpriteTemplate, 32, 40, 1); // Own text spriteId = CreateSprite(&sSeenOwnTextSpriteTemplate, 32, 72, 1); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 1); // Seen value - 100s drawNextDigit = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 24, 48, 1); digitNum = sPokedexView->seenCount / 100; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); if (digitNum != 0) drawNextDigit = TRUE; else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Seen value - 10s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 32, 48, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->seenCount % 100) / 10; if (digitNum != 0 || drawNextDigit) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Seen value - 1s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 40, 48, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->seenCount % 100) % 10; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); // Owned value - 100s drawNextDigit = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 24, 80, 1); digitNum = sPokedexView->ownCount / 100; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); if (digitNum != 0) drawNextDigit = TRUE; else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Owned value - 10s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 32, 80, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->ownCount % 100) / 10; if (digitNum != 0 || drawNextDigit) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Owned value - 1s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 40, 80, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->ownCount % 100) % 10; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); } else { u16 seenOwnedCount; // Seen text CreateSprite(&sSeenOwnTextSpriteTemplate, 32, 40, 1); // Own text spriteId = CreateSprite(&sSeenOwnTextSpriteTemplate, 32, 76, 1); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 1); // Hoenn text (seen) CreateSprite(&sHoennNationalTextSpriteTemplate, 17, 45, 1); // National text (seen) spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennNationalTextSpriteTemplate, 17, 55, 1); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 1); // Hoenn text (own) CreateSprite(&sHoennNationalTextSpriteTemplate, 17, 81, 1); // National text (own) spriteId = CreateSprite(&sHoennNationalTextSpriteTemplate, 17, 91, 1); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], 1); // Hoenn seen value - 100s seenOwnedCount = GetHoennPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_SEEN); drawNextDigit = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 40, 45, 1); digitNum = seenOwnedCount / 100; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); if (digitNum != 0) drawNextDigit = TRUE; else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Hoenn seen value - 10s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 48, 45, 1); digitNum = (seenOwnedCount % 100) / 10; if (digitNum != 0 || drawNextDigit) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Hoenn seen value - 1s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 56, 45, 1); digitNum = (seenOwnedCount % 100) % 10; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); // National seen value - 100s drawNextDigit = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 40, 55, 1); digitNum = sPokedexView->seenCount / 100; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); if (digitNum != 0) drawNextDigit = TRUE; else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // National seen value - 10s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 48, 55, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->seenCount % 100) / 10; if (digitNum != 0 || drawNextDigit) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // National seen value - 1s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 56, 55, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->seenCount % 100) % 10; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); seenOwnedCount = GetHoennPokedexCount(FLAG_GET_CAUGHT); // Hoenn owned value - 100s drawNextDigit = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 40, 81, 1); digitNum = seenOwnedCount / 100; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); if (digitNum != 0) drawNextDigit = TRUE; else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Hoenn owned value - 10s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 48, 81, 1); digitNum = (seenOwnedCount % 100) / 10; if (digitNum != 0 || drawNextDigit) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // Hoenn owned value - 1s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 56, 81, 1); digitNum = (seenOwnedCount % 100) % 10; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); // National owned value - 100s drawNextDigit = FALSE; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 40, 91, 1); digitNum = sPokedexView->ownCount / 100; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); if (digitNum != 0) drawNextDigit = TRUE; else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // National owned value - 10s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 48, 91, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->ownCount % 100) / 10; if (digitNum != 0 || drawNextDigit) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); else gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; // National owned value - 1s spriteId = CreateSprite(&sNationalDexSeenOwnNumberSpriteTemplate, 56, 91, 1); digitNum = (sPokedexView->ownCount % 100) % 10; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], digitNum); } spriteId = CreateSprite(&sDexListStartMenuCursorSpriteTemplate, 136, 96, 1); gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; } else // PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS { spriteId = CreateSprite(&sDexListStartMenuCursorSpriteTemplate, 136, 80, 1); gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; } } static void SpriteCB_EndMoveMonForInfoScreen(struct Sprite *sprite) { // Once mon is done moving there's nothing left to do } static void SpriteCB_SeenOwnInfo(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN) DestroySprite(sprite); } void SpriteCB_MoveMonForInfoScreen(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->oam.priority = 0; sprite->oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF; sprite->pos2.x = 0; sprite->pos2.y = 0; if (sprite->pos1.x != 48 || sprite->pos1.y != 56) { if (sprite->pos1.x > 48) sprite->pos1.x--; if (sprite->pos1.x < 48) sprite->pos1.x++; if (sprite->pos1.y > 56) sprite->pos1.y--; if (sprite->pos1.y < 56) sprite->pos1.y++; } else { sprite->callback = SpriteCB_EndMoveMonForInfoScreen; } } static void SpriteCB_PokedexListMonSprite(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 monId = sprite->data[1]; if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN && sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[monId]); sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[monId] = 0xFFFF; } else { u32 var; sprite->pos2.y = gSineTable[(u8)sprite->data[5]] * 76 / 256; var = 0x10000 / gSineTable[sprite->data[5] + 64]; if (var > 0xFFFF) var = 0xFFFF; SetOamMatrix(sprite->data[1] + 1, 0x100, 0, 0, var); sprite->oam.matrixNum = monId + 1; if (sprite->data[5] > -64 && sprite->data[5] < 64) { sprite->invisible = FALSE; sprite->data[0] = 1; } else { sprite->invisible = TRUE; } if ((sprite->data[5] <= -64 || sprite->data[5] >= 64) && sprite->data[0] != 0) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[monId]); sPokedexView->monSpriteIds[monId] = 0xFFFF; } } } static void SpriteCB_Scrollbar(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN && sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS) DestroySprite(sprite); else sprite->pos2.y = sPokedexView->selectedPokemon * 120 / (sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1); } static void SpriteCB_ScrollArrow(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN && sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS) { DestroySprite(sprite); } else { u8 r0; if (sprite->sIsDownArrow) { if (sPokedexView->selectedPokemon == sPokedexView->pokemonListCount - 1) sprite->invisible = TRUE; else sprite->invisible = FALSE; r0 = sprite->data[2]; } else { if (sPokedexView->selectedPokemon == 0) sprite->invisible = TRUE; else sprite->invisible = FALSE; r0 = sprite->data[2] - 128; } sprite->pos2.y = gSineTable[r0] / 64; sprite->data[2] = sprite->data[2] + 8; if (sPokedexView->menuIsOpen == FALSE && sPokedexView->menuY == 0 && sprite->invisible == FALSE) sprite->invisible = FALSE; else sprite->invisible = TRUE; } } static void SpriteCB_DexListInterfaceText(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN && sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS) DestroySprite(sprite); } static void SpriteCB_RotatingPokeBall(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN && sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS) { DestroySprite(sprite); } else { u8 val; s16 r3; s16 r0; val = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation + sprite->data[1]; r3 = gSineTable[val]; r0 = gSineTable[val + 64]; SetOamMatrix(sprite->data[0], r0, r3, -r3, r0); val = sPokedexView->pokeBallRotation + (sprite->data[1] + 64); r3 = gSineTable[val]; r0 = gSineTable[val + 64]; sprite->pos2.x = r0 * 40 / 256; sprite->pos2.y = r3 * 40 / 256; } } static void SpriteCB_DexListStartMenuCursor(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_MAIN && sPokedexView->currentPage != PAGE_SEARCH_RESULTS) { DestroySprite(sprite); } else { u16 r1 = sPokedexView->currentPage == PAGE_MAIN ? 