AquaHideout_B2F_MapScripts:: @ 8233DCF map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, AquaHideout_B2F_OnTransition .byte 0 AquaHideout_B2F_OnTransition: @ 8233DD5 call_if_set FLAG_TEAM_AQUA_ESCAPED_IN_SUBMARINE, AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_PreventMattNoticing end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_PreventMattNoticing:: @ 8233DDF setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 1 return AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_MattNoticePlayer:: @ 8233DE5 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 @ Matt object event id playse SE_PIN applymovement VAR_0x8008, Common_Movement_ExclamationMark waitmovement 0 applymovement VAR_0x8008, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 1 releaseall end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_Matt:: @ 8233E09 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_MATT, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattIntro, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattDefeat, AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_SubmarineEscape msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattPostBattle, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_SubmarineEscape:: @ 8233E25 setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 @ Matt object event id setvar VAR_0x8009, 4 @ Submarine object event id applymovement VAR_0x8008, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft waitmovement 0 delay 20 applymovement VAR_0x8008, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_OurBossGotThroughHisPreparations, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement VAR_0x8008, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft applymovement VAR_0x8009, AquaHideout_B2F_Movement_SumbarineDepartLeft waitmovement 0 removeobject VAR_0x8009 delay 20 applymovement VAR_0x8008, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattPostBattle, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_TEAM_AQUA_ESCAPED_IN_SUBMARINE setflag FLAG_HIDE_LILYCOVE_CITY_AQUA_GRUNTS release end AquaHideout_B2F_Movement_SumbarineDepartLeft: @ 8233E80 walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left step_end @ Unused AquaHideout_B2F_Movement_SumbarineDepartRight: @ 8233E85 walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_Grunt4:: @ 8233E8A trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_AQUA_HIDEOUT_4, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4Intro, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4Defeat, AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_Grunt4Defeated msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_Grunt4Defeated:: @ 8233EA5 msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4PostBattle, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_Grunt6:: @ 8233EAF trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_AQUA_HIDEOUT_6, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt6Intro, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt6Defeat msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt6PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end AquaHideout_B2F_EventScript_Grunt8:: @ 8233EC6 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_AQUA_HIDEOUT_8, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt8Intro, AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt8Defeat msgbox AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt8PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattIntro: @ 8233EDD .string "Hehehe…\p" .string "Got here already, did you?\n" .string "We underestimated you!\p" .string "But this is it!\p" .string "I'm a cut above the GRUNTS you've seen\n" .string "so far.\p" .string "I'm not stalling for time.\n" .string "I'm going to pulverize you!$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattDefeat: @ 8233F8D .string "Hehehe…\n" .string "So, I lost, too…$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_OurBossGotThroughHisPreparations: @ 8233FA6 .string "Hehehe!\p" .string "While I was toying with you, our BOSS\n" .string "got through his preparations!$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_MattPostBattle: @ 8233FF2 .string "Hehehe!\p" .string "Our BOSS has already gone on his way to\n" .string "some cave under the sea!\p" .string "If you're going to give chase, you'd\n" .string "better search the big, wide sea beyond\l" .string "LILYCOVE.\p" .string "But will you find it then?\n" .string "Hehehe!$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4Intro: @ 82340B4 .string "Wahahah, I grew weary of waiting!\n" .string "You owe me a battle, too!$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4Defeat: @ 82340F0 .string "Tired of waiting…\n" .string "Lost and dazed…$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt4PostBattle: @ 8234112 .string "BOSS…\n" .string "Is this good enough?$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt6Intro: @ 823412D .string "Warp panels, the HIDEOUT's pride\n" .string "and joy!\p" .string "You're clueless about where you are,\n" .string "aren't you?\p" .string "Fluster and tire out the enemy, then\n" .string "lower the boom! That's our plan!$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt6Defeat: @ 82341CE .string "What's wrong with you?\n" .string "You're not tired at all!$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt6PostBattle: @ 82341FE .string "That reminds me… I can't remember\n" .string "where I put the MASTER BALL.\p" .string "If I fail to guard it, our BOSS will\n" .string "chew me out…$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt8Intro: @ 823426F .string "When I joined TEAM AQUA, the first\n" .string "thing I had to learn was how these\l" .string "warp panels connected.$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt8Defeat: @ 82342CC .string "I was too occupied thinking about\n" .string "the warp panels…$" AquaHideout_B2F_Text_Grunt8PostBattle: @ 82342FF .string "I'll have to learn about how I can\n" .string "battle more effectively…$"