@ Contest move effect descriptions gText_HighlyAppealingMove:: .string "A highly appealing move.$" gText_UserMoreEasilyStartled:: .string "After this move, the user is\n" .string "more easily startled.$" gText_GreatAppealButNoMoreToEnd:: .string "Makes a great appeal, but\n" .string "allows no more to the end.$" gText_UsedRepeatedlyWithoutBoringJudge:: .string "Can be repeatedly used\n" .string "without boring the JUDGE.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthersOnce:: .string "Can avoid being startled\n" .string "by others once.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthers:: .string "Can avoid being startled\n" .string "by others.$" gText_AvoidStartledByOthersLittle:: .string "Can avoid being startled\n" .string "by others a little.$" gText_UserLessLikelyStartled:: .string "After this move, the user is\n" .string "less likely to be startled.$" gText_SlightlyStartleFrontMon:: .string "Slightly startles the\n" .string "POKéMON in front.$" gText_SlightlyStartleAppealed:: .string "Slightly startles those\n" .string "that have made appeals.$" gText_StartleAppealedBeforeUser:: .string "Startles the POKéMON that\n" .string "appealed before the user.$" gText_StartleAllAppealed:: .string "Startles all POKéMON that\n" .string "have done their appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleFrontMon:: .string "Badly startles the\n" .string "POKéMON in front.$" gText_BadlyStartleAppealed:: .string "Badly startles those that\n" .string "have made appeals.$" gText_StartleAppealedBeforeUser2:: .string "Startles the POKéMON that\n" .string "appealed before the user.$" gText_StartleAllAppealed2:: .string "Startles all POKéMON that\n" .string "have done their appeals.$" gText_ShiftJudgesAttentionFromOthers:: .string "Shifts the JUDGE's\n" .string "attention from others.$" gText_StartleMonHasJudgesAttention:: .string "Startles the POKéMON that\n" .string "has the JUDGE's attention.$" gText_JamOthersMissesTurn:: .string "Jams the others, and misses\n" .string "one turn of appeals.$" gText_StartleMonsMadeSameTypeAppeal:: .string "Startles POKéMON that\n" .string "made a same-type appeal.$" gText_BadlyStartleCoolAppeals:: .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" .string "that made COOL appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleBeautyAppeals:: .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" .string "that made BEAUTY appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleCuteAppeals:: .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" .string "that made CUTE appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleSmartAppeals:: .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" .string "that made SMART appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleToughAppeals:: .string "Badly startles POKéMON\n" .string "that made TOUGH appeals.$" gText_MakeMonAfterUserNervous:: .string "Makes one POKéMON after\n" .string "the user nervous.$" gText_MakeAllMonsAfterUserNervous:: .string "Makes all POKéMON after\n" .string "the user nervous.$" gText_WorsenConditionOfThoseMadeAppeals:: .string "Worsens the condition of\n" .string "those that made appeals.$" gText_BadlyStartleMonsGoodCondition:: .string "Badly startles POKéMON in\n" .string "good condition.$" gText_AppealGreatIfPerformedFirst:: .string "The appeal works great if\n" .string "performed first.$" gText_AppealGreatIfPerformedLast:: .string "The appeal works great if\n" .string "performed last.$" gText_AppealAsGoodAsThoseBeforeIt:: .string "Makes the appeal as good\n" .string "as those before it.$" gText_AppealAsGoodAsOneBeforeIt:: .string "Makes the appeal as good\n" .string "as the one before it.$" gText_AppealBetterLaterItsPerformed:: .string "The appeal works better\n" .string "the later it is performed.$" gText_AppealVariesDependingOnTiming:: .string "The appeal's quality varies\n" .string "depending on its timing.$" gText_WorksWellIfSameTypeAsBefore:: .string "Works well if it's the same\n" .string "type as the one before.$" gText_WorksWellIfDifferentTypeAsBefore:: .string "Works well if different in\n" .string "type than the one before.$" gText_AffectedByAppealInFront:: .string "Affected by how well the\n" .string "appeal in front goes.$" gText_UpsConditionHelpsPreventNervousness:: .string "Ups the user's condition.\n" .string "Helps prevent nervousness.$" gText_AppealWorksWellIfConditionGood:: .string "The appeal works well if the\n" .string "user's condition is good.$" gText_NextAppealMadeEarlier:: .string "The next appeal can be\n" .string "made earlier next turn.$" gText_NextAppealMadeLater:: .string "The next appeal can be\n" .string "made later next turn.$" gText_TurnOrderMoreEasilyScrambled:: .string "Makes the next turn's order\n" .string "more easily scrambled.$" gText_ScrambleOrderOfNextAppeals:: .string "Scrambles the order of\n" .string "appeals on the next turn.$" gText_AppealExcitesAudienceInAnyContest:: .string "An appeal that excites the\n" .string "audience in any CONTEST.$" gText_BadlyStartlesMonsGoodAppeals:: .string "Badly startles all POKéMON\n" .string "that made good appeals.$" gText_AppealBestMoreCrowdExcited:: .string "The appeal works best the\n" .string "more the crowd is excited.$" gText_TemporarilyStopCrowdExcited:: .string "Temporarily stops the\n" .string "crowd from growing excited.