MagmaHideout_1F_MapScripts:: @ 8239880
	map_script 3, MagmaHideout_1F_MapScript1_239886
	.byte 0

MagmaHideout_1F_MapScript1_239886: @ 8239886
	setvar VAR_0x40BD, 0

MagmaHideout_1F_EventScript_23988C:: @ 823988C
	trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GRUNT_38, 0, MagmaHideout_1F_Text_2398BA, MagmaHideout_1F_Text_239964
	msgbox MagmaHideout_1F_Text_2399B1, 6

MagmaHideout_1F_EventScript_2398A3:: @ 82398A3
	trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GRUNT_39, 0, MagmaHideout_1F_Text_2399F5, MagmaHideout_1F_Text_239ABA
	msgbox MagmaHideout_1F_Text_239ACD, 6

MagmaHideout_1F_Text_2398BA: @ 82398BA
	.string "When TEAM MAGMA has roll call, we get\n"
	.string "important guarding assignments in\l"
	.string "the order that we line up.\p"
	.string "That’s why I’m stuck off in this corner.\n"
	.string "I’m always late to roll call!$"

MagmaHideout_1F_Text_239964: @ 8239964
	.string "I’m always late for training sessions,\n"
	.string "too!\p"
	.string "I hate to say it, but I’m wimpy…$"

MagmaHideout_1F_Text_2399B1: @ 82399B1
	.string "Okay, I’ll try to put a little more\n"
	.string "effort into things from now on…$"

MagmaHideout_1F_Text_2399F5: @ 82399F5
	.string "Our leader told us to dig into\n"
	.string "MT. CHIMNEY, so we dug and dug.\p"
	.string "And in the course of digging, we came\n"
	.string "across something that blew our minds!\p"
	.string "What did we find?\p"
	.string "Fuhahaha!\n"
	.string "I’ll tell you if you beat me!$"

MagmaHideout_1F_Text_239ABA: @ 8239ABA
	.string "Arrgh!\n"
	.string "Taken down!$"

MagmaHideout_1F_Text_239ACD: @ 8239ACD
	.string "I won’t tell you after all.\n"
	.string "You’ll find out when you get there!\p"
	.string "It’d be better if you saved surprises\n"
	.string "to the end, don’t you think?$"