Route118_MapScripts:: @ 81F3DBC map_script 3, Route118_MapScript1_1F3DCC map_script 1, Route118_MapScript1_1F3DF3 map_script 2, Route118_MapScript2_1F3E0A .byte 0 Route118_MapScript1_1F3DCC: @ 81F3DCC call Route118_EventScript_28CCC7 compare VAR_0x4039, 1 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_273D13 compare VAR_0x4037, 7 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_273D1B compare VAR_0x4037, 8 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_273D1B end Route118_MapScript1_1F3DF3: @ 81F3DF3 compare VAR_0x4037, 7 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_273985 compare VAR_0x4037, 8 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_273998 end Route118_MapScript2_1F3E0A: @ 81F3E0A map_script_2 VAR_0x4039, 1, gUnknown_08273D1F .2byte 0 Route118_EventScript_1F3E14:: @ 81F3E14 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_0x0E3, Route118_EventScript_1F3E69 msgbox Route118_Text_1F427B, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F3E3E compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F3E5F end Route118_EventScript_1F3E3E:: @ 81F3E3E msgbox Route118_Text_1F42AF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_GOOD_ROD setflag FLAG_0x0E3 msgbox Route118_Text_1F42E7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route118_EventScript_1F3E5F:: @ 81F3E5F msgbox Route118_Text_1F4319, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route118_EventScript_1F3E69:: @ 81F3E69 msgbox Route118_Text_1F4331, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route118_EventScript_1F3E73:: @ 81F3E73 msgbox Route118_Text_1F4367, MSGBOX_NPC end Route118_EventScript_1F3E7C:: @ 81F3E7C msgbox Route118_Text_1F43F4, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route118_EventScript_1F3E85:: @ 81F3E85 msgbox Route118_Text_1F440E, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route118_EventScript_1F3E8E:: @ 81F3E8E lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route118_Movement_2725B2 waitmovement 0 applymovement 19, Route118_Movement_1F3F61 waitmovement 0 goto Route118_EventScript_1F3EE4 end Route118_EventScript_1F3EAE:: @ 81F3EAE lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route118_Movement_2725B2 waitmovement 0 goto Route118_EventScript_1F3EE4 end Route118_EventScript_1F3EC4:: @ 81F3EC4 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route118_Movement_2725B2 waitmovement 0 applymovement 19, Route118_Movement_1F3F63 waitmovement 0 goto Route118_EventScript_1F3EE4 end Route118_EventScript_1F3EE4:: @ 81F3EE4 playse SE_DANSA applymovement 19, Route118_Movement_1F3F65 waitmovement 0 delay 30 msgbox Route118_Text_1F40BE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F3F28 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F3F3A compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F3F4C setvar VAR_0x4071, 1 removeobject 19 releaseall end Route118_EventScript_1F3F28:: @ 81F3F28 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route118_Movement_1F3F5E applymovement 19, Route118_Movement_1F3F69 waitmovement 0 return Route118_EventScript_1F3F3A:: @ 81F3F3A applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route118_Movement_1F3F5E applymovement 19, Route118_Movement_1F3F74 waitmovement 0 return Route118_EventScript_1F3F4C:: @ 81F3F4C applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route118_Movement_1F3F5E applymovement 19, Route118_Movement_1F3F7E waitmovement 0 return Route118_Movement_1F3F5E: @ 81F3F5E delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end Route118_Movement_1F3F61: @ 81F3F61 walk_left step_end Route118_Movement_1F3F63: @ 81F3F63 walk_right step_end Route118_Movement_1F3F65: @ 81F3F65 jump_2_down delay_16 walk_down step_end Route118_Movement_1F3F69: @ 81F3F69 walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end Route118_Movement_1F3F74: @ 81F3F74 walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end Route118_Movement_1F3F7E: @ 81F3F7E walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end Route118_EventScript_1F3F87:: @ 81F3F87 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ROSE_1, Route118_Text_29D290, Route118_Text_29D2D8, Route118_EventScript_1F3FB3 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F3FD2 msgbox Route118_Text_29D2FA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route118_EventScript_1F3FB3:: @ 81F3FB3 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route118_Text_29D343, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_ROSE_1 release end Route118_EventScript_1F3FD2:: @ 81F3FD2 trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_ROSE_1, Route118_Text_29D382, Route118_Text_29D3AA msgbox Route118_Text_29D3D9, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_EventScript_1F3FE9:: @ 81F3FE9 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BARNY, Route118_Text_29D515, Route118_Text_29D55C msgbox Route118_Text_29D587, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_EventScript_1F4000:: @ 81F4000 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_WADE, Route118_Text_29D5DF, Route118_Text_29D64C msgbox Route118_Text_29D663, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_EventScript_1F4017:: @ 81F4017 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DALTON_1, Route118_Text_29D6AF, Route118_Text_29D6CD, Route118_EventScript_1F4043 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route118_EventScript_1F4062 msgbox Route118_Text_29D6D8, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route118_EventScript_1F4043:: @ 81F4043 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route118_Text_29D74A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_DALTON_1 release end Route118_EventScript_1F4062:: @ 81F4062 trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_DALTON_1, Route118_Text_29D789, Route118_Text_29D7CA msgbox Route118_Text_29D7D5, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_EventScript_1F4079:: @ 81F4079 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_PERRY, Route118_Text_29D41D, Route118_Text_29D45B msgbox Route118_Text_29D46C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_EventScript_1F4090:: @ 81F4090 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CHESTER, Route118_Text_29D4A6, Route118_Text_29D4C4 msgbox Route118_Text_29D4DA, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_EventScript_1F40A7:: @ 81F40A7 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DEANDRE, Route118_Text_29D81B, Route118_Text_29D83C msgbox Route118_Text_29D872, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route118_Text_1F40BE: @ 81F40BE .string "STEVEN: Hi, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "It's me, STEVEN!\n" .string "We met in the cave near DEWFORD.\p" .string "Have you met many kinds of POKéMON\n" .string "since I last saw you?\p" .string "There are many, many kinds of POKéMON\n" .string "in this wide world of ours.\p" .string "If you wanted to raise only your\n" .string "favorites, that's fine.\p" .string "Perhaps you find it more fun to raise\n" .string "all sorts of POKéMON.\p" .string "As a TRAINER of POKéMON,\n" .string "what do you think?\p" .string "Of course, it's not any of my business.\p" .string "It would be nice if we were to meet\n" .string "again somewhere.$" Route118_Text_1F427B: @ 81F427B .string "Hmm!\n" .string "A GOOD ROD is really good!\p" .string "Wouldn't you agree?$" Route118_Text_1F42AF: @ 81F42AF .string "Hmm!\n" .string "We're of identical minds!\p" .string "Hmm!\n" .string "Take this GOOD ROD!$" Route118_Text_1F42E7: @ 81F42E7 .string "Wherever there's water, try your luck\n" .string "at fishing.$" Route118_Text_1F4319: @ 81F4319 .string "Don't you like to fish?$" Route118_Text_1F4331: @ 81F4331 .string "Try catching all sorts of POKéMON\n" .string "with your GOOD ROD.$" Route118_Text_1F4367: @ 81F4367 .string "Even if there isn't a boat, you can\n" .string "cross rivers and the sea if you have\l" .string "a POKéMON that knows SURF.\p" .string "POKéMON can be counted on to do so\n" .string "much!$" Route118_Text_1F43F4: @ 81F43F4 .string "ROUTE 118\n" .string "{LEFT_ARROW} MAUVILLE CITY$" Route118_Text_1F440E: @ 81F440E .string "ROUTE 118\n" .string "{UP_ARROW} ROUTE 119$"