#include "global.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battle_gfx_sfx_util.h" #include "berry.h" #include "data.h" #include "daycare.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "link.h" #include "link_rfu.h" #include "main.h" #include "menu.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" #include "party_menu.h" #include "pokedex.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "random.h" #include "script.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "tv.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/battle_frontier.h" static void CB2_ReturnFromChooseHalfParty(void); static void CB2_ReturnFromChooseBattleFrontierParty(void); void HealPlayerParty(void) { u8 i, j; u8 ppBonuses; u8 arg[4]; // restore HP. for(i = 0; i < gPlayerPartyCount; i++) { u16 maxHP = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_MAX_HP); arg[0] = maxHP; arg[1] = maxHP >> 8; SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HP, arg); ppBonuses = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_PP_BONUSES); // restore PP. for(j = 0; j < MAX_MON_MOVES; j++) { arg[0] = CalculatePPWithBonus(GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j), ppBonuses, j); SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_PP1 + j, arg); } // since status is u32, the four 0 assignments here are probably for safety to prevent undefined data from reaching SetMonData. arg[0] = 0; arg[1] = 0; arg[2] = 0; arg[3] = 0; SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_STATUS, arg); } } u8 ScriptGiveMon(u16 species, u8 level, u16 item, u32 unused1, u32 unused2, u8 unused3) { u16 nationalDexNum; int sentToPc; u8 heldItem[2]; struct Pokemon mon; u16 targetSpecies; CreateMon(&mon, species, level, USE_RANDOM_IVS, FALSE, 0, OT_ID_PLAYER_ID, 0); heldItem[0] = item; heldItem[1] = item >> 8; SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, heldItem); // In case a mon with a form changing item is given. Eg: SPECIES_ARCEUS with ITEM_SPLASH_PLATE will transform into SPECIES_ARCEUS_WATER upon gifted. targetSpecies = GetFormChangeTargetSpecies(&mon, FORM_CHANGE_ITEM_HOLD, 0); if (targetSpecies != SPECIES_NONE) { SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES, &targetSpecies); CalculateMonStats(&mon); } sentToPc = GiveMonToPlayer(&mon); nationalDexNum = SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(species); // Don't set Pokédex flag for MON_CANT_GIVE switch(sentToPc) { case MON_GIVEN_TO_PARTY: case MON_GIVEN_TO_PC: GetSetPokedexFlag(nationalDexNum, FLAG_SET_SEEN); GetSetPokedexFlag(nationalDexNum, FLAG_SET_CAUGHT); break; } return sentToPc; } u8 ScriptGiveEgg(u16 species) { struct Pokemon mon; u8 isEgg; CreateEgg(&mon, species, TRUE); isEgg = TRUE; SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_IS_EGG, &isEgg); return GiveMonToPlayer(&mon); } void HasEnoughMonsForDoubleBattle(void) { switch (GetMonsStateToDoubles()) { case PLAYER_HAS_TWO_USABLE_MONS: gSpecialVar_Result = PLAYER_HAS_TWO_USABLE_MONS; break; case PLAYER_HAS_ONE_MON: gSpecialVar_Result = PLAYER_HAS_ONE_MON; break; case PLAYER_HAS_ONE_USABLE_MON: gSpecialVar_Result = PLAYER_HAS_ONE_USABLE_MON; break; } } static bool8 CheckPartyMonHasHeldItem(u16 item) { int i; for(i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { u16 species = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES_OR_EGG); if (species != SPECIES_NONE && species != SPECIES_EGG && GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM) == item) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool8 DoesPartyHaveEnigmaBerry(void) { bool8 hasItem = CheckPartyMonHasHeldItem(ITEM_ENIGMA_BERRY_E_READER); if (hasItem == TRUE) GetBerryNameByBerryType(ItemIdToBerryType(ITEM_ENIGMA_BERRY_E_READER), gStringVar1); return hasItem; } void CreateScriptedWildMon(u16 species, u8 level, u16 item) { u8 heldItem[2]; ZeroEnemyPartyMons(); CreateMon(&gEnemyParty[0], species, level, USE_RANDOM_IVS, 0, 0, OT_ID_PLAYER_ID, 0); if (item) { heldItem[0] = item; heldItem[1] = item >> 8; SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, heldItem); } } void CreateScriptedDoubleWildMon(u16 species1, u8 level1, u16 item1, u16 species2, u8 level2, u16 item2) { u8 heldItem1[2]; u8 heldItem2[2]; ZeroEnemyPartyMons(); CreateMon(&gEnemyParty[0], species1, level1, 32, 0, 0, OT_ID_PLAYER_ID, 0); if (item1) { heldItem1[0] = item1; heldItem1[1] = item1 >> 8; SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[0], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, heldItem1); } CreateMon(&gEnemyParty[1], species2, level2, 32, 0, 0, OT_ID_PLAYER_ID, 0); if (item2) { heldItem2[0] = item2; heldItem2[1] = item2 >> 8; SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[1], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, heldItem2); } } void ScriptSetMonMoveSlot(u8 monIndex, u16 move, u8 slot) { // Allows monIndex to go out of bounds of gPlayerParty. Doesn't occur in vanilla #ifdef BUGFIX if (monIndex >= PARTY_SIZE) #else if (monIndex > PARTY_SIZE) #endif monIndex = gPlayerPartyCount - 1; SetMonMoveSlot(&gPlayerParty[monIndex], move, slot); } // Note: When control returns to the event script, gSpecialVar_Result will be // TRUE if the party selection was successful. void ChooseHalfPartyForBattle(void) { gMain.savedCallback = CB2_ReturnFromChooseHalfParty; VarSet(VAR_FRONTIER_FACILITY, FACILITY_MULTI_OR_EREADER); InitChooseHalfPartyForBattle(0); } static void CB2_ReturnFromChooseHalfParty(void) { switch (gSelectedOrderFromParty[0]) { case 0: gSpecialVar_Result = FALSE; break; default: gSpecialVar_Result = TRUE; break; } SetMainCallback2(CB2_ReturnToFieldContinueScriptPlayMapMusic); } void ChoosePartyForBattleFrontier(void) { gMain.savedCallback = CB2_ReturnFromChooseBattleFrontierParty; InitChooseHalfPartyForBattle(gSpecialVar_0x8004 + 1); } static void CB2_ReturnFromChooseBattleFrontierParty(void) { switch (gSelectedOrderFromParty[0]) { case 0: gSpecialVar_Result = FALSE; break; default: gSpecialVar_Result = TRUE; break; } SetMainCallback2(CB2_ReturnToFieldContinueScriptPlayMapMusic); } void ReducePlayerPartyToSelectedMons(void) { struct Pokemon party[MAX_FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE]; int i; CpuFill32(0, party, sizeof party); // copy the selected pokemon according to the order. for (i = 0; i < MAX_FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) if (gSelectedOrderFromParty[i]) // as long as the order keeps going (did the player select 1 mon? 2? 3?), do not stop party[i] = gPlayerParty[gSelectedOrderFromParty[i] - 1]; // index is 0 based, not literal CpuFill32(0, gPlayerParty, sizeof gPlayerParty); // overwrite the first 4 with the order copied to. for (i = 0; i < MAX_FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) gPlayerParty[i] = party[i]; CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); }