80 : 96; if (sPokedexView->menuIsOpen && sPokedexView->menuY == r1) { sprite->invisible = FALSE; sprite->pos2.y = sPokedexView->menuCursorPos * 16; sprite->pos2.x = gSineTable[(u8)sprite->data[2]] / 64; sprite->data[2] += 8; } else { sprite->invisible = TRUE; } } } static void PrintInfoScreenText(const u8* str, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 color[3]; color[0] = TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; color[1] = TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_6; color[2] = TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GREY; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(0, 1, left, top, 0, 0, color, -1, str); } #define tMonSpriteId data[4] static u8 LoadInfoScreen(struct PokedexListItem* item, u8 monSpriteId) { u8 taskId; sPokedexListItem = item; taskId = CreateTask(Task_LoadInfoScreen, 0); gTasks[taskId].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[1] = 1; gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[3] = 0; gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId = monSpriteId; gTasks[taskId].data[5] = 255; ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sInfoScreen_BgTemplate, ARRAY_COUNT(sInfoScreen_BgTemplate)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(3, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(1, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(0, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); InitWindows(sInfoScreen_WindowTemplates); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); return taskId; } static bool8 IsInfoScreenScrolling(u8 taskId) { if (gTasks[taskId].data[0] == 0 && gTasks[taskId].func == Task_HandleInfoScreenInput) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static u8 sub_80BE9F8(struct PokedexListItem *item, u8 taskId) { sPokedexListItem = item; gTasks[taskId].data[0] = 1; gTasks[taskId].data[1] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[3] = 0; return taskId; } static void Task_LoadInfoScreen(u8 taskId) { switch (gMain.state) { case 0: default: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { u16 r2; sPokedexView->currentPage = PAGE_INFO; gPokedexVBlankCB = gMain.vblankCallback; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); r2 = 0; if (gTasks[taskId].data[1] != 0) r2 += DISPCNT_OBJ_ON; if (gTasks[taskId].data[2] != 0) r2 |= DISPCNT_BG1_ON; ResetOtherVideoRegisters(r2); gMain.state = 1; } break; case 1: DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, gPokedexMenu_Gfx, 0x2000, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, gPokedexInfoScreen_Tilemap, 0, 0); FillWindowPixelBuffer(WIN_INFO, PIXEL_FILL(0)); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_INFO); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_FOOTPRINT); PrintFootprint(WIN_FOOTPRINT, sPokedexListItem->dexNum); CopyWindowToVram(WIN_FOOTPRINT, 2); gMain.state++; break; case 2: LoadScreenSelectBarMain(0xD); HighlightScreenSelectBarItem(sPokedexView->selectedScreen, 0xD); LoadPokedexBgPalette(sPokedexView->isSearchResults); gMain.state++; break; case 3: gMain.state++; break; case 4: PrintMonInfo(sPokedexListItem->dexNum, sPokedexView->dexMode == DEX_MODE_HOENN ? FALSE : TRUE, sPokedexListItem->owned, 0); if (!sPokedexListItem->owned) LoadPalette(gPlttBufferUnfaded + 1, 0x31, 0x1E); CopyWindowToVram(WIN_INFO, 3); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gMain.state++; break; case 5: if (gTasks[taskId].data[1] == 0) { gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId = (u16)CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(sPokedexListItem->dexNum, 48, 56, 0); gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId].oam.priority = 0; } gMain.state++; break; case 6: { u32 preservedPalettes = 0; if (gTasks[taskId].data[2] != 0) preservedPalettes = 0x14; // each bit represents a palette index if (gTasks[taskId].data[1] != 0) preservedPalettes |= (1 << (gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId].oam.paletteNum + 16)); BeginNormalPaletteFade(~preservedPalettes, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetVBlankCallback(gPokedexVBlankCB); gMain.state++; } break; case 7: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); HideBg(0); ShowBg(1); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); gMain.state++; break; case 8: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gMain.state++; if (gTasks[taskId].data[3] == 0) { StopCryAndClearCrySongs(); PlayCry2(NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexListItem->dexNum), 0, 0x7D, 0xA); } else { gMain.state++; } } break; case 9: if (!IsCryPlayingOrClearCrySongs()) gMain.state++; break; case 10: gTasks[taskId].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[1] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[2] = 1; gTasks[taskId].data[3] = 1; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleInfoScreenInput; gMain.state = 0; break; } } static void FreeInfoScreenWindowAndBgBuffers(void) { void *tilemapBuffer; FreeAllWindowBuffers(); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(0); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(1); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(2); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(3); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); } static void Task_HandleInfoScreenInput(u8 taskId) { if (gTasks[taskId].data[0] != 0) { // Scroll up/down BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadInfoScreenWaitForFade; PlaySE(SE_DEX_SCROLL); return; } if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitInfoScreen; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); return; } if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { switch (sPokedexView->selectedScreen) { case AREA_SCREEN: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 1; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromInfoScreen; PlaySE(SE_PIN); break; case CRY_SCREEN: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 2; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromInfoScreen; PlaySE(SE_PIN); break; case SIZE_SCREEN: if (!sPokedexListItem->owned) { PlaySE(SE_FAILURE); } else { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 3; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromInfoScreen; PlaySE(SE_PIN); } break; case CANCEL_SCREEN: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitInfoScreen; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); break; } return; } if (((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) || ((gMain.newKeys & L_BUTTON) && gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR)) && sPokedexView->selectedScreen > 0) { sPokedexView->selectedScreen--; HighlightScreenSelectBarItem(sPokedexView->selectedScreen, 0xD); PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); return; } if (((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) || ((gMain.newKeys & R_BUTTON) && gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR)) && sPokedexView->selectedScreen < CANCEL_SCREEN) { sPokedexView->selectedScreen++; HighlightScreenSelectBarItem(sPokedexView->selectedScreen, 0xD); PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); return; } } static void Task_SwitchScreensFromInfoScreen(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId); switch (sPokedexView->screenSwitchState) { case 1: default: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadAreaScreen; break; case 2: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadCryScreen; break; case 3: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadSizeScreen; break; } } } static void Task_LoadInfoScreenWaitForFade(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadInfoScreen; } } static void Task_ExitInfoScreen(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId); FreeInfoScreenWindowAndBgBuffers(); DestroyTask(taskId); } } static void Task_LoadAreaScreen(u8 taskId) { switch (gMain.state) { case 0: default: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sPokedexView->currentPage = PAGE_AREA; gPokedexVBlankCB = gMain.vblankCallback; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); ResetOtherVideoRegisters(DISPCNT_BG1_ON); sPokedexView->selectedScreen = AREA_SCREEN; gMain.state = 1; } break; case 1: LoadScreenSelectBarSubmenu(0xD); HighlightSubmenuScreenSelectBarItem(0, 0xD); LoadPokedexBgPalette(sPokedexView->isSearchResults); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(0) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(0) | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(13) | BGCNT_16COLOR | BGCNT_TXT256x256); gMain.state++; break; case 2: ShowPokedexAreaScreen(NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexListItem->dexNum), &sPokedexView->screenSwitchState); SetVBlankCallback(gPokedexVBlankCB); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 0; gMain.state = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitForAreaScreenInput; break; } } static void Task_WaitForAreaScreenInput(u8 taskId) { // See Task_HandlePokedexAreaScreenInput() in pokedex_area_screen.c if (sPokedexView->screenSwitchState != 0) gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromAreaScreen; } static void Task_SwitchScreensFromAreaScreen(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { switch (sPokedexView->screenSwitchState) { case 1: default: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadInfoScreen; break; case 2: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadCryScreen; break; } } } static void Task_LoadCryScreen(u8 taskId) { switch (gMain.state) { case 0: default: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { m4aMPlayStop(&gMPlayInfo_BGM); sPokedexView->currentPage = PAGE_CRY; gPokedexVBlankCB = gMain.vblankCallback; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); ResetOtherVideoRegisters(DISPCNT_BG1_ON); sPokedexView->selectedScreen = CRY_SCREEN; gMain.state = 1; } break; case 