#include "global.h" #include "bg.h" #include "data.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "dma3.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "main.h" #include "match_call.h" #include "menu.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pokenav.h" #include "region_map.h" #include "sound.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "task.h" #include "text.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "trig.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/game_stat.h" #include "constants/region_map_sections.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "constants/species.h" struct Pokenav4Struct { bool32 (*unk0)(void); u32 unk4; u8 filler8[0x6]; u8 unkE; u8 unkF; u16 locWindowId; u16 infoBoxWindowId; u16 msgBoxWindowId; s16 unk16; u8 unused18; u8 unk19; u16 unk1A; struct Sprite *optionsCursorSprite; struct Sprite *trainerPicSprite; u8 unk24[0x800]; u8 unk824[0x800]; u8 unk1024[0x800]; u8 *unk1824; u8 unk1828[0x800]; u8 unk2028[0x20]; }; static bool32 sub_81CB310(void); static u32 sub_81CB324(s32); static void sub_81CBBB8(void); static void sub_81CBC1C(void); static void sub_81CC2B4(void); static void sub_81CC034(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void DrawMatchCallLeftColumnWindows(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void UpdateMatchCallInfoBox(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void PrintMatchCallLocation(struct Pokenav4Struct *, int); static void sub_81CC214(void); static void sub_81CBC38(int); static void PrintMatchCallSelectionOptions(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 sub_81CBFC4(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void UpdateCursorGfxPos(struct Pokenav4Struct *, int); static bool32 IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy1(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void UpdateWindowsReturnToTrainerList(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void DrawMsgBoxForMatchCallMsg(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy2(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void PrintCallingDots(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 WaitForCallingDotsText(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void PrintMatchCallMessage(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 WaitForMatchCallMessageText(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void DrawMsgBoxForCloseByMsg(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void PrintTrainerIsCloseBy(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 WaitForTrainerIsCloseByText(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void DrawSpinningPokenavForCall(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 WaitForSpinningPokenav(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void UpdateWindowsToShowCheckPage(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void LoadCheckPageTrainerPic(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static bool32 WaitForTrainerPic(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static void sub_81CBC64(u8 taskId); static void TryDrawRematchPokeballIcon(u16 windowId, u32, u32); static void PrintNumberRegisteredLabel(u16 windowId); static void PrintNumberRegistered(u16 windowId); static void PrintNumberOfBattlesLabel(u16 windowId); static void PrintNumberOfBattles(u16 windowId); static void PrintMatchCallInfoLabel(u16 windowId, const u8 *str, int top); static void PrintMatchCallInfoNumber(u16 windowId, const u8 *str, int top); static void sub_81CC2F0(struct Pokenav4Struct *, int); static void CloseMatchCallSelectOptionsWindow(struct Pokenav4Struct *); static struct Sprite *CreateTrainerPicSprite(void); static void SpriteCB_TrainerPicSlideOnscreen(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(struct Sprite *sprite); void SpriteCB_OptionsCursor(struct Sprite *sprite); u32 MatchCallListCursorDown(s32); u32 MatchCallListCursorUp(s32); u32 MatchCallListPageDown(s32); u32 MatchCallListPageUp(s32); u32 SelectMatchCallEntry(s32); u32 MoveMatchCallOptionsCursor(s32); static u32 CancelMatchCallSelection(s32); u32 DoMatchCallMessage(s32); u32 DoTrainerCloseByMessage(s32); u32 sub_81CB888(s32); u32 ShowCheckPage(s32); u32 ShowCheckPageUp(s32); u32 ShowCheckPageDown(s32); u32 ExitCheckPage(s32); u32 ExitMatchCall(s32); static const u16 sMatchCallUI_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokenav/ui_matchcall.gbapal"); static const u32 sMatchCallUI_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokenav/ui_matchcall.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sMatchCallUI_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokenav/ui_matchcall.bin.lz"); static const u16 gUnknown_08622698[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokenav/arrow2.gbapal"); static const u32 gUnknown_086226B8[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokenav/arrow2.4bpp.lz"); static const u16 gUnknown_086226E0[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokenav/86226E0.gbapal"); static const u16 gUnknown_08622700[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokenav/8622700.gbapal"); static const u16 gUnknown_08622720[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokenav/pokeball_matchcall.gbapal"); static const u32 gUnknown_08622760[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokenav/pokeball_matchcall.4bpp.lz"); const