$" @ Unused move names gText_RainDance:: .string "RAIN DANCE$" gText_Rage:: .string "RAGE$" gText_FocusEnergy:: .string "FOCUS ENERGY$" gText_Hypnosis:: .string "HYPNOSIS$" gText_Softboiled:: .string "SOFTBOILED$" gText_HornAttack:: .string "HORN ATTACK$" gText_SwordsDance:: .string "SWORDS DANCE$" gText_Conversion:: .string "CONVERSION$" gText_SunnyDay:: .string "SUNNY DAY$" gText_Rest2:: .string "REST$" gText_Vicegrip:: .string "VICEGRIP$" gText_DefenseCurl:: .string "DEFENSE CURL$" gText_LockOn:: .string "LOCK-ON$" @ Contest type names gContestMoveTypeCoolText:: .string "COOL$" gContestMoveTypeBeautyText:: .string "BEAUTY$" gContestMoveTypeCuteText:: .string "CUTE$" gContestMoveTypeSmartText:: .string "SMART$" gContestMoveTypeToughText:: .string "TOUGH$" gText_AppealNumWhichMoveWillBePlayed:: .string "Appeal no. {STR_VAR_1}!\n" .string "Which move will be played?$" gText_AppealNumButItCantParticipate:: .string "Appeal no. {STR_VAR_1}!\n" .string "But it can't participate!$" gText_MonAppealedWithMove:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} appealed with\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}!$" gText_MonWasWatchingOthers:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} was watching\n" .string "the others.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_AllOutOfAppealTime:: .string "We're all out of\n" .string "Appeal Time!{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" @ Unused appeal result texts gText_ButAppealWasJammed:: .string "But the appeal was\n" .string "jammed.$" gText_FollowedAnotherMonsLead:: .string "It followed another\n" .string "POKéMON's lead.$" gText_ButItMessedUp:: .string "But it messed up.$" gText_WentBetterThanUsual:: .string "It went better than\n" .string "usual.$" gText_JudgeLookedAwayForSomeReason:: .string "The JUDGE looked away\n" .string "for some reason.$" gText_WorkedHardToBuildOnPastMistakes:: .string "It worked hard to build on\n" .string "past mistakes.$" gText_CantMakeAnyMoreMoves:: .string "It can't make any more\n" .string "moves.$" gText_WorkedFrighteninglyWell:: .string "It worked frighteningly\n" .string "well.$" gText_WorkedHardAsStandoutMon:: .string "It worked as hard as the\n" .string "standout POKéMON.$" gText_JudgedLookedOnExpectantly:: .string "The JUDGE looked on\n" .string "expectantly.$" gText_WorkedRatherWell:: .string "It worked rather well.$" gText_WorkedLittleBetterThanUsual:: .string "It worked a little better\n" .string "than usual.$" @ Round result texts gText_MonFailedToStandOutAtAll:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} failed to\n" .string "stand out at all…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gText_MonDidntStandOutVeryMuch:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} didn't stand\n" .string "out very much…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gText_MonCaughtALittleAttention:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} caught a\n" .string "little attention.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gText_MonAttractedALotOfAttention:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} attracted a\n" .string "lot of attention.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gText_MonCommandedTotalAttention:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} commanded\n" .string "total attention.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" gText_MonHasntMadeItsAppeal:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} hasn't made\n" .string "its appeal.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}$" @ Unused gText_AnticipationSwelledForMonsAppealNext2:: .string "Anticipation swelled for\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal next.$" gText_EmptyContestString:: .string "$" gText_JudgesViewsOnMonHeldFirm:: .string "The JUDGE 's views on\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1} held firm.$" gText_MonsXChangedPerceptions:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_3}\n" .string "changed perceptions.$" gText_MonsAppealEffectWoreOff:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "effect wore off.$" gText_SpecialAppealsEffectWoreOff:: .string "The special appeal's\n" .string "effect wore off.$" gText_EveryonesAppealsMadeToLookSame:: .string "Everyone's appeals were\n" .string "made to look the same.$" gText_CheapenedMonsAppeal:: .string "It cheapened\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}'s appeal.$" gText_CheapenedAppealOfThoseAhead:: .string "It cheapened the appeal\n" .string "of those ahead.$" gText_StoleAttentionAwayFromMon:: .string "It stole attention away\n" .string "from {STR_VAR_2}.$" gText_CheapenedMonsAppeal2:: .string "It cheapened\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}'s appeal.$" gText_SeverelyCheapenedOtherAppeals:: .string "It severely cheapened\n" .string "other appeals.$" gText_AnticipationSwelledForMonsAppealNext:: .string "Anticipation swelled for\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal next.$" gText_CheapenedAppealOfThoseAhead2:: .string "It cheapened the appeal\n" .string "of those ahead.$" gText_CheapenedJudgesFavoriteAppeal:: .string "It cheapened the JUDGE's\n" .string "favorite appeal.$" gText_AppealsOfOthersCheapenedByHalf:: .string "The appeals of others\n" .string "were cheapened by half.$" gText_StoodOutToMakeUpForBeingJammed:: .string "It stood out to make up\n" .string "for being jammed.$" gText_CantParticipateInAppealsAnyMore:: .string "It can't participate in\n" .string "appeals any more.$" gText_TouchedJudgeForFantasticAppeal:: .string "It touched the JUDGE for\n" .string "a fantastic appeal.$" gText_AnticipationRoseForUpcomingAppeals:: .string "Anticipation rose for\n" .string "upcoming appeals.$" gText_StoodOutAsMuchAsSpecialAppeals:: .string "It stood out as much as\n" .string "special appeals.$" gText_StoodOutAsMuchAsMon:: .string "It stood out as much as\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.$" gText_JammedAppealsMadeEvenLessNoticeable:: .string "Jammed appeals were made\n" .string "even less noticeable.