1: DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, &gPokedexMenu_Gfx, 0x2000, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, &gPokedexCryScreen_Tilemap, 0, 0); FillWindowPixelBuffer(WIN_INFO, PIXEL_FILL(0)); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_INFO); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_VU_METER); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_CRY_WAVE); gMain.state++; break; case 2: LoadScreenSelectBarSubmenu(0xD); HighlightSubmenuScreenSelectBarItem(1, 0xD); LoadPokedexBgPalette(sPokedexView->isSearchResults); gMain.state++; break; case 3: ResetPaletteFade(); gMain.state++; break; case 4: PrintInfoScreenText(gText_CryOf, 82, 33); PrintCryScreenSpeciesName(0, sPokedexListItem->dexNum, 82, 49); gMain.state++; break; case 5: gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId = CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(sPokedexListItem->dexNum, 48, 56, 0); gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId].oam.priority = 0; gDexCryScreenState = 0; gMain.state++; break; case 6: { struct CryScreenWindow waveformWindow; waveformWindow.unk0 = 0x4020; waveformWindow.unk2 = 31; waveformWindow.paletteNo = 8; waveformWindow.yPos = 30; waveformWindow.xPos = 12; if (LoadCryWaveformWindow(&waveformWindow, 2)) { gMain.state++; gDexCryScreenState = 0; } } break; case 7: { struct CryScreenWindow cryMeter; cryMeter.paletteNo = 9; cryMeter.xPos = 18; cryMeter.yPos = 3; if (LoadCryMeter(&cryMeter, 3)) gMain.state++; CopyWindowToVram(WIN_VU_METER, 2); CopyWindowToVram(WIN_INFO, 3); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } break; case 8: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0x10, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetVBlankCallback(gPokedexVBlankCB); gMain.state++; break; case 9: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); ShowBg(0); ShowBg(1); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); gMain.state++; break; case 10: sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 0; gMain.state = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleCryScreenInput; break; } } static void Task_HandleCryScreenInput(u8 taskId) { UpdateCryWaveformWindow(2); if (IsCryPlaying()) LoadPlayArrowPalette(TRUE); else LoadPlayArrowPalette(FALSE); if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { LoadPlayArrowPalette(TRUE); CryScreenPlayButton(NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexListItem->dexNum)); return; } else if (!gPaletteFade.active) { if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); m4aMPlayContinue(&gMPlayInfo_BGM); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 1; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromCryScreen; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); return; } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) || ((gMain.newKeys & L_BUTTON) && gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR)) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); m4aMPlayContinue(&gMPlayInfo_BGM); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 2; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromCryScreen; PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); return; } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) || ((gMain.newKeys & R_BUTTON) && gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR)) { if (!sPokedexListItem->owned) { PlaySE(SE_FAILURE); } else { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); m4aMPlayContinue(&gMPlayInfo_BGM); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 3; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromCryScreen; PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); } return; } } } static void Task_SwitchScreensFromCryScreen(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeCryScreen(); FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId); switch (sPokedexView->screenSwitchState) { default: case 1: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadInfoScreen; break; case 2: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadAreaScreen; break; case 3: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadSizeScreen; break; } } } static void LoadPlayArrowPalette(bool8 cryPlaying) { u16 color; if (cryPlaying) color = RGB(18, 28, 0); else color = RGB(15, 21, 0); LoadPalette(&color, 0x5D, 2); } static void Task_LoadSizeScreen(u8 taskId) { u8 spriteId; switch (gMain.state) { default: case 0: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sPokedexView->currentPage = PAGE_SIZE; gPokedexVBlankCB = gMain.vblankCallback; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); ResetOtherVideoRegisters(DISPCNT_BG1_ON); sPokedexView->selectedScreen = SIZE_SCREEN; gMain.state = 1; } break; case 1: DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, gPokedexMenu_Gfx, 0x2000, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, gPokedexSizeScreen_Tilemap, 0, 0); FillWindowPixelBuffer(WIN_INFO, PIXEL_FILL(0)); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_INFO); gMain.state++; break; case 2: LoadScreenSelectBarSubmenu(0xD); HighlightSubmenuScreenSelectBarItem(2, 0xD); LoadPokedexBgPalette(sPokedexView->isSearchResults); gMain.state++; break; case 3: { u8 string[64]; StringCopy(string, gText_SizeComparedTo); StringAppend(string, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName); PrintInfoScreenText(string, GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, string, 0xF0), 0x79); gMain.state++; } break; case 4: ResetPaletteFade(); gMain.state++; break; case 5: spriteId = CreateSizeScreenTrainerPic(PlayerGenderToFrontTrainerPicId(gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerGender), 152, 56, 0); gSprites[spriteId].oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_NORMAL; gSprites[spriteId].oam.matrixNum = 1; gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = 0; gSprites[spriteId].pos2.y = gPokedexEntries[sPokedexListItem->dexNum].trainerOffset; SetOamMatrix(1, gPokedexEntries[sPokedexListItem->dexNum].trainerScale, 0, 0, gPokedexEntries[sPokedexListItem->dexNum].trainerScale); LoadPalette(sSizeScreenSilhouette_Pal, (gSprites[spriteId].oam.paletteNum + 16) * 16, 0x20); gTasks[taskId].data[5] = spriteId; gMain.state++; break; case 6: spriteId = CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(sPokedexListItem->dexNum, 88, 56, 1); gSprites[spriteId].oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_NORMAL; gSprites[spriteId].oam.matrixNum = 2; gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = 0; gSprites[spriteId].pos2.y = gPokedexEntries[sPokedexListItem->dexNum].pokemonOffset; SetOamMatrix(2, gPokedexEntries[sPokedexListItem->dexNum].pokemonScale, 0, 0, gPokedexEntries[sPokedexListItem->dexNum].pokemonScale); LoadPalette(sSizeScreenSilhouette_Pal, (gSprites[spriteId].oam.paletteNum + 16) * 16, 0x20); gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId = spriteId; CopyWindowToVram(WIN_INFO, 3); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gMain.state++; break; case 7: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0x10, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetVBlankCallback(gPokedexVBlankCB); gMain.state++; break; case 8: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); HideBg(0); ShowBg(1); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); gMain.state++; break; case 9: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 0; gMain.state = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSizeScreenInput; } break; } } static void Task_HandleSizeScreenInput(u8 taskId) { if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 1; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromSizeScreen; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); } else if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) || ((gMain.newKeys & L_BUTTON) && gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR)) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFEB, 0, 0, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 2; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchScreensFromSizeScreen; PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); } } static void Task_SwitchScreensFromSizeScreen(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId); FreeAndDestroyTrainerPicSprite(gTasks[taskId].data[5]); switch (sPokedexView->screenSwitchState) { default: case 1: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadInfoScreen; break; case 2: gTasks[taskId].func = Task_LoadCryScreen; break; } } } #undef tMonSpriteId static void LoadScreenSelectBarMain(u16 unused) { CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(1, gPokedexScreenSelectBarMain_Tilemap, 0, 0); } static void LoadScreenSelectBarSubmenu(u16 unused) { CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(1, gPokedexScreenSelectBarSubmenu_Tilemap, 0, 0); } static void HighlightScreenSelectBarItem(u8 selectedScreen, u16 unused) { u8 i; u8 j; u16* ptr = GetBgTilemapBuffer(1); for (i = 0; i < SCREEN_COUNT; i++) { u8 row = (i * 7) + 1; u16 newPalette; do { newPalette = 0x4000; if (i == selectedScreen) newPalette = 0x2000; } while (0); for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { ptr[row + j] = (ptr[row + j] % 0x1000) | newPalette; ptr[row + j + 0x20] = (ptr[row + j + 0x20] % 0x1000) | newPalette; } } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); } static void HighlightSubmenuScreenSelectBarItem(u8 a, u16 b) { u8 i; u8 j; u16* ptr = GetBgTilemapBuffer(1); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { u8 row = i * 7 + 1; u32 newPalette; do { if (i == a || i == 3) newPalette = 0x2000; else newPalette = 0x4000; } while (0); for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { