#include "global.h" #include "battle_setup.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "event_object_movement.h" #include "field_effect.h" #include "field_player_avatar.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "script.h" #include "script_movement.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "task.h" #include "trainer_see.h" #include "trainer_hill.h" #include "util.h" #include "battle_pyramid.h" #include "constants/battle_setup.h" #include "constants/event_object_movement_constants.h" #include "constants/field_effects.h" // this file's functions static u8 CheckTrainer(u8 eventObjectId); static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistance(struct EventObject *trainerObj); static u8 CheckPathBetweenTrainerAndPlayer(struct EventObject *trainerObj, u8 approachDistance, u8 direction); static void TrainerApproachPlayer(struct EventObject *trainerObj, u8 range); static void Task_RunTrainerSeeFuncList(u8 taskId); static void Task_DestroyTrainerApproachTask(u8 taskId); static void SetIconSpriteData(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 fldEffId, u8 spriteAnimNum); static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceSouth(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y); static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceNorth(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y); static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceWest(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y); static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceEast(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y); static bool8 sub_80B4178(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 TrainerExclamationMark(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 WaitTrainerExclamationMark(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 TrainerMoveToPlayer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 PlayerFaceApproachingTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 WaitPlayerFaceApproachingTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 RevealDisguisedTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 WaitRevealDisguisedTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 RevealHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 PopOutOfAshHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 JumpInPlaceHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static bool8 WaitRevealHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj); static void SpriteCB_TrainerIcons(struct Sprite *sprite); // IWRAM common u16 gUnknown_03006080; u8 gUnknown_03006084[4]; struct ApproachingTrainer gApproachingTrainers[2]; u8 gNoOfApproachingTrainers; u8 gUnknown_030060AC; // EWRAM EWRAM_DATA u8 gApproachingTrainerId = 0; // const rom data static const u8 sEmotion_ExclamationMarkGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/misc/emotion_exclamation.4bpp"); static const u8 sEmotion_QuestionMarkGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/misc/emotion_question.4bpp"); static const u8 sEmotion_HeartGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/misc/emotion_heart.4bpp"); static u8 (*const sDirectionalApproachDistanceFuncs[])(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y) = { GetTrainerApproachDistanceSouth, GetTrainerApproachDistanceNorth, GetTrainerApproachDistanceWest, GetTrainerApproachDistanceEast, }; static bool8 (*const sTrainerSeeFuncList[])(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) = { sub_80B4178, TrainerExclamationMark, WaitTrainerExclamationMark, TrainerMoveToPlayer, PlayerFaceApproachingTrainer, WaitPlayerFaceApproachingTrainer, RevealDisguisedTrainer, WaitRevealDisguisedTrainer, RevealHiddenTrainer, PopOutOfAshHiddenTrainer, JumpInPlaceHiddenTrainer, WaitRevealHiddenTrainer, }; static bool8 (*const sTrainerSeeFuncList2[])(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) = { RevealHiddenTrainer, PopOutOfAshHiddenTrainer, JumpInPlaceHiddenTrainer, WaitRevealHiddenTrainer, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_Icons = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(16x16), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(16x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const struct SpriteFrameImage sSpriteImageTable_ExclamationQuestionMark[] = { { .data = sEmotion_ExclamationMarkGfx, .size = 0x80 }, { .data = sEmotion_QuestionMarkGfx, .size = 0x80 } }; static const struct SpriteFrameImage sSpriteImageTable_HeartIcon[] = { { .data = sEmotion_HeartGfx, .size = 0x80 } }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_Icons1[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 60), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_Icons2[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(1, 60), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_Icons[] = { sSpriteAnim_Icons1, sSpriteAnim_Icons2 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_ExclamationQuestionMark = { .tileTag = 0xffff, .paletteTag = 0xffff, .oam = &sOamData_Icons, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_Icons, .images = sSpriteImageTable_ExclamationQuestionMark, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_TrainerIcons }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_HeartIcon = { .tileTag = 0xffff, .paletteTag = 0x1004, .oam = &sOamData_Icons, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_Icons, .images = sSpriteImageTable_HeartIcon, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_TrainerIcons }; // code bool8 CheckForTrainersWantingBattle(void) { u8 i; gNoOfApproachingTrainers = 0; gApproachingTrainerId = 0; for (i = 0; i < EVENT_OBJECTS_COUNT; i++) { u8 retVal; if (!gEventObjects[i].active) continue; if (gEventObjects[i].trainerType != 1 && gEventObjects[i].trainerType != 3) continue; retVal = CheckTrainer(i); if (retVal == 2) break; // two trainers have been found if (retVal == 0) // no trainers continue; if (gNoOfApproachingTrainers > 1) break; if (GetMonsStateToDoubles_2() != 0) // one trainer found and cant have a double battle break; } if (gNoOfApproachingTrainers == 1) { ResetTrainerOpponentIds(); ConfigureAndSetUpOneTrainerBattle(gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers - 1].eventObjectId, gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers - 1].trainerScriptPtr); gUnknown_030060AC = 1; return TRUE; } else if (gNoOfApproachingTrainers == 2) { ResetTrainerOpponentIds(); for (i = 0; i < gNoOfApproachingTrainers; i++, gApproachingTrainerId++) { ConfigureTwoTrainersBattle(gApproachingTrainers[i].eventObjectId, gApproachingTrainers[i].trainerScriptPtr); } SetUpTwoTrainersBattle(); gApproachingTrainerId = 0; gUnknown_030060AC = 1; return TRUE; } else { gUnknown_030060AC = 0; return FALSE; } } static u8 CheckTrainer(u8 eventObjectId) { const u8 *scriptPtr; u8 ret = 1; u8 approachDistance; if (InTrainerHill() == TRUE) scriptPtr = GetTrainerHillTrainerScript(); else scriptPtr = GetEventObjectScriptPointerByEventObjectId(eventObjectId); if (InBattlePyramid()) { if (GetBattlePyramidTrainerFlag(eventObjectId)) return 0; } else if (InTrainerHill() == TRUE) { if (GetHillTrainerFlag(eventObjectId)) return 0; } else { if (GetTrainerFlagFromScriptPointer(scriptPtr)) return 0; } approachDistance = GetTrainerApproachDistance(&gEventObjects[eventObjectId]); if (approachDistance != 0) { if (scriptPtr[1] == TRAINER_BATTLE_DOUBLE || scriptPtr[1] == TRAINER_BATTLE_REMATCH_DOUBLE || scriptPtr[1] == TRAINER_BATTLE_CONTINUE_SCRIPT_DOUBLE) { if (GetMonsStateToDoubles_2() != 0) return 0; ret = 2; } gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers].eventObjectId = eventObjectId; gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers].trainerScriptPtr = scriptPtr; gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers].radius = approachDistance; TrainerApproachPlayer(&gEventObjects[eventObjectId], approachDistance - 1); gNoOfApproachingTrainers++; return ret; } return 0; } static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistance(struct EventObject *trainerObj) { s16 x, y; u8 i; u8 approachDistance; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); if (trainerObj->trainerType == 1) // can only see in one direction { approachDistance = sDirectionalApproachDistanceFuncs[trainerObj->facingDirection - 1](trainerObj, trainerObj->trainerRange_berryTreeId, x, y); return CheckPathBetweenTrainerAndPlayer(trainerObj, approachDistance, trainerObj->facingDirection); } else // can see in all directions { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { approachDistance = sDirectionalApproachDistanceFuncs[i](trainerObj, trainerObj->trainerRange_berryTreeId, x, y); if (CheckPathBetweenTrainerAndPlayer(trainerObj, approachDistance, i + 1)) // directions are 1-4 instead of 0-3. south north west east return approachDistance; } } return 0; } // Returns how far south the player is from trainer. 