$" gText_EveryonesAppealsMadeSame:: .string "Everyone's appeals were\n" .string "made the same.$" @ Appeal result texts gText_BecameMoreConsciousOfOtherMons:: .string "It became more conscious\n" .string "of the other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonCantMakeAnAppealAfterThis:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} can't make an\n" .string "appeal after this.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_SettledDownJustLittleBit:: .string "It settled down just a\n" .string "little bit.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_BecameObliviousToOtherMons:: .string "It became oblivious to\n" .string "the other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_BecameLessAwareOfOtherMons:: .string "It became less aware of\n" .string "the other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_StoppedCaringAboutOtherMons:: .string "It stopped caring about\n" .string "other POKéMON much.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_TriedToStartleOtherMons:: .string "It tried to startle the\n" .string "other POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_TriedToDazzleOthers:: .string "It tried to dazzle the\n" .string "others.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_JudgeLookedAwayFromMon:: .string "The JUDGE looked away\n" .string "from {STR_VAR_1}.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_TriedToUnnerveNextMon:: .string "It tried to unnerve the\n" .string "next POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonBecameNervous:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} became\n" .string "nervous.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_AppealTriedToUnnerveWaitingMons:: .string "The appeal tried to\n" .string "unnerve waiting POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_TauntedMonsDoingWell:: .string "It taunted POKéMON\n" .string "doing well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonRegainedItsForm:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} regained its\n" .string "form.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_TriedToJamMonDoingWell:: .string "It tried to jam POKéMON\n" .string "doing well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_StandoutMonHustledEvenMore:: .string "The standout {STR_VAR_1}\n" .string "hustled even more.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_LargelyUnnoticedMonWorkedHard:: .string "The largely unnoticed\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1} worked hard.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_WorkedAsMuchAsMonBefore:: .string "It worked as much as\n" .string "POKéMON before it.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealDidNotGoWell:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal did\n" .string "not go well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_WorkedAsMuchAsPrecedingMon:: .string "It worked as much as the\n" .string "preceding POKéMON.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealDidNotGoWell2:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal did\n" .string "not go well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealDidNotGoWell3:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal did\n" .string "not go well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentSlightlyWell:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went slightly well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentPrettyWell:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went pretty well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentExcellently:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went excellently.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWasDud:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal was\n" .string "a dud.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealDidNotWorkVeryWell:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal did\n" .string "not work very well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentSlightlyWell2:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went slightly well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentPrettyWell2:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went pretty well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentVeryWell:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went very well.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsAppealWentExcellently2:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s appeal\n" .string "went excellently.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_SameTypeAsOneBeforeGood:: .string "It's the same type as the\n" .string "POKéMON before--good!{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_NotSameTypeAsOneBeforeGood:: .string "It's not the same type as\n" .string "the one before--good!{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_StoodOutMuchMoreThanMonBefore:: .string "It stood out much more\n" .string "than the POKéMON before.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_DidntDoAsWellAsMonBefore:: .string "It didn't do as well as the\n" .string "POKéMON before.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsConditionRoseAboveUsual:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s condition\n" .string "rose above usual.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MonsHotStatusMadeGreatAppeal:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s hot status\n" .string "made it a great appeal!{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MovedUpInLineForNextAppeal:: .string "It moved up in line for\n" .string "the next appeal.