ptr[row + j] = (ptr[row + j] % 0x1000) | newPalette; ptr[row + j + 0x20] = (ptr[row + j + 0x20] % 0x1000) | newPalette; } } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); } #define tState data[0] #define tDexNum data[1] #define tPalTimer data[2] #define tMonSpriteId data[3] #define tOtIdLo data[12] #define tOtIdHi data[13] #define tPersonalityLo data[14] #define tPersonalityHi data[15] u8 DisplayCaughtMonDexPage(u16 dexNum, u32 otId, u32 personality) { u8 taskId = CreateTask(Task_DisplayCaughtMonDexPage, 0); gTasks[taskId].tState = 0; gTasks[taskId].tDexNum = dexNum; gTasks[taskId].tOtIdLo = otId; gTasks[taskId].tOtIdHi = otId >> 16; gTasks[taskId].tPersonalityLo = personality; gTasks[taskId].tPersonalityHi = personality >> 16; return taskId; } static void Task_DisplayCaughtMonDexPage(u8 taskId) { u8 spriteId; u16 dexNum = gTasks[taskId].tDexNum; switch (gTasks[taskId].tState) { case 0: default: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gPokedexVBlankCB = gMain.vblankCallback; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); ResetOtherVideoRegisters(DISPCNT_BG0_ON); ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sNewEntryInfoScreen_BgTemplate, ARRAY_COUNT(sNewEntryInfoScreen_BgTemplate)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(3, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); InitWindows(sNewEntryInfoScreen_WindowTemplates); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); gTasks[taskId].tState = 1; } break; case 1: DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, gPokedexMenu_Gfx, 0x2000, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, gPokedexInfoScreen_Tilemap, 0, 0); FillWindowPixelBuffer(WIN_INFO, PIXEL_FILL(0)); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_INFO); PutWindowTilemap(WIN_FOOTPRINT); PrintFootprint(WIN_FOOTPRINT, gTasks[taskId].tDexNum); CopyWindowToVram(WIN_FOOTPRINT, 2); ResetPaletteFade(); LoadPokedexBgPalette(FALSE); gTasks[taskId].tState++; break; case 2: gTasks[taskId].tState++; break; case 3: PrintMonInfo(dexNum, IsNationalPokedexEnabled(), 1, 1); CopyWindowToVram(WIN_INFO, 3); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gTasks[taskId].tState++; break; case 4: spriteId = CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(dexNum, 48, 56, 0); gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = 0; BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0x10, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetVBlankCallback(gPokedexVBlankCB); gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId = spriteId; gTasks[taskId].tState++; break; case 5: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); gTasks[taskId].tState++; break; case 6: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { PlayCry1(NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(dexNum), 0); gTasks[taskId].tPalTimer = 0; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleCaughtMonPageInput; } break; } } static void Task_HandleCaughtMonPageInput(u8 taskId) { if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0x0000FFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_SlideCaughtMonToCenter; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitCaughtMonPage; } // Flicker caught screen color else if (++gTasks[taskId].tPalTimer & 16) { LoadPalette(gPokedexBgHoenn_Pal + 1, 0x31, 14); } else { LoadPalette(gPokedexCaughtScreen_Pal + 1, 0x31, 14); } } static void Task_ExitCaughtMonPage(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { u16 species; u32 otId; u32 personality; u8 paletteNum; const u32 *lzPaletteData; void *buffer; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); FreeAllWindowBuffers(); buffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(2); if (buffer) Free(buffer); buffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(3); if (buffer) Free(buffer); species = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(gTasks[taskId].tDexNum); otId = ((u16)gTasks[taskId].tOtIdHi << 16) | (u16)gTasks[taskId].tOtIdLo; personality = ((u16)gTasks[taskId].tPersonalityHi << 16) | (u16)gTasks[taskId].tPersonalityLo; paletteNum = gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tMonSpriteId].oam.paletteNum; lzPaletteData = GetMonSpritePalFromSpeciesAndPersonality(species, otId, personality); LoadCompressedPalette(lzPaletteData, 0x100 | paletteNum * 16, 32); DestroyTask(taskId); } } static void SpriteCB_SlideCaughtMonToCenter(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->pos1.x < 0x78) sprite->pos1.x += 2; if (sprite->pos1.x > 0x78) sprite->pos1.x -= 2; if (sprite->pos1.y < 0x50) sprite->pos1.y += 1; if (sprite->pos1.y > 0x50) sprite->pos1.y -= 1; } #undef tState #undef tDexNum #undef tPalTimer #undef tMonSpriteId #undef tOtIdLo #undef tOtIdHi #undef tPersonalityLo #undef tPersonalityHi // u32 value is re-used, but passed as a bool that's TRUE if national dex is enabled static void PrintMonInfo(u32 num, u32 value, u32 owned, u32 newEntry) { u8 str[16]; u8 str2[32]; u16 natNum; const u8 *name; const u8 *category; const u8 *description; if (newEntry) PrintInfoScreenText(gText_PokedexRegistration, GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, gText_PokedexRegistration, 0xF0), 0); if (value == 0) value = NationalToHoennOrder(num); else value = num; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(StringCopy(str, gText_NumberClear01), value, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 3); PrintInfoScreenText(str, 0x60, 0x19); natNum = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(num); if (natNum) name = gSpeciesNames[natNum]; else name = sText_TenDashes2; PrintInfoScreenText(name, 0x84, 0x19); if (owned) { CopyMonCategoryText(num, str2); category = str2; } else { category = gText_5MarksPokemon; } PrintInfoScreenText(category, 0x64, 0x29); PrintInfoScreenText(gText_HTHeight, 0x60, 0x39); PrintInfoScreenText(gText_WTWeight, 0x60, 0x49); if (owned) { PrintMonHeight(gPokedexEntries[num].height, 0x81, 0x39); PrintMonWeight(gPokedexEntries[num].weight, 0x81, 0x49); } else { PrintInfoScreenText(gText_UnkHeight, 0x81, 0x39); PrintInfoScreenText(gText_UnkWeight, 0x81, 0x49); } if (owned) description = gPokedexEntries[num].description; else description = gExpandedPlaceholder_PokedexDescription; PrintInfoScreenText(description, GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, description, 0xF0), 0x5F); } static void PrintMonHeight(u16 height, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 buffer[16]; u32 inches, feet; u8 i = 0; inches = (height * 10000) / 254; if (inches % 10 >= 5) inches += 10; feet = inches / 120; inches = (inches - (feet * 120)) / 10; buffer[i++] = EXT_CTRL_CODE_BEGIN; buffer[i++] = EXT_CTRL_CODE_CLEAR_TO; if (feet / 10 == 0) { buffer[i++] = 18; buffer[i++] = feet + CHAR_0; } else { buffer[i++] = 12; buffer[i++] = feet / 10 + CHAR_0; buffer[i++] = (feet % 10) + CHAR_0; } buffer[i++] = CHAR_SGL_QUOT_RIGHT; buffer[i++] = (inches / 10) + CHAR_0; buffer[i++] = (inches % 10) + CHAR_0; buffer[i++] = CHAR_DBL_QUOT_RIGHT; buffer[i++] = EOS; PrintInfoScreenText(buffer, left, top); } static void PrintMonWeight(u16 weight, u8 left, u8 top) { #ifndef NONMATCHING asm("":::"r9"); { #endif u8 buffer[16]; bool8 output; u8 i = 0; u32 lbs = (weight * 100000) / 4536; if (lbs % 10u >= 5) lbs += 10; output = FALSE; buffer[i] = (lbs / 100000) + CHAR_0; if (buffer[i] == CHAR_0) { buffer[i++] = 0x77; } else { output = TRUE; i++; } lbs %= 100000; buffer[i] = (lbs / 10000) + CHAR_0; if (buffer[i] == CHAR_0 && !output) { buffer[i++] = 0x77; } else { output = TRUE; i++; } lbs %= 10000; buffer[i] = (lbs / 1000) + CHAR_0; if (buffer[i] == CHAR_0 && !output) { buffer[i++] = 0x77; } else { i++; } lbs %= 1000; buffer[i++] = (lbs / 100) + CHAR_0; lbs %= 100; buffer[i++] = CHAR_PERIOD; buffer[i++] = (lbs / 10) + CHAR_0; buffer[i++] = CHAR_SPACE; buffer[i++] = CHAR_l; buffer[i++] = CHAR_b; buffer[i++] = CHAR_s; buffer[i++] = CHAR_PERIOD; buffer[i++] = EOS; PrintInfoScreenText(buffer, left, top); #ifndef NONMATCHING } #endif } const u8 *GetPokedexCategoryName(u16 dexNum) // unused { return gPokedexEntries[dexNum].categoryName; } u16 GetPokedexHeightWeight(u16 dexNum, u8 data) { switch (data) { case 0: // height return gPokedexEntries[dexNum].height; case 1: // weight return gPokedexEntries[dexNum].weight; default: return 1; } } s8 GetSetPokedexFlag(u16 nationalDexNo, u8 caseID) { u8 index; u8 bit; u8 mask; s8 retVal; nationalDexNo--; index = nationalDexNo / 8; bit = nationalDexNo % 8; mask = 1 << bit; retVal = 0; switch (caseID) { case FLAG_GET_SEEN: if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] & mask) { if ((gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] & mask) == (gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen1[index] & mask) && (gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] & mask) == (gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen2[index] & mask)) retVal = 1; else { gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] &= ~mask; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen1[index] &= ~mask; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen2[index] &= ~mask; retVal = 0; } } break; case FLAG_GET_CAUGHT: if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[index] & mask) { if ((gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[index] & mask) == (gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] & mask) && (gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[index] & mask) == (gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen1[index] & mask) && (gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[index] & mask) == (gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen2[index] & mask)) retVal = 1; else { gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[index] &= ~mask; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] &= ~mask; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen1[index] &= ~mask; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen2[index] &= ~mask; retVal = 0; } } break; case FLAG_SET_SEEN: gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.seen[index] |= mask; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen1[index] |= mask; gSaveBlock1Ptr->seen2[index] |= mask; break; case FLAG_SET_CAUGHT: gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.owned[index] |= mask; break; } return retVal; } u16 GetNationalPokedexCount(u8 caseID) { u16 count = 0; u16 i; for (i = 0; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { switch (caseID) { case FLAG_GET_SEEN: if (GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_SEEN)) count++; break; case FLAG_GET_CAUGHT: if (GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) count++; break; } } return count; } u16 GetHoennPokedexCount(u8 caseID) { u16 count = 0; u16 i; for (i = 0; i < HOENN_DEX_COUNT; i++) { switch (caseID) { case FLAG_GET_SEEN: if (GetSetPokedexFlag(HoennToNationalOrder(i + 1), FLAG_GET_SEEN)) count++; break; case FLAG_GET_CAUGHT: if (GetSetPokedexFlag(HoennToNationalOrder(i + 1), FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) count++; break; } } return count; } u16 GetKantoPokedexCount(u8 caseID) { u16 count = 0; u16 i; for (i = 0; i < KANTO_DEX_COUNT; i++) { switch (caseID) { case FLAG_GET_SEEN: if (GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_SEEN)) count++; break; case FLAG_GET_CAUGHT: if (GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) count++; break; } } return count; } bool16 HasAllHoennMons(void) { u16 i; // -2 excludes Jirachi and Deoxys for (i = 0; i < HOENN_DEX_COUNT - 2; i++) { if (!GetSetPokedexFlag(HoennToNationalOrder(i + 1), FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool8 HasAllKantoMons(void) { u16 i; // -1 excludes Mew for (i = 0; i < KANTO_DEX_COUNT - 1; i++) { if (!GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool16 HasAllMons(void) { u16 i; // -1 excludes Mew for (i = 0; i < KANTO_DEX_COUNT - 1; i++) { if (!GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) return FALSE; } // -3 excludes Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Celebi for (i = KANTO_DEX_COUNT; i < JOHTO_DEX_COUNT - 3; i++) { if (!GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) return FALSE; } // -2 excludes Jirachi and Deoxys for (i = JOHTO_DEX_COUNT; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT - 2; i++) { if (!GetSetPokedexFlag(i + 1, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void ResetOtherVideoRegisters(u16 a) { if (!(a & DISPCNT_BG0_ON)) { ClearGpuRegBits(0, DISPCNT_BG0_ON); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0CNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); } if (!(a & DISPCNT_BG1_ON)) { ClearGpuRegBits(0, DISPCNT_BG1_ON); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1CNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, 0); } if (!(a & DISPCNT_BG2_ON)) { ClearGpuRegBits(0, DISPCNT_BG2_ON); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2CNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); } if (!(a & DISPCNT_BG3_ON)) { ClearGpuRegBits(0, DISPCNT_BG3_ON); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3CNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); } if (!(a & DISPCNT_OBJ_ON)) { ClearGpuRegBits(0, DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); gReservedSpritePaletteCount = 8; } } static void PrintInfoSubMenuText(u8 windowId, const u8 *str, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 color[3]; color[0] = TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; color[1] = TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_6; color[2] = TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GREY; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(windowId, 1, left, top, 0, 0, color, -1, str); } static void UnusedPrintNum(u8 windowId, u16 num, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 str[4]; str[0] = CHAR_0 + num / 100; str[1] = CHAR_0 + (num % 100) / 10; str[2] = CHAR_0 + (num % 100) % 10; str[3] = EOS; PrintInfoSubMenuText(windowId, str, left, top); } static u8 PrintCryScreenSpeciesName(u8 windowId, u16 num, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 str[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; u8 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(str); i++) str[i] = EOS; num = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(num); switch (num) { default: for (i = 0; gSpeciesNames[num][i] != EOS && i < POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH; i++) str[i] = gSpeciesNames[num][i]; break; case 0: for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) str[i] = CHAR_HYPHEN; break; } PrintInfoSubMenuText(windowId, str, left, top); return i; } static void UnusedPrintMonName(u8 windowId, const u8* name, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 str[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; u8 i; u8 nameLength; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(str); i++) str[i] = CHAR_SPACE; for (nameLength = 0; name[nameLength] != CHAR_SPACE && nameLength < ARRAY_COUNT(str); nameLength++) ; for (i = 0; i < nameLength; i++) str[ARRAY_COUNT(str) - nameLength + i] = name[i]; #ifdef UBFIX str[ARRAY_COUNT(str) - 1] = EOS; #else str[ARRAY_COUNT(str)] = EOS; #endif PrintInfoSubMenuText(windowId, str, left, top); } static void UnusedPrintDecimalNum(u8 windowId, u16 b, u8 left, u8 top) { u8 str[6]; bool8 outputted = FALSE; u8 result; result = b / 1000; if (result == 0) { str[0] = 0x77; outputted = FALSE; } else { str[0] = CHAR_0 + result; outputted = TRUE; } result = (b % 1000) / 100; if (result == 0 && !outputted) { str[1] = 0x77; outputted = FALSE; } else { str[1] = CHAR_0 + result; outputted = TRUE; } str[2] = CHAR_0 + ((b % 1000) % 100) / 10; str[3] = CHAR_PERIOD; str[4] = CHAR_0 + ((b % 1000) % 100) % 10; str[5] = EOS; PrintInfoSubMenuText(windowId, str, left, top); } static void PrintFootprint(u8 windowId, u16 dexNum) { u8 image[32 * 4]; const u8 * r12 = gMonFootprintTable[NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(dexNum)]; u16 r5 = 0; u16 i; u16 j; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { u8 r3 = r12[i]; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { u8 value = ((r3 >> (2 * j)) & 1 ? 2 : 0); if ((2 << (2 * j)) & r3) value |= 0x20; image[r5] = value; r5++; } } CopyToWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, image, sizeof(image), 0); } // Unused void sub_80C0DC0(u16 a, u16 b) { *(u16 *)(VRAM + a * 0x800 + 0x232) = 0xF000 + b + 0; *(u16 *)(VRAM + a * 0x800 + 0x234) = 0xF000 + b + 1; *(u16 *)(VRAM + a * 0x800 + 0x272) = 0xF000 + b + 2; *(u16 *)(VRAM + a * 0x800 + 0x274) = 0xF000 + b + 3; } static u16 GetNextPosition(u8 direction, u16 position, u16 min, u16 max) { switch (direction) { case 1: // Up/Left if (position > min) position--; break; case 0: // Down/Right if (position < max) position++; break; case 3: // Up/Left with loop (unused) if (position > min) position--; else position = max; break; case 2: // Down/Right with loop (unused) if (position < max) position++; else position = min; break; } return position; } // Unown and Spinda use the personality of the first seen individual of that species // All others use personality 0 static u32 GetPokedexMonPersonality(u16 species) { if (species == SPECIES_UNOWN || species == SPECIES_SPINDA) { if (species == SPECIES_UNOWN) return gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.unownPersonality; else return gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.spindaPersonality; } else { return 0; } } u16 CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(u16 nationalNum, s16 x, s16 y, u16 paletteSlot) { nationalNum = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(nationalNum); return CreateMonPicSprite_HandleDeoxys(nationalNum, SHINY_ODDS, GetPokedexMonPersonality(nationalNum), TRUE, x, y, paletteSlot, 0xFFFF); } static u16 CreateSizeScreenTrainerPic(u16 species, s16 x, s16 y, s8 paletteSlot) { return CreateTrainerPicSprite(species, TRUE, x, y, paletteSlot, 0xFFFF); } static int DoPokedexSearch(u8 dexMode, u8 order, u8 abcGroup, u8 bodyColor, u8 type1, u8 type2) { u16 species; u16 i; u16 resultsCount; u8 types[2]; CreatePokedexList(dexMode, order); for (i = 0, resultsCount = 0; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[resultsCount] = sPokedexView->pokedexList[i]; resultsCount++; } } sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = resultsCount; // Search by name if (abcGroup != 0xFF) { for (i = 0, resultsCount = 0; i < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount; i++) { u8 firstLetter; species = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum); firstLetter = gSpeciesNames[species][0]; if (LETTER_IN_RANGE_UPPER(firstLetter, abcGroup) || LETTER_IN_RANGE_LOWER(firstLetter, abcGroup)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[resultsCount] = sPokedexView->pokedexList[i]; resultsCount++; } } sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = resultsCount; } // Search by body color if (bodyColor != 0xFF) { for (i = 0, resultsCount = 0; i < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount; i++) { species = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum); if (bodyColor == gBaseStats[species].bodyColor) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[resultsCount] = sPokedexView->pokedexList[i]; resultsCount++; } } sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = resultsCount; } // Search by type if (type1 != TYPE_NONE || type2 != TYPE_NONE) { if (type1 == TYPE_NONE) { type1 = type2; type2 = TYPE_NONE; } if (type2 == TYPE_NONE) { for (i = 0, resultsCount = 0; i < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount; i++) { if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned) { species = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum); types[0] = gBaseStats[species].type1; types[1] = gBaseStats[species].type2; if (types[0] == type1 || types[1] == type1) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[resultsCount] = sPokedexView->pokedexList[i]; resultsCount++; } } } } else { for (i = 0, resultsCount = 0; i < sPokedexView->pokemonListCount; i++) { if (sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned) { species = NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum); types[0] = gBaseStats[species].type1; types[1] = gBaseStats[species].type2; if ((types[0] == type1 && types[1] == type2) || (types[0] == type2 && types[1] == type1)) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[resultsCount] = sPokedexView->pokedexList[i]; resultsCount++; } } } } sPokedexView->pokemonListCount = resultsCount; } if (sPokedexView->pokemonListCount != 0) { for (i = sPokedexView->pokemonListCount; i < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; i++) { sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].dexNum = 0xFFFF; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].seen = FALSE; sPokedexView->pokedexList[i].owned = FALSE; } } return resultsCount; } static u8 LoadSearchMenu(void) { return CreateTask(Task_LoadSearchMenu, 0); } static void PrintSearchText(const u8 *str, u32 x, u32 y) { u8 color[3]; color[0] = TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; color[1] = TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_6; color[2] = TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GREY; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(0, 1, x, y, 0, 0, color, -1, str); } static void ClearSearchMenuRect(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height) { FillWindowPixelRect(0, PIXEL_FILL(0), x, y, width, height); } // Search task data #define tTopBarItem data[0] #define tMenuItem data[1] #define tCursorPos_Mode data[2] #define tScrollOffset_Mode data[3] #define tCursorPos_Order data[4] #define tScrollOffset_Order data[5] #define tCursorPos_Name data[6] #define tScrollOffset_Name data[7] #define tCursorPos_Color data[8] #define tScrollOffset_Color data[9] #define tCursorPos_TypeLeft data[10] #define tScrollOffset_TypeLeft data[11] #define tCursorPos_TypeRight data[12] #define tScrollOffset_TypeRight data[13] #define tCursorPos data[14] #define tScrollOffset data[15] static void Task_LoadSearchMenu(u8 taskId) { u16 i; switch (gMain.state) { default: case 0: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sPokedexView->currentPage = PAGE_SEARCH; ResetOtherVideoRegisters(0); ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sSearchMenu_BgTemplate, ARRAY_COUNT(sSearchMenu_BgTemplate)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(3, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(1, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); SetBgTilemapBuffer(0, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); InitWindows(sSearchMenu_WindowTemplate); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); PutWindowTilemap(0); DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, gPokedexSearchMenu_Gfx, 0x2000, 0, 0); if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, gPokedexSearchMenuHoenn_Tilemap, 0, 0); else CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(3, gPokedexSearchMenuNational_Tilemap, 0, 0); LoadPalette(gPokedexSearchMenu_Pal + 1, 1, 0x7E); gMain.state = 1; } break; case 1: LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(sInterfaceSpriteSheet); LoadSpritePalettes(sInterfaceSpritePalette); CreateSearchParameterScrollArrows(taskId); for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASK_DATA; i++) gTasks[taskId].data[i] = 0; SetDefaultSearchModeAndOrder(taskId); HighlightSelectedSearchTopBarItem(SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH); PrintSelectedSearchParameters(taskId); CopyWindowToVram(0, 3); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gMain.state++; break; case 2: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); gMain.state++; break; case 3: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); HideBg(0); ShowBg(1); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); gMain.state++; break; case 4: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenuTopBar; gMain.state = 0; } break; } } static void FreeSearchWindowAndBgBuffers(void) { void* tilemapBuffer; FreeAllWindowBuffers(); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(0); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(1); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(2); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); tilemapBuffer = GetBgTilemapBuffer(3); if (tilemapBuffer) Free(tilemapBuffer); } static void Task_SwitchToSearchMenuTopBar(u8 taskId) { HighlightSelectedSearchTopBarItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem); PrintSelectedSearchParameters(taskId); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchTopBarInput; } static void Task_HandleSearchTopBarInput(u8 taskId) { if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitSearch; return; } if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { switch (gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem) { case SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH: PlaySE(SE_PIN); gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem = SEARCH_NAME; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenu; break; case SEARCH_TOPBAR_SHIFT: PlaySE(SE_PIN); gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem = SEARCH_ORDER; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenu; break; case SEARCH_TOPBAR_CANCEL: PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitSearch; break; } return; } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) && gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem > SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH) { PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem--; HighlightSelectedSearchTopBarItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) && gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem < SEARCH_TOPBAR_CANCEL) { PlaySE(SE_DEX_PAGE); gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem++; HighlightSelectedSearchTopBarItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } } static void Task_SwitchToSearchMenu(u8 taskId) { HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem, gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem); PrintSelectedSearchParameters(taskId); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchMenuInput; } // Input for main search menu static void Task_HandleSearchMenuInput(u8 taskId) { const u8 (*movementMap)[4]; if (gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem != SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH) { if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) movementMap = sSearchMovementMap_ShiftHoennDex; else movementMap = sSearchMovementMap_ShiftNatDex; } else { if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) movementMap = sSearchMovementMap_SearchHoennDex; else movementMap = sSearchMovementMap_SearchNatDex; } if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_BALL); SetDefaultSearchModeAndOrder(taskId); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenuTopBar; return; } if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { if (gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem == SEARCH_OK) { if (gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem != SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH) { sPokeBallRotation = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; sPokedexView->pokeBallRotationBackup = POKEBALL_ROTATION_TOP; sLastSelectedPokemon = 0; sPokedexView->selectedPokemonBackup = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_MODE); if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode = DEX_MODE_HOENN; sPokedexView->dexModeBackup = gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.mode; gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.order = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_ORDER); sPokedexView->dexOrderBackup = gSaveBlock2Ptr->pokedex.order; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitSearch; } else { EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(gText_SearchingPleaseWait); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_StartPokedexSearch; PlaySE(SE_DEX_SEARCH); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); } } else { PlaySE(SE_PIN); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SelectSearchMenuItem; } return; } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) && movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][0] != 0xFF) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem = movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][0]; HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem, gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) && movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][1] != 0xFF) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem = movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][1]; HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem, gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_UP) && movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][2] != 0xFF) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem = movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][2]; HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem, gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } if ((gMain.newKeys & DPAD_DOWN) && movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][3] != 0xFF) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem = movementMap[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem][3]; HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(gTasks[taskId].tTopBarItem, gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } } static void Task_StartPokedexSearch(u8 taskId) { u8 dexMode = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_MODE); u8 order = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_ORDER); u8 abcGroup = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_NAME); u8 bodyColor = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_COLOR); u8 type1 = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT); u8 type2 = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT); DoPokedexSearch(dexMode, order, abcGroup, bodyColor, type1, type2); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_WaitAndCompleteSearch; } static void Task_WaitAndCompleteSearch(u8 taskId) { if (!IsSEPlaying()) { if (sPokedexView->pokemonListCount != 0) { PlaySE(SE_SUCCESS); EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(gText_SearchCompleted); } else { PlaySE(SE_FAILURE); EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(gText_NoMatchingPkmnWereFound); } gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SearchCompleteWaitForInput; CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); } } static void Task_SearchCompleteWaitForInput(u8 taskId) { if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { if (sPokedexView->pokemonListCount != 0) { // Return to dex list and show search results sPokedexView->screenSwitchState = 1; sPokedexView->dexMode = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_MODE); sPokedexView->dexOrder = GetSearchModeSelection(taskId, SEARCH_ORDER); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitSearch; PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); } else { gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenu; PlaySE(SE_BALL); } } } static void Task_SelectSearchMenuItem(u8 taskId) { u8 menuItem; u16 *cursorPos; u16 *scrollOffset; DrawOrEraseSearchParameterBox(FALSE); menuItem = (u16)gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem; cursorPos = (u16*)&gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[menuItem].taskDataCursorPos]; scrollOffset = (u16*)&gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[menuItem].taskDataScrollOffset]; gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos = *cursorPos; gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset = *scrollOffset; PrintSearchParameterText(taskId); PrintSelectorArrow(*cursorPos); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_HandleSearchParameterInput; CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); } // Input for scrolling parameter box in right column static void Task_HandleSearchParameterInput(u8 taskId) { u8 menuItem; const struct SearchOptionText *texts; u16 *cursorPos; u16 *scrollOffset; u16 maxOption; bool8 moved; menuItem = gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem; texts = sSearchOptions[menuItem].texts; cursorPos = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[menuItem].taskDataCursorPos]; scrollOffset = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[menuItem].taskDataScrollOffset]; maxOption = sSearchOptions[menuItem].numOptions - 1; if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_PIN); ClearSearchParameterBoxText(); DrawOrEraseSearchParameterBox(TRUE); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenu; CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); return; } if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_BALL); ClearSearchParameterBoxText(); DrawOrEraseSearchParameterBox(TRUE); *cursorPos = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos; *scrollOffset = gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset; gTasks[taskId].func = Task_SwitchToSearchMenu; CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(3); return; } moved = FALSE; if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP) { if (*cursorPos != 0) { // Move cursor up EraseSelectorArrow(*cursorPos); (*cursorPos)--; PrintSelectorArrow(*cursorPos); moved = TRUE; } else if (*scrollOffset != 0) { // Scroll up (*scrollOffset)--; PrintSearchParameterText(taskId); PrintSelectorArrow(*cursorPos); moved = TRUE; } if (moved) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(texts[*cursorPos + *scrollOffset].description); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); } return; } if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { if (*cursorPos < MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS && *cursorPos < maxOption) { // Move cursor down EraseSelectorArrow(*cursorPos); (*cursorPos)++; PrintSelectorArrow(*cursorPos); moved = TRUE; } else if (maxOption > MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS && *scrollOffset < maxOption - MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS) { // Scroll down (*scrollOffset)++; PrintSearchParameterText(taskId); PrintSelectorArrow(5); moved = TRUE; } if (moved) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(texts[*cursorPos + *scrollOffset].description); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); } return; } } static void Task_ExitSearch(u8 taskId) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ExitSearchWaitForFade; } static void Task_ExitSearchWaitForFade(u8 taskId) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeSearchWindowAndBgBuffers(); DestroyTask(taskId); } } void SetSearchRectHighlight(u8 flags, u8 x, u8 y, u8 width) { u16 i; u32 ptr = (u32)GetBgTilemapBuffer(3); //this should be a pointer, but this only matches as a u32. u16 temp; //This would have been better as a pointer but here we are for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { temp = *(u16 *)(ptr + y * 64 + (x + i) * 2); temp &= 0xFFF; temp |= (flags << 12); *(u16 *)(ptr + (y*64 + (x + i)*2)) = temp; temp = *(u16 *)(ptr + (y + 1)*64 + (x + i)*2); temp &= 0xFFF; temp |= (flags << 12); *(u16 *)(ptr + (y + 1)*64 + (x + i)*2)) = temp; } } #define SEARCH_BG_SEARCH SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH #define SEARCH_BG_SHIFT SEARCH_TOPBAR_SHIFT #define SEARCH_BG_CANCEL SEARCH_TOPBAR_CANCEL #define SEARCH_BG_NAME (SEARCH_NAME + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_COLOR (SEARCH_COLOR + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_LEFT (SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_RIGHT (SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_ORDER (SEARCH_ORDER + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_MODE (SEARCH_MODE + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_OK (SEARCH_OK + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) #define SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE (SEARCH_COUNT + SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT) static void DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(u8 searchBg, bool8 unselected, bool8 disabled) { u8 highlightFlags = (unselected & 1) | ((disabled & 1) << 1); switch (searchBg) { case SEARCH_BG_SEARCH: case SEARCH_BG_SHIFT: case SEARCH_BG_CANCEL: SetSearchRectHighlight(highlightFlags, sSearchMenuTopBarItems[searchBg].highlightX, sSearchMenuTopBarItems[searchBg].highlightY, sSearchMenuTopBarItems[searchBg].highlightWidth); break; case SEARCH_BG_NAME: case SEARCH_BG_COLOR: case SEARCH_BG_ORDER: case SEARCH_BG_MODE: SetSearchRectHighlight(highlightFlags, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgX, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgY, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgWidth); // fall through, draw selectionBg for above case SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_LEFT: case SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_RIGHT: SetSearchRectHighlight(highlightFlags, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].selectionBgX, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].selectionBgY, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].selectionBgWidth); break; case SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE: SetSearchRectHighlight(highlightFlags, sSearchMenuItems[SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT].titleBgX, sSearchMenuItems[SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT].titleBgY, sSearchMenuItems[SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT].titleBgWidth); break; case SEARCH_BG_OK: if (!IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) SetSearchRectHighlight(highlightFlags, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgX, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgY - 2, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgWidth); else SetSearchRectHighlight(highlightFlags, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgX, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgY, sSearchMenuItems[searchBg - SEARCH_TOPBAR_COUNT].titleBgWidth); break; } } static void SetInitialSearchMenuBgHighlights(u8 topBarItem) { switch (topBarItem) { case