PetalburgWoods_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route103_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route104_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route110_TrickHousePuzzle1_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route111_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route116_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route117_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route118_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route120_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route121_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB Route123_EventScript_2906BB:: @ 82906BB lockall checkflag FLAG_BADGE01_GET goto_if 0, Route103_EventScript_290721 checkpartymove MOVE_CUT compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_290721 setfieldeffectargument 0, VAR_RESULT bufferpartymonnick 0, VAR_RESULT buffermovename 1, MOVE_CUT msgbox Route103_Text_29072E, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_29072B msgbox Route103_Text_290771, 4 closemessage dofieldeffect 2 waitstate goto Route103_EventScript_290710 end Route103_EventScript_290705:: @ 8290705 lockall dofieldeffect 2 waitstate goto Route103_EventScript_290710 end Route103_EventScript_290710:: @ 8290710 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route103_Movement_29071F waitmovement 0 removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED releaseall end Route103_Movement_29071F: @ 829071F cut_tree step_end Route103_EventScript_290721:: @ 8290721 msgbox Route103_Text_29077D, 4 releaseall end Route103_EventScript_29072B:: @ 829072B closemessage releaseall end Route103_Text_29072E: @ 829072E .string "This tree looks like it can be\n" .string "CUT down!\p" .string "Would you like to CUT it?$" Route103_Text_290771: @ 8290771 Route111_Text_290771: @ 8290771 .string "{STR_VAR_1} used {STR_VAR_2}!$" Route103_Text_29077D: @ 829077D .string "This tree looks like it can be\n" .string "CUT down!$" GraniteCave_B2F_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 MirageTower_3F_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 MirageTower_4F_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 Route110_TrickHousePuzzle3_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 Route111_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 Route114_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 Route115_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 RusturfTunnel_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 SafariZone_North_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 SafariZone_Northeast_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 SeafloorCavern_Room1_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 SeafloorCavern_Room2_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 SeafloorCavern_Room5_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_2907A6:: @ 82907A6 lockall checkflag FLAG_BADGE03_GET goto_if 0, Route111_EventScript_29082D checkpartymove MOVE_ROCK_SMASH compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_29082D setfieldeffectargument 0, VAR_RESULT bufferpartymonnick 0, VAR_RESULT buffermovename 1, MOVE_ROCK_SMASH msgbox Route111_Text_29083A, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_290837 msgbox Route111_Text_290771, 4 closemessage dofieldeffect 37 waitstate goto Route111_EventScript_2907FB end Route111_EventScript_2907F0:: @ 82907F0 lockall dofieldeffect 37 waitstate goto Route111_EventScript_2907FB end Route111_EventScript_2907FB:: @ 82907FB applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route111_Movement_29082B waitmovement 0 removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED specialvar VAR_RESULT, TryUpdateRusturfTunnelState compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_290829 special RockSmashWildEncounter compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_290829 waitstate releaseall end Route111_EventScript_290829:: @ 8290829 releaseall end Route111_Movement_29082B: @ 829082B rock_smash_break step_end Route111_EventScript_29082D:: @ 829082D msgbox Route111_Text_29087F, 4 releaseall end Route111_EventScript_290837:: @ 8290837 closemessage releaseall end Route111_Text_29083A: @ 829083A .string "This rock appears to be breakable.\n" .string "Would you like to use ROCK SMASH?$" Route111_Text_29087F: @ 829087F .string "It’s a rugged rock, but a POKéMON\n" .string "may be able to smash it.