#include "global.h" #include "bike.h" #include "clock.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "field_camera.h" #include "field_effect_helpers.h" #include "field_player_avatar.h" #include "field_special_scene.h" #include "field_tasks.h" #include "fieldmap.h" #include "item.h" #include "main.h" #include "metatile_behavior.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "script.h" #include "secret_base.h" #include "sound.h" #include "task.h" #include "constants/field_tasks.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "constants/metatile_labels.h" struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets { s8 x; s8 y; u16 tileId; }; static void DummyPerStepCallback(u8 taskId); static void AshGrassPerStepCallback(u8 taskId); static void FortreeBridgePerStepCallback(u8 taskId); static void PacifidlogBridgePerStepCallback(u8 taskId); static void SootopolisGymIcePerStepCallback(u8 taskId); static void CrackedFloorPerStepCallback(u8 taskId); static void Task_MuddySlope(u8 taskId); static const TaskFunc sPerStepCallbacks[] = { [STEP_CB_DUMMY] = DummyPerStepCallback, [STEP_CB_ASH] = AshGrassPerStepCallback, [STEP_CB_FORTREE_BRIDGE] = FortreeBridgePerStepCallback, [STEP_CB_PACIFIDLOG_BRIDGE] = PacifidlogBridgePerStepCallback, [STEP_CB_SOOTOPOLIS_ICE] = SootopolisGymIcePerStepCallback, [STEP_CB_TRUCK] = EndTruckSequence, [STEP_CB_SECRET_BASE] = SecretBasePerStepCallback, [STEP_CB_CRACKED_FLOOR] = CrackedFloorPerStepCallback }; // they are in pairs but declared as 1D array static const struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets sHalfSubmergedBridgeMetatileOffsets[] = { { 0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Vertical0}, {0, 1, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Vertical1}, { 0, -1, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Vertical0}, {0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Vertical1}, { 0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Horizontal0}, {1, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Horizontal1}, {-1, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Horizontal0}, {0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_HalfSubmergedLogs_Horizontal1} }; static const struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets sFullySubmergedBridgeMetatileOffsets[] = { { 0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Vertical0}, {0, 1, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Vertical1}, { 0, -1, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Vertical0}, {0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Vertical1}, { 0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Horizontal0}, {1, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Horizontal1}, {-1, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Horizontal0}, {0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_SubmergedLogs_Horizontal1} }; static const struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets sFloatingBridgeMetatileOffsets[] = { { 0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Vertical0}, {0, 1, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Vertical1}, { 0, -1, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Vertical0}, {0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Vertical1}, { 0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Horizontal0}, {1, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Horizontal1}, {-1, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Horizontal0}, {0, 0, METATILE_Pacifidlog_FloatingLogs_Horizontal1} }; // Each element corresponds to a y coordinate row in the sootopolis gym 1F map. static const u16 sSootopolisGymIceRowVars[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, VAR_TEMP_1, VAR_TEMP_2, VAR_TEMP_3, VAR_TEMP_4, 0, 0, VAR_TEMP_5, VAR_TEMP_6, VAR_TEMP_7, 0, 0, VAR_TEMP_8, VAR_TEMP_9, VAR_TEMP_A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const u16 sMuddySlopeMetatiles[] = { METATILE_General_MuddySlope_Frame0, METATILE_General_MuddySlope_Frame3, METATILE_General_MuddySlope_Frame2, METATILE_General_MuddySlope_Frame1 }; static void Task_RunPerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { int idx = gTasks[taskId].data[0]; sPerStepCallbacks[idx](taskId); } #define tState data[0] #define tAmbientCryState data[1] #define tAmbientCryDelay data[2] static void RunTimeBasedEvents(s16 *data) { switch (tState) { case 0: if (gMain.vblankCounter1 & 0x1000) { DoTimeBasedEvents(); tState++; } break; case 1: if (!