SEARCH_TOPBAR_SEARCH: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_SEARCH, FALSE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_SHIFT, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_CANCEL, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_NAME, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_COLOR, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_LEFT, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_RIGHT, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_ORDER, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_MODE, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_OK, TRUE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_TOPBAR_SHIFT: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_SEARCH, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_SHIFT, FALSE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_CANCEL, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_NAME, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_COLOR, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_LEFT, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_RIGHT, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_ORDER, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_MODE, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_OK, TRUE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_TOPBAR_CANCEL: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_SEARCH, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_SHIFT, TRUE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_CANCEL, FALSE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_NAME, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_COLOR, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_LEFT, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_RIGHT, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_ORDER, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_MODE, TRUE, TRUE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_OK, TRUE, TRUE); break; } } static void HighlightSelectedSearchTopBarItem(u8 topBarItem) { SetInitialSearchMenuBgHighlights(topBarItem); EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(sSearchMenuTopBarItems[topBarItem].description); } static void HighlightSelectedSearchMenuItem(u8 topBarItem, u8 menuItem) { SetInitialSearchMenuBgHighlights(topBarItem); switch (menuItem) { case SEARCH_NAME: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_NAME, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_COLOR: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_COLOR, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE, FALSE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_LEFT, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_TITLE, FALSE, FALSE); DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_TYPE_SELECTION_RIGHT, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_ORDER: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_ORDER, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_MODE: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_MODE, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SEARCH_OK: DrawSearchMenuItemBgHighlight(SEARCH_BG_OK, FALSE, FALSE); break; } EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(sSearchMenuItems[menuItem].description); } // Prints the currently selected search parameters in the search menu selection boxes static void PrintSelectedSearchParameters(u8 taskId) { u16 searchParamId; ClearSearchMenuRect(40, 16, 96, 80); searchParamId = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_Name + gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset_Name; PrintSearchText(sDexSearchNameOptions[searchParamId].title, 0x2D, 0x11); searchParamId = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_Color + gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset_Color; PrintSearchText(sDexSearchColorOptions[searchParamId].title, 0x2D, 0x21); searchParamId = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_TypeLeft + gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset_TypeLeft; PrintSearchText(sDexSearchTypeOptions[searchParamId].title, 0x2D, 0x31); searchParamId = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_TypeRight + gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset_TypeRight; PrintSearchText(sDexSearchTypeOptions[searchParamId].title, 0x5D, 0x31); searchParamId = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_Order + gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset_Order; PrintSearchText(sDexOrderOptions[searchParamId].title, 0x2D, 0x41); if (IsNationalPokedexEnabled()) { searchParamId = gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_Mode + gTasks[taskId].tScrollOffset_Mode; PrintSearchText(sDexModeOptions[searchParamId].title, 0x2D, 0x51); } } static void DrawOrEraseSearchParameterBox(bool8 erase) { u16 i; u16 j; u16* ptr = GetBgTilemapBuffer(3); if (!erase) { *(ptr + 0x11) = 0xC0B; for (i = 0x12; i < 0x1F; i++) *(ptr + i) = 0x80D; for (j = 1; j < 13; j++) { *(ptr + 0x11 + j * 32) = 0x40A; for (i = 0x12; i < 0x1F; i++) *(ptr + j * 32 + i) = 2; } *(ptr + 0x1B1) = 0x40B; for (i = 0x12; i < 0x1F; i++) *(ptr + 0x1A0 + i) = 0xD; } else { for (j = 0; j < 14; j++) { for (i = 0x11; i < 0x1E; i++) { *(ptr + j * 32 + i) = 0x4F; } } } } // Prints the currently viewable search parameter titles in the right-hand text box // and the currently selected search parameter description in the bottom text box static void PrintSearchParameterText(u8 taskId) { const struct SearchOptionText *texts = sSearchOptions[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem].texts; const u16 *cursorPos = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem].taskDataCursorPos]; const u16 *scrollOffset = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem].taskDataScrollOffset]; u16 i; u16 j; ClearSearchParameterBoxText(); for (i = 0, j = *scrollOffset; i < MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_ON_SCREEN && texts[j].title != NULL; i++, j++) PrintSearchParameterTitle(i, texts[j].title); EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(texts[*cursorPos + *scrollOffset].description); } static u8 GetSearchModeSelection(u8 taskId, u8 option) { const u16 *cursorPos = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[option].taskDataCursorPos]; const u16 *scrollOffset = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[option].taskDataScrollOffset]; u16 id = *cursorPos + *scrollOffset; switch (option) { default: return 0; case SEARCH_MODE: return sPokedexModes[id]; case SEARCH_ORDER: return sOrderOptions[id]; case SEARCH_NAME: if (id == 0) return 0xFF; else return id; case SEARCH_COLOR: if (id == 0) return 0xFF; else return id - 1; case SEARCH_TYPE_LEFT: case SEARCH_TYPE_RIGHT: return sDexSearchTypeIds[id]; } } static void SetDefaultSearchModeAndOrder(u8 taskId) { u16 selected; switch (sPokedexView->dexModeBackup) { default: case DEX_MODE_HOENN: selected = DEX_MODE_HOENN; break; case DEX_MODE_NATIONAL: selected = DEX_MODE_NATIONAL; break; } gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_Mode = selected; switch (sPokedexView->dexOrderBackup) { default: case ORDER_NUMERICAL: selected = ORDER_NUMERICAL; break; case ORDER_ALPHABETICAL: selected = ORDER_ALPHABETICAL; break; case ORDER_HEAVIEST: selected = ORDER_HEAVIEST; break; case ORDER_LIGHTEST: selected = ORDER_LIGHTEST; break; case ORDER_TALLEST: selected = ORDER_TALLEST; break; case ORDER_SMALLEST: selected = ORDER_SMALLEST; break; } gTasks[taskId].tCursorPos_Order = selected; } static bool8 SearchParamCantScrollUp(u8 taskId) { u8 menuItem = gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem; const u16 *scrollOffset = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[menuItem].taskDataScrollOffset]; u16 lastOption = sSearchOptions[menuItem].numOptions - 1; if (lastOption > MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS && *scrollOffset != 0) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static bool8 SearchParamCantScrollDown(u8 taskId) { u8 menuItem = gTasks[taskId].tMenuItem; const u16 *scrollOffset = &gTasks[taskId].data[sSearchOptions[menuItem].taskDataScrollOffset]; u16 lastOption = sSearchOptions[menuItem].numOptions - 1; if (lastOption > MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS && *scrollOffset < lastOption - MAX_SEARCH_PARAM_CURSOR_POS) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } #define sTaskId data[0] static void SpriteCB_SearchParameterScrollArrow(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (gTasks[sprite->sTaskId].func == Task_HandleSearchParameterInput) { u8 val; if (sprite->sIsDownArrow) { if (SearchParamCantScrollDown(sprite->sTaskId)) sprite->invisible = TRUE; else sprite->invisible = FALSE; } else { if (SearchParamCantScrollUp(sprite->sTaskId)) sprite->invisible = TRUE; else sprite->invisible = FALSE; } val = sprite->data[2] + sprite->sIsDownArrow * 128; sprite->pos2.y = gSineTable[val] / 128; sprite->data[2] += 8; } else { sprite->invisible = TRUE; } } static void CreateSearchParameterScrollArrows(u8 taskId) { u8 spriteId; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sScrollArrowSpriteTemplate, 184, 4, 0); gSprites[spriteId].sTaskId = taskId; gSprites[spriteId].sIsDownArrow = FALSE; gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_SearchParameterScrollArrow; spriteId = CreateSprite(&sScrollArrowSpriteTemplate, 184, 108, 0); gSprites[spriteId].sTaskId = taskId; gSprites[spriteId].sIsDownArrow = TRUE; gSprites[spriteId].vFlip = TRUE; gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCB_SearchParameterScrollArrow; } #undef sTaskId #undef sIsDownArrow static void EraseAndPrintSearchTextBox(const u8* str) { ClearSearchMenuRect(8, 120, 224, 32); PrintSearchText(str, 8, 121); } static void EraseSelectorArrow(u32 y) { ClearSearchMenuRect(144, y * 16 + 8, 8, 16); } static void PrintSelectorArrow(u32 y) { PrintSearchText(gText_SelectorArrow, 144, y * 16 + 9); } static void PrintSearchParameterTitle(u32 y, const u8* str) { PrintSearchText(str, 152, y * 16 + 9); } static void ClearSearchParameterBoxText(void) { ClearSearchMenuRect(144, 8, 96, 96); }