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_MovedBackInLineForNextAppeal:: .string "It moved back in line once\n" .string "for the next appeal.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_ScrambledUpOrderForNextTurn:: .string "It scrambled up the\n" .string "order for the next turn.{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}{PAUSE 15}$" gText_JudgeLookedAtMonExpectantly:: .string "The JUDGE looked at\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1} expectantly.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_AppealComboWentOverWell:: .string "The appeal combo went\n" .string "over well.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_AppealComboWentOverVeryWell:: .string "The appeal combo went\n" .string "over very well.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_AppealComboWentOverExcellently:: .string "The appeal combo went\n" .string "over excellently.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonManagedToAvertGaze:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} managed to\n" .string "avert its gaze.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonManagedToAvoidSeeingIt:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} managed to\n" .string "avoid seeing it.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonIsntFazedByThatSortOfThing:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} isn't fazed\n" .string "by that sort of thing.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonBecameALittleDistracted:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} became a\n" .string "little distracted.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_TriedToStartleOtherPokemon:: .string "It tried to startle the\n" .string "other POKéMON.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonLookedDownOutOfDistraction:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} looked down\n" .string "out of distraction.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonTurnedBackOutOfDistraction:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} turned back\n" .string "out of distraction.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonCouldntHelpUtteringCry:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} couldn't help\n" .string "uttering a cry.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonCouldntHelpLeapingUp:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} couldn't help\n" .string "leaping up.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonTrippedOutOfDistraction:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} tripped over\n" .string "out of distraction.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonWasTooNervousToMove:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} was too\n" .string "nervous to move.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_ButItMessedUp2:: .string "But it messed up.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_ButItFailedToMakeTargetNervous:: .string "But it failed to make\n" .string "the target nervous.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_ButItFailedToMakeAnyoneNervous:: .string "But it failed to make\n" .string "anyone nervous.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_ButItWasIgnored:: .string "But it was ignored…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_CouldntImproveItsCondition:: .string "But it couldn't improve\n" .string "its condition…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_BadConditionResultedInWeakAppeal:: .string "Its bad condition\n" .string "resulted in a weak appeal.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonWasUnaffected:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} was\n" .string "unaffected.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_RepeatedAppeal:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} disappointed\n" .string "by repeating an appeal.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonsXWentOverGreat:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_3}\n" .string "went over great.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonsXDidntGoOverWell:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_3}\n" .string "didn't go over well here…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonsXGotTheCrowdGoing:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s {STR_VAR_3}\n" .string "got the crowd going.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonCantAppealNextTurn:: .string "{STR_VAR_1} can't appeal\n" .string "next turn…{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_AttractedCrowdsAttention:: .string "It attracted the crowd's\n" .string "attention.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_CrowdContinuesToWatchMon:: .string "The crowd continues to\n" .string "watch {STR_VAR_3}.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_MonsMoveIsIgnored:: .string "{STR_VAR_1}'s\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} is ignored.{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}{PAUSE 0x0F}$" gText_Contest_Shyness:: .string "shyness$" gText_Contest_Anxiety:: .string "anxiety$" gText_Contest_Laziness:: .string "laziness$" gText_Contest_Hesitancy:: .string "hesitancy$" gText_Contest_Fear:: .string "fear$" gText_Contest_Coolness:: .string "coolness$" gText_Contest_Beauty:: .string "beauty$" gText_Contest_Cuteness:: .string "cuteness$" gText_Contest_Smartness:: .string "smartness$" gText_Contest_Toughness:: .string "toughness$" @ Unused gText_Tension:: .string "TENSION$" gText_CoolMove:: .string "COOL Move$" gText_BeautyMove:: .string "BEAUTY Move$" gText_CuteMove:: .string "CUTE Move$" gText_SmartMove:: .string "SMART Move$" gText_ToughMove:: .string "TOUGH Move$" gText_3QuestionMarks:: .string "???$"