(gMain.vblankCounter1 & 0x1000)) { tState--; } break; } } static void Task_RunTimeBasedEvents(u8 taskId) { s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; if (!ScriptContext2_IsEnabled()) { RunTimeBasedEvents(data); UpdateAmbientCry(&tAmbientCryState, &tAmbientCryDelay); } } #undef tState #undef tAmbientCryState #undef tAmbientCryDelay void SetUpFieldTasks(void) { if (!FuncIsActiveTask(Task_RunPerStepCallback)) { u8 taskId = CreateTask(Task_RunPerStepCallback, 0x50); gTasks[taskId].data[0] = 0; } if (!FuncIsActiveTask(Task_MuddySlope)) CreateTask(Task_MuddySlope, 0x50); if (!FuncIsActiveTask(Task_RunTimeBasedEvents)) CreateTask(Task_RunTimeBasedEvents, 0x50); } void ActivatePerStepCallback(u8 callbackId) { u8 taskId = FindTaskIdByFunc(Task_RunPerStepCallback); if (taskId != TASK_NONE) { s32 i; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) data[i] = 0; if (callbackId >= ARRAY_COUNT(sPerStepCallbacks)) { data[0] = 0; } else { data[0] = callbackId; } } } void ResetFieldTasksArgs(void) { u8 taskId; s16 *data; taskId = FindTaskIdByFunc(Task_RunPerStepCallback); if (taskId != TASK_NONE) { data = gTasks[taskId].data; } taskId = FindTaskIdByFunc(Task_RunTimeBasedEvents); if (taskId != TASK_NONE) { data = gTasks[taskId].data; data[1] = 0; data[2] = 0; } } static void DummyPerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { } static const struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets *GetPacifidlogBridgeMetatileOffsets(const struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets *offsets, u16 metatileBehavior) { if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogVerticalLog1(metatileBehavior)) return &offsets[0 * 2]; else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogVerticalLog2(metatileBehavior)) return &offsets[1 * 2]; else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogHorizontalLog1(metatileBehavior)) return &offsets[2 * 2]; else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogHorizontalLog2(metatileBehavior)) return &offsets[3 * 2]; else return NULL; } static void SetPacifidlogBridgeMetatiles(const struct PacifidlogMetatileOffsets *offsets, s16 x, s16 y, bool32 redrawMap) { offsets = GetPacifidlogBridgeMetatileOffsets(offsets, MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y)); if (offsets) { MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x + offsets[0].x, y + offsets[0].y, offsets[0].tileId); if (redrawMap) CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x + offsets[0].x, y + offsets[0].y); MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x + offsets[1].x, y + offsets[1].y, offsets[1].tileId); if (redrawMap) CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x + offsets[1].x, y + offsets[1].y); } } static void UpdateHalfSubmergedBridgeMetatiles(s16 x, s16 y, bool32 redrawMap) { SetPacifidlogBridgeMetatiles(sHalfSubmergedBridgeMetatileOffsets, x, y, redrawMap); } static void UpdateFullySubmergedBridgeMetatiles(s16 x, s16 y, bool32 redrawMap) { SetPacifidlogBridgeMetatiles(sFullySubmergedBridgeMetatileOffsets, x, y, redrawMap); } static void UpdateFloatingBridgeMetatiles(s16 x, s16 y, bool32 redrawMap) { SetPacifidlogBridgeMetatiles(sFloatingBridgeMetatileOffsets, x, y, redrawMap); } static bool32 StandingOnNewPacifidlogBridge(s16 x1, s16 y1, s16 x2, s16 y2) { u16 metatileBehavior = MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x2, y2); if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogVerticalLog1(metatileBehavior)) { if (y1 > y2) return FALSE; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogVerticalLog2(metatileBehavior)) { if (y1 < y2) return FALSE; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogHorizontalLog1(metatileBehavior)) { if (x1 > x2) return FALSE; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogHorizontalLog2(metatileBehavior)) { if (x1 < x2) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static bool32 StandingOnSamePacifidlogBridge(s16 x1, s16 y1, s16 x2, s16 y2) { u16 metatileBehavior = MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x1, y1); if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogVerticalLog1(metatileBehavior)) { if (y1 < y2) return FALSE; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogVerticalLog2(metatileBehavior)) { if (y1 > y2) return FALSE; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogHorizontalLog1(metatileBehavior)) { if (x1 < x2) return FALSE; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogHorizontalLog2(metatileBehavior)) { if (x1 > x2) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void PacifidlogBridgePerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { s16 *data; s16 x, y; data = gTasks[taskId].data; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); switch (data[1]) { case 0: data[2] = x; data[3] = y; UpdateFullySubmergedBridgeMetatiles(x, y, TRUE); data[1] = 1; break; case 1: if (x != data[2] || y != data[3]) { if (StandingOnNewPacifidlogBridge(x, y, data[2], data[3])) { UpdateHalfSubmergedBridgeMetatiles(data[2], data[3], TRUE); UpdateFloatingBridgeMetatiles(data[2], data[3], FALSE); data[4] = data[2]; data[5] = data[3]; data[1] = 2; data[6] = 8; } else { data[4] = -1; data[5] = -1; } if (StandingOnSamePacifidlogBridge(x, y, data[2], data[3])) { UpdateHalfSubmergedBridgeMetatiles(x, y, TRUE); data[1] = 2; data[6] = 8; } data[2] = x; data[3] = y; if (MetatileBehavior_IsPacifidlogLog(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) PlaySE(SE_PUDDLE); } break; case 2: if ((--data[6]) == 0) { UpdateFullySubmergedBridgeMetatiles(x, y, TRUE); if (data[4] != -1 && data[5] != -1) UpdateFloatingBridgeMetatiles(data[4], data[5], TRUE); data[1] = 1; } break; } } static void SetLoweredForetreeBridgeMetatile(s16 x, s16 y) { u8 z = PlayerGetZCoord(); if (!(z & 1)) { switch (MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y)) { case METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverGrass_Raised: MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverGrass_Lowered); break; case METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverTrees_Raised: MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverTrees_Lowered); break; } } } static void SetNormalFortreeBridgeMetatile(s16 x, s16 y) { u8 z = PlayerGetZCoord(); if (!(z & 1)) { switch (MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y)) { case METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverGrass_Lowered: MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverGrass_Raised); break; case METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverTrees_Lowered: MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_Fortree_BridgeOverTrees_Raised); break; } } } static void FortreeBridgePerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { bool8 isFortreeBridgeCur; bool8 isFortreeBridgePrev; u8 z, flag; s16 x, y, x2, y2; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); switch (data[1]) { default: break; case 0: data[2] = x; data[3] = y; if (MetatileBehavior_IsFortreeBridge(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) { SetLoweredForetreeBridgeMetatile(x, y); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); } data[1] = 1; break; case 1: x2 = data[2]; y2 = data[3]; if (x == x2 && y == y2) break; isFortreeBridgeCur = MetatileBehavior_IsFortreeBridge(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y)); isFortreeBridgePrev = MetatileBehavior_IsFortreeBridge(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x2, y2)); z = PlayerGetZCoord(); flag = 0; if ((u8)(z & 1) == 0) flag = 1; if (flag && (isFortreeBridgeCur == 1 || isFortreeBridgePrev == 1)) PlaySE(SE_BRIDGE_WALK); if (isFortreeBridgePrev) { SetNormalFortreeBridgeMetatile(x2, y2); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x2, y2); SetLoweredForetreeBridgeMetatile(x, y); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); } data[4] = x2; data[5] = y2; data[2] = x; data[3] = y; if (!isFortreeBridgePrev) break; data[6] = 16; data[1] = 2; // fallthrough case 2: data[6]--; x2 = data[4]; y2 = data[5]; switch (data[6] % 7) { case 0: CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x2, y2); case 1: case 2: case 3: break; case 4: SetLoweredForetreeBridgeMetatile(x2, y2); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x2, y2); SetNormalFortreeBridgeMetatile(x2, y2); case 5: case 6: case 7: break; } if (data[6] == 0) { data[1] = 1; } break; } } static bool32 CoordInIcePuzzleRegion(s16 x, s16 y) { if ((u16)(x - 3) < 11 && (u16)(y - 6) < 14 && sSootopolisGymIceRowVars[y]) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } static void MarkIcePuzzleCoordVisited(s16 x, s16 y) { if (CoordInIcePuzzleRegion(x, y)) *GetVarPointer(sSootopolisGymIceRowVars[y]) |= (1 << (x - 3)); } static bool32 IsIcePuzzleCoordVisited(s16 x, s16 y) { u32 var; if (!CoordInIcePuzzleRegion(x, y)) return FALSE; var = VarGet(sSootopolisGymIceRowVars[y]) << 16; if ((0x10000 << (x - 3)) & var) // TODO: fix that if return TRUE; else return FALSE; } void SetSootopolisGymCrackedIceMetatiles(void) { s32 x, y; s32 width = gMapHeader.mapLayout->width; s32 height = gMapHeader.mapLayout->height; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (IsIcePuzzleCoordVisited(x, y) == TRUE) MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x + MAP_OFFSET, y + MAP_OFFSET, METATILE_SootopolisGym_Ice_Cracked); } } } static void SootopolisGymIcePerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { s16 x, y; u16 tileBehavior; u16 *iceStepCount; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; switch (data[1]) { case 0: PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); data[2] = x; data[3] = y; data[1] = 1; break; case 1: PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); if (x != data[2] || y != data[3]) { data[2] = x; data[3] = y; tileBehavior = MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y); iceStepCount = GetVarPointer(VAR_ICE_STEP_COUNT); if (MetatileBehavior_IsThinIce(tileBehavior) == TRUE) { (*iceStepCount)++; data[6] = 4; data[1] = 2; data[4] = x; data[5] = y; } else if (MetatileBehavior_IsCrackedIce(tileBehavior) == TRUE) { *iceStepCount = 0; data[6] = 4; data[1] = 3; data[4] = x; data[5] = y; } } break; case 2: if (data[6] != 0) { data[6]--; } else { x = data[4]; y = data[5]; PlaySE(SE_ICE_CRACK); MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_SootopolisGym_Ice_Cracked); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); MarkIcePuzzleCoordVisited(x - MAP_OFFSET, y - MAP_OFFSET); data[1] = 1; } break; case 3: if (data[6] != 0) { data[6]--; } else { x = data[4]; y = data[5]; PlaySE(SE_ICE_BREAK); MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_SootopolisGym_Ice_Broken); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); data[1] = 1; } break; } } static void AshGrassPerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { s16 x, y; u16 *ashGatherCount; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); if (x != data[1] || y != data[2]) { data[1] = x; data[2] = y; if (MetatileBehavior_IsAshGrass(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) { if (MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y) == METATILE_Fallarbor_AshGrass) StartAshFieldEffect(x, y, METATILE_Fallarbor_NormalGrass, 4); else StartAshFieldEffect(x, y, METATILE_Lavaridge_NormalGrass, 4); if (CheckBagHasItem(ITEM_SOOT_SACK, 1)) { ashGatherCount = GetVarPointer(VAR_ASH_GATHER_COUNT); if (*ashGatherCount < 9999) (*ashGatherCount)++; } } } } // This function uses the constants for gTileset_Cave's metatile labels, but other tilesets with // the CrackedFloorPerStepCallback callback use the same metatile numbers for the cracked floor // and hole metatiles, such as gTileset_MirageTower. static void SetCrackedFloorHoleMetatile(s16 x, s16 y) { MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y) == METATILE_Cave_CrackedFloor ? METATILE_Cave_CrackedFloor_Hole : METATILE_Pacifidlog_SkyPillar_CrackedFloor_Hole); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); } static void CrackedFloorPerStepCallback(u8 taskId) { s16 x, y; u16 behavior; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); behavior = MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y); if (data[4] != 0 && (--data[4]) == 0) SetCrackedFloorHoleMetatile(data[5], data[6]); if (data[7] != 0 && (--data[7]) == 0) SetCrackedFloorHoleMetatile(data[8], data[9]); if (MetatileBehavior_IsCrackedFloorHole(behavior)) VarSet(VAR_ICE_STEP_COUNT, 0); // this var does double duty if ((x != data[2] || y != data[3])) { data[2] = x; data[3] = y; if (MetatileBehavior_IsCrackedFloor(behavior)) { if (GetPlayerSpeed() != 4) VarSet(VAR_ICE_STEP_COUNT, 0); // this var does double duty if (data[4] == 0) { data[4] = 3; data[5] = x; data[6] = y; } else if (data[7] == 0) { data[7] = 3; data[8] = x; data[9] = y; } } } } static void SetMuddySlopeMetatile(s16 *data, s16 x, s16 y) { u16 tile; if ((--data[0]) == 0) tile = METATILE_General_MuddySlope_Frame0; else tile = sMuddySlopeMetatiles[data[0] / 8]; MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, tile); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); MapGridSetMetatileIdAt(x, y, METATILE_General_MuddySlope_Frame0); } static void Task_MuddySlope(u8 taskId) { s16 x, y, x2, y2; int i; u16 mapId; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); mapId = (gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup << 8) | gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum; switch (data[1]) { case 0: data[0] = mapId; data[2] = x; data[3] = y; data[1] = 1; data[4] = 0; data[7] = 0; data[10] = 0; data[13] = 0; break; case 1: if (data[2] != x || data[3] != y) { data[2] = x; data[3] = y; if (MetatileBehavior_IsMuddySlope(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) { for (i = 4; i < 14; i += 3) { if (data[i] == 0) { data[i] = 32; data[i + 1] = x; data[i + 2] = y; break; } } } } break; } if (gCamera.active && mapId != data[0]) { data[0] = mapId; x2 = gCamera.x; y2 = gCamera.y; } else { x2 = 0; y2 = 0; } for (i = 4; i < 14; i += 3) { if (data[i]) { data[i + 1] -= x2; data[i + 2] -= y2; SetMuddySlopeMetatile(&data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2]); } } }