0 if out of trainer's sight. static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceSouth(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y) { if (trainerObj->currentCoords.x == x && y > trainerObj->currentCoords.y && y <= trainerObj->currentCoords.y + range) return (y - trainerObj->currentCoords.y); else return 0; } // Returns how far north the player is from trainer. 0 if out of trainer's sight. static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceNorth(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y) { if (trainerObj->currentCoords.x == x && y < trainerObj->currentCoords.y && y >= trainerObj->currentCoords.y - range) return (trainerObj->currentCoords.y - y); else return 0; } // Returns how far west the player is from trainer. 0 if out of trainer's sight. static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceWest(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y) { if (trainerObj->currentCoords.y == y && x < trainerObj->currentCoords.x && x >= trainerObj->currentCoords.x - range) return (trainerObj->currentCoords.x - x); else return 0; } // Returns how far east the player is from trainer. 0 if out of trainer's sight. static u8 GetTrainerApproachDistanceEast(struct EventObject *trainerObj, s16 range, s16 x, s16 y) { if (trainerObj->currentCoords.y == y && x > trainerObj->currentCoords.x && x <= trainerObj->currentCoords.x + range) return (x - trainerObj->currentCoords.x); else return 0; } #define COLLISION_MASK (~1) static u8 CheckPathBetweenTrainerAndPlayer(struct EventObject *trainerObj, u8 approachDistance, u8 direction) { s16 x, y; u8 unk19_temp; u8 unk19b_temp; u8 i; u8 collision; if (approachDistance == 0) return 0; x = trainerObj->currentCoords.x; y = trainerObj->currentCoords.y; MoveCoords(direction, &x, &y); for (i = 0; i < approachDistance - 1; i++, MoveCoords(direction, &x, &y)) { collision = GetCollisionFlagsAtCoords(trainerObj, x, y, direction); if (collision != 0 && (collision & COLLISION_MASK)) return 0; } // preserve mapobj_unk_19 before clearing. unk19_temp = trainerObj->range.as_nybbles.x; unk19b_temp = trainerObj->range.as_nybbles.y; trainerObj->range.as_nybbles.x = 0; trainerObj->range.as_nybbles.y = 0; collision = GetCollisionAtCoords(trainerObj, x, y, direction); trainerObj->range.as_nybbles.x = unk19_temp; trainerObj->range.as_nybbles.y = unk19b_temp; if (collision == 4) return approachDistance; return 0; } #define tFuncId data[0] #define tTrainerRange data[3] #define tOutOfAshSpriteId data[4] #define tTrainerEventObjectId data[7] static void TrainerApproachPlayer(struct EventObject *trainerObj, u8 range) { struct Task *task; gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers].taskId = CreateTask(Task_RunTrainerSeeFuncList, 0x50); task = &gTasks[gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers].taskId]; task->tTrainerRange = range; task->tTrainerEventObjectId = gApproachingTrainers[gNoOfApproachingTrainers].eventObjectId; } static void sub_80B40C8(TaskFunc followupFunc) { u8 taskId; TaskFunc taskFunc; if (gApproachingTrainerId == 0) taskId = gApproachingTrainers[0].taskId; else taskId = gApproachingTrainers[1].taskId; taskFunc = Task_RunTrainerSeeFuncList; SetTaskFuncWithFollowupFunc(taskId, taskFunc, followupFunc); gTasks[taskId].tFuncId = 1; taskFunc(taskId); } static void Task_RunTrainerSeeFuncList(u8 taskId) { struct Task *task = &gTasks[taskId]; struct EventObject *trainerObj = &gEventObjects[task->tTrainerEventObjectId]; if (!trainerObj->active) { SwitchTaskToFollowupFunc(taskId); } else { while (sTrainerSeeFuncList[task->tFuncId](taskId, task, trainerObj)); } } static bool8 sub_80B4178(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { return FALSE; } static bool8 TrainerExclamationMark(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { u8 direction; EventObjectGetLocalIdAndMap(trainerObj, &gFieldEffectArguments[0], &gFieldEffectArguments[1], &gFieldEffectArguments[2]); FieldEffectStart(FLDEFF_EXCLAMATION_MARK_ICON); direction = GetFaceDirectionMovementAction(trainerObj->facingDirection); EventObjectSetHeldMovement(trainerObj, direction); task->tFuncId++; return TRUE; } static bool8 WaitTrainerExclamationMark(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (FieldEffectActiveListContains(FLDEFF_EXCLAMATION_MARK_ICON)) { return