#include "global.h" #include "bg.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "main.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "menu.h" #include "palette.h" #include "region_map.h" #include "strings.h" #include "text.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" /* * This is the type of map shown when interacting with the metatiles for * a wall-mounted Region Map (on the wall of the Pokemon Centers near the PC) * It does not zoom, and pressing A or B closes the map * * For the region map in the pokenav, see pokenav_region_map.c * For the region map in the pokedex, see pokdex_area_screen.c/pokedex_area_region_map.c * For the fly map, and utility functions all of the maps use, see region_map.c */ // Static type declarations // Static RAM declarations static EWRAM_DATA struct { MainCallback callback; u32 unused; struct RegionMap regionMap; u16 state; } *sFieldRegionMapHandler = NULL; // Static ROM declarations static void MCB2_InitRegionMapRegisters(void); static void VBCB_FieldUpdateRegionMap(void); static void MCB2_FieldUpdateRegionMap(void); static void FieldUpdateRegionMap(void); static void PrintRegionMapSecName(void); // .rodata static const struct BgTemplate sFieldRegionMapBgTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 31, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 28, .screenSize = 2, .paletteMode = 1, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 } }; static const struct WindowTemplate sFieldRegionMapWindowTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 17, .tilemapTop = 17, .width = 12, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 1 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 22, .tilemapTop = 1, .width = 7, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 25 }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; // .text void FieldInitRegionMap(MainCallback callback) { SetVBlankCallback(NULL); sFieldRegionMapHandler = Alloc(sizeof(*sFieldRegionMapHandler)); sFieldRegionMapHandler->state = 0; sFieldRegionMapHandler->callback = callback; SetMainCallback2(MCB2_InitRegionMapRegisters); } static void MCB2_InitRegionMapRegisters(void) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(1, sFieldRegionMapBgTemplates, ARRAY_COUNT(sFieldRegionMapBgTemplates)); InitWindows(sFieldRegionMapWindowTemplates); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); LoadUserWindowBorderGfx(0, 0x27, 0xd0); ClearScheduledBgCopiesToVram(); SetMainCallback2(MCB2_FieldUpdateRegionMap); SetVBlankCallback(VBCB_FieldUpdateRegionMap); } static void VBCB_FieldUpdateRegionMap(void) { LoadOam(); ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(); TransferPlttBuffer(); } static void MCB2_FieldUpdateRegionMap(void) { FieldUpdateRegionMap(); AnimateSprites(); BuildOamBuffer(); UpdatePaletteFade(); DoScheduledBgTilemapCopiesToVram(); } static void FieldUpdateRegionMap(void) { u8 offset; switch (sFieldRegionMapHandler->state) { case 0: InitRegionMap(&sFieldRegionMapHandler->regionMap, FALSE); CreateRegionMapPlayerIcon(0, 0); CreateRegionMapCursor(1, 1); sFieldRegionMapHandler->state++; break; case 1: DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(1, FALSE, 0x27, 0xd); offset = GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(FONT_NORMAL, gText_Hoenn, 0x38); AddTextPrinterParameterized(1, FONT_NORMAL, gText_Hoenn, offset, 1, 0, NULL); ScheduleBgCopyTilemapToVram(0); DrawStdFrameWithCustomTileAndPalette(0, FALSE, 0x27, 0xd); PrintRegionMapSecName(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); sFieldRegionMapHandler->state++; break; case 2: SetGpuRegBits(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); ShowBg(0); ShowBg(2); sFieldRegionMapHandler->state++; break; case 3: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sFieldRegionMapHandler->state++; } break; case 4: switch (DoRegionMapInputCallback()) { case MAP_INPUT_MOVE_END: PrintRegionMapSecName(); break; case MAP_INPUT_A_BUTTON: case MAP_INPUT_B_BUTTON: sFieldRegionMapHandler->state++; break; } break; case 5: BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); sFieldRegionMapHandler->state++; break; case 6: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FreeRegionMapIconResources(); SetMainCallback2(sFieldRegionMapHandler->callback); TRY_FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sFieldRegionMapHandler); FreeAllWindowBuffers(); } break; } } static void PrintRegionMapSecName(void) { if (sFieldRegionMapHandler->regionMap.mapSecType != MAPSECTYPE_NONE) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, FONT_NORMAL, sFieldRegionMapHandler->regionMap.mapSecName, 0, 1, 0, NULL); ScheduleBgCopyTilemapToVram(0); } else { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PIXEL_FILL(1)); CopyWindowToVram(0, COPYWIN_FULL); } }