struct BgTemplate gUnknown_0862278C[3] = { { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 3, .mapBaseIndex = 0x1F, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 0x06, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0x80 }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 1, .mapBaseIndex = 0x07, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0 } }; static const LoopedTask sMatchCallLoopTaskFuncs[] = { [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_NONE] = NULL, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_DOWN] = MatchCallListCursorDown, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_UP] = MatchCallListCursorUp, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_PG_DOWN] = MatchCallListPageDown, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_PG_UP] = MatchCallListPageUp, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_SELECT] = SelectMatchCallEntry, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_MOVE_OPTIONS_CURSOR] = MoveMatchCallOptionsCursor, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_CANCEL] = CancelMatchCallSelection, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_CALL_MSG] = DoMatchCallMessage, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_NEARBY_MSG] = DoTrainerCloseByMessage, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_10] = sub_81CB888, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_SHOW_CHECK_PAGE] = ShowCheckPage, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_CHECK_PAGE_UP] = ShowCheckPageUp, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_CHECK_PAGE_DOWN] = ShowCheckPageDown, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_EXIT_CHECK_PAGE] = ExitCheckPage, [POKENAV_MC_FUNC_EXIT] = ExitMatchCall }; static const struct WindowTemplate sMatchCallLocationWindowTemplate = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 5, .width = 11, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 2, .baseBlock = 16 }; static const struct WindowTemplate sMatchCallInfoBoxWindowTemplate = { .bg = 2, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 9, .width = 11, .height = 8, .paletteNum = 2, .baseBlock = 38 }; static const u8 *const sMatchCallOptionTexts[MATCH_CALL_OPTION_COUNT] = { [MATCH_CALL_OPTION_CALL] = gText_Call, [MATCH_CALL_OPTION_CHECK] = gText_Check, [MATCH_CALL_OPTION_CANCEL] = gText_Cancel6 }; // The series of 5 dots that appear when someone is called with Match Call static const u8 sText_CallingDots[] = _("·{PAUSE 0x04}·{PAUSE 0x04}·{PAUSE 0x04}·{PAUSE 0x04}·\p"); static const struct WindowTemplate sCallMsgBoxWindowTemplate = { .bg = 1, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 12, .width = 0x1C, .height = 0x04, .paletteNum = 1, .baseBlock = 10 }; const struct CompressedSpriteSheet gUnknown_08622810[1] = { {gUnknown_086226B8, 0x40, 7} }; const struct SpritePalette gUnknown_08622818[2] = { {gUnknown_08622698, 12} }; static const struct OamData sOptionsCursorOamData = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(8x16), .x = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(8x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sOptionsCursorSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = 7, .paletteTag = 12, .oam = &sOptionsCursorOamData, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_OptionsCursor, }; static const struct OamData sTrainerPicOamData = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(64x64), .x = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(64x64), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sTrainerPicSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = 8, .paletteTag = 13, .oam = &sTrainerPicOamData, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; bool32 sub_81CB260(void) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = AllocSubstruct(6, sizeof(struct Pokenav4Struct)); if (!state) return FALSE; state->unk19 = 0; state->unk4 = CreateLoopedTask(sub_81CB324, 1); state->unk0 = sub_81CB310; return TRUE; } void sub_81CB29C(s32 index) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); state->unk4 = CreateLoopedTask(sMatchCallLoopTaskFuncs[index], 1); state->unk0 = sub_81CB310; } u32 sub_81CB2CC(void) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); return state->unk0(); } void sub_81CB2E0(void) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); sub_81CC2B4(); sub_81CBC1C(); RemoveWindow(state->infoBoxWindowId); RemoveWindow(state->locWindowId); RemoveWindow(state->msgBoxWindowId); FreePokenavSubstruct(6); } static bool32 sub_81CB310(void) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); return IsLoopedTaskActive(state->unk4); } static u32 sub_81CB324(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: InitBgTemplates(gUnknown_0862278C, ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_0862278C)); ChangeBgX(2, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(2, 0, 0); decompress_and_copy_tile_data_to_vram(2, sMatchCallUI_Gfx, 0, 0, 0); SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, state->unk1024); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(2, sMatchCallUI_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); CopyPaletteIntoBufferUnfaded(sMatchCallUI_Pal, 0x20, 0x20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (free_temp_tile_data_buffers_if_possible()) return LT_PAUSE; sub_8199DF0(1, 