FALSE; } else { task->tFuncId++; if (trainerObj->movementType == MOVEMENT_TYPE_TREE_DISGUISE || trainerObj->movementType == MOVEMENT_TYPE_MOUNTAIN_DISGUISE) task->tFuncId = 6; if (trainerObj->movementType == MOVEMENT_TYPE_HIDDEN) task->tFuncId = 8; return TRUE; } } static bool8 TrainerMoveToPlayer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (!EventObjectIsMovementOverridden(trainerObj) || EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(trainerObj)) { if (task->tTrainerRange) { EventObjectSetHeldMovement(trainerObj, GetWalkNormalMovementAction(trainerObj->facingDirection)); task->tTrainerRange--; } else { EventObjectSetHeldMovement(trainerObj, MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_PLAYER); task->tFuncId++; } } return FALSE; } static bool8 PlayerFaceApproachingTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { struct EventObject *playerObj; if (EventObjectIsMovementOverridden(trainerObj) && !EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(trainerObj)) return FALSE; SetTrainerMovementType(trainerObj, GetTrainerFacingDirectionMovementType(trainerObj->facingDirection)); TryOverrideTemplateCoordsForEventObject(trainerObj, GetTrainerFacingDirectionMovementType(trainerObj->facingDirection)); OverrideTemplateCoordsForEventObject(trainerObj); playerObj = &gEventObjects[gPlayerAvatar.eventObjectId]; if (EventObjectIsMovementOverridden(playerObj) && !EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(playerObj)) return FALSE; sub_808BCE8(); EventObjectSetHeldMovement(&gEventObjects[gPlayerAvatar.eventObjectId], GetFaceDirectionMovementAction(GetOppositeDirection(trainerObj->facingDirection))); task->tFuncId++; return FALSE; } static bool8 WaitPlayerFaceApproachingTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { struct EventObject *playerObj = &gEventObjects[gPlayerAvatar.eventObjectId]; if (!EventObjectIsMovementOverridden(playerObj) || EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(playerObj)) SwitchTaskToFollowupFunc(taskId); return FALSE; } static bool8 RevealDisguisedTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (!EventObjectIsMovementOverridden(trainerObj) || EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(trainerObj)) { EventObjectSetHeldMovement(trainerObj, MOVEMENT_ACTION_REVEAL_TRAINER); task->tFuncId++; } return FALSE; } static bool8 WaitRevealDisguisedTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(trainerObj)) task->tFuncId = 3; return FALSE; } static bool8 RevealHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (!EventObjectIsMovementOverridden(trainerObj) || EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(trainerObj)) { EventObjectSetHeldMovement(trainerObj, MOVEMENT_ACTION_FACE_PLAYER); task->tFuncId++; } return FALSE; } static bool8 PopOutOfAshHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (EventObjectCheckHeldMovementStatus(trainerObj)) { gFieldEffectArguments[0] = trainerObj->currentCoords.x; gFieldEffectArguments[1] = trainerObj->currentCoords.y; gFieldEffectArguments[2] = gSprites[trainerObj->spriteId].subpriority - 1; gFieldEffectArguments[3] = 2; task->tOutOfAshSpriteId = FieldEffectStart(FLDEFF_POP_OUT_OF_ASH); task->tFuncId++; } return FALSE; } static bool8 JumpInPlaceHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { struct Sprite *sprite; if (gSprites[task->tOutOfAshSpriteId].animCmdIndex == 2) { trainerObj->fixedPriority = 0; trainerObj->triggerGroundEffectsOnMove = 1; sprite = &gSprites[trainerObj->spriteId]; sprite->oam.priority = 2; EventObjectClearHeldMovementIfFinished(trainerObj); EventObjectSetHeldMovement(trainerObj, GetJumpInPlaceMovementAction(trainerObj->facingDirection)); task->tFuncId++; } return FALSE; } static bool8 WaitRevealHiddenTrainer(u8 taskId, struct Task *task, struct EventObject *trainerObj) { if (!FieldEffectActiveListContains(FLDEFF_POP_OUT_OF_ASH)) task->tFuncId = 3; return FALSE; } #undef tFuncId #undef tTrainerRange #undef tOutOfAshSpriteId #undef tTrainerEventObjectId static void sub_80B44C8(u8 taskId) { struct Task *task = &gTasks[taskId]; struct EventObject *eventObj; // another eventObj loaded into by loadword? LoadWordFromTwoHalfwords(&task->data[1], (u32 *)&eventObj); if (!task->data[7]) { EventObjectClearHeldMovement(eventObj); task->data[7]++; } sTrainerSeeFuncList2[task->data[0]](taskId, task, eventObj); if (task->data[0] == 3 && !FieldEffectActiveListContains(FLDEFF_POP_OUT_OF_ASH)) { SetTrainerMovementType(eventObj, GetTrainerFacingDirectionMovementType(eventObj->facingDirection)); TryOverrideTemplateCoordsForEventObject(eventObj, GetTrainerFacingDirectionMovementType(eventObj->facingDirection)); DestroyTask(taskId); } else { eventObj->heldMovementFinished = 0; } } void sub_80B4578(struct EventObject *var) { StoreWordInTwoHalfwords(&gTasks[CreateTask(sub_80B44C8, 0)].data[1], (u32)var); } void EndTrainerApproach(void) { sub_80B40C8(Task_DestroyTrainerApproachTask); } static void Task_DestroyTrainerApproachTask(u8 taskId) { DestroyTask(taskId); EnableBothScriptContexts(); } void TryPrepareSecondApproachingTrainer(void) { if (gNoOfApproachingTrainers == 2) { if (gApproachingTrainerId == 0) { gApproachingTrainerId++; gSpecialVar_Result = TRUE; UnfreezeEventObjects(); FreezeEventObjectsExceptOne(gApproachingTrainers[1].eventObjectId); } else { gApproachingTrainerId = 0; gSpecialVar_Result = FALSE; } } else { gSpecialVar_Result = FALSE; } } #define sLocalId data[0] #define sMapNum data[1] #define sMapGroup data[2] #define sData3 data[3] #define sData4 data[4] #define sFldEffId data[7] u8 FldEff_ExclamationMarkIcon(void) { u8 spriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sSpriteTemplate_ExclamationQuestionMark, 0, 0, 0x53); if (spriteId != MAX_SPRITES) SetIconSpriteData(&gSprites[spriteId], FLDEFF_EXCLAMATION_MARK_ICON, 0); return 0; } u8 FldEff_QuestionMarkIcon(void) { u8 spriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sSpriteTemplate_ExclamationQuestionMark, 0, 0, 0x52); if (spriteId != MAX_SPRITES) SetIconSpriteData(&gSprites[spriteId], FLDEFF_QUESTION_MARK_ICON, 1); return 0; } u8 FldEff_HeartIcon(void) { u8 spriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sSpriteTemplate_HeartIcon, 0, 0, 0x52); if (spriteId != MAX_SPRITES) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[spriteId]; SetIconSpriteData(sprite, FLDEFF_HEART_ICON, 0); sprite->oam.paletteNum = 2; } return 0; } static void SetIconSpriteData(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 fldEffId, u8 spriteAnimNum) { sprite->oam.priority = 1; sprite->coordOffsetEnabled = 1; sprite->sLocalId = gFieldEffectArguments[0]; sprite->sMapNum = gFieldEffectArguments[1]; sprite->sMapGroup = gFieldEffectArguments[2]; sprite->sData3 = -5; sprite->sFldEffId = fldEffId; StartSpriteAnim(sprite, spriteAnimNum); } static void SpriteCB_TrainerIcons(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 eventObjId; if (TryGetEventObjectIdByLocalIdAndMap(sprite->sLocalId, sprite->sMapNum, sprite->sMapGroup, &eventObjId) || sprite->animEnded) { FieldEffectStop(sprite, sprite->sFldEffId); } else { struct Sprite *eventObjSprite = &gSprites[gEventObjects[eventObjId].spriteId]; sprite->sData4 += sprite->sData3; sprite->pos1.x = eventObjSprite->pos1.x; sprite->pos1.y = eventObjSprite->pos1.y - 16; sprite->pos2.x = eventObjSprite->pos2.x; sprite->pos2.y = eventObjSprite->pos2.y + sprite->sData4; if (sprite->sData4) sprite->sData3++; else sprite->sData3 = 0; } } #undef sLocalId #undef sMapNum #undef sMapGroup #undef sData3 #undef sData4 #undef sFldEffId u8 GetCurrentApproachingTrainerEventObjectId(void) { if (gApproachingTrainerId == 0) return gApproachingTrainers[0].eventObjectId; else return gApproachingTrainers[1].eventObjectId; } u8 GetChosenApproachingTrainerEventObjectId(u8 arrayId) { if (arrayId >= ARRAY_COUNT(gApproachingTrainers)) return 0; else if (arrayId == 0) return gApproachingTrainers[0].eventObjectId; else return gApproachingTrainers[1].eventObjectId; } void sub_80B4808(void) { struct EventObject *trainerObj; if (gUnknown_030060AC == 1) { trainerObj = &gEventObjects[gApproachingTrainers[gUnknown_03006080].eventObjectId]; gUnknown_03006084[0] = GetFaceDirectionMovementAction(GetOppositeDirection(trainerObj->facingDirection)); gUnknown_03006084[1] = 0xFE; ScriptMovement_StartObjectMovementScript(0xFF, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, gUnknown_03006084); } else { trainerObj = &gEventObjects[gPlayerAvatar.eventObjectId]; gUnknown_03006084[0] = GetFaceDirectionMovementAction(trainerObj->facingDirection); gUnknown_03006084[1] = 0xFE; ScriptMovement_StartObjectMovementScript(0xFF, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, gUnknown_03006084); } sub_809BE48(0xFF); }