$" FieryPath_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA MagmaHideout_1F_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA Route110_TrickHousePuzzle4_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA SeafloorCavern_Room1_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA SeafloorCavern_Room2_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA SeafloorCavern_Room3_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA SeafloorCavern_Room5_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA SeafloorCavern_Room8_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA ShoalCave_LowTideLowerRoom_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA VictoryRoad_B1F_EventScript_2908BA:: @ 82908BA lockall checkflag FLAG_BADGE04_GET goto_if 0, FieryPath_EventScript_290915 checkflag FLAG_SYS_USE_STRENGTH goto_eq FieryPath_EventScript_29091F checkpartymove MOVE_STRENGTH compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq FieryPath_EventScript_290915 setfieldeffectargument 0, VAR_RESULT msgbox FieryPath_Text_29092C, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq FieryPath_EventScript_290929 closemessage dofieldeffect 40 waitstate goto FieryPath_EventScript_290908 end FieryPath_EventScript_2908FD:: @ 82908FD lockall dofieldeffect 40 waitstate goto FieryPath_EventScript_290908 end FieryPath_EventScript_290908:: @ 8290908 setflag FLAG_SYS_USE_STRENGTH msgbox FieryPath_Text_29098C, 4 releaseall end FieryPath_EventScript_290915:: @ 8290915 msgbox FieryPath_Text_2909D6, 4 releaseall end FieryPath_EventScript_29091F:: @ 829091F msgbox FieryPath_Text_290A16, 4 releaseall end FieryPath_EventScript_290929:: @ 8290929 closemessage releaseall end FieryPath_Text_29092C: @ 829092C .string "It’s a big boulder, but a POKéMON\n" .string "may be able to push it aside.\p" .string "Would you like to use STRENGTH?$" FieryPath_Text_29098C: @ 829098C .string "{STR_VAR_1} used STRENGTH!\p" .string "{STR_VAR_1}’s STRENGTH made it\n" .string "possible to move boulders around!$" FieryPath_Text_2909D6: @ 82909D6 .string "It’s a big boulder, but a POKéMON\n" .string "may be able to push it aside.$" FieryPath_Text_290A16: @ 8290A16 .string "STRENGTH made it possible to move\n" .string "boulders around.$" EventScript_UseWaterfall:: @ 8290A49 lockall checkpartymove MOVE_WATERFALL compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq EventScript_290A84 bufferpartymonnick 0, VAR_RESULT setfieldeffectargument 0, VAR_RESULT msgbox Text_290AC3, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq EventScript_290A8C msgbox Text_290AFC, 4 dofieldeffect 43 goto EventScript_290A8C EventScript_CannotUseWaterfall:: @ 8290A83 lockall EventScript_290A84:: @ 8290A84 msgbox Text_290A8E, 4 EventScript_290A8C:: @ 8290A8C releaseall end Text_290A8E: @ 8290A8E .string "A wall of water is crashing down with\n" .string "a mighty roar.$" Text_290AC3: @ 8290AC3 .string "It’s a large waterfall.\n" .string "Would you like to use WATERFALL?$" Text_290AFC: @ 8290AFC .string "{STR_VAR_1} used WATERFALL.$" EventScript_UseDive:: @ 8290B0F lockall checkpartymove MOVE_DIVE compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq EventScript_290B4E bufferpartymonnick 0, VAR_RESULT setfieldeffectargument 0, VAR_RESULT setfieldeffectargument 1, 1 msgbox Text_290BE8, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq EventScript_290B58 msgbox Text_290C1A, 4 dofieldeffect 44 goto EventScript_290B58 end EventScript_290B4E:: @ 8290B4E msgbox Text_290BAA, 4 releaseall end EventScript_290B58:: @ 8290B58 releaseall end EventScript_UseDiveUnderwater:: @ 8290B5A lockall checkpartymove MOVE_DIVE compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq EventScript_290B99 bufferpartymonnick 0, VAR_RESULT setfieldeffectargument 0, VAR_RESULT setfieldeffectargument 1, 1 msgbox Text_290C6E, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq EventScript_290BA8 msgbox Text_290C1A, 4 dofieldeffect 44 goto EventScript_290BA8 end EventScript_290B99:: @ 8290B99 lockall msgbox Text_290C28, 4 goto EventScript_290BA8 end EventScript_290BA8:: @ 8290BA8 releaseall end Text_290BAA: @ 8290BAA .string "The sea is deep here. A POKéMON\n" .string "may be able to go underwater.$" Text_290BE8: @ 8290BE8 .string "The sea is deep here.\n" .string "Would you like to use DIVE?$" Text_290C1A: @ 8290C1A .string "{STR_VAR_1} used DIVE.$" Text_290C28: @ 8290C28 .string "Light is filtering down from above.\n" .string "A POKéMON may be able to surface.$" Text_290C6E: @ 8290C6E .string "Light is filtering down from above.\n" .string "Would you like to use DIVE?$" EventScript_290CAE:: @ 8290CAE msgbox Text_290CB7, 3 end Text_290CB7: @ 8290CB7 .string "Looks like there’s nothing here…$"