0, 0, 1); SetBgTilemapBuffer(1, state->unk24); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(1, 0x1000, 0, 0, 32, 20); CopyPaletteIntoBufferUnfaded(gUnknown_086226E0, 0x10, 0x20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: if (free_temp_tile_data_buffers_if_possible()) return LT_PAUSE; sub_81CC034(state); decompress_and_copy_tile_data_to_vram(3, gUnknown_08622760, 0, 0, 0); CopyPaletteIntoBufferUnfaded(gUnknown_08622700, 0x30, 0x20); CopyPaletteIntoBufferUnfaded(gUnknown_08622720, 0x50, 0x20); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (free_temp_tile_data_buffers_if_possible() || !sub_81CAE28()) return LT_PAUSE; sub_81CBBB8(); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 4: if (sub_81C8224()) return LT_PAUSE; DrawMatchCallLeftColumnWindows(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 5: UpdateMatchCallInfoBox(state); PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 6: ChangeBgX(1, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(1, 0, 0); ShowBg(2); ShowBg(3); ShowBg(1); sub_81CC214(); LoadLeftHeaderGfxForIndex(3); sub_81C7FA0(3, 1, 0); sub_81C7AC0(1); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 7: if (IsPaletteFadeActive() || sub_81C8010()) return LT_PAUSE; sub_81CBC38(1); return LT_FINISH; default: return LT_FINISH; } } u32 MatchCallListCursorDown(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: switch (MatchCall_MoveCursorDown()) { case 0: break; case 1: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return 7; case 2: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); // fall through default: return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; } break; case 1: if (sub_81C8630()) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 MatchCallListCursorUp(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: switch (MatchCall_MoveCursorUp()) { case 0: break; case 1: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return 7; case 2: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); // fall through default: return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; } break; case 1: if (sub_81C8630()) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 MatchCallListPageDown(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: switch (MatchCall_PageDown()) { case 0: break; case 1: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return 7; case 2: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); // fall through default: return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; } break; case 1: if (sub_81C8630()) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 MatchCallListPageUp(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: switch (MatchCall_PageUp()) { case 0: break; case 1: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return 7; case 2: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); // fall through default: return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; } break; case 1: if (sub_81C8630()) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintMatchCallLocation(state, 0); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 SelectMatchCallEntry(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); PrintMatchCallSelectionOptions(state); PrintHelpBarText(HELPBAR_MC_CALL_MENU); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (sub_81CBFC4(state)) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 MoveMatchCallOptionsCursor(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state; u16 cursorPos; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); state = GetSubstructPtr(6); cursorPos = GetMatchCallOptionCursorPos(); UpdateCursorGfxPos(state, cursorPos); return LT_FINISH; } u32 CancelMatchCallSelection(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); UpdateWindowsReturnToTrainerList(state); PrintHelpBarText(HELPBAR_MC_TRAINER_LIST); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy1(state)) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 DoMatchCallMessage(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: ToggleMatchCallVerticalArrows(TRUE); DrawMsgBoxForMatchCallMsg(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy2(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintCallingDots(state); PlaySE(SE_TOREEYE); state->unkE = 0; return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: if (WaitForCallingDotsText(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallMessage(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (WaitForMatchCallMessageText(state)) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 DoTrainerCloseByMessage(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); DrawMsgBoxForCloseByMsg(state); ToggleMatchCallVerticalArrows(TRUE); state->unkE = 1; return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy2(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintTrainerIsCloseBy(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: if (WaitForTrainerIsCloseByText(state)) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 sub_81CB888(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); u32 result = LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; switch (taskState) { case 0: if (!state->unkE) PlaySE(SE_TOREOFF); PlaySE(SE_SELECT); break; case 1: DrawSpinningPokenavForCall(state); break; case 2: if (WaitForSpinningPokenav(state)) result = LT_PAUSE; break; case 3: UpdateWindowsReturnToTrainerList(state); break; case 4: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy1(state)) result = LT_PAUSE; PrintHelpBarText(HELPBAR_MC_TRAINER_LIST); break; case 5: if (WaitForHelpBar()) { result = LT_PAUSE; } else { if (state->unkF) { sub_81C8838(); result = LT_INC_AND_CONTINUE; } else { ToggleMatchCallVerticalArrows(FALSE); result = LT_FINISH; } } break; case 6: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { result = LT_PAUSE; } else { ToggleMatchCallVerticalArrows(FALSE); result = LT_FINISH; } break; } return result; } u32 ShowCheckPage(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_81C877C(); UpdateWindowsToShowCheckPage(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (sub_81C8820() || IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy1(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintHelpBarText(HELPBAR_MC_CHECK_PAGE); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintCheckPageInfo(0); LoadCheckPageTrainerPic(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: if (sub_81C8820() || WaitForTrainerPic(state) || WaitForHelpBar()) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 ShowCheckPageDown(s32 taskState) { int topId; int delta; struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: topId = GetMatchCallListTopIndex(); delta = GetIndexDeltaOfNextCheckPageDown(topId); if (delta) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); state->unk16 = delta; TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; } break; case 1: if (WaitForTrainerPic(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallLocation(state, state->unk16); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintCheckPageInfo(state->unk16); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: LoadCheckPageTrainerPic(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 4: if (sub_81C8820() || WaitForTrainerPic(state)) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 ExitCheckPage(s32 taskState) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(state); sub_81C87F0(); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (sub_81C8820() || WaitForTrainerPic(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintHelpBarText(HELPBAR_MC_TRAINER_LIST); UpdateMatchCallInfoBox(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 ShowCheckPageUp(s32 taskState) { int topId; int delta; struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); switch (taskState) { case 0: topId = GetMatchCallListTopIndex(); delta = GetIndexDeltaOfNextCheckPageUp(topId); if (delta) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); state->unk16 = delta; TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; } break; case 1: if (WaitForTrainerPic(state)) return LT_PAUSE; PrintMatchCallLocation(state, state->unk16); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 2: PrintCheckPageInfo(state->unk16); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 3: LoadCheckPageTrainerPic(state); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 4: if (sub_81C8820() || WaitForTrainerPic(state)) return LT_PAUSE; break; } return LT_FINISH; } u32 ExitMatchCall(s32 taskState) { switch (taskState) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_81CBC38(0); sub_81C7AC0(0); sub_81C78A0(); return LT_INC_AND_PAUSE; case 1: if (IsPaletteFadeActive() || MainMenuLoopedTaskIsBusy()) return LT_PAUSE; sub_81C7FDC(); break; } return LT_FINISH; } static void sub_81CBBB8(void) { struct PokenavListTemplate template; template.list.matchCallEntries = sub_81CAE94(); template.unk4 = GetNumberRegistered(); template.unk8 = 4; template.unk6 = 0; template.unk9 = 13; template.unkA = 16; template.unkB = 1; template.unkC = 8; template.unkD = 3; template.unkE = 7; template.listFunc.unk10_2 = BufferMatchCallNameAndDesc; template.unk14 = TryDrawRematchPokeballIcon; sub_81C81D4(&gUnknown_0862278C[2], &template, 2); CreateTask(sub_81CBC64, 7); } static void sub_81CBC1C(void) { sub_81C8234(); DestroyTask(FindTaskIdByFunc(sub_81CBC64)); } static void sub_81CBC38(int arg0) { u8 taskId = FindTaskIdByFunc(sub_81CBC64); if (taskId != 0xFF) gTasks[taskId].data[15] = arg0; } static void sub_81CBC64(u8 taskId) { s16 *taskData = gTasks[taskId].data; if (taskData[15]) { taskData[0] += 4; taskData[0] &= 0x7F; taskData[1] = gSineTable[taskData[0]] >> 4; sub_81C79BC(gUnknown_08622720, gUnknown_08622720 + 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, taskData[1], gPlttBufferUnfaded + 0x50); if (!gPaletteFade.active) CpuCopy32(gPlttBufferUnfaded + 0x50, gPlttBufferFaded + 0x50, 0x20); } } static void TryDrawRematchPokeballIcon(u16 windowId, u32 rematchId, u32 arg2) { u8 bg = GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_BG); u16 *tilemap = GetBgTilemapBuffer(bg); tilemap += arg2 * 0x40 + 0x1D; if (ShouldDrawRematchPokeballIcon(rematchId)) { tilemap[0] = 0x5000; tilemap[0x20] = 0x5001; } else { tilemap[0] = 0x5002; tilemap[0x20] = 0x5002; } } void ClearRematchPokeballIcon(u16 windowId, u32 arg0) { u8 bg = GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_BG); u16 *tilemap = GetBgTilemapBuffer(bg); tilemap += arg0 * 0x40 + 0x1D; tilemap[0] = 0x5002; tilemap[0x20] = 0x5002; } static void DrawMatchCallLeftColumnWindows(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { state->locWindowId = AddWindow(&sMatchCallLocationWindowTemplate); state->infoBoxWindowId = AddWindow(&sMatchCallInfoBoxWindowTemplate); FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->locWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(state->locWindowId); FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->infoBoxWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(state->infoBoxWindowId); CopyWindowToVram(state->locWindowId, 1); } static void UpdateMatchCallInfoBox(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->infoBoxWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PrintNumberRegisteredLabel(state->infoBoxWindowId); PrintNumberRegistered(state->infoBoxWindowId); PrintNumberOfBattlesLabel(state->infoBoxWindowId); PrintNumberOfBattles(state->infoBoxWindowId); CopyWindowToVram(state->infoBoxWindowId, 2); } static void PrintNumberRegisteredLabel(u16 windowId) { PrintMatchCallInfoLabel(windowId, gText_NumberRegistered, 0); } static void PrintNumberRegistered(u16 windowId) { u8 str[3]; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(str, GetNumberRegistered(), STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); PrintMatchCallInfoNumber(windowId, str, 1); } static void PrintNumberOfBattlesLabel(u16 windowId) { PrintMatchCallInfoLabel(windowId, gText_NumberOfBattles, 2); } static void PrintNumberOfBattles(u16 windowId) { u8 str[5]; int numTrainerBattles = GetGameStat(GAME_STAT_TRAINER_BATTLES); if (numTrainerBattles > 99999) numTrainerBattles = 99999; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(str, numTrainerBattles, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 5); PrintMatchCallInfoNumber(windowId, str, 3); } static void PrintMatchCallInfoLabel(u16 windowId, const u8 *str, int top) { int y = top * 16 + 1; AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 7, str, 2, y, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); } static void PrintMatchCallInfoNumber(u16 windowId, const u8 *str, int top) { int x = GetStringRightAlignXOffset(7, str, 86); int y = top * 16 + 1; AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 7, str, x, y, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); } static void PrintMatchCallLocation(struct Pokenav4Struct *state, int arg1) { u8 mapName[32]; int x; int index = GetSelectedMatchCall() + arg1; int mapSec = GetMatchCallMapSec(index); if (mapSec != MAPSEC_NONE) GetMapName(mapName, mapSec, 0); else StringCopy(mapName, gText_Unknown); x = GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(7, mapName, 88); FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->locWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(state->locWindowId, 7, mapName, x, 1, 0, NULL); } static void PrintMatchCallSelectionOptions(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { u32 i; FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->infoBoxWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); for (i = 0; i < MATCH_CALL_OPTION_COUNT; i++) { int optionText = GetMatchCallOptionId(i); if (optionText == MATCH_CALL_OPTION_COUNT) break; AddTextPrinterParameterized(state->infoBoxWindowId, 7, sMatchCallOptionTexts[optionText], 16, i * 16 + 1, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(state->infoBoxWindowId, 2); } static bool32 sub_81CBFC4(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { sub_81CC2F0(state, GetMatchCallOptionCursorPos()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void UpdateWindowsReturnToTrainerList(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { CloseMatchCallSelectOptionsWindow(state); UpdateMatchCallInfoBox(state); } static bool32 IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy1(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { return IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy(); } static void UpdateWindowsToShowCheckPage(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { CloseMatchCallSelectOptionsWindow(state); FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->infoBoxWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); CopyWindowToVram(state->infoBoxWindowId, 2); } static void sub_81CC034(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { state->msgBoxWindowId = AddWindow(&sCallMsgBoxWindowTemplate); sub_8197184(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, 4); sub_81C7B40(); } static void DrawMsgBoxForMatchCallMsg(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { struct Sprite *sprite; sub_8197184(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, 4); sub_81971C4(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, 4); FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->msgBoxWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(state->msgBoxWindowId); CopyWindowToVram(state->msgBoxWindowId, 3); sprite = PauseSpinningPokenavSprite(); sprite->pos1.x = 24; sprite->pos1.y = 112; sprite->pos2.y = 0; } static void DrawMsgBoxForCloseByMsg(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { LoadUserWindowBorderGfx(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, 0x40); DrawTextBorderOuter(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, 4); FillWindowPixelBuffer(state->msgBoxWindowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); PutWindowTilemap(state->msgBoxWindowId); CopyWindowToVram(state->msgBoxWindowId, 3); } static bool32 IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy2(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { return IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy(); } static void PrintCallingDots(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { AddTextPrinterParameterized(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, sText_CallingDots, 32, 1, 1, NULL); } static bool32 WaitForCallingDotsText(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { RunTextPrinters(); return IsTextPrinterActive(state->msgBoxWindowId); } static void PrintTrainerIsCloseBy(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { AddTextPrinterParameterized(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, gText_TrainerCloseBy, 0, 1, 1, NULL); } static bool32 WaitForTrainerIsCloseByText(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { RunTextPrinters(); return IsTextPrinterActive(state->msgBoxWindowId); } static void PrintMatchCallMessage(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { int index = GetSelectedMatchCall(); const u8 *str = GetMatchCallMessageText(index, &state->unkF); u8 speed = GetPlayerTextSpeedDelay(); AddTextPrinterParameterized(state->msgBoxWindowId, 1, str, 32, 1, speed, NULL); } static bool32 WaitForMatchCallMessageText(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { if (gMain.heldKeys & A_BUTTON) gTextFlags.canABSpeedUpPrint = 1; else gTextFlags.canABSpeedUpPrint = 0; RunTextPrinters(); return IsTextPrinterActive(state->msgBoxWindowId); } static void DrawSpinningPokenavForCall(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { ResumeSpinningPokenavSprite(); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(1, 0, 0, 0, 32, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(1); } static bool32 WaitForSpinningPokenav(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { return IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy(); } static void sub_81CC214(void) { int i; u8 paletteNum; struct SpriteSheet spriteSheet; struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_08622810); i++) LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(&gUnknown_08622810[i]); Pokenav_AllocAndLoadPalettes(gUnknown_08622818); state->optionsCursorSprite = NULL; spriteSheet.data = state->unk1828; spriteSheet.size = 0x800; spriteSheet.tag = 8; state->unk1824 = (u8 *)OBJ_VRAM0 + LoadSpriteSheet(&spriteSheet) * 0x20; paletteNum = AllocSpritePalette(13); state->unk1A = 0x100 + paletteNum * 0x10; state->trainerPicSprite = CreateTrainerPicSprite(); state->trainerPicSprite->invisible = TRUE; } static void sub_81CC2B4(void) { struct Pokenav4Struct *state = GetSubstructPtr(6); if (state->optionsCursorSprite) DestroySprite(state->optionsCursorSprite); if (state->trainerPicSprite) DestroySprite(state->trainerPicSprite); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(8); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(7); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(12); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(13); } static void sub_81CC2F0(struct Pokenav4Struct *state, int top) { if (!state->optionsCursorSprite) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&sOptionsCursorSpriteTemplate, 4, 80, 5); state->optionsCursorSprite = &gSprites[spriteId]; UpdateCursorGfxPos(state, top); } } static void CloseMatchCallSelectOptionsWindow(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { DestroySprite(state->optionsCursorSprite); state->optionsCursorSprite = NULL; } static void UpdateCursorGfxPos(struct Pokenav4Struct *state, int top) { state->optionsCursorSprite->pos2.y = top * 16; } void SpriteCB_OptionsCursor(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (++sprite->data[0] > 3) { sprite->data[0] = 0; sprite->pos2.x = (sprite->pos2.x + 1) & 0x7; } } static struct Sprite *CreateTrainerPicSprite(void) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&sTrainerPicSpriteTemplate, 44, 104, 6); return &gSprites[spriteId]; } static void LoadCheckPageTrainerPic(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { u16 cursor; int trainerPic = GetMatchCallTrainerPic(GetSelectedMatchCall()); if (trainerPic >= 0) { DecompressPicFromTable(&gTrainerFrontPicTable[trainerPic], state->unk1828, SPECIES_NONE); LZ77UnCompWram(gTrainerFrontPicPaletteTable[trainerPic].data, state->unk2028); cursor = RequestDma3Copy(state->unk1828, state->unk1824, 0x800, 1); LoadPalette(state->unk2028, state->unk1A, 0x20); state->trainerPicSprite->data[0] = 0; state->trainerPicSprite->data[7] = cursor; state->trainerPicSprite->callback = SpriteCB_TrainerPicSlideOnscreen; } } static void TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { state->trainerPicSprite->callback = SpriteCB_TrainerPicSlideOffscreen; } static bool32 WaitForTrainerPic(struct Pokenav4Struct *state) { return state->trainerPicSprite->callback != SpriteCallbackDummy; } static void SpriteCB_TrainerPicSlideOnscreen(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: if (CheckForSpaceForDma3Request(sprite->data[7]) != -1) { sprite->pos2.x = -80; sprite->invisible = FALSE; sprite->data[0]++; } break; case 1: sprite->pos2.x += 8; if (sprite->pos2.x >= 0) { sprite->pos2.x = 0; sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } break; } } static void SpriteCB_TrainerPicSlideOffscreen(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->pos2.x -= 8; if (sprite->pos2.x <= -80) { sprite->